Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun), 30 July 1942

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun)
  • 21 1 The Syonan Times 140 C*cU Strwt, Syonon-to I Telephone 5471. No. ISB THURSDAY, JULY 30, KOKI 2602, SYOWA 17 7 Cents
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  • 573 1 GEN. ABE DENOUNCES ALLIED HYPOCRISY Osaka, July 29. pERSISTENT Anglo-American attempts to main- tain unjustifiable world hegemony and to keep tithe peoples in East Asia and Europe under their ■thumb under the guise as "champions of democracy** Shave compelled
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  • 85 1 Buenos Aires, July £9, Domei. MR. Wendell Willkie, Republican Candidate of the 1940 Presidential Election, is likely to make a trip to India, China and Russia on a special mission for President Roosevelt, reports fronr London indicate. The reports revealed that one of the main
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  • 81 1 Lisbon, July 29. Domel. NIPPON planes again raided Port Darwin and Townsville on Tuesday, according to an American radio message received in Lisbon. It said that the Nippon aircraft appeared twice over Port Darwin during the night. Lisbon, July 29, Dome!. THE Australian Radio, quoting a
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  • 195 1 SOVIETS ADMIT LOSS OF ROSTOV NOVOCHERKASK Lisbon, July 29. Domei. IT is reported fro-n Moscow that a Soviet midnight communique admitted that the flaming city of Rcstov, the main gateway to the Caucasus, has fallen to German troops, after the most bloody fighting in history, according to the Scviet High
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  • 332 1 Tokyo, July 29. LT.-GEN. Teiiti Suzuki, President of the Planning Board, speaking before a_ rally at the Hlblya Public Hall Muudtaj rrtßtifcr"tJw*WiC' occasion of the nationwide campaign for further concentration of the nation's total
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  • 41 1 Lisbon, July 29. Domei. IT is reported from London that the British Air Ministry has announced that German bombers have raided twenty-three different areas in Britain, including: the Midlands, the East Coast and East Anglia.
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  • 130 1 Buenos Aires, July 29. TTHE shortage of bottoms Is seriously affecting war producticn of the United States, it was disclosed In a recent issue cf Fortune which arrived here from the United States Monday. In a desperate effort to overcome thLs
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  • 108 1 Lisbon, July 29. Domei. FTIHE British Admiralty Monday A announced that 40 officers and 455 ratings were lost in the sinkings in April in the Indian Ocean off Ceylon, of the Hermes, an air-craft-carrier of 10.000 tons, and of the 9,975 ton cruiser Dorsetshire.
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  • 50 1 Berlin, July 29. DomeL AOCORDJNO to a D.N.B. dispatch from Vichy, Vichy's first air raid alarm scunded op the night of July 24 when four British planes apprcaehed the c>ty at low altitude. However, aii planas fled when met by «+roc4 ground tue.
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  • 876 1 Tokyo, July 29. THE easy and secure role of the United States and the American people in the first World War and the difficult and straitened United State position in the present conflict, is
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  • 117 1 I Shanghai. July 29. •TTOE withdrawal of Chuen Lai. the official representative of the Chinese Communist Party in Chungking, from the ranks of the Communist Party has further intensified the long smouldering friction and ill-feeling between Chungking and the Chinese Communists, resulting in the calling of a special
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  • 96 1 In the Lisbon, July 29. FRANKLY admitting Nippon's armed strength. Walter Nash, New Zealand Minister to the United States who is now visiting London, in a Press interview on Monday declared that, although the United States claimed that her fleet scored a victory over Nippon's
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  • 822 1 Britain's "Conquest" India's Revolt I BRITAIN won her empire by conducting four great wars between the year 2399 and the year 2443, a period ot 44 years. These were Wars of Expansion and Aggression. Wars, which, when conducted by other nations, to-day, are roundly condemned by Britain herself as acts
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  • 89 1 Charhar Front, July 29. OUR Army Units, in a smashing offensive launched early on the morning of July 24, crushed 1,500 enemy troops belonging t the combined Coummunist 40th Regiment and a portion of th«* Communist Bth Regiment which has been concentrated near Tayuantsun. north east
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 60 1 il Nippon-Go It would be a waste of time to Apply for a typist's position unless jl. f yc4i ran handle a type- writer. In the same way J you will be at a dis- f advantage in applying r» for any position without a knowledge of Nippon- J «^C
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  • 354 2 Tokyo, July 29. A MERICAN interest in India lies in the fact that A Britain's treasure house can be "made to play an important economic and military part" for the ignited States, the Japan Times Advertiser declared, commenting on the role
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  • 109 2 Hukuoka, July 29, Domel. rIE former Premier Mr. Kokl Hi rota who returned here Sunday after completing his mission as Grand Envoy on our Pelicitatory Mission to Thailand, had a busy schedule Monday. In the morning, accompanied by his son and secretary, Mr.
