The Straits Times, 31 May 1977

Total Pages: 38
1 38 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 TUESDAY, MAY 31, 1977 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 259 1/77
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  • 709 1 Lee told Tokyo will extend loan TCKYC. Monday JAPAN will help Singapore develop its SS2 billion petrochemical complex on the offshore island of Ayer Merbau, Japanese Prime Minister, Mr. Takeo Fukuda. told Singapore Premier, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew today. Foreign Ministry spokesman s.iiil Mi Fukuda
    Reuter; UPI  -  709 words
  • 380 1 ASSCN (Holland), Monday r THE South Moluccan guerillas have reduced their demands, and a possible exchange o! their 59 hostages for 21 Jailed gunmen Is being discussed, the government announced today. Mrs Too* Faber. Justice Ministry spokeswoman at the crisis coordination centre here. told Journalists
    380 words
  • 74 1 NEW DELHI Mon At leart 41 paople wer» killed when tht engirt* and four coaches of an express train plunged into flooded rlvsr about 110 kllometrta from Otuhatl. In •utom India. Mriy today. Samachar newt acencr reported quoting offlclaU It Mid hnn casualties were (tared and
    Reuter  -  74 words
  • 77 1 JAKARTA. Mon President Suharto received Singapore's Senior Minuter of Btate for Foreign Affairs. Mr. Lee Khoon Choy. at the presidential office today. Mr Lee told reporters after the one-hour meetIng that they had exchanged views on bllate- ral. regional and International matters Including the Aaean summit
    AP  -  77 words
  • 17 1 YOIR Siraltj Times today Is M pages In two aecMoM. Make iure you get both.
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  • 318 1  - 'Live' bullet threats to two jockeys EDWARD LIU By DOLICE kept a look- out for a gang of I criminals, including gunmen, at the Bukit Tlmah races during the weekend after threats on the lives of two foreign Jockeys. The two men were also given full police protection Detectives and
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  • 36 1 COLOMBO Mon The state-owned Railways of Sri Lanka came to a standstill a* a result of it railway workers strike to demand m rr pay today SI d«y» before the M-heduled (rnrrai elections -UPI
    UPI  -  36 words
  • 662 1 "Vance pledge to the poor PARIS. Vonday JMIK United Stales promised today t<» throw its vasl wraith, power and in fluence behind the creation of a ihu and fairer international economic system. Secretary of State. Mr. Cyrus Vance, presented the Carter Administration's detailed policy towards the Third World at the
    Reuter  -  662 words
  • 246 1 Irianese rebels kill 2 soldiers JAKARTA. Mon TWO Indonesian soldiers were killed in an ambush a week ago by Inanese rer> Uakaodmi. south- Jayapura. capiui of the remote province of Irian Jaya. official sources said today The Incident, which happened on May 23. was the latest In a series of
    246 words
    • 68 1 LISAK.V Mon. limes of Zambia urged In an editorial t< day thai \frlran leaders nalk out of the Commonwealth Conference In London from Jane H to 16 If I gandan leader ldl Amln attends. Amln has dltgrarrd A r I c a for
      AP  -  68 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 87 1 'he Superbly Crafted Exquisitely Designed Diamond Gem Set Rings m Plitm,,— oi 18 ri White Gotd.a treasure j' x*th Pride and Chensh forevw HrV \iA Wk G.C. DE SUVA (PTE) LTD. JEWELLERS G 14 THE GALLERY s'oa.ts tbaoing BunDtUG TEL *****6 ■mrJlEir MODEQH VWVSMEDIOMAN can also do a Hard Wash!
      87 words
    • 118 1 CAR SALES GOING UP AGAIN Pag« 9 OPPOSITION lo Carter policy on Peking tie* t SMITH'S men destroy two more ramps In Moiambiqur RHITTO will rail fresh polls, says Opposition 4 ANOTHER Cmrter warning to Israel 5 THE stigma of failure How teacher* can help out 7 Long haul to
      118 words
    • 177 1 lost weight J i k with the I* new Philips I r lightweight <^ f iron." J a^R^R^R^R^R^R^R^R^safavMsaWak 0 The Philips p^ Imhiweithi iron i-vme-, m J Itghiwrixhi J| pru-e too under MO' Many Singapore housewives udght iron yourself and sec are losing a lot ot weight by ho* it
      177 words
    • 15 1 For Clear Comfortable Con.ult: C.S. CHONG O.D. EVERBRIGHT OPTICAL CO. 19. CHULIA STREET. SINGAPORE I.
      15 words
  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

    • 42 2 STI'DENT radical* throw fire bombs into battalions of policemen In Santa Japan, on Sunday night after demonstration opposing the opening of new international airport. Seventy-one demonstrator*, tncluuing 2» women, were mrrested. Four policemen were injured— I'M picture.
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    • 300 2 'LDP may lose majority in polls' claim TOKYO. Mon Japan Communist Party •JCPi chairman Ken] I Miyamoto today said the ruling Liberal Democratic Party 'LDP» may lose Its majority in the Upper House of Parliament to a centrist coalition In elections slated for July. Mr Miyamoto, himself a candidate in
      UPI  -  300 words
    • 414 2 Opposition to Carter policy on Peking ties WASHINGTON, Mon. I'it'sitknt Carter, hop ing to establish lull diplomatic nhi (ions with Chiiut. is receiving signals from jpitol Hill tlut dramatic Asian initiatives may not be welcome. One sign came iast «eek from Senator Rob< rt Dole who is among those unhapov
      414 words
    • 119 2 Consumers backing recovery in US Wianoiw, Mon President Carter h.i-. said fresh consumer confidence is behind the present strength of tbe I S economy In an interview with I S Km and World Report. Mr Carter pointed to reduction* in unemployment and an improved outlook for business inxettment as signs
      Reuter  -  119 words
    • 75 2 Rumania joint venture trusting PARIS M n Rumania u ln» eating l_S»58 milUon ■S«140 million' in an American coal mine to obtain high grade cooking coal (or its »t«el industry the president of Occidental Petroleum Corporation said here today Or Armand Hammer, president of Occidental, whose suhUdiary Island Creek Coal
      Reuter  -  75 words
    • 127 2 DACCA. Mon Voting began briskly today in a referendum in Bangladesh asking for solid endorsement for the rule and policies of the country's military President. Major-General Ziaur Rahman In one polling centre In Dacca over 30 per cent of eligible voters had cast their ballots
      Reuter  -  127 words
    • 325 2 South Korea 'can repel the North on its own' WASHINGTON. Mon COUTH Korea has the rapacity to defend itself against a North Korean attack without the assistance of US ground forces. according to a study by the Centre for Defence Information. Representative Stephen -Solar z. requested and released the study
      AP; UPI  -  325 words
      • 57 2 JAKARTA. Mon Six- I t*»n of the 43 people on board a boat wrre killed when It capatatd and sank In, waters off Tanjung Seioka, iouUi Kalimantan. It was reported here today The dally Uenta Yudha said 21 people were rescued after the accident week
        57 words
      • 81 2 MANILA. Mon. The I central bank approved foreign Invest- raents totalling US$2l million IBSSIS million i during the first three months of this year, according to a report the bank released yesterday The manufacturing sector cornered US$l3 million or 62 per cent of the Investments. The bank
        UPI  -  81 words
      • 176 2 PERTAMINA OFFICIAL IN MANILA FOR NEW OIL PACT MANILA. Mon Plet Haryono. president director of the state oil company Pertamlna. has arrived here to sign a new contract agreement on oil with the Philippine Government He told newsmen in Jakarta following talks with President Suharto on Saturday that the last
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      • 160 2 WELLINGTON. Mon YEW Zealand Foreign Minister Brian Tal--11 boys, presently acting Prime Minister, said today that New Zealand does not recognise East Timor as a province of Indonesia. Speaking at a news conference. Mr Talboys said "We do not recognise East Timor
        UPI  -  160 words
      • 131 2 AMERICAN HELD ON DRUG CHARGE BANGKOK. Mon —An American arrested here In connection with a heroin smuggling ring, will be returned to the United States U> face charges, a US Drug Enforcement Agency i DEA official said today Alfred Porcello. 27. was arrested on Friday and charged with possession of
        AP  -  131 words
      • 42 2 MANILA. Mon PrrUdpnt Marco* today rwurtd the United SUtrs o( hH txlirf in the purmlt of human right* and dignity but urgvd unrientendmc »hen the path trw Philippine (ollomrd did not always appear to be that of Anwn. i Hrntfr
        42 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 252 2 youbeen **^M missing something? HVM will soon put things right. Because famous HVM Beiklm it packed with the concentrated power of 24 vitamms/minerals/arrtino acids Manufactured m USA. its scientifically balanced formulation contains in lust one capsule all the vitamins and «g«Big«ttggggggggk. minerals you need for the vvhole day. Km Give
      252 words

    • 85 3 Sudanese deadline to Soviets KHARTOUM. M Sudan has given the •■-week deadline to cut the si/c i embassy stafT here, the Sudan newn Suna reported yesterday The Sudanese Foreign handed the So- i list of irday 1 they had to b* he cuuntry with- days It gave no numb' which
      Reuter  -  85 words
    • 57 3 >' A I ROB I Mon .-rtcan -••pared to today :'-red 'he t'S reduce its by M per cent d after the atest exodus. th>- b^ only around 50 4"oftlrial" Americas left U ISLINGTON, ad- Ethiopia s closure of the fetic- Attaches ofTlce In Addis Ababa Is likely
      Reuter; UPI  -  57 words
    • 45 3 TOKYO Nfon Tie Budirtt Bureau has propoaid laakl artillrrv and mluiln belonging to CS forces no» in South Korea be told to thai country together muh F-16 and Additional Phantom fl7ht*T-oumb*r-. according to diplomatic aoureei quoted today by thp Yumiurt Shimbun RcuUT
      45 words
    • 108 3 5 DIE IN ATTEMPT ON LIFE OF ECEVIT 1 sushi i Mon. Opposition leader Bulrnt fceevit escaped a fifth assassination attempt yesterday, bat an airport bomb blaM kill ed five people and injured 3* others, a week before the national elections. authorities said. Hospital officials saJd five people were killed
      108 words
    • 405 3 Smith's men destroy two more camps in M'bique fALISBURY. Mon. R II O I) ESIAN troops Ikivc overrun mm destroyed two mOK black nationalist guerilla bates inside Mozambique, military headquarters an nounced today. The Rhodesian f rces »truck Into Mozambique tar.y yesterday on a search-and-destroy mission against guerillas fighting to
      Reuter  -  405 words
    • 231 3 Political future of Whitlam in the balance CANBERRA. Monday MR GOUGH Whitlam faces a tough battle for Ms political life tomorrow when his leadership of the Australian Labour Party comes under challenge. The former Prime Minister, sacked by Go-vernor-General S»r John Kerr 18 months ago. is being opposed by the
      Reuter  -  231 words
    • 153 3 PRIS Mon. Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev ast night accused President Carter of stallIng efforts to halt the nuciear arms race by seeking one-sided advantage (or the United States Talks aimed at reachIng a new long-term agreement between the super-powers to limit strategic arms had
      Reuter  -  153 words
    • 137 3 LONDON, Mon. Mrs. Margaret Trudeau. the estranged wife of Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau. plans to take Prince Charles' advice and try to become an actress. a London newspaper said yesterThe News of Use World quoted Mrs. Trudeau as saying Britain's heir to
      AP  -  137 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 149 3 TRADE V^= MALAYSIA Malaysia's International Export Catalogue of Products and Services This is your most ideal medium to promote your products or services to trie world I to t*i«cted buying centres jr. i tr jde lam around theworld trade misiions to promore M j<jy«ur. products industry jnd servicing sectors Products
      149 words
    • 467 3 M J 0 mm **mL JL/V IKM M (FromSss6oV I /^ailing\>^* /V < H \^y I i JuneM-WJ^9d J? I B "fe v v break and 1 1 M Jgflgk^ enjoy the g x i V ■^goodlif^y wSSi J ay JgfiaV Bba] 'P m M r^ gK^gE.' irW^Pr B YOUR
      467 words

    • 171 4 CALL FOR PLEBISCITE ON QUEBEC SECESSION MONTREAL. Mon —Delegates at the Parti Quebecois' general convention voted yesterda< to support the provincial government's proposed language legislation and called for a referendum on Quebec Independence, i A resolution said the government should stand Ann on provisions requiring children of all newcomers to
      AP  -  171 words
    • 164 4 MOSCOW. Mon Pres.denl Nikolai Podforny. dropped last week from the Soviet Communist Party's rulinc Politburo, failed to appear w.lh other Kremlin leaders today to creet visiting President Todor Zhivkov of Bulgaria The welcoming party for Mr Zhivkov. also leader of hi- countr> communist party, was led
      Reuter  -  164 words
    • 337 4 ISLAMABAD. Mon pm.MK Minister Zulfikar AM Bhutto Ikis ■greed to hold new clci lions !<>i tin- National Assembly in order to end nearly three months of political protests that luivi- tin tati'iicd to topple his govern iißiit, opposition sources said today. Quoting sources
      AP  -  337 words
    • 179 4 Lonrho head confirms threat by S. Africa LONDON. Mon -Mr .nd Tiny Rowland, head of the Riant Lunrho trading company, has been threatened by South Africa ills attempts to stop alleged sanctiong by ml firms in Rhodc^a ;i company spoktMi.ui. MM today H of threat was reI and has been
      Reuter  -  179 words
    • 204 4 'Southern Africa struggle may lead to world conflict' LONDON. Mon Commonwealth SeciOeneral Shrkteth Ramphal said today unless ICCful tr.wi.sblack majority governments in southern Africa the world could be plunged into racial contlict v>>- live now in a world conflicts cannot with any certainty be geographically con- tie said In
      204 words
    • 21 4 LONDON M trrd.iy prndrd :r m I i and British Commi I m<-mb»t«hip until Prrstdfnt Anun is replaced UPI
      UPI  -  21 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 200 4 X D Now with Kodak Ektachrome movie film rv ji f/i k. a i i jv___ j\_^fi^rifef yj Now you don't have to purpose film suitable for a '^^F^vii^ wait for days for your movie film Super 8 movie cameras «Sl& c"^^ —^5 to be processed With Kodak Kodak "Type
      200 words

