The Straits Times, 27 June 1977

Total Pages: 28
1 28 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 MONDAY JUNE 27, 1077 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 25§/l/77
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  • 798 1 ISRAEL MAY GET MORE U.S. WEAPONS Plan to sell $287 mil arms WASHINGTON. Sunday r ESI DENT Carter will propose sales of US$ll5 million ($287.5 million) in arms for Israel in a move that has strong political overtones, authoritative administration sources reported today. Mr. Carter's recommendation for the new sales
    798 words
  • 143 1 Another Uganda minister seeks asylum LONDON. Sum. A second senior minister In President Idl Amtn's government has left I'ganda and applied for permission to stay In Britain, the Home Office said today. He la Mr Godfrey I ulr 42. the Minister of Justice and Attorney General, who has been In
    Reuter  -  143 words
  • 56 1 ISTANBUL Sun.— A three-year-old girl iv shot dead br a leftist youth here latt night the aecond victim of poTmcal violence »ithin 24 At Izmir member of the Republican Peoples Party was stabbed to death iwt nl«hl in clashes between party militants and member* of
    AFP  -  56 words
  • 61 1 SALZBURO Sun Two masked gunmen today surrendered to police after releasing a cashier they held hostage In a money-chang-ing bureau here for more than 27 hours Police said the two men. who burst Into the office just before It opened yesterday, gave themselves up quietly after
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 557 1 Amin was injured says killer squad man LONDON. Sunday MAN claiming he was in a group which tried unsuccessfully to kill President Idi Amin says the Ugandan leader was wounded by machinegun lire and was carried away by bodyguards after the attack, the Observer newspaper reported today. The paper quoted
    AP; UPI  -  557 words
  • 42 1 !OP* DfJLHI Sun -BB>ptoyw of Uw Indian -press group of in •MP*> want oa atrtfea in flvt SouUi Indian csUes today in support of Utttr cnHaaguas m Hrm Delhi where tht mmeasMot hM siianuauas It la dosing down tht papar
    42 words
  • 140 1 RANGOON, Sun. Burmese troops stormed and seized heroin refineries In the notorious- Golden Triangle operated by rebels, the official Burmese News Agency reported today. Two insurgents were killed and three soldiers wounded during the fiveday operation which ended yesterday. About 100 Insurgents fought for nearly
    Reuter; AP  -  140 words
  • 51 1 PARIS. Sun Parts newspapers said yesterday that 160 Soviet men and women masquerading as scientists are on a spy mission in Canadian waters aboard a huge iceberg. They quoted Nato sources in Brussels as saying the base contained three helicopters, seven single engine planes and electronic equipment.
    AP  -  51 words
  • 29 1 NEW DELHI. Sub. A booibscare delayed by seven hours an Indian airlines airbus flight carrying JIS passenger*, an airport official said Sunday No bomb was found UPI
    UPI  -  29 words
  • 116 1 MANILA. Son. President Marcos today ordered the release of 500 detainees, of which Ist an poUUcal prisoner* the presidential press office announced. A spokesman said ITS are to be freed permanently while the M 5 other* are to be placed on temporary liberty and subject to
    116 words
  • 247 1 Short of food so Reds cut rations in Vietnam HONGKONG. Sunday FOOD rations are being reduced in Vietnam because of "difficulties" In the production of rice and other food crops, according to the Vietnamese Communist Party newspaper, Nhan Dan. The decision to reduce rations follows a warning by the country's
    UPI  -  247 words
  • 299 1 Lanka blacked out after strike COLOMBO, Sun ALL of Sri Lanka was plunged into darkness last night following a power failure due to suspected sabotage of an installation at Polpltlya near the country's main hydro-power generating centre. Official sources said they believed striking electricity workers were responsible for the breakdown,
    Reuter; AP; AFP  -  299 words
  • 65 1 BEIRUT. Sun —Syria haa received nrw batch of modern Soviet mlaallcs over the past hourv the L»banes* dally new^aper AIBaflr laid luday Quoting Arab diplomatic sources In Beirut, the paper said the mla*ll« deal iv concludes by Syrian President Kates Al-Aatad during a visit to Moscow
    Reuter  -  65 words
  • 37 1 NEW DELHI Bun Defence Minister Jagjlvan Ram was quoted by the Sunday Wit— nan aa saytng there was "d*ip aaguisn* within the Janata Party over the Mlectton erf »yen new chief minuter* last wee* ■eater.
    37 words
  • 37 1 LATEST No oil price hike by Kuwait KUWAIT. Sun Kuwait has decided to foreg the five per cent ell price increase that was te take effect next Booth. Minister of State Abdul Asia ■■aseln annoMcad today— AT
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 104 1 KINGS SAFETY SHOES Oil- <M W Resistant w -w > Mje-ei 704 JbV KING'S SHOE MFG PTE. LTD ffMFS) 1 Blk 36. Dakota Crescent. Vj^jgQ? Singapore 14, Tel *****1 *****27. II SANYO'S Heavy-duty searchlights Rugged •Weather -Proof j*iL •Impact-Proof ll_sav .^bbbbbbV* Designed for S* heavy-duty use in all I weathers
      104 words
    • 259 1 REGISTRY MOVE TO BEAT BIGAMISTS Page 9 OAI aeclares full sawaert far Mosamblque t IMTASSr in tllas on Pakistan's ■ewer sharlnc 3 WE will fltht IN wars against lsrari. says Assad 4 BOGUS tovt man strikes again 9 MNC«* role la booallnc econosny I CAIX for Aaean shipping common market
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    • 30 1 THE LADY M 1 I SEIKO QUARTZ. |R A STARTLING •Si STANDARD OF ACCURACY \Wf&J FOR WOMEN. W™ 4302-3019 IV seiko mm S«vwMtev all MRi hr% «<ll br madr i*m
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • Untitled
    • 466 2 LIBREVILLE (Gabon), Sun THK Organisation hi African Unity Mt i bred its "t<it:il and ii ihj 11 1 1 ificd support" vnlcrday tor Mozambique in resisting Rhodeskin ■Hacks ind summoned its doIctuc fommiwimi t<> plan urgctil joint militant i rtio n against Rhodesia. The
      Reuter; AP  -  466 words
    • 110 2 MICROWAVE THREAT TO HEALTH WARNING TORONTO. Sun. <!> Microwave-, may soon pose as a great threat to health as chemical pollution. two American public health officials warned at a pollution control congress here on Friday. The officials. Robert Albrecht, of the Maryland Health Department, and Emanuel Landau, of the American
      AFP  -  110 words
    • 204 2 'Big Zambian build-up at border' SALISBURY. Sun. There has been a bit build-up of Zamblan forces and Rhodeslan nationalist guerillas along the border with Zambia. Rhodeslan military sources here reported. This came as Zamblan forces lobbed shells yesterday across the Victoria Palls bridge straddling the border between the two countries.
      Reuter  -  204 words
    • 254 2 Pledge to fight black guerillas to the end R Y. Sun 0 In aa emotional declaration of deflioct against Mack gMrillaa, a while KhodesUsi leader today pledged a fight U the finish for t\err Inch of ground rather than sarrender to "a loathmom and savage foe." foreign Affairs Minister Pleter
      254 words
    • 260 2 Teargas to break up mourners JOHANNESBURG. Sun. South African police used teargas to disperse some 8.000 mourners at funerals yesterday In Soweto and Mamelodl townships for three Africans killed during demonstrations last week, reports said today. In Soweto. Johannesburg's largest black township. 5.000 students and relatives attended the burla' O
      AFP; UPI  -  260 words
    • 141 2 WASHINGTON. Sun The Washington Post said yesterday that a Pennsylvania company which makes nuclear submarine fuel has lost enough uranium during the last 18 years to make almost 20 atomic bombs. The newspaper said a 1975 government report placed the loss at 130 kg
      Reuter  -  141 words
    • 105 2 GIANT-SIZE ANSWER TO NEED FOR THAT EXTRA LIFT THAT man in the car stems to be saying In stunned exasperation: "Say. are you seriously going to replace my punctured tyre with that spare?" But actually, he Is p h o t ographrd here to five an Indication of the slse
      AP  -  105 words
    • 230 2 US loans offer for arms despite sales cut WASHINGTON. Sun. Despite the Pentagon's intention to cut back foreign arms sales. the Treasury Department Is offering cut-rate loans for other nations to buy weapon* a Congress Committee chairman said yesterday. Mr Henry Reuss. chairman of the House bankIng committee, said he
      UP  -  230 words
    • 29 2 MANILA. Bun. PoUca tald they amstad today a man »nd a woman bus pa»wngcr alleged to be carrying 750 dynamite stick* In«d» f re travelling bags. fteuter.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 104 2 f m.s. rasa sayanq I 1 H I your cruise holidays start again 1 <C "'irf? > I II I l^k aY i ?^£-;v<&?£' br, r Ka^ Baaaßßjßß»*jii^i^isa>» <^Mß™BifcMgsai waaaw >' aaa^Bv i H »ai U T "^^^^^^^^^^^^^Wfa^a^a^a^a^Lßa^a^ML^La^a^aal I P^^sßMß^a^Bssssßl w^k y vi -UiMtiu -UimtLgflagasa «^v^ at* aagagss* m e^aissa
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  • Untitled
    • 338 3 Carter— not keeping his word, says N. Korea ijARlb. 8un North I Korean President Kim li-8uni Mid In an interview published yeslerday that President Carter U not keeping hit election promise to withdraw U8 troops from South Korea In an interview with the Paris erenlng paper Le Monde. Mr Kim
      AP; UPI  -  338 words
    • 41 3 DJIBOUTI, Bun. A frecn and bit* flat with ml »ur trill b» hofcUd orer th» high mmmtwlcin here at midnight tonight when the French territory of the Afan and the lav formally becomes the independent Republic of Djibouti Reut«T
      41 words
    • 230 3 ISLAMABAD. Sunday "pAI.KS bthMta the government and the <)|>|>osilion deadlocked yesterday over details of a proposed power-shar-iiiK Ixxly that would govern Pakistan until the parliamentary election next autumn. Both Prime Minister Zulflkar All Bhutto and the head of the opposition Pakistan National Alliance.
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    • 185 3 Sanjay's bid to get back pilot's licence NEW DELHI. Sun. Sanjay Gandhi. 30. who wielded extraordinary power In India when his mother was Prime Minister, has accused the new government of trying to vilify j him and playing politics with his pilot's licence. The accusations became public yesterday in a
      AP  -  185 words
    • 56 3 A MEMORIAL hall to the late Chairman Mao Tse-tung was completed on May 24th after only six months of contraction work, according to the Peking Review. The top picture shows the south face of the hall. A spectacular night view of the front is shown
      AP  -  56 words
    • 121 3 Thai village 6,000 years old BANGKOK Sun. A village in north-east Thailand has been proved as the site of a highly developed p r e h 1 s tortc civilisation, more than 6.000 years old. Radio Thailand reported today. The lUU-run radio quoted DirMtor-OciMm or not Art* Department Drcho flatrananond
      Reuter  -  121 words
    • 278 3 Cholera outbreak: Manila accuses Japan press of 'distortions' MANILA, Sunday 'THE Philippine Government today strongly protested alleged "distortions and misrepresentations" in the Japanese press pinpointing the Philippines as the source of a cholera outbreak in Japan's Arida City. The Philippine protest wu contained In a sevenparagraph diplomatic note handed by
      AP; AFP  -  278 words
    • 216 3 Smashed: Illegal Chinese migrants racket JAKARTA. Sun. Indonesian police were UKkfty twportMl to have «ma*hed a rtng under which tome JO.OOO Chinese Immigrant* had entered the cojntry Illegally The leading Jakarta newspaper. Buana Mlnigu. quoted the chief of the security department at the police headquarters. Brig. General Buntjojo, a« saying
      Reuter  -  216 words
    • 239 3 N-plant: India accused of using pressure ISLAMABAD. Sun.—Pakistan yesterday accused India of putting pressure on France to abandon It. planned delivery of a nuclear fuel recycling plant to Pakistan. Citing a report carried by the Indian news agency Bam&char on Indian Prime Minister Morarjl Desal's recent unofficial trip to France,
      AFP  -  239 words
    • 56 3 BANOKOK. Sun Four communist rebels were killed. two raptured, and one taken prisoner during the June 13. 1* period. Urn Internal Security Command Operation <IBCO> announced here toThere were 11 clash** durtnc the period In northern. north-cMUrn and nouthem Thailand, and government cawialtlea totaUed three
      AFP  -  56 words
    • 296 3 MANILA. Sun The Federation of Asean Shippers' Council (FA8C) hu urged Asean govern menu to adopt mewuret designed to reduce their dependence on foreign dominated shipping lines and to promote regional trade at reasonable freight rates. It said yesterday. The measures, made up
      296 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 136 3 Compare our profit reaping features: H Situated m the busiest tourist centre in Orchard Road H neighbouring C.X Tang and Fitzpatrick's Supermarket. Hundreds of f.r ops for every trade, food drink centre, H handicraft centre, medical centre. Departmental Store Supermarket of international standard. Chinese Continental H restaurants, nite-clubs and round-the-clock
      136 words
    • 176 3 *****44 P JT IK^Pif^^^iaMawUawP FiiLIET IHil- Too, 1.55 STIIPtOIW i* 1.10 CHICKEN WINGS 5.75 TOPSIDE jsoj 1.05 MINCED lEEF «o^ .55 OX HEART .30 Mil CHOPS 99 PICS LIVE! 10 °9 28 LAMB LEGS Halves or whole 500<j 3.05 NEW SHIPMENT MATJEES HERRIN6 FILLETS VACCUM PACKED BETTY CROCKER BISOUICK SOFTSILK
      176 words

