Straits Times Weekly Issue, 17 December 1889

Total Pages: 17
1 1 Straits Times Weekly Issue
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  • 16 1 On the 13th DsceTibsr, the wife of Dr. I Gimobe Ellis of a son. i
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  • 88 1 STRAITS TIME TUESDAY, 17th DECEMBER, 1889. CONTENTS. Market Quotations. Suinmiry of the Weok. Renter's Telegrams and General News. Palav in T hurt, i iv'a Legislative Council. Hongkoiig Politic. Slavery iu Netherlands India. Miaiug and Prospecting in the Peninsula. The Tentonia Ball. Shipping News. Passenger List. The Supreme Court. The
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  • 340 1 Singapore, 17th December, 1889. Produce. G*rabter 7.95. do. Oube No. 1 11.50. do. do. No. 2 ,10 30. o>prm, Bali 4.10. do. Pontianak „3.60. Pepper, Black 17.25. Sago Flour 2.224. Pearl Sago v 3.30 Coffee, Bali .7 „27.25. Tapioca, small Flake 5 25. 00. do. Ist quality
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  • 205 1 Tra Legialatire Oouncil ttdjowned for indefinite pern* on Fridaj^r pa*.i»g three bJU. A»t one ,tM Municipal OrcKmww Ani«*»«it Bill hat fr**i it. plao^ i&^e ita^tboo^whi* now »cludti 21 ordinaaoes peJ^d year. That same evening, at the dedication anniversary meeting of the Methodist Church, the reports read
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  • 222 1 (For Straits Timet.) Germany. London, 10th Dec. The Emperor of Germauy at a banquet at Frankfort said that his whole endeavour is to make Germany powerful and respected, that he quite sees the value of the fruits of peace which he will strive to preserve. Brazil. London, 12th
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  • 585 1 W« are adTiied from Uln Pahaag that Mr. Bibby, the manager at Eaub, ii not well and that the work of conTeying the machinery up stream i» not making good piogrem Lass on Saturday afternoon the Hon. receifi tfci foflOwiDC trtyytee iuw»y from Penanflr: »oi eoftiag, teidmgbewtljacV"
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  • 687 1 In a recent issue of Notes and Queriet Mr. D. D. Gilder wrote as follows The following coincidence in the vernacular name of the kernel of the coconut in two different languges of the two hemisperee, via. Sftmn*" and Gujarati (spoken in India) appears to be strange and deserves
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    • 156 2 A Selangor conespondent, noticing a certain anagram on the name and title of Sir Robert Hart, which has been floating around the eastern papers, sends us the following, which he says was made several years ago. The following names Major McNair, The 4 civil officers sent to S. Dunlop, Perak
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    • 311 2 Teo Kve Lim who was arrested in Hong Lim Quay at 10.30 a.m. on tbe 6th instant for voluntarily causing hurt to another Chinaman and tor an alleged theft of $2.35 got cff on the charge of theft, but for using a knife in a quarrel about seme firewood
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    • 199 2 {Pinang Gazette, 6th Dec.) A hundred Province Wellesley Malays have er gaged themselves for service as general workmen on tobacco estates in Korth Borneo, aiid have registered their names at the office of the Chineee Protectorate. They left yesterday by the s. s. Palitana for fciogapore. An old
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    • 3 2 SSS^32ffi=.
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    • 576 2 The Java Bode of tbe 30th November notes no improvement in the situation in Acheen as to the aggressiveness of the enemy and the prevalence of disease among the army of occupation. Up to that date nothing more had been heard of the negociatious with the Acbinese chiefs,
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    • 151 2 Supreme Court. A Marriage Question. lHis morning the Acting Chief Justice's Court was occupied in adjudicating upon the rival claims to letters of Administration to the estate of one Hong Hee deceased One of the claimants for whom Mr Baiter appeared was Nah Chve Neo tbe'aile«ed widow of the deceased
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    • 206 2 Bangkok Times 4th Dec.) Gamboge is at present being s >ld in the local market from 106 to JOiMicals per picnl. A slight improvement is distinguishable in the price* quoted for White Pepper, whir»h has. during the last ft w days, been sold (a> 48 ticals per picnl.
