The Straits Times, 4 May 1972

Total Pages: 24
1 24 The Straits Times
  • 21 1 AVERAGE UAlLr CERHHr \U E) The Straits Times Natiunal Est4 IMS THIRSDW MAY I. It7t U CENTS Ml (P) No 177
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  • 762 1 Situation serious Pentagon Nixon holds crisis talks on the big rout in Vietnam WASHINGTON. Wednesday PRESIDENT Nixon called in his advisers for emergency consultations today, after the Defence Department had conveyed to him its grim assessment that South Vietnamese resistance appeared to be crumbling before Hanoi's juggernaut. The secret briefings
    Agencies  -  762 words
  • 344 1 Govt warns dealers: Check your drugs SINGAPORE. Wednesday THE Ministry of Health today warned all Importers, dealers, sellers and dispensers of drugs to <heck their drugs before dealing in them •They should be well advised to acquaint themselves of the drugs and preparations which are controlled as poisons or dangerous
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  • 223 1 Batu Gajah Wad. A DIESEL locoaaotlve sad XI tfTB «M«« hi a im4« traia of wiftu telescoped and crashed at a point jaw over a mile aorth of the railway iUUm here •hortly after ee*ea this At crashed wagon* lay la a
    223 words
  • 254 1 24 feared dead, 58 trapped in US mine fire KM I <M.(. (Idaho). Wed. At least 24 miners died in America's richest silver mine after fire swept through mineshafts more than half-a-mlle underground, authorities said. Sheriff Lou Gardner said 19 asdics were being broaght to the surface in addition to
    AP  -  254 words
  • 2013 1  - Court told of $20,000 offer to kill 3 CHRISTINA CHEANG S.M. MUTHU Gold bullion slayings inquiry opens By and Chemist tells of blood stains found C I A PORE, Wed The Fourth District Court \\;is tcxl.iv told how two brothers, oul for re venue, plotter! the killing of two or
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  • 30 1 WELLINGTON Wed ni» teur. will arrive m n>« Zealand in mid-Jur c 14 p!.i\ matrhe*. thr New Table Tennis AaaocU'. aouneed tod*> Ktuter e
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  • 26 1 LONDON Wed Foreign Secretary Sir aln Douglat-Hom* BOSI I vuit Australia New Zealand Bangla Desh. Indonenia and Afghanistan \h* foreign Offic announced today AP
    AP  -  26 words
  • 48 1 THREAT BY HIJACKERS ISTANBIL. Weri rour Turkish gunm- who hijacked an alrlimi with 6* people aboard to Sofia. Rule. ir > i Bw»« threatened to blu» it up u n lev* I brer outlaw* under trs*4*a«< of death for kidn were released Bm iSer b.irk i
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  • 19 1 ATBSJss Woa Tht Oraot pi aaaaaasm palm aa awso—m tko taat r*wrt nreiam> to maafru Hwawmrium
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • World News
    • 363 2 WASHINGTON W*d JHE United States might again pull out of the Paris peace talks because of the worsening situation in South Vietnam, a State Department spokesman said here today State Department spokesman Mr Charles Bray said There is a legitimate element of doubt
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    • 263 2 Way clear for better ties, say Senators HONG KONG, feed AMERICAN Senators Mike Mansfield and Hugh Scott said today their visit to China would pave the way for better Sino-U S. relations Senate majority leader Mr Mansfield and Re publican leader Mr Scott. togethT with their wives and party of
      UPI  -  263 words
    • 209 2 WASHINGTON TO WORK CLOSELY WITH PEKING WASHINGTON. Weu. The I nited States ■as deciueu to co-operate with China in areas that arc mutually beneficial, a State Department official safcl Mr Marshall Green, who travelled with President Nixon to Peking last Pthraary saM: We have not onl> made the ueei■bm to
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    • 334 2 Nixon in a spot over choice of FBI chief WASHINGTON. Wed FBI chief l.dgar Noo ver's deatk has pat Tre sidenl Nlaon in a spot who to ehooie to sneretd him The Prraldent's choice expected to he annount ed in a few days will come ander the closest scrutiny of
      Reuter  -  334 words
    • 187 2 US$3O,OOO HIJACK STORY HOAX: TWO MEN HELD \LABHINOTOS. Wed The FBI %-oday arrested two men alleged to have deceived a magazine reporter Into payIng U8530.000 for what he thought wou d be an interview with the firsman to hijack a plane and escape with the ran<om by parachute According to
      Agencies  -  187 words
    • 55 2 NEW YORK Wed—A steam pipe exploded on the 36th nuor of a skyscraper in the heart of Manhattan financial district today and killed at least seven people tirr .fflciais reported Mr Robert Prrer secretary o( the tire department said at the I scene that the pipe
      55 words
    • 154 2 Humphry and McGovern running neck and neck NEW YORK U, n s. phrey and Mru locked tense, close t last nit Ohio prim.' which wa> sational vote fraud But m nets' Indiana S**n H appeared to have ed a narrow rtcti Alabama Oovern lace with a mart;: percent to Mr
      154 words
    • 16 2 JAKARTA Wrd fcviMtHI p*' plr *nr o\erturn«l xna plunawi rnw nmr 81 Reutrr
      Reuter  -  16 words
    • 316 2 LONDON. Wed PARLIAMENTARY ap--1 proval of legislation to take Britain Into the Common Market was all but guaranteed last night with the success of a government motion to restrict debate on the subject Despite an Impassioned speech on parliamentary tradition by Labour Party spokesman. Mr.
      Reuter  -  316 words
    • 40 2 LA8 VEOAS Wed CoW dian Jrrry Lewi* U bcti-l M*d (or us«1000oo by W)u l*v\* itruck him hMM with a c^ne d c»n*-*» iiimriK routinr in r*t p< Allrfd On, li vttC he ■i i H. j'er
      40 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 337 2 I lfl.no4i@KaHl It's the only one in ßl B the world that can Lla^mafimnml j^"*» I literaitytdl you twhatV time it n You can get 111^ a time-check anytime I By (imply pressing the {_L V£) disc on top of the clock. f\ v*• _^Zm you activate a voice which
      337 words
  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

    • 278 3 The groom with only six months to live... WitaMrtiy. iced resplendent and the brick-groom happy as the Churen of England y were married seemed perfect, but the *jcn. a remarkable athlete, ha* only six ■ontha to live UcWrwrter 26. who ha* been chosen to represent Australia in Olympics rowing team
      UPI  -  278 words
    • 111 3 Ln NAI :UNS. Wed 8 Ambassador Mr ueorge Bush expresoed regret yesterday for the aaranaajnßt which Soviet Ambassador Mr Jacob Malik said «as directed at him and his wire by the Jewish Defence Leaiue Mr Bush said In a letter to Mr Malik
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    • 193 3 NEW YOU* wn AC.ROI r Or 24 New paacr neraonnel mrrr charged yesterday with taktac i»MI IS $1 millton In hrthc* from t'Mbling concerns in one or the Mcgoat Miinntlan scandahi r«er ■nr«>rred Another pshrrmaa ander in»estigaUon com nutted snicide on
      Reuter  -  193 words
    • 349 3 SANTIAGO V.od J^N ominous atmosphere settled over the third UN. Conference on Trade and Development (Unctad) here this week as the developed countries began to 'deflate" ambitious Tnird World plans to talk rich countries into heavy concessions With the conference at the halfway mark
      Reuter  -  349 words
    • 182 3 PEKING OFFERS LOANS WITH NO INTERESTS SANTIAGO, Wednesday. £HINA offered interest-free or low interest loans to poor countries last night at the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (Unctad). Chinese delegate Mr. Yen Chta-hua told an Unctad working aession that hi* Oovernment "U opposed to the political pressure that
      UPI  -  182 words
    • 33 3 BEIRUT Wed Tbre« poltcoiap war* kuloa and 10 othars loaartU yasurday buahod a pane* patrol in a aseuen of aft Lebanon an the eve of Prune simmer Saeo naJaam's' rcatgnatton UPT
      33 words
    • 54 3 N*W YORK. Wed A man in Buffalo restaurant today shot dead a felkxn-arsokfaoter who. he. compiamrd talk.--mc too loudly polk* asid. Prank Hhitnnd aged about at. waa trying to make hun•elf heard by hi* cosapanion. wbo in partially deaf A s»aa aged It wu later arrested and charted
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    • 17 3 CARACAS Wed The Q«vernmenu cf Venezuela and CciunMa yesterday annoansed roeognitian o» Hinglaasah UPI
      UPI  -  17 words
    • 159 3 Schoolboy who stabbed stepfather freed WINCHEfeTTCR (Eng. lang), Wed A 16-year-old schoolboy who admitted stabbing his stepfather to death during a violent family row was cleared of charges of murder and manslaughter in court here today The boy, Christopher Thompson, earlier told the court ttia' he had been caught up
      Reuter  -  159 words
    • 154 3 REYKJAVIK (Iceland), Wed Th«. long delayed World Chess Championship between Soviet titleholder Boris Spassky and American Bobby Fischer will begin here on July 2. it was announced here last night Mr OudmjMdur Thorarlnaaon. president >f Ice land's Chits Federation said he had
      Reuter  -  154 words
    • 106 3 LONDON, Wed. It took two Bremen, an ambulance worker and a neighbour to put Jean Km »irk to bed last night. Jean, who weighs 47« lbs discovered when she returned from a visit to a shmminc club that the lift
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 231 3 Why take ""^^aa nW C7ric££ Swectlet renews your complexion She looks so young and pro So healthy and full of cnerpy Her complexion is aparkling and bhmasfc bat. She owes it all to her Hicee. Each sweetk-t .ontams a strong dose of 500 mf Vitsmia C. equivalent to 10
      231 words

