Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun), 10 November 1944

Total Pages: 2
1 2 Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun)
  • 112 1 The Syonan Shimbun Offensive Against Kweilin Launched OLTSIDE The Walled City of Kweilin, Nov. 9, (Domei) —Nippon forces early at dawn today l.iunched a general offensive against Kweilin, important American air base in Kwangsi. Nippon air and tank units are closely co-operating with our ground forces which, by last evening,
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  • 204 1 LISBON. Nov. 8. (Domei)—The destructive V-2. which the Germans are now reported to be using against southern England, is described today by Swedish dispatches received here to be a long, fairly fat rocket projectile with tuilflns like ordinary bombs with a range from 320
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  • Editorial
    • 216 1 WE LIKE to echo ihe appeal made by the Keimu-bu Cho for the construction of more trench shelters in Syonan It need scarcely be said that the appeal was made in the interests of public safety. Actual experience liSs proved the effectiveness of trench shelters: it was
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    • 121 1 WHILE on (he subject of raiergenry measures, a reminder about wells will not be misplarrd In -omr areas. wrIN have still to be sunk, ;unl it serms that the drlay is due to the lark of funds, f<: k of futids \\f think should nui Ui sy the
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  • 309 1 MANILA. Nov. (Domed Gen Tomoyuki Yamaahitu. newly-ap-poiiitcd Supreme Commander of the Nippon Army forces in the Philip- pines area, in n Press interview yes--1 terday expressed the fullest confidence in the outcome of the battle now raging in the Leyte area and i called on
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  • 243 1 A NIPPON BASE in Kitachl- shima, Nov. 8. (Domei)—While I Ihe "Kamikaze" Special Attack ns is wreaking havoc on the A..vrican task forces In Philippines waters with their "human torpedo attacks, similar deathdefying assaults are being carried out by the Nippon airmen defending" Kitathishima. Nippon's
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  • 451 1 Philippines Air Battle TOKYO. Nov. 8. (Domel) The Nippon Army Air force in the Philippines under the command of Lieut. Gen. Yasuisugu Tominaga is day and night carrying out devastating attacks against the enemy air force, airfields and other military installations as welii as
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  • 103 1 A NIPPON BASE ;n the Central' Pa~i* c Sex. 9 iDumei)—No rr.ajor development have taken place recently f>n the fighting lines or Pllilion L«larui of :he Palau Group, where a lull continue to prevail on the entfrp front, arcorcing 'n frontline dLspatch** rcarhlng here today
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  • 304 1 TOKYO. Nov. 8 •.Uomeii —Tr-e people In Europe axe now taking a considerable interest in the Pacific theatre of war. A recent edition M the Weltwoche, Swi^s weekly, for instance, dealt at length with the war in the Pacific, giving the development
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  • 609 1 ON THE KWANtiSI FRONT, Nov. 8. (l)omei).—Nippon forces are rapidly closing in on the doomed city of Kweilin, and are also tightening their encirclement of Liuchow. according to the latest information available hen*. Kweilin, capital of Kwangsi Province, has
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  • 92 1 LISBON Nov. 8 fDomeii—Th« tvo men arrested for the assassination ii: Cairo of Lord Moyne. Brltl h .Resident M irsirr of the Vldle East oday eon)es.sed (hat they were of Jewish birth and had come to Egypt expressly to murder Lord Moyne. according to A Cairo
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  • 340 2 Tiger' Yamashita Will Knock 'Dug-Out 9 Doug. MacArthur For Another Homer 'FATE OF WORLD HINGES ON OUTCOME' (By A Domri War Correspondent) NIPPON BASE IN THE PHILIPPINES. Nov. 9. (Domei)—With the appointment of General Tomoyuki Yamashita as Supreme Commander of the Nippon army forces In the Philippines, Greater East Asia
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  • 292 2 RANGOON. Nov. 9 (Dome!)— For the successful prosecution of the Greater Bast Asia War and to drive home the maha bama ideal, the M*>ha Brim Ajwyono will sponsor country-wide exhibitions and competitions to be held during the Tabaung Festival in February The exhibitions and competitions will stress
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  • 120 2 DJAKARTA. Nov. 9 (Domen.— President Soekarno of the Central Council, on behalf of the Island's population, sent a reply to Manshakoku's consratulatloiis addressed to Djawa Inhabitants on the occasion of the first anniversary of thr adoption of East Asiatic nations' Joint Declaration. The Indonesian
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  • 173 2 SIBOLGA, (Sumatra). Nov. 9 (Domei)—The first batch nf Chlnesp youths to Join the Volunteer Ariry underwent a rigid examination yesterday and many were *aken to serve In de'ending th* J country o* their adoption. About 80 per cent, of th« Chinese of the eligible
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  • 280 2 MANILA. Nov. 8 —(DomeD The revelation that General Tomoyuki Yam—>hita, former Comman-der-in-Chief of the Nippon forces In Malai, has assumed the post of Supreme Commander of the Nippon army forces in the Philippines today was warmly welcomed by the Filipino people, serving
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  • 733 2 'I Have Come To Fight 9 Declares Gen. Yamashita On Alighting From Plane BRITISH SURRENDER AT BUKIT TIMAH RECALLED (By A Dome! War Correspondent) A NIPPON BASE IN THE PHILIPPINES, Nov. B—ueneral Douglas Mac Arthur does not know what he is in for. Before long- he will meet the same
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  • 320 2 By Syonan Shlmbun Staff Reporter TEACHING the rudiments of Nippon-Go in a kindergarten of the Kaigun (Navy) at the Nival Base today Is a former girl assistant of one of the beat known Nippon dentists in pre-war Singapore, Mr. X Homma. Many local
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  • 110 2 THE SYONAN BUSSHI HAIKYU i KUMIAI cordially request co-opera-tion of the general public in it 3 endeavour for ccl'ecting ashos la compliance with the instruction "f the City Authority concerned in th 3 following manner: Supplies should b n delivered «t any edible oil distribution station m tile
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 281 2 G NEW WORLD TOMORROW NIGHT Malaian Light-wt. Champ on hip For the Ono-San Challenge Belt CABANELA 10 Rds. EAGLE PANrilO 10 Rds. ABAYAN Plus Other Strong Pairs. NOTICE INDIANS AND CEYLONE?!E who have not submitted the declaration of their f ssets yet should do so on or bsfore the 20th
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 111 2 Today's Syonan Radio t p.m. news flashes In Malai, Tamil and Cantonese: 6.15 p.m. ©yonan's local hour followed by th° next day's program summary; 6.30 p.m. news in Nippon-Go for beginners: 6.40 p.m. Malai Chlllfen's Hour; 7 p.m. news In Mala;; 7.20 p.m. in Mandarin by Lim Chonj-pang on
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