Straits Times Weekly Issue, 22 November 1892

Total Pages: 14
1 14 Straits Times Weekly Issue
  • 28 1 The Straits Times BiSTAIiI.IsHED, 18". 1.; 1 (JBbiSHED kok Transmission by Every Homeward Mail Stijamii I Pkice lo Cents. VOL XLVIII. SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 22. 1802. NO. ;$.7()4
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  • 50 1 The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper m Asia, British India excepted. It circulates m Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, m siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a circulation.
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  • 75 1 THE STRAITS TIMES TUESDAY, 22nd NOVEMBER. CONTENTS. Market Quotations. Summary of the Week. Renter's Telegrams, cat and General New* Piracy iv the China Sea. Patriot and, Spy. English Temperance Reform. Bohh: Raub Wrecks m Eastern Seas. i i from Peuaug, Perak, Siam, China, tii, Netherlands luiia. French ludo na, A.c.
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  • 498 1 Singapore, 22ni» November. 1 v Prodjck. Gambier, S t>.4». do Cube No. 1, IMiO. do do No. 2, S.I.V .pra Bali, 4.50. do Pontianak 4.10. Pepper Black, 11. 1". Sago Flour, Sarawak 2.05. Pearl Sago, 3.60. Coffee Bali, 32.00. Coffee Liberian, 33.00. Tapioca small Flake, 4.50. do
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  • 216 1 The Legislative Couucil met on Thursday and considered thc Indian Immuzration Bill m Committee. 1 Council ia fixed to moot again on Thursday next, the Orders of the Day comprising seven Bills m different stages. The Hon. H. Trotter arrived from Penan^ on Thursday to resume
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  • 291 1 For Strait* Times. Steamshif Passsngbrs and the Sailors and Firemhn's Union. London, 15th Nov.— The Sailors and Firemen's Union has issued a notice warnt ing passengers against travelling m vessels that are manned by Lsaear or Ohiaess crews, and it points to the Bojchara and Boatman iii <i
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  • 242 1 Thk steamer Knemtan, Capt. Babekost has goue from Kuala Pahang to K.'lautaii, towing a Schooner. Sin- will probably return here on Thursday. aa On the 14th November the Penang Municipal Commissioners began considering their budget for \^\>'d, which shows a revenue estimated at 1327,000. H is Honour
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  • 789 1 N "TWO 1,,.,-a bave taken place 1r.,,.. the oxplo*,ion bomb m tbe police station yesterday passi mate debate took place m the Clumber ol Deputise regarding the outrage and waa paaaed by 1.-.r-. imjorih <p M i„dignation at the saim and c<mfid. the firmness oi Goverunu ul
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  • 511 2 Thb National Bank of < !hina baa opened a branch at Foochow. The French transport Colombo passed through the port to-day from Saigon for Toulon and Marseilles. Mkssrs Wfk Bin &Co. 1 jmeoted their fleet by the addition of another small coaster, the Bheema, which arrived from
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  • 133 2 At the date of last advices from Hongkong, the chief event of the day has been the arrival of Sir N. R. O'Conor, the uew British Minister to China, who came out by the last French mail to assume his post. During his brief stay
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  • 91 2 A work which has long been necessary, and which seafaring men will hail with satisfaction, is shortly to be commenced iv the Hainan Straits,* the revenue cruiser Pima Ching, accompanied by the Kai Pan, leaving Hongkong on the 9th November, for that part oi the coast,
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  • 78 2 The Hongkong insurance offices were on Tu.s.i.iy Bth instant informed by wire o( B collision, near WoOSUng, between Butterfield A Bwire*s steamer Hangchow, Captain J. Arthur, and the Shanghai M. S. X. C >.*s steamer Feima, 77* tons. Capt. Leash, tbe latter sinking at once. No lies lo*:.
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  • 125 2 T' Vs Ottawa correspondent telegraphed on Oct. I I Tlie I IT f Cu*toms at Port Townsend, Unit d Si I has bssn notified by the IJnitel States Government that a Chinaman who ok ont hi* naturalisation papers aa ~'i subject at New Westminster, I ilumbia,
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  • 114 2 Mr. vaa il.'Unl. Presideut of the Canadian Pacific Railway, trued ho Canada from England afl arranging! a 'fast transatlantic steamship service. It will." s\ d Mr Yin Borne, "be pureline a*- t"n rate of speed which the s tea oiers will run will preclude the
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  • 164 2 The V ih China Daily Nets* sayi Lt is i out that the Woosung I! ur ia for the the Bokhara. She was loaded to an even I cross t be B tr; si steamer with no sfter waier-ballast tank. and could not therefore be brought down
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  • 287 2 The American people, and the citiaens of Cliicsgo esp anally, whose pnsh,rsath sa energy, and enterprise are being developed to »he fnlj m the coining World's Fair, are. it semis, about to forestall as m the grand tournament contemplated and set on foot by Mr. J.
