Straits Times Weekly Issue, 27 September 1892

Total Pages: 14
576 589 Straits Times Weekly Issue
  • 25 576 The Straits Times WEEKLY ISSUE. StRAHijsHKD 18:51. PUBLISHED FOR TRANSMISSION BY KvKRY HoMEWAKD MAIL StKAMI.I I* i: 40 (HMv »L XLVIII. SINGVPORI], TU.ESDAYr»JaPTI^nnjjiU 27, 185)2. ;?,(«>(>
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  • 45 576 i Straits rimes has the lir ?st s illation of any newspapa* British India excepted. I arculates in Singapore and ,ang, throughout all the tectel tates of the Malay insula, in Siam, Borneo, the herlands Indies, the Philip-io-Oh: r Eastern newspaper has id a c
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  • 10 576 i. I i*e. ids h. i si k;u;u >-ion.
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  • 296 576 Hoai'drk. 127 r i September, IPkODvJCE. I 6.05. !'.2".. A do No. -J 5.0:;.. Bali, 4.:r>. Pontianak 1."">-->per Black 11.:'.'. K ai-uwak :l«" Krl > ■u- 32.00. ..iiierian, 33.0Q. ■fcnioca Pinali Flako Mj >. do Ist quality 4.7" fe med. tlake, +.1*»--do small pear! 3.S do 4.30
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  • 344 576 Tin: 8\ i fi rived here on Sit urdaj morning from Perak with the <■ vernor and party on board frpm Perak. Iu Perak the Governor had ;i narrow from drowaiog owing to the launcb conveying him down tinKinta River striking i and linking. H. E.
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  • 290 576 i s China. it-'«l id nod I le < stalilisliiu^ <>f \l\. "thai C aN<> i:i Mauebi v. itb I obi i c mil:: >in Lab i t'f BIZ tfa ;i de| bo the P emier of N W.i to inand the release of the men a at
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  • 341 576 Tin-: raardi P w WHS odou pro] Th on i. Tei in. 00 i <; nil 1 v In rday ai I I ports i bat on the i while mustering i og a .1 }f > K a8 fuuml missing. U f made for him. 1
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  • 221 577 Thu Colonial Government learns that the search for the rebels under <St Rah* mati is being prosei uted by Colonel Walker and Mr. ClifFord. Clifford h return. I to Kuala Lipis for supplies, and •will aijain I a for I '..-;;n to-moi row. Tin: British strati;, r
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  • 150 577 ng of the Hongkong British rcaiitile Marine Officers' Association on tbe 27tb September, tbe Chairman said tbey bid received a comuiuuication from tbe Colonial Secretary auegit tbe subject pirac\ His Excellency the Governor h id «1 -hat h<> would be willing to receive a deputation
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  • 88 577 Mr. Robe, Into Imperial Commissioopr for the administration of the German Protectorate of N\'\v Guinea who is nt present staying hiere, handed over the administration of thai Protectorate to Mr. Schmicle, the newly appointed Director General of the New-Guniea Company at the begiuDiogof this inoirtb. Mr. Schmicle
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  • 479 577 Chinese Co-operation with Pirates in Tonquin. [f there be still the slightest doubt lingering in the minds of the Freueb autlio ities with .ir-i t o the pai I I < Y <■ Shi'tn a have been king i;i ill-' irontinned inrmda «>i iu in the following from the .i
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  • 733 577 The Hongkong Daily PreM makes the following translations from t he Avenir <Ih j Tonkin aud the Independence Tonkimise Tli .l'« nir of the •>!«! in-taut s«ys in m leading article:— The results lately obtained by ilc S. <•;,'•(<"• des Charbonnagsa du T< ukm nt Kougaj I avo
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  • 351 577 No Rent" in Selangor. Th rid Otfuvrai i I f ilo j I' 1 I!, l.iw.lci), in his r >« »t t fo|l Lives tin- !<>jlowii)<^ J..11 t uul.irg checked a no rent .ju li-"t'i for I T.-Mi.-mir .it 7 a. m. on 1%4 '2iA. to ci»;i»'i't lent. I »\pl
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  • 65 577 At a meeting of the Chiua Trvfl iurance Co., at Hongko I slant, the reports ami account were passed. The Ohainua; the balance at credit of profi: r irouut ($495,185) admitted vi fl tp*™' ofBimilar dividend* as tho*< [WW 11 year, viz 18 pjer ceut to jg J 15 per
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  • 345 578 A ftoNUKOxa weather t.-l-^tam dated this forenoon reports there is a depressi^n in the China Sm, S. K. o H.m^konj;. Ih* 1 Assi/.e Court tljis morning in Jpannellingthe special jury fortlie IVown Oil tbe following were chalien^M CrnWli) Messrs I T. IJoyd, A P. Adams, John Aikl-msoi,.
