Straits Times Weekly Issue, 5 September 1893

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Straits Times Weekly Issue
  • 60 1 The Straits Times WEEKLY MAIL ISSUE. JgfABLISHED, 1831.] BtTABUMIKP, 18 I. Tin* dail> Straits Ttnarg in The k |vs,rai,sn^: UjJt Zll\ St "S^ i— ta <«iifs 4| <O |M. S4 a qi ,arfer post free in Malaya. $9i a nioiitli post fr«'o an> m li<rr. a quarter post frrc anv»hrr<\
    60 words
  • Article, Illustration
    49 1 faeStrAits Ti ae3 ius the largest circaUtioa ol aay a3W3paper !nAsu. British [udia exoeptei. It circulate in Singapore and Penan?, throu all the ftot3:t3l of Ite lay ftain3ala, ia Siam, Borneo, I Syrian is Inlias, the Philipipmes. ani F i Indo^Ghina. lootherEistern newspaper b so mdesprea I a circalation
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  • 144 1 IMfOaM4LB i an i 3 Mitl Sil> iri»H TkhHm f'.i)' 1 AML'SKMKMr.-. L»dio^■ Lawn Tennis Tonrnam all. d j- Club. Local*. Market qaotat i Df]>irturtj of H B. Sir < lemenii buiith The Afltiag Ttk-- Offioe. ■:i-y W. E M txirell, th« Acting ratnor. j New Ptaeuger
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  • 440 1 18l PTKMBBK. 1893. Pmodjcb. "5^ >G.45. 2 I 10^25. jbvSE imwak 2.724. Pearl Bruuiji 242 n*i rl> > 3.40. 5 69^ l[; n 36.12/.. .O^- eu Lil)er «^n 36.00 a small Flake,.'. 4.25. r d Ist quality 4.90. J° *ed. flake, 4.25 t^ Pearl 4.15. oo med.
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  • 634 1 The P. O. s. s. R'lvtiiii't Übkei tbis week's mail for Barope. The imil for Europe next week is fixed for the M. M. s. s. Yarra, to leave on the 12th instant. The M. M. s. s. Occanien with the mail from Europe of the
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  • 1053 1 France and Siam. London, 28th August. The parleying at Bangkok is at a standstill. The exact demands now made by France are kept secret. The English newspapers are re- Dewing their iiff«i'-k>. ani accuse lnu of .-••-•kin.r to ft .1 L s.-ini protectorate over Si im. Pour Preoch
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  • 114 1 M i> v i:i' it booked to I i M s-.'il! 111 _r.t >rv «>m t!» |s CJ <»!» i j. r o Mi 'i \i > Su|>r.-iii <»l J ii. li. -itiMv, af i n til-* P. J <» mill li'ihi/fi tlii> morn join- M .*****.
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    • 334 2 France and Siam Tbb newt from London regarding i!>e negotiations at Bangkok is of I serious nature. It is true that the information in to-day's telegram doei not add rery much to the Cacti ai we knew them j s terday but it tri\.'s the information thai the strained relations
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  • 1272 2 The Native States r ia liojK'.l that it v\i)l ahortli 6e ared thai Mr. Treacher, who is Resident of Selangor, shall take charge of Pal subject, of course, to the Eaci thai such arrang m-nt has to be approved by :)w of State. One conseiiuence of thai expected arrangemoni ia
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  • 70 2 Tbbbi lighten contaisiiag some sixteeu thousand t-iittits ot the iudemnity due to France (a <•<///// is between £ti and X7 were towed to the I'V.-neh gunboat Alomette, at Bangkok on tbe -2nd instant, on board of which the money was transferred. The total weight could
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  • 67 2 Selangor Government Railway OOBBKCTBS AWfBACT OF TlU>M<- Kauni>-.-roi thk Ifoma oi Jn.y, Iflyt. HaiJs of Receipt*. \numui. Pnttmi|fm f<12,325 U rses, Carriages, aud Don. la«» i .v Fares.. Parceli *s Luggage Sp '«'inl Trams TotaJ Coaehiag $1*2,7 Goodii Lire Stork 1. 17 1 Total < ;.).>.N Mi»cellaueouQ s t ;-j-j
