Straits Times Weekly Issue, 6 May 1886

Total Pages: 14
1 14 Straits Times Weekly Issue
  • 25 1 WEEKLY ISSUE. New Series. Published for Transmission by Every Homeward Mail Steamer. rPuicK 40 Cents L VOL XLII. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, MAY 6, 188(5. NO. 8,365
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    • 20 1 At Singapore on the 3rd instant, the wife of Hugh Muibhead, Eastern Extension Telegraph Company Limited of a son.
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    • 63 1 At Waterloo House," River Valley Road. cf inflammation of the lungs, William Rupert, the infant son of S. C. Hodges. At Queen Street this morning, David Edwin Lesslak, lately a Surveyor in the service of the Colonial Government, Straits Settlements. Funeral at 4p. m. to-morrow. At Singapore, on the
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  • 11 1 THURSDAY, 6th MAY, 1886. LATEST MARKET QUOTATIONS. Sin'japore Hth May, 1886.
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  • 67 1 Uambier 6.31. Cube do. No. 1 8.00. do. do. No. 2 y.20. Copra Bali M 4.20. do. Pontiauak 4.00. Bkck Pepper 20.00. Sago Flour, Sar 2.^7 Pearl Sago $ffl\. OofFee, Bonthine J3.00. Tapioca, small Flake 4.40. do. do. Ist quality 4.t>2 J do. mod. flake 4.40." do. small pearl
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  • 52 1 On London Bank 4 m/s 3/4&. do. Private credits 6 ia/8 3 k do. Docs. 6m/a do. do. 3m'/s r. On India Bank T. T Private 30 d/s 227'. Ou H'kong Bank d/d dW. Private 30 d/s 2i°/ dis On Batavia Bank d/d 200X. Private 30 d/s 204. Sovereigns
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  • 285 1 THiijougPagarDocK (fIOO sl7_l. 1 fa >171 Now Harbour Dock |100 paid $j 55 Straits Insurance Co. $i S'pore Insu ranee Co Ld. S_»(». orfl Gras Co. l"> paid, s H'koug Syhai Bank 195 7 O pm. Maynard Co. Ld.. $h)U paid, 565. S'pore Tram w.i v $100 paid. par.
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  • 493 1 The last homeward mail was despatched last Thursday per P. O. steamer Tkame*, and the present mail is taken on per M.M. steamer Iraovaddy. The London mail of the 9th April, per M. M. steamer Anadyr, is expected her.' to-morrow. Tin 1 week has been bare
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  • 243 1 It is ben th.tiovornor in Council thai turn of Arms, Ammunit Lnpowder, and Military and Naval S or place in this Col. 'North Borneo is prohibit* 1 I six months, from the Her Majesi to all< I confirm I i II of 1886, entitle, 1 >:>linanc.
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  • 93 1 Peuan>i The Thai]' sion yesterda j,, the Billiards an-. at tw boing won lunis Mi tli'-' <»f I ne rally wry mil, we will give a fi there In Residentfl in the will be glad to h< months a 1 w jij be put on the 1'
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 454 1 T>ORTLAND CEMENT.— First class Ger mufactory, animal produce 400,000 ban ppoint an A I firm for sole f its 1 Cement. Specially adap•ic and railway constructions. Unexceptionable refer required. Address aid Matth&ei, 30 Hermann mburg Germav Sing&ittre, 15th Fob., lj FILES. FILES. r>TTY DIRECT at 60 and 24 per cent
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 162 1 PASSKXGKRS Per P. and O. steamer Thames, on th- 2^t h April. F"f Singapore. From Yokohama: Mr. and Mrr. James Maeßitehie and MUs Robertson. From Shanghai: Dr. Falls. Miss Trotter Miss. X. Trotter. From Hongkong: Mr. F. veto de Valdes. i'r. .-:,,</.— K'rom Yokohama Me«sr>. Bland and Mittra. From Bingapom-:
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  • 2060 2 The men who m of the Rest dm April was 1,060. The total return of visitors to the Raffles Library and Museum during the weekending Friday, '30th April. 1886, was 656. The Bombay Gaz> tie says Mr. Alan Hy 1 !uer, a Eurasian, has gone honito lay
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  • 137 2 Is the Elofcise of Commons on 30th March, Mr. Henniker fieaton, M. P., for Canterbury, moved "That in the opinion <>i' this House the time has arrived for the Government of this country to open negotiations with other Governments with a view to the establishment of a
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  • 1539 2 Thk World of 31st March ga Our old frieud the Sultan of Johore is not goin<* to leave as yet, after all. It has suddenly dawned on the financial mind of a gentleman that the benighted country which clamours in vaiu for the return of i is none other than
