Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun), 8 December 1944

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1 4 Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun)
  • Title Section, Illustration
    17 1 The Syonan Shimbun were kTI victory NO. 631. FRIDAY. DECEMBER 8. KOKI 2604. SHOWA 19 SEVEN CENTS
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  • 204 1 A NIPPON BASE at the Philippi^ Front, Dec. 6. (Dome!)— The "Ssk'cho,"' "Hukko," •IchliT and "Band.i" spec al attack air uni s ot the Nippon A; my Air Force from early daun to dusk of Dec. 5 sank! one battleship or
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  • 552 1 We, by grace of heaven. Emperor of Nippon, srat.d on the Throi ->f a line unbroken for ares eternal, enjoin upon ye. Our loyal and brave subjects: We hereby declare war on the United SU'ei oi America and the British Empire. The men and officers of Our Army
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  • 205 1 TOKYO, Dec. 7, (Domei)—Nippon paraciiu.e and air-borne troops descended on enemy airfields on Leyte Island last night and are, nt present, fighting wl h enemy forces, Dal Honyei revealed In a communique relea&ed at 4.30 this afternoon. The communique further disclosed that our
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  • 396 1 VICTORY YEAR CONCENSUS of opinion in Greater East Asia today is that the four ill year of our Sacred War will be our Victory Year. As we celebrate the third anniversary of the declaration of war against the so-called A.B.C.D. combination, we cannot help pausing to take stock of
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  • 72 1 TOKYO, Dec. 7. (Domei)— Nippon forces In the French Indochina sector, in concert with other units marching southwards from Nanning, crossed the French Indochina border early on the morning of Nov. 28 near Lanshon and are now advancing into Kwangsi Province, Dai Honyei announced
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  • 139 1 TOKYO, Dec. 7. (Domrt)— The Nippon Air Force, In a p.e-dawn raid against Asllto Airfield on Saipan Island today, destroyed a large number of enemy aircraft Including those arrayed on the runway apparently ready for a sortie, Cal Honyei announced th s evening. The
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  • 1359 1 'Imperial Forces Hold Key To Certain Victory' Gunseikan Advice To People In Special Message WHILF eiDresstor the utmost confidence in viewy— -uic vn V rial 22f^?bStS ti« key to certain vlcW-the Gunseika. (Military Administrator). Malai. »n a special menace to the people this country on the occasion of the third
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  • 486 2 COMMUNITY LEADERS REFLECT VIEWS OF LOCAL POPULACE; RE-AFFIRM FULL CO-OPERATION FULL confidence in Anal victor, antf the unswerving deteraination •f the people of Malal to go all-out to help Nippon achieve this .victor? •re reflected In special mesaages Issued by the ropreMntatlTet
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  • 157 2 Mohamad Hastan. Persirient of the Malai We^are Association, reaffirm 'nr the pled*- of loyalty of all Ma'ais to Nippon. ca!L«s on every member of his community, a-, they approach the fourth year of war, to po ahead with indomitao'e cou pnge and eenlous determination, worktne unceasingly on Ithe
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  • 56 2 Taking the occasion of the thi-c* anniversary of the war to renew the pledge of friendship and cooperation between East As;a Indiana and their aliv. Nippon, M. K. Chidambaram, Chairman ot the Syonan Chapter of the Indian Independence League, say«: "Three years ago, Nippon raised the .sword to
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  • 210 2 EURASIANS In Syonan greet the thlri vmhenarj of tke Dal T<m Seaie, fertMed moo than •rer today with the ip'ult aud victory," declare* the Eanatui l«*d«. Dr. C. J. tofte fa hto aimhvmry m—■—, The doctor paya tribute to the people of
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  • 173 2 10 am Mass all-Community Rally at Dai Toa Gekijo when Certificate* of Honoi%- v.i 1 be presented to 40 citlieng for meritorious services after ceremonial opening with observance of National Etiquette and passing of Special Resolution reaffirming determination to prosecute war to victorious end. 2.30
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  • 204 2 ON THE occasion of the third anniversary of the outbreak of the Dai Toa War, every one of as irn-tMTtivr of iace. creed and position has the duty to pra> solemnly and reverently for the early and successful consummation •f this war the
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  • 237 2 POINTING out thai when TENNO HEIKA m-i His seal to that momentous Rescript threr years ago, liltlf did Indians then realise the true significance of that Imperial command in-so-far as it affects them. Judge M. V. Pillal, la his War
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  • 650 2 GRAPHIC ACCOUNT OF HERO AIR GOD KATO HAYABLSA sENTOTM" (Air Combat* Orer Malai), tbf Toho production now being shown at the Kyoel and Show a Gekljo, and which was made under the fuprr vision of the headquarters of thr Nippon Army
