The Straits Times, 4 June 1974

Total Pages: 26
1 26 The Straits Times
  • 21 1 TOTAL DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 250.000 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 FINAL EDITION TUESDAY, JUNE 4, 1974 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 21/74
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  • 722 1 RED ROCKET HORROR 31 die in attack Barrage of 42 Sovietmade weapons crash into Bien Hoa airbase SAIGON, Monday A BARRAGE OF 42 rockets today crashad into Bien Hoa airbase and city, four miles north-aast of Saigon, killing and wounding more people than any Saigon-area attack since the Vietnam ceasefire,
    722 words
  • 59 1 JAKARTA. Mod. Son 1M peofO* have died of ehotara In West Java during Urn la»t Ov» months. UM Indonesian daily Pkrinn Kakjat reported today 11m paper aaotea hoaltb ■enrtee. authorities In Bandung, toe capital of Wart tawa province, at taytny that traaa January to May
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  • 45 1 ■TDNKT. Moo. Ttttmm •M* mml python, tad eaipst-enate few m pal •hop in Urn Sydney suburb of Otnpti* Mriy today Pottos nld a growfew public lntarm In npHlii had python. «m wUtac tor AM iSasi 60) a Ami («i BM<m). Rnjtrr>
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  • 155 1 BANGKOK. Mon. Air America, the US charter airline which has come aader attack from Thai students. Is to end ail its operations In Thailand by June 3e, US military authorities announced here today. A private com, say registered In the US. Air was for
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  • 263 1 30 SLABS HIDDEN IN THEIR MERCEDES 'pHREE Malaysian women and a man, suspected to be members of a drug syndicate operating on both sides of the Clause way, were arrested with $150,000 wor .h of opium at the Woodlands checkpoint yesterday evening. The opium, packed
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  • 35 1 •AIOOK. Mon. A military court here today sentences nine mon to death ta their absence on ohatfss of lDegaoy boardmg sugar. ax woman also efeasnt ware seatancad to nfa amprupOtlXbCTjt BtrJltT
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  • 211 1 Woman in 'cut-up body' case remanded HOUBEWITE ■1 m J«o Keow, 44, whe la accused of murdering a woman whoa* dUmrnbered body waa found in aeveral places la •tagapsre. waa yesterday ordered to be reaaanded for a week at Changl Women"! Remand Frlasp. Magistrate Mr. David Gerald made tbe order
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  • 43 1 iCHUC. Mon. Dow Jon* \vn ««wz fan sell on feat hew iSadtag on the Rev Tef c Btobaage se tados W« up «4l: M trans* MIA, up lit. 1» utlto 7J iT up o a. «6 •ccck* Mi.te. up 1.47.- -apt
    43 words
  • 81 1 BANGKOK. Mon. A young Thai wife, angered at the flirtation* of her husband with other women at a party, killed him with grenade and lost her hand in tbe process. Authorities eald Mrs. Chongrat Koeoi K toft the party wbra ht wh dancing with other
    UPI  -  81 words
  • 43 1 NEW YORK, Mon. Philippines Pre s 1 dent Marcos has decided to open diplomatic relations with China, "hoping the Chinese can be talked into promising that they will do nothing trorr to encourage rebellion in the Philippines." Newsweek said yesterday. AP.
    AP  -  43 words
  • 36 1 PARIS. Mon. Bwinaji man Taa> Bat 9 Kam. 17. from Hongkong was arrested at Orly airport today after police •aid they had found IS kilo of L.roln In a suitcase be was carrying. Rcuter
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • 264 1 MANILA, Monday ]t| ASKED gunmen ITI ambushed a vehicle carrying eight people, killing an Australian tourist believed to be a magazine publisher and Injuring three others, the Government said today. Information Secretary Francisco Tatad ldenti fled the victim as Mr. Alan Alnsworth. Mr. Tatad said
    UPI  -  264 words
  • 47 1 Two die in riots KARACHI, lion. Pooot oponsd fire on a dsatonsffaW ing mob in Hyderabad today, swing two sad wsaadlng an twdetonniasd oombar of others rsporu reaoblng ban Mid enod thrnagh tbt streots of Hvdsfmbad. protesting alleg•s imgalarlUM ttt-wl kf Oovornniait ofnclato la byrtscUon yojUrday. AP.
    AP  -  47 words
  • 329 1  - Rice at Govt prices soon By NGIAM TONG HAI |p I C E Importers and wholesalers will soon have to sell the grain at prices fixed from time to time by the Government This Is stated In the forms Issued by the Department of Trade's Supplies Office for rice dealers
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  • 50 1 JEBUtALSM, Mea, YHohaa BaMa, liiiii istasa. catsf-of-aWf aaa I***? nh ill BH Xti Ssbo* rraaa MH of laraoL _Tao ssysoroM sMsssr sb^bw nAoamsae^ avftH taMwsa few sjojj*a fa* taM "•a* as* soaos at ssw S*«Bw^ *W •7 a ntm of el to II <See ra«e t,
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 86 1 Jti^Dutdg atsstw-)" m oiiii.fc rtntm uiim RaVPO Jb '^^^^^^Bsß^s^aßßaßrM^ m AUTO POUSlffnd CLEANER HIJJDHIDDIa bbbbbbbbJ Jade pieces by sbbbbbbbjbj |ff~| Vicki T'Homi mm 1 13 the jade expert |S| IS|l Hong Kong fSJ ZZZU Beautiful... tSJ ■bibii| invaluable I*^l tO pOSSeSS at soasl| UJJJJ a special "'miZii ■sjaßßj 20% discount
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    • 98 1 SABOTAGE OF BUSES AT SBS DEPOTS PMge S tOXOm secret deals with Hanoi j CHINA to train Angolan guerillas- 3 CHIT FUNDB: Move to recover debts quickly g BBOPB to have more "special offer" sales g TWO get 1 years and 20 strokes for hold-ups 15 IMM a t "fight
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    • 200 1 For Clear St Comfortable Consult: C.S. CHONG O.D. E YERBRI6HT OPTICAL CO. 19. CHULIA STREET. SINGAPORE 1. The Philips 22RN712- for rich, all-found stereo in your cor. There's an exclusiveness about the Philips 22RN712"s brilliant FM stereo sound reproduction. It's as if your car becomes a concert hail or a
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  • Straits Times World Mews
    • 405 2 Nixon's secret deals with North Vietnam US promise to pull out all civilians WASHINGTON. Monday OESPITE public assurances to the contrary', the Nixon Administration made secret commitments to North Vietnam when Dr. Henry Kissinger negotiated the peace agreement in Indochina, government officials say. Dr. Kissinger, then acting as President Nixon's
      Reuter; NYT  -  405 words
    • 166 2 N-RESEARCH WILL GO ON DESPITE THREATS: INDIRA NEW DELHI, Moo. Prime Minister Indira Gaadhl said yesterday India, will eoatlnue Its research In naelear science despite threats from forcit'n nations to staff) economic aid. la her first comments •m Preaa reports that some nations were planning to stop economic aid to
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    • 49 2 Ranooon. Mon.—Worken from nearly fac*orl«s and mills in sight Burmaes towns stand strikes laat month (or htchar wsfas and against soaring tood prices. stata owned nawapsßsti said yesterday Tba newspapers did not say bow lon* to* strtkaa lasted but aaid that ssastsrs bad now bean setUsd.—Hauler.
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    • 54 2 LONDON Mon— The British prison punishment diet of broad and water was aaottsnod frost ysstsrday. the Home Offtot announced. The broad and water diet artmbjswai ail for a period of Urn* days alternating with a similar period on ordinary dJat— wsa used as a punlabment for oftanosa
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    • 259 2 Rabin's pledge of lasting peace JERUSALEM. Mon. Israeli Premier- designate Yitzhak Rabin said today his new Government vould strive for a true peace with Israel's Arab neighbours. But ha reiterated that there could be no return to the pre-1967 war lines, which he said were not defensible Mr. Rabin was
      Reuter  -  259 words
    • 254 2 TOKYO, Mon. A THAI business leader today made a strong appeal for Japanese cooperation In helping to reduce Thailand's chronic trade deficit with Japan. Mr Ob Vasuratna, president of the Thai Board of Trade, told a three-day meeting of business leaden that Japan
      Reuter  -  254 words
    • 316 2 SCUNTHORPE, Mon. The British fie i mii anal today faced mounting pressmre to laanch a fallscale luaairy Into a hage chemical plant explosion near here which killed 29 people and Injured 75. A Government statement waa expected on the mystery Mast which shattered a nearby village
      Reuter; UPI  -  316 words
    • 93 2 Taiwan denies harmful drug charge TAIPEH, Mon. The Government denied today that Chinese herbal medications termed dangerous by the US Food and Drug Administration had been legally manufactured In Taiwan. But olnclals of Tilwani National Health Administration (aid they ware launching a new round of check* to be sure no
      AP  -  93 words
    • 33 2 ADDIS ABABA. Mon. The secretary general of the Organisation of African Unity (OAU), Mr Nso Ekannkl announced yesterday that he will resign for personal reasons at the sod of August
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 497 2 'smbN Beautiful (Hyßang&Olufsen V^./ Hallmark of Danish Quality THE DUALITY OF A COLOUR TV IS JUDGED BY THE BLACK/ WHITE PICTUREI It is difficult to specify the demands on s colour TV, What is quality And what is under itood by s good picture? Paradoxically, one of the basic qualities
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    • 407 2 a^^^Bsfl sssssssf asssi mm I !3bbssssssb^^^^bbs F 'vPl 1 1 VP tC%T VOl 1 KEEPING LADY 1,4 f 7^" KILLER CANCER llllS iOrtirififltl The facts about cancer Where 1 sj and why it affects women, how to detect it in yourself and what £^T"^^~^t~> i .v i vr^ fup you
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    • 103 3 Strike will hit industry and commerce EDINBUROH. Mon. Scottish Industry and commerce faced widespread disruption today following a decision by 800 workers at an oil refinery to continue a nine-day unofficial strike. The BiitUh Petroleum (BPi refinery at Orangemouth. 90 miles <M km» weat of here, is the only one
      Reuter  -  103 words
    • 31 3 KINOS MILLS, lion. Four teenagers claimed a world's record after 31 boers of continuous riding; of a roller coaster yesterday at Kings Island amusement part AP. SO 90
      AP  -  31 words
    • 592 3 A switch by Soviet Press on summit meeting FULL CONGRESS BACKING: PRAVDA MOSCOW. Monday THE Soviet Press, in its first significant comment on President Nixon s forthcoming visit to Moscow since the date was announced last Friday, stressed yesterday that the summit meeting beginning on June 27 enjoyed the backing
      NYT; UPI  -  592 words
    • 238 3 US pulls out last soldiers from Laos VIENTIANE, Mon. The United States has withdrawn Its last unauthorised military personnel from Laos, diplomatic sources said today. Their reported departure yesterday all but ended a decade of direct military Involvement In this small South-east Asian country. The last American soldiers, rearguard of
      AP  -  238 words
    • 35 3 NEW DtXHI. Mon— Four women two Indians and two New Zaakuxtan have bstn reported missing after being hit by an avalanche Id the Tim Mmm Htm«l»ym« dUTtng a flaottntainosrtng expedition
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    • 309 3 LOS ANGELES, Mon. TUREATS from the radical underground and a aeries of bombings are keeping federal and local authorities cautious and suspicious In their search for Patricia Hearst The 20-year-old heiress who has claimed allegiance to the remnants of her Symblonese Liberation Army captors
      UPI  -  309 words
    • 318 3 China to train Angolan guerillas KINSHASA, Monday fUE first of 112 mainland Chinese military instructors have arrived here to train a liberation army for Angola, the Zaire Press Agency reported yesterfhe agency Mid that, along with 100 Zairean paratrooper Instructors, the Chinese an expected to train Angolan guerilla fighters to
      Reuter; AP; UPI  -  318 words
    • 104 3 DROP IN INDUSTRIAL JOBS IN HK HONOKONO. Mon. Industrial employ- j ment In Hongkong dropped 2.5 per cent during the first quarter of 1974 primarily v c to the general decline In world trade, a spokesman for the Census and Statistics Department said today. The spokesman said •11.205 people were
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    • 294 3 TOKYO, Hon. An 1- American wine company hopes to begin producing Japanese rice wine commonly known as sake at Holllater, California, during the next three to four years, a Japanese Industrial newspaper said today. The Nlkel Sangyo newspaper identified the firm as San Benlto Vineyards Co., a medium sized
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    • 49 3 MOSCOW. MM. A B*vtat MUMtk imw rtaUaa. Lot B, waa pat In orbit around the ■Moa yesterday. Taai today aaM the sg«ee station was la— haw, •n May 29 urf a cheek with I— tiassmti of the arstcsas aboard the craft shewed they were working normally.