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  • 363 2 A Powerful Man. There is a man in Nevada, nanu-d Angela Cordelia, who claims to lir the strongest iu the world. He is an Italian, aged thirty-eight, and stands 5 feet 10 incb ighing 138 pounds. His strength was horn with him, for he had no at raining. H<> differs
    Overland Mail  -  363 words

  • 251 3 H.B.M.'s torpedo miming launch Boleni t Captain Dinsdale, arrived at Hongkong on th'' 2lst inst. from Singapore. She will be attached to the Royal Engineers 1 Depart in. -lit. The American corvette Omaha left Shanghai on the 15th inst. for Nagasaki. It is reported thai the Chinese northern
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  • 382 3 Effect of Oil on the iVaves, (Japtain Karlowa, «>i' the German steamer which arrived at Hamburg March 24 from ork, feporl 'nl resull of rimeuti he made to the use of oil to calm the sea while on his outward voyage. The Bohemia Left Hamburg on i and did not
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  • 198 3 The following are the entries for the different events which we have received from A. P. Adams, Esq., the Acting Honorary Secretary of the Singapore Sporting Club: Maiden Plate. Teutonia Cup. Cairngorm Cardinal Baron Wild Roso Raleigh Grace Darling. Fenian* Egyptian. Celestial Plate. Cairngorm Pony Hurdle Race. Kyiioona
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  • 349 3 The following circun was reported by the guardia u of the q ton i<> Mr. vlil>'»-. A; S., on one of his visits t ad Borne ihr. moni a pair oi pouter pigeons coinmenc ig. Th ben pirn on thai occa u laid t hive eggs,
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  • 364 3 A large and brlliant «;atheriug assembled last Thursday night the 29th ultimo, at the Town Hall to enjoy the wellknown hospitality of the free and accepted Masons of Singapore. It was ascertained that fully :^5O availed themselves of the opportunity. His Excellency the Governor, Lady Weld, and
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  • 155 3 The North-China Insurance Company Limited. Tn win I'V the Direct j. bo the Fo irtb Ordinary Iden held ;i« tin I unpany, ll;:uk( v, \l >;cl. 1 1 bApri The Dir to tho >ld« ra tii Audited I and ltd of the Company {<> ;;i)»«mBala iltat In th«- is hi
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  • 542 3 Any member of Council wishful to make unto himself a name and tarn th«* gratitude of those who go down to the sea in ships cannot do better than start logi*- lation tending to lessen dan ;er from iire at sea. The need of nig of the
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  • 742 4 Opening of the Naw T ramways. The long expected opening <rf the new Tramway Line came off Las Monday afternoon with brilliant Buccess. As earli as •'clock the arhood of EHgin Bridge was th with a motley crowd ol i inspecting the carriages and engines which irere drawn up near
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  • 439 4 Life at 31 Mandalay The following candid remarks by shrewd observer will be read with all th<* more interest because they were not intended to see the li^ht They are extracted from a private letlet, dated Mandalny, 10th March If lore of travel or adventure ever suggests t.» you \Mt
    Times of India  -  439 words
  • 627 4 1188. Oi.ii'HAM, in a .Memorial Sketch of the late Principal Tulloch, which appears in BlacJcwoocTs Mafasine !"<>r April, gives, l>y permission of die Queen, two letters written by her Majesty one to the fctev. W. W. Tulloch, and the other to Mrs. Tulloch on the loss
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  • 306 4 I. Win ii. Halo Co's Circular <•!' 23rd April. LBB6, -fates The market has remained steady at high figures during the entire month official reports from the interior are becoming more pronounced regarding the efficiency of the cn-ji in certain <ii-tiicts. and, a rery few weeks
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  • 857 4 (Correspondent of L. C. Express.) A remarkable discovery of a valuable aud extensive tract of auriferous country has just been made in the interior of the Malay Peninsula. It appears that i Mr. Walter Knaggs, an old Straits planter,and Mr. E. H. M. Gower, M.1.C.E., a mining