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  • 340 2 In Mr. Justice Wood's Court to-day Mr. William Stiven sued Choa Soo Tuan for the price of and the calls on 50 Rawang shares sold ou 30th August, at oue dollar each. Defendant denied the contract the verdict was for the pursuer with costs. For the plaintiff
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  • 276 2 I'ENANG CANNOT COME. Yestbbday afternoon, the Captain of the Singapore Cricket Club, received a telegram from the Secretary of the Penang Cricket Club notifying that Penang is unable to raise a team to send here at Christmas no further communication has been received from Perak, therefore it is
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  • 338 2 The Deli Courant of the 4th Decemberreports that heavy rains there in Novem her had proved highly detrimental to tU planting interest. The roads had in ooT j sequence become impassable except b* horses. Outdoor work on the tobacco estates underwent also irksome delay The Sultans of Deli
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  • 72 2 Bkfork Mr. Justicb Goldnbt, 11th Umc Low Cheng Koon c*. Wee Tiam Tew. The plaintiff claimed $580 for money lent to the defendant. Mr. Bailey in stating the case for the plaintiff, submitted that as the dt fondant pleaded infamy, he should^ be called upon to prove his
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  • 121 2 Yesterday afternoon about 3 o'clock the German steamer Jihiga from China for Java Port*, put inhere and hoisted thesignal for Police. She was boarded bv the boarding office is' men when it was found the Chinese passengers who were booked to Ja?e ports had refused to go on,
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  • 463 2 aor some tfme past there hare beta rainours that both the O. < >. S. S. Co. and the P. M. S. S. Go. intend reducing the nunber of steamers at present running on their Sa» Francisco- Japan-China line, ana it was generally known
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 109 2 1 PA88BITOKB8 Ll8T. ABBIVAL8. I Per Pontianak from Pabanfc tffi&ayvte. Will o' the Wisp from Bukit Kudamesara. Antboniz tod Swan and (2) Mis8# Velje. Itecuka from Bangkok, 31 r. A rat*. Ji«rwne<^tre from Londop, Mr. Van Hoc ▼«-lt Z7ly««e« from Shanghai, Messrs. Hohtan and Bassoff. Mr. und Mrs. Fanner. 1
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  • 1773 3 As has already been stated in these columns the new system of Founders' shares has hit the fancy of the investing and speculating public. la illustration of this we may state that th > 10/. Founders' shares in one particular Company are quoted just now at 7.0 00/.,
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  • 802 3 (From our o*m Correspo*dent.) Kwala Lumpor, 9th Zkfr-Since tto ten yean sentence pronounced upon the Kung fcr marder, there hat been nothing of any importance to«d*fcurb the judicial mind Here. There is one case of alleged highway robbery on the public road— by a Celestial who*g victim was
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  • 722 3 {Exchanges to 4ih Dec.) Says a Peking correspondent of the Daily Vwi:— The Peking Qa»*tU b inoet instructive to the rtudent of the Ohaese. The other day the ofßeUk throughout the proT}noe» were e&Ued uDon to bring the delinquent* of the GoTernors to the attention of S»nSer^: mS^See.
