Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun), 28 November 1944

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1 2 Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun)
  • 129 1 The SyOnan Shimbun Fighter Threat To 829 Admitted LISBON, Nov. 26. (Dome!) The latest Nippon tighter constitutes a definite threat to At nran supi-r Flying I'nriif ms, Kays an American plane commander who look part in the recent B-29 raid on Tokyo. The new type twin-engined Nippon fighter has "terrific
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  • 224 1 TOKYO. Nov. 2". (Domei)—Operations of enemy task forces in waters east of the F hilippines were marked re- I cently with the enemy resorting to defensive tactics as well as a sudden drop in the num her of his carrier-borne planes.
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  • 115 1 A NIPPON BASE at the Philippines Front. Nov. 26 (Domoi).—A Nippon fighter unit defying enemy gunfire on Friday night fiercely pounded the nor.h airfield at Bu- j raven. Leyte Islai.d, blasting enemy i anti-aircraft gun emplacements and the runway at the casern part of I
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  • 168 1 i&dil<>ti(it;\ SEVEN* points are being stressed In the campaign launched yesterday to enhance Syonan'j air defence, 1 and we hope that the civilian population will !iave nothing undone lo attain (he maximum efficiency in measures to cope with and nullify air raids. Particular attention should be paid to
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  • 176 1 HAVING reduced KweiUn, Liu-1 chow and Nanninr. key U.S. jir bases in South Cbiii't. the Nippon Air Force has turned its attention to Kunming in Yunnan Province where the Amr-ricam are said to have an aerodrome neihaps second only to (hengtu in size. With the reduction <>f their
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  • 212 1 TOKYO. Nov. 27. (Doraeil-The Special Attack Corp* of the Nippon Army Air Force destioyed 'our enemy warcraft in Leyte Gulf lo its daring assaults curried out on Friday and Sunday, Dai Honyei ru -i nounced in a communique released at 7 o'clock this evening
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  • 94 1 TOKYO, Nov. 27 (Domei)—The Mariana-based enemy air force, with epproxmately 40 B-29 heavy bomb' a, attacked the Kanto. Tokaido and southern Kinki areas for about one hour from about lpm. causing slight damage to non-mili-tary and unimportant facilities. Dai Honyci announced at 7 p.m. today The
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  • 83 1 BERLIN, Nov. 26. < Domei) -Germanj "s> crack "Ghost Division,' commanded by Gen. yon Wteterahim, is achieving hpectacular war result* in the fierce fighting on the southern wing of 'he Western Front, Trans-Ocean News Agency reported today. During the past 10 day*
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  • 509 1 TOKYO. Nov. 27 (Domei)—Tht' reduction or Nanning. test remaining i I base of the United S'aies AU* Fucej j In south-western China, on Nov. 24' was officially announced in a zom1 munique issued at 6.30 Dm. today by Dai Honyei The communique aL>:> rcr-aled the
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  • 179 1 TOKYO. Nov. 25. tOoinen I is learned that the Nippon Government has decided to establish diplomatic relatioas with the Provisional Government, of Azad Hind under Netajl Subhas Chandra Bose. The decision was taken with a view to further consolidating friendly relations between the
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  • 291 1 MANILA. Nov. 26. (Domei I— This area yesterday saw 74 Ameri- can ship-borne planes carry out Ineffective attack", on shlpp'.n,*. and au*field facilities. The residents obsfrveu some planes being shot down by ground i fire, while sporadic raids were staged by enemy planes
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  • 642 1 THERE will surely come a time wh«n Gen. Mac Arthur. despite ;U1 his preparations on Leyte Island, will regret that his force* there did not take along with them Enough white flags," declared Lieul.-Col. Shozo Nakajima, Chief Spokesman of the Imperial Army in
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  • 440 2  -  a Dome! War Correspondent) (By A NIrPON BASE IN THE PHILIPPINES. Nov. 27. (Domei)—The irar results MN| against the enemy task force in waters fast of Luzon Island on Nov 25, as announced by Dal Honyri
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  • 69 2 KUALA LUMPUR. Nov. 26. The fifth batch of 59 men graduated from the Malai Higher Normal School on Saturday in a ceremony attended by many Nippon officials and local leaders. The group, comprising Malai, Chinese. Indian and Eurasian, are all's from different schools including seven principals.