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  • 892 2 The Northern Territory limes ot tne 4th November reports the arrival at Port Darwiu of a Mr. Swire, a visitor from the Malayan Islands, who appears to have a cattle export service m hand. Mr. Swire has had an interview with the Grovernment Resident, to
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  • 614 2 The Wreck of the Gretha." A lev. Pull m an Open 1. The steamer Paksh m, arrived at Hot koug on the !>th inst. from Saigon, with thirteen of the .row of the ship GretfAm which was lost on the Kdlemau Mioal J__r Octobei 25th. The ston. of her 1
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  • 192 2 Time after time the system of Trial by Jury has been criticised m England and still more iv India has it been discussed and found fault with. Iv Madias, say* tho Madras Huh*, it has j. roved dofoctife ou many > In Ken gal it
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  • 916 3 Knglteh "Temperance Reform." {Straits Time*, 16th November.) i Uowevek anxious Mr. Gladstone niav be to "Stop the way," m the interest of disaffection, of all useful legislative work, there is at least one so. ial problem whose students seem detei mined to make •Ives heard during the coining session
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  • 425 3 The Hon. \V. E. Maxwell is making rapid progress towards recovery, be having sustained no serioua injury beyond TBE Hon. H. Trotter arrived from Penang this morning per Seeundra. is. o. Company's steamer Phro Cham Klao was released from qua--3 yesterday. Grerman steamer Peruana wdiieli 1 bore
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  • 119 3 Til Britiah Mercantile Marine Officers' Association at Hongkong has just chosen a new President, (Captaiu Tillett), who delivered his first addr.-ss after election on the LOth November. lii tbe course ot his remarks the President "X pressed himself as s» rongly opposed to any foreigner
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  • 243 3 l*t -The running for the Melbourne Cup to-day resulted as follows Qtenloth 1 Ronda 2 Penance A The course was very wet. aud the gl race of the year was a complete "boil over." The following was the latest b 'ting quotations for the Melbourne Cup
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  • 448 3 Wk do not think that dews will thrive m Cevlou, for tha simple rsason that the Natuaotta Ohitty haa ths field all to himself. There is no ,'ey born who era c unpete su rceeefally with the Chitty. Amiable philanthropist aaal well-meaning enthusiasts are loud m their p:
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  • 451 3 Ret ins* ot thk Expeditions ani Force i SOU Pah an. l Thi d< I tnents of tl >• Perak Sikhs which have recently returned tram ihe Pahang aa- pedition, with the Headquarters Force Taiping, were paraded h-f ihe Acting Britiah Basident, Mr. W M. Treacher, O. M
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  • 1524 3 fc >,oj l>nl\J l'le**.) THI ChiaS SOai ths unenviable reputation of being the mosl dangerous m the i. especially thai part of it known as tho Formosa Channel Whit with the multitudes I nek*, reef*. jn-*t awa*h. uncertain as, and pirates, vo;agers on hether they be
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  • 1005 4 I Simla, 2oth O tober. News from the Ha- sjat shows that the Amir's difficulties are no means at an en I with tho capture of KBgan. The Basarae have closed the road ih.-i/.ni. they harass the Afghan foraging lies and fire into the Afghan camp
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  • 413 4 ItE mining manager's report for the Ight ending llth November 1892 > nb Hole. The placing of the new >m the shaft was finish.-. 1 on BudBSt, (Ith inst., and it stalled to w.o k at The alteration made m tin- steam that of placing the steam cylinder >of
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  • 419 4 The smuggling of hu >m'"M' im( -mad, Ua --tivelv carried on and sumsblv it well pays tl u ths risk they run. Some f adopted to evade ihe notice of the I States authorities are rather amusing se case m which two heavili personam women's garb were
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  • 414 4 Pora k. From our Cor respondent If l^th Nor, „,!,i r. We hay •I 1 warriors back fmui Pahang 1 and well enough to gol________H •11 ea.npaigns. s ''">'' ba< k vet, bavin* down to your part of "the worluTfct K. th.- Governor. I 1,, ii, Ye thei doubt ab.
