The Straits Times, 23 May 1989

Total Pages: 76
1 40 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times Estd. IKir> TIIESDAY, MAY 23, 1989 50 CENTS MCI (IM 14/12 HH
    15 words
  • 181 1 nu- continuing political turmoil in China wreaked havoc on the Hong kon^ slock market yester<la> lhe Hang Seng Index plummeted 89.06 points, its largest one-day fail since the October iwt global stock mat ket crash Following last Friday's L32.£-point live, the HUM SeriK Index Closed
    181 words
  • 636 1 DPP: He deceived his own counsel DISTRICT Judge s.tijii Sin^h is.sued a wai rant if .11 ICSt Vl'Sll'! ci.l fw! Francli Seow, laying it obvious thai he had de id*, ately kepi IWa] from his tax evasion trial sin- <■ i Vim e|.lt* Catling
    636 words
  • 1128 1 Call for emergency session of People's Congress as Chinese army refuses to act hkijin.j Chinese govern ment and party leaders were last nitfht reported to lx- locked la the country's fiercest power "'""'Jff 1 m more than ten years as the People's Liberation Army continued
    UPI; AP; AFP; Reuter  -  1,128 words
  • Latest
    • 180 1 40 injured in clash with soldiers BKIJING Civilians were reported to have clashed with soldiers and police in the south western suburb of I.iuli qiao ict ni^hi Forty people were in jilted, witnesses said A Western reporter said the convoj of 72 tanks and .'•MMI lorries. Stopped by barricades on
      UPI; Reuter  -  180 words
  • 518 1  -  LEONG WENG KAM Subsidy for Malay students Ry EDUCATION Ministei Tony Tan urged the Mala. < (immunity yesterday t consider sei iously a pro pc.sal to chnagS the system of financing Malay stu dents in tertiary institutmns Describing 'he proposal, made by Fust Deputy Prime
    518 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 20 1 INVESTMENT ROLEX RICOH FAXIO Super-easy user-friendly fax auton mmm mwr^^m\y-^J~^ *m- 1/^ Wywy I'rivate Limited M AW m ms m
      20 words
    • 20 1 Full report: Page 25 Singapore market round-up: Page 26 More reports and pictures: Pages 6 and 7 Editorial: Page 20
      20 words
    • 76 1 MATCHMAKING FOR MARRIED COUPLES 1 mun tn liishan pro vides SUCh a sin/,, Why il" married cou pies noed a match mm SEOUL SPECIALS tint Seoul man, ht Low, on kances m tn day s fn, World thowdown against South K.m a I'lus nth > Seoul specials STOOD UP BY
      76 words
    • 48 1 m^L\ m m-mtmfmm****, 'mm V sJ^ __P U Tel: *****9. J3*__f^_C_t *****00 #PtiPi# PHILIPS HOW TO PREVENT FLUCTUATIONS IN THE STOCK MARKET I m^mmm mmmmmmmmmm mn_^ m '*^m__2_\_m Wmm*mm\mmt "^_________t3__L 3lwM_S_B-a_7_<-S__a_«S_S_B_BKfl_B_EZ_l_K_B-BSf*>«w^_d_B ___M___i^_____l lIM O— -> I»M— il HI lll« I I fttem ut two signal '.iliiil; i Plaza [j^^2_£______2
      48 words

    • 357 2 Major survey on ALS M OK survey began yesterdaj as the first step in i study on the effect* thai the changes to the Area Licensing' Scheme nil] have nrhen the) come inte effect next iininlh The r >r> .tMKi survey, ihe inei-, i major in the 11 years
      357 words
    • 271 2 TIIK STRAITS TIMFS BAYS! HAS China's paramount leader Unix Mao ping loNt the mandate of heaven? II would In Had If he makes an ignominious exit for he ha* done a lot for China. Rut he must accept that the countrywide protest* are at. exp sion of the will
      271 words
    • 58 2 NUS and NTI: THE BEST ENTER \KF admission criteria to Nl I and Ml adequate assessments of a person's potential? Adi NUS and NTI i.s baaed on examinations, rhe best candidates enter, say three readers This system i.s fair accountable to the p ibllc and absolutely objective, the sa)
      58 words
    • 235 2 2 politicians charged THO Japanese politicians, including I close aide to former Prime Minister- Yasuhiro Nakasone, were indicted for taking bribe! in the Recruit share scandal The public broadcasting network NHK said Tak ao Kujinami. 56, chief Cabinet secretary under Mi Nakasone, and Katsuya Ikeda 52, of
      235 words
    • 236 2 Goals galore ITALIAN Pint Division leaders Intel na/ionale and N'apoli ran riot on Sunday scoring iu goals between them in the 1. .-ague matches inter loie the defence of lowly placed Hologna for a 14 win which was theii most convincing perfOT mance in a near flawless season Diego
      236 words
    • 507 2 Getting to know you I OK.iIV. a sense of community is a task which goes beyond ihc confines nf the classroom at As sumption English School Almost a Singapore m miniature, the school is a place to find out more abOUt other people's cultures The feu formal plans
      507 words
    • 160 2 S'PORE AIMS TO ATTRACT MORE CAPTIVE INSURERS SIM, \POI.I -.slireis i 'ed her <• i 'apti> enl "in house m.sii! .i;. insui am e needs Finance Min lu yesterdaj said the Republi< benefit from thii that 1 1 amis "t< insurai i I>r llu Who the Mon.' Authoi it.
      160 words
    • 168 2 Marcos ban stays IMF Philippine government yesterdaj decided not io allow deposed president Ferdinand Marcos to eiur ri home dead or alive and plan was in place for any unrest stemming from this poh. Several Cabinel mil meeting with President nd aimed forces i ers,
      168 words
    • 51 2 Buyers' Guide SECTION II Appt t IV II 1 > Product Advertiser Sectton/Pafe j Sinj^. ■w C* CtttM HUM Comput* Caattn touw I C«wit< |g C'tdß Cird o*p Star* i Dtftttl M«* fnftn**rt>t 4 I lhUMtton ftuixi M rrUrK.i*l MtuHw Mot* ■«rti Ctßtlt > .4 Halt* ■VMM 1 1 |M
      51 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 391 2 Jh^^^ "^^-4 P V 767A Restaurant Bar Disco A a^r^. f /'.//7v u7/// ies TGIF in a fun fieM atmosphere of v* bul I oons und colour on the 23rd 2 Ith of May will be closed from 1.30p.m to 9p.m on 2.Jrd "t M,i\ 1989 f after which we
      391 words

  • around the WORLD
    • 306 3 'Anti-US' week by Seoul students SEOUL South Korean radical students kicked off an "anti- American week yesterday to push de mands for a I'S apology for Its role m crushing a bloody 19H0 civil nprlstng and the removal of Aniei i can military bases As they did so. IM pro
      Reuter; AP  -  306 words
    • 237 3  -  ALAN HUBBARD By furofif IJitor 1.l >NIX)N In one of its most controversial moves yet, the British government has called on top industrialists from the private sector to help run the state funded National Health Service A new board chaired by Health Secretaiy Kenneth Clarke
      237 words
    • 159 3 Egypt back at Arab council CASABLANCA (MOTOCi 0) Egypt officially return Od to the Arab League Ministerial Council on Sun day when its Foreign Mm ister took his place al i meeting here to prepare for an Aiah summit starting today The ministers, who uill SOt the stage for a
      AFP; UPI  -  159 words
    • 468 3 MOSCOW A Soviet s|K)kesman yesterday said SMther ITU British nation als may have to leave the Soviet Union as a result of decision to set .1 c|iic>la for British citizen., work ing in the country Foreign Ministry spokes man Clennady Cerasimov said
      Reuter  -  468 words
    • 420 3 Soviet leaders meet as reformists step up demands MOSCOW Soviet Com munis! I'u ty policy mak ers were summoned to a meeting yesterday after reformists led by ousted Politburo member Boris Yeltsin demanded a major overhaul of the country's institution! I .iss news agency an BOUIIced the Central Com finite.'
      Reuter; AP  -  420 words
    • 480 3 Bush warns European allies: Don't be complacent BOSTON US I'm QeorgC Bush lias war ned his European allies to avoid a "growing compla cency" in the face of thi' Soviet Union's nulitai v and political Initiatives Speaking at B gl adua lion ceremony at Boston Ualversit) on Sunday, where
      NYT; AP  -  480 words
    • 121 3 London Professor Sta lohn Hicks, the first Brit on to win a Nobel prize foi economics, died on Satin d.iv at the age of Ha, his family said on Sunday Sir John was awarded i knighthood in 1%-t fet set Ices to
      Reuter  -  121 words
    • 468 4 The Recruit scandal 1 1 »KYi i l'wo Japanese politicians. Including a .lose aide to formei fume Ministei Yasuhiro Nakasone, were Indicted I. i taking billies m a ma jor scandal, the public broadcasting net work MIK reported yes tenlav MIK said Takao
      Reuter; UPI; AP  -  468 words
    • 182 4 I'ANHI.I.KA Prime Minister hob Hawke said yesterday Australia will not sign a proposed International trea ty to control mining in Antarctica but win push foi it to be declared a pm lected wilderness park He said Australia would seek stron get protect lfla for Antarctica than
      AP  -  182 words
    • 560 4 Document shows him admonishing one-time heir apparent LONDON Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini's son. Ahmad, has emerged a.s a prime contender to inherit his father's authority, a document written by Ahmad Khomeini to the top leadership reveals. The document was addressed to Ayatollah Hussein Ali
      NYT  -  560 words
    • 395 4 Kabul regime offers guerillas autonomy in bid to end war KABUL President Najibullah has launched a fresh drive to end the Afghan war hy extending the state of emergency and offering the mujahideen groups autonomy in the regions under theii conti ol While the la-sieged east ern city of .lalalahad
      Reuter; AP; AFP  -  395 words
      • 302 6 BEIJU 'iu's in charge in ('hina'' The Communist newspaper and the usually reliable souice for the of filial line, the People's Daily. was no guide yesterday 'iNvo apparently conflicting party factions, struggling for power in inner councils, com peted for space on ihr* front page
        Reuter  -  302 words
      • 526 6 YORK Wh.'ii Mr Pi ime Ministei in P.W7, emerging leading membei of Hie younger genet al ion read) to take powei fiom the older leaders, there n uhv mus question h> aelect the. i ithei inn cm. i.ii and Ministei of
        NYT; Reuter  -  526 words
      • 746 6  -  RICHARD BERNSTEIN By v. HI-"-, one nf China 'a Btudort hungei sir Ucera laid laat aack that fill demand was fai i beautiful, porfoct system, he was tint merely beinfl naive He wmm reflecting the yeoi a in^ (.ii restored national lhal has led
        NYT  -  746 words
      • 323 6 The day Beijing switched off the TV I.KI.IINC Nothing so confii med the power of television as a force in world opinion as Ihe dra malic live broadcasts lo the United States last Kii day night of Chinese hn i earn rats shutting the net works down The Chinese officials
        NYT  -  323 words
      • 545 6 We have towels for tear gas and maybe buckets of cement to make road blocks, but besides that, we come just as we are people. A metil worker BEIJING When a small convoy of military trucks used to launch lear gas and
        NYT; AP  -  545 words
      • 152 6 1.l- 1.l INC. I .ove blossomed mud the liannei s and barricades of i enti ai Beijin Sunday night when two 'hi' students tool. break ft om pro democi at > pi otesl t< lli.ll 1 led Lt i .u and /.hao Ming braved i uiiioiu
        Reuter  -  152 words
      • 683 6 l».va,< tut esolve i end Ihe m Ihe small i nmhei of |¥-u the populai i i ii ii r.ui u I hina md then own injum lion lhal leaves th'": All!) the il These sre the de makers and ihe ihm. UAOnNO
        NYT  -  683 words
      • 608 7 I.KIJIN(. China's senior leadei Deng Xiaoping was jiersonally in volved in the decision to Impose martial law in Beijing, unleashing a political storm that could have far-reaching coavxiuences in thc top leadership, Chinese and diplo matic sources said here yesterday Diplomats
        AFP  -  608 words
      • 473 7 Extravagant and conflicting rumours sweep the city hourly BEIJING Truth, "the first casualty when war comes" as a politician said, is looking battered and bruised by Beijing's pro-democracy rebellion and leadership crisis. Extravagant and conflicting rumours sweep the capital hourly, confusion reigns in the
        Reuter  -  473 words
      • 322 7  -  CATHERINE C. ONG By Hongkong correspondent HON(.K<)N<. The biggest outpouring of nationalist emotions seen here ha.s shat tered UM popular belief that Hongkong people are politically apathetic, and may al so derail on-going efforts to draft the territory's fuiure Constitution, observers said yesterday
        322 words
      • 395 7  - Students disappointed some leaders are not supportive KHAW WEI KANG By THE mood In B< 'ijing remains defiant and the demonstrators are disappoint ed at Ihe lack nf political support from some prominent Chines,' leaders, scv eral Chines. 1 journalists and student leaders said in telephone interviews with The Straits
        AP  -  395 words
    • 328 8 NORTHAMPTI »N Massa i husetti I Amei ican campuses have lieen swept bv a sci ii-s ul ia, nu a dents Intel) which educa ton say reflecl deep sti. uns betweeu m.i. sad while sluilenis White itudenta ai en pressing then resentment at
      NYT  -  328 words
    • 95 8 BARCELONA (Spain) A faulty lift plunged eight floors into a base ment on Sunday, killing seven psopls The seven were visit uiK thr 'ir sick relatives ir a hospital near Harcelo na. a hospital ■pokeSßMa said Initial investigations suggested that the accident, which
      AFP  -  95 words
    • 415 8  -  PETER HAZELHURST Freight companies act to tap new giowing market lor holidays at sea By fokfM Conrspondi'iit TOKYO Japans flipping industry, hard hit by a reces sion. is building a new fleet of luxury liners designed to car ry wealthy Japanese tourists
      415 words
    • 266 8 NEW DELHI The Chai m is going oui of the snake charming hua and the remaining practi turners aie s.n ting 10 van ish from the land where then anctenl ai t was .*>i n llungei haunts them police chase them i gists despise
      AP  -  266 words
    • 132 8 MOSCOW Seventeen year-old schoolgirl Yulia Sukhanova was crowned Miss ussh on Sunday, defeating M othei contestants tn the country's first nattonwldi beauty pageant Miss 9ukhanova, i 1 .72-metre tall blonde from Moscow eras choooa hy hoih the competition's jury and television viewers Miss Ann..
      Reuter; UPI  -  132 words
    • 383 8 Le Carre comes in from the cold in Soviet Union LONDON Jobs Ls Csirt has truly come in from the old Long denounced in the Soviet I'nion SI an apologist for the Cold War. he now IgpSSffl set to Income a best selling author in Moscow His latest sp> novel.
      NYT  -  383 words
    • 129 9 Grease in Gaza knows no sides .AZA Isi aeii li oops. forevei searching foi new wsyi to combat the 17 month old Palestinian n v oil in the occupied tern lories tried greaslag sheets in GaSS Ot) tO stop demoiistratois gath ering and to prevent them from fleeing "The ai
      Reuter  -  129 words
    • 131 9 Nobel-style prize for music STOCKHOLM The loi mer manager of Sweden's most successful pop group Abba one of whose hits was Money, Money. Money has set up new Noheistyle prize for music with some of the money he has earned TIH l'Ss7 million (SHS I million) will come from the
      Reuter  -  131 words
    • 513 9 JERUSAI I- M Israeli ll .Mips ai I led out the Mg gesl single round up of Palestiniani dm nm the 1 I monlh old upi ismg in Ihe I ICCUpied Tei i ItOI ies arresting Bfl sctivtsti of the Islamic resistance movement,
      Reuter; AP  -  513 words
    • 428 9 OSWIKCIM (Poland) A convent at Auschwitz, the former Nazi death camp where four million died during World War 11. has provoked a row that is souring relations between world Jewry and the Catholic Church. Jewish leaders outside Poland rlemand ihr- re moval
      Reuter  -  428 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 135 3 45KF0/? mmWmmmm I^^^B ONIIT FROM BROTHER The fastest in its class fci N. The new Bother M-4018C «L With i Bl in re time Ami in i >s Hot your oftic e till' fc R^_ Then moil.- Db^ '^Bk v r ______f______b Then ask .dp .ut the hu inability _^*________M___fl__.
      135 words
    • 147 3 l«D©(Dffl HIIRaHI Capturing the future today. A totally new concept foi 21st Century pho cated bun tions ol the SLR With Ricoh's tography Ricoh has ingeniously designed the newly designed compact Ix autofoi ns /oom bihnistu state ot thc ait camera The MI RAI, lens built In, it makes great
      147 words

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 160 4 fl fl nl m \\wWT\ mrn^^Z. if 1/ -Ml I f/f WM CM* f _^_m_m§ fl )KmOM ___^_m W _^MJ _fl I fl __fl mt fl >_*-* a ___K_/ -'2? fl __________________r^^______ fl IIEM lP> in ___L__fl B fl ____fl "JB i ___r__r i ■■■^_______SP----a____________^ flfl fl ____P J _____M*-______________
      160 words
    • 232 4 I^^PUBUC TALKON I cSacaeww I DR HANS MORAWA All future oriented company executives and managers are cordially invited to an introductory session on OUICKSTORMING with Dr Hans Mor.iwa DATE 25th May 1989 VENUE Hibiscus Room, Shangn La Hotel TIME 2pm spm ADMISSION FREE OUICKSTORMING is a striking new approach to
      232 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 167 5 cMi' J '*i I **J__fn_HHslP\ if *^rl l l&±w9a^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^l *\am]Bm^m^m^m^m^m^m^m^m^m^m^m^m^m^m^m^m^m^m^m^m^m^m^m^m^m 11^^^^,...'-,*^ .^_ti&l^^^^^^^^^^fl^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H ll___L__. -t' f y r T"-'> ir "gi' ___________________________l_________ ''^-*Q_^^^l^^^^^^^^B&^^!ap9^^^lin^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H *^Va______________________________B s v __Uk_a________, _i__nii_i a _j '^T_________________________________________ _>ji_.'_'' j j-'-T?..'. *'*J_y ____________________________________________EVa_7t_r7' 7 r^f^^l____nLaa k a 3_____PlaP^^ "flKfir I H <^E______H_£s2. ,c I v a Ol introducing
      167 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 493 7 II MM 'Mm ■il if____£_.' P^^Tl Pi H n Ja_&_; lh Bl 1 1 ji ________Piß ttrf T__-C-_-i > *^B_____ __r_fcKu____PiSM__l _____________________________>■ __P^^ l____ HI wfA^mk II lr '__rT J il I |W^l El llf__l s__i mw^^my^KmF^^ t .1 Si_______h ___H i_E______l ______J________rl____j_^^ ____k3 ____> 1 ---k. -Jl Q______l Sill
      493 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 497 8 Thomson VTH 200.% It's one VCR you can't switch on. Because the VTH 200 switches on automatically, when you load a video of the year's programmes, at any one time, is a feat indeed, cassette! We call it the "AUTO POWER ON." It's a feature you won't find in We've
      497 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 440 9 We've been safeguarding our customers' assets since 1857 sm\: 77 an mmm CP fA J T rA. I __T UJ I W' mL-^* mm mi __j ______^__H j world markets in turmoil contactwith all th^mTOrtandcurrency values changing anl equity and bond markets D) the minute, where do you turn and
      440 words

    • 507 10  - Dead or alive Manila ban on Marcos stays ABBY TAN Hy Mi \U MANILA The Philippine eovernmenl yesterday de dded noi clow d< president Ferdinand M.n cos io retui n home dead ut alive, ami said ontingen Cy plan MM i'i I' I any iiiuesi stemming from this policy Seve
      507 words
    • 251 10 Fires in Philippines leave 14 dead and thousands homeless MANILA Fourteen peo pie were killed and about 1 .IMM) families were left homeless as separate fires swept throußh crowded districts in the capital and a nearby city, officials mid yesterday In the central port city of Cebu, a predawn fire
      AF  -  251 words
    • 209 10 JAKARTA President Suharto ha.s described this month's launch of Indone sia's 6th Five Year Devel opment Plan as a "second national reawakening and said it would brin« the country in lint with the more developed nations, the Indonesian observer reported yesterday He said that Indonesia no
      209 words
    • 86 10 BANDAR SERI BKGAWAN A book telling the story of Brunei's ruler is selling like hot cakes in the Sultanate, The Borneo Bulletin reported. The paper quoted the publishers, Weidenfeld and Nicholson, as saying that 500 copies have already been sold and 400 more
      86 words
    • 546 11  -  TAN LIAN CHOO Border village reduced to ashes, $1.5m of property destroyed By H.t'igkok Correspondent HANI.K..K lhe in. 11 Foreigfl Ministry yeatet day summoned BursSßßt ambassador Nyunt Swe to protest against I Burmese ana) operation which reduced a Thai border vii la^e tn ashes
      Reuter  -  546 words
    • 253 11 JAKARTA rhirt) peo plB were killed and more than lit) are missing aftei their ship apslxed in rough mms off the Indone sian resort island of Hali at the weekend, t March BBd rescue official said About 11.7 people had been
      Reuter; AFP  -  253 words
    • 91 11 BANGKOK Assassins yesterday killeil a Thai local official anil busi nessman who hail survived BBVCn Bl tempos on his life since mni IW.' Police said an unidentified man threw a grenade that instantly killed Mr Ravi Chalchanawoni as he stepped from his
      Reuter  -  91 words
    • 179 11 Marijuana plantation linked to outlawed group HAM. AH ACEH I Indone a i.uge marijuana plantation found recently in Indonesia 'i northern pro* in f At eb m.iy have been run by gyndi Cite linked Ul a local se ,.i latisi movement, indone sian police said vestetda.. "The syndicate possihlv involved
      AFP  -  179 words
    • 325 11  - Border checks for illegal Thai labour agents TAN LIAN CHOO BANGKOK Ihaiauihoi ities have launched .1 eia.kdown along the tmi der with Malaysia looking out for lui^us tom opera toi s who ai e a. t ua l ly smuggling Thai lalxuneis to work abi oad Mi PraeOUg Kananan. deput)
      325 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 88 10 <*_ II am-' -.d3C____|V I'VE HAD AN OLD CAR I'VE HAD AN ECONOMICAL CAR —j. <rit I'VE HAD A PRACTICAL CAR BUT I'VE ALWAYS COVETED AN EXECUTIVE CAR *_Jvißßk_ M —^PP iF^W L /J^B^^ _J ll* "^_T T^ l-^^Efm^mW" ..A 1 1 ißim__________________Mr n^l^^«mfia^___^Sadl I' Ml mM h________________l 1 f
      88 words
    • 804 10 Y SmGAPORE INSTITUTE QF Mi\NAGEMRNT"sm| Assertiveness Skills for Managers Singapore, June 28 30, 1989 Ttie aim ol Uns workshop is to teach negotiate diplomatically managers how to influence others without being take charge m their iobs ive or manipulative handle conflict with strength and tt f $pmclmlly daahjnad tor decisiveness
      804 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 31 11 Gtycom Systems gives you Communication Machines Forlne future... Z /^a___________B-> Digital cy rstsphons /[•Jf LJ I W** I I I y^^mf B I I I I I a _^^_______________P9___^P^_rTk a lPV
      31 words
    • 314 11 SHOP WITH CON AT t Wqaovmx »-«-m»i irop a* kb ->oc'vn»« -o>o*tt p'io'-m U>»o-»' (Awt aniwanng fnocNnat »t»clnyK w* rofcuKWyi I doci** ;or^pu)ta ec 111 /VIURATA M -1 HIGHSPEED* PORTABLE FAX MACHINE EXPORT \o^n [English PRKI I»JT*/W version] i 1 I SHARP SAfl/VO 1 Fax Machines are also available J
      314 words

