The Straits Times, 14 June 1991

Total Pages: 110
1 34 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times l.std. IHIS FRIDAY, JUNE 14, 1991 50 CENTS MCI (P) 18/12/90
    14 words
  • 593 1 Win will strengthen his hand against Communist Party members Moscow Refonnei Boris Yeltsin has won an absolute majority m Russia's first presidential election, capluring enough votes to make a second ballot unnecessary. He was declared the winner by the chairman of the electoral commission, Mr
    AFP; AP; Reuter  -  593 words
  • 44 1 picture. Teenaged students Mverilg their noses with handkerchiefs m Angeles City, as Mount IMnatuho belches out a mushroom cloud of ash m another major eruption ror the second consecutive day. See page 'l\ for full story. Reuter
    Reuter  -  44 words
  • 668 1  -  Serene Lim By THE babysit tei who claimed she did mil I*. 1 1 < i^ ihniii hri husband's sex i hange opei a linn until aftei thcll m.ii i i.i|;i' m luiv ii .1 year was yestei ii.i v
    668 words
  • 659 1  -  Chan Hwa Loon ST analysis of census data on productivity reveals discrepancies By SINGAPORE'S past produc liviiy figures haye 1 been thrown off the mark m some sectors by a wide margin with the release of the latest workforce data from the
    659 words
  • 104 1 KUALA LUMPUB Tlw winner will receive a cow, and the runncrs-up will be given sheep m a golf tournament tomorrow. The Agriculture Ministry In organising the tournament, and the 160 entries include Deputy Prime Minister dhafar Ha ha, the national
    AP  -  104 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 128 1 N/iiy/*- Stonm Diamond Rings from 5600 to .ra^ $***** ojfc; Top quality Heat I sN Strand* from $500 m to $4000 GIWI aM lv SUva Re lt<l 25|J~lJJ'™ NlnyaportI J «adbiy Munu/aduHnu J«u>«ll«r« LNamunii A (wn Mmhanli ■Imr 194J i-i i'.v,iiii> Cmtr«277 (V.h«dK...«i i>»/ Mi *****37 *****07. ***** M I
      128 words
    • 10 1 Leningrad voters favour old name of St Petersburg: Page 4
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    • 9 1 Babysitter: I'm so glad my nightmare's over: Page 25
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    • 112 1 ■'-''^^^Bto^. MAD' IN MAI V SALAMANDER shop MARINA SQUARE 03 127 TEL 337M73 Mystery of the missing workers who affected figures: An interim census can help correct sampling errors: Page 31 Read the book, hated the movie If the words on a book jacket, Soon she finds out why some
      112 words

      • 54 2 Another person m Niiit;.t pore has been bitten by a dog, the second such .it i.nk m a fortnight I m Wednesday, Miss Mil m Vainina. a Sri Lankan maid was bitten on the left leg by a medium sized mongrel In a provision
        54 words
      • 51 2 About i ><• working ndultfi have been admitted to full time inn ses ,ii the Slngnpore Polytechnic starting m July, undei n new scheme for mature students wh<> have rele mi win k experience or previous vocational train ing and want to upgrade themselves. Horn*,
        51 words
      • 41 2 Place for English in KL courts' Justice Minister Syed II mini Albar has given a pledge thai the government will not scrap the use Of English even when Ha hasa Malaysia becomes fully the language of the courts Malaysia, Page 22
        41 words
      • 58 2 Two Mi's m Indonesia, Mr Muhammad Buang from the ruling Golkar party and Madam Djailinai' from the Indonesian Democratic Party want the governmenl to investigate claims that residents m Hintan Island are being paid only ~(M) rupiahs IK Singapore cents) per sfjuare metre for
        58 words
      • 46 2 Th«* Conservative govern menl has BtrilCk back at patty rebels who want Britain to take a stand against being drawn into closer union with the 11 other members of the Eii ropes n Co m m unit y World, Page 8
        46 words
      • 31 2 Genera] Norman Schwarz knpf has made a Strong complaint t<> Congress about the quality and timeliness of Intelligence given to his forces dtiiiiij; the < iulf war. World, Page 13
        31 words
    • Article, Illustration
      183 2  -  Tan Hsueh Yun «y The Morlion spouts .itfi'lin. hut catch it while you can. One of Siiik';i|>()i< i \s most recognisable symbols started gushing again yesterday, hut will stop on June 24. it will remain spout-less until September, when a new water pump is installed The Singapore Tourist
      183 words
    • 383 2 Beijing wnrned against arms sales to Syria, Pakistan WA.siimi JTON President < Scorgc I lush's uiininiNii ntion, facing angry congressional op position, heatedly defend ed trade benefits foi Chlnn hut warned Beijing that any .inns sales m Syria and Pakistan could adversely
      Reuter; UPI; AP; AFP  -  383 words
    • 338 2 KL setting up panel to study role in Growth Triangle THE Malaysian government Is st'tiinj.; up ,i special committee to stiiiiy the country's particl pat lon m the joint promotion ni trade and Industry with Sin gapore and Indonesia through the Singapore Batam Johoi Growth Triangle concept, the Stai newspapei
      338 words
    • 410 2  - Johor wants referendum on water control plan V. Vinod Cross-section of views sought to settle matter By Wrilmi] lor Ihc Straits lime, JOHOR liAlti' The Johor governntenl will ask the Federal authorities to set up an Independent commission to settle the question of Fed rial control OVCT the stale's water
      410 words
    • 69 2 IN Ol'K story on Sunda) headlined "<lovt approves Mendaki and AMP propos a Is", we wrongly said that Muslims would double the monthly contributions from their CPF accounts from .July The contributions to the Mosque Building and Mendaki Fund come from employees' wages The CPF
      69 words
    • 536 3 Free trade /one will be a winner, says Hills I i >K< >N I i > \m Ili Ami-i i m f i <•<• > i nil- i 'm i i ii itnlj be niiii-i (hi I In- I inli'i
      Reuter  -  536 words
    • 276 3 WASHINGTON Two senior US congressmen Introduced i hi partisan Hill last week that would promote bilateral free trade agreements with Japan iiul several other Pacific Kirn countries to dispel fears •>f "Kmtn-sN America", Kyo •m news agency i eported Represents
      276 words
    • 62 3 A fake voter gels the wrong end of the st ick picture. NALANDA (India) A policeman bouts a fake voter (luriiiK the second of Indian general elections on Wednesday In Bihar State. The violence that led to former Indian I'rimc Minister Rajiv Gandhi's assasination claimed ;il least another VI
      Reuter  -  62 words
    • 312 3 LONIXIN IU ii Ii him-' iiiiin m.i |vi wild yen lerda) m m\ iii-, i ;,i\ lot ii < 1. 1. 1 it Mikhail < .'•>! i>.i< mv Ui i ondon foi i. iiK'. with I .i iiiip iii :,i-\ rii
      Reuter  -  312 words
    • 347 3 a I'll m M.I. m Copenhagen killed a dog, hi I his ov<, net .Hid i guest, and Mtrvtved three bullets before ii was killed by the police after a three houi hunt on Wednesday The canine drama began
      UPI  -  347 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 426 2 WAT-ER BABY! 40 year <*} gives birth m Singapore's first underwater delivery GEYLANG WANTS IN IF STORE PULLS OUT Premier League champ keen on replacing Lions m the Cup. Singapore investments pile up m Indonesia Uxal investments m Indonesia h«ive rc.u bed critical mass, with th. 'mount tlMßing ttW nuiv;u
      426 words
    • 84 2 kl I^HH '^^HH^^^D pi^^R I I lIHkvJ 181 '^B^B^B^^S ft c ill B^r 1 BTir^ni Bt Bl B? t H 3[ Ls LI DUNTECH *^Jj| BaflBBS"" B%"^n| I'" Ni'W Imlii' Mi >, iii "lil m 11,.,I 1 I v hutusln.ll llinliiitMj '.i kj ,^B MHNHMhHmMB #^l U m#l Ml' 1.
      84 words

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 565 3 Identity of Rajiv's killer established after arrests: Sikh militants kill candidate: Page 5 HtliilhklllKlVii^ltfttililttfU-i I Cf^BBBHB^ V^ a^°' c Storage this week and you'll find a sizzling selection of DeLonghi deep fryers.Complete with special features like the world's only -r>r> /*rnilf*Trnf* 8 fl SAVQIrj/CABB'AGE'. rotating basket, saving you 50% oil
      565 words
    • 11 3 Maid bitten by dog who broke free m shop: Page 27
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 172 3 WEATHER Fair. TFMP. (C) up to 6 ,i.m. tomorrow M mil 26 mm SUNSfT today: /.ll pm; SUNRISF tomorrow: 6 b 9 m MORAL MAI MR Amsterdam 13 16 C Cloudy Mu<lri<l Cleai Athens 19/32 C Cleai Manila Cleai Auckland 12 15C Cloudy Momow 13/24 C Cloudy Kahraln :**i c
      172 words

    • 476 4 Unexpected snub for Soviet Communist Party LENINGRAD Leningrad has snubbed Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev and his Communist Party by voting unexpectedly to revert to its ine-revolutionary name of St Petersburg, unofficial voting results show. Electoral officials contact ed at 14 of the
      Reuter  -  476 words
    • 163 4 LOS ANGELES Film star Julia Roberts, who postponed her marriage to actor Klefer Sutherland on Tuesday, three days before the wedding day, has decided to take a year off from acting. Roberts, Hollywood's high-est-paid woman star who spent five days m
      Reuter  -  163 words
    • 339 4 WASHINGTON The United Stairs is again prepared to support the entry of the Sovi el Union into the International Monetary Fund and World Hank as an associate member, according to the US Treasury Under-Secretary. Mr David Mulford, signal
      Reuter  -  339 words
    • 39 4 picture. Tutu-clad Hswallan-born sumo champion Konlshlkl (right) and grand champion Hokntonm! dancing In a fancy draw parade during an athletic meet In Tokyo yesterday, which was attended by about HOO wrestlers. Reuter
      Reuter  -  39 words
    • 412 4 WASIUN(]T()N All five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council will attend a Paris meeting on President (Jeorge Bush's Middle Fast arms control initiative. Secretary of Stale James Baker said on Wednesday. The White House announced recently
      Reuter  -  412 words
    • 583 5 Officials 4 now certain' Lankan Tamil rebels responsible for slaying lIADRAS The arrest of two Indian Tamils here has enabled investigators to positively identify the assassin of former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi. Indian investigators said yesterday They also said that they were now
      AFP; Reuter; UPI  -  583 words
    • 491 5  - Sino-British meeting ends in deadlock on several key issues Foo Choy Peng By Hongkong Correspondent HONGKONG A Sino-British group charged with negotiating the details of Hongkong's 1997 transfer to China ended its meeting here yesterday without reaching agreement on several key issues. Little progress was made on the setting up
      491 words
    • 337 5  -  hon(;koN(; Brltaln'i Foreign SMIVlan DoiiKlas Kurd has WMd MongkonK against ■crapptai the |M)ll<y of first asylum fur Vietnamese boat people The warning was contained m a Itttff to a team of legislative councillors who returned homo yesterday liter a three day mission
      337 words
    • 112 5 AM X ITS A X Sikh militants luted .1 can didate m India's general election to meet m^ yesterday uhere they shot hmi dead, police said Mi Satnam Singh, a candidate for one of Punjab*! most militant Sikh political parties, was shot at the meeting place
      Reuter  -  112 words
    • 116 5 NKW DELHI The chief of India's national television station, Mr Shiv Sharma, was shot and wounded and his driver was killed m an assassination attempt amid rush hour traffic yesterday, police said. Four men with rifles fired on Mr Sharma s car at a
      Reuter; AFP  -  116 words
    • 507 6 US President outlines approach to domestic issues washin(;ton m re sponse to accusations that he lacked a domestic policy, President George Bush has blamed Congress for' failing to meet his legislative schedule and sketched his ap proach to unleashing the
      NYT; AP  -  507 words
    • 275 6 Washington The United stales House of Representatives has voted to reaffirm a ban on US aid to Pakistan because of its secretive nuclear programme. The 252-151 vote on Wednesday was a rebuff for l*residont George Hush's administration,
      Reuter  -  275 words
    • 325 6 VIKNNA Former Soviel Foreign Minister Eduard Shevardnadze has brushed off Communist Party probe m to his call for the creation of a new democratic party and warned again of the threat of dictatorship. "It was a reaction 1 expected.
      Reuter  -  325 words
    • 412 8 UK \vorft t)e deflected from moves towards EC unity' I.ONIX)N The British gov eminent has hit back at right wing rebels m the ruling Con servative Party, declaring that it would not be deflected from moves towards Kurope an unity In a
      Reuter  -  412 words
    • 350 8 LIVERB X >i. Britain's op position I ,aboui I 'ai ty leadci Neil Klnnork has chosen Julj t as the date foi a showdown with l*- f t wing rebels In the crumbling citj ol I livei pool a parliamentary by election m
      Reuter  -  350 words
    • 296 8 LONDON British Prime Minister John Major mot Supreme Soviet chairman Ana toly I.ukyanov on Wednesday for talks on the Soviet Union's reforms and next month's London summit of the Group of Seven <(J7) industrial nations Government officials said Mr Major told Mr
      Reuter  -  296 words
    • 198 8 Pakistan train driver averts disaster KARACHI A train driver prevented Pakistan*! second rail disaster m a week when he brought his passenger express screeching to a halt within metres of a stationary freight train. At least 12 people were thrown from their berths on the Quetta Express and m |ured
      Reuter  -  198 words
    • 217 8 NKW YORK Scientists have located two genes m mice that appear to promote development of diabetes, a finding that may help the search for such genes m peo pie. The result suggests places to look for the human genes among the 23
      AP  -  217 words
    • 580 10 Bufi reveals plans toeui spending, create market econoim i ii.ANA. ANA New Albnni m Ii line MillistCl N 111 I .ill i SJlid thai his counti'j was de\ astal ihl and on tho verge ol eco iioinic tragedy aftoi lt> years of
      Reuter; AFP  -  580 words
    • 250 10 UK Bill sparks concern over future of dog-fight ing in Japan n ikvii The head of a Jap .mi-si' dog fighting centre said yesterday he was concerned th.ii recenl moves againsi dangerous dogs m Britain could lead m a ban on the spoil of <l<>i: fighting m Japan 11 1
      AFP  -  250 words
    • 262 10 Restrict marches by racists: London police chief X .Wtui|Kili!.in I'o li<-<- < 'omniis: lonei I "etei hn tici I has i 1 1 <•«] fur i i'-,t i U i lotll "i! 111. ii lies hy grOM|Ki m I iillddll lfh'l official Figures vhowed Hie muniw-i ,i i i.ii
      AFP  -  262 words
    • 545 10 m i.i ini Beijing newest propaganda organ vowed \<'s Idda) i" overcome anti fohi munisl im> i^ show i ho h.i! ion's 'it in- image" i<> the world, hi. i m i Hi', foreign i p pot I'M s and
      UPI  -  545 words
      • 165 12 ATI. AVI A M.i m M.i\ n. ml Fackson has asked the 1 1 v 'iiiiik ll In adopt 'i Bill i hi i would mii ni| Mis*' 1 penalties foi ag gressive street begging, sleeping m vacant i>uiiii ilia's and li:mt;ni;' .'MI
        NYT  -  165 words
      • 113 12 TORONTO I'l.-mH "X", rt» fabled with planet of the solar system, is nothing more than myth, according i<> a new study a Canadian universtt} Astronomers have speculated thai an unidentified Kith planet called "X has been shrouded deep m the solar system, nestled somewhere neai
        Reuter  -  113 words
      • 129 12 LONDON London Zoo, the world's oldest, will (lose m September and its k.ikhi animals trill tx- rehoused tvcause of a cash shortage and the government's refusal to conn 1 to its rescue, th<> Daily Telegraph reported yesterday The newspaper quoted th< coo's governing council as
        Reuter  -  129 words
      • 127 12 SAN KKANCISCO When i csl.iin .mi u..rk<>i Allan K<>m found a red duffle h Lg he held the USS2T2 000 (Ss49o 000 It i uiii.uik'il uni li its ow raw i ''lvi nod As .1 i:<".iui if 1 1 I"'■■" iation, San Pram \sco Mayoi am AiMins
        Reuter  -  127 words
      • 142 12 IDKYO Tlii' parents ul .1 nurse wlm died at hear! attach iiici working 14 hours began proceedings on m ■■..!.!>• claiming commensal I Ss47fl.(KW s$M«, into ti < > 1 1 1 m! hospita I, the .lapa n< pm nofKirtod Ms Junkfl Yoshida, '12, all<»g«1lj tiled
        AFP  -  142 words
      • 33 12 picture. A steamroller destroying pirated video and cassette tapes m Taipei on Wednesday. Taiwan has stepped up Its crackdown on the infringement of Intellectual property rights m recent years. Reuter
        Reuter  -  33 words
      • 119 12 NEW Y< >RK Broadwaj producei I >.i\ id Met i[< i .•mil his ).'ii Id [end c detained f"i carrj Ing too much undeclared tnonoj I fSSL3S,OQQ (Ss24o 900) as tli boarded a fliKlii "ii Wednesda) fi >m Kennedy An pwi to lan film, authorities said The
        AP  -  119 words
    • 335 13 UN team 'finds no sign of Iraqi repression of Shi' it es' GENEVA tenioi i nited Nations official has thai a I'N mission which M'luiiicii from southern Iraq Iwo days .I^o had delected no mjiiin ol Iraqi repression it gainst Shl'lte Muslims hiding In marshes 'The m ismi m
      Reuter  -  335 words
    • 585 13 (General makes strong complaint to Congress v \sn 1 \i 1 1 1\ i lenei nl Norman Schwarzkopf has in. vii' 1 strong complaint to 'nll.:i OSS .ihinil I lie (JUfl lit) and 1 imoliness "I Intolligon* 0 I'urii iii in-. 1 >
      NYT  -  585 words
    • 278 13 i >\i m >n i uo executive!! <it .1 i tn i r.h i mporl exporl company were convicted hei c on Wednesday ol attempting m mikl nuclear detonators to h ag m March last year Ah Daghir, r»,
      AFP  -  278 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 161 4 iyHjWVJBjI|IjH H PC^^fl I' n a vv/orc Authenticity. '^y^^^ S Every detail of the 605 '^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H^H^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H If '^B b 5 ]l s P ea^ s °f lts exceptional, *FjKFm J| I advanced engineering, its X^^^Sj exclusive individuality, its HBBHBBB"***"*" Al^Bß exciting refinement m equipment and finish BSißß^^^^^Hß flfl mfl I
      161 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 81 6 MAGNOUA ffini mm l#r I/Kllllw PRICE OF MVpI II? L« Lemon H Sayajten J^r^Jc^r *%kitwlfl\&ti(* I Chrysanthemum I 4%llT^.•avC. It's the Magnolia 6 for the price of 5 oiler! Buy <i 6 pack ol any Magnolia Asian Drinks or Fruil Juice Drinks and you'll only pay foi > Gel one
      81 words
    • 246 6 (LEISURE FAIR! 15 21 June VJ ive yourself a break. Also, I ath<r's Day it just I Indulge m some really fun round the corriet. It s not too activities. A time to let your t I late to hu\ him a special hair down! The Adelphi >>ii>t^ Drop m
      246 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 551 7 'ii^^^k I I Bh BB^B^Bh B H \^B I I Hb^l^^bl vA4H 9 b^b^blJ Technology to Family ||MU A showcase of Sony technology Sony world-famous Black Trinitron CIV technology I brings you the best m picture enspness, absolute clarity and brilliant colour reproduction. So life- I '.^^^^^^^^^H like and vibrant,
      551 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
      291 words
    • 95 8 So you want a LAW DEGREE? *»Z«P°relnmtm I r Mym, Soc <<<>muL, „11, n you tht f{ A M < .;«/<//' "Pportumty to be bnefed by two h "^jjj 1 /(;,;^'i7\ Hear them oh haw to j former Associate I*rofess6rat NUS,A«kor of legal uudv a latvdegret I nil urn ru
      95 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 529 9 I I b^H b^bh ■bI fIHHi '-'^B BIbF jSßi^iMJ^^B ■__—^b^bt IB^B^B^bß I B^B^B^bß B^B^B^B^BH iB^B^B^B^BH i^B^B^B^B^B^B^Bh I t i* i^lß BBff^* B^fl I .^B^l B^F b^b^b^bß b^b^b^bV b^b^b^bß b^b^b^b^bß b^B b^B b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b; b^be? >y b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^bß' b^bf B^B^B^Bl' B^B^B^bV I B^' I B^bW I fl^B 1 -BMBBBfci b^'" B^B^HHI I jjig^BJ
      529 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 99 10 S EXHIBITION OF FINE fi& 8 CHINESE FURNITURE Wk Io DECORATIVE ART oU Oi^anlsedby lV „i' HUA SHI ORIENTAL ART PTE. LTD. |n| E^^fJ.^WJ fP^i-t,^- iff^TH I'Mli JOtli CViUiiiN hi,' t\(|iiisit( BpWliMe K^l- htiicsr luiiudiii, srirrns, l.ihh HhMpßflr tß^m^ li >m( )i i iu .nul hr.iNN vv.iri", j.ulf %i« orn.mifiUs
      99 words
    • 109 10 r 1 Life! International Hujji i afe Yatuhi Puge 4 Anniversary Sale sian Jewellery Page 4 Fot an affordable UK Degri Comsertrac Page 4 'asio Super I) Sound Keyboard* City Music Page 5 Now showing vi better must* shop Ponx Canyon Page 7 Past Seasons Sale Up to 709k Discount
      109 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 417 11 V^J K^^^^l B^^^bl M^ J|M l( °f (1 fo'.c inutincj tcinye of I I I I I B^Lk r th«- latest m 'iikJ products ff on 0u- wor Id's slirninest B^B^bß I I J I B I m^l 111 B I B^H I I II I D Plcjy< i and
      417 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 364 12 B|^^H|HHHBH||HEHB|HHHHH The Aram is Traveller. Yours for only $25 with any purchase of A ram is fragrance or grooming products. I his handsome executive weekend bag is the perfect gift for Father's I )ay. Spacious v\ ith a useful zip up compartment on the outside to In >lii I host
      364 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 499 13 THE X EGA LI A MM .11 I \SS I \l K'K )l s M'\K IMI \I s i \<'//<///// i* ■> V| ii B 4f JilF "t! <7 'cniliins utnii.i M.i. ..t linn- I'm iptjtg ;i «j Shi 188 fc a*a luuiv •m iiii i; ah.i a i>.»m Su
      499 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 423 14 A 4y i m 4* a MA it ip a fl 1 1 V IV ITI vl l V these holidays promises to be Not just because of these great easy to play instru- products exclusively at Metro stores. And there are 6 brand ments. But because there's so much
      423 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 50 15 who says everything has to remain the same? Breaking with tradition has always been a French carven |»jiri*» lC«*i« MOM v RIM I h i■ > i oaponfl < .1 < .IT. >. .11 .V < I »v. I JUST PRESS PRINT/ 1 LJi ill V AHttißi^^a^ I Self inking
      50 words
    • 348 15 j i j tXPERIEN *F IOMORROW nV. r f ci ol Buki! limnli and Cli'menti Rck '.T' >*-• ■■>„,, GAi Stoi..i(|i/ Kir.ii AlU'tt Puik. Oim hm' i make your shopping experiei asy and always pleasural o^mm i^^^rr*"^*.--^. N y) Come m and you'll find a superb selection of tender meat
      348 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 135 16 N^^V ,^^^^M Ni i i i i obody does it bigger B CjO 1 NICAM PB 1 STEREO -'>rahsl I B II B C MT^9IB NICAM TELTri XI CMT27IBNICAM/TELETEXn CMT2SIB NICAM/TELI u\\ MT i iH" NIC AM'Tfl F Tl X l 25 ,toru !1 £HHHHBHBHHHHHHHMHBSBB b H Hitachi has the
      135 words

    • 1947 17 Eleven Malaysian forestry officials have been charged by the Thai authorities with illegal entry into Thailand and illegal logging. This is seen by some as a tit for tat move by Thailand against Malaysia, which has taken a tough stand against
      File  -  1,947 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 300 17 ißktePl VI I m*^-z i mum W~ p b > viv?» ■LJ^wMi| 1 E^^S Ex^'^'" ■r^^Kyrr* v^icjfcfe.v kiT\al 'SfflMß^nl^n i^&BH^k^s^ w HBfißl^y^l WHEW Bv2B V I ''C'.'- l i .Vi''"'. ii i'-\ .'-'O ■V; > i .;v.' fl fty v Kflhv' i K^Vifeflfl msc Jwkra ™'as?ir"tr?)vk :'ok"!rkat N fini)s SUR
      300 words