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    • 174 3 rIMPI (Bhutan), Mon. Trumpeted into the palace by Bhuddist lamas, Kins; Jtgme Singye Wangchak yesterday became the new Dragon King of this remote Himalayan kingdom and the world's yoangest monarch. The glittering public coronation of the 18-year-old king, replete with medieval pageantry. was highlighted when
      UPI  -  174 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 212 3 C i^iliiM|ail is inisij \vi l l( the newefA SR-T SITEH, 4 1 h>i v s 1m A mudi yciueanadd except your iiimjiinalHMi. rninoHo treffr 3 saaMßaw!~^«r*^sßjge^ aaanßaaV^r^^ilOaaWiaaaw Minolta MINOLTA SINGAPORE (PTE) LIMITED Tong Fong Bldg., sth Fir. 52-E CWn Swee Rd., Singapore 3. Tet: *****1 BARGAINS ATTRACTIVE ITEMS AT
      212 words
    • 49 3 WEISEN-U DOUBLE ACTION RELIEF foi STOMACH ULCERS ari OTHER COMPLAWTS. X Baw^^oaa» Z^\ la^BßVaaW. yjgjj WEISEN-Usmam r^^» ingredient has undergone y! J5? successful trials by many a^^^gjpjj leading Japanese Hospitals So* Aoamt SMGAPORt AND KUALA LUMPJR iui^uiwma>iaJico.(i)PTc.iTo. BslLailstfß^LaflßsH BaaaVfJaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar'^BaaraOaa! ■aW W*^ JaaaaaaV LaatX 4^ Oak L Il^lh r SOAC
      49 words

    • 72 4 LONDON, Moo. The Brituh Government today j rejected demands to pull 1U troops out of Northern Ire--1 land and declared that only the army was preventing anarchy In that province "The fact to that without the British army, the forces of law and order could not
      72 words
    • 427 4 ALGERIA WILL IGNORE OIL BAN ON HOLLAND CAIRO, Mon. ALGERIA will ignore the Arab oil embargo against Holland despite the latest decision by Arab oil ministers to continue the ban, Algerian Oil Minister Belaid Abdessalam said today. Mr. Abdessalam, speaking before flying home after weekend meetings of the Organisation of
      Reuter; UPI  -  427 words
    • 81 4 TOKYO. Man A 40- man Japanese Industrial delegation left here today for Peking to sign a £100-mllllon (BSMO million) deal for supplying a giant steel-making plant, claimed to be the biggest Japan has ever exported. A spokesman for the Nippon Steel Corporation said the
      Reuter  -  81 words
    • 328 4 OTTAWA, Mon. "Campaigns are fun again," Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau said the other day, apparently exhilarated by the give-and-take of the heated, three-way election contest, one of Canada's hardestfought in years. Mr. Trudeau, whose minority Government wae voted out by the combined parliamentary Opposition
      NYT  -  328 words
    • 47 4 VATICAN CITY, Mon.— Tope Paal today attended a mass in 8t Peter's Basilica mar king the 11th anniversary of the death of rope John XXIII Twenty-seven cardinals were at hand. Several relatives of the dead Pontiff, including his brother Giuseppe, were present. AP.
      AP  -  47 words
    • 125 4 Not part of EEC says Mary LONDON, Mon. Mary Wilson, wife of rrlme Minister Harold WUson, believes Britain Is divinely separated from the continent of Europe, "I don't feel aaltc the fit since we went Into the European Common Market," she said last alght In a television programme for children.
      AP  -  125 words
    • 33 4 MOSCOW. Mon. Jew* demonstrated for the third time In a week yesterday outside a hotel (or foreigners to protest the government* refusal to grant them exH visas, a Jewish source said.
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    • 616 4 A just peace can and will survive: Assad Only under proper terms, he tells magazine NEW YORK. Monday jN the first interview he has granted since the Israeli-Syrian disengagement accord, Syrian President Hafez Assad told Newsweek magazine that under proper terms a just peace can and will survive. Also, according
      Reuter; UPI  -  616 words
    • 278 4 Pullout pact: Assad's guerilla pledge to Dr K BEIRUT, Mon. Syrian President Hafez Assad has given US Secretary of State Dr Henry Kissinger an undertaking that Syria will not wittingly permit Palestinian guerillas to cross the ceasefire line Into Israel, a Beirut publication said today. "The Arab World, a dally
      UPI  -  278 words
    • 71 4 EAWALTDTDI Moo^-Dr. Fareo* Abdallah. m ftf Faea—lH leader Sheika Mshss»a»< AMastah. «U iwtwtoy his father wotld be willing to visit Paklstea te aa effect to ftnd a hhKil setttnseat Ike fi*li titaawtc la aa Interview wttfc the Inecsalsi hrn *f PaldaUa at tIM «4 «f a tw«~w«aß rWt.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 200 4 warmth S^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H I POIY^ l^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^L^B^B^Bia^B^B^B^B •A- K-rtJ ST That's what makes M^ wS^^^^^^^^^^^Kr Golden Service unique. "i^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^l The attitude of the jH|^^^^^^Pr Golden Girls. They really M^^^^^^^^^^W .jjk dO Care abOUt yOU. About your comfort and j^^H^^^^^^^^^^T^Sak '^l^a^aflrf^BMnH^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H thorough enjoyment of f^^^^^^^^^^^^^H^HV J^^ai^alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllH your flight. Because uH^^^^^^^^^^^P^ .Salllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllm^slllllllllllllllllllllllllllH Malaysian girls
      200 words

  • 347 5  -  AHMAD OSMAN Slashed tyres and slow services... By J)ELI I3ERATKLY delayed services, sugar in cylinder oil tanks and slashed tyres are some of the acts of sabotage which have l)een going on in the Singapore Bus Services. And inf o r mcd sources said
    Junld Juani  -  347 words
  • 53 5 THE body of Lei Chew Tong. 89. a boat watchman, was found beside his boat at the reclaimed land off Bedok on Sunday at about 1.30 a.m. Lei. of Block IS. Pine Close Quillemard Road, v believed to have fallen from the boat. Police do not
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  • 34 5 THE National Museum will screen two colour film* at iv lecture hall tomorrow at 7 30 p.m The films are the National Basketball Association 1870 Championship Playoffs and Wide World of Sports
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  • 226 5 EA V V is the head that wears a crown and that goes for babies too. Only a teething toddler but Andrew An g five-month-old and weighing 12 pounds, already felt the burden of "royalty" after being crowned
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  • 120 5 US-China detente 'won't lower tensions SINO-American detente would not lessen tensions In South east Asia, accoroing to American political scientist Prof. David Mozlngo. He said the hope that the detente would lead to a new era of compromise and neutrality In the region was unrealistic. He explained Uiat the basic
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  • 159 5  - Bribery: 15 port workers suspended JACOB DANIEL By rpHE Port of SJn- gapore Authority is believed to have suspended 15 employees for allegedly demanding bribes from consignees to speed up clearance of their cargo at the Container Port. Denied The port's police Investigation department Is said to be handling Inquiries
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  • 46 5 SUGAR is now prepacked In standard metric quantities of 500g, 1 and 2kg. The 500g and lkg packs are about 10 per cent more than the 1 and 2lb packs, and the 2kg pack is 12 per cent less than the 51b pack
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  • 107 5 THE IDEA THAT WON A $1,000 AWARD mHE general manager of X Telecommunications Authority of Singapore, Mr. Ooh Seng Kirn presented 350 members of TAB with long service awards at a ceremony at the Hyatt Hotel during the weekend. A special staff suggestion award of $1,000 was also given to
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  • 132 5 Toilets at Ulu Pandan for busmen rpts Singapore Bus Bervlce "M tav »t« tenders this week for the construction of toilet facilities for some 300 busmen at Ulu Pandan bus terminus The toilets, costlne $8,000. will bT the first project to be carried out under an SBS scheme to provide
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 71 5 GIVE YOUR FEET A REAL TREAT!! Shoes by Ml DUTY FREE from s4s/--/^/"ASStii'o The Shop W-th \2IWQTIIO The Maharajahs MEN'S SHOP Servk.e 86, HIGH STREET, SPORE 6. TEL .32IIB3 Alto at HILTON HOTEL IMPERIAL HOTEL and G-27 SPECIALISTS' CENTRE (Ground Floor) J J SfCVfiu MDCW+W OF ft^\r- '*\j| j^^ Cissies
      71 words
    • 165 5 S UNDETEVES-JACOBERG X^ y* ALL THE BEST WOODWORKING EQUIPMENT f ACCESSORIES UNDER ONE ROOF. 1 1 sm L^^Z^^l'^P IB^BH B^B^B^B B^B^B^B^B^Bfl B^LL^B^BH S5OO ton Cold Press 500 ton Hot Press Sawmilling Machines els f "1 bmb^bHHbV i i» .^bSBIBMbSb^bVbS i rrr B^B^B^B^B^B^B^BM .^B^B^bV^BT B^B^^^^ B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^Bb C 3 Blockboard Machinery Moore
      165 words

  • 161 6 rE NTUC believes one of Its Comfort taxi drivers too was given a doped drink last month. A Comfort official. Mr. S. K. Kong, said yesterday: "Some time last month one of our driver j reported that he was knocked out after
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  • 74 6 NTUC Travel's record sales of $500,000 VJTUC Travel Services il Pte. Ltd. netted record sales of $500,000 within its three months of operation. The manager of the Travel Service. Mr. James Tan, described the success as "pretty good." Mr. Tan said the travel service was now organising incoming tours and
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  • 23 6 THE Tlong Bahru Secondary School will organise a seven-day educational tour of M»d*n and Lake Toba In Sumatra from July IJ.
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  • 142 6 Shops to have more 'special offer' sales MEMBERS of the Singapore Provision Shops Friendly Association plan to launch more "special offer" sales to benefit housewives. The Provision Sappliers Corporation, which was set up by the association recently to buy goods direct from manufacturers, will approach them for the "cheap" sales.