    • 109 5 Deadlock over Cairo 'no to Moscow venue for talks C Egypt, whl up Iti Utlons with f :;ut Mlnlstma.ned at loggerheads with the Soviet Union after laikj (ailed today to fix 1 Telgn The t r Poltnet Fureu l-ter Isma.l Fahmy last night a:.d a^ain thu An Egyptian spokesman said
      Reuter  -  109 words
    • 29 5 TOKYO. Mr. Japan I •hare of the Sculh-eut Asian ils market hf 1973 oil crisis partly b*cauie of cutm Wast*rn m. > Japan Ucn report said Ux2a> Reuter
      Reuter  -  29 words
    • 95 5 Salvador envoy kidnapped GUATEMALA CITY. El Sa.vadors ambassador to neighbouring Guatemala. Edusrdo Casakidnapped here s Sal*Mo- mbassy sources They >aid ab at eight men a ai.<l his they were driving They left hi> *ife -■ned The came on the eve of th.' 18th general assembly of the American Development
      Reuter  -  95 words
    • 317 5 Another Carter warning to Israel WASHINGTON. Mon PRESIDENT Carter arid Iherc would Ik I "profound change" in Ike Mi«l die Easl sit tuition it land di»vowd ih commilmeata to withdraw froM Arab territories it lias occupied since 1%7. But in an interview with the magazine U.S. News and World Report,
      Reuter  -  317 words
    • 185 5 Sanjay gets bail to forestall arrest NJEW DELHI. Mon —Mr I Sanjay Gandhi. 30. younger son of former Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. was granted ba.l on Saturday in anticipation of arrest. Samachar news agency said today. Justice V D Mlshra of the Delhi High Court ordered that Mr Gandhi
      Reuter  -  185 words
    • 59 5 TOKYO Mon Japan and the Soviet Union today signed a nr» llve->-ear trade and payment aj«ement. which had been stalled since last September'! Mlf-23 Incident The agreement from Jan 1 last year to the end ol 19M was signed between visiting Soviet Foreign Trad* Minister Nikolai Patohchev
      Reuter  -  59 words
    • 372 5 PROTEST DEMOS BUT LIKUD STANDS BY BEGIN'S CHOICE TEL AVIV, Mon HUNDREDS of angry demonstrators yesterday protested at the choice of Gen. Moshe Dayan as Israel's next Foreign Minister, but Mr Menachem Begins Likud Party stood by the nomination with a statement endorsing his right to name anyone he pleases
      AP; UPI  -  372 words
    • 126 5 Soccer brawl British soldiers punished Hox.KOM. Mob British soldier* have been disciplined brrr aftrr a brawl beIwrrn football supportrrs. an army spokesman said today. Two teenage British (iris and two men were injured in last Sun day's brawl following a soccer match between tnillsh first division side Mlddlrsborough I'nlted and
      Reuter  -  126 words
    • 192 5 LONDON, Mon. British policemen say they are badly un derpaid. Bat Britain has a pay restraint policy that forbids the police getting what they and a lot of the public think they deserve. Home Secretary Merlyn Rees. the Cabinet minister responsible for the
      London Express  -  192 words
    • 40 5 BANGKOK Mon Laos, a tiny, landlocked country. 1 280 km a«ay from the Oulf of Thailand, today aaid the vtslt of a US aircraft carrier and two destroyers to the shores of Thailand threatens peace and ascunty UPI.
      UPI  -  40 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 169 5 W* 4.1 BBS*. *ssst^ Fondue Neuchaieioise Gruyefe che«s« bubbling m a copper pot Fondue Bourgignonne Cubes of tender eet sizzling in oil Only the best meats and ingredients are used m an Le Chaiet dishes For the Swiss specialities, recipes are traditionally Swiss and so are the cooking methods Besides
      169 words
    • 360 5 sf^ST^^^Bßs! SSSsVI BBBBlslllsSßi'>4^ l^ißPfVf4fitf^* k^SslsSßßßßßll f SBSS^^^ acne scars. dhp^maiW jA^ 'j^^W^fc b everthvper- W r iJH W^ '^sVsssV lit <u«h th< pi«fnenu('ioncaus*dbv rA^^Mr T actiw.tie* for evet purchase of Pias oc C ovfimjrk product one kV >. For more information on Pias and Covermark products contact: I Plr^O Cosmetic
      360 words

  • Bilingual section
    • 663 6  -  TODAY launch BilinKual Imimn which will apprar rver> Tuesday and Kriday. The aim it to help bilingual readert improve their second lanKuage be they the Knf lith-edu-caled who wish to brush up their Chinese, or the Chineseeducated hoping to better their English. To facilitate reading
      663 words
    • 30 6 *v shT yu r*n b*Ti«int nan >i Do not do unto others Rivers and mountains what you do not wUh I^^-ah^.jgJr I others to do unto you. rafter
      30 words
    • Article, Illustration
      139 6 CHINESE calligraphy is the single allconsuming passion in the life of Miss Hong Ben Yeng and has been so for snore than 2t years. Since her first brush with the art when Just a little nrl. »h. has never ceased t° lind solacr and Jot in writing; Chinese
      139 words
    • 290 6 TO help promote bilingualism, the Straits Time* begins today a cartoon captioning contest. In this page every Tuesday and Friday we will publish a cartoon of the Tan family by Kannakar. All you have to do is to fill in the space provided in not more than
      290 words
    • 7 6 E.Si^l| I i
      7 words
    • 59 6 I saw the moonlight before my couch. And wondered if It were not the frost on the ground. I raised my head and looked out on the brightmoon. I bowed my head and thought of my faroff home. Poem by Li Bo Jmf Yu» ill Kit*!
      59 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 91 6 v g^gSg^giah^^ f V vI f iiU .^^SasiS«P^^^^^^^^^^^*^^*la^^Laß l] j-v BOg^feS^^^ "v^g^gi iH 1 1 Illl ilullli SjKA3C3O 51cm 20" g tlW ttHf«rUaC£fl ,fr/V^-«!rV«« jf*3C3of>l V;',/( 20+ U_ft ft ♦••Mil"! S.J, «K P Audio Pte Ltd *J. 4466J3U •MOl«||^l) *J, &4MI XJ, *****2 <■*«« itx mm^rn .1. j, •mmnmmri.vj, '>**»™*M**7fmmnmtom*j>
      91 words
    • 205 6 Maker of the\\brkfs first calculator w^tch. W^mm/^^^mm^CrS^^^aS^S^^ Stainless Steel $1,350 Lw vVafl Haflß A > K^a^B^a^alßV^ therefore New low price to you Auto-Command Dale-Command Ladies Day Date Dress Auto-Command IH a^aT W *"~^gt. r J W «-1 Wg^gSa^atf W K Mod* 3100 Model 2407 2 Model 3310 2 Model 3408
      205 words

  • 462 7 r p i < ii i: r s *> ho ii I(I lake time to help certain pupils l come the psychoh aftermath ol being branded failures in i Khool system based on merito ,i six il l wot kit s.i
    462 words
  • 127 7 Yard acquires big share in steel ropes company THE novernment-owned Keppel Shipyard has acquired substai.tial Interctti m nnal Ste»-. Ltd the ioial steel wire manufacturer as part of its diversification and expansion programme i seconded i re-or-treußllo* ::ient. >rable has been duclion and mpetiled wire r I ing d
    127 words
  • 176 7 PUB TO UPDATE WATER SUPPLY BY-LAWS THE Public Utilities Board will bring into force from Friday new updated water supply regulations to replace the existing 28-year-old Municipal Water Supply. By-laws 1949 The PUB Water Supply i Regulations 1977. which cover 92 clauses against 65 in the old bylawi deal more
    176 words
  • 52 7 A LABOURER yesterday ;i;>d for 11 monttu »ith four 'trolces of th» car.c ty a diunrt -jast for robbing a bunnc&Mnan of IMS Ang Huay Checw. 24. pleaded guilty to robbing Tun Choo Be». 31. a sar.a dealer at the junction of Kar.\ung Road and
    52 words
  • 119 7 PRESIDENT Sheares has appointed Mr. Choor Singh Commissioner of Appeals 'Land Acquisition* for a further two-year term from June 17 Mr Justice Choor Singh, also a judge of the High Court, ha-s been the Commissioner for the past 10 years. He and a former High Court
    119 words
  • 96 7 THE Foreign Affairs Minister and MP (or Kampong Olam. Mr S Rajaratnam will be in London from Friday to June 17 to attend the Commonwealth heads of government meeting During his absence, branch officials of the Crawford PAP branch will attend to the meet-
    96 words
  • 169 7 2 INFANTS SAVED BY 'MILK OF HUMAN KINDNESS' rl R mothers have responded to an urgent appeal for breast milk to save the livrs of two rriticallyill infants at Sint-ipore (iencral Hospital. And thanks to these mothers three local and a Kuropean the infants are now "progressing w e 1
    169 words
  • 95 7 A MAN was yesterday jailed for four years and three months with a total of 16 strokes of the rotan for robbery and possession of a bearingscraper Ong Cheng Yang. 24. was jailed for three years plus 10 stroke; of the cane for robbing a
    95 words
  • 215 7 Three sued for $581,000 owing to bank MOSCOW Narodny Bank Ltd is suing 'hree men for (581.199 as the alleged guarantors for a trading company, said to be owing the bank the amount claimed. The defendants are Soh Ouan Liong. Soh Kheng Siong and Soh Chin Chve all of River
    215 words
  • 23 7 THE Muslim Religious ■Ml IMM| that .1 -till tilli.ig to accept applications from Mu»lirr here wishing to go on pilgrimage to Mecca
    23 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 146 7 P You can find it too! Phone: AlR^dH^ rvad aart aW mi as a^ h^ ■■■■■■■■■■■>■■ I —^T^\ Ms FREE! Naf"e I K& For your copy of the booklet. Address I u«ff«s ust dr °P this coupon into any I xSeSiV^ of the "I found it!" boxes. sss "Po^r™"" Pjotessio^
      146 words

  • 255 8 Copyright law does not protect local books rE present Copyright law in Singapore protects foreign-published books against being pirated here but there is no such protection for books published locally. In addition, the copyright 1 law which Singapore is currently using is one which was handed down in 1911 by
    255 words
  • 33 8 THE 3103 Hippo Scout Oroup from 8t Joaeph'a Institution wtll hold mining camp from Monday to June IS at the Pah&nf National Park kUlartU. to mark th* BJI j 12Slh innl»er»ai7
    33 words
  • 567 8 Survey on extent of govt control of welfare groups T"HE extent to which voluntary welfare organisations here are being controlled by government is a question which three university lecturers are trying to answer through a survey which they are now conducting. They are also studying whether such Influence or control
    567 words
  • 151 8 Changes in the new identity card JHK National Registration Office will introduce slight changa to Ihe tor nuit of (lie identity card from now on. The new identity canai will have Ihe official reference, now found on the reverse side, incorporated with the identity card number on Ihe obverse side.
    151 words
  • 161 8 Till. Singapore freighter, \a\ajo. towed stricken tugboat with <M VietnarncNf refucrr% hrrr on Friday after pickinc up distress signals from the tug in tbe South hina Im. The tug. Hong Ha 127 m on the verge of sinking when the Vavajo »ent
    161 words
  • 169 8 DPP and State Counsel Loh Ua X' k has resinned after seven years ser% Mr Loh. who has taken part in the prosecui tlon of many criminal cases in recent >«-jr* which hit the headlines Intends to enter private practice. With the Sollc:tor-Oe-I
    169 words
  • 28 8 GHIM Moh rommunlty centre will hold a picnic at St John's Island on Sunday from 730 .1 m to 4 ptn Those Interested should telephone *****0
    28 words
  • 76 8 A 18-YEAR-OLD construction worker Sim Ah Choon. died instantly when he was hit by a piece of wood which f*ll from the 11th storey I of an uncompleted sec- j tlon of Textile Centre In Jalan Sultan last Satur- 1 day On Sunday night. Koh Ane San.
    76 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 689 8 mA .ill I HJII I cad straight for our ■■KSflfcT' garden of Indonesian fl I gVy Bbk 1 1 iJ 1 111 dclmhts-thc new '|lcr > U^ ali </f MBBaC J^BB SB^^BB^BB^^V^BBBBBBBBBBBa^Rik^a^RBm Jakarta Hilton. You'll mf^9^^ be surrounded by -bbbbjß it a J9 D m 32-acres of gardens so Uwal
      689 words
    • 115 8 THE WORLD S FIRST FRACTIONAL 8 DIGIT JMPIV CALCULATOR t^^gjgJMsNp' r factions/Mamona* W^S^-^W Bullt in Standard Davialion **********8888 Programm* a^B^a— Remainders loi Divitiont Time Calculations ***** Totals and Grand Totals with 2 Memory Facilities WBIBUB Square Roots/Percentages HBgn .An improved Model OIMBF MAi f— j PMI yet at lower price
      115 words

