Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun), 5 April 1943

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1 2 Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun)
  • 22 1 The Syonan Sinbun Office 140/146 Cecil Street, Syonnn. Telephone 'So. 5411. NO. 101 MONDAY. APRIL 3. KOKI 2603. SYOWA 18 7 CENTS.
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  • 163 1 U«mci. TOKYO. Apr. 3—Ten no Heika officiated at th* ceremony solemnized this morning on the occasion of I'm mil Tenno-sai, anniversary of the demise of I mmvn irnii >. first Emperor of Nippon, at the Imperial Sanctuary in the Imperial Palace with the
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  • 526 1 See For Yourselves —More About Films WE HAD OCCASION recently to call attention to the importance cinematograph films play In public enlightenment and cultural reconstruction in this part of Dai Toa Kyoeiken. The point we then emphasized in connection with the mission of cinematograph films in enlightening the masses
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  • 530 1 Tojo Praises Manshukoku 's Development FULLY DESERVES WORLD'S ADMIRATION uotuei FUKUOKA. Arr 4.-Premier General Hidelci Tojo made a verbal statement, upon his return here th*j aiternocn from Mmshukoku. that the phenrm-nal progress achieved by Mai.?nukcku during t:iese past ten ftofl in the political, economc and cultural fiHds deserves the word's
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  • 51 1 Domei. CANTON. Apr. S—Many houses w t -re damaged and numerous casualties caused by severe earthquake which rocked Talihsen in north-western Yunnan Province at 1 a.m. on Mar. 31, according to information reaching from Chungking. It is said that victims of the tremor ran into several
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  • 448 1 PREMIER CHANGS DECLARATION Domei HSINKING. Apr. 3.—Nippon, Manohukoku and China are clcseily bound together by ethical and SDiritual ties, while Britain and 1 United States and Chungking are drawn together tempciarily by their own interests and for this reason, there is not the slightest
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  • 286 1 DUE TO SERIOUS LOSSES Domei BY A MILITARY CORRESPONDENT LISBON, Apr. 4.—The large-scale Anglo-American action against Marshal Rommel's Afrika Corps petered out completely yesterday in south-western Tunisia on all sectors of the front extending from Oudref to Maknassy. Neither the. Americans nor
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  • 212 1 Results Of Big Encounter In Solomons Group Disclosed TOKYO, Apr. 3.—Dai Honyei announced at 2 p.m. today that a Nippon naval air unit, encountering an enemy air formation over Russell Island, shot down 47 enemy planes in the ensuing
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  • 131 1 uomei MAIZURU, Apr. 4. -The completion or the Naval Hall here was celebrated yesterday morning wich the f.tter.'iame 01 Admiral Baron Kiyokazu Abo, Adviser to the National Service Political Association, Vice-Admiral Seiichi Niimi, Commander of the Maizuru Naval Station, the Prefectural Governor and oth3rs The
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  • 105 1 Ooroei TOKYO. A^r. 3.—A1l sclentifl works on Toa's 'East Asia's; natural resources public throughout the world up to 1940 hove been compiled fully and indexed by the Instil ute of the Natural Resources of Mombu-sho (Education Ministryt. The compiled -nater'al coverlms botanical, zoological, mineral,
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  • 196 1 Domri >, NANKING. Apr. 3—lt Is revealed, the organization of a Tna East Asia* Youth League was decided at the meeting of representatives of Nippon. Manshukoku and Chinese Youth Ccrps held yesterday evening at the NipponChina Cultural Society here. Following
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  • 263 1 Domei TOKYO. Apr. 3—The second session of Dai Toa (Greater East Asia; Medical Conierence will open in Tckyo lor two days beginning from Apr. 17 with the participation ol 90 delegates irom Toa countries as well as ieaders of Nippon's medical wcrld.
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  • 120 1 Pomci. TOKYO Apr. 3—The F:eiich Indochina Economic Resources Research Party, organized and dispatched in accordance with Nippon-French Indochina Economic Agreement, concluded in May 1941, was formally disbanded yesterday, Dai Toa-sho < Ministry ol Greater East Asiatic Affairs) announced. The research party, headed b" Ma,sayuki Yokoyama and.
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  • 320 1 INDEPENDENT ACTION' HINT Dome*. CANTON. Apr. 3—Bitter disappointment of th? Chungking regime regarding the British and American unchanged "Europe First Policy" is reflected in editorial outbursts by lead'.n? Chungking Newspapers which bluntly threaten the possibility ot Chungking's taking "independent diplomatic action" fcr sheer necessity of
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  • 178 1 Domei TOKYC. Apr. 3—lt is learned, the Nippon Language School of the International Student Association. Meguro Ward, Tokyo. I inaugurated today, will facilitate the study of the Ninpon language by foreign students arriving i I inrrea \ni numbers from various parts of
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  • 88 1 Oomei BUENOS AIRES, Apr. 3—From Los Anstles. a survivor of the United States 19.900-tcn air-craft-carrier. Hornet. whkn was sunk in thj South Pacific by daring Nippon airmen last Fall, has revealed details of the carrier's last moments. Chief machinist, E. Ji.