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  • 31 6 MRS. Jek Yeun Thong. wife of the Culture Minister, will open the Spastic Children* Association of Singapore' Mini Pair at Its Oilstead Road premises on June at 10 am
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  • 76 6 DETECTIVES swept through Outrun Park on Sunday and detained 23 secret society suspects. An underworld boss and four fighters of the Slo Leng Hor. 108 secret society group, operating In the area, were among those held. The hour-long operation, code-named "Operation Eagle." began at 6
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  • 355 6  - Move to recover debts quickly T.F. HWANG CHIT FUND DEFAULTERS WARNED By fHE Official Receiver, liquidator of 24 chit fund companies, has stepped up his administrative machinery to recover judgment debts from defaulters. This, It Is understood, could not have been effectively done earlier because of workload In paying declared
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  • 22 6 THE Singapore Chinese Middle School Teachers' Union will present six scholarships and 10 bock awards to children of its members.
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  • 105 6 BOOSTING TRADE THROUGH SPORTS nnHE leader of China's 1 visiting badminton team. Mr. Chu Tie. yesterday said sports was one way to promf *c friendship and trade between Singapore and China. Mr. Chu was speaking at the Chinese Chamber of Commerce's auditorium at a lunch given by the chamber for
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  • 39 6 MR JOHN Kwan-Terry. a lecturer with the University of Singapore, will apeak on "what's so great about Shaketpear's works" with specie 1 reference to Twelfth Night and King Lear at Queenstown branch library at 3 p.m. on Friday.
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  • 33 6 THX Central Council of Malay Cultural Organisations will hold a seminar on Malay Women's Participation In Community Development at the Lee Kong Chlan Hall at Penang Lane on June at am
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  • 192 6 VICTORY FOR ROBERT ON NO 'HANDICAP' THOUGH paralysed from the waist down, Robert Tan. 26, won a weifhtUftini contest with treat ease. He beat 11 other contestant* when he lilted 63.5 kilos at the Extracurricular Activltii I Centre in Farrer Park. Second was Eric Chew. 23. who lifted 59 kilos.
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  • 90 6 Incentive payments to another 1,149 ABOUT 1,149 busmen from the Alexandra depot received a total of $35,686 yesterday In the fourth Incentive payment scheme of the Singapore Bus Service Pte. Ltd. Some 875 workers were paid three months' payment of (23.50 In cash and a food package worth $11.50. Another
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  • 82 6 A LOCAL shipyard ha* built two 56- foot patrol vessels worth over $1.5 million for Kuwait. The vetacU, to be snipped to Kuwait nest month, an the latest in the Mat of export orders won by Vosper Thornycroft Shipyard In Kallanf They have a
    82 words
  • 111 6 rERE Is no "automatic" deferment from national service for youths enrolled In apprenticeship programmes that are supported by the Industrial Training Board, a spokesman of ITB said yesterday. "We oversee training programmes; If desirable, we support an applicant for deferment. And that Is as far
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  • 373 6 rE Cover nment yesterday called for tenders for the super Expressway which will link the east coast of Singapore to the city and ultimately Jurong. A Government statement said last nigh that the tenderers on a package deal basis for the survey,
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  • 63 6 A FORUM on Crime Prevention In our Community will be held at the Kalian* Community Centre on Friday at p.m. The four speakers at the forum will be Police secretary Mr. Yeow Yew Toong. Probation and Aftercare officer Mr. K V Veloo. Mr Mas Ramll Masjur of
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  • 40 6 THE Minister for Health and Home Affairs, and UP for MacPheraon. Mr. Chita Stan Chin will officiate at the opening of his constituency Keep Singapore Crime Free Campaign today at MacPheraon community centre at S pjn
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  • 40 6 ENCIK Byed Abu Baker Alaagoff. a businessman, will speak on Arabs and J«wi Must Unite Before the End of the 30th Ontury at the Klwanij Club of Singapore lunch meeting at Ming Court Hotel today
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 184 6 a^BmmmvSif^XVmi^^^l BH JiP'^^^wk Music wherever you go Two stereo speakers under the lid, give you a veritable I ffsßSi j la^lw^^fcfc studio of sound sources. Real, live stereo from FM J^[ii^BP" v !i > I stereo multiplex broadcasts, stereo discs and stereo i f .^^p I cassettes. Plus cassette auto-stop,
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 291 6 Bringing Op Fathw »y BUI Ka vanagh d« Hal Camp \\\f I U»« >CU* MOUSW. 'l wish rr PiD 1 BY I f WC CDULP lil/tALK HO* IMTD SCUJNO I MS!. JieOß! POm TMBt J MV w*t WOULD J V MAKE A PSAL- J TM£ PIANO, AND THE v\\ wamo
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 569 7 if VERY SPECIAL i -mf Afrit tiriiss AT THE HOUSE OF TANG f-gL<- __j J j' ,'3 V-% s'^W i f f|W y^Bßßff^Bl AbA^A^Tv*^^*^^ AAm^JJAI -»i^»«^«^»»^r^ Nia a lATm'^ tff*Erf li> >JBaV Atttk Wajaaa^aaaJ^ toKjjjjjTj^ MjJJgTj—^^ 1 3 A^^^^^^ A^^^^^^^ JBBg_^L_]HHr wtttF MHII^^HBBt^ ■Ha^aP^^^a^al t M PI SI aPI ay
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    • 923 8 CUTTING DOWN ON THOSE MARKETING BILLS THE "fight inflation" committee of the YWCA Katong Club took flight recently in its "educational battle to spread the importance of curbing the unhealthy montyvalucdwindling trend. Its target Is to reach the thousands of women, especially housewives,
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    • 94 8 rpHE Spastic Child Jl ren's Association of Singapore will hold a mini fair with M food and games stalls at Its (rounds In Gilstead ftoad between 1* a.a». and 4 ».m. on Saturday IF you are looking around for something •pedal for daddy this coming Father's Day (Jane 1«>,
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    • 305 8 Complexion beauty, that will last a lifetime Advertisement Every woman can now achieve and hold a smoother and younger complexion thanks to the scientific development of a tropically moist oil blend. This unique beauty fluid penetrates rapidly and has a remarkable ability to maintain Just the right level of oil
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    • 168 8 THE JOYS OF OWNING FINE JEWELLERY WHAT do people look r v hen buyinK Jewellery? Some thoughts on acquiring it were revealed when a London Sunday newspaper sponsored a Jewellery exhibition presented in various parts of England. A coitipetition run currently asked for opinions as to why certain items were
      168 words
    • 293 8  - Michiyo's here to show new make-up look Maureen Chua By 'THIS Japanese doll Is for real. She is beautician Michiyo Maruta who has set her heart on Introducing to our girls the holiday mood look which Is currently sweeping her homeland. In fact she has already made a start for
      293 words
    • 211 9 A petal-dress heads lawn ITS every girl's dream to complement the rainbow of flowers, green grass and leaves at garden parties. It has always been their wish too, to be the added, If not, main attraction at the dos and be the envy of the other women there. So, how
      211 words
    • 254 9 What it takes to be a top woman executive ITUALA LUMPUR 1V Khatijah Ahmad is a director at KAF-P Mur-ray-Jones International, a firm dealing in foreign exchange and money market operations. She was director ol administration at Leabaga Padl dan Berai Negara (LPNi and be fore that executive secretary at
      254 words
    • 749 9  - How to be and still beautiful SARA LAMBERT NOT EVERYONE CM BE A BEAUTY... By gAKBKA Streisand would be the first to admit that her nose is too big. Actress Shirley Machine describes herself as an "ugly darkling" and though many of her fans and the male ones particularly would
      749 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 207 8 A. BBBBBi ■bbbW bbbbbbW .^bß bbbT bbbW i^BBW m BBBr sn»^^^^^^^^^ .^^Ea^aVSr t^BBBB^v snr Bf HL. Dry isn't glowing. Dry isn't fresh. Dry isn't young. That's why Estee Lauder creates new Country-Mist Liquid Makeup that's a downpour of moisture for your skin. W^^^H^bbbbbM V JibbbV It Sbbbb^bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbl bbbt -B^bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbl HBBB^^^^l
      207 words
    • 130 8 M W That's Italian for "marvellous". And that's what you'll say when you see the fabulous range of ARISTON gas cookers. Each one's a real aristocrat. k Take the model L 40 GT (illustrated) for example. It has all these most wanted features: I \giPi 11 ■■BBBBBfM'lfl I ARISTON the
      130 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 172 9 r«rUOV»IKfI i XXI jffaW vcvr uinfc Bfwni /QfTUf mf JEW WUBM RuOH/ m f JdtW jk^f aWaK FO* BHSJSHf JOB mmWm*w W M aMm m>+ W^KamTMWammaaaaaaaWamWamaaaikJ&aTaa^amm BBIW The New Issue 1974—2 Premium: 12 Patterns CONTENTS Let Us Enjoy Vacation Floral Prints Let's Wear Denim Softly Color Combinations Magic Three Minutes
      172 words
    • 299 9 Nyal fiHAMOaT HHfT COMPOUND bh^^^^^^lbV jßflll M ac«*' BjSßr I OMittiSSfJBB^BBV s <**iamant your oHHaYant dtatt 1 CO^ZaWaW atW dm»y wHti Vttamm C anriehad l^gl p^H| HYAL Oranta Jutca Compound uWaHti?^ li Krai Oranaw Jum mada from ■BB^^2^UteT^^7* Ifl rr aan. aao-awancnad orangat. HffiH II "WVMfenanMrf wlVi aMtrt Taattfi 13taaa%aaan^a9aafT
      299 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 487 10 CUNDAY saw the launching of tr.e first 3 nationwide "Keep Singapore Crimefree" campaign. The real task will come after the month-long drive— making public awareness and vigilance stick. If the police fall In that, their campaign will go the way of other periodic if worthy drives —effective
      487 words
    • 111 10 rpHE success of consultations oetween 1 President Suharto and President Marcos In Sulawesi last week will have to be Judged by their Impact on the situation In the southern Philippines. According to reports from Jakarta, Mr. Suharto was concerned that, should the reconciliation measures planned by Mr.
      111 words
  • 614 10  -  W. RUGABER: Washington By A M eeadeadalam erase,'' virtually without government regulation, is bringing fundamental changes te American heaatag aad creating a number ef special proMem*. People whe once rented apartments or lived la stagle-faadly detached homes are moving late condominiums at each
    614 words
  • 1489 10  - Will foreign forces move today? PATRICK HONEY: IDYLLIC LAND TORN BY LONG BLOODY WAR By LMNI Casler the terms of a ceasefire agreeaaent signed hy Laotian factions hi Pekmary last year, all foreign troops sheaM stave the eeantry by today II day* after a aeaMttaa was fetsaed hi April There
    1,489 words
  • 427 10 Of local talent and mediocre expat admen r "Bean-Eater" to inferring that the majority of advertising awards are won by local talent, then surely that suggeats that local talent is recognised and to producing good advertising. If on the other hand, he to suggesting that awards are only granted to
    427 words
  • 229 10 W< wfer to the letter r by LJCX. (S.T. May whose comaenu on the crowd situation on Sunday. May at. at the National stadium an noted. We would Ilka to clarify that the police was In attendance and In conatdarable number*. It was their magnlfleant of the crowd
    229 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 19 10 I W f CALENDAR >M W WATCH m^A^r *****030 Wga*J3 ■f su3.oos/s B^B 7 sstr7 00*/G ammal^^amJ ladton Technology
      19 words
    • 349 10 /about time you in*fcaH.../\ '^aVSgemmmi joicohh twiiiuw V daaaß^gj^^^H aicoaocft -J V AT.TfNDAMCI aWSBBaw TIMI BB ■MB^^^_ < __^Bj atCOROCK WATCHMAN'S gSV*gaj «,tm "-<*« m^ I OVIDTIMI PMWI CALCULATION Bm^ 4 WawTTa! IBV asm ntnvi gs ajaw jf \k H CLOCK I i TJr I J»«TI«I MJ "2 ~n Stn«»pora:
      349 words

  • Business Times
    • 1016 11  - After last month's— jaunt, market looks for lead BOB NG By fHE stock market has entered one of its periodic spells of uncertainty following the very lively session of the past month. It is currently looking for a lead on the direction it will take, but the trading pattern during
      1,016 words
    • 346 11  - Goodwood profits dip reflects hotel industry's problems TSAI TAN By CON S OLIDATED group pre-tax profits at Goodwood Park Hotel have dipped 6.7 per cent to $5.52 million In the year ended September 1973. This decline reflect* the continuing difficulties experienced by the Singapore Hotel Industry. says the chairman, Mr.