  • 161 9 Snatch thief tried to return gold chain A FLEEING snatchthief stopped in his tracks and meekly walked bad; to his victim to return her $300 gold chain when her shouts attracted a large crowd, a magistrate heard yesterday. The thief was arrested by a policeman. Yesterday Wan Ah Kow. 31.
    161 words
  • 44 9 Management Game by SIM THE Singapore Instl- tv t c of Management M will hold this year's National Management Game from July to Octooer The m:nr..r.( mr a rrpuca The regional finals of the game* eaarntulU comprtitioo among ißAAagrmtn' n in a cofnputeT-*imu*««'.^<i bus:MB
    44 words
  • 200 9 Overseas students 'plan to return home from Australia' VI OST overseas stuiTl dents from the I developing countries studying in Australia plan to return home after completing their studies. This was dlsc'.osed by Or U Lakshama Rao. formrr.y of the Research Unit of the Australian National University of Education. In
    200 words
  • 27 9 THE Singapore I sity't Drama Society will noki an audition for itmusical KUmet at the Music Department i Daitry Road, on Saturday at 4 pm
    27 words
  • 99 9 THE Minister of State (Prime Ministers Office. Haji Yaacob Mohamed has called on m organisations here to run more Muslim creches and kindergartens Speaking on the Role of Youths as Tomorrow s Leaders at the Pergas Study Centre. Jalan Damal. on Sunday he
    99 words
  • 83 9 MR. Lee Knan Yew chats with Mr. Toshlo Doko (right), president of the Federation of Economic Organisation while mii fapore Ambassador Wee Mkii Cheng (left) looks on. They were meeting before a luncheon the Prime Minister attended in Tokyo on Monday with Japanese business leaders at
    UPI  -  83 words
  • 66 9 THE National Productirttv Board <NPB> mill hold a cour>« on markerInc for bunncM exer-j-Uvm it 1U train lr centre in Hotel Royal-Ramada. Newton Road The 10 a«Mion course «ill be held betwrcn a m and 11 IS am on *erkda>« from July 4to July 15 F». art
    66 words
  • 541 9  -  GLORGE JOSEPH B. Replacements for old ones SALES of new c;ir s. whi ill l)liininuk(l afler the Bavcnßßtßl in Iroduccd i< scrits of measure! since l!»74 In nslritt the number of i;irs on Mm roids. arc st:i^ in<^ dniiiKitir n--covcry. Motor dealer tay that new
    541 words
  • 60 9 Gymnastics for women THC Singapore Sport* Council and the Singapore Amateur OymnaMlci Aimelation will hold > CertlficaU In Coaching Basic) Oymnastlcs Court* Module Two. for women Th« 30-taadon count wtU bt held from June T to Auc 16 at the ICAC OymnaUum In Northumberlarxi Lane on Tuesdays and at Upper
    60 words
  • 45 9 A CONCVtT organlMd for the young by the VUnUtry of Culture wIU bt held at the Toa Payoh branch library lecture hall on Saturday at 2 pm. The ptrformen from various arhnola here will play instrumental muuc Ac Imlmslon li free
    45 words
  • 109 9 Knife man robs woman in lift A HOUSEWIFE was j robbed Of her watch and gold chain worth $200 by a man armed with a knife In a lift at Block 14G. Ttong Bahru Road on Sunday Police said the robber followed Madam Wong Mol Chal 34. as she entered
    109 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 381 9 Hugo's, our premier restaurant, is exclusively dedicated to the ladies during the lunch hour, however, in recognition of the other sex (without whom life wouldn't tx? as sweet or as bitter the case may be) the ladies have permitted male lunchers at a "Boys' Corner For the Women-Who-Matter Special menu
      381 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 224 9 Bringing Up JPathcr By Bill Kavanagh Hal Camp I I COOXSOW' OARE I j DAR^ N -P>, j rON /iMCCCT-WHV DON'T V^AG<3 *OE« *VC J QC'HG I A MCE yOU V^AKE <X* yP SCX3N VOj L.L V YOU WA« YE JP' TO -Vli BREAKFAST h> VIE JP < M«S n,E
      224 words

    • 279 10 PENANG. Monday BU S I N E SSMEN here received with mixed feelings today the announcement by Finance Minister Tengku Razalelgh Hamzah that the government Is considering putting the Island fully within the Principal Customs Area. Tengku Razaleigh announced this yesterday when
      279 words
    • 171 10 MINISTRY TO PROBE MALACCA BEACH OIL SPILL MALACCA. Mon. —The Bclence. Technology and Environment Ministry will send a team of officials to Investigate the oil pollution along i the beach from Pokok M.mgga to Tanjung Kllng. abbout 19 km from here. A ministry spokesman p said here today the government
      171 words
    • 294 10 Hospital is hit by water shortage KUALA LU.VPUR. Monday JHK General Hospital licit- Ikis ken In! since Saturday by periodic water aaortafes .ilthongli the supply to its lank and those of mrroaadiiig areas Ikis not Ik-cm rationed. A spokesman of the hospital said the shortage was most severe on Saturday
      294 words
    • 21 10 KUALA LUMPUR Moo About 1.200 ttudrnu have enrolled at tl* Acrtculture University In SrrcUnf for the new academic union
      21 words
    • 250 10 Too late for coalition, says Usno leader KOTA KINABALI'. Mon Soon jflrr the Hrrja)a Party >wrpt into power in April l.i Nt year ihrre was talk that mo\r% Mere bring madr to form a coalition go\ ernment since both llrrjjj.i and thr defeated I snn are members of the National
      250 words
    • 67 10 KOTA KINABALU Mon Foimtr Deputy Chief Minuter Oat u AUuddln bin Datu Harun. died of i heart ■ttack at the Ocneral Hospital yesterday Datu Aliddln 47. outgoing secretary general of U>no and brother of Tun Oatu Miutapha Harun had appeared normal when he addrtsaed party delegate* during
      67 words
    • 43 10 IPOH. Mon Police constable Mokhlur bin RamJan. 28. was Kntenctd to a y»ar s jail by the Se-Mion.i Court here today tor haMn« 002 fTami of heroin in Jalan South mird Tanjunf 1 fUmbuUn at about p m on May 5.
      43 words
    • 345 10 New party line-up in bid to regain power in Sabah K KINABALU Man USNOs 11th delegates conference, which ended late last night, has brought about several radical changes, in line with Its determlna tlon to regain power In Sabah. The most notable change is the emergence of young and enernetlc
      345 words
    • 225 10 KUALA LUMPUR Man f\R MAHATHIR Mo- 1/ hamad reiterated today that the government > will study all complaints against the Cabinet 1 Committee salary report In an organised manner and cannot entertain them on an ad hoc basis He said 550 memoranda with as many as
      225 words
    • 77 10 JOHORfc BAR! Mon Two men from Gelang Patah. near here, were eavh fined $91,573 in default one rear Jail for attempting to smufcle tin ore into Singapore by a bail. Sharrif bin Abdul Raiak. 19. and Rah- man bin Jamani. 18. were also fined S.lOO in default
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 357 10 50% oil on all I Imported Handbags I 30% off on I Leather Attaches I 20% off on I New Arrivals I A Fabulous collection I Italian leather goods I CAI L ON US WHEN YOU RE IN PLAZA SINGAPURA Da Bag Shop I B^S2| '?*> P| a/a Sinqapora Strapping
      357 words
    • 147 10 STOLMAC PRIVATE LTD. X Sole Agenti R^presentotivps nS t Asm tor Monufoctu'ers 4 Producers throughout Ausfrolio and the For Eost WE WISH TO ADVISE THAT WE ARE MOVING TO LARGER OFFICES AS FROM IST JUNE. 1977 NEW ADDRESS IS SUITE 1604, 16TH FLOOR, GOLDEN MILE TOWER, BEACH ROAD, SINGAPORE 7
      147 words

    • 49 11 Review of petrol and kerosene prices JERANTUT, Mon THE :nmlt- I MM ih<- Investment ::,enda- !utur«- Industry m imzah Abu Samah >j:d would be ktiuwn ment Com com- llndlngi on Implications Datuk lUrr./.ih IBM the y t ttM public I burdened bui the spare which led to B
      49 words
    • 29 11 p »*s:»unt L.r» K»m Choj 18 «a* »la»nrd to d«»lh sr*r] parai.^s and rmm H- .r.d a friend had tarllrr (one to lh« cinrma to
      29 words
    • 66 11 SI Kf MB%V Mon Two robbers armed with patois held up »tjfT o r the Empat Kkor branch in J>*an Templar here yesterday and escaped wiin the weekend collection of $***** The robbers, wearing crash helmet*, took $4,962 from a safe and another $5 350 from the
      66 words
    • 281 11 IPOH. Won f»ORMER Deput) Ministers Datuk Abdullah Ahmad and Encik Abdullah Majid wanted to set up i Russian- type < oiiimiinis! regime in the countn with ;i view i<> abolish inn the special rights <>! Ihe Malays. Umno secretary-gen-Datllk Senu Abdul Rahman,
      281 words
    • 148 11 Teargas fired at trawler in sea chase A LOR BTAR, Mon Member* of a Marine Police patrol boat tired several warning ■hots and hurled at least five teargas bombs at a fleeing trawler to torce It to stop during a chase of! Pulau Lang- kawl yesterday evening. The talkong of
      148 words
    • 191 11 KUALA LUMPUR, Monday rE Umno Setapak division's vote of no confidence In the leader ship of Hajl IdrU Ibrahim. MP for Setapak. will be referred to the Umno Supreme Council. Umno secretary general. Datuk Senu Abdul Rahman said today He said
      191 words
    • 63 11 KUANTAN. Mon SUt* fovrmmenU In the country have been urged to m up hmlf-*ay treatment hviues a* their own contribution in the fight acalnst drug abuar Deputy Law Minuter Enrlk Rais Yatim said today that In the long run It is no longer logical (or tfat*
      63 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 366 11 SRI LfINKR the isle of gems B^B\£ T^3>_^^JBl Bk A v aflssss^^^^ ssss&^aV Lm^ Wftl B^B^ 3 TIMES fi WEEK Serv. c is lf>« cofn#r stone ol air travel in Asia we add nosp.tsMy and personal warmth To this desirable package we from Sri Lanka infuse history and charm T
      366 words
    • 194 11 Cocktail Lounge Restaurant Presents the best of Michael t^a Rahimah^. Rahim r LWE EWIOTAIIIIMWIT 4 r^y r) (t(() 398 quartet B Sats Eve of Holidays: 8.30 p.m. 2 a.m. 392. Orchard Road Singapore 9 Tel *****6 After Office Tel *****1 op- I 'Heartiest Congratulations Best Wishes' Beecham Pharmaceuticals Pte) Ltd.
      194 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 352 12 MINISTERS from 27 industrial and developing countries are meeting in Paris today for the final session of what has come be known as the North (ie. rich)South (poor) dialogue. The stated aim of the negotiations, which have been meandering along for 18 months. Is to achieve onomic balance
      352 words
    • 310 12 READING between the lines. Indian Prime Minister Morarjl Desais criticism of the United States is a great deal less t'.irh.ri than his apparent outspokenness makes it look Mr Desai. interviewed by a >errran news magazine, said the US bears more responsibility for driving India Into tht- arms
      310 words
    • 442 12 lIE r<fer to the letter TT m Trader" which appeared In Saturday Forum on May I. We wish to inform "Trader" that contrary to his claim, there Is. at present, no Import ■on on nonstandard metrtc-slzr packs Consequently. It cannot be argued that prices
      442 words
  • 934 12  -  MARK FRANKLAND By [F one had to pick out America's mosl potentially troublesome ally there would Ik- little choice hut to plumb for South Korea (Israel surely dott not qualify because for so many Americans it is more than
    OFNS  -  934 words
  • 1082 12  -  DAVID NACY By \fOST of America A ha d switched channels and that was too bad. because right then Richard Nixon summed It all up. Well, he said, in the level voice of a man >Uting the obvious, when
    UPI  -  1,082 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
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    • 280 12 NYAL PLURAVIT ONE A DAY CAPSULE EVERY GROWING CHILD NEEDS MORE THAN JUST FOOD Food is not the MHM to heillhv growth It his to hr j wrll balanced mejl t»en then, there n no guarantee that vitamins and minerals are not lost m cooking and storage In make sure
      280 words