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  • 381 2 BV- IN-. A I Tvil 1 M Official < lmqu a >r S [cidc. I' ipowdenl.) .1 forthcoming Tai|>ing Racet would M>ew to ivniiih' moal iotei>ating topic ul convera&liou with .ill the gontJemeo b .is y teudencj A.u«l n ask, is t,..t an eutbusi rurf man m 1*
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  • 110 2 The "Pallas "at Bangkok (T^e Times.) Bmmfkok, 3rd An§—4 By coimaad el tbe Frem-li Admiral, ibe oaptata of tbe gaaboftfl Lion li is made an inn* s -i ved apology to Captain Madeod for iteamiag down with his crew at quarter! and m»«i« oat upon the British cruiser PaUnt, which
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  • 152 2 Thi I'iioui'j QmetU lias taken <H>nsiderable notice certainly well d*s**rved notice I <• poem l»v Mr. H. C. Wilmot, whivh it published a few <l.«vs sgo ill t houi^h 'he Petiang journal has accidentally omit t. .1 to oli>«'i\c that the poem appeared in the St foils
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  • 101 2 Cabi e Layi*« Eai: I SQUAKI I [1 liam Philxppii i 13tk August —T\w Council Mi to the rtnnosil f->r laj !!i_ r ;i cable >.-t\v.'tii Luzon »n<l Bias; !>:«■» 1., visited by violent akeß, which bai A iiiij .i<lo]>tt'«l by th.' r Q l nt« thn
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  • 437 2 n -v of C Trahsii r*tara t.» India ren »hnrtlr, vVool nlao will, thoi PT« < v inffapo iud it is lik-ly m|M m will do di( I >"> < "l li«« i h«* n th I- I i i. ,i look* li reectced Ihia w
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  • 158 2 Lmd id, A from former Cbiel isi v mi reply to my i»aqu n lt t k I Justice i>.)i)s, penoiMUj, ba| [i r ■ohm ooriatpondei in iv K-lv upon it 1- t V D<l l.niv rmb with bigh tin Jadtfinic from bit is oa rword iu
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  • 80 2 retterdat tfternooa, at tbt« St.jojLk'' Institution on tl>. .k/T* return From a bolid the t'K'Urh OJMMI •cbool, iu o:,]r-r to >Ik,w a "f gniiit«d« for \\Lat I ,l ooe j w idem, Ii t < l v ffiriog bin .1 uWml 11: I lubccrilieu r«i a suiii
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  • 266 2 ill.- Si r li >i til.-m-ii*- I Kriti^li Mi l'.:iik-r. three nit-. ..-u raw tkt v lit* Chine-. Mt. 1.-1- Ml-. :ii: <nm Straits Chii .I I Ml -it <>:i th, It v\ :iii:i.n<i f li. additional i i !KT III) it- month i tinrfc aad uiil.l hittcrh
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    • 639 3 Le Rol est mort vive le Roi AYa inost influential deputation r^inese community of Singapore ted to Sir Cecil dementi Smith a T&M Ott which was emblazoned in 5 own lanpwp' their tribute to his ter aud abilities. A Bum man ted of that s.r-.1l was also presen- a u
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  • 50 3 If dj^'J^aviLLE Sharp, au old resident, on the 21st instant. In W^ er ex P rosse(^ w >sb, the lady's remains were t emated. }$f3* a x took place on the beach at at BUuJowu tut ikx( ila y» atlel Wiiih! °J from waut of a creina****HongkouK.
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  • 39 3 The Setni-Fio.l *atcbc*, bfejim, i;,r f,^°T 1% rtH iviu *•<*•■ a round Dunman. beat him by up and 5 to Huttm,. reoeiyinn U strokes round rrom Robertson, beat him bv 2 up and 1 to -e«-
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  • 38 3 The Alleged Siamese Mission to china. M [th regard to the aAeged despatch of aoiMiM-se mission with letteisand presents for the Emperor of Ohiua, the Biam Uferver L m ru« that there is no foundation for the statement.