  • Untitled
    • 28 4 HONOKONO. Sun—Wxtyatz Vietnam* as refuses* left her* last night en board a Lufthansa flic ht for Israel after a brief stopover, a government spokesman Mid. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  28 words
    • 114 4 JERU8ALEM. 8un. Prime Minister Me nachem Begin presented his 12 man Cabinet to President Ephralm Katzlr today and said he hoped the middle-road Democratic Movement for Change (OMC) will still join his rightist government. "I hope well be able to renew the negotla tlons with the
      UPI  -  114 words
    • 329 4 CAIRO. Sun §YRIAN President Hafez Assad says (he Arabs will fight "a hundred wars" against Israel, but will not give up one inch of their occupied territories. In statement* publish ed today Mr Assad ruled out Syrian diplomatic recognition of Israel, as
      UPI  -  329 words
    • 227 4 Graft in Peking shows a big increase PSKINO Sun Corruption has increased significantly In Peking over the past two years, a Chinese source revealed this weekend. He said it was possible to get an omclal signature or stamp by bribing a civil servant or diving him a present. According to
      227 words
    • 54 4 ATHENS. Sun Turkish Prtmt MlnUtcr Bulmt Ecrrtt ha* cailed for a prompt mow Ing with his Orcca counterpart. Oonstantln CarunanUa. In an interview pubUshsd today by the Athena newspaper AcropolU. Uz Bo«nt ttrtsssd that his Republican People* Party, victor In this month! t'ectton. favoured Unproved bilateral
      AFP  -  54 words
    • 32 4 BRIDOrrOWN i Barbados). Bun AuthorttiM aeised a plane loaded with 100 klloa of arms and detained seven people aboard after It landsd here yesterday a government apoass man said Reuter
      Reuter  -  32 words
    • 142 4 MILWAUKEE. S*m Former US Prest west Gerald ford, competing la the Vine* Lombardi golf elmmc. hit his Ant hole tee shot U the left of the fairway Te*trrda» and ■track a ■podator In the head Ocrne Bartelt. M. was treated by —meal
      142 words
    • 229 4 Spain Reds hit back at criticism by Moscow MADRID. Sunday rpHE Spanish Communist Party last night responded to fierce Soviet criticism of its Independent line by stressing socialism could only be implanted in the West through democracy and the recognition of human rights. A communique released by the central committee
      Reuter  -  229 words
    • 37 4 VALLETTA. Sun PocUJIjU from Mediterranean countries ymtiday eixMd a flw-dajr nodni here with a propoaal to Mt up a rooperaUvc (yatcm of r*■tcnai Mcurtty to eliminate me influence of the superpowars from the area ReuUr.
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    • 91 4 SNAPPED IN HOLDUP AT BANK THIS photograph. released by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, shown an unidentified man leaving a San Dieco branch of the California First Bank on Saturday with a fun in one hand and a fistful of money in the other. The FBI aaid the man, photographed
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 506 4 I What is good condition I Not only must every muscle be I strong, but oxygen must be transmi tted to the furthest extremities of the body efftciently and in sufficient J^_ A quantity This is influenced by the awawW .awa^si oxygen intake of the lungs and the heart s
      506 words
    • 197 4 fj^W^ A R H CONTESTA m f/*aaWaWawßaV\ for Mini. Tcyoto and Oatsun jwiMry/ R.O.H. WILDFIRE ♦or Toyota, Dat*un. AAazda. Ford VvC^Lf aF^JsP/ Co'tina and Honda Civic Sue* 5' xl 2" s'i"kl3" 7 ®_RO.H. TRASAM l^for BMW, Mercedn Benz. Opwl. I Ford Cortina and Chrysler I S.ze» 6"x13".6"«U"4 f 7"k 14"
      197 words

  • 216 5 FR the first time In 100 years, a Chinese temple in Waterloo Btre< t has employed two Ct.scu guards V> protect I IU won nippers from pickpockets. The temple authorities have also ?ut up notices advising the devotees to beware of pickpockets Ptckpocketlng usually
    216 words
  • 65 5 MISS Nintaporr Theresa Liv (left) who la to compete In the Mi- International beauty pat-rant In Tokyo on Friday, hands over leaflet* to Japanese cirK daring a publicity campaign In the Japanese capital Ob Saturday Second from left is Miss MaU;sia. Dorothy huah Miss Liu.
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  • 299 5 Residents left high and dry tell of 'threat' ANNOYED residents of a Toa Payoh North block of flats whose water supply was shut off on Saturday without any warning were further Irritated when two men tried to prevent them from collecting water from a public tap at a refuse centre.
    299 words
  • 108 5 Warning to detergent makers: Don't raise prices MANUFACTURERS of powdered detergent here have been told not to use metrication as an excuse for price Increases Confirming this, a afetrtc*Uon Board i|>*ajßin amid however, that investigation* so far had ahovn that there had been no caav where price increases had bean
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  • 19 5 K ALL AMO community rrnirt U to form a swimmlnf elwb soon For further •Malta I*l »S4AS3
    19 words
  • 397 5 Bogus govt man strikes again J^S elusive bogus government official whom |>olice have been trucking since he first started his activities earlier this year, struck again twice yesterday. Despite police warnings to the public to be on the look-out for him. the man entered two flats in Toa Payoh and
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 191 5 Hugo's, our premier restaurant, is exclusively dedicated to the ladies during the lunch hour, however, in recognition of the other sex (without whom life wouldn't be as sweet or as bitter, as the case may be) the ladies have permitted male lunchers at a "Boys' Corner 11 1 V J
      191 words
    • 665 5 H r*^^^T I NORDMENOEisonaollha II I -^Akx > m j f -a I' toadmg Oarman manulactur«fs M 1' *■>■* -aa»W J jSS lh anlaftainmanl alactronici L^^^^^H Ibk/ sr*^F industry For around 30 yaars sW^'^WMaVT ■■MHaaW fif- NOROMENDE has b««n a nama J^Bk^K. anL tot quality ol hiflhas" orda' BaaaaaaftaaaaVl^^^aaVs^* a^laV
      665 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 647 6 KP^^^__ .^^lH^^^^^l |^|mh| V Pan-Electric 4212 has 4 burners and 2 standby hot plates to make cooking easier than ever. Pan-Electric introduces a range of gas cookers with many features to make you an even better cook Pan-Llectric have designed their new useful accessories that greatly enhance the range of
      647 words

  • 163 7 THE winning team of the THrmrtric T7. the PA Adventure Club. chairing their leader. Michael Yonj. who Is seen holding the trophy aloft In triumph. The team won from 11 others to clinch the first prise of the Telemetric series organised jointly by the Singapore
    163 words
  • 313 7 How S'pore can fight restrictive trade by expert CINGAPORE can fight protectionism on a 19 global scale as a member of the World Tr^de Centres Association which Is linked in partnership with some 30,000 trade organisations the world over. The president of the world body. Mr. Ouy Tozxoll. said this
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  • 244 7 MAN DIES, FIVE HURT IN ROAD MISHAPS f\NE man died and five \J others were hurt In separate road accidents during a morning shower yesterday. Motorcyclist Poon Kirn Hln. 47. who fell from hts machine outside the Aljunied Road post office at 8.05 a.m.. died without regaining consciousness 90 minutes
    244 words
  • 98 7 rl Singapore Industrial Labour Organisation SILO i has launched a scheme to provide educational loans to children of needy members studying at. or about to be admitted to. institutions of higher learning Announcing this yesterday. SILO's general secretary. Mr Phey Yew Kok. said applications could
    98 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 67 7 bbbb^M m ft o I *|T i" 5 en iiiii M 3 9 v V^ II ll I ll^BV^aß^BV v^B^bV^l v IBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBK 9 B^r^K^^H l SI BB^HB I >l hlbbb? m m. I v J m I m I aB I 2 i I /a <* Cf/ I 2 1/
      67 words
    • 391 7 for the best colour prints Years of research and development by Fuji Photo Film Co Ltd the largest manufacturer of photographic products in Japan has resulted in this new color paper The very first to bear the famous FUJI imprint This paper achieves new dimensions of improved print quality through
      391 words

  • 210 8 Breast feeding group urged to expand its work T:iE president of the Consumers Association of Singapore <CASE>, Dr. Lee Ngak Slang, yesterday urged members of the Singapore Breast feeding Mothers' Oroup to expand Its activities to help in other areas like membership drive and market surveys for the association. He
    210 words
  • 59 8 QUEK Hock Senc 2*. wai yesterday fined 1200 by a magistrate's court for accepting two 10-cent ootna from a van driver at the Zlon Road car park on Thursday at about 8 10 pm The court heard b* was •eliciting money from car owner* by acting
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  • 23 8 C airnhill community centre will hold courm In children's art and copper tooUng on Saturday* starting today. Par details, ulephone 17»537.
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  • 38 8 THE organising committee of the Adßall will hold an AdOlrl contest at the Neptune Theatre Restaurant on July 9 starting at 7.30 p.m The contest alms to ?:lve* recognition to girls eatured in locally produced advertising
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  • 462 8 MNCs' big role in boosting economy MULTINATIONAL corporations (MNCs) in Singapore are responsible for over 50 per cent of the Republic's exports and have contributed to the national welfare in more ways than one. This Is stated in an article on the role of the MNCs in the Culture Ministry's
    462 words
  • 114 8 US varsity award for S,pore girl A FORMER student or Swiss Cottage Secondary School. Mb* Ckaa Be« Leng (abovei. now studying at the I'nivenity o? Wisconsin in the IS has won the Jame* II Albertson medallion. She was among the IS selected out of more than 100 graduates for the
    114 words
  • 87 8 Tuition for 1978 PSLE pupils PRIMARY Five pupils in Marine Parade may now register for tuition classes to be conducted by the PAP Marine Parade branch's education committee, from Friday. CUtam for maUiemaUc*. ttifUah and jelence a* well aa Chinese and Malay as lecond lancuac* wul be held at Block
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  • 34 8 THI United States unfcaisador. Mr John HoMrtdf*. will hold a reception at hu Orange Road rcatdenoc en July 4 from 6 30 to 100 pm to eeMmlc hU country's 301 st anniversary.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 504 8 Sympathy, service and security. Three things everybody wants from their bank. t Lm^^^—Jßl LV IT -Jl L^ BBB» T»m 4bLZ9bbbbb! b^_ ■^TBml^ t^H bbb^BwlKw /^bbPs*^bbbl bbv^mbl] l\ **9 1 i ■-<■ f^arn l Bm^*9 bhbl BBBm ATlbbw >* m v L j mP"\ bt ami M B? 4k^ w B»^V-
      504 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 169 8 Bringing Up Father By BUI Kavanagh «c Hal Camp L- WHAT I f I'LL HOLD THE I |°SLOW WCTiOC LED~~] l| I'M HERB To\f£f* HERE JAA«S 64VE ME I DOg« I err MV6ELF AND ALL THE W*V AND ASK YOU FOR TO TELL < ATIPON'VSLOV \\JAME«y POCKET THE #5- -I
      169 words