  • 129 4 WHO'S WHO IN THE CASE The Magistrate: Mr r.G. Benedict For the proseeaU«b: •cater lute Coan •el Mr. 8 Bajendran. DfP Mr I Chla Quee Kee. In vestigating Officer Det. Inspector Oh Chye Bee For the defence: Mr. Francis T. Scow: For Andrew Chen Beck Gun and David Choa Beck
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 47 4 .ijf(fr DC 570XN H ms^S^^B(^ HBM^H f tSViI^BBSBBBBBBBBBVsa*^^ PR S^sjn»»m fclß- __''^*^»l ""~^3i bbSbl BSBBBBBBBBBBBsfti BtBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW SB BK B% JKt^tJ^Kt^kk A a. *^ft I 1 BjßjJß}esßsw n^^. m^^^mmjjmmam r v f m m H i fs fi ti t sr Ms3B B^B^B^B^B^B^B^Bj \f \i* c I Bl
      47 words
    • 127 4 .^BafofeaV^v a1 °*A> .^BsbbbbbbT^ *X BtssmT^^S%^^. BBv BsP*^B^^V BsV Ir^BEaVin C I-—^BW^wamivaM C J I SAVING FOR I I THE FAMILY I I SIOOICNO. I I VOUCHERS I Even If you do not read an English language newspaper, you are still entitled to a $100 Post Offlce Savings >^^^ Bank
      127 words

  • 113 5 Only 50 couples now for Rat trip APORE Wed 3 Only 50 coupsw will now keep that 4 *~x s*- r*Qu r .I*? ■itn M**rc ur> SliiK«4^>or^ r- r M* **v.«\ri C and E T 'ur* »rjs>ni*jw*r* <*f had BM ISBS«SSBfI hi» firm had swetdii to ae•JSB^PI w«BT W Wm*
    113 words
  • 20 5 SIMOAPOW Wed ""he TMCA ia_iia)i nsiim a Jay <1 'f*C>MV* <t Me*' m.-t nt*. RfIMBBI and r»mp,M
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  • 136 5 KUALA LUMPUR Wed Un AX Oar. cousin Its'! Prime Minister Mrs Indira Oandhl will be living here soon ■he will come here on Tuesday with her hu&band who U to be India new High Cawtntn— T In Malaysia Mrs Dar U the youngest daughter
    136 words
  • 30 5 SINGAPORE Wsd. Tn» Minister for Social Affairs. Inthe Othasan Wok who Is also MP for Paatr Panjan*. will open a ami silat class tomorrow it 7 JO P-s».
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  • 301 5 For Tan it's never too late to 'see' the world SINGAPORE W«d OPPOIT I NITY knocks "too late for blind businessman Tan Guan Hen* but better than never He has always wasted to travel aa4 see the world mul trunk Ally into rh* nor ranr only after hr went ■H
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  • 226 5 Transistor speaker factory may be set up here SINGAPORE. Wed A leading Japanese electronic fiim may soon set up a factory. here to manufacture transistor speakers Mr Yoso Ishixuks. president of Pioneer Electron* Corporation, said on his arrival today that his firm was investigating into the possibility of investing here
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  • 48 5 SINGAPORE Wed Inch* AM Yufcof hu been rlee ed president uf the Hillview Estate House Owners and Resulrnu Association Other officials include Mr Chua Kirn Trek < vtce-prwtden' Mr J R Denis I secretary i Mr Lee Eng Chain (aast secretary >. and Mr N Sadanand»n (treasurer)
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  • 111 5 KANOAR. Wed The Agrl c v 1 1 v ral Bank ißank Pertaniam will Issue loans to farmers to buy properties and re-purchase mortgaged ones Inche Shukri bin Ismail. assistant manager of the bank's Alor Star branch said this today at a meeting with
    111 words
  • 79 5 Photo display opens on July 1 -APORE. Wed The Photographic Society of Singapore will hold lU> 23rd International Saloon Exhibition at the Chinese Chamber of Commerce in Hill Street from July 1 to 5. j Lenamen from over 40 tountrtss are exported to take part Enuio* can be submitted either
    79 words
  • 49 5 SINGAPORE Wed The Minister fur Social Affairs Inche Othman Wok. who is alao MP (or Pasir Panjanf. will open a heart exhibitmn at the Pasir Paniang community centre on Saturday at 710 pm The two-day exhibition is being held in conjunction with World Health Day
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 100 5 Tissot Super Tl2 Ultra -tough Ultra -waterproof bt --^bsbbtt bT t 'k. j£W BbH^bvQ^^Bj iI t 9 BSS^^^H S^BSi ***** SslfBV^JB^B^^ r ■""*■"> o»i« utw» BsOrßisfßl B< o* 400 1 i«mmB^^^w^BJ BSS* svMvivt SlBO In addition. the Tissot Super T l2 y^sjKj^N sßsfMßMsilk high i W^^ f is self -winding
      100 words
    • 383 5 Account Manager for OBM Although you in,i\ still i ill our m\\a ing iigeiu ""lU'iisoii it's not OMM v cut David Ogilvy puts it this 1 I think we are a little more pr«fessitfnal For example, we have a codified corpus of knowledge as to what (actors make for result
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 276 5 Straits Times Crossword bH tblt B^sHsiß^BV^~~BißH^~nßvn~~BßflF~nHßi A' ROSS i Country anUral appeanns 7 Plain source of bad mood* before morning UTI (S) (a sort of civeti v put S it Tor mucn tolerance of out t§Y pcnniastvt drama' (t. »i 11 Planner twlat of thread we Last to make a
      276 words

  • 157 6 WVd The IflUui Group in Singapore ruu a i <mii Km. Mr Woon U w2! Jurooc Town Corporation durloaed toU.V' M*v^ IWpttl UHMlon at Jwai Port "WrnnJ flto MTCI of i«->» s« ■nirs at a ""•SS'te'tfcr flrst fattyttm in th* poet and the An^^
    157 words
  • 107 6 anOAPOKE Wed The ited National Front has appealed to the Minister fur Labi ur Mr One Pang 80..11 -rnurp that ssaall group* of nonuni<>ni»ed rrf-rv jjsj the reeosamendat. sm Mm .ar> mm* 1 W »h.,p« mpt.r' «-x;> rt rn»s and other places of
    107 words
  • 230 6 Snicks st 'Chomp Chomp' soon for residents l»l *>II»F I n of Scran- goon Garden will ommi oe munching their snacks at ."Chump Chomp", the new hawker centre ia Kensington Park Koad The centre, costing $*$.M*. will mite toe racked t**d hawker* formerly MMsaC at toe oas bay in Seraog*s«
    230 words
  • 180 6 OINOAPORE. Wed Pallid tical secretaries in the Government are now to be treated in exactly the same way as other civil servants foi* the purpose of contributing to the Central Provident Fund They were among those previously exempted from contributing to the Fund Other
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  • 91 6 POLICE 'NO TO PERMIT FOR PUBLIC TALK PIN\N<. Wed Potter here have refused U grand i permit for 1 public talk whi State Youth Count il tended to hold in Mi Town Hall tomorrow Former rhairn Gcrakan Ra'ayat Mal.n sla. Professor Syed Hu« sein Alatas. was achedul ed to spean
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 200 6 Sorry, we may have to turn you down -if your shop is not aiming to excel Let us explain... Right servicing to ensure success I Specialists' Centre has not been built to be just Experienced centre management "*~V%3*VMMpMBfJIJHPIBHB another shopping centre. Centralised advertising and sale H JIiSV. 4i^mm^¥*Jk fMI ><J
      200 words
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous

