Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun), 3 February 1943

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1 2 Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun)
  • 21 1 The syonan sinbun [ENG tI S H j| Sdt£_z_n J No. 49 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 3, KOKI 2603, SYOWA 18 7 Cents.
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  • 556 1 Sabotage In Enemy Countries ANTI-WAR SENTIMENT is manifesting itself in ever increasing degree in enemy countries. The latest incidents were reported from Johannesburg. Boers, who form the vast majority of the population of Transvaal in South Africa, are said to have made repeated sabotage attempts apainst machine.hop plants and
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  • 85 1 DomeL LISBON. Feb. I.—Press dispatches from Melbourne said that anti-Axis sources are maintaining complete silence regarding the Imperial Nippon Headquarters' announcement of ihe results of the Battle ot Rennell Island, in the Solomons Group, which cost the antiAxis forces two battleships and thre? cruisers
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  • 939 1 'With Resources Far Superior To United States Britain 9 TOKYO, Feb. 2.—Replying to interpellations posed by Yusuke Tsurumi, representative of Iwat_. Prefecture, in the session of the General Budget Committee in the House of Representatives thi? afternoon. Premier General Hideki Tojo declare'] that
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  • 242 1 Domei TOKYO, Feb. 2—Swift efficient action was seen in the Imperial Diet tcday as the delib2rating committees of the House of Peers unanimously passed, without amendment, seven government bills including the bill for j the revision of Conscription Law.! The remaining 32 bills are
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  • 194 1 Domei CANTON, Feb. I—ln close co-operation with patrol units cf the Chinese National Government, the Imperial Expedltk nary Forces in South China recently conducted mopping-up operations against Chungking troops ln Kwangtung Province. The concerted action is believed to have contributed much towards the
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  • 54 1 DomeL LISBON. Feb. I.—The United States Navy Department has announced a further 87 casualties in the Navy's forces, bringing the total to 22,467 of Navy. Marine and Coast Guards casua'tles reported to the next of kin since Pearl Harbour. The total includes 6.416 dead.
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  • 93 1 DomeL NANKING, Feb. 2.—A ceremony marking the organization of a crack Second Guard Division to further strengthen the fighting efficiency cf the Chinesa National Government Army, was held yesterday In the presence cf Pr?- I sld3nt Wan? Chin«.-wei and mill- tary md civil authorities. The
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  • 962 1 GUIDING PRINCIPLES EXPLAINED TOKYO, Feb. 2.—lt is learned that a clear-cut, comprehensive, outline of the structure of the Military Administration in the Southern Regions and, its guiding principles are being followed by the Nippon authorities as clarified by the Nippon Army
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  • 55 1 DomeL RANGOON, Feb. 2.—A formation of seven enemy planes raided the city yesterday afternoon, ruthlessly bombing the compounds of the Sule Pagoda, causing deaths and injuries to Burmese and Hindus, who have been seeking shelter there. Indignation at the British for the raid
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  • 66 1 i Domei. LISBON. Feb. t-—-It Is reported from New York that the bodies of 19 persons were recovered from the wreckage of the Navy seaplane, which crashed 11 days! ago on the West coast. Amon. the passengers were Rear-Ad-1 mlral Robert H. English.
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  • 322 1 "LABOUR is an honourable profession and technicians are the driving force of mcdern civilization and you have been selected to fill in this important gap," said Dr. Kozo Ando, Min-sei-bucho, Sycnan Tokubetu-si, on behalf of the Mayor of Syo-nan-to, addressing the 50 students of the flrst
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  • 389 1 Winging Out To Attack Enemy HAVOC WROUGHT IN FIVEDAY INTENSIVE RAIDS DomeL UNDISCLOSED BASE, Feb. I.—lt is learned Nippon Army air units in a series of raids between Jan. 26 and Feb. 1 on advanced posts of the Chung, king forces in
    -(Domei Photo).  -  389 words
  • 249 1 REGULAR TRAINING of Nip- pen's future mariners, attending I the Syoncn Nautical Training School, was formally begun yesterday when 200 students got down to work In earnest. Half j I the students will receive mechanI ical training, while the remain-! der are boing trained
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  • 54 1 Domei LISBON, Feb. 2—lt is reported from Washington that the United Stales Navy Department announced on Jan. 31 that Nippen planes bombed United States positions in the western Aleutians, while, on Feb. 1, Nippon planes attacked United States surface units and shore
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  • 218 1 CATHOLICS INDIGNANT Domei. ROME. Feb. 2.—The latest victims of blind bombing in whicn anti-Axis air forcos are desperately resorting, following repeated reverses in the East as well as the Western war th3atre arc* Archbishop Enrico Montabetti and two bishops. These clerics were
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  • 213 1 HIGHLIGHTED* by the official dedication of the Sycnan Jinja to the Nippon H2roes who died in I the Battle for Singapore, the official program in commemoration of the R3birth of Malai 1 will be held for a whole week, .starting lrom Kigen
