Sunday Tribune (Singapore), 28 September 1941

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Sunday Tribune (Singapore)
  • 15 1 The Sunday Tribune Net Sales Exceed '23,2oo Weekly SINGAPORE, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1941. FIVE CENTS.
    15 words
  • 150 1 I Shanghai, sept 27 j U7ITII the continued infiltra- li tion cf German oiTu ials and propagandists, a Ma«l "occupatic n" of Shanghai Hmilar to the occupation of I Italy and Japan, is pro ce ed~ ing apace, according to be l Am^ rita '»ouned
    Reuter  -  150 words
  • 172 1 British -Russian Relations Cordial ndon, Sept. 27. GERMAN propaganda, with its, U ready i.s now! spreading reports that m Iran' serious difficulties have alr»ad\ arisen between tb 0 British anc! j Russians. It is stated In L ndon that th/» German wish is fathe- to the thought, m fact,
    British Wireless  -  172 words
  • 87 1 hungking, Sept. L' 7. PHINESE foices along the eastern seaboard have launched x simultaneous ofT.-n^ive m Chekiang, Kiangsu, Anhwei and Kiantrsi provinces m an effort to ease the pressure on Chinesetroops m Hunan where the situation remains critical, as little Chinese information is now available.
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  • 583 1 \Less Cautious Policy Called For IHE British public is becoming critical of the Army's policy of extreme caution and wants to see British forces fighting side by side with the Russians or making night raids along the enemy coastline declared Col. J. W.Wedgwood, M.
    Reuter  -  583 words
  • 38 1 Rome. Sept. 27. AN Italian communique 10-ciay .states that, Tripoli. Benghazi and Palermo were raided. It adds that three raiders were shot down and a fourth made a forced landing, the crow being captured.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 161 1 Rome. Sept 27 "OREAD will bs rationed m Italy. This wa* the announcement m.ide foltowlna meet'.nß ol the Italian cabinet this morning under the presidency of Mussolini Mussolini stated that the wheat crop this year reached figure of 71 1 2 million quintals, nimely 500.000 quintals
    Reuter  -  161 words
  • 34 1 A Thing Of Beauty S me neople can get away l with it all the time. Here you I see Dorothy Lamour as a real j denizen of the under-world but Dorothy's still beautiful
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  • 86 1 20 Hostages Murdered Berlin, Sept. 27. TWENTY well- known "commu- rotats" held as hostages w?re shot yesterday, according to an announcement by the military ccmmander of Belgium anc 1 Northern France, states a Brussels dispatch to the cfficial German news agency. On Tuesday, the message adds, explosive material was stclm
    Reuter  -  86 words
  • 178 1 Nazi Landing Party (15,000) Wiped Out JL Linden, Sept. 27. T'KE head of the pclitical admini--4 stration of the Soviet Baltic Fle:t, M. Lebedev, bioadcasting from Leningrad yesterday evening, and relays*** by Moscow Radi: denied G:-rman claims about crippling the Soviet Fleet by stating that the battleships. Marat and October
    Reuter  -  178 words
  • 41 1 Cairo «i j tbya: Tobruk In the Wl ssctoi yesterday ou r artillery effecUvsfr engaged an enemy working party, Lharint; the night our patrolling activity c llmasd." statss Cairo communique "In tho frontier area I importance to report.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 265 1 ANOTHER JAPANESE EVACUEE VESSEL Tokyo, Sept. 27. npHE Japanese Forth- n Office announced to-djy that ih-j Nippon Yusen Kaisha liner Hie Maru (11,621 ton*) mailed from Ko4>e last Monday to bring hack :J0() Japanese evacuei from India, the Near East and East Africa. The vc;;sel is due to arrive at
    Reuter  -  265 words
  • 141 1 Nazi Envoys' Plans Changed Ankara, Sept. -JY. VON PAPEN, German Ambassador to Turkey, had his holiday at Istanbul and returned to Ankara on Monday, state circles m dose touch with the Axis. A report from the same circles think his return may be due to acids that Von Papen had
    Reuter  -  141 words