  • 118 13 Chua to launch road safety campaign ri for Home Affairs and Educain Chin. will launch the National Road Safety CampaiKn and Police Wrek 1977 at Theatre on Saturday at 11 am. The theme for the campaign, up till June 30. is Road Safety For You Unlike previous campaign- i v
    118 words
  • 17 13 ANOTHER 17 new »8 milred by Se rir.g rapt I p*.«- Vrcede*
    17 words
  • 314 13  - Thief who preyed on kids in market nabbed A 1 1! I 111', who been itealing jewel- K-iy troin little children n they win marketing with their unwnrv mothers, ham been arrested by |m>lic-c ili. inks to a group of civic-minded hawkers and shopkeeper! in village in Mukit P;mj;mn.
    314 words
  • 180 13 A-go-go queen Irene's new dual role QNK time MLw A-fO-gO HoilKkiMlK Irene R*der. has hung up her minirst minlafcirt into thi darkest corner ol her wardrobe for good. This beauty of English Chinese extraction was a mere 17--year-old when she won the title Today, at 28. she's become a wife
    180 words
  • 23 13 THE Union of Keppel Shipyard Employees of Singapore held their se\enth annual carnival at Wonderland Amusement Park in Kalians on Sunday
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  • 149 13 'Help take young minds off drugs' THE Senior Minister of State i Communlca ttonsi. Mr Ong Teng Cheung, last night call ed on community era tres to play a greater role tn curbing drug addiction He said he was alarmed at the Increasing num ber of youthtul drug addicts In
    149 words
  • 216 13 A 10-MAN team o! Sip g a pore managers in the metal fabrication Industry will leave here on June 6 for a 20--1 day study of similar Industries In Japan, South Korea and Taiwan. The tour Is Jointly orga- nlsed by the
    216 words
  • 70 13 SENTO?A Cinoe Ontrv «ill hold a special tmoIruon course on basic c«noetn» for children from to 12 years at its premises on Sunday a. id June 12 from 10 am to 11 30 a m Fee !or the mhole course, including admu&lon to Seitoaa. is 110 Application
    70 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 186 13 r^TIT^FRFFi r "l Tigress kaberge i^ I eoi.ocNr. II if LI jMm >VJ sPRA^ LOTION MBKh I °ornl >:..•/ 45ml '1.5tl #?TBkf I »V^l KvtailprKtSZO 50 worthSl2 00 M b *W I \m W PABERoe FREE! >^-^v I I 'H I BRIJT K|KU fO I Ljflßk Ketail prut- If^tt S^
      186 words
    • 145 13 The HP-22 Business Management Mmmmmß For planning, forecasting, and decision analysis. Trie HP-22 puts ideal combinations of financial, mathematical and statistical functions right at your fingertips With it you can handle everything from simple arithmetic to complex time-value-of-money computations You can even handle planning, forecasting and decision analysis And you
      145 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 780 13 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 300 PM Oftnaf '»"•«< kJ FI T"t HO Iwrs MHij Repeat 7.4S lora "77 Ist parttr fiul MHaj, M 3.J1 Diary of Everts frw stMM 1 3.35 General Hospital 135 Fan Eafks Ma Swwr ii 4 15 Mafant Zert Om ifeptit) Eapcrir 4.31 intermission 9
      780 words
    • 25 13 WATER W Ml R ronsumptii>n on Sunday »a> 59*.t*0 cubic mrtres (131.1 million lallonsi. 41.000 cubic metres (Hs million rjllmsi less than thr prrxious day
      25 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 383 14 a a a a a a -a aj i r r a 13th ST4NPEIING' BAY it > REX-GLOBE "REX (Phone ***** 1 11 am, 130.4 00 6 45,9 30* ■GLOBE L<ist 2 DAYS 11, 1.30. 4. 645 4 9.15 f No HaM Net-Nt MH«R»y Cone— lon-No Fra* LM g A
      383 words
    • 725 14 JADE OPENS foil ORROW I (Phone *****80) 5 shows daily No hart price No military concession No free list Him, 1.30, 4.00, 6.30, 9.15 3 DAYS ADVANCE CASH BOOKIN6S on GROUND FLOOR BBBBBB^* 1 JK^^BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbI i I I H^JS^S^s9HBIaBBB l^^^^^^jAPafamount Picture Distributed by Cinema International Corpora! ion^^^^^^^[ a B)^nßßaaaßaaaa>*aaaßaßajßßßaaß«aMaßflßaaaMaMa«a>«-a) a>
      725 words
    • 115 14 BB^^*^ a> I Eft Jl aJ^_^P ß^"^^^^B last day no TioPM > tfoJjrjaL* bw^v*^!^^ INNGAVITTU PILLAI A >y M U \"a 1^ fAS-v*-. > > > "_B. Ja GRAND OPfNING -I A** «^B^^>^P^^r TOMORROW > JBrW 4 shows Ijo 1 10 4 10 '<• \k k aaar^ aVJr^ wm >•
      115 words
    • 145 14 MArVMrWWWWWMMrWVVWWMMMrWMM JiiMt Nivt-is (\\m wm mnv ,'Zi S™^ Calarwaaa Ua»t> t«a<it«a« SJHRONG DRIVE-IN CINEMA > ODEON CATNAY ORCHARD 2ND MIDNIGHT TONIGHT! S ODEON Morninf Shew Tomorrow al 4am 1 HSIMG JAMES TIF.N LU| W I COLOBaKOm ffWOilW* 9U nH MBBBBB.B^Ba^9B&aa^^*!t« f: MUKsnr H§i>-k\Tt v* ii r mi \m i m
      145 words
    • 422 14 V-VaVaWaVaVaVaWaV. :jff iii iiifliii-. ■>: J, O"INJ TODAY 1 S 2 Ska.t 700 4 JOam > GtNIIAL STONI -q "Cuoo Ling I C Oatd Tom Wona* Juronf Oft In C.n.m. •I Od.on C.<h., Orchard Sj O4*«a* rtmll a* THI SHAOLIN PLOT Mondo«.n CoiorScopa J» J «*»V*J *J J W' r«
      422 words

  • 536 15 THE LONG HAUL TO ASEAN C-MARKET Dhanabalan cautions against 'expecting too much too soon' which followed the torum DR. U.O SI RVAIHNATA ot the Institute of South-east AMan Studies, spnke on the social and cultural patterns of A^fati He said Asean states shared many common characterises but they also had
    VOW YIN WOH  -  536 words
  • 51 15 SALMAH blnte Abdul Samad. it. ftustained severe bums mhen her tarong raurht fire ahile truni f> put out the flame in an oil stove a coroner's court he»rd yesterua/ The mtahap occurred at net counn's tut in Redhll! Ckwe on March on Apnl 1 Verdict
    51 words
  • 105 15 4 SINGAPORE firm dealing in gold and rer elating has reported to police the theft of one kilogram of gold worth $20,000 from its premises. The firm, which dis'l the theft day. made a report to Beach Road police station -.nly ye>terday. Sources said the
    105 words
  • 122 15 Murder verdict on man's death A CORONERS court yesterday recorded a verdict of murder by person or persons unknown on the death of Hans Daeng Paraga. 26, a casual worker at Clifford Centre during iU construction. His body was found on the 14th floor of the centre on May 10
    122 words
  • 53 15 THK Singapore Mathematical Society v holding a i v mathematical colloquium at the Umverilly of Hingapore to mark the society 25th anniversary The colloquium •ill be attended by 430 paitlriiiante from Singapore •i il 30 from Malaysia. U organised »vi: ttkt cooperathe Education Minte- i- yang Unlverwtjr and
    53 words
  • 150 15 riiUKxi Donation Ontre at the Singapore General Hospital will be cloa*d tomorrow i W.tak Day i. It will also be closed on June 12 dur to an Interruption In electricity supply caused by the diversion of electrical cables In the hospital Blood donation eaaton* meek are V
    150 words
  • 223 15 TWENTY- FOUR people from three families lost their homes yesterday when Are •"•pi through two wooden and tine houses in a village In Lorong Kandang, off Braddrli Road. Nobody was injured In the blase which started shortly before If a.m. after some
    223 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 253 15 I^SBsW BsL^^gsE^ls^^ P^M sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssk gssssV. afl MORE OF EVE J*xß9|^Hr Aspirations of workmH^raHp Bridegrooms for saleTWpodeWidmr Spore Unvei led Women behirfi the gail i curtain Why most men won't hf^Ava^fl^ffiPny^ *r HOME-MAKER: Ad^Mial decor supplement HHWM FOR s^kDEßSl^aik dfco's Problem Page HerWor kJ Bp^Upkib PROI^OTI&WS* GIFTS W Wo||| Shoppers' City
      253 words
    • 183 15 7 ROLAND HEW 77 dTjfc PErn V 9 for her nximam I^J for him ?^^T 2 SALONS TO SERVE YOU ORCHARD RD SALON ■sSLssssl^ssssw NEW LOW PRICESII SUPER OFFERS 111 197 PrtK fr i9Q W PENANQ RD BALON rCRMd IT. >Z3.DU Paraonally att*nd*d by Shampoo Blow Dry/S«t Ij 1 ULA
      183 words