  • 456 9  -  PHILIP LEE By 'THE Re ris try of M.; .> belHvtd to be looking Into a scneme to computerise mairiane records in Singajwre to beat bigamists. Sources said that the present manual system of maintaining mai records in the registry which handles an average of
    456 words
  • 22 9 THE Btnc*pore Amateur Plajrcrt will pnwnt a threeact play. The Thief, at Victoria Theatre, from Bept M to Oct 3
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  • 232 9 HELPING HAND FOR THE BLIND CHILDREN /CROSSING a road. which eaa be a nightmarish experience for the sightle« in Singapore, turned out to be a heartwarming experience for this group of blind children >e>terday. For they found that there were people who cared about their plight. Those who led them
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  • 29 9 THX Chief Juatlc* ha* appointed Mi Yonc Yung Klong ai Deputy Registrar of the Subordinate Court* from June 6. according to the latest lasue of the Government Oaaette.
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  • 162 9 Ong: How clan groups can help govt OLD Chinese clan associations in Singapore have an Important role to play in helping the government provide welfaie facilities tor the peopie. according to Labour Minister. Mr. Ong Pang Boon. He salt. ii:Mf> associations could also help the government promote Its various national
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  • 247 9 SOME SCO people yesterday spent their Sunday carrying out gotong rovong projects In separate parts of Singapore In a kampung in Lorong Chuan. about 300 people from three community centres, an association and a police station took part In a cleanlng-up operation. Kicking
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  • 117 9 rESIDENT 8 h e a r e s will present awards to the five President Scholars at the Istana on Friday The five are Ang Peng Tlam Khoo 800 Cheong. Koh Kay Yong. Lee Tong Heng and Miss Urn Hoon Oeok. The scholars were selected
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  • 265 9 'Teach the young to cope with stresses' A PSYCHIATRIST yesterday called for special courses for children and youths to teach how to anticipate and cope with stresses to ensure a mentally healthy society. I He said that children's mental health was assured if they were prepared to face difficulties and
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  • 72 9 Giving sports a boost THE Singapore Sports Council will screen films on sports and physical education at the National Stadium theatrette next month. The first screening on July 9 will be a fourpart series on the game or squash. Four other Him* on physical education and a documentary on sportsmen
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 72 9 W/7 Montia>s *m I' Hnuilliihifiisse Marseilles H B0Kj^O» luesda>s I I\ \flv Koi>sl smploin of Btt I ■vx^^ Wednesday Ihursda>s Ivw Roasl Rack ol I mnh I rrida>s I M Roast Rib of Hi I I Plus I Boh I ol Mixed dreen Salad. H hoice ul l)ressint;s. I Price:
      72 words
    • 175 9 SI f *Mm. Don't lose heart if you're losing shape. V> Because Joanne Drew is here to help you. Our treatments really give you resuits— W measurable results. With planned diets and programmed exercise. Your fat-loss is geared to your own individuality your life A style, vogr health, your diet,
      175 words

  • 291 10  - Call for Asean shipping common market J.D. INDRAN By §IN(iAPORK shipowners have proposed to the Federation of Asean Shipowners Federation (.FASF) the setting up of an "Asean common market for shipping" to increase shipping activities and trade among the five countries. The proposals suggest that ships from all Asean countries
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  • 79 10 THE Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry education sub coirmlttee and the Nanvang University commerce society will hold a public forum on the prospect of industrial and commercial development In the region. at the Chamber premises on Saturday at 2 p.m. It alms to strengthen the link
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  • 271 10 Union urged: Set up consumer goods co-op mHE Public Dally Rated 1 Housing and Development Board Work er& Union should form a welfare co-operative that could provide consumer goods and other benenta to Its 4.500itrcng membership. This was the suggestion proffered by its advisor. Mr. V. Jayakody. the NTUC secretary
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  • 85 10 NZ airline's short-story contest AIR New Zealand's Inflight magazine. Jetaway. Is starting a short story competition. The competition will be (or stories with an outdoor theme, not more than 2.500 wordi. and it U opened to re.<idenu of any of the airlines destination* a* well »s the South Pacific countries
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  • 200 10 Seminar on radio frequency starts tomorrow AN Asian seminar to prepare for an lnter- national conference on the worldwide allocation of radio frequency spectrum In Geneva next year will be held in Singapore from tomorrow. Some 24 delegates representing various communications agencies In Bangladesh. Philippines. Pakistan. Iran. Thailand. Korea. Malaysia.
    200 words
  • 71 10 Varsity child psychology course THE Department of Extramural Studies of the University of Singapore will hold a sixlecture course on Child Psycho'ogy from July 8. Mr. Poo Mun Choon. psychologist from thr Singapore Ocnertl Hospital will hold cIaMM on Tu«d»y« and Fridays from 730 p m to pm. at the
    71 words
  • 26 10 TBS National Museum will sercco three show* on America featuring people, eveou. scientist* and modern art at IU premises oi. Wednesday at t pjn
    26 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 300 10 LIDO* 3 ™UIST DAY! I 5 show): 11am, 1.30, 4, 6.45 9.15 I A MADCAP COMEDY IN THE TMIITION OF "WUH IP IOC?" I^x IMNCfNUL UfIMCfrCAL I thehMntecta^wthaCSliMMMdtoimMei^. I hwM t; fmr (ITsui I, hrt) Win IJADE itk KM! f,\k W. (Tel *****80) 11 am. 1 30. 400. 6 30
      300 words
    • 241 10 I \i w Tlfttl ■a BJ BF '***^^bB k^s^s^SSs^k^sl PICK A COURSE gZF*** 1 FROM Dane* CLASSIFIEDS I u^,t COLUMNS SS&f 1 1 100 103 CAPITOL- NOW SHOWING! (Phone *****9) DUE TO FILM'S LENGTH NOTE REVISED TIMES 5 SHOWS DAILY: 10.30 am, 1.15, 4.00, 6.45, 9.30 No Frw List HEAR
      241 words
    • 57 10 ■ •sMs* CM* 14$ 4. 7 t t.M 6— 1 IS. IK 7 4 t.M AtliMMiLmDriM rilninn -rt»« UWI CMmm I«sj»t4«g SfwtiM TswHiat U«ilfc» Mwn ■MHJrAI abb I^LV TO-DAY ONLY 2JO t JO tfMSRI«O« Y PfC« DA VIO NIVIN AMTMOMY QUINN GUNS Of NAVARONE AN EXPLOSIVE WAR PICTURE COLOURSCOPf-CMINCSf Tines
      57 words
    • 282 10 S&b Nurses' lllffk '77 ij j! W/- ClMin FILM PIEIIERE v^' IN AID Of CHUITUIC OKMIMTKm UNOCI THE OmirKUIWCD MTIOM« Of TMf MMISTTt FOR HCAITH OR. TOH CHIN CHYE OOEON THEATRE HWnw Wednesday W^-^ iKkm »s. mv. us anaJ^Jl sm 4i m« IM 4 K\ f Bt^ IW Hntak Mraw,.
      282 words
    • 411 10 'AViWW.VAVLV/yV.', :!^ORGANISATinN:; r' li; !U!'iL»iairmgl I NOWJMOWIMC' I 3 SK.-, 7 MS* 10^. > THI CHIVALRY. THI > GUNMAN w«4 KILLU I IJIJ IIiIUUM,! J < HUMY- HUttY HUllr *m LAST J 0AY1" S 1 Urn. 1 JO 4 00. 10 t 30 > MeM Pro<Ju<iioo< S J >
      411 words

