Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun), 4 September 1943

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1 2 Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun)
  • 35 1 Syonan Sinbun LET'S FORGET SELF IN THIS MIGHTY COMMON CAUSE \ND FIGHT IT OUT TO THE LAST. Office 140U46 Cecil Street, Syonan. Telephone No. 5471. 232 SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 4. KOKI 2603. SYOWA 18 SEVEN CENTS
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  • 170 1 Dom«i NANKING, Sept. 2.—The National Military Council of the National Government of China announced that Nanking Government troops hurled back an enemy counter-attack launched at dawn on Aug. 24 in the sectors bordering the northern bank of the Yangtze
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  • 502 1 Then And Now WHEN World War No. 1 had reached a duration of four years, Malaya in general and .Singapore in particular, although actual warfare had not touched these parts, were feeling the effects of the conflict in Europe very acutely. There had been a mutiny by an Indian
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  • 84 1 Doraei CANTON, Sept. 3. Reports picked up here disclosed that crack Nippon air units on the morning cf Sept. 1 raided Kienou airfield in Fukien Province, and blasted runways which the enemy was repairing. It is revealed that a radio report from Chungking admitted that
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  • 169 1 ALL-OUT EFFORTS TO ACHIEVE VICTORY DoneL SHANGHAI, Sept 2.—ln hia first Press interview since his appointment as chief of the Press .section of the Nippon Fleet in China waters, Captain Keizo Matsushita, today stated that with the war situation in the South Pacific area in a
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  • 110 1 POSTAL communication with Thailand was established on Aug. 15, says an official announcement. Only ordinary post cards and picture postcards, written in Nip-pon-Go, are accepted for transmission. The sender's name and address must be written in Katakana. Kanjl or Romanji. If it is written In
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  • 93 1 Domel SAPPORO, Sept. 2—A joint memorial service for Lieut. Gen, Yasuyo Yamazaki and his gallant 2,000 men who, though outnumbered ten to one, held the enemy at bay for 18 days on AtUi Island and then chose death rather than surrender, will
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  • 176 1 POSITION AT FOCAL POINTS UNCHANGED Dotnei. LISBON, Sept 2.—The situation on Soviet-German war frcnt remained on the whole unchanged, as heavy fighting continued at focal points. Reich troops, in resolute coun-ter-thrusts, beat back Soviet attempts to smash the German front, using reserves. The German
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  • 217 1 "I AM VERY glad to tell you that you have contributed your share towards the work of the Senden-bu," declared Ccl. Koichi Okubo, Senden-bu Cho. at the Slogan and Poster Competition prize distribution ceremony, yesterday. Many entries were received for both the
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  • 49 1 Domei TOKYO, Sept. 2.—A meeting of Cabinet members and Cabinet advisers was held this afternoon at the Premier's official residence to discuss measures relating to the further increase in the nation's war strength. The next meeting is scheduled to be held on Sept. 9.
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  • 355 1 Domet. LISBON. Sept. 3.—lt Is reported from La Paz that the Bolivian Government announced that President Enrique Penaranda has accepted the Bolivian Cabinet's resignation and taken steps to form a new government. It is reported that Cabinet resigned because Bolivian Congressional leaders "severely attacked" Government's policy m
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  • 513 1 Dotnei. TOKYO. Sept. 3—The spokesman of the Joho Kyoku (Board of Jnformaticn) declared that th» principal object of Churchill's Quebec speech was 'to camouflage and make excuses for AngloAmerican inability so far to open a second front." He added that by
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  • 382 1 Foe's Losses Mount As Fierce Fighting Goes On In Solomons Sector Domei TOKYO, Sept. 3—Dai Honyei at 5 p.m. announced that Imperial land, sea and air forces sank more than 70 c-iiemy vessels
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  • 180 1 STARTING from today, the Imperial Army Band will give special perionnances under the uuspices of the Senden-bu at the Dai Toa Gekijo at 3 p.m. and 8 p.m. These performances are intended for members of the service and Nippon-Jin only. Tomorrow, there will
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  • 42 1 Domei. LISBON. Sept. 2.—lt is reported from Melbourne that the anti-Axis Headquarters of the Southwestern Pacific announced that a formation of Nippon planes attacked the American base on Vella Lavella Island on Sept. 1.
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  • 83 1 Domei. A NIPPON BASE in the South Pacific, Sept. 3.—A large formation of enemy bombers and fighters, numbering 154. attempted to raid our positions on Kolombangara Island yesterday afternoon. Thirteen enemy raiders were shot down. The enemy raiders included Bell P-39 and Vought Sikorsky fighters.