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  • 291 2 TODAY, while the whole of Dai Toa Is celebrating the Third Anniversary of the outbreak of the Dai Toa Senso, one feels it to be a fitting occasion to remind the Dai Toa Nations of the five cardinal points embodied in the most magnificent
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  • 283 2 "NOW as we face the fourth year of the Dai Toa Senso, we must have firm confidence for the future, cultivate the spirit of Universal Brotherhood, and extend wholehearted co-operatin to all Dal Toa nations in the preservation of peace
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 124 2 UCA BICYCLE PARK WE TAKE great pleasure to Inform the general public that as from to-day (Dec. 8, 2604) we are opening a new Bicycle Park at the Keng Chen Heng Coffee Shop at No. HI. Kirn Bensr Road (Just directly opposite the former Great World Cabaret Oate). We look
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  • 1386 3 REWARD WILL'COME WITH VICTORY THE VIEW that not enough people were changing (heir trade* from non-essential to essential, and that attention to thb matter would result in an increase in the war effort on the local home front «<v htirsTd by
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  • 114 3 IN COMMEMORATION of ths third anniversary of Dai Toa Sen*), the Malal Gunselkanbu Yusel Kyoku will use a commemorHtive date stamp] to cancel postage stamps on article, posted during the commemorative perid from Dec. 8 t> 14. The design of the Commemorative date
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  • 146 3 KUALA LUMPUR, Dec. 5, (Domei)— Something unique In the history of propaganda in Malal is provided by the Selangor Sendenkan < Propaganda Ship) which will be officially opened on Dec. 8. Constricted in the form of an aircraft carrier, the Eendenkan consists of a
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 164 3 Automobile Trenches Ou<? DIGGING all morning and part of the afternoon, the Bvonan Sport* Association's "Sprdal Forward Bervlce Corps" consteucted revtral more large automobile trenchshelters Sunday, says Domel. During the course of their work, the members were naM a visit by the Chief of the Police -Bureau, who after Inspecting
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    • 80 3 LIT US BUILD YOUR AIR-RAID SHELTERS Construction by Shanghai Experts. Phone 4343 cr call for Estimates. MALAI AIR-RAID SHELTER CONSTRUCTION CO. IS, BMhMB Bnlldlng, Syon»B ASSOCIATED LOCAL INDUSTRIES to Canal Read Telephone 7327. Manufacturers Distributors of:--"Sanitary" Antiseptic Toilet Paper "Braasolite" Magic Household Cleanser "Sakura" Toilet Soap "Super-Grade" Tooth Brush "Parters"
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    • 82 3 NANKI SHOKAI Building, Engineering and Electrical Good* Supplier*. SZ4, North Bridge Road Syonan-to. Phone No. 2315 A.V.M. Ibrahim Bros. SPECIALISTS IN COSMETICS FOODSTUFF 76 Choon Guan Street SYONAN BANK OF TAIWAN LTD. SYONAN BRANCH I, 4 Cecil Street, lywuw. Tel. S: '>264 Office 7789 (ompradare ***** After office hrs. Branrhea:Fomosa:
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  • 1254 4 'Asia Will Be Absolutely Victorious, Says Spokesman "ASIA will be absolutely victorious," declares Lieut. Col. Shozo Nfkajima, Chief Spokesman of *n« Imperial Forces In the Southern ftpglon.s, in a message en Uie occasion of the third anniversary or the outbreak of the War of Greater East Asia. The Spokesman
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  • 74 4 A NIPPON BASE In the Philippines, Dec. 6. (Domel) —In their relentless search for enemy tor-pedo-boats Infesting the Camotes Sea, Nippon planes early at dawn yesterday caught up with and heavily damaged two out of about ten enemy torpedo-boats In waters off Poro Island of the Camotes Group.
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  • 32 4 A PHILIPPINES Base. Dec. I, (Domei) —The Nippon forces shot down four out of about ten smali and medium -sized planes which raided Legaspi of Luzon Island yesterday.
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  • 85 4 ADVANCED BASE on the Chins Front, Dec. 6, (Domei) Our units are now using; Nanning airfield in pounding enemy positions. It was only on Nov 24 that this Important enemy air base was captured in a battered condition bat through the strenuous efforts of our
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  • 114 4 CANTON, Dec. 6. (Dome!)— As a last attempt >o retrieve the war situation, the Chungking regime recently dispatched a Special Vigilance Corps composed of high staff officers to Shaokuan to whip up the morale of the troops under the command of Yu Han-mou. accordIng
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  • 754 4 who are now counter-attacking with the object of subjugating Asia for ever. You are no doubt aware of a part of that history. Let us review It under the headings of the Malais, the Indians and the Chinese EXPLOITATION OF ASIATICS 1. The Malais (Mohammedans) resisted against
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 221 4 I^DAITOASEM^ffffI KWONG ON CO., LTD. MEDICAL OFFICE PACIFIC TRADERS South Bridge Road, Bras Basah Road, Syonan t5, Ft an toon Road, Syonan. Syonan. Phone 6706. Phone 3392. LAM ENG CO. ESTATE TRUST AGENCIES SHAW BROTHERS, LTD 28, South Canal Road, Syenan. (1927) LTD. Ug, Robinson Road, Syonan. Phone 6603. 2,
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