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  • 215 4 For The Eastkkn Crisis. i'nHtfnntiuoph.', VSth April. All th«Gival Powers with I o f France, have deli ultimatum to Greece, ami the combined BquadiDt)| have anchored m the Piraei The Greek I rnment li decree for partial disarmament. The 2,000 Gi London, 28th April. 1 ..Ormonde 2 Mini
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  • 378 5 From Hi* Englishman. London, t6th April. lii the House of Commons this evening the Premier, asking for l«-;ivc to introduce the Land Purchase Bill for Ireland, said that the Bill empowers the Irish Parliament to appoint a State authority whose function it will be to arrange for the
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  • 555 5 Town San i tut ion. T. April 29.) In Manila, the local authorities have made short work of a rookery <>f Chinese shoemakers whose uncleanly and objectionable mode of living and carrying on Imsiin the n< ighbourhood of the main European business quarter had aroused public indignation, by ordering
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  • 776 5 {8. I. April 30.) Sin. k the Krakatau eruption in I the never slumbering volcanic forces in .la t^ecome unusually active, thereby arousing tears of an outbreak of Borne kind ai any moment, but, so Ear, the accumulated energy underground found outlets through several volcanoes
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  • 468 5 (N. T. May I.) In selling Government property whether real or personal it is of the utmosi importance that the greatest publicity should !><• given to the sales. The property really belongs to tin- public, and the puMie are entitled to tee that everything is done to secure
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  • 1333 5 (fif. T. May .V.) Ajyaibs in the protected State of Sunghy (Tjong, judging from the annual official report on it for the year LBB5, <1«> net present a cheering outlook, showing a* it does an almost siat.-i.urv trade, deer ing revenue, and retrenched expenditure. In the document under
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  • 1003 6 (S. T May The suggestion made in the last yearly report of the Inspector General of Police that tbi? Sikh contingent be employed on beat in the streets brings out the fact how strange it is to keep up a force made up of splendid fighting materials
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  • 1092 6 I Tta\ lab Ifor the Btrait* Times.) Tin: financial outlook in Netherlan India this year so saj j the Jm- 1 i. Ear from cheering from the falling < E in the yield of the taxes in the first months of this year compared with the corresponding
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  • 1253 7 (Translated for the Straits Times.) The London correspondent of the Nieuw* van den Dig, a newspaper appearing in Holland, says that, from what he hears, the Netherlands Government will probably, before long, be asked by the British one to cede a small strip of land in New
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  • 1261 7 (Translated for ///<' Straits Tim A royal has been promulgated in I I >vernm -nt G ix< tt directing i b Qg <»i" < i ••v.-i-ii in ihe •liii" ;ui<l IVilcw islands. These appointments mi iv be filled l»v military naval officers or by civilians <>f a certain
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  • 1413 7 [From our own Correspmuloit. Tin ou.' absorbing topic of interest in polities is, of course, the retirement of Mr. Cham I" Tivwl mi th.•met. What people are asking is. whv th»-\ joined it. They must have known that only two con |**n to Mr. Gladston. ,ud with a
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  • 1843 8 (brunt our <>»•„ Correspondent.) Cairo, Unit April. We are pflsfling through an era of scandals, all more or connected with finance. It is not so much the opprobium of taking bribes which strikes the Egyptian as the extreme folly of being found out and consequently when ;l
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  • 656 8 e have been favored with a copy of i his very useful work written by Mr. Lim Hiong Seng one of the interpreters in the Police Courts here. The Swatow language s spoken In- the majority of the Chinese who frequent these Settlements A Handbook
