Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun), 20 October 1943

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1 2 Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun)
  • 22 1 The Syonan Sinbun Office 140'146 Cecil Street, Syonan. Telephone No. 5471. NO. IT3 WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 20. KOKI 2603. BYOWA 18 SEVEN CENTS
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  • 2009 1 Domei TOKYO, Oct. 19—The heated discussion of post-war plans by the Anglo-American powers merely serves to betray their ambition to win complete world hegemony and reveals the shortcomings and inconsistencies
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  • 524 1 \O/?tH6O7t MALAI has now a new face '.on the map of the world due (to the extension of Thailand I boundaries to the borders of IKedah, Perils, Trengganu and ;Kelantan, where they meet the other States in the Peninsula. ►Behind Thailand's new "complexion" lies
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  • 27 1 The signing:1 of the Nippon- Philippines Treaty between Mr. Sh»zo Murata, Nippon Ambassador and Mr. Claro M. Recto, State Minister, on Oct. 14.
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  • 374 1 LISBON, Oct. 19.—Surprise German counter-thrusts in the Appenines area scored decisive successes for Reich arms in the battle in Italy. Strong AngleAmerican and Canadian forces were repulsed and split up at three important points, namely west of the upper course of the Vclturno
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  • 169 1 A VERY laudable example of sense of gratitude and wholeheartedness of the Chinese community is provided by Mr. Ching Kee Sun. Council member cf the Oversea Chinese Association, Syonan, who, in spite of his mother's death on the night of Oct. 14 led,
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  • 66 1 Domei. HOIHOW. Oct. 19.—1t is learn xl that Nippon naval forces mopping up Chinese remnants in Hainan Island from Oct. l to Oct. 15 found 372 dead abandoned on the battlefields and, in addition, took prisoner 144, sank eight junks and captured a large number of wax
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  • 335 1 OWING to the cession of the four northern Malai States of Kedah, Kelantan, Perils and Trengganu, the postal services to these States will be controlled by the Thai Postal Administration with effect from Oct. 19, 2603, says an official
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  • 259 1 Domei TOKYO, Oct. 19.—Dai Honyei at 3.30 p.m. today announced the composite war results scored by the Nippon Army Air Force in China during the period between the latter part of July and early October, in which
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  • 41 1 UN IDENTIFIED PLANE SIGHTED OFF HAWAII Domei. LISBON, Oct 18—A report from Pearl Harbour states that a single unidentified plane was seen approaching Oahu, Hawaii, shortly after midnight last night, according: to an announcement made by Admiral Chester W. Nimitz's headquarters.
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  • 50 1 Doroei. LISBON. Oct. 18—Indian Viceroy, Viscount Waveli. arrived in New Delhi today according to a report received here. The arrival of the former Com-mander-in-Chief of the British forces in India was announced by a salute of 21 cms fired from the old fort in the cttjr.
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  • 145 1 Domei. p A. fI NIPpON BASE in the South Pacific, Oct. 18.—Nippon interceptcrs, with close co-operation 17 «wUH d batterie* on o?£ }ZJ^° t. dow" flye enemy raiders P ffl^S ng JS Ur 8"25s and one the en3my attempted to raid Wewak. New Guinea nr.?K
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  • 141 1 Domci. A NIPPON BASE in the South Pacific, Oc:. 19—Enemy attempts to raid out positions at Bougainville cost the enemy a total of 15 planes yesterday. In the morning of Oct. 18, a formation of enemy bombers and fighters numbering 78, attempted to raid oui
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  • 307 1 Dotnet. TOKYO, Oct. 19.—Clearly re fleeting the boosted war efforts of industrial concerns, the latest survey of the nation's production cr essential sinews of war such as iron, ste?l, coal, minerals and industrial machinery during the first half of the fiscal year ending September revealed that the
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  • 336 2 RADIO TAISO GROWING IN POPULARITY MASS callisthenics, and bodybuilding programs based on "fitness of a nation" practised extensively in modern countries such as Nippon and Germany have today been successfully introduced in all parts of Malai, says Domei. Ea Syonan lor perhaps the first
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  • 128 2 EPKIMI3 PICTURES cf Premier Gen. Hideki Tojo welcoming Thailand's courtesy mission, are shown In Nippon Newsreel No. 170, which will be screened at the Ushiho Bunka Eiga Gekijo tomorrow. Some excellent serial shcts of ihe recent bombing of MCne Bay are contained in Dai Toa
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  • 193 2 ■■•Ml MALACCA, Oct. 18—The striking industrial and agricultural progress being made in Northern Malai was disclosed by Governor Ken Tsurumi in a statement made recently on his return fix in an extensive tour of the northern States. Stating that he was "well impressed
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  • 87 2 FUTY cases of soap were ordered to be confiscated in the feyonan Keizi Tihohoin yesterday after a Chinese, Chua Han Pheow. had been convicted of attempting to export the commodity without a permit. The soap formed part of the cargo ef
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  • 77 2 Mr. UM SOO SLAM <nee Madam j f«ow Mui Hiang) passed away peacefully at No. 29, Keng Cheow Strept. Syonan-to. at 8.15 a.m. (T.T.) on Sunday Oct. 17. 2603. Funeral will take place on Oct. 23, 2603. ACKNOWLEDGMENT Mr. R. V. RAJOO and family, and also his son A.