    • 401 18  -  Paul Jacob Claims that people are paid only 18 cents a sq metre By Jakarta Correspondent JAKARTA The developer of a tourist resort In Bintan island arc paying residents there less than "the price Of a Clip Of coffee" for land tx'iiiK acquired
      401 words
    • 315 18 MANILA The Philippines and North Korea, opponents m the 1950-1953 Korean war, yesterday agreed to establish diplomatic relations within the year, a joint statement said. It said that they agreed "to take steps towards establishing diplomatic relations and exchanging diplomatic representatives at
      Reuter  -  315 words
    • 245 18 BANCKOK A Thai court has annulled an Italian man's marriage to a man he thought was a woman. The Bangkok Civil Court ruled on Wednesday that the marriage of Paolo Kdoardo Boeris, 27, of Asti, and Riem Kuemjan, 26, of Phrae province
      AP; Reuter  -  245 words
    • 480 21  -  Paul Jacob By Jakarta Coc respondent poverty levels, Mr Suhai to added I)n Wednesday, tin- I' ;< ;i it Ms annual meeting In Ihe Hague pledged U554.75 !>iiii<>M m assistance, up from lasi year's record I 'Ssi :> billion The amount
      480 words
    • 295 21 JAKARTA ()n<» of Indon<> sia's most influential Muslim lea«h*rs joined forces with the country's senior editors yes terday m demanding that the Kovernment ease draconian press laws which he called undemocratic. The Ministry of Infoima tion has the power, which it exercises,
      Reuter  -  295 words
    • 321 21 MANILA The United Stales yesterday denied a repori that it had ordered a nuclear alert at Clark Air Base, which was threatened hy an erupting volcano. "We deny the alert. No alert was ever declared," said a lIS Kmhassy spokes man m
      Reuter; AP  -  321 words
    • 470 21 Thousands flee as more blasts rock Mount Pinatubo AN< SELES Philippines Powerful explosions rocked a Philippine volcano yesterda) for the iecond consecutive day, ■ending another huge mushroom cloud of debrii In to the sky and forcing thoii sands more |M*oplc lo fire .1 hail of ash and red hoi lava
      Reuter; AP; AFP  -  470 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 313 18 1 NIKO CARPETS PTE LTD _j^ \^r EXHIBITION AND SALE r SPLENDOUR CARPETS Experience the most magnificent exhibition sa/e of oriental tribal, village, workshop pieces PERSIANKEUM 105 x 185cm(3'5"x6') froms 150.00 PERSIAN BEIOOCH 95 x 190 cm (32" x 62") fROMS 195.00 DEMONSTRATION ON CARPET REPAIRING MAJOR CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED
      313 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 1270 19 i llir _w _^^V -vX*-19-I^-h M" c tv l '*fj l H^ i B (fl b '^_I_^_M_ I I II I l^^(A)^_tV Ir'earT^uLnii 1 1 M IF I ft '^k I// -b[ L_^_ifl_fl li fcs_&),__v s 3uiil 1 3 4p 1 3 li _^^__v__... I _^f* __I Cx w B''':B
      1,270 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 393 20 We have the MOST lC r jf p 7v, L y^^ B m ***m^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^B Bj A^ b1 b^?"^Bb BbC 111 I m I Bb B >^ I I ll V /bß^^ BT^V^l^llb^ SESAME STREET WHALE SPRAY POOL QQQC JJ I '4^2l|M tVJ H/ U KIN IV Kx^™^l^ P L lIQOB
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 238 21 BBK ->/->.-— m'-a, -is Sssl HsBBHBsIBiBBBBBBBEIBBHi^BIBBaBsfIBIBBBBBSfIHBBBHBBBBBBBBBBBIBBBHiBBV BBBSr sW t W J BBBBBbC^BB^BBbI V^^BB^BW^^Sr V I JbvlbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbP issS WWsssll A sit V V V^ s.9O*J:W!HL J *"fl v llr *'i VB^BBBBbI BVJbI i' «h* ,mr^ u^bmbbbbM. s^bßMbl -tJ3^ \*w^*^ *^^^^m_ 4M j^S Kd^^VflNi^^w^^Mßl Bb*^ I ystalwarc .mil Im< lioiic < liiiui
      238 words

    • 432 22 He believes lawyers will ultimately be bilingual THE Malaysian government will not do away with the use of English even when Bahasa Malaysia becomes the language of the courts. Justice Minister Syed Hamid Albar said. "English will continue to be an
      432 words
    • 375 22 local doctors want 10 yen "grace period" to prepare themselves For the In flux of foreign doctors In the private sector, The Star re potted yesterday. Malaysian Medical Asmki aiion (MMAi president Dr I'ius Martin said that the government had to
      375 words
    • 640 23  -  Ismail Kassim Workshop will aim to reduce tension and promote co-operation By KUALA LUMPUR Ten na tions w\th .1 vital slake m re during tension m the South China Sea have agreed to at tend an Indonesian-sponsored workshop m Bandung
      640 words
    • 67 23 Sergeant T. Ralasuhramaniam, the sole survivor of the KIMAF Nuri helicopter crash In Banding, Perak, being rushed to Koala Lumpur for treatment on Wednesday. The 33-year-old soldier had opened the helicopter door to survey the landing site and was thrown out when the helicopter exploded. Six
      Bernama  -  67 words
    • 152 23 VEGETABLE prices In Johor Barn have shot up by more than HO per cent over the past week, The Star has reported. Rain which destroyed farm ers 1 crops has been blamed for the sharp increases. One housewife protested that the increases
      152 words
    • 266 23 KUALA I.UMPUK The Ma laysian IX^fence Ministry has r*M«n orderwl to rcmovi' all ex plosives from the army's M$TO million (Ss44 million) ammu nition depot m Malacca for safety reasons Public Accounts Committee (PAC) chairman Datuk l)r Af fifudin Omar said the decision was taken
      NST  -  266 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 588 22 Appllcatlonsare Invited forthe following training courses/wonkshops/semlnars: H PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT COURSE (PMC) 24 Jul 91-11 Mar 92 (Every Wed: 7.00pm 9.30pm Sat: 2.00pm 4.30pm) Full: $1,250 (Member) $1,500 (Non Member) Ind: $250 (Member) $300 (Non Member) This 1 25 hour certificate course is aimed at equipping participants with tho necessary techniques
      588 words
    • 45 22 ■NOW AT THE PROMENADE vi•, i t the Frat c I I i Ross c t t i lout ique the Promenade #03 03 h e tween 1 4 t o 30 June L 9 9 1 and enjoy a 10 discount on all items
      45 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 294 23 A public forum you can't risk missing. AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases are a threat that's ever-present, and sadly, everincreasing. Being informed is one of the most important defences we can have. Hence this forum: An opportunity to hear experts review the risks, and the responsibilities. MMiSJisSZSjrtJte, r register
      294 words
    • 648 23 z^ i "____^^i __x I C 3 A J^ Xt 11-1610^ BREEZE 99 78|| Enjoy cool savings on this fantastic offer! Save '^^/y/ywll^^^^^ $49 on the National 14" F3SBL usual pnce, /^Jtf |U\\\^^ $148. Offer's good only while stocks last. I tL j^-aa-_______^^ iS^VTL^^^i vk H I vJbV H vl_k
      648 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 793 24 r^sr^ vv) c VrU '\v Oa^vy (vi»v j ©7)^l vv) v vv* --m J v V fr; W^^ #<A) >^ < I aaaaaaaaa^^^^laam I x^ /O' V' lawPSp^ > lll ""> l s <" > j^i'-' 1 .lei iU f^ J^ >^ < C*^**^ X* C\ 'CXI B" I I
      793 words

  • HOME
    • 776 25 KKI.IKVKD at having been granted an annulment, Ihe outcome of her divorce i>eti lion. Madam Ylng turn ed to her family members m court ami smiled. "I'm so glad my night mare's over at last," she told The Straits Times later, •roiling
      776 words
    • 333 25  -  Brendan Pereira By THE M year old Singaporean girl who alleged she was held captive and forced Into pros tit tit ion by five men m Ma laysia, told police she agreed to then* Iwcause of a job
      333 words
    • 415 25 PRIED i i< -e and Teochew muay (porridge) were the fa vourite "survival dishes" I whipped up by scouts using I only basic ingredients at 1 i camp held this week They were taking part m a survival cooking competition, the last
      415 words
    • 232 25 A MAN who burgled lh<' Catrnhlll Court home <>( a Japanese manager with two others, .md who went back t<> the condominium a week later only i<> I*' arrested by police, was jailed for two years yes terday. Kamli Kainsi, 25, and his
      232 words
    • 706 27  -  Koh Joh Ting She is second person m a fortnight to t)e attacked By Have you had a close encounter with large dogs recently? Call NewslJne on 137-87 M between 9 am and 5 pm to share your experience with us.
      706 words
    • 489 27 A POKMKH M' tames rj list iln'<i id ,i it i< i in <■! I skull i (in ii istiinj' Into i .1 1 1 inn i, y l"i v 1 1 1 mij: i h.i ii.'i i i i.r.l The
      489 words
    • 397 27 THE Malay language must Ikdeveloped constantly if it is not to lose out to other lan guages, said Acting Minister for Information and the Arts George Yeo last night Speaking m Malay, he said that for Malay to remain a major
      397 words
    • 570 28  -  Chua Chong Jin 150 working adults admitted to full lime courses starting next month By SOME VM) students will stand out from among the more than 1,000 new ones when tern open at the Sin gapore Polytechnic next month They ait working
      570 words
    • 359 28 LJADSFIDUFJDJFLDJAFK IN 19H7, production sujkm visor Madam Tay Kong Meng, 35, dropped out of her part-time five-year course at the Singapore Polytechnic after just one year for the sake of her family. Hut m July, she will return to her studies
      359 words
    • 351 28 A TOURIST signed a unlit card sales slip for $•><) when she bought I camera flash unit from a shop here In 1987, lint the salesman later added another "0" bo the amount on the slip I. mi iiak (Boon, 33,
      351 words
    • 453 28  -  Cherian George By youth Challenge, whose stir vry m i'wr> trained the s|mii light on Vntrejjoint Kids", is embarking on a new nation wide survey of youth tTOOds. This time, attention is likely to focus on tho so called Man tia SauaTC
      453 words
      • 155 29 I^UK'K hands, an eye for detail and 20 years' experience that combination helped housewife Yip Cheng Yuen win a rice dumpling wrapping competition last ni^ht Mrs Yip, l!>, wrapped seven dumplings with hamhoo leaves within the three minutes allowed m the contest
        155 words
      • 100 29 A 12- YEAR-OLD girl was robbed <>f hot k'<>l<! chain and ring at the void de< below her home In Yishun on Wednesday. The girl, Lok Sh.m Lin. 1 wa talking to a friend at Mock 72X, Yishun Avenue 3, it about 1 30 pm
        100 words
      • 150 29 i< ''A i'J *ffl U 9t NKWSf'AI'KH vendors usually have two special days a year, during Ihe Christmas and Lunar New Yen festive seasons, when the\ take a break from their delivery rounds Last ni^ht, too. was special f<n about •><**) vendors. Their association, the Singapore Newspaper
        150 words
      • 189 29 A RBCORI )IN< contract awaits the grand prize winner of the Voice <>f Asi.i, ;i regional miisi<competition organised i>y Sony The Sony Musm Audition '91 Voi< c ol Asia competition is part <■( .1 ipan 1 Sonj Corporation and Sony Music ['jiii-i tainment's scan
        189 words
    • 601 30 More also working Cor extra pocket money at weekends during school term STUDENTS are flocking to hotels to work as part-time waiters and waitresses during the school holidays Ix*cause hotels are paying twice the hourly rate of fast food restaurants lint
      601 words
    • 576 30  -  Julia Goh By THE arts m Singapore re reived another boost from the private sector with a $1.1 mil lion donation by stout com pa ny (In in ness m The Substation The gift for Singapore's first collective centra foi the arts will be spread over
      576 words
    • 765 31 SPECIAL REPORT Chan Ilwa Loon of the Political Desk traces the discrepancies m productivity figures to the under-counting of workers and suggests an idea for a more accurate count. if YOU scrutinise the \\m Census data and the Labour Force Survey
      765 words
    • 300 31 SIN<« AIMHU: should consider following Hongkong's practice of conducting a "by -census", which In a mini census conducted mid-way between two censuses. Since Its first post-war census held m 1961, Hongkong has been conducting a sample b\ -census every fifth year after
      300 words
      • 201 32 A NU SKRIAN v■ mi a stolen cti.u i:»- i .11 1| w.r, nabbed by waiting detectives when h«' i eturned to i shop to oiled the video camera.', he had bough! Shonubl Aiii'i'.unir < diishoi.i, S5, pleaded guilty i<» two cheating charges and a thud
        201 words
      • 151 32 A MAN m a hurry to get to .lohoi Hani used another person's passport, unaware that his Mend was on Ike Singapore police's wanted list Yesterday. Sng Jin Chin alias Sflg I'en^ H<h k, 12, ended up paying a $1,000 fine foi attempting to cheat an Immigration
        151 words
      • 181 32 A BUSINESSMAN threatened a parking warden who refuted to cancel ticket she had tamed to his Mr ml Em parking his van lUegaU) VSOQg Chin Nam, 21 who was Hned (1,000, admitted warning Miss RaJOO Xi ishnavoni, .'i r >, to ■"hotter watch out! If
        181 words
      • 84 32 i iiiu Thai construction workers were Joint I) charged on Wednesday with murdering a Banjflatieshl weldei late on Sunday m^nt No pleas were taken from Suradet Senarit, 10, Prayoon Saneha, 11, tod Sai Phanna, 10, who allegedlj caused the death of Mr ftauar tfowain, 11,
        84 words
      • 235 32 WHKN a policewoman BEW a man driving away from her home at around midnight with a pan <>f panties hung OUI U) di she did not repoi I it Himi'viM she noted down sales executive V>o Kit tteng's cai registration numbei Hut when the '.':> >e.n
        235 words
      • 195 32 ■TWO men on Monday |oinUy faced live armed robbery ("barges Involving more than $1 5 million In j'niii .mil other Items The pair la. < 1 been charged on Maj 27 with robbing i',.m < !heong Jewellers <>f Jewellery worth $7OO,ikhi >n Monday, Tan Thiatn
        195 words
    • Article, Illustration
      691 33  -  Yvonne Lim AROUND YOUR PLACE By 'Pedalling' rides to tourists keeps trishaw-rider trade going BRAS Basal) Park is where some 200 three-wheeled vehicles congregate every evening turning it into Singapore's unofficial "Trishaw Square"'. Once a dying trade canted out by aging men, trishaw riding is today attracting freelancers,
      691 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 461 25 s^L^L^fl E '^b^b^bl With the Wilson Hammer System Racquet. B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^H IT 59H HI ||bI !5 B^B^L^B^B^B^B^bV B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^H ill LiHB be's W I IriKKjinc A Kicquet which makes miS hits virtually impossible A racquet so powerful, it smashes lIT fl B*B Nl lIbVIbK the ball like a hammer So light, it
      461 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 1187 26 i^ I MKft S 'HftNV j^flj^^^Hß :>_fe;*. Bk -^B B| v I ■MS» JE flr"^^ 3 BPEBBHMHBKHWB|HBBwBBBBK«^ WBWPW^^WMBWW^^^^^lSWW!?, Pre^^^^| _i^^^^^^B P^^B^tP f^^^l H^ ®°^y wm fx i o Walkman Bb Fabulous prizes to be given away. Buy something for Dad BnTfffTTO?W^ffiiWff^^ I PANASONIC TC an<^ w* 11 something for yourself.
      1,187 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 564 27 Hl r lVStraits r nmeB 88l IjMJ WH»O OVIRStH IPHtON r WEEKLY OVERSEAS EDITION Subscribe now. Call 740-1840/1. 17 Wk MM l|| AH nHk\ alB fl L^aW A sb^m v Vf GALORE wvt CONTEST Buy 2 tins of Milkmaid Rules and regulations Sweetened Condensed Milk ■»*^^^B A hri lill!A l|
      564 words

  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 324 28 Its f an. Its crazy 1 Cbeerteam Professor Lai s fer t(7e who e arn te 1 IDagicade VSh ■■■■■■■■■■nil Ilk fv^i^yinl I I Ihis woiulei I' -.iim will ••ntf.Ttain you v X^^X y fIJ*V -'"V- J^ X^^lr Ift |SlmSTsf3^Em wilhcolouilul leat:.. iiul loiiimlkmi:. 1 *^yr*^^/, H&\ vLj^ I M
      324 words
    • 29 28 For Horn* or Office deliveries of: Straits Times, Sunday Times, Business Times, LianHe Zaoßao. Berita Harian, Berita Minggu, Shin Mm, LianHe Wanßao call our Hotlines 740 1839. 740 1840
      29 words

  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 44 29 NEWSLINE "S|H»t anything newsworthy In your neighbourhood? Or you fIVTFmHi mH .V have some views to Mi I m expresN. l*h<ine us at UU T.n moo between 9 am ■HHH and 5 pm from Monday lo HES I CV!C7 P T W %l Saturday.
      44 words
    • 389 29 A(. mi.t un. 11,-,I 1 '.(itMtti'i Br lei luiologv pun It" m^^^K^^^^^^^^ I.hijc spc.iki'i PPH pcitoiin.iiK.c tnni ,i fCs(bitC Oui mo*.! affordable At oustimass system Virtu,iiiv Invisible speakei i iibes and bass module Delivers pure lifelike sound free nt audiblfl distortion Optional accessories toi added pUcemenl Reidbiiitv Compatible with amplifiers
      389 words

  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 252 30 We arc Overstocked* I Iclp us by helping yourself to sensational savings* The Sale is on Now... 20% -50% OFF 'hi most srli -i i pure sill i hinoits, l«K"es, linens, > >iii <i i voiles, i m\:.iii.'.is, cm I mi >klcn\ I rnnri< s, shirtings, suitings .un I othei
      252 words
    • 101 30 UNIVERSITY OF <xij WESTERN SYDNEY h{] Hawkeshurv Interested m a career with a future'/ degree m EFOOD T6CHNOLOGI POOD M ikiiion 1011 I MANAGCMI M oiild take ><>•! (o the t<tp Robyn Bushcll Head, iKpai m nut of Consumer Hospitalit) Studies will present i FREE SEMINAR on Wednesday 19 June
      101 words

  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 215 31 THE ARBUTIN ADVANTA GE. A REMARKABLE DISCOVERY WHICH HELPS TO PREVENt^jJtI&kJTLY SPOTS AND FRECKLES. AT METRO 'mm^^ X' Attci yedis of irseoidi, Jlv iS Shiseido lio 1 rJov<>lo|)od o l^r skih' die rin r ontaining o Mm xfmm mlt ictvofLdl l< i 'm < thai holp: H^B s u i
      215 words
    • 94 31 1990 Census figures are higher than those m the Labour Force Survey and the Change m Employment data CONSTRUCTION FINANCE AND BUSINESS SERVICES WO Change labour ")90 I Changum I i*olk Cama f mptaymeni f orr« Cereua mpioymeni (orce 134,400 isfloofl dala Su(Ve v 84.300 6^.300 138/100 i 125,400 |12.9%|
      94 words

  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 372 32 COME SIN<i,DANCE,EATAND SEE DRAGONS RULE THE SEA LIGHT-UP CEREMONY >,\ t^R^#^ mi .it', sm his i him -.< id m i| >i 1 1 1>". B^^li Bk.'^B Ei V&*m^Bmo v^^^Jwß- JtlMßfc#lWt^^ 1, '^^By/R{^>vwßwr^r Mil-.. sollK h.iliilli Mil. Mill l^flH M»?Ttt!LiJLjil j\iii'^yT^^^ff^^|> X^J^^J^^H^ilr J^jffiSflßPjßff^F'^- mis tin, i'!i .iiul spl.ish ihr w.itcis
      372 words

  • Page 33 Advertisements
    • 187 33 HHHHHHHIHiIHHHIiHi HHHH^ A perfectly beautiful way to introduce IHhHHHHIRHMI II HHLiMMk. HMi^ yourself to Lancome s new two-way cakp' SBBfeHri^^^^^^^^^^^^Hl sensati n BEAuT^ HH||MM P^ VJ| Your 9 ift with an V Lanc o me aAM^^I purchase mE|^^^Ri I^B RM'B |Q9 9t ""3 L e a resn new starl on
      187 words

    • The Straits Times
      • 660 34 TAKE a family with three sons Buffeted by the winds of fortune, one brother is given away for adoption, on the understanding that ho will return to the fold when older. The other two children grow up and, like many brothers, they fight over the ancestral
        660 words
    • 74 34 QUOTES "I don't worry too much about opinion polls." Hritish Prime Minister John Major on his declining popularity. "That cemetery of the victims of human cruelty m our century In extended to include yet another vast cemetery, that of the tinhorn." I'ofM' John Paul II i>n the Holocaust and abortion,
      74 words
    • 1428 34 Who are qualified to l)e Malay-Muslim candidates m the coming 199.' 1 general election? This is one of the questions raised amidst reports al)out early preparations made by political parties to look for potential candidates. Ismail Pantek of Berita Minggu looks at efforts by
      1,428 words
    • 396 34 Multilingual signs m Spore Editorial, headlined "Win stir up a controversy?" pub lished m r.imii Ifbnasu on June 7. REPORTS and debates concerning the proposal t<» have the names of people and loads m the four official lan guages have surfaced
      396 words
    • 352 34 Editorial, headlined "What's m ,i Bimef" first published m Betita Min^u on Juno 9. IN THE West, the question "what's m a name 7 may not be significant, but m Singapore, it is a very sensitive one. Sensitive bec&Ufle names are closely tied with issues
      352 words
    • 1202 35  -  Kwan Wong Kin Our correspondent's file TOKYO lOKYO Mi Takashi !/iimi (not his real ii. line) wishes h<> roukl K n home after work cv riy evening to a relaxed, home cooked dinner Hut thai is virtually impossible His wifr ;iikl
      1,202 words
    • 1102 35 Their dairy farms today are as big as those m the EC and yielding a third more milk. Beef producers not only operate successfully at home but have set up farms m Australia and America. The Economist FORGET cars and
      1,102 words
  • Page 34 Advertisements
    • 100 34 AC£ /or the winning lifestyle H<n;.s (iiiil [uggdgc occeuorief o( f/i< (inert};?! Wafted i<<> tin oih /pmirn; personality \dealfoi tl^ S3 S?^Vl^ '■''in'iJ/uil.s h'/k» ii>f /nu.suni;; c!^^*^*^^^^^^:^B^P^P^pl^^^^SS3fg s jr '^V VViWi «t7«tv purchase of ACE suitcase I^^^TMiP'^PP^Sifc M lor purchase of other ACE products H Ba 1■» abow 50/
      100 words
  • Page 34 Miscellaneous

  • Page 35 Advertisements
    • 173 35 I s>i. WH^ k4' imik* iiirl s playsult 900 JHSf^J^-.^/i Straw hat $26.00 V /Jl titfMßnkK^' Mami-B pants $79.00 AW I TmM'l^ Mamt B shirt $59.00 »l J < ■HW'ty "^fc^" leather belt $14 90 MBS'. /^J f 4ft iBiHL, Sr*^ "V 'u, i ,rt^f '^vtt^^B v /dUBiSm-'l' J 'Lf
      173 words

    • 410 36 Doctors' fees and display of charges were discussed m May I RKFFJH m The Straits limes' editorial "What's up I >oc 7 June I) on the pro posed two tier fees for senior and junior general practitio tiers II said thai "disappointing
      410 words
    • 246 36 I REFER to Mr Chan Kirn Yian's let tet "Pain diagnosed as indigestion tinned out to In* heart attack' (ST, June H) I recently had a similar ex perience. although not quite as serious. On May L 6, I felt ill at work and
      246 words
    • 71 36 Face-to-face with what savage dogs can do HOLLYWOOD has yet to create a monster as hor-rendous-looking as Mr Frank Tempest, who was attacked by two pit hull terriers m Britain last month. lie has my deepest sym pa thy Any pit hull terrier train et or owner m Singapore who
      71 words
    • 208 36 rill*! prohibition agalnsi fish in^ m our reservoirs is being blatantly violated On weekend mornings, an glen line the less public parts of Upper Pierce Reservoir and the bund which starts at the Kianji Reservoir pumping station The first casualty is
      208 words
    • 215 36 I REFER to th«> letter "Tan IVlck Seng hospital short of lerks and nurses" by l)r Ng Kwok (.'hoy (SI 1 June 7) It Is heartening to know that l)r Ng is aware of the shortage He said that "the relevant authorities
      215 words
  • Page 36 Advertisements
    • 529 36 LAST 3 DAYS LESS 30% TO 70% Ladies and Gents shoes, bags Travel goods, Leather clothes and accessories BELTRAMI me Paragon "hi Orchard Road Id 'vUI.'SN I p i.■ ri kUN IKA X I A ri rr someone^ Rijsttafel Buffet y overseas about at $15+ f per person Singapore. at
      529 words