    • 127 7 Can a chit fund force member to resign? i lh# M.,i,e-arT -\jth--1 ty of mngapi r m* whe-rwr s th;t fu:.d smBSBMM R#ee«t|y I was list mw» M bioo>r ;n .ne -he I ih tKen Naammmi by the coaßpsinv to fwvmh two SmSL Mil cm*. 'i mpM m> ■■Ml oa
      127 words
    • 34 7 fwil loar of machinery at 1 PI A near Oate lis ncrre- wracking The re Mdwm or the area have to suffer it daily from 7 am to 10 p m PATRK K «()V,
      34 words
    • 42 7 Untidy— this car park rIE Ookken Mile govern-■seat-run public car dfttaw It recjvtres driving '<« Hi*Mi Mm at over the rax park Although it is for temporary use, there Is no rea--hould be so 111--<"ar Parks Division do something please *> RK HARD TAN,
      42 words
    • 185 7 Query: Am they for •Itix+ni mlon«? LETTIaU U tmt* B*mVwAW WflM I* |WNpttlmM ■■I—a iWy sift ta* writers aiamaa aad ad4tHM> IsMtadt F— d> aot *asl EmU*" REFER ki sk< Wl*i lS I Vpril 27. v, uif v .itimi hum Nil
      185 words
    • 81 7 J I it was announced that the Singapore Polytechotc was going to increase the number of classes for nautical studies, there was quite a bag response for the marine radio Qflaoar course But sad to say. the number of successful applicants for this course still remains the same only 90—
      81 words
    • 88 7 MY friend is on split»hift duty .11 am to 3pm and 7p re to 1 1 p m > in a hotel and gets a day on every Monday He v serving part-time natlont.l service and has been given the night off for training every Frluay Now nls employers want
      88 words
    • 36 7 WHY Is there such a delay tn getting renewal slips for the mudent concession passes for Parry Secondary Bchool students' Most of us have to pay full price when travelling mat us. ANXIOIS STTDfcNT. Singapore 11.
      36 words
    • 262 7 GOVT REPLIES The aim is to get both sides together IN the report headlined "Where the rains bring an avalanche of rubble, and a red sea floods gardens iST, April it wm« reported that a Ministry of National Development spokesman had said that "since the land was bought from a
      262 words
    • 158 7 CUMKt lake the sexual assault and murder of a schoolgirl la Juroag I I \pril 27) will con Uawe to bo committed UsUew preventive art ion i» takes Jarong has ma y laterite tracks, but lighting on these tracks i« absent Due also
      158 words
    • 75 7 WAKE up, RTS, you are not progjfcssing at all. Variety Shows you have telecast like Cilia Black. Val Doonlcan Flip Wilson Don Knotts are five years old Why cant you import some up-to-date features like the Cliff Richard Show Elton John, Lulu. Bobby Gentry and Jackson Five Since we have
      75 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 353 7 fresh Pauls is pure cows' mirk, brimming with ail the rich vitamins so essential Get your packs from the grocer today to good health Or have them delivered to It's fresh, natural taste makes it the home by filling in the atta. Ktoal drink for all growing children Address your
      353 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 96 7 spaiasiawawai 'JV Ctwfw ROBGPtS lw> »*f m w V.T. Mmmtlim Lrt m r B W At impp I You bnoecte have your"! stamp back. folks- ~"m NEWLY DrfirO^FOPn truCtions -and J J AND LET THE DEAR J h iJrlkVTiTQiS»r^X£ ,5S k I r«m«mbdjr.'»-Aitho f f old ladies view the f
      96 words

  • 5113 8  - Measor's zeal for STC shares misguided says QC CHIA POTEIK and BEN DAVIDSON WATERHOUSE: YOU BOUGHT LARGE BLOCKS INDISCRIMINATELY FOR SHEN B, Singapore. Wednesday MEASOR: ITS UNTRUE... I DID NOT GAMBLE ON MY ADVICE BEING ACCEPTED Measor: I didn't tell Shen of matters raised in City Talk 'THAT ANSWER IS
    5,113 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 168 8 Australia has some new building ideas to show you .^b^Bb "yi^al i AUSTRALIAN BUILDING MATERIALS DISPLAY (TrUOC ONLY) SvMtfnfl n one of Australia's Maaest and buawat induatrtaa Com* atona io the Australia* SvNaWaW** Dwpiay and as* tor yourSMaw auaflß^v^aaaA WMa aWa^hfl**^feßW^Bfea^^h«7* aWa*> aXfaiifta li> ■la I^^^ j **"*w**^^ s^p rfw
      168 words
    • 70 8 What's behind a cover ■1 -A^ B 1 la^BMav^BW I w. Fi it JsV"~l ■hi s*^^ This issue covers: China Rcfwfaci China's >••«"* Communi* Laajita Smaaporc Malaysia Stackm.** Ha***** US and China: frcst Pott Mo*,*, Holiaayt in Ana An ail tipalina mm Thailand? B««SiBaa« Hutch*** y O»»la# I«4m M psvVl
      70 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 197 9 GRUNGE HEIGHT „>^f Singapore's most up-to-date high- rise luxurious m^s mr I apartments with unique 3 split-level design. «a s^ars#» plush finish and snugly located in a high class sr** residential area. t^ i P^*^ l^-* w« 1 Iw> •-< I >nfcU I.« So Ii: Ml— 111 H ,t \^d
      197 words

  • 200 10 Teachers told: No tuition for pupils of own school OINGAPORE. Wei. Thr Ministry of Education has reminded teachers that they should not give tuition for renume ration" to students in their school. However, it encourage* teachers glvtag free lvi lion to "continue with their good work The reminder came in
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  • 64 10 Malaysian police detain Thai trawler ALOR STAR. Wed A marine police patrol boat yesterday intercepted and detained a Thai trawler for alleged Intrusion Into Man territorial waters at Pulau Hljau near Pulau Langkawi The trawler with an tight* man crew, was reported to have come from Satun a bonier town
    64 words
  • 150 10 SINGAPORE. Wed Police now know the man who they believed murdered the 10-year-old schoolgirl after raping her In Jurong la.«t week. But their quarry gave them the slip each Um<' Special Investigations Section detectives raided several places frequented by the suspect. "We know
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 179 10 •MOW SHOWING t-"™'. THE BEST SUSPENSE-THRILLER TO BE SEEN HERE THIS YEAR." !ttLsk*/.Hr*i irst Im directed by starring CLINT EASTWOOD PLAY MISTY FOR ME" U.j/1 Imitation to ivrrm... A ki«R4il an/—c POM*—' UMI «tO— CSVaW I SKY A ROXY Opens T«oi*y-«X Ntxt Ckauft J j THE BLACK ENFORCER j I
      179 words
    • 295 10 I LL UNArB JBV T I >«•*.*! I I co»e»la«a») I I sT«ASILt«OS^B 'inrtl row «m«*< ?av< saY ha*** I I 4« *ajLl> I I MHai* ay B) f RMIf i r k i t'«ooiA 1 a»'^k. I I I You** toon OtM, I I you hovsti't soon aN J
      295 words
    • 208 10 lU The decor at Omar Khawam £ft l^aj is like a dream of the ll^M WP^ Arabian .Sights. Isfifl The cuisine is trut Kashmiri, J traditionally prepared and J wK} exquisite to eat. 159 ■0^ Omar Khayyam is indeed the ultimate lIQfl w@% t'li g<mt dining and a delightful "Oi
      208 words
    • 401 10 ♦^^vyvvws^v^vw^^wAl^vv^^v^rVw•d^svyVA^^^^r^^^r%• inr«p| DtIVE IN Gmm: U.S.. 4 )OPENS TOIAY! a tsowt MHjfertv 700 ft NFM. Ao» A4a*i >2 CliMna Alm SATURDAY MIDNIGHT at the ODEON ORCHARD JtMT NU-ALAI UK KVOIfi «iM*CMCI RIM-TAI Jf\^^^ $j; atiT** ■im mm arm viS *mii cumn ihtitus :j ORCHARD: 2nd MAJESTIC WEEK! 3 Sltawt oon>
      401 words
    • 508 10 OmOANISATIOfj Si OrSPJS THAT' H I Km w. M 4 it*. 'IMPETUOUS FIRE 5 Hi j I I A.o" Ta^ K»o^4 orSow* I^U•j' i I A»'»«n CMt *-|Tli ill >' I tna OS* im 4 aa* m «mH *«M. 4 H^-. 1 a»«ai«ai «a« a* ■ih>ik i at Mi. ittwia
      508 words