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  • 255 4 111I 11 i! I light th;.- mertrsHf I oil lor this market, -a- Muui< ii Commissioners to Maxwell. Sohst, aud P.. on the JsbH aber. c Kugbj I lotball match on the between theO^l ''•suited, after a vcr/evsH Hi a draw one try each. ,>,,,,; < lar>
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  • 577 5 Tin RSDAY, 17th November. Thk Legislative Council assembled veserday afternoon and the whole of the af?ruoon was taken up m discussing the Iv- aau Immigration Ordinance Amendment ill m Committee. There were pr. sent fllS E\< 'KI.I.ENCY THE GOVERNOR. i.Clementi Smith, 0.0.m.0.i ["he rlcm'ble tho Colonial Secretary
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  • 130 5 I our own Correspondent.) The Sultan has removed his household from Kumbabang to Pekan Lama, but is living on the river m rafts, preparatory to moving into Syed Hassan's Resthouse at Ketapang, where H. H. will remain till bis houses here have been repaired. In the meantime preparations are
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  • 5658 5 The Singapore Insurance Company, Limited. The Company to be Liquidated. In accordance with a requisition sent iv by a number of the shareholders to the .directors on the 28th Octuber, an -extraordinary general meeting of the above-named company was held at the Exchange, Singapore, to-day, at 12 o'clock noon, for
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  • 134 7 KMR. \V. J. Davison, uf the Short Elec- I Railway Co., Cleveland, Ohio, arrived t Bangkok ou the 9th instant, to super- the erection of the electric plant for the Tramways Company there. The case against the ehiucbew of the steamer Nam Ymuj, lately sentenced to pay
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  • 101 7 At a general meeting of the members of tbe Singapore Mowing Olub.lasl evening. further arrangements were made m cou- uection with the races to be held veal mouth, h v.. i*- decided that the ra should commence on Friday 9th December. Tin following are th-' crews and officials: liiGH
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  • 402 7 P The Chinese pirates nave ion,- y lyrrvingoff European captives and hold- fcthem toerorbitaut ransom, especial h m the miuing sections of Tonquin. rormerlv they aimed only at the heads of enterprises with large sums at call tor ransom, but no, they st rik at the sui aIW
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  • 906 7 (Contributed.) The policeman's lot is uot a happy oue, so a song, very popular years ago, ventured to assort. It is true, however, that the peripatetic lot of the ll Peeler" is not unmixed with a number of pots of frothy beer which the sagacious hosts of the various
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  • 452 7 The Batavia wieutcsotoo neara m»* *o.Netherlands India Government has I ith Langkat petroleum, oil, and paraffin for coast light The resull is said wiih' the photoraeti r I to be m favour of the LangOn the other band, i opinion among c insum together favourable to the
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  • 88 7 Capital says:-" The Calcutta I™*;*Ire issued an ad interim report m which the> iniate that the bslsncs of profi t m upecs Id admit of an ad interim «*M-*^2 5 the rate of exchange is such that tw o im Ye worth dividing, if »™^> "J^^ rectors do
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  • 1209 7 I Does not want a Band. A special General Meeting of t.hememl the above club was held m tha id Club last uight. Business i I\> consider the desirability of the S. 0. 0. contribatiDg the sam of |50 per mensem towards tho main* tenanes of
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  • 619 8 l>i kino October, rainy weather prevailed throughout (he planting districts, owiug to the wet season having set m, but it did not much affect the crops as sorting operations had already begun. Not much can be said at pr. sent regarding the quality of tb crop, but man)
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  • 670 8 Calcutta. 29th Octuber. The orders m the AngUa ease are out, and it appears that the Court of Enquiry absolved the pilot of all blame. Tne Lieutenant-Governor, however, liol<ls that he committed a grave error of judgment, but does not consider that the case calls for
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  • 342 8 PfaraC] m the hina Sea. Somk time ago, note waa taken m our columns of efforts made by the British MercantileM.irim Miners' Associat ion at Hongkong to secure official prevent ive measures a- gainst piratical attacks OU >ln}>s iv Chin- waters. The scheme suggested by the Association
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  • 1053 8 Oh a of the most interesting, instructive and opportune volumes to which theclosin year has given birth ia undoubtedly tha just publish, d by Mr. Henri La Caron Xi give the author his adopted name lider the title of Twent y-five years it ie Secret Service, the
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  • 53 9 1 Hi I onranf publishes a telegram, > dated Sourabaya 12th instant, stating that! at the ;uest of the Japan judicial au-' thorities, C. E. Miller, a passenger coming from Singapore there, iv the Heenba, had been arrested ou board of that vessel, ou the of having