  • Page 37 Advertisements
      853 words

    • 1021 38  -  Joe Dorai Row m women's soccer team following problems during the Asian Championship m Fukuoka WFAS secretary Azimah denies the allegations against her SOCCER Hy WHAT WFAS PRESIDENT SAYS 'We are planning to get Azimah out of the association. She was not only overbearing but
      1,021 words
    • 280 38 SINGAPORE will aftve I ii diihir free defence f<n Hrn Sunday's away Semi-Pro i>i Ision i mi' match against Kuala l.uiiipiii at Cheras sta diiirii Tliei W, I'll 1 SOMll' doubts eai liei m the week when Alxl nil. ih Hoi han
      280 words
    • 505 38  -  J. Rajendran BADMINTON By FORMER Chinese badminton stars XiuMi: kiobao and Qian I'iiu; are m Singapore f >i a two-month stay which com bines !><>ih work and pleasure Xiong and Qian, who were customai ily married three months ago, are guests <>f the
      505 words
      • 175 38  -  BOWUNG youth is prevailing over experience m the Baleno Youth Veteran Masters tournament which began at Super Howl on Monday. In the competition restricted only to youngsters below l! 0 ;ind the young-at-heart above 4!>, the top five bowlers m the youth division have
        175 words
    • 287 38 THE decision to go professional is part of the Football Association of Japan's plans tv improve the standard of the most popular sport among males under IH years of age. PAJ official Ichiro h'tijila said that annual surveys have been conducted among males between six
      287 words
    • 326 38 FENCING A TOP Indonesian coach has been hired by the Amateur Fencing Association of Singapore to prepare its team for November's Southeast Asia lames m Manila. Tick Soeratman, 53, who competed In the i%o Olympics, has 'M years of coaching experience and Is here on
      326 words
    • 473 38  -  WILFRED YEO By JAPANESE soccer will go professional m IW3. modelled after the European system. The decision was made after a detailed five-year study of European clubs, according to Football Association of Japan technical committee official Ichiro Fujita. Fujita, was m Singapore with the
      473 words
    • 423 39  -  Peter Khoo SNOOKER Rv i >KMl' X n iiion ii hampions '.fiij.imm I m iml Wen:; r\\ ti.i\.i' pulled "vi of Singo inni's snookei and billiards squad f"i November's South isl Am. i's m M.unl.i i m. .1 Sc.i
      423 words
    • 476 39  -  Shirlynn Ho SQUASH By w THE handful <>f spectators N'lt short changed by the speedy conclusion of the first women's semi-final of the Mi lo National squash champion .hips, the drama and the excitement of the second more than made up for
      476 words
    • 105 39 SIX THOUSAND. The number Of entries received so far for Sun day's The New l'a|MT Big Walk has crossed that number. The actual figure is a record f>,()l4 participants for the seven categories men's open, women's open, men's junior, women's junior, men's veterans, women's
      105 words
    • 388 39  -  Pam K. S HOCKEY By SINGAPORE women's bockej takes its first tentative steps towards dis carding its also ran Image when the national team plays perennial rival Malaysia m the o|>ening match of the Four Nations Tournament at Delta Sports Complex this afternoon 30pm). The
      388 words
    • 332 39 JAPAN is the popular' favourite to clinch the Four Nations hockey tournament, which begins today at the l>< l lia Spoils Complex. Ranked lllh m the World Cup lasl year, it has qualified for the 1993 Intel continental Cup, which Is the second of two pre-qualifying
      332 words
    • 121 39 CRICKET I,<)NIX)N [an Bottom ii<fied a lingering hamstring m jury on Wednesday to thrust Worcestershire into a repeat Henson&Hedges Cup final against I-incashire at Lord's next month. All-rounder Botham took .'J-ll m 11 overs as Worcestershire beat Essex by nine wickets m the 55-OVers cricket competition at
      Reuter  -  121 words
    • 141 39 LONDON Britain on Wednesday backed the return of South Africa to internal ion al cricket m response to re forms to apartheid. Foreign Secretary Douglas Hurd said that after talks with the African National Congress and the South Afri can Cricket Board, Britain would back South Africa's
      Reuter  -  141 words
    • 652 40 BASKETBALL inci.i-'avi k >i> (California I The Chicago Hulls closed Ihe Michael and Magic Show if ter just five games <>n Wednesday, winning the first National Basketball Assocla i ion championship In the team's 25-year history with i ios 101 victor) Most Valuable Player Ml chad
      AP; Reuter  -  652 words
    • 293 40 DRUGS IN SPORT itiitMiNCHAM (England) Fewer people were caught us in^ drugs to boost their sport injj performances last year compared to 1989, according to an International Olympic 'ommittee study The number of dope tests at lOC centres rose by .'Mi |>er cent last
      AFP  -  293 words
    • 388 40 ATHLETICS NKW YOKK Dan O'Brien sloshed to the best first-day score ever m the decathlon 4,747 points on a day of controversy' and complaints at the- United States National Championships on Wednesday. O'Brien, ranked fourth iii the world last year, docked 47.705 ec for
      Reuter  -  388 words
    • 1360 40 ATHLETICS Japan national c'ships (JapaiifNtanlewN Mtated) WomenN discus: 1 Mm ChunfenK (C'hn) r)9.!Hm 2 Jac quellne Goormachtigh (Hoi) X.BO 3 Ikuko Kltamoi i 47.52. Trlplr Jump: I Yumiko Tsuchlya 12.73 m 2 Yoko Mo rioka L 2.56 3Akeml Koga 12.35. BASEBALL American League: Athletics 'i Tigers 1,
      1,360 words
      • 117 40 Five-time I.c Mans winrwi Derail Bell, of Brttate, hi to make s|khis< .n history at the :>a hour race <>» June X£ Rfesa he lines up alongside his son Justin They win he the first Brtf isli father and son to have driven
        117 words
      • 74 40 Britain's Olympic hockey he id Scan Kerly went into the record books on Wednesday after helping Kngland to a .1 1 win over Wales on the O|»en iuk day of the men's Kurope an Cup m Paris Olympic gold-medal winnei Keily scored Kngland's thin! goal with
        74 words
      • 72 40 Chad liarnett scored twice loading Pacific Lutheran Uni versity to a .14-0 victory over Evangel College on Wednes day m the first American football game m Shanghai It was the final contest m three-game series that made sjHHts history m China. The games played m Beijing,
        72 words
      • 50 40 Mark Montgomery scored 24 points on Wednesday lo lead Michigan Stale University to 112 -106 victory over Austra lian semi-pro basketball team Horsham Hornets. Kris Weshinskey backed up Montgomery with 19 points as the Spartans ended a two game losing streak on its Aus tialian tour
        50 words
      • 49 40 Italy's Franco Chioccioli con quorod the 17th and toughest stage of the Tour of Italy cy cling race on Wednesday to widen his overall lead. Chioccioli completed the long climb to the 2,239-metro finishing line m the Dolomite village of Passo Pordoi m shr 9min 40sec
        49 words
      • 49 40 Chinese divers won gold medals m the men's and women's three-metre springboard events on Wednesday at the 12-nation China Open diving meet m Chengdu. Other countries taking pan are the Soviet Union, Italy, Cermany, the United States, Indonesia, Japan, France, Australia, Thailand, Canada and Iran.
        49 words
      • 73 40 Now Zealand's Gary Whetton captain of world rhampion (ho All Blacks, said on Wodnosday that ho saw no country as favourito for this year's rugby union World Cup. "We can't say any ono team is Roinß into the World Cup play-offs as the favourite We'd have
        73 words
      • 71 40 Next year's United States men's Olympic basketball team, widely expected to be the l>ost m history, will make its debut m Portland next year at the first Tournament of the Americas The competition, featuring a I IS Bound that will include National Basketball Associa tion
        71 words
      • 65 40 Sweden's Michael Andersson edged out throe other cyclists m titfht finish to win the opening stage m the Tout of Sweden on Wednesday and take the overall lead m the week-long event Andetsson, who had finished S.taec behind Dean Woods, of Australia, m the I 4km
        65 words
    • 454 41 I\vo other seeds also come to grief on disastrous day TENNIS LONDON Defending cham pion Ivan Lend] and US Open winner Pete Sampras were both dumped out of the Queen's Club grass court tournament m their Opening matches on Wednesday. I. ••mil. the second
      Reuter  -  454 words
    • 319 41 'All of a sudden, the young players feel like they're doing everyone a favour if they play. Their attitude is horrible/ John McEnroe on players who made themselves unavailable for the US team to play Spain m the Davis Cup. NEWPORT (Rhode Island) An aagry John
      Reuter  -  319 words
    • 115 41 LONDON— Former Hngland cricketer Bob Woolmer was ills missed by a tennis umpire after disturbing players with his loud conversation on a mobile telephone on Wednesday. The 43-year-old erleket coach watt ordered off the balcony of an executive box after his telephone conversation repeatedly
      Reuter  -  115 words
    • 278 41 mitMINCIIAM Martina Navratilova made it clear on Wednesday that she is more determined than ever to capture her 10th singles title at Wimbledon starting on June 24. "There are a couple of him gry players and I am one of them," said Navratilova after a
      Reuter  -  278 words
    • 636 41 TIIK Hln^'lish Football Associ Htion is going to court to prove its plans for a break away Super League are legally SOUnd, chief executive <;raham Kelly said m London on Wednesday ihe Football League had i >cused the FA, Kn^'lish soc cct's governing body, of hi kicking its
      636 words
  • Page 38 Advertisements
    • 95 38 Ihais win mler-regu title JHHB HBBB_Bk. TUMI Wl' \a m lh. i h1« m i.'iiu <tl Hi. S.'M-nlli As.'. ill _^_^_^_H '>■ v v S<'li<><>!:, ,c|i il. i.iUi.iu <'li. uiiji mi Alwn il [h.ii l.tud _F If l^l^l^l I^l^l^b wnl m^ _ft i^-suits <>i i>i.iw no 26" Colour
      95 words
  • Page 38 Miscellaneous
    • 136 38 TODAY'S EVENTS I IMMKKY Kour Nations tour ney: S*pOTC v Malaysia (5.36pm), Lip. in v Thailand < v 30pm) ixdh it Drtta SC ■WCCBB S6STL DX SSC Inl.iml Ki-v. miM I Kill.) id-. 15pm i sii inti-r hoU-l«;p Concorde \ni.u ii < ,'li mii i".ti-t i I ipin i SHIIKI.
      136 words

  • Page 39 Advertisements
    • 67 39 PROGRAMME VENUE: SINGAPORE ISLAND COUNTRY CLUB (Bukit Location) iMtl.lllMi'. IM'M ll)tti .liiiic. IMMI t^^^J '^V^ A. < ' (ipt'iuruj ,iM() 'I'i.ifti Mine f>«'()in\ ,it 00 pin ..inir Ixhjiii-; -it I I 00. i mf 1 i.imi- hi-.jiir. .ill 1 (H) ruiciri \\u- -.Is In [>. tt« Ihy I pm i.l
      67 words

  • Page 40 Advertisements
    • 55 40 ATTENTION ALLTNP BIG WALKERS «G WALK '91 I 1 I If you have not received your j NUMBER TAGS by this evening, j 7 between 9am to 3pm Saturday, June 15* fhc number of entries received jusi before the closing date was I. I H'linin^j S >rry lor \\w mD
      55 words

    • 435 41 321 Deaths 321 Deaths HENG NEO POW (PPA) Defence Medal (Civil) Age 83 passed away peacefully on 13th June 1991, leaving behind: WIFE: Anu Chuan Keow r? SONS DAUGHTERS IN I AW Heng Swee Choon Yap Slew Meng Heng Swee Foo Slew Ngoh l l«'i>k swr<- Khoon Heng Swee
      435 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      251 41 MDM LEONG YOKE YING Age 91 passed away peacefully on 13th June 1991 leaving behind: Sons Win i 'hung 1 1 ii i ik V 1 1 1 liillu. Daughters: Yau 'liiiii^.' i i. v.m Chung Vu 1 Tan Lay Khei v i Ood-daughtei Son-in-law: Chaj Sing Wan
      251 words
    • 161 41 322 Acknowledgements 322 Acknowledgements I THE FAMILY OF THE LATE I MR. CHEW KAI HONG DEPARTED: 8/6/1991 wishes to express iheh heartfelt gratitude to Ret Ding Blng Hoe Mr rtong Woong Ding Mi Kuii Kirn Seng "i Foocho* Methodist Church and Mrs Qladya Ding for theli prayers ami services v
      161 words
    • 80 41 323 Condolences 323 Condolences I With Deepest Condolences to I SOO SENG MUN I and hit family on the sad I demise of hit beloved wife I the late I MDM. TAN BEE GEOK, LINDA I FROM I LIM KAH KEE LJM KOK PHENO I LIM ECHENQ SING VIX) K<
      80 words
    • 36 41 324 In Memoriam 324 In Memoriam I In loving memory of I lONG CHIN CHUAN Born: March 14, 1919 fc Departed: June 14, 1971 I Sadly misted and always remembered by I WIFE LOVED ONES. I
      36 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      85 41 ATHMA 9ANTHI POOJA TIM lamHy olih» lait NAHAVANASAMV SUBRAMANIAM IN S MANIAM) DFPARTFD "i 8 1991 c Ui Madam Oovtnd immal i amllj relatives, lendi and doctori nurai i Wardi 13 II t ZS m rot k Beng HoaplUl Kdrumalhi praycri will l>« h*ld on r.emi (Saturday
      85 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      77 41 MR PICTHAY J (RAVI) Departed 31 May 1991 r+u then In i I m, .ink- ..1..1 ipi laUon iiv.'s rrlend!i managen ol C.W.I PB* managi tall I < toldln iPHA) md Lhanl .i! PSA work [01 lli>-lr kin. l „i lendam c, i ondolenc* i donation! and uili
      77 words
    • 164 41 AL-FATEMA Th« family of lh« lal* Mrs Hamid Kattim ipimi' away on Fnday 7 6*l) VOUM ilk'- reiuiiw, foi Uieti kind i I'MH-.'s iiui,!,. i n ml m May MM Bl»»t n» toul Am.n The lamily of the lale LOUIS YEOW Departed 8 June 1991 a I .-v
      164 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      33 41 With H< t- petl Condolence* to SOO SENG MUN and hn family on Ihr tad itiMTutt of hit ba>lov*d '< the laU MOM TAN BEE OEOK. LINDA From Colleague* of hit Branch
      33 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      77 41 T h« lamtty of lh» late MR KRISHNASAMY LETCHUMANA PILLAI (Departed 31st May 1991) ink frl( titeli kimi ih«'ii i> Karumathi ftMM will i.» n l(1 on 14th Jun« 19« 10 00pm <>m wntrti Ml tl'k 1?0 fOS 14 Bufcit M«'«i View S 03n T.I 77»0074 Alhme Shanti
      77 words
  • Page 41 Advertisements
    • 95 41 tIL* J^BaW I WF^HBaf k $6.00 per line (Minimum 3 lines) $26.40 per col. cm. (Minimum .i<;m x lcol) $32.00 per col. cm. (Minimum '}rm x lcol) I CAT.S. 1/ liM Ask for ClassiFONE and make your classified ad talk Acceptance of obituary announcements The following must he produced: ORIGINAL
      95 words
    • 9 41 "In Memoriam" for the loved ones whom you remember
      9 words

    • 473 42  -  Shirlynn Ho OAVIS CUP TENNIS Hv SI IRPRISE, sin pi is<- in. l there wen' quite a tew h the lit aw foi the Davis Cup Asia Oceania Group li second lound tennis tie between Sin gapore ami Hongkong yestei day Singapore's
      473 words
    • 200 42 Name: I, in Wai Yaw Age: 26 Occupation: Marketing .!<■ counts manager. f .in is the most experienced »>f the squad. A natural baseline battler, he has learnt to seize the opportunity to be more aggressive. The only player m the team lo have met
      200 words
    • 204 42 GOLF CHASKA (Minnesota) Greg Norman has paid dues to rejoin the European Tour but angrily denied that he would Leave the United States IHJA Tour. The Australian said he paid £100 ($290) to join the European tour next year as a mod playing member.
      Reuter  -  204 words
    • 292 42  -  Malcolm Bastians RACING By THE headache <»f staging a large number oi races at the llukit Timah meeting Starting Saturday week was averted yesterday with a derision to drop Class 5 entries After long deliberations, the Rukit Turf Club decided to scrap Class T>
      292 words
    • 767 42 UKMINCTON STEEL and Sounds Like Magic < I i sparkling workouts yesterday. The Kitson I^eong-trained pair cantered one round on the No. 2 track, then rlap|H»d on the pace to reel off 600 m m :is.7see. The going was good. Remington Steel, who found one to
      767 words
    • 235 42 Name: Michael Walker ,\K«>: 25 Occupation: Coach at Hongkong Sports Institute and sometimes TV presenter. Horn m England hut moved to Wales where he became Junior and Senior champion. Formerly ranked m the British top 10. In January he won the Asian Masters title, world
      235 words
    • 710 42 TOMORROW 'S KL CARD 2.00 RACE I Restricted Terms IMv 3 l.'.WOm: I Gagah Perkasa <r>) Rozaini r>f> t Maurice (9) ♦Saifudin 54.5 3 Ming's IVt (11) A/har 54.5 1 Magic Show (3) Kintf 53.5 5 Willpower II (7) wy ehee :».ir> 8 Gold Panther (2) Donnelly 53 7 Desert
      710 words
  • Page 42 Advertisements
    • 244 42 VViME&a BACHFXOR OF APPLIED SCIENCK (COMPUTING) DEGREE through correspondence Degree is awarded by MONASII UNIVERSITY I his correspondence degree program, conducted by Monash University College c.ippsiand (MUCG), a constituent n,»rt oi tin- reputable Monash University, is accredited by thr Australian Government. COURSE BENEFITS 1 andidates receive correspondence materials from tin-
      244 words
    • 37 42 One man, one Si. ii couple Edmund Ihen Zhicai I and Xi.mi; Yun have <\ new l>;il)\ m Ihe house I low doc s llns Ikhi^c theii relationship? m oui s( i k s on ou|)!( s f^^flj
      37 words

    • 581 43 HONCKON<; Hutchison wh.tin|Mvt is to lake control «>f Britain's largest container porl at a cost of C9O million (Ss26o million), t h«* South China Morning Tost reported yesterday l'h«* acquisition of poi t op ciat ions at Kelixstowe 00 the east
      581 words
    • 279 43 MANILA President Cora /on Aquino signed into law yesterday a foreign invest ment Act easing restrictions on the entry of foreign capi tal which she said would ere ate new jobs and solve the Philippines" balance of pay ments problems The
      AFP  -  279 words
    • 245 43 TOKYO Daihatsu Motor Co Ltd is studying a plan to pro ducc mini cars m Malaysia which, if carried out, would make it the second Japanese car maker Operating m the country, a company spokes man said yesterday The spokesman said the
      AFP  -  245 words
    • 317 43 TOKYO Keldanren, .Ja pans powerful federation of private business groups, on Wednesday urged the govern iik-hI to speed up efforts to promote wider international use of the yen and liberalise Its financial markets "As the World's second largest economy, and
      Reuter  -  317 words
    • 616 44 "Criticism can easily arise because of Japan's strength m technology and new products. There is always trouble for so-called giants. Giants must walk slowly." A Miti official Move to increase investments prompted by lure of single market TOKYO Fears of protec tionism
      Reuter  -  616 words
    • 215 44 HKIJINd Chinese warehouses, bulging with billions of dollars worth of household appliances and other consumer goods, had to make room for even more unsold products this year, an official report said on Wednesday. The Ministry of Commerce said the huge mountains of overstocked goods
      AP  -  215 words
    • 402 44 k >ky< Japan's expoi ima 'tune shrugged off the effe< is of ,i weak i!.s economy last month and drove Tokyo's trade surplus up S per cent the fifth monthly Im rease In b row The customs cleared surplus climbed to an
      Reuter  -  402 words
    • 503 44 HONGKONG Chinas foreign reserves have recovered to match the all-time high of 1984, reaching US$l2.2 billion (5521.6 billion), according to a leading Chinese banker. Mr Jin Deqin, Chairman of Beijing's Citic Industrial Bank and its Hongkong affiliate Ka Wah Bank Ltd, revealed the figure for
      Reuter  -  503 words
      • 163 45 TOKYO Stocks shot up m the last half hour of trade to close sharply highet boosted by bargain hunting by Invesl men I trusts and securities houses yesterday The UUfvshare Nikkei avei am* suigctl 385 -W points, or i 33 per cent, to
        Reuter  -  163 words
      • 88 45 STOCKS ended firmer but off their highs yesterday. The blue-chip Hang Seng Index gained 4.65 points to dose at 3.632.55 The broader Hongkong In- dex edged up 2XN points to close at 2,378.29. A broker said: "The market has really not much direc Hon." Brokers said trading was very
        Reuter  -  88 words
      • 88 45 SHARK prices closed lower yesterday on lack of buying support and profit taking, with sentiment affected by the weaker trend on major overseas bourses. The New Straits Times Industrial Ordinary Share Index rose 20.61 points to 3,744.54. Falls led rises by 128 to 70. The ready turnover was
        Bernama  -  88 words
      • 156 45 AFTER staging a partial recovery from a steep fall that came m tandem with sagging bond prices, the stock market closed lower on Wednesday. The Dow Jones average fell 23.92 points to 2,961.99. Analysts could not pinpoint any particular feature that spurred the fall. Analyst Jonathan Dodd, of
        AP  -  156 words
      • 115 45 DEPRESSED by investor disappointment over the absence of an interest-rate cut, share prices closed lower on the London Stock F,xchange on Wednesday. The Financial Times 100--share Index fell 22.4 points to 2,520.2 while the Financial Times 30-share Index lost 17.8 points to 1,973.3. Dealers said prices weakened at the
        AP  -  115 words
      • 77 45 A VOLATILE Dow Jones and a lack of buyers pushed stocks lower m lacklustre trade yesterday. The All-Ordinaries Index dropped 4.3 points to 1,495.6. The AH-ReSOUrceS Index lost 4.1 points to 870.7. A broker said a sharply lower close on Wall Street prompted some selling here, while continued jitters
        Reuter  -  77 words
      • 103 45 LANDMARKS Bhd's H5 per cent owned subsidiary, Saujana Resort (M) Hhd, proposes to offer 380 "class H" shares to its shareholders. This is to enable shareholders to enjoy the facilities of the Saujana Golf and Country Club m Suhang. The price of the "class H"
        103 words
      • 70 45 HKDFORD Bhd, the property arm of the Hong I^ong Malaysia Group, expects demand for office space and residential houses to be fairly good m the immediate future. Its Managing Director, Mr James Lim Cheng Poh, said demand is generally good even though there is a slight oversupply
        70 words
      • 61 45 ORIKNTAL Holdings Bhd, which saw its pre-tax profit soaring 107 per rent last year, said last year's "extraordinary performance" will be difficult to emulate. Chairman Tan Sri Loh Boon Siew said the group hopes that its subsidiaries will be able to achieve the same levels
        61 words
      • 89 45 A SECOND property has been purchased for MHf First Property Trust Fund. The company announced that the M523.5-million (5515.04--million) purchase is a 4 .-storey office building m Johor Bam, which is owned and developed by Wangso Properties Sdn Hhd. MBf Unit Trust Management Chairman Datuk
        89 words
    • 2822 45 TRANSACTION DATE: JUNE 13, 1991 'a). Adjusted for new lasues; Par value Msl unless otherwise specified; P/E ratios are not adjusted for currency differences. 1991 Laat Vol Day Net High Low Company Sale I ('000) High Low P/E INDUSTRIALS 245 165 AISB 504 240 .1 202 243 236
      2,822 words
      • 27 45 Open High low Sett Ist Vol lune 11 6402 64 64 I >> 5 Oec I 6032 llpen ,r.l i Wed) 11! Ad Vol .We.!, lloe
        27 words
      • 15 45 Open High I <>« Sett Ist Vnl V M Pee] 144 M N PJM] tx
        15 words
      • 21 45 Eurodollar 3-month deposit f)p*n High Imm Sett fst Vol 11 i i flj2( hp| i //i, i IsaaWlVM] SIMS MVaI(WM) *****
        21 words
      • 39 45 Euromark 3-month deposit Open Hi|(h Lea Self Ist Vol fcMtt 909 I! Srpt 64 In 1 i Mir 97 91.28 hue 91.48 Sept 9167 Dec '11 /l) M..r 93 91 /1 Open lut (Wed) 873 Act Vol (Wed) II)
        39 words
      • 27 45 Open High low Sett Est Vol 'I l/l 10 >/l niiA i/l (Hi I/. !«oo »*M 181 SO m% <H)»"ini (Wad) ttl a.i Vol (Had) FN
        27 words
      • 55 45 Euroyen 3-month deposit Open High low Sett (si Vol lime 'ii 9J 19 92 > 92 19 92 13 800 Sept 9252 92.63 92.52 9261 5000 Dec i; 1 j j .i 92 78 92.84 1000 Mm v 9295 9288 9293 250 Sepl Dm I IC M» 92 Open int
        55 words
      • 37 45 Open High low Sett rst Vol to* Jl 001 ii 00/OSS 000/OMM 000/06 E •»pi 000/07/ 000/041 000/OI6A 000/034 I'" 0 00/015/1 000/01 i M„ 1/ km <lp»i> Inl MM) ||)H4 i |M Mrcll lh/
        37 words
      • 37 45 Opfn M|li low Sell Isi Vol Spot ***** 68 ?480fl \l '4134.1' ikm 'inn 144(1 '4915 IM/'I Vpl ,"u;i it I »S4HO Kill l)»< '59HU j Obm M (DM) MM' Rcl Vol (Wtd) 1998
        37 words
      • 12 45 Open |nw Sett Ist Vol Inly 11 [5.50
        12 words
      • 40 45 Smiei Indei Price (12/6/91) 83.80 Open High low Sett Esl Vol Inly '11 HI 20 HI 70 HI 20 HI 1.0 717 A<i{? 8050 80.60 Hi) m HUM) 171 Open tut (Wed) 4228 A. t Vol (Wi-.d m
        40 words
      • 81 45 Inn.' '11 i .ills lime 'It lints rlf.ll low Sett Low Sett 9275 98A 9/ C 1300 73A 72 C 9325 48A 4/ C 'USD ?4A ?3 I 93/5 IA 1 9400 I ?/B 28 M ,i 'ii ill, Sept 'H puis High Low Sett Mini. Low
        81 words
      • 18 45 Closing prices (cents/kilo) Singapore mm i ants Inly up I) ,"i i Bill Malaysia 232 50 cents
        18 words
      • 46 45 Crude palm oil (Ms/ tonne) lune (south) Refined pilm ml (US$/tomw) mil) Pafan Oil lune ."1/ mi (seller) inly !95 i eller) Am; Sepl Mi (sellei i linn 1 (ii (sellei i Hug/Sepl lIS (seller) kill) Stearin lune/luly/Aug 225 (sellei i Neutralised palm nil
        46 words
      • 12 45 Closing price* (Ms/kllo) ki rin 15.60 so Furnovei /6 29 tonnes)
        12 words
      • 22 45 (Official closing quotation, UB4/MT) Ihuri Wad Cash 1265 1266 1304 1306 i Months l,»i/ 1798 1337 1339 i Settlement 1266 1306
        22 words
      • 43 45 (Official cloalng quotation, GBP/MT) Thurt Wad i ash i I4H 1 14H s 1 162 1 162 5 i MonSii i is 1 1 160 i if./ i id/ 5 Settlement 1348.5 1352.5 j Soma Otttokumpu (Si 4 fte ltd
        43 words
      • 26 45 Cloning price* (US J/ troy o;) Ihurs Wfd Singapore 11/ 4.48 4.50 4.52 Wed Turn Hew Ifort 450 1.5! 452 4Si Soun c Rothst IM
        26 words
      • 87 45 Crude Product Prices CRUDF/PRODUCT MONTH" CHANGE PRICE (USs>« WEST TEXAS Intermediate inly 1-079 079 ?008 ?0.13 HRINI MINt) luly •0 IS OIS 1805 1« 10 IHIHAI l AIIH luly I n, '<i il ,'n IS so 15.60 MINAS luly I 0 20 070 1855 1865 I APIS HI IND luly
        87 words
    • 748 45 Thursday June 13 HK$ leKfam 4 171 0.021 IMC Holding 585 1 0 35 Anioy Propetrttoe 4 35 0 02S Jacdine Int I Motor 3 65 unch Allied Overseas 0 74 unch ..line Math 33 75 10 25 Asia Sec Int I 2 025 0 025 Jardine War 92
      748 words
    • 396 45 Thursday Jun» 13 VtN Milsub He,iv\ 721 I 1 Mitsubishi 1280 4u Mnomata ''-m m MfttuJ 739 I Akai 1240 •50 Mitsui Shipbldg 616 I '4 Amada mo •?o Mitsui Smelting 620 I 16 Asatn Qtaaa P6l I MaaukooM 1260 I 20 Asahi KaSSI 640 unch Mitsumi 1670 Bank
      396 words
    • 203 45 For deposits between $3,000 and $50,000 H For deposits between $3,000 and $99,999 For balances up to $100,000. PLEASE CALL RESPECTIVE BANKS FOR DETAHS OCBC OUB DOB DBS TIB POSB KB DEPOSIT RATES Savings 4 0 4 3-'« |*4 144 Itt 4 fixed deposit 1 month 4 4
      203 words
    • 55 46 HIGH LOW Straiti linn's Industrial 1991 High 1565.58 I I i> 91) 1991 low 1149.08 (16 1 l )l i Allium- High 1607 12 (27 3/90) Alltiini' low t>4 B.{ (29 6 65) Business limes Composite 1991 High 1333.08 (3 6/91) 1991 low 1022.52 (16/1/91) All hini' High 1435.43 (16/7/90)
      55 words
    • 2601 46 TRANSACTION DATE: JUNE 13, 1991 Qr'a IW1 1,1 Laal Vol Day I aat Uuola Dlv Nut Hio,h Low Coda Company Sale or 000 High low Uuyar Sollui P'l INDUSTRIAL *j COMMERCIAL 285 i»i.> iiHio 932 xd i. M 939 230 231 233 ioon 15 4 >55
      2,601 words
    • 31 46 PCI M)c 4,368,000 Guthne GTS 20C 2,065,000 GuthrieWl MM.oon UIC H/i()()() Hold Prop 657,000 Keppel Corpn t./ City Dcv 50C SM.OOO NOl 523,000 DBS Foreign '181,000 NOl Wl 4M.000
      31 words
    • 34 46 Sector Volume Value Industrials 621,000 838.320 Finance 14/. 000 627,380 Hotels 11. 000 55,870 Properties 199,000 247,315 Loan Stocks 606,000 446,235 Plantations 240,000 324,045 Mining 5,000 9.100 total 1.859 m 2.548 m
      34 words
    • 484 46  -  Goh Eng Yeow LDUTIRTKJ DKDSKFJFKF By TRADINc; on i h«* Singapore stock market remained featureless and lacklustre yesterday as investors stayed at the sidelines to wait for fresh developments locally and abroad Dealers said the bourse is likely to continue to consolidate
      484 words
    • 72 46 lotal M.iiki't Weil Itiim Industrials 1/ 125 m 18 159 m Finance I 88? m 1 541 m Hotels l 237 hi 505 m Properties 5.862 m 1 o/n m Loans Stocks 5.859 m 179 m Plantations 971.000 1 289 m Mining 403.000 219.000 lotal volume 14 544
      72 words
    • Article, Illustration
      2 46
      2 words
    • Article, Illustration
      2 46
      2 words
    • 873 46 1991 tat Laat Vol Day Leel Ouola ll. v Dale High low Coda Company Sale or 000 High low Buyer Seller Peyebla 6*4 4 1181 Huiwlll Wl 6 6'y 6 981 7H t 1666 CBrC Wl 78(1 14 til 78(1 7/6 780 78 1 H4'» 1546
      873 words
    • 363 46 All shares quoted have a par value ol SI. unlett otherwite specified Adjusted for scrip/rights N Tai eiempted dividend P/E ratio* and iron yields of lorei|n tharet are adjusted for currency differences Trustee slocks under CPf Approved Investment Scheme J Marfin slocks ABN It traded In lots of 10
      363 words
    • 1631 46 TRANSACTION DATE: JUNE 13, 1991 •081 tai I Vol Oay I aal Quola Dlv Nat High I oar CixJa Company Sal., or 0410 High low llwyar Sallar I'/f HONGKONG STOCKS (HK CENTS) ■9 in i4iH(i)i 206(9000) 60 I 10 so so 411 /2D *M 1246 all.iay I'm 204
      1,631 words
    • 374 46 Manager's prices for June 14 Singapore Unit Trust lite Commfiie I I (4 nl I In- Shviiik'. I mill 10/ I 14 S'pora Prof lumi uso osj S'pnif Sei lund OKI, (Ii: spoie Invest Fund 0.91 0 H S pore I quily I unit II B 2 0
      374 words
      • Article, Illustration
        180 47 Volume: 35.46m units 0.92m) Value: $87. 25m f $3.40m) Sf Industrials 1541 84 1536.67 SI hn,)n«e 2586.94 2587.63 SI Hotels 1062 93 1056 8b S! Piopertii". /56 753.23 B1 Composite 1321.54 1316 4/ BIMGA 742.93 740.60 Bl OB OS 241 203 Bl CAW 80b/ 80/9 B! 10 day MA
        180 words
      • 121 47 PRIME RATE Average Prime Lending Rate: 71, Averse ot Si/w.iporr's Ha; four I Banks ASIAN CURRENCY UNIT Contract data: 13/6/11 qjRRINI 1 Mill I MIH 6 Mill 1 Mill 1? Mill CWI ValUt OATI 681 5.5 M."' 5.175 5.875 6.875 I//6/91 »S 823 'i.". 9.125 9125 9X125
        121 words
      • 206 47 DM 1 SJ MKS 6.5/USS t/US$ US$ Oasa 1.7911 141.98 1.78 M 7.7290 0.7530 1.6440 Oasa 1 7930 141 48 I 7890 7.7310 0 /Sis I MIS Source A\tley ,< /V.i/if Singapore dollara lo ana unit of foreign currency Buying 00 Selling USdati I 7740 1 7960 Sterling
        206 words
      • 129 47 Physkjl (Ss) Mcd Ih4ir«, Kdobar .'I Oft 21,207 21.205 125 IM r'.m 2,115 2,140 2.127 2,152 50 feai 1.060 1.075 1.066 1.081 '0 BBi i.'i 4)4 426 437 S r'.m Hit, 115 107—116 gat 21 to /I i() Biaaon coats (SJ o/l STaan Batata rata 657 673 683
        129 words
    • 385 47 BASF may site $490 m acrylic acid plant here Its Singapore OHQ will manage companies m the region SINGAPORE is one of the two likely sites for MASK'S proposed 5(M> million deutsehe mark (Ss49o million) acrylic acid plant which will cater to the fast growing Asia Pacific market. The other
      385 words
    • 317 47 HANK of America (HoA) has applied for a merchant hank licence m Singapore and hopes to operate one by the end of this year. This was disclosed yesterday by Mi' John Kindlaub, Executive Vice President of Hank of America's Asia Divi sion, at the opening
      317 words
    • 341 47 EFFORTS by the German government to attract Singa pore investors to what was previously Kast Germany, seem to be paying off Dr Karl Spalcke, the Ger man Ambassador to Singapore, said yesterday that some Singapore companies are now planning new
      341 words
    • 204 47 DBS Hank, the largest of the IliK Four local hanks, has a<l justed some of its autosave and fixed deposit rates !>y up it) O.S-percentage point from yesterday. The hank's move is seen by observers m the banking m dustry as a response
      204 words
    • 293 47 MOTOROLA'S new credli card-sized pagers are expec ted to lx- launched m Singa pore m December this year The i<M-aiiy designed, devel oped and manufactured pager was unveiled on Tuesday, with production initially tar geted for Japan The American electronics giant
      293 words
    • 135 47 SINGAPORE and Italy have concluded an agreement whereby vessels flying their respective flags are given equal treatment when entering each other's ports, according to a Marine Department statement. Mr Teh Kong Leong, Director of the Marine Depart ment, told The Straits
      135 words
    • 236 47 ini'okmation technology, Pharmaceuticals, automation and robotics these are priority lectors which British businessmen have singled out for Made and investments a< tivities m Singapore. The visiting British < >vei seas Trade Board's (BOTH) Chairman, Sir Derek Hornby, said this yesterday m
      236 words
    • 194 47 OIL giant Shell is streamlin in*; its operations m the Far Kasl with the formation of a new company m Singapore to oversee its regional trading, supply and marine freight op era! ions. The company, Shell Intel national Eastern Trading Company (Sieteo).
      194 words
    • 144 47 SINGAPORE'S 11.75 billion printing and publishing indus try received boosfl yesier day with the opening of llon^konu based Star lite Printers Group's $2!i million printing plant here The plant m West Coast is Starlite's first m South east Asia The group intends to
      144 words
  • Page 43 Advertisements
    • 148 43 mm Mi* SLAIOOD B Ihet ti c.iii 1 1 1 lii■■ 1 1 c\i v 1 1 .Ii >t Ihi H pi< king .it Plum's I rom < lams to tta^Bft^P -Itw Lbblb^H 'I 11 .II tiMIIIIIi>iI.I I Ii i| I .1 I Mill I .l I I SA^LI sV^lLw^l
      148 words
    • 520 43 Prime Autosavc (Daily Interest M 7tZ^V c.vclnrcl iiuinihly) fl m,/^ r>in, p.i for balamcs $J (XX) (50 (XXI l r >o (KH) 111,, iivi Ihi I i'Mil'),. lllntiM I. Hi- 4 H r t-\H'%, \o[V\. |i 1 101 11.11.nh r-. < (KW lld 1 1 1\ 1 ill. liM l(«'),
      520 words