    • 1374 16 THE laat transacted ready sale at the close of bustnaaa on Ujr Stock Ex BjSJtfJMM >»al*r<la> •.■m paratf with the previous dav'i prices ii'itifr with 1*76 high and low. "1 for strip rights latue) 90 72 Talplng Textile 7* 173 150 TanChong 165 -1 183 170 Taaek Cement
      1,374 words
    • 1292 16 B" 7 "icially I and '■jsiness in ■nr Stork Ex--•lerday number of shares traded ihoam In brarkeu in lots of 1 000 units unless otfierwlse •ement Coniraru are quoted after the Board deals i 000 units) ar» f -•■rr* BH »H rtON "Nr IMII -IHIM I Kcmm
      1,292 words
    • 78 16 >TNIKINtj pncN of Ike stork oat ion a ofrVrialb I1M04) ea Ike Siorh rt>liaa» of Siagoaor*. liar arrioaa. baa) anal offer ancea rid awaiaeas 4oa* yooterala>. «nh Ike nuaiaer of ooiiana iraaVd akosa la araraeta COLD STORAGE iSept 82 70) ■OOTB (Ooc 82 70) 10 14B) DBS I
      78 words
    • 322 16 B O T 7 S/*% I*M iIOOOOOi i 98 .B M'.S) BOTH VT% I*Bl HOOOOOI i 102.8 1038) D B 8 8 1/2* I*B2 1 100 000) HOO'aB 101 aS i DBS Coavarta in IHI i 100 000) 197-. B 9*SK> Illn I*B2 i 100 000
      322 words
    • 80 16 YEO HIAP Seng announced an unaudited group pre-tax profit of $3.38 ($2.36 million), for the half-year ended March 31. on sales o! 117 39 million i $14 49 million). The parent company's pre-tax profit was $3 63 million '*212 million i. on sales of $17 33
      Reuter  -  80 words
    • 1329 16 BID tnd offer prlcea caffl- daily luted a,nd bualneaa In and reported to the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday with the numbar ',< vl,»fr» traded shown In bracket* In lota of 1000 uruti untea* othervise apeclned IHDUITaiALt Mbmb i «oc A CM* i4)MB OIIH 111 o*l MS .li
      1,329 words
    • 122 16 KUALA LUMPUR: West Malaysian rubber production In February tell to 118.801 tonnes from 165.834 tonnes < revised) in January, but was slightly above the 118.754 tonnes In February 1976. statistics department figures show. Exports In February dropped to 124.975 tonnes from 166.552 in January and
      Reuter  -  122 words
      • 54 16 B T Index Industrials Finance Hotels Properties Tin* S rubbers OC BC S E S Ind May 27 May 30 270 20 281 23 243 M 243 17 423 37 422 81 IM»4 15*44 160 95 151 29 105 M 105 69 338 11 337 M 227 24 228
        54 words
    • 252 16 GOODYEAR Malaysia Berhad a Joint venture between Goodyear Tire and Rubber of the US and Pernas registered record earnings last year. Its cochairman. Tunku Dato Shahrlman bin Tunku Sulaiman said Tunku Shahrlman who Is also Pernas group chairman, said that the company made an after-tax
      252 words
      • 232 16 UONOKONG Mun The i market cluaed lower in dull trading lollouing the fall on Wall Street and amid uncertainties about the local economic situation and the 1 world oil price puaitiun dealers uid jardine Malh«-o«> fell 40 rent* to HKBIS 30 and Honikonc Bank SSs* -•>■' Paeiftr 10 r.ih
        232 words
      • 185 16 TOKYO M rased in iiiiht trading m thr ahuencr I !r>-..h »timuii dealers Mid The t>» atagoja avrragr lost 525 to cloar at 4 *S6 30 >ith a vulumr of 100 i -harrs Thr New ndrx {inched at 375 22. d 0 37 t»mt Scattered buying interr^t waa seen
        185 words
      • 313 16 CYDNEY Mon The market fell sharply in quiet trading, dealers said Ampot roar three to 98 A cent* and Prko t»o to 55 78. but rarvronlirxnUl kM 60 to 110 60 QawruUnd Minr* three to $2 42. Kathirrn ln«r«laarn|i 18 to tl 35 and 1 7. Indastriet U\t to
        313 words
      • 40 16 ■•Mir uiu«ii HoOtlOO t 144 MR 141 VIH 144 «0a) 144 MM p«r* ill I4»O«R 144 »»«J Ml «ia 14* Bapoti prieca in non •irrnnk i»«. in I'M dollar par ounrr 111 Australian dollar |~-r guor lit Attract price
        40 words
      • 25 16 THE Straits tin price fell $2 to $1,455 per picul in Penanjt yesterday on an official offering up 87 tonnes to 274 tonnes.
        25 words
      • 110 16 OPENING quotations In the Singapore rubber market yesterday were marked down half a cent following lower London > advices In a quiet and uncertain market until towards noon when prices firmed slightly on MM covering of June j and July, dealers said Some physical enquiries for prompt shipment RSS
        110 words
      • 342 16 Rubber May 3* Singapore Jane I 193.14) ets- (unchanged i Malaysia J■ n c 19IM els. (down •2S cl i Tin 51 .455 (down at). Official offerinit !74 tonnes <■? 17 tonnes) cents per kilo. unchanged on la.>t Friday s close Xl \l Ll MFIR: Opening lower, the
        342 words
      • 128 16 DAILY BSR and SMR prices at noon yntcrday Junr jtri; R. A. S. iC'anvat Mihi I Forward Mlhi Baycn tttllcn Hu.rn Sclht* run bw kg I irrauacrkf) 88R 20 11 (on pallet) in 00 193 00N 103 50 I*4 SON mm, M (1 ton pallet) IM JO
        128 words
      • 118 16 MiMiti r-aoouci i« '■cmanci. sixoAroai «oo« CLOIIMQ miClt rtH PICUL CinM a*l: Balk *M a»n«ra. oM amra SIM MM*ra. mmm 4nin SIO6 Mltora Caota Mllr*) <•»*•»> IK Cool MO bu»«r» Poooar Muilok AST A •Mt» fob IMI NtW S4IO aallara. Karaoak «hn. f• k. M. NLW UtHI acllrra
        118 words
    • 372 16 CENTRAL Sugars continued to command speculative support In a generally mixed market at the Stork Kxrnange of Singapore >esterday. Sentiment in this particular counter had been nervous in recent weeks when the share (urged strunglv ahead Last week alone it chalked up a solid 57 rent
      372 words
    • 363 16 CENTRAL Susars Central Securities Perak Carbide. General Lumber and Pacific Devrlopmi-ul Credit dominated tr;td\m§ M the Kuala I.;'mpur stock market day Turnover in UktM Bvt counters accounted (or almost 80 per cent of the day's total volume of 5 57 million units, which wa> higher than last Friday
      363 words
    • 120 16 »pHE M dolUr BM fairly ell bade in quiet trading conditions after openini: he^vtaiuljr »t S2 463S 45 in the Singapore forex market \eMerflay The firmer undertone resulUd from a In L"S prime rate to 6 3 4 per cent fiom 6 1 2 per cent
      120 words
    • 212 16 ASIAN currency deposit Interbank rates aa al close on May 30 I I Itollars I Spall Offer BM 7 day* 5 5 S 5 12 1 mlh 4 J 16 6 I 16 2 mths 5 7 8 5 3 4 3 mths 6 1 S 6
      212 words
    • 38 16 ng Interbank rate* in Singapore dollars for May 30 Offer BM Overnight 5 12 5 1 mlh 4 1 S 4 2 mIM 4 316 4 11* 3 mths 4 14 4 18 Suarre: Astley Pravrrr.
      38 words
    • 58 16 of ral»i i. ft nouara on Mar SO Call 21 Claawi Bur Sail > hi. l i Month Bank I. H. 4 I II J It II I Month IU 4 14 4 1" I Month cli 4 7 II 4 1 II NOTE: These rates may dlfler
      58 words
    • 172 16 Interbank rairs at 300 p m uttrn. ir- Nomintl rati-i Smiltoonlaa FrrrrnUf* •luolrd .r.tndi> era*, parilt chancr US d. liar :<•«! 2 4€48 ***** S.rriniK pound 4 2311 4 2335 7 146!* 42 40 Uar 52 SO SO SI 393 M Man dollar 99 19 9*31 100 00
      172 words
    • 58 16 Minimum lending rates (in%> Afßt- IS AkgfOMM Baak *S Kanaka* Baak 7 Boo* of Aaiariia 4>. Haak of Cklao 7 Baak of Tokyo i Hook Nogara la<ianli 7 aarteroal Baak Ckaa* Ma. Kalian «>. DBS I r irai Caaaaga) I. illbonk 4 rWBi 7 Indoaun l>. MaUyaa Baakiag 4. Mliaatßaak
      58 words
    • 286 17 halfyear enabled Allied Chocolate Industries to make an unf> -round In th» year ended Der 31 1976 The group posted a pretax profit of $821 802 last compared with a loss of 12 60 million In 1975 the entire year j a>tp achieved In th»-
      286 words
    • 330 17 Bousteadco to merge Aussie subsidiaries ■{i pore ts .strallan -owned *l 5 per cad U nochrome The ••allert *11l be -.he balance will be offered to the ilian public lining the rationale merger the com- will create a '.r<l company x^ess of tr.fl forecast 1977 of ASI million ■fret the
      330 words
    • 163 17 11l \K\r Brothers Mi Friday reported a hefty 81.8 per <rnt rsH in iri'up pret.x profit to tilM million f,,r the first half-year ended March Jl 1 Mrinfent control of operating costs couplrd with better sales in Prnin>ular Malay m.i »rrr thr factors
      163 words
    • 209 17 THE Three ulster com- Mm Hope. >.»iati<- Rubber and and Patallng *hi<-h r«-<»ntl> merged Into trie gtar.t Harrisons Malay Man tatatw HME) have if^patched formal f arqulMtlon to the imall number of sharewhlch have >pt to airree to the merger thr British Companies Act once
      209 words
    • 112 17 si'PKEME Corporation has received firm commitments totalling 1 S3 million shares for Its special Issue of 2 M million new shares of MSI each to numlputras The balance of 1 01 mlltion shares, which Is open or subscription to Malays. Malay investment companies and other Malay Inlere^(^
      112 words
    • 106 17 MAN FINED $10,000 FOR BEING A BOOKIE rS KHUAN SEO was yesterday fined $***** or nine months' jail In default after he pleaded guilty to acting as a bookmaker at the Buklt Tlmah racecourse last Saturday. The magistrate. Mr John '_cc. also bound him over for $10,000 for good behaviour
      106 words
    • 205 17 A GANG of peeping loins is believed t<> Ik- victimising residents of the lop llooi this of an HDIS block al Lengkok Bahm l>> drilling boles on the ceiling and looking in. An HDB spokesman said yesterday that an inspection team that
      205 words
    • 275 17 Salesman pleads guilty to extortion charge A SALESMAN pleaded guilty to extorting SIC.OOC from a government executive officer, but the magistrate. Mr John Lee. stood down the case till Monday to enable the prosecution to produce the extortion letter Inspector AJ Var prosecuting, had read out the facts of the
      275 words
    • 56 17 THE Children i Charities AMoclation will print Chrtatmat card* for a»le (rui yt*r to ralat funds for 1U member anrtetMs. Artuu are Invited to tend In their paintlngi to be printed on the cards on a donation bails The auorlatlon appeal* to commercial Industrial enterprise* to
      56 words
    • 54 17 THE charga* for a telex call from local lubacrtben to ihlp* vhtrh uibacrtbe to the MARIBAT System are U* par unit call of three minute* and S2S per each additional minute and not sM for each additional unit as reported In the StralU Time* on Wednesday
      54 words
    • 30 17 PO Chun Public Bchuol will hold a concert for parent* at ita school auditorium to celebrate it* 44th niuveraary on Saturday and ftunday at 1 is p m
      30 words
    • 124 17 Contest to capture spirit of National Day A PHOTOGRAPHIC competition to select the picture that best crystallises the spirit of Singapore's National Day will b? held from next month till August The competition, open to all secondary school and junior college students, is Jointly organised by Prospect magazine and Ricoh
      124 words
    • 117 17 ONE man was killed and three others Injured when a pick-up van they were travelling In skidded and over turned In Dunearn Road last Sunday Police slid one of the Injured Chan Go Nyal. 20 of Malaysia, suffered severe injuries and was warded
      117 words
    • 292 17 Tribute to former S'pore teacher LONDON. Mon An Ipoh-horn educationist who served for many years In the Singapore dui.iiion Service has been immortalised in philately the fust Chinese In the two territories to be so commemorated. Mr. Fam Choo Beng appears on a new series of stamps "Famous Visitors" issued
      292 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 283 17 3P Borg Beck automotive dutch assemblies Chosen as original equipment by leading car manufacturers. T^m/^J I X^b^bW^^^b^bßblb^^^'^^^^bh^^^ ,M fW f a^P^Bß^Bß^B^Bß^^^ J V^^Baß^B^^m .^BHT aP BORG BECK bkbM st smssnaacc «M obs> tot at SiNCAPOME «i Lrng M* toad S."g«co'* 3 T* 47*1111 /•^■s^HlHH^^ MALAYSIA Kuala Lumawr 3 J».»- AoMn*on
      283 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 267 17 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS »c» prrh.i|» 1 Works of an that affect 7 OssMucta* rowan »<nt the leelincs'' •> on hor^turk Scout at lan]*? ill 10 Ari.umrinrnt lutal m Thin spun mas* returned t'ihe is SUM MM si n h among apiU tore <ti '12> 11 Boring buy with bill*
      267 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 277 18 VACANCY SABAH SHIPBUILDING. REPAIRING ENGINEERING SON BHD an established Company m Labuan. Sabah. East Malaysia invites applications to till the following Senior vacancy POST: Chief Engineer. QUALIFICATION: recognised degree M Civil Engineering. EXPERIENCE: Minimum of five (5) years pracitcal experience combining design, estimating and supervision related to both steel and
      277 words
    • 282 18 MANAGER BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION LOCATION M»t_ Maio' Austral*" Building and Civil Engineering contractor requires i Civil Engineer to let up and manage an o't'ce m Kuala Lumpur HSPMSIIIIITKS Well include marketing of Company services client negotiations, estimating and contract management The man we are seeking will be stable, active, self
      282 words
    • 273 18 T|¥inr| ITT TRANSELECTRONICS JLJL-L (MALAYSIA) SON. BHD. WE ARE EXPANDING We are a subsidiary of an international Company and we are looking for a suitably qualified individual to fill the following position: ELECTRICAL DESIGNER ENGINEER The successful candidate will perform all electrical design functions for a new design unit at
      273 words
    • 272 18 TRENQQANU A9KS DEVELOPMENT TrWV MANAGEMENT BERHAD 11% Convertible Un»«cured Loan Stock 1975/1979 Notice to Loan Stockholders NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Stockholders are entitled to convert their Loan Stock into fully paid Ordinary Shares of the Company at the rate of $1 10 Loan Stock for one Ordinary Share of
      272 words
    • 425 18 JT^I KENYATAAN ■j«i'j" t»«rjn afeiah i\nMm danpada ptmbwotif pewtwont prmlxui penbckai »a«e NHHHilWian untuk top k"H brnkut Bj« H«rjn iG) Kanyt «itll«1 daripada p«mbo'on| twrnborom BUMIPUTRA ,jnj Ofrdaftar tffflfan UN ktto C W> knlat uhau <Ai BP NO 152 7 7 MunbrtJi dw mt«|tiant»« kf «t Plates dan MM JMOC
      425 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 267 19 Classified., JWs HOURS OF OPERATION ia S B^ 1 r a tc N niays I. D. V 235 6877/ cc RATES Pe' Word 60 cts iMm $9 00/ iumn cm SlO 00 iMtn S3O OOt SECTION INDEX K)R SALE <t SHOPPING GUIDE U EMPLOYMENT 111 VEHICLES A BOA TS
      267 words
    • 168 19 Sadia Swift T, Oltttr brttvot »»til»Bl* ftdnsbarough •"a C f C VMIIIrntX MM MSSJ MM Tsruervg r>**er Plata. Tal 2J144M £*****3 FREE I las Igniter worth 915 rrj installation while t >" .4_i_*> _i_*. ANOTMCR FANTASTIC ■M> ESCALADE ORIGINAL T*i*rt «ir itiaM* r I (Yf NINO MAOMESS SALE •nJISTTaI ESCALADE
      168 words
    • 565 19 I FOR SALE A SHOPPINC GUIDE MODCRN Of FICf ANO home fur mturr to Hear st special dis cnunt.s Teak bedroom suite 9395 Kitchen cabinet 993 dlning set 9128 Hall settee from 8180 Double-decker 880 Built-in cupboard kitchen cabinet 995 985 per foot run respectively and others tt special discount
      565 words
    • 629 19 PINO TAT ruMtMTUM made to order kitchen rablneu wardrobes etc Enquiries are XMSeaaM Tel *****54 *****5 (8 am 10 p m HAK HE NO CUSHION changing of old I'ushion covers for softs Contact *****51 ORAFTIO PLANTS durlan. rambutan. seedless guava. mango haromanls Siamese mtrakul *****6 10 Tal Thong Crescent SPICIAL
      629 words
    • 1523 19 II EMPLOYMENT I UROINTLY RIOUIMO I Female I Clerk Typists good prospect B| call at 63. Upper Serangoon Road today 11am -lpm for interview International RtWeuranc* Brokers require one male ACCOUNTS ASSISTANT wti* J rear* ssastUncs. aialaiaali aSM Hlfhar LCC ALttun—a, apply with full personal data working experience recent
      1,523 words
    • 1404 19 II EMPLOYMENT JEAN* ANO SPORTSWEAR Marketing Executive required urgently High remuneration for right person Call *****37 and *****87 for appointment REOUIRI FURNITURE lIHIBITION Sales SUff Call personally at 5153 Or Floor. Woh Hup Complex Beach Road 1 pm t" s pm A FRENCH COSMETIC HOUSE Invites applications from Young Ladies
      1,404 words
    • 1240 19 II EMPLOYMENT COUPLE NO CHILDMN requires I general live in amah No washing and ironing Tel *****9 EXPERIENCED BABY AMAH wanted for new born child Must live In and speak English Salary 9400 plus p m depending on experience Call *****21 after Ram LIVE-OUT/ LIVE-IN OINIRAL Amah No washing Ironing
      1,240 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 373 20 II EMPLOYMENT gk flaxswasojsas COUIRIO UROINTLV AIRCON DITiONIO mechanics and .'.I dlst 5 Call 138 a m 10 30 a m 5 OEHVERV DRIVERS REOUIRED ssten v« m 12 CHINESE STORE BOY required .;»nence neres- SUMP ATTINOANT Mechanic '-sonallv at Ah Tanglln •> \**m MfSSINOfR BOY IAOED .rnable Colombo c
      373 words
    • 756 20 riot. Wax Prsas (Pis) LM has vacar II) Msts Assiirßh Serondary two qualification with good eyesight Attractive salary with comprehensive training will be provided to the right candidates Preference will be dvrn lo r>x National Ser(l) Mom LtSmrsn r 25 years of age wtlh strong physique Primary education desirable Minimum
      756 words
    • 623 20 II EMPLOYMENT WAITRESS!! WANTIO IIP!--fciENCE MM necevssrv Interview at Jumbo Coffee House Basement Katong Shopping Centre WAITRESS! S RIOLHRtO APPLY personally Rose Coffee House Kong Chian Theatre Basement l.orong 4 Toa Payoh MAVKtW MOTtL VACANCItI (1) CswM (2) KRcfcsx HlMiri (1) Welters/ Wsiw (4) Lawtsvy Hones Fernet* (I) C>n it
      623 words
    • 675 20 A Plastic Manufacturing Concern requires AN IXPERIINCED FACTORY SUPERVISOR Must have at least 5 years experience Main duties include repairing and fixing of Moulds, adjustment of machineries and general all round duties persons*, tt MARWIN PLASTIC S HAMOWAM INDUSTRY CO 11 -B. Factor. 4 A Plyswsos Psctsfy M Jwsns requlret
      675 words
    • 710 20 j 111 VEHICLES A BOATS Psr Batter Civorter MM 730 h p 335 h p 240 h p BAJMtB I*o x 50 x 10 150 x SO' x 10 120' x 40' x 8' Tol *****18 BINSON CAR RENTAL Pit, I*l Rr Oesst BstWr. Hs4sl Unlimited Mileage Modoi DeSv Woskry
      710 words
    • 994 20 OPIL KAOITT L 17/' M Price 82.200 ono good condition Tel *****?' 19M MINI MKH good condition winding windows, tax Insurance new. telling 12.900 ono Tel *****63 IXPATRIATt LIAVINO BINOAPORI Selling Renault 16T8 .September '74 24.000 miles aircond. good condition, best offer accepted Tel *****22 71 AUSTIN IMS OT road
      994 words
    • 905 20 I 111 VEHICLES 4V BOATS 1 1 1971 AIRCONO OATSUN 140J 17.500 1970 Maada 1200 Station wagon 13.800 Both excellent condition Tel *****79 1971 AUSTIN ISMOT new road lax Oood condition Selling 14 200 Phone *****3 19M MORRIS MINI New paint tyres Tax' insurance September Very good condition 53. 200
      905 words
    • 912 20 1974 MERCEDES 28*S with tlrcon and radio cassette accident free Contact 3291 1 1 1*74 MAZOA CAPtLLA 1600 c > one owner, alrcon cartridge new paintwork beautiful condition *****5 ItT4 HONOA CIVK 1200 c c tiptop condition one owner 18 100 View 230 Airport Road after Jalan Ang Teng HOLOIN
      912 words
    • 874 20 IV ACCOMMODATION 4\ PROPERTIES FURNItHID BINOLE STOREY SUNOALOW. tel»phonr hig garden and terrauo Door 36 Toh Dnve Dlst 17 *****44 OIST 26 4-BIOROOMID BUNOALOW Furnished Large Spacious Oarden Newly Palnled Telephone Terrauo Parquet Floorings Principals *****4 INO KONG OAROIN double storey semi detached fully furnished 4 bedrooms and a servant's,
      874 words
    • 798 20 VACANT UNFURNISHED/ FURNItHEO apartments available immediately ct Taman Nakhoda Dlst 10 Motor garages servant s quarters provided INO agents) Please telephone 2209TT8 for morr ietalls 4-ROOM FLAT AT V. nil Road near Rangoon R 1 dltt I Telephone available Tel *****( Mr Tan DIST 1* HOLLANO ROAO apartment fully furnished
      798 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
      255 words
    • 415 21 Norwagian Naval Architect requires Detached or •cm i detached < '«-!r -"i.c.l full> furnished! house in g'md residential dls--9 10 11. 21 buoost iimo lisas I I Plaasa call *****(1 aiaciaciaßiaciaciaci WANTEO S DETACHCO hungalo** flat* tn *n> re*iden tlal area for ready foreign clients 1 unfurnished Oood ihlr for
      415 words
    • 728 21 IV ACCOMMODATION I PROPERTIES I OFFICE SPACES AVAILABLE foi rent Malayan Bank Chambers «i Square from 90 7 123 1 m 2 (976 1327 sq ft I al 10 per 0 09 m2 1 per sq fl i ConUct Tel ***** ext 3J ORCHARD ROAO TIN Sin Ruildini office space
      728 words
    • 544 21 HILL-TOP RESIDENCES UP TO DATE FACILITIES s CONVENIENCES I fFE MOLOLAND I PROMPT MAND'NG OVEBO* MOUSES ON COMPLETION EASViNSTi AVAILABLE U".que 1 'i "■»ens"onai arcn.tec'u'a mas'* taesaswasi design Soeciai BNPI •r ame tor ndoos and doors tmied giass and mode'- ■ft- so* f ■>«> 4 Beeiinas LuckyßeaßyCoUd KM las' S"occ"«
      544 words
    • 728 21 IV ACCOMMODATIOK A PWOPEWTIES LOVELY J, STOREY BUNOALOW near Thomson Road 8 500 sq ft 4 bedroomi servant s study with bathrooms attached Contact Neo Services. *****33/ *****54 *****40 TEACHER'S HOUSING ESTATE excellent terrace house. 3 bedrooms, servant's amenities on Ll Po Avenue Terrazto parquet flooring 1.800 sq ft SSS
      728 words
    • 574 21 JURONG EXECUTIVE APARTMENT at Chlng Road excellent vie* of Chinese and Japanese (i.irden near to sporting and recreational centres 3 bedroom* 2 hathroom* terrazzo and p.irtjuet flooring, area 1400 sq ft Sn7 000 Call ***** *****7 EASTERN MANSION DIST IS 3 bedrooms. I 600 sq ft Mosaic parquet 578.000
      574 words
    • 557 21 V SERVICES A BUSINESS I 1 aaa^M/VMMtvajsjMMJMJ ANTAR SERVICE *pe<'lallse<l I repairing all kind* of airconditioner* and refrigeration* s.ilr-* atrvsre and repair Tel *****16 NATIONWIDE SERVICES ser»n ing. Rental Re*pr.i>in« Trade-in Sales And lor For All Kinds ndlUonen And n>fnge tsars Be Tel '.***** *****0 SWISSCO AIR-CONDITIONING 6 itton 1
      557 words
    • 472 21 HUA MENG HONG hn'erprise i MOI ntractot spef-iahse M NtTaSSa Marble riles and Parquet flooring Aluminium D.-.r mcl armdoa Curtain Raiimu V\indo» (inlle* Painting. al Insui *****97 *****2 VINYL FLOORING SPECIALIST Complete installation for 3 rooms ii only Call Ml" Lo« *****6 *****9 TEL: *****5/ *****4 H D H I
      472 words
    • 388 21 V SERVICES BUSINESS SCIENCE TECHNICAL DAY/ HtfjM Service H W T V Amplifier Caaaett* (iuaranteed H' Trl <<WI4II *****23 TROPICAL TV SPECIALIST in Hla< k White colour repair, antennae installation Tel SIMI2 Fair charges guaranteed The more you tall, the mora you sail in the classifieds VI EDUCATION ft
      388 words
    • 727 21 GOOD PRICt ALL m t. Colour Television Refrl gerator* aircondltloner* Kong Hiwk Co 146 C Paya Lebar Road *****42 *****73 0000 PRICE COLOUR T V Hvfrigerator OBTAIN YOUR QUALIFICATIONS ra*n> .md rapidly N t«i.ik- I'nxjue postal tuition by air from LaaHtaa Over 295.000 II H iLnnd Bar XC A I
      727 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 152 22 VI EDUCATION k TWAIWINC SECHETAMUS till lIMI PKI\ Ml sK Xl lARIAL I Ol KSIS 20th Jl M Mi<irthjnd Tvpmg I nmmunuJtioiiN Srcrrurul Duties rtfur OrKjmvjtion Structure of Business IRK ir«n ho4jcn and >l jjrm. agt aorking nprr«n»r ut rxtin than utual t vr lo obtain abo« j>rrafr -r-»uit» EVENING
      152 words
    • 388 22 GIRLS! Job! a»r hr^vT'.ng. --i'llfi to a»t you need brtir* Qua' now ITC 1 Pnagaj Dip loma 1 mr ir*>on I trading gu*l' j Pi Seciriaiv Ou' nr«t t u ii 1? monrfn court* radng t,. in> P. Src«ta"*< O'Pk>m« dam 4th JULY BBBJ 11 International Training Centre
      388 words
    • 1385 22 VI EPUCATIOW TRAINING HOLIDAY TUITION Special roarhlng mainly dr*ignrd for *tudrnts who need help Tuition conducted at rlthrr mar homr or our rrnlrr at your convrnwnrr in Srirnrr L Art *ul>-)r<-t» ill Irvr-I* 512 Sin rtr Katang Snoop Centre •It. Mh P«op*ti Park Centra T.I 44*4343 400T)) 7(20* •***** aaaC^wldaL
      1,385 words
      944 words
    • 607 22 VII TRAVEL k RESTAURANTS Mabuhoy Philippinas 8-DAY FLY/CRWSE/FLY XatX. m coniunction with (^Philippine Airlines NAVIGATION CO. EXTRAS 2 nightj in Baguio Pagtanian tour (shooting trie rapid*) at no axtra cost Dinner at Sulo Restaurant with Fiesta Fihppinas Show Direct flights 3% hours only 3-Day Cruise on 'Dona Monaarratr* to romantic
      607 words
    • 1000 22 I VII TRAVEL k RESTAURANTS" AMCHIPELAOO TOUMS MALAYSIA TOUMS 2 day* Gandng 1140 L Helicopter H4O Malayw* Tours 22 S 29 s •> 6 12 6 tI7S/I*s K L /QihlHh Coach Air 22- S 29 S 3 6 10 6 SIS* 5 day* K.L./CK./MN An 17 24 5 7 6
      1,000 words

