The Straits Times, 30 October 1975

Total Pages: 30
1 30 The Straits Times
  • 17 1 The Straits Times I Estd. 1845 M.(\(P) 1116 75 FINAL EDITION THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1975 25 CENTS
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  • 888 1  -  CHIA POTEIK Free trade area in seven to 10 years? 5l THERE is a distinct possibility that within seven to 10 years, a free trade area comprising the Asean count will become a reality, according to Mr. Lee Kuat. v tw. Siii. ,n the immediate future,
    AP  -  888 words
  • 192 1 House says 'yes' again to Budget CANBERRA. Wed Australia went through the 15th day of 1U constitutional crisis today with no break in the deadlock between the House of Representatives and the Senate, or between Prime Minister Gough Whitlam and Opposition leader Malcolm Fraser. Mr Whitlam pushed tils 1975- 7S
    AP  -  192 words
  • 171 1 Dockers boycott of Jakarta ships widens \ydNET, Wed. J Australian port workers widened their boycott of Indonesian shipping today as the Australian press gave ma- jor attention to a claim that five Australian newsman in Portuguese Timor were klllled by regular Indonesian troops. In Parliament. Pbrelgn Minister Don WilUm said
    AP  -  171 words
  • 40 1 MKW TOBX. Wet. Dow Jonas avataaaj baaad an ftrat hour af train* aa the Haw Tort aleak rhan—r M Indus e*tJt down IJM; tranap laiM down aji. is tiUte ail down Ott M •toefci mil down IS* DPI
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  • 16 1 MW YORK. Wad. niijalei Ctarpomton hi seaftiryear Unttad Kiaawam, lac Mew Tork Tames naortas
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  • 101 1 JAKARTA. Wed-Jolnt venture nomnantm operating her* will be banned from dutiibuting their own product* If the amount of Indonealan shares are teem than 79 per cent within toe next two yean, Trade Ministry officials titii today. The Oovenunent had notified the companies *h*t the
    Reuter  -  101 words
  • 64 1 BUKNOt AJBKS. Wed -T*rrerl* faasaea teaav mii Mr. Alaerte Sales, aarseaael auager ef a FUt factory la Oerdeba thai bub(mtarea raiwead refltacstoek, the aews ageaey Netictas Argeataaae naaiiia. Mr. tales was abet saw a by fear aalaiatfid saaattaato this ■irals > as be left him heeaa la
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  • 511 1 Ford plan to save New York WASHINGTON Wed needs y PRESIDENT Ford proposed legislation today permitting a Federal court to assume control of New York City's fin., if the city defaults on its debts. Buch court control, the President said, would assure that vital serrlces to New York city's eight
    Reuter; Agencies; UPI  -  511 words
  • Article, Illustration
    64 1 VIENNA. Wad. A fire at Urn Chinaat mousy hart ciuaid fl>amt worth about one million •chilling* (SSir 400 1 and threatened Urn Rntuh unbuMdor i residence nrasacn aald today Tttt blut discovered by security guard* sarly thla momlag In Urn cmbaasy't atUc. was thought to hat* ban caused
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  • 33 1 ISTANBUU Wad. Unidentified attack*™ hurted bombs at lh» TurkJehIranian Pnandahip Society and Urn BrttMt Cbmulaie her* during :f» night daaufftng can and window. but rauakkj no mjurtse. pount aud today lUuUr
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  • 638 1 Troops save 200 from hotels BEIRUT. Wednesday gECI'RITY fortes abotfd armoured vehicles stormed between Muslim and Christian militiamen battling with rockets, mortars and machine guns today in an effort to rescue foreign nationals trapped in Beirut's seaside hotels by the fighting. Almost 100 people have been killed and 150 wounded
    UPI  -  638 words
  • 180 1 Marcos' offer to Muslim rebels MANILA, Wed. iTI President Marcos summoned a group of Muslims from the southern Philippines today and told them he planned to take over lands and business enterprises In the area and place them at their disposal In an effort to stop the fighting there. Muslim
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  • 48 1 Eight IRA suspects held LONDON. Wed. The poUee sanoaaeed Udsy the irnrii af eiffci mta. laelawiaf fevr ttt—. la the rmit ware of Irish KepebUean Army •ooiMnfs la London. All ware actsad ■nder aa aatt-terrertsat law thai aJlowi uithoriUaa to bald them withe«t charge far 71 aMA- tTL
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 31 1 w>^ t safety W footwear The newest of the new now at I WATCHES OF SWITZERLAND DBS Building 6, Shenton Way Introducing the dress watch with CABOCHON crown leuba^ c.. 40X)3
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    • 80 1 MALAYSIA SETS OUT TERMS FOR INDUSTRIES Pace 19 U.S. RKSDY fee n#*W Maaiafla* faai MOD views ea Meaaees far itasMsi T PA. PLAN te lare sseri at salt CALL far asyealatric aatts la a sea It ala PEPC hike pat eaT far six weeks 17 MISSING mi atar be altve.
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    • 140 1 The world's top-seller YAMAHA offers you 6-year manufacturer's warranty WHY YAMAHA PIANOS ARE SO POPULAR Th«y arc made from carefuSy »a«acteO quaMy matarx* 2 Nature) dry r>g process and soenWic dryng procaes anat^a moal «Jaal lava* ot moaMura content n wood* used tor production 1 Fnt OafiamaneNp and Preca»ow Engnaanng
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    • 3 1 B d a^|
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • Straits Times World News
    • 183 2 Moscow, w. North ViHnamCommunist Party chief Le Duan rday pledged that his country, h has long folio we d a neutral n the Slno- spute, would ata make friendship and unbreak•.mc he is con(We«t <<1 St:it»-s In a main against the US 'Initid' Hanoi leader,
      Reuter  -  183 words
    • 67 2 OKNOA (Italy). Wad On* of Italy i m :t wanted mm a median bandit am- lenced twice to life for killing 11 pontsaua, has died In a luxury clinic here after 10 HU widow roportad to poues that the man who haa own and widely appreciated
      AP  -  67 words
    • 120 2 Thailand, Cambodia near accord on ties BANGEOK. Wed. A ■enlor Thai official Indicated today that Cambodia and Thailand were close to agreement on opening diplomatic relations. There war* sto problema abowt opening of relations." Mr. Phaeh Wannamethl. Undersecretary of State for Foreign Affairs, told reporters after talk* between visiting Cambodian
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    • 132 2 Tough bargaining at HK defence talks YJONOKONO. Wed. A II top-level British defence team is facing tough bargaining In its talks here aimed at getting Hongkong to pay far more of the costs of the British garrison In the colony. Informed sources said today. There U still a "big gap"
      Reuter  -  132 words
    • 55 2 PELHAM (New York). Wed. A police threat to shoot a diplomat's Alsatian dog. said to have bitten people, brought a warning of "possible international consequences" to the office of Secretary of State Dr Henry Kissinger The dog belongs to Dr Waldo Waldron-Ramsey. permanent representative of Barbados
      Reuter  -  55 words
    • 287 2 NY snub for Sadat: Ford upset PRESIDENT Ford has expressed deep regret 1 over the refusal of New York mayor Abraham Beame to officially welcome President Sadat of Egypt today. Mr. ford authorised his spokesman, Ron Nessen. to say: "Mr. and Mrs Sadat are the guests of the President and
      Reuter; AP  -  287 words
    • 558 2 PRESIDENT Sadat of Egypt flew to New York today after two days of talks in Washington which apparently convinced him the IS will make further moves towards an overall Middle K;ist peace settlement. Speaking at a press conference late In the day Mr Sadat
      Reuter; AP  -  558 words
    • 183 2 THE DAY U.S. PLANNED TO INVADE CANADA WASHINGTON. Wed Canadians will be I pleased to know the United States has no plans to Invade Canada But back in 1919. It was different. Such a plan existed then. It was disclosed today to the embarrassment of the I Pentagon. The plan,
      Reuter  -  183 words
    • 58 2 ANKARA Wed Tii* Shah of Iran arrived yesterday lor a rive-day aui« nsi ar"VV by eaUnav* ascuntjr precaution* The rjlt U retarded v a Hgn of growing warmth between wealthy Iran and .U •conomlcally-alllnc neighbour. and fullowt Irani agraoment thu month to give Turkey credit* worth V
      Reuter  -  58 words
    • 37 2 NXW YORK. W«d A USSIM.OM .8*370 MO' paint ing by ttcatao waa reported mltatng on Monday by a Manhattan art gaikry attar it opened a rtupmtnt from Houston. Tern*, via a local swiram tarn —AT
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    • 186 2 /GOVERNMENT doctors vT aoon will start testlng In humans a new plant-derived drug that has shown promise In animal studies as a potent anti-cancer agent, a National Cancer Institute scientist said yesterday The drug U called may! antlnc a com pound Isolated In 1973 from
      UPI  -  186 words
    • 56 2 OSAKA. Wed Japan* ftrst streaker In more than If man thi was arrested in Osaka yesterday when he »»o»s>ed foe a traffic In bi The Bade young Ma was taken to a police station. Questioned there, he wrote that It was his right to keep
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 48 2 every night M- M J^^Btmi 7 mMJb»*^M km* London via Amsterdam every Monday and Saturday. London via Frankfurt every Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. London via Vienna and Paris every Thursday. Qantastic. XT"X See your travel agent or caUQantas *****4. OLM AX M tJ S P^) UK MM
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    • 148 3 Three saved after adrift a week HONOKONO. Wed Three 111 and Injured merchant seamen were evacuated from a re»r.lp and flown to Hongkong today They had spent more than a week adrift In the South China Sea after ship sank In a plcal storm > Bedla. 24. and Florentlno Marlnao,
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    • Article, Illustration
      10 3 A survivor lands in Hongkong U PI pvCtur*.
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    • 70 3 Boxford invite to 'brother' Boxford BKI) i England). V»d Boxford, Maaaa-ch*M-U» h.i% itmifd the entire 1.4H poawlati«>n of thiN Saffola village to visit America next year, aa part of the American bicentennial celebrations The h>\ Alan Harrison. Sector of Boxford. soath-east t-ncland. said: "It Is a wonderfnl gesturr The American
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    • 178 3 $163 mil loss: Lloyds hq is blamed f UOANO Wed The Li former head of Lloyds Bank International In Switzerland told a court yesterday the London headquarters failed to keep a close check on foreign exchange speculation at IU branch here and was partly to blame for losses of £33
      Reuter  -  178 words
    • 32 3 RANOOON. Wed. Two ■tort bodtw have bean recovered from Urn Tvtnu canal near lUnaoon Bringing the total asstb toll to M In a ferry Uten last Frtda j neuter.
      Reuter  -  32 words
    • 162 3 TOKYO. Wednesday JAPAN plans to present to the forthcoming six -nation summit meeting a new plan to aid developing countries by guaranteeIng their export Income, senior government sources said today The sources said Prime Minister TUw MIB bu instructed guveißWC ministries and agenda* to
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    • 90 3 MONEY CRISIS: MACAO ACTS MACAO. Wed. Num Gctterae* Uarcsa Leaadre ann#eAcc4 hmamvco 4te■icaed v s*Ue a esireacy crtats In Pwtifsm c*l*ay n«a»«MHy at IU loweat petot alast Werld War U la a ueeaieißtejwr yesterday he wged pasyis ac« to aeß th» Ctace. earreatcy aad Miied preiitoers fer the recent faU
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    • 53 3 PERTH. Wed. Turmm s»stli, Paul McCartney, e> rt»«d here jiwsrai# at the •tart at t tfane-waak Aiav inmn tarn. wMb mm at Urn fen »m fejaMa thM sml ttaeaaatles to the IMta Tight Mcwtty ni ealorced at Pwth atrport for h» MTtval. but u» crowd m ■■Mil
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    • 33 3 WASHDtOTOM Wad The Snu appro ml vaatar--4*l an intsraaUqnsl agaaT^emrwa who atuck dh> atiwawaVtsl VO||M kC PfftaSSCWMd in U» nation »hert Urn crwa* Is committed or estndUetfto ib»j native uumttt OPL
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    • 243 3 Food crisis threat in Japan TOKYO, Wednesday JAPAN 1 Minister of Agriculture and Pore- stry, Mr. Shlntaro Abe, cautioned yesterday that his nation was heading into a food crisis as severe a* the oil crisis Mr. Abe. addressing luncheon audience of Japanese and foreign businessmen, said the International food supply
      NYT  -  243 words
    • 445 3 A REAL- estate group was indicted yesterday and charged with a I S|2oo million (5f.94 million) swindle In the nQblic sale of undeveloped semi-arid desert lots in a New Mexico area called Rio Rancho estates. The SO count federal Indictment here, alleging
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 265 3 TOO SKINNY lo enioy life? Revitalise ram 1 energy and vitality with SUPER WATE ON Super Wat* On i* a food supplement thai can give pounds and inches of healthy l^^^^j solid flesh to skinny underweight men jr and *umen L. Super Wat* On |D mtains fruit JV favoured nutrients
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    • 210 3 SBB% SBVwßr4^l M Omega Geneve. Not as expensive as you might think. When you think of an Omega you naturally imagine an expensive watch generally beyond the price range of most people. This is not always so. For example, you can buy this Omega Geneve for SS27O. For an Omega,
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    • 155 4 Oil firms grab: Govt offer accepted fARACAS. Wed. All V; but two of the foreign -npanles operating In Venezuela have accepted the Oovernment's compensation for nationalised assets. Just before last night's midnight plred. Sen Hernandez. Mini Mines and Hydrocarbons announced that all 33 e©< had accepted "ivernmenf* offer. which totat
      Reuter  -  155 words
    • 536 4 SINGAPORE said yes t c r day it \i 0 lid be "un- liable and certainly unrealistic" to exclude South Korea from any future negotiations aimed at replacing the 1969 Korean Armistice Agreement. Addressing the Oeneral Assemb y's main political committee as It
      Reuter; UPI  -  536 words
    • 26 4 N»w YOEK. Wed -A new torch-like can that raa kill people by esalttiag M.Mw-volt charges has heea eatlawed In New York City —Beater
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    • 65 4 Looking for a moving target E«OW aUa aa aaOaisned baildlng la I'aaer r Belrat. tw. Mtflla leftist iinmrn flre on aayth»ag that meres fa the city below Fighting spread Into the foreign residential •eetions of the city on Wednesday killing up to I*l peeale. and trapping more than IN foreigners,
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    • 311 4 Teng and Schmidt hold talks in Peking PEKINO, Wednesday jrtHANCELLOR Helmut Schmidt opened talks with Chinese leaders today after arriving on the first visit to Peking by a West German head of government. As he entered the conference room of the Great Hall of the People, Mr Schmidt was met
      Reuter  -  311 words
    • 79 4 Mindanao massacre MANILA. Wed. Oen Roam C Eaptno. armed forces chief of staff, has ordered the arrest of two anajr 6eut*nar.t» and M men on charges of kUUi« a aiasßai mayor, his wife and su poncimin in Mindanao early this month, the military said yesterdsy A spokesman said Espino ordered
      AP  -  79 words
    • 71 4 MEXICO CITY. Wed Cyclone Olivia, which slammed into Mesicos Pacific coast, has claimed at least lives, left M 000 honeleas and destroyed on* of every eight dwellings In the city of Ma latlan local officials said yesterday Troops and medical teems were still struggling to restore
      Reuter  -  71 words
    • 49 4 TOKYO Wed A student *a» killed and levon othen injured on Monday m clashes batwsau rival radical group* In Tokyo and nearby China Pooo» said the student killed wss Nobuhlko Umsds of Tokyo University and a j ■awihn of the Kakiimaru (Revolutionary Marxist; faction Reutar
      Reuter  -  49 words
    • 145 4 Paper sues strike leaders for $37 m WASHINGTON, Wed The Washington Pos'has sued iU striking print leaders for UB*l3 1 million <S*37 million. charging the.-n with a "planned systematic and calculated attempt to destroy the newsD?ner'i capacity to publish The complaint, filed in a i Superior Court yesterday, asked for
      Reuter  -  145 words
    • 68 4 ■ELPAST. Wed **cht men with subouchine guns burst into a remote farmhouse last n|ght and opened fire, wounding a man and two of his sons. The man's wife and eight other children neaped injury In other rooms. It wss one of four widely scattered sltacks against
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    • 59 4 DUNKIRK Wed Eight people have now died and many other* are under treatment tor carbon monosad* poisoning cauafd by the mattunctton of healing ■ppttanres in heavy to*, poUce laid Pure of them died on Saturday and dostna awn received treatment whan a lack of wind prevented
      Reuter  -  59 words
    • 34 4 FORT MORESBY. Wed The Papua New Oulnea government Intends to ace that all royalties from the Bougatntuie copper mine goes to the people of the Uland. Finance Minuter Julius Chan pledged Reuter
      Reuter  -  34 words
    • 116 4 A JUDGE has ordered a half brother and sister who fell In love and had a child to separate forever. Frederick Stevens. 30, and Bhlrley Boyce. 23. pleaded guilty her* ST. ALBANS, Wed. yesterday to Infringing Britain's Incest laws. The couple, who hare
      Reuter  -  116 words
    • 61 4 WASHWOTON Wed The gul scouts hate dKldfd at Kui (or the tun* being Dot to admit boys into iht rank* TtM decision was made by an informal ahow of hands by I.MO delegates and other participant* at the «Oth National Girl Scout Conv«r.:. n meeting hert this
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    • 113 4 LONDON. Wed Onethird *f Britain i IMM Jaalee bssarUi dsiUri arc refastag to week snillau la pretest against their overtime pay rate* Their aetiaa has eaaaed a strata ea •MM\fc#C lfc4JSß)i&a>l C#CsMbJUats wk* arc working extra hears to care fee A saeaeeaaan for the jaaler doc
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 99 4 LONDON mSSl^k fc^ggsfcl T? NOW 9 SIA FLIGHTS A WEEK From November I nine SIA flights a week to London— two more than any other airline. With an exclusive choice of 7478s or7o7Superjets.We also serve Rome three times weekly; Amsterdam and Frankfurt four times weekly; Zurich and Athens twice weekly.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 666 5 IMP L j I wl i^fii f^P 1 ja I Number One -in FAMIW SHOPPING/ I A fc^^a^l I l^^"^^^^ l^^ l w^l^l^l^l^l^l^l™Bwta«4W^fc™«w^w^lw^l^w^B I^^"^J^t^m i*uf?^r wT A W^i'W? f^ v AMERICAN PEARS ...F.^.!5...410rM0 FUinNWKS I^ l K su«G£ I SLk.2I-50 LI _l,y >» [jfc ■< Jjlirilll-H-Hillk-^-iL PEAS IN POTS. 125
      666 words