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  • 190 3 A Challenge from the colombo Rowing Club to Singapore. Some few weeks ago Mr. William Moir, th Hon. Ke.-. of the Colombo Rowing Clul>, with considerable enterprise, after having received tbe auction of t be Com. mittee, wrote to the Siugapoie Rowing Club and aiiked whether anj of their rowing
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  • 222 3 The Saigon Rice Market WM. (J. Bali vs. Uo.'s circular dated SaitfOO, 'JlJth August ttat< I Then' is nothing to add to our last advices concerning this Uice market. Prices <tir>t cost) remain wry much the same as Lbeo quoted, upheld L»y the fact tliat mills are fully Imaged tbrougb
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  • 339 3 The French Envoy at Bankkok Bimm /•>.»■ Pvm§2Bik August.) On Tut'-.lav iiioriiiiiir. a reception «a-> held at tli<> French Coneiilate by M. L<> Myrc d«Viler*, at which tlif French resident! and Asiatic nroUge* of Franee were preaent. The French Minister- PU'inpotontiary addressed ui MMmblr, briefly dating the object of h«
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  • 889 3 Supplementary to BtraiU Tknee TeUgrmmu. Via Cvijlon.) T«i Curkksi v QoisTioir. Til COLLIBBS 1 Striri.. MINKHS R1011N... Italian LiABOUA TSOUBLKI. < 'kickkt. Lnnlim, IStk -I'"/"-'— < aptain Scr.ise HekiiiM been awaided the AIL-rt SMsdai »r jumping overboard (row the Penittsolar nd Onenta] steamer M Peahawar M in
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  • 1918 3 HIS E XCELLENCY SIR CECIL CLEMENTI SMITH. The Siiijj;t|Mn-«' CUmm ;\«l«lro>s to 11. K. ili«> (■ox'rnor. An [ITTBBSSI in.; CftBBMOBI A. Choi l Clkmknti Smith BcaoL*assnr. Yi-stkui»av tftarfiooo, the Chinese eonluuutty of Singapore paid their list teaiipublic tribute of respect to H. E. the-i;,.. tremor, wiiij jrreat uereoMHijr, aithiu th
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  • 1546 4 11. E. I >ih <J<»\ kknoi. Sir Cecil Clemen: i Smith, GkO.sJ.G., Lidy Clemeoti Smith ;iud the Misses dementi Smith, left Singapore, ibis inoroiug, in the If. M. steamer Salaxie. There was very large asaetnIrlage on JohiiBtou*a Pier to take a fiaal unwell of the Governor aud
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  • 2435 4 The Acting tioternor Takes Ottire. 'I'm: Swearing-in of the Honourable \V. B. Maxwell, as A<-tiu. Governor of tbe sttaits Settlements, took place iu tbe Legislative Council Chamber, at 11 o'clock tbis morning. Tbere was a very lar^c atleudauce in tbe Chamber, a larger attendance than
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    • 841 5 Thb political relation! of Prance and omtinue to be ven -r.iv.- The |yte£ feeKng regard to Siam is ♦ji and in a sense very usefully, exj ),v M. Henri Brvois, the special ud.-nt "i Tj< Temp*, who departed r laaffkoi to-day. Before tailing, At frrotf >ii}T lu><l
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  • 290 5 Imi» inoruiog. shortly alter li o'clock, an all-day cricket match was commenced >n the ICsplanade between teams repreoting tbe Officers of th« Lincoln Regt tnd the Officers of the Station. It maybe •tit to lure remark what w'uot dly known that Thursday is, in India, what may be termed
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  • 372 5 Thi Ut round of the Filial tie between Hoop r who nr.-ivfs 4 Btrokea a round) i Button for Chief Justice Bonser'sOup «rai played la>t eveniug, and, taking every, thing ii ion, both plajren did not j'l.iv up to iLr usual form. Ist Holt*. Uuttou took the
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  • 2216 5 Wkdncno.w 90tu A carer. Th, usual fortnightly meeting of the Municipal Commissioner! waa held on Wednesday afternoon in the ofioes, Bobioson Mr. Alexander Gentle pre. Jidinj. There w>« also present: Meirs! Naoaoo, Bohst, Praser, Meyer, J. P. j olquim li W. Maxwell; the Bon'blea T A I,
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  • 1478 5 M i c 1 1 >>}■ i*i. m i i 1. 1 \.,> «>F rm Mi m CIPaL < IVIU AT AI Oil 1 -V PTIDI v l'ii ti A i ..r- Pit Tha iv. H Hoti'ble I i 111. T VI J 1' -i] jup! I Fia>.