  • across the CAUSEWAY
    • 411 12 Johor to start drive to woo nation's jobless Unemployed urged to work in its factories JOHOR HAKI 10h,,. will mount a nationwide exerclae to encourage un employed OCOpIC to ome to wm k m f.u tot ies in the slate. The .Stat repotted yesterday State Economic Devel opment or |mh
      411 words
    • 391 12 Chinese want economic policy 'based on merit' KUALA LUMPUR The general i espouse of the Chinese .ommunitv to wards the post IHQ nation al economic policy is that it should tie based on BBBd and merit rather than on a qUßta system, the deputy president of the Malaysian Chinese Association.
      NST  -  391 words
    • 146 12 Cops foil mugging attempt on MP MV. YORK TWO men who allegedly knoced Malaysian polttlclßß 0 the ground during an at empt ed robbery were captured at the waakand ;.fte they fled into a Manhattan subway tunnel, pottCß said. Ihe DoNtlciaa. Dr Goh (heng Teik. 46, a member of the
      UPI  -  146 words
    • 325 12 Anti-palm oil issue: Bush pledges action ROSTI I lilted Slates President ieorge Hush has assui ed Pi Ime Ministei Datuk Set i Di Mahathir Mohamad that he will aei on allegations that the I had Ix-eri unfail to Malav sia 111 Its effoi Is to ...lintel .1 rampai palm oil
      Bernama  -  325 words
    • 192 12 Kl A I A t IMI'I K Ihere is BO niM-essity for light an ci aft operators to move out of Subang inter national air poi i (»< the traffic there is under i outi oi, Transport Minis let Datuk Dr I.
      NST  -  192 words
    • 64 12 Kl \l LUMPUR Ihe nmenl will issue fish mlti to al .'..'Ha un i traditional fishei men. Agriculture Minister Datuk Sen S.inusi Junid said yesterda) He said his ministry and the t-'ishei ies I lepai iment took the (Its ision as p.u t „f effui Is 1,. Immisl
      Bernama  -  64 words
    • 377 13  -  Kalimullah Hassan Hy KUALA I I MPCK Huh lit confidence in the gov eminent has improved ligatfiCßßtl) since last is pioven by lhe National Front victories ka the Aaapaag Java and Bea tong b> -elections, Informs HOB Minister Datuk Mohamed Pah ma I
      377 words
    • 511 13 Meeting to be held next month to draw up charter Kl AIA LUMPUR An affiliate of the Malaysian I i -.ides UaiOß Congress MICC. has invited 2f.1l trade unions to attend a meeting next month to di aw up a char ter for a
      511 words
    • 238 13 Election official raps those who don't register KUALA LUMPUR Ihose in the uppet seg ment of society living in urban areas are among the large numbers of people who have yet to registei as voters, election commis sion se. •retary Abdul Rashid Abdul Rahman said yesterdav He said this was
      Bernama  -  238 words
    • 35 13 MALAYSIA An lines (MAS) is organising a sei ies of study tours to Pulau l«ing Kiwi for fOTOlga Have! agents beginning end of this month, to promote the island 11 a toiuisi attraction
      35 words
    • 153 13  - KL to seek freer flow of information in Asean KALIMULLAH HASSAN KUALA LUMPUR Ma lavsia will ask for a freei flow of information at the first Asean Informal ion Ministei s Conference be ginning in Jakarta tomor rau Malaysia will also seek to make the Malay lan guage the lingua
      153 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 318 12 SIEMENS _________j___T ?iPB _____fl _______Bfr 1 ______F <■& ,2H %!?^^_________________________________________________B________ <3s_H ___r K _______1 ___L____^ ________r _l__________________nß^_E________________________________________________________________________________ fl __________F *Ifi fc* "^>*s __B M ms*y& mm '9 P Spl KB' _^HB^^^^^^^^^^^|Bp iA l______ "A _B>. ?l__-__/ flflflflflflflflflfl fl _______Lr®^'' v\ fl fl ______i___^__?'i %__i_c. 4 fll fl __l _l B
      318 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 149 13 W¥~^ t^^~ mMM -a-B^ «J___________^ _L Ammmm. J**m¥r BBt -^^__k Ran, v that I An extravagant business lurn h complete with lashion show t only $19 pet prison I very [iiesday noon al Blooms ontinental Restauranl it s unlimited helpings ol .1 lavish spread ol mouthwatering appetisers and tantalising desserts
      149 words
    • 482 13 TOO YOUNG TO BE FAT! Sheila Cim Lost I 7 I kgs _________d now T^fi JH jn n BEFORE ____B_____B______l_____________L T B HW^H_B At sweet sixteen Sheila Sim's looking her best because she's not overweight like she used to be As a result of Slimming Nutritional Centre s nutr.tionaHybalanced programme,
      482 words

  • HOME
    • Francis Seow's tax evasion case
      • 1189 14 On March 15 this court granted the defence an eight-week adjournment to give Seow sufficient time to return. We now learn, not from countei but from the newspapers, that Seow intends to remain in the US for a year or more. He
        1,189 words
      • 745 14 I never alleged QC consciously misled court, says DPP Counsel Ross-Munro argued that there were no grounds to accuse him DEPUTY Public Prosecutor I^awrence Ang. responding to a complaint by Queen's Counsel Colin Ross-Munro, maintained that the court had been misled over Francis Seow's medical condition. But he accepted that
        745 words
      • 639 14 1. i that our Client's **********88 oro iBSgBBBBBSfcSBI amaaiamama aa Or siatara p_paeßß aaß-StBaB— BBBB that to* nma t__4 aapi_» tlao to «lvo rmiM oooworo to Mm *>roaaaut_a«.'a _SI_BB-llBBS_ J. th. 11. 5.M X think yew atooMld Inform th* Court tha* daaptta your rapaatatf attaa*>ta you
        639 words
      • 613 14 Law Society looking into complaint against DPP THF La* Societ> is ones tigating complaint against Deputy Public Prosecutor I .aw renee Ang for alleged professional misconduct in the way he handled Fran, is Seow's trial for tax evasion An Inquiry panel will bt appointed to Investigate the complaint hy Seow
        613 words
    • 548 15  -  RAV DHALIWAL It will gather intormation to provide a picture of traffic conditions By A M VU >U ,111 \e> to |atb ei inloi man mi whi. h will lx- used to assess the im pa. i if changes lo tl ea
      548 words
    • 481 15 MOTORCYCLE dealer. have appealed lo the gov finnifiit lo ifscind Ihe $l An-. i Licensing Scheme lee which will tn- Imposed OB motcit hikes thai enter the Restricted Zone from July hut the answet is ihe levy win have to he paid I tie
      481 words
    • 198 15 Cisco doubles staff to man gantries IHI' i 'ommei rial ami In diisti ni Security Coi pot a tion (CISCO) has doubled its pool .>f women consts hies to prepare for the ex tension of the Area Ll censing Scheme (ALS) into the evening )>eak inland ll has added ailothei
      198 words
    • 520 15  -  Francesca Nathan By [HE increasing BUIttbSI Ot beauty pageants abi oa.t has led to ol ganiseis here l esoi tint; to holding I'" sl I oiilest.s by mail Hie example was yestet day's Miss SlagS pore Slobe 1989 contest in which Miss
      520 words
    • 591 16 Malay culture forum draws non-Malays QUITE B number Of non Malays who attended last night 'l forum on M.i I.i > .•ulture prohabl. uenl liotne Bflth a better understanding of their Malay neighl>out s The forum wimii featured three speakers shed some lltlll on Ihr VM. ous BflpSCtfl of Malav
      591 words
    • 61 16 CULTURAL SNAPSHOTS 2 During Community Weok, The Straits Time* I* giving a dally guide to reader* on the customs and practices of ihe various communities. Weddings when iwo people pledge to spend the rest of their lives together are consecrated differently by the different races. But they all have one
      61 words
    • 145 16 IHK highlight of a Malay marriage is the t>crs;in(linK ceremony where Ixith the bride and groom sil side by side on a petmmlu (bridal dais) which is usually swathed in velvet and decorated with lights and flowers This "sitting in state" symbolises Ihe
      145 words
    • 158 16 MOST brides have their wedding ring placed on their finger, but a Hindu bride gets hers on her toes The groom places the ring on his bride's toes as she rests hei foot on a grinding stone an art which symbolises her faith in her husband.
      158 words
    • 143 16 SERVING tea fut rus a crucial part of the Chinese wedding The bride and groom serve tea to their elders as a sign of res|>ect The ceremony is first i arried out ni the groom's house followed by a similar- ceremony at the br nies
      143 words
    • 85 16 Eurasians: Farewell toast IN TRADITIONAL Portuguese Kurasian families, before the bride leaves for the church, her father proposes a toast, and family and friends drink lo her new married life The father of the BtMMB BBBi likewise Before the groom leaves for the wadding ceremony The toasts are ,1 farewell
      85 words
    • 629 16  -  LAI YEW KONG Picture and story by THERE was an abundance of sun, sweat and sand when _7 vintage-car driv tn pushed their prized ja lopies through 400 km of mnd and mudtracks in the Dickson Vintage Equator Hun 'H9 from Singapore to
      629 words
    • 547 17  -  SERENA TOH By THF sound of running w.i ter and the din from the television set are music to the "MBBic" ears of two people who can hear again, after having lived in a silent world for yeais Law graduate Linda Soh,
      547 words
      • 128 17 GET SH foi a bumpy ti deal < West Leisure I'ark in .lurong lhe amusement park's .v.itei bornß versions of dodgem cars are proving populai espedall) on weekend aftei noons For %>, a visitor ran s|>er.»i about IS minutes trying to bump or
        128 words
      • 136 17 A SHOPLIFTER tinned out to lie Ihe secuntv guard hired _BJf I store to catch thieves He was < aught by I fellow guard Chua Kim Wah, T>X, then employed by 'iougang Oriental Superstore, pleaded guilty in a district court vesterdav to stealing a I shirt
        136 words
      • 126 17 MANY forniei residents of the southern islands, now resettled in mainland Singapore, recalled fond memories when they revi' ed the s;tiling of small unmanned boatf called jorit\' off West Coast Park on Sunday JomgTMCm WBre once populai Malay activity on the islands Sunday's event, like in
        126 words
      • 139 17 IF DONNING a cowboy hat and heading for the mountains, guitar in hand, is not possible, tt. heading for the DBS Auditorium tonight From H pm, the auditorium will lie filled with the sounds of two Amet ican COUntl v music groups the Wildcats and the Kentucky
        139 words
      • 175 17 MORE t ban 1,000 .sen ioi citizens were treated to lunch al lhe Chee long Temple in Hougang Avenue yestei I be temple, celebrating the '/xth annivi of the descent of lis deity, also gave a. /idfij.'/uii.iinl b, uiipeis to then guests, who were eithei social welfare
        175 words
    • 131 18 'Taiwanese on fake notes charge 1 ,\l\S ANESE business man was charged IB dis Hut court yesterday with j conspiring lo traffic in I i oiintei feit IIS currency i notes Yang Shao n.«. M, is alleged to have conspired vMlh Ho Kian Chan. M, i Singaporean businessman, to traffic
      131 words
    • 130 18 Girl chances on body of death-fall brother HOOU-IRI. ou hei wa) i" hooi stumbled up hod) of hei youngoi hrotht'i sl the fool Mock of flats PAI I) yesler lid lhe 16 yen li i round hot brothei l ot, Kwang I .■tn: 1 Unu: m fronl >f Rio. i
      130 words
    • 540 18  -  MATHEW PEREIRA Drill the highlight of first joint Malaysia-Singapore land exercise By MALAYSIAN troops, who arrived hen- on Sunday fm a seven dav training stint, quickly k'ot down to brass lacks yesterdaj bj fine tuning then weapons m preparation foi tomo. row's live firing
      540 words
    • 277 18 Illegal workers INDIAN authorities intend to nip thr problem ol ille Kai workers ,ind u\. its at th. 1 MMarCB l>> making it mure difficult for them to OBBM IMB It is learnt thai Indian offi. lals want the visa ie ipnremenls for lnilian.s
      277 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 168 14 llu- p /m, .1. ii associated with .mu- .>! toe moet ocnitilol v. kinese art-man in history Wane naa lince been li'.ilonil pn MiinunlK in I.i i .i I>. hi new romance atones llu mu'll.'w serenades exuaiv I r mii tlu- f>> f.i easil> explain win tin- iii-tniiiu nt
      168 words
    • 78 14 TIMES Good English Guides I TIMKS DICTIONARY (IK PROVKRHS I lus unprehensive t. ten n, e contains more than >ihi pi, iverhs ni tin I nglish l.n I ,i. h proverb is i lead) explained md include! .it least one example ol how the proverb i v used mi i.enda.
      78 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 92 15 INTERNATIONAL MARKETING PROGRAM Juno 19 23, 1909 Cape Sheraton Hotel Phuket, Thailand lotntly orq.niccd by Faculty ot Business Administration, National University of Singapore and Human Resources Institute, Thammasat University An Intensive Residential EXECUTIVE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM Changing Global Market Scene Attractiveness of Market and Entry Strategies International Marketing Strateqies Market
      92 words
    • 173 15 "Over 50,000 computer users in Australia trust Imagineering's ULTRA PC. Shouldn't you?" Imagineering is a big name in the computer industry. )vei corporate users in Au i trust its lati fi >u<.jh tho Ul II.A \X: i ould too. j\ Why'-' iits. Ut It- M|in Imacjineonng is ,iin< tx-st
      173 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 75 16 -I I A M|^^H| I COUNT mmmmmM f^^H^l I ON Ml." mm Mr m WFM M 1-1 lv I___________________________________________________________________________H V^' __T^' 3^>«BPBy Hr ____________________________________________________________________________H J ii v Bk V l-k. Jfl fetaL. ______J _^1 jf^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Hr^ „JB Jl r _____________________t ttfl ■r fek j 9GPg^H|^ Amm^mmmWm W __-_____________________e P^'' -.-.fl ___T
      75 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 187 17 __^^_k r; __^_H ___E Hall l_^____~ H f V jmmmmmmmlrmmWmmi^m^^mmmmmaW^ > <V S, ____%^^___l___. I I I MmWWif wtlr ml ______H_____________i_______: k II BliiiH lll_BBil^Bfci\i 1 I BBlilß^^^BßP^^M« -^________J i jj I H ■>'a_xJ K_r_^ _-_-^_H__P^^_laa--Bil_^^BWßß_B--__SSgS____^^ ________n ____L M _i______i.______H___.______v-^n bX_K-^a!r ■^^^--■--_r^^i B II NEW YORK DETROIT H CHICAGO E
      187 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 511 18 CAREER ADVANCEMENT THRU' CONTINUING EDUCATION COURSES .•■owing Diploma rses beginning in Ww acad member 1989) I OIPLOMA PROGRAMMES TITLE SCHEDULE I TIME FEE SOF GRANT nen! -1 Ju' M E $4 Indi. Ine In Appk Consultant §9 8 Aug 90 I A We' OIPIOMA IN BUSINESS EFFICIENCY AND PRODUCTIVITY Iministratioi
      511 words
    • 191 18 i4je/i /iaf or A Worldwide Tradition of Excellence. l^^^^^^^^P^^^^wß^bmY* A i *m^ i______________M_________________l fl _!___> Hfl fl *^Ww LJU JM*.-.' ___!____l__a_P _F^_ ypyt Vt. *5?« Tm, ___y _e-*___l __^^^>___ _^__________________b Warn m\Xmmm^A^fT^S^i)mm^SSi Ml 1 _______________________________H __________.^^___r^T__W k _L^_X___________r A^___F^ll IM-™ aSuI __________________________H l_____________J f^"BwaßsS ____L* mm -.-..-------------------------------------------------------I Mmmmmr* _l
      191 words

  • around YOUR PLACE
    • 1743 19  - It's tough having to meet both Malay and national needs Rohaniah Saini Face to face WITH YOUR MP Mr Zulkifh Mohammed, 41, MP for Eunos GRC Occupation: Political Secretary to the Minister for Community Development; Assistant Manager, Neptune Orient Lines; President of Majlis Pusat. Former jobs: Executive, Shell Eastern Petroleum
      1,743 words
    • 158 19  -  Kim Keat AT 52, Madam Seel Hock Kee Neo fell she did not look old enough to pass off as a Bamsul woman So sh<drew wrinkles on her Lur The extra touch won her Ihe second prize in a fancy dress contest for senior
      158 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 60 19 l_____i^________l _-_-_------------------------------l xM mW ____________hH______b _________________1 I Nitsuka TWO-GETHER, WE GIVE YOU OUR BEST Ni- ngapore I imm are II elm EFFECTIVI Hii COMMUNICATIONS i. for opt. ty And ibilrty CALL 278- n 'oBB TODAY TWO-GETHER. WE ANSWER YOUR CALL BEST. s ___________<_________. ___r W ___r Lf SINGAPORE COMM f=
      60 words

  • COMMENT/ Perspective
    • The Straits Times
      • 656 20 K< >K centuries, Chinese emperors sought lo legitimise their rule by claiming they had a mandate from Heaven to do so Over time, the notion of power ordained from above has been so ingrained in Chinese thinking lhal even with the arrival of republican government in
        656 words
    • Article, Illustration
      1 20
      1 words
    • 1139 20  -  ALAN HUBBARD Resurgence of support for Labour gives unions confidence By t/iopf ttlitor LONDON Damn il," snoi I ed the city gent, glancing firsl at his Watch and then at the train Indicator hoard which showed mainly cancellations because ot an Industrial dis
      AP  -  1,139 words
    • 1242 20  -  JAMES COTTON But Kuomintang stalwarts continue to resist changes By TAIWANESE Finance Minister Shirley Kuo's presence in Meijmg for an Asian Development Mank meeting on May 5 the first time an official of the Kuomintang government ha.s been there in 411 yeais has undei lined
      AP  -  1,242 words
    • 1364 21  -  KALIMULLAH HASSAN Underestimated politician shows there's more to him than meets the eye Hy of the foreign Desk The fact that the component parties respect Mr Ghafar and that he successfully delivered the seat of Ampang Jaya and contributed largely to
      1,364 words
    • 825 21 High returns from biotech but few firms survive long enough to reap rewards From Tho Economist CALL it a mu ai le (>t maybe madness I iver the past decade, hundreds of tiny blotechnolog) fii ms have sprung up and new ones STB still being created almost every week Few
      825 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 13 20 GANAIJ I I It )N £übor Court SHOPPINC CAllllf iii i_r_t» fm mma
      13 words
    • 84 20 I Based on the research that developed the successful Collins COBIJ1U) English lAinguaye Dictionary 16.90 Now helping even nunc Icatiicts with Real Knglish I I.IMMI ii I. .Irmml n pl, .1.i. u1., 1 ii. i' IS^ 1111.1l MIC I' hi,!! Mird* .m.i in. i vpl.llll. ,1 I. lII'. IMl|.|\ HI
      84 words
    • 88 20 E__^_V_9flHD ini it.Kji ot Swiss m J T /a_f|J nnd dependability you need L____________l_J_sll-_____(l nt the price you like. ...presents your catalogues, price lists, company brochures and many other literature in an attractive style that makes your customers want to read. C3 ■TWapß IBICO SINGAPORE PTE. LTD. 1 j J
      88 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 292 21 MMMMmm* <^^^^M|^«HHHHMaB|H| __S___________bl^^^^^ ,iW >^^ _______________i____ii__i___________ > _____Ml______________. Bh____9l w* _________9^_H____ *-^r ~""""'^^^*^i,-^W^^^H^tß__l l,ul ____K. l^ a '^^^Mßgios si-fA'- "-«s _____________________________________________9__H ~___t_-ZZ^^BBBBBBBBBB__H_________________________________9 ____________________________h .i.^^^^^^ll^...lH_________l^^RiWHNß__^^^^H -I ________________________H___________________________________H ______________________________________________________H____________________________________________ l a -^__J i_^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^| .^^^B^^^^^^^^^L J 9 U_____tl4__y__ii H A^ fl JJL |fl -9 I L _^^^^^H _T5 I I H ____________________________H H
      292 words