  • 425 1 Early Rains In The Ukraine London, Sept. 27. gTRENUOUS fighting continues all along the Russian front, it is learned m authoritative circles m London to-day. There are. however, no details of the progress of th e battle at any given point. The Russians still hold part at least of the
    Reuter  -  425 words
  • 149 1 i Tokyo, Sept 27. i DRINCF Konoye, Japanese j Prime Minister, to-day sent this message to Hitler i and Mussolini: "On the cc- cf the first anniver- j S saiy of the i it, r n«ng a.f the i tripartite pact, I wish
    Reuter  -  149 words
  • 123 1 British Pilots Study Red Maps MOSCOW 27. BUSILY poiing over and charts, Britisli pilots of the F.A.F. vying m Russia are learning as quickl;* as possible the geography conditions and ftghti bil'ties of the region they arc, defend together with Soviet .-.inner.. A special col respondent 6t the Soviet
    Reuter  -  123 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 122 1 dSasa\\Hßssssi /ft'sjK CLEANED ADJUSTED REPAIRED EZEKIEL B CD OPTOMETRISTS* OPTICIANS 3 CAPITOL RUll nmn SINGAPORE ESTD 10 YEARS- R prime quality mp^s^^t* k\\fm\ amfK. A^SS Mj4P 4, V^ Amßs mm a> -x- *^?Ja«iSaffC^k^"^a^BsaoHsa^iS^iJS^^ > Offftfifißr m -j J3F Jb j&!»J^aßpr -^s, *"*^m AA "00. "^>. '•^^s^ktTnßs^^SsV'V "x awaawvmws >" wS3y
      122 words
    • 73 1 J^M. Tm\M aJ Jrajt M_ M ISM I^M^t cVKEY 5 STAR BRANDY |pj| On no othr r Empire Brandy will 00^^^ ci this guarantee which is *^f^ your pi n against Immaturity. J 7".', «!<»•' -f^^****^ This is ycur assurance that you are „.w..T"^^ purchasing a genuinely matured ■**n»ta?iwi •*«^VJ^»"
      73 words

  • 214 2 Problem Before World Scientists "f THINK the problem of large-scale planning m international affairs will become acute soon after the war is over," declared AI. Maisky, Soviet Ambassador to London, presiding at to-day's session which discussed "science and world planning' of tin- Hritish Association. M Mai riy said the day
    Reuter  -  214 words
  • 92 2 Washington, Sept. 27. THE United States star. ds to-day on the threshold of World War No. 2." says Colonel FVank Knox, Secretary of the United States N In an article In tho Foreign Commerce Weekly. The article continues. "It is Imperative that we take
    Reuter  -  92 words
  • 122 2 Singapore, Saturday. A MUCH larger profit than that of the previous year Wajkt. announced by Mr. S. Q. Wong, chairman of the Eastern I nited Assurance Corporation, Ltd., at the 28th annual general meeting of the Corporation held at the registered office of
    122 words
  • 139 2 Chungking, 8 jpt v.l THE present Japanese offensive m S Kwangtung Province appears to be closely co-ordinated with the drive towards Chang hv Japanese forces li\ m Canton arc rncvlng northward m two c >lumns, one sUiking from Fuhoyu, norihwest of Tsengcbeng. anu the ether moving
    Reuter  -  139 words
  • 81 2 AN rxccllent piece of acting ls the .mineral verdict on this play ol Bane Lyndon, which was stimecl last nU;ht st the Victoria Hall by the Inland Committee. Singapore audiences will remember the him. but the play with Ite alternating ecenes of tension and light relief
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  • 69 2 Washington, Sept. 27. |T is believed i: Washington that the German raider Tamesis which torpedoed and sank the Egyptian steamer Zamzam, I ./self been sunk, although th British Nav> ha- nat confirmed this. Replying to a request by MM State Department, the German Foreign Office stated
    Reuter  -  69 words
  • 158 2 London, Sept. 27 THE Ministry of Supply states that tank and tank components production m the first five days of -Tanks for Russia" week is well ahead of the figure for the first days of last week— and tne last was a record. It should
    British Wireless  -  158 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 648 2 tot oiuou, aifmmfm /artenes and Heart V ammW^Ma *9bka a" sssssn I And Stop Limping OON'T let Leg Trouble; cnpple you. Take Elasto, the Great New Biomedical Remedy that cures through the blood, and have done with enforced rest. m*virj, sum ring and expense. Leg aches and pains soon vanish