  • 341 11 SINGAPORE. Wednesday i« i suit agMnst L.iii v ii and his w IM. M, II max Ik vltlnl out i otirt. Mr Jus I old «.ii T" IMJ U «e f '-T.T.* itiu *jetwee> p«rie» r.'mcrrned asid Mr Ha* stone Team
    341 words
  • 152 11 Double joy Labour Day for workers of two companies SINOAPORE. Wed Two firms here have J given their 120 employees a double Labour Day surprise Madame Watson and Co Ltd and Maclaine Watson (Import* Pte Ltd have told their rmployees rou) May 1 they need work only flve da>> a
    152 words
  • 93 11 Hoover Park Residents Assn officials SINGAPORE. Wed —Mr AN Balagopal has been re-elected president of the Hoover Park and Neighbourhood Residents Association Other official* *r* Mr vm« Ti and Mr Yuc Hock Tut <Vlee Preaidenu. Mr TL Oui <aecret*n>> Mr Pawl Mew Lair Choon taaat general ■ternary < Mr Kane
    93 words
  • 253 11 Ministry to computerise personal data of teachers SINGAPORE, Wed Teachers and all other professional staff under the Ministry of Education will have their personal particulars computerised This Is to "increase the efficiency of educational planning and administration" according to two circulars Issued by the Ministry They were directed separately to
    253 words
  • 103 11 Currency Board to finalise assets at KL meeting today KUALA LUMPUR. Wed The uwU and profit* of the Malaya Borneo Currency Board Is expect- i ed tn be finalised at the board's meetlnx here tomorrow. The meeting, to be chair- i ed by Finance Minister Tun I Tan Slew Bin.
    103 words
  • 40 11 SINGAPORE. Wed Local artlat Tan Klan Por will hold hu ftrrt one-man exhibition at the Chlneae Chamber of Commerce ki July HU exhibition will coml*oJ Chin** and Waafern brunh pminttnn. calntrapny. cmnrtnt* and weawrn oU patntlni
    40 words
  • 29 11 SIMOAPORK W*d PTlid ent Shearea will open the new Salvation Army Boys Home at 101 m» Upper Chanfi Road on May JO at b 30 p m
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  • 282 11 S I PIG AFvWI A LOCAL millionaire Is to head Singapore's all important mission to lay an economic pipeline between the Republic and the new European Economic Communitt He is tipped te be Mr Ho lUh Hwa whose appoint
    282 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 48 11 IPCCIAI DRAW 4th-28th MAY '72 I From Drawl No. 35-421 2nd i>ii!2i 1 4ni i>iiJ2iA^ a*«DONTKLAST I soots I Hit 50OTS0FTHC SEWAL MJMBtRS A M 7 ON THE COUPONS smm-, k> /^IO^^W X l^WO^S^^~ rmmm. SAfiVO r~~ s^^sv^ .^aw^^^^ <^k^^^ $185, D0D TO WINNERS WITH 5 NUMBERS CORRECT
      48 words
    • 199 11 nZA L. Qj Q T MONO*? 1 V < *«g«CM».' ÜBOMNSV" f.n 1 ■"-'rtt''** W€D**TSO*V I .mm I < a* **o spmwsm au#n i i t.v^., o i mmmm MlMtlAAiaMßUefrT •m »m w «k. A -^J Imym pmii *JSJ f-.MJ JT im f 'j^ '"-^f j C tnnkmttrfmt L ■H
      199 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 316 12 The announcement from Bangladesh that •mm m prisoners of war have been earmarked lor trial on charfes ranging from war crime* to fiW*Mk was not particularly well timed It came when Mrs Indira Gandhi s troublethooter Mr Durga Prasad Dhar wu in salubrious Murree. attempting to work out
      316 words
    • 195 12 The Malaysian Medical Association U rightly concerned that Chinese medicine shops up and down the country may be selling pills and powders which contain arsenic or other poisons in dangerous amounts. Concern over what passes across the counter in the name of medicine has been increasing over the
      195 words
  • 336 12 JAIAIT4I toach J UUuac (.•veraar (.m *h Njfiikia is determined t* clear the 1 hat his farcelal ssethaaa have 1 raw t» grawiag arMActssa Wasara weeaing while armed tilOtri aesaaHsh thrtr h4ae« bj hecJMUag ftasahayAat Gsvsrajat ■ashri thraagh his aUa far BBaaerntoiag the la*Mra» ctaital
    336 words
  • 1427 12  - Exit, the legend that lasted for 48 years. CHRISTOPHER LYDON by J. Edgar Nimr. tkt tefMtiry 6-aua. was tlw ■ttt imfrrissf MtfptssJMy Urn attt Mwtrf.l ifficial it tkw Itag tfM if fUwtriCZR llfflMWßl. Hla **wWi was a ciaptuna if aarftnuact 2nd ptlitics. publicity aad persaaality; at the base if it
    1,427 words
  • 452 12 I ONDON. Wed One of the oldest menonly bastions In British sport will fall on Saturday when women Jockeys take part tn their firstever flat race In this country The Jockey Club, the governing body of British horse racing, has given its approval
    Reuter  -  452 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 38 12 <-« ta« umi in— a* «w •■■«»nwf < t»M* *-.i« tawuf. tail— a* •tHcasw .*«< a«w-€ »»»l ifctp. »a m-» a*%« A «.»»<ta«i a« Nasal a tKa 4 >—— Ilium »a» »ai»<i.c«». «wr (Mix««'i a> •••»>» i»«<iim aaaeas* sanrtaa. MtotJUtayaajam > M IBtsJI **<->% (•••""'I
      38 words
    • 150 12 I (m) BBSfflflfflßEHS Motor i ontrol cantres B^^J^SaE (All insulatad glass aowtpmarttt »l Ilka m f>_F-£ Mawlaaa M cifcwit a^a] araatwr Msin switch -board eontiol So>« Aftnti i SWITCHGEAR ENGINEERS PTE LTD j 1 M«fn«t Hou* Buk.i T. matt Road. Singapore ?1 M M>*'l4 M27U I LEE SENG KWANG (Ml
      150 words

  • 280 13 MMAM*A| lfc+d I C IJM* trtaha iMin teak part In i» rtate t»bUy in itii ■*> Free p 11 a I in Tea fc^^^^l Affairs g kdt\ t%n im| aoM It tIM health Mr CBaata. lW I* an** Ike km
    280 words
  • 56 13 Motorcyclist fined $100 uttOAKmr w«d -UhM H. Mock Brr>( M of Crmv m«4 fined Mt b» MMfltetfM»M«Mlor rtdin* hM «otorI m »-e, t,«j a^ I K,t..i -dm, MM H» «m «too Him4 unotner $m tar rtdmc tlw iMchin* wWlMMt MMMi ",v f r ,t, -h» i«. M Om Hi— u«
    56 words
  • 537 13 SIMGAPOMC Wad pi<i Carmen are now Irving to lut ik i\\.i\ from the Si ii k port Livcslocl F;irIlK'.'s Vs.VK iillioll and lonn thni own organisation to find a solution to the prest'tit crisis of the low pi ice of pigs They
    537 words
  • 44 13 \PORF a American Charge d A!: here Mr John J O Nell) exhibition by Mr- I Cherrter. an Amer trained a' Urn tional for th* U<t ti MMM Wl Ati i yeisti': no a m to aan
    44 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 37 13 exciting perfumes and Eaux d* Cologne MVERLAt\ U E*^ 1 hn|BjrJ«tc« lv match your many mood! «j J* ChwntdVofnes^MPijrVikoeShaiimar •Chamade L Hexin* B*eu« eOrtteVol rle Nuit tj Try Fwe/»Lh p*rfUwMrt frum Guertam JB> m MMfl tv^jT-^ mmw
      37 words
    • 265 13 oreoj savings^ w» <" »*W*^ I LEISURE SHIRTS TERRIFIC VAIUES PRINGLE Cashmere Twmsets AERTEX famous Polo Short Sleeve Shirts in M|tt Pnca Ins 2t% Ittctwt SjJ!^ gSj?- Jl* 8 Mto WISEY Pure new wool h wmgn met win w Usw Pnce from $5500 f 0 AERTEX super quality Short Sleeve
      265 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 191 13 On your TV and Radio 2 M Pi Programme Summary 7SS Women's Report 315 ,i-u Kr U g H ProranWliiaary •if I M &ha/,>i •21 M, f .ends Vound The World 4 v iass>e g|| Chahaui 4J7 IjMJBMI IM News 512 P-ogramme Sumf^a-, 117 Peristwt: BwMa Nbn ta I* 111
      191 words
    • 639 13 3M Pi openng and Mwre Me IM Hem kl Chnese Heart Is 7SB Our Music Makers (Chinese) LIB For the Family (Chinese) I.SS Sarge Psst. Wanna Buy a IJB its Happening m Sinfaaore Dirty Picture 7 CiMMM Beaut) IJB News aw) News-eel m 4JS Homiwimi' HHmm The English Family (Cantonese
      639 words

    • 256 14 MANY women and even some men spend days or weeks learning; to cook, then spoil it all when they neglect to learn safe food handling practices and storage They will accept an old wives' tale about mouldy foods being harmful but scesT if you suggest
      256 words
    • 576 14 THAT TWINGE CAN MEAN YOU'RE TOO EFFICIENT AT HOUSEWORK! 1 1 \ou Mill i- 1 from backache a little i<><> often for com fart the chances are that you're .|<»IIIK \l»Ut IIOUV II lit m<l |«'tli:ips a little too fre quentl) And what do
      576 words
    • 237 14 £IGHT models from Singapore will take to the catwalk in Kuala Lv m pur on Monday morning to show the latest in day and evening wear. The show, Extravagance 72, is organised by the Malay nan Red Cross Society end is being held to
      237 words
    • 353 14 AS a young girl. Mrs. Jaya Anand had spent many happy hours playing the beauty game with Jars of creams and doing beautiful things with her hair. But she never had a chance to really take this pastime of hers seriously Marriage came
      353 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 168 14 SKINNY? s as* las? Wat at*j m m W eknvw. m* nli yi aa* mil i< hw WATsVOM sasssS3s ■Him saw jttmmmm^ fhrnitj. M* 4. le IHHmCkZ 72 PMSIIMIM PJpirW*. N« i aiiiwfcawWATtONi**!* ■Mfce k^M, rtiWi. mnm. las* is-stlirstittt.'sir Cftttl •ss^VfjsssVlJsVsMi ||*9 wena sui smb* SUPER WATE-ON EMULSION Feeling below
      168 words
    • 216 14 Beauty'ln The I v» «n t i. in the earl> twentle* the complexion Is at Its loveliest and you should take care to treat It wisely and well by smoothing film of moist tropical oil over the face and neck before applying make-up so that your skin, particularly the delicate
      216 words