      346 words
    • 260 11 f THX 35 per cent fail In group pre-tax proflts at Empat Nombor Kkor to $8.554 million In 1973 Indicates that 1U luck must hare grown particularly bad In the second six months, since at half-time the slide had been only a bearable per cent Chairman
      260 words
    • 237 11 UOB to start two-lane 'drive-in' service this month BANKING in Singapore goes one ate* farther with the introduction later this month of the first fully-mechanised, two lane "drive In" bank. Special equipment for the service, costing approximately $M,M«. has seen Installed on the ground floor of the new United Overseas
      237 words
  • 204 11 Inter-Alpha Group of banks rE Inter-Alpha Group of banks— which has had a representative office In Singapore since the middle of 1973—announces that It has established a new Luxembourg holding company as a major step towards developing Its activities In Asia. Called Inter Alpha Asia, the new company has an
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 156 11 If you care a hoot about your money, carry First National City Travelers Checks. Be a wise bird Don't risk losing your cash when you travel Wherever you go, go with First National City Travelers Checks. They're welcomed at more than 1 ,000,000 places worldwide refunded at more than 35,000
      156 words
    • 250 11 A^Am. m.A I B^b/awM^B\ W —i s\l^ %.^J The Bank of Canton Limited W .^^^^^^b^ GO Y«*f* of banking in As*a Security Pacific National Bank ■■M|H| W 100 years of banking in U.S.A. I and aroond the world 160 years of banking experience you can bank on The Bank of
      250 words

  • 966 12 I ■fiMfflHllflH-— I THE people who are supposed to be professional communicators are currently facing a communication breakdown among themselves. Recent debate on the quality of local advertisements and the quality of the men and women behind these ads have surfaced in public
    966 words
  • 383 12  -  CHRIS WREN s> MOSCOW: Soviet vacationer* en the Black Sea have be ion sampling the sweet )oys of the Pepsi generatten. although they are finding that sack tastes can be expensive. Pepri Cola, the first American Mswff ■reduct to co Into mass production in
    383 words
  • 604 12 LONDON. Cash In today's conditions "remains the optimum Investment for the major part of the company's available resources," Mr. James Slater, chairman of Slater Walker Securities, said. Recent realisations, including a property deal concluded last Wednesday for £9 million, brought cash proceeds of
    Reuter  -  604 words
  • 384 12 Ai a meeting held In London on/May 7 Mr. F. O. Pay**, Sir Ewea FVrimiii arid Mr. P.FA. Barge** resigned from the board ofklnU Kellaa Tin Dredging and Tan Sri Nik Aimed Kami], Raja Tun Uda AlHaJ Ma Rate Mohammed, Dr. Nf Win* Kong, Mr. PJL Barracloaffn
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 247 12 ■f^jiT^ r ~Mf~T luuuuufat I sv^] BH The only real insurance against fire disaster is to put out fire before it takes hold and spreads. Even though you have fire prevention equipment, it may not be adequate, or it may need updating to more 1 efficient methods of detection and
      247 words
    • 281 12 WE STOCK WHAT YOU WANT Ball and roller bearings of every specification you need in stock in our warehouse complex now! Call us. ISITIM BALL AND ROLLER BEARINGS TEL *****3 we move fast to keep you moving UsTsTM ■utAnHMO-BUMOAPOWE CPTKI LTD. Tong Foog Building. Stf) Floor. 52 E Chin Swh
      281 words

      • 67 13 ■■M. la*. fIT .11 N fISS .14 S. Laad UM .It S. Tiliai «S 00 .1* N. Irea UM M OCBC $IjN .It CKy D*». 11.51 JS Ckaaß.lad. »4J JS EN* tt 10 4- -N S. Darky |M 4 JS Traclar. Kit 4- -N YOB (4.14 N Pu-BL |14t
        67 words
      • 20 13 AJtae tt.44 J4 Alms 51.04 JM Jartflac tIM M ■illli WJM Jl M. Mmw S4JS .14 I'bllMc $I.M LJS
        20 words
      • 23 13 CKy De*. 111.080 M. Crad* MMN D. B. B. HHI Paa-n. tMM Tatal T»— SJ.IS M Tatal Vataf: U.TJ M
        23 words
      • 58 13 May >1 Jml IKabU: SStSI SfteJS friMlN: 445.11 UlJf Hsiafct: ITS.7J 11*48 Fmortlas: tSSJM t Ttaa: 108.41 108.41 t IBS* ill: MIJI Ml JS t O.CMJC: l»Jt X44JJ t 5.8.8. lad.: SBMI *MjM Dm. M. UN IN 1 Dm. 11, INS IN t Dm. t*. IN> IN Dm.
        58 words
    • 1545 13 fHS last transacted sale x at the close of friwJnoso In the Stock Exchange of Sir gapore yesterday compared with the previous day> prices together with 1974 high and tow. Adjusted for sU new issues). INDUSTRIAL CLOSING TON! I AU MCtMa* eI4M« ittady. TUHHOVSM: OArul IeUI tore«*W aa
      1,545 words
    • 1242 13 BID and offer prices officially listed ard bualneoo In and leportad to the 8«ock Exchange of Singapore yesterday with the number of shares trade' shown in brackets in tot i of 1.000 units unless otherwlM specified. INDUSTRIALS Anna (2.438) (1) 3.43. CD. A.TX (1.108) AJkee (3.408) (2) 1.4
      1,242 words
      • 316 13 OPENING qiotatlons In the Singapore rubber market yesterday were three cents down fallowing lower then expected London advices, and further ground was lost as liquidation found buyers reserved. At the 194.00 cents per kilo level for June, the market checked on short-covering. The afternoon session waj quiet and
        316 words
      • 23 13 Bobber: Jwm 3 Slngaiwre: IM.M eta. (down S.M eta.) Malaysia: deawd. Tin: fI^MJU («p Official offering KM tons (down 34 teas).
        23 words
      • 27 13 THE Straits tin price rose $6 to $1,250.25 per plcul In Pen&ng yesterday on an official oiler lr g down 34 tons to 250 tons.
        27 words
      • 94 13 CMmaaa meouca CMAMQI, tIMOAPCIIB eid—ma rates* raa moml vutiuav Hill balk IIM 4nm flSt C^rmi mxt (MM) UK/OIM. ate mami^ki f Mustek AMTA *M«a I• k 100% MUW SSSTI Mltn. Sarawak walto M« NIMT SSM ntli. Sarawak «mUI Maak l.a.a. NLW (JO* Mil—. Sarawak JLSTA MMI lit. ISS« HUH
        94 words
    • 329 13 rwas a day of ehanglag f ertanes at the Stock Exchange Of Singapore yesterday. la mixed coo»ditiona, prices first moved ap marginally, then down before a armor rally aear to the end broaght shares to close slightly higher am the day Bpee«latlve Isaacs were hardest alt whea
      329 words
    • 33 13 THE Koala Lamaor Stock Bxehaage aad the MaUysian rahber market were elaaed yesterday a special public holiday la Malaysia to celebrate the formattsation of fan diplomatic tie. between Malaysia aad China
      33 words
    • 181 13 ASIAN currency deposit lnurtank ratst as at elosa on Maoday. Jon* I: US DOLLABS OffW Ml T days 11-« I 11-l/J 1 mUi ia-i/4 U-i S mthi la-i/is 11-11/ U I mthi IJ-1/1S 11-U/1S S mthi 1M II 11-15 IS S BUM 11-1/4 11-1/ i 11 BUM
      181 words
    • 228 13 OONOKONO. Mon.— Share 11 prleea ctoeed higher today In moderate trading The Hang Song Index toss 8 U poinu to *****. aoagkaag Baak rose *j RKS334B on 1U Local regiO' tet and romo Inert unchanged at ***** on Its London Other game,. '^ruded ■aagksag Lane at M 00. BMealaea.
      228 words
    • 170 13 rpOKTO. Mon Prices on the Tokyo Block Exchange turned dull as almost all forerunner* came under preasvre of profittaking soiling. The Dow Jones average tumbled 16.M to *****8 and the New index loot 1.19 to 341.18. Trading volume totalled 370 million shares Today's closing prices In yen with the
      170 words
    • 284 13 VfKLBOURNI. Man Til* UA (hart market took a stttp plunge In Melbourne today. aenleraUnc lm*t waat craah and propelling owsr a •core of stock< to new low points for the jwar. Property stocks auffered one of their worst knati for several weeks with MaiaJlae bottoming at SO osnu and
      284 words
    • 66 13 rpHK US dollar opened 1 the week In the Singapore forex market yeaterda/ on an easy tone at $2.4100-40 and m fairly active trading it moved marginally up to $2.4125-35 by lunch time. Trading was to a certain decree restricted by the closure of the Malaysian forex market.
      66 words
    • 159 13 TIM foOowln* art th* nominal arermx* cloatnf tetartaank rat** tat Mmwr: Caniailn W— hul rates ■■Hinalu rttMhp «Ss*ad y—irtay lerw) pat** Him OS dollar ***** J 41JS IslM —14.44 ■Urttng pond »7MO »TMO l*m —MM WwiglWt dollar VIM 47 M MJI »JT Matajratan dollar DaaTallaMt INN Aim Mfaißtnv
      159 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 575 13 1 1 .^bbbbbbßbbl I BANQUE DE L'INDOCHINE I (Incorporated in Franca with limifd liability) I rreed Office: 96, Boulevard Haussmann. Paris B Capital Paid-up: French Francs 448 million I A NEW STEP FORWARD I I BANQUE DE L'INDOCHINE HAS BEEN IN BUSINESS FOR I ALMOST A CENTUR V AND IS
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 887 14 The Singapore branch of a well established I European Bank, invites applications for: OFFICER (Head Currrent Account/ Remittance Department) For this senior position which will cover all aspects of handling of cash, customer accounts, remittances, clean bills, travellers cheques and clearing, a minimum of 5 years experience with similar responsibilities
      887 words
    • 447 14 A large and established Shipping Company has the following vacancies:--(A) MALE INWARD CARGO CANVASSER (B) FEMALE FREIGHT CANVASSER Qualifications and experience required 1. Minimum Senior Cambridge or G.C.E. with 3 O passed 2. At least 2 years canvassing experience in similar capacity; 13. Should be a good conversationalist, have pleasant
      447 words
    • 402 14 TRACTORS INTERNATIONAL LIMITED invites aopl'cat.cms Irom suitably qualified male Singapore Oldens for the position o' SALES ENGINEER II Age 25 35 year* 2) Qualification*/ Experience Graduate or equivalent m science or engineering with diesel engines or riiesel electric power and its application or diesel marine power background SeMmg experience useful
      402 words
    • 329 14 NOTICE SINGAPORE FINANCE LIMITED (Incorporated in the Republic of Sinojpere. Subscriptions to the $3 million public issue of Singapore Finance Limited totalled 2.9 times the value of the issue. This was announced at the balloting proceedings for the shares held at the offices of Goh, Tan Co., the Registrars to
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    • 476 14 PAPER PRODUCTS (MALAYA) BERHAD (Incorporated In Malaysia) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an Extra-Ordinary General Meeting of the members of Paper Products (Malaya) Berhad will be held at the Conference Room. 3rd Floor, Bangunan UMBC, Jalan Suleiman, Kuala Lumpur on 24th June 1974 at 3.00 p.m. for the special purpose
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  • 311 15 ipWO members of a four-man gang which netted loot totalling some $27,633 in a series of armed robberies were yesterday sentenced by 9 Singapore court to a total of seven years jail and 20 strokes of the rotan. Each had pleaded
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  • 244 15 MORE than 10,000 ITI people have visited the Keep Singapore CrimeFree and Police Week exhibition at the Victoria Memorial Hall during the past two days. The eight-day exhibition which opened last Sunday, has on display posters and statistics on the crime rate
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  • 23 15 WATEK consamptlon on Sand»y wu 114.1 million gallons (Ml.Mt cable metres), 9J million rations (4X.wM cable metres) leas than on SaUrday
    23 words
  • 69 15 The blood stock situation TOTAL reserve blood stocks at the Singapore Blood Transfusion Centre were above average last week. Donations received during the week were 907 unit* and transfusion* given were 7»1 units. Oroup donations cajne from: Selarmng Barracks (IM donors). Cnacgl Air Base (115 i. Olllman Barracks UMi, Sembawang
    69 words
  • 23 15 MR. MJ Namaaie. an advocate, ha* been elected president of the Muslim League. The general secretary Is Mr. M. Kama! Batcha.