  • Page 44 Advertisements
    • 555 44 rFor Sale by lender NATIONAL AQUARIUM COMPLEX Scrivener Dam Canberra, Australia I t Da Deppo Holdings Hv limited and Monatta Hy I muted are the owner-, and opei dors ol the National Aquarium, Canberra. Both companies were placed m receivership on I 1 Man n 1991 Fhe Rei eivei and
      555 words
    • 206 44 Vis Quiz 91 j Now m its 10th Year. AND WIN! And even better than before! Ist Pria 600 md i Here's the quiz game you've all been waitine foi Ptn^n i n 1 ll,llU!i;l t U 'pIU youi thinking caps. Brush upon youi general kn* iwledge And i "iiu
      206 words

  • Page 45 Advertisements
    • 73 45 Bank ofTokyo (Curacao) Holding N.V. U.S. $100,000,000 Guaranteed Floating Rate Notes due 1991 ...,i .1 the prirx is unconditionally and trrevocal The Bank of Tokyo, Ltd. Int lonce with the provittoi FlhaAga m*b*wma Bortl of Tokyo (Giracoo) Holding N.V rhsSoni Fokyi tJd anH Mbonl MA .i,..i B 1981 b) g
      73 words

  • Page 47 Advertisements
    • 378 47 r\jr* At NEC, we make no bones about providing superior support. NEC Printer Educational Programme/ Nt£* P*\?>) NEC 24-pin Pinwriters at 9~pin prices. We've left the competition picking up the pieces. 6 Free NEC Ribbons At NEC, our bone of contention is simply this: Now till June 29, 1991 when
      378 words

  • The Straits Times Money
    • 34 48 Up Down Unci) i 52 44 I HUH. 'I I.' 1 Hotels i) 12 I hupi'ilii' I 21 Plantation 6 i I Mining I) 1 I) Warrants 6 12 lotal bb 129
      34 words
    • 49 48 Metro Wdgs 620 I IS IM< HK}ii 50 132 i 12 MA 201) 1 I/O i II) Keppel Corpn /Hb I Xi H Leong Fin 253 I 10 Causeway wi 6JS HUH 685 PQ 50( 180 018 Packaging 114 I C t C Wt 280 I 1
      49 words
    • 33 48 DBSforaajn ft forts* I'll l.'i.'ii'i' Mil) ***** I I l'> \riiit) Slii|iy,iul lb DBS 1210 10 'II i 1 1 lUO Ifl N 875 10 mil /bO 1U I'Hiii.i 165 10
      33 words
    • 474 48  -  Mary Kwang Move, to take effect from Oct I, aimed at forcing compliance with Companies Act By FROM Oct 1, substantial shareholders of public listed companies who are late m reporting Changes m their shareholdings will be liable to he
      474 words
    • 144 48 THE Government is acquiring 10 parceta of land m the Rochor area totalling 11,224 sq m for redevelopment purposes. In a gazette notice released yesterday, the Government said the land is needed for a proposed park, Rochor Park, and the redevelopment of
      144 words
    • 438 48 THE Stock Kxchange of Singapore (SKS) has sent out a letter to listed companies on the need to comply with the new model code governing directors trading m their com panics' shares. The letter, addressed to the
      438 words
    • 515 48 mktro Holdings Ltd, reporting an 8.13-jper cent drop m pre-tax profit to $21.52 million, has announced a l-fbr-3 bonus issue. Its reduced profil for the year ended March 31 came on the back of an 8.9-per cent drop m group turnover to
      515 words
    • 19 48 NKW YORK The Dow Jones average rose !>.!>'.> points to 2,967.58 after one houi of trading yesterday. AP
      AP  -  19 words
    • 471 48  -  Tan Sung Jean Chia By and SES SENDS OUT LETTER TO LISTED FIRMS BILATERAL trade between Singapore and Indonesia, which expanded by 7.9 per cent to US$3.l7 billion (S$. r >.(i billion) last year, is expected to grow further, following In donesia's
      471 words
  • Page 48 Advertisements
    • 303 48 atj 899Jv zASY/MrEJKSr TREE payment FROM *-Jj^% MONTHLY f' >v /^~^dl UNIQUE BLACK W Lr l..^^^r Jlf MicroTAC 950PT ULTIMATE BLACK R ip^^HK QJbIH MOTOROLA 98O0XL W Wi /SKi^^cPrfM W\ [•ANd'FVf DWSS W «P^^^ §t^W*> W -^K5»«. ißk WLPa \k 3 1 1 so m Vl^^N m Jg W fl
      303 words
    • 203 48 FOR THE WORLD'S MOST TREASURED WATCHES McmaisPlpet W^w'.'^B S^^/ One establishment m Singapore HBP^S B^tW^'^nlJ^H .j^M^wMA housessomeoftheworld smost IBILJf/. A^^l^Sl- *V'rJW I^fc^/M WMmi fashionable and exquisite watches I^Hir TT^ "N '■^M! I P^^Hl Thename Cortina Watch Centre H I V *1 y IH Themosthustedplacetopurchast Ifl I fIA •♦^Kiii f 1(1
      203 words