      • Article, Illustration
        40 15 l»ar BS OU .34 tuinniaa NX ♦20 mm *1* Tloawa is .14 C Slawage $4 04 .14 I $154 12 < redst $3 00 10 Inrheape 0 10 M Le««c |2M *01 J CMBUsam* UN fan Hrn $1 at .OS
        40 words
      • 35 15 ■mb Lmb 111) —10 A Jim mi v $2 10 10 A later, $170 —St I M Work $2 OS -07 r««an $1 54 —OS F UK.n $179 —OS M (.UM) $1 SS —OS
        35 words
      • 21 15 Most active stocks (lit l»r. ftMOOO far 375 000 2ssm«> Sim Lmbi s imm. Tatal Turnover JBM l»elayrd Percentage 31 90
        21 words
      • 39 15 May I May S uib unaia mn mi: Ha***. «l 9179 rupiiMn ns.n tn.M t TIM 111 7t HIM t f r*Wn 1M M IMM Dm M 1900 IM Bw SI. IMa IM t Be*, n. IMS IM
        39 words
    • 594 15 Be frit Mmi err irsa mi ciess ■aasxac > 1 1 i'lllik ait at •■awstaiat.l I •losin,. a njafjna TI RNOVri Offlrtal total nuwjMnj a .ddii*^ h\ 'IT"". "i "r ■am BStchannt yesterday includ!7.77!i. IOU toulled »««»o stock and share •anato valued at 19 215 454 ■\*93 j
      594 words
    • 259 15 Quieter trading conditions with operators cautious Ql II Tm trading coa4ittw ift in the ■tack Exehaage of Malaysia and Mn|i»«r f yesterday The overall tread nowerer. rrmainrd fiat I irn in the property srrtor of the market, operators appeared to be cautious particularly in those re rent highlight* including •uBgapore
      259 words
    • 50 15 THB8B r*tm were quoted on the Aston dollar market >■*■>!■)■ The rate* are (or deposits of LSS25.0O0 and ■feM*. 1 mth 4', to 4 2 mths 4 to 4 3 mths 4 7 1 to 5 mth» 5 to 59 If, mths b\ to f: 12 mths to
      50 words
    • 1264 15 a»af*uj 1— T* <* 't#r* hH S P^' i l**«ri MSM »T«l\i x 223 IM .31 141 l»i IM •i I IS) 144 4 I 1W J 147 .2. .52 «4i 1. 221 1. 222 \**4 (Im. I 2*l <i 2M iH IN '<- D '2. 2M 2
      1,264 words
    • 118 15 CHIN TECK Plantation, is paying an Inter lm dividend of 7 5 per cent for the financial year to end-August, same as last time when dividends totalled 15 per cent lor the year In the six months ended February 1972 pre-tax profits were $940,603 compared with $944 562 In the
      118 words
    • 65 15 fixed Ihi— rtln for <»Mw tor th* pariaa Irmm May 4 to It IiMrr »>, mrti a Ik r«*r* IM2.M a tea Pate OH M41 M s tM V*m Kir— I KJ4.JJ tea TW rmtr* *f IbIIii RakWr IS. trmu Ik. (TaUl 7i a tntel "*«rrka«* NIL pw
      65 words
    • 28 15 Ifrtvmm 1a teaeatta) Wtntar Saw Mqrsr I4M.M <i4MM> srtter I4H.M (f«».M> ThrM month* kayw »«2 00 .titt.OO. »»l»»r <4SS.M .i«SS.Mi »i'W Ism: Mway. tatn .IM t«M
      28 words
    • 488 15 PARNINOB at Straits Trading dipped slißhtly during 11*71. but the result* can be considered satisfactory The shortfall in profits was due to lower returns from some of the group's subsidiaries. Chairman Tin Brl Tan Chin Tuan In his annual report savi returns from smelting and Investment!
      488 words
      • 152 15 THI! Straits tin price in Penang yesteniay moviml by $2..")<) to $<»4<)..">4> |kt pit ul on M oArid OsMrtag down .T2 tons to ZB I. IIIL A l< 'I I "V The tone of the local market was very steady with support from the United States and the
        152 words
      • 56 15 MIS. »U S Loaiia 50.17S JO.*S BatnM MTS so. is Ho—kotin 51.50 si 10 ■■rick SO sob 4» Still so. a *«.7sa Paru till SO.JS %mn Hi site 51 M per* 111 IW.M ***** BjaM pr.rr m non «t» aroaa in VS. «ollara per ounrr ill Laral *>al*n
        56 words
      • 23 15 MAY 3 Rl BBER: kg or nts (up «5» crnt> TIN S«4«.M <n» S2.M). Official offrrinc 232 tons (down 32 t«M>.
        23 words
      • 109 15 /'MINIS! MOOUCI lICNAMCI V- SINCAPORI MOON CLOtIHC »«ICII Pt» PICUL VfITIRDAT CmiM S.I bulk »3H arlli m drum (41 •rllrra Ctf. Mixed 1 IMM) IK Cant 122 B. »»»w*r Muntok AUTA whit* fob 100': m.w 1110 Kllrni. mi ««k »h.i« fob M. NLW »117| •rllrr*. Barawtk iperial blark fob
        109 words
      • 37 15 In l.sussn oa Tuoosay palm oil prlr** of Malayan I p»r K N Enronaa port* la bulk XrrliM sot lone ton July to Doc. «v***« at I'KIM wllrra lun- <•*■—■«). Au« S*pl at IKIWI •aie luadtansvdi.
        37 words
    • 316 15 QPENINO quotations In the rubber market yesterday were marked up by over a cent on improved overseas advices and first business was at seUlnf level The market later eased on profft-takinc and settled with kuaineas passing at around 93 00 cents for May Inquiries for SMR SCV found
      316 words
    • 98 15 DAILY Safß price* tawwd by the Malaysian Rubber Exchani* and Rubber Aiaaciauoa of Singapore at noon yesterday MAY Jl M .Carreat Manthi 1 Farwmra Manth I tMK tCV (1-ton pallet) IMR 5L 1 1-ton pallet) IMR 5 '1 ton pallet MR 10 (1-ton pallet) iMR JO 1 1-ton
      98 words
    • 223 15 I mOI I TTlillini suffered a sharp fall in profits during 1971 Pretax profits came out at $272 4*4 against In 1970 and after tax of $IM.OM eompar* $7,000 the net 12 454 against $250 447 last time An 11 5 per cent i> ed by a fin.. 10
      223 words
    • 178 15 THE Association of Banks in Maiaysia-Singaßore announced these agreed Merchant rates as at May S l^cal Mian u mm mi •f Farrifa itmx Sterling Pound Aus'ralian Dollar Canadian Dollar New Zealand Dollar LS Dollar Laral 4m»mn U IM vmu rvmr. Cqrlon J£** French Pranci .Commerru; French Francs i
      178 words
      • 256 15 MIXBOURNE. Wed InduatfUal ITa stocks, particularly takeover targets, attracted most of the attention during a moderately adivt trading aMSton on the Melbourne Stock Exchange today Miners showed a tendency to retreat and overall tails outnumbered rises nearly inree to Nationwide Finance gained to AI2 40 following yesterday s report
        256 words
      • 244 15 YORK Tues— A midx^ day rally collapsed on the New York Stock Exchange today amid continued concern about Vietnam and the Price ComMlaston s hard stand on corporate profit margins Popular ax-emgM declined for the second consecutive MMsnn. but on moderate tumdksting to analysts that Investors generally were
        244 words
      • 93 15 MV\N( IM UVfls I INs Tuearia^ MO4 »Jw»J*y 91 13 Week ago 0.7 ji I KBIKs w *«k ago S|79 oil Monday ***** Wat* ago ***** INOI MXi Tusaday IJI7 Monday 5403 Week ago DOW JMN»> XWK\i.» IMM MKUh Tuesday MB >0 Monday N)H Week ago 944 49 LONDON
        93 words
      • 258 15 UONO KONO Wed The market opened on s much quieter rote than «as evtdent earlier In the meek xnd I after the opening, prices began to sag Thu light but gradual erosion remained with the marI ket until shortly before the close when buytrs re-appeared and the market
        258 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 722 16 Ifpajii-aaru are invtled rraan llault Malaysian SECRETARY \psaataawta avast fee BtoftcUl ta efcorttaanrt and typing anal as aat have working esperteaee la Uua poeraon. Agate all lag fail aetaUa of »g* qualifications and ■Jsperhiawi TTaMi'lur with s recent paaapon-alae photo not r»turt»aa*». to Raat Aa»aoc Co Ltd PO Bos 3M.
      722 words
    • 438 16 EXECUTIVE SECRETARY -a^ \a m *.rT)» > r *an C«»n.mi*BM<«n POM Ot aVBVCVUvV j r ■araTcf aVXJBI aTtSa laaßXj ™> XsaJ n m MACU >iikiiiiiii stall taaer iv ans>hihse aatory p» pjj.— tahßWaT rW MalattVJßa^Bßl BaafaaßßfAlMafaaTal JLHAaVHa. Wto^^ i> A^BaaMMMfßltltJ*) •BaaSMty Bafltal MpMTMssW KaowhMhje ec US awtatioaw ajrMeat. particeiarty Mahar
      438 words
    • 636 16 Singapore polytechnic Applications are Invited from suitably qualified candidates for Uh* foUowrtnf port* for appointment in the Development Unit of the Writs pore Polytechn. 1. DRAUGHTSMAN Candidate* will be required to assist In the planning, design and construction of the new Polyte< hnlc The> must have Architectural CMI Structural draughtsmanship
      636 words
    • 463 16 t SINGAPORE TOURIST PROMOTION BOARD (aaahiaiijiii are tamte* f>< ta* lutk/m^m aaat> (A) EXECUTIVE OFFICER (RESEARCH) u^aMfhata— a I »»i >■■!-> r>eere« rtum a recognutica iiawaaim ana statiaiK* Bipn i r»aia*ca mtnty «urk is OaaM-aMe bu BaBBBSKf To raaapue an* aaalvar ataaaM I c.Kduct •urver% and i*ae«rch i Ei .«n»h
      463 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 1030 17 "^^^R^a^M ■•>• Im P MMM PaMiM I »<•■ R— mi 1a Part !.wiH I m- kW (m HM H|R Hrn '1 <• Hrn it W^ B^Mm- MMa"" Mm n Mm a Ml" Mai tarn* •t> MmM mi nm tT a ami MMJ M Mt 'I MM Mj mmm .mi mmv
      1,030 words
    • 1022 17 f.1 !l "lf-- J i ll llßi| mmwm mmm mmn uuv mm us* cmst is. Rtmm Rft "».p R far* Paaaaj RaMaf S art ftiMartt R<a— M a— aa—l Lbhbbbl aaaaaal al I aa—\ M aaaV IB MTMMI «jr«M«l4M>itMalMatHMaMMM m IMMMTM mm 1 Ml H LM— IMM Mil RM) I
      1,022 words
    • 942 17 tmm mma n nmm imwm t chtukmth, mm xuuivuic laMta Mm a ItPlff TVIi pajMH umt Pimm mmmh Mail lENMHOR as- S. la— ji'i (*laa| PaMaf MtMa Ma a I Mf 11 II Hrn MW| Mj 4 I S xfapft P RaMl *aaaa| I f MMMM Imr mes* r>. MII
      942 words
    • 823 17 MMTMB M*iMM ll■ 1 1 P 1 1 1 Mat IBMM HMM II ajMMI »>a Mkar parti la oM Ml ar »k>»|i i|« CLEM LIME LTD. C« I BTIMMIkVKa M^^^a VI w*#«mtp«iw I i^m cv •MfMara P (aiaai >t1 w km a mvi Mm Hrn t t Mm i Rmm*
      823 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 871 18 m AW VSARLJ ILJAFN KAISHA LTD MfJBMMI ImVM UD aaaal ITI -^aMJJ flfaMaMaMMtM -ft-Mt Sa-n IBM* MMJMMJ I a, e-| -mb mjm mm mVII mm it mm ■MMM MM) I a IMM 14 MM 't MM M^^-^a^h^ aaaaaal Afl^paraoHß vMMavaaa v^aafMaaa^ ■^■■r^.^^ «a»aai Mm. I teat v D«tM> fwr, ••>•»
      871 words
    • 902 18 PQt NEW ZEALAND tt^ m IaaMMaMMMi faTjf raaFiaMßj f»"j^MMaajß) vmm aa mm it nmm n <mm d i>« L*tt mm^,. caaiaa-. IT IT MM It HMM aB MM Bl.i STRAITS/ MAP* AS SERVrCE ajaaa'i ••'•"t *aaa*| IMM] tar BAiaU la PI I MM M)MM 1' MM MaMJMttMMM MMH MUMU- M
      902 words
    • 889 18 NEPTUNE ORIENT LINES LTD. IBM 04,#OB>AU" Ml TMC at PtMU.BC Of M*JtVM«O«( A iCBBHJi- r **TQ*mA*,%mGAPOM.\ TEL 983*33 7 UK fUROM S«RVICI LOADING «OR LONDON. LIVERPOOL M BURG R DAM HAVRE S<naaaari P fiaaj Paaaat MMM* afPTMM bjbmmj mb aa inaiaaii It. mm tt. I mm. n Wf, a* ma
      889 words
    • 755 18 MALAYSIAN INURNATIONAL amm shipting corporation bermad Mat XX ja» AMaaa«M> M«aii t<M*a>r -fl Th.»«tionMi Shapf-nfl I .na> o« Mai#v»a k -M--W%----MMMMaMMIMM.M.MM^MMMM-NWMUII Hl2 Ma, H M.,' H MMIMtJ I I MM ii '1 MM '4 il Mm I Ma, MMJMIM t 11 MM II It MM M 17 IBM tmm
      755 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 537 19 ■LaaaasWJMaaMaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalßfc •■aa M aa Tk. s* T* ■■■•■■aaa ataaasMaw* t«nii a«im» KtMaM. sa^MMMs BM*» i M*rir lUsa fini* MMai. aa4 Mtaaaw *~v a- T^a,, >...a^H. mmm** H MMMWM ■■am* ta« a... Bw* atHa »r«* aaa Maaaatta t». wimh >*.<iiw aaasaaM. p^'Bi sata< taa Baa* r».ta aaafffat NmbT M M mm
      537 words
    • 609 19 STRAITS TRANSPORTATION PTE. LTD. Stmtts Mar/>t4 im^um i w—m UI ATVAIfTIC ANO GOLf/SINGA«)tgI CJiWMI Sd*VrCf «ea m H ant Or'tam tamtaw wssatsa Smmmn W FLOTTA LAURO LMMM PBJ atIiJJM, PHM, HMauL I urni 'i P kisag Paaasg UaiUA Mm U BMJ M MHPiMfMT EIPIIU ■BMTaIT MWICI T| IS OIF ITUMTK
      609 words
    • 722 19 Hi i CASGO <llin'lN(. n I tick \\rr Slrcel Ikis with ell> costal to Ik* i'argo afti'iiK nl M.V TAX (.il N Heircv llu\ huve no ;iulliom|\ to imnsi any business on out Ik half iirlhcr. \\twish lo ;i<l\is«' shipiH-is Ukil who had pit\iousl> |tl;iit(! tluii shi|i|)in<i (ii dt is
      722 words
    • 1308 19 1»«8\4.% LtTRIK NM.IR*. I»\%M Mil »\l Ta» NtlMMl tarlrtrio BMftf W the laaaas tt Maaa<« it «\Ki pm POWt'R ST%TKMI STA4W 111 tMIM s I I lOMIU T NO. Mall Appiicationa ar» invited froM aautabhr eaMprtaMcac! Rivm vMMgMt he NM aora. eoMMrttawj the mmm mm iimmUmIMBI a: a >7» loot
      1,308 words