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  • 170 9 11. E. Mr. N. R. O'Conor, C. 8., CM. G British Minister to Peking, accompanied by Mrs. O'Conor and child, arrived at Sbanghai on the afternoon of the 6th instant. I The members of tbe Chamber of Commerce there, headed by the Chairman, Mr. Purdo'a,
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  • 257 9 iHßdull monotonous tenor ot our every y life m this quiet place was broken upon by a fearful tragedy ou the evening of Saturday lWh instant, the outcome oi a disappointment m love matters. A Bugis mau had beeu promised to be bet rothed to a young girl of
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  • 498 9 Tht Vmerieni ship Mary L. Stom trom Shanghai, arrived at Manila at noon on the Bth insf and reported that the previous night when four or five miles outside the lay she was run „tn by a small steamer and that the steamer s bow Was
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  • 258 9 IT is notified that the appointment of the Hon'ble A. L. Doualdsou as au Unofficial Member of the Legislative Council of the Straits Settlements bus beeu coufirmed by the Queen. Mr. A. P. Talbot reported his return from leave of abseuce, and resumed his duties
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  • 334 9 The Austrian Royal Visit to the Far East. Vienna, 23rd October. AdmiraiSterneck j returned here yjaterday from Budapest, and, shortly after his arrival, there was a conference m the Naval Section of the Ministry of War connected with the approaching journey round the world of Archduke Fran/ Ferdinand d'Bste, the
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  • 1022 9 New Review. Since the Mutiny there have been many i opportunities of testing the military value of tbe Sikhs -wars m China, Abyssinia, Afghanistan, Burmah. the Boswlaß, and innumerahlo j expeditions on the Indian frontier, have shown how, so far. they have never failed when called upon.
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  • 160 9 The steamer Thale*, which arrived at Hongkong on tbe 13th instant called at Saud Island ou the Bth iust. on her way to Taiwanfoo. The Shanghai tug steai Sampson was found at anchor to windward of the Bokhara wreck, the weal being fine. Captain Buchanan boarded the
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  • 519 9 In Central Dakota, on the "Missouri bottoms." if we are to believe the journal Fire and Water, there exihts one of nature's strangest freaks. The settlers term it the pump snake." How it came there and where it came from is yet unknown. It first made its appearance
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  • 596 9 The Sydney Morning H> raid aaya A bill introduced bj one of tho member* for Bourke tending towards the abolition of the camel traffic is ah. nit as fatuous a inea ss a, presnmbiy, sensible assemblage of meu have ever been asked to consent to m modern
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  • Correspondence.
    • 96 10 To thk Bdi roa or thi Btj wis Ti Sin, As 1 1. you mentioned m your paper that a member of the "Race Club proposes to exclude Straits horses from future Deli races, I. fo member, think even this measure preferable to allowing Stiaits
      96 words
    • 299 10 iUK Editor of mr Strai T I* Bin,— Were it not for the eer\ serious •ies involved, the antics I >vie of the performers at the above exhibition would be ludicrous to the climax of the show being reached when Bon Furioso, the Penang Patriot, proceei Doonybrook
      299 words
  • 201 10 Thi: price of the Sti free is as follows Within British Msm\\\\\\\ p Daily issue per J L ie com ]v 1( i BBunnuM ©sat* 1 1 British Jbßbbbuuu! B 1.1- L)ail\ issue per 1 do do c.pv lo fj______| |> Weekly i**u.- year 18 d..'l«»- L
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 353 10 ESTABLISHED L» RILEY. HA.R6REAVES CO. Knoinki.p.*. I BoiiAßsti Bmnon Bntu Iv OoirTnacTons 3APOHF .t KUALA LTJMPO Ship Building Yard. H 3 AM V. idoajr c 4 ruction, fron- 18 ft. to 1 of heel, uessfru I asrieh. INERY trom leading British Firms sid ci Trade Cet-tificatss. This det i* under
      353 words
    • 636 10 SAW MILL MACHINERY. Rope feed, Rack and plain Circular Saw benches. Tonguing, grooving and planing machines, Saw gnlleting and sharpening ma- I chinos. Circular Saws from 12 to 72 inches. Crosscut and hand saws. Carpenters' axes, ad/.es, Ac. SHIPS' FI TTINGS AND STORES. Rockets. Blue Lights, Holmes's Distress Signals, Life
      636 words
    • 76 10 ESTABLISHED JB7B. I PSI 1 "^AERATED WA j ji ;C 1 bbßh|T .1 /il tl ~§*SS I 1\ ;«*rußt •J^W'JIMMI if I PMSOiIL£ OF TE^n>KAK> IMHTHpAI I 1 FROM PUR DISTILLED I The Dispen b I a This Como i 'are thr I \erate4 I _UMtacto > 1 io tte
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 164 10 Fasseuucr Lis!. Arrival* Per s. a. Darwin from Australia via BataviM Mr. A Stevens. Per s. s. Ban Whatt Kin from Selangor via ports: Mr. Lowder. Per s. s. Surat from Kobe: -Hon. E. Littleton. From Hongkong: Mr. J. C. B. Burbank, M'ss M. .T. Burbank. Miss A. J. Burbank,
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    • 229 10 Mr X. W. Alexander, Mr. C. Alexander. From Genoa Mr. T. Thiem, Mr. Otto Kaesteer. Mr. A. Kaepper, Mr. B. Heineken, Mr. T. T. Naegeli, atr. A. Von Bernstorff, Mr. A. Hoffmann. Mr. R. A. Dassel, Mr. R. Suero, Mr. W. Hinn. and Mr. R. Wolff. From Bremeu Mr. B.