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  • 1010 6 Djf M Henri AY// i l»> ndent/ar L* T> m^ Hie followiug article wm* wtitteu in French) for the tftraits Titmet bj M. Bryou who left ti.i> morning for Baugkok The translation U ;l^ ue arl) m possible literal. Tbi asp .t seek to note
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    • 645 6 "hi lintisij consular report an the foreign trade of Skin, last j ,r. bringa ut Tllt> fa* that, during thai period, eighty ren per uent of tonnage entering and clearing .it Bangkok irai British. Germain ran only claim aeven 1" r "m and Prance on lerenth of Germanv'i
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  • 48 6 I hi I] twiug 1 'nps bare I--, u i bed to. the appr l t 11 H. the Sultan of L'erak I be Ladi< > „i p. t k a CapUiu Ah K m\ l'n.- i o|*i ii in Farmers si I'h-- Mil SIOU
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  • 70 6 Daily P*et i. Attitude on the Military Contribution question at ill >wq iu bii Pahang d pem irl w»t« o» b, a ,t :v. lur imohm M ri |(I kdj^tmeaf will b* ,ns-l -i-._ -"t i »pped l.v mm »i u ia iha him mn\ of >
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  • 358 6 Lancashire Trade and the Siamese Difficulties Uioom Viwm 01 iMi (mi 1 N 1> I quarterh m the Blackburn jujl District baiube Coi i hfWon Juh Slat, tl,, d^ur being oeeuI 11 1 IIV 1: 811 Harrison (,m*ident)* V 1 n<) snln 'mportauf Ml W«— »t rtate ..t trade in
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  • 1224 6 to .in end, eveu th- m I, tndon kmoqi, .id. l uow by iioui the .ihnoM tropical heat 2?^ braatbcd-oul city, 1, T. iftg <.u,-,.|v. m l: »li Ul (l/im e n J°7l.i/il.v rowed round ih/ c J»Y dining more or •wing in,,. >v 't If Ult the
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  • 181 7 Offic&bs ICth v. Officer* Station. This match was played on the* EsplaJMe yesterday; and "tbe scores are' as follows lit Innings. 2nd Innings Offickes of thk Garrison. 6*■ Mo °re B.N b. Ed war* 0 o. Hax«lton b. Harriuj?it ton u icirtei 1 •3 c. Barter b. do 1
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  • 452 7 Thk Chihf Justicb's Cwp iuok only o to bow out •a thil if i **P*.w«i*i«g rtrok, i,nl' l7 Htl fo«"--iwg and jumping into f 3rd Hole. Button recovered himself 3KJ 'r;;: 1 uul ;t SSSS 4th Hole, Hopper took 5 strokes to b ,l o g All
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  • 440 7 The annual general meetiug of the hhidberg of the Singapore Rowing Club was held iu the committee room vi th.» s. C. C. pavilion, last evening, under the presidency of Mr. T. de AI. Braddell. There were ilso present Messrs Stringer, Scott-Russell, Uodesse, Bland, Tregartbeo, Dudcr,
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    • 386 7 Tmk Government of [ndia has jusi taken nteps to remedj the exchange grieYances „f its European officers, who bare long fell the burden to be intelerable. For the lisr iy ;ui( j ;i I:df< t]i).v hare urged upon the Grorernmeni the hardships undergone by them
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    • 117 7 Lieut. A. P, Talhot is appointed (.';»}>- taio, Singapore Volunteer Artillery, vice C 1 ;i; taiu G. Bruce Webster transferred to tb'"> Supernumerary List. Mr. H. A. ll.arYl is Registrar of Bills Sate for the Settlraieol of Singapore, with effect froon th-» 14th NoTember, l^i'o, and
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  • 152 7 In the lotteriet ou the Ferak Kaa r, 1 1 1 valur of poarijr •\yrv noe m over (500, tWO were ovrr Sf)O<>. F«>r Lbc tirsl vanthere were two lotteries, us also for tbe fourth. Touchnot wis the itToaritfl i t the sei-outl race with SI 40. In
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  • 181 7 From our Correspondent.) I'fcart, Pnhany,3ls( Avrfutf. Now that the Exploration ami Develop. ment Company's launches have their regular* runs between Pekau and the Koala, we are eiperiencing i tair\ amount of delay in getting up mails. The Grovernment launch JBtasJ ii occasionally pent down when i iteamer from
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  • 638 7 Coffee in East Bornuo and Jata Tobacco in Eaht Bobnko. AOMBM Afka. Dmtbuctiti Piki Another DmWAMUtIMQ OiIEIII Peakl Shell Fish in,. Thi Sultau of Cotie iu Netherlands East Borneo has gone heavily iuto <■- growing Lhere. H has been enterprising enough to lay out a plantation o! the
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  • 540 7 Dl F)t mi, i i 1)1 I I .VATIoV N.-i l.i mo I>K. 4<linx fITMIII or Administrator? A i;i) in .■rtiuir „f f} 1( Municipal mmissioi iheldia the Board Booh .v iiftt-r-Dg to tl>.' Municipal Health Oficer. Theft van Pjweni Mi Pi, sideut the Hon'bles M I.