    • 126 6 KL siege terrorists 'still in Libya' TOKYO. Wed. live •I Japanese Red Army men who seised the US embassy In Kuala Lumpur in August and five other terrorists freed from Japanese prisons at their demand are still In Übya "under restraint Libyan Vlee-latertor Minister Tounes Abulgasem All said today. Mr.
      AP  -  126 words
    • 87 6 War games next week MANILA. Wed. lad— sets aad the Philippines wU Jointly bold a few-day naval exercise next week as part of a Patrol atreesßeat aimed between the two countries earlier this year. The exercise, cade mated PbUlndo 111. starts on Monday la Philippine waters aad will Involve five
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    • 278 6 GOVT BID TO PREVENT FLAKE-UP AAIUN (Spanish Sahara), W«d. THE Spanish Government clamped a dusk-to-dawn curfew on this disputed territory yesterday, disarmed all native troops and occupied all strategic points to prevent an uprising of Saharan nationalists. Oovernment spokesmo Mid "terrorist attacks were (eared. The Spanish
      AP  -  278 words
    • 76 6 MADRID. Wed— General Franc*. Spain's tt-year-eM rmler. h»» respeaefed fav«vaMy to evernifat treataaenl on bis Internal si a—at* fclareini. bat bis condition remained grave, a ■sales! lie tin said today. The balleMn tald he had partially ntio>atod frees an Intestinal paralysis and that there had
      76 words
    • 237 6 Giscard calls for new world economic order fJARIS, Wed. Pre- sldent Valery Olacard d'Eitalng has called for a new world economic order built on equilibrium in four key sectors trade, economic output, currencies and Income distribution. The plan he outlined In a speech to LXcole Polytechnlque yesterday was seen as
      Reuter  -  237 words
    • 59 6 TOKYO. WML An affiliate of Japan'i btowt car maker. Toyota, announced today iv plans to market aborUy an elactrtc car power. TIM affiliate. Oalhauu Kogyo. tald It and the Yuaaa Battery Company had dasiCMd lead Morate batterias which could be recharftd In half an hour much leas
      Reuter  -  59 words
    • Briefs
      • 30 6 LONDON. Wed. The police reported today the arrenu of two titters and four men— aa yet unidentified aa ■uspecU In the recent wave of Irish Republican Army bombings In London
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      • 26 6 BANGKOK: North Vietnam will tomorrow free 14 Americans and other foreigners detained since last spring In fighting In the South. I nlted Nations officials said today.
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      • 27 6 CANBBIRA Australian Agriculture Minister. Dr Rex Patterson, has ordered his department to take a tough Une with all foreign ships operating Illegally In Northern Australian coastal waters.
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    • 97 6 BANGOON: Burma an noaaced yesterday itepa to set ap another fertiliser plant before the second foar-year economic plan period ends la 1977 to 1971 WASHINOTON The United States hopes to conclude in the next two months an agreement for ImportIng 10 million metric tonnes of oil a year
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    • 62 6 BANOKOK Thailand's oil policy committee has approved measures. Including curbing petrol station serving hours and Increasing car registration fees, to save petrol following the steady Increase In oil prices, official sources said toda> INTTED NATIONS: Secretary -General Kart Waldhelm. back from crisis talks on the Western Sahara, will pay
      62 words
    • 33 6 WASHINOTON. Wad. Th* Amartcan Civil LlkarUaa Union i ACLUi rntrnU; fUcd a multi-million dollar r •uit «g«in»i U8 spy aMnetsa. claiming- they ha 4 violated the oonautuuon by Intercepting tiliariii -Reuttr
      Reuter  -  33 words
    • 338 6 MANILA, Wed. ifl President Marcos ordered a five per cent cut In expenditures of the martial law Government today and a freeze on all negotiations for government building projects. A government statement said air Marcos ordered the mores because of a projected 44 billion
      AP  -  338 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 600 6 9 swssav sawjawj savjavs ossmva wasmva aswM *^av**t ToTfles B^k B^> I -t*""'i l *%-BBJml ammW mm jT^^^mmm Imm Ha«i«Bif«Bi«jHiT«rt I L^ W Bjpss»V^Bjs»^amfßßßJ|^^ "^■"»s w^mvai BB^ Bk f" T-l "^TI rriTßßj I 1 BBBV**^^krm^Br xitßfT vi^s4wmr m JUUL i: JIHI™ V^, W ~T _^l P»a*tiline —H C e«ing« and
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 291 6 Straits Times Crossword ""HBiTBbT^ Bbw^^s»»»i^^^b»»^^ ACBOSS 6 Hold back not* before 1 Chap ventunn to bacomc sons; '•> a bureaucrat il> 7 Arrive within for eacb SDo return *rter ouung minuter it> and stand i6> I Doubt if old copper is oa t for a picture featuring credit Itl main
      291 words

  • 330 7  -  UM CHOON WANG By PIF.NCH artist Jean Jaeos (above) saya be can afford to bane ap bis hr»ib— tomorrow if h« vasts te hat splash I* oat heeaawt bo lives te paint. "Material wealth neons little te me said the
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  • 112 7 400 FOR ASIAN SECURITIES FORUM IN MANILA MANILA. Wed. More than 400 financial experts from 38 countries will take part In the first Asian securities Industry forum next month. Filipino organisers said today They said the weeklone meeting, starting on Nov. 10 would discus* problems of the Association of Asian-Pacific
    Reuter  -  112 words
  • 208 7 Sponsoring the sick: Finns favour direct donations SEVERAL big com- panles and nonprofit organisations yesterday endorsed In principle a call for financial sponsorship of needy patlents In hospitals but felt that straight donations to hospitals were more workable in practice They said direct contribution* could be better used by hospttais.
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  • 50 7 Deepavali Nite at the Vic thi stagapor* tasaan Art* Centra will stage a "DMpavma MM" *taov v U» Victoria, Tbsstre on Nor it at pm nshllsttt or the allow la a, amim faablon panda with M partlrlsaiUs I ililMlsa ttckau art arailaate at lbs ■asajklai vita* Raatairait hi gSfSJigQoai Road.
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  • 59 7 "ROT O V Jafrraya. Damn oi Etactrwarlnc at tha Übivaraltjr ot Aston. aimln«haa win tt«t a pi*** torture Sctmc* and Ttotkaotogy of CbaJaaefito» aad Urn rtmm —uaiartoa. of Liquid Olapansoß. at. tha UtthMratty of ssngasora •uktt Tlawh cajasMa. fcitari thaatw two. today, at I JS to
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  • 530 7 Licences for disabled: Mixed views gOCIAL workers yesterday endorsed the new Government policy of giving priority for hawker licences to the handicapped and people over 40 years old. But some of the hawkers and a few housewives questioned by the Straits Tiires disagreed. The policy was announced recently by Mr
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  • 333 7 Last of the Viet refugees leave St John's ■y PNIUP Lit TCIVB and a half montha after streaming In from their wartorn homeland, the last batch of SI Vietnamese refugees on St. John's Island left Mngaporc yesterday Their departure In two groups M for the United SUtea and 23 for
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  • 67 7 TBUCOMMUNICATION Authority of Slnga pore has appealed to the public to report to the police cases of people posing as Its staff and soliciting public donations and collection* during festive season* The public are also advised not to give gratification, tips, present*, gifts or tokens whether solicited
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 610 7 I nbeatable value lor monc\ tours of New Zealand, Australia Fiji. I nun Air \e\v Zealand niilunillv X "^B .mmmmmflmmmmmV~ i '.mW the friendly way to ac« the Sr^T^^mmmmmmmPn friendly country and ks«p f*^r^Q ~~^L costs within easy budf«t limits Cover the scenic highlights: ♦3*JL/ V a tj^ *^-i *"*">■?*■
      610 words
    • 419 7 ■AfJ V LUELCOfTIE savings 1 30th October to sth November, 1975 EVAPORATED MILK carnation 4ioa 2 for 1.43 CANNED DRINKS yeo s 3 vauhties 37 .46 FACIAL TISSUE otCMio 200 x 2 ft Y twin pack 2.70 CANNEITsOUP miinz u.k. RE se D rve° 439q 1.1» TOMATO KETCHUP Liiirs^ 340g
      419 words