  • 208 23 Here come the girl plumbers 'and we're just as good' THJ piunrrrinc spirit "> thrrr trr.nagr firl-. promptrd thrm to brrjh ml(,i nl( nijlrilnniiii.iirc] domain plumbing and piprtittlni B-«il.iri.ih b'nti (>s man. t.itim.ih binti Rujn K v, j h vi h bint! Arip just iomplrtr,i Srromljr? r"ur but thry
    208 words
  • 75 23 d to Inspec: r A J prosecuting, said Muruk*:i and a friend visited MustafTah s home in j Road that afternoon While his friend waited outside. Murugan went in and demanded $10 When MustafTah re- >-.ere was an argument, followed by a fight During
    75 words
  • 142 23 CONMAN TAKES CABBIE FOR A RIDE A CONFIDENCE trickster last week took a taxi driver for a ride, cheated him of SlO and then snatched a torchlight and a packet of cigarettes from the victim Cabbie Saw Kirn Lian. 44. was stopped last Saturday at about 8 30 p m
    142 words
  • 47 23 81NOAPORX SinhaJ* Buddhlat AancUUon will mtit Vaaak Oar tomorrow with a blood donation imlud Mt»mi 10 am and 1 pm and "plrlt chantlnc araaton be(lnnlnf at 7 M pm MP for Kallanf Mr 8 DhanaJ»lan win attend Uw function at 7 JO pm
    47 words
  • 703 23 Widow's doubts on man's identity Dramatic turn at death inquiry J^ CORONER'S inquiry yesterday took a dramatic turn when a key witness retracted earlier identification of the man she claimed was res|>onsible for her husband's death. The inquiry was into the death of Chen Lai Heng. 49. a taxi driver,
    703 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 72 23 Mir B^aW .^a^B^BW B^ F I "^ji^^ '^bbs^^ L^L^b^bH C^b^^'^H r^*&lL> aJ Ji a^a^a^ L^a^aV PPr^-l V a^^ v^ S r l '^rJ^^^^^^M Vt^l bI S^ '^^V^'VH^K m B^B^B^B«»» "|P I j. v^A^ L^aV .^^H I I^^ ll—B ""^^^^H I f 1^ Jurong Port Road Singapore 22 Tel *****4 Cjfl
      72 words
    • 540 23 1953 SEPRESENTATIVES WANTED I jMe are looking for a few Male Female Singapor e Citizens to be appointed as STP DISTRIBUTORS REPRESENTATIVES to promote some new pubh cations Selected candidates will be involved m direct selling. Candidates must be 1) PLEASANT LOOKING 2) FLUENT IN ENGLISH AND ONE OTHER DIALECT
      540 words
    • 724 23 r SHERIFFSSALE^ In The High Court Of The Republic Of Singapore Admiralty In Rem No 478 of 1978 Warrant of Arrest No 733 of 1076 In The Cause Of ADMIRALTY Action In rem against the ship or vessel "MOUNT ASO" Marubent-Ilda (America) Inc Plaintiffs Versus The owners of and other
      724 words