  • Untitled
    • 175 11 Setapak Umno elects Zuhri for talks KUALA LL'MPL'R. Sun The Setapak Umno division today unanimously elected :t» deputy leader. Tengku Zuhrl bin Tengku Zakarla to head a 10-member delegation to the Umno general assembly on July 1 The election was held at a special meeting at the Sultan Sulalman Club
      175 words
    • 227 11 Perak Umno Youth backs Suhaimi IPOH. Sunday ACTING Inino Youth national president, llaji Suhaimi bin Datuk kainamridin. today ureived the full support and confidence of the lYrak 1'mno Youth, following a three -hour meeting ken. During the meeting. Haji Suhaimi explained and discussed with the state committee members, matters relating
      227 words
    • 44 11 MALACCA. Sun —Customs snd police officers seised 1 000 pieces of batik sarongs vslued at M 000 in a car at Kampong Java here on Friday The Penang-registered car was seised and the driver and two passengers detained 1' r qurstioolng
      44 words
    • 44 11 MALACCA. Sun— Malacca Cukionu ate investigating the import of a SUOOOO computer, by a factory here early thi* year. The computer, comprising 38 units, v believed to have been imported from Singapore and tts value grouty under-declared to the Customs
      44 words
    • 239 11 Amok with parang holds off polico for four hours KI'LJM. San. A parang -wielding amoa helu It police officers at bay for mere than fe«r hoars before be waa overpowered in the police station yesterday. A sllat exponent finally managed to jump on the amok while trying to persuade him
      239 words
    • 44 11 ITOH. Bun The general purpose committee of the Malaysian Technical Services Union will hold an emergency meeting ax lv headquarters on Tuesday to discuss Issues put forward by the various branches in the country. Its general secretary. Mr. A Ragunathan said today.
      44 words
    • 80 11 JOHORE BARU, Sun The Customs Department has reminded traders that shipment of goods from Peninsular Malaysia to East Malaysian stales of Sabah and Sarawak through Singapore is no longer allowed Deputy DirectorOeneral of Customs and Excise. Mr Rahim Tak. told a briefing of 300 traders and shipping
      80 words
    • 53 11 Amman-KL flights AMMAN. Sun Jordan's Aha Airline U to operate flights from Amman to Kuala Lumpur, via Bahrein and Bangkok, following an agreement flgned here yesterday Jordanian civil aviation director Bherlf Ghaxi Rakan and Malaysian Ambassador to Amman Emir Abdul Asls bin Mohammad signed the accord which was first Initialled
      53 words
    • 181 11 Govt may buy new training aircraft KUANTAN. Bun The government Is considering buying new aircraft for training air force pilots under its expansion programme. Deputy Defence Minister Enclk Mokhtar Hashlm said yesterday. He said the present training aircraft the Bulldog was not suitable. The ministry was also considering setting up
      181 words
    • 85 11 Call to amend Universities Act KUALA LUMPUR. Bun. The Selangor Graduates' Society today called (or amendmenU to the Universities and University Colleges Act to enab> student unions and bodies to (unction (reely. The aoriety'i president. Mr. Ourmit Slnfh la a statement today said this would prcvide students the experience of
      85 words
    • 61 11 ALOR STAR, Sun The fovrrnmrnt has attocmted *i 8 million for Ute purchaaa of JO harveatera to apaad up haneatlm of Uito aaaeao'a crop in the ktuda, area. Thai waa ennooneed today by the MMa A«rtcutturaJ Oeretopaaot Authority ehalman Date 6y«d Nahar Whaharwrtitln when he opened
      61 words
    • 32 11 KUALA U.-MPUR. Sun. All cigmmtc packet* aold in Malaysia will have to cany a health warning to unoken (ram Oct 1. a Trade aad Industry Minutnr tpokaaaaaA ■aid here ywUrday
      32 words
    • 236 11 IPOH, Sunday 'THE Perak GeraJcan cl" airman. Dr. Lim 1 Keng Yaik. today hit at certain political parties within the National Front for deviating from the objective of eradicating poverty in the country. He said that It had noticed with "abhorence" lately
      236 words
    • 232 11 MALACCA. Sun. Two youths armed with pistols panicked and ran out of a goldsmith's shop at Batang Malaka. 40 km from here yesterday morning when the proprietor's daughter sneaked out and shouted for help. One of them, however, took $350 from a counter drawer
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 160 11 DANGER GET PROTECTION The mo our society develops, the more commercial and industrial buildings increase in size and number. This in turn increases the need for protection of property and personnel. The Australian Fire Protection and Safety Equipment Display should therefore prove of great interest. It features many advanced Australian
      160 words
    • 611 11 the best amplifier system is nothing without a matching set of speakers iFeiIGQ% ¥¥T1 1 Tl 1 d HAS BOTH J $400 t jEXX X atCIVS EXCELLENT \V wot 535 111 AMPLIFIER AND MATCHING SPEAKERS. ree q'^ /^^gaaffßfßßß^By^Bßfßßßfßfßa«] ■K^V^sialß S-4500 BBiyP'^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^B AM /FM Stereo Receiver with sbbbbbbbbbbbHbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbl c****" 8 ta
      611 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 242 11 Straits Times Crossword ACEOBS Lebanon and one port In 1 Let sprites go (ree as t«banoo <7>. sptltes (U). 1 Dramatist translsS Memorials of super Istive ling karned works (6. 8). aciurtemenu? 11l 10 Crime or »lckedness. lor Picnic designed u> rnUr- example, on a fast raillain genteel composer (7)
      242 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 484 12 yHE decblon of the leading Industrial democracies taken In Paris on Friday to step up economic expansion next year In an effort to reverse the upward trend of unemployment is to be widely welcomed, of course, as is the n-newed pledge not to give in to pressures for
      484 words
    • 145 12 |L|R ALFRED KAHN. chairman of the US A Civil Aeronautics Board, is not well known beyond his home shores. But what he is doing at the moment should bring him a Nob?l prize, worldwide appreciation from those who suffer from the preference of lawyers and bureaucrats for jargon
      145 words
    • 184 12 I WOULD like TI 1 (ST. May 19) to turnish us with the adorew of the resale flat «i)ticetne<l in order for v* to make an Investigation Into the delay Oenerallv. In any resale of flats both seller and buyer will
      184 words
    • 127 12 WE refer to the letter In which "Fed up" <ST. June 15) claimed that she had to queue up fur more than an hour for a shower at the swimming lagoon. At peak periods we have noticed that the shower block nearest to the main entrance Is heavily used "Fed
      127 words
    • 83 12 1 REFER to the letter from *Oood Cinemagoer" (ST. May 14) and wish to assure him that the Customs Department 1» aware of the malpractice which he has indicated therein Our enforcement officers have arrested 43 such offenders since the beginning of this year, and ther were all sub sequently
      83 words
    • 72 12 PR the convenient* of resident* In Brickwork* BsUte such m "Brlckworker" (ST. May 11) the Junction of Jalan Buklt Merab and the road leading to the estate will be aliened to allow vehicles to turn right mm Brickworks Estate from Jalan Buklt Merah. The existing opening for the Ministry of
      72 words
  • 1572 12 NO previous pay raise for mtmbcri of the IS Congress has stirrod so much resentment a* their recent I Ssl?.9«« <SSSI,6M) Ineroaao. Today, In th first of two article*., oar Washington correspondent. Milton Chase, lists the more costly perquisites
    1,572 words
  • 582 12  - Queen to review shrinking navy ROBERT MUSEL: By LONDON QUEEN Elizabeth reviews Britain's naval might tomorrow in the last of the great spectaculars of her Silver Jubilee year on the throne and more than one million spectators afloat and ashore are expected to spend a nostalgic day thinking of what
    UPI  -  582 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 443 12 Jesse Lopez Younger brother of Trini star in his own right. June 21 July 9 Talent just seems to run in the family. Jesse has performed in lively Las Vegas. Reno ana Lake Tahoe. He s guest-starred on The Ed Sullivan Show The Mike Douglas Show and made appearances in
      443 words

  • 348 13 TIIK chairman of the Sin g a p ore Zoological Gardens. Dr. Onf Swee Law. yesterday announced a threr-year development plan for the 100 which has had 2.2 million Ms-tors since Its opening four years ago. Projrrts Included undrr thr ol»n will br major
    348 words
  • 207 13 Changes in music and social work courses THE University of Singapore Music Department and Department of Social Work will make changes In their curriculum when the new academic session begins on July 4. The Music Department will promote music as an extra-curricular activity and not as an academic subject. Music
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  • 118 13 U.S. FIRM'S $1.4 MIL EXPANSION SCHEME AN American manufacturer or table and radio clocks is expanding Its production capacity here by putting up a new $1 4 million factory building to nieet growing demands tor its products The new building be longing to Oeneral Electric < USA 1 Consumer Electronics
    118 words
  • 51 13 THE N»fonal Muaeum will hold a illde show on the paintings and home or Rubens tn conjunction with the lnt«rnaUonsl Rubens Year at the museum tomorrow at pm The show will be accompanied by a full commentary Admission v free bat on a first -come- first-served
    51 words
  • 34 13 MlMnTffat ot State iDrlrncri Mi Bernard Ct*n will open the trade (air and carnival organised by the Singapore Armed Force* Wimntali' Aawctalhm. at Lorong 1. Toa Pkyoti 00 Saturday at 1 pm
    34 words
  • 163 13 URA's task: Facing the 'sleeping city' phenomenon THE Urban Renewal Authority faces a challenging task in overcoming the "sleeping city phenomenon which afflicts Singapore's Central Area. Dr. Tan Eig Liang the S?nlor Minister of Btate. Ministry of National Development, and chairman of the URA. said this in the authority's annual
    163 words
  • 77 13 INSTITUTE TO TAKE IN 310 ftHE Institute of Edu■l cation will register about 310 new students this week for its Diploma In Education course and Certificate In Education courses In English and Tamil. The students will join 300 others already admitted In January, bringing the total number of students recruited
    77 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 124 13 ZactLion for smokers ZACT LION DENTAL CREAM FOR SMOKERS Mint flavoured to refresh your breath With its remarkable anti-nicotine action Zact Lion deans and whitens stained teeth. Leaves your mouth with a fresh cool taste. Mad* in Japan by ih« LION DENTIFRICE CO LTD Sol* Ag»m Chuang Chung Wan (Ptal
      124 words
    • 356 13 m 9Wg%mamw^^^ SilJlt^'RtxO I^H MODEL SR 200 Silver Reed now introduces a 44 quick -response Keys portable that incorporates the all metal rugged, lightweight best features of Manual body In an attractive carrying typewriters without case incorporating the expensive pnce Jntm I Prix tumbler VK^ with every bottle of T^FeN
      356 words
    • 122 13 f\iiamol Skin care A make up Sales Promotions atKatong Emporium Katong Shopping Centre From 27th June to 2nd July 1977 Discounts Of and W Fre« Gifts K I M^iilHil with CJfe nave products C^***^ for all skin typ« ■bVMbssbwmH -^B^-^-^p- Normal W v^l 4 Dfv lsstaV uufc. 1 I W
      122 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 856 13 On your TV ammamamamammmamamamammmmmmmammmamamamamamamamamamamamammmmm SINGAPORE 5 3N PM Oatnat f »Uimi 17 Vil* hr» (Tal 730 Nm (■*>) 3.31 DarTiuSit- (Tamil) 1M Sandiwra 9Ua 3^35 General Hospital IJS htar Jcfc M •■»<"• j 4.15 Scam bpirt 4.31 Intermission Ul Inn mt Hewuwl 605 Oatiat fKstwri r, tbe Water Cycle 155
      856 words