    23 words
  • 69 15 A SPECIAL unit has been act up by the Ministry of Education to deal with the handicapped in Singapore. A spokesman of the unit said that it was now conducting a preliminary survey into the nature and extent of the educational problems of the
    69 words
  • 55 15 Tseng and Ong (Pie), a firm of stockbrokers, la claimIng S3B.at7 from a client. Mr Chua K»i Tat. in a writ filed at the High Court. Mr. Chua, of Buklt Tlmah load, is alleged to have owed this sum. including brokerage, in transaction* with the company
    55 words
  • 146 15 SERVANT JAILED FOR THEFT, FORGERY A MAIDSERVANT was I/\ J ailed for a day and fined $2,250 by a magistrate for stealing her employer's cheque book, and for forging and cashing three of the cheques for $800. Lav Wee Ttong. 34. was Jailed for day and fined si .MO on
    146 words
  • 28 15 THK strike by about lea wwateie of Betclene, a drycleaning firm at Delta Road, entered it* first week yesterday, with still no eattVtnaaait in sight
    28 words
  • 213 15 PRESIDENT Bhea r e s, the Chief Scout, will open the ninth Asia Pacific Scout Conference at the Singapore Conference Hall tomorrow at 11.30 a.m More than 290 delegates from 23 countries In the Asia-Pacific region will attend the week long conference. Among them
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  • 60 15 LORRY DRIVER Boh Song Hong. 38, was fined $2,000 by a district court yesterday for offering $10 "coffee money" to an ROY police constable who had booked him for driving without paying his road tax. He was found guilty of trying to bribe PC Phuang Slew
    60 words
  • 277 15 rE family Ufa of KaJ.Goa. Dr. aawataaai Saleh and has wife, Paam Paty, phreta areand scouting activities. Bath are active la the aeoat movement and think aa highly af It that Ita do* and donts are enforced am their children. Own. Dr.
    277 words
  • 31 15 181 Minister for Communications. Mr. Tone Nyuk Lin, will addrees the Association of remitting Engineers at lea annual dinner at Bhang'i-La Hotel on June T at 7 45 pjn.
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 200 15 The winning team of 74 99 c 9 aajaaj-— aaj w "t, ajaj Baaaal" aa '>^ aawßaß S jW lJatfriy^af TO»baa»aPß»Sat What makes thii team just that much jA better than the others? Ci ICtaQPp That's why they're a little bit stronger, -^^aaa*^^*^ a little bit healthier, so a little
      200 words
    • 232 15 |SrWTrIKW^ aaaS^ cJP^^ o^ ci.l l M* ''^bbbbl QaaL C k NOW'S YOUR BIG CHANCE to collect bright, new unique Horoscope Stickers for youraalf, your family and friendsl And that's not ail I You also get a fabulous Horoscope Wail Chart on which you can stick your set of Horoscope
      232 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 581 15 llj I 1 *Mft 1 I I afl Baa* II K Lav IT a T IX. 1 I I I TV MALAYSIA (31 rAAM rVsfraaae taaaary > Foraa ?.41 Bakat 74. J.W %M atoka A W.aa U7 O 3O f rwWiea U. Haas Marl Melakit Ul Wastkar %U 0.00 1M
      581 words
    • 260 15 TV SINGAPORE (5) Ifi HA <■ la 12JI Met: day's prices of essential fasttatfc IU.UU Treat and test trans- (Ea|l«k. Malay) Ul News ia aiaaiea (cekwr) 2JI Traoa nd IJI Lsssit: Wi*|et latent teat traasaiuiaa Kekwr) IJI IM Soaata Tlwtgh beeriaeiri Oaaaiat aas It aas Around (E»|- 7JI Haas
      260 words

  • 259 16 AN Automobile Association employee yesterday testified in a magistrate's court that he was paid about $180 to enrol new members to vote in a new committee at the association's 1972 annual meeting. Mr. Ang Chin Nun. head of the AA't Touring Department, said
    259 words
  • 181 16 A 19 -YEAR-OLD youth, who pawned a stolen watch for »3«, was Jailed for six months by the First Magistrate's Court yesterday after he pleaded guilty to disposing stolen property. Senior Inspector A Mani, prosecuting, told the court that Bo Ah Kwang received
    181 words
  • 12 16 COMEX Singapore has begun a 21-day overland excursion of Indonesia.
    12 words
  • 111 16 TWO participant* of the x recent cloaed-dDor oonfarcnee on South-east Asian security wUI give a talk to rfJngaporß press Ciuo BMnibers at the Jupiter Room. Apollo Hotel, tonight at 7 PJB. They are Professors D. Moatngo and K Yoahlhara, who will speak on The Great
    111 words
  • 170 16 Customs men write book concerning their work rnHREE Customs officers 1 have jointly written a book. The Impact of Customs, giving an Insight Into the history and organisation of the department since it was set up some 64 years ago. The authors are Mr. Llm Thean Soo. Mr. Sukumaran Nalr
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 98 16 i Igolden theatre--? if, f.W SHamaj*, lltmtaup* 4a« t*Sajiß9Xam IWJVJBI1 WJVJBI y ACADEMY AWARDS BEST i%Mfo^&\ PICTUJEiiF^^^ PAll M WWAfV ROBERT REDTORD ROBIRISfIAH •.V.'V.V.V.VbVAV.VbVbV.%S kniUft r^IAW LAST FEW DAYS I IVUIMU tnIAIM admission TOA PAVOH LORONG 4 $2. $1.50. $1 DAILY 4 SHOWS: 1 .30. 3.30. 7.16 ft 9.30 pm
      98 words
    • 485 16 ■i aval aBBfIBSi BSfIBBVBVBVBVBWBBBBIBWBB ftHMsV CUAU/Uiri 2 SHOWS NIGHTLY j. mm jnUff twi: 70 0 a 9.30 pu. > ADMISSION: Adults $2.00. Children $1 00?. ALAN TANG ®g XGSI hu Qm *^^^iJS k > Mth EXPLOSIVE DAY! at the ODEON ii Please Note Screening Times: 4 SNows Dally: i lam,
      485 words
    • 177 16 [SUCCESS] Read these letters i¥bm i girls who have taken the Deportment P and 9 Grooming J Course at ElsaYeo Model Centre. The benefits are many Mavis Chan: Every girl should invest in such a course to improve her personality before starting on a career. bL .wB Lillian Yapt I
      177 words
    • 207 16 f.9th"DAY! AT THE CAPITOL S SHOWS DAILY 11 am. 1 30. 4.00. 646 a 930 pm pSP^nr I TbeCopMwtc i !b^bKb^^UbW I eYeD c CoPsi n^ I BM MMbV MMbV bb^sMMMH .**SBVMa.IiIH Maw< aHBaWMSJ^RB^ WiUTNIS TTHi4r •BJUCMCIXWGMDfOXUK. a t[ aVTaaUJBL^^JUK, MIUBtTIIWIIJUIWIIIDaiIHNSSCUiaUODM i a» I r-rir i ■«••< o"i -■M»nr r
      207 words
    • 689 16 |«MfiAMISATMIM NOW SHOWING 111 am. 11am. 1.48. 4.00. 848. 818 Cnarta* Brooaon Jill iratand m Tha VALOf Z_HORS« Color BJ NEXT CHANGE' SCHOOL CHILDREN S 100 to ANY SEAT at AU SHOWS Oat* HEINTJE. Th* GOLDEN .^^otCEoort?^N^^^^^ 1 m I I' am. 1 30 4 00. 5.48. B 30 JOHN
      689 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 1162 17 ctMTtiimaup somcf ti iK/cwniatin C MmII 'Mlm? D*Mrt Itm. Html 1 IX lUI MM 11 Ml lIM* IMj NMj lIMM IMM irTMM MN aMI nMM MtotJ 11 Mf IT MJ 1 1 MM MMiUT aM* aMI IMJ DMJ 71 MtJ II Mr MMM MM IM IMI IMM IMJ MM, MM
      1,162 words
    • 1088 17 Expres s States to Straits Service M. OrMM MMM tott/Mil a. Taw I'PWI P. MMMJ MM '1| Pf lUMMCI ImMI ImM IMm* MM* MM 4 ?MM I Ml Tl I [BHM mm* MmM to*M MM a MM a MM IT PMTUtUM Mm M mm a Mm I Ma f M|
      1,088 words
    • 991 17 _^mmm \\^J *7 tJr fi r "mm ti tawpi. DM* Imm rM S'm<« P.toMf icm AMtnt '(MO 111 MM MM MM M Part IM IMM IMM MM* ILM MM II Ml II MM IMj MM KMJ IMt lITM* MM IM* B MM MMM NMM II MM 11 MM iuu mt
      991 words
    • 982 17 MM^^Hl^Baaa II FULLY COWTAiNiIIZID SItVICI TO IUKOfi mMlwi I FMb Biota mm ii I AjartaraM, MtMWp, Ll Havr*. muluti MUM Ma i^ HM*art Hmm, arMefti*^. mmmm V.V.V.'.'.'. 3 ii AariM. Ca»M|ii, 6atMM«t Immm. SauSrVicin mj 1 StieuoM, OHo, miniHu, UulM K«m>». MM| TMM: Ut MMn mM ME FULLY CONTAINitIZID SEKVICE
      982 words
    • 728 17 IMIMIH flM44j P. Kmmm *J4l; K.U *****; Nlll| UMI. TUB BANK LDfK LTD. imm mvi mv. HMMM (I MTW* Mfl P. IMMJ H/IM S-Mn I/UM* rUTMM |CW'. MMMM P. MMJ Im M/M Ml IMM I'4«.LMMM»INnci P Mmi MM I'M umi i lmmi p.immj h/kmj r*n nm mj mmi un m
      728 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 570 18 yL—^”- 1 KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTD. KAWASAKI KINKAI KISEN KAISHA ITD. IAPAN. HOMKOK. STIAITS SEKICE. law* Haataoat itlWI P *t"r-l MIMa aUM 17 IMM Slngapor* Japan Barvtaa S.i.pto.. FM •MPf tlt»»,T II MM lt»a*. •M-MfkkJMl i Japan Arabian Cull Sarvlaa l.atwoil Fit •Ilk lUM U it MM Colokko 'M'jKM'lktti [»V
      570 words
    • 726 18 MMfgrnwMMww BEAUTY LINES SFrari ETA ETD 111-Hill IX T. ItAITT UTK Samoit 7-M 11 MM IMMMM L.CT IUITTKUT TirMM SkM) 7mm ItMMM. ls.t. imwp iitiur. Pwt imm immcm. li.T MMOUII m4mmii TMM '«<_ttw. KAITTUIT MM.U IMkt II to. M_kMf. numnMA M«Nii MMM Hati|kMi| thM MhM (Utjoor. t-M Ita Honttoit CM»
      726 words
      742 words
    • 636 18 Eggss samct ti urn iwarwt/cttm-pn mn il vh. t< hhiii MiMk] Ptna.t liaan tn n-wi- tm.t-1 KIM kyimalwi^u-i. kmi JJ'7. N'wi P,J *'Mra H/7 I MMM MUTI M fWI l/llmt 11/ M Mat It H— >• 7. I K«i 4 t Mft.rg 10 t. tarttratai M MM* ntllll It/It MM
      636 words
    • 600 18 AUTH9MITV AMMOUMC.O 4UMC 4. Tur PtLLOOIHO BIBTMIKO IB A— muK AtmtnoiM.Mta p»« «wat 4. Ci»n« v i avi ita>. h I. Tno_m lul Maruwr H J Kaa>r Bakak B V Ounon. K.«i h I a— II *UTi Raxiu Bakki 11 1«. RTaaid'klifrori.nir'B J OfT B Nrptanr 8.~l Ik. Taaak 10