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  • 494 578 Aii imp truant article ha- appeared in tin* Xov> > Vrcmyn, n Pain v o'.--sti w '■.<■ > thnt the &«010 f C »lnn« i l Yui< lil ouist) tron_ authority <>-i ,ie Pa- jmir pi.v i, which li s !>• > Russia ca tli > conquest
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  • 252 578 The llaub Australian Syndicate Ltd. notify shareholders who have not paid the «sth«all that uuless the call is paid ©u or before the Bth October, the shares will be liable to be forfeited. As the reeonstrue- tiou of the company is uuder consideration the director! intimate that it will
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  • 680 578 The report of Mr. Win. Bibby, the Raul) .M niug Manager, for the fortuigbl ending the 16 b September, L892, runs as follows Uauk ii i'he new engine shaft is now down the re [uire 1 depth, 120 ft. We are now sinking three or four feet
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  • 303 578 H.M.S. Hyacinth has gOO6 to Viincuuvcr wliNc ir is expected she will be reeotn■Btssioned. The Biitisli steamer II y Lttong arrived hero this morning from Penang with \m of Liogkal oil for this market. 11. If. S. Mi rciirif will leave for a cruise to the Diodings
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  • 106 578 OwiN to ill.- recent closing of the BapIbe oiilv 1*,,;, stunt place of worship hitherto a\,iiiai>!-' in Bangkok, several I members <»f th<> foreigu community tfa have taken steps t.. 1 funds to te-open the old English Church ai Bao-1 kwai, aiul obtain a regular mi
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  • 490 578 Shortly !>■{' re o > clock on t humor of the K» 'i fire, which probablyommeneed about midnight, wa* discovered in a larje Chinese rest ur.-u.i and tea »6op at tin 1 corner of Eiollyw i d U. ad ad Wi'-t, k>M» >ui ban Hong.
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  • 694 578 Serious Explosion on Board H.M.S. Mercury." One man kili.i:i>. four others injured. I i is not very often that the papers have to record an explosi u of the uataw which occurred on boatd 11. M. s. M (> Wednesdaj I j exploi on i due to the iguition o.
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  • 111 578 The Avenir >l» Tonkin of the lOtli ii. publishes a telegram from Lang-son effect that the military station *1 That-kl which had U-rii sum Minded b\ 1,200 to 1,500 Chinese, for s.-ven or eight days, was eventually attacked on the ir li idem. For three or tour
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  • 289 579 The British steamer Torrington has been renamed the Hongay. The team selected to represent the Penan g Cricket Club against the Military from Singapore at the end ot the mouth is said to be as follows Wright (Capt.), Anthony, Peake, McClosky, Carter, J. P. Lamb, Juo. Lamb,
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  • 174 579 Advices of the typhoon at Tainsui latelj uoti<<d in our columns show it to be of a rrific nature, 200 lives beiug lost and $50,000 worth of property destroyed. During tin 1 niu'ht it raged numbers of junks foundered. Lots >•! sampaus disappeared and most of their
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  • 398 579 Telegrams via Rangoon. Allahabad, ttth Sept. It is still uncertain whether Hashiisi .iii t lit* Black Mountain outlaw has any sincere intention of coming in to Sir William La ckhart. and the orders for the n- ntration of the troops at Darband on October ls-t hold go.
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  • 722 579 The Governor-General, M. De Lanessan, returned to Tonquin iu the end of last month, quite recovered from the t lease which had seized him for a while. I Affairs iu Tonquin have changed so ich for the worse d u ring his absence on sickleave in Japau that
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  • 971 579 Advices from Acheen to the Bth September bring word that the Aohinese have made a lodgment between the outlying forts at Lamreng and Lambaru, in the lines held by the army of occupation. Cars used to be run on a military tramway between these posts in spite of
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  • 4184 579 THE PROSECUTION OF THF IiIIOWK (he/ore Mr. Justice Collyrr and a Special Jury.) (Th urtday, 22nd S< mber.) In the Court of Assize this morning before Sii Honour Mr. Justice John Alexander Brown and I Coombe I>n>wii, lately men -hunts (jjM Penang. were arraigned on an nid.rtroejfl rhai
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  • 2636 580 On tbi application of the An GiUfial it was decided t hat certain ♦•itra< quoted in the baiters' affidavitb yesterday should be taken as a\>\>\) both prisoners. John Frederick Wreford, a< the Supreme Court and Ashii»lanl Brown and Co. of Penan* defendants are two of the partners.