    • 2048 14 A 8 a service to rwadWrs. 9tralU Tlaaa* eajfcMitii sJiawly I *>«*ll*aj aadl aaalysU ef saar** *a tk* Stsaat Eaxaaafe I et at—per s. TV* year s bigfc aael krw ar* Mi*i< by tk* I «a*4's awm ia price*, la* iiHilli yisU. Ik* awt arttw Mrnis|i ratio
      2,048 words
    • 685 14 Money and exchanges Domestic 'THE US dollar lUrUd illghtly Uronger on balance In the Singapore *i\ui last week at int S3 .4*40 45 level agal:>»t a background of favourable VS economic new» II »»s traded to a high I «■> 47 alter an up- ard rrviuon of flnt-quarter Ub real
      685 words
    • 31 14 LONDON Caaair anna aa rndat ipravwaa ia atacttats). •»*h Spot bwvan ITS* (Tall. Milan <?•* ({TSIMI. Tkraa Maath buyan l*a« S* iiaoiau> Milan lass i(*M). •■aai tana: ataadr. talat 'J» toaaaa
      31 words
    • 227 14 A SIAN currency average depoaiu rates for the week ended Friday. June 34 IM (■MPriee*) High Law i a»7» 1 mlh 3 mthi J mth» 6 mtha mUu 12 mthi 5 3 4 J J 1« 5 I 1.1 I 7 t 5 3 4 •11* 1
      227 words
    • 136 14 Overnight market opened easy lasl week however by the middle of •he week there seem s tightening of funds Overnight rat* went as h'.gh as seven per cent to cloee at ft*— five per c«nt Term activities were seen in one and threes With vming of overnight
      136 words
    • 54 14 \CBt IS Akjaaseas Beak Baackaa Baak 7 Baak af >aisrlrs 4 Baak af (Vu T Baak af Tokyo Baak Ne«sra Inaiapaia T narwraal Baak 4. Ckase Maaa-Waa 4. ÜBH Pkrst Calesajs «S > lUkaaa «S lEMC laswsaes 4 Maisyaa Baakia* «>. Mstaa. Baak (S OCBC (S
      54 words
    • 94 14 THE feaaowta* aw* «f tiacas (Im la* I* Mt Haded hi *a 1 tlit SUck KirkMcr af glagnirs lacS Ml. It glvee Urn Ivwm la tl as* W tl— lt nrle** Prt--4a v u4 Urn U4 Imilv 1977. (■Biut Tib* ii Prise* Hi«n Law Jan* 14 1*77
      94 words
    • 163 14 TkTEW YORK. Pri. Stock." i^ closed moderately high. er across a broad front In active trading The Dow Jonas Industrials gained about four points to 939 70 and the New York Stock Exchange Index advanced about OJO to &5.39 points. Advances lad decline* nine-to-five Volume approximated 3*5 million
      163 words
    • 150 14 r f LRICH Pti The mar- I MA ket was irregular with Srhwelaeittrhe sUwastaastaM shares closing sharply higher ahead of today's extraordinary general meeting lv Bearer shares rose 90 MM to 3.040 while IU Registered Rained 10 francs to 371 on heavy demand after previous days decline dealers said
      150 words
    • 178 14 FINANCIAL TIMKS nDumuu E*»»r Thursday 444.* Wee* Aflo 441* DOW JONES AVCBACI INDt'STKIALS ■"rtday B 3» 70 Thursday 905 J7 Wiefc Ago ***** LONDON DOLLAR r»MII M Friday 11l to 11SH Thursday lv to 113U aU. HANG SENG £"<■»» 438 43 Thursday 4j7jj W*** Ago 439 76 SYDNEY INDISTUALa
      178 words
    • 173 14 SINGAPORE JUH M llM tl JKH Jilt M Junr 3 4 H BT |b4cx: 144 48 S*t 81 llt.U S1I.11 SU.CS IfWMtrUh IS1.M 2J1.74 ***** 2515* 254 14 n fiaaaec: 4M.U 4 24. '2 413 57 424.42 «<S.M II HoUl. Kilt Kl.M 1(1.18 1(1 75 1(1 8S
      173 words
    • 132 14 ■m* T«t: Jul 4. I*7l— lM n Metfc'a Artkn Hlfh Lam i; lrl J4th hjnir tI«.S» 145 M AotomolWr HIM 192:4 ♦a S3 57 MS.M R>Bk>. Uranukw. Hnwrf and Ti»O*« 174.M U»M —475 1«4 «I IU.M ClWlflh, Rubbrr ProdarU. Krf tninj and Smcliinc 14C.0 14TJS 1.14
      132 words
    • 47 14 Date Tot*J far ToUl far Cwrcat pa«*Me the yrmr pmta— payaMM year fWijunUl M JaJ? t» lit 5« B S»mb»»»n» Aaf IS I#', :u r&M i:-, j*i. lit KM' <.«>r|* Taw* 111 Jy|> M 23-. Pcrak 11% Au s i« Atft— Ui It frt» e».
      47 words
    • 644 14 S'pore produce DRODUCE dealers In SinICPua* las* wees piooaed tnrou»n Inoiner ouii uauing penuu tar »ant im oveiseks lateitst lruou*houl tne wee* trading >v unraciriMeu ly vie wive uuieiences in price iaeas PrtoewiM. the week ended on mlam note with cone* once again proving its realUenc* on rumoun that tne
      644 words
    • 168 14 I*OKTO. Sat —Share prices closed higher with active MtecUve buying more than offartUrMi prorlt-tsklng dealers said The Dow Jonas average gained 13.76 to ckm at 4.900.00 points with volume of IM million •hare*. The New index cloaad at 370 00. up O.Of point To**« a rlatiM aricaa la tot
      168 words
    • 160 14 AMSTERDAM. FTI. The market *as mixed in dull trading with Dutch internationals on balance slightly easier althouch H*a> g*v*aa was unchanged and aUval Dalrh rose 0 SO guilders on news of s major oil find in the UK sector of the North Bea State loans eared Ctaains prim in
      160 words
    • 262 14 Thr foilowing company m«rtinea ara <tua SMuaaora Claat <*S7a> LM.: Juaa rt. 11. SO a m Pin» Court I of Mandana Hotrl. ISI Orchard Road. Sinsanora a. KhMiS Cu«n Maidmii m. j •Md Junr SO. 12 noon 3th Floor Hangkok Baak RuilAin*. Jalan Baadar. Kuala Lumpur Tha Strain Tradms
      262 words
    • 65 14 arv<a la t'S dollar prr ouacr 111 Australian dollar par ounra i2> Avrrasr prlca UM usi «tlhoun» ill IN.U 1»»S -Otv4oo MO TIB 140 10B HIM IWM lurk* 140 MB 140 00B 141. IM 140 TM '»n« 144 s« 144 m >•!»'«•> rr.-., lonnkoof 141 «0B 141 COB 141
      65 words
    • 50 14 •."OR tha ajaaaj ndrt satareay 1 Jan* 23. thr ranitr af rail rataa rmlnt from snort l>r*oalt> (Ml Barha'l »m aa folio«i BANK rt'.ND 1 per Mai to 5 1 par rant OF-NtRAL FUND* IS par rant ta 5 1 prr cant. Movrmrata ol funda totalled I7TS nulllau.
      50 words
    • 561 14 S'pore exchange rpHE general trend was 1 irrrgular at the Stock bAcnaute ot Singapore last week when good gains were noted in selective stocks on speculative baying support and short -covering. The week opened on a weak note with most of the speculative issues losing ground on a combination of
      561 words
    • 444 14 MIXED sentiment ruled on the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange this week as both speculators and Investors tried to make some headway In the somewhat muddled conditions that had developed In the aftermath of the recent bullish runs The market opened on a weak note and thereafter was afflicted
      444 words
    • 645 14 LONDON The market closed generally high a* last ween after Initial ly moving narrowly with trading subdued ahead of first time dealings In the new BP share Issue on Monday, dealers said. The market Armed towards the end of the week as Investors realised that the BP Issue
      645 words
      • 126 14 f ONDON: Tin on the day torn by £23 for Cash and SJ» for Three Mmths in both contracts on Friday Three Months standard finish** the Ring trading at IS.S6J and touched 19.700 on the Kerb Hales at 9 tonnes Hleh Orade nil Tin rose £25 for
        126 words
      • 38 14 C. K. TANO Jkld has lncorpor ated a whollyowned subsidiary company. CUnton (ptei Ltd.. on May 28. with an authorised capital of $3 million CUnton will deal In wholesale general merchandise. It tald. Reuter
        Reuter  -  38 words
      • 162 14 v ONDON Terminal lubber clcted quiet on Prlday. mostly 0 30p higher to OUp lower a»«i'i»t last t Ignt Volume wss seven tots of five tonne. anU 144 lot, of IS tonnes with no furrier Options tr»C«4 during the atternuon Market source; noted that the July poslUcn hss
        162 words
      • 458 14 L.XXXOWINO tk* pr*«loua wt*ka 1 ahakaaat. i»»#i« kava mil further aatf thaa partially racavara« la uncrrtain ai>4 arrattc ceadi 1 .on* l«it wtaa. with «po« »nm hovanns aruund lowa iui r» cortfad Dtna month* aso and at what n»«hi ba roaaidarad a r» "H'»" point durtwua. »»n«i m«it
        458 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 421 15 A STEADY EMPLOYER invites applications from mature and dynamic MALAYSIAN CITIZENS who wish to contribute to the future growth of its large facility in the Kuala Lumpur area, for the post of PERSONNEL MANAGER This is a senior appointment, reporting to the Managing Director and the Regional Personnel Director The
      421 words
    • 584 15 WORKS MANAGER Experienced senior Works Manager required for company manufacturing steel and aluminium products. Must be capable of controlling I labour and organising two and three I shift operations. I Sound knowledge of up-to-date I production and quality control I methods and systems. I Top wages will be paid for
      584 words
    • 1149 15 Lembaga Pendaftaran dan Pele»#nan Minyak Kelapatawit PORLA Parnwrwan-parmohonan adamh dtpalawa danpada Warganagara Malawi untuk mamanuN Jamalan-iawatan Koaong di Lamoaga Pandaftaran dan iPsiaaanar vNnyak Kampaaaw* 1 (a) Mama Juiinlir Kama AhM Ekonorm ib| TamMmM*: A» $1 900 $1,975. S2.0S0. 12.125 Cahm-calun bagi lantikan handakmn mammfci kalayakan aapam bank ui I (i)
      1,149 words
    • 547 15 COLGATE PALMOLIVE (MALAYSIA) SON BHD invites applications from suitably qualified Bumiputras for the following position: MANAGEMENT TRAINEE Candidates must have at least a degree in Electrical or Chemical Engineering from a recognised University. Previous experience is desirable but not necessary. The successful appointee will be given a thorough introduction to
      547 words
    • 147 15 1 trTCsTm7ll^— Our well established organisation at Shah Alam invites applications from qualified Malaysian citizens for the following post:— ADMINISTRATIVE EXECUTIVE Candidates should preferably be a University graduate and a good knowledge in labour laws, union activities and personnel r. i..c;ament is necessary. Applicants must be competent in English and
      147 words
    • 756 15 ■NAKMIN LIMSAO* SANOAAAN {N.M.S. BAB IST) NOTIS CM BAWAN SSKSVlNsirsysn w a its DENCAN INI OIBERtTAHI bahawa adaiah dtradangkan dl bawah Srktrrn 144 Enakmtn Lrmb>(i Randaran N M r* IST I untuk mrminda Prlan Bandar Ipoh Yanf Diluluakan No H3 yanf dialarkan •rbacai Prmbrntahuan No 2M( dalam »iru Krrajaan Nrfrri
      756 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 859 16 WARNING NOTICE Regarding Counterfeit Regulators for v— with Liquid Patroloum Qaa A/S TEKNOVA. a company organised under the laws of Denmark and having Its registered office, at 2WO Nlvaa, Denmark, are the registered proprietors of United Kingdom Patent No. 1,214.029 (Singapore Registration No. 261/1971 relating to an Invention, the title
      859 words
    • 725 16 \\cn Special Wird of Thanks Mr Hortono of Indonesia wishes to express his sincere ond heartfelt thanks to the Management Staff of NTUC Comfort for their kind and immediate assistance in locating the briefcase which wos left in one of their taxis on June 21. Special thanks also to Mr
      725 words
    • 253 16 BOARD OF ARCHITECTS, SINGAPORE The Board will be holding an Examination in Professional Practice and Practical Experience In conjunction with the Singapore Institute of Architect* on rrlday. 23 September 77. Graduates from the School of Architecture.' University of Singapore who with to sit for the Examination must have 2 yean
      253 words
    • 631 16 PJPVBHBBHBfIaB^B^HBJHSjj^B^Bjj^BJj^aj^Bj^M National Semiconductor It tatting -up lt» regional data processing H I and communications centra In Singapore. In July August this yaar H I all data preparation work will be moved in house «r)th the Installation I H I of data praparaHon aqutpmant We therefore, have tha Immediate H va
      631 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 515 17 l-H-i INTERSIL SINGAPORE PTE. LTD. r«qu i r t FEMALE PRODUCTION OPERATORS 3 rototing fthiHt) •j, 1 6 —30 r«or» Pnmory 6 ond abta to urtdaritond English C'til«n»r>tp S-rvgopor«on ond willing to do micro»€OPK work high tokHv ot $6 10 P«r day ottroct,»« producttv.ty ir«*rtt.v« tcrwm* whila jn4(< pfOOOtiOn
      515 words
    • 508 17 A reputoble US corporotKxn engoged ex- I clusively in the manufacture of prototype I plastic moulded parts ond new product I development is seeking dynomic ond capable person to fill the position of Business Manager. c Re»aon»ib«lit»e« Job involves coordinating company's overall functions and includes the following specific oreos (1)
      508 words
    • 806 17 1W1999 I Ib^bEwl 1 1 4 M I ■Sn^n^Hnii^n^n^n^nHiln^Hi^nHnvHn^HnHn^Hßnßnin^nHn^n^Hn^nHn^n^n^Hn^nl U.E.B. Industries Ltd. of New Zealand are pleased to announce the appointment of §f) The Carpet Centre (Pte) Ltd. as their exclusive agent for Singapore for their full range of BREMWQsJRTH carpets We are pleased to have been appointed the Exclusive
      806 words
    • 513 17 GENERAL ELECTRIC 'USA HOUSEWARES PTE. LTD requires FEMALE PRODUCTION OPERATORS (2nd Shift 4 48pm to 2 00*m\ 3rd Shift 10 12pm to 7 30« m 1 Primary Six/Secondary Level 2. Above 16 years 3. Singaporean/Malaysian We provide the following benefits1 Free transport 2. Free medical attention 3. Five days week
      513 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 632 18 COMMERCIAL LAND SALE |"QllOA> INN] KUCHING SARAWAK SARAWAK PROPERTIES invite* offers to purchose valuable development land at BUKIT MATA KUCHING. 8 LOTS with a total area of 10 87 acres, situated m the heart of Kuchmg commercial area SITE PLANS and further INFORMATION available from: PROPERTY MANAGER SARAWAK PROPERTIES •O
      632 words
    • 309 18 THr: NANYANG UNIVBBI--smr TENDER NOTICE Tf nrters are Invited for th' supp'y and Installation o •ight fittings to Two (2 Blorks of Students Hostel fo the Nanyang University a MS m s Upper Juroni Road. Singapore 22 Tende documents are obtainable from PAN-MALAYSIAf OROUP ARCHITECTS I 5708-571 1 «TH FLOOR
      309 words
    • 683 18 AUSTRALIA SERVICE P Kftani Smppore Laaiii- far OCfMKf SJULED 2t/2T MaM Fnm.Mal.lW MATPtINCi MHmm/ lH*r 2/3/ Mr A*ti M«fe Sytl KATSKT l/7Wy I79Wt Oarvki •TOUR MMi 14/IH^T 17 II My AoX RW Srd TUC MM 30 Mr 27 21 »Wy Adat. RW. Syd fiENEML ACCNTS OCEM SHIPPING t EWTE RPRISES
      683 words
    • 805 18 «mm/ Oaparto 5 00 P M PONCE V-298 hmnn GATEWAY CITY V-665 wrs/i >-»« PONCE V 299 Mr iM3 j.mi GATEWAY CITY V 666 hut ii;m iuit ii RRT HrRItfUIII CRRTIIRII SfRTICE UIUM IHRT ntRCSMI CMmII USIUMIK mB hi ac a»»'«rt m«i T«ato HDm ■OKI aS MQfIC MM MMi Mk
      805 words
    • 905 18 t^^ .-m-W"--»^ mmmmJ v^^^sfj m« 2L— mmß Orient Oversea? CotU&uteA Line fUIIT CONTAINERISCD SfRVICE TO (UWP( (M SU(/> ISan >MW VllO" L»NW» Mbv'l *M> IMKI tmnmcmtm ft« r i? ?i n si 1 1 io i mrnmnmw m m hi i it i mom coan m 1 1 n i
      905 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 912 19 tmn urnam* sum n w/tMT»mnrT 1 I •Ma If S S aan P If'^a] t ni l'M>r* Km VI I nMM it mm 11 M 1 mt aMm Mfi urn K il»:-33| SBljl s?S:i:S!lilii .Ml.lll MW 'I tal M. I Mil 1M»I t toft t MtO M tal Ct*TMWPf S6WCE
      912 words
    • 1409 19 Ben Ocean A iLVtispnnceJ ßen Line. BhtpFlmnei den Lne and NSMO it n CMttiMii im taM Ivan •lm •ft la-aM lIMIM I art MM It It MM 1 Ml I M I****- rnmmt. IMI. MMM •an I air aa Ml MMI I.MM. U.MM. Oali.i PlTMCltt 1 I M f I
      1,409 words
    • 1079 19 Bmmwm BEN LINE CONTAINERS mmmmmmm LIMITED n inn mam mm rtmn* ntm Mm mnj -mb MiaMi «MM> IMaM trmm MW TMlt lirwiu MMM IM MMf tl M II Ml (Jt Mil 14 MT ■MIMM MT IMf IM HHajMMinM'MMrinMl Man ll II mt II Ml I tal I tal 1 IM
      1,079 words
    • 1236 19 EXPRESS CONTAINER SERVICE VIA SUEZ WESTBOUND TO MED/ UK/ CONTINENT/ SCANDINAVIA P taat| Im '..««>« mm KMIIH.I Tl'taU 1/ I IV I It I ft I II > IMMIII It/ I it/ I M II II WTUMMI 1/1 tt I 1/ I Ml 11/ I tt. I Mm 11 'it
      1,236 words
    • 795 19 baUMt mm r Mat mi II mm *mmi ton THE RANK LIME LTD. luts in 1 1 s ifita MMIM ■ftaw tMt> lr, 14.« MMM ftvtM I l p! MMM Pf»i-i lil tai .-1 IH im I I tai 'Mat IMT I M«TI I'l'Cl IM IMHH. Him Pwwt If M
      795 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 887 20 M^r*^^™**" 'iawhav uhn umia ltd. J < Mm I Hwt NWf Irian I'M* CMftllU Will >M| lt(|»Wl»l*»!!WlIII«l UHIUU WMI II* II Mr n w, N H, II w, 1 k| m ■MM DMt KM) 4 »aj J taf tat I tat ftMIS M M| Mf 13 ta| 14 ta| II
      887 words
    • 1120 20 E C. U.S.a./ATUUITIC/GULF SERVICE UtCPTIK fCI LCI CRRTIIRIB W SftJC. P UUM. PfatM itaMt in aaaiHL am fiat. ruthmM. at» Mtuat aMUM uifttTM mi trail tau pmti fM MU taaM la» r-iai| an ran dm Mn IrfaMan M aaai *taaa| titmt ••••••i »*ti 11 un 11 it mi it ii
      1,120 words
    • 1056 20 o^NOL I NEPTUNE ORIENT LINES LTD FULLY CONTAINERISED SERVICES: Tl t<MH (TU SUB- j.,,,, r k,^ stuapta, Mburf »r«a. ttm CREWIEI Nil JM| IM|77M|?SM|?7M|7IM| SmiUU HIM! II M| II M| 71 M| II M| 2a« JMI OPIIRTU CRIIF IS M| II M| ?M| Sa« ia| Ilu RtPTMf nili 7i M|
      1,056 words
    • 985 20 ■IUTSIM MTIMITMMI SMfPIM CMPR Ml m IL K1744 tints sanci ra immi. laWMi/tMTiMm mti ta. aaa t naai i Mia*) faaiat IMMI H. i Ml airi la fart Mm It Cl a ifn- mi ni Mas 4 I M«'> inu mil ii to* n to* n I lm. :> L
      985 words
    • 752 20 fVl SUM A LINE JiU^I^L_ |P^I COPENHAGEN umii u>i cMtinm timci ri fM«ff tt«WTT ITtllTltl CMIiaiaT lOM Mtt ...I! aiaawaic *ju b.M khx b k« ii mm, X IKI <l 14 >l U) n M< MMIlt taat N taat t ta« 1 laa. IIMM U M| 11 Ml N tall
      752 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 749 21 Jlds HOURS OF OPERA TION I Weekday* s^. I 30a m- S OOp m BBC Pi I Saturdays < I 9 30a m 3 OOp m I* A 1* C Pu^ln Holidays ip.tVT.aV ioopm 235-6677/ iir^ Regular office Hours Ansafone Service After Office houri RATES Per Word 60 cts (Mm
      749 words
    • 488 21 OWNER LEAVING tELLINO like new many pieces furniture Acma fr.dxe 115 cv ft Philips 26" colour v still under guarantee Acma 3 h p alrcon and Smeg stajst Tel *****51 NIW "B. BINPORO" PIANO Recommended for Its tone. qualm durability Special offer for 1 month Tel *****46 almost NIB) 1
      488 words
    • 682 21 I FOR SALE A SHOPPING GUIDE FANTASTIC OPPVPJ 2 units VM Alrcooled Diesel MMi r, Model 102SU 34 HP w 2500 max governed 25 HP m 1500 r p m complete with 12 volt electric starting and safety controls Each $3 000 C I start Mr Vtaeeax Inj at *****1.
      682 words
    • 627 21 REQUIRED urgently ONE BO XER > TWO BULLDOGS 6 to 7 months old. possessing Or Uftcates of Origin and Quarantine OEAUTIFUI PUPPWB. ALSATIAN. female male $200/ $300. Pekinese $350 Pomeranian $450 Shlh Ttu 1300. Dachshund $120 and Docker Spaniel male/ female $230 each Puppies for sale, mate or exchange 905-A.
      627 words
    • 609 21 II EMPLOYMENT clerk, day and night lowing driver Apply personally lit Balestler Road. Spore It. '«H"«0 lyn Cmipai SECRET ARV Accurate shorthand of 100 wpm and typing speed of SO w.p m. Knowledge of telex machine, good command of English Minimum 3 years secretarial experience a.sHeaWty, pneseyap* Tneaknvsjar Pasaee Msaaaafa
      609 words
    • 761 21 SfcrwPMby Engpnooring Pto Ltd. Woquira urgantry part-time satas raps to move innovative snti pollution unit for modornorhcoa A ttractive commission will be paid Apply sutmg personal dau and a contact tataphona numbar to TheOeoa»»lMana«w. Sesta Oofwy Engpwaartotaj •ft. La*. 475. TanoMn Hart Ro«3 V^t^apar.3 J IXPERIENCIO FULL/PART TINI Satas Executives
      761 words
    • 692 21 II EMPLOYMENT IALIBOtPXO TO PROMOTI photocopiers, background music, electronic calculators typewriters etc Training provided Call personally at 5157 O round floor. Oolden Mile Shopping Centre during office hours I REOUIRED BALIS ANO Service Representatives for Laundry cleaning curtain services Apply The Advertiser 111 Macpherson Road B'pore 13 S *Lf S
      692 words
    • 768 21 uMivtnsrnr or smmaponi Applications an invited for Utt following post* 1> TtCMMCIANS (PLANT OTt ratorsi 1) assistant technicians (plant cwtMTMii QUALIFICATIONS AND EX PFKIF.NVE 111 (I) Trade I Certificate and 3 OC I O Vmt pum or IU equivalent, or mi Ordlnar) Craft Certificate and 3OCE O Level panes or
      768 words
    • 428 21 II EMPLOYMEMT m Watt Akkermans Pie Ltd. expanding its Turbine Division, invites applications for the position of FITTER WELDERS Applicants must nave experience in T i G (Argon) welding especially on stainless steel and the ability to speak reasonably good English Certifications in welding would t>e an asset Suitably qualified
      428 words
    • 542 21 FOSTER ELECTRIC (8) PTB LTO Itt KALLANO WAV tINOsPONE II We are a we* i itattasiod We are axpandlnt our operations and have immeduu vacancies for PIMALE PRODUCTION OPERATORS Primary Education Those who have attained Technical' Vocational Science Stream Sec II to IV will be given preference i.itii.nw.* kt
      542 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 651 22 II EMPLOYMENT tl swawaaswa— AURORA ASIA FEMALf PMOOUCTION OPERATORS --14 years old t ...rxing experience required u^^^^yu m^ aaiMMMro Btuo IC ItaMars ■slcaiws A «4#o range a 4 towig# boMoRSs wM bo pmioaa Interested candidates please Tho Potsoweiol Dawi AURORA PROOUCTt CORP IAtIA) PTI LTO SIS Lot 4 Too Povoh
      651 words
    • 798 22 MANUFACTURING FIRM 9)1OUIREt uriter Messehge'r Applicant must have al least 2 years if driving experience Preferably a class 2 and 3 llcerve Age above 21 years Write with recent passport sized photograph non returnable to or apply personally st 1034 D Blork 3. 4th floor Lower Delta Road RIOUIRIO WARINOUtI
      798 words
    • 1162 22 II EMPLOYMENT I MOUNMJ A DELIVERY man with i 111 driving licence Able to sprak English Contact Mr K N Tan al 300 pm 1 57 People s Park Ontre AREMOUSf WONKINS WANTIO BJ rsi.ihhshed Trading company Mplw anls must be physically -fit m.iirx »ho have completed National Service and
      1,162 words
    • 249 22 MAITMSMS O9M VASMIRS needed by a good resUurant Apply in person 142-144. International Ptasa Singapore 2 EIPIRIINCID AIRCOM 0€ 9NMSER Driving licence and sales experience Apply with nonreturnable photograph to S T Box A ***** MOTEL NIW HoNOKONO has vacancies for 1) Fawata Btßsa CMra 2) WaWeaaws t) Ois ik
      249 words
    • 931 22 I 111 VEHICLES 4 BOATS I Of C EMBER Tt MIRCIOIS 230 6 jirrondltloner Up top condition ith radio and cassette Tax new (33 800 o n o Call Ricky *****8 DECEMBER 1971 COLT Oalant GTO engine Just overhauled Accident free new paintwork SMM o n o Tel ***** 1
      931 words
    • 759 22 19T4 DIC. Mt Four Honda everything new and excellent condition (I 400 under Instalments Contact Prankle 651 1 42 office hours (Mara 5 00 p m 1973 MOMMS IBM automatic airron power steering power nrakes Vie* 9 Lorong X" ("hang! Rnad Itn SLIM MCTALOC Mercedes Bens 2598 with aircon. radio,
      759 words
    • 1535 22 lIVI IV ACCOMMODATION m PROPERTIES I 1 GOING CHE API SMS p m unfurnished single-storey terrace house Jalan BaUl dlst 20 Ring *****45 No agents OltT 11 DETACHED BCD i ROOMCD/ study spacious garden' quiet locality (1.900 For viewing contact Victor Chla d Partners 7TTTMS I STOREY SEMI DETACHED BUNGALOW
      1,535 words
    • 1582 22 |IV ACCOMMOPATIOW A PROPERTIES I NtW LUXURIOUS 4 BIOROOMS Apartment In District t For Rent Immediate occupation Tel *****2 *****2 Mr* Ng WATTIN ESTATE 4 BEORCOM'O bungalow nice furniture (1.500 Namly Avenue single-storey semi detached (750. Wstten EsUte 3-bedrnomed flat (750 Jalan Jinun 3- bedroomed flat MOO *****2 *****24 KATONO
      1,582 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 623 23 IV ACCOMMODATION A PtOPERTIES •w FIRST MANSION Dtewtrt IS Pwwsswsw APARTMCNT J airconsmioned SassTOoms telephone washing marMne television and xilchen utensils SSaS par •wawsli c o CONTACT mm* bit 184/199 SULLY CLIRNISHEO 1 BEDROO *0. bathroom Kitchen l<>. .ge diner 3 toilets Snr orchard Road 8900 Tel M 5598 after
      623 words
    • 741 23 \^T WARSMOUBS MACE He 24 hours security He [iiipoui of waste material* a Ampte parking area a Latest handling equipment a Pest control II open storage also available next to covered space I* Terms llealkle aad NOO^SSSSVSB I SKcsT' 11 BTIBBI/BfBßtT OOOOWN VACANT Stemj Moo 4-Blorav WsrseaMsse LeraMS Tea FevstV
      741 words
    • 577 23 IV ACCOMMODATION PROPERTIES lOUIWO OROONOFLOOR shophouse around Jalan Besar (reylang area for rental Contact *****12 Mr Roland wf NEEO OFFICE space 300 Tmsq ft lor prospective clients ca» SSSSB22 Ace Housing Agency a) Motiaeja turn ip jrai over ?000 tg I Oaroenirsiovar 40O0M ft Econonw pneatg luswxws leimgs (■senoULsno Boss
      577 words
    • 649 23 SELETAR HILLS ESTATE double storey furnished semi-detached 3 bedrooms For Sale Immediate occupation Tel *****2 *****2 Mrs>Ng DIST 11 JALAN SEJARAH rioubte-slnrey semi-detached. 4 bedrooms separate servant's .imenities 1,50 000 ono Call Vvrss *****22 JALAN NO YEN A BARAT dbublesiorey terrace Intermediate 9140. 800 Near Siglsp Market SII7 000 *****3/
      649 words
    • 1180 23 IV ACCOMMODATION A PtOPCRTIES KINOSMBAO ROAD/ MIRRVN Rood Holland Close bungalows wanted for immediate purchase Other localities considered Ace 2*1*0922 JOINT HOUSNM A4MNCY Wanted To Purchase Flat at Kimlln Mansion or other Districts Tel *****78 SBLLINO YOUR PROPERTIES? RTC *****72 *****6 JSSOSII have ready genuine buyers for small bsr properties
      1,180 words
    • 761 23 V SERVICES BUSINESS Smgjpott tending pf inert of Wedding kaj8Mk« C«OV f I L«Httt»«<)v Njmc C«d\. m tr«t t«citl uejtmmi Iw B<Ktr% Imunt mi ing iwiUMi 7 PUm pj«x* >.up> M I0* B, Puk-up vnvitr .1 ><lur mp (10 i Soo P»u Boon Prass r 14 Pwran St Spot 7
      761 words
    • 726 23 LAOIIS HAIRORESBINO ANO beauty salon in dlst 9 has RsCSBI prenns.-. to Irt 1 400 sq ft i In terested Beautician please write in to S T Hnx A ***** INSTANT OFFKE/ Orchard Road Telephone answering telex mall and secretarial services Table/ tH fi'-e spare Tel *****1 TRANSPORT WANTED FROM
      726 words
    • 620 23 j VI EDUCATION 4V TRAINING Commancing Monday July 4th ENMOt rimVlu maW, li UMISTSirn FlTMANlunvrvanon Sutnacu cc»arad *n»aii Sacroianat FVarma *»n i Conmmu tons Fimatt Sacratanai *<aciwa Fan n FVioata Sac>a«anai 0u««t Struciur* of Buaxoos OMca Oroanawnn f quspmem and Sarwas Snortnand T, p a<w««»a Ounot IncludDd at NO EXTRA
      620 words
    • 341 23 STAMFORD CENTRE The largest and most progressive resource centre tor education in business and the professions m South East Asia THE PERFECT RECEPTIONIST CUM TELEPHONIST A 14 weak intensive and systematic course of practical training m re ceplion and telephone techniques, human and public relations charm and personality, typing book
      341 words