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  • 148 1 DomeL TOKYO, Feb. 2.—Fumio Oyama. Chief of the Bureau of Judicial Affairs of the War Ministry, revealed that the number of enemy war prisoners, held by Nippon, totals approximately 300,000 at present. This disclosure was made ln the House of Peers before the Committee
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  • 353 2 CRIPPLING BLOW TO ENEMY DomeL TOKYO, Feb. 2.—Commenting on the Battle off Rennell Island on Jan. 29 and 30, in which Nippon naval air units sank two enemy battleships and three cruisers, heavily damaging one enemy battleship and one cruiser and shooting
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  • 340 2 DomeL I TOKYO, Feb. 2.—Other Metro- j politan papers also devote their editorials today to the Imperial Naval air units, fcr the signal victory over the enemy in the Battle off Rennel Island, generally describing the victory as second only to Pearl F.arbour. The Asahi says. "The Vnited
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  • 463 2 Domei TOKYO, Feb. I—Answering interpellations posed in the He use of Representatives by Mr. Tatsunosuke Yamazaki. Director of the Standing Committee of ths National Service Political Association, Premier Tojo this afternoon reiterated the Government's intention to rely en the patriotism and loyalty of the people in
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  • 150 2 Domei TOKYO. Feb. I—The Navy ■Ministry has announced that Vice-Admiral Michitaro Tctsuka, Commander of the Eleventh Combined Naval Air Squadron, has been appointed Commander-in-Chief oi the newly organized Combined Training Naval Scuadron, concurrently retaining* his present post. At the same time, it is
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  • 442 2 DomeL MACASSAR, Feb. I.—Marriages of local inhabitants in this city have increased considerably of late revealing the healthy confidence of the populace in the Niooon Military Administration, as the capital of the Celebes Island prepares to welcome the advent of the
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  • 20 2 A picture taken at the opening ceremony of the Nautical Training Institute in Syonan. (Domei photo).
    (Domei photo).  -  20 words
  • 595 2 NIPPON THEIR EMANCIPATOR Domd TOKYO, Feb. I.—ln token of their deepest appreciation to the Nippon Government for making possible the rebirth and independence of their nations, Dr. Ba Maw, head of the Burmese Government, and Mr. Jorge B. Vargas, chairman of the Philippines
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  • 203 2 Comet RANGOON. Feb. I.—ln reply to the cordial message of congratulations sent by General Count Hisaichi Terauchi, Supreme Commander of the Nippcn forces ml the Southern Regions, to the pecpb of Burma upon Premier General Hideki Tojo's promise to grant independence to
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  • 129 2 "The peace regulations at present in force were promulgated, and were intended to apply to the general means cf Justice," the Gunsei Kanbu (Military Art-mini-traticn) authorities state. "This law was constituted with the object of controlling tbe activities of the lawless i-.nd the gang
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  • 257 2 MANY REASONS FOR JUBILATION Domei. SHANGHAI. Jan. 31.—Shanghai, in accordance with the traditional Chinese calendar. Is about to welcome the New Year and paradoxically enough there is nothing to indicate this is the same city which a year or so ago was dominated by
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  • 258 2 DESPITE the exigencies ol war-time—despite changing times —the Chinese community here, loath to relinquish the glamour of a century-old observance, are busy making full preparations to welccme th? New Year, according to the Lunar calendar, which falls on the first day of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 379 2 FOR SALE FOR QUICK SALE: "Ganad Record Changers and single unit motors, etc. Also one A.C Electric Gram together with Garrad Rc<« -rd changer In handrome Cabinet. Prices moderate For i!£P ectlon- etc Ptease call at No 87. Wilkie Road between 12 pm. and 5 p.m (T.T). 49 A 51
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    • 613 2 PUBLIC NOTICES TOKUBETU Sl NOTICE N3 173 RE: RETAIL PRICES OF RICE -It is hereby notified that from coming 2nd February. *he retail price ol rice of any description is amended as follows:— Kintis Pr.ce per eatly Polished Rice 10 cents Broken Rice 8 cents SYONAN TOKUBETU Rl TYO Ist
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    • 255 2 TIONS VACANT EXPERIENCED GARAO.73 rith knowledge ol Bo«.kEnglish or Chinese Apson with te_.t_mc_l.3N _o r*UKO DENTFTFJ KABU3HA, 27. Malacca Street pjn. and 5 pm. (T T.,. English-speaking aitna'ionallty.. Prey kus <■:.- mnece-fary. Appl.v *jtli photograph returnable) A. iars stating r-lary reeiuir. d 218. C/o Syonan Sinbun dition), Syonan. OoeinK J.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 151 2 TRANSMISSION No. 2. 1.3U3 kilocycles or 225 metres: 6 p.m. musical ent_ertau__n_>nt: 6.20 p.m. children's hour: C5O p.m. Malai music—Sinar Bintang P_.rty from the studio: 7.20 pm. news in Malai; 7.35 p.m. Chinese music from the studio in Teochew: 8 p.m. news in Cantonese; 8.15 p.m news in Holskien; 8.30
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    • 133 2 Radio Nippon-Co Lesson No. 241 ft V YOU have studied on the radio Imperative sentences. Tcday we will givi you sentences which have nakereba narimasen."' meaning "must" and "have to." In Nippon-go nakereba narimasen" is connected to a verb direcMy. Now learn it through the following examples: 1. Anata wa
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