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  • 150 2 Tokyo, July 29. IT Is apparent that the United states, taking: advantage of the rrt int war, is attempting to strengthen its military and economic control over the South American countries, the Yotuiuri tie lured in an editorial. The newspaper pointed that the I'nited
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  • 227 2 Buenos Aires, July 29, Domel. rpHE Army and Navy Register, an -I- American publication on military affairs, in its June issue sharply criticized American military staff officers' lack of concrete knowledge of what the troops duty really is. It asserted that they issue impractical orders because
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  • 335 2 TTT Canton, July 29. THE growing dissatisfaction and unrest among Chungking military and officials was heightened with the receipt of information from Chungking indicating that two Chungking commanders recently were executed by the authorities on alleged charges of engaging in war profiteering and ottier
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  • 121 2 Shanghai, July 29. rjIHE withdrawal of Chucn r"^ Lai» the official representative of the Chinese Communist Party in Chungking, from the ranks of the Communist Party has further intensified the long smouldering friction and ill-feeling between Chungking: and the Chinese Communists, resulting in the
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  • 61 2 Tokyo, July 29. 117ITH their shirt sleeves rolled y up and wearing shorts, eight noted literary men turned out en masse early this morning, not to contribute to the produc'tion of their literary genius, but to contribute their labour for the preliminary ground work
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  • 392 2 U.S. Ships Being Sunk Right Left Somewhere in the South Pacific, July 29. Dome: THE steel sharks of the southern seas, our Imperial Navy's submarines, in a series of devastating raids on Anglo-American merchantmen, have severed completely the main artery of supplies
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  • 118 2 Nanking, July 29. IT is revealed that the National Government of China will dispatch Mr. Lin Po-sheng, Minister of Publicity and concurrently Secretary of the Committee for the advancement,of the new National Movement which aims at the revival of China and the maintenance
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  • 125 2 Shanghai, July 27. JUTEL LANG FANG. world- renowned Chinese female impersonator, was accorded a rousing welcome yesterday afternoon when he arrived at the Shanghai aerodrome by plane from Canton. The veteran Chinese actor had been living a life of quiet retirement in Hong Kong,
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  • 289 2 Manchouli. July 29. DOPULAR interest has been 1 aroused among the Rumanian people In things Nippon as a result of our dazzling victories in the Greater East Asia War, according to Major-Gen. Sikao Fuzituka. Military Attache to our legation in Rumania, who arrived
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  • 146 2 Manila, July 28. /\UR Military Authorities in the v Philippines have decided to release provisionally 6,156 PhilipPine war prisoners in sound health from the internment; camp at Capas Tarlac Province The release will be effected by August 7. It is recalled that our Military Authorities