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  • 148 7 IV iM in hi- itch, On i be bankn <»f the M For i I for m\ »i< iirliln. Thing We .1 llllllt-«l l>\ Kn! W Ij w ..i. i»ur i, I If u. j r trend We an i hr. .it. in i m
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  • 166 8 Vi I Ji 'I'm Civil. SSBWAITTS AM' 8 3A.ULKII Cfisils, 18lh Auffu*t, '!.i ordera for ili< ooasßsnsatioii to <>Mi. Indian ricos csnsed by f)i<- fall iu I'xrhange, which bavebera sanctioned by the So<*rotary of state. will possibly I>" publiHliwl in tlw (iiizcttr fnili" to-nig'tit. The Cfmcetwiona will <i.-iie
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  • 767 8 PatLiia Bboabdin > Mn. Cgwik BoFaura l Tobacco Plan i ki AjfOX OB SIIII'HOAKIi DAMOKB kko.m A lI Ai I KOUITAOHS. Gold Pbobpbots. i From our Com ipondeuL Ist, A ugngt. The last mail brought the report of the yearly meetiug oi governing compaoy of this country. The
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  • 393 8 THK HI.NKSK MINKIIV RIOT. Billiards. Tknnjs. ajtd Goi.y {From our Corrmpondtnt.) Kuala Lumpor, TStetday. Twenty seven Chinamen were brought lip ou Si 1 11 !»y lasl at tin- l*«»ii«- Court charged tvith being roncerned i:i the riot .if Sini^ri i\i>il>. The? wera reuiHoded iill Wednesday bul I boar
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  • 1055 8 MONDAY, 4th SEPTEMBER. The Home Rule Bill. A i midnight »>n Fridaj last the II <«r Commons divided <>n the third reading of the Home Rule Bill, with the result that the Hill passed by ;i majority <>t' 34. Only 568 members voted, thai shewing an absentee record Of course
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  • 302 8 Tos journal* of Penjtng la\ stress on that portion of Mr. Swettenham's speech, at rooeni banquet, where on behalf of Perns: he expressed its willingness to aid the ««>lonv financially if the c Aoni needed aid. The Penally newspapers convert thai suggestion, as we converted it. inti. an
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  • 793 8 1 1 m.i\ be observed that, attached to the li>i .-I entries for the mixed fourson* golf there Ui a nen rule stipulating thai the player sh.tll continue t«» itrike a1 the golf ball until it has been moved Th«rule ii an invention <>f the Singapore J"li clul»
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  • 151 8 Till li LW< I i vu Tk.m DILKI ,\M« >lAM. .1 i. > noi M nTh I It i vrorkin nlt irurki M>>. l*t w,r«- killed ai w iKiiulvd l i The If !r ajfyn**- m tli.' >.-i!t work** i "i iuom»tntMNM im m( Wnuta iihi .{'f T
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  • 371 8 b I MM. I SMI 111 Tun Bili El Q Tmk Or u m TltOl'KI.E IN MasHoNAI.IMP Cuom Thi: BMI ism UMN i Pra Mj UW (-ifliaii^ol 1 1 1 1 1 lt tin* unl atr outliv-nk at Make hiquiriet* into the matter In tin* mfM\\\u<' tli<- Anti-Fniirli
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  • 1255 9 ARTICLE I fit DEVELOPMENT OF THE tfSU>EXTIAL SYSTEM 1-^ _<• \>rily w.< in nr«"l "f ;i m TV* 10 who in »M»' to <>rrv n tho ;t lmin«§t>tßif.\ e H«. replie "It ih s,wr n tp"iL'»""'»' »°t to en>:a>re »n k oh n, Mo,-.-. ft be questioned whether
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  • 1896 9 THIRD ARTICLE hi RTHE& DEI ELOPMENT*. < ui-m- me them from ti.. Nmi.i. WIN. l>. In the Pangkor Bngagemeui an two clauses tha? practioaUf placed the whole Administrate*] < I P«rak i» the hands of the Beddemt. The) are the«es "Clause VI. That the Sultan receive and provide writable residence
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  • 1663 9 OPESING OF COMMI Mt mom. I* ...i.v uc i. irui.l -f «hau*e? I would rlaJl/ ■"<>*» what it- ,loiih without it? ao<l what U d»»reraort moiv imtahle t.« tlio universal nature Ma cut .4ur#liu» In i State bftviag an ar.-a oi In equaN miles, where the oiilv means