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  • 100 2 MANILA, Oct. 18.—At the first national assembly of the new Republic of the Philippines to be convoked today, main items to be discussed will include four important natic rial policies, it is learned. These comprise the maintenance of peace and ord*?r. firm establishment of the
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  • 63 2 DJAKARTA, Oct 17— Members of the Youth Corps, auxiliary police eorpj and nurses an* actively participating in the health drive, throughout Djawa making a systematic tour of the various villages and disseminating health propaganda. In schools, special "health" hours have been set aside to inculcate in
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  • 33 2 Picture taken by a ffl»»w plane daring the surprise raid on the new anti-Axis airfield at Dnrsdate, Northern Australia, which was devas4»tj»gry blasted by Nipp** air units on Sept. test.
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  • 560 2  -  A DOMEI CORRESPONDENT) NOVICES PRESENT EASY PREY FOR ALERT NIPPON FIGHTERS (BY DJAKARTA, Oct. 19. —A shortage of well trained pilots and a lack of fighting spirit are two of the outstanding defects, of the enemy air force which attracted your correspondent's attention while
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  • 144 2 ALTOGETHER 18 teama— nln; in the "A Division and an equal number in the "B" Division have entered the Syonan Spcrts Association Hockey League and are now vieing with each other for the Paglar Cup. Four matches hare so far been played, and Judging
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  • 443 2 Perak ,Penang Presenting Warplanes CO-OP*RATION OF CHINESE SYMBOLISED Domei. IPOH, Oct. 19.—Appreciation of the gesture by the Chinese community in Perak, who have intimated their desire to donate a i substantial sum to the Govern- l ment for the purchase of fighter planes and bombers for the Imperial Forces, was
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 236 2 DOMESTIC OCCURRENCE ENGAGEMENT CHIA—WEE. The engagement j Is announced between Mr. Charlie i Chia Swee Kim, second son of I Mr. and Mrs. Chia Cheng Hoe, to| Miss Maggip Wee Geok Neo, only daughter of the late Mr. Wee Chin Hock and Mrs. Wee Chin Hock. Beth of Syonan-to. The
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    • 264 2 NOTICE WE, the undersigned. Ng cbeng Buk andlMcy Wong Hup Thye do hereby notify the Pubhc. that we have as from this date agreed by mutual consent to live apart from each other, hence we shall no longer be responsible for each other's acts or encumbrances. Sd. NO CHENG BUK.
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    • 349 2 MISCELLANEOUS S/TVA TION WANTED WANTED BILLET WANTED by French Ks: Soldier (Great War decorations juk} TO RENT three nearby houses merits). Va*t Rubber Estate arpe>utside towr- area. Please apply supervision and cte__ai. Conversant with Mimyalarn. French, English. Tani:l and UalaJ>ju*ees. STOW A fiOMT KABASIKI Apply MuUoly Labis. Johore. KASYA,
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 203 2 TODAY'S PROGRAM 6 p.m. music: 620 p.m. Nippon language news for beginners; 6.30 p.m Nippon melodies: 6.50 pm. domestic talk in Malai by Che' Petum Abidm PriT-clpal of Rochore Malai Girls1 School; 7.20 p.m. news in Malai; 7.35 pro. piano interlude; 7.50 p:m. Mar.darin songs; 8 p.m. news in Cantonese:
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    • 308 2 svonnn smßun NIPPON-GO LESSONS' LESSON 48 VOCABULARY **4f9 haizara ash-tray V teppo gun p-V^ rosoku candle jf hagane steel V v shiro castle A ikura how much K r doru dollar doshite how J* v denki electricity K— doao please hane feather it 9 kau to buy EXERCISE Teppo
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