      648 words
    • 20 2 TURE Is your life one long torture through the maddening iv h of skin disease Then lose no tim Reuter6
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    • 107 2 PIMPLES RASHES, BLOTCHES DISAPPEAR LIKE MAGIC! To tho woman who values her personal charm anything m the nature ol a skin eruption is unthinkable. So always keep a •ajtaJaol DJD.D. Preacriptioo bandy ready to baniak £mpfea, Sou blotches, rashes and ro*ußhn«s tmrne- J**** detect them. The soothing, be^lina K^oT DDE),
      107 words
    • 162 2 «ooa k i A I with OKASA it^V' *i*\A*jl^' fSl^^^iHal No matter how old you are and whHs K^ -K^^^^^:^^^^SaH^3BßHW^Baaßa^^Bßal f-? £k*j^. v j jf.' "j'_ is* .i^aSKfc IrSm*^:?.' "4 i^'«B^*-l) OKASA. the original and genuine (iland-Hormone Tonic, is raa^sam**-- J available at all leading chemists. Large .57.50, Small $2.75
      162 words

  • 560 3 BIG RICE WASTAGE IN MALAYA People Must Be "Educated 9 IJrv J, > Sunday Tribune Staff Reporter) J-Ji NDKEDS of pounds oi vitamin food, which, at one stroke, could wipe out tho major cause oi* malnutrition m Malaya, are daily being led to pigs! ou know all about this food
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  • 633 3 National Art Can Be Seen To-Day I^o-1). \Y people who ;ire interested m the system of physical training m venue m Chinese schools throughout this country will have a chance to see this art <d' self defence tlis- piaved hv masters. i This system received its
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  • 223 3 New York, Sept. 27. A DRAMATIC meeting took place In Brooklyn Federal Court yesterday at the resumed hearing of the long-drawn spy trial. William Sebold ana Walter Nipken, who 30 years ago played together as children m the Streets of lfulheim m Germany, met again
    Reuter  -  223 words
  • 37 3 THERE was one fatal road acci- dent last week as compared with four the week previ »us while 15 were injured. So far, 77 people have been killed and 1939 sons, injured In acciden
    37 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 974 3 1 sSaSr ~"«w\ T" :ut V, ,Ulh Nanir.- ...cant Ito br youn a!! you, 1,,,*. .She s» VC < fr h nf vvhie bdoa he I ou,er 1 V! meant the old dried-un camclc impcrcepubly to tall aW ay lr^t beauty? yo3SB tarHriaaaa vu P *et thi, remain to dog
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    • 839 3 HOW SANMOREyM PATiiKT PUT ON P2U NDS of FLESH >.* _j f I jiJaSm. tSjm\\\\wVM '<t™F^? INCREASE (,1-j-t TOUR WEIGHT THIS EASY WAY fIX .Not only this sanatorium patient, but xf^^^*^^B^ wanhoqc hundreds of men, women and children TASfci c have put on weight, by taking these tiny, tasteless, flesh-forming
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  • 1628 4  - A WOMAN PEEPS AT SINGAPORE Vera Ardmore )^.*^|)y _r-w*»*.._^ am EVERY Thursday since the war began helpers of the women's section of the Malaya Pan iotaFund have worked at Government House receiving, sorting, packing clothes for those v ho need them In England. They felt, the other day, that they
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 450 4 PALAIS des MODES 7—9, STAMFORD ROAD, Berlei Maiden Form Foundations- Panties Brassieres JUST UNPACKED TOOT A L PRODUCTS "LYSTAV -IIOBIA" LATEST DESIGNS -LATEST SHADES S. A. MAJEED CO., 70 HIGH STREET. THONE; '..121 jjjUjjjjjjjj^ mamamam mmmmammammmmk i idi? fi *_____<. _____rL4______________^^ TMW^^ ___r Ajmaamu ___r N '-4r ss ?V -sP^i
      450 words
    • 194 4 Coughing, Strangling Asthma, Bronchitis Curbed m 3 Minutes Do you have attacks of Asthma or r?ronrhitia so bad that you choke and pasp for breath and can't sleep? Do you cough so hard you feel like you were being ruptured? Do you feel weak, unabV to work, md have to
      194 words
    • 148 4 Canada, had lost 40 lbs., suffered coughing, choking and strangling every ni-rh*', < ouldn't sleep, expected to die. Mendaco stopped Asthma spasms f.rst r.ight and he has had none since In over two ears. Money Back Guarantee The very first dos. of Mendaco goes right tn work circulating through your