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  • 1305 10 PORTS i\l> WATERWAYS. L•. )>r- kirk Tli»iT b.ifh MaclMrgvd ber fraught Retinas with pr©. i.«im U.i n«r t th»- hn f .4;l<.'r<i;lU"tf« Elating described the internal <a»ujmunicati»»ii> bj n-ad :nul rail, i u-w w«.»rds on the Ports and Waterway! of P.rak will nut out of place. Beginning from
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  • 1592 10 MINING. Au«l, M miner «i«- v«<« for hflilt-n tr<<iiiurt bedd»-i dot*i> m <toLc. So •*••!< j«> ami rtii'l th« fr«*»ur« |«.»f n>ti«»nj In liidilh rfinutv. W, M. Bmm< Thk RUM Q& thii State, that in the modes' II name, means silver, and though galena and silver have been
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  • 1887 11 AXD THE RISE OF TOWNSHIPS. that in t!v .v.itiv of acbg? should spring up a I iir>t i rebuilt in I be twice burnt down and rebuilt, first in in brick Prom the ruini i the] rn i I |.ul»IVi wjfoseam. Hospital and ill the dwellings rt&t I
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  • 1658 11 EIGHTH ARTICLE THE REAL MALA). "H" W i th- m;i!"-t in tti «i.-r'< 1 iivim rti it •■v.t m urn,- 1 „r mm thr> u H>jr<', i />>/( J iinn To begin to understand the Malm \<>u must live in his country, speak his language, respect his Faith, be interested
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  • 1223 12 TUESDAY, 6th SEPTEMBER. The Chinese in Malaya. Kk« knt Chinese hospitality in IVnan^ has prompted the PttMtny GawctU to reproduce n series of interesting extracts from W. P, Groenereldt's Notes on tlie Malay Archipelago and Malacca," published in Batavia in l^T'.K The account begins with a brief description of the
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  • 140 12 The Chamber of Commerce and Siam. Tul Manchester Chamber of Comtner* e ou July 28th last addressed the follow io 2 letter to Lord Etoseberv, i hm ih« boi oar to forward to you th* following c j,v of a telegram revived to-d»y in> m the Sii,«p re Chamber
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  • 68 12 The P. O. Directorate. Sib Thoma.B Suthkrland, K.C.M.(t., M.P., Ckairmmm, Frederick Dallas Barnes, Esq., Major. Qeoeral Sir O««>a Tudor BortM*., <• i k., Wdliam F.ino de Salis. Bsq M BJdward For.i Duncaason, E«<j., BUssnel Ekuaii (ii.idstone, Esq.. Joseph Silveste' «i >dfn'V. []v,j The Itf.-Hon. the Karl of L»veu ;;nd
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  • 196 12 Thk F-encli papeti have bad ;j good deal on tip* dehijs which oecurred m tl»»* lele^iams from Bauifkok. When it was kimwu in Europe that otders I *i» *l horn >r Lit to mists the bloek.ide. tin- iirders were trsusmitied in a cyphered lt*k*gratu <-t 2,500 Wv>rds to
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  • 150 12 Thf rin'in>j (J<r:fttt> iu its issue of the 30tfa Au^ii>(. in l«a>liiiir article on the •I. ,«.ituiv i»| s.r l\>« U Clement i Smith, •ti.owis.s H. V, the Acting Governor nle W. E. Maxwe ind >a\ tint bi« |ir»motion .v- been boaghi l>\ iodefatiuaUSe luliour. Ii then goes
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  • 310 12 M UfDK ai" for M Napier and Ori- fup. H m DH'Ar t .'i; is M Mrs. O'Gornuin and Captaia Barter Bermt<*h. [>r, and M Kerr Air-. Welleslcy a i s.*^. >n 1 Hind.' receive stiokiw I .lt>!H'> •>n HIM] fcftlT4 ii n< l Mrs. Blcaai I j, ob
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  • 318 12 Messrs. (J K. Lambfrt ft < It has ultra OCM "i miMer for remark that Singapore did not pOMWI photogfaphic estabHshvjMQi in the commercial quarter of the towo. There is not ttia f competition here thai ii ia o«hei porta where there are so maajf passenger? passing through,