    • 8 1 THE STRAITS TIMES Life! FRIDAY JUNE 14, 1991
      8 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 670 1 coming K^HHI to Singapore Baa 66t> .j**JB0aaaawaaa1B8>Ti^^^a T >*r*aaMaBiaT uJAimBO IB!*^MfiSir^*^^i4^£^r ,^ii'* f "VlVSH bVbViMiH |Ml Hnl BBBBhV 'ia r%BTT Bbbb IH j^'cwIh W Lir/.- -'^idil EfcaBaff^ 4a\rJBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB .flS HH^/>'' '*Vy^Xyy^'2"'- v'^H Lam I aflLaa IB I fBBB I fl -aaaa^aaj^a—fl^fl^aT^ran "a™ BriW£u '>'ital laaaO^lllailaaBBC aaaaiaaaa v*8b1 K '^"iffl HaS*;'
        670 words
        13 words
    • Cover Story
      • 1288 2 Foil years, writers and film makers have enjoyed a Long, stable and exciting marriage, much like Punch and Judy's. They hit each other on (lie head when things go wrong, and this appears to be < 1 1 1 1 1 < of ten. a recent
        1,288 words
      • 761 3 I' iDiii lid ion to film v< )i 1 1 mm Imi Hut you <an cannot hide ii did ihr lure of hard movie cash. So Wl I tors have come up with some basic ways iii handling the call of Tinsel ['own Novelists often turn screenwriters,
        761 words
      • 293 3 From trash to cash TIIKKIv ti' 1 films based on famous books Ami thd <• ai c tKKIkK based on hi) IttOVtON Haslih \m illen to < ash m <>n iin'it movie p.ii- ills, ictili'is snip up time w afer Ihm hooks all the MUMC At I glance, ih»' genre
        293 words
    • Page 2 Advertisements
    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 326 3 fl 1 s Sifld If^, JSSk 4^H a p"-"-* l «-.i-~~-— «j DMiBBB >€ ijcA|T|J li\oateJ ■H^m The Portable And Simple- mf/fl UPP To-Operate Home Sauna. "BE/' > t IRJ^a A totally new concept m sauna 1 Ir W L Jur j »^V 41 HEALTH MATE is your personal KJf
        326 words
      • 58 3 ORIGINAL PRICE NOW YSL CASUAL AND DRESS PANTS $210 to $320 $29.90 (MEN'S AND LADIES') YSL JEANS (MEN'S AND LADIES) $210 to $310 $29.90 AND MANY OTHER ITEMS... ALL AT 9O°o OFF. Concorde Hotel (Former Glass Hotel) Event Hall 2 Level 3 (via elevators) Date: 14 June 16 June 1991
        58 words
    • Diary
      • 1218 4  -  ONG SOH CHIN as A little girl, I was fed a healthy iliet of fairy talcs that made me be lieve MM day Prince (harming would sweep me off my feet, carry me to his castle and many me preferably m that order Slowly though, l left
        1,218 words
      • 170 4 A FKW intrepid souls on holiday m Queensland were taken on their first bungee jumping trip ai the GSoU Coast. Among them was a spunky woman with long flowing locks who was game to try and ended up enjoying the experience. Bolstered by her derring -do. her male
        170 words
      • Mailbag
        • 141 4 I kind the revamped Life! section a very refreshing change. Previously, the Youn^ Life section did not have many interesting arli cles, hut the launch issue, which was renamed Kami ly, was a great read I like ChC Agony Aunt col umn and the article, Against The
          141 words
        • 219 4 l |{|<:ai) m i.ifi 1 June 1 1 aboul hi)\\ m L 955 Mi K. w. B. v.m Klc>f gave $}7,(KH) towards the building of the aquarium nanwd if tcr him, whi<-h w;is dosed recently. The other <iay, .ifi<M nead in^ about the Government's plans
          219 words
    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 444 4 Cotrseitiac k ComsEnrac Begin at Comsertrac OR NCC I)iploma ln NCC Diploma m Computer Studies. Computer Studies. 2nd Year at Comsertrac Higher Diploma m Computer Studies Diploma m Business incorporating NCC Higher Diploma Information Technology m Computer Studies British awarded hy University Computer Society Part I. of Salford. Those who
        444 words
      • 49 4 t >^w^^4lm^^ffiSWEr JW WORLD POLO Available <i( ii// leading optU al shops Kang Ming Optical Knterprises (S) Etc I i<i jian \i;»n si <|i TO LEARN?ROM PEOPLE WHO ARE MORE SUPERIOR LEARN CHINESE THE FUN WAY Please read LIANHH ZAOBAO "ChaGuan"page For your Everyday Idiom -T- ?F^lra >a: vAv
        49 words
      • 110 4 /In w ill ci nniiilui i>l iln i >rlr«*r*i 'art n /)'i ■>h«><l hs h nndid/ite m tin I '.i i I ' I.l\'( m Ihi last ::< <•/<•< flV»fl i haw something <•> ::<■< <<ti \<mr cheat •<!! an% innut i fin mini/: matters ctpvered hi l.iir', <
        110 words
    • TGIF
      • 971 5 Robert Smith does not wani to be a i><>[> weirdo bui he docs not want to be normal either even after 10 years of The Cure. So be still slaps on the makeup and piles on the lies. ROBERT SMITH wishes that he has a twin hrnlhci
        IPS  -  971 words
      • 387 5  -  S.Y. Whang Jazz On CD H< l i lhi Bl UES, vol II I ddie 'Cleanhead' Vtnson ml l Ri pan (RCA) THE second volume of RCA's Bosses of The Blues series contains some terrific blues from tWO 1%!» recording sessions Bddie Vinson hailed from Texas, and
        387 words
      • 1040 6 K<th I loskins may U' alxnii as sex> v a bag ol Brussels sprouts, but women still adore him. He talks about his new him Mermaids, m which even (he glamorous Cher falls head over heels m love with him <*i >i couples do i ioi come
        1,040 words
      • 894 7 Be prepared to U' transported, literally, into a dramatic world of colour and ritual m Theatre Works' new product ion, says HANNAH PANDIAN. li AiMosi seems (dare one t>\|n'c! it?) thai i<• m Singapore is getting ahead of London and \eu York If you think sounds
        894 words
      • 529 7 w< MEN m bunches have become a reasonably hoi t ickel m mot Km piii Hies these days, offering relief fi om macho buddy films )n television, thai ti end has been reflected m the successes <>f Kate And ai ley, The < Solden < rii Is and
        UPI  -  529 words
      • 550 8  -  STEFANIE YUEN GILLES MASSOT has a passion for coffeeshops. Head filing hack, hands waving energetically and eyes erin kling as he smiles, he waxes almost lyrical about Singapore coffeeshops; from the traditional Peranakan tiles to the atmosphere of the place. He should know: After all,
        550 words
      • Article, Illustration
        776 9  -  Ida Bachtiar Concert Pit h 111 ART! I STIVAI World Frado entn Auditorium Wednesd iv DICK LEE'S ARTS FESTIVAL, which opened on Wednesday nighi at Ihe World Trade Centre Audlto rium. is (ho sort of prodUCtion that jus! begs for your indulgence If you like most of the
        776 words
      • 220 10  -  Ida Bachtiar Pop Parade LOCK up your daughters! Deep Purple and Mr Karma Chameleon Hoy George (left) are coming to town. Negotiations are going on and organisers say there is a good chance that they will be performing m Singapore. Deep Purple
        220 words
      • 136 10 KYLIE MINOGUE (right) and Lady Miss Kier (left) ould certainly fx- deadringers fur each other Same 'Irippy blon«l«' hair, i<>n^ r chins and huge eyes At th« Jean-Paul Gaultier show, Deeelite's Lady Miss Kier was m an outrageous fluff 'n' stuff Thierry Mugler 1 >titf it which
        136 words
      • Article, Illustration
        150 10 'TIS h«M' lorn now, for VlctfMia Wilson James (below), former Soul II Soul voralist who whipped OUt those vocals on A Dream's A Dream. She has released her first solo album. Perseverance. lar/.ic ii did the producing and the co writing, so his*Ts first artist would k«M
        150 words
      • 254 10 SKAMiKNUI SAMI I I 1 1 Ighl i ai Seal much awaited album Is ou( The ilrimi Li*, titled .md pi oduccd i>> 1 1 I'\ 01 Horn, lias |iisl In) Ilir 'Jin pi follow ing thi- I\mi;li\li chap smash hi! Crazj and No l liit Killei
        254 words
    • Page 5 Advertisements
      • 236 5 ASIAN JEWELLFRY ANNIVERSARY SALE urs 6 JUNE TO 30 JUNE 1991 IriOW X x D6B $3680 Dl-Sl2B D2-$2BO D 3-5298 D 4-$228 D. r »s2fis Df, $26M "'s^B DB-$298 m a S9-W6B SlO-$298 Slf-$268 Slls2lB Sl3-5238 Dl 4-$238 Sl5-S2lB Sl6-$268 Sl7-fclB SlB-$2lB $:> N I f r c^ R2O-1268 R2l-$298
        236 words
      • 86 5 < 1 \FREE VIDEO/ v_. I~t")/U u i l(() tuiK.tion •Real Bme memory .mi; 'i > omfMtftile ii lauto rtiythms !i bentlei panimen) ndao witii pun haw CASIO DIGITAL >/^U PROGRAMMABLE SUPER CD SOUND PIANO JT,-** REYBOARII J* ,7^ KEYBOARD J .oo X CPS-720 /^V N l{| ;(HI(I k V'
        86 words
    • Page 6 Advertisements
      • 338 6 The First Ever Exhibition on Image And Information Management Technology In The Region AIM 1991 Asia Pacific Image Information Management Conference Exhibition 13 14 June, 1991 Marina Mandarin Hotel Singapore Come and sw revolutionary information technology that will affect the way youi organisation works, competes, organises, and conducts business m
        338 words
      • 170 6 FEATURE rsZS? FATHER'S WINNERS i;;:;^ 1 1^;;^ DA V c s s s johnsons baby body moisturiser b .ru, buiiy SPECIALS a $10,000 FASHION EXPERIENCE FIRST PRIZE $3,000 CASH Come and celebrate with us on the ranChinHian mricno Mllll4/1 15th 16 lunefoi a SECOND PRI7F $2,000 CASH SET MENU OF
        170 words
    • Page 7 Advertisements
    • Page 8 Advertisements
      • 145 8 I fl Ik .^B udtf h nri^^%^ r* .^sk b^^^h fl d^^Mß^B^i^^jr m^l B fl 1^ hß^^L HH^ 'flfl t a^ B B^^^^^^flß^fl x !r $w~S k h Bl fl 'V** BB^ j 4 p Tr'»?'' flfflH k ■■•■%^i|iilr mm i y^_ r v l^/ /I'a W MASH WERE ARI
        145 words
      • 240 8 Striking the right pitch NIK X ISM \M flßr _f v. mA« j *^7^flß 1 '''''-^WMj3f^ X Etamachandran w ith a tambura, itriniced instrument used to maintain the pitch ol an Indian clttKMCltl 1•< 1 I < kiii .1 n< <• 1: VMACHANI )H.W holds lead 10 frivo centrt'stage m
        240 words
    • Page 9 Miscellaneous
      • 569 9 Pop Releases ■ELEVATE The Pasadenas (Son) Music) Cassette FINALLY, the lon^ awaited sequel to The Pasadenas' 1989's To Whom it May Concern. It staits off promisingly enough with Reeling, a spark ling romp through those by now familiar Philly harmo nies and arrangements, spiced with Earth Wind And Fire-style horns.
        569 words
    • Page 10 Advertisements
      • 322 10 88% Of Travellers Visiting Sarawak Choose A Hotel For Its Location. fhe Holiday Inn Hotels of Sarawak accommodation and excellent dining A1 Holiday Inn combine rhe city's attractions oi Kuching facilities And a pleasani 40 minute drive Sarawak has \ei and the peace and quiet of Damai Beach fakes you
        322 words
    • Page 10 Miscellaneous
      • 63 10 Pop On TV Monday Pop Club Debbie Gibson "Live* 1 Around The World (SBC 5, IO.:iOpm) This programme covers Debbie Gibson's concert pertor manoes In Atlanta m the United States, England and Aus tralia She performs her chart toppers like Lost In Your BJfBS, Don't Flirt With Me and Klectnc
        63 words
    • Page 11 Advertisements
        602 words
    • Community
      • 463 12 IN THE rural areas o| south western Shandong province, twirls and women ill excel al nee tOeworfc They embroider everyday clothing, quili covers, pillow esses, shoes, caps, muffs and curtain pendants. Such decorative expression has been banded down from mother to daughter and from el dor sister
        463 words
      • 717 12 china's video cassette industry is growing at a phenomenal pace as an estimated id million video cassette re oorders have entered private homes m urban centres, while more than i,<mh) local cable television networks and as many as '>(),(MM> "video theatres" have opened across the
        China Daily  -  717 words
      • 706 12 T§3t»^(/J^) ilc v-^/i VK 'i fft 'W ii"i Hi,i Hi,,) i tfi '■'X'^ 1 3. i.'i 1 .11 r iv, 1 Tel f'i/, i' 1 lilin'ii I. r ><■:•[ 7 i^t/ilKl K(M f| k l Utfi I Ii 'I 6 n 'v' nl i 7 Milt i ftl il H
        706 words
      • Article, Illustration
        680 13 Indian dance group Apsaras performed m China last month. Its members talk to PRABHAVATHI NAIR about their audience, which includes a starsi ruck Chinese man. vknT! ki\< Into Ihe ai ts i.s one w ,i\ ut :;i-l 1 1 ii; 1 1 1. voived m enriching expei i
        680 words
      • 368 13 I,l^l^ [gjfjfiwii hi Ou u^P £> I. I I l^ I»'»^>'1 »'»^>' 2 i v T i) f n > jpiiiCinmpnrnn (j^m^ib,' crdip um^fitunrl ftfnmfifT«t«url is»««*6o'NT.'», ,nu».,.- Ou(pi<iJftrJ)«n« iD6otl^«Bi «>«)H<»ui 6jiny.nint». 'Hi;..-f,iiii iinnu i 6jin^» Hf.ii»««ii| ii|«iTNr^,i ffmtflFiiw* 1 j»g)UD»MTinfV). ft«n^^afK«uj curri^AJ^nwcb. •.«Ml«| UmA h.<*,u, adrjp Klbtil*6B)»A©lb ii. <90*i2i ,©Uu
        368 words
    • Page 12 Miscellaneous
      • 548 12 Cross-language Crossword CROSS-ianguage Crossword Pwsrie is puh- Winners of Crosslanguage llshed every Friday. It In a Chinese crossword, but the clues CIOSSWOrd NO 16/^1 are given m Kngllsh. < ash: \<>ON(, NOfIUM \OO\ Kleven winners will be pUked from the (ie n<i U***** I)) all-eorreet entries. One will receive $50
        548 words
    • Page 13 Advertisements
      • 71 13 HOMEM)ECOR r 111 P 'i.. 11 ■It 'l! ,W.; f 1 11l r 1 y I• jtj *r fe v i AK%»X 1 1 I J^r A NO-CLEANING, NO-FUSS HOME J Yl J^^^M lln- ii,'W i:nnili> -< J EXTRA-SPECIAL LIGHTS LIANHE ZAOBAO 111 lit *P> t3PJM (i- vi| mr;- t^
        71 words
    • Page 14 Advertisements
      • 180 14 vni ID PI imp TO QHHPQ AMfi QFRWIPFQ I VjUll VJUILJL. IU Ollvyi O AAINL/ OLIIV Iv/LO w am, am wr.i coa'.i iiihuni, mini cahih. mihi! tanian*, amamni,* .■im.hiia uithiimi iimah wai iin i amhih i«ni anh h imini- 1 W V i HI I I 1 I 1 1
        180 words
      • 68 14 ($1 i tfifiAIHSIBB AW $175 All- $l/5 Al'>sl6s ML mam Ml! $128 42'x3(fr24' a;i safe a ml "TfiQaJ At) $550 W19XI)1/XH14'A? V--%S* A?() $205 BEST MACHINES SYSTEM Blk 3014 #02-310 Übi Road 1 Singapore 1440 TEL :743 7270/743 8116 Kills ants m the nest Siiu>- h>2*> 4&£^k FIRSTTIME ■B!^^^^ m
        68 words
      • 442 14 DGCIOI TrGQTS TOr 000 Mariner's Corner and Delight's Corner w ill serve a special live-course set menu this Sunday. ITS Father's Day this Sunday And uhai bctici Priced at $20.804-f, dinner only. time is there to show him how much you care and Alison Hotel's Cafe Fontabiebleau \mII lea appreciate
        442 words
      • 221 14 I .> nit 1 v \DIII I'Kiii.ii t'Pii )KRaBHBJMNMH9i II him 11 -m Mfl^l RMHHM ««m i!NC«B MtAH 1 iMI 1 -i m- l vl .Vllll HiM.'l 1 l'|i;MAl|. n 11l ■jIEQUIQIIB BTFUa ■^^■1 ■ZSERtSm ■Jlliiin»... I H 19 HiHlHi^^ IhhHHHCI333i33t I I9WTTTT 1 .ir.™^r.i\ 1 mjffaa BBBPBIIIwII 1 >"*>
        221 words
    • Page 15 Advertisements
      • 864 15 I or enquiries oil 743^800 YOUn UUIUt lU oHUrO ANIJ OtllVIUtO •TBLAr^AH»WESTO)AST»JUrH)r«-BUKITBATOK*BUKITPAr^AW»AMAKENG»^NGHUA«UPPBUKfTTM^ ij I 1 IIk 1 New Nikot^ l\nvcr/(H'iii wuli "^lBpN^^^ Wl^^^S^^^^^ H V^Vfl B Vfl B and pututv vßflfl ft I H^| HH| H^l i --y '< ;t i I I NOW: 399 Nikon compact
        864 words
    • Page 16 Advertisements
      • 643 16 ■"""""3rd"wEEK a PRINCE 1/CHANGI 2 C TOWN 2/REPUBLIC 2 CHANGI II 1 10 »00 r.OC 9 1•• REPUBLIC 2 130. 330 /00 900 B PRINCt- MCMNATOWN2 11 110 4 00. 6.45. 915• NO FREE LIST B seagal H JUJllvt Hesoiop B It v duty |tih tluil soinchmly s qol to
        643 words
        619 words
      • 171 16 Business Mtnirs: 10.30 am lo 12.00 am I quipped with the most modem health fat ilities i ,t< h massage room has an attac hed bathroom. I njoy the fines! rhai massage, Swedish massage and Japanese massage rendered I>y mi y< >iihjj and < h.irminj; [»m )tessu 4^^. masseurs
        171 words
      • 452 16 MID-YEARI 14 JUNE 23 JUNE 1991 [ZEnTjTI 10am to Bpm daily m L f Jdays only LEATHER BAGS ACCESSORIES /<fC Ladies Handbags, Travel Bags, Caps, c/jn* Purses, Wallets, Passport Holders, \^rj Men's Shouldor/Clutch Bags. \£^M/ Card Holders, Document Cases, *^n LEATHER GARMENTS Leather Jackets to be cleared at $180 Leather
        452 words
    • Page 17 Advertisements
      • 473 17 f /T^WJ a*\^^ from the Management i'r Staff oj IF IT CALLS FOR A CELEBRATION. /w>«f ™f: /T ITCALLSFUH, Vy**iAl**/*SI¥ 3 wimiimmmitwi /^l|t&)fll£SlX USD Hicrc'll Ik- lakt-s at the- iIfIMWITJI IK^li; Party for children TODAY 1 nrfiil^*^^— .lAkuiU M,.. M on« fc «PAm>N S «w-.-, h Katong Outlet: 354 Tanjong
        473 words
      • 527 17 PBmlT FHEATRI SOUNOSYSTEMS SPECTbaI RicOflDlNG DO I DOLBY STEREO I@S I 5^ ■»J7T'TrTT?fTTffiiil TODAY 4 SHOWS X i)i 00, too 7 :io (t 'i 30pm -r> i i :io. :t 3D i :to n<t jiipm <> Tomorrow Midnight Sunday Morning Show i* S "DKVIf.'M VINIMT,t"(M) 35 LAST DAY «o> imiino/
        527 words
      • 858 17 AIHAYUkOANIbAIM >N> AlHAti )k( ,ArjlSAlu )Nt AIMA»« )k< ,ANIbAlu>N AIHAYgk'^ANIbAIIUNC AIHAYOBGANISAIIQN 1 BMB^B^B^B^B^TT^B^rTT^^T^^^Ptr^n^TT^T^^n^B^MßMß'l V^Wf9ff^V9fVVTnDr'f l T'7fl i HHHHBHBIk^iXa^HHUJbnAaMj^^a^HAaaM^jMJiSBaBIBSBVH'I B^^g^^gj§^B|BlßlßJi^BßJMßlßW U ADVANCE BOOKINGS (I OSF AT BPM CATHAY 2 (*****00) 0 CATHAY C *****00, S SHOWS 11AM. 1 »0 400 K4S A U ISPM M 4"* t '<'M'''t J V B
        858 words
    • Page 18 Advertisements
      • 132 18 •ii <"*• '?S f# -'u fm--. -.v*v. r. .v*^--*v v^, t V* .^^■i Bll^h^' ILVniBV] 1..• VI [Ml A# 1 f^%AA£fl^fl I B^ 1 If /^vili wf^ Raffles City 'tT, m H Shopping Centre goes WILD ABOUT ART J from 1- 24 June. I L k. Splashed with an 1
        132 words
      • 60 18 It you are holding an event you want mir readers t<> know tilxHit, please write m Ut What's (hi. Liii'. l'h( Straits Vimes, \9O Kirn Seng Road, Singapore 0923 or fax 734 0301. It you have pictures, please ><■/)</ tftem v well Your material should reach us .it least three
        60 words
    • Page 18 Miscellaneous
      • 1936 18 What's On CULTURAL Story Ol Doßy Lovl. a mcd ,^a^a^ Monday to Saturday Kirn Song On till Juno ?3 THE PEWTER MUSEUM SandBpm CCCTIUftI 'i; o' 1 Mn ll iMV^i;u, l i "rVl0 1 1 W^ B VT \r SINGAPORE: TIME FLIES 4» A. Du.ton Road. Saturday and Sunday 1.30
        1,936 words
    • Page 19 Advertisements
      • 261 19 *>v_- W«*« =«f 195, Lavender St. +\rfc rfTTi^r^ S. Eminent Plaza. A A B^^ tflW^ lIShuS £W+^sn 3rd Level. S"pore 1232 ■I^Ql^^ AO^ W««IS *****88 DONALD IN SAND- cj^^- m/ A tS 'C. ).I, J LjC^fJJCZ MiXSkL' /multf' with D.snoy M > H V V H V^^ A i- DfV
        261 words
    • Page 19 Miscellaneous
      • 1133 19 Television SBC 5 "^i^ I SBC 12 3.00 KM Opening and Programme Evil (Malay subtitles) A In HL Highlights followed by The /arre mallunction i ause 1 Conn Hk 6.55 AM Operuri) 9.30 Classroom Classics Happy Trio (Mandarin dr.i .eilor Deanna Inn's shuttle BP^^^ 7 CNN International Great Expectations n.
        1,133 words
    • The Back Page.
      • Article, Illustration
        238 20 THEY may nol be the real thing but they are as close as many Singaporeans will ever to seeing the works of that most prominent and prolific of painters, Pablo Picasso. On the walls of Notices: The Gallery at The Hilton, hang 29 lithographs of the Span Ish
        238 words
    • Page 20 Advertisements
      • 215 20 p ■■ms^- 1 .(^W T ».:L THE QUIET I FAN l> h^s**** i tsfc^*"^*" t > J JiM,. i M I KEY FEATURES I Latest model just nrnvtxi Safety wire optional *X Quiet, reliablo I ight kit optional m ortic«)nt periormanco 3 y«>ars warranty I Suitable lor HDB high ceiling
        215 words
      • 206 20 Television is on Page- Seventeen and Comics is on Page Nine I I^^V^l lIP AmW mW Amm mW Amm mW I mmmm^^MmW With our egg-citing offers! Not one bul TWO KFC where 10-ccnts* buy you fantastic Colonel's™ Country one wholesome and unique Breakfasi oilers' Simply bring CmTB4Lm\OgMHQfi jk Pocket Scrambler
        206 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 1524 1 The Si niitsTimes F> Q NME |s fr^OTicES APPOtNmVENTS *J Pfll PI QTfIRAPF TRAniMP b^^ bWT^WbI Ji UULU OIUnMuL I RMUIIMU i I' c are a eac n 0 niarketlng <wid distribution corrpany located near the Pas« (A division of Cold Storage Singapore (1983) Pte Lid) °n 1 sta L»-ZL—
        1,524 words
    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 932 2 APPOINTMENTS IVWK O\ IS|OR A MAI I I NCINC, Akl I R I Mils X.i nk ilii I. II- 1 -i I.i nk m sin",i| n M i i looking loi v team nl >rll fl II 1 1 'I I .11 ii I Ml'!> \illlll<' mill .Hill
        932 words
      • 557 2 MRnlnnill C A T LC CVE'PF f T T I C C ■HNHUI >--nliJn^_LLlillXk_ RMI ll'M'lollK 111 I tIOMII S y. MJjjjj^jj^M Kuou hil-.;«- .>! l'( h.i-.cil s\sfrms .md !\tlpi 11.11 .1 1 <- H^^^^^^^H Software knowledge an added advantage />ti//s HHH M'lc In wotk mdcpi'iiilcnlK Possess own ,ir IVj^^FVnVWR^WSSTSFVRn^I
        557 words
      • 484 2 An expanding comi iany dea ~t-i m 1 1 cry requires t-i an experienced PERSONNEL EXECUTIVE mo succ< il candidate v« ble for handling the personni 1 dadn istrative functions of the dot I Requirements A' level or Di| m Personm md I 'source ManrjgGmont w/ith a1 easi 2 yoars
        484 words
      • 454 2 r ESTABLISHED QUANTHY si Kv'l YIN( PRACTICE RIQDIRI S Quantity Surveyor S< (Building) with 3 v»'.> r s' ■irfHriaiWt '>' It tinii lan diploma ti<)ki»>t with 8 yivirs j'xix'rit'iK Senior Q.S. Assistant I .i hni< kiiuii|il< Hinhoicicr with 3yaenVcKpeiteni > Q.S. Assistant Technician diploma holdet N'<> eicpettenoc required. Personal Assistant
        454 words
    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 579 3 APPOiNTMENTS WANTED! I Dynamic personnel as SALES EXECUTIVES j The Person You are someone who will bMijoy canvassing tor the sales of advertisement space m our reputable publications You pride yourself as an j achiever with lots of drive, enthusiasm and a pleasant personality. With such qualities it does not
        579 words
      • 1559 3 NOTICES TENDER NOTICE mMmmmaaammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm^^^ mmmmammmMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm^^ J^^^^"™^"™'™^^'^'"" 1 11 11 1 111 111 1 111^^* Fendors aro invitod from I I I JmWmWkWW* j i >•■ |i'l' •'<•<! i ontiai lur. wild iWA\ OFKSHORKCIMI N(;iNF.KRIN(; WiXWV \W^mW I VU( 11-'fTVi \yi\' I 'I'll HiM|r.l.alM,n llc-.ul LSI)/ iIV/ 1 IV I i
        1,559 words
    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 637 4 NOTICES TFNDFR Document Separate fenders ire Cosl/ inviU't) for each of ItM Minimum Closmi) tullowinii Category Dale ROADS j! imi i:tiu k.iihj CWO2 G3 (50 AgiOtt't Ml'iMiH]', I' UK 5.7.91 Contrai t -i CARPARK .itH.-iixK CWO2 G1 (50 RKtovttoprnenl Contrai i i 5 91 CONSTRUCTION Of CHOA CWO2 G2 (50
        637 words
      • 605 4 jo* SINGAPORE *—m wmrfSm SPORTS wSSSm wrfSSm COUNCIL I Tondnrs <jr*>invil»KJ for Ihu following I Horn A Supply and (Jolivory of NASSA pin badges (Bronze material, Gold (22K) Silver Hronze coatirKj, EXOPY surtax)) Item B Supply and dolivory of NASSA wovon badges Item C Supply of labour, materials and equipment
        605 words
      • 697 4 \fL\ POLYTECHNI^^W P^ JB tender notice H I fenders are invited for the following i) Iho Supply, Delivery, Installation |H and Commissioning of 386DX 33 Microcomputers, 1 32-col 24 pin Printers and Modems for Department of WA Accountancy, Ngoc Ann Polytechnic Reference NPACC?i9t Open m csi): CSD/CMP 10 Computei Hardwares
        697 words
      • 632 4 WKS SINGAPORE TOURIST j WOg PROMOTION BOARD JBaL TENDER NOTICE lundei s aro invited tor (A) SITE PERIMETER HOARDING Erection of situ ponmotor hoarding on I ot 1 ?93 T 524 at tfio junction of Grango Road and CuftCadon f^oad. Singapore 1024 Fender No STPB/PD/ 06/91 Eligibility CIOBCWOi Qanaral Building