      148 words
    • 68 4 To he fair and younger is the dearest wish of every woman over thirty. They won't look younger by a year if they try to hide their wrinkles with makeup but they will certainly be younger by ten if they begin a simple home beauty treatment with EVELYN ASTROVA Face
      68 words
    • 27 4 STOP THAT HEADACHE BY THE a. p. dp DOSE i W> m ITO 2 W^OO^SL£TS k m 9m mmv^ mM **aam\\\mamwM\ jZL* <^_M_l__^* f Jj I —*»»^_____i
      27 words
    • 172 4 What Children Should Know Children should be brought np fn* their earliest years to realise the importance of regularity of the daily habit, and nothing should be allowed to Interfere with this function. When a laxative is necessary. and erety child needs one at times, there is notWai more suitable
      172 words

  • 1116 5 H. L. Hopkin Tells Of London Papers Attack On Information Chief London, Sept. r HAVE regretfully to report that a London columnist has taken a dirty crack al thr- Department of Information and Publi- True, Ihe columnist is Hani tion for vitriolic comment to kee] extracts a
    1,116 words
  • 64 5 (WiTH GOLD) Men Whom Women Admire. Before bUI s\stem teaches serious proportions <»r M i"k io\ er «s. Ciuer int > de_>ta_ <.i despondency, to regain complete control orei shattered nerves due to whatever causa and to enjoy a sparkling health with iN thrill of living take a course
    64 words
  • 163 5 Hearing Restored in Twenty- Four Hours T». .-irru m and Head !read< d any long* 1 r all m American F'h> i. i for some of the n,< Deafnen to be r> _ev< d In i i iiii« atlon of the Spantex. This treatment la tvi'l aucc< n m untiles
    163 words
  • 96 5 Good health is the first requisite How often have we envied -.omo man or woman who hasdltnhed tc fin I, fame. A! 1 v, of course, |a of great irr.jtortan. < rt without, food health, one can never achieve hi_ ambiiiona. For more than HO j
    96 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 752 5 As I Was yl IjS m t or bon< d i ollectoi I tO "Tlda, saiya punya bini (wife) suda pigi Rukit Frazsr," I replied. Aca bottle.. Ti tie feed 1 aln i that a niarrird I man should realise tha »<; who j hesitates i-, bossed. Johnson showed vp
      752 words
    • 32 5 I r a Lm* Has just the ri^ht alkaline character fto neutralise ali»rdinner acidity ®F&N SINGA W a r i n Mineral Water from llic Scletai iiot SpVtnr Singapore Fraser Neavc, Limited
      32 words
    • 415 5 m amm /_^^X tHea,s ZAM-BUK The f&^^r Finest Ointment For VA/HEN you smear Zam-Buk on injured or diseased skin it soothes and cures m the y*--U. shortest possible time. The valuable herbal o,!s f^~~^\ m Zam-Buk are absorbed into the tissues, soothing Kj^ \\j\ pain, reducing swelling and drying up
      415 words

  • 1037 6  -  Benighted Belinda w AVIGNZTTE has come into our hands /torn someone who know* a little about the East. Without necessarily representing the views of this paper it gives an interesting sidelight on life "East of Sue:.'' "DEFORE coming cut to Borneo I was a housemaid
    1,037 words
  • 258 6 The Sunday Tribune Sunday, Sept, 28, 1941. Evacuation JjVACl [ON exercises hith fto held in Singapore have lacked reality. Out of coi-ideration for the convenience of the public, the authorities have hesitated to order an actual practice evacuation of the areas affected, and the spirit of public co-operation is so
    258 words
  • 764 6 FiSMEE' mm THOUGH not a ruminant, 1 am sometimes given to ruminating Now don't get wrong ideas Into your head. Ruminate means to chew the cud, mediate, ponder. Not being equipped by nature for chewing the cud— though who can tell what transformations will be seen by the time
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  • 441 6 Secrets OI The Surgery MTUS raising children is a business, you know," said Rembridjre on Monday. "I certainly do know." I replied feelingly. "What are the rules after all?" she said. "Oh. I .lcn ,f kirw Thr v oVpenc. nn c-emmon sense and thoughtfulness and a constant study.