  • 3 20 HUCtlMll I
    3 words
  • 7 20 >•< ait< JUM andrwrn •aaßd ■>■! t*TS Laav
    7 words
  • 33 20 Mg v■ a Tb* lam■ .y af aw sat* asSaa* «ska mmt Pi Best ■aMMosr at Masksaa Oat 'as pi. A ►woe., a BaaS (ileSjeeksisra BBBSaMtasa aaßMa •aaa* seal limkl tk* teataral
    33 words
  • 33 20 t a LBV.NC Ml MOB* 1 oaae bsji ant IstMitea Always rasaarm atß a lbvinc MIMOOv sf M-k Oeaß raa aitnini t tori «*w. b«H aa* BBssxanaa). lnaert*d h* k»»*d staes.
    33 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 538 20 SftdttAl AoVltTrs|A4|«T, AHWQUP«CIMfWT/»tasO»4At rawc cati. tii: *****1 fg- aj H fa, M mm* it I •ll* fMla- 1.1 W N -ardi o—aa^s- «-a».-^ mmmm^mamm s.^.—. for It a tWajlsial SJO f tt »■'<! I SLA d Mr Mrs P A r naa* Ra»*k«k rtetmaa M.— a s B I S
      538 words
    • 688 20 •aLafftM M#a»tMC* mm** i m Mmfl fc> p, t wH «)rllW%raT>« aSVmt fM> aMBJJIr^^BfsBBaI I stofVafaßstM mt PPVVtMBVJS I A» M SB A*•Wf |f 1 IS ■■fl .1 v.- r at stnvr sad snißiiiia AaeMv ta h« MB I pare am* paM PT| LTD Owaaa Nt aar ra»id esaeMMtaa Dwtss.
      688 words
    • 784 20 •aHsAsasbsd ksßoi PraaM aooay a*irnnj pNataarapA t aaa- returaaat* > ta P O Baa 14 0 par* BIT VO4JO COSIMIRCIAL TAAIMIMO fram Raja s CalMat t« bs soar* al MIIIBI ajlllaim traming fat Raja OallßOi union micmanic la MM mamltasar and art up of ithaut a Craft Csrtaxaals but Pttßii
      784 words
    • 879 20 filMliAL sttMAM •jut r»alißi i ar Bng isr out -liaasi Rsad. Taaajlm B1SO2« pare BOCTBR LOCWM RIOWINIO from llth June ta 22nd Jan* I*T3 for tSjoM Rmg pare "TIOI Dr CSJBB. COO« tMMIRAL AMAM faqaired far Badlteb couple District II Retßr- MBOPIAB MAVWM COOK II Ap pty imiMlry S«4 B
      879 words
    • 994 20 01 POKY ILLS «stßabsg >|i» fa* I ib Mil at Taaaa Mara* sTerbii la quiet aaO amaiilm aeav.ewrs. T Msireofws batnraasns Maatkay nam rOB iB. 2T2TI FiaißT MAMBtAN -IaaXMB saßaasSs. ÜbV ikiusaßAssu* F rant Flock kasSßßM** niHMilli rent Vsttar A M**MMa MOdOO >>•!• MILLS M MI OITACMIO 4 WaJPSVfIM
      994 words
    • 1044 20 •808 •TOO BINTAL Bat anfuraiMias j faraiatiit kaady ta city Pkisi •WTOT S par* BOOMS TO LIT at S* ma B**tt T m-k BaaA Tei SISMM aHTT *H* »W 9 a*.##M T# L 8 V F*tas*j MMI at SI4B Tkimna Baad I pare aaar Neresaa MTAtMMB OtiMOALOW w«k large •t*
      1,044 words
    • 938 20 11 OM SO PT VACAM' Jaaaa taut. 14 pal Htaaai.i ataneian S.SBB sq ft SOO.OSP Te, OSOOai Spar* .111 VACANT LAMB Bn*a*MtMreJ-a Boast aaiea.'* OuiU. I amrd rrws rVuKsbs. tar haaa .Bin banlOing f*Jss*ar O«a7a7 poee llan. a« -ILLS IKatl Mrs fcsaaar. tar MM »w«. Won. for ax a ii*
      938 words
    • 647 20 AI A •aatitats si BMte BBC LPC Ttn. Rapid ResuMs P O Bm II TS a pae* LSI AMO PlTMani Typewrit ,*g .nd aasartassnd r IxTlxj^T* ,«l«; ■a B*»»al M r y .1 »Mkß*»"T)-a»'. •BMB* -as aiika» n. lOdf Baie.t er Baad' 8 pat COM PUT IBS eer A PiatmiMti
      647 words