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  • 398 3 We understand that Syed Mohammed Alsagoff has retired, or is retiring, from the directorate of the Malay Peninsula Prospecting Company, and that Mr. John Anderson has agreed to join the board. Christmastide Sports. The action of Penang at such a late period, in withdrawing from th ur
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  • 276 4 Bkkokk Mk. Justice Wood. In the matter of Koh Pay Hap and another. Infants. This was an application on the part of a mother for the writ of Habeas Corpmt to obtain the custody of two of her female children aged 16 and 13 respectively who had been
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  • 757 4 Shortly afternoon on Tuesday, a Chinaman was arrested in Market Street for having 22\ lbs. of gunpowder iu his possession. The mau was taken to the Inspector of Gunpowder, who instituted inquiries with the result that a licensed dealer's shop on Boat Quay was overhauled, and his books, and
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  • 113 4 The steamer Almora which is exacted to anive in Siu^apore from Hatavia this afternoou, has on board eleven seamen, who on telegraphic instructions from the British Consul at Batavia, are to be arrested immediately on the ship's arrival. These arrest 8 Ml possibly be in connection with the
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  • 990 4 T ast night tho mt mbers of theTeutonia Club gave an exceedingly pleasant and ■Will l—f>l ball in honour of His Excellency the Governor and Lady C!e*«-nti Smith. Every care had l*en taken with the arrangements at thn Club House. A covered way had been bail! fhNfl
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  • 949 4 I Fr.m tk* JW <Wime«< Q ateUe m It is notified that the official titl* k u Mr. A Spe nee Mo« Gov M B^>* for Railways. Jt has been notified that no meeting «t OM-e-. Frilly SocMy re^ «J office of the b'eeretary for Cninese Aff District
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  • 172 4 From our own Corretpondent. Malacca, tlth Decembn.— lt is a current rumour here that Hif Lordship the Bishop of Macao will shortly be in Mata* in order to perform the serviees at Church of St. Peter on Xmas day. In spite of the hmry mini we expenenced the
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  • 494 5 The capture and execution of Doi Van the pirate chieftain who had boastfully proclaimed that he would set about driviDe away the French from Tonquin, save the pursuing troops trouble and fatigue enough during the month in which they i hunted him down. Ninety nine of hii
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  • 346 5 A Saigon correspondent thus writes to the Temps —The crisis which has been weighing on the colony is not finished. The export duties on rice are 2369,635 less than the Budget estiaate (the export* for thetirst seven months were 3,500,000 piculs less than those of the
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  • 537 5 An Elephant Drive for Prince Albert Victor. 'f near It 9 .0r.. 36th Nov.) south emi V edda en doBure occupied the south end, and consisted of three squares of towßt, Mirrounded with a ditch 6 feet deep 2nd offt!! P i a Unoai hl 7 y« 11 frS the
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  • 211 5 Our Malacca correspondent sends word of a meeting of the Debating Society there at the Government High School. A more than ordinary number of the fair sex -were present, and spent a very pleasant evening in songs, Ac, breaking up at 9.30. j The P. O. steamer
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  • 63 5 Three Klinge, Peria Tamby, Malin and another, were charged with criminal breach of trust, on or about the 27th November, of a box containing clothing and jewellery value $53, the property of one Eusope. On hearing the evidence, Mr. Anthonisz discharged the prisoners, and the prosecutor was put in
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  • 148 5 Before Mk. Justice Wood. Inche Alimah brought an action against Ahna Boona Vana Eena Vyraven Chitty, as administratrix of Hoosain, deceased, for the return of two title deeds belonging to her relating to land at Toah Pyoh and Bochore. Defendant denied his posses- i sion of those deeds.