    441 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 481 6 f$ V Renders sw& 1 coarse red m at m \fi i. \J™ i skin smooth j* was. •<* < l VM? 1 n<^ supple Wmm\ ji_3_y ••and avoicTytHX BLEMISHED 1 aaw amama a a mwamamasw i Anf(septic C /eons. SK N V ,ng; pur/f,es _H B^ ■i^ V $W
      481 words
    • 86 6 I a_-^i.fc___r?_H__^-^v>>»- j |B 3pr< !*Vs£l I^Nfc^^J 3 i^**^-! m^Lm\\^'*^^^ '^^^A "^^B_-_-_-^flB^_y /_fl __T_b ___^> "_2_Vv -Bt-^a Y^^^™^a_pfa /I HJ^-^Vw^ li-_^>i T v "k _-k\ _M^* i_^§^^^^^^'*' i WrAm W BaKfe^ J />_Bi >_^^___ Wwfjf B I to take to pieces, nothing to unscrew. Stropping I I and cleaning are
      86 words
    • 279 6 NURSE SAVSF f DeWiff's JLjtj jmamm ty /mm r **h Hjjj^gfr Vmm s \st aat F mmr Wonderful J\^ f__i T SJ /-I __l mm\anr^^^^ I I t^rnvr Amm __L ABmmr^^ai I That is why this Nurse's Made especially for weak praise of De Witt's Pilis kidneys, De Witt's Pills
      279 words

  • 82 7  -  John Wallis <B> Reuter's Special Correspondent In Tnrkej >. Ankara, Bept. 27 A COM] demoralisation of the Rumanian troops has followed thi Ir terrific losses outside a, it is authoritatively learned In Ankara The (i< rman; are Insisting that they t> by other Rumanian divisions who are now
    82 words
  • 216 7 ROOSEVELT WANTS SHIPS, MORE SHIPS, London, Sept. 27. gHII'S and moie ships were called for by President Roosevelt m an address to-day on the occasion of the launching of I I ships from "Liberty shipyards" throughout the States— the greatest number ever launched on a single day. The address stated,
    216 words
  • 96 7 Ankara. .S<«; •pHE Turkish Ambassador to ROiu. arrived st Ankara for consujtatl His visit has excited the greatest |nte ni diplomatic circles. rhere have been perslstenf report* recentlj ol growing v .r<-t n, i v v id the Fascists are becoming increaii.igly unpoPUlar. Travellers .state tfiat
    96 words
  • 82 7 A 1 mora. Sept. 27. ACCORDING to a n.essage from Oarblang, a high official frcm Tib?t. with 500 soldiers, has arrived a Thakchin, whTe robbers have pitched their tents The army tried its best to en circle the robbers but did nit succeed atid had to
    Reuter  -  82 words
  • 66 7 Chungking, Sept. 27. HEN. Chiang Kai-shek ard th' Vi war minister Gen. Ho Yinr 'hrc this afternocn attended th funeral of Mr. Chang Chi Luar late editor-in-chief of the m fluential Chinese daily Ta Kun Taoi who died m Chungking 01 Sept. 6. This disproves
    Reuter  -  66 words
  • 137 7 Peiping, s-pt 27. 'Delayed m transmission) QUESTIONED about the disappear- j anee of Mrs. Denzil Clark. Japa-nese-born wife of th? press attach I al th. British Embassy, v.ii has been missing since Saturday, ali that the Japanese military spokesman could say wa.s that the Japanese military and
    Reuter  -  137 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 332 7 for beauty. r ____flk _b_^ i_r~"* kmWr *_4 W^ ihe girl with fair skin has MORE sex appeal and A'iure then the girl with a S'«;n«!anned complexion." what Ie tuty experts say. And It's 1 1 fait loveliness and sm 1 c omplariof) more than anything else. So *.i> .."t
      332 words
    • 338 7 Grand News for HEAD-COLD SUFFERERS I i_\N__ matasmoOmm Mw w L_R&a*Bi B ramtkimg la AmWm s_r m\t\\yas MTMi I —Wa vBL ml Br.mtktmi jßj Two aniffa sf Nmut Mmdical Compound Clmmr Sturrmd-mp Nmmtrilm m 30 macmrsdm. Look at the diagrams above. One minute you're stuffed-up with a heavy cold. Nasal
      338 words