  • 409 21 K LUMPUR. WBd I. A I A Mentri Uesar, 1 >it t > li.i 1 1 Mohamnl Asri Mu<la, is prepared to li talks with Alii. iii(i leaden on the formation of a coali lion uo\cin nu-nt Im Kelantan. He will also
    409 words
  • 63 21 SINGAPORE. Wed— The Public Works (Department will erect an overhead pedestrian bridge across Alexandra Road, near Alexandra Circus, on Friday from midnight to 2 a.m. Part of Alexandra Road from Alexandra Rni.d Tanglln Road j'inctloM and Dawson Road will be closed to traffic during the period
    63 words
  • 125 21 US bank loans MAS $8.4 m to buy 737 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed The US Export -Import Bank has authorised a $8 4 million loan to Malaysia Airline System to help It finance the purchase of a $21 million Boeing 737-200 aircraft. This was disclosed In a statement Issued by the
    125 words
  • 202 21 How to tell rank of police officers by their new badges SIM.U'ORK WesJ Thr police force junior officer* ssMNrted their new basl.e* and title* of ranks in public to» They received ogiisu; mcone! looks from It** Man anal the girl in tl.e street wherever they BwunaVal their Beats. Pwlic* Bf)w«e%mart
    202 words
  • 56 21 IPOH Wrd Oai Perak laM month sluininearly halt the normal m i figure ol the five i>»r rrni salr Most of the tar <irnui r» a 40 to M per ceot di business One tirm th* sever*; \rhu les in ttocfc Mle at the old
    56 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 234 21 from Raft? 20) f% B^atSS) SaafjMM *T* BSMr^^SMnt >««*■* Am* i Ban TV Bar aoSSB) at sSBTVM BawtMM MO B MJi>4TI w> **wwaTaMh SO HIM I Bar '"aw* aavth* apat aOeia* a«wrt rraaa Mana*S Me* So. .BN »t*B* aVwaW 'UIMMT »M i.-.J I par* .A COCNATOO eawk* I LIT. vwaMy
      234 words
    • 760 21 •*a t> ss sa at n MB P w. uactan 7 M P Uwad BBwanaai Baas Uaa Air CaariMtaw) a Mass*** TrwSar MT a SM Cwaaoi RwM l<t S par. IT!** wa4,*j*»a aiac n o Pnfenylißiai* 111 etui. I awaaemi Bwwwa rieaa* BBBwaai (£*jr*aa OSJBBOBs 1 SM Oey **mt. BOLT*
      760 words
    • 978 21 •WBBajajaß«s*T*v Baaaaw* a^e»*r wajww p a n s to* ooaslini siCAvAisa •OK ASMS ST SPOStB IMS CATIMMLLAM SM WBMIL LOABwB ANB BTI Bar inapntxw paasa* salt SI Le**wa*» Mraat S see* rl t*. ssmb bmtl bMblsb I«m> bsvs* nc CAB TtwSars *He LlmlMS 14 r*» '•ftJaffJ* w»*M wNamflaTsfwtWW #4a**afM seasr*
      978 words
    • 916 21 Bwaj fSTM eSVee Nsasaaa* SS"rMS Spar* PwiHp SMALL U T#w«T.e VI MICH a* rweaa S ta S rear* Mwx he bi saaa aawSNMa M MSSSI I*l I' tO '•> ij| wi. i# i»* *ar veaar rar teak en aallVarf X**a aWaw S par* St*M« MarSOw M BILiTAH Mealtk Hale* •ar
      916 words
    • 502 21 THE CAPTAIN JAMES COOK FELLOWSHIP The Now Zsoloh, GovsrwaMM hos established the Captain James Cook. Fellowship as port or tho official commorroroticn of the Joh*m Cook Fellowship. Applications aro now being invited for the obove Fellowship of two to three years duration at o New Zealand University or Research Institution.
      502 words
    • 443 21 ®LEMBAGA KEMAJUAN TANAN PERSEKUTUAN KENYATAAN TAWARAN Tamaran danpada Kontrekt«r2 yang berpengalaman aOsUh diprlasa untok kerja] dlba*ah BT. NO. (J Tt IA) Membrkal dan Menghantar Workshop Equipment an« untok Klian«2 Krlapa Sawn Bukit Ooh Kuantan PiUiOai Bukit afradi. Temerluh Pahang dan Kuiai Kut. Tinssi J h< r BP. NO. N 7?
      443 words