    • 32 24 Acknowledgements TMf FAMILY Of the late Mrs Sivapaklam NHllasegmram gratefully thank relatives, friends doctors and staff Ward 20 T T S H for their assistance, attendance and donations during their recent bereavement
      32 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      96 24 Deaths Mrs Km Cfcew See* alia* H«w All But nee Mill* Ma* Yuen «N, aged M passed away peacefully on 26 6 77 at Mount Alverma Hospital after a long illnrvs She leaves behind one son How Yew Weng three daughters How Koon Yoke May Yoke and Lin Yoke three
      96 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      85 24 A|*d 67 paw a away peacefully leaving behind wife Lee Puav Sum. 1 ton. Bow Sonf c Raymond I 6 daughters. Hwee Klang Xan| Sock (Olivia) So Choo (Dorothy). Stow Choo (Umta). Sok Keow i Rita > Scow Tlanc (AMU). 2 sons-in-law Tan Hua Thy*. Urn Lav Beng 1 daughter
      85 words
    • 63 24 In Memoriam IN Mf MORIAM In luting Memory of husband and father MM 8 A OOVINONAM who left us on 27th June 197S nearly missed by wife and children IN EVERLOVINO MEMORY of Wee Choon Lim departed two years aco today Sweet are the treasured memories silently kept of one
      63 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 543 24 VI EDUCATION ft TRAINING 1 ite PART-TIME PRIVATE SECRETARIAL COURSE You can now take t part time evening* only, privet* lecretanal course ot S'noeuore s elite Private Secietanal Scnool' Our neit one veer pen time coufte starts 4th July Call ouf Principal to* further information UXMV International Training Centre jya'—l
      543 words
    • 791 24 COMMSNCINO IN JULY T|»i tslna. Bam -9pm LCC Higher In plum a HS< ACA. lAI IB i one-year Professional Sub *****) AccenaNagc Fr 930 9pm Sun 9 10 30 a m Tue 6 730 p m Commercial Lear Sun 12 I 3 p m CeeNftgc Sun 10 30 12 noon
      791 words
    • 1602 24 I VI EDUCATION A TRAINING I »MgxolßassswoMtssssss»sTa»»sT-Sxol ITVPtWNmNO:- Any convenient time from 600 am -900pm SHORTHAND Mon Wed -Fn 6-7 p m BOOKKEEPING Tuea/Thur 7 30-9 p m SNN*S)UILOtNO I Monday 7-10 p m I MECM ENOR TECH Wednesday 7-10 p m E LECTRIC AL ENOR Friday 7-10 p m
      1,602 words
    • 942 24 j VII TtAVa A EUTAU.UMTS ggg-tSi^j^g^^!! s»s^B^^^B^rP^Lxo.o.o.o.o.o. t^tl^r*TlT Boltsl 8\ v rjj^i L«— KjpS^yS/ in IK* RsriWeSwi gsoj-sfgtr g» f^xr-sgwr T i^tr iitwi r ie> Ml* Cfesll I (Wgctl S ftft t ~f& XT Iff t \A 1 1 S.T.P.B. LIIIRII Nex 174 I FLY WITH THE PIONEERS P Ml
      942 words
    • 173 24 VII TRAVEL 1 HESTAUMWTS I^^C^gJ ■NsssssssssW II Bs^TrPssf^iriPissol TRAFALOAN 14 DAY TOUNS Europo 18 cow* lea ***** for SSooo under 10 SaSSS Leaden. Seetn. Fvemael SISSS Chinese speaking escort May 27. Sept 23 Dec 9 Incl Airfare Thai International Weekly Departures SPECIAL SPAIN. PORTUGAL JUNES ALEM FON ONLY SSTSS/TOURS FULLY
      173 words
    • 806 24 INTERNATIONAL AMI TNAVgL tamer m. lto. offers IXCITINO gUNOPf TT Lender! to liiiSVjk (mom Adventurer 12 Days SS 727 00 OVand fiireswen Tew 1* Days ss 881 08 IN mill Tew of (wopo l» Days SS 020 00 guroswe* NawMNrx* "Days SSI2TO 00 The Spin tin CMae Days SSI 788
      806 words
    • 919 24 I VNI ANNOUNCEMENTS A PERSONAL I OOOOfAS)VM FftlfNDSHl* SCO VICtS confidentially Introduce friends partners Kree introductions until 31 7 Pen pals available Ohim Moh PO Bdi 102* S pore 10 0000 NATUMO CNINgSg OfNTLEMAN. executive early thirties seeks sincere good-look-ing friends M 33 Photo ap predated telephone required please Replies
      919 words