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  • 184 5 A Kling man named David died of hydrophobia in the General Hospital this morning. It appears that the deceased, about six months ago, was bitten bv a pariah dog in Bencoolen Street the wounds were bandaged up, aud uo evil effects ensued until about two days, when the poor
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  • 336 5 The Singapore Rifle Associations Challenge Cup competition will commence tomorrow Saturday afternoon. Altogether there are fourteen entries, including the present holder, Mr. R. Duuman. and it is a matter of conjecture as to the the probable winner. It is believed that the shooting at the 200, 500, and
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  • 3984 5 Thursday, 12th December, 1888. A meeting of the Legislative Council wm held yesterday afternoon in the Coun10l Chamber. The following members were present His Excellency the Governor (Sie Cecil C. Smith, The Hon'ble the General Officer Commanding the Troops (Mnj or- General Sir V
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  • 250 7 Th* number of vision U» tha t>. m i th^W P M AKlill^» the surreys of tbelate Mr Cameron, F.R.0.5., has iW A paraqrapk in one of the mail D a p«n» says that Rear Admiral Bernard wa^ expected to leave Prauc shortly to a^! sume the
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  • 190 7 At an early hour this morning, a Chinaman, to all appearances a coolie, attracted tome attention on the Tanjoug Pagar Wharf by endeavouring to cash a valuable bank note. One of the wharf police, thinking the circumstance suspicious took the man to Inspector Streif, and while on
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  • 442 7 A cricket match between an eleven and fifteen was commenced on the S. C. C. ground yesterday afternoon. The wicket was in tine condition, and very fast, but the out field was rather soft and sloppj. Mr. Hornby, who captaiued the eleveu, won the toss, and
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  • 173 7 Last evening Colonel Craster, R.A., took the opportunity of informally inspecting the Singapore Volunteer i Artillery at Port Pullerton. Altogether, the Corpg mustered about fifty strong. The men, in their new khakee uniforms, were inspected first in column, then in subdivisions, and Colonel Craster seemed to be very
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  • 135 7 Immediately the steamer Almora, from Batavia, made fast to the Taojong Pagar Wharf yesterday afternoon, she was boarded by Sergeant Maxwell, who, on telegraphic instructions from the British Consul at Batavia, arrested eleven coloured men, passengers on board. It appears that these men are part of the crew
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  • 3934 7 Anniversary services in connection with the dedication of the Methodist Church and Mission were held yesterday afternoon in the Church. A large number of invitai tions had been issued, and a goodly number were present. The Church was prettiIf decorated with plants an& flowers, and the following
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  • 204 8 Official Salaries and Houses. Telegraphic Communication. At a meeting of the Hongkong Wisla- tm? Council on the 4th December, Mr. MacEwen, an unofficial member, urjred j the publication of tbe report on the proI posed increase of official salaries there, and pointed out the advantages of the Govern-
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  • 494 8 A chinaman named Low Hwang Joo was murdered in a clockmaker's shop No. 41 New Bridge Road this inorniug and the murderer, bbortly after perpetrating the deed, gave himself up to the police. It appears that about 6 o'clock this morning, a ChinHtnau, with his
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  • 2686 8 8 ij'nlcuuui.iry to Strait* Tinu* Ttlojramu. Ctylon InJu'tuJt at. London, ggtib Nov.— Lord Salisbury NKtking at Nottingham ridiculed Lord RoMbery'i idea to inj|*jrt into the United KiagdOM the American Federation system. The proposal, he said, indicated tinperplexity of the Home Rule party. Touching upon our foreign policy, his
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  • 142 9 Jlroni our own Correspondent. Malacca, l.ith Dec. The members of the Malacca Debating Society will give a musical soiree &c. this eveuing at the Government High School. A monster Ular Savvah measuring about 21 teet was caught at Parit Melaua aud brought to the Central Station this morning.