    • 1552 22 When judged by Ihe European educational yardstick, some American greduatee border on intellectual incompetence... No graduate will ever pass through the portals of NUS and NTI with such dismally low intellectual skills. In NUS and NTI the emphasis is
      1,552 words
    • Replies
      • 219 22 WK REFER to Ihe letter by "Con corned Volunteer" (ST May IT) sup porting the call for laws to ensure charities are well run The writer may wish lo note ihai the Chanties Act. which i.s an Act lo make provision for the
        219 words
      • 189 22 I'LEASE refer to lhe letter 'Build more executive apart ments Instead of maisonettes" by KC Ng (ST. May ll) The writer suggested that the Hous ing Board build more executive apart ments instead of maisonettes as the former is more popular
        189 words
      • 196 22 Boss sees no merit in part-time degree RECENTLY I enrolled in the Singapore Institute of Management's BSc (Econs) in Management Studies programme When I submitted the application forms for approval, my personnel manager, instead of pledging full support, simply refused io recognise the de pes He cited reasons ranging fltMfl
        196 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 478 22 Same Car %__T__l_ffH_o _p-"V_M > _o ___|BBBBBBBBBBBBk! |I_______B_____fc N i^M_M-HHHnn-HHai«-- nm V X Better Deal AutoPlus It's ,i credit line that's yours automatically with litibank's auto Hnam mg package. You get the convenient e ol an AutoPlus checkbook trom lltibank, wnh a minimum of $5,000 automatically approved. I Ise it
      478 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 345 23 U h > '^^V*- z-v m n *^7\ ________________________________________________________BZT K^^l t? ___r* T__%t_r*-J____sp^______i____a*9C _«i^*^ v^c™^ _____________________l ■s^^^r i^y- -a^jrMl |e». _>«-^r^^ a>^___B^L_s______m____CT_K!--Bwc: ->*-- _-________bJ^^^^Bbbbbbbblbbbb^^l__________________________________________: _________________________________________________________________________i-r _^^m. r *<^BBBBB_______ 'B_____^_____^*"'^______________l_Hi____r____l^^^_____' J__l_r \_a_a __!^BS« ______________H ______r^V ____________________K /^I^ is* 2_!_____S ___.^^l uZI I^^B^^_s^^^^HoH?_n_L____L_H^H_^^^H \mmA a**mMmM mmm, W^*M\ II 5^ l____________l l-*^"! If
      345 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 570 24 C;V? L"•. Jl r Jl Jl "2 Jl '^3 Jl Ji '--M- ---^r V-«-> F--> F"^ tr"^ £7*^* t-^ S"^ J_7--> J^^> f«^-> t^^> f^T> t^-^> <«5> RENO DECOR THE GREATEST RENOVATION INTERIOR DECORATION EVENT WORLD TRADE CENTRE, HALL 6, 19-28 MAY 1989 12 NOON 10 PM ADMISSIONS FREE The
      570 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
      • Article, Illustration
        122 25 Volume: 97.72m units 1.73m) Value: $218. 11m $32.38m) Indices May 18 May 22 ST Industrials 1309 71 1292 74 ST Finance 2359 94 2330 19 ST Hotels 987 52 979 34 ST Properties ***** 704 49 ST Min.ngs 216// 216 79 ST Plantations 1475 72 1473 59 BT Composite
        122 words
      • 54 25 May 22 Chance Kuala Lumpur NST Industrial 2^49 58 1 95 Honfkonf Hand Seng Index 2806 57 339 06 Tokyo Nikkei Stock Average ***** 86 I 66 88 Sydney Australian All Ordinaries 1579 50 '17 10 New York Dow Jones Average (Fn) 2501 10 London Financial Times 30
        54 words
    • 112 25 PRIME RATE Av.rat- Prime lendinj Rate 5.625% Average of Singapore s Big Four Local Banks CUMENCY 1 MTH 3 MTH 6 KITH 9 MTM 1? MTM CAU VAIW DATI US$ 9 9 B'. 8">. 8' I M/5 89 AJ 16'. 16'. 16'. 16 r. 15. 14 H m
      112 words
    • 208 25 DM Y S$ HKJ AJ USJ US) Open ***** 139 35 ***** 7 7920 0 756? ***** Dose 0075 ***** ***** 7 7800 0 7418 ***** Soviet Astltf I Pure r SPOT RATES Singapore dollar* to on* unit of foraign curroncy Buyinc 00 Seine US dollar 1 9550
      208 words
    • 95 25 Physical (SS) Fri Mon Kilobar iMtrJ 100 gm loMfj (0/ ?\u SO gm I is,, 1 N (jm QoMri 4/i> Km US 125 1 |?m \7 Bufon com (Ss/oi) S pore bullion coin /IS I\\ Cinadinn pjjp \y, /44 Australian nu^ft /\l M'> OUB ioM optiom (USJ) lune
      95 words
    • 718 25  -  Catherine C.Ong Nervous investors' sell-out trims 339 points off Hang Seng Index By By Ong. Hongkong Correspondent SHARK priCM on the Hongkong stock market nosedived yester day in the biggest one-day drop of the barometer Hang Seng Index since it plunged moro
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    • 596 25 Select Committee on Companies Bill to hold first meeting today SHARON LAU reviews some of the key issues in the Companies (Amendment) Bill THE eight-member Parliamentary Select Committee appointed to scrutinise the Companies (Amendment) Bill holds its first sitting today to decide whether changes are needed before the Bill goes
      596 words
    • 390 25 S'pore aims to capture more captive insurers SINGAPORE wants more cap tive insurers to locate here Cap live insurers are essentially "in-house" insurance concerns set up by large corporations to over their own insurance Mtd_i Finance Minister Dr Richard Hu yesterday said that the Re public is well-placed to benefit
      390 words
    • 115 25 MORE than 20,000 international participants are expected for two major conferences being held here this week. Starting today is ChemAsia InsirumentAsia AnalabAsiaB9. a 3-in-l conference and exhibition catering to the manufacturing, chemicc.'l, petrochemical and oil refining .sectors. The four-day conference at the World Trade
      115 words
    • 543 27  -  Doreen Siow By I\' THEIR second joint pur rhase In six months. Wing Tal Holdings and United Industrl ii Oorporatioa ere buying up Supreme House, one of the oldest shopping centres m the Orchard Koad area, for $I*VH million The tWO
      543 words
    • 227 27 ML stockbrokers were stumped by the Singapore StOCk exchange's revised bylaws which came into effect yesterday Cet ting copies of Ihe new rules only yesterday did not help The new by laws, which lie came necessary because trad ing on the exchange is now
      227 words
    • 277 27 Amcol buys 15,000 sq m plot to boost capacity AMCoi. Holdings Ltd has quired i 15,806-sq metre plot of land in .lurong as part of its plans to expand its manufacturing operations The $1 million pi operty located close to its present facilities, is expected to serve the group's diversification
      277 words
    • 314 27  -  R. Rajendran By LUBRICANT maker Ime 0 Petroleum Pte Ltd, which has won a COntl ai to produce and market oil lubricants in Southeast Asia fm Japanese oil giant Cosmo < .1. is plan ning a $'..(l million expansion of Us .lurong plant to
      314 words
    • 480 27  -  Chow Chee Sun QCAN a sole proprietor, using a personal ear to carry out his business, elaim for petrol costs aM an expense? Also, to what extent ean he elalm for taxi fares to earry out hls business? AAH costs
      480 words
    • 2218 28 I Ad.u.ted lor new P.r value St unl... otherw... specified P* ration nol ad|u.t*d for currency difference. 1919 Laat Vol Day Net M Cap High Low Company Sale (000) High Low P/l $mll TRANSACTION DATE MAY 22, 89 41 IM.' M*l 4/ Ml \cma 1 130 Ale. II
      2,218 words
    • 713 28 Mood., May >mt 3 30 0 75 A*'., 2,, s t A 16 10 140 Bond Corp Int I 86 O ,0 Bond Cet- "er 91 0 12 O 10 r.Jd!r mao unth Cate da Coral 4 4 Jr^'«-'Co, P 059 *u^ .tn.yP.cA,, 3 5 W Cenlury City
      713 words
    • 558 28 Friday May 19 Pence HINDUSTRIALS AadaMfi ,75 -4 Allied Lyon* 466 >6 Amei 522 21 BTR PLC 402 4 Barclay* 482 4 Beecham 649 22 BICC 530 16 Blue Circle 603 I 21 BOC Group 513 11 Boole 306 5 Boturater 508 1 BATS 569 5 B Airway* 210
      558 words
    • 359 28 «4onday May 23 yen A|inomoto 2770 -30 Aka, 842 3 Amada 1710 -20 Aaahl Cham 1240 U nch Aaahi Qiaa* 2310 to Bank Of Tokyo 1870 unch Bndgeelone 1620 ♦30 Canon 1770 .20 Caaio Computer 1430 u nch Citi/en 1080 10 0 Nip Punt 2430 150 0 Nippon Screen
      359 words
    • 668 28 »rt4ay May 1* M .4" Alumm 3344 unch Alcoa 6 7X X AltoQlntl ,X unch Ai-ad Sig 34X H AllaChalmara Am Branda Inc gaX X An- Cyanamid SSX I Arr Elac Pwr 27% X 4aj Eapraaa 33X Am Homo Prod gr3X 2 Am Motor* Cp Amaa inc 24%
      668 words
    • 387 28 MonOay May 22 CENT4 ajb Abarloyle 490 unch Amat.l 1210 unch Amcor 446 6 Ampol Expl 186 unch Am 91 Nta 360 4 Am 98 Nta 255 unch Am ,41 -1 Am 530 I 4 Anadna Auat 15 -1 Arnotta 590 unch Aahlon 127 -2 Baach 18 Ball Qroup
      387 words
    • 95 28 OCBC OUB UOB DBS TIB POSB OtPOSII RATIS SOMMM I i aoi 1 month 3 munths b month', 4 1? months 4 4 MIAN RATES hroM At Personal/Renovation Hi) to b Up tu 41 Up M Up to -1 rIOMMM 5 Up to II) M Up tu 11.I
      95 words
      • 313 29 KL suffers from bout of selling SELLING pressure and wide spread profit-taking sem ahart prices generally lower acroai the board on the Kuala Inm pin- stock market yesterdaj Buainesa volume waa re dUCOd sharply to around ..< million shares PaperleSO "Score" li.i. lim, will he implemented in tht property section
        NST  -  313 words
      • 403 29 A LACKLUSTRE day on the Tokyo stock market saw prices close mixed in extreme ly liKht trade PllCeS were supported by heavy index linked purchases by investment trusts antl for eitfn securities houses, some of which COUld he futures linked The key 85 share Nikkei In dex firmed $5
        Reuter  -  403 words
      • 280 29 STRONG gains on overseas markets last Friday combined with a woakei Australian dol lat 10 push the Australia! share market sharpl\ hi;. hei yesterday Despite a burst of profit tak in^' shortly before the close thi All .rdinarii's Index was 17 points higher ai 1. Broken said local shares
        Reuter  -  280 words
      • 245 29 MKI. HOI HM Australia's stock market atchdog one of its own staff had been charged with Inside i trading Teh Kiang Lang, a :.i Old Malavsian. oi ested on board an airlinei bound foi Kuala i.umpui ,»i Melbourne International Airport on S.i lur day
        Reuter  -  245 words
    • 422 29 Goodman Fielder sells 29.9 /< stake in .tanks Hovis SYDNEY Kanks Hums McDougall PLC has with drawn h.s offer for < .oodman .older Waltie Ltd. Kanks said in a Statement it look the decision following Goodman's sale of Iti 29.9 |mt cent stake
      Reuter  -  422 words
    • 179 29 Kumpulan Guthrie to list on the KLSE Ki ai.a LUMPUR In Ma laysia's largest sh.tie flotation so far. stale owned l'erinoda lan Nasional Bhd (PNB) will issue part of its HNI |iei cent shareholding In Kumpulan Guthrie Bhd foi listing on the Kuala Lumpur stock Kx change l KLSE) PNB
      Reuter  -  179 words
    • 359 29 Japanese oil firms feeling the pinch as sales boom POKYO stiff competition is saueeslng profits m Japan's oil industrv despite booming sales leading refiners and disliih nton this week and next m expected to epoi t current profits levelled off or inched down in the year ended March 11, industry
      Reuter  -  359 words
    • 321 30 Bush advisers push for freer market forces on greenback NKW YOKK Hush Adminis nation officials aie considei ing a new policy that would allow markets more latitude to push the IS dollar up or down, 'The New York Times reported in its Monday edi tions Such a change would repre
      Reuter  -  321 words
    • 331 30 TOKYO Finance Ministei Tatsuo Murayama said Japan will counter the I 'nited States dollar's rise properly if needed. He told reporter! that pros ent dollar moves are specula tive and temporary and sud .lapan will monitor exchange rate movements closely. He alst) saitl Japan
      Reuter  -  331 words
    • 392 30 Tokyo trading houses to post record profits, say analysts T<»KY<> Japan's major trading houses are e\|M'cted to post record profits in the latest financial year, Snd the vigorous trend will continue for some years to come, share ana lyStS say "Domestic trade ind imports sup purled by domestic demand, and
      Reuter  -  392 words
    • 247 30 Indonesia sees higher oil investments for this year JAKARTA OU exploration activity in Indonesia is expected to further grow this year bfCatlH of an improving Investment climate in the oil sedor. the .President Director of the state oil firm, Pertamina. said yesterday Mr Faisal Abda'oe told a congress of the
      AFP  -  247 words
    • 116 30 TAIPEI Export ordei s for Taiwanese goods fell 4 1 |H«r cent to U555.59 billion (S$lO.K. billion) in April from a record US$5.B3 billion in March and compared with U555.32 billion a year earlier, the Keonomic Ministry said A ministry official attributed the drop to falling
      Reuter  -  116 words

    • 32 26 Up Down Unch Indus! IS 110 1? fllldlHf 1 Motels 1 1 < Pi opt- 1 1 I' 1 1 Mining 1 1 Bunds LOMMI Wits 19 4 Total 3? 198 i-b
      32 words
    • 43 26 Cons SUc 19b *23 hium, hill I lb H 13 Chew ind I 12 (point MIC 254 •12 I una M Boi 130 •(> mM r ioc I i 6 Nat lion 605 G8 Hldgs lOC 181 Borjoya Corpn lb/ b
      43 words
    • 48 26 SI A 1380 bO MBrew llbO bO SIA2OO 1410 30 MycoM Bhd lb? ?8 SriajmMMl bbC MS I SI A loreign 1800 ?0 i) H C 1000 ?0 I N 950 ?0 Mm?, Court 580 ?0 Hoaj i > 284 ?0 Shangnln 900 15 Metro H 7bb lb
      48 words
    • 47 26 lan Choiiß SOc 3 653 m Multi Purpose Chuan Hup Wits H Prop Wil, H6m DBS I and him Promet 585 m Sime Darby SOC .'8 tn Put* Bml 417 m NOI ??36m City Otv l»its 2.157 m UIC OSlm NOI Wrt-, 7 01/ m
      47 words
    • 66 26 Main Board Mond.«y llwrsday lndu'.t' ***** m 41 4// ii: Ftaanci 454 8 004 m MMOM 140 M 2 211 iii 1 is; m MUM LOOM Wit', ?0 0W) ni S4/b m 6 988 m MMMOJ 1 K1 m 1 I MMJ 97 72b m 9b 990 m lutdi
      66 words
    • 84 26 Straits Timet Industrials 19H9 High lilOO? (17 May 89) 1988 High 117/8/ iH Aug 88) 148/ 88 Low /00 4b (7 L> All time High ISOS 40 (26 Aug 87) All time low /4 /b (17 Sep 64) Business Times Composite 1989 High l?03 8b (18 May
      84 words
    • 3718 26 Or a Or a 144* Tal Laat Vol Day Laal Quota OI« Olv Vld Nat M Cap High Low Coda Company Sala I 000) High Low Buyar Sallar Cvr Pit |mll TRANSACTION DATE MAY 22, 1989 144 111 t a 1000 Acma 162 2 89 165 162 162
      3,718 words
    • 1318 26 All shares quoted have a par vakie of Jl. unless otherwise speufied A.l|iisled fw scrip rifhts N lai eiempfed dividend Pt ratios and foss yields ol foreif.ii shares are ad|usteil lot .iirremy differences trustee stocks under CPI Approved Investment Scheme 1 Marjin stocks ABN is traded M lots
      1,318 words
    • 55 26 Manager a price, for OCBCSIMBI Investment Mgt MARA Biinwputra May 23 c i. r Smiapore Unit Trust Oyp nve stment Mft 14 Diamond MGI S pore Asia Unit Trust t DBS Bank IYC AFT Unit Trust Insurance Fund Royal I rust Sp< Am.i UOB Owiaiat >4»ai4a>'» pikm i nr.iu.g
      55 words
    • 414 26 7*4 174 t 154.1 CM Tang Wl *****44 6 744 4%, 14, I ISOO Chuan H U Wrt» W MOO 4 1 W W, 82 t ,501 City Oav Ronda «s I 00 00 4 5 66 17 1502 City Dav WTO 54 1 2157 5/
      414 words
    • 95 26 88 170 t 4000 Amta« fny BJJ 1 4008 Pu|i Otfaat .1* 26 8 7 ,61 .181 5 80 161 41 I 105 61 7 M 410R1144 4014 Mill 701 90 5917! 87 2 n7 67 86* 49 NO 65 7 3 10 0 209 nil ha,, HI 90
      95 words
    • 569 26  - Impact of HK's woes felt by ST Index Steven Pak By PANIC selling on Hongkong's bourse, be of the political tension in ('hina. spilled over to the Singapore stock market yesterday. Its impact caused the Straits Times Industrial Index to suffer its largest sin gle-day decline in more than
      569 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 180 27 A X ITALIAN HI-TECH FOR THE CHEMICAL, PHARMACEUTICAL OIL INDUSTRIES An opportunity to view the latest developments m Jk Italian equipment for the ___k u_uJ— chemical, pharmaceutical Mttt and oil Industrie a] I lhL,--._ CHEMASIA '89 offers the A W^^ trade a chance to meet I [i Jt, some Italian
      180 words
    • 142 27 Our sure-footed project and property management makes you a winner in the long run. fV^VfI^^H^HHH JONES LANG WOOTTON S^^_________________________________________H THE [achievers jj§| JIB i>?mWP ±*am*^m^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Kß^^L ..^f?°jß^fe: _J______B_____________________________________________________________ m^T &£i||^^^H_Bl£_x_. \^r \^r __________________________________l_____klfll^^ I^^ l^_^_^_^_^_^_^_W^_^_^_^_Mm^7 jfJLf jf im^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^w _____r" J '^*^m\ ifL^L^L^L^L^L^m^m^^LMp' mW^a -__t^___k I^^^^^^^^^^^^Hr s_9 lLm^ib-^'"** |Rial-a""^ a'''-' yj_fij _^^^-k
      142 words
    • 18 27 m SEND your financial queries lo Moneywise. The Straits Timaa, Times House. 390 Kim Seng Road, Singapore 0923
      18 words

  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 184 29 "~^^*o Mmm*. m* X> Vt ____________________i---aa____________> _H 1 l____r AT.- __r ______n mmm-W m ____r |X# W_________________a-^^S. I I -^^_____________l___H___n HOW GREAT PACIFIC AND SIFS GIVE SMALL COMI3ANIES A DIG LIFT. More olten than not, small companies lack ihe level ol suppon but with an open muni .wu\ financing '«>
      184 words

  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 574 30 Industrial technology for the j£*ti| growing business -,^a *-n^ a«^ Whute/er ttie industry CIAHV hos (j JA j JIW ttie tet ■bnolotjy to help you stoy U U |i ai t» wtit.'thei you need equpmsnl foi y \M J -'H .ll 1 4/ process engmeenng jnasumonlalion J, i o|p« lfc_
      574 words
      35 words
    • 2 30 JTai I
      2 words
    • 85 30 IBS Share Margin Financing Scheme The key to increasing your investment potential. High Margin Financing. every doNai s worth of coiiater.ii pledged you hase up to $2.50 worth of Wide Selection of Stocks trade on a wide selection of itfi.' SES Low Cost We offei very i ompetitive interest rales
      85 words
    • 155 30 B UI Organization is looking for B B V_/ development sites or rent B B controlled properties in the city area B B or suburbs of Singapore for B B development of high rise and low rise B B condominiums, flats, bungalows, semi- B detached bungalows, terrace houses, B Bj
      155 words

    • Obituary, Illustration
      225 31 PHILIP TAN CHIN HOO waa callad homa to be with Ihe Lord on 22 May 10M Oaarly mliMd by Mdm Angela ChOflf Voon Kim Daughter: Stella Son: Fatrlrk Daughter in-law Sully Granddaughter* I.orratiil.ydla Qrtndaon: Nigel NMM Hoo Kul Kng Wah Hoo Cheuk Brother* Pn law Peter Teow Seng
      225 words
    • 190 31 321 Deaths 321 Deaths John n-21 Mdm. Liu Ah Long Age: S3 paaaad away paacafully on BAM, leaving behind n: Oaughter-ln-law Wong Ah Mook Chuan Beng Ho D.ughl.r. Son-in-law: Margaret Wong Florence Wong Mee Klm Chla Soo Hock Grandchildren: Linda Chla Cheng Heong. Victor Chla Chena Huat, John Chla Cheng
      190 words
    • 282 31 321 Deaths 321 Deaths KOH KAI HOR Aged 72 Ciaaed away paacafully on 21 May 10M at 4 SS am avlng behind: WIFE QOH OAK KUAN BONO DAUOHT_.RB-.N-l AW Koh Kok Chin Y. ow Sll w Hong Koh Kah He, k Mm Cr jon Ng.-I. Koh Kah Chlat DAUGHTERS SONI
      282 words
    • 336 31 322 Acknowledgements 322 Acknowledgements SPECIAL THANK YOU Tha family of the late LEOW YONG CHUAN Departed May 17, 1989 wishes to expreee their heartfelt thanks and appreciation to relatives, friends and business associates for their kind condolences, aeeietance, attendance, contributione and wreaths during their recent 4 bereavement. Special thanks to
      336 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      33 31 With Daapaat Sympathy and Condotonoo To Tha family of tha Lata MRS JUNE YAU JOON NEO Called Home on 20/./M Flea The Principal. Vlco-Prlnclpal. start and pupils of BEDOK PRIMARY SCHOOL
      33 words
    • 101 31 324 In Memoriam 324 In Memoriam 324 In Memoriam I£ucr-l.imiuy 3-t.cntonj of (Hur P^eloßeb 'Sam n. 4fi .T CLEMENT NG WIN 26 AUGUST 1M74 2a^MAY 1965 DEAREST SON when you must leave us for a little while ive grieve and hug our sorrow through the pears in our Lord,
      101 words
    • 65 31 323 Condolences 323 Condolences WITH DEEPEST SYMPATHY ft CONDOLENCE TO THE FAMILY OF THE LATE MDM LUCY TAN 'EN HUA Though the radiance that once burn'd so bright, be now forever taken from my sight. Though nothing can bring back the hour, of splendour in the grass. of glory in
      65 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      93 31 In Loving Memory of MR. HON SIN YUEN Dapartad 23/5/84 (23rd day of Ihe Lunar 4th Moon) I f, years have pa.ssei Since you left us I ond memories of poll Still llii|(er In ns Deeply mlsaed and alwaya remembered by loved ones In ever loving memory
      93 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      133 31 In Loving Memory of TAN SEI PAN*. Departed 23/5/1957 aaal .irr imp stasioata tllentt) kept. nf (MMI vn- loet to dearly. Ami ri«'vi-r will forget Alwaya ramambarad by wifa, aona daughter, daagtt tors m law. aon-ln law and grandchildron. In Lvorlovlng Mom ory of MDM EE KIM
      133 words
  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 15 31 Spell your words right with GNI I Available at all good book shops WaMaaM Puh<r»iioni
      15 words
    • 126 31 Acceptonce of obituary announcements 9am to 1 1 30pm To help us expedite your announcement, please produce 1 Original death certificate 2) Identity Card ot person placing the announcement For booking enquiries, please call: 737-1166— Mon Fn 9am to spm Sat 9am to 2pm 737-001 1 After ottice hours and
      126 words
    • 69 31 L^* __S_.'_l^ A VJ-> mir 1 1 'l'T- -M C»T. A.'l (*m The Straits Times $5.50 per line The Sunday limes. $5.50 per line (Minimum 3 llni's) The Straits Times $23.00 per col. cm The Sunday Times $24. 00 per ml. cm. (Mlnlnuim 3cn\ x IcoU The Straits Hmes $28.35
      69 words
    • 10 31 "In Memoriam" is for the loved ones whom you remember
      10 words
    • 25 31 'i'ltffffsfe $5.50 per line (Mbitmum 3 hnea) $23.00 per rol. cm. (Mbitmum .'km x IcoD $28.35 per col.rm. (Minimum 3rm x Icol) C ATS 717-11*4
      25 words