    • 124 7 Jcmc and C^cndtticit {JJcwJLexzir The basis of good health m all dogs la pure, cool blood. When a dog's blood becomes impure, his system becomes sluggish. He gets listless, his appetite wanes, his coat loses bloom.' All wise owners and breeders give their dogs a regulai weekly course ot Sherley's
      124 words
    • 1384 7 EVEN MILK FOODS Turned to GALL And ACID Yeast-Vite Tablets Are The I™rapTd jjßest Thing results i|i v c wr The Secret of the immense S J| _Ld mLA TK* i success of Yeast-Vite lies, of SI course, ln the fact that it ls an S m 2 accurate scientific
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 316 8 IA GAI N IT'S THE TALK OF TOWN!! 3 %ll|| io.iiay CAPITOL L i IO A.M. 4.15 and 9 p.m. j M.G.Ms Magnificent TECHNICOLOUR _i 1 Mm. i_l* nr r m^ nn a.m aj a 7 m y§ wa> m m Km: wixiir* Starring Smwataai fl_M_a_H_ril^__ i^_^_^_^b W *"2^T *lt%
      316 words
    • 358 8 TO-NIGHT'S DANCE 9-12 P.M. titiL __________2_l__f^ i Mi l v v«!' v r^iifirr¥d-t s m ITi v! it^NliTAliJ lIA_\.SAI\T Till MOST POrULAK Singapore's Afternoon Dance YVVVVYYY V V V V V V V V V V V y v DANCERS' INTEREST v V V i Ballroom dancinf lessons and season's
      358 words
    • 235 8 A SHOWS n iWIA j TO-DAY PAVILION 11 a.m.. :M">. r,.]7> ?>.l"> B v r mm. 9a^^ J*^mm^m»Smmw£*r^aatmM^a^^^ ar 'asS^r* Ammmr tXwAwF*^^^^ >_? iiL. ■^W^i rtt ftPf-*' t_ **—^^»*^HBB— JJ*. -x.. *fi_ V .^-J-W* l^^ _^A- ■^ft*' -Skb. ~ghfc mmmf SS* *Sw9lr^ iMmtSw jit i' _i_lS_ oc_S***> 'T pr vP*Sfc^;
      235 words
    • 288 8 TO-DAY II A.M. 3-15, 6-15 9-15 P.M. < o-______t_Fj ■uFrnr"3F_Br X kauio re! ji _l^Xl t_ iin ImV ii_ NOW SHOWING WITH Gl UCCESS lo ENTHUSIASTIC AUDIENCES! SQn__Mr_a'* WBam^mmmmmmmwLr^ *o _^_^vi __B__^PV_^^^l i.ilw v J l iflWTl 3 1 '__fc .< *>»"i 4 m^\mmaar\W C^V C^' L_^___-*^n .1_ m J^B
      288 words

  • 39 9 Domestic Occurrences REQUIEM HIGH MASS 1! 1 1 11 1 Hl8h Ma for th, rruS H anclsca Oomos will be The f' 2 h Se P te^ber, 1941 S' 1 u '"dance of relatives and irienda \a earnestly solicited
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  • 322 9 'IMiIBQUIZ says thai highbrow^ those who w* to food ploys and read good lx»oks, will find this <|viz money for jam. So see if you are one of the intelligentsia. If voe like caraway-seed cake, perhaps you know thai the seeds are A root vegetable the fruit
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 395 9 BE IN oik CINEMAB TO-NIGHT IND YOI LL lil HELPING AIR-RAID VICTIMS IN I MiIAND. aaW ■AJ a, a\ 1 "mm J j\ M mJM TO-NIGHT i« i Dansant rrom 7.:.0 pm Ute Dance, .».:jo to Midnight Patrons are cordially invited tO hear or to dance to the music of
      395 words
    • 284 9 Gain 5 Lbs. In 7 Days Don t v>o dl_no*an_a**l if v *"i arp ffil underweight tired out. sickly— unable to I m oun* c of nosh or Rtrehgth no matt. r what you .at. California i i n er. bm ribing for an.} treating tw.- < inema I "f
      284 words
    • 556 9 Glands Made Active .nd Youthful Vigour Restored m 24 Hours American Doctor's Discovery Strengthens Blood, Nerves, Body, Memory, Brain, Muscles, and Endurance Better Than Gland Operations. Thanks to the discovery of an American Doctor, it is now possible for those who feel prematurely old, Kun-down and Worn>ut, to experience again
      556 words
    • 351 9 Stoo say that the VI-Tabs k formula is marvelous for 1 those who are old before j thefr time, Run-down, and A Worn-out. For Instance, I Dr. T. A. Ellis, of Canada, I recently wrote: "Not only k does this formula enrich the blood supply of red corpuscles, but It