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  • 361 1 Domei NDRTHERN INDO-BURMESb: Border. Apr. 3.—lt was reveale.l that chiefs of the various races in Hukrwng. north-western corner o! Burma, have awakened to the t:-ue mission of the Imperial forces and are now ext?ndin^ every possible aid to the Nipoon troops rperating in that
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  • 77 1 Domei NANKING. Apr. 3 -Mr. Tsai Pei. newly-appointed Chinese Ambassador to Tokyo, is scheduled to leave here shortly to assume his post. Commenting on the recent appointment of Tsai Pei to Nippon and also on the appointment of Chen Chlhcheng. Chinese Ambassador to
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  • 383 1 Domei. TOKYO, Apr. 3—The Nippon Government has repeatedly stated it will extend powerful support to India depending upon the latter s attitude, cbservers here reiterated today commentins on the reports that Lord Linlitheow. Viceroy of India, derlared Martial Law
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  • 699 2 Air Unit's Commander Recalls Historic Action Domei TOKYO, Apr. 2. —The smashing Nippon aerial campaign against Ameriran forces on Bataan Peninsula one year ago, which led to the surrender of the enemy commander. Major General Edward Portell King (Jr.), is described
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  • 99 2 D«nr' LISBON. Apr. 2.—Warning that everyone must expect a drop in standard of living aurvig the war. president Roosevelt bluntly refected the formers' appeals for Governvient aid by vetoing the Bavkhead Bill for a farm •price subsidy, according to a report from Washington. Roosevelt said:
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  • 221 2 MOVE TAKEN IN LONDON Dftanei. LISBON, Apr. 2-A London report, referring to the "tragic succession cf events that have occurred in India since the outbreak of war.*' states that prominent churchmen and others demanded a public de( laration of facts on the Indian situation in
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  • 189 2 Domei. PENANG. Apr. 3—To r>flord beys and girls between the ages ol 14 and 20 every opportunity of joining the Shu Sei-Nen-Dan 1 <Youth Movement), some changes are to be made in its present organization, by which those OVtt 20 years of age will make
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  • 402 2 ■MM TOKYO, Apr. 2.—" The war has row become no joke to the American people, although they started it in a whimsical spirit," declared Teiichi Muto, well-known political commentator, in an article entitled America and
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  • 495 2 SUPERIOR ringcraft and speed enabled Frankie Weber to obtain a points" decision over Slogger t Ang in the 12 two-minute rounds j main event of a rather disapi pointing boxing card at the Great I World Arena on Saturday night. Forcing the
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  • 248 2 CONVICTED of profiteering in cotton thread, the owner of a shop in Arab Street and his assistant were fined $1,000 in the Criminal District Cov.rt on Saturday. The allegations against the accused, Fa Ming Juan and Tan Hai Wang »the latter was charged as
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  • 129 2 Domei REMARKING that the use of arms was alleged in almost every case of robbery which had been brought to court, the Criminal District Court Judge, on Saturday, convicted and sentenced a young Chinese to two years' rigorous imprisonment for unlawful possession
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  • 168 2 HSUCHOW, Apr. 3.—To commemorate the meeting five years ago between Gen. Count Hisaichi Terauchi and Gen. Shunroku Hata, th 2 then Supreme Commanders of the Imperial Expeditionary Forces in North and Central China rest>ectively. the erection cf a memorial tablet on the site of the
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  • 63 2 I Domei I PEKING. Apr. 2.—The North China branch of the PatrioticAssociation in Nippon and the Nippon-Chinese Literature Translation Society will be established here en the occasion of the visit to Peking of Saneatso Mushakoji, well-known Nippon author who is coming here to arrange
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  • 46 2 (Domri photo). m On the Home Front in Nippon. V shipbuilding to meet the seeds of the war and of the occupied areas in Nanpo (Southern Regions) forges ahead. These pictures show a ship ander construction and the men enxaced in building it.-
    (Domri photo).  -  46 words
  • 285 2 SPIRITUAL LINK AMONG PEOPLE EMPHASIZING the need to promote complete ru l*'»ral unity in Toa (East Asia), Prof. Hidezo Tanakadate, who was until recently Director of Syonan Museum and Library, in an interview with Domei, suggested that the people of Nanpo
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  • 82 2 Domei NANKING. Apr. 3—Mr. Yu Hsichieh. vice President of the Hsinmin Society, who yesterday formally asked President Wang Ching-wei to assume the honorary Presidency of the Hsinmin Society, this evening lift Nanking for Shanghai to inspect conditions there since the entry into Dal
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1565 2 PUBLIC NOTICES SITUATIONS VACANT TOKIBETI-SI NOTICE NO. 199 NOTICE OF SALT RELEASES s ,,£k AN™M.n-GoTor RE: THE OPERATION OF THE ."g^^""^ °i V™ t^ VS^S^SSS^. "STE .ply (April. May and June) of their *c* £>>onan. in oiuti to .lari'y the general quotas from u eir special Retailers. WANTED Chinese female
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 176 2 TODAYS PROGRAM 6 p.m. music; 6.20 p.m. news In Nippon language; 6.30 p.m. Chinas? Children's Hour; 6.50 p.m. Malai music; 7.20 p.m. news in Malai; 7.35 V m Chinese music; 7.45 p.m. reading in Chinese; 8 p.m. news In Cantones?: 9.15 p.m news in Kokkien; 8.30 p.m. Glimpses of Nippon;
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    • 132 2 Radio Nippon-Go Lessen No. 40 I& J THIS evening >ye shall lea in table conversational sentences 1. Nippor.-jiii wa nani o tsukatte tabem&su ka? —What do Kipponjin eaJ t\ith? 2. Ohashi de tabemt^u —They eat with chopsticks. S. Watashi wa naifu ya hoku de taixrraf-u—l fat WUh a kattß and
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