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 1094 11 SHIPPING. SiHIPPIMi IN PtMCI. t Horisou, Feh. bo_. 480 tons, < apt Bandoum. Under this heading tho folio- w^r abbrevia- 31st Oct. From Colombo, ith. G.c. Master, tiona are used atr.— steamer •ah —ship •bo For N,w York U R(ls barque; Brit.— BritiMh- lle d StateS- *yanct*co, Ital. bq. I.oBB
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 594 12 ABBVALS. if FI.AO < Vessel's Na^k. Tons. Caftatn. From 'saii.m> H Nov 15 Lubeck Gor. sW.I 231 Storm Pontianak Noi M, V er fW Lolnmbo Pch. tea, 1948 jLaanrnts Saigon Noi V 16 (St. Peterabug Boa. tea I r K__?i! fIV l si iniU *?*«»whJp Ca Lsd. SeV ste. 0M
      594 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 483 13 jg»|____^_f A nj |H B |Bd ------*______l B_______________a\^^^ J^_^s»__| BflpH 1 1 i WOKCESTERSHIRE SAUCE *rw„,,,. LEA f-BRRiNB. sauce. RETAIL EVER V "WHERE. Bi«gapor Aegents, JOHN UTILE .v CO fx^? 1 50 1 "EADAOHE, 3CUT REUULAR USE IN WARM CLIMATES I^' 'Oi^^Oi'S\BBBBBBBBB|BBfIBBBBBJ ES! A/ [|2|Ju(__^__J_ll__S2_WJ_J SOLD THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. KT-B-
      483 words
    • 730 13 Br. Lalor s Phosphodyne /jf^JS For THIRTY YEARS hai iraintaiEfd its mtnU ml*. gU*7a Best and ONLY SAFE RELIABLE PHO3FK3nc CWF 1 'T'^l thi Paralysis. WaapkaaßMßS, bwS- Dreams v rT Wrpck^ J^S^. Power. a.d all Funetu.l and E d Co cay of V^ l yO f%^\ ,t ifa v,:.. Utlons
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 645 14 POWELL CO. SINGAPORE. Please bead these few lines and bear them m mind. OUR FURNITURE FACTORY is m Orchard Road, and is the largest and most complete It is supplied with steam power to drive our Woodworking Machines, Sawe, Lathes, Ac, therefore Contracts and large orders can he put through
      645 words
    • 675 14 YARROW'S SHALLOW DRAFT STEAMERS. $m jj f liiiw'Bii-i-iHi'itTiiW'jpH? IS 1 B STERNWHEEL STEAMERS have bmn fo experience to be the beat type of ye for shallow river navigation, aud of these Messrs Farrow hive eonstrncted 1 large number of successful examples for all parta of the srorkL Vessels on this
      675 words
    • 216 14 %t^ w+ v%*r W%\ Best For tht- Toilet, -L^V^ Nil* Mix LJ x^Bsr^/nw^ss/ Ibe most suitable and srirnt ith s*** 9 I Jj S0AI» lor oYlirah- SKins. \WJ \p. ideal soap delightfully perfumed. I—Chemist1 Chemist A l> Ot I '1,1(111-*! In five kinds. PREMIER fr tin Mi o TTO .Toil.-'
      216 words