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  • 463 9 The Matey Race s. Tho last number of tho proceedin b of the Anthropological Society of Vienna contains a Papjr by Dr. Bernhard Hagen ou Malay peoples. The wrii.-r refers to \he great tern of the Malaj for the sea. I'hey pray to Allah," he says, tttat th>y may die
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  • 278 9 EDITORIALS Palawan. (Straits Time* December It.) Enterprising pioneers desirous of fresh fields for productive exertion may do worse than cast their eye* op Palawan, one of the Philippine iskadi. There, the Spanish Government bate made arrangementa for starting a Colony on an itntract of land held, on concession by a
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  • 314 9 {Straits limes Dacember 12.) The recent alleged slavery atrocities in Lotnbok, which have been noticed from time to time in our columns, are £oiu# the round of the newspapers uud lend themselves readily to point a moral and to give a keener edge to anti slavery
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  • 580 9 Yesterday 's Legislative Council. {Straits Times December 13.) At yesterday's Legislative Council Mr. Sheli'ord very properly pointed out how mistaken it was to suppose that because certain Eugli ;h aud Scottish Corporations spend money on festivities and ainuseineots therefore they are spending the rates. Edinburgh, Glasgow, aud uianv other towns
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  • 392 10 {Straits Times December 14.) An increased military contribution such a.s the Secretary of State intends to lay on this Colony is also expected to be demanded from Hongkong and the Governor there deprecates any such addition to the fiscal burdens weighing upon our northern neighbours, who every year
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  • 347 10 (Straits Time* December 16.) From the Malay Peninsula our news is still of ruiueral concessions and shares. Our Jelebu correspondent discusses the affairs of the Jelebu Tin Miuiug aud Trading Company, aud if what he tells us is not framed in too saaguiue a
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  • 672 10 The first stage of the Singapore Rifle Association Challenge Cup competition took place over the 200, 600 aud t>oo yards ranges at the Balestier Road Range on Saturday afternoon, and the contest will be concluded next Saturday, when the competitors have to shoot over the long distance, viz.,
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  • 330 10 The match Mr. Hornby's XI vs. Mr. Stinger's XV was resumed on the S.C.C. ground on Saturday afternoon, when the XV went to the wickets and succeeded iii compiling a total of 107 against the Xl's 45. The XI again went in to bat aud wi».«u
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  • 199 10 Tkb Namckow reports meetiuir with .tronjf N. E. wiod, aod aWy the Fara<*ls on her way to thi. po.t AmoyAf inward, the weatheV ruT( S moderately squally. The Shanghai Mercury aays tJut fc German gteamer Poiiu* weut aahure o the 2nd^inst. on the West Spit just UQ d
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  • 576 10 Accident to Mk. Hooper. The pleasure of th.? run on Siturday was marrel through rather a serums accideut which befel on? of the riders, and by the loss of a valuable horse. As usual, the meet was at the Orchard Road Police Statiou, where several ladies and
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  • 1519 10 Browing, Robert (b. 1812), the *>*J°r temporary and Rmd of Tennyson among Yietorian poets, was born at (>mberweU, w* a Tillage to the south of London, on MjJ His father was a clerk in the BjJ* a good claeeic, hU mother a Seo*rt^*^ Their son began
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  • 1303 11 A CavalcJlD* of Embphants. Coal and Tin. From a correspondent Starting from Penang at 10 a.m. a rough I passage of five and-a-half hours brought us to Qualla Quedah, and ascending the river, we reached the town at 5 p.m. Quedab for a Malay town is