  • 808 25 Connors pulls game out of the fire JIMMY Connors battled out of trouble to edge Stan Smith 7-9, 6-2, 3-6, 6-3, 6-3 in a fluctuating thriller yesterday to reach (he quarter finals of the Wimbledon tennis championships. The matcii between "the two former champions the best of the tournament thus
    Reuter; AP  -  808 words
  • 25 25 FRABXR and Naava bast Tanjoof Kalonf by 20 In > friendly soccer match at r St H ground Bartn anc Khamla netted tool each.
    25 words
  • 412 25 RESULT BcaaMa: Men's Slnflea Fourth rd Jimmy Connors US. bt SUn Smith <UB> 7-» 6-2. 3-6. 6-3 6-3. Phil Dent lAust. bt Tim Oulikson IUSi b-:. «-6. 9-S. 1-6. Billy Martin <UB> bt Mark Cox >Bn> 3-6. 6-3. 6-4. 0-6 9-7. Hie Naitaae ißum. M Tom Okker (Hoi. 6-6. 6-4.
    412 words
  • 420 25 AUSSIE SOCCER CYDNTY Sun. ResuJU of yesterday's Australian Association tootbail matches NaUaaal l^agw*: EasUrn Sydney and Rlngwood c »i'?« rr <°°«> po»tpon«l). \letorta Di*. I: Albion R V. Wawrley post poned i Kellor C.ty Danoeoonc (postponed! Western 1 Box Vlrtorta D*». t: Alexander 1 Btham 1. Ben Park 1 Moreland
    Reuter  -  420 words
  • 183 25 Tackling the problem of crowd control ONDON, Sun. Centenary Wimbledon tennlr championships are proving a little too popular and players' representatives yesterday suggested they should join the orfanisln; committee to help sort out the problems. Mass! Ye crowds, including record turn out of 3059 on Wednesday, have attended the first
    183 words
  • 44 25 CARACAS. Bun The World Boxing Councils junior flyweight champion Luis "Lumumba" BaUbe will defend his crown here on Jury 17 against Mexican Jus in to Alvarcs. local promoter Rafito Cedeno raid yeaterday The bout had been provisionally scheduled for July I. Revitcr
    44 words
  • 177 25 Richter clocks 11.03 for 100 m pELSENKIYCHEN. (W. \I Germany). Sun Olympic champion Annegret Richter of West Oermany yesterday ran the fastest women's 100 metres in the world this year In 11 03 seconds The time, clocked during a match between West Oermany and the United States, was the second
    177 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 281 25 JUST ARRIVED!! Butme«» Trod* Directory ef Hi* U.S. Markets) Manufacturers Suppliers Importer* Exporters Llll Aww mU¥mti&& c 1 rt 5 5 I fi i EZ A 1 <*■> gK: m w m 1 I I i •m« ga y SiJ.lulHllP 1 I TNE THOMAS REGISTER lU.S.A.) 12 Valwmas NfW EOITION
      281 words
    • 650 25 STOCK REDUCTION! New machine tools only 1 each available •DAIWA" Single Hydraulic Spindle Cam Auto- Underdriven Guillotine Lathe Model OL-15, Shear. 6mm x 2.500 mm. 15 mm bar capacity. made m Sweden made in Japan Ss32 000 00 5514.000 00 c aßßP'^B^af^"'' BSBBBbT "*^BBl >aBBBBBBBBBi B SBBB>V> E^BBBBbV. sal sbbbl
      650 words