    • 629 32 EUROPEAN SOCCER ROUND-UP K<'MK Runawa) Italian First Division soccei leaders Interna/ionale and neatest rl vaLs Napoli ran not on Sun day. scoring io goals between thom Inter tote through the ,\r fences of lowly Bologna te score ,i lil) swaj Win, then
      Reuter; AFP  -  629 words
    • 216 32 LONDON Nigel (Tough, Nottingham Forest's top seorer ror the last tour years, Anally gets his Fngland call -up ln today's Rods Cup clash against Chile at Wembley. Injuries and the congested final week of the League championship have restricted manager Bobby Robson 's choice. He
      AFP  -  216 words
    • 192 32 LONDON Watford and Crystal PalaCC look set to battle it out for the final promo tion place to the Knglish First Division after the first leg of the play-off semi finals on Sunday. Appalling finishing by Blackburn let Watford off with a 0-0 draw at Ewood Park,
      AFP  -  192 words
    • 167 32 NORWAY swept to a ,'M win over Cyprus in their World Cup qualifier on Sunday The Victory took the Norwegians above France and into third place on goal diffei ence in European Croup Five and restored some morale after a it.) defeat by Poland in a friendly last
      167 words
    • 276 32 Liverpool on the verge of history LONDON Liverpool's fa mous FA Cup triumph over Bverton laat Saturday has put them on the verge of English soccer history Victory against West Ham at Anfield today would make Liverpool, now unbeaten in 21 games, virtual certainties to retain their league title and
      Reuter  -  276 words
      • 96 32 Lewis eyes two world marks America's Seoul Olympics double gold-medallist Carl Ltwil plans to abandon the 200 metres and pursue world records in the long jump and 100m. Ltwil said at an international athletics meeting in Sao Paulo on Sunday. "My coach and I have derided to drop the MOn.
        96 words
      • 33 32 New Zealand's Foreign Affairs Minister Russell Marshal] yes terday ippsaltd to the British rugby unions to slop their members playing in the South African Rugby Board' cants nary celebrations in August.
        33 words
      • 41 32 Svetlana Boginskaya, of the S(i\ni Union, won two more gold medals at the women's F.urupean gymnastics championships in Brussels on Sun day. dethroning Rumanian Daniels SUivai SI queen of the Individual apparatus, she took hei haul to three golds
        41 words
      • 48 32 Nigel Brnn. known as "The Dark Destroyer", was himself destroyed on Sundaj when he was knockrd oui in a hid to retain lus Commonwealth mill dleweight boxing title He sur CUmbed in the sixth round of thr scheduled IL' round boul to follow Briton Michael Watson
        48 words
      • 41 32 a Porsche driven by FVance's Bob Wollrk ,ind Wrsi _n man Frank Jelinskl won a world sports i ai championship race In Dijon, Francs, on Sunday fm the first time since iwt. holding off the might of Mn redes
        41 words
      • 57 32 a bittei Brigitte Deydiei Prance's three time women's work) Judo champion, i| id the sport on Sundaj after learning through the press that she would onl) be a replacement for the Woi id Championships later this year A knee injury had sidelined her for six months .md she
        57 words
    • Article, Illustration
      94 33 First day: .Manns Bullet II) ei^'hi tare da;, s. Ismadi (Telepathic i font rare days Second day: Sams. iri (Won dorfiil II four i.n r days, /ain al (Elusive Dream) three tare daya, afasmhes (Jews! <>f My Heart four rare days Third day: Rahmat twinnei SapH Jagad) lOlir rare
      94 words
    • 277 33  -  MALCOLM BASTIANS By KUALA I.CMIMT. trainer Jonathan Ho entered only two horses for the just ended Hukit Turf Club May Meeting but came awa\ with the Ix'st tc suits in terms of percentage He saddled two winners and a second. In fad,
      277 words
    • 451 33  -  TAN THEAN LOON By A RECt >KI > of soils was set a I the Huk't lui f Cluh May Meet mg which ended last Sund.r. A total of nine jockeys were put on the mat over Ihe four race days eight for careless
      451 words
    • 87 33 IHK Hukit Turf Club, in an overall effort to provide better services to the public, has installed 50 additional tote ter minals and .100 television monitors at Hukit Timah This brings Ihe total numl>er of tote terminals and TV moni tors to .'WO and 4XO respective
      87 words
      411 words
      429 words
    • 523 33 FOREIGN TENNIS komi*; Argentine Alberto Mancini survived a match |M)int against him and battled hack to beat second seed Andre Agassi in the Italian Open tennis final on Sunday Mancini, the Monte Carlo I )pen champion and seeded llth here, took the US$lBO,OOO <
      Reuter  -  523 words
    • 372 33 FOREIGN GOLF FORT WORTH Austi alias lan Bakei Kim h completed a stat I to finish torj b) posting an even pa in the final lound on Sunda\ to win the (olonial golf tout n.i ment by four shols foi his first cs
      Reuter  -  372 words
    • 113 33 DIVING PORT LAUDERDALE (Florl da) Matt Scoggtn won the 10-metre platform title on Sun day and completed an Amen •an sweep of men's titles it i diving meet againsi China ani the Soviet Union The Chinese, however, cap tured all three women's events after 1.l year-old jao
      Reuter  -  113 words
    • 229 33 CRICKET LONDON lan Botham, whose international eareei was jeopardised by a serious hack operation a year SgO, recalled to the England squad on Sunday foi the three one day Intel nationals against Aust! ilia starting OS Thursd.iy Botham, 33, missed most of last season and
      Reuter  -  229 words
    • 511 33 ATHLETICS KUALA LUMPUR Mala) sian athletes will achieve con ■iderable success at the South-east Asia (.'ames in Kuala l.umpur from Auk 10 H This is the opinion of Anne Masters, one of the Western Australian coaches assisting the Malaysian athletes in then training stint in Perth
      NST  -  511 words
    • 139 33 KUALA LUMPUR The Me layaian women's basketball team and the table tennis ■quad are believed to be stranded In Belling in the midst of training stint in preparations for the August South easi Asia I James The table tennis squad of three men and three
      Bernama  -  139 words
    • 116 33 BODYBUILDING ki ai.a LUMPUR Pormei Mi Asia Justin Sompoitg has opted out of the South easi < lines training squad, citing Insufficient preparation as his reason ItlStin Who won the Ml Asia. lightweight title in 1985, will not iw competing in nexl month's Malaysian national championships in
      NST  -  116 words
    • 545 34  -  Shirlynn Ho VOLLEYBALL by WILI. history repeal itself" Thai is the question on everyone's lips after watching defending champions Hwa (/honn .lunior College and last year's losing finalists Victoria Junior Col lege tx.U their opponents m their respective Schools National A Divi sion Kills'
      545 words
    • 220 34 BASKETBALL \l Itl l.\ Mil I.s (Michigan) The Chicago Bulls squandered a 21-polnt lead, then rallied behind Michael Jordan to beat the Detroit Pistons 14-88 tn the first game of the National Basketball Association's Eastern Conference final on Sunday. (iame Two of the best-nf-7 series will be
      AP  -  220 words
    • 235 34 BADMINTON MALACCA Malacca Ix-at SingaPON 7-2 in their second-leg lie of the soutli /one Badminton Association of Malaysia Milo Cup championship on Sunday 'Ihey had beaten Singapore l In the Hrst-leg tie on Ssturday in Sundays encounter, Mt: were la^^in^ after thev lost the men's and women's
      Bernama  -  235 words
    • 299 35 KUALA LUMPUR Former soccei stir Mokhtar Dahari is suffering from ,i disorder which causes muscular weakness and wasting, according in s statement by Sir .lohn Walton of Radcllffe Infirmary In Oxford, Eng land The statement, released by Knot ball Association of Selangor Deputy President Hasina Harun at KL's
      NST  -  299 words
    • 555 35 WILFRED YEO previews today's pre-World Cup soccer matches: Singapore v S. Korea and Malaysia v Nepal SEOUL .Jita Singh may or may not have lieen a magician in his previous life bul. jml^tn^ by the way he has been wooed into accepting the national
      555 words
    • 140 35 JAKARTA Indonesia fought off a North Korean onslaught to hold the visitors to a M draw In a hard-fought World Cup qualifying match here on Sunday. The Indonesian defenee held firm to deny North Korea a mo-rale-boosting victory in the Asia (■roup Six qualifier in front
      AFP  -  140 words
    • 279 35  -  Shirlynn Ho BOWLING by ONCK in a while, something hapjH'ns which makes you still believe in the fairy tales Against all odds. .Jackson Teh left his name for posterity when he shut a perfect game of .'.do pintails at Striker's Bow] in Hougang last Salur ila> Ihe
      279 words
    • 184 35 SHOWJUMPING WATCH out for Maori Girl or Kiwi Lad or it may even be Cloudy's day, although the Eastern Monarch may have other ideas Hie contest? The FEI Samsung International Showjumping competition, which will he held ovei three Saturdays. Starting this Saturday at the Hukit Tlnvah Saddle
      184 words
    • 393 35 SEOUL /.ainal Abidin Hassan. Malays. Panther, is on the prowl for the goals t.p sustain what i.s probably the last of his mne soccer lives The m yea r old striker does not need his feline instincts to tell him that the pre World Cup compe
      393 words
    • 1560 35 ATHLETICS Intrrnatlonal mrrtlnx In San Paul... Kra/.1l \m. rtcans unlntN -.Uli-ili Mf n's INui i loc Deb i Heard 3 M trh Witherspooa Io.2taet lilm hurdi.-s i Renaldo Nehemlah Arthui Blake 3 i'l.ti« Clark 13 -I mm: I Robson da Sllva ilii.ii Z Witherspoon 3 Uoyd
      1,560 words
      • 46 35 I >enn i inn... Indonesia .md South Kon i will in Jakarta '<> battle (ui thi In mm Cup which will decide the WOl' id team hailtt i.'tuli champions .\n«>lh. pete but only th.' six iii oup < >n< be <up
        46 words
      • 23 35 The A( ;M ol the 'iiai i llympic Council will take place loda\ at .IPpm in the National Stadium theatretl
        23 words
      • 19 35 s world \mos Mansdoi 1 withdrawn from next week's French Open ise of a recurring foot injui
        19 words
  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 166 32 THE NEW GOLD STANDARD YOK WRITING ELEGANCE. CROSS SINCE 1846 I 'mk -■a^^ T_l HH M dr 11 K mm mw I s 1 Mm m J____r" _<r I 'fl _<-______. m'i LmWur M\ I flv 'itM!imW II I ____r _t^^M____lb\b_ m <ll Mi Rll m 1 1 km m\k
      166 words

  • Page 34 Advertisements
    • 203 34 FOREIGN CURRENCY INVESTMENT MADE EASIER FOR YOU. I |ow you ikxxJ only i vest in foreign W k^i[|r^ '^■fl W currenoy at Citibank. And get un >' 'rtunity m high lfl -S^^L-^L^^^ rates Vj^Hftf Jr You o^t i ng 9 foreign i ainreni -ies: US Dollurs, Sterling Pounds, Shenton Way
      203 words
    • 13 34 A lively way with words aammammmmrmmmmmmymwma Available at all good bookshops Federal Publication*
      13 words
    • 119 34 Budget opens the^ door to l^^r Malaysiallf/ way in a A^Tt «3s\- \VI 7 Budgel Igettsnow ie\ J JOHOR BAHRU jZ^ /jp.' jM m J Whcthi _^j^l FXy^tea/2 yourtravi f \\^^*^a J i i i i call 07-*****1 2 3 T~| L ——a. Budget rent a car Drives your ringgit
      119 words
    • 45 34 ■WWI ll Results of Draw No *****l 350/89 MON, 22-06-49 02, 11, 12, Group I Prize $300,000/- 28 33 37 Group II Prize Add no $61,629/- 23 SINGAPORE It lh» J^mmma m GrouplorGroupll thppn/pwillbeshared T< equally Dy all wmnt-rs in that Group p 0 C
      45 words

  • Page 35 Advertisements
    • 158 35 lil kii 1 1 ki t 1 1 i; DRAW NO: 21/89 FIRST PRIZE: $20,000 8843-6BFI-09E1 1 0 SECOND PRIZES. $1 ,000 each 09D 1 6AI 1 8F93 7C 1 2-6BF I -A7 1 7 U/FO--.BFI-F4DC A DBO2-6AFI-AE7D SDD3 6BM 7CFC EC4O-6BFI-12CA 6F43-6AI 1131 2 I 122 t>AFI-A3A7 50 THIRD
      158 words
  • Page 35 Miscellaneous
    • 62 35 TODAYS EVENTS I l> .Kls K in StyiV diuifl I'uh. IHM Kl ->0< lIK P N Royal Moli.lav Intl I i inm j I'.uk Sht atmi H V I >.n li ti Hota-I (n. hard H.n.-, (Kam Hyatt i ISpm IninrVoasilm i ound Chita Chu Kut v Ann Mi Ki
      62 words

  • 303 36  - BBC to show S'pore's major scientific successes ALAN HUBBARD Hy tut ope fditor I ONDON Thf Mgh s. i face of Singapore is to be revealed t>' miliums <>f I ',i it i sit v if. ti-i s tuto^hl when nm' of i.iu' televi sum's musl pupnlai sei ies devotei
    303 words
  • 37 36 ISI.AMAI.AP Pakistan Prime Minister Benazir Mhutto will pay a short visit to b__q next week at the end of her three-day visit to Turkey, the official Associated Press of Pakistan said yes tenlay AFP
    AFP  -  37 words
  • 571 36 Suggestions include informing students about various faiths RELIGIOUS Knowledge stud ies have helped provide moral guidance to pupils bui many ex|>erts believe lessons should lie modified to include the various religions in Singa pOTS This was the view expressed by many
    571 words
  • 522 36  -  ONG MING SEING By Washington Correspondent LOS ANC. ELES Trade and Industry Minister I,ee Hsien Loong has taken a boat ride to see ior himself a series of marina facilities ..2 km south of Los Angeles. Brigadier-. leneral (Res) l^ee embarked on the sailing
    WONG KWAI CHOW  -  522 words
  • 28 36 I 111- I ><.u. I. .nes i 30 iii.liisti i. iK rose 8 W pointa ff] HM m the first houi of ii i. tun' AP
    AP  -  28 words
  • 419 36 COLOMBO Tamil gue rillas attacked the mam .amp of .1 rival in northern Sri Lanka with automatic weapons unl rockets, anil the fierce fourhoui battle left 52 reb els dead ami m arounded, Official! and rel* MUI ces saul yestenl.i> A
    AFP; UPI  -  419 words
  • 69 36 SAIN 1 M \l.'l IN Idi Pram e I Flv* woi I .1 ll) ll. llillll' (.1 Marseilles were In tl oom taking a i offer when a powerful explosioi i ipped Ihi ough 111. Ml wmlshop imi ly yestei da) I hov siiff.i.'.l nl\
    AFP  -  69 words
  • 245 36 '.I i IFJ 111 Ind ill) lost 111 .'.I il' fll l int.-i mediate i ange halhs ii. missile yest. 1 ii-iiiii p official! said ih. tonne missi.*' called Arm. meaning fire, was l. inn. hod neai < 'handipui .iu th. i a 'i I''"'
    AFP; Reuter  -  245 words
  • 454 36  - Suspected leader of goldsmith robbers held BRENDAN PEREIRA By a SUSPECT, believed to be the mastermind i*hind several robberies at goldsmith shops here, was arrested in JohOT Haru yesterday He is believed 10 l*' the man who led ,t gang which pulled off last year's biggest jewellery shop heist involving
    454 words
  • 65 36 COPENHAGEN A Dan isti doctot died laughing while watching the British nnni- .luhn Cleeae In the film A Flail failed Wanda .1 medical magazine re i ii ii teii here yestet da) The magazine s.mi I >ie Bentzen died when a fit uf laughtet brought
    AFP  -  65 words
  • Page 36 Advertisements
    • 234 36 COLOUR VIDEO PROJECTION SYSTEM 1 ■Pi W 'Ir^ SONY- 1 __________£__-atf'^ fi l 7222PSE^ FEATURES \t\) Pro.e'-. TV oictutes M arge T^__.l^y screen 72 nen measured diagonally J-^^^* I Direct 'eceives all T V Programmes k'K Broadcast PAL. SECAM MISC \i*Jl__B_^' 4 43 Colour System .*P v» x T^O Remote
      234 words
    • 377 36 **J__J> M MX PREVBlT£;iJ^£;y Make your home a safer place with 59" ot fatal hOI .Its from tails X**"*X With our unique chemica rurin your problec J*|[AK with slippery bathroom floor niianiuTrr bath tubs.shower trays or \bllAHAnl[t/ driveway. I an bO 10 s permanently Charges trom as low as $50
      377 words
  • Page 36 Miscellaneous
    • 177 36 Weather Showers over a lew areas in the late morning and early afternoon lI MP up lo 6am tomorrow m.n "> nan SUNS! I today 707 pm. SUNRISI tomnrruw 6% am Glfflrit MAIHfR \itrlalriV II 1,1 l-'i ri«- j la»h \iiki'li-s 15 271 l'l. univ XiiiNia-riUm 16 KC i l.'.u
      177 words