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  • 1014 11 From the perusal of your daily papers it seems that the many and vast mining schemes of Pahang and Borneo entirely engross the public mind, so that an isolated little spot Jike Jelebu is almost forgotten. Nevertheless we do exist, and even at times are enlivened by visitors,
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  • 1473 12 The Municipal President in his November report says The important question of the removal of night-soil is dealt with very fully by the Acting Health Officer in his report which is attached, and I feel I would be lacking in my duty if I did not impress upon
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 70 12 SINGAPORE DISPENBART Adjoining Messrs. John Little Co 40, Raffles Place. Established 1825, Telephone No. 66. riitLtt Managing Proprietor has a regular -L «*pply of Drug and Patent Medicines from Guard's Hair Dye Hop Bitten 5 1 01 <**<*" FeUow's Syrup Seigel's Svrup Benedictuf s Elixir DenSaline Ttifrice Uod Liver Oil
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    • 311 12 LAMBERT BROTHERS SINGAPORE CARRIAGE WORKS AND H AANESS MANUFACTORY. Orchard Road, Singapore. Established 1862. GREAT CLEARANCE SALE OF CARRIAGES, HARNESS, Ac. LAMBERT BROTHERS beg to announce that on and after this date, and until further notice, they will offer for aale, at greatly reduced prices, their large and valuable stock
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    • 648 12 PRINTING FACILITIES. THE Mr**. Tt^TiSess has f. u ties for printing quiekly. When necessary merchants' Winess f o ,W printed while the messenger waits NOTICE. JT THE price of the "Strait* Time** For the daily iss W $24 v^u For the weekly issue Sl6 y^ lj The subecription, which is
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 181 13 THE "NOVELTY" STORE. 79, Brass Bassa Road. (Two doors from North Bridge Road) JUST RECEIVED. A fine aasorfanent of Perfumes, Soans Sponges, Christinas Crackers? aSSZ* m as Tree Ornaments and Tors^ mt M. EDWARDS. Singapore, 6th December, 1889.^20/12 GENUINE RAHTJENS COMPOSITION Fo* Ships' Bottoms. TRADE jcHM MARK As supplied to
      181 words
    • 145 13 KATZ BROTHERS iiiiiit t« A P^ E RY DEPARTMENT. Black leather single and double horse and ponv harness Brown leather single and dou^ foe W S^JW h^ess, La^s and GeSFs bridles, Headstalls, Stirrup leather, Girths, Knee caps, Bits, etc., etc t v A J' ARG B COLLECTION OF John Gosnells'
      145 words
    • 49 13 INliPiUMi^y GRATEFUL— COMFORTING, jf EPPS'S COCOA. BREAKFAST. "B 7 thorou 5 h knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of dunstiai Made simply with boiling water or milk. Sold in i-lb. packets by Grocers, labelled thus:— JAMES EPPB CO HOMOEOPATHIC CHEMISTS, LONDON, ENGLAND. Singapore, 30th August, 1889
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 626 13 ARRIVALS b Flag i j 5« Vessel's Nam». A Tons. Captain. Fkom. Sailkd. Consignees. Rio. Dec 7 Fantee Brit, str 98 'Smale Linggi Dec 6 Tan Kiong Saik 7 Ban Yong Seng str.! 366 Smith Sourabaya Dec 2 Wee Bin A Co. 8 'Graaf van Bylandt Dut. str. 794 Cramer
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    • 497 13 {5J{' B V«BBiL's Namj Flag 4 Rio Captain Destination Dec 9 Penang Brit. str. Dunlop Smh»^» via ports 9 Ban Whatt Soon str. Nicol Billiton and Pontianak 9 Volga MM. str. FlotU Saigon 9 Bengkalis Brit. str. Padna Mnar 9 Fantee str. Smale Malacca and Linggi 9 Mercury str. McGill
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  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 520 14 x SHIPPING. 11^ POBT. S«*ry Ifimgte, 513 Behn Meyer Co. for Bang- kok,— Boads. Mbn-of-Wab. Telomow 1,655 W. Mansfield ft Co. for London Jfi**r No. 10 Colonial torpedo-boat, 17 tons, Tanjong Pagar. Captaft Branch-Roads. Saiuno V«ss»ls. Orion, H. M's. steamer. 4,870 tons, Captain U^^ Boads. Hugo, 1,515. Behn Meyer Co.