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 148 2 RUDIMENTS OF NIPPON GO GRAMMAR AND HOW TO SPEAK POLITE NIPPON-GO EDITED BY DR. WILLIAM THURIAPPAH, who was a student of The Gynaecological Institute of the Nippon Imperial Un.versity, Kyoto, Nippon. And Scrutinized Corrected by Dr. Makoto Moriya. Professor Okayama University, Nippon. Available at all leading Stores News Agents. In
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    • 649 2 I.EARN NIPIUN-OU: i.Ml'l'o.s «.<» i| M KiIMASVOI) LESSON No. 35. Kn?l'>» V.ppon-Go Pronunciation L I hare (there is) isu g:. nrimasu essoo gah ahreemahs a chair 2. I hare (there is) torikago mo arimaMi tohrrckah-rroh moh also a bird-case ahreemahs 5. I ;tni al: o coming- wataV.ii-■ mo mairitr.a'ti wa*i!d>fchee
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    • 288 2 Syonan Broadcasting Station Wavelength—2s m. A 225 m. Frequency—l2 Mes. 1,333 Ke%. Broadcasting Nightly 7 ta 10.30 p.m., Tokyo Time. Dates of Programme: TO-DAY 11 am. Nippon-Go Lesson for Chinese Schools broadcast in Mandarin: 11.15 Nippon-Go Lesson for Malay and Indian Schools broadcast in Malay; 11.30 Nippon-Go Songs for all
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  • 1050 3 THE following is a continuation, from yesterday's issue of the Syonan Times, of the article describing the very thorough and practical training which all young men entering our merchant marine service have to jro through. It reveals the secret of the wonderful
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  • 54 3 Lisbon, July 29, Domei. DEPORTS from London state that Churchill will again review the war situation before Parliament adjourns and his statement will be debated. It is said that members of all Parties have pressed for a debate in order that they can be told
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  • 311 3 <From Lourenco Marques, by Masuo Kato, Domei Staff Correspondent.) Lisbon, July 26. Domei. THE repatriation ships, Asama 1 Maru and the Conte Verde, are scheduled to reach Yokohama on Aug. 18 after stopping only in Syonan on Aug. 11. The crew were busy
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 524 3 SYONAN TOKUBETU-S1 NOTICE NO. 96 SUPPLEMENTARY TO SYONAN TOKUBETU-SI NOTICE NO. 74 As from July 29, until August 31. 2602, all persons (male and female) employed in licensed premises such as bakeries, biscuit factories, rake shops, meat shops, pork shops, fish shops, iv it ton shops, beef shops, food caterers,
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    • 999 3 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS GENERAL teSTS. VL HS. "aSS To Owners Of CONTRACT »OVE»TIS£mSt7 Translator For Syonan T%& &&'%£2S, aS2; Mot°r B**"*l <" Tokubetu-^i 20- Robinson Road, Phone 6526. m Jonore is available for contract I 138—139 Oyjers Mot°r Vehicles regis- adrertisement. in the Syonan jf&ssjtsiz-'SvSI eneed English/Nippon-,? SSEJ-" Accommodation Wanted tSi^Sfe^rtaSlf
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    • 485 3 SYONAN TOKUBETU-S1 NOTICE NO. 95 Registration of bicycles uitl end on Saturday, August 15, Unregistered bicycles fo ind nsed on any public thorough, fare in Syonan-to after August I 15, 2G02 rfill be I and the rider and or the owner thereof shall be severely dealt with. VIAYOr SYONAN TOKUBETIJ-SI
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  • 127 4 2,000 FAMILIES TO BE ASSISTED IN SETTLING ON LAND U/ITH the dual object of increasing the output of foodstuffs and rehabilitating the unemployed, the Nippon Military Authorities in Syonan have decided to convert a rubber plantation, of approximately 500 acres, into a farmland, says Domei.