  • The Straits Times Section Two
    • 12 1 THE STRAITS TIMES, TUESDAY, MAY 23, 1989 The Straits Times Section Two
      12 words
      • 697 1 School provides opportunities for making friends and appreciating their way of life which is what Community Woek, which ends on Sunday, is about. PATRICIA LAM discovers how one school builds community. DOSAI was the starting point of a slightly different lesson for some Primary Six
        697 words
      • 685 2  -  Murray Seeger ECONOMICS made easy ALTHOUGH private compaaftSS .ni' now most important in the woi Id economy, government -owned companies also carry out many business activities These state owned companies vary in sizes from the gigantic to the tiny There are
        685 words
      • 264 2 COMF June r >. you will l>e able to swing to different beats st a mu sic carnival which will be part of Singapore's first Musk Festival Orchard Road from Dynasty Hotel to Orchard Point will lx- dosed to traffic between t sad 10 pm You can make
        264 words
      • 877 2 The daughter of the founder of the Body Shop talks about growing up with mother. Yeo Ting Keat reports. JUSTINK RODDICK. 19, ls the daughter of Anita Roddick, the founder of Rody Shop For .someone who has a mother running an international
        877 words
      • 484 3 The dosai way to friendship THIS Hari Raya Puasa saw two teachers from Assumption English School, Miss V. Prema and Mrs Linda Kloer, visiting their student, Adrianti Rohani, at her home as part of the school's pastoral care programme. Mrs Kloer 's husband, Arnold, also went
        484 words
      • 219 3 GETTING students to mix with friends in othei t.'cial groups is a task that many principals have to face, according to Mr Mhajan Singh, principal of si Ling Secondary School Out of 10 schools contacted. Si Ling is the only school which consciously sets out to
        219 words
      • 673 3  -  Grace L. Tan Friends look at what they have in common instead of that which is different, reports WHEN children in kindergarten or school become good friends, their parents also get to know one another. An example of a friendship that grew is
        673 words
      • 649 4  -  Juliet Chew By HOPSCOTCH is an old game for children Then* are several versions of the game, played with differen" tales in differ ent countries throughout the world. Most children 1 now how to play the version marked 1 in the picture Jia Yan,
        649 words
      • 104 4 These two versions played commonly in England are also popular here Version 2 (tee picture) This is played without a stone. The player hops right through the "snail" and stands on both feet when he reaches the centre or "rest" area. Then he
        104 words
      • 516 4  -  Patricia Lam By COLLECT three straws from a Kentucky Fried Chicken out let, a withdrawal slip from a branch of the DBS Bank that closes al six and persuade your friendly neighbourhood policeman to give you his Big nature About 20 teenagers
        516 words
      • 89 4 HAVK you over been a good samai itan'' What did you do? Or ha.s anyone, particularly BOmSOM you did not know, been a Hood samaritan to you? Send your letters by next I uos.|..\ to Young Times, Section Two, The BtnttS Times 390 Kim Seng Road. Singa|M>re
        89 words
      • 844 4 When a friend turns cold Teens Friendship during the teen years is often stormy friend today, gone tomorrow, bosom friends soon after. Three readers write about friendship. WHKN my O-level results were released, I was posted to a junior college. At the
        844 words
      • 256 4 IF YOUR SChOOI did not win a prize for the recent Young limes school newsletter COMCSt, cheer up. You win get simmer chance next psai The competition, results of which Were announced last week, was won by Fairfield Methodist Secondary School and Temasek .lunioi
        256 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 337 1 choose American Expresjf Travelers Cheques for 400 prizes to be won. Fhe more vou buy, the more pn:es reach for any ofthe 570 million phones around the world, vour next trip and vou amid mmm^mk he in lor a real vou .ould win! :m J uv v, m deliver. W^-X_"
        337 words
    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 316 2 r> .a. 1 mm* ARE YOU^**^^ AWARE OF "INDOOR^ AIR POLLUTION"? where \<>u suffei acute discomfort, due lo ontaminated .nr supply et, it the lotnplfle ......wer to thr prohlrms ot .iir qujlit\ in our modrrn rtn ironmrnt. AIROMC 2000 lfe» I I.IIIHsII. .111(1 1.1l ■^^b AmONK. 2000 lotvti ttsaaa probtaam
        316 words
    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 159 3 For your especially vulnerable age ir ilf ,r N i )lQ v zone, your eyes, Pola has created the event revolutionary Eyemoist B.A. in^ r ines and .outness I It v So impressive in its effects, even its look is ex* nar y At ihe ■•> mnetimi kin i R
        159 words
      • 78 3 IMI GARDEN HOTEL GUANGZHOU mjm mmmm^^^m AmtWttmmmmmm ■__mw- -i* m <m -l..a__i^^|p' Wr^ Wm ___________________________H__r -_-_-_----------------------r to*)^"*' I 1 HI Lv_-_____V J,! Jbmu^ Mi, nt). hoi. lin < iii.m_yhon where t-voylhing'-a brilliant _< mrU'-a mow a*abu*y«l_eCUtlvC Wim -Tvk-a Full huntotems conventkm snd recreation focilltie* And with price* ahaey* In i
        78 words
    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 159 4 'ii 'liMlil has a dream >f a £ood offer. FREE BEDSHEET SET I th*J& til I ifte^-l HH ill 1 V- iPr* *3 V__<*^_____^* -S-j-KT 1 .Wii l *—fc iii V iiiii' MWLWm^ Jri\mßm\*T 1 9 __>^— Wa mm*mar*mV* i *m?mV^f* *"i _________Hf t___v_f *______r v-sPr|r_r s£ua_______. •S. Ik ''Y/kW
        159 words
    • Arts & Leisure
      • 693 5  - Two in one and both for art and also change T. K. Sabapathy previews Two With A Cause, a joint exhibition by Vincent Leow and Wong Shih Yaw. IN ANY art community there appear from time to time indi Victuals who produce works or commit acts which are starkly different
        693 words
      • 577 5  -  T. Sasitharan By PORTRAITURE is as old as Narcissus. The art has been around for as long as there were people who could fall in love with their own reflection. It is one of the most basic forms of visual representation known to
        577 words
      • 696 5 You last saw her in Dangerous Liaisons. Soon you will see her in Tequila Sunrise This is the year of Michelle Pfeiffer. APART from probably being the most beautiful woman on the screen right now, Michelle Pfeiffer i.s definitely one of the most
        BM Features  -  696 words
        • 202 5  -  Lisa Kong A FORMER child prodigy Who has baCQM one of the 2llth century's most loved figures in the performing arts, Sit Ye hudi Menuhin, i.s highlighted on SBC 12 on Thursday at SB pm Thursday Expressions fea tures Menuhin holding a mas ler
          202 words
        • 160 5 ROUSING sounds of the Wild Wild West will echo round the Victoria Concert Hall on Sat urday at 8.15 pm. Music by 20th-century American composers such as John Williams, Jerome Mo ross, Hershy Kay and Fordo Grafs evoke images of cow boys, Indians and
          160 words
        • 208 5 MUSICIANS were noi the only ones busy preparing for the eighth Van Cliburn Interna tional Quadrennial Piano Competition, which opens at Fort Worth, Texas, on Satur day. In January, three film crew made their way to Ncw York, Chicago, Leningrad, Warsaw, Budapest, Venice, Paris. Tokyo and
          208 words
        • 115 5 MODERN music nood not be off-putting. This is what American com poser pianist John Sharpely believes, a.s he looks into the different movements of 20thcentury music, with interest ing examples from living composers From Minimalism To John Adams, the third in a fourpart series presented by Sharploy
          115 words
        • 337 5 NASTASJA KINSKI brightened up a lull in the 42nd Cannes Film Festival last Saturday with her perfel manee in the romantic Torrents Of Spring. The film by Polish dire tor Jerzy Skolimowsky was based on a novel of the samo name by
          UPI  -  337 words
    • Bilingual
      • 832 6 Ong Yih has been imparting the art of drawing cartoons to young and old people here for 25 years now and he intends to carry on. Tan Ban Huat talks to the man who is known for his political cartoons. IT tfl Sunday aftei noon
        832 words
      • Article, Illustration
        270 6 I -I I 'I' %t A ft I Me 'I /iiiHiT'iiti t 'i ir.-'»i nil. if nn I l"lf" i M 'I' l"lf.- r, M l! l W v K 5b 1 ii).^i'"i 'no n pi m m t < !i«. i!. 1 "1 111 f'l .'i 1 -T'liWi: i
        270 words
      • 178 6 Drawing cartoons for entertainment, fun and children Ll WEIWEI < Ins of the youngest participants in Mr Ong Yih's Sunday class, the IS year -old Sscondsry student says: "I attend the course because I am interested in drawing cartoons. "When 1 am bored in the classroom, I can start drawing
        178 words
      • 830 6 Into the heart land of the Hakkas THE H.ikka pSOpIt arc now mostly concentrated in the Guangdong province* of China, but others Uve in Fujian, Guangri, Sichuan and Hunan, as well as ia Taiwan and some parts of South-east Asia However, the Hakka people wore originally from a region north
        China Tourism  -  830 words
      • 182 6 i &wzz'—mm*%bx .m lUI I l"l i'l VU ii i '■i' k! 11 a.'.'. vim i ii I ft *MM ttM toft I i/, 'iiiftiM''/|W it ,p... v It VM fii .4lf v ii'i »J|. f, f. i' i i Mit. M ■11 Mtr-AM (KM* I '1. >.WI v .1
        182 words
    • Bilingual Dwibahasa
      • 922 7 Keeping in touch with nature The ceramics designs of F. Widayanto are much sought after. Yet this Indonesian artist refuses to mass-produce, preferring to hand-craft each piece and maintain exclusivity HIDDEN under the dark shad ows of bamboo and gardenia trees in the small village of Cipayung, Bogor regency, 50
        Jakarta Post  -  922 words
      • 523 7  -  Terjemahan Yaakub Rashid DI HAWAII hayangan dan lindungaa rumpun hambu dl kampung Cipayung. Bogor. kira kira 50 kilometer dari Ja karta. ialah salah sebuah bengkel tanah liat termasyhur di negara itu. "Saya memilih tempat ini Inmns ia begitu dekat dengan alam," kata F. Widayanto, ar tis
        523 words
    • Page 7 Advertisements
      • 59 7 P^p up your prose. Spot that crucial clue /n crossword. fj 'sk'/JPt Scan for mot juste. Xy(_%^^ Ulu Mi. i A'/../. I'sThi ill. .li iii -til .ij I I 4W I' i *v<>Vi_\ \\ll\ll)lllii\ KH( 1111 'in 1 1 M _^^fl Av.ui.ibir A A Penguin wmWwF good bookshop', B<>Ok W^^^^
        59 words
      • 20 7 Add f/?a/ ngA7f toucA? to your sentence with IDIOMS i Available at all SS K) good bookshops r .-<in.,i Publication.
        20 words
      • 335 7 I ™FF JR if UMG TU LIE TH FR SR l? D_ S-E I Ik 15 19 FT 12 li) IM IE It I 3 iH ?S ?6 ffl IT 19' E0 2122 _3 ffl ..^1 UJ 29 3013 1 I l9B9 fll H_______l 10 GOOD REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD
        335 words
    • Page 7 Miscellaneous
      • 298 7 JaCKct IYC-ld 011l Ovy MEUNTANG (ACROSS) 1. Dengkur (snore) Bahamian 4 Word Quiz CC, Part 4 3 snsssnys (normally) I r> Tidak murah (expensive) iNsn.r 1 „nv 7. Intlp (peep) inm ki 1 ion s w tt rna d ftsttr pada kain (background of cloth) Using the clues given, fill
        298 words
    • Page 8 Advertisements
      • 444 8 PRINCE 2: HURRY! Last DAYS! (*****53) 6 SHOWS al 11am. 1.30. 4.00. 6.45.9 15 ADMISSION PRICE Is $4 00 NO FREE lIM ..T -Jr__t UM SIDLI lU»\ KIUMI *^-_^J«_ij Illh.WII \M."I VIM.IR ni i n i; fi \uimi h>Ki HURRY! HURRY! LAST DAYS! a JADE 1 REPUBLIC 3 JAOE 1
        444 words
        416 words
      • 388 8 DAIKIN BDS LEADERSHIP ON THE CO [A.CJE. OAKIN (S'pore) Re. Ltd.* Business Decisions Systems Pte Ltd- IBM S^orej FOR THE PURCHASE OF THE IBM AS 400 830 T^^ 1 ______^^^V Am* I u l _r rn m\ m m Hr^ W ____^___i___s __a _H ...................................................a _H »'*_Fi____P^__^H Af the signing
        388 words
      • 625 8 AIaAYOBGyANISAIIQNCAIHAVQI.GANISATIQNCAIHAYQBG_-NIS B__B_T B B IT m^ m **a**^ a k^B I -I _B I I lA^ffl .ii __n_i__p ifli iir I 111 B 111 111 flfl 111 IA I l____B II BJ I _________________B_______l z r. II > I _B___________P^^^*fl I iF 1^ O I fl^^*- _r I K% V
        625 words
    • Page 9 Advertisements
      • 878 9 APPOINTMENTS EXCELLENCE .IN SERVICE LX<j_ll_ NCI IN Kchni LLENCE IN PEOPLE ut _______^^^_r^__M •Kj-r mmm^^^ mmm m mm mm^ m m m 'm ma mm ~W*m Wmmmmmmwmw^mi ft^lil! ki i^m \za nTtTtTj il _m^_^m^_^m^_^_^_m_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_m l^fl ini M\l li\y A II I T« I_[• J 110 Imm \9aTt4 I T aaJ|T(K
        878 words
      • 638 9 S~~ JL i?yA*B SSSS 55 WALK-IN INTERVIEW I CONTAINER MACHINE OPERATOR I (ON PERMANENT BASIS) DATE TIME Thursday. 25 May 89 900 am 430 pm Friday. 26 May 89 900 am 430 pm Requirements •Pi .nd. try 2or National 1r.i.1.- u.v .lU.-r it PrtJtrtm a will bt qiven to th.i'.e
        638 words
      • 1064 9 A SINGAPORI REFINING COMPANY PTE LTD /c_Zßf\ Singapore Reflning Company, the first joint oil proi .••.smt; refinery in tins region formed l>\ Singapore Petroleum lo British Petroleum and laitex Petroleum lorporation, with investments totalling more than SsBoo million in its modern refiner, l.n ilities .it Pulau Merlimau is embarking on
        1,064 words
    • Page 10 Advertisements
      • 560 10 APPOINTMENTS MBX requires Wk Manager Lighting Dept. H I The successful candidate will head the I Lighting Dept Involved In lha general and I decorative business. Applicants should I have considerable knowledge and experi flfl ence in lighting and hava wide exposure in I the building arul architectural/dacoratlon I consultants
        560 words
      • 494 10 KINDERLAND Educare Services Pte Ltd invites young female applicants who are interested to work with (hildren and to pursue a teaching .m.i-t m Early Childhood f ducatton to Ml the position of A) CHILDCARE TEACHERS B) CHILDCARE ASSISTANT TEACHERS iOl 'N* level with credit m 1 nglish Cheerful pteaaarti pataonaMiy
        494 words
      • 541 10 Established U K Manufacturing concern urgently requires the services^k^ v of an Electronics Engineer Candidates should possess an Electronics Engineering Degree and have at least 1-2 years experience in a manufacturing environment Knowledge in quality control and ability in use and maintenance of electronics equipment would be an asset Interested
        541 words
        557 words
      • 664 10 NOTICES SINGAPORE A^4 POLYTECHNIC «*^_-^J DEPARTMENT OF CONTINUING EDUCATION 1 I invilos applications for admission to thc _t io llowinp OOUfMH ii 1 COMPUTER PROGRAMMING IN PASCAL I j Cri'RßO PASCAL) I !j|*j This course, conducted by the Department Mathematics Science is __N_gM_l to prov'de part ici pa nta wilh
        664 words
    • Page 11 Advertisements
      • 466 11 NOTICES AMCOL HOLDINGS LIMITED Amcol tlM NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Rl BY GIVEN ii i io Mtdd _>n n ounti loi l h..' a next A bii remunei I thought I the following ordinary r. .1111l ,iiiy tirtir in Iheii .iiv..i tm iha time being Meetplllj NOTICE OF EXTRAORDINARY
        466 words
      • 779 11 KINGS HOTEL LIMITED \m/ (Incorporated In the Republic of Singapore) W NOTICE OF MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY QIVEN that the Twenty-First Annual General Meeting of the Company will be held at 16 Raffles Quay #26-00. Hong Leong Building, Singapore, on Thursday, 8 June 1989 at 1 1 00 am for
        779 words
      • 352 11 WEARNE BROTHKKJ. LIMITED LOOT STOCK CERTIFICATES 'Stock certificates No *****42-0 and *****43-1 for 1000 stock and 200 stock respectively registered ln the name of Miss LAU WEE ENO have been reported lost Notice Is hereby given that replacement certificates will be Issued and the said original lost certificates will be
        352 words
      • 552 11 WCITY DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED (Incorporated In the Republic of Singapore) NOTICE OF MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY QIVEN that the Twenty-Sixth Annual General Meeting of the Company will be held at 16 Raffles Quay #26-00. Hong Leong Building Singapore on Thursday. 8 June 1080 at 1 1 30 a m for the
        552 words
      • 74 11 IN TME MIOM COURT OE TME M. PußllC OE SINOAPORE Companlat Winding Up Nu 12S ot 19S8 •< TERNATIONAL PTC LTD NOTICE Of WINDING UP ORDCR WILE INTERNA NATIONAL PTC LTO Mh day ut April 1959 Nam* and Addraaa ol Liquidator M. Haridaaa Ho S Parlnaia th* Patltionar Essential reference
        74 words
    • Page 12 Advertisements
      • 752 12 2 Eating Out •IOAIM COURT HOTIL Tt gar Prsught Beer IB 00' Set lunch SS 00 i st.».i. (.'hops fc OeU.ll Stow kt reajkinahlf prim Rooms dally from MS upwsrdi tfyra parking 17 Balmoral Kd S'por* 1026 T.I 23__311 AUSTRALIAN SIS PROSSOTION till Mav 31 Fro_*n meat fruit plea at
        752 words
      • 743 12 I _-_=__s_________ 2 Eating Out 2 Eeting Out PI Vifj -'0/ Cantonmenl Rd (Opp Cantonment School) JS [Dj Ttf S'pore 0208 T.I. 221)369, 221)516 E fai 'I -a-W-V 'am to 2 30pm. spm lo 10 30pm ICI GEXIJaaW CAAMyNA-A^CWSaUfE ■g__^^^^i^vyJL^>!,i,j^»iifri UU W* ester for weddings, birthday* A other happy fg
        743 words
      • 273 12 25 Pets/ Pat Care t$M Find your pet a good home If you have something to sell, you can sell it faster through the Classified The Straits Times Classified helps you find users for your products or services. everyday So remember JUST A CALL DOES IT ALL ?7y C.A.T.S [717*11*4
        273 words
      • 1986 12 22 Computar Products/ 22 Computar Producta/ 22 Computer Producta/ 22 Computer Producta/ Servicea Services Servicea Sarvica* jj 808 Dysan Diskette v^>- HHF^ I Premium Quality _r"T^Bifej| j I Lifetime Warranty xj^tSs! i ltu> Di DimVi th .md mi l.ihiilous tills j^^^^^^^jc*^ I diskcltcs In ,-c-_»fe____! OOD SiS TECHNOLOGIES PTE LTD
        1,986 words
      • 1761 12 ft* *****66 C.A.T.S.| TLX: R*****3 CLASS FAX: 732-0230 1 1 I —^^^^^^^^^^^^m •llil 1 J You can now observe the IH goings-on around •IHllWJ'l your home with a MvMji] simple observation PPfPPH system. Install it •lIItIH a yourself at |A|iUllß| classification 179. I e e I e I e I
        1,761 words
    • Page 13 Advertisements
      • 880 13 ou rnve.e inveaiigaiion Security Agenciea eSBBMBB SBCUBITYHWVATB etVBSTKIATIOM BNAMCH We are Involved becauae we canto aolve all your Inveillgatlon requirements An organisation with perpetual status speaks for Iteelf (Owned by the 3'pora Polite Multi-Purpose Co Ow i nl Up, S,, olety Ltd and the WMet* ilov ernment t'o-Operatlve Thrift
        880 words
      • 689 13 .J unice tquipment/ 73 Office Equipment/ Suppliaa j Supplies mmmm *m^^^^mmmmmmmmm*mm^^^^^m^mr llil a iv l iW^kTT I Jf a-*-*m\. A i -_________-_^J Turn to Computcrmari on M.iy 11 in Thc Str.uts limes C .lassificd lor a peck ,it advances made in computer technology and how il helps ro access _f%