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 340 15 PttWELL &jCOLI, AVCTZQXSE&B, I SINGAPQBE FUBiTITUips. 4c Foe Sale. Book CmjJl lamps Book Bta*P» Linoleum CM* T?M«i Marble SU.U C*rp«t Bugs Ma«t Safe* Ckixn Dm\n Chamber Cupboarda Ofloa Chairt Cabineta FonkahH Ches*f of Dr»~o r p,^r.., Clotheb Stand* Un*» Coachea Safes (iroa tf-vroot) Goto SorwenH CommodM Sidvbonnls Dinner WnotoM
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    • 527 15 I *^H W9 jfc^Ggj^S. JH|Pt iWHrt mß^itm I *B|g vji i PmBH^B Mah uvaotory, X*udg4tk Hill, Liondov itrnl^-l^<a ifciW liUl Ilin mBEt™^J^Qß*T>oS^^^^^^^^M^^^^Pß iffA'R'ijt'R Tf> "P. If. TMI{ QTJfIEy. r ''^'*^^^BPhM«P'9SHRwK«toS pS^.j^^^BaßJm,^J|WJßL*^^^H^Jj|jß Sp^cisllj maiinfactTtd and recommended I 1 m MACFARLANE'S CASTINGS. fl «ee Illustrated Catalogue, containing 0500 Illustrations J> V| 1
      527 words
    • 514 15 DR. J. OLLIS BROWNE'S CHLOR U.DYNE The Original and only Genuine Ad vice to Invalids, If you wish to obtain qniet, refreshing Bleep, jfree from headache, relief from psin and anguish, to calm and assuage the weary aehings of protracted disease, invigorate the nervous media, and regulate the inoculating systems
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 720 16 B*t^iß 1 lb. tin. 1/ lAt rt 3 8 COCOATINA Xt COCOA tor EXPOBTic IVDT.^ THE SAFEST MILD V^BWW'^r £aH<BM APBBIEHT FOR lifl 1 1^ I■•■ I sB 1 7J |2V DBLJCATE CONSTIllllrll!l4lnil'ClTVTlON8, LADIES, 1*J1L1OhII^hBM!MI chilj>ken and ■■■^^■■^^^■fSIfS^OF THE nfFAHTS, AND FOR tu€— .Jf FLUID iMvAYEiHI iSlr A^l Of Druggisto
      720 words
    • 736 16 a^^aaaVaaaß ■aaValaa^ m AayMH MU| JaUßaa^'aaaaai Um iJMyANPa PARIS, mi Saint Ho/mrt, i§7 I fOIBHTIFIC DISCOVIMT PATIHTID IN PRA.NGB AMD AHOAD I ght sold £iia puff's, pnpaitd by a luwprocts;, I Aire 4 A///MM of concentration and fragrance hitherto unknown. I 7W are to/</, in </»e tnapa of Pencil* or
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    • 191 1 TUESDAY, 17th DECEMBER. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS P-rl oj the new of thi, dzy (T,u.da v i» liven in a ntpphmetU. For Straits Times Portugal vs. England on the Zambesi London, 16th ZW.-The Time* states that the Makololos, who were settled on the Shire" river by Livingstone in 1864 and who recently
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    • 742 1 In our issue of yesterday we published a report by the Acting Health Officer of Singapore, a report of such great, and even vital, importance that the unpleasantness of the subject is no excuse for shirking its discussion. We venture to hope that all those who take any
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    • 1050 1 In South Africa, ever a disturbing element in the Colonial policy of the Horn? Government, troubles continue to thicken Since large tracts of country near the Zambesi river have been declared by the Imperial Government to come within the sphere of British influence exercised by chartered
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    • 70 1 BU>O»K MJU JUBTICB GOLONKT. Me Teo Tong Cheng. Ymtbeday morning Mr. SUton *PJP^ d that the petition for a Receiving Order j in this matter be dismissed, the debtor having complied with the orj-r made on on the 25th Nov. last that ou i-iym-nt into Court of $303.84
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    • 189 1 re Choa Kee Hono. I Yerterday afternoon, before Mr.^"P tice Goldney, the .public examiuatriu of Cho* Kee Hong, lately a trade earning on business at 54, Boat Quay, took place, when the bankrupt alleged that he started business at 46, Arab Street, with Liin Ah Peow as a
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    • 583 1 The authorities at Manila have just made public a set of rules aud regulations, in the public interest, for the tramway there. One provision directs the conductor, when called upon, to assist elderly and infirm pepple, women and children to get into or alight from the cars. The
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