  • Article, Illustration
    974 24  -  11. I Am r«rd 111 v: 1 > 13 Rl •I > >r,.l 111 tl > Dlw ■»<».>« 51 5, i-l'll un j i CLASS I OIV 1 I.MW .1 JL- uiui l« Pr— t bmlmi tlAtl 4 i.HM M 5; II ll||«t'.n>i' 3* tr.niufi II 111 Toll
    AP  -  974 words
  • 89 24 HONGKONG Mon The Motre fam .y from Australia topped the tatlf s at the er.d of the horse racing season with father Cjeorfte as leading and son Gary as top jx-key George Mojrt"« 62 winners earned HKS2 m.Uion •SI million' (or hu stable patrons while Gary
    89 words
  • 73 24 lOXDON The cap-atn left chairma.. John Smith and Mercury Ptter Robtnaon. »ho r.a\e *aced k Dr us original valuation of 1400.000 H million i I air. ;ust going to have a look around a J <cc *h*t gan sa:d S vet ar.c other clubs have
    73 words
  • 897 24 "pHE Stipendiary Stewards report on Saturdays races at Buktt Tirr.jh Very fnrndty was withdrawn last Sunday by order of the stewards when jockey P Ngww s girth strap broke on his saddle, necessitating the hones withdrawal BAi'E I: On the running of race one. an enquiry was opened
    897 words
  • 309 24 Foyt wins but his car goes to the museum INDIAN APOLIS. Mini. Ameiican A J P'oyt ytstorday bmoN the first four-time winjier of the Indianapolis 500 mile (804 68 kl l omotnvs) car race. roariiiK to victory In the 61st running of the United States biggest sports spectacular. Foyt. 42.
    Reuter  -  309 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 339 24 A PARTNERSHIP IN PROGRESS. Fujitsu technology and the peopleof Singapore. JHH^H|H^T^^DHHj^^^^^^^^2^|H|HH|H I jB^SSHBHttf 9$ k ii bbbbbbblbl I J I Kl|l{lSa?^^^^^^^^^ BBBBbHT Jl BBBBBBBBbJ V^ bbb^^^^^bbbbbbbbV^bbbll bbbbW bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbSSb^b^bbbb^b^bbbbbbbbbbbbl II *W bbbbl '^^bbbbl L mmmm\ it mW^ Wf) *f /ail \mmm\ %mmm\ #^H mWLt b^H Ibbbbl Sm^mmWmmWmUmmmmWmW^ H9 IbbbbbbW N «b*^V^bbbbbbbbbbbbT
      339 words

  • 592 25  -  JOE OORAI Tiings are so bad, I've even wanted to be a reserve' By MANY have told me that I did a fine job as a forward in the preWorld Cup tournament. I don't think so. I've enjoyed playing as
    592 words
  • 373 25 OLENOS AIRES. Mop Argentina. World Cup finals. ■cored a deserved 3-1 victory over Poland in a friendly match here yesterday. the tearr. ha.ttime the .mans dominated I 45 minutes rjrther > a «em by winger Daniel Bertonl A 55 000 crowd in Boca Juniors Stadium
    373 words
  • 266 25 Pakistanis dazzle on Padang T*HE Pakistan National Under-21 team Kiiv«- a dazzling display to beat an SCC Invitation team 5-1 In a friendly hockey matrh on the Padang yesterday, reports OMUT KRIDA. Pakistan, in an effort to keep their record unblemished fielded the same side that beat i 2-0 in
    266 words
  • 64 25 THE BHA Premier Division horkry match b<-twe*n Armed Forces u:<d the hu an Associate n at TanfcUn had to be called off yesterday because umpire Mustapha Abbas fs'.led to turn up veiior R S Balan. •ho gave !iv«- miruim (rare alter the schedule*! bully-off time. req umpire Javwant
    64 words
  • 79 25 c LNOAPORZ raglitMvd the Mcond victory in th* mo«n«i Malayiu Cup aocccr Utumsmrnt at Kubu Stadium Malacca, over the werkrnd The Singapore girl? jrored a 4-0 win over Malacca having led 3-0 at hairtime Kr* Num Bee and Kaah M>dern each netted two goals In thr upenlng
    79 words
  • 174 25 JF.BSi:N and Jessen. the Business Houses Division One soccer league liiijlim> last night maintamed tne.r devastating form, thrashing Inchcape by 6-1 In the Senior knockout tournament at Jalan Besar Stadium. Jebsen's performance last night indicates that tnev are capable of not uiilt winning the League final
    174 words
  • 329 25  -  PETER SIOW By §ING P O R E Chinese Middle School Teachers' Union, employing a tight zone defence, turned the final of National basketball women> into an anticlimax as they sank Singapore Air Transport Union 67-42 at Gay World Stadium last night. There was
    329 words
  • 330 25  -  DAMNATH Kenny. the former Indian Test player was overjoyed yesterday when 72 schoolboys turned up for his first cricket coaching session at the Ceylon Sports Club. He said "Cricket Is certainly not a dying sport in Singapore. Judging from the overwhelming re.-ponse "I was thrilled to see
    330 words
  • Article, Illustration
    46 25 MELBOURNE Mon Touring Aigllsh First Dlviuor. soccer team Middiesborough outclassed the Victorian State side 4-0 at Olympic Part nerr yesterdAjr. Reutcr. L**' A huge crane is guided in among firemen searching for bodies at the site of the burnt-out club on Sunday. -AP picture.
    Reuter; AP  -  46 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 284 25 Who says you don't need an exhaust fan in your home?!? National Exhaust fans perform 5 important functions in your home... 2 Prevents CT\» (9?^fl undesirable liSjT 4 Removes smoke and dust mold caused Xf^^r^S^ £&T 5. Takes excess by dampness A»\ heat out to and humidity Ik kee P
      284 words
  • Page 25 Miscellaneous
    • 75 25 HOTKEY SNA Dtr BCC B 1 HZ Pore* <P»<l»ngi. LA B 1 v Prison* '8..1f,u«- Road) IM*. S: Tamil Youth Club v Malays B rrratrr Lrmgar: SRC v JanaenltM (Padang' m Naltoaal Infer- 1« Warnry Jurong To»n v Mountbattcn. T?ong Bahru v Kanpong Java: Whampoa Const r Schools Orrcn iFarrrr
      75 words

  • 219 26 Carter told: Accept world as it is NEW YORK. Mon OIM.APORL rri m c Minister Mr. Lee Kuan Yew. in an interview with Time magatine >aid ue kelieted that President Cartrr »hoald accept the world as it im man; different societies. cultures stages of development. -Now «c hear that we
    Reuter  -  219 words
  • 28 26 MACAO. Mon The government of Macao today said pro-Soviet elements an not allowed to operate in the Portufuea* territory situated on tht South China coast UPI
    UPI  -  28 words
  • 559 26 LONDON Mod TDt Hock m»rt« Wd«r» rlood loww iua«> kithoucn Mm* umiw tii«Ml> tbow low* ai J pm uw nnuicMl Tubm m«n wm (town J 1 •t 447 7 in turn oMtmil tnotnt Ominiw «ort> ttu sack taaln :n unall wllinc inurnt Holm aid Lons-d»i*d loaru fell up
    559 words
  • 24 26 Brrum Mi I'utlrrirli 10* nrrvmrw 42 ConwtodatMt tt OuthrM 2»>t Hlftlland< M Kuala Lumpur «0S Kuhm 11 Malakuff Plant HM Vul»< J' 1
    24 words
  • 55 26 LONDON Mun Morning officiate Spot burm iiWO < iS. •»n»r, MW til Forward buym CS.IM <• i«> w*trn iVTaj I- iJi Hrttlriwnl i» TOO ISI Tunwin MO uinnn Ton» tuady All unofficial! Spot Duytn i»»joc IUI wtWri ISMOI- i»i Forward bujrrri iJ 740 I- iJO I ■dim T«0 i
    55 words
  • 28 26 LONDON. Mon Thr rubtwr marart rtoa*d Oahil) lUadktr today >ilh >pol tfn buym. SI 00 arlWn r» Jul, so 00 so 25 Au. 51 00 M 40
    28 words
  • 482 26 Death toll may hit 300 LOOTERS CAUGHT ROBBING BODIES SOUTHGATC (Kentucky). Mon CHOKING smoke and a crush ot bodies at exits were blamed today for the tragedy of America's worst nightclub fire disaster for 35 years at the Beverly Hills Supper Club on Saturday. A fire department spokesman said the
    Reuter  -  482 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 151 26 Today's highlights THE Stock Exchange of Singapore has declared shares of a Malaysian company "designated securities" following weeks of heavy speculation. Find out more about the counter in today's Business Times OTHER articles The potential US investment that Singapore has yet to tap The scramble for customers by departmental stores
      151 words
    • 110 26 The Fordishred 16, A heavy duty shredder for high capacity destruction. Why Shredding? Do rot be put off by the sheer bulk of confidential material to be disposed^fl^^^ off If only a single document, alffl B*^^ describing |ust one of the many aspects of your business -B should fall into
      110 words
    • 380 26 Adfrrtuemrnl Your Complexion. From today you can have a beautiful compiexion Jar* clear, soft and imoo I h J^ You know that a bit I «»v more than thorough f cleansing, a suitable diet and sufficient sleep is m required because time, lack of proper care air- conditioning and today
      380 words

  • 759 27  -  tI'AIN is suffering from a sudden spvere outbreak of election fever. The democratic virus has not affected the peninsula for four decades, and It's too soon to judne whether the fever will rise or cool down. on June 15. the Spanish people will go to
    759 words
  • 1351 27  -  VILTON CHASE By in WASHINGTON CENATOR William J Proxmlne "has wounded many a bureaucrat with the barbs of his sharp In castigating on the Senate floor Federal Government for wasteful and needles spending. Nor have his own leagues escaped his wrath.
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  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 7 27 W -h KR<^i &UPS ~^-«P3VI W JBBBHwiIiH
      7 words
    • 77 27 TH&PECIAL OFFER I ATROCKBOTTOM I PRKE! STAUBSAUGER VACUUM CLEANERS ARE PERFECT I FOR YOUR CAR HOME I easy to operate I many accessories I extremely high suction capacity I permanent filter light weight and sturdy home vacuum dil^rw CLEANER «P^s<Cv[^Hft CAH VACUUM CLEANER $36 ■B PUBLIC RADIO CO. PTE. LTD
      77 words

  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 645 28 ~rr rw xw xt "or cf cf xy it o v cj o o a tr~~u v xt v ~\r~ tj tr~ tto—□r o a n d n o td xj J (^^TANGFAs 110 I The Unbeatable C.X.Tang! Singapore's Unchal lengeable Store for Quality Merchandise at Prices more reasonable than
      645 words

  • 378 29 Mfsviff from Mr J It Pollard chair man. Brrrham Phar miirulluh iPtri Ltd. and director Brrihitll r O P Ltd London BEECHAM has enjoyed a long and mutually beneficial association with Singapore The first Beecham factory to be built in Jurong manufactures consumer
    378 words
  • 412 29 THE Minister for Dr. TOH CHIN CHYE. will officially open the extension of Hit leecham Pharmaceuticals (Pte) Ltd factory at |uro«tg today. Mrssuxr from MR. R P. ALLEN, managing director, Beecham Pharmaceutical* <PU> Ltd. rkNLY a few days more than four years after the
    412 words
  • 245 29 BELCHAM'S pharmaceutical factory la the result of a two phase development which reflects the company's confidence in Singapore and its fulurr The first abase, built for the acylation sUgc of penicillin manufacture and subsequent pharmaceutical processing, started production in December 1972. Constructed at a cost
    245 words
  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 150 29 Official opening of the extension of Beecham Pharmaceuticals U^M (Pte) Ltd. MflfaA Straits Time* Supplement CONGRA TULA TIONS a BEST WISHES TO BEECHAM PHARMACEUTICALS (PTE) LTD. on the official opening ceremony of their SOLVENT RECOVERY/6 APA PLANTS IN JURONG by the honourable DR. TOH CHIN CHYE Minister for Health from
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  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 295 30 RELIABILITY IS CARRIER We are proud to be entrusted with the supply and > < installation of the complete \bu«tee«rv«d»b«t! C'^ Carrier airconditioning system. I I V*^ f£y MECAIR PTE. LTD. Z %^^A Wholly owned subsidiary of IAC (Holdings) Ltd <^y F 24 Leng Kee Road Singapore 3 Tel *****
      295 words
    • 43 30 CONGRATULATIONS AND BEST WISHES to BEECHAM PHARMACEUTICALS (PTE) LTD. on the official opening of their NEW FACTORY EXTENSION from LAI Ml ENGINEERING HOIKS N. 7, H«r«n ft —4 lim-trt. M T«l: «OM4I *****57 Spedahted tn:- Mechanical Engineering and repairer* of Steam Boiler Works
      43 words
    • 260 30 I Congratulations I ■h HPtarnßGHdcalsH I on nc occasion I HHH B otficW opening I HHH New Factory S WKKM H Extension I HHH SHELL PILING SYSTEM H STEEL PILING SM BORED PILING H JBE HARORIVE PRECAST BHRMRi PILING SYSTEMS HHl^^W HHH LhhhJ HHH WESTPILE IlBuEA) LIIMIQTED A subsidiary of
      260 words
    • 277 30 Congratulations Best Wishes to Beecham Pharmaceuticals (Pte.) Ltd. on the new extension opening. At Chase you get to check your checks With a current account at Chase, you don t |ust get a statement every month We return all your paid checks too So you can check the checks For
      277 words