  • 119 9 Family, of eight homeless after fire \FIRE which broke n Kampong Hoad near Chua i. -is on Sunday left a family t homeless and Samad Sab an ather of six. said plete- i by the that they salvage were his Samad's wife, isld I was asleep >y the smell of
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  • 24 9 THT atflclau Detune: or the family Ba^BSWM -*" 'f c SI J, .nuet* «t H>-t«l Equatorial on No* IS at S
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  • 135 9 Iranian team to boost ties AKTaH. MEMBER Iranian eeememiit ■il— lsn arrived here >"trrday for a fiveday visit to sriMsti economic and riiiMu rial relations between the two eoauitrie* The aalariiß v led by Mr Mo«atafa Man»o«ri (abovei. adviaer to the Iranian Minister of Finance and rconomif Affair*. Mr Mansourl
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  • 26 9 MR Llm Ah Kow clialrman of ihe UnUad Pcopir Front, mill officially open IU haadsjuarMn at «1A Cram Street on Saturday at 230 PJS).
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  • 24 9 KKISHNA Our Ouldc will hold iv OMpavaU mlatoi- .1 PtNBMI Irmple In Stonuieoan Road an Saturday from IS am. to 11M am
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  • 180 9 fHK People's Association is to introduce facilities for more trendy sports, such as sqiuish, and cultural courses like y>H;i MMI ballet, in I number of new community centres under construction. This is part of the PA's new strategy to involve more
    180 words
  • 194 9  - More new sports planned PHILIP LCC By Of the six community centres now In various stages of completion, only two one at Toa Payoh and the other at Jurong Town are entirely new. Three others the Joo Chlat. Bennett and Bartley centres are being rebuilt after the old buildings had
    194 words
  • 346 9  - Abnormal genes: Seek advice, parents told SHEILA CHEONG By pARENTS who have abnormal genes are advised to seek counselling as the risk of their offspring inheriting such abnormalities is great. Professor Wong Hock Boon, head of the Oeneties Division, Department of Paediatrics, University of Singapore, said this in an Interview
    346 words
  • 157 9 S. KOREAN WARSHIPS HERE ON GOODWILL VISIT rro South Korean deetroyen, the Jun Puk and Ung Po, arrtyed l.i Singapore yesterday for an Informal twoday visit as part of their goodwill visit to Asian ports: Ine visit marked the nnt-ever by Korean naval vessels here. The warship? are on a
    157 words
  • 81 9 Liquors Board to meet on Dec. 9 THE Liquors licensing Board will bold its fourth general licensing session to consider applfccaUons for renewal of licences and fresh application* at Court No. 5. Subordinate Courts Complex In Havelock Road, on Dec. t at 9.90 am Tht Cuatooia Department ■IH that l»l»
    81 words
  • 118 9 MIRI (Sarawak i, Wed. —The 3.000- tonne Panamanian veaael. Eastern Anna, which caught Are five kmi off the coast of Kuala Baram near here laat week. U being towed to Singapore for repain. A Singapore firm has aent a salvage ahlp. which arrived here
    Reuter  -  118 words
  • 191 9 Detained: Two suspected scooter snatch thieves pOLJCB yesterday ar- rested two men believed to be snatch thieves who had been active in the Orchard and Queenstown areas during the past one month. They have also seised a scooter and a bag containing traveller's cheques The scooter had two different number
    191 words
  • 48 9 'IHE Slna-aoore Flrt Brigade will conduct a Mrs •saretaa alone JaJan Koiam Ayw luaajiua at S am A atrsteh of th* road, from the Jtnxtton of Aljuniad Road to that of Kallanf Bahm. will be cloaad to traffic froaa 7JS ta to 10 JS am
    48 words
  • 33 9 MARDfBM art advtmd to nanuajm Uwtr craft a)ovly wtuw paaatnc Oul Ctaannai n Juronc to mala* way for dradsvaj work to be eamad out thara until the and of nest aaansa.
    33 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 135 9 ACBC negotiable CD OPTIMUM INTEREST OPTIMUM LIQUIDITY Available for specific periods of not less than 3 months and not more than 3 years. High interest rates for fixed periods. Accepted by banks as collateral. Freely negotiable therefore liquid at any time. Minimum deposit Ssloo,ooo with multiples of 5550.000 up to
      135 words
    • 517 9 f 30-10-75 TO 6-11-75 1 I ITEM BRAND PACKING PRICE ITEM BRAND PACKING PRICE I aa |*a LVCH##S If) I M«'«bo'«»t- yrup ay inCfM sooqm $1.05 Liquid 284 ml 3.60 I Pwoches Ho I vet, IXL 4250 m 0.90 Longan in I Butter, Golden Churn 3409 m 2.15 Syrup Fly.nq
      517 words

  • 187 10 Hooded gang robs lawyer Hill LAWYER Graham Starf orth Hill, who resigned as inspector Investigating the affairs of Haw Par Brothers International on Monday, was held up at his home by two hooded men on Oct. 13 The men. armed with daggers, robbed Mm of property worth about $10,500 at
    187 words
  • 350 10 *Boost mental health services 9 THE president of the Singapore Association for Mental Health, Dr. Paul Ngui, yesterday sugested that psychiatric anits be set up in all Singapore general hoy pitals to help improve mental health services. He said that besides the
    350 words
  • 311 10 Why link road won't be built at worksite rl Housing and Development Board has said that It Is not possible to construct a link road between Ang Mo Klo earthworks site and Ylo Chu Kang Road to divert earth-moving lorries from Sembawang Hills Drive The board statement followed a Straits
    311 words
  • 93 10 Fire: CPF pays $1,000 damages to DBS THE Central Provident Fund Board baa paid $1,000 to the Deve'opment Bank of Singapore for damages caused In fighting the flre at the CPF building earlier this month Oonrtnnlng thts jsstfrdeg, a board niuki—ii said Urn claim was to cover ispsn— incurred by
    93 words
  • 213 10 17OLTAN Kocsls U a Li young Hunga r 1 an pianist who studied at the Liszt Academy In Budapest and has built some formidable credentials for himself both In recording at well as competition. We heard him last night at the DBS Auditorium In
    213 words
  • 148 10 OOLICE would like to I get in touch with four people who they think can help In Investigations Into the murder of Klan Tee, 19, at the Junction of Juronf Road and Jalan Bahar last Nov. 17. They are Ng Tone alias Ng Bah
    148 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
      388 words
    • 47 10 ssßbsß^^aTTTbssssssß ■ISTMI BIG, BIG SAVINGS! HURRY! Don t M is s Your Chanc e r\*E£ __^v y(n apgxaefation to For tvtrv mirrhM I cuttomtrt coonUf PARKlNG^^\^^K§Wt^BU^rm»j^i rtducod IGRE AT WALL EMPORIUM MAXWE Li HOUSE/ Mai w«if\ R osid, S iiVvoreNZ (Nixt to M«trop«ye I>««tn Tel\ *****22. *****>7.
      47 words

  • 432 11 Team up and go for the big jobs Advice to architects and engineers md engincen kavt tiled on to fKx>l their resoui. ;ind inmpclti for multin dollar consultancy or contracting m>i k ame from Mr Michael B.P. :ent of the Institution of EnglnM sim Hong Boon, vice-pre-sident of the Sitißapore
    432 words
  • 83 11 Swoosh: The water which uddrnlr •parted from a bunt pi IK- at Amber Road yesterday at abo«t Z.M p.m. brovght road con•tractlon workers nearby scarrylng to stop the flow. The fountain like spurt of water shot high above the roof- top* of the foorstoreyed flats
    83 words
  • 243 11 Ex-hotel chief: No intent to commit illegal act A FORMER vlce- chairman of Consolidated Hotels Ltd. of Singapore told the High Court yesterday he had "no Intention to commit an illegal act" when he executed a contract for the company In connection with the Sheraton Hotel project her? four years
    243 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 9 11 SKIN ITCH? GUARDIAN OINTMENT' k^- v a**** > S r«**'^aßß^BV
      9 words
    • 155 11 SANYO STEREO SYSTEMS BEAUTIFUL SETS, MAGNIFICENT SOUND. r "^^^^^^^l a^L^BHam- A tltlßllsssSl I OC-8500K lg^ All-ln-One 4-Channel Stereo System For all 2 4-channel sound sources Four pre- and main amps Fully automatic bolt drive turntable and AM/ FM tuner 160W peak music power Separate bass. I V treble, and spatial
      155 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 254 11 Bringing Up Father By Bill Kavanagh ah Hal Camp '-^c 3i> COwO> SLa»» r vwicjiaea^\ »or -aur »««mu. M vm«n '-X, <SO y AllB» O»J A "'Majou*- vEflv ANOSfy J i \\>. m WHO* OUT TWgv -j, f PA4K M«.cv JUT MA9MC T>«B» W"TH >OU T V, _->^ '[1 VtCRC
      254 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 426 12 PRESIDENT Ford's sending to Congress this week of an overall Middle East aid package happily coincides with President Sadat's visit to America. For Egypt there is an allocation of US$6OO million for omlc assistance As was expected, the main results of the President's visit II least those that
      426 words
    • 259 12 A LL hotels can «o without guests who try to leave without settling their bills. There are unfortunately too many unwelcome visitors of this kind and the Singapore Hotels and Restaurants Association appears to have good grounds for wanting the law amended to enable them to be detained
      259 words
  • 2056 12 EXCERPTS from a conversation the Prime Minister, Mr. Lee Kuan Tew, had with a group of visiting financial editors and writers from seven European countries at the Istana last Saturday. JOHN BELL (Sun- day Times, London): Prime Minister, have you any
    2,056 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 35 12 •>• '■•"<! h, our "101 l «i»ii|ici« tulll M«nd tano'«d S *tltch«4 .tiooftot** WMwrtoS t>«»t a»ortipan«Mp. mr» -««l BeaM tamtilat trwraty at MSMrMB *Sr SSBBStBBa] I v Ml •■potl Mrvlc*. .'of*. 1. T.I ***** Hong Kon| (Brandt)
      35 words
    • 136 12 A <£s\ A Ha& r BwmXlt S BwEWv r t^. %x\ Bfl Rts x > >^ix 9 a [U^K HSeH X t% BJH HBr^fi I TT^lg I ISC T" ■^Jv 'Hn BwZf 1 1 Ijjw. Ihx •iJ o JBJ BBT I I IPf BMW 44£ •*t IB Hi 1 ITPw
      136 words
    • 201 12 aV»'Vy5 wS m m l M ■^uLZJimfH hV v 1 i, -"^^™™sa I fflilmfl I 1 mfc 4 afl >t M c Your company's emblem on solid ITALIAN MARBLE PAPERWEIGHTS <j fti hrd hi up lo i cotowrs i>n solid, white poiiNfit-d inarblr lenl quallt> sss 50 minimum quantit) l.'Opes
      201 words