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  • 741 8 twi April, j A i. the ou Aj. ilat H the Rajah iu Council ii bera thai ho had during n j n communication with the Neth< eminent with the view of t; measur* 3 to put a stop tothec* ntinualatthat were being made by the i^aU living
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  • 3271 9 The following painphlei I>\ Mr. Win. pbell late Member of the Legislative Council of Victoria, which was published a year or two a^o has been >em us by an pondeni m ith I request to give it a place in our columns,
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  • 1291 9 A\ action was lately brought in tinCourt of Session at Ediuburgh l»\ .John S. Ritchie, Stockbroker, Edinburgh, against the Clydesdale Bank for <£5,000 damans for loss and injury sustained by him in consequence of the bank having, in violation, it was alleged, of their express agreement to
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  • 551 10 Regulations for the Registration of Imports and Exports made by His Excellency the Governor in Council under Ordinance I of 1886. 1. Every Importer of goods by steamer or sailing vessel shall within ten days after the arrival of such steamer or vessel deliver or cause to be delivered to
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  • 115 10 6. On the arrival of any Junk, Tongkang, in, Boal or other re Xa'. person at the office of the B and Export* and there make n verbal declaration of all [the cargo on board landed. 7. On th depart are of ai kang, Prahu, Boal orothei somni
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  • 682 10 Major-General Sir H. N. Prendergast R. E., V. C, K.C.B. This popular officer has attracted a great deal of public notice during the last few months in connection with the occupation and annexation of Burmah, having been in command of the expeditionary force despatched in November last to bring King
    Times of India  -  682 words
  • 815 10 Under the heading Mi and 1 833 the Madras Mnl publishes the following paragraphs having reference i«» th ..lint < hi the war at Malacca. The following extracts of i I written by order of Hi> Excellency Lieutenant-Gene-ral the Bon*hle Sir It. W. O'Callaghau, k.c.b., to the Right Boa'me the
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  • 60 10 ♦This gallant fellow (wh h b the rank of a harildar) has had a pol I me I ■ented to him bj Laerttenaiit-Colone] U.-rl. the officers of the sth Regiment M. N I. tThis admirable dafetee was Bade in Julj on the first expedition into Nauninir. and* maad of Captain
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  • 1452 10 A general meeting of the shareholders in this Company was held ou the afternoon of the Bth instant at the Company's offices, Nanking Road, Shanghai, for the purpose of confirming resolution making certain formal alterations h\ the Deed of Settlement, the resolution having
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  • 789 11 Wfc were not aware that Mr. BAtChelOf had compiled a Veterinary Handbook for the Government of this Colony. It would appear, however, that he bat done so, bul that it has been printed at Ootacamimd We have not seen tin* book< but we take the following
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  • 433 11 The Melbourne Leader says: Thsuit <»t" the Inquiry into the causes which led to the collapse of the South Australian Cotrintertial Bank was foregone conclusion in the ft be public. The investigation committee that the disaster was attributable (1) to the dishonesty of the two chief
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  • 875 11 Tho Barrow Shipbuilding Company Limited) Launched on the 20th March from their shipbuilding yard at Barrow-in-Furness the J twin-screw torpedo cruiser FearUm, of the Sqput class, built by them for the British Admiralty. r i lie launch of t)w vessel ha* been new-hat delayed through the fire which
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  • 616 11 A i.vdv once said to Turner of one of his L r l" insets, I i rer nn anything lik.« ilii> in oat are.* 1 No, madam." 1. 1.-tl. luit don't you wish you could P," Mrs. Dk Si i i nontifial," Mrs. "Brown to Imm- Irashana. She calls
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 35 11 A Veiterinanj Vade Mecvm, containing the practice of Veterinary Surgery in the East, with a treatise on Anthrax and til prevention, compiled by A, H. Batchelor m.r.c.v.s.. for the Straits Government. Ooetacamnyd Lawrence Asylum Press.