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  • 6488 581 .1. V. Wr. ford id'o uninati^^^l I Mi. Donaldson continued) T prodßfk U* I letter 1.0,,k <>f November l^!»n I 27th there is a letter to M<>- uiflßn I and Company. **T v >'» I The letter was put in and i,ij I K.'jist nir. I' -a vi-
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  • 206 583 (Befon Acting Ckitf JutUu Wood.) IoHN BftOWM DISiHAKGED IN THE SECOND CAM Oa the Court assembling this morning the Acting Attorney General said be proposed to now outer a^ in the out agamst Johu A. Brown. His Lordship l^t him t» discharged. lhe Registrar then announced
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  • 478 583 K*Miter. J (Straits Times, 21 it S^UuiheM I Aftkr all the complaints and thf^^H comments which have been made afl r quality of the stuff which ReuterS 3j her,' as telegraphic news, there were held out that possibly then- MiigbtfH reform. LYuter r. •c.-ives a very ret^^H ble ium
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  • 278 583 s >f.« Timts, Stptetnber.m Tu-dat's telegrams iatimate thl^^| place of meeting of the International ifl etarv Conference remains un6xed, but B l vious advices indicated the probabilitj vf'|gLondon being chosen aK Bucb. It was! rt-5Jp derstood that tbe Conference w nidi'" meet uutil after the American Fres|
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  • 408 584 Bf Telegram /rum Our Correspondent.) Penang, Saturday, 11.34 a.m. I An the police pinnace was coining down i nta River on Thursday with H. E. the Governor aud Mo«srs. Treacher, Deuison, and Hauson ou board, the pinnace struck a snag, and sank. All the
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  • 272 584 h HI. THK >l I-TAN DECORATED A K.O.MG. fe*UßT H E K K .VI! WAY Ex T E N SIGNS. RThe < -venior left Singapore on tlie 14th Kit with staff and Mr. R. W. Maxwell. SW I at Penang on the moruing of
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  • 815 584 IH* Lomercio deals editorially with the subject of steam tramway enterprise at Mauila. That city has had lines of tramway running for sometime with such prontable results at first that appearance* pointed to still greater popularity of tins mode of communication. Experts in this lino of busiuess hence
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  • 1206 584  -  Arnot Reid Written for the Strait* Times.) Yokohama, 7th September, 1892 Four years since, by the vale of Suez, I entered the land of rtgrtt. To-morrow I sail for the Golden Gate. It Beenn the happier exit. Entering Asia by Sues, ono passes by countries whose keynote
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  • 424 584 The origin of the recent disturl*nc«» between the 'hin^e and the aboriginal tribes in Formosa is described in ilu- la^t consular report from fli;»t isiaiu. A hhort-cighted official, anxious to find favour with his superiors for the number (if liend^ he could produce, offered a reward of
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  • 84 584 •A" Class single Hanihcai »wiii i>ciif Doyle. Hooper fceejj Muir. Law bent Makepeace U (JI.ASS BIXOLM HANDK A)'. Bowm GiMwtb sj. D. JtfßM beat Jenkius. F. Drtuujs heat (iawler. Snbba heat Da\ it s. Dow beat McCiHuni, Major.) Benj«ft»ld bmai u<>d«Bse. Graham beat Brady.
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  • 1461 585 The Introduction or Cotton Spinning and Weaving in Shanghai. The Britis-h Consul at Shanghai, in hi* last report, refers to tbo introduction of e01t4.11 spinning and weaving hy fureigu machinery into Shanghai. He saja it h.:> long t fiova tKu there was a wide field fart trod uct ion of
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  • 337 585 {By telegram from our Correspondent.) Penanq t.39 p. m (Thursday, 22nd September.) Lar<*e seizure of opium made ou board steamer Niim Yong yesterday. Th( F'armera arc moving to have the vessel seized and confiscated. Penmtg I. SO p. m. < Friday, 23rd Septembt r, The
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  • Page 585 Advertisements
    • 254 585 ESTABLISHED 181 RILEF. HARGREAYES CO. Kn-.inkkk-s, luox A Bra^s Founi>f; BoiLKKMAKKKS. BUDOI BUILDCKS. SHlPr.rn :>i:k>. Qmiil Contractors. SINGAPOKE A KUALA LUMPOR. Ship JJuihliui: Yard. ITIGH class STEAM VESSELS always undor construction, from 38 ft. to 150 ft. Leagtfc of keel, of best design ami finish. MACHINERY from loading British Firms
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    • 549 585 in a specially good position t vrpy thro' with despatch ERECTION of Roofs, Ac in Iron and Wood, TlONand ERECTION of BRID S.B» U Rice and Oil Mills, Sinking WSle and all kinds of excavation and co^^^H SALVAGE WORK. Our plant complete set of hydraulic RivetfinfrJ| Steam Pumps, Steani Cranes.