        689 words
      • 623 13 76 Book-keeping/ Secretarial/ Answering/ Translation Services RION./ MAKING AOONIBS 810, answering 110. telex IV fax accounting, typing Tel *****44 TAX. BOOKKEEPING SERVICES, monthly a final accounta Call *****54' *****.30 TYPING. ANSWENINQ, MAIL. Tlx Fax, Acct. Tax. Incorpn of Cos Jelen Secretarial Serv *****07 WT SPECIALISE IN Hook keeping Accounting L
        623 words
      • 645 13 79 Business Opportunities Whit* T-Shirt at i Pric* Super Fine combed cotton Slit W 4(1 4_ Mellon 12 2 1 j Packing Fuch piece In a i polyhag fl pieces In g hox 20 dozens in an Export Carton First ijiiHllty export product Limited quantity Flrst-come-flrst-served. no reservation l)ellvery at
        645 words
      • 1303 13 92 Domestic Help 02 Domestic Help 92 Domestic Help Available Available Available i A SMALL PRICK TO PAY FOR Z IM ACI Ol MIM) PS-sQ I l T?^m I>• s -li^r >.H k t• V I f^^ECl^^J_^^J TrT^V^-y^^* iiis i. ilk .iln. iii J2C^_i_^^^^_«^-B TlTtlJ^ ***m S,M Sl ll l^
        1,303 words
      • 693 13 94 Professional/ Executive Poaitiona We heve vacencie* lor Iti* follow ing 1) LNQINtFRINQ MANAGER Diploma I legree In Y lei tronli Mi i ii.ini, ai i,gi neerlipg will, I yrpirs mana kit ini xpei lenea in a maiiiifiii turing environment 2) EOS OFFICER uipioma in Computet Sludlas equivalent 4 years
        693 words
      • 791 13 95 EDP Positions 95 EDP Positions jmSm^ tyf^ t^^^^^^_________l Find rhe righl system CO do it on in our special ure on C abrnputermari r/tf s-, on May 27 in jf) *Q The Straits W Times Classified. l^V"'*» A i.trqe IBM installation requires TRAINEE PROGRAMMERS COBOL C rtunity tor
        791 words
    • Page 14 Advertisements
      • 617 14 BIOUIBED IXPf SIINCID A K. II ahle Tulnri Intere. tfl please rail *****28 BCH. TIACHBBS/ OSAOS A 'OV Poly tutors required urgent ly at all dlsts Pls call 44__40_ TUTOBB NBBOBO Jun ('hint Bendemeer, Bt Pan. ann. Hougang. T Payoh 2.1M0. TUTOBB NBBOBO Mt all dlsU Call Lynn. M7.06. 9am
        617 words
      • 369 14 -i.iiiiMgii Clerical Poaitions Poaitions Poaitions Positions j" aimMMVo] j SANYO COMPRESSOR SINGAPORE PTE LTD j A newly established Japanese Company in Jurong Invites applicants for the post of: I post CLERK (Male Female) Able to type 1 PO ft ST PURCHASING ASSISTANT At least GCE 'O' Level Interested applicants, please
        369 words
      • 444 14 r We hav* immadiate vecenciea for tha following posts: EDP CO-ORDINATOR e OCK A level Diploma in < 'ompul i > Studies e (iood knowladgs la PC "(perilling system pro grammlng in Dbase 111 Plus or Dbase IV In ths nat WOrk environment e Ahin.y to leam handle low level
        444 words
      • 433 14 wo secretarial/ -.tericai we -._>cr_>iariai/ uiaricai Positions Positions YOKOGAWA We have immediate vacancies lor i Junior Sales Secretary i ICE <)' Level ur equivalent li years of working experience in a similar capacity tbla t<> work under pressure and with I diligenoe Female with pleasant disposition, and aged between 21
        433 words
      • 314 14 wi sacratarial/ Clarical *Z Sacratarial/ Clarical Positions Positions J \fim afro, V <__► Hongkongßank we have immediate openings tor < Qualificationa Minimum 4 'O' level credits (including English) Some knowledge in Accounts will be an advantage mud int«< personal Skills Job Otter Attractive salary ranging trom $550 pm Additional salary
        314 words
      • 579 14 98 Sacratarial/ Clarical Poaitiona Mp "'»<,,,. SINGAPORE SWIMMINQ CLUB 48 Tan|ong Rhu Road Singapora 1543 Tal: 348-2122 FEMALE RECEPTIONISTS e Honest, trustworthy, hardworking It mature lady with experience In Reception duties e Pleasant personality, courteous and tactful in dealing with members e Secondary education e Able to perform shifts and
        579 words
    • Page 15 Advertisements
      • 439 15 Positions Positions TNT COMPUTER SERVICES WALK-IN INTERVIEW Every Tuesday to Friday 8 a.m. 5 p.m. Immadlata vacancies for: A) DOCUMENT SORTING CLERKS B) BATCH/ GENERAL CLERKS Rsqulromonts: a Age 17 to 25 years a Educated to Sec 2or above (Chinese educated will be considered) a Must be prepared to work
        439 words
      • 432 15 Poaitions fTHEWINGON] FIRE MARINE INSURANCE CO. LTD. has vacanclas for tho post of QENERAL CLERKS OCE 'O' or 'N' level a ability to type no experience required as training will be provided An attractiva salary together with competitive fringe benefits will ba offarad to the successful candidates Applications giving full
        432 words
      • 586 15 Poaitions re qulrivs RECEPTIONIST/ TELEPHONIST At Imsl 2 yun relevant fxprrlfiirr Mature anil pleasant personality til lingual Able lo work shirt ami on I'utillr Holiday.. It Murnlays imi duty roster) Able to commeni-e work Immediately w_ olfar a 5-day work waak and attractive frlnga banaflts. Please call *****a* (AHn: Jaswant)
        586 words
      • 613 15 Positions =^^^S^_s__________E____s I UROINT PERMANENT JOBS Clarke with lotus L lihase experience f.>r manufacturing company in Kallang <i > week 1700 Junior Secretary to expatilate <pf mnc in Knllang Shenton Experience in I otus L WordsUr No .thorthanil required 8800 Coaling Clark (Mala) with l.ct Higher Accounts It 2 yearn
        613 words
      • 522 15 wo secretarial/ _.iericai Positions FIMALI OINIBAL CLIBKS (Baalc 8880/ monlh) A. Cua tomer Co-ordination e UCE O' level e Pleasant with good telephone etiquette e Able to type it correspond independently B Flnenoe/ Admin a (KK level e Credit In Matha e Must be able to type e Preferably sble
        522 words
      • 660 15 wo aacretanai/ Clerical Positions A well esUbllshed Klnance Co. has ImmedlaU vacancies for (A) CBIDIT CLIRK (B) ACCOUNTS CLIRK (C) CASHISR (D) OEM! RAI CLIRK e QCE O Level and aBSBB e Able to type well e Experience In a similar capacity preferred fot Post (A). (Bit (C) (I) BICIPTIOHIBT
        660 words
      • 570 15 secretarial/ Clerical Poaitiona DRAKE PERSONNEL Our client located el Orcherd. Shenton Wey. Jurong. Aliunied Kallang Tiong Bahru Talok Blangeh, Senoko hea Immedlele veeenciee lor CLERKS Balery: (500 $800 Pre requiailea a Min ci LseeN e 22 yrs U, V, |r s e I'yplng ipee.l „f :«i wpin e Preferably tun.
        570 words
      • 638 15 98 Sacratarial/ Clarical Poaitiona A wall eelabilehed Trading Co requiree FEMALE MABKETINO CLERK Requlremente a OCB N or i) level with some typing knowledge e Kxperlence not necessary e lunch m drinks provided e Kree medu ul t>eneflt. e Annual leave e 1.l month tponu* tt Incen lives intereeted applicants
        638 words
      • 619 15 98 Sacratarial/ Clarical Positions i i gently Required FEMALE OBNBRAL CLBRK e OCK O l,evel e Mln I year experience In similar work a Ahle lo lype well e Home basic accounting knowledge an advantage a Age below 29 years old Interested applicanta, please call tel 220-8878 or 221-2888 for
        619 words
    • Page 16 Advertisements
      • 551 16 96 Sacratarial/ Clarical Positions An Int'l Freight Forwarder baeed el I Parkway Builders urgenlly requiree a BEAFREIOHT IMPORT CLERK The right cendldele should I 1 .1 y 11 level Relet uii In Import pr ship ping documentation Abtllt CRII anil ms permil aaa call *****3J Mf <.*<, Chue for en
        551 words
      • 628 16 98 Sacratarial/ Clerical Positions Lebqulp ie en eetebiiehed troding compeny dealing in laboratory equipmenl io be in nne with out expending in .gi mum.- are sre seeking suit Able pel soils f.u the post of RECEPTIONIST/ OENERAL CLERK a i .1 y l l iei.l e (limhl typing _pood in,
        628 words
      • 567 16 98 Sacratarial/ Clarical Positions Coneulllng MAE Englneera require RECEPTIONIST CUM CLERICAL ASSISTANT e (if K I evel e Able to ty|»e e Altrin tlve v Inter eeled pleeee call Angellne el 25S 3800 Coemettce Co In New Bridge Rd invitee suitable femele applicants lor the poet ot 1 Account
        567 words
      • 605 16 98 Sacratarial/ Clarical Poaitiona i OIRL FRIDAV Required by en espet company li the motor trade if you an- self motivated, will pleasant personality able t. wotk systematical!! with knowl eiige of accounts up Trla Milium e al gooil goo. l i ominani Ol Knglish apply [lerson ally or
        605 words
      • 862 16 98 Secretonal/ Clerical Poeitlono Trading co requires I FEMALE OENERAL CLERKS 1 a OCB V levels I 1 e I- xp.-r len. e pr.f.i red e Ahle tn ty pe intereeted. pleeee cell Tn 1444 Transport co has immediate va camies for lhe following posts 1) OENERAL CLERKS I) SHIPPINO
        862 words
      • 1056 16 i 98 Secretarial/ Clerical Poaitiona FEMALE JUNIOR CLERK I vplst required Apply with non re lur natile pilot o .iild y e x pei ted wllh I ontact no to I lie '"'il. t.n V Hlk i Plolieet Pond North HI M B pon FEMAIE TELEPHONE OPERATOR cum Receptionist
        1,056 words
      • 888 16 98 Secretarial/ Clerical Positions FEMALE OENERAL CLERK needed In langlln area Ahle to type i nver se well With g I 'tip in. unl in Knglish Id FEMALE OENERAL CLERK Mln I l level lllllngual Ahle lo speak dl. ilels type Next lo loldhlll ris call ISI MIS (Miss Cheong
        888 words
      • 506 16 99 Sales Poaitiona I 99 Sales Poaitiona 99 Salea Poaitiona ___#S____________S_l II HEALTHCARE mfi^^^^wl F.......? HEALTHCARE I^^^^^C^ II _l___l HEALTHCARE I m^mW HEALTHCARE II |j ■I «'J HEALTHCARE II 11 SKINCARE ADVISOR I I his is newly created position lhe Skincare Advisor would initially develop sales ol a pharmaceutical beauty
        506 words
      • 376 16 EARN AT LEAST $16,000 PER ANNUM it OTHER INCENTIVES El ye_owpaQB6 Wa hava vacanclea for LAOY TELEPHONE SALES REPRESENTATIVES eha will .rll advertising ipare fur Yellow rage. If you are determined ui succeed, have a good general education, a pleas anl personality, can communli ale effectively In Kngliih and the
        376 words
    • Page 17 Advertisements
      • 270 17 1 ill J W^ yls Take advantage of the service packages fou'.d in our special Bumper-to-Bumper feature aBbJ& on May 25 In The Straits Times c T Classified. L___>_i___J r"R_©oD__""l WYWY PRIVATE LIMIT!. I) I inviics applu .mis lor the following BBPBM MB Asst. Marketing Coordinator Min GCE 'O' U-vel
        270 words
      • 537 17 (a m heshe Join our Friendly Dynamic Taam un SENIOR BOUTIQUE ASSISTANTS (Oroaa above $750 por month) e Pleaaant and outgoing Speak English and Chinese At least 1 year of sales experlenc. Attractive working conditions In our retail shops or at Lea corners In department ..tores or emporiums. Above 18
        537 words
      • 518 17 oeie* r ueiiiuiie HOMISIIAI) Furnltura Pta Ltd WALK IN INTERVIEW 1. SALES CONSULTANT e OGS XT Level or higher e Bilingual BnggtEß Man darln a Training provided e Salery: During training. 1700 p m After training up Ui ***** p ti. 2. CASHIER CUM ADMIN CLERK e Selery: 1(100 and
        518 words
      • 637 17 99 Sales Positions An eelabi.ehed tredlng compeny loceted et Kampong Bugia (neer Kallang Gee Worka Dopertmenl) Invitea applu ■lion lor tha tollowing poaitiona 1 1 1 MAIE ASSISTANT MARKETING MANAOER a Posses, at leu.t r.i I a I eeel quail fli ation a Relevant working ei in sales Ai mai
        637 words
      • 709 17 99 Sales Positions Regionel PubUeher wilh new Tele marketing _iviaion requirea TELEPHONE SALES REPRESENTATIVES 1 (PART TIME S FULL-TIME) fm lubaclptlon s, ip" ,f its I i aval imiKl/lne e lemnle oi Mule witti riinnl spoken Bncltati e Expertence not required triiiniiiK is provided e We wnrk hy shift morning
        709 words
      • 610 17 99 Salee Poeitions Popular Booh Co requiree FEMALE CASHIERS MAIE/ FEMALE SALES ASSISTANTS e Salary negotiable e P| ..mol ions prosper la for those wllh good working attitude e y xperlem not necessary e Medical and fringe tienrflts Interested, pls walk Irr to Blk 231, Bain 81 eO4-S7/M Bree Beeeh
        610 words
      • 686 17 M Salee Poeitions FEMALE BALES COORDINATOR required e Mln N or 11 level e Willi sales experle e Hardworking with commu nti ation skllls e 5-day week Interealed eppiicanie. pleeee cell 7823 178 lor en Inlervlew al THE IMA ENGINEERING PTE LTD M Hillview Terrece Singepore 2388 GIOVANNI ITALIAN FURNITURE
        686 words
      • 933 17 99 Sales Poeitions FEMALE SALES ASBIBTANTS required by shop In Hotel Knowledge of Japanese an advantage (all Motel Meridien -shopping Centre HMI Orrhard Bd »u:t Cn from 10am to npm ORCM4OEE EXCLUSIVE BOUTIOUE reipilres Hales Assistant Off day on Suturday I'ay not less than »A«i p m I'lease come for
        933 words
    • Page 18 Advertisements
      • 263 18 99 Salas Positions MALE/ I MAI J BKOKI-KM *.inii'il i pii Ann* riirvi 231 1 -33 100 Tachnical Positions POLYMER MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN QCI CTOI N level wittt N It. in iiny ot i)eiu-t,ii I ttn it) matal fabrk ation and Minimum working expenerx e in lallal and maintctiaii i iipply
        263 words
      • 581 18 100 Tachnical Positions 100 Tachnical Poaitions 100 Tachnical Positiona 100 Tachnical Positions j ioo Tachnical Poaitions 100 Tachnical Positions i ♦-*****8 I i kmali H H BB_B__B_______BBB__^ INSPECTORS I I BEINEHTS: H I -^v work hr shift I WAIK-Il\ ■S#SS,V,_ W I^?2^T_.SJ| w s initrvikws H TECHNICIANS ■TECHNICIANS ■•J^*« »<«
        581 words
      • 132 18 i" i leadlnf precision mmi iif.n tiniiiK Company arlth Im mediate vacancies for MAIE MACHINE OPERATORS mdarj nr rtc sducaUon j e Nn siporlones rtoulrod aa i omprehenalve training win bS Klv. li e ami- t.i perform t rntiitiriu slllflS im ,st. irt (Lim io MM ti.puri n.i Hhlft 1490
        132 words
      • 67 18 IHI MARINE ENQINEERINQ (8) PTE LTD a wholly owned •übeldlery ol IHI JAPAN. Invitee •ppllretlon* for SALES OFFICER Prcfrrably early twentl.-. I'p'ly Diploma In Mt i hurilcßl Rngln.crliiK Knowlri-g. of Import export procedures Able to pommunlrate well Ht ull levels We offer competitive aalary. S-day weak, attractive leave pechege. treneportellon
        67 words
      • 375 18 Solid Micron Materials Pte Ltd d is it' Singatronn s in\ I A local leading company with proprietary metal and ceramic moulding technology I has vacancies lor the tollowing positions: I Requirement: I Diploma or ITC in Met h inil i I ng I l ••nnn and al le of
        375 words
      • 387 18 100 T»chnic«l Poailiona 100 Tachnical Poailiona 100 Technical Positions :^__fffffif Moving You Ahead WALK-IN INTERVIEW %i<4 TOMORROW W^/° v 9.00 am to 12.00 noon ll 4f 200 P m to 4 30 P m €|o v h TRAIN OPERATORS ($566 to $902 per month) To opti ate passenger and engin-M-rs
        387 words
      • 47 18 An expanding well e tabllthed illni in servic i ri NMM ian (I lartronir) in ele a a a I |..i ii -> Intaraatad plaasa rail 2V) 7777 lor intarviaw Oi writa in with |n/r) photo lo STUDER REVOAUDIO PTE LTO IM/ 701 Goldhill Canlra Singapora 1130
        47 words
      • 83 18 A subsidiary ol Public Compan* In Jurong haa tollowing Immadlata yae anc las 1) INJECTION MOULDINO TRAINEE 1 i In Mediant rience required 2) TOOLROOM TECHNICIAN I' laa lir Mould) I tu handle all toolroom mm .ilnerte* I lune wlttuiut rertlfli-ate but huve many years expert- welcome Ranaflls n ueek
        83 words
    • Page 19 Advertisements
      • 1021 19 100 Technical Positions 100 Technical Positions 100 Technical Positions 100 Technical Positions (--M-RElfl I technician I The Right I I (i».,.a,.,i., (1 pi arf> TV, d„ TESTING Carry out balancing on m\m>%\*mz*r f\j __-_rtt_,. TtYMiMiriAlvi rurbo-piop engine and X'XA IINIdAIN Auxiliaiy fewer Unit WALK-IN r« les, valve omponrnts wheels, w
        1,021 words
      • 109 19 Required 1) RADIO TECHNICIANS i perform Inatallal ion in il' il. rH|iulrs ipf iii pp ipp.- electronic equip ment Digital lechnlqui uin uitage Min quail i iu ilmi 2) Mt HANI. At ITTER i'"- I ..I equlva lent Home knowledge on re 111' 1 lull K-'.l I I Vk 111
        109 words
      • 514 19 100 Technical Poaitiona 100 Technical Poaitiona i «a Wp huve u vacancy for MECHANIC Pra-raquiaitas: e Must have (.'lus.s 111 drlvlnK Ucanca e NTC II In motor vehicle Mechitnlrs e WorklriK experience Is essential Please call: HONG SEH MOTORS PTE LTD Tal: Joca at *****55 x 127 for an appointment
        514 words
      • 457 19 A wall aalatiliahad conaultant firm urgently raquiraa t) DRAUGHTSMFN dlptoaaa m iii in BMg or its equivalent QUANTITY SURVEYOR i iipiou, i iii Quantlt Survey mn i Building i 3) PART TIME PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERB H.'uit with relevant Boerd of Rngint 4) OFFICE BOY passe. I :,i i It. en, e
        457 words
      • 726 19 100 Technical Positions Engineering lum requires MFCHANICAI DRAFTSMAN a I .'il I.' P. in. jnh I .1111.1l 1.. n a a Poaae Irlvlng ll .ii. a e Halai y i omment ut tie wll h expei i.-n. Intaraatad pleaee lel 2.*****5 or *****53 for an intarviaw Katabllahed i- lei
        726 words
      • 255 19 101 Production Poeitions 101 Production Positions 101 Production Positions m t lw,— after 3 months services J IVllialc o|M'r_iloi*s Permanent lsl shift (7am .pm) Permanent 2nd ift i .pm I Ipm) Permanonl .J sintt 1 1 1 pm 7am) i«»iii|tor.n*% ll|ii taitirs also required <£€' liis|m< (tirs -J'- experieni ad\
        255 words
      • 264 19 cow mm Storage \-\J__f Dairies Pte Ltd has immediate vacancies for Requirements: 18 years old and above Completed minimum Primary 6 or Best education Able lo be on permanent or rotating shift We offer Attractive commencing salary Transportation al designated areas Annual wage supplement I months Profit sharing scheme Interested
        264 words
    • Page 20 Advertisements
      • 258 20 yu .jtiuuuuyif <a«#<_r# yaaaaaaaaaapß .reta iflttL I_lHiSml_v r n ft -hm fcfci flu af^mmmrwmrt __v.»..a iw t -BTfa 1 ■Elt-Fr aX____-_. <##_____-_-___ ___________x> mJ-S y M ■■__■■________-____________________________> i___#^-Wt l|>4 fsl __fM #^X__l__________k af I fa_tm____Jn_M CTWlllft-^ffi l'l K________________l___i *l[e't____^^ __*Yj_____P^ P-_B ___a_B^^^^l^^^l Hhk< a ____D_ilH_M_H _i_h- __H__t9 a_NM_________________________BM_P__-E a_Fa-9-__rif--T-BrT W___l
        258 words
    • Page 21 Advertisements
      • 166 21 S|^ ,^^-v v^h A^\ mW>~y„. m ..k •vv x a^vvAg! y _____W__^___Pl__P-P___w---g_. kmmm\\\\m\\ iHH __HhH_IH 4 k V '%J w^ I M ___Bfli \m\^ ______\^___«_l K^«<' Hk \/'^TvO T_______________H_l evM 7 th -ng you've Yn^_N_^-" Vj ______________________________I_^«______________K 'dways wanted to do ■^A VAOV^ T___________________________i^Bwl "-HongK_aig t_______________^^^^HB^bl!_^ ,H,t i|k>ii i( VCrSCV>_-
        166 words
    • Page 22 Advertisements