        632 words
      • 670 4 PLANNING 4CT \l 2J2, 1990 l di IHI MASTER PLAN ki 1 1 s m<).' Notice under Rule 1 2 \ui iposals lvi ulteralioii lo llu.' Mastci lian wcrv submitted ii Ihc Minisici lot National I h flupnifii! Ii ii .ij ipntval (l)Rexoning <>i Lot b 16, Mukim 17, at
        670 words
    • Page 5 Advertisements
      • 666 5 •'OMI »>» SINOAPOW AllllluHllt TENDER NOTICE rent! in' ittvited t. n A. CONSTRUCTION WORKS j ft) SUPPLY AND LAYING Ol FLOOR mis AT Cl IFFOMD »>ll R HUH DING Cost Ut DlK'lllllt'lll >S, I'! iv.hi'i Closing D.itr 9 Jul 91 Eligibility C\DU R >-G1 S il B SHowround il Piei
        666 words
      • 881 5 CMB Packaging Singapore Limited 1 1 1 1. orporated m the Republii ol Singapore) NOTICE OF EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING Nt 1 1 it i is mi mi BY i iivi n thai .m i (traordinary ieneral Meeting ol the Company will be held al 10.00 a.m on 17th July 1991
        881 words
      • 758 5 WARNING NOTICE /-/(2A//MA (A) KABUSHIKI KAISHA HONMA GORUFU SEISAKUSHO (HONMA GOLF MFG. CO., LTD) 27-18, Aza Naka Sunahata, Ohaza Miyaumi, Sakata-Clty, Yamagata-Ken, JAPAN ate the proprietors (hereinafter referred to as the "the Proprietors") of the trade marks depicted above (hereinafter collectively referred to as the" I rade Marks'") for which
        758 words
      • 277 5 INVITATION TO TENDER VALUABLE FREEHOLD LAND I I LOCATION PLAN Location Jervois Road TS Lot 254 Area 30,907.9 sq. metres or thereabouts Tenure Freehold Tender Closing Date 3rd September 1991 Conditions of Tender and Tender documents are available 1 1, Park Road #04 04. People's Park Complex. Singapore 0105 I
        277 words
    • Page 6 Advertisements
      • 634 6 NOTICES II MM X NO IK I remkn ire himu.i I»x 111 II IMM. W(»KKs I Ki-iit ><. .id. -n .'I .m ,\isiiin- hi. iik h .ii IHix. k l(>^. Stirling K.m.i tm\ i W Singapore 1)3 1 I supi'U nut iiisi.ilLiiioii el .iiu oiiiliiiiMiiiiir system fa i1 1 above
        634 words
      • 545 6 )NT"J.p 9 9i< NANYANG TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY I obe established on 1 July 1991) TENDER NOTICE Tondors are invitod for tho following 1 Supply, delivery, installation, commissioning and maintenance of 3 units of Photocopier* for the School of Accountancy Business (468/9 1/06/ SAB) Eligibility CSD/OFE/10 Office Equipmont. Supplies and Services. 2
        545 words
      • 617 6 *»SBißißßas»Mßißses»Be^Bße«se^e^Bses»™ NANYANG TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY (To I" 1 established on i July 1991) TENDER NOTICE i 1 1 mders are invited foi (.i) lE/DED/3/91 SUPPLY, INSTALLATION, I TESTING AND COMMISSIONING OF LARGE SCREEN VIDEO PROJECTION SYSTEMS FOR NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION [Restricted to CSD registered contractors for Audio Audio Visual I
        617 words
      • 580 6 I SINGAPORE BROADCAS IING CORPORA 7/OAmS I TENDER NOTICE I H fenders are mvitod from registered B CSD/CIDB contractors and I suppliers for: B B 1. Tender No. PO6/91/05 B B Refurbistiment of headwheels lor B- B B format machines. B B 2. Tender No. PO6/91/06 B B Refurbishment of
        580 words
      • 585 6 EUS NATIONAL '«1S& UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE TENDER NOTICE FOR PHOTOCOPYING SERVICES (TENDER NO: BUR/T/03/91) Tenders are invitod from experienced operators for tho provision of photocopying services m the Libraries of the University to staff, students and other authorised users of the Libraries A showaround will be conducted on 21 June
        585 words
    • Page 7 Advertisements
      • 805 7 The Trustees of Soon Thian Kelng (Tua Konsl) Ltd TENDER NOTICE Tenderers are invited for PROPOSED 4 STORE V CHINESE TEMPLE ON LOT 144-4 MX 24 AT NO. 19, LOR. 29, GEYLANG, SINGAPORE 1438 Eligibility. Building Works CIDB General Building S$ 1,000, 000 00 and above fender documents may be
        805 words
      • 586 7 fEBKI NATIONAL 13*] UNIVERSITY W OF SINGAPORE TENDER NOTICE Separate tondors ;iru invited for tho supply. dohvory, installation and commissioning of tlio following oquipmont (A) Tender No: ORTH/T/06/91 (for Department of Orthopaedic Surgory) An Instrumented Arthromotor Fhgihility Compamos registered with Pharmacoutx al Dopartmont financial Catogory $100,000 and abovo (B) Tender
        586 words
      • 683 7 Singapore Telecom Fenders are mvitod fen CATEGORY I BUILDING AND M& E SERVICES (1) TN 74/1 000 1 Addition and alteration works (including mechanical and oloctneal services) to existing Trunk Call Office at Ist storey and canteen at 2nd storey, Comcentre Podium Block 11, Singapore 0923 (2) TNBB/ ***** -24
        683 words
      • 1155 7 TC/^^DER. II" Pui-lu I o .irJ iinito M M^ M tenders from eligible CIDH/C SD/IM *^J/^\ r I 'T# '"^LJ Registered Contractor! for I^l V*T JL IV/JJ/ the following: i Cl ***** Supply of HRC fuse carrier and cutout Registered Contractois m I lei tm .ii and I lei
        1,155 words
    • Page 8 Advertisements
      • 657 8 NOTICES ®Sun Corporation Limited (formerly Known as Singapore f odder Company I united) Notice of Annual General Meeting NOTICI ISHI Rt BYGIVI N that the Annual General Meeting of the Company will be held at its Registered Office, I'M' lemboling Road #01' 1 ombeling Centre, Singapore 1542, on nday. 28
        657 words
      • 232 8 nil BANKRUPTCY a< i (CHAIMI H m\ \n mi mm ,n i oiiim of mi Ml I'UHI H >)l SINCAPOIII m Bankruptcy No 2712 ol 1890 R| lAN WAI I'OH I t',,,1. MAI AVSIA I 111 1)11 I INANCI IK MMAI) i radllora lv I. 11l W.H I'llll iiii<- i>i
        232 words
      • 1538 8 TENDER lh(! Public Utilities Ro.inl invite:, tenders tor the running ot Bedok Depot Canteen foi the sale ot Muslim food loi ye, ii 1 (Cl \W?\)-\) Site Showround: Mn-t at Bedok Depot canteen Bedok Industrial Park 2 oft Bedok North Avenue -I on 18 6 )i at 1 0.00 am
        1,538 words
      • 733 8 iii ihr matter <>f Pat i iwinrsnlwi i < up imi m in.' matter al lOON i.imii MKRVII Is (88*) PfK LTD si mi rom m < i \n \iius Bl I»IIM lOKS 111 < OMPANVB IN4BIUTI m iimim I hi siNixs m REASON oi iin i.HHii.ini s i David
        733 words
      • 807 8 m nu: im. ii «oi ki oi mi KKIM 111 M OK MM.MOKI uiitpanlr* Hlndlnn I 1 Nu ISt ul IMI In tin Mall, r ul Ih. < ,mn|.->. V. I << Hp Ml \nd In Hi. Mult, i ul lUX I < I MaKINR mi 1 1 m UN
        807 words
      • 477 8 M IMI HICjM OUR! Ol TMI hi I'tiHi X oi MKMPOM i oinpumet Winding Up No «4 ot i»y h Ma Matt»i ot Ma OaMpaaasa A, I (Gap *>0 19«O Hey I n And In tha Mhllp I All t I HOI OIIsKjS IMI I IO ADVERTISEMENT OF PETITION M
        477 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 447 1 SECTION THREE I"^*^- j^BHOD J t I>l i Bh Bb Pi nUilUiMf Rdii UHMBIB^bI BlDkiV PPJP*^W^^^^b^^^t^^^^^ I B^B^Bi M .^M JB^BV^t V <illl< II .1 S a((l'sslo Bm by 1 1 k^^ Mri^ M^ ndfUKl^ HBH BKj fl BBIL i t ***** I's Wt^F H >' H B^^^ B^^^ H||'
        447 words
    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 421 2 SdVG UD tO 33% Oil CUIV equipment and sofftware is now ffrom $199 to $299. Teleview terminal j-i tij.i~ these Breat savings This special P romotion wi iiHbli ■ciiTh liiha Unill Oil 111 JUIKri only last until 30 June 1991. Teleview is the world's first public photographic You can catch
        421 words
    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 409 3 __HF^ PHvIO I I WOfILD TRADE ctNTRE H l||jUßHj|^UljttH^H^^^^^^DlH I HALL 3. SINGAPORE I B JUL i'iAJy| A 9««'DAII.V I mi 1 A I J fe 1 »The Award Winning 486 IfpW We, Microcomputer Systems are committed to ißft'^ iWr technology excellence. We are proud to l>e \\u> winner of
        409 words
      • 597 3 Everex Superior Quality, Far East Sfafe Affordaoly, r\\<o i^H I I ESSSSI cx]^> C\(\ Wbxxu; <^ c->^ py^w^ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiimnniniiiin^^jpp^^^ c^j i > i^m^^^aj i^fc^^W '^T' •v w >■v,v >. v i -v' v— v Y^^^^l r vJ^fliS!Sp H. fc s,^;V^. -..J I. .jI. 1 i\ VI Now, you can own
        597 words
      • 208 3 Introducing THE ULTIMATE LZR 1500 A3 LASER PLOTTER IBM ■%-^^^"j P/3 Dataproducts DaUproducti I /IK LSOO A i 1 a-^T PkMM k ili'wloix'd to ii uv l ttu' (iff is ami \l,>n<i.irc)s of al IVskjn IViilv'sstmials Its (•Btufwcand ivn.iiis Inoluda hlc;h spfit) pl'iitltig al M ppm (A.i). IS ppm (A4)
        208 words
    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 2449 4 Bis,' I ■tvvSv^ 1 BA fli Bil BBBBBBB^BB BW'B Bb BA fll^ BP Bl 9J BP9J BAfl r~r N| i V^bbi bbbl l H*JL^Bß^BW^"ißyr"*i ii bbl Y^bbW bbbbl bbbb^^^ bbbb bbbbhH ßß bb Y^bbY r 1 11 B^^B II BjUfMinKi^Ml I B^BV B^BH BBA fl I Bl .fll I* .fll
        2,449 words
    • Page 5 Advertisements
      • 693 5 wFTT -^^BB I^BI l^llrl I^BI IV I 737-1166 B Bh^BBByWSK^M^BW^BSBSTBMTM^^^^ •!•> AlVicroscicnce [i HIGH CAPACITY, HIGH %V^E PERFORMANCE, LOW^NOISE DISK DRIVES! NOVELL CERTIFIED (408)433 9898 RANGING FROM 40MB fax (408) 954 0988 i| I TO 1.6 GB pgHH .-.4—... Date: May 15, 1991 Jgjj^U W^m^%Jl^SmL^JS^L l /JHF To: All Mv™
        693 words
      • 265 5 KBS^ ad bHHHBbI >a«BBBBp8BBBHB5_BBste\ f% «ii .i > v\ > T^r: .'Jiiiiii'i. KBS 286 KBS 386-25 Landmark 16M.b Landmark 33M 1 b 1 MB Ram 2 MB Ram lxl.2MBI DI) 1x1.2 MB FDD 1x1.44 MB FDD IxI.44MBI DD •44 MB St-agate I lard Disk •44 MB Seagate 1 Urd Disk
        265 words
      • 687 5 LINGO EXPRESS FP^OM I L-SERIES 286-20 I 7r U 4" cr3Wl>l i 80C286-20CPU 1 J^U 1 DDIIV I T C D •1 MB Kam On Board MM$M^^M ■1^ I I IL l\ f 40MB Hard Disk 4flfl| HT »^Mn\»/ A T Z-f 1.2M8 Floppy Disk Drive 't-^IBPWri v wW^" NUWAI
        687 words
    • Page 6 Advertisements
      • 1584 6 >■ l9ofi^i^^Ce£3B i^i^i^B §^§^§^§^§^17 i^^^^^^l §^iB P'^^t^^cH ■lEßi] i\'e^i ill I H I' vi L^^^^^ e^B^ CM 113 ICffiij7«ll L J L i^i^i^L ca.t.s. l .^j BFbB y^ IWI IHB PHRWW V I 1 737-ii66| BBBBBF^^?*^-^ ¥^PPn^^~ '^^^HBBLHHL^PBViVBBBIHBBHBPVBPVSBIB^VBPPI^BPVVBBBfPV^^ v^» wwi- i^i— -t^pjpjMfc »wtHM vt^HA^Bfl BB §B^il P«^B BLB I 'I^^^K^^Bl
        1,584 words
      • 542 6 r« Piuu cut out -mm ad aa rtiaOtObsV! JTK OK STOP OIMPUTER SHOP ißftavi SYSTEM BREAKDOWN?! I Only for the month of j JUNE we are providing I our expert servloa to I solve all your system I breakdown problems i J FREE OF CHARGE! Why J I not take
        542 words
    • Page 7 Advertisements
      • 674 7 H "*s Hh 'aMia\s.*^>ym*Miß^H I I s afl I JPMrr Jl i^LTaßßßafl^H afl I 4J-k^^<B«s^ a^H I A 'WSSSSr* •I I aaaaaaaaaaa^aV I aH II U|Hbl I afl afl Wai aaaH I aW\ >B BaaaaaaaH laa r H^^a^kaaaaaaavaaaaWißvHLr^9|B^" _jK "^^^^^^^v bTa b^b^b^b^B b^b^b^b aaaaaaaai a^a^B^a^B a^B^ai B^B^a^a^a^ aaaaaaaM b^b^bi b^l
        674 words
      • 448 7 Z^ """Tyß HbVb~bM>_. /af^H j a^B^B~B~B~B~B~B~B~B~B~B~B~B~B~B~B~B~B~i Wkle varistltl for v>ur i hold Ofitca •CCMlOritl nlv. IH .iv.iii.a.v- I Sult-bla for Hom«&O([lca B (WK 102G) (T 320 1()6X(,4X UjlJ aHai M(KM) [H^-^MpI ■L COMPUTER TABLE Jlo4>6om7Scm) (I -230 w<th roll«r») \/jr > <)Kl imi R|>KISI y«- fii i u> 1 Kothor
        448 words
      • 702 7 II microLaser™ microLaser™ XI HDHBD !< -----*-»r^.H \i iv\ iIk i ii i H- ii/ own .i l.r.i-i i ii 1 1 ih i with PostSi ripl i iip«il)i lilies lln jfford ,il)lc .mil u|ir.i. nli ill- k>xas Instruments mil rol i-.> -r has now bc*t*n made more i
        702 words
      • 503 7 I The PSION nisi I MobOe Office I for onl y $3,570! I PSION MC 600 CANON BJ 10c ky liQhlwi'iutil rnnlilr loiiipulpi A4 ma- 2 ky HuWilfJi-l portitHc iinnii'i Compact si/c A4 less thyn ttm k Battery powrrtxl SlhounactßndadbaawylJfß ■Qdatofar'MitaMrihMpfmlM full IBM (oni|«itit)ilitv ,il)l(Mo run IHM PnnL«, on \\.i\v\
        503 words
    • Page 8 Advertisements
      • 637 8 |^l v. WKKKKHK^F TLX: RS ***** CUSS FAX: 732-0230 (VIS. 2 Eating Out 2 Eating Out 4 \vtk Capital Ytrr ?0; Cantonment Rd (Opp Cantonment School) 111 Spore 0206 Tel: *****69/ *****16 Cfcww 6*>i t lam to X*>m. spm to 10 Xfytn Braised Superior Roost Shark's Tin ilflHk Suckling Pig
        637 words
      • 795 8 22 Antiques/ Collectors' Items SPECTACULAR EXHIBITION OF vintage i antloua Roltsai Patck Phlllppvi V.Ca < iiiu'k;is. til Coma ona coma all i rom now onwurrta 12 noon m3O pm Mon Bi! 1 1 i i lid i>.i^ I'll- I im M>i mi i uckj Plata •>n hard Road (8883) rel
        795 words
      • 531 8 21 Arts A Crafts 21 Arts A Crafts New Arrival Of Korean Chests ii^DbiH^L^bbl ggafl gg^H aaT'J il ErV 24-W ■12 i.- n r y^ 9 mU >S it 1 1 m :"*"W I2"D J3"H tru ■un ii. ii II gaWaJ gMH3J I mi I4»s P^^^^^^H I I2'«"W- I'.".'H- IV
        531 words
      • 294 8 32 Pleasure Boats/ Sea Sports A new generation i rail with v.iui.iii.i i Kitboard Moim Model 200 nl loin Inauram a Raglatrallon .nut a laorlea Model SR 20 ($48,480) Modol SF 20 ($45,480) vi-.ii our ahowroom .it Supratechnic Pte Ltd •It. A tl I lining I (inyl.imi Singapore 14 m
        294 words
      • 228 8 32 Pleasure Boat*/ 32 Pleasure Boats/ Sea Sports Sea Sports Tho Boat thai Exports Buyl I "^^HJW Stylish SpadOUS With rrlmß J ■,U(xuh [HiiU nnx mcc V *""^^m Ii ]«>< il (i x pli'i iv iiit ti( mit ||gi'/H' aaa^Walaaaayßgi 1 rides or holiday 'homes' J^i^H Afl< vi l< it
        228 words
      • 509 8 35 Computer Products/ 35 Computer Products/ 35 Computer Products/ 35 Computer Products/ Services j Services Services Services I Lets y^* f Face^ What's New m Accounting? ACCPAC SYSPRO 1 CONNECTIVITY '91 1 21st June 1991, Margau* Room, Le Mendien Stngapout me first official showing of accpac Plus ver. 6 m
        509 words
      • 491 8 HFMINDtR I REMINDER I LAST TWO DAYS (16/8/81) 3S diacounl lot immadlata ordai I > MB M II Mil/ tllBB/|1484 i winsx at BJ Mil/ *****/***** mOX-M tateo «IHX II V. WK 1 A' MB U7M C/« SVOA monitor a FREf QIFTB I HURRYI THINK ACT FASTI Don't miaa thia
        491 words
    • Page 9 Advertisements
      • 475 9 35 Computer Products/ 35 Computer Products/ 35 Computer Products/ Services Services Services tt*s?^A^Wr\\*_jf^-l«i!m. i ili /^\\nJ^^ x l^v^V\____liSSil ______v \___f 4_V M__l3ii4<wm>iil 11-1 Virlillil 1 LHtTrrl 4-1 1 jfli: W THE SIGN OF QUALITY PRODUCTS tin niciOO l C I'iiiiini ric ftL'UUJ irlOL C i ___iiffiSBß_t QCQIPQTaH CAS'OHSWIfM Stßltb 7UB
        475 words
      • 558 9 43 Airconditioners/ Refrigerators MID YEAR PROMOTION!! (Free Gift With Evtry Unit Installed while nock And save up to 10 enei on latest spin system n remote control We also specialise In design and sen Ice maintenance en *****17 ♦or further enquiries BS AIRCON. ENGRG Il enSCd Contractor offers window type
        558 words
      • 795 9 i 44 TV/ Video/ Hi-Fi AERIAL INSTALLATION AT ICH I lions HI I un.ih. Ylo ihu X;i uk rhomsun Rd SeruiiKooii i Idn I xpei len ed tei tinli'lans, fully equipped lv iipki uli Improve pool tjuultt) picture Mln S5O Ivr n't I rel ***** ID AtHIAL INSfAUAIION fO II
        795 words
      • 675 9 39 Boutiques 39 Boutiques Sarong, Kelxiyu 8 Embroidery (Specialised In trad ll ion Peranakan Kebuya I 4<h> A Joo < lii<i Road „'j Slri^i.iK.r*- Is*a (n.w.l.K.Chla. Jig* j i N Community Centre) nkTel: *****70 jflj 44 TV/ Video/ Hi Fi -14 TV/ Video/ Hi-Fi Making perfect titles is as easy
        675 words
      • 383 9 •Ifi House Renovation/ m D«'c.or I SEE CHIN ALUMINIUM P STAINLESS STEEL WORKS liicxk i)U'J4, Ang Mo Km md Park 2 #01 587 Singapore 2056 DAY/ NIGHT TEL: j *****87, 481 3866 1 Profcssioftdl (k'sigri, i striinless Steel, I i lapanese design <itxJ various decorative steel/ aluminium works, various L
        383 words
      • 942 9 46 House Renovation/ Decor HONQ KAI (If NOVAIION r will Mn 1 1 <-i- 1 wv iii ion .iiii i i tdlngofyoui I)I(1K r 1 1 v .ill foi Vltl! 110 ..I>l:.' I Mark tfctMlN ..I Ml kai CONTRACTOR. i.-i lull .i In all tiling ■<■■'' ks M i expei
        942 words
      • 1191 9 55 Club Memberships IMCC MFMBIRSHIP Xl riSHUN COUNTRY CLUB Ixrshii StLETAH GOLFING MfMBfHSHIP 56 Gold/ Pawn Tickets ABSOLUTFLY HIGHEST PRICES 1 foi all kind dI Jew* i 1 1 imonds w.ii. lies I i I I 1 lwi I ople Park i eiitre i >p< n I Bpni ABSOLUTELY TOP
        1,191 words
      • 218 9 59 Wanted SMJVtNIHS i-lM .T(MS 60 Private Investigators 24-hours HELPLINE *****75 uomtdbyfM j SIMGAPQRE POUCE FORCE NICK LIM' MRS JASON/ JJ. DANNY •ri IHt ADI LJPM 1 lh« S.w (lldq m»l 10 CjomU 1 I *>ld lUU MKT Utv t-M. I■III■ I I 1 I S Enoio» ABLE PRIVATE J
        218 words
    • Page 10 Advertisements
      • 798 10 •3 Domeatic Help 6J Domestn. Help tv) Domvatic Ht-ip ti:l Domestic Help Available Available Ay lilabls Available |^|QH£ THAN r '»''sondllv inkMviewtHl ovt'tst- is .md si hrn nod Ironi provini os lro(|ucntlv 12,800 FAMILIES j> •^Xi»'T '"-o^l CANTBEWBONG *jsf Ca*****0707 /ffijjf 1 fjU^*V^V IJ J" i i, onstruclion H aaaafl
        798 words
      • 149 10 [EMPLOYMENT AGENCY SPECIAL PACKAGE FOR UMITED PERIOO ONLY $368 QUALITY FILIPINA MAIDS Over 100 New Bio data s imliiii -Sri lankan /Thai also avail Ob 03 JlnSultiinCent r k FOREIGN MAIDS SPECIALIST Filipino (S4S9), 9 Lankan I $->'i'l). Indonesian ($1 ISO) IHK: AIUSHFPATiriS TESTS Just relurn»d Itom L olomtn. Manila
        149 words
      • 463 10 |i INITIAL I I o Employment Agency The Best people to talk to for MAIDS Filipino/Sri Lankan/ Indonesian All enquiries welcome. BniAstler Road (N«>t to Pretldent Thentro) 1 FAMILY MAID AGENCY BETTER ENGLISHSPEAKING. HARDWORKING, WELL-BEHAVED AND RELIABLE fll IPINA MAIDS for your scluction ii< ii i ii ngeable Poftonahaod
        463 words
      • 814 10 63 Domestic Help 63 Domestic Help Available Available W "fPP^^B niipino. Thai. Sri Lankan 8. Indon ''yf^^Sj m < lll *s <»'« p»»fsondlly i selected from provinces I y,4j> jjjf month '.|)«)c:i<»i training foi '^t nursing, cooking, child aged j caro Fkio M«i|)dtitis F^ Ants ty s Tosta 2UO blO-dataa
        814 words
      • 677 10 I W^ SSl!!!—— 72 Packing/ Storage/ Delivery/ Removal A BUDGET PRICE (or imiiM 1 office removal, transportation, disposal ami delivery service Daily Including public holidays UY are also specialist 111 plann organ .s.i fc removal mi rates are very economical We iiipply responsible, reliable Si experienced workers hik small lorries
        677 words
      • 1484 10 73 Office Equipment/ 73 Office Equipment/ 73 Office Equipment/ Supplies Supplies Supplies SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG FAXSF-1000 ELECTRONIC TYPEWRITER ELECTRONIC CASH .Auu,r«./ $***** REGISTER ER- 1 0A Auto Dialitm X Morixuy j Dopotlnwcitti I »W, \&f- $788 $298 $398 fl^^^t# •sq 1200 uiciHONic iYfiwHiiiH(si««) gE i BESTRON INTERHATIDNAL^^^i*sar 74 Printing/ Copying
        1,484 words
      • 494 10 77 Book-keeping/ Secretarial/ Answering Services ACE AMONG ALL Registration Addn Answering istn Fan If) felei I Incorporation Ui IU I li Situ ipon 3 SOI li M i.i la n retail Berv. CONTACT US AT J*****J Well established a. Full) ■i m rations at Colon I j same flooi LheoWß.O.<
        494 words
      • 411 10 81 Industrial Equipment/ Supplies •.i i I. 111. Ml 111 ■>( lll'ilr I. I. lf 1.,, Y<.i: forkllfl M WghSM SUM »ecoret bh' SUM SAII IUNTAI (,A 1 la n| llollri i Ml 103 V 1) CLAY PIPE \u 2) I'll. l. I H .[r Pt| i lnn.i lipi v
        411 words
    • Page 11 Advertisements
      • 1304 11 82 Business 82 Business Opportunities Opportunities ALOEWOOD VIETNAMESE ORIGIN I |ii mi 1 1 I.- iii- i i:i i l>|i- foi i :i. m iii I ale 1 1 p< tloi In IK |V -t I K< »N( I tnd lAI.I tl l i i;.i 1 111. 1- i 1
        1,304 words
      • 597 11 Piirt Time/ t Part-Time/ femporary Poaitiona Temporary Positions manac;i-:ks 1 \|i.-ii.i\i In futtir6B !i.*liii.| K.\'.ii |i.»v commission i inctMttlvcs I Existing managers are Invited foi i discussion j BUSINESS EXECUTIVES Personal guidance and training provklt Bosk ellowarw >• plua i nt¥ j [f you are looking foi high pay and
        597 words
      • 516 11 I'AIII lIMI Kill 11)11 lIMI I'AYI ■I HOURI A I) A r In. iI- r.'i'iii' i in. mlh I I. if i nol ii.'.'. ii I i iimiy provided ii, i,, 1 In, 1 1 I mil I, i, mi Inlaratlad pi«mo call C k Ong lal *****U i >i
        516 words
      • 730 11 i »4 Profeaaional/ 94 Professional/ Executive Positions Exccutivt? Positions ■y Weil ustablished Jopanoso R( stauranl has P S __j |nti i)(i)M)i!unili»t;, foi ,J I FINANCE 1 1 ADMINISTRATOR 1 H|j Hoqulremonta I Accountancy Dogreo oi the equivalonl w/t PJ A(jo txitwoon 32 years to 36 yit.iis Bi ((<>'. ponMblo for
        730 words
      • 1096 11 ')'> EDP Positions 95 EDP Positions TVPCSCTTCR 1 cpertenccd In CG AACS-computci speed GnnpHic nik'.'Mi ULJoterloo* enb« "i< Slngopaeo7lB TCLx *****62 96 Tutonnl Positionn 96 Tutorial Positions f I CHILD CARE TEACHER ($626 Sis \Q pei month) I lie I 'oil Uithoi ily Recreation 'lub 'hild 'are < entiv \u\
        1,096 words
      • 656 11 98 Secretarial/ 98 Secretarial/ Clerical Positions Clerical Position' iln i i j i I i.i Ili i it'u it' |ii > ii I. -I i iiH 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i t i i i 1 1 \l l 111 l
        656 words
    • Page 12 Advertisements
      • 547 12 i Secretarial N Secretarial M Secretarial/ B 9 Secretarial/ Clerical Poeitioni leftcel Poettioni Clerical Potltiom Clerical Potltlont iim* ir^ir^vir^ L NC ICIL^O UNGAPORI We are people oriented We respect individuality and encourage personal development of our staff Training will be provided to equip you with the necessary skills and knowledge
        547 words
      • 320 12 ADMINISTRATION SECRETARY This permanent prot&s* jlonal position with Singapore ba led Amei lean trading company Is the Ideal niche t"i i well expei i enced career lad] who can i mi ;i 10-person ol flee k i > 1 1 i r 1 1 1 m 1 1 undei 1
        320 words
      • 572 12 mm Beorttarlal/ 'Hi Seoretsrlal/ *tn Becretarlal/ cionciii t'onitionti Cltrloal Powtioiiß Clerical Position! l^^^^Hj Applications aro invited from suitably qualifiod candi d.ito', (oi tin' position of j^J SENIOR SECRETARY c;oo(j GCI '0' certificato with strong credit m English Language, however, GCI 'A 1 level is preferred. Must have oithor Certificato m
        572 words
      • 754 12 98 ii'ldiuil/ 'Mi Scm'tnrinl/ W Scrrrlnfixl' Cltrlcal Potitloni Ctartoal Position* Clerical Po»iiion» I GENERAL CLERK $695 EDP CLERK $695 RESERVATIONS ASST $745 New Park Hotel foi Malaysians sinoapori ,A I A Insuani <• -i homo Rei roational ai tivities Free duty moa Ffw Portonnol nopartmool Medu al S I
        754 words
    • Page 13 Advertisements
      • 419 13 98 Secretarial/ 98 Secretarial/ Clerical Positions Clerical Positions iWe are a well established full 3ervice foreign bank and we invite applications for: Bank Clerk i Teller GCt 'O level Some relevant Hxpenri k •< prefei t>'d Pleasant peroun.ihty J Accounts Clerk GCE 'O' level LCCI Intermediate book-koeping or equivalent Some
        419 words
      • 704 13 98 Secretarial/ 98 Secretarial/ Clerical Positions Clerical Positions i I BOOKKEEPER (Paya Lebar) $900 $1100 I OVA'or LCCI, simple set of a/cs mm yrs experience I ACCOUNTS CLERK (Jurong) $800-$l2OO I 5-dy wk. Assist Officei m bookkeepina, PC HI knowledge typing resh Poly Graduate welcome I RECEPTIONIST $700 $800 I