  • Business Times
    • 258 13  - Laudable gain by PMCW at half-time CHAN BONG SOO By I MORE ways than one, the performance 1 of the Pan Malaysia Cement Work.* group at half-time is laudable. Not only has it overcome obstacles that cramped most other industrial enterprises, but has managed to achieve a growth of the
      258 words
    • 1010 13  - Malaysia sets out its terms for industries ANTHONY NG By J^ T KW importsubstitution industrial pro jet ts must now have 100 per cent Malavsian ownership, Trade and Industry Minister, Datuk Hamzah Abu Samuh, announced here. He was giving in detail, for the first time, guidelines for equity participation to
      1,010 words
    • 411 13  - Interest rates remain soft till '76 MARTIN DM By SLACKNESS of demand plus an increase in loanable funds has kept Interest rates low in Singapore, and they will remain low for the r\ext three to six months. Making thla prediction In iv monthly economic letter. Pint National City Bank aays
      411 words
    • 337 13 Haw Par board to meet on results today? THE full Haw Par Brothers International board Is meeting today according to informed sources. It Is not known what is on the agenda, but It will be surprising if Haw Par's over-due Interim results are not one of the top items. Haw
      337 words
    • 196 13 LONDON PROBE ON S.W.S. SHARES LONDON: The Stock Exchange council decide* at a Meeting on TMfld&jr to taveatigate dealings the share* of Slater. Walher SeearlUes last Friday, a Stock Exchange spokesman said. An investigation can Ust from two to fow woeka and will rmh In a rrroMirndatteei to go before
      196 words
    • 302 13  -  SON TIANQ KCNG By CjINOAPORE-S money O market and shortterm financing facilities are developed But It Is necessary to expand the long-term capital marM In line with the Republic's growth as a financial centre. This v the view of the pres dent of Singapore Nomora
      302 words
    • 427 14 TtfEW YORK: The A bankruptcy action involving W.T. Grant has already cost the nations banks at least US$l77 million In loan write-offs and may ultimately cut even bank earnings. The financial Impact of the voluntary bankruptcy filing by the huge retail chain earlier
      NYT  -  427 words
    • 323 14  -  JACCB DANIEL By SMIT Internati onal which for the past IS years kept Just a tugboat here is to expand Its operations. Its plans certainly sail beyond this single tugboat. With the purchase of $3 million worth of salvage vessels including two
      323 words
    • 74 14 US marine equipment exhibition THE American State of Washington will hold a three day marine equipment and supplies exhibition at the US Trade Centre here starting on Nov 4. At least 10 manufacturers with headquarters tocated within the state will be participating, presenting various Items relating to the marine Industry.
      74 words
    • 94 14 OKI of Kissel Lines' modern multi-purpose vessels B'.ue Sky made her first call at Singapore last week-end, bringing a cargo of built-up units of selfpowered motor vehicles and crates /cases of vehicles CKD The vessel is unique. ■ays Hal Sun Hup, agents for NUael Lines. because
      94 words
    • 209 14 Mr. James E. Stewart has resigned as director of Sigma Metal with effect from Oct. 16. Tractors Malaysia has announced the following appointments to Tractor Singapore: Mr. Joan Cheng as director, sales division, and Mr. Chen as director. amices division. The company also announces the appointment of
      209 words
      • 150 14 AMSTERDAM. Tuw MOBt Mock* calnad In eonsaid, ika* featund ism ■alnatn Dutch kitsuwilwils BmtKtt. ■■>■■■ L«m staaj. OK and Mtar row whUt C Nuita. Oaa and flaWHa ItTVTii Bkok« tm wmk Of«« was unoiOdaUy aua—ld followtac a nport that lh» company and Uw auu will ufca ovar Naafcr- butkam
        150 words
      • 92 14 JpmiCH. TXam— La 4 bf UMlurteb Mock Imm too*r mar r»rf»»d Mttmy Bondi wart w^l ■■■niahml Tb* CmJlt BUMM tndn gatead 14 patella to IM) Claxat Brtaaa IB a»iaß f>«a«a •wM B*aa Omjm. Ml VMaa luk »»tu MM 4 KMU MO KWktr* W»tt ITW mt ■il«ll%ll> JTT t «»M
        92 words
    • 237 14 Chase loan losses rise steeply NEW YORK: Chase Manhattan Bank's net loan losses at the end of the third quarter stood at USI2C9 million compared with $41 million at the same time In 1974. chairman David Rockefeller said. Chase has already set aside $90 million In excess of the five-year
      Reuter  -  237 words
    • Article, Illustration
      40 14 IrL^r 9 "T C T M< *>*» I°n1 n <•"»» ♦<» <*>" Optiom on then I l*tad on rtw Stock F.cNmv* »or Octet* 1975 30<Jor» 60doy* lO<xf« ISO*** KNANOCO 9-, II IE g ssxx«>- I SANMOLO Sowc* Coil t Pu« S«tu"i«i Oi
      40 words
        • 64 15 DCBT Mnt nr iimi ■m < Irra m n B. taafc. Mai M Bai oil M Tr»4. I. Nat »7 4S 11 M UN tIM MOO U44 lit! MM n» Mlt MM 12 50 IXM MM Msa MM S4M 1121 tin I M 10 11 12 ♦10 10 10
          64 words
        • 5 15 T«k •4 30 li
          5 words
        • 17 15 »fc«r Marital UUM 4IUN i H< NUN •tel TW>m: Ul M ««»1 Vato>: M
          17 words
        • 50 15 la«wlrlU>: SM.7* M7J7 Hmii: SM.M 4MIS W*: I«SJt IM4I MUrtlii. 1W.47 IttJJ Ttaa: MJ7 HJI t ■■*>■!■: UI.U niJ« smj« mvi •■B-S. to 4: MCM UM4 DNi M. 1M« m 1M f Dm. SI. IMS 1M Dm. M, IMS im Dm. 11. int IM t Urn. I. 1»7»
          50 words
      • 407 15 BIG bayers araia aaade their aieataet felt at *h* Singapore stack market yesterday. reaaHlag la gawd galas far ■Mat saeeajative Issats. As sinssld poattloa raaast altagetker he rated oat as baying la each Market leaders as Suac Darby and a lew hanking hawses waa aa streag
        407 words
      • 1244 15 Ttß last tranaactsd ready sale at the c lose of awssaaaj on the BSoek Baxbanee of aangaporo yeateraay compares) with the previous day o prtcos iu-. irr» high aaa issue) closiho TOMS AU aarueaa ctoaai vott ana«j. ru.aevt. osattai Sawna auaalMS t> r la» start ir»a.oi °i *""SISSW
        1,244 words
      • 1003 15 DIU and offer prices D r BMSa m SSf Singapore yssUrdsy wita the nuaber of sharas traded shown in brackets in Ms of «aa niasi.lM apeciXtsd AU TaBS Bargains or attUsasant Caaaraeu are quoted after the word Sett. Big Board dssls tin lou of quoSM alter imh
        1,003 words
      • 245 15 SCCTION TWO INOL'BTWALS A.P.L lOMOI B\ Kawai (1MB) (J) )N, (1) 105 ■•via iStaSi (1) OM. (1> ML Caftawsrg (IMB 1 946 > Ism Prof. (0 7fß> XD Psaaa (1 178) (1) 1.14. (S) 1 It O. OsrassMs (OMS) laefcMpe Lsaa (10CB 1MB) (3) IM
        245 words
      • 1045 15 Band oflsr price* ■tal and bisuimws in and report r Kuala Lsaapwr Stock XxB) WMJ in DrarkrU ai Mi .000 unit*. uaISM •pecifled ni4L» 1 OM) oeosi SMI ciinsan .is*h IOOSB S4SS c 1 c 1 ...«i.l 1 MB' 'll 1 M D taa ***** 104S) ll) SM
        1,045 words
      • 74 15 Ka LUMPUR Panan* Consolidated U With Ul» Plantation Holdings poasible ways of r> the fit in better Manx im>un. Pahanc secretary. Mr K| .Sir. iv Hwa said PahanK had already made known it* inten.u do- o Malaysia from rrontanisa■inf beyond *.he was ed but ••m.iinrd to be flr.jljeu
        74 words
      • 30 15 TMK Mee»tary SatassHi baojto fur M 6 MiHtea aVVaaaaaaTV aaaaW I* W batata frees Nov. > to IBM. 7 Each trnaVr for Uraeory MSa mob* nIWm thai UUMt
        30 words
      • 305 15 Moderate to heavy gains in kL market ACTIVITY Increased on the Koala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday with share prices making further advances on continued buying support Moderate to fairly sharp gain* attended moat speculative issues Observer* believed th- speculative support was partly responsible for this upsurge. In anticipation of some
        305 words
      • 82 15 rE Malayalaa Malater af Flaaaee has Axed these daUcs froeo Oct. 3t anUI farther notice Bather «3 t eta a Ik Copra SMS a ton kernel IXU.Xi a ton The rates of dalles available are: Raaber Ictii Ik (Total I) eta a Ik) (Sareharge !cU>lbi Copra S4I.M a
        82 words
      • 100 15 ROTH Europe and the OS laidaTWiut much activity on Tuesday. tmHW slightly easier santtmenu reported MPOPA Qamsttoas lo DM ceou ißotiardam) unlMi at tad Afloat 6440/441 traded No* MOt 'US) 17 76 cent* buyen Ml*/ (US) K eanu aeller». MM/(US) 17 71 cent* traded Dec. HUM MUSI 17
        100 words
        • 74 15 TOKTO, Wsd. The market rose strongly in acttvs trading, tod by bluechips aad low-pneod shares, tat Mas wtth Wall Street, doaiars said The Dow Jones average gained 4011 to close at 4 .MS U wtth s volume of M 0 million shares The Mew index clossd at 117 14.
          74 words
        • 431 15 SYDNEY cYDNBY. Wed. -The market waa ranerair/ i lower in not lass trading wtth < the sharpest falls among j energy rtocks. dealers aafcl The Sydney All -Ordinaries index dropped IM points to i ***** ■wko-Wiasißl. Paa Caw,- I UaeoUl. QanasOSaa Msms and AAB all fell, while t'taa lost an
          431 words
        • 143 15 ff ONOKONO Wed 11 Th» market fell in marc active trading In sympathy with Jar4fc» Ihlfiii M cent drop to HKS23 M. damlen •mid They said Jirdlne s planned $600 mil convertible loan lame announced late yeaterday v In effect a delayed nghu latue and. although the utur mtty
          143 words
        • 270 15 W«W YORK Tues— Fresh that Wsshlngton la taking a closer look at New York City's fiscal crisis helped trigger a brisk rally on the New York stock Kzchange today Behind the latest rescue hope for the City which two weeks ago barely avoided default on iv wtort-term debts,
          270 words
        • 87 15 umm r^i Mobil Oil (Kit El»>»lor P»a Am»nr»o P***K» larrta Rorkmll Ini.rt. Royml I>. ■uu r< Ib4im Tium TlUl iHtIMMt Inioo CirbM < W«M«fm Umw w Hw. Btect. X*ro< Tl S »2 111 l u|| Mtlboure* Ml lIJTJ 111. IS L«x»on 142.M8 14} MB HI.JM MM H» rut
          87 words
        • 93 15 INDUSTRIALS Tuesday 360 1 Monday 3540 Week a«o 3441 TINS Tuesday 8532 Monday M.M Wsek ago 84 55 RUBBERS Tussday MIJO Monday ***** Wsek ago 373 9» MM TUMday 133 12 Monday 33X21 Week ago 325 M DOW JONES AVEXAGE INDUSTRIALS Tunday 851 Monday 838 4(1 Week ago 846
          93 words
        • 217 15 f*H> Btraiu Un price fell 1 Mto|»U.l7s lnPtnang yesterday on an official offering down M ton* to 113 tons. The overnight London market waa Heady with it* forward buyers price gaining a to U. 075 per metric ton LONDON: Tuesdays Un lost further ground In the morning to
          217 words
        • 31 15 CLOSING PRICES Rabber Oct. 29. Singapore: Nov. 134 75 cts (ap «.5f ct.) Malaysia N• 139.75 cts (ap «75 et.) Tin: $942.37) (down $5) Ofncial offrring 212 teas (dawa M toes).
          31 words
        • 110 15 MIWISI MODUCI SX CMAHCS SIMCAPO.I MOON CLSSIMO P.ICIS aSN »ICUL TSSTI.OAT C«i«x»t Sit Hulk) SSTt aauan. ess anaa 542 aalten. ar» SSTt Milan CCoara Mllei iMhi UK Coal. SSSt buy.r. P—m~ Muatoh AST A wh,t» fab ioo« NLW SMS atlWra. Sarawak «btt* fa k as* NLW SJM Miiara. Sarawak
          110 words
        • 29 15 Laaaaa nsm prtcm aa Taasaar ipciiiaai la braraMi > WlraSaj buyar IM!M |I»T7». aallar CSSS ItSSTSS) Tbtm Month karar iS>< (M4M liSTtl Slartot saaa: staaay Saiaa: S.SSS toaaaa.
          29 words
        • 454 15 AFTER an iirtisaaSß opening, conditions In the Singapore rubber market yesterday ware vary quart until wwrt-oovertng mtsrest lor NoiMsbsi RBB One edged the saarast Mlghsr Fau switch buslaass was rvcovocd to ttwsafsT f orw uth, while physical* continued The morning seasson ckMed aasjt. The market fluctuated qutatly around
          454 words
        • 112 15 r\AILY M and SOP. prwea iMMd at ooon yesterday Nov. Dm mm II SCV (1 ion palteo I IL (1 ton palteti ft (1 ton pallet. 1 It (1 lon pallet* KM (1 ton paUKi KM il ton pallMi ■JU. I M (1 lea pmlMi I 50
          112 words
      • 359 15 ASIAN CURRENCY RATES ASIAN rurrsney deposit in- Mr bank rmtM as at ckMS on Wednesday. Oct NOTK: Those rates ma) quoted by banks to thctr cusU W>mw>id interbank nt«i at 300 pin mrmtin Ntalul rain Salthaaalan PrranUit 1»< rntrrday <cr— parity rhW|r OS dollar 3 MM 3 4700
        359 words
      • 260 15 Money and Exchange •yHZ US dollar opened easy at 12 4700-20 yesterday In the Singapore forex market following the publication of a contracted September US trade Qgure Trading was generally quiet throughout the session M dealers were cautious In ▼lew 01 rTWaioeiii roru s speech legardlng New York City s
        260 words
      • 60 15 Prime lending rates (in Algamene Bonk 7 Banakok Bank 7.4 Bank of AmorKO o ia Bonk of Ch.ryj 7 Bonk of Tokyo 7 tonk Noooro Indonesw 7'^ Bonque de L'lnoochme 7 Chartered Bonk J Cnase Monnotton 7 MS Afc. Firtt Ch«ogo 4 MKSBC 7* Motoyon Bonking 7 Miftui Bonfc 7
        60 words
      • 37 15 Closing interbank rate* in Stagapore dollars for Oct M Offer BM 1 mUI 13 4 1 11 16 3 mthi 4 17 1 1 mths 4 5 16 4 14 Mam* r ■«nr Jim m
        37 words
      • 46 15 HANOt of nuai o*'r*i bf ala •ount kaua«a on Oct. 2» O*«r«i<ht 3 CaJt tuian .1 CIMMM r differ slightly from thoM bbbbbV TNUurr J 111 1 14" Mur.lh iut bills 4 S 1« 4 11* I- Mae to I |M»'M NktWMJ OUOMMM C
        46 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 119 13 WE'VE KEPT THINGS QUIETj /^\llinn v^v isondek Bb»bbT^^^^Bbw^^^^b^^^s»^^l^^^^b^bi^Bbis%^B^Ll bbW t \t^.^j&S- A t h Lsm Spaceship troduce the SuperTnStar to the accommodates with the greatest of ease the entire S No. I flies the range of containers and pallets designed for rrvton modern, wide-bodied aircraft. mean a giant At Cathay
      119 words
    • 79 13 LsbbbJbbbbbv^bbl |Pwiß>^Wg>W»^Bp»||i sm I k k SEIKO QUARTZ THE WATCH OF THE FUTURE. Far more accurate than alloy tuning fork watch or balance wheel watch. Definitely, the watch for the man in that special class where accuracy matters most Solidly encased. Handsomely crafted. A case of modern precision technology and
      79 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 358 14 I In p your cash from floating all over the world. bY bb^ I W ,^mm America has world w on the facilities of the world's largest hat can bank to help improve your firm's financial ';rm minimize currency float by picture. To solve your cash management ire. Give problems.
      358 words
    • 214 14 Su9 I f i~BI "KM I m I .^1 I sfl QW-— A**^^*" Model 070AV The international bank with your interests at heart. Dai-lchi Kangyo Bank is Japan's largest bank. With assets of about 35 billion dollars. But our size doesn't make us impersonal. A worldwide staff of financial experts
      214 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 810 16 JEBSEN JESSEN GROUP OF COMPANIES is increasing its staff strength to cope with its rapid expansion programme. Applications are now invited for the position of:I ACCOUNTANT ink mg fur a person who is suitably ersatile He should possess a ijnisational ability, good ins skills and be able to work >
      810 words
    • 487 16 Financial I I Controller I Ihe local xubMdur> U l«l« mternjiwrwl ..,^n.wtion. xpcvMliMny in tchnkil pr.xJu.lN jnd mntctt, Vkkn ta icruit suiuhle CHiiM »Ih>. *U<t j (>crr.Hl o( m.iul MWIW«C irjinir^. «ill metmi the preNcni I injncul 111*1 I hls ls J <**«|*l j t .p..inimimt jn oprH>rtunn> t.<
      487 words
    • 611 16 A dynamic and marketing orientated multi-national Trading ComA pany invites applications fron Malaysian citizens to fill the following vacancies: POSITION (1) STOCK (2) ASSISTANT ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNTANT COORDINATOR QUALIFICATION/EXPERIENCE HSC Grade I MCE Certificate or Several years experience in keeping equivalent plus relevant accounting stock records, costing ond order od- qualification
      611 words
    • 450 16 I UNITED OVERSEAS BANK GROUP :cancy for a TRAINING OFFICER The successful candidate is required to plon and supervise the operation of comprehensive employee troining and development programmes The iob will olso entail analyzing training needs, conducting existing in-house Supervisory monogement and leadership training courses, ond the development of operational,
      450 words