      • 355 22 101 Production Poeition. 101 Production Position. (MON FRI. SAM TO SPM) flfli QC OPERATORS A; -----nffetfr tNJOY OUR BENEFITS OF i^^H S^^ BWD SWANN jkL INDUSTRIES Blk 4008 #03-06 10 Ang Mo K.o <^ Industrial Park I Singapore 2056 >s&& (SBS 261 from AMK Interchange) >|| i Threeßond^^^K urgently require
        355 words
      • 694 22 101 Production 101 Production Po.,tion. 101 Product.on Po.ition. j 101 Production Poaitlon, 101 Production Poaitlon. 101 Production 101 Product.on 101 Product.on Poailiona Vacancies also for: TECHNICIANS Di P loma in -VN-scnanical or Elactrical Engineering or NTC 2 in Metal Machining LM __K Im\ I I A Preciaion
        694 words
      • 8 22 The Straits Times Classified: your home-delivered departmental store.
        8 words
      • 556 22 WALK -IN INTERVIEW Eatabliahad label. aMkacrame/ oftaat printing lactortaa In Tse Payoh North hava vacanclas tor 1) SALES REPRESENTATIVES a Age between 22 35 vraT. old a Minimum level a Possess good communli llon skllls a i':,sses.s own tranaport a Musl have drlvt. initiative, tactful and able to work independently
        556 words
    • Page 23 Advertisements
      • 932 23 mmmmm w r W u^.. w ru.i,i»,„ ,u. riimuuim, r«.,„i,... r w .^„u.. r».,,,0n, .u rroquction Kositions ioi Production Positions 101 Production Poaitions j 101 Production Positions 101 Production Positions Share our Vision of Success in our new manufacturing plant _P^^^*^^*_a--^-.^___a--^-___a BJ J-^ J f M^A *W .W ..^S W/
        932 words
      • 154 23 We urgently require ASSISTANT STORE SUPERVISORS 'O 1 level Home experlrn..- In stor.duties Oood prospect STOWS CLERKS 'O* Level On-the-job training Is pr. vided MALI/ FINALS OPERATORS Singaporeans only Completed N S Age fo li above are welcomed Pree transport at designate.! plck-up polnis Medical li Hospitalization benefiu Marriage leave
        154 words
      • 354 23 lo our faat eipenelOfvw^Q I have Immadlata vacanclae for: 1) FEMALE/ MALE PRODUCTION OPERATORS e Working hours 7 30am 5 05pm Mon (rl) 2) PART-TIME FEMALE PRODUCTION OPERATORS e Working hour* 1 45a m 12 pm I Mon- Krl i or 12 SSp m SOSpm p M.pii- Fri) 3) MALE
        354 words
    • Page 24 Advertisements
      • 461 24 101 Production Positions 101 Production Positions 101 Production Positions 101 Production Positions 101 Production Positions 101 Production Positions Rn hresistable Off er Specially from SONY WE OFFER ATTRACTIVE SSS Starting Pay After l Month After 2 Months After 3 Months After 6 Months $500 p.. .+t:S^+ $100 $100 $150 Sony
        461 words
      • 127 24 E35J3 requires ASSISTANT SUPERVISOR NTC 3or O' level Knowledge of trouble shooting Ablllty to work on 2 rotating shifts (700a.m. 3.00pm., 3.00p.m. 1100p.m.) Transport L shift allowances are provided MACHINE OPERATORS Primary education required Oood starting salary Ablllty to work on 2 rotating shifts (7.00a.m. 3 00p m 300p.m lioopm.)
        127 words
      • 396 24 101 Production Poaitiona 101 Production Poaitiona 101 Production Poaitiona 101 Production Poaitiona H Toshiba is a multi-national colour TV dnd radio cassette recorder manufacturing M H company at the junction of Pasir Panjang and Alexandra Roads. Wc are expanding q\ H and require ;g I FEMALE PRODUCTION I OPERATORS J
        396 words
      • 379 24 UROENTLV REQUIRED FEMALE Production Operatora to work In Kallang Way (normal It permanent 3rd ahlft). Chal Chee (normal, part-time L :ird .hift) Hal ar/ 123 lo 128 per day Call 74M13-/ *****41 A.M. KK). JURONO require* male i li female Operators Dally rate 82ft $35 Call 775.010 FIMALI GENERAL WORKER
        379 words
      • 256 24 102 Hotal/ Rastaurant/ 102 Hotal/ Rastaurant/ Lounga Poaitlon* Lounga Poaitiona y/r/Y/J 1 _^^e -ITT "Career development is tops in my hotei!" "I joined as a waiter, was promoted as a guest services officer^^^^^^ then as a AM all within 2V? years^^V I can see my VB -mm wl career really
        256 words
    • Page 25 Advertisements
      • 529 25 Lounge Positions Lounge Poeitions _sT~j nWiiMANINN COACHMAN INN RESTAURANT requires 1) LIAOWM HOSTIBSIB e Oross salary 1840 2) JUNIOR CAPTAINS e Oross salary WIU S) WAITSRS/ WAITRESSSS e Oroaa salary SV in 4) BARTENOERB e Oross salary Mod CHSF OS PARTIS e Oross salary SI O2O 8) PANTRY MAIOS e
        529 words
        356 words
      • 418 25 Lounge Positions r j* i AC u0 MOMI Sir*, A.S »r. requires Speaks noUsh Able to work 3 relating shifts Knowledge of *ervtoe Mm 2 yrs experience as Warier Speaks English/ Malay Alile to work sptt shifts OR 3 rotating shifts v4r_T<T_f_TT_rn__! Abie to converse In E ngHsh Corrplete N
        418 words
      • 728 25 Loung* Positions OUEST RELATIONS OFFICERS/ Hostsaasa retjulrsd by eacluslva IOUAgS with full h. patron iip/r Io work 111 a very im. ndiy workitiK snvtronnsnl t iur Supervisors' always nt Rend to offer help _i Kul'lHli.e to make your woik romfortahle enjoy uhle We also offer you a lilkl
        728 words
      • 598 25 m..- a mmmm i«w rmii- i ime/ Temporsry Positions Temporary Positions I TEMPORARY JOBS We have several vacancies for Extra Hands Working hours are Irom 7 30 am to 3 20 pm (5-day week) Transport to the workplace at Tuas is provided along designated routes Tampines Bedok Hougang Paya Lebar
        598 words
      • 597 25 iu* urn*r rosmons ius Other Po«iUon» 104 Other Positions \j/h\ >fe KiKTal I lospital 1 1 ll MN( \l'< )KI ,1 Nl KAI the laifeal ai ute teai King hospital oflertng tl>«- most comprehensive range <•! partem icrvtcea, Invttei son to join us WALK-IN INTERVIEW 24 May 1989 (Wednesday) 2.(K)pm
        597 words
      • 293 25 104 Other Poaitiona _*o Wy WyiAUAH MERAH COUNTRY CLUB requires GENERAL CLERKS STARTERS FOR THE GOLF DIVISION (MALE FEMALE) No i- I (.IPfIIPPPJ A. II t HANDYMAN rel Him plun hng .i11..*. CHANGING ROOM ATTENDANTS 1 write Walk in interview it conducted TODAY ONLY at The Eiceltior Hole! 5 Coleman
        293 words
    • Page 26 Advertisements
      • 694 26 PACIFIC POWER A DIVISION OF DETROIT DIESEL BALEB A BERVICE (8) PTE LTD requires 1. ELECTRICAL ENGINEER a Degree In Elactrical Engineering from it recognised university Minimum one year working experience In the design. Installation and commissioning of AC/DC generator control system a Be able to lead a team of
        694 words
      • 416 26 National Panasonic _Kl__Tfc 4 Factory I^l w I m Automation VV.- ana leading multinational ai tii-- fu-l.i o| Factory Automation Systems (Custom Designed ELquipmenl Assembly, Coni|x>m'ni Ptacemenl series and Du* Mould manufacturing) Wr u/ish to invit*. j.jxj.j suitcahly qualfied candidates f< »r tin* 1. )11. awing positions: II STORE
        416 words
      • 586 26 iw utner Poaitiona 104 Other Poßitions PASIR RIS requires 1. RECEPTIONIST e OCX t> Level Preferably with f r „..t ,i^.,_ rK rl a 3 shift*. 2. HORTICULTURAL ASSISTANT OCE O' Level. Ornament of Horticulture Certificate. 2- 3 years experience ln supervision of Horticultural works 3. SECURITY OFFICER e Secondary
        586 words
      • 703 26 104 Other Poailiona Shipyard in Taniong Rhu k ha* vacancle* lor A) MARINE ENOINEERING SUPERVISOR MARINE ESTIMATORS B e I'msm-\s rHevunl I;, i 'muis.*, t sppt entlreahlp truncate e Applicant musl ii.i in e Musi ba i". iii >i pei in. un ni f.-vl. lflll e Knowledge "i Chlneai added
        703 words
      • 456 26 104 Other Poaitiona r~_£*i MESA Electrical Technician Mechanical Technician lit in Mi-, h.i nu I or Electrical Ea j .in i .n>' Wim in mechani /.num programme I nst sll, maintain and troubleshoot robots and Butomatk m.i Inm < ud. i duties nn hide ontrol circus wir m^. operate lathe,
        456 words
      • 505 26 104 Other Positions THI EMPLOYER WHO CARES Bnjoy the peestlf e ef worKlng with a progressiva wrorttforco dodlcatod tet worl. eacellenca a*Nl quality sarvica TELEPHONE OPERATOR Ml llf.n.tnt frierxlly Otapoalßon A ompleted vr. ond filui .hium A At)lr to 1 iinvfisr hi I riijlis. 1 M.if Hl.irir 1 WAITER/ WAITRESS
        505 words
      • 575 26 104 Other Positions A Hong Kong-beeed eshlbttlon conatruction Arm hee vacan cleo for:SALES EXECUTIVE mln A' level With sales experience Possess own vehicle Pleasant personality OPERATIONS OFFICER Preferably with technical background Male, completed N S Age below 25 years Pleasant personality STOREMAN Store-keeping experience Secondary education li able to communicate
        575 words
    • Page 27 Advertisements
      • 629 27 104 Olher Poaitiona KIMHSAWA SUPERMARKI 1 le.p. 1 ABBISTANT SUPERVISORS Food Depl i I l.pp.n an. l p ..ppfe. 1 1, oui v > De»ry Depl Appll. ants ihould hav minimum worklni aapeetem ...I leadership md able U vrnik Independent!) I DELIVERY A SIBTANTB \ppn. .mis ihould have i lai
        629 words
      • 623 27 104 Other Poaitiona .dh ik Int I I EXPERIENCED STORE-KEEPER 1 Minimum < yeai .In i 111 .1 pl iii e ;i Intei pai ional reall lonshtp skill 4 Reaponalhle a. hardworking Preferabl) 1 1 Wnte in wilh recent phologreph (n i atatlng i uriaitl aalary A aalary raquirad to
        623 words
      • 587 27 104 Other Poaitions 1 i.tding company located in the vi. mn ..f tai. in Buroh reguires A) VANDHIVIH a I 'ompleted National .'.enl. t wII h at least I v.ii I driving .ipei leu. e e aMe u. read and arrita sim pie y nglish B) DELIVERY ATTENDANT/ STOREHAND a
        587 words
      • 592 27 104 Olher Positions A well eatabliahed company manufacturing marine fillings has immadlata vacanclae for 1 WELDERS a Knowleilge of llli Welding 7 MALE PRODUCTION/ GENERAL WORKERS a 'i dav B-aai Intareated applicants please oine for Inlervlew al KOKOSHA SINQAPORE PTE LTD 14 Third Loh Yang Roed Jutong Town Singapore 2253
        592 words
      • 574 27 104 Olhar Positions TOPTOWN BUPERMARKI T leijuiren (1) Famala Caehler e l- Store Aaaiatanta (1) Femele Kitchen Helper 14) Mele Houee a 2 rotating nblfts for all p, si tions Ii) am tl pm I pm 111 pm e Attrartlve salai v I'lea-ie rail peraonally al 804 Sembawang 801
        574 words
      • 715 27 104 Other Positions IXPERIFNCED STOREMAN required bv engineer mg o Must he holiest ahl.' to work Independent!) wiih inlttattvs Apply paraonally or write In lo lr wt u HI MN PTE LTD at Blk 4. No M Pandan loop. S'pore OSI7 FINANCE CO U raquiraa CHINESE OESPATCH CLERK M .ik
        715 words
      • 963 27 104 Othar Poaitions TOP 100 STORE requires CASHIER S SALESGIRLS In y wm king afOOl h.isii pa) t-'xx' plus ovei nm.' plus siti allowani hooi leavers are well oine itereeled. pleeee cell pereonally I Blk 338. Smith St in UO Naw Bridge Cenlre Singapore 0105 rgenlly requires CARQO HANOLERS ihle
        963 words
      • 1024 27 104 Othsr Positions INANSPORT CO REQUIRES I>. s i pi. h im. ier Must have a. .m. perlence *nti Import I report dot .iioeiiiMt i. oi Intereati al I Keppel |(<| > Paget i omplex •pi ip WF REQUIRE MAII es pel len. e.i i 'leanei t.. *..r g ul
        1,024 words
      • 807 27 104 Othsr Posilions ORIVERB B OELIVERV Men te quired i>> offlt auppllei eo Hardworking and able t.. Mtnpl. yng nil ..Mlrt.4 DRIVER REQUIRED Mln 4 yrs ex perlence Call peivmally for an Interview al lux l_S, »nO-.vi7i Ht Merah Central Mttl ENORQ FIRM UROENTLV requires nn y aperient ad Foreman
        807 words
      • 789 27 104 Othsr Positions OUARDS EOR MT Elliabelh an ii i Hpm for Selegie 7pm 7am Age below 05 Tel V»9_54W JUNIOR HAIRSTYLISTS. Salary $000 to MOO Katong district Tel -*****0 LAUNORY HELPER REQUIRED for I'm cleaning and I.aunderl'.g specialist Tel 40_28_PART TIME/ FULL TUBE Deepelch Klders required Call 250-9310 I
        789 words
    • Page 28 Advertisements
      • 936 28 128 Vahicla Financing/ 128 Vahicla Financing/ 128 Vahicla Finsncing/ 128 Vehicle Financing/ Insuranca Insuranca Inaurance Insursnce tonrnGtr Same Price M ■fifi-ae Bkt\ *m\\m*\\ -___________2_____-£ m— -\m ,i amimmmmmmm u i. e~ T m mmmm mm m Bi_______tf mm 1 11 Better Deal AutoPlus. It's a credit line that's yours auto
        936 words
      • 3 28 ¥1 C.A.T.S. 737-1166
        3 words
      • 223 28 mmmmmm* L i lAI THONO LEE TRADINQ PTE LTD Offers low Interest rate on CSI loan and noli transfei loan 5 years rapaymanl Immadlata Approval lun Ing atl'l Selling 17 8 18. NANKIN STREET TFI 53! 1785/ *****18/ *****02 129 Registrstion Numbers CAR REON NO I- I 8 Hlghe OffC
        223 words
      • 704 28 128 Vehicle Financing/ 128 Vehicle Financing/ Insursnce Insursnce "^aw Focal Finance Focal Finance Limited (A rmmbar of tt* OCBC Group) Immediate Processing Up to 90% Financing Head Office Main Branch. 49/51 Ncw Bndge Road. Singapore 0103 Tel: S337SN/*****37 lluklt Merah Id *****02/ lavender SI Id ***** *****94 *****.." Havelock
        704 words
      • 362 28 131 BMW For Sele s 'M 7JOI AUTO I owner Imrnaru late condition with leather .eat.s I Highest offers 70_-Uo_2 8/'B4 SMW 7281A, excellent cond Selling with car phone Tel I 225-5884 F.-lher JUL -80 BMW I I owners, good p-ondltlon l'ag» -MllOim II S- < 132 Mercedea For Sale
        362 words
      • 897 28 132 Mercedea For Sale 80 MERCEOEB BENZ fu .'..nt- *****0 New UX hl-fl. tciiiuie control powei steering s riini Bhoarm ond no ers 1.1 44.V44H1 i'g ,'IXIHIUO 80 MERCEOEB 200 Manual Ux llil HU rlrn\ .ilarm rt-ii i antral lot x *>#• u u r.ii fIOOIB '81, NN.RCEOEB 200 A
        897 words
      • 727 28 133 Ford/ Fiat For Sala ALMOST S3 FONO Laser 1 5 Air 'in cassette good cond Tel 48) 8914 CEC -80 FIAT 12. 903 c c Alrcon, I .K palnl $12,500 11 Jln Haudara Ku Tel *****90 LATE 80 FIAT 131 PAKK Alrcon s runs ux Aug $13,100 on o
        727 words
    • Page 29 Advertisements
      • 874 29 iom nuisn ror saio 4/82 NISSAN 100A Sin mi hi fl, new loini lai PARF Heautlful A.xklng tISMW 8/83 NISSAN SUNNV I lorlfl i i '"wupa vim m t el -..>4w-i.' Well ome U i 77 DATBUN 120V Sal... All p oil ette srlms lax i maintained SHrttMi I 84
        874 words
      • 756 29 ij-4 reieean ror _»aie 83 NISSAN PULSAR Ml fl Tip top i ond |22 Wk) 1.-| 83 BUNNV SPORTSWAGON til ion rail 84 NIBBAN 100 I „,l„, Showrm i ond inten- ,te,i pis aii Prlaclll 84 SUNNY 1 3 i ,1 ondltlon s.-w las 12 87. SUNNV 1 3 I
        756 words
      • 1008 29 hi i oyota rot asis END 80. 1 owne Idenl ini au i ui i .idin 'as s\ .'imi i ,-i Mil IND 83 COROLLA I I DX I pte i« n.n nee model loe ml C'lilHH JAN 83 COROLLA I ll i\ I own lie ,ni iiui rondltlon lel
        1,008 words
      • 1047 29 in toyota ror aeie 84 NEAR COROtIA I B Wagon I oW 111 I lie A I.IX 1. '1111l Iflll I olid m i wi\i, 84 TOVOTA CORONA Irl XI. 2 pi Ivale owner s Spur Is rllllx, ..III!, ni BUM 4rtH_2tk) 84 TOVOTA COROLLA I iX 1.1. alrcon radio
        1,047 words
      • 1062 29 uo Mitsubishi For Sale SI MITSUBISHI OAIANT IMO New tyrea A parti Ownei having nea ai lall UtHIH '81 NEAR OALANT g<_ bumpet m-w paint i i..w npa) ment ttjttl 1.l ,p 82 OALANT 18 OSI I- oil] mln power steering rim rull cessorles Hi '.N.i H414H4 '83 AUO BEAUTIFUL
        1,062 words
      • 966 29 137 Mazda For Sale i 8/ 81 MA/DA 828 'i ut'. I mt, i owners s nms Beautiful nnd 1.1. ".I an I'ASBENQER 77 MAZDA Hong,. <o Aljunied ised i ai > entre 7/81 MAZDA 323. It 1 dts full ii sol le ll| ..llv I p.p. 7/82 MAZOA 323
        966 words
      • 951 29 138 Honda For Sale 11/82 ACCORD 1800 muni.,; I linuli i adlo i .issette entral loi kltlg 118 ml I >"W lppa\ lllt'llt .11 loan VM 9/88 ACCORD 18 I I pie own el full 81 essor les ult, i«-rii nnni dull free if quell fl.-l Miner i" I JUN
        951 words
      • 788 29 136 Honda For Sale 84 HONDA CIVIC I nidi. iu and nea illllm, IttjßO. 1.-i |4tt 84 HONOA CIVIC I < ..I -l ,I'. PARI 'o. -p mi, nn,. i 84 MODEL ACCORD I. owner I ull .11 rnnl $.«>.HINi i. '84 NEAR ACCORO I U X nut,, '85 CIVIC
        788 words
      • 427 29 141 Hyundai For Ssls 141 Hyundsi For Ssls __-H-_r i H "^^Vrv2:^ ii KK mmmm\^mm\\ __________i^^L 'jfL sSm I Pick up useful ideas from our Bumper-to-Bumper feature on gk m |k May 25 in The Straits MRf Times Classified. teftm*. 1952 PONY S/WAQON i|teed. exiellent cond pie own j cr
        427 words
      • 588 29 143 Othsr Makes For Sals DSH MOTORWAYS PTE LTD 7 Cheng Charn Soad (Oft Jln Bukil Merah/ Hoy Pan Roed) Singapore 0)16 Tei: *****81 (8 linee) PRIVATE REOIBTRATION 1888 Suzuki HA3IOOI. "la Corona 1 8 CI) auto 1687 Honda Accord auto Hyundai Stellar iisi s rlmx Nlsaan .Stanza 1 8
        588 words
    • Page 30 Advertisements
      • 953 30 143 Othsr Makea For Ssls 81 RINAULT .lUOU 2 0 (MX (lotti rlms. aircon hi fl tax 10 80 Excellent c, nd l.iw MO Downpayment $2.80i' _84 mi •88 JUNI RKNAULT till lurlx, owners Wllh full spoiler kit Showrm cond He.- to helleve Tel *****11 (Simon I DAIMLER 18/ 1887
        953 words
      • 1038 30 144 Commerciel Vehiclea For Sale 86 NIAR ISUZU lOft dlesel low hed Alrcon hi fl $V fkkl K.I Isu/u lOft petrol $6900 Hotti pai king 125. UX 9 HO Tel MH7H SS WHITI ISUZU van HMll.'l 2,000 cr lip lop cond alrcon. hi fl. Ux V 8V 117.21X1 p, i,
        1,038 words
      • 971 30 144 Commercinl Vehiclea For Sale S2 TOYOTA LITFACE van I er. air Mowei engine bod) good i ond fall 4AVfi_IIH •B2 TOVOTA LITEACE I di All n radio Insui ,m, ml tux March IWO I'g BO •B2 TOVOTA LITEACE I loor I'iin el van Road las w mw ivi I
        971 words
      • 940 30 146 Vehiclea Wanted WANTED 1200 TO MM I I scrap I ipitMin Klueliild lOJ ft-ii.ii MMW _H t.'t IM 738 1.-l BEST PRICE OFFERED f i ill N lil.les i usli puymcnl (4. i.l'.'H 07HM pk ,i»«>iirt:' leffrey Ha IF VOU HAVE u <ur we have ttie capiu llv lO
        940 words
      • 915 30 171 Properly Finsncing 171 Property Financing NEED A LOAN FOR JUST m ANY W run I u uLi ww ixwußir a. f> Call USA for a credit plus line from any phone, any day, anytime at L222 5544 or 222 8844J HONG LEONG SINGAPORE FINANCE LIMITED FINANCE LIMITED lift? al-ejust
        915 words
      • 415 30 172 Houses For Rsnt 0 FABIB HIIOHTI 4 txlrtTU Qui et surroundlnet ***** only Avail is 8 Hun-Mark *****18 OS HONO LEONO Odn corner terr 2-_-_t-r_y. 3-1 rin.. Fullj alrcon furn tel 2_o-23.fl Agt Dl WIIT COAIT Pk 2-itorey .wml <1 Split Hiriiiri ttiroufhout 4 1 rrni furn «2.-00 2M7028
        415 words
      • 678 30 173 Apsrtmsnts For Renl 173 Apartments For Rent /J^ FAR EAST PLAZAA Z_W^ HOTEL SERVICE m^ APARTMENTS LONG OR SHORT LEASE immediate 0< t upation lem eAt Hw itmi Hon ot ..iMimniij Poo otts/Orchard Fload __h I ouil in Hv-att H BHard Room QymnaMim Advanced Bot and Available M 0(H)
        678 words
      • 648 30 EXECUTIVE APARIMENTS AVAILABLE AT LA MAISON a Prestigious loi stlon dist II Ml 4 hour sei urlty e i hildren s playground a Lerge sw immlng ixx.i a I hdrms wllh utturhed litthr.xim a Servant's quel tei s a Approx .TOsq ft a Ri entel Contact *****13 JERVOIS CT CARLTON
        648 words