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    • 129 9 CATHAY 4 SHOWS TO-DAY II A.M. 3.15 6.15 9.15 11,300 FEET OF THRILLS AND ROMANCE! TYRONE POWER mTaSSSm "HIOOI» and SAND" aHaa HB-B----aHM--H-_aH-a_|H_H_aa_a_a_Haaiaa M IN TfbtilNH OLOI I. NOTE: The 11 a.m. Matinee jffn~_fi^_ii? Century To-day will be preceded b\ a \4Ell___i_*-»' series of 8.M.1. Dmumen *^__ulk-. THE SINCAPORE MUSICAL
      129 words

  • 1221 10  -  C. L. Cheah Bt f |/i:i) LIM and myself just uldn't help falling m love li Rozalie Chen, charming i t the Terpsichorean. Unlike many other taxi-dancers, though vivacious, was g Id-digger. c had a voice that made you •ft and dreamy. When i a tango,
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  • 231 10 j Leering at us. "TV drop you twc j when we're In deep enouprh water. You should know better than defy me when I'm after a woman." He picked up two lead weights then and came towards us. s, emingty there was only one other man with
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 355 10 aa** Aa%a\ P>___ Jo&®®& *J _^_^_^_^_^_^_IB^' jAm\m^Amm\m±. fl sr i*_ '4! _H_yk\*\^MMMMMMMm\\\\Wf^^^m- l_jfe-v--,'B| aaa\\m\a\a\j^ aEr-st \Y/HEN every meal is followed by pain, at discomfort or heartburn ffii__ifgmi^^ t when you can't bear V _jftfc^S 1 the thought of food and ..<■.:•_'£ you act like a bear with a 'W^^W^'-' sore
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    • 530 10 Use A Pound A Day This New Easy Way f^J^L-^" Banish That Uql-JN \f fA mmm^Jrj Useless Fat. A Neui pk. -^g^jf^rjj^ Discoveri| f rom Hollij,^P^l^^^ >^v wood, Calif. Used by I Cinema Stars. Makes C\ You Look and Feel j \ID Years YounqerJ f '-'•'*T/*^ct l **boae dearest to
      530 words
    • 329 10 Highßiooo Pressure Dangerous to Hear! Thouf*?.n<l* of mm and women t>a»t fare the dangftrfi of heart trouM- B *J ysla beoaus* of Hi K n l;i.».r. Prea.^ HiKl) II" Pn lU jj > that causes more d<;tth "'>n canni-T largal3 b< s ,7,r*» toms for itidii stion or some simple
      329 words

  • 215 11 UuINXING five-nil against the Police vev.eidav ai Anson Koad Stadium, the S.C.F.A. qualified to OICCI the ll VF. Ihe holders, m a replay lo decide the ism of the iirst division champion-hip. L. th the teams hay, now 42 points from 23 games,
    215 words
  • 285 11 The Rest. I |)ts Newcomers. 3 pts. DLAYING under ideal eond lions, th Singapore Cricket Cluh lield their tirst rUgW] match for the StO SOM wlai the Htst met the Newcomers m.l rousing game on the Padang and won by 9 points (three tries) to :i ta
    285 words
  • 285 11 Large Crowd At War Fund Gymkhana npHf Singapore Polo (fob's nrmkhana Meetinn the Baleatier »t«»;uf poln Kround, m aid ot lln W;ir Pund. yesttr«i.i\ evening h;k a ereat saeceu, the various original events holding tin* interest ol the large crowd from beginning to end. i c Band ol the Manchester
    285 words
  • 230 11 S V Neu York, sept i JOE Louis .md 1. I. ii Nova Bnlshed serious tralnhig tor the world heavyweight battle t.,kmu place m the New Vnik polo grounds on > Monday and While the he? tin- shows the champion, Louis, i, 1 > the
    230 words
  • 109 11 qcoring the deciding goal late m the second half, the R.A.F. (Kalian*)! eliminated the N.B. Gorihthians from the Challenge Cup competition, winning 2-1 In their replay at the SH B ground yesterday. The hrst game ended m a 2all draw. Half-time was one-*all V -V— •piiE following
    109 words