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  • 266 12 LETTERS TO THK EDITOR Government Sales. Sib, A. your leading article en the eminent sale of country lands > upon us, we would explain that advertis- luu in the Btraits Times may no doubt do some u-<»od. hut in this case the buy< chiefly wanted are the cultivators 6i the
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  • 247 12 Sir, With reference to the late fiiv in town, attention has been directed to a liit-si d^M^vrous spot u:>t far from !>wn \vh«-«v a very targe loriianjtiity "t „u m itored, I me- -> Xfchjong Koo. This dep6tj "\ro told, sometimefl Las over IOOt'OOO gallows of tbii most
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  • 269 12 Town Sani tation. bin. T must here notice that you and majority oi the European community "ii ;ili o m prejudicial in jrour supposition m John Chinamen are concerned. A Chinaman, without a shadow ol question, is notorioutly not aware of the benefit arising from cleanliness, or, in your own
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  • 236 12 Dear Sir, I have read with much intcrt'st vour remarki on this subject hi TOlir imtie dated Kith instant, ami lam one <»£ the gftfeatesi unbelieTerfl in the csislciH'o of the above Ujsel^ vet allow me to state what I have seen with my own eyes. 1
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 425 12 ARRIVALS. r« fi.\.. 3 VmmmL SAXi R fl Cafi 3 AILKJ OKI Apl. orT S I';:' Sffi lt0 Hongkong April 23 P. 40. Compan, S ntS 16 -^V 1< > g"?t« Swai April 22 Bun Hin 4 CoT ">9 Ravenna p*o ft Hofmeir Hongkong April 20 German Consul PvahPekhpt I
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    • 855 12 CLEARANCES. DatU Vksski.k Name Rio Destination April PftkUaiD Brit Labuan and Sr ndakan w i.y ;i stv. Daily ng ports Httntingdop str. rr -k-mg tit str. Biillington M«Mrrkfbi •J7 Hector "tr. I'.att Hon^konjr K Antouio itr. Walliico Honpkong BaiMt Sar. itr. WodMrMge r»w«fc 28 Baby Brit. str. D'Onue Muntok and
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 397 13 POWELL CO., A UCTIONEERS, SINGAPORE. FURNITURE. \<\, For Sale. AlmeinUu I<*»> Cliff i Bedsteads (iron) Jewel Bafet Bod-room Suites JitpanetK Screens Book LamM Book Stand! LinMe«m Billianl>> Hatting Card Tables BfarVe SUba I liairs Mfiil S.-it'es Chamber Cupboard* Oißee Desks Cabineta Office I }.airs 'hests of Drawers Punkahs 'lot
      397 words
    • 854 13 WINEwthEXTRACTofCOD LIVERS PREPARED BY The WINE with Extract of God Livers, prepared by M r GHEVRIER, first class chemist, in Paris possesses the active principles of Cod Liver Oil together with the therapeutical properties of alcoholic prepara--1 1S invaluable to patients whose stomachs are unable to bear fatty substances. Its
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    • 579 13 Cheap^lce j Industrial company for me Manufacture ot BAOUL PIGTET'S INVENTIONS CAPITAL FRANCS 3,000,000 19- Rue de Grammont —19 Prospectus sent post free Machines making: from 10 to 1500 k*< j OF ICE PER HOUR This result Is obtainable even In the hottest countries, i I\\i. J. (OLLIS BROWNE'S I
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    • 570 13 rPHK STRAITS TI MI S i Rates op subscription and Advertising rOB 1885. Local Delivkry Payablk C^uartkrly In Advanck. Daily Edition. Wkkklv Bdithw. Single copy 15 cts. Single copy. U> eta. Per Annum $24 Per Annum $16. Foreign and Outstation Delivkkv PAYABLK IN AI»VAN' Daily Edition. i Wkkkly Edition. Per
      570 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 726 14 ■ssitli'WflSaM JM?£: Ar— Ahk^^^a^^ bbbbbp3^^^^^^^^^^^BllS^^^^bb^b^^^^b^b^^^?*lbMsp*^^^^ b^^bbp^^^*^* fl^jsiPK^v (Wf. ~j B^BL^^* JTii^^^^^ySj^^J .^BMBBKV^afIB^^BBBBat7*RR^BBBH£y^O«BBBBiL^>^^'nr M 4§BB%KV9£S&^SP^ ——•jA 1 r BBB^**^*^^^— _t^-^BBBBBBBBBC^^P S^^*^T~3 J^BaßßßiW^c^^— *^Bßßl BVflLa^^S^HGP'^^lC^ I .Bi^ißßßßßß^^SM^^^aßaßßl^Oßjl^^s^uCSf^ST^^^^Vß^^B^^^m^ *-*-<» VI BBBC^> 4ST^^s**£S^^^» '^BBB^BBBBBhil^t> I J^BBBB«BBBTwBpSri^™^-,-<^^E— -Tfc^. YARROW'S. SMALL STEAMERS AND STEAM LAUNCHES. Screw Steamers with speeds ranging up to :M miucs ax hofb.
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    • 662 14 SCHWEITZER'S C(K()ATIN\. Anti Dyspeptic Cocoa <>>■ Choeoloi*' Powder. GUARANTEED PURE SOLUBLE COCOA OF THE FINEST QUALITY, WITH OUT BUOAB OR ADMIXTI'KK Th*» Faculty proßoajsee it the "lnibi nntritions, perfeetlr digestible beTeniM for Brtal JAmtkeon, or Supper;" ;\ud tnTalnable for invalids and Youu^ children. B«'ij]i»- absolutely "«-»ll Cocoa." witli tlic CXitem
      662 words