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  • 150 1 BALDWIN BARES DIFFICULTIES Oomei BUENOS AIRES, Sept. 2—That the United States is meeting with unsurmountable difficulties in the production of strategic materials as planned, what with the lack of manpower and acute shortage of basic materials such as ccal, was revealed by Hanson Baldwin,
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  • 174 1 Domel BUENOS AIRES, Sept. l—lndicating the chaotic econcmic situation reigning in the United States and lack of adequate leaders, authoritative sources from Washington reveak?d that important posts in the Office of Economic Warfare have not been filled to date, except for the appointment of
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  • 209 1 Dome! LISBON, Sept. 2.—Sounding a note of apprehension regarding the shortage of manpower in thfl United States which may lead to drastic curtailment in the production of strategic materials, the London Times, en Aug. 25, said that recent reports of the shortage
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  • 246 1 WAR MIGHT LAST TILL 1950 IV THAT CASE Domei. LISBON, Sept. 2.—The pcssibllity that the United States and Britain might "lose" the co-oper-ation of Russia was expressed by Harry Hopkins, who is the righthand man of President Rcosevelt, in an article contributed to
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  • 132 1 IN RECOGNITION cf his excellent services in promoting thrift and encouraging the savings habit among the people, Tuan Onan bin Haji Siraj, director of the Malai farm, Geylang, and Wayang Satu, Bukit Timah Road, was awarded a certificate cf merit by the Director-General
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  • 237 1 Domei ROME, Sept. 3—The Itnliau High Command announced that anti-Axis trcops have landed at the toe of the Italian mainland., No details are given. Fighting is reported in progress between German and Italian defence troops and anti-Axis invasion foroes which early this morning landed
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  • 107 1 Domel BANGKOK, Sept I— ihe Assembly of People's Representatives unanimously passed the bill authorizing Government, following the incorporation into Thailand of four Malai states and two Shan provinces, to appoint administrators front among the inhabitants ,n tuese territories. The new
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 35 1 A DONATION of $30 comes from Mr Ho K.vok Kee. Syonan. representing his second donation to the Nippon Red Cross 1- und. This amount brings the total received to date for this Fund to $42,161.23.
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  • 205 2 ENEMY'S APPROACH WAS DETECTED Doinel TOKYO, Sept. 2. A radio locator played no i:mall part in leading to the early discovery of the enemy raiders in their abortive ra>d on Minamitcrishima 'Marcus Island* yesterday, military circles dlscksed today. They said it was the quick
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  • 119 2 'Sacred War Yet Another Maekawa Song Set To Music I -a a- SACRED WAR reproduced below, is yet another of the many songs composed in Syonan by Sub-Lieut. Jitsujo Maekawa, which has been set to music by Syonan music teacher Noel Scharenguivel. (4) Oh. <hi -mn umi-mo. o-sora-mo Kamniae^ra lum
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  • 200 2 Domei LISBON. Sept. 2—One of the most interesting revelations of the stupendous number of men and the amount of war materials employed by the Anglo-Americans within the confines of the small i island of Si«Uy. and which mci- j j dentally gave a clear insight into
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  • 559 2  -  ZAINAI,-ABJDiN BIN AHMAIII (By THIS IS the concluding part of the outline of Malai salutations, the first part of which appeared in the Sycnan Sinbun j (English Edition* on Aug. 21. With the greeting or .salutation comes the hand-shake, or even friendly em- j brace if the
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  • 439 2 THE SPRING racing season in Nippon came to an end with a successful 8-day meeting at Hutyu near Tokyo on June 6. On the last day, the Twelfth Tokyo Yusyun Nippon Derby) was decided. Although it was cloudy, a crowd
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  • 583 2 MOLNTBATTEN MAY CONSULT CHIANG Domei LISBON, Sept. 2.—The Manchester Guardian reporting: from London anticipates a meeting between Chiang Kai-shek and Vice Admiral Lord Louis Mountbatten who heads the newlyestablished anti-Axis South-eastern Asia Command, but predicts that a long conference would probably be
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  • 469 2 TOKYO DAILY WARNS AMERICAN YOfTHS Domel TOKYO. Sept. 3—The Tokyo Shlmbun tnis morning editorially sounded a strong note, warning innocent Americans who are being lv odwinked by Kooscveli into dancing out to the Pacific where only grim hell awaits them. Rcofcvelt. it said, is
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 318 2 NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that the partnership heretofore subsisting between Ong Siew Jiang. Ong Seok Choo, Wee Keng Cheng, and Kwan Ann 800 who carried on business under the firm name or style of CHOP TECK HOE at No. 3, Prinsep Street, Syonan. as dealers in cycle accessories and
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    • 103 2 DOMESTIC OCCURRENCE^ DEATH Madam CHEE BUAY LIEW. wife of the late Mr. Tan Jiak Poh, passed away peacefully at the age of 69, at No. 36 Shanghai. Road, on Friday Sept. 3, 2603, at I p.m., leaving behind two sons (Mr. Tan Soo Cheng and Dr. Tan Soo Kim), two
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    • 796 2 PUBLIC NOTICES f Drink TOKI'BETU-SI NOTICE NO. 252 A NAN BOKU WHISKY guaranteed Kr: The r«r<-ruitine of ju>«"nii«engineers at naval serr»e«. k)*A f REE All applicants are invited to be assembled at the "Testing Hall' at 9.30 r from Head Ache. am. on the ICth day of September to m
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 107 2 TODAY'S PKOGBAM 6 p.m. ma=ic; 620 p.m. Nippon language news for beginners; 6.30 p.m. Indian Children's program; 6.50 p.m. Nippon songs by Bintang Timor Party. 7.20 pjn. news in Malai; 7.35 p m. Teochew drama; 8 p.m. news in Cantonese; 8.15 p.m. news in Hokkien; 830 p.m. Nippon Spirit through
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    • 32 2 NIPPON-GO LESSONS IN ORDER to facilitate the making up of the Nippon-go lessons and to give learners time to revise them during the week-end lessons will not be published on Saturday. I
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    • 133 2 pFSgpp i I KVO-KI: EIKOKU KU/.URURU NO HI." 3 —6 8.30 p.m. To-mono*: 12 noon—3 p.m.—6—8.30 p.m. SYOWA: "EIKOKU KUZURURU NO HI." 3.30 —6.30 —9 p.m. To-morrow. 12.30—3.30—6 30—9 p.m. I SHI 110 BUNK A EIGA. 3 s—7— 9 p.m. To-morrow: 1 pm—3 —s —7 9 p m. INOO: LA
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