  • 129 17 Pick-up rams bus stop: Four hurt IJOUR people were In- Jured. two seriously, when a pick-up van ploughed Into a crowded bus stop in Buklt Merah View at 835 p m on Monday Th. ititted the two seriously injured as Miss Irene Teo 22. and Miss Ourdip K both of
    129 words
  • 23 17 Mandarin ■io»n to tn* public hail of •m library .n and MM on Chweat art master»>ecca AftaimrtOß is frrr
    23 words
  • 182 17 Parking lot for the twowheelers OTBICTIY for two. wheelers, this hicyele- earn motorcycle ark along Raffles Quay I, for those who wish to evcle or oatput to work In the rrntral city area. Once a vacant site, it was converted hy the FahUc Worms Department and Drhaa Redevelopment Aathorlty (Car
    FRANCIS ONG  -  182 words
  • 372 17 FEFC hike put off for 6 weeks J4IK Far Eastern Freight Conference will now implement the proposed 14 per rent increase in general freight rates on Feb. 1(5, instead of Jan. 1 next year, us '>riginallv proposed. Announcing this yesterday, the FEFCs regional office in Singapore said the six weeks'
    372 words
  • 53 17 THK Juronc ClUaan'a Ocbv «iltaUv* Cbounlttot m> ofssrln« aohotershia lo prbmary and aacmoary pupils who romd* or atlond school to Juron» eonautuaney AppaeaUon foras can be fate In th» numHi—Kj or Yrocn Jurong OOC Sacratartar c. o Nan ran*; Univor*tj Library. Upper Jumna; Road. Tha dosing dais
    53 words
  • 187 17 Two in swim trunks take $11,000 rO asoa la swimming trunks robbed a contractor and his family at knife point of about HUM la cash ami JaasMsry at his house la Jalaa ArU. off I poor Sormngoon Boad. la the early hoars of yesterday Their haul lasladod W.IM cash, jewellery
    187 words
  • 271 17 Wah Piow: 'Arrest on sight' order Y*MUfE» UtUrcnlty r of Stafmporr St« dents' Inton prnldent Tan Wak Ptow (mbovo is to be sxTpstrd on right for failinf to report for national serrice. the Defence MbUatrr said yeMerA ministry statement said MlndeTs Manpower Division asked the pallet yesterday to pnt Tan.
    271 words
  • 27 17 THE Clv Pandan Cl— HI nlty centre youth group wul organist a ux-«*ooth gutter ooursf for '"gln'^wt on Sundays from No* 1. at the centre
    27 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 112 17 SETRON sets rite standard in colour- tv performance Sctron accamtned for true living cotour bmcmmm it ut*— the most advanced colour circuitry. Setron atao offers a good choice of catwiet deajgrw. Eaoy nw pur chass terms or caoh-prtoe m assrlt MODEL DEPOSIT MONTHLY PAYMENT 74 (24 months) •06 $40' 77i-
      112 words
    • 272 17 I Jaml ll^A C INSIST ON GIMDS DAY DATE LED ELECTRONIC QUARTZ NOWATA f PRICE TO BEAT ALL PRICES GW222— c^es AND SEIMCt aEIJTHWWMTa€B(?TF)IT[) 3&TAWGUNro*qS PORE ittTE *****8 "KARL TERZAGHI" MB U2 LO A 12 05 mt (41 5) steel motor launch built In 1972 In Holland and now located
      272 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 816 17 Un your tv SINGAPORE 5 UlfllOp«H«WoM.byHoas«wim'Mi^ 731 ton 9Wqi) -toVlJtte Br*t (part lofiCatonese 7.4J k- Hi r-» .< ute WK lit Love a a Many Spteodoured Tlw« 1 45 East**. «t» .ttsasarajfi-^Hi Ciihars OS Intefmisswri tf km 111 %mm kmmt kr Lattj tottat Pipptn US Musical Gmb TcmteilMSntlt I* Urn
      816 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 309 18 opens CAPITOL today' 25 SHOWS DAILY: lla*. 1.45, 4.00. 5.45, 9 30p#j -Ne Fret List A 'Lost World' inhabited by savage primitive hmnans and man-eating monsters that have been b extinct for millions and mjllion^of years!!^^ |^L V^4P^bbbbbbW aaf *J Jaai aaa^ THE LAND THAT TIME FORGOT ou^T -DOUG McCLURE.JONNiUNonr
      309 words
    • 201 18 11am, 130, 4.00, 6.45, 9.15 jK. a firißtiLißti Vfl^ /\QmSTOP¥BtPiIMkVBt I SVATHBBNESCHBI HBOEiTLOM TtWOTSflt .slmceommw The VMfiaoat GyvMqcArTvr R3l\' \\a^H yJ^ IOUDR r*N*rlSON» {REX- LAST DAY! 'UWi. PHYSIfiL PHKiWmV AL WmLHWRL! fTjj aT Tlm Man V p- joucic K^aaa! am?^^ I OOCSMlGCWWtontfßranit Sumn(NoNei.Y PraigCTOBrGtORttWH. ScrantM, b, GEONGE Wl n) XX
      201 words
    • 354 18 Owing 1 fcfcjl Amr^m^dti •OIMMStHOWtATUAM. xH^BbV^D JO. 4M. ft 41 ft* MPM HKrH S^«k PALACI: 4 SHOWS AT 1 M) IV IM7 ISft*M)PM K?JPM- V% J THI MIOMTY SAGA Bj VWbP* Of THI WOtLO J MtCHTIOT MAN' im^^^^^^ last oats- B*Vi*ta3*aS4Bßßßßf B OAILT 4 SHOW) at 1 M LAST S
      354 words
    • 326 18 MTnTrrTrTTTrrHFFTFTT^nBI BbH BB^VwP^'^Jl^BTX&^^^^BBBBftBBBBBBBBBhBBBBBBBBf I OPENS TODAY! Daily At 7 00 ft 9.30 pm Admiwion: Adurtt: $2 00 ChiWr«n: $1.00 I PmlYing.Htu Fung Chiao Bung SIMULTAHIOUS OfINIHC TOOAT NAjßiirmii-iiATiwitiYsiLva rm bßbtiq PooYuttf* CsSbUHmw^ LJn^^^^^^ long Lan Hua fl f)^^^ K lalai bTbbW* bm 4" fl #mj' Ba>.fa«Car]Mi fWj A 2n"iTeXCITING WEEK!
      326 words
    • 603 18 J bucamisatish aHMmaBBMBai B Mo»?iHowJM^T«rT!!nil« B fj Horn. 1 JO. 400 «,*•> P*t*r SUKrI tITVUM B Or TKi fINK PAMTMII B PonovruonCotor (UA) If.lilMTMm B O«NS TOOAV No F. H L,,. 1 I l«n. I 45 400 645 5 JC 1 Doug McClur* TMI LAND TIMI »OlftOT colo- Sotur<*Oy Sunday
      603 words

    • 369 19 Special team set up to hear appeals A CABINET committee has been set up to hear appeals from investors. Trade and Industry Minister, Datuk Hamzah Abu Samah, said today. It Is made up of Datuk Hamsah Himself, the Minister of Home Affairs. Tan Sri
      369 words
    • 57 19 KOALA LUMPUR. Wad Polle* announcad totef UMt they tad kroken up tang of —irh UUrMa wbo preyed on tourtta. poor waptrtt wen rtatilnwl In raid kwt nlgbt an a houa> hi ■Ta.wmig •uMlpvtnL DkU* ri t Potto* turn Urn gang to ea imbmilMi far esatch tbefU in
      57 words
    • 252 19 CASE OF AN INNOCENT MAN HELD FOR 14 DAYS KUALA KANOBAR, Wednesday nPHI State Security Committee Is lnvestl--1 gating how a tapper ended up In a police lock-up when he reported the discovery of a body at Kampung Changkat Berangan, Leoraong. about 48 km north of here. The body was
      252 words
    • 147 19 KI'ALA LI MPi-ft, w/ed. T«n Abdai Basak teld the Dewan Bakyat today it waa net nmrsaary to set as a lnveeUgnte the ailefaUena el dicUtorahlp. mala^r*'~ t ****"n Una and uei i an<l— la B*bna. Bealytng to Dr. Tan Oaee Kant a
      147 words
    • 35 19 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. Two man one aimed wltn a pMoi. rotobad hardware dealer Lav Cain Huat n. of •iaa» bsre BMt night They atao teak away hla watch and a botU* of brandy
      35 words
    • 38 19 'Cobra gun KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. Potte* eslaao a J> King Ooora ctontu eeet" gen «cc. tarday follewing Urn arrest of a n^illtlS "fighter- of Urn Kg Chet Bin (Plw Planar MonriUlii) —cm eacMty la Jinjang Nrrth near hart.
      38 words
    • 227 19 Teachers told: Report student assaults KUALA LUMPUR Wed. The Education Minuter, Dr. i*aH»»M, Mohamed. has asked teachers to report to the police If they are assaulted by pupils or parents "There are ample provisions within the law to protect people Teachers can always make use of them If they are
      227 words
    • 63 19 ALOR BTAR. Waa. PoUea here ha*c oanftaeeted Ifljes Ctom a That arraaiid on a longla track near Urn ParUa border town of Padeag Bmv where a ayiclal oonvhUMd oparalton tat baan laenehad by Keaah aad Perot pottoa. eseteaM aad laMUgratinn otnosra. Tha Man wa* rvpartad to
      63 words
    • 209 19 A OOODS train A carrying timber wm derailed between Pahi and lUnek Ural, about IS km south of Kuala Krai early today. Bght of the SO wagona loaded with timber Jumped the raili at 111 a.m. due to faulty line* The train waa travelling from
      209 words
    • 62 19 KUALA LUMPUR. Wad. Cftttaet etiniaten atabina to im Xtm aueuUvt )au will h**« to a*t apaclaJ cl—* tram the Prta* Minwtar Tun AMul lUeak. MM In Dtwu lUk7«i loiter Tun lUetk. who m rapMßa' to Dr Tv Chaa KhooD (Put— im raprmgi Mid It ih
      62 words
    • 54 19 KUALA LUMPUR. Wa* Th« TortMt Cyprw bwear. Mr. mm* najirfaO ant««l her* iMt oignt for tve-emy *Mt to iipHln Urn etteailaa in Crpna to M*HMi«n tMdOb inlnl. a». nM>»ja> told Maajajajaa litM tlto M^bIOB «H IO total MMdB DMIOM on Urn Tarttah *da o( tb* Cypn» probMM
      54 words
    • 85 19 KUALA LUMPUR, Wad. A funman fired a tbot when be and three aeeompUeea were being cbaaed by a group of Rukun TeUnssa p»trolmen led by a polkemu at 4 a.m. In BeUpek Oarden here today. The *****. however, did not icart off the patrol-
      85 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 342 19 fT foP l^^ an LW»U»» eMaa««a-a tX Hkjt T ihQ $1 rtl H 1 1 a) BtiaM-aßkaaat m\ tn it to V ijasaW as>ja> adan^H a. X 1 fj etn li ml Sal \.<mt» eiaa nil— VVN CALL *****7S c *****«S kCL JKI^L. Ie« F>oo«. wewiwnaaw ataa. raßsw V tiiiifrnii
      342 words
    • 236 19 SIEMENS >#^~^jA COLOURTV /away as<gafa^v^^^^Msn^^^^ Sharper, clearer, most reliable! Igmj I Siemens is synonymous with I am^^^L^l^^^lw I sophisticated and advanced I I technology a fact that is I reflected not only in the styling of Siemens colour tv J W I but also in the outstanding features. Convince yourself
      236 words