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  • 129 12 A Ft \Kh 11b. Hugh MacgAskill 8 Hongkong I, ,ii, |ii ,i n) was killed on t!i,- -j i. s t11i,,--the re aadah -t Ibe Chai 1 M< caotile Bank Uoogl LI t-t thri i L i ti.< in in ..i f
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  • 291 12 Dovoom i m, mother i lon M .1 Mr. Kanghton m u v ..,i ,|7, defendant Ibe plaintiff clai d a>< (l lli: rui i t o 1 1, m i long ramblinq m ti,, Bnement, l mng ;'..N •n (ll;i1 plaintiff Appeared in person dants. Donogbue
    291 words
  • 197 12 vteki »gu Ihml ia mm b i ikotfl ij^ZJ vould i.. ito il,.- Rleu h 7»w «loli.\ VZ, h ■towing* rise I 67 10*. >Ot< CuriouHlf ami 1...,,..- r»tcn buve I. u Huh ■»IV. is. |.i.i;hu( ,,ii |o Ollti •o«h HMik«ildf|cnea»to ln llllt i t< m»jonehHd k.'ii-
    197 words
  • 272 12 s Vimm T-Ugram I Thk On H (MM [AH D Huat Lo: RK'K T. >T. iW i lira K m< inber fur ji M.i .^Ja i ii i-f i .1 i I j B I ii i i ami Mr < '.-.•il it 1 t«t i i Bill
    272 words

  • 363 13 Destructive Fikk. (from our Correspondent.) Kuala Lnmpor, l.<t B*pi. bio tire broke out in tbe "old" vil- o f pudoh. at about 7 o'clock ve3terftveniDg. Fully sixt.y baildinga are to hav-f l»»vn destroyed, iududiuga of small shops and a huge iililjof and cok< ie broke out at the
    363 words
  • 492 13 To I i i Dia n < n^ t>f I --u^s i-. in arte U on the ptun -n. in tften dials, you turn to r asp subject— us u.cly, the farms \vi. RTMI ti.f Straits ScttNm nt- V i tlu« attitude if- pUceslns bees n«e
    492 words
  • 1393 13 to Uwomt Washington. Ai;,, n th The existence of an alarming andexftmor »P '•>^n I,s.ssit,1 ,s.ssit,, l( i uflillNuUi 7 ,w'.' V, t<( «"««'tluT in „xln, sU.ion theJ; ,V rn-.« ntativ,sinC,n^.. 1o th nd'h ''-|uMh,w I,an,1 ,an,l I,atn,,ti,,1 ,atn,,ti,,. x ,r,i>, of the the present evil, may initiated
    1,393 words
  • 905 13 Thk ordinary sunns) general meeting of bovo c<> jm'\ w.h- bold si Um» i'annon«i Hotel on 9ih Aliens'. >lv. K. Berd e W\ ki-i-.ii i. T'..- Seer tary, Mr. li. V ,ad the uo i OBvening ih" meeting he Cl aft c r r iho i- nect>nntfl
    905 words
  • 141 13 Thk British Gosjaul at Biiudisi iu bis roj>ort notes that a steady marked iuerease is taking plaoe iu Um total ovmber of pas aangera Using steamers of the an<] Oriental <V>ni|>any,a total increase ol 2.298 passengers baving taken place in 1892 as compared witb 1891.
    141 words
  • 155 13 In ihe Bouse of Cam mom mUm Btfa A:-,"-. Mr. Jacks said Sfay »sl right bou. gen lie turn ibe Prime Ministei wiu'tli' r it is convenient fof Kim now lo inform ibe 11 ase whether the Q n)«'nt had come to ;uiv decision }}\>ou tbe 1.
    155 words
  • 380 13 Tmf: followio 'be plaj Mr. < fhief -I 11..11-. i"s Cap BT ROUMP A|, Drytdale, -"5 up Mid t-« I M! it i •it JemkiM, 1 mp. i I. ••at Napier, 2 up. Duumaa beat Miller. 5 up and to play. i. 1,, it Broad, 2 up. B. Boberteon
    380 words
  • 207 13 Result* of Monday's TieH. LaDIM 1 DOUBLI Kam.ii vi Mi- < i Kn Luv.-ii ..w i hrnf Mr- W.v.UMI ami Mi-* I. d'Almrida s«-r»t.rli. >K) s- i-.N hn;Hikn Donaldson )in»] Mr. (iarrnrd\ II /■."/.Mr- TrippamlDr Middletaa tfedieiatj Mi-> L. Wfekui an. l Ml I. >lii]»]»iM)
    207 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 374 13 IV-issrnifcr List. If MaxI, Kamfa Ura bloiahl. r s. M T Aaaoa vin j v Pen h roai Po I 'inak —Mr \v .1. [rriafr. 1'• r- 1 y i or V' iUra M PrtHß t Joloui aud Per a. s v Klarff and Malacc M»* I Unit. ■t 1
      374 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 139 14 fy^Bß "The Real Cup o' Kindness." -'iJU n, i urf J*^ CCt l bl ndin s of the Choicest Brands of the Hi K Oas^ of i *^ff Fine ld Whuk ln lh r n »»ve punty, a* produced h BMfaod, absoluJ^untamper. MATURED IN SHERRY CASKS. >^^^^ A LUXURY