      600 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 679 19 iNsrrruT teknoloji KEBANGSAAN MALAYSIA Iklan Jawatan-Jawatan Kosong Puaat Pengajian Kemanusiaan Permohonan adalah dipelawa dari Warganegara Malaysia untuk jawaunjawaun Penolong Pensy&rah/Penolong Pensvarah 'AVPenolon^ Pensyarah 'B dalam bidangbidang ■.e|x-rti berikut: ta) Pengajian Islam (b) Ekonomi (c) Pengajian Malaysia 2. Tanggagaji (i) Penolong Pensyarah $820 x 40 900 (pokok) sebulan (ii) Penolonf Pennyarah
      679 words
    • 719 19 LEMBAGA PEMASARAN PERTANIAN PERSEKUTUAN (Federal Agricultural Marketing Authority) MALAYSIA 1. Permohonan -permohonan adalah dipelawa daripada Warganegara Malaysia bagi memenohi jawaUn-jawaUn berikut dengan Lembaga Pemasaran PerUnian Persekutuan. A. JURUTERA AWAM (a) Tangga Gaji $800 x 40 1.000/1,060 x 60 1,500 campur elaun perumahan anUra $200 $260 (b) Kelayakan dan Pengalaman Mempunyai
      719 words
    • 787 19 LEMBAGA KEMAJUAN PERTANIAN MUDA (MADA) Jawatan-Jawatan Kosong Permohonan adalah dipelawa daripada Wargantgara Malaysia bagi jawatan -jawatan di bawsh (A) JURUTERA AWAM. Tingkatan Biaaa (No. Fail MADA (A) 23) (B) JURUTERA JENTERA, Tingkatan Biaaa (No. Fail MADA (A) 235) (C) JURUTERA JENTERA, Gred I (No. Pail MADA (A) 236) Tangga Gaji
      787 words
    • 690 19 LEMBAGA LETRIK NEGARA JU RUTERA JURUTERA TEMPATAN DAN PENYELIA-PENYELIA KERJA BAGI KERJA-KERJA BINAAN UTAMA L.L.N. Jurutera -Jurutera Tempatan Permohonan adalah dipelawa dari Jurutera -Jurutera Awam yang mempunyai kelayakan sasuai dan berdafter dengan Lembaga Jurutera Malaysia untuk menyelia pembinaan bangunan-bangunan utama LLN dan kerja-kerja berkaiUn di Johor Bahru, Melaka, Port Dickaon
      690 words
    • 550 19 LITRONIX (M) BHD., PENANG, invites applications for ji L PRODUCT ENGINEER MOS/Bipolar ICS Qualification* Graduate in Electronic Engineering with strong emphasis in Semiconductor technologies and digital tschniquaa. Expsrioao* Minimum of 2 years in related fields. TbaJobc Ariong other things, he shall specify assembly processes for both MOS and Bipolar Intorgrated
      550 words

  • 32 20 DO YOU NEED expert and Qualified advice on your skin 0 then consult Louise Klerk, medically trained beauty therapist with 29 years tropical experience, at Hotel Slngapura telephone *****3 (B'pore).
    32 words
  • 115 20 MADAM ROSE MARIE LIM KIM NEO w/o late Chan Chye Ouan. passed away peacefully 3/6/74. Cortege will leave 19 Jalan Bangket (21) at 3 p.m. on 9/6/74. For Jurong Catholic Church Thence. C.C.X. Cemetery Deeply mourned by sons Chan Wah Kok. i;han Wah Slang. 2 daughters-in-law and 7
    115 words
  • 88 20 THE FAMILY OF THE late Mr Foo Pew Ting thank Reverend Thomas Cook, friends and relatives for their kind attendance, condolences, wreaths during their recent bereavement FAMILY OF LATE K. VISVALIN--OAM, Jalan Jaffar. thanks friends and relatives for contributions, condolences, wreaths and sttendance during recent bereavement MR. NO
    88 words
  • 23 20 LOVING MEMORY of Cheong Mou Seng departed 4 671 Sadly missed but always fondly remembered by wife, children L friends.
    23 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 1941 20 classified ads H ACCOUNTS CLERK (SINGAPORE CITIZEN) School Certificate and Bookkeeping certificate Preferably with knowledge of Accounu work and typing ability. Applications giving full particulars Including age. qualifications, experience and salary expected to Personnel Officer. United Engineers (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.. P.O. Box 41. Singapore CATERPILLAR FAR EAST LIMITED requires A
      1,941 words
    • 735 20 PART-TIME SHOP ASSISTANT. 12 p.m. 6.00 p.m dally. Knowledge of sewing Apply Hongkong Look, 63. Tanglln Shopping Centre. Lowei groundfloor INVITATION EXTENOED TO CAMBRIDGE or use male and female studenu by progressing International Company In special sales with bright future Income over 1 .000 00 each month no problem Write
      735 words
    • 782 20 t i JURONO CEMENT (PTE) LTD. Applications are Invited for the immediate post of CLERK-OP-WORKS at our new factory building con- structlon site In Jurong Indus- trial Estate Applications should state details of age. experience, present salary together with s recent passport photograph (non-returnable) to reach The Manager. Jurong Camanl
      782 words
    • 756 20 WE REPRESENT A 810 AMERICAN Company Wr are currently looking for part-time ladles/ gentlemen who are dynamic and above the age of 19 This Is a challenging career and we offer good remuneration Your earning will not be less than $200/- weekly The time will be scheduled to your convenience
      756 words
    • 623 20 SALESMAN REOUIRBD with several years experience In buildIng materials Must be willing to travel to Sabah. Sarawak. Saigon and Cambodia. Preferably candidates with connections In these countries Knowledge of Chinese and English essential. Also require one experienced technician to manage nail factory Knowledge of Fngllsh and Chinese essential Ple-.tse apply
      623 words
    • 857 20 B.A. HONS. LADY GRADUATE from University of Malaya, seeks administrative post. Please reply to 290-B. Blk 85. Whampoa Drtt«, (12) ENTERPRISING MALE WITH pretertlary education and administrative experience seeks Interesting and challenging posltlon ST. Box A ***** EXPERIENCED FEMALE CLERK seeks any part-time Job between 6.30 p m to 930
      857 words
    • 795 20 DIST 10 JERVOIS CLOSE. K<kxl furnishings. 3 bedrooms. 2 alrcondltloners Reasonable rental $800. Ring *****0 CENTRALLY AIRCONOmONED BUNOALOW dlst 10 four bedrooms, study complete with wardrobes, bathrooms attached Marble flooring, extensive splitlevel living, dining Beautifully landscaped garden with carpet turfing. Immediate occupation Furnished/ unfurnished Ultramodern interior Telephone *****9/ *****3 CONDOMINIUM
      795 words
    • 947 20 BUNOALOWS/ APARTMENTS/ SEMI-DETACHED, dlsts 9. 10. 11. Detached bungalow off Holland Road, dlst 10 4 bedrooms/ study rpom. separate living and dining. large kitchen and servant's Fully matured garden (2) Detached bungalow. Chancery Lane, dlst 113 bedrooms, large living and dining, land area: half an acre. (3) Semi-detached bungalows, dlsu
      947 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 702 21 ESTABLISHED EUROPEAN BANK requires Immediate bungalows, apartmenu in good residential locality, preferably disU 0. 10. 11 or 21. For Junior and senior executives 1/4 bedrooms, modern bathrooms and within the range of $1,000 to $4 000/- Bank undertakes 1/2 years lease with attractive terms of payment and deposit In advance
      702 words
    • 744 21 HDB 3 ROOMED standard flat at Queenstown Peaceful surrounding 8 T Box A ***** 1* ACRE LAND on Jalan Lemba Bedok for sale Ring Mr Ooh *****8 LUXURIOUS APARTMENT at Leonle Tower. Off Orange Road. Area 3,300 sq ft relinquished booking Listed price at 8270.000 Highest offer secures Tel *****1
      744 words
    • 836 21 ON LEASE fully furnished office 240 sq ft Oolden MUe $450 p m Inclusive Tel *****31 Choo. OFFICE SPACE/ WAREHOUSE WANTED approximately 10,000 18.000 sq ft. preferably Queenstown and Thomson areas Contact Unda *****7 OIST. 1* BALESTIER ROAD spacious office, residential and store to let Immediately Ring ***** THIRO ANNIVERSARY
      836 words
    • 814 21 SPECIAL LOW FARM to any part of Europe. New York, Toronto, USA. Australia. Tokyo, Hongkong. Taiwan. Indonesia Bangkok. Alnnaster Travel Centre 36. Dhoby Ohaut, (mar Cathay Cinema) Tel: *****/ *****. SHENTOURS present 2 day* KUANTAN TURTLE BEACH For only SBS7JB Inclusive air -cond coach, meal* and accommodation Dop: 1/8. 8/8,
      814 words
    • 664 21 MAS. CHARTERS LONDON -87 10. t Europe $770. Australia 9500. c USA/ Canada *****, Tokyo/ t Indonesia/ Bangkok. 36K, Prlnsep Street (apposite Cathay) Tel *nS9I/ 333« ft/ *****1 I OJUM AGENCY (PTI) LTD. (llrßnlm B Travel A#»»*r) OFFERS OUARANTEED FLIOHTB FROM SINOAPORE TO LONDON 9748VfUJBTBRDAM $700/ PARIS.. 9788/ROTTERDAM 97*8/ALBO AGENTS
      664 words
    • 702 21 IHORTHANO BBBHHIIrI rapid ourse commencing 7.6.74. Duralon 3 month* Fee 910 Morning 0 i.m. 10 a.m. Afternoon 3 p.m. -3 p.m Evening 5.30 p.m. —6.28 >rr Ideal for shift workers, reacher In charge 8 years caching experience Please inquire:- Systematic Business mining Centre. Room 117, let noor, Peace Centre Spore
      702 words
    • 710 21 BOOKKIBFINO: New Session* starung June Morning/ Afternoon/ Evening Seeston*. Register early Raja* College, Raffles Place (*****). RaJ«s. 218 D Changl Road (*****6) CORRESPONDENCE B RE»ORTWRITINQ: Three months rapid course Success guaranteed StarUng June Register early Raja's College. Raffle* Place (*****); RajV* 218 D CHangl Road m •saaeißTl ANOTHER C T
      710 words
    • 612 21 UNDIR-ORADUATE OFFERS TUITION IN secondary Science subject* Unlimited »üb)ecu at a fixed fee Tel: *****4 COFFER TOOLING RAPIO COURSE starting 10th June Enquiries Advanced Craft Art Supply 408. Outram Park. ***** WANTIO TEACHER OR TEACHERS to teach 3 gin* In Secondary 3 hid Secondary 4 on the following suojecu MsMnniaein.