  • 72 26 'A PAT FROM SANGSTER ROGER Saafster. the proud owner of The Minstrel.> his hone after winning the Irish Derby In Dublin on Saturday. The Minstrel, the 11 -10 favourite, brat Lickjr Sovereign (22-1) and Classic Example (14-1). to pirk up £72.797 ($30€.6««) for his owner. The Minstrel survived an
    72 words
  • 46 26 BIG SWEEP Ist: No. ***** ($2,902) 2nd: No. ***** (S 725) 3rd: No. ***** (S 362) Starters ($4O each) Nos: *****. *****. 59*20. *****. ***** £9762. *****. *****. *****, *****. *****. *****. Consolation (536 each) Nos: *****, *****. *****. *****, *****. *****, *****. *****. *****. *****.
    46 words
  • 1898 26  -  BLUE PETER By PENANC, Sun. Graceful Stride put up a tiptop display to take the main sprint, the Class 2 Division 1, 1,400 m race (Race Five) here today. Ridden by apprentice Razmy Asharl, the four-year-old by Town Crier, led all the way to coast
    1,898 words
  • 811 26 fHI Stipendiary Stewards report on bunds y s races SvACS I: Miss Maggie tfUxmyi nould not be placed in the starting stall and was withdraan by order of the uewaro* °lne mare Is now barred for a period of two monthi snd will be required to pass me
    811 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 366 26 CHIP THYE GARDEN I-STOREY TERRACE HOUSE AT YK) CHU KAHG ROAD (NEAR SEMBAWANC MIS CIRCUS) •^^^sj«^^^^s»^^^^^^^s»»«*-_aB¥a¥asIBBBBBBBBaW jj^^^^B BW •"■^awsVasW <B "**^^^^""'^^^9^^^^^^gf_^ i^__-V_« I"**"* 1 Aluminium sliding doors and windows Ground floor-living room, dining room, kitchen store room. First floor -Four bedrooms with two balconies For enquiriei booking I CHIP GUAN
      366 words
    • 466 26 Blacks Becker Home Makers have all the fun! Black Decker power tools are designed to rie'p m\ Bom g^fl you do a great variety of jobs quickly, easily fl^^^ B economically and pleasurably "•> B Take a B D drill it is so versatile that it can rffmL iaaaaav become
      466 words

  • 452 27 A MEETING TO RESOLVE NEW CRISIS JOE DOR At Seng Quee's resignation threat after players' boycott My \|OVKS are afoot to bring together officials and players of the National team for a meeting to thrash out differences between the two parties. FAS chairman. N. Oanesan. Is expected to chair the
    452 words
  • 379 27 BERNARD PEREIRA By TOA Payoh United maintained their unbeaten run with a 2-1 win over Queenstown in a NFL Dlvl- slon One soccer match at Jalan Besar Stadium last night. Toa Payoh were, however, worth at least another three goals, but their forwards lacked finish.
    379 words
  • 262 27  - NSTP are new holders of C.C. Tan trophy KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. New Straits Times wen the C C. Tan challenge trophy when they won eight of the 11 events In the annual lnter-rompany games against defending champions Straits Times i Singapore i here today. New Straits Times, who led 4-1
    262 words
  • 34 27 SAN JUAN (Puerto Rktoi. Sun— Csteban de Jesus of Puerto Rico retained his World Boxing Council iWBCi lightweight title last night with an llth-round knockout over Vicente Saldlvar of Los Angeles. Reuter
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 101 27  -  IJENRY Tan (above) re- gained the Singapore National Ten Ptn bowling championship when he totalled 4«J7 plnfalU at Paslr Panjang Bowl yesterday He beat Anuy Ng by 33 ptn*. Third was 8 V Loll with 4720 pinfklla Henry who waa trailing by about 100 pin» came back
    101 words
  • 158 27 SECOND DEFEAT FOR IIK HONGKONG, Sun. South Korea beat Hongkong 1-0 in their World Cup AsiaOceania qualifying match here tonight at the Government Stadium. A freemen In ihe 36th minute of the second half by Korean forward Cha Bum Keun brought victory to the visiting team. The ball bounced off
    UPI  -  158 words
  • 173 27 Singapore edge Malaysia jPOH. Sun Singapore won the Koay Say Lean challenge trophy by besting defending champions. Malaysia by 33 points to 30. m their second annual weightlifting contest here today. They scored a total of four golds as against Malaysia's five but the latter lost two points because one
    173 words
  • 92 27 INDIAN Association won the Veaakl shield hockey tournament when they edged Khalaa Association 3-3 on penaity flicks after a goalleas draw In the final at Balrstier Road yesterday Star United beat Shaktl 3-1 to clinch third place. In the aeml-Anals earlier. Indian Association beat Star United 3-0
    92 words
  • 94 27 NEW YORK. Sun —Results of major league baseball games plays yesterday American New York Yankees S Boston 1. Detroit 6 Cleveland 4. Chicago 8 Minnesota 1. Kansas 6 Oakland 4. Baltimore 6 Toronto 3 ilst i. Baltimore 3 Toronto 1 2nd i California 3 Texas 3. Seattle
    Reuter  -  94 words
  • 358 27  -  PETER SIOW By IT was second time lucky for Foo Liang Fatt he got no further then the third round last year In the STTA National Youth individual championships when he beat Png Kirn Siang 21-15. 18-21. 21-14 in the final at Chung Cheng High
    358 words
  • 527 27 Century by lA's Rashid FIVE cricketers Mohammed Rashid (103). M. Neethinathan (SO), Ron Meredew (93). N. Slvamayam (7-51) and J.C Cooke (6-61) took top honours in the SCA Senior League yesterday, reports Ernest Frlda. Despite Rashid* brilliant 103. Indian Association had to settle for a draw against Police at Thomson
    527 words
  • 55 27 A HATTRICK by Mahsllngam put Radln Mas In tne semifinals oi the IntraZone soccer tournament organised by Radln Mas They beat Anson 3-0 at Oloucester Barracks yesterday In the other matches rtong Bahru beat Tanjong Pagar 1-0. Kreta Ayer oent Havelock 4-3 and Xochor* beat Telok
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  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 522 27 I fe^^P^^ What You Need- 1 I We Have It I m You want to project yourself and your company to tion based on his observations of the Malay ArchiH your many clients and business associates. But you pelago. We also relived the memories of a 93 year-old K don't
      522 words
  • Page 27 Miscellaneous
    • 104 27 VOCCCB iBUr-antam: tourney St Andrew's v SJJ. PUHk: Daily Rated HDWU v RI v ACJC (Farrer Park, Spore Port Workers Union 330 and SO). (Parrer Park. 50) SOFTBAU NslfcmaJ HOCKEY SHA Dhr I: Primary Behaafcj Umnrj SCC C v Civil Services May North v Allunled (May iPadan«> P»fn Lea««c: North
      104 words

  • 87 28 Ethiopia's children soldiers on parade with Soviet arms CHILDREN In Ethiopia's IOQ.OOO-strong Peoples Militia on parade at a ceremony In Addis Ababa on Saturday marking the birth of Africa's third largest armed force. Armed with Soviet-made automatic weapons, they are expected to be used against secessionists. me comma 01 muiuamen,
    UPI  -  87 words
  • 247 28 Rent-a-bomb racket in Belfast BELFAST. Sun. Belfast police are try-' Ing to stamp out a rent-a-bomb racket with both Protestant and Catholic guerillas being paid to blow up unprofitable businesses so the owners can claim the Insurance money. A Northern Ireland Member of Parliament at Westminster. Mr. John Carson, this
    Reuter  -  247 words
  • 69 28 ACCRA Sun. Ohana's lawyer, today threatened to •top work next weak If the ruling Supreme Military Council did not beam move* toward a return to civilian rule, the Ohana News Agency reported The Ohana Bar Aaaoclatlon gave the Military Council till Friday to hand over to
    Reuter  -  69 words
  • 116 28 Balance of payments: Warning to Japan TiKYO San. Two Japanese ministers today warned Japan could be Isolated from the international com munity If it failed to achieve It* economic growth without relying on exports. The warning was voiced by Foreign Minister lichiro Hatoyama and Economic Planning Arency director general Tadaahi
    116 words
  • 132 28 BANGKOK. Sun. Terrorists who planted a bomb at Bangkok airport on Friday were trained in an Arab country in West Asia, the dally Morning Express sported today, quoting a military source. Three people were slightly wounded when the home-made pipe bomb went off
    AFP  -  132 words
  • 419 28 CAHO Sunday 'THE Egyptian Gov- ernment, which on Friday declared that it had made no progress towards Improved relations with the Soviet Union, yesterday pointedly announced that it has received a shipment of military spare parts from China. President Sadat sent a
    419 words
  • 353 28 HONGKONG. Sun. /XDNTINUINO his relentless purge of followers of China's "Gang of Four," Communist Party Chairman Hua Kuo-feng has fired a ranking army officer ad party leader in Anhwei province. The order sacking Sung Pel-chang as first secretary of the party committee in Anhwel
    UPI  -  353 words
  • 78 28 LONDON Sun. A giant ale of ihans in Britain party state-owned oil company Brttiati Petroleum (BP) hu received nearly five Umca the expected amount of aijpucauona, the Bank of England anrouncad today The offer by the Labour Oovemmrnt of S6 7t million ■hajM of iv tub
    Reuter  -  78 words
  • 60 28 DUBLIN. Sun Deputy Prime Mlnlater Brendan Oortah retlgned today as leader of the Irian Labour Party. Junior patina In the eoaUUon government hammered to defeat in the genera) ilattton 10 days ago. m* mrui followed a atmllar dadatoa last Thuiwtey by bcatan Premier Llam Coa> ■ray*.
    60 words
  • 32 28 S NA4IAN C AMI* AH Mm ITS* AMMAO PUH< »w«f H»[»»|lH •a SS-4-T7 at»av Caru«< taaTaf IT-4-TT it t tm trmm Omi Sai. ■■mill U tar Caoa Oka bn MmMbi Ciwt
    32 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 193 28 a111.81.E5 AOVANCED CUTTING SCHOOL, LONDON E WEEK, TWO WEEKS and ONE MONTH COURSES are available The School is aimed at hair stylists who wish to keep their cutting up to Today s forever changing fashion looks Our classes are small and there will be no overcrowding or overbooking Individual personal
      193 words
    • 296 28 Special vw, Otter: Rent Colour TV from COLOURENT We pay $50 to $400 for your old Black White TV set. To find out more call Colourent at ***** or call at -^-■»-sw nxiUUsKjQ m Today's highlights... THE remarkable recovery staged by the electronics industry in 1976 has not continued into
      296 words