  • 419 11 'ITi. following ai, tht hand! w»n foi events for the first «i Kuala Lumpur on Saturday, tin- '-1 daj .1 tin* Selangor autumn nn .n>-; rop-weighl nut acceptins, weights id I c 1* !h. order of running will he published j .Iter acceptances close at 11
    419 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 308 11 m ßreatheable Cure /jS^^^^^^^.^^ coughs m?**^m Bronch itis /_■&>,,, 'J& troubles, so you must breathe m /flfefljjfj W *mW\ I aken regularly, Peps provide this _^i_._^t>! A ideal, direct treatment. W /i/ Dissolved m your mouth a I»eps /_Z^_r~ \^my -H: j-l /T^^<\ releases rich, medicinal esstna's, if N3__l>'' which
      308 words
    • 240 11 s .ai-v-dr^ l *_nvT R _^-__-_P_rt-W---m-i----H-l- l _(_f |B-W_mM--B_l ftp*—.— _L_y"-/#s p T "'">_^^^^l_B_^_■_^p■ *rv <y 77^^^j-*ss*w*»_f mmammm, 2 M 1 1 ij^m| l^TO^^ g 1&. _rN»~S-R _L_ > l '__nraH^ !_^^_F^_^fe>i^ *Np^^ aR» ;___ft9ws?fT« 'iT^___HM_fc2.. <%. a_S 3^y^'t3t^yi-_P'____BEffljw£n-J?i. wBu<S3J»s_BS_§MW^« *£_^__H B_F 4E&_i_H -HBBre 4*91 '^^^^s^v- -a^tr "*_p^ %^^^»^^^3^^^ffi^?- ,i^nflHpS'
      240 words
    • 245 11 urn SLEEPLESS? jA\%W mkrmm. uEMSPRIX ;.i:_,lils when \<»u v'• md tun i! nitit* foi sleep, t.ike iw o abl< is w ienasprin See quickh ii brings sound I !< naspi m tiarmlea B >me i ..or- (P.o Boa 1 1. Kiijl.. Lum l-lF XT/ jk v JSr y ___s 4
      245 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous

  • 50 12 Bangkok, Sept. 27. For tho lirst lime ships belonging to DM of the Japanese lines nn th*.* Bangkok-Japan run will m future call at Songkhla (a -outh ThaJ port) for cargoes on their return voyage to Japan, according to an ■■confirmed local L-resa report.* Reuter
    Reuter  -  50 words
  • 60 12 London. Sept 2 UR, Rowland, Second D puty Undrr-Secrctary of State to thr Air Ministry has been appointed a supplementary member of the British delegation to tht Three-Power talks In Moscow, Recording to an announcement from Moscow Rad.o to-c) jor-Genoral Chnney will be Ituted
    Reuter  -  60 words
  • 398 12 SOVIET TAKE INITIATIVE ON ODESSA FRONT New York, Sept 27. LARGE scale parachute operations were attempted I v the Germans m the third day of the Crimea battle from Eupatoria to Thcodosia after the Germans had failed to force the passage at the Perekop Isthmus, says a Heme dispatch to
    Reuter  -  398 words
  • 94 12 Bangkok. Sept. 21. THE preparedness of Huns 1 nd Burma to meet any emergencies and the strong nat onal unity and stamina brhind China's resistance was stressed by Dr. Carlos Romulo, a newspaper magnate from the Philippines now m Bangkok on a round trip from Manila. He
    Reuter  -  94 words
  • 78 12 R.A.F. Defy Weather London, Sept 27 "THOUGH unravel weatnei continued t ham per operations, aircraft of th Bomber Command attacked ot\ jectivea at Cologne and eh* where m Western German; night/ states an Air Miniitrt. communique to-day. *W docks at Calais and Dunkirk were also bombed. One of our aircraft
    Reuter  -  78 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 396 12 WHY y\\mT Suffer \N%r with INDIGESTION ]t "Iy need lew but (Kan^erous Needles be< ansa any doctor will tell you that heartburn, flatulenoe, wind and many I I' rmi RtonUM h pain are due to rx y m bu b irrit.ttes the drlicato i' b lining and causes food fermen:i.
      396 words
    • 84 12 I 1 Mj B_l_^. c THEORY. «ib__ as _H_a_ni_^_«_B^ m V Mr a^^^a ammmr J rammm. A^Aw m mw. AarsS I an p afl a__^__ VyiVSR C3OMK The V yner Gomel School of Dancing: and Music Oxley Chambers, Orchard Rd., Phone 7007. JUST ARRIVED!! CHILDREN'S ANNUALS EOR 1942 MALAYAN GREETING
      84 words