  • Especially Women
    • 219 20  -  NAJIB RAHMAN •y LONDON A 31--year-old Malaysian businessman In London has beaten strong local challenge to a short-term lease of part of the former Blba building In Kensington High Street, for a shopping concourse. The businessman, Mr. N. 8. Ram. owner of a
      219 words
    • 297 20 This chef is not fussy over his food TJLTHAT lias In the cook- Ing pot for a chef at breakfast, lunch and dinner? Other people's cooking, executive pastry chef. Mr. Knut Kasten. will tell yon. Mr. Kasten. 31. newlyappotnted at the Mandarin Hotel said "I am too laxy to cook
      297 words
    • 277 20 JEANINE Slniscal. the Jetabout model is off again on a new quest this time to Australia. She Is out to win the "Model of the WQrid" tlUe In Perth. Bubbling with excitement. Jeanlne called me a couple of hours before the flew off
      277 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 502 20 vmSsSMm\ CS 70R STEREO FM/AM TUNER AMPLIFIER 'Oifital Ctocfc Auto On/OM Swito* with Timar "74 W»m lIHFI at 8f 1 'WiratoM FM Mic Mixing 'Total Harmonic ■•on 09% or lorn *4 Channel Headphone Jacks *C 0 4R M M»ir 'Separata Front/Raar Spaakar Balance Controls CSSOP STEREO TURNTABLE Spaad Bali Or
      502 words
    • 116 20 GOUIiINGSPf soothes coughs and relieves colds M|^M| and feverishness with no kw^^l stomach upsets ANOTHER INTERNATIONAL I J1 1 PRODUCT FROM ff*** I ~JBLwi BwlawHl ~~^bT ij* to (VJ N IV Isbfl HruAMPi M"it lira IH IhAMFI I U" .1 PARIS ■BwjBHBBnSw^BJ ■rlMli CL BJ lICHANEL I fl-«-^--J| ll«a««1la«lR BwßwV
      116 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 872 21 CIWMaaMMP mWrXi Tl IaVMMTMnn •eialiei -fß vs £m rim 'I aw lax Mi Mi taw il tk MMa MUa MM UMItl aM> »Mi ll la nta Bta ll Mj :tm itw nUi aia aM aMt imim Mt it mi 'i Mi i m i m I m I m •i
      872 words
    • 1223 21 Ben Ocean A neßk*F]jnni>lGk'nljnrandNSMO ia m cmimh im Mao Im •M« •aaai IaMM »M MtMICMH M«1 M. Z mm itaW Da). IM. immmh i a/i aa Mi mi I m ►m.^tM MMUniH I I Bw II tl aw ll ll Ma KM til nwi CataOl Mat. lw* umui ti n
      1,223 words
    • 1013 21 i-i aUTB^BBa M IMMt Itol I'aaaa laa mm lia-ll rnmrmi MMMn) If Ml If It *M Vmi MMI MT It S "t M IMI CIMMII Mf MMa aaw II Ml 14 Ma 'I Ma t* Ma Him im*iii amm ami mm nMi oiri iim IIBMM lik IMI 71 Ml aMe
      1,013 words
    • 993 21 FULLY COWTAINUIZtD StKVICI TO fUHOH «m" fM a hci mm 1 MMllta MIMi Bw nMI II 'atlßawl, BBjtMaaV mmmm% l« H»Vf TltlHl Ba It I*.!- k^.a^tf limmm bMMMa ajun w. am, nai^^ai^. wai^a^ mm^i*mw WTUMU Ml 11 Ml II BMMB- CMHam CamaaWrf Maaat ||ma)ll WM II w"'.« I. MHlltl MUI
      993 words
    • 698 21 Sa(Mrtj 11M44 P Man O*\. II BaM. P-M-l mtl. THE BANK LINE LTD. imh mm umu. lltlMß PMMBL tow. MaliM I M U-W.. i I Caattaa.) i laa i i iaw 'M lut i MM* Ml m iimiii. imiu I 14 il aw s M 11 ll aw KUWAIT SHTPPWC
      698 words

  • 115 22 aUTMOIIITT ANNOUMCtD TNC rOCLOWUM MUTMINO MAMOCIMNT* POm TMUMOaT. OCT M OUT swnrhlh 1 t. Dunnuanc 1 4. Banama Maru I. Knabaronf PttUUpiMn* Pi—dint Otrca 13 14 Muim. 15 II Yamalo Maru I*. Rajah Brouk* 10 Waal Kim«nii jo tut Taaati II Bad. DW^UrtW 2VM. taiko OK •tnat
    115 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 782 22 lVr 1 KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTD. FRIT CMTAMKBSI SUTCf Ta frM lanai (Via MtMtml I IrWM >•» SAMJMf Bm I Bm 7? an 21 BM IM lift II M 77 he 74 M MM mWWmmmmjt fc. „a^ ntm MM IM 41m i KliMf T ttf, Ouki au mm BM 1)
      782 words
    • 904 22 Faja cm it* m> TMMMM tIMIII Imbm t Bw I Bat MM) MMMI TMMB IMi TBW I MIJIW 4MMMaf TWBW MIIM Nrl IWM IM IM —f\ I IaiMMBT bmmm ii aw i 4 aw Vww/nißw aiwimi Mil MMII Mbmm fl Bw MBm liwMWM'Maaw mwbwjw? It* Fbjbt mmm IBM. SMM Wn
      904 words
    • 886 22 m\^^m\^^\^^^^^^\ HUT MMbMmWB MWCt W MMW WH WO* •mn r> bmbw awa T.Bjwt a-Mi| tnm Mwjh Im bvtvm MWiiM i iaw iaw maw aaw aaw Una MM MMM lIM IM MMMMMMMM m*tbm immu ll M ii ki i aa aMt iaa laa aaw rauT cwiimmb awict mm mm <m stay
      886 words
    • 824 22 cwta gtira ti umm. immmLJtmrmvn mn T| awa liwii iMwa N*aaj lw*ai M •MM TIHI«l M Nrl tl 1 M I T\m |7» 11. I«M iw ci-« L» Mn M a v MBM MIM il H aw n l aw MNR i m*> U MtWf U 1 fwxt MM MIN
      824 words
    • 727 22 EsaitjFi-a PELANGI TRADE ft TRANSPORT SON. BHD. UUU IBM Til BPM 0111 Iffl, 1 n MUM TU artlt »1W MTMI STtAIIJ. SMTI TMJUM Simct 4WM »miii 111 ,Z. 1 »Im ilB STRAITS /EAST MAUYSIA STAR SERVKE ijw, ?tt MMI awn UM. 1, h*, fcwMßi Imm mhw, »•••■>! imm MiKi 1
      727 words

  • Article, Illustration
    98 23 Regret to announce the demur of MaaWa Km* Ah M«*y. a«txl M on 27th October. 1975 lemvlne behind 5 •ons Nf Ptnff Cheng altoa Kang Oait Cheng. Peng Chua Peng Cheow. Peng Chew aJlai Sek Joo. Peng Chor. 2 daughter* Slew N«o. Slew Nol. son-in-law Kang rneng Ngnc*. 4
    98 words
  • Article, Illustration
    136 23 DATUK DAVID PHOA THAI SENG D.K.S.U. Age 70 wot colled to th« Lord on Tuetdoy 28th October, 1975. Leoving behind hit beloved wife Evelyn, children Eugene, Wellington, Angelina, William and Benjamin, doughtcrt-in-law Winnie and Angela, son-in-law Dr. Teh Yew Fui and 4 grandsons Mark, Peter, Andrew and Paul. Cortege
    136 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 664 23 DEPARTMENT OF TRADE. SINGAPORE COMMERCIAL SERVICE OFFICERS (MILE) from Singapore Citizens above the age of 21 year* for •c Commercial Secretaries Service 'Ol Secretoriei Service offers on interesting ond challenging ii Service Officer* will be required to serve Singapore's com- —sf\ in moior commercial Otic* Troimng will be given prior
      664 words
    • 251 23 HVKIMM INVESTMENTS lIMIIH. ilnrwrporalod m Siacaparrl Notice is hereby given that share certificates Not *****0 *****1 for 1.000 share* each in the name of Ofllvy Wataon have bern reported lost Notice U aiao given that new snare certificates will be issued and the original certificates will be deemed duly cancelled
      251 words
      177 words
    • 401 23 Medical^ Equipment With effect from Ist October 1975, CGR Generay will no longer be represented by Schmidt Scientific (Pte) Ltd in Singapore and Malaysia We will like to thank Schmidt for the help they have given us Our new sole agent in Singapore and Malaysia shall be: E I Parrish
      401 words
    • 1075 23 C*v The Board of Directors Ij*' and Members of the £r W Wm\ ly Singapore Motal Machinery g JT Association sincerely thank V the Honourable Mr Llm Ktm San. a Minister for National Development CL L Communications nr and V I)r Ang Kok Peng. M.P for Crawford. (B «v also
      1,075 words

  • 385 24  - Missing man may be alive: Counsel GLOKIA CHAN ■y CORONER'S court yesterday heard that a contractor, Tan Chong Soh, 57. who disappeared at sea off Pulau Bakom on June 20 after his boat capsized, "may appear some day." Mr 8 K L«c. holding a watching brief for Chong soh's family,
    385 words
  • 211 24 'Goodbye' to 60 years of love and bliss A LAST taa*er eareaa, a uaf*rt»f •>•* en Urn fa«e be tov«4 as tack. and. wHh thai, Mr. C. T. Pfclvaa B*4e go«4»y« yeeUrday U hto wife, Mary ■Ifaabetk. WHk tha aU paHtac eaas* aaw a -tkaak ye«" far the years ef
    211 words
  • 203 24 Kriti Sun: No on slick but PSA on alert A NTI- POLLUTION craft of the Port Authority are standing by to deal with any new oil slick threat from the 123,--000-tonne Greek tanker Krltl Bun which caught Are in the Western Anchorage on Tuesday. An aerial reconnaissance at 4.10 p
    203 words
  • 536 24  -  ANN PETERS rE public relations people wan happy when reporters turned up on* by one (on time) for the Kay Charles press conference at Shangrt-La Hotel yesterday afternoon. But M minutes latex. there no sign of the Ann- rtcan singing star. A faw furrowed brows
    536 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
      468 words
    • 699 24 AIR FORCE FLYING CHALLENGE The fighter pilot's pro- Do you possess his exceptional physical fetsion is one of the most fitness, mental alertness, sharp reflexes, demanding in the world aggressive temperament and stable character •nd that's one of the to shoulder sucrt great responsibility? reasons *rf»y it's so satisfy- »f)t
      699 words