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  • 213 4 rpHE following is a special pro- gramme arranged by the Comlort Artists' Party which they will broadcast to our officers and men at the front, from the Dai Toa Gekizyo from 7.40 p.m. to 8.20 p.m. to day. making good use of the opportunities
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  • 96 4 Tokyo, July 28. A PLAN for the establishment of a special committee for educational and technical liaison ,v/ork in Greater East Asia vas Approved at to-day's regular session of the Cabinet, following report of the plan by the Education Minister, Dr. Kunihiko
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  • 187 4 Medan, July 28. AN unswerving and complete support of the Chinese National Government at Nanking in its mission to achieve a rebirth of China was pledged by 35,000 Sumatra Chinese merchants today, when they assembled to form a new federation of Chinese
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  • 112 4 Borneo, July L7. j'THIRTY Chinese representing the Chinese residents in .JBomeo to-day pledged to donate rto the Nippon Military Authorities a sum equivalent to Yen '8.000.C00 to be raised in two tmonths for defence purposes. On behalf of the entire Chinese the representatives
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  • 154 4 Tokyo, July 28. THE Board of Information an- nounces that the Nippon Government has extended a Yen 100,000,000 loan to the Chinese National Government at Nanking, with the object of supporting the sound development of the note issuing system of the
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  • 94 4 Gihu, July 27. %A/ ITH representatives from 169 cities throughout Nippon attending, the 42nd Mayors' conference opened here to-day at the Gihu Public Hall. After electing Mayor Kunlmatu Matsuo of Gihu, as chairman of the conference, the attendants approved of the resolution expressing gratitude to
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  • 467 4 Nippon-F.I.C. Military Agreement Greatly Aided Our Malayan Burma Campaigns Dalat, French Indo-China, July 29, Domei. IIAILING the strengthening of friendly relations between Nippon and French Indo China ?M. De Boissanger, Chief of the [Foreign Department of the Govl ernment-General, stressed that two nations should further tighten relations through mutual tmderstanding
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  • 27 4 Ilolsteins on a typical Northern Nippon dairy farm. Livestock and dairy farming are very highly developed branches of our domestic economic structure.
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  • 124 4 WITH an initial capitalization of $2,800,000 for the first *^y^af'xthe Flnanc« Department of the Nippon Military Administration in Malaya will shortly establish a People's Bank (Syomin Ginko) in Syonan, with branch banks in each of the Malayan Provinces, says Domei. The
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  • 197 4 NATIONALS of Switzerland, Portugal, Russia, France Turkey, Afghanistan, Eire (Ireland), Argentina, Chile and Sweden, who are recognised as neutrals, will shortly have to register themselves according to an order just from Police Headquarters ir. Syonan. The order also states that all Jews, as
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  • 327 4 I Manila, July 28 MERNEO enemy nationals at the Internment camp at the Santo Tomas University are most Impressed by the freedom or speech and thought enjoyed by tnem which Is not suppressed or in anyway restricted by the Nippon military authorities. A
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  • 122 4 IN aNcivil suit before Judge Raja Musa bin Haji Bot, in the Syonan Kotohoin on Tuesday, judgment for $5,863.60 and costs was given In favour of a Syonan landowner named Lee Seng Huat. The plaintiff, who was represented by Mr. B. H. Chla, alleged that
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  • 81 4 Tokyo, July 27. •THE Foreign Office announces 1 the appointment of Mr. Motoharu Hitida, former ConsulGeneral at Vladivostok as the Nippon Minister to Afghanistan, which post has been vacant since last Autumn when Minister Kikuo Kobayasl died soon after his assumption of that office.
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  • 485 4 "IT is a matt« of great <oy and happiness to me, as it will doubtless be to all concerned, to be able to announce that a 'jentlemen's agreement' between Mohan Clngh Saheb. the Commander-in-Chief of the Indian National Army and myself has
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  • 780 4 Tokyo News Commentary W7HEN we come across a wicked wizard in a fairy tale, w\? '"are inclined to identify him with John Bull for he ruled •ver seven seas and enslaved a tremendous number of free citizens of the world and
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  • 147 4 I IP to yesterday you learned mi v/ the radio the use of u ri masu," crlmasu and imasu To-day you will be taught the negative form of "arimasu." For example, take th^> sentence "Kore wa hitsuji de wa arimasen meaning This us not a sheep."
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  • 161 4 AMONG a long list of person* concerned in alleged cases or profiteering, pending trial belore Mr. M. V. Pillai in the Svonan Keizi Tihohoin, are a number of proprietors and managers of restaurants who are alleged to have over-charged customers for certain dishes. One of the
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  • 57 4 Batavia. July 27 "THE Gedonggede Bridge, span- ning the TJitaroen River, east of Krawang In Eastern Java, which the Dutch Forces destroyed during their retreat, will be reopened to traffic froir. Julv 31 Reconstruction of the bridge, which is 180 metres Jor.g, wa« commenced
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