      • 1113 30 173 Apsrtmente For Rent FABER LODQE Ml K utx-r luxuri 1 mis muis 2.NM) sq fl II txlrms s |xxii lonnli s.ju.iai gym t'ti llurds 24 houi ***** neg KKA .'l_2HBB Allui. IXORA COURT (DIBT lli hi.,,,. 1 n.-w I tpedrixiin fu. liik greenerv quiet turroundtng s pool iquaali ts
        1,113 words
      • 1058 30 173 Apsrtmsnts For Rsnt DISTS FUTURA High flr Private lift 4 I rms Beautifully furn lg Prop 23.NLNL. 0 10 ALLSWORTH PK 3 bdrma P fur.. Pull facilities 3000 sq ft 1 (111 DP NVH.LNI D 10 BALMORAL ML l+l txlrms behind Plnetree cluh P furn $i««) Yumin :...i|g»vi I
        1,058 words
    • Page 31 Advertisements
      • 957 31 0 8 CENTREPOINT. In Bea MHI Cond,. facilities M.OOI Yong long y DB ELIZABETH HT lusurlou B-BJS 4 1 rms y furn 1 faclll lies High flr $340H Ml 0.8 EXCLUSIVE WELL furnlshe, IVIfl Or, hard carpeted hdrun $2000 on 0 MMM BtkkO Healty OS FALCON CREST bTSOd new tnlrir.
        957 words
      • 1011 31 i RMB AT YIBHUN Is, v. 1 ti Hi Panjang Jurong Wi others rel »i,w*rt i I ROOMS AT ST ,n, IS link Hit. Mlng Hlslihii 1 ROOMB FOR COUPLEB without 1 children No cooking Orchard area Call ,'.lBl ww ROOM AVAIL AT lu.'l' Mo 11, hagla Kor furlher details
        1,011 words
      • 355 31 (Rsnt) (Rent) \___-r a^lvl Enhance your car s performance with useful tips in our special feature on preventive car A&^-L maintenance on May 4S^r Z5 in The Straits Times cats Classified. lfl?*H 178 Short Tarm Accommodation Local/ Foraign SEMI-D HOUBE 4 I y furn for long short leustNear Orchard lhi
        355 words
      • 584 31 179 Housss For Ssls D 10 Henry Pfc split-level d/atorey srml tl 4 I txlrms wrll lllitln Ulned ***** sq ft $7-0.01)0 O 14 Brand near Lor. Merlcen I st. rry detnt'heil 4 I tnlrms 4 till) _:.00 sq fl ItU Issueil Split-level, mnrtilr $..0,000 neg O 14 Jaian Huaeeln
        584 words
      • 896 31 •in nuuiti rur _>ai« nuuiti ror »eie ~7_ PHILIPS THEPHILIPS OBSERVATION k SYSTEM z v ThePhilips ObservalKPti 0W it the dealers listed btiO-B The system consists ol Hn- tolowing Atii.n k md white 12 TVmonitut BCimßratMNh 't.itiiii or Bmm lens, a built-in microphone, a wall brack* lor M mounting, a
        896 words
      • 783 31 Dll TILOK KURAU nice 2-itorey seml-d 9 -I yrs No renovation required 4.900 3.200 sq ft 3 1 large bdrms Family hall, cablneu It many extras Lona drive way SBOOK CMC Props *****05 O.IS RBALTY PARK, .rand new .1 storey terrace. 9 I 1 bedroom, land 2000 to 3900 sq
        783 words
      • 1110 31 we nouses ror seie D IS BSAND NIW tml.n deslfn st.ue) i orner terr MOO s.j rt 4 I. $«-0K nen 1 Healty IMITtI |>|_ MtMM d is cheap ii im orr Prs«kel storev tuillHlv. (MHi s.j ft tms Freehold Quiet location Hi, html low Housing ".4MIHIH O 11
        1,110 words
      • 1042 31 i.e nousee r-or Sale D 10 OUCHFBB AVE Semi ,1 MINI s,j rt 4 1 I HI A i 010 OALLOP PK slurry tiuiniivi 4 imi sij rt I'imii Jim ih. iim, <i i, O 10 HOLLAND VIIUUI ten 'li hold .ton s.j rt Ken .viitfl $44M. Hi, ll,in, l
        1,042 words
      • 523 31 179 Houssb For Sale D7B CACTUB RD I 1.1l IMI Nest in r, rs D2B CACTUB RD l vis »4.mis i ak.- Propei I D2SBARACARO Qulel I 1- I I llr slu I r V t II i st) fl .l'l $WViK K.qual D2S BELETAR OON I s.r.-v 1. i
        523 words
      • 876 31 186 Private Apsrtmsnts For Ssls 0 4 Fairaraya Condo I I BdrOII II ill fa llltlrs I, kr- I > 0 T Teiiile Cenlre Above IVlee „t tier hti rms I 0 9 Tha Baaumont Spill level. 4 nuns A[ j sq f« neg O 9 Qrangeford U.hml Invest menl
        876 words
    • Page 32 Advertisements
      • 1243 32 ise rrivaie aperimenia iso Krivate aparimente IBS Hnvnte Apartmenta For Ssls For Sale For Sale |v ill Hill It. iim. r I unit st Mi i .il«. vi It VI I vv llli ,111 .tl'snltiii i\ ith talking \u w nt tin siiiin nin lun- islands It tin |s lli
        1,243 words
      • 1089 32 186 Private Apartments For Sale D 10 HIMIKO CT Hlehi Is. „,.t t I liiii ms slinly 1 Ititiil vlf* 1 hold 1 uii undo fii.iliiifs ih'-i nq rt a DIO HOLIAND RD I bdi ui pen) '1 ie an ti beeul 1 tui lendarepe Hpai rfflrlenl 4ihhi „i
        1,089 words
      • 1095 32 186 Private Apartments For Sala DIST 10 KUM HINO t „iil iH fl I'l bdi in i i.-.i nun ReutM I Ryan Reel! DIST 10 SOMMERVIIII PK I i• i rms Vn > quiet K'hold Adhome OIST 11 NOVENA WAIK UP KenovaU i SSB $-4ok Promart HiM-Ut lv 409HH4DIST 13
        1,095 words
      • 952 32 186 Private Apartmanta For Sala D IB EASTERN WAV Mill." tl yr.u s 'Id I bdi i ,'< K'hold IVnth-K ,'4l 4777 d ie upper pava Leber iik ni, ai.t IMO $q rt i nrm F'hold lium. nrn ralho 0 Is. UPP BERANOOON. apl i- hold i -ihi iu rt
        952 words
      • 1043 32 100 HUOC Apartmanta For Salo 0 2067 CORNER TOWNHOUSE Be hind I hums, hi I'laza 99 yrs 9 Id MM sq ft I hdrms Renovated M_.ln-ri.nn. r $5. 40* nth I.l'.'H iiiiii I'Ml'i Xio-5-.i IMMM BERANOOON NORTH AVI I v* nik up Kxcellent cond 1 1 i bdrma ..tiai-hm i.ath
        1,043 words
      • 907 32 191 HDB Apartmante For Sale 3/3' iA M Kio Vi KJ $.IHK 3-rm Bedok 3 rm Clemanl. I4HK 3A rm Bt Belok I t-1 |g| 1 3*rm Tampines n.' I I I 122, 138. Ti 16.813 $4 K 3-rm Jurong F IK 3rm Kallang Bahru $44 K 3rm Mar lrva
        907 words
      • 958 32 191 HDB Apartmanta For Sala DOVER CRES 3RM I.IK .1> I siidinu elndowi 1 Pl needs ihik aala $4<ik i Dl4 3 RMS Dak, ita I rrs flr Nt. CBBhl Kull 1 PK AskliiK $«HK on o SI'CM 2VV. EXECUTIVE MAIS CLEMENTI I Sunset Wuy 1 I 1 nrttr .imrnl
        958 words
      • 863 32 191 HDB Apartmanta For Sala 4 RM AM KIO Hlk MK I s. h High flr (eraml. $HI.K lull (|'l $HOK :*****7H 4RM A' BLK 13$ |'„i,,„„ p a ,i r rell rrnovatrd .eraml. I'ri. r nrg AI'S 2&6o__--4RM A HOUOANO Ave 7 High fll Nl.ely renovated Well kept frli
        863 words
    • Page 33 Advertisements
      • 888 33 iv_: nun Apartmanta Wanlad HDB WANTED Wa spacialisad in: e Ang M.i Kl. e Toa Payoh e Ht.ugHiig Hi-. I nnd i>t ti«*r location Sky Propartiaa *****44 (5 linoo) UROBNTLY RBOUIRBB HDB/ HUOC any dlsu for OUI ready buyert .'leaae call noa U.nacreat 337-1271 RBADV BUYERS UROENTLV rr quire 4.
        888 words
      • 806 33 i»4 haciory s K -a» e 104 Factory Space fl\ VALUE ADDED MANAGEMENT PTE LTD PROPERTY FOR SALE BY TENDER i I I cou 'I I I I \l ilill' MANA! >mim cn i ii ijndt i j m.i- live 1 B I. M.1.-.S on Ihe |>te*< rlhetl t.ioi,
        806 words
      • 488 33 196 Offlca Spacos I For Sala THE PLAZA Prim© office space for sale at Beach Road Outside CBD Area 722/1313/ 2025/3125 sq ft Over 700 car parking lots Vacant Possession/ Subject to tenancies Contact: 11 11 UNpTED OVERSEAS Mm. land limited Tel: *****28 Apei Tower f entrall> 10. .ite.l I
        488 words
      • 522 33 197 OHice Spaces 197 Office Spaces 197 Offlca Spaces For Ront For Ron! For Ront KECK SENG TOWER Cecil Street lilv immediate occupation. B Hjw 111 I sii Area com P nses of Il|| Basement: 6222 sq ft I I Hl Ist le vel 6639 sq Ifl BkL 2nd level
        522 words
      • 237 33 Dl SHENTON HOUSE. hlKh f1... fa. -lug Mfl VIS« t r -ii fron tOO ft Nln Kill Prop _H44lk D.l TEK BLDG. 1 .48- I lmme. liaie occupation Plaai Tan, Tel 0.1 THE ARCADE/ Jit l'oh lot Plaaa Nat weal Iti Keck s. n lwi it mi n M lIM
        237 words
      • 481 33 j QOLDEN MILI TWR 1000 sq ft 82 20 psf Bullt-ln cabinet, window Everland 2909.11 x 15 OOLOBN MILE TWR. 978 sq ft high flr partition. ,1000 neg Patron *****19 OOLOHILL PLAZA. 1.280 soft Half-contained unit Near MRT Avail Immed Colliers *****22 INT'L PLAZA 400. 937. 1.500 soft I'rime location
        481 words
      • 797 33 199 Shop Spaces For Sals BUKIT TIMAH BHOPO CU 111 ig ft Tenanted Watri lU| avail $68K lIOHK WWW yrs A. cent *****16 OON'T MISS ITI .1 tasesisas-H lit i moiii Plaaa Prima simp n.iMMi ni fi Oroundfloor %*\a i.i f CMC Props WMMM DOS: PARKLANE ORDFLR pi lnir shop
        797 words
      • 671 33 204 Other Reel Estate 204 Other Real Eatata 204 Othar Raal Eatata IThe BEST corner in KINGS CROSS Cnr. Darlmghurst Rd Bayswatcr Rd CBD j AUSTRALIA Minton House A I'l nn. I tt i. ii I i,.,| v Ye iu Km:- I ♦I.'i.-,': 1 .ri,, I, I Int t s
        671 words
      • 391 33 241 Tours HONG. konG} x 4 5 Days /fl *$955 t Highllghts"^ —^fcjS__( BRSflMaal lunch with Ocean 'i First Class HoM VV" Dep: May 27, 29. 30, June 2. 4. 8, 10. 14, 15. 1 17, 18, 19 &20 Deluxe Tours Tel: *****00 ta-3.0 Euro Asia Holidays Tel: *****83 ta
        391 words
    • Page 34 Advertisements
      • 1054 34 =__________^s____i_________________i MM 241 Tours 241 Tours 241 Tours i w Ti iT I --ju.. i". as l-RBmrinr ...:m •<■ r:: ir a umiminmn nmnnriEß See the best of Europe without j PA YIH 6 A KIHG'S RANSOM SIA Holidays only otter cart'lull) your needs suih a twin hannghotel admissionkt andtrai
        1,054 words
      • 86 34 'Thailand Ol Bangkok, Pattaya, Chiangmai, Bl Chiangrai, Golden Triangle. r m $499/ $599 v S *S/ ti <Jl ouf H, 9 n hghls nighl 1 1 ...f.i;.. „n „i,i ~r" .oC^ N Ml I* k \o** .l l^^-* .'.tul Nil.- 1 Inh Q*__J_^^^^ W. illil It 11. |.".l r, .11).
        86 words
      • 6 34 AI S when I. i'i ,1
        6 words
      • 364 34 OAK 3 NITt GfNTING BY HI H'pi TRAIN $129 INCLUD NITE CLUB DINNER OEP EVERY NIOHT J OAY 4 NITI FRAStR GfNTING 1 89 2 DAY 3 NITI fit ASI A Mill $119 dep 30/5.1/6.6/6.8 I.IJ IS 1.20/t,t2/t-_-fl J DAY 4 NITt CAMIAON GtNIINi. $199 v, 22 9 2 OAY
        364 words
      • 363 34 241 Toura 241 Toura RELIANCE M*W^^mmmw^m^^mmm\^^ w 9_B_ Jl -Br >_x_____^ Visit Grand Palace a Temple f'-M Sightseeing e Coral Island K__4| mT a Floating Market a Nong Nooch Village Snake Farm a Visit *t Mini Siam Thailand i/^I yi J Sv in Miniature e Relax r?j| L iHrjHpi in
        363 words
    • Page 35 Advertisements
      • 685 35 T EXPLORE THE EASTERN f~ FRINGE OF ASIA THAILAND 3^^ TAIWAN •"attaya. _r_w___ Chiangmai IMk Talp^l/Tlwrig K.i, Shek M.-m0n.../W.n.l«.»v ()n hm.,l Chiangrai AM Tnlchung/Sun M< .< m I -a Kaoihlung hrng i timg Phukti»ll«n I Manong Fly by Cathay Pacific Airways r— 1 SCENIC BAST TAIWAN/HONG KONQ/ in ,i
        685 words
      • 495 35 ttttiiiifftiTfflffWWlTWl^ J .lllittMMMlMMMtMHl{U{ttttltllllllU__Hll 'till MR Rm' Mil IjTLI -t__p»******^***a*aaahi-______________>__M[ :f PH UK FT }rHV^i-_» ~^i 4l)ay 2Adult- I 2 Kid* 1410 Srf'J/ V -J^ SD--y«2AdulU IKId SI 14V 4 ay.2Ad_.ll-* IKId $1a.28/SI4W fifc^fj ft <»>•-- 2 AdulL. 2Klds... SI4NO 4l)ay» 2AdulU 4 2Klds I»|6lK/S|KW SBrf^'tl/' THB^rr_________i V'" sUays2Adoll_ IKId M46«//^ls«>«>
        495 words
      • 91 35 40AVS^3 $998M 8 DAYS $599 4 DAYS $499 ll. in, ihul. Pattaya ChtangntrA, Chirnt/r.ti (iiiliirn TritAru/1,. Ht/rma laos I 1 DAYS $45, CHILD $29 2 DAYS $75, CHILD $37 Jumbo li.iuiy Fvrry MV INTAN SARI ACCOM 400 Pax n.-i AM Fl $1.91. ?D COIOUR.Ut TAIWAN $1,191 I.D TP[ HKG BKK
        91 words
      • 446 35 SOLO J^P (SURAKARTA) W EXPERIENCE Sukuh Temple I'Erotic Tamplail^^^^^tt Old Mataram Kingdom J-"^,*.^ I n_s»2iflW__ls!2» 1 K_*_r^'_ffi J New Tours For 1989 4 Days Ramayana Festival Tour *660* Singapora Vogyakartl %oroMtMMut H,im. )y ,im.. H.illt»t Vogyakartl Smgapor« OM ''I M, iv U. June. 13 July. 8 Aug 7 S.'pt 13
        446 words
    • Page 36 Advertisements
      • 726 36 .—aa.a. I U School Holidays Highlights Limited Seats Left' I I 6A7/8/10D BRISBANE/GOLD COAST/ VJ SYDNEY/MELBOURNE from $l(.. r >.) jC Dap M.iy 1 1 j. p.. 4 /wm ii). v?, i4. 16, i <>i t 6/7DPE^.TH trom $1298 Dap May >f) n hm X. 7. 3 X 1 10
        726 words
      • 369 36 lw ,pur 241 Tour. J Cook's AsiaT^B P JPS J^llct^l^imC^^mmmmmmmM > Bli > mmW A'jlM l'l if' ['l'M 1 1 J Hl mil I 111 t^r IM Mf 1 1, I a^XW '1 1 I'l' 1 1 a-fMM I I \i,i.ri, ,i,i I t/.f.-t^" \rn in I nr.'f* ultrr
        369 words
      • 519 36 241 Toura 241 Toura TTH ____L^l-L__l__ r > JT -^v^Vf F m*\. l______._n_ll a I al_a I FOR HOTEL AIRFARE I AESU ~T EUROPE ~t\wj£ HOLIDAYS FOR THE 18 35s P ffi /fi 14 Daya The Coamopolitan <vSAfIjHM FuH H 14 Days Trans Europa )]Sll_________i |„jj*** 16 Days Splendid Vistas
        519 words
      • 230 36 I I laLIL 4 V _____________________B ________________Pibß I P._jbo^^' \T. W -^--1 il«v»^_i' _kl ri i wt I ssa** I WV IWV.W*' I A V° |V _^ss>**_i i ____-__-----_^^^3| _-_---_T*V'4_^ M-r4*at'-«a^_J INDIA PACKAQES A Dharmayatra Hi il. Ist I'llicrlltiilKf Tour -x |iirsN Benrlre •;:«<»--- rA m.s 1 1 j
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    • Page 37 Advertisements
      • 799 37 JASONS TRAVEL 111 nil \n fare* l i 1 1 i h_.ll_.nd li" .i... Idwtdf ll. .iri booking* dlacounl IOH >.. I I uSAtflt I I A UMI SPECIAL AIRFARES TOURS I' Pen ...n ir.'.ii yr, ,n i manl v;i. aUoni i I WORLD CHARTERS FOR \n '.>■■-. lours
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      • 978 37 |51gl THE UNIVERSITY mm OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA j\W/. STUDY IN WESTERN AUSTRALIA'S W&&M PREMIER UNIVERSITY ADMISSION 1990 Senior staff of the University will be in Singapore on May 25, 26 and 27 to advise prospective students and consider applications for admission to degree courses com mencing February 1990. Prof. A.
        978 words
      • 479 37 263 Academic Couraea 263 Academic Couraea f Your first step to a career ln Accountancy I li.isu Accounting I < 'niiimimif ation I I.umihss Administration I Numeracy A Statlatlcs I a Computer Appgcatlona In Accounting I I), iv lv. iiiiiw; i Ussp-s < ..mtiH'ii. mu; M.n earl) lum I
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      • 140 37 264 Computar Couraea IK FREE TAI H (fn/ pm) BCS TAI K M M (Frt 8 30 pm) ORCHARD Tal: *****11 23 04 Shaw Ctr (Opp Orchard MRTI PARKWAY Te1:*****00/11 80 Cl ParHway Builder <_ Clr Above McDonalds I otus I .it, j'. MAI M IrVordstai W I tti.i',.' in.
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      • 613 37 _f_-» -.ompuier luuiidi .os i_uh.|/u.». _._.i_.<_«7_ wumpuiwi -uuiisi ct* v_*umpui«i v.uuis*s _t>«» -uiiii^uisi uuuibsb Ro Sl Ci irPPQQ P_t University (London) t. M DC a SUV/OUOO Oteea ,i„..., aKjm* f\ p lUI AT I O tti.'si- iiiii .mil .nn I kiiiruniviMiivo .11 1 "COMPUTER SCHOOL mi, mm T I
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      • 224 37 f ipa Tel: *****12 (Bukit Merah) Tel: *****55 (Jurong Eaat) SPECIAL SCHOOL HOLIDAY COMPUTER COURSES Special programmed tor Primary and Secondary School* School Leaver* and Adults BASIC (Beginners) BASIC (Intermediate) BASIC (Advanced) DBASE 111 PLUS WORDSTAR LOTUS 123 BMC Commarclal Training Canlra (Buan Marah) Blk 182 Ord atoray) Bukit
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      • 391 37 I^TSCHOOL HOLIDAY mßm SPECIAL m^LmWT Inlcnaiw n>.irs.% tin ihlldrrn n!> I lr. vi-ji. wll^ tranaporl .iv.hUI.I. _______P J A^TLm^mM m I Lnmpulrt rrain.n_tiMti, nil ll Counc* '-MCO-l Symphtim aWS _tMM I .\s ■"•>"'- .lIIASI 111 RASH Pm** i ..iiii'iit. i i .1.i1.1i. n 1,..., MMRM COMPUTE RYKS-Wrim STUDIES ***if*»m.flE_________«
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      • 717 38 -rae Commercial/ 266 Commercial/ Technical Courses Tachnical Courses WITH OUR KNOW-HOW MARKETING CAN BE A VERY PROFITABLE CAREER Institute of Marketing (UK) rhe STAMFORD CERTIFICATE IN MARKETING is officially recognised Id i omplefe exemption tiom the Institute ol MarKeting (UK)Cetiticate Stage (Parts i 8 II) c.irt lime t'.t'tiitK) i ourses
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      • 695 38 267 Language Courses 267 Language Couraea ■.l_________H IbKrHH I _____ft-353-E-_-___r!S II Tlmmm Publimhlng Group SINGAPOREANS! Do you want promotion?! ____k____fc_i_f_l____W' to ■C_^^JiSES3ffiT-___a^' ATT Language Centre for short, intensive courses to improve your English. Classes for:- grammar revision speaking (at work) writing (reports, letters, etc) All native speaker teac hers Small
        695 words
      • 403 38 269 Driving Inatruction SKILL DRIVINO CTB. Trarflc pollCS trained Male it Kemale Instru. tors Tel -4481---BTAR SAFETY DRIVINO Centre Hourly tt uiuiriintee Knqulrle.. welcnine Tel __HgAH43 4HV-02.1 TANJONO KATONO DRIVING (Tr h p.r final theory and hourly ■lr imii.. lull gain opm *****8.1 270 Dancing Inatruction lIAI.I.KOOM DANCE ON QUICKSTEP
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      • 695 38 277 Programmaa For 277 Programmaa For The Young The Young Wj__sUJr.:« I \.u\n I I Ml KiKDrnilK'""^; |WH IWl_.t.O|aO..»« n u u> «i saTcm Ro-HiSuif-1 J I 271 Modelling/ Deportment Couraea JUN« HOLIOAY SPECIAL! (Iroom Ing tO look good L confident Improve make-up. dressing, etiquette It poise Register now to
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      • 418 38 BCHOOL HOLIOAY PROORAMME Open House on 25 May ISSS. Thurs 7 30pm Knjiiy t ri 1- hollil.iv "i.atru.'tlv. ly wltli > >nr reiKiwiird English Skllls Enrichment A Drama Workshop (AKr> A IM .11 now fnr r«-s«- rvntli.ti HOUSE OF M The Largest Children Workshop MMM 278 Carear Guidance FLIGHT STEWARDESS
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      • 475 38 j* *****66 TELEPHONE SERVICE: J Monday to Friday: 9 a.m. to 5 30 p m (spm deadline lor neil day) Saturday: 8.30 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. (11a.m. deadline for The Sunday Timss) Public Holiday: 9 am to 1 p m COUNTER SERVICE: TIMES HOUSE 380 Kim Seng Road. Singspors 0833
        475 words
      • 20 38 Results are better with dp i J&w _4^ k *_r <H_v fr v 11k S(i;iils I INK'S Lissilkxl <*' T I
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    • Page 39 Miscellaneous
      • 2851 39 Radio 1 1 Comics novDTir rROQQWnRn PERFORMANCES tf_____H____________H •wwHMHßsaßM'*^ -^>v__cr- h«,us.- I Th.- Kt-nturkv Harblers And -a--- I l M, l> lassical fuIULT re- The WlldraLs. __H' RUi,ai t mmr9mr^m\ __-__-____i V_____ll 4> rl I _L/V*« IBli-M* TomonoM. Kree. 1^ ___>\_______^ ______________r»l ______B (ludi'.s'l'viMVth.nK from son«s I ;M w_
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    • Page 40 Advertisements
      • 395 40 G/ A LyO E R I 8 I «-a_L -Pi I Mi .JWrTT P li-PD V. \__l__--^'^-_____________. ''a.^ <v '^^^s^^_____H fij*^ __________a____l _k^ ___4*^^__L__________________J 'Al._^<_j||*^ _f-_-^-^-----_ r____^__K__T^___o^___^___a*l______r__f' -■-/--'-J A k >2_t^SJBHI 1^! U _'J L^ ESL_____l W^mmA Vl-tJ WJ S-O^' I mT _-_i __> «^_i __L _A He^^^^^l^M^* IL/ -_-_-_r
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    • Page 40 Miscellaneous
      • 1141 40 3.00 PM Opening win High have a Snort Sandie. who feels hgh! ved by Painted bored being cooped up in the pal Faces (Mandann. with lnglish talks Casey into changing subtitles It is identities with her Meanwhile, a five md the ti wizard usurps her throne by fore (flighted when
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      • 442 40 '^^PW Getaway isle hides a witches' stronghold HmT'T'THmi A v s lm K ''>°n "how come HHHHLfcL^LmMHlVHH 'heir arc no death records for' the past :«M) years''" dies in a jinxed MM* rjl «••-«>»> I'remlere Ray accident and Linda nibs two and ov<> (SIU :> 3S P m > An
        442 words