  • 4 25 urn uiom n
    4 words
  • 6 25 Religious Announcements :*va--rumal 1 rmpat 3*7
    6 words
  • 23 25 M«S Q T POOLOOAMNOAM I 1 singam 71 pas» .11) A 10 75. .irasi- mud «reatt* t 1< rii'l''* iirn ',rr mmls
    23 words
  • 3 25 Acknowledge ments »'l
    3 words
    31 words
  • 4 25 OS •AMAPTSN* 0'
    4 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 1397 25 classifiedads d) UPEHMAMKET' IMPOMIUM M Jurong urgenUy requires I PcI year relevant working experience 1 2 I*l Ability to type 35 Salesgirls Secondary 2 education Those intere* iviud to apply In own 'I or calf personally Vung Kuang !uring business hours Ism I p m pand'tg industry invites apptsratum from
      1,397 words
    • 736 25 CALCadmw PON SNOP In Penang Road Interest in art an advantage Tel 312 M for interview We are looking for SALCS MCPWCBCNTATTVCB to call direct on prospecu to demonstrate an excellent house- hold product If you have any sales experience and willing to work hard, plsaae call personally at MCTNO
      736 words
    • 741 25 OINIPAI LIVC-IN AMAN re quired immediately by family of 3 liTdiat 1 1 Tel 54M8 wantco YOUN4) experienced live in Baby Amah for Chinees family Oood salary Tat M 3717 WASH AMAN WANTCO. Holland Drive Phone C42BM after 7 p m EXPANDING FIMM RCOWINCB Pemale telephone spaialui At least know
      741 words
    • 872 25 A LAMOI MANUPACTvtNNO factory in Jurong require* a) Telephone Operator Receptionist 1 O c E with pleasant personality (2) Age Mow t* (3) Experience in handling PABX switchboard (4) Typing essential (5) A good command of spoken English and Mandarin il) Female Singapore cltlaen* only b) Messenger Complete Primary education
      872 words
    • 543 25 NCWLY OPCN iAPANCSC Cock tall Lounge require* Part-time Wsitresse. and HeW Aapty personally with I C to Bast mint I. Par East Shopping Centre Orchard Road. 8 pore I from 1 pn -4pm HIS" MANOAMN SIN6APOMC require* BUBBOVS TCABOVS Mfnimum Education Secondary I i English i Expenenn not necessary Height
      543 words
    • 869 25 LAMBC DOUBLE ITONEV BUNOALOW swam*** MtawdsstslT 4 *>ed rooms, study, spacious living and dining sited on hill top Will consider fumuned partially furnuhed Caß WBxam SMTM OIST II LUIUMIOUS BUNOA towt d high rise apartmenu with swimming poo! 4 bedattached bathrooms I* and dining room Fully furnished or unfur r
      869 words
    • 783 25 OPT CAST COAST Road 2-storey duplex house* 3 bedrooms, one servant s well furnuhed MM Detached house at Crescent Road 4 bedrooms furnished II 200 Seaside apartment 3 bedrooms at Ja lan Dalian and Jalan KechU SMtV Contact Slang Moh Realty 4*4* M OIST II NCNNV PARK Double-storey *emi-delached bungalow
      783 words
    • 697 25 DIITMICT II OFF TANBLIN Kd Luxury 3 bedrooms, fully I nished apartment Rant lISM Also JerataOoat furnished seted apartment 1900 MOOCMN EIICUTIVC APAMTMCNT* Located within proximity k port 4 bedrooms with alrcoi bath" om*. marble flooring elusive light fltung* 2 500 sq ft MsMel li.iM PACIPK MANSION PtNTMOUS* I 3
      697 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 125 26 Houses APARTMSNT^ 3ITACHEO NOLL ANO a) tl*)ll*)4)B* ■HJ4l* SEMI I T 0R E v 0 1 ir.»nI storeroom Freehold ,r«4j 6w MM «AN GAROSN aONG CHUAN Mi BPLIT LEVEL ••■■Ail HOUSES SON loan averts*** Mm»wl wp to 20 roors M 1101 «p« *> ovary 110*40 borrowed For kartnor astssts rmg
      125 words
    • 378 26 I OSTACHEO HILLVIEW BRAND nWJSMo area 13 SM vj rt rlevated puaiuon i»rn hathrao-> ■ATTSJBJ ESTATE 4 \r*a 4 000 000 Tel 4BMM BINJAI PARK rum com- lounge servant's i«0 ORSENACRES ESTATE AGENTS (PTE) LTO. TEL 6111 M SJNS* and furnished with mosaic and selling 112*00* rfRRACE HOUtl ECONOMIC LARGE
      378 words
    • 733 26 *Ai SWTWAN«TI6R«L PW4JA t -e—a,-..n-g §5£ *M MB4BM 0000 INVESTMENT in dlst 8 luxuriously renovaUl furnished apartment now lenai led II 700 1135. 8 M. ono Principals only tel Chen 25*22*1 3161* KMXIMIV APARTMINT B block please lei aonifS hock mansion wtUCW Road 3rd noor 4 bedrooms parquet floor ing
      733 words
    • 664 26 ORCHARO TOWS* office for rent 3*o sq fl for immediate occupation Please contact ***** 2S2IM* MO. pekin STStMT. Singapore 1 Modern furnished, office apace area I7M Sq Ft Near Market Street Contact M 1724 4M337 CATHAY BWSLOWtB 2.0 M sq ft prestlgeous office space available Ist November carpeted with 8
      664 words
    • 762 26 O4KNAIBB TOWER PWO4IT Mock 2nd floor 3M to ft for sale Pan Askt Agendas 2MISSS PEOPLES PA*m SHOPPING complei ideal shop spaces on groundfloor to rent Areas approximately 384 sq ft Contact Mr Tan f*7«4V MIIM am S RSOUtRCO FOR LO4M lease light Engineering Workshop for display maintenance of Marine
      762 words
    • 804 26 NAM HO TRAVEL Service (Sinppore) Pte Limited Tour West Malaysia (inclusive Oenting. C Highlands) by deluxe aircondltioned bus seven days SBI7VUeparture Every Sunday Mon ir-ron Highlands Four days SSSS Oenting Highlands Four days SSIIS Departure Every Wednesday Bangkok Chlengmai by deluxe aircondltioned roach fourteen days SB3BO 2 11 75 9
      804 words
    • 571 26 EOUATOR TWAvSL SPECIAL air 1 fares to London Jakarta Bangkok Hongkong Taipei Tokyo 117 Central Building. Singapore I Tel 918 M*. *****0 WORLD CHARTERS CBNTRE_ Tat M*44/° S7M Oner* from M 0 To uswaw^ «i ii mi i Jjarts Ojoaeva C«worwwa)o» Oats Aiso Special Offer* To Jaaam* T BaT ''EngTot
      571 words
    • 676 26 r EXECUTIVE ENGLISH A Certificate Course commencing 15th November 1975 Effective Communication m business management posijuaiities of effective written communication human >ns aspect sual methods use of conferences and meetings writings of reports letters and development of communication skill. Course duration 10 weeks 2-hour weekly ons Saturday afternoons Stamford Centre
      676 words
    • 468 26 BaaST»«T MteAJIINO MOSt CMv $9pm maassr Type«w«ng Sarmand Spssdß> Tl 0 lsvsi tn>st o> G P Rap.l ft**** ipsri 'unw isc oi o»i bvo) todsy •»>>_ i krxM l^j ii it« njamnarm^J SCHOOL OP ELECTRONICS STUDIES Classes Available Colour TV a am tv a Raako Strrtslag laascs will be i
      468 words
    • 574 26 INSHIN LANOUA3I Paper MatherAdditions suhsi lor 1976 commencing soon In air -condi AT STUDENT S HOME 04 Tuition' '<! Tel IS IMI m i sm. ORGAN PIANO LSSSONS given B\ rxprrienced Teachers st Marine Parade and Bedok Tel ORAOUATE (IS YEANS leaching experteni :>ematlca TUITION FOR PRIMARY studenu Miss Koo
      574 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 277 27 SUOANU aOK t ,wrwr -rgisterea M m model Eacailant l| Highest ■•UXI ring MITSUBISHI CANTER THC VERSATLE OWE TWO TON PETROL ANO DIESEL MOO€LS ■MsaawfJ MwavlTlWrN »Jlod*lT ?O/CH t Htt 2ia» f WMMMMBaa— CHUANNUNC MOTORS (PTt)LTOi v ."iiaNdSporaO PtLT [MTttMOCS •<Oi*i Saora' •aa* oaf* MiactOfO Hem r.l l toSfi r:m»
      277 words
    • 655 27 lIMTHUTII MgOUINg MINI. Masda Toyota alsa Mercedes 200/ JOBS 1070 1074 5341-01 (Alan) ANTgO 0000 UNO onwards Phone *****1 *****1 Or Call MS Middle MCNgTANV UMOCMTLV N0MO0) A nomu-al Car r»io» IMO irs 1007 upwards considered Tel *****2 MI DC lOf 0 HO 04. l»70 1073. ndltlon. King Connie *****
      655 words
    • 695 27 ISAJtg mm PassMM instanuy Malaysia. WSngap»r*. all profaswo wnw S»rangoon P O Baa Spore 1» SEMT SA CALLIMQ ALL CAISPgNg CAMPgRO OTANTMM IM*. OCT 107S csmping rar II 1 1 lea win b» available at Sentoaa Tenu for 2. 4 0 persons at 00. 110 116 par day •np b*ds
      695 words
    • 577 27 ID (NTIMFK «f t IMCUtll' pwo UcsnesO HDS) contractor for eoaaaiets renovation decoration work*. modern sanitary wsrr bathroom futures. Showrten. office »l K»i ing Road. I*l IMOTI uemciMMMnm 1 mmK' Italian Ulsa. vinyl betto* UK. carpets curtains wallpaper furniture Interior Mpi and free quotauon Oil MX. <|W 11. TOUR MOIM
      577 words
    • 726 27 «V 8 gMMUtMvaMMBRQ iMlpt ft#vp tools from rusting, poods mUdew free lows* ***rtrlcUy bill on airron Suitable for factortas. dsspenaanos 4 stores Only 0400/Contact Cnaflton tfrprkw Tel *****1 TS4W7 ■V TgMOCA uaed office furnltur* carpets. and staal pai'eu Contact PlgM Ui»li i—l Waxss mj naval wwr— i mm rwfwa mw
      726 words
    • 124 27 mm oniiMgiiT mm ii just arm** R«t«*t Piano Oo*»--panv T*l 40TTTT Or at O-10. (■tarn Centre or O-77. Kalong Shopping O*ntr* OMMT ami alaost new Hoover scrubber and polisher model SIM IIJO Below coat Vkrv after 0 pSB Nock 101. IOOA Commomwvaltn oasetnl at a) sub kJACIWW PftOM IliS upwards
      124 words
    • 525 27 Suitably qualified applicant* are Invited to fill the position of PRODUCTION MANAGER The Company: A joint venture company with The Gillette Ceasp«ny which U the leading maker of razors and blades and toiletries Requirement*: At least a Diploma In Mechanical Engineering froir a recognised Institution and with a minimum of
      525 words
    • 338 27 JoWaaK H FIRST CLASS NIGHT CLUB rio>j ikj pHff HONQ KONG M I Requires Several Young. Sophisticated. Edu.-*'- rQ w^H and Oood Looking Olrls to work as Hostesses Kr f% J on epttonlsu on 6 month contracts Wof I QIALIFICATION^ ?[S Asy 24 years old S*j» t^% Hriihi (eet 2
      338 words