  • 265 31 THE discover} by Beecham rei workers in 't the penicillin nucleus, 6-ami-no Penicillanic acid (6-APA), lubse quently ltd to the discovery <>t new antibiotics known as semi synthetic penicillins, these show t'd major clinical advantages over tin* products then available to the medical
    265 words
  • 205 31 fHE 6-APA Is made by splitting the Penicillin G molecule using the enzyme Amidase. produced by bacterial fermentation The Beecham process Is based on the recent technological advance whereby the enzyme is Isolated, purified and finally chemically attached to an Inert carrier resin. Under
    205 words
  • 210 31 IN the Fine Chemical Department. 6-APA Is reacted with a variety of chemical* known as chemical stde chains, to give different seml-syn-thetlc penicillins. These reactions, generally referred to as acylatlon reactions, require precise control of conditions such as moisture, temperature, pres su r t
    210 words
  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 114 31 r jiulun<in\ A Best H'i\he\ to I I BEECHAM PHARMACEUTICALS PTE LTD I 'inn o/ their new f n\u>n I W /^<+** JW 4 /^2y^F 2 1106 H Memory And AC R*charg«at>ie Power 4ft I I V »0« POO* C*Ci(l«lo« *.th Bu'' i« SO'«< a«<*<*» a<- «no to co»a» p>ug*
      114 words
    • 18 31 Official opening of the extension of H"H| Beecham Wtd yl Pharmaceuticals IWJ (Pte) Ltd. B^bHB^BhB^LH Straits Time* Supplement
      18 words
    • 34 31 BANKof AMERICA is proud to be associated with Beechams Pharmaceuticals Pta Ltd. May today's official opening be a memorable occasion and we wish them every success in the future. m °fnt£ (jSest Cbomptimmts 3b
      34 words

  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 304 32 Heartiest Congratulations and Best Wishes to BEECHAM PHARMACEUTICALS (PTE) LTD. on the official opening of their NEW FACTORY EXTENSION by the Honourable DR.TOH CHIN CHYE Minister for Health from SIN SIN DRY CLEANING LAUNDRY CO. 597, CHUA CHU KANG ROAD 22k.m. Singapore 24: TEL: *****3 Branch: BLOCK 94, 718, JURONG
      304 words
    • 273 32 CONGRATULATIONS TO BEECHAM PHARMACEUTICALS (PTE) LTD on the official opening of their NEW FA CTOR V EXTENSION i^^^Sfe^ ue**utte*r M$S Tipt 4 DIM ▼TlHVill<s^ t^l "V>S«WSh*ND ytf^Sk M<,»OM€T|RS \lr I MUKK TQOtS I J 'CKXS IJJS CGILBOW) 2 [71^*0 111* "li Wft V ENGMCERINC« TCKXS M^Cut" CM«£LS»SNi»»S VSSf. A
      273 words
    • 294 32 I Congratulations to Beech «m Pharmaceuticals (Pte) Ltd on the occasion of the official opening of their New Factory Extension THOMPSON COCHRAN BOILERS S SB -^^^CrTEj^^m' L f The world's most reliable j^ J^ 4V* an<^ comprehensive f s*^C| range of boilers iMajßßHßfl^j Developed by ■H <9 I a^hi 1H
      294 words

  • 165 33 Colour combinations guard against packaging mistakes A the previous stages of producbc tlnal .ing of Beecham r particularly im--nsure that I set mixed ud a.-.ri are easily thls reason niblnar cap.suiej and this principle In addition th> r^d closeh Each pack is printed Individual:-. with the batch number and expiry
    165 words
  • 247 33 A bit of flavour helps the medicine go down IN order that the patient may be prescribed an effective dose the bulk penicillins must be converted Into an appropriate dotage form Much of Beecham s production Is exported as bulk compounds (or conversion Into dosage forms by the purchaser, but
    247 words
  • 245 33 |T HAS often been said that one of the greatest assets an ethical pharmaceutical company can have is a good reputation for quality, reliability and efficacy of its pro (Iliciv It is for this reason that one sixth of the enfrc staff at the
    245 words
  • Article, Illustration
    6 33 The NUNwfactwre or bvlk syrup iowiiri
    6 words
  • Page 33 Advertisements
    • 86 33 Official opening of the extension of Beecham Pharmaceuticals ira/J pte) Ltd. K s>^sr^^ Straits Times Supplement We Congratulate BEECHAM PHARMACEUTICALS on the Official Opening of its new factory extension today (e[anco) We re Proud to be associated with BEECHAM in a positive way! CONGRATULATIONS BEECHAM PHARMACEUTICALS (PTE) LTO. on the
      86 words
    • 380 33 I CONGRA TULA TIONS I BEECHAM PHARMACEUTICALS (PTE) LTD ig on the official opening of their I NEW FA CTOR V EXTENSION 8 I Canplirnents i U mi c g> L/C jO PTE LTD (GENERAL CONTRACTORS) ?Q *^"^> 754-3, NEW AIRPORT ROAD, SINGAPORE 19, TEL: *****6/*****/***** B^nM l^^l i^^l i^^i
      380 words

  • 352 34 A continuing elf ort to I develop new products BEECHAM Pharmaceuticals (Pte) Ltd is Sirt of the Beecham roup which is an international company employing some 32.000 people in most parts of the world and operating factories in over 20 countries. Its business was originally concerned with household remedies, spreading
    352 words
  • 254 34 Keeping the safety of the staff in mind QEECHAM believes D that only fully trained personnel can lultll the many obligations Incumbent upon modern industry and for this reason the luiiy stalled Personnel Department is responsible directly to the Board vi Directors lor good stall relations and policies on the
    254 words
  • Article, Illustration
    5 34 A *<tw imida Hit itofti
    5 words
  • Page 34 Advertisements
    • 135 34 CONGRA TULA TIONS a BEST WISHES to BEECHAM PHARMACEUTICALS (PTE.) LTD. on the official opening of their new factory extension from m ARCON (SPORE) PTE. LTD. JM&£ Rooms 812/3. Bth Floor. SHAW HOUSE IrCOII ORCHARD ROAD, SINGAPORE 9. TEL: *****77. CONGRATULATIONS to BEECHAM PHARMACEUTICALS (PTE) LTD on the official opening
      135 words
    • 17 34 Official opening of the extension of PPH Beecham jK, Pharmaceuticals h^2 (Pte) Ltd. HbShhl Straits Times Supplement
      17 words
      194 words

  • Especially Women
    • 678 35's hard work for the models and their teachers Till! music comes on loud, pulsating tin lights dance on stage, aflbrain^ a glimpse of the docen Bgußi in st.ilir posts A (ii'striulu and Ilii- models come alive simultaneously, almost spontaneously The lights come on full as the
      678 words
    • 781 35 'She must have a flair for the job' Job Some models are so starved for work they will go far below their rate to earn the money and clients are sometimes unprepared to pay for the top models. Said MIMI TAN. principal of Mannequin Studio "Some clients want a top
      781 words
    • 73 35 Introduced recently la Haarlrm (NetherUnda) store is this compater which help* the ladle* with their beaaty make-ap problems. By delivering the necessary data age. eye. and hair colouring mnd typr of Ala. in* compiUr with the aid of an assistant— will tell the lady in flMtion
      73 words
  • Page 35 Advertisements
    • 67 35 THE RIGHT TIME AND THE RIGHT FRAGRANCE WITHDEOOVEN THE PERFUME WATCH the 17- Jewel watch that wears your favourite perfume and allows a change of perfume at anytime to fit your mood ©SCENT SYSTEM Made n Swttzef land Patent pendrvg M1 Orchard Mood. IT-, 11-i «-> X- Ground •Mouarm. Floors.
      67 words
    • 485 35 mogimix French Kitchen Revolution A multi-functional JH^H Fast, safe and food processor K^^^B^fc|^a^ fc^^^^^.^»^^L I S^P^ W^ HI I mm* Ever sharp stainless steel I ;-f| I S.tmbals for rcr knife blade for cutting, I I lemak. and a thousand chopping, blending and I jHflr I exotic dishes in less
      485 words

  • 141 36 lIMCTIO ARRIVAL! TOOAY umi wmamvis Cherry Vllja (B Barf*) (0M0) Fuyoh Uaru («fl*r KoU Sln»m purmi cBub)*cl to ni tn*) 11/14 Kobe Matu i JIXJi (2100 afur johannfvfrftl and Al Ouralnlahi 33/36 La Rloja (LRQR) >«ft#r Ruth Lykn) 10/11 Loon Hitna HPNO i i after Al Ouralnlah)
    141 words
  • Page 36 Advertisements
    • 1036 36 f J a U>] I A leading Hotel invites applications for the position of PUBUC RELATIONS MANAGER This is a career opportunity for an individual with initiative, imagination and originality. The candidate must have a minimum of 5 years' working experience with a good background in public relations and journalism
      1,036 words
    • 174 36 I OCBC I ?P* invites applications for H VALUATION OFFICER Jflk The Job: To value real estate for mortgage security, SB investment, development and other purW£? poses and generally to assist the head of the J^W £kU Valuation Unit in valuation work. m^m The Perton: We want a person of
      174 words
    • 574 36 GATEWAY CITY V 663 mmm >«»« PONCE V-297 imm/m io»i3 GATEWAY CITY V-664 mm tvn <-. PONCE V-298 mmn/n »*v mt iiuihu'h cwmii stwict mn* inn wattsnt oHB^^^^^ IMM linn li IC kiM «««-t ■■■111 *mt» '1 tiok WIUHI i KMU Mt MOfK BriM—M tachia Mlwi Ml-KM* r«i i» f
      574 words
    • 931 36 Orient Overseas CoHJaute* Line FULLY CONMINEIISID SERVICE TO EUMPt (VI* SUE/) tp f Ma 1 Sew It Htm mv Mart K I COatUMI Ml lit III <Ct 2 7 I 1 t I MtUlM Id 21 t I 7 10 7 II 7 14 I omUlfiHMHMi Hi 17 :i II
      931 words

  • Page 37 Advertisements
    • 967 37 CI«TIIWIS«IP SEMCE II W CWTIW.HT I IMi It S *M ||n I Ut lltlU Ull St-MI It 'ft 'I I«W 11 W II law M taW U taa 1.1 l I I'll l< I law t law IS taa a taa MMa 1 1 lakl It Ma I lattull aim
      967 words
    • 1101 37 \Ben Ocean I L/;»' Phtt> Fltnnei Glen I jm urt NSMO I il it ClaTiMat ita Saul S»t»-o.| It'tKl ».'.tj Low FM MMM t I taM IMf I ->BM toil «>.'| OaK.a. MJMWTIS StrfM la «|i alt, 1 IMa aMa U'<wT°l It An Hal Dmciiwiiiica imm lii taw ii iimm
      1,101 words
    • 1057 37 BEN LINE |[Jlc| CONTAINERS LIMITED ti unw I aim P <»im« Mau»c luni IMM sotoa 1 1 i>-t«. t *M« am*t ■MM U*« lafwi iimm tiUrn lIM aMMII MM UtMMt lIMU .MM SMW 11 tow IS IM MMWIII.I,I 11 IM !1?I1 l!i M -11_ "M» tMI lit tail IMU
      1,057 words
    • 1091 37 EXPRESS CONTAINER SERVICE VIA SUEZ WESTBOUND TO MED/UK/ CONTINENT/ SCANDINAVIA V I J nviUC'twl Sllla-il la Part IS I Ml 11 I II I iMa n i Ml at ll 41 Ml lIHBI II I It I SI II 1 11 1 14 1 llTiat IF IS F a F
      1,091 words
    • 767 37 THE BANK LINE LTD. 1 01 IS Fit E I S IFI>U ■I'UM v 0,-tl- nniM iiiaa 'Ma list t stata imci im nan ii aiain MMMI PMM« I IM UNITED ARAB SHIPPING CO. miit* tnF SEtvict I r IM il laanaila mum *mi*. It* I*llllll* I ItaW •i ttiiuta
      767 words

  • Page 38 Advertisements
    • 804 38 FW KAWA3AJ* KM-~I MMA LTbV IHI) CMTtIMIIUI SEIVICr II EMKI i»« SM7 S'aort F> lilaa( Mtar| Srmvt) I rja* I Nwrr MMMMS CMUIMI 5« tl tat 14 tat IMf 5Mf IMf 7Mt MKiTM t» II tal H tat II M| 11 Mf 14 Mf II Mi OKWIII PIM IW Mtal
      804 words
    • 949 38 E.C.-U.S.A./ATLMTIC/QILF SERVICE aCttnißC FCI ICI CMTMMtS FMM SfMf F HUM Ft MMC mi H <- aatllii Ma TIM. MitNMM. Ma MUIM MMIM (tiillita tat Itaii mv mn •11 mil tfMi.i Imi ><aaj at* Ttrt n M Itn t taairi HtiMi MiaaM "iitwa in.. 1 latin huiiki en 11 an 1
      949 words
    • 980 38 mNUL ORIENT UNES LTD liiaii i i i I FULLY CONTAINERISED SERVICES: Tl FJMW WU SMJ' S port Kttaf S'MMlo* H bar| Bi-. I'M*. RMMMt CMUIMI Iltai Mtat Mtal IW| SM| IMi j MtIUTM II tat tat IM| II M| 13 M| 14 Mr CRimifl n*. mmm IM) »H| HH|
      980 words
    • 929 38 -VUTSIM WftMMIMMI MIFfliC CMPI MM TEI II *****4 EINESS SEWCE It IMIM IMWMI/CNTIMIT WH Haw I I —t Ut*M M Itau wuti l imi il iJ mm -ti lIMI Htm U I t»«" H 1 ■Ml llfl II II Mat MB Mm n I Mt| kn itM »»t n ■W
      929 words
    • 666 38 fVI SUMAIIMF IP^J COPENHAGEN y i iumi uai cmtimni utnci ti ittm flaturr intiTtiH etanaiaT if it nti m^rn—rn. te 'Z? ft «S- 7ft I tv" 11 taa "tat I Mit nmm?i mi i^ aitataic au iimm it mm II m, -mm ■t«Mi-t ta-ajt UlartMiß Muaita Imi i> *aw«'it
      666 words