        704 words
      • 343 13 98 Secretarial/ 98 Secretarial/ Clerical Positions Clerical Positions NISSSIN TRANSPORT (S) PTE. LTD. We have immediate vacancies tor SHIPPING CLERK STORE CLERK with experience preferably those reselling In Jurong area Transport provided along designated pick-up points Please contact for apppointment. WALK-IN INTERVIEW (Between 9.00 am 4.00pm) Immediate vacanc) available foi
        343 words
      • 231 13 I 1 Due to expansion, an established shipping company situated .it Pandan Road requires A) BOARDING OFFICER Clean Class it- m Driving licence OCE '07 N" level Al ie;ist two years In tramp operations Musi be prepared to wmk Irregular hours B) ACCOUNTS CLERK QCE '07 'N' level Credit In
        231 words
      • 512 13 98 Secretarial/ Clerical Positions JUNIOR SHIPPING EXECUTIVE Age 22 35 Good experience %v 1 1 1 1 export 1 1 1 1 1 Import hill < niiiii command In English ii;i sic computei knowledge aim be advantage Must be able to work Independently m export Depart ment Preferably residing around
        512 words
      • 576 13 98 Secretarial/ Clerical Positions Amounting *'">> na* the lollowmy mcancirs rORF'OHAU SFCRtTARIAI ASSISTANT ACCOUNTS/ AUDIT CLERKS A < to V rl i -i'lh lm.! Able I opera) P< inf Knowledge m n inn pn [c red Interested please cull Mi Let* h! *****37 tor an interview at The Plaza ACCOUNTS
        576 words
      • 386 13 96 Clerical Positions ACCOUNTS ASSISTANT j numbei lo The finsnrtSl Contmllei b? Cocil Street «0600 TPI Building S 0104 A le idlng R< urdlng Studio In Katl&nf I FEMAtt ACCOUNTS CUM GFNERAL CLERK Able to rtarl win k li itelj or .it Khorl notli >- Relevant i ice In
        386 words
      • 455 13 98 Secretarial/ Clerical Positions r. tlabhshed International Publishing Compaiy COMPUTER OPERATOR :i! i\ v Mil kn >iK I I Main H> Trantpo't provided MeraSSSd applicuntt please wile m walk-in Bus 251 trom Boon lay fnterchangc TOPPAN CO (S| PTE LTD 38 Liv Fang Road Jurong Town Singapore ??h< Iplephone *****66
        455 words
    • Page 14 Advertisements
      • 512 14 98 Secretarial/ Clerical Positions i I I illdlng Fhofmon i 'i requires ACCOUNTS ASSISTANI LCtn MgjM i ount- kbit I handle fu 3 yean »s rorklni mpei 4re offer kday wc«l \W bonu c :n-.!,. U :n lUI irn>e s,ii,ii\ Am rommer i a• i.i,:: r iperl lUS *****9S i
        512 words
      • 547 14 98 Secretarial/ Clerical Positions CLERICAL ASSISTANTS i i i c i .ri rel i English ii c Knowledge In nputei i I le> WUti rklng expei lem i Pie i write arlth full I i resume U> ST. BOX A***** 1 390 Kirn Seng Road I S pore) 0923 i
        547 words
      • 515 14 98 Secretarial/ Clerical Positions PURCHASING' CUSTOMER SERVICE OFFICER required i c i,i i i level c Able to type Able to .to simple corre pon dem c Salary negotiable depending on expei lence c iiav week Interested »pplt< ml WALK IN .1 8 Pereira Road »02 07. Spore '33«t (Near
        515 words
      • 568 14 98 Secretarial/ Clerical Positions Vi esl kbllshed contrai ting 'm urgent i\ requii i MALfc AOMIN CLERK c Sec education c i 'omputer literate Willingly i" work on ffsl ire I-i uhl c Huliii v tieg i i i .vi Edward at 772 7214 for ii|i|it An established trading co
        568 words
      • 491 14 98 Secretarial/ Clerical Positions Established cleaning company require i < ihlne ie appllcanl foi OFFICE ASSISTANT I il !E levels Able to type w wpm Knowledge ol Lotus 123 .ui<l Wordstar an advantage Inleretted pleate tel 287-6623 or walk m interview lo: 162 Upper Paya Lebar Road /I)/ -08 D»|in
        491 words
      • 759 14 98 Secretarial/ Clerical Positions Require Female ACCOUNTS CLERK (Bukil i Imah Area c OCE A level c Possess ba ill Aci ounl int: knowledge Interested pis i all (Mi. n i m at 468-1177 cxl 27 or 25 rm interview appointment i radlng Pli m urgently require CHINESE FEMALE GENERAL
        759 words
      • 997 14 98 Secretariat/ Clerical Positions WANTED SENIOH CONVEYANC ing i i.Tk with ii. in yeast ex perlence im law firm Musi .iiiir lo lype and woi h Indi dently vviiiihk v, pa wd iia ry Conlai I Mlsa I hei lei *****9 1) FEMALF ACCOUNTS I IeTI i' quired Able lo
        997 words
      • 651 14 98 Secretarial/ Clerical Positions FEMALE CLERK RFOUIRED I Irdg co. at ArabSt 0 i iry I OO 1800 i .iii 29) I FFMAIf GENERAL CLERK quin 'i i"! Immediate eutpli men) I 19 rFMAtI GENbHAL CLERK quired i. leavei ryplng i enlU P< I OS yfMAU MALAY CLERK, v I
        651 words
      • 425 14 99 Sales Positions 99 Sale* Position* |chemicon| An expanding electronics company <>//( 1 1 hallenging 1 areers v ith good benefits ///< lading mi alternate '<l<n working uiik and transportation provided ttom designated pick-up /minis r\ge 22 picfemed <i!ii|)i«'tcd <tr exempted from National Service QCE cm < y level <v
        425 words
    • Page 15 Advertisements
      • 924 15 99 Sales Positions 99 Sales Positions 99 Sales Positions fit-, y/Hituh i Start <>f the Yeai A. SENIOR RETAIL SALES ASSOCIATES (Minimum $945 per month) B. RETAIL SALES ASSOCIATES (Minimum $830 pt'r month) 5 1 days work per week Medical/dental benefits Grooming allowance Recreational activities Birthday gifts Team-spirit, friendly, cheerful
        924 words
      • 857 15 99 Sale* Positions 99 Sales Positions DATA DESIGN (S) PTE LTD SALES EXECUTIVES (CORPORATE ACCOUNT) Minimum Diploma m Business Engineering, < 'omputei 81 udles prefei red Preferably with \-:>. years' experience In Solution Selling i" corporations Qood Interpersonal skills, with drive, Initiative and reaull ortented Possess b class 3 driving
        857 words
      • 577 15 99 Sales Positions Allswell Trading Pte Ltd ill llrlbu tor fOI Red Bull Energy Drink Ii vacancies foi VAN SALES REPRESENTATIVES Qualifications Becondar) edui atlon •20 38 years old i 'last 3 .invite licence We provide training foi those without experience and offei good basic salary and commission annual bonus,
        577 words
      • 676 15 99 Sales Positions FULL TIME FEMALE SALES PROMOTERS Required b) i lap me c f.• lilon i unipu 'i m Ladles we v c Altractlvi ilai blt centlve will be offered m iih- rlghl upplli inti c mi Umen welcome iir. .iii TEL: 568-2330 For futher details NEW YORK/ CHICAGO
        676 words
      • 565 15 99 Sales Positions EsUbl lulled 1:■ I urgently require l| (.fNIRAI CLERK c 1 ,1 111 1 1 „i n level c Mi- M a if, hi, baali .1. Dunttni preferable t) SALES HtPPI SfNTATIVF a level 1 ci tinli al itream 1 c wilti utlei expertem t c Possess
        565 words
      • 836 15 99 Sales Positions i Taahion retailing group requirei SALESGIRLS i ..ii.. i nu iii pro Stafl privilege pun liasei Basic aalar} i:« pins dal i> target bonus Able to speak i ngliah and Mandarin And 10 lo U v." i old InlereaUd. pleaae call *****82/ 3343 AM/ *****17 Luu, 10a
        836 words
      • 802 15 99 Sales Positions SALES PERSONNEL RtOU WO Sludenta part Umen an I ime i ktod m. onu ll •rail m ''^'ii 03 falai i pg NtMOl n year olp Heal i Mau I I .ii Kwa\ urgi ni i v requli i i leni '-.I professional Mi Exei uUvet Own
        802 words
    • Page 16 Advertisements
      • 453 16 100 Technical Positions 100 Technical Positions 100 Technical Positions If you are a: I MECHANIC I I AIR-CON MECHANIC] I ELECTRICIAN SPRAY PAINTER I You are invited to join us at TIBS as VEHICLE TECHNICIAN i We will tram and develop you so as to build your career at TIBS.
        453 words
      • 456 16 I SOSS OF SINGAPORE PTE LTD require! ASSISTANT DIE CASTING SUPERVISORS An American Firm requires suitable candidates to be trulneil B« Skilled Die Caallng Supervisor ONE YEAR LEARNING COURSE AT SDC TRAINING CENTRE PTE LTD FULLY SPONSORED BY THE CO. At the end of the course, cundlrt.ites will sit for
        456 words
      • 643 16 100 Technical Positions j 100 Technical Positions BHIMI ZU CORPORA! lON (7) SKinz eading International Japanese onstnn lion otnpany urgently requires: ENGINEER I i i'sh yj ,ul ii. iii". m w\\ Structurfll Engincei inj» FOREMAN I 'iplnm.i holder m Building Minimum J years relevant experience i andidates without formal qualifications
        643 words
      • 552 16 100 Technical Position! 100 Technical Positions < Efltdblisht.'d Air conditioning Firm requires. PROJECT COORDINATOR Diploma m Mechanical m ring oi equivalent Mm 2 years experience In supervision mi run id i ion i lit.. Installation woi k In i ndusl rial > k < loinmerclal Bulldini [nvolving m the tender
        552 words
      • 574 16 100 Technical Positions 100 Technical Positions. Consultant Company I 1 1 1 1 1 i-s SAFETY PROFESSIONALS A) SAFETY OFFICERS Willing to be ti ained Can v ork Independent ly iii c .it leasl Polytechnli E ngtneerlnt i Mplonu B) SAFETY SUPERVISORS Have iK i <i1 oi 'A' level Willing
        574 words
      • 489 16 100 Technical Positions I IMS, a progressive and P :pa dlversilled company In a| the timber and aviation equipment business, has aj an opening m the tm I Aviation Division tor the J Mowing peat: ■fl The successful candidate to shall have the following tf profile: fc J Age 26
        489 words
    • Page 17 Advertisements
      • 530 17 100 Technical Positions A prog>«**i<« iliv«i»ititHl tl.. i mg Contractoi {Oi) invilut higtily •i.iiK.iteO mdi«idualt lo ioin vi SENIOR FOREMAN FOREMtN pIOIIIU 111 II Engineering wllri wllhout expei ii'ii' c im i) v 3) ASSISTANT FORtMAN i i. i. emphaoie on St.iff Tiaimng A Development A provide lewaul ing career
        530 words
      • 559 17 100 Technical Positions An rlitclronic miinulacturvr requires CNC WIRE-CUT MACHINE TECHNICIAN iirgotiuble Uhout exp*i lem will pro\ iii>' month.i It tlntng mlntmuni Sei 3) %ble lo speak Mumiartn 1 I Way 2 S pure I UI Irl M' at*'; ii vi nun iii m urgently requtrn CMINtSf SIH SUPfHVISOH
        559 words
      • 683 17 100 Technical Positions SERVICE ENGINEER Electron backgi »und Pn ferublj Iti veai s expei lem c In semlcon ductoi uiili^iis tble to 11 tvel 'ondui t .ill. 1 .ill Write In with 1 onlui-l nuin1,.-, tO SI BOX A9tiS.'l j I'd) Kirn S«ng Ro«d S pore 09V3. We ii ive
        683 words
      • 495 17 100 Technical Positions UrKi'iill) i* > i i WORKSHOP ASSISI AN I X r»o« ledgt! "i whUlliik, ■li' i i 1 1 .i l w Irl UK him tiinerj rep ili Salur) in'K"i i. ii'ii' c I'referublj ituyliiM In i Please ca\\ .'hs 9.119 CMARTERtD QUANriTY SURVEY- ohs required Pulj
        495 words
      • 438 17 101 Production 101 Production I'll Production 101 Production Positions Positions Positions Positions wv* 1 Watch out for the ad tomorrow. C /if AT&T Consumer Products Pte Ltd Urgently Requires Permanent Ist, 2nd or 3rd Shift Female Production Operators HM*|felO Primary education Ago 16 or 40 Exponona) not roquir< el i
        438 words
      • 92 17 I I MAI I OPI MATORS FOR 111 M"!' I"" lllH'"»ill|i.|lill I i m Alrfrpluhl i nrw mli i rciiulri s lrl v ./< < n\<«!H BUPi RVIBOR t I MAI I PHODUCTION OPI I .1 I KIM', h'H Ahllltj I. nil KxpprlPtiri U I I MAI I I-MIII>UCTKIN l'P|
        92 words
      • 420 17 Due to expansion a i leading computer i 1 company urgently I requires: I HWV-IMPi 'ttVj'i^i'lilii 1 i At loast 1 year's i I oxpenonco in I I packing/store •Mm Soc 2 eduaition I Ago between ?1 ?i> I yrs j Completed N S Pcssoss class 3 j licence an
        420 words
      • 551 17 101 Production 101 Production Positions Positions HtAffß SINGAPORE LIMITED WALK-IN INTERVIEW Wo have immediate vacancies tor F I T T E Jfi_ (I'l a n I Maintenance) Requirements Complotod NIC 3in Maintenance Fitting or Eloctncal Works Proforably with related experience Able to work 3 rotating shifts MACHiN 8 T S
        551 words
    • Page 18 Advertisements
      • 452 18 M 9 Hotel/ Reataurant/ 102 Hotel/ Reataurant/ tO2 Hotel/ Restaurant/ Lounge Positions Lounge Positions Lounge Positions [Long John Siivi ks[| 1 Wants ASSISTANT MANAGERS That's You! Many have tried our quality food and we want to achieve more with our quality set vice To be one of us. join us
        452 words
      • 319 18 WORK HOLIDAY! Win a free trip to Batam Islands when you have completed 3 months service with us WAITRESSES WAITERS haste salary $700 (0 shoo excluding tip>. and Incentives DISH WASHERS $t;oo to $700 Please call us at *****53 or come for walk m interview from 11.30 a.m. to 9p.m.
        319 words
      • 566 18 10V Hotel/ r'cM.iui.iiM it).' Hotel/ Restauuwt/ Lounge Positions Lounge Positions PrimaTower h m Revolving tu.Ai.mi.iiK n a rcpulovl C'liinosc Roslauianl mviU's: Ej" *"^al B^L^^^B^n^n^^al aC" ■Hi«- immr *mm fSJ Requirements: 15" Must be willing to work split duties Male applicants must complete N.S. ST JJS M'sians with SIM 5 credits
        566 words
      • 673 18 102 Hotel/ Restaurant/ 102 Holt-I/ Restaurant/ Lounge Positions Loungo Positions I .i. Paramount Hotel We invite applications tor the I following positions: 111 BSSSSSSSpSSSSSS Please apply personally (during ofiice hrs) i The Personnel Department g£sjL j Paramount Hotel #03 -03 fPm Marine Parade I Singapore 1544 -Hut 1 Must
        673 words
      • 629 18 103 Security Positions KOKUSAI 1 1 1 1 1 SECURITY OFFICERS Hal ii \upi" II nn' m years tbove MunUil) bonus •o r SO PenmsulH Pla/h Singaporo OCI7 Tol *****05 Mis* Chris PART/ FULL TIME SECURITY i in. mis. Senior < luards, Iffli ci i urgently needed Qood mtnac' mi'iii
        629 words
      • 506 18 104 Other Positions 104 Other Positions JjjjL Mount 1911 Elizabeth '"~lE( Hospital mviii". .i|i()iu ations lot Ihe following positn i CLERKS (Credit Collection Business Office) Qd n oi N 1 level Ivear clerical eKperieno *ith ability to type 30 to 40 wpm Possess a pleasant disposition Knowledge of PC and
        506 words
    • Page 19 Advertisements
      • 1062 19 104 Olhei Positions 104 Other Position* 104 Other Positions 104 Other Positions 104 Other Positions 104 Other Positions 104 Other Positions We have housed 87% 1 C of the population V (C) STENOGRAPHER M (A) TECHNICAL OFFICEFV |fl IAIC AKI Commencing Gross Salary: $960 J TECHNICIAN H W t V^/\N
        1,062 words
      • 516 19 jlh\ Sinu<3pore ieneral I lospital The Singapore General Hospital strives to provide ihe higlicsi standards m medical and healthcare services to meet our nations needs. To lull ill our objectives, we require suitable persons to join us as: COOKS The successful candidate will be involved m the preparation and cooking
        516 words
      • 660 19 104 Other Poaition* 104 Other Povitiont 104 Other Positions We don't just provide you a taxi We give you an identity. Wild tho good feedback re< tivwf, w«» ire at^ianding oui fleet of brand ne»v taxis So, if you have a taxi vocational lioenoe tnd are able ti apt nglish
        660 words
    • Page 20 Advertisements
      • 375 20 104 Other Positions 104 Other Positions JWe are an established Company m Jurong I specialising In cranes, II earthmovlng and construction II equipment, and have vacancies for:- wy 1. SALES ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT 2. GENERAL CLERK sales dept. Some working experience, ability to typo and USB ot wordproct}ssor. would be preferred
        375 words
      • 589 20 104 Other Positions 104 Other Positions Manufacturing Plant In Senoko Industrial II Ettatm hat vacancies for 1| j Laboratory Technician g (Female) r^ I Trainee Laboratory r Tecbiiician (Female) a Production Technician 3 (Malo) jiequirßß Shift Duty "Z M QCE O 1 level certificate If No expedence required training provided
        589 words
      • 630 20 104 Otht'r Positions 104 Other Positionb Ij 1 I. ii nlnif i .ii ii -i i iiiii|\ iii i .i vi l\ i• 1 1 1 1 1 Able to commence work soonesi lllltlL 1 tl> U'<H l\ I I\ VI tllllC I Intorf.sled applicants, please apply personall) al I
        630 words
      • 457 20 Multinational oil service supply company 3eeka a suitably qualified candidate to fill the position of: JMarvhtmsi'inari v Minimum G.C E.l)' level Completed N.S Aye 22-30 /ears Some experience m store is preferred Dutie3 include issuing/ receiving of material, 3tore documentation housekeeping Clas3 3 driving licence Interested applicants please write m
        457 words
      • 494 20 104 Olhct PoHtttons Ii ,i.i i ti k i■' Spot I h i niallve ifflci i looking i ii m expei lem ed QUALITY CONTROL INSPECTOH nund knowledge In woven bom i. i 1 1 jack ir M t knltweat Uiworkwltl iilinuin vi' remuneration I full pel vi ii lei
        494 words
      • 500 20 104 Other Positions i i ulred SIU CO OHOINATOH Po isei Class I di Ivlng 11. ence c Independent, Initiative Ii bilingual Age bel I c Minimum O' N Level Successful candidate will be supervising Lhe v. rkei Call 782 bBOO Well etlablKhed Trading Company .m immediate vacancy (or DELIVERY
        500 words
      • 583 20 104 Other Position* LOYANG AREA Intel national I movers requires immedli DRIVER CUM PACKER CLASS 4 LICENCE Tramport will be provided Interest! d partu i uy i b*b MILLION PHOTO CENTRf PTE LTD urgent!) requires Full/ Part-Time 1) PROJECT COORDINATOR 2) OFFICE AOMIN OFFICER 3) RECEPTIONIST 4) PHOTOGRAPHER Interested pleaae
        583 words
      • 983 20 104 Other Position* A) FEMALE GtNERAi red Mandiirli I i iii alar) j^j 1 I pei moi Musi tn abh i i 111 Drlvei rum General rkei quired Salar) >'«»■ I itoow i month Inu tppl v an InU n• h llai Ui ion iAVER RAJAM AND > area urcentl)
        983 words
    • Page 21 Advertisements
      • 777 21 104 Other Positions UNISEX SALON HEOUIRES II poo oiris ft Junfcii si\ i, ita Sin lapore i Ulmiui Ini -!.-.i mi i*M\\t i.m ;.ui i CLASS 3 THUCR DrtVCtl .V I |m Handa required i ill al Blk W0 ffstnaamj w.i 01 -»> s M CLASS i ORIVtR i .1..
        777 words
      • 504 21 121 Vehicles for Hire .^Baaaaaaaaßaaaßaaaßaak. /WEEKEND IL SPECIAL J I $65 I I Frl Spa to Maa. 10aa I M SECTION CAR II RENTAL II 777 0681 (Wm< C-0 I SS IMITMjCHy) SIS tfj *****31 (Katoaf) Bfj a_MMMH WEEKEND SPECIAL (Frl Mon) Van From 66.00 Truck From 77.00 CALL *****30
        504 words
      • 783 21 127 Other Vehicle 127 Other Vehicle 127 Other Vehicle 127 Other Vehicle 127 Other Vehicle 127 Other Vehicle Accessories Accessories Accessories Accessories Accessories Accessories A single Mobil Super Service can take you to the magical South Pacific Drive m for a super value Mobil P^ITPI Mobil 1 P^ir^ 1 Super
        783 words
      • 702 21 131 Alfa/ Volvo For Sale Good quality continental cars Japanese cars. Also selling i 468-7717 Castle Motor Trading bIILJ-l_U-J Cjj BUYING A USED Alia 78 I win .Spark or Alfa UW We provide you with a longer repaymenl pei hid up to a maximum of 9 years For more details
        702 words
      • 526 21 133 BMW For Sale 133 BMW For Sale 133 BMW For Sale (NMDIOQ(MUnrS(ND These are exciting times for anyone who spends time behind the wheel. There's a whole new world of digital audio waiting out there 1 And Kenwood car audio components give you real sound quality, not just background
        526 words
      • 226 21 134 Mercedes For Sale 10 YEAR CAR LOAN LONGER repayment period LOWER monthly instalments MORE affordable For new used cars j $55,000 above j CALL Angeline at 220 7609/220 9433 j or Christina at 228 4641/223 8333 or any of our 28 branches o Only Horn a HONG LEONG FINANCE
        226 words
      • 575 21 I 134 Mercedes For Sale 07 MERCEDES 200 aUtO 2 owncri. orlK porffld cond ru-w lux. low tnueage, whit*- Lot v Macki'tizlf (Jted Car Ctr llenly Ent 89 MERCEDES 200E Aulo Set Viced by C&C iV.IMK) kin only Leather lean wnrtti 19,000 Tm 92 [nqulrlea, cail t7499H END '84 M/BENZ
        575 words
      • 755 21 134 Mercedes For Sale '81 BENZ 280 SI.C iportl IUIO i'ir rrnii Excellent Ihroughloul Page naßoB Tony 81 MERCECE3 BENZ .'Mil iniinii.ii pte ownei CjOJ paid Qood cond Tel MBO2M 81 MERCEDES 200 White, ni.inual OOE paid Taa 8 Askli m 148 300 nn 0 Tel *****28 B '83 MERCEDES
        755 words
      • 841 21 134 Mercedes For Sale 134 Mercedes For Sale State of the Art PERIMETER PROTECTION that speaks for itself! THE TOTAL SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM THAT DETERS VANDALISM. THEFT AND TERRORISM INVISIHI AM polilery warns IntoKtora In any language to "step back or alarm will sound ThanKs them lor oomptying INVISIHI AM will
        841 words
      • 773 21 136 Nissan For Sale 'M NEAR PULSAR I 3 SI.X On tral lurk Power windows Thx hi til .vki .ilk.w Umiii $> Tel 2H2MI)i:< DOWNPAYMENT $2000 8/82 Hlu. Mid powei windows .■run., took i rtmi Uka ns« 44M4iw ENO 71 DATSUN I MMM IM up lop i ondlUon l»00 Tel
        773 words
    • Page 22 Advertisements
      • 287 22 137 Toyota For Ssstf I We sell and buy QUALITY USED CARS TOYOTAS and other fine vehicles BORNEO VI MOTORSfcj PRIVATE PLATE 1 1 \A i i O PLATE i ivi i UROILA I B '.i w i. B 2 QUA! Am *****42 5 Ov»n M. <n -r-n •asx pan
        287 words
      • 1006 22 137 Toyola For Sale mio S3 cohoua ;>\ PARI nctll v. ..H tbovc i Mtn WOOD i•■ ."'■km MIP W COROI I A Ol DC .1 i I'r li'i'.u; MJO bl ."OIUII I A iv i i..A mllr i.'. ii lop con I ii idi m *****33 Mill COROLLA
        1,006 words
      • 1028 22 138 Mitsubishi For Sale ■< mm MMMIUISMI UALANT Bupei S.ilikhi 2.0 BUIO 8 llins power iteerlni windows, < entral lock intc i uwnei Beautiful tondl ii,,ii Page *****41 lai v« n ig MID 83 LANCER I 2 01 I OWnei All pon I Inis i nil" „i .'i i,\ '<
        1,028 words
      • 712 22 139 Mazda For Sale 111 MODEL MA/DA 028 •II X 5 iii Powei steei inn, pte ownei a .\in mi i.nii" assette Hhowrm eond Loan tin 500 *****3 1 O PI ATE. END iM 1..1 I 9 AUtO B iiniii s, alrcon t adlo i assetle ivi *****03 Q' 1083
        712 words
      • 2176 22 140 Honda For Sale 140 Honda For S»\e 140 Honda For Sale 140 Honda For Sale 140 Honda For Sale That Bit Extra 1-Bit CD Power Pioneer lels you ■■UfififiKfiSl ■^^HH lemptini: choice with drive m digital with ///<// WMB^EK^^KL |9^^Hl^^B nul ll P' c> features to set hit extra.
        2,176 words
      • 491 22 142 Suzuki For Sal* ABANDON ALL CAR MARCH ATTRACTIVt CASH PAYMENT FOR ALL i v ide Busukl, Nlasan, Honda |.i\.il.l M117.(1u. 'illlulli: \-MiV non-PARI Commercial Vehlctoa IUSO SrlllliK TEL *****90/ ******)} (Day/ Night) Mr. Tan LEAOWAV MOTOR TRADING #03-7> Roiy Square M Eaat Coaal Road MUST BCLLII 9/ U
        491 words
      • 1064 22 143 Hyundai For Sale IST co owner 7 h: Hyundai SlHIm I4KMIL fully auU. Crn v. i. locking powei wlndowi lux \2 VI Aim on i miii. C4U wllr urlK pitllil Aii lilrnt frn $2.<.H0) M4457S S/*S9 HYUNDAI SONATA I HI I'uil $2ii im, MrUlllc mivrr Mill lux till t
        1,064 words
    • Page 23 Advertisements
      • 1093 23 MS Mymuliti f 01 S.tU' 111 Hy uikl.ii (01 Srtlt- 111 Myiimliii 101 Bfllt 143 Hyumiiii I 01 Sjilc 143 Hyuiutiii For Snlo 143 Hyundm Poi Btlt 143 Hyiuuitti for Bttt M.I Hyundm for S«lr Ml Hyundm I 01 Sale 14J Hyundm for SmY J^ g^a^——^— —§<■■— fa^—^i—^M^l 114bhp- 1
        1,093 words