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  • Page 586 Miscellaneous
    • 480 586 SHIPPING; SUIPPIMM IN PORT. Under this heading the f^lowing abl t tions are used s f r Le Mp barque; Bnt.-Briti.},: Fr -French Ger.(.;0r,,, Johore;& c T G.c--pas,engerB;U r[',: P»grWf;T.l'. vr'T^T^ ll^' 11 vS —Jardine Wharf! v 'ti r Now Hap]>() ''r Wharf; .Now Harbour Dock —Koadg. Where no
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    • 190 586 W J C^r. stv (89 t. Cnpt. PromSj In.y .-.thJu v. 2> Co O—V P vv nr «1 mt. Elooifl'. V\ Ba2aBt. !> ,-n- 9th Pf, 24th July. i:,ll, i;.- k. i il l» .'1 Ttli W. 23rd July. CosJa A o. Pot New Fork 0 -Rcb I Aus.l>q. MS
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  • Page 587 Miscellaneous
    • 1272 587 AKKVAI ,fcj. Vksrkl's Name. A Tons. Captain. From. Sailed consignees. q Rio Sept IM i Polyphemus Brit. str. 1813 Lee Liverpool Log 13 A Manafield ACo 19 |Vau Die men Dut. str. 758 liendler Katavia Sepl 16 Dhkd«laU «v Co. 19 Hawean str. 860 brockmeyer Sourabaya Sept IbiDnendals A: Co,
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  • Page 588 Advertisements
    • 345 588 v? 'v W: E SAUCE LEA pbrri Nb SAUC 3^ ETA I L EVER YWHERE. nts. JOHN LITTLE v'( I tit: ld Al Dp H., j I>~ i TUTIO-.S, LaDU LK OB OOtTT BEI W. MATJ II Y J I ll\j I^OUGKOUT TH 'LD. grfjNtojfifi SANDAL aUi L 1* SANDAL
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    • 141 588 FOR SAL rip K_ lighter, liiiiit bj ilie Ta j -ir I Dock <"«>, Ltd., covered m. A v-r a I sac] has jnst beea d< rked, I. ind i remetalled thronghoni. Capacity about 35 111I 11 ton-; < n draft «i A i>i»l v to u. c. QUTHRIE a
      141 words
    • 337 588 II r. Lalor s Phosphodyne I For THIRTY YEARS hu iraiataiced I w«ld-mi iu th« f Mj»-Y SAFE KEL a^ Ti^ vital iCca.iuo. "^-^v lT CURES D y s Pep»*«, ind Hoart Disease. 'i^^^-'-^T' CORES K.dney and Liver Complaints. fcvfeS^ COfitS a: I Blood Disorders h CURES Consumption and General
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  • Page 589 Advertisements
    • 562 589 POWELL CO. SIX(JAPORE. Please keak thesk pew links and bear thkm in kind. OUR FURNTTURR FACTORY is in Orchard Rond, and is the largest and atom eomple'o. li is gnpplipd with steam power to drive our Woodworking Machines, K*wB, 1. -\i '><■». Ac, therefore Contn»ctn and larjre orders can be
      562 words
    • 351 589 The I rqwn Invigorat- gzr* ing Lavender W Salts. Rkg. 300 000 BOTTLES SOLD LAST YEAR. os H E C OW N PERFUMERY CQ'2--17" D U M IN i 1). in bearing I -ity oar Miike n on i ri\ <" hina and Japan, :nnl th I most fav ur
      351 words
    • 134 589 For Ike Toil< I I x^*; Tke mos< saitabl i and sciei tl SOAP for delicate skins. An ideal folly perfur M' Dnquesi onn In Bre kii.-ls. OTT- ri I i i i wlli \v\ 1 > 1 i ■•!<** <|U -ntly h \\\w x vr u ml v-n .i
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  • Page 589 Miscellaneous
    • 58 589 YARROW'S SHALLOW DRAFT STEAMERS. f Si'itw »ru 4 _j RS w I b? experience to b« t', A^ M'■ -rs. V.V!: -ful exampi of 'li« k world. V>j thin system are c i tstm sted, when required, to rnwh »1 Hoaq v nt, for i i''\o »~i ii rn -tel
      58 words