      612 words
    • 598 21 PACIFIC MOTOR CRIOIT PTI. Ltd.. showroom at 511, Buklt T lmah Road. 4W mi S'por* 10 I Tel: *****1/ *****3/ ****** I offer*:- 1973 Mercedes 3808 automatic a'reond (new model), Volvo 1448 alrcond Colt Oalant OTO. Toyota Carina 1600. Maada 808 Coupe, 1972 Toyota Ceilca air- cond.. Masda Capella 1600.
      598 words
    • 611 21 9FECIAL USED CARS OFFER If you are In the market for a good used car. why not call at CWVWgt^F BatsMeWV 304 Orchard Road er rtao 9TBBSB We have many models for you to :hoo*e Olve us a fair offer and we rill accept It. 1971 REGISTERED MAZDA BBS Coupe
      611 words

  • 407 22 The day a car tried to run over 'tec 6 shots— and the driver died CORONER'S court was told yesterday how a detective sergeant saved his colleague from being run over by a car with three people in it by firing at the getaway car. One of the shots fired
    407 words
  • 245 22 Prices of vegs remain steady VEGETABLE prices ref mained steady during the past two days except for kangkong and cucumber, according to the Department of Trade. The Department said yesterday that kangkong went up by five cents to 40 cent* a kati. while cucumber dropped by five cents to 20
    245 words
  • 67 22 Girl guides patrol leaders camp THE Singapore Olrl Guides Association is noldlng a patrol leaders camp at Saiimbun Scout campsite. One of the highlight* of the camp which will end on Friday, will be an International gathering from I p.m. to S pm tomorrow Other items include a Maori concert
    67 words
  • 51 22 JAKARTA. Mon Some ***** tons of rice which the South Sulawesi Government I purchased from Singapore has arrived at I' June Pandani port. the Ant ar a news agency reported today. The agency said that IM9 tons of fertiliser will arrive from Singapore this wti
    51 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 768 22 classifie OCTOBER IMS MERCEDES BENZ 2SOS Saloon, one owner, excellent condition, power steering. Denso alrcon $11,800 on o. View 836 Mountbatten Road (near junction of Tanjong Katong Road) Spore 15 REGISTERED 1957 AUSTIN MINI 850 Saloon New tax' Insurance Very good condition $2,950 0.n.0. View 8-A Joo Avenue off Tessensohn,
      768 words
    • 692 22 dads (D GENUINE BEST QUALITY CROCODILE, snake, lizard, ostrich skin bags, belts, shoes and wallet* at lowest price. Chan Reptiles. 12* Peace Centre, Selegle Road Tel: *****2 *****3 INTERESTING NEW FRIEND* AVAILABLE!! Doctors. Accountants. Engineers. Executives. Teachers. Nurses. Free Brochures OP. O »57 Singapore. GENERAL B»RAYPAINTING repair refrigerators and alrcondltloner.v
      692 words
    • 653 22 HARDWARE. ENGINEERING AND CONTRACTING company due eapanslon require loan.Securltj offered Any offer please forward 0.P.0 Box ISM AUSTRALIAN BUSINESSMAN In Singapore wishes to contact persons or companies Interested In Australian Investment Tel: *****1 ext 4 SOLE AGENCIES for Malaysia. Indonesia "Sunikl" Melodlons/ Harmonicas Factory Sales Representative Box A ***** FlßE^WooTlArel;
      653 words
    • 564 22 I PARTS MARKETING EXECUTIVE (based in Singapore and Kuala Lumpur) A large motor group invites aoplications from Singapore and Malaysia citizens aged below 35 for the above posts: Technical or marketing degree/ diploma Self- motivators with ability to work under pressure, independently and well with people at all levels Possession
      564 words
    • 488 22 /JJvN PUBLIC UTIUTIESjI Uf&tt BOARD DEPARTMENT CHIEF GENERATION ENGINEER'* 2500 3000 mud r» Corporate Member of the Institution of Engineers. Singapore or equivalent and be registered with the Professional Engineers Board. Must possess 10 years' extensive experience in the administration, operation and maintenance of high pressure steam power stations. Experience
      488 words

  • ACROSS THE CAUSEWAY China ties holiday mood...
    • 133 23 300 who 'saw doctors' are sacked KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. —About 300 employees of Harglll Engineering in Sungei Rengam have been dismissed, their union claimed yesterday. The Transport Equipment and Allied Industries Employees Union said the reason given by the management for the dismissal was that they sought medical treatment while
      133 words
    • 68 23 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. A salesgirl was robbed of two gold chains worth 12 IS in Buklt Dumbar last night Khoo Seng Hong was seated with a friend. Teoh Ah Hoot, on a bench at a lonely spot when two armed robbers confronted them at about 7 45
      68 words
    • 51 23 PENANO. Mon. Burglars broke into the house of a labouier In Kampung Meajld. Bayar. Lepas. yesterday and took away $3,445 in cajh and valuables. Mohamed Yuaof bin Din. 30, of Malaysian Airline* System, told police he found them missing when he woke up at about 1
      51 words
    • 143 23 School leavers swell queue for jobs KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. Sch o o 1-leavers have swelled the number of registrants with the Labour Ministry's employment offices in Peninsular Malaysia to 142,754 at the end of March. During March, a total of 17,288 Job-seekers registered in Peninsular Malaysia. In Selangor alone Xhere
      143 words
    • 191 23 Probe on $3mil lorry smuggling racket KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. Custom* officers are probing a $3 million racket Involving the smuggling of lorries Into the country from a neighbouring country. More than MM vehicles are believed to have already slipped through the customs checkpoint at Jobore Baru over the past 12
      191 words
    • 128 23 Robbers take watch and beat up victim IPOH, Mon. Three robbers assaulted sub* contractor Wong Clng Yoong and smashed up the front and rear windscreens of his car after taking his watch. Mr. Wong. 37. told the police that a* he got out of his car after parking It along
      128 words
    • 34 23 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon Wormald International an Australian ft* protection and •erurltT engineering company lost SB.OOO worth of electrical wire to four man who broke Into their Peeiaran Segambut Tengah office last night.
      34 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 91 23 .AbbbL-_ bbbbbbbb** .^b^^^bbbbl I lT~ mm^ mmmmm^l^F' nffl BBBW^ I WIN $16,000 I WORTH I OF PRIZES Nirg is ttSM excitißg mws fsr alt irivtrt. Prizes wartliSlS.oOOKebeiß tbt Ne» Natitß Vmxbsll Viva Ecootsjy Test Csfltatt wkich it sow m Top prin it a colour TV set Ewry week winters tf
      91 words
    • 630 23 c KENYATAAN TAWARAN Tawaran-Uwaran adalah dipelawa daripada Kontrekter-kontrekter/Peinbekal-pentbekai yang berpengalaman bagi kerja-kerja tersebut dibawah itu:--(A) BP. NO Ul/74 d*a 184/74 Mencantum hijau anak-anak. getah:(i> 4-3967 ekar diFelda Pagan, 16.00 aatu Timor, Peringkat IBCD.. set bagi KoU Tinggi, Johor aatu rancanfan. (ii) 1063 ekar diFelda Sg. Mai, Peringkat lE, KoU Tingfi,
      630 words
    • 1117 23 Hargill Engineering Sdn. Berhad wish to advise that due to unforseen circumstances they are temporarily suspending operations with .effect from 31st May 1974, 4.30 p.m., until further notice. Any inconvenience caused to I our friends and valued customers is much regretted. Office Administrator, Hargill Engineering Sdn. Bhd Syah Alam Industrial
      1,117 words
    • 150 23 K- L 9wS*X MBIAIMI NVMMI ""••■Saw bbbSv Knu* tm-w.w« kKSm ■HI Jrl »«B«»a-«. Iki■ kJ «6.JdanOur9unOomoniooHtOTi. REGISTRATION OF CONTRACTORS CmiL ENGINEERING WORKS Civil Engineering contractors registered under Class 'A' In the public Works Department, Majllu Amanah Rakyat (MARA), Perbadanan Pembangunan Bandar (UDA), Perbadanan Kemajuan Negerl SeltJigor and Dewan Bandaray:* are
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  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
    • 308 23 Sfraits Times 055^ 0 ACBOM 4 Doctor Allen ooasposa* a 1 Islands gtveo nssy ptpe Oarsatn walta (1). thU in (I. ID ooofesaon Pa. I've a Window section of door dona wrong, round about that b locked initially twice! (7). S Dig in for winter out West a Swat turning
      308 words

  • 664 24 weights tor Satarday'a raeM at Kuala Lam pur CLAM 1. DIV 1 *F Mak* A Wlah 00 Ka«p Oolnn II S. 11 Ragal Mate II (.11 Kuantan II S 11 Lowland Chlaf B.l* Slaoerlly 111 *.*T Olympic Triumph *.M Hoaay mm (0s Royal Print S.*4 Nlpah II (.03
    664 words
  • 485 24 Punters get raw deal on Sentak Suria's $6 payout pUNTERS are certainly getting a raw deal under the present system of taxation on tote betting at Malaysian racecourses. At Kuala Lumpur on Sunday, punters went on a betting spree in Race Four and wagered $101,370 (18,351 win tickets and 1,923
    485 words
  • 118 24 Indons edge Koreans JAKARTA, Mon. Indonesia beat South Korea 1-1 tonight, second night of the Jakarta Anniversary Cup soccer tournament. Defending champions Burma beat Malaysia 3-0 In the second match tonight. Scorers: Nyl Nyl Tun, Than Soe and Boe Mylnt Indonesia led l-# at half time when outsideleft Abdul Kadlr
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  • 29 24 LONDON, lion The Indian touring team, replying to Derbyshire's first Innings aeon of 170-9 declared, were 101-3 at lunch on the second day of their match hen.