      • 798 23 146 Commercial Vehicles For Sale 1 H I NISSAN F 23 .r.ili'i IM.i I'M-., petrol i "U in-i C.O.E New upholstery, alrconi *****1 1 n/ a? oatsun pickup 720 petrol with anop) < lood eond C.O.E |..ii.i SMOO Pel *****20 I'l.". MA/DA HONIiC.O 1000 1 i' fcl -...I.- Prli <■
        798 words
      • 573 23 146 Commercial Vehicles For Sale 89 IOYOTA lITEACC B ill Win, I DM ii'-i Ul '"Ii tax 12 ''1 "i Ik iii and new i *****00 w isu/u NPitvt. 19 n i lon, wooden body i owner, hardly v.ii i i.i'-, 3 licence *****36 147 Motorcycles/ Scooters For Sale/ Wanted
        573 words
      • 644 23 148 Vehicles Wanted CASH PAYMENT FOR 1970 m 1090 vehlclei iihki iii 2000 1' c With without C.O.E Non PARF PARF ri ivate X. i regd vehli le Cornmercliili, vuna, pick upi and lorries Miuublihl, i oyola, i lalaun 1970 1080 M Bena 200, 230, 2RO Tal: *****32/ ***** M/
        644 words
      • 525 23 171 Property Financing j 171 Property Financing IBS offers competitive terms for Housing Loan Pre purchase loan approval Low Rates 1 5 yrs 6% 6 10 yrs 6.25% 11 30 yrs 6.50% Free Valuation No Processing Fee Up to 100% Financing Bridging Loan 4.25% p. a. Renovation Loan Maximum Loan
        525 words
      • 716 23 172 House* For Rent D.2i clcmenti Bxpenstvel) ran ovated d More] bunglw on hill top 4-4-1 rmi Bpacloua dining living, lovel) patio overlooking .|i.ukiiiiK pool Utmost prlvai Matured gdn tis.oooono D 10 CORONATION ROAO WEST Majeillc i itorey bunglv t'.ii mi aauna. ipai loui dining I living, iiin bal good
        716 words
      • 579 23 172 Houses For Rent D 11 BRAND NEW I Itlgl* ■>'| It It I 1, HiKTit pool '-i.-ii.-.l I iU'l Ode [n ;i.''l I 9017 M D 11. CAHMINA 1,400 H) fl H DOOI rmi I 1 furn i< 200 Mido ill 2SOSI il .'hik.,l U 11 HOLLYWOOD PK M-ii.-.
        579 words
      • 475 23 173 Apartment* For Rent CONDO UNLESS STATFD Cither 3 I* I nns MtuaU I i qulei Ii peaceful environ i hard n High rii I „■i. i nig! rii i/iui I rii.-.ii'.'U. ii^i vii i dun irrey Rd L 1 a m-. vi it} ii i i i run Reautirully
        475 words
    • Page 24 Advertisements
      • 705 24 173 Apartments 173 Apartments For Rent For Rent Orchard Scotts I 'De(u,\e Apartments I Opposite Sheraton Towers Hotel, Scotts Road Leasing Dept TEL: *****1 1 JFor Long or Short Term Leases immediate Oc« up<ition AOv.)iu:t'O Booking Avartable E Spacious 'ti'iy rumishecl W its 8 maisonettes m tha ho. vi ot
        705 words
      • 709 24 STEVENS COURT. EXCLUSIVE apts Heautifuiiy fitted. 4 bedroontS, servant's rm Ontrul alrcon s pool, simash court, security Reasonable rentals. Woiik Kum Sek Valuers Property Managers, tel *****38 *****28 DIST 10 FERNHILL QROVE. IHOO t •«l ft 1 hdnns F furn Pool, securttv, $;i.7oii Co-brake welcome Bradco Property Services 2M683 i
        709 words
      • 1126 24 173 Apartments For Rent i mins. to i Orchard, brand ne« i exclusive !>•« i Ise condo, i iiiiims i pu Kdn Full rondo facilities Children's playground $8 500 Pel *****18 (agenl I D 10 ASTRID MEADOWS Hialul new reSOrl style run, ln .lusl nil Holland im Studio $.uu>o Pacific
        1,126 words
      • 1063 24 173 Apartments For Rent 0.9 BELLE-VUE cloi* In MRT Orchard Rd Qutel unll i mis 1480 n Furn Fai Ing pool $-iixh> Soel :i.sii ""Ti 09 CAIRNHILL MANS. MltlS Walk m Orchard MR I' Station :i I i Beautifully furnished $3,800 a n ii Deans Propert) *****58 D.9 eber qdn.
        1,063 words
      • 1088 24 173 Apartments For Rent D.lO LEEDON HGTS BeUUtltul penthouse .i.ii lew m appreciate DHE *****80 D.lO LEEDON CT. D 91 v mah ■i ii l p furn $7 000 i > 1 1 1 *****80 D 10 MARBELIA CT. Walk up 1300 sq it :t uih Pool Neai ame nines
        1,088 words
      • 1097 24 173 Apartments For Rent I O 15 MANDAHIN QDNB Stlld apt 830 s.| ii Panoramic sea pool view; $2800; Talo *****88 O.IS MANDARIN GDN I' lew, huii fir B 2 type I l Furn Mayoi *****87 015 MARINE POINT I m. I Inn High Ho.. i. 1900 sq tt Alrcon
        1,097 words
      • 1106 24 I7'.t AparlnKMils For Ronl t) y OIF ORCHARD i 3 1 Hull m quiet, i'onvenlenl I- turn $2,800 hck Hope *****98 D 9 OPP ORCHARD Mli 1 Kreen, 2 ininus 1 nun 1 v 100 Roll D 9 ORCHARD TWR. V Klin Huh 111 3 I I- turn Aln on
        1,106 words
      • 1026 24 173 Apartments For Rent 4 HM VISHUN HOUGANG iin Bl Bal f Oeylani i i I amplnes. Vishun PR 2111(1 4 HM TIbMUN RENOVATED qi I 1 1 il 1 1 I V I i 4 ROOM YISHUN FUI I V ui'-hed. well kept, htgh ii. i I. A.T. 3
        1,026 words
      • 919 24 174 Rooms For Rent SiN(il E ROOM TO It Bl I r Mll< Prefi TERESA VILLE 1 il i Single male pi ufeMtonal D 20 FULLY FURNISHID I MS 175 Houses Wanted (Rent) AMERICAN HITECH CONSORTIUM require! teveral lultabk hon i foi tenloi management ew v lives i mp i
        919 words
      • 966 24 176 Apartments Wanted (Rent) fXPATS a CO urgenll) need Hi Budget 1700 i 80) Hood ml i v Ml N II fXPAIS NEED HDB I. M Wl a M Kio Blshan I ia) >l Jurong Ht Bal I Bedol ***** fOREIGNERS PR BTUDENTB 4. jpli need n flata mmcd *****1
        966 words
    • Page 25 Advertisements
      • 554 25 180 Houses For Salt(Dists 09 It) I'J Vt ttIMM Mil ■•till J 10 Huilanil ..ciivly •>«llmg i rieup I >'M RJB M IK 'Ht PMMIITII s HI 181 U 11 CUI Ot SAC MAjESHC Li STORE v DETACHED HUNGI OW i i > tnd. 8008 bdrma ituJj A kl ■rwafteM
        554 words
      • 548 25 181 Houses For Sale 181 Houses For Sale 181 Houses For Sale (Dists 12 20) (Dials. 12 20) (Dists. 12 20) WT Gracious Homes, Graceful Setting, I Fragrant Gardens oOtn you thr brat of tuntemporary apartment living I B BO) krt ol ■rirnlty Kiagiant (iaidrua iiritlm amidst quality housing rstalrs
        548 words
      • 644 25 0 19 li hwan View 'i store) ieml ii beautiful cond Alrcon 81 fai ing, good frontage, fhold Approx twin 2800 sq fi 3+l Jual across to HIJ sch amenities $HfiH neg IV J Lee *****08 ERA D7O JIN TELANO ii.v .in. l totali v renovated ten Land 2400 sq
        644 words
      • 862 25 D 15 CHAPEL CLOSE nraint new 1329 sq ft expensive kitchen and quality fittings; f'hold; 1470K; I (I'M *****00, |'X *****04 D.15 east coast, brand new s storey liiniKlw 0150 SO ft Hit/. Kiln I 1. top QUalttV finish $2M neg IV Png *****08 ERA D.IS JLN. SEAVIEW II storey
        862 words
      • 1111 25 181 Houses For Sale (Dists 12 20) D 20 THOMSON PLAZA U, hilly new d stoiey semi d deslgnei decor, 4000/3200 sq fi l Autogale I.N liL'tiiiixm *****04 ERA D2O VERY BEAUTIFUL Single -Sty semi ,i Freehold 3200 sq ft Just renovation Marble, French win dowa eh' $608,000 neK *****88
        1,111 words
      • 1124 25 182 Houses For Sale (Dists. 21 28) O 26 FLORISSA PARK FOR A PERSON WITH DISCERNING TASTE E Kqulsltely renovated 3 storey lerrai c house m qulel i ul de lai amidst greenery located In Phomson Ang Mo Klo vicinity Spacious ensulle maslei bedroom ,'Ulll st HIII sel V
        1,124 words
      • 1038 25 183 Houses For Sale 183 Houses For Sale (Mixed Dists.) (Mixed Dists.) D.lO NEW INTERMEDIATE TERRACE Ni 00 lalan it i Land area approx 2 now sq n Build up Approx i'.'.ioii s.j n pnee SMBO.OOOOO Freehold LUXURIOUS FULLY RECONSTRUCTED SEMI-DETACHED HOUSES D Ifi No 4ik Pay* I ei,.,i 1
        1,038 words
      • 805 25 191 Private Apta For Sale (Dittt. 09 11) TOP CHOICE APTS IN DIST 10 Luiunoui Panthouia I bdnui 10.000 tt rif pool, suiiii:i i -m ndo [aeilliiei I 1... L1 52.99 M Adrid Maadow* Camalot Court' (h;ii »q ft. 4*l bdrmi i i enanted F ull i ountn i tub
        805 words
      • 1027 25 191 Private Apia 191 Private Aptt. For Sale For Sale (Dista 09 11) (Dutt 09 11) SPRINGLEAF AGENCY RENT SALE D» Grange HI J OSM onward* Di* Ginng. Twr |,riill M7OK (onward*) DlO Graanlaat Vm, ftSOK Dll ShallordCt tlnln: >3aOU M3OK dl 3 ttflrop shopnouse apt tsaoK Uit Flamingo Van.,
        1,027 words
      • 878 25 D.lO ASTRID MEADOWS luxurious I Apt 3.200 sq ft F'furn Tasteful ly renovated 3- 1 bdrnis Blh pa tlo lilM lei *****91 *****12 1 D 10 ASTRID MEADOWS ibest Mk i sq ft 4 I t)drnis Morn Mm Full condo tHiiiities Oood dananCl I'rlce lien HH 2SOB(r7ii D 10 BALMORAL
        878 words
    • Page 26 Advertisements
      • 891 26 191 Private Apis I'll Private Apis 191 Private Apts I'M Private Apts For Sale For Sale For Sale For Sale (Dists. 09 11) (Dists 09 11) (Dials. 09 11) (Dists 09 11) Over Ihe decades. Momingsidc Hotel ha.s been synonymous w ith an 1 1- •ml style of livinj:
        891 words
      • 177 26 ii iii i. iiani. t hiiai)/ Idvei illi-v Kihiil i iin mm ii ii siiiii-; I iihi hi ii >IWK I'll "Mir, 1 i II 111 I. Mill 111 Nl il l ***** l Il' ri-nov lll'll I iin lin mii', l I I I Mil I'lll'll.'l ,llill M.-l I)
        177 words
      • 1910 26 191 Private Apis 191 Private Apis 191 Private Apis For Salo For Sale For Sjilo (Dists 09 11) (Oists. 09 11) (Dists 09 11) Orchard Bel Air In A Class of Its Own An ideal development for home owners and investors Attractive loan can be arranged Elite address m District
        1,910 words
      • 1071 26 191 Private Apts For Sale (Dists 09 11) KHFAM HOCK GDN ii I- 'hold i I'll luiiv rum Qulel i ml) 1790K i. M igl II I DUN MOTS V>*>OK. I nus lASO 'i n I i. ..I. I Mi. "ii Moi ii Ing ,vii Mill ih iil 4 *****0
        1,071 words
      • 1337 26 19? Private Apts For Sale (Dists 12 20) 011 FAST COAST pi IMO II I i.i.iiii Wul' -i UW nlinl H pool f- I .i- h.,1.1 |4 ISK Ap, ul 1 1 i t i ii 014 FINIAND GARDFNS I 1,,, 1 it I ill- im vi 11 v |>00l
        1,337 words
      • 1316 26 192 Private Apta For Sale (Dists 12 20) Dl 5 AMBER TWR I I mil UU |f| High fli lln-.-/> 7370H Xmo«2 H p O 14 ANCHOR GDN IMO aq fl I'l' k i Renovated Korelgm .m I, in I i }-l HtK H A 014 BFDOK CT MM
        1,316 words
    • Page 27 Advertisements
      • 2110 27 192 Private Apts 19? Private Apts 192 Private Apis For Sale For Sale For Sale (Dists 12 20) (Dists 12 20) (Dists 12 20) I I .■m'^^im 5 BHBt B ■■I UaVzM I 1 MiHJ '31 f TP* ffwi'l 'JK I CLYMSWOOD KmmmmmmmSLuxurious And Well-built. Yet Affordable. lavDfswooo| CuusMtooDEVEwnmn i~ZI
        2,110 words
      • 1099 27 194 Private Apis I') 4 Private Apts For Sale For Sale (Mixed Dists (Mixed Dists our l)ir;iin llcinu' "-2 -P C 3 AllriKlivc Utilising Kult-s: I '<> s vi'Jirs 5.5O a /o II 6to 10 years 5.75°/o 1 1 to 30 years 6 no" Credit POSB Home Loans «Si *****22
        1,099 words
      • 975 27 203 HDB Apts. For Sale (Bedok/ Tampines) 4 HM BEOOK NORTH, high Hi Panoramti view Cci unli kltch .ii ablnel I VPS *****32 4RM BEOOK RES Hlk 709 m n ble, cabinets Neai NTUC .ii yi'iK neg 278 6960 way I rm BEOOK NORTH Hlk 547 High tii Convenlenl IO7K
        975 words
      • 1075 27 ?05 HDB Apia. For Sale (Jurong/ lit Batok) ■...MaMlliatlltiHß^MTiM^ld M< nilx i Ai»n (if S'pOrC Xi Ak>ri Bx«o Mali. «i Bntok 526. Neai mk r. hinh rii IDOK renovatlonl I him Malt Juiung III) I I cabinet, only IIBBH EXM Malt Bl M.iti.k 120 Mid Hi in, ui. i. aln
        1,075 words
      • 1137 27 AV> MOH Apis For Sal« (Jurong/ 1)1 Batok) ■i mm -A' corner Jurong W 550 High fir, i eramli tin on rrtdgi*. cublnel !>•• ma Property HI D 933 4mm A' Jurong Wesl itpiu lou i llvliik dining rooms, m inili JII3K Akl *****02 pg HO4WMU HIM FAMAN JURONG Ultfll
        1,137 words
      • 1167 27 HDB Apts For Sal«; (Oth(>r FHlales) < rrn H. [ill I .en Boon i a? Oi [ilk 21 < rm Bt h.ii.4 i h I rm MO (.hing Rd I Ilk I2U I rm <""<" Sim* Drive HI I rm A MKm [ilk .'I I I rm (l.imenli lilt 101
        1,167 words
      • 1209 27 207 HDB Apts For Sale (Other Estates) mim pt ni k Holl md m till 11 i iM< Flooring 2 tnlm walk Ui in k i uncut) lei 1"* Mr I utteti Hap > HM 1 HM MAIS I. •Hull High Fli i r iiif/ :> m, I 1 I
        1,209 words
      • 636 27 207 HDB Apt* Tor (Othor EstnN" 4 mm tfiok hi awjam m A. IcMrf V\lr Ii <■ 1 1. j OK i■ V l: 4 MM WfMT OA'U I I I/A U I mm m Punnet I I II'! I iin .mi ii. t •>f<M I lII* Lti X I
        636 words
    • Page 28 Advertisements
      • 903 28 .'OB HOB Apartments Wanted USMCMMMV PH with read) irgratlj raqulrn i I m i i. N, Ml, 1 1 L>» i .i i ii. k -91 aln n I No igt U I DISIS MOB i- i tl l'( li >■ <\i i.■■. i m •v lY»<tS RESALE HDB 111
        903 words
      • 1030 28 210 Factory Spaces 0 B BRAND NEW 4 STOHtY LIGHT INDUSTRIAL FACTORY FOR BAI t EN BLOC RENTAL <<i i IMI m| n hikli etttng pood loud il utln| kcUiUci Qu ill! i .insiriii l|..ii ;u lie Ii! t>. l i ks Basj esi Freehold l iNnpietton soon CITIVIEW 44<XMM
        1,030 words
      • 950 28 210 Factory Spaces t) v sims aye rt) r r i unit i i Hi Nc ii Ml; I uxm Mam tOI i.-ni Immed i Ntng Pn>p 1 13 iut.ii D 19 FTY FOR „il.- \t« I mpro* 2100 tq n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
        950 words
      • 789 28 ?11 WiirifhotiHHs/ storago Spaces TAN HOON LIAI OroUlldflool ihowroom A.iirtiou fm u>i ii i. Hi] fi Hole i c i ilng v:< m i '.m Property iiiuutirv :i/oo so Fl 703 ii 60 pal I iccel lent parking, < leyluna vlclntt) mH i Imirifdlutp PPM p« *****61 PgNJURU ROAD sini.i
        789 words
      • 539 28 Office Spaces 212 Office Spaces For Sale For Sale l-orSAIJ-i'/Ll-ASI- LJ lonvcniontly located outside HI) J Unit size from 1313 sq fl upwards LJ c !omplotcly refurbished LJ [mmediate occupation Chinapex Company Limited Tel: 534-3270 J 213 Office Spaces 213 Office Spaces For Renl For Rent NATWEST CENTRE Area 904-*****q
        539 words
      • 841 28 TANJONC. PAGAH CONSf HVATION MRT station itorey simp house at Nell Road 1,300 s,| n floor All with Its own entrance and split air con Avail Immi d atlrai live rental Plants call ownar Mrt Fu 4/***** TIMES CFNTRF VICINITY IN PAYA IHIAII 17,(KK1 s,| (I Avail Immedlatelj Onlj
        841 words
      • 1078 28 213 Offico Spacei For Renl PENINBUI A ii a/a iihs q ft \i 1 H5O iq fl HlientiMi Hou p 800 (j fl Int'l I'lh/.ii 837, 2357 q it Hi iik Kiill I'nip *****88 H4S SO (I Nl Wl V |{< Hot >>•-•! wllh fin nllurf roplei I lei syalrm
        1,078 words
      • 859 28 >ts Shop i .p rt i 21& Shop Spaces ?1S Shop Spaces For Sale For Sale For Sal* ifwr^PlS^^L^L^^a^B^^S^Sßßaißßß B k. jjJhiK/ ASL UAI/j^H H BBBBBBaV V W a^L^L^^^L^L^L^^a^L^Bßßa^Sß^^Bßßai BBBB?CSQ^L^^kNDr^BL^aV^BBBBBBBB! BBai BBBBBBH W W a^BBBBaI BBV BB^^^^T I FOR SALE ORCHARD PLAZA PRIME FRONTAGE SPACE l ints ranging fn >m
        859 words
      • 517 28 216 Shop Spaces For Rent Ruby Group Leasing EXCELSIOR HOTEL SHOPPING CENTRE Tel: *****77 Mis l.< < agents! LUCKY PLAZA BEST SHOP UNIT FOR RENT APPROX 1100 SQ FT a Mnsrinlnr FU a i m,., escalator/ double Frontal a Main com i hi a Heavj trafflr a Suitable Foi all
        517 words
      • 898 28 216 Shop Spaces For Rent SHOPS AT UPPER SKKAMtOON Shpc 1 tr foi rf-nt i ioo<i location NO Sq fl and mliovj- .Sult.ii<- r. boutique rtdeo otectrt- < I Is Faal tOOd restjuiritnt. U Please call IMMM Ino icents please BFAUTY A HAIR Salon for \JiXf--1 over m Kiuomk Renovated
        898 words
    • Page 29 Advertisements
      • 1609 29 216 Shop Spaces 216 Shop Spaces 216 Shop Spaces For Rent For Rent For Rent p 1 SB HDB^^ TENDERS >iir invited lo rert tfn> following BLOCK STREET UNIT FLOOR MINIMUM NO NAME NO. AREA (SM) RENT(S) 1) MARKET PRODUCE LOCK UP SHOPS i 248 Simei Street 3 01 I
        1,609 words
      • 495 29 219 Land: Sale/ Wanted 219 Land: Sale/ Wanted 219 Land: Sale/ Wanted Choice Residential Land I) 153 KILLINEY ROAD District 9 condominium hotspol Ixli at River Valley/ Killincy Road junction S minutes walk to Orchard Road Land Area: 4,570 m 2 (49, 191 sqft) Freehold Conservation Shop Houses TELOK AVER
        495 words
      • 523 29 241 Tours 241 Tour* 241 Tour* 241 Tours Jetabout's flexi-choice downunder (Inclusive airfare) (Without airfare) Burswood Resort, Perth $1348 Australia Self Drive Holidays $1 469 SPHC Hotel Pass 81 Perth South West Holidays $1540 Car Hire $114 Australia plus New Zealand $1658 m*~>~.~~ JJ o Australia plus Hong Kong $1775
        523 words
      • 128 29 w/ Batam Tour II 2D Batam L\ View Beach l£v Resort Merit wa\V'll\>>d> h^\ EsaMedA fiiainirf l imited Seats Available: /Ay 7unr U/IV2|/2S&iJ«rfv lefJeii;fA^dßi INDONESIA tD *iS!!S2M!S& 2D BATAM VJEW C O& RESORT *^*;J* JDTANJUNQ^^A^ WNAfiO %^3j9 60JARKARTA/ I°* CIPANAS/BANDUNG 4/6DMEDAN/ «<*A9 LAKETOBA 4/60 BAU «^V|A9 fly YIP *c«l CO»th
        128 words
    • Page 30 Advertisements
      • 1524 30 241 Tours 241 Tours 241 Tour* 241 Toum 241 TourH 241 Tours 241 Tours 241 Tours ?41 Tours 'J4l Tours El IHBHHHHHHHHHHHiiIiHBHI ■■■HBHIHiHHHBHHHHHI J^^P^¥P^IPtf*IWWWBFPP^TM BHHHBHHHHHHHIHHHHi Indonesia Duma rantosi iyi H THAILAND MALAYSIA l ijt J^tf¥ l^lTi»f •Hl INDONESIA v $595 t| H A Hohay Of Smiles West Malays.a HoTTnTRiITM?Tfi3IS Java/Bali
        1,524 words
      • 302 30 2D3N BY AIR ON COACH (I lAIIV I 'Hi $109 2D3N RY HIRIHIRAINA'C IRAIN $139 2D3N BYHIRTHIRAINAII.' |i 199 3D2N BY AIR AIR ii A >• $JO9 2D3N CAMIRONRY AIP CON COACH $109 |U9 3D4N CAMIRON'tiINTIN' HY i 0A( H $179 $199 3D4N CAMIRONI 1 NIINcBY Ik'AIN $219 $239 3D4N
        302 words
    • Page 31 Advertisements
      • 647 31 241 Tour* 241 Tours 241 Tours ;M1 Tours 241 Tours 241 Tours 17/- xi^ A' iai loronto and thi Canadian East is a visit to histo/mil Kingston, the for ma capital <>/ r()R sightseers dream is rathei like saying Niagara halls Ihitish \orth Amen, a A delight at $2720 is
        647 words
      • 61 31 SI) EV»n S kok/P.\tt.»v.» ft $529 80 Rangkok/Prttt^yA/ ChUngma)/ChL»ngtAJ ft $579 4D KAnch«uulxjfl. River |unglr R.tft h $650 4/5 D Phuket Phi (til KLind (i $499 AIRPOWEIt TRAVEU 1>- *****92 I) pORHOTEL AIRFARE I I PLEASE CALL *****22 I I Al»o Phuket, Pattaya A Hua Hln. g PfRIH $1289
        61 words
      • 137 31 I^-^^ I TYfTlfrnTSno Tel: *****1 8/***** 19 1 1 IJ\JIIiLUX>C3 1« nCKETING ENQUIRIES I j v Tel *****22 tao% Visit Phuket 5^ 'JeS^LI N Explore 7^ LW'WW^fflrs9BBj Phi Phi bland tour with submarine cruiae lit 'i ll ffi ptju^ kneeing tour Pbang Np Boy tour p „<! Jli\|Xm. Thai Culture
        137 words
      • 676 31 241 Tours 241 Tours (\l^^^^ Rugi^y mo, iLggßP^^k f\ ''i/i'.iH/ i -1[ /?iai Cultural .V/i<m^^^^BßJH|^^^ Sigtuseeing Tow /OP% A/ca/ /4i/poft v Hotel Transfer 1 FOR HOTEL&AIRFAR^ I PLEASE CALL *****22 I ALSO AIRFARES TO CHINA F "V"!"" "BE S 1 OF"" "1 HONC KONG I .J^l^wß^^H I a InWkfilllVliPHl I
        676 words
      • 811 31 241 Tours 241 Tours 4 days $499 by Air Ist class Deach Hotol, rnoals island tuurs 7 days $329 by sloopor coach 5 days by sloopor coach 1 A9 4 days sloopor coach/air $299 3 days by air $399 _j^*fj^ Guaranteed Dally Departure tahs J^ k aMIPHLTJ'rtHIiT'VEMML^MILBI Golden Mile CornpH*
        811 words
    • Page 32 Advertisements
      • 877 32 Iti2 Hume Tuition v VFs^l TUITION AGENCY. |s run ».j ..v 1 All |l||,.| tl Ul» i i 4 I.l UMI I i .'i.n IBNiivf N., ISH Ul| r|Mf i v; i i I 1,1 Sn- 1 2 1 ill rxpl m ill. .ii Oul I null ■r 1 ,i
        877 words
      • 912 32 ?S3 Academic Courson 263 Academic Courses ?63 Academic Courses SOUTH€fiST flSftN MINIMthSOf (DUUiIION UHGHNISIUK »N Regional Language Centre language Teaching Institute mmmt DKtonce Lcornlog (Tujin Dlptomo) Course. ,j F^pplkOtlOOS ciro Invited foi o'JinK'.lon to v pn.ift-s.ionol pro z^Z QftMTMM In Ihe 1 eiichiiuj oi tnqllsJi to of Other lun-
        912 words
      • 1365 32 264 Computer Courses 264 Computer Courses 264 Computer Courses 264 Computer Courses 264 Computer Courses 264 Computer Course* iUftSKISi^ A INFORMATICS I USUti33UaHUißUiliUUfil I computer school I rx 1 Study at Informatics, the regions largest and most f~" FRADITION Ol EXCELLENCI ~J w """^-^Lr.-' established chain of computer schools "°l
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      • 125 32 266 Commercial/ Technical Courses IBookkeaplng I ■""TSiiJiiiS't^™"'! J Accounting g IShorthandl HOTLINE Nsw ClttsiittMrtingtooiris i* Book-keeping/Accounting 1 I Shorthand Theory/Speed 1 I PSC For 1992 Exam I* English for Commerce Electron lc/Vanual Typing I I Rapid 1 mth/2 mths/ j 3 mths/Normal H I English Maths Accounts Malay SIC i
        125 words
      • 301 32 266 Commercial/ Technical Courses I rec Talk on ABr < ertificatc, Diploma i Advanced Dtptonu m HiMnoi \dnttnistratKMKl Xi 2! iun .ii 64^ |¥ii I m lalk on lAM < HitK.m Dipl.mi., m \iiiu;n Management I'^ Jun .ii ft 4S pin \-rvv Talk on I M i n ilk .He
        301 words
    • Page 33 Advertisements
      • 350 33 265 Secretarial Ty p.iy 269 Secretarial/ Typnt j Courses Louises Audio 1 vplntf itilii- s Shorthand A i v|>lnt( Diil I<-n I Olllllliiillruloii Stiucturr otßuAlurHH offlcr ur||«ii»ati»it BecMtattal i'i<>, idarci ACHKVFMKN 1 ASSURANCE W< (.1 \K I i yim will I'ASS II you altriHl all lln li--,-. „r,-. .ml
        350 words
      • 230 33 i 267 Language Courses .'A'<: !IM( A) li HNOON Cl a.'.:;i s ISM/B1 'm ii 100pm t MH)n SATURDAY Cl A\\| .'.•u'n 8 '.KKlin 1 OOptn OOpm !> I Mmi (avail am also avaiUt^lo I For mor« i)«(ails. pleaae call .il Tauyhi by Graduate* wtx> aie* pfolaaaionally trained taactwa GENERAL
        230 words
      • 602 33 266 Commercial/ Ibb Commercial/ 266 Commercial/ 266 Commercial/ rechnical Courtea Technical Courses Teihnical Courses Technical Courses H iN v»w IMS II lOKS V S IM >I">'>l>' ItlllOll With 'y J II S o FOULKS LYNCH, U. X S y Xl S. ;s A Division ot ATC CHART Itd <^ l^fl
        602 words
      • 190 33 267 Language Courses ENGLISH GERMAN FRENCH ITALIAN SPANISH JAPANESE KOREAN MALAY INDONESIAN Flomenliiry lutermodiato I' Advancod I Student Pass/ A. i ill ii m ii Ii ilh 'ii Uli Uu Am iru |i ii I I STUDY JAPANESE (Orchard Road/ Cecil Street) iin beglnnere (monung/ ■Iternoon evening/ weekend) Ni li
        190 words
      • 590 33 267 Language Courses Taught by native English Speakers SYSTEMATIC #0707 CuppageCtr. [Tel: *****85 J JAPANESE (BEQ FRI. 6.30 Bpm ll ii sun 3.30 Bpm 16 Pis call BMC Union* i *****5S 268 Music Courses ATTENTION! ELKA MUSIC School nifiTs i irgan, Piano, Oullar and Young Musician Courses Call Parklane
        590 words
      • 1170 33 VBO Othi-r Courses/ Instruction Mi Iropotttan rMC* N li*v«mt ret 'm Bash '.vi i. ii Dai i i Intoi '.<» i«l Dxlli If I Western Floral Aimiigciiii -.1 Bpeken Mandarin Lo 7 yr» I n ChinaM ii".Painting ?o/« Children t Art H i m i Ah Mnndnfin rnni hlliaill Lt
        1,170 words
      • 706 33 Monday to Friday: 9am to s:3opm spm deadline foi next ds) fa*, otdon 4ptni Saturday: B:3oam to 2pm [am deadline V 1 Sunday fan ot tens t( i N (am Public Holiday: 9am to lpm TIMES HOUSE: .('lO Kirn SenK Road. Singapore 0923 Monday lo Friday 9am to 6pm tfSpn
        706 words
    • Page 34 Advertisements
      • 43 34 GET THEM NOW! If j^lr BE T^BT If 'Cn,"""'"""" Af Br Jb^^-^s^^s Be j f-' I Bh4sußl BV^ '"7 wBBBHti? flßßKftr-*' J Ik' kj l// I ."■>■»*■ J^ *F x < -^jb From Your Newsvendor, Newsstand At Times The Bookshop Publ leLtd Ami ntx ling
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      • 42 34 i^flß^Bk Bl ■^bm b^B ifl 1 bY A well-iDunded Youre feeding her body. But what about her mind? Take care of both with the new-look Young Parents. vouna Barents WHEN YOU WANT THE BEST FOR THEM V ONSALI. N 0 NOTICED i
        42 words