  • Article, Illustration
    21 28 V. RABfTJNWY TovrLUe an everlasting Tour saasrui an untold tnef Call Si am. la-Lews, grani children and relatives
    21 words
    • 610 28  -  EPSOM JEEP By 3-Y-O HAS BRIGHT CHANCE ON SUNDAY ]POH, Wed. Cest L* Vie showed impressive form on a rood track here today. Breaking from the 600 m. the nippy three-year-old reeled off 600 m In 37 2/5 finishing with plenty in
      610 words
    • 212 28 Three top officials quit in Jakarta's soccer row... JAKARTA. Wed. Three top Indonesian football officials have resigned In protest against a decision by their superior to allow Indonesians playing professionally abroad to rejoin tJielr Indonesian clubs Immediately The Indonesian Footbail Federation i PSBI > decided at a recent meeting that
      212 words
    • 42 28 PARIS. Wed The Pranch Karate Union announced yaatorday tt_ has SBtajuabflsil Dominique Vamra for ft* tor roughing up the referees at the World Karate Championahlps earner that month In Long Beach. CSJUbraav Tamra could not be reached tmmedtetely lor
      42 words
    • 83 28 Na-W YORK. Wed R* sulu of Sunday National FnHkall League gamea ■s Win i casts a New Tort Jeu M. Washington Redsktas »J Osviani Browns 7 Haw England Patrtott M «an Pranclaeo 1«. Cincinnati Rengak SI Atlanta Falcons 14, balms Cowboys M PhUartasjhts Bagles IT. Kansas Ctty
      83 words
    • 133 28 Fight for Ashe PARIS. Wee —Wimbledon 17 rhsmptnn Arthur Aahe. of the United States, was made to Bght hard last night bafcre raachftng the second round of the man's atngtas In the Preach Intemauenal Indoor Tennis Championships Aahe. the awond mad. was taken to s-4. 4-0. s-l by his c—
      133 words
    • 36 28 TAIPCH. Wed The first round mtth of the preOtympte football tni—mant between Taiwan and South Korea will be played bar* on Dec 14 The second match will be played in Seoul next March Reuter
      Reuter  -  36 words
    • 69 28 ONDON. Wed. Scotmnd heat Daomark 4-1 in their Oroup Pour Hsfupaan USasr-M soccer rhampanm ship quaUfying match at ■tmburgh Scotland tad J-l at hatfttme Caxrtoatovakt- and atochtnd drew 1-1 at Ttnava In r—hnshiiasis Kroupa gave Caachoatovakla a 1-0 haUtlme lead. Taylor seared the equattmr Only 4.900 watched
      69 words
    • 554 28 INDIA'S TEST SELECTORS FACE CRISIS YEW DELHI, Wed. Indian cricket is faced with a captaincy crisis the second In the past year— following the retirement from Test cricket of AJit Wadekar and Mansur All Khan Pataudl in quick succession. It U i problem Indian ■electors have to solve quickly with
      Reuter  -  554 words
    • 94 28 Malaysian support for China KUALA LUMPUR. Wrd Malaysia will support China In all rporU federations and association* the arcrrlarygeneral of the Ministry of Culture. Youth and Sport Mr Ahmad Sabkl Jahidinn said here today Mr Sabkl. who returned yesterday after leading the Malaysian basketball team on a tour of China,
      94 words
    • 98 28 AHOrUE. Wed TT»e M d Executive Committee of the Aslao Oames Prderatlon will meet here on Nov 7 and S to consider where to stage the Eignth Asian Oames dur to be held In 1»7« The Prdpratlon's president. Malik Mrrajkhaiid said today thai invitations to
      Reuter  -  98 words
    • 51 28 Xl aM Ll'MPfB. W«d- sh Malaysaaoa ■laliln wul leave fer West Germany en Nev. U to latfV)«t«M# isW So#)ifc -*«mf4 Ajtaa game at SepaMakraw. Ik* Dedah UMNO Yawth awwal «ald yesterday. The West Oermaa )e«rnaMsto A—ilsMea lavltoa tha players fer a week's stay la Wetfebarf. Barnburg, and aamibty
      51 words
    • 28 28 TEHERAN Wed Wthawded Mdle Dtbbs of the United States yesterday won the a»547.000 Aryamehr TennU Tournament by defeattng CbtumMe's Iran MOUna 1-6 6-4. 7-J. 0-4 A^
      28 words
    • 75 28 NASSAU. Wed AS thousands of Bahamians watched. Muhammad All did his famous "All shuffle' last night and a new step the champ calls the double clutch Alls foot-tricks ware part of the heavyweight boxing champions three exhibition rights for the governing Progressive Liberal Party Ail
      AP  -  75 words
    • 140 28 Cvdmky. wad south African golfer Oary Player and American Jack Nicklaus are popular favourite* «c win the Australian Open, but the Mating layout at th« Australian come could prove the ultimate winner The wide open spaces of the T.ia metres leave plenty of room
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  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 433 28 SALES ENGINEER a andlng Company, shortly to <c trading In the industrial field n- services of an Experienced SaJes ieer \M VM) KXPKRIKv -ltlzen with an engineering ploma from a recognised "ire or institute of technology. .ears experience In Industrial Possession of a car and a current driving essential Must
      433 words
    • 668 28 PACIFIC MILK INDUSTRIES (MALAYA) BERHAD CHANGE OF NAME We hereby give notice that at an Extraordinary Oeneral Meeting of shareholders duly convened on the 21st October, 1975, It has been resolved that the name of the Company be changed to Dutch Baby Milk Industries (Malaya) Berhad with effect from Ist
      668 words
    • 237 28 PAWNBROKER* ACT M-ltTl aBSSSS ■wiLATABI PERSttCTUAN J*l»« a*"^ Soosw Lee Jalan Ipoh. Ma-^yi A 5| W J*'*" T^ ku Rahman Kuala Lumpur Thoong Joo It Jalan Ttianku Kuala Lumpur pjok Shing M. Jalan Bandar Kuala Lumpur Kook Chaons 117. Jalan rVtalmg/Kuala Lumpur K £ng teng Jalan Pudu Kuala Lumpur Koone
      237 words
    • 745 28 I LtMtuoA LrrmiK necaba TANAH MBLATrj TBS NATIONAL sXCCTmKTTT BOABD OT TBB BTATB OF MALAYA r«Ai rowta gTATtow AT AGE 111 Nonce or PfiCQVAUFICATrON OF CONTBACTOBg MB STCXLWOKK AN* CLAOOINO CONTmACT NO. M/U/l The Lssabaga Letrlk Hegar* Tanah klelayu (or taeNatkrtal Bectrtclty Board of Ow SUtes of atalava* plans In
      745 words

  • 540 29  - Soccer row over venue now brewing JOMDOMUU A ROW orer a switch in venue is brewing and Toa Payoh United, one of the four top contenders for the National Lea gue Division One title, have threatened to give a walkover to Gejl a n f International on Sunday. The dispute
    540 words
  • 208 29 Chor Yau fighting for berth in Thomas Cup side NATIONAL champion. Ng Chor Yau. who *as dropped from the Thomas Cup squad when be suffered a calf injury during centralised tralnlnc. will br considered for the Sings-pcre-Malaxsla match, new postponed to Dec. H Chor Tau lost all his s-ngJas matches
    208 words
  • 37 29 MANILA. Wed. -rep aMd Manuel Oranlea of Spam (Moated Aastrabas Daa Warwlea t-l, 44, M k ttw FtilnnMlni lateraatteaal ToonM CSassls today. Bat ASMrlaaß Bob UstspaDsd off Urn days upoK. 4 °***>S M S-S ae&er
    37 words
  • 314 29 OLGA BEATEN AFTER FALL FROM VAULT... LONDON. Wed. Ludmllla Tourlscheva, the Soviet Union's 23-year-old World and Olympic gymnastics cham- plon, returned to top form after almost a year with a nagging back Injury to win the women's overall gold medal In the World Cup contest at Wembley here last night.
    AP  -  314 words
  • 203 29 SINGAPORE Amateur Athletics Ajwocia- Uon has warned tv Seaa Games aquad that "anyone showins; lack of dedication and rsnsMtsiicy" during the onemonth centralised training would we dropped SAAA aerretary IL Vene)gee>%iaa) jtmUt day SAsi: ~We wUI reee%—end to the Nati—sl Otyaafat rawm II U «Jro» Athletes
    203 words
  • 130 29 Dempeey's condition satisfactory KSW TOStBL Wed Jack Dsmpasy. the St-y— r-old loraMr worts) tfcMvywvtght la sauafactorr ooodJUoo today tn mm York Oar*en*tjr Hospital wtucb at entered last Saturday far what the hospital dsscrttwd as equation tests. A »t"»» spoksswasaan ■aid ab* dM not kno* a Dsauseys doctors or his raauijr
    130 words
  • 29 29 ABOCT l«3 mm and «oDMn wul pasucipat* In the Ogp ia%ntiAtiAa Bank snm^l BVwapurt Kuala Uunpur «m lor tt» Tartar Tropr r her* on Saturday and Ouadar
    29 words
  • 95 29 PC Suppiah won the six -mile "King of the Mountain" run In a record time of 32.29.0 last Sunday. Suppiah. who failed to qualify for the Seap Oames. was in top form W A Cameron was second In 33 07J and KJB Raj third In 33
    95 words
  • 192 29 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed I Amateur Swimming Union of Malaysia ha* named a water 0010 ■quad of 12 for the Beep Ouw at Bangfco* In December But only 11 win be picked for the Otmet. report* CBAELCS WONG The squad Ho Been Mine. Ho Been
    192 words
  • 226 29 Rowe shows be is fit again wtth a well hit 51 A DELAIDX, Wod "Jamaica. Lewi suss Bewo viewed neatot of ate moat •T* troufcle as be agorod II toW UMi, in urn West wlefeot vwasry ooar wMUt auatraila Oosu bam today. The one-day satoa was Urn ap sains Ratio*
    226 words
  • 67 29 Texas games TZXAS llMtfßlSnw Wttl bold Us aawaal bUsr ntsnt garnet Between atagaoor* and JllliyaH oa Sunday ■«g*"«l*- of the SMet wul b* the weawa's football BMtob at Balsattar Bas% at t »a. In Urn saaratiM, table tenter SMB) aad manu will ba played at aasn npiilniin r%tmm Bead. A
    67 words
  • 421 29  - Indians: We'll be the best on artificial turf... ERIEST FRIIA ly rpHE Tnfliojifl gje confident of wlnnl ng next year's Montreal Olympic hockey tournament a title which they last held 11 years ago chiefly because the competition will be played on artificial turf. This was said by the Indian coach
    421 words
  • 199 29  - LIU SURVIVES A CRISIS BY HIS VOTE BFRIAHD PEREJRA ly i pOUR officials of 1 the Singapore Lawn Tennis Association made a strong hid to oust their president, Ua Sang Tao, during the committee meeting last Friday —but failed by one vote. The motion which was Initiated by Gerhard Rluemmera,
    199 words
  • 320 29 TAMPINES EDGE JOLLILADS IN EXTRA TIME A GOAL In extra time enabled Tamplnea Rovers to snatch a 2-1 win from Jollllads in a Pepsi Youth Boccer Tournament match at Jalan Besar Btadlum last night, report* BERNARD PEBXOtA. The game had spilled Into extra time after the two teams were deadlocked
    320 words
  • 243 29 S proem re beat Town umud S-l after man waw to the INdw. Touth town*awjnt bwAob at Jalaa Bnar Stadhaß last ~*i^* F\in usse •ndad with the an imports JOS' DObVSX in the Willwul Youth kw n&flafni two Wswß 4MwV wMat thrlr *Mory last Bight to
    243 words
  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 576 29 We Invite applications from Malaysian citizens to fill the following positions in a: GRANITE QUARRY near JOHOR BARU (a) Quarry 9uperiatoadeßt: The applicant should have an Engineering degree or diploma preferably tn Mechanical or Civil Engineering. He should have at least 5 years current experience In crushing plants operations; blasting
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  • Page 29 Miscellaneous
    • 30 29 SOCCaS PrasMantt Cap lat round: TBaapßMs aovwn PaiTrr Park Djrnabms: Tsßipont Java TVm> Bahru (Jblsb Bssar. S sad 7JS pjb i BASaXTBAU. SAtWA Laagwt nnals co»y World audW O» BSBJ.
      30 words

  • 356 30 NEW YORK. Wednesday pm SIDENT Sadat of Egypt today told the I nited Yitions that unless the 1 1 sis w;is resolved peacefully, Egypt would have no alternative uut to 111 Is occupied territory by In his first address world body. Mr. Sadat,
    Reuter  -  356 words
  • 97 30 Financial crisis looms nOSTON (MassachuD setu). Wed. The president of the Massachusetts Senate said yesterday his state Is close to bankruptcy, and that he cannot muster the votes to Increase taxes and avoid fiscal disaster. Senate president Kevin Harrington said the state will run out of money by next April.
    97 words
  • Article, Illustration
    72 30 ■■■■TW UK OMIM MIAN. M-t BMacte Imi Milt mmi i»ti iMMBg taaaa« vtt*. MB urf tiakur M> U tx Ckmnk mw m« iwui aa 11 itn -t»a far oci (knuu OMun e*au mhivii y kMiy ircnn mill tnr mat*»i» s> 10 T» nimumi Twmlrw amaa 1 Owm 1■ L
    72 words
  • 182 30 ltT« H t'l« TWI »S« IM* M M mo »s% mm. i* Ms wh Timi I»S* IWT/M MM ■MM^lkafe M»s w«L KM W«H ■»S**^*» ■*«ua«ac< O^« I'M IM «■■«<*■ MT% 1 Gtr* 1 a* -t IHOUHIIAU ■AT* ms 1 St** 1 in t r—ft«r c«h 4*+r* o—m- am
    182 words
  • 10 30 UJwnow wm **m an nr Ojib^MK Jaa. M Ma/**
    10 words
  • 77 30 loacDOH W* TW Ma* ww mi tmtmj. aaaaUMi kr ■ii ill Htiuw af awr WtStar aftaMa aatf at 1p Cha VM^MMi SMS tmm t w» <aa>>. »im t» mm at M» ■as af "4 »f Mai af s Paw atom i a* aawawly nrmmt wit» Wail KnM iUMn CknMu
    77 words
  • 28 30 bOKDOM. W«d Bnum yeMrdar urad 1U rwUeai Oaktte NBtoM of aeoUaod axxl Waiaa that v It pMhln« •iiMd with ptena to gnnt Umm nor* laaip— daaca
    28 words
  • 80 30 LONDON. Wai. •fcarel *f Btetor Walker Seearltles •X»fM by ea«.tbiid •at tlfca» f gBjJ,, befcaag* thai mmmB aaaaa. Daaian rea«rted a ■vf* naoM at aaloa •H» wry Htte bartagj »*er«et agalait a aartgf i— j W hbMbi- la« aaeartataty feUev*mt the riaWaatlia af Mr.
    80 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 147 30 Hcliknn i.t. Ribbons The Top Quality Ribbon that resembles Pure Silk Ribbons in every respect. ver the world where relatively expensive pure silk ribbons have been used before, the new hard wearing special fabric "it nbbon has met with good response on account of its economical price 1 S.n^MK. lit
      147 words
    • 213 30 <r-*""iijK NOW EVEN MORE V MARVELLOUS WITH FURTHER PRICE REDUCTIONS I Mars Chocolate A Sugar Confectionery Old Price New Price I I m^jjQ D?SS 0.30 1 I limD (>6q so n*VGMres*MlJ -^Bjaaß-ajV^M^aßaaVMa^a^i^ I E3j| 2?*S 2.30 1 I J^^^B D^Q 0.60 I |'o^fr»«^ &?55 0.50 1 I MMBjajftajj. "l^Ct 1.60
      213 words