    29 words
  • 616 24 TOCKIY Rod Allan tii sus- pmM for Uir*» nee day* fallowing an inquiry tar Urn stewards Into th* handUnfl of Vf*i—.s In the first (our furlong* of Race 1 In Kuala L— pur on Saturday Mkwten tt* inquiry which was resumed on Bunday, Allan nt
    616 words
  • 342 24 DELGRADE, Mon.— England and Liverpool soccer star Kevin Keegan wag Involved in an Incident at Belgrade airport yesterday and finished up with a bruise on his face and a bloody nose. Keegan was with the England team which arrived here yesterday from Sofia
    Reuter  -  342 words
  • 34 24 PORT AUTHORITY RECREATION CLUB hammered West Bourne 5-1 In a friendly soccer match at Buklt Chermto yesterday Mohammed Moor (S) and Abdul Aili (2> scared for PARC whUe •tasUfJ. tor West Bourne
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  • 401 24 PIGGOTT BANNED FOR STOPPING TO RIDE BEFORE POST. PARIS, Mon. British Jockey Lester Piggott was suspended for eight days by Longchamps race stewards yesterday after pulling up his mount before the end of the Prix dv Palais Royal here. Piggott riding the Oerman-bred Oarzer, owned by Mr. Alfred Boss, sat
    401 words
  • 69 24 NEW YONX, Mon. MaJor League baseball score* yesterday National League Atlanta 9 Montreal 0. Chicago 7 Lo* Angeles 6. Cincinnati Pittsburgh 1. 8t Louis t San Diego 6. Philadelphia 4 San Francisco 3. Houston v New York (postponed). ftaxirfana Leagwe: New York 11 Minnesota 1. Baltimore 6
    Reuter  -  69 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 194 24 You can see them growing taller every day with JUniUITE Junivite is the vitamin syrup sp ecially formulated for children, with the 6 Essentitil Vitamins |TT- ir i ,'n concentrated o.'ange juice. li,^ -fcli^ gj^K Start your chi Idren on Joi toe '«v Bfl R% sa*fc»% I "^^s^T^aj^^LV »mt««i>iti". •"<»■«
      194 words
    • 95 24 fire resistant decor boards flam awcorar>v« trptum ptmtft •aftatrM librt bom nil demountable I partition systems I standard office I contracts furniture L£ ROX V (S) PTE LTD. I rwooo mnmrrni rnrrmr-T Agarol is |^b^bh*| a gentle liquid j^^rW*^ laxative. effective yss=" in res V~SS: torirtg normal bowel functions Agarol
      95 words

    • 200 25 Fung: China's shooters set for a golden sweep fTUNAS snooun should make a gold medal sweep in the Asian Oamet in Teheran In September and also an a few world marks iapai»» JOS DOB. A I This Is the ■■lannwii of Singapore Shooting Association president afr. Fung Lok Nam. who
      200 words
    • 254 25  - Superstars clash in tonight's exhibition PETER SLOW By CINGAPOREANS probably have the last chance of witnessing two of the World's finest badminton players superstars Tang Hsien-hu and Hou Chia-chang In action when the China team put on their last exhibition tonight at the Singapore Badminton Hall, Oulllemard Road. And the
      254 words
    • 71 25 'VfR. TAN KOK BIANO was iTI re-elected president of the Black* Rugby Football Club, at It* annual general mrellnc yesterday. Other ofllcUls elected were: Vice president: Mr. Low Peng Hal; Hon Secretary: Bnclk Ifohd. A. Rahman; As t. Secretary: Mr Gar Kong Eng; Treasurer. Mr. 8 Oopal.
      71 words
    • 538 25  -  TONY FRANCIS By £EREMBAN, Mon. Singapore got off to a good start in the Tun Razak Cup hockey championship when they bent Kedah by 1-0 here today. Singapore had to overcome strong re- slstance before lanky M. Jeevanathan hit In the winning goal. Singapore, however, will find
      538 words
    • 305 25 S'pore Malays held by Shah's hattrick PENANG, Mon. Penang Malays Invitation XI, with only two Malaysia Cup players In Shaharuddln Abdullah and Ooi Hock Kheng (second half), held Singapore Malays to a 3-3 draw in their soccer friendly at the City Stadium today.. The match failed to come up to
      305 words
    • 101 25 SHENTON TRAVEL are organising a tour to Penang for Singapore aoccer fan* to see the Malaysia Cup match against Penang on June 23. Besides Caking the fans to s»t the match they will aiao conduct a tour of Penang In alr-oondltlooad coaches. The flight will leave on
      101 words
    • 515 25 FRANKFURT. Monday npHIRTT top football 1 referees from all five continents gather here this week to prepare for the World Cup finals. It U part of the International Football Federation (FIFA) plan to ensure a common code of refereelng at the 10--nation
      515 words
    • 178 25  - Sharp-shooting diplomat says goodbye ANN PETERS By IN Italian diplomat who tarns Into a goal-scoring centre forward after office hours said farewell to his team mates last Friday. For Dr. Marco Mssjilgk, 34. the Italian Trade rommlssionrr here. Is leaving for home for rr- posting on Wednesday after serving seven
      178 words
    • 376 25  - Youth goalkeeper Rozario joins Cup trainees JOE DORAI By BRIAN Rozario, the National Youth goal k c c per, has been called up for Malaysia Cup team training In preparation for the second leg semifinal match against Penang on June 23 at Penang City Stadium. Irian who made his international
      376 words
    • 27 25 MADRID. Mon— Chile defeated Spain's Salamanca Club 3-1 yesterday In a warm-up match for their World Cup appearance in West Oermany later this month. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  27 words
    • 355 25 S'pore face Korea in opening match IfUALA LUMPUR, Mon. Malaysia the defending champions will meet Thailand In the opening match of the 18th Merdeka Soccer Tournament at the Stadium Perak In Ipoh, on July 24. Singapore's opening game will be against South Korea In Ipoh. Malaysia, Hong Kong Thailand and
      355 words
    • 36 25 SEOUL. Mon. Cambodia. Hongkong. Iran, Japan and Taiwan will participate, along with hoaU South Korea, in the fifth Asian Woman* Basketball Championship here from June 23 to W. the Basketball Association stud today Reuter.
      Reuter  -  36 words
    • 21 25 CYCLE and Carriage, which celebrates Its 7Sth anniversary this year, will hold a Diamond Jubilee Big Walk on Sunday.
      21 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 368 25 R^ Till M 3 :T*l a yyf HB THOUSANDS OF lf S??' -l EXAM SUCCESSES! Diploma Metropolitan College home study students The Trustee have a wonderful record of succeas at major Diplom Ranking exams, with an average pass-record JL..__which, since 1946. htu tarn Mghr than all Language mhrr candidalrt We
      368 words
    • 118 25 for speedier \.f recovery r— v^H ncreases surgery d^tt *^^io stamina so good for you because/ I each sachet contains I IOOOmg. of vitamin C OranviW 1 I I Oranvital protects from colds and flu, U -IX "iOj increases stamina, makes f or a liS 1 wJV^5f healthier complexion n
      118 words
  • Page 25 Miscellaneous
    • 131 25 ■^^■^^a^sai aSaaaUsflaMaVaHssflsi BADMINTON Exhibition by Chinese team (SBA Hall 7 JO pm i ■OCUT BHA Dlv 2 Iraiue: SRC "B 1 SCC <Padang>. Dlv. 3: Police v Khalaa (Thomson Rd). ACSOBA t SeleUr BASKETBALL Tour «J match: Bihar (India) v Asia Electric (Oay World pjn.). lollce Junior Leag-ue: Final (MacPherson
      131 words

  • 176 26 After the blast a complex in ruins HPHEBE charred mini X are all that remain of the chemical plant at Flixborotifh which was destroyed by the deadliest peacetime explosion in British history. Thirty people are feared dead and over IM injured in the explosion. Authorities said last night that they
    UPI  -  176 words
  • 75 26 JAKARTA. Mon. The Ptorelf n Office aaid today It bad no knowledge of reported Informal talk* In Singapore aaaong high-ranking official* of the Aaoetatkm of SouthBan A«an Nation* (Aat an) an the f carnation of a nonagareaalon pact. The mmaYaj Times In Sta> lapore quoting authoritative
    AP  -  75 words
  • 102 26 9 852s leave Bangkok for home BANOKOK, Mon. Nine U8 BS3 hembers left Utapao air base south of Bangkok over the weekend, headed for the United States In the continuing reduction of American forces In Thailand. US military spokesman said today. The nine represented the entire 802 contingent scheduled tc
    AP  -  102 words
  • 86 26 90 HELD FOR ANTI SADAT ACTIVITY PAIBO, Men. Some Vt M people have aeen arrested here on charges of circulating leafleU calling for the overthrew of President Anwar Sadat, the snaas-eirealaUon newspayer Al Akhbar reverted today. It said the accused were calling for the esUbllahment of a theocratic state la
    AP  -  86 words
  • 23 26 LONDON lion. Sir Arnold Lunn. the English ski expert who Invented the slalom, died today at the age of M. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  23 words
  • 382 26 ONOON. Mm TW auftM »«l lP»«r m «nl«t timdll* iud at i p^av tk rtoa»ctaJ Tlm«« imu waj am to Maaafeetunn aM wn ■mtaaue-abrw wan kM kit bf Om Mwnal nut mli in at niiDafaac*. Olaaa. OawnuMa. laaaa, Bnetlak Bakaiaa aa« Id mamtt mi f.iis ranciac m«m ta
    382 words
  • 27 26 UWDON. Mm. a»M Mm istee t—*4»). iiui (—*e»). Mml Mmn OTSS t~«ii —t*n aim t—eat ■hbmwi mm i4iMi. t— m lb. tM turn, m tie i*m-
    27 words
  • 266 26 Nixon M-E tour details out this week WASHINGTON, Monday DRESIDENT Nixon was expected to an--1 nounce this week details of a Middle East tour that will Include at least four countries Israel. Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Jordan. The trip, emphasising the Nixon Administration's foreign policy triumph of securing a ceasefire
    Reuter  -  266 words
  • 76 26 Firing squad death for spy SOFIA (Bulgaria), Mon The city court I has sentenced a 53-year-old economist to death by firing squad for espionage, the official news agency BTA said yesterday. Helnrlch Spaetter. a Bui- I raitafi cltlaen. planted fulhy dm ng a five-day trial to "working for a loaf
    UPI  -  76 words
  • 185 26 JOHANNERSBURO, Mon South African Finance Minister Nlcolaas Dle<«erlcha said here last night that he thought the price of gold could well rise to US$2OO (Bs4ff» an ounce on the free market this year. Speaking In a radio programme, the minister said
    Reuter  -  185 words
  • 133 26 Java volcano becoming active JAKARTA, Mon.— The Mount Slamet volcano In central Java haa been showing signs of acUvtty during the paat three months, the Independent KNI news agency reported mimtlaa to the agency. tb» volcano In the Banjrumaa Regency hat at time* had mWUh flow at Its ptak followed
    Reuter  -  133 words
  • 38 26 MAW IL f. *«-Iwjhi»U were kltte* Ml II •than MtHtag when the ett-ten nm ferry Aiefca •Mffct iKulwik xeeterda, with ttl »«o»le aboard off the .oathem FMUppta*. pert of «*SJjW^aWlpta. mtt avoaeaaaan said here
    38 words
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    • 207 26 ®Rushnell 1 X^SPORTS OPTICS f t for professionals I Ba^BaaJLvaVaL I "Rugged, Accurate, Economical." Rif lescopes for all Purposes. I For an outstanding but reasonably priced tetescopic sight, turn to Bushnel I Riftescopes. with Lighted Airrung Pont for Dawn to Dusk Light Conditions. AvsilsWe at all leading stores. I .K9l
      207 words
    • 236 26 1 ——I j CAR AIR CONDITIONERS inclusive of installation and factory guarantee Select your favourite from a wide range of models. Telephone: *****/***** for enquiries KflfYl BRCXH6RS «riC*ftPRIS€S CO No: 20 Church Street, Singapore 1. Cable: Titonsenki PniO%-SO% Discount SreOALDISCXHJNT FOR TWO WEEKS ONLY- lat-lStfa JUWB74. EXQUISITE DESIGNS AND BEAUTIFUL
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