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  • 167 2 By Syonan Sbimbun Staff Reporter A STATEMENT that all manufacturers under the order or tupsrvision of ButaLs and Military Stations in Syonan other than tho>e v.; o have been sent here by the Military Headquarters from Tokyo :hould submit their reports rega~ding their
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  • 81 2 BANGKOK, Nov. 27. (Domei>— One B-29 heavy bomber was shot down by an 1-a'rcraft fire when approx'mate'y 40 super-fortresses made an indiserlm'na! c bcmb!!V< attack on th? Bangkok sfcto«- about noon today. accordng to an announcement by the military authorities here rh!s afternoon. The announcrment sad
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  • 87 2 CEBU, Nov. 23. (DomeD— Enemy planes consisting of 16 B-25's and four P-38 s indiscriminately bombed the local hospital here last Friday morning causing rericus injuries to 25 patients. Compl?tely ignoring the huge red cross insignia which is painted conspicuously on the roof of the hospital,
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  • 51 2 PENANO. Nov. 27 (Domel) The headquarters of the Nippon forces in Malai announced today that "three" enemy planes attempted to raid Penang yesfrrday, Nov. 26. at 11 p.m. but failed to penetra'e the skies over Penan?. The raiders fled at midnight. We suffered no damage at
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  • 363 2 Discipline Key To Indians' Freedom Goal •AS REVOLUTIONARIES. we nn discipline our minis always to think of success. Never mast single moment be wasted thinking of failure. The man who succeed* ia he who is firmly peisuaded that he fan succeed. Nothing slows up lh« human machine mi much as
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  • 297 2 Nippon Azad Hind To Exchange Envoys: Indians Overjoyed AN UNDISCLOSED PLACE IN BURMA, Nov. 26. (Dome!)—" This i« very happy news Indeed," declared S. A. Ayer, Mnis'er of Publicity and Propaganda of the Provisional Government of Azad Hind, commenCng: on the official announcement from Tokyo that tho Nippon Government has
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  • 72 2 DJAKARTA. Nov. St, (Dome!)— Forty Arabs youths representing the entire Arab comnvinlty of DJawa on Saturday called on President Soekarno of the Central Council at the headquarters of thr DJawa Public Service Association here and pledged their full support to Indonesian collaboration wi*'i the Nippon war effort*
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  • 314 2 MANILA TRIBUNE'S STRIKING COMMENT MANILA, Nov. 26, (Domei)—Commenting on yesterday's Dal Honyel communique on Nippon air raids on Morotai and Leyte Islands, the Tribune in is editorial today asserted that the Nippon air force is definitely on tbe offensive on
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  • 103 2 6 p.m. news flashes In Malal Tamil, Cantonese and English; 6.15 p.m. Syonan local hour followed by the next day's program summary; 6.30 p.m. news In Nippon-Go lor beginners; 6.40 p.m. Malai Children's Hour; 7 p.m. news In Malal; 7.20 p.m. instrumental Interlude; 7.30 p.m. pano recital
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  • 47 2 KUALA LUMPUR. Nov. 23. (Domei)— Reflecting the desire of the local communiiss to co-operate wholeheartedly with the Nippon AdminLstraMon. the Selangor San.iikal (Advisory Council) at its fifth meeting yesterday adopted a resolution offering to supply labour to the Government as speedily as possible when required.
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  • 56 2 APPLAUDING the overwhelming victory of Nippon forces in the, recent Sea and Air Battle off the Philippines, farmers numbering 612 engaged in farming for a certain Nippon Military Unit donated the sum of $8,480 to the Na'ional Defence Fund through T,t. Nishlmura. the Syonan Shimbun, Nippon Edition,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 328 2 IN MEMORIAM I IN LOVING MEMORY of our beloved daughter (SYLVIA CHAN) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chan Chee Seng who died on Nov. 26, 2602. A bitter grief, a shock severe, To part with one, we love so dear, Our loss is great, we will mt complain, But trust
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