      139 words
    • 693 14 1)OCKS THE TANJONOPAOAR^??? LIMITED. WOK C0 The promises of the Company at Tanj- -n- r->o- nr adtot»«at&» i«ne, M.ain tratn-.-.t;,. ruti passengers and <ood« fro m iK*^ d'«ti nations at low nitea. v The Wharf Mxtemis t. one mile and »nd is divided bf Um ntrvtnce* to th* SO** Docks
      693 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 1309 14 SHLPPJJNU >M*4Tl>W l> TOKI. Temiramif. Vch. utr. 1,4*1 tons, Capt. Viel. I nd«r rhh fc«adintf the following abbrevm- IS^ 4^ Kiom B»^via,27th. For Colombo, i>r<M T^m.T^T'Sfn^fs^r^ Vai^rS Gkr. str. 1.57H tons. Of* Bri.tun^. Fr.-Frem-h Ger. Gorman Dut .-DIIMI Jov s<; n v r y t w Johow; &c.,— Gc.—Genora! carpo
      1,309 words
    • 777 14 AKKIVALB. fU^Jn Nam*-! 'a" ''ons.' Captain. From Svm, Onmmmm. Riu An. 1 1893 t y i :'„«-.'«(< A i 28 Lubeck 105 DTv T. Aoaon |Aag *>(! stra to .St- un.h.p Co I.H. M vi^acca Bnt.ttr. 400 liy J vV Man tlt l(1 x g si? "SI 6( 'vl a'Uok
      777 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 337 15 PR, J. COLLIB BKOWNE^S PSICHLORODYNE. I s ■ni »WKIT Sl'E(;iFl< FOR QOLVS, ||IAKE«C.I, STHM.\. I^VSKMKkV JJKOM.IIins. QMUOU. BROWNE'S CHU)ha THEGENRRAL B'^ARn oCHKAT^n to denote whieh h" eoiu» cl the word S)K(>i>YNK Dr. bn,Nvne U the SOLE Dr (iIBBON, An,,v Metlioiil Bf«ff r,lp ilmcovoml by Aa.- cured ov ]„A la H(KA
      337 words
    • 733 15 pOWELL CO. SINGAPORE. Please pead these few lines ax* BEAK THEM IN MIND. OUR FURNITURR FACTORY is hi Orchard Road, and is the mmat and most complete. ]r &j nuppliod w j t st^ m powar to drivH nnr Wood working Ma tWMM, Haw*. LnthPS, Ac. therefore ConWITH S J
      733 words
    • 791 15 rV. GATION COMPANY. Under Mail Contract with the Austrian Government. The following are the dato* on which tho Company's steamers may bo expected to sail from here UUTWARI.S. For lIuMBWA«DB. K r lloiiickunK, Shanghai k Kobe. Trieste k ports via Bombay. ■fafvfc JtoMwftnanisi. r Ortm Sept u > retoiM Oct.
      791 words
    • 860 15 FOR l&Ki THE BOUBIROLDXR8 1 BAZAAR BOOK. New ami I.mim<<»vei> BDiTiOir. A conveniently ■rnUNfitd hook in which the oook can enter dnily nil liousel old expenses, with a BSjnta ••oluinn f-»r each day in tbe week, a ■spMsjli sjsjpi for ««neh week in the yenr, and :i s»«j arat»« line
      860 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 593 16 ■ettMisMl, 3^5. TJILKY, HAftriREAVES* CO Enoinksss, Iron Brass Foundeks. boileemakkrs, bridge buildkks, isu.iv RUILDSRB. General (Jonticactors. SINGAPORE k KUALA LUMPOR. SHIP BUILDING YARb. HIGH elasa STEAM VESSELS always under construction, from 38 ft. to 150 ft. l«ngth of keel, of beat dosijnt and finish. MACHINERY from tending British Finns with
      593 words
    • 440 16 Engineer* and Gas taps and dies in boxes and seta Vice*, Anvils Curaming's patent, and bellows foi-gen. MILL STORES. Lancashire Pateut Belting, North British RubV>er (yompany's Indiarubber Belting, Euglish Leather belting in all widths from 1 in. to 12 in. with all accessories. Smith V pateut wrot-iroii split pulleys 24
      440 words
    • 340 16 WALTER MACFARLANE CO., <f^gS Mgyfr GLASGOW. trai>kx3« >-)eotrio i<rM and Brackets -Ele^tnc Wi>e w^avs COSERVATOKIKS LAMP PILLAKS J iTFTI^ SHOP PBOtTS. i 'ilTtin H.\\'l> STANI>S. X y^\ "OUI "TAllt IMPORTANT TO ARCHITECTS AND SANilnrtt ci\iUiN£ERS. MACFAELANBTfI OLABB BM AM ELL ED BOIL PIPES W.'A. IMPERVIOUS TO A'/xy. //.I!/: PSRFBi VLY
      340 words
    • 117 16 DRINK KUPPER'S BEER. This oxpori beer is in ever} n lan excellent and i 11l^ llt >s rage, it is absolutely free hum any substance injurioui w u cositains a high percentage of extract and especial); of I and must therefore be considered tu i>- p liigWy qualities (Extract from
      117 words