    • 387 22  -  ERNEST FRIDA By_ CIV.APOKK Recreation Club, last year* SHA league eham pion*. who are strugKlmK to find their form this season, yesterday lit ked to hand the touring Hong Kong Army a 6-0 trouncing in their hockey match on the padang. For the
      387 words
    • 187 22 LONDON Wed Eric, owned by Mr John Ismay. won the Lsdbruke Cheater Cwp handicap run over Ul and 17 yards bora today Eric tuuk first place after a phuto-finian with the favourite. Irvine owned by Mr 8 St. Ourge Russian Bank, owned by American millionaire
      187 words
    • 207 22 rwßPang teams. Defence eand Health made drientry Into the semi-finals CivU Sorvtoe ate aide cricket tournament at Balsetier Road during the weekend The under-rated Health tide browsjhi on a aenaational upaet by beating favourites Police A Health. ip»srhaaoad by veteran* Stan Nagiah and Hussein
      207 words
    • 254 22 ST. JOSEPH'S Institution majestically swept their way Into National Schools B division rufby final with a resounding 33-0 three goals, three tries and a penalty) win over Raffles Institution at Kallang yesterday. ThcV nexi opponent* are St Andrew's, who beat American School 17-0 In
      254 words
    • 27 22 SYDKIT. Wed—The Australian Soccer Federation will leave the Octinli Soccer Confederation on* month to are* mmber*hlp of the Asian Confederation it was decided here today
      27 words
    • 158 22 Singapore in tough group in Tun Razak Cup SI NO A PORE ha» be«»ii drawn in a tough group Tun Razak cv petition, organised by thr Malaysiai Federation, at Kuala Lumpur from May 20-26 Sincapnre ar. fending chsmWßsoiM •> langor Negrl ■emhlllan Malacca Penan* sabar. and Kedah Armed Forces last
      158 words
    • 324 22 OOCCER'S bully boys cave referee Paul I hum.»> a headache In the drawn FAS League Hi 14 soccer match between Hampshire and M.iblr Boys. There was no score at r.irrer Park testerday. I Referee Paul wax booed and jeered
      324 words
    • 104 22 T*HE IS-mrmbrr Australian Squath Clubs touring team will play three main futures in Singapore from Monday to May 11 On Monday the team will play against the Police Academy on Turaday agalnM the Tanghn Club and en Wednesday against the SCC. all fixtures starting at
      104 words
    • 275 22 England drop hattrick hero 1 ONDON Wed O*of! hattrick hero of England 1966 W.,,1d OSOM C up ■rlul:lp^ was today dropped from the tettm M m»i »m OONBoaa I the »econd leg of their European champiorwhip quarlrr-nnal Ir Berlin on May It BJont was cslled eft and subktituitd by Rodney
      Reuter  -  275 words
    • 56 22 KKUAI A Mala has short luted m the Olympic Oasnes In lioalci In August Trip) b in Bamrkok fnm **sy 1 before *m sre for Munich They are D.iud Is*wßOl Padall Ibrahim Kamaniddm A isll Johore> Artsan RaaaH AI Rahirr (Krdah.. Omar Saa< Johari Ramli .Pohcei
      56 words
    • 133 22 Khalsa halt Schools' grand run KHALSA Association yesterday halted the fine run of Combined Schools by beating them 1-0 In a BHA League Div One hockey match at Dover Road Khalsa. who fielded nine men on Tuesday and got a 4-0 drubbing by Armed Forces, were a totally different team
      133 words
    • 25 22 LONDON. Wad There was no play possible in the touring Australians encket match fff^n«« Lancashire at Old Trafford today because of rain Reuter
      Reuter  -  25 words
    • 771 23  - Siapa Rajah and smart Achilles for Trial' clash EPSOM JEEP By Pamor has fine home record P'MOR a newcomer In Class 1. has a splendid record in Australia He has won over St and 9f but his most notable performance was a fourth to champion 'hree-year-old Baguette over 7f at
      771 words
    • 389 23  - So Chi Cheng learns to walk again DON SHAPIRO From TAIPEI, Wed Chi Cheng of Taiwan, the world's fastest woman, is learning to walk again following surgery to remove a stiffened piece of muscle in her left thigh. The operation was performed two wetlcs ago at the Veterans General Hospital
      NYT  -  389 words
    • 326 23 KME. Wed The Italian tennis ikim nhlns o*Un interrupt by notoy spectators need in uproar last night •Vw McMUUn and Lew H«ad wanted oil the eoart **mmm of had light tatter Mannel Orantes *a*a» had been ac- < I hissed Men's singles
      326 words
    • 131 23 Young Steve trains by mail VYDN2Y. Wed—Australia* Olympic coach Don Tsjbot believes a correspondence course swimmer 13-year-old Steve Holland of Queensland, may be the best pwtmmer for his age In Australia "I'm not given to Idle praise. "Talbot said yesterday "but Young Steve Is easily the best prospect I've had
      Reuter  -  131 words
    • 56 23 NEW YORK Wed. Results of yesterday's US baseball matches—Aasericaa League: New York 5 California 0. Baltimore 1 Chicago 0. Kansas City 6 Detroit 3. Cleveland 4 Texas 2 Natiwial Leaf or Chicago 13 Atlanta 1. Cincinnati 7. St Louis 6. San Diego Montreal 1. Los Angeles 7 Philadelphia
      56 words
    • 302 23 Birmingham back in Div 1 after seven years ONDON. Wed Birmingham made a Jubilant return to the Ptrst DWUion of the English KOCier leafue when they scored a tension -packed 10 win over Orient here last night to finish run-ners-up in Division Two Birmingham, who needed only a draw last
      302 words
    • 88 23 CAPE TOWN Wed Frank Harm, South Africa Mini»ter of Sport said here ye»terdav he was not breaking Si heart over his country* exclusion from the Olym pic dames although he wanted to see an e« chanr* of sportsaaen. Me Cold Parliament the (■ had
      88 words
    • 144 23 NEW YORK Wed Jack Nicklaua maintained his lap spot in the 8 «ol( earnings l>st with a total of US 1154 273 according to figures issued yesterday by the U S Professional Golfers Association Chi Chi Rodriguei. who took the USS2SOOO first prise in the Byron Nelson
      144 words
    • 303 23 It's Surtees from start to finish in GP pOKYO. Wrd John driving his own-de-s4gned two-lltr«> engine car. led all they win the 134- mile Formula 2 Japanese Grand Prix yesterda> Burte*s. M clocked one hour, eight minutes T7M sec with an avt i of 112*3 mph on the anor tened
      UPI  -  303 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 911 22 kJ^aUia^^Bmmi COMMERCUU. CIIiaPIMHCE jji| i»qti mil' O—we osswasso OaUsrosy Kk Ma* iforo she on oi mmmt**mm *T^^_m^^ CgW SCSJg^Ba. 4Vv* CwfIBVJKB.' I asaosSasa] H_nlir~-' Twin vh— asrset »Ms>j»a»r* 1«" wSrftrt ir «v I YBO KkHO_ KOpol _of m >sm^S?^?^^| kwatrtTk. 'he Court at the First ompapere ao l»h June lt"J
      911 words
    • 69 22 Curb rheumatism WHILE YOU SLEEP If yoa Ssal eM. M>>a. aM w^ m 1 and a«« sow faat yea Imarovs. CTSTKX aiao hataa im aaa wosMa who Ism el«*p »~l smtct Mesas* sf OjsWlai Ua MiaMa sr *"!*TV lap, I****** A H *L > 7^J frhSSm •ar onr M >«n.
      69 words
  • Page 22 Miscellaneous
    • 99 22 HOfKFY League Dlv 1 Police v IA 'Thomson Rd> Dlv 2 BAPSA B v SRC A Bch<x>ls v SCC. Dlv 3 SAFBA C v School C S<M(tE—FAS League Dlv 2A Indian Brotherhood v Telok Kurau lOeylangi Dlv 1 C SCC A v Town Uld iPadang); Dlv 3D Police B v
      99 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 135 23 kl Mr I LAN (.1 THRU SON BEIIHAD BALE OF Sl'BPtrS VEHICLES We Invite tenders for the purchase of surplur vehicles In the vartoua estates within cur Group Interested purrh i»ers should apply for s list detailing the various vehicles available for sale and a viewing permit dy Wednesday 10th
      135 words
    • 66 23 PCMBIRITAHI TAW All AN Tawaran adalah dijemput dan pemborongl yan« berdaftar bagi menjual barani] kaperluan di KEDAI KELUAROA Balalum Kr 12 Watamah Krm Srberang Takir Kuala Trengganu ButirS lanjut bclrh didapatl mchara bertulis darl PEOAWAI TA BONG KEBAJIKAN REJIMEN Perm-ihnnan mestl dihantar dalam sampul oertutup yang bertanda KONTREK KtUAI K
      66 words
    • 272 23 I V|BU;% «Xl s\H\\N i.IMH ItN \M I \Mt I •taatowa unU* ha Kulrj frrUman t»riim sffJanm «»*s Prrm.h.n«n ada lah di-pelawa kepaot Warga Ne««r» v 'leiakD yang aiemen.ihi 5\, kelayakan dan keluluaan di-bao .h udiah hi.. Pertaman. Serdang v»n« akin atnaula pada bulan Jun 1 Umor oemohon mestl-lah a>
      272 words

  • 259 24 Turkish airliner hijacked with 68 on board IMWBII We 4 A 1 Turkish air lint 8 IK jet aircraft with M people including the as« «f fecawer Prcaaler Mr. laaart Ormna «m board wa» hijacked] today to Se>fU. Bui garta. while a*i a flafht froaa Ankara te> latanku)! as sit**
    259 words
  • 20 24 ABIDJAN Wed. Cuban leader PtsM Caetro arrived In Conakry today from Havana for an oaßclal vtelt to Oulnea
    20 words
  • 190 24 J^OMBOM. Wad TW Mock wait ■"•rttwaj fTaTFwjaaw reN aM vVmI hpnl mm A« S aai 'm» nmiM Tkaaa Mn oaaaawß t S a» 5»4 2 ••BBBrtajaja wary b«l»bb 1b ataras Botii Oii¥;iißißH —4[Vmff4 "'Win C^BBWal THHm I BWt MPBBBJ MBBBBft tßaaMctaMtaa «4 a mm aa r» 1*1 Mil
    190 words
  • 58 24 Lpmtom e*ni 14 05 enm»HMl»|- J»~ 14 15. J«lv 14 25. Amj 14.M. JaK'SrM 14 30 Ort' Ok 14.50 IMmt 15 S5 A»hi |m» ISM. M»'«MM ISM Oci Da 14 00 Jan Ifcnt 14 IS AaHl' |ih» 14 IS. Jah «c*< 14 35 Gtanl CII Mm 14 OS -on.
    58 words
  • 30 24 lONDON. w«4 trnt— (l> trim CI4TT (—CD rmmmd k«v*n (14*0 latM-k) i»an CI4SI <—(1) tilth iin 1 Il«7» <4) Tai—wm a m 275 was; 125 mm TMa Umrtty wwr
    30 words
  • 254 24 SINCAPOBi:. Wed. Nadina. Ksthy and Judy together •reseat three stages of womaahood the twinging youth, the young and cleg a t. and the sophisticated woman They are net just three models picked for a fashion show, but have been handpirked to present three
    254 words
  • 213 24 pENE V A, Wed Legal experts from 65 nations met today to draft additions to the 1949 Geneva War Conventions which will Rive greater protection to Innocent civilians caught up in fighting. The International Red Cross, fuardlan of the conventions decided In 1970 that because
    213 words
  • 46 24 RAWALPINDI Wed Preudent Zulfiqar Ah Bhutto U exPjeUd to vuat a number or WJ« AsUaand African countries, prahmhly «or« hu aweting with to<lasi. PMjfr fctm Gandhi SdMSMad for the end of this ■onth or early June according to informed aources AP
    AP  -  46 words
  • 235 24 5 hurt as troops battle snipers BELFAST. Wed British troops battled snipers in scattered areas of Belfast last night and today, an army spokesman said Two soldiers and three youths were wounded in the exchanges, he announced. The shooting incidents began when a gunman opened fire with a submachinegun on
    UPI  -  235 words
  • 37 24 BONN Wed Pamiltas of American soldiers returning to the United SUUa may be given unnalyaU Mats to determine If they are using hard drugs, a high-ranking Defence Department official said today UPI.
    UPI  -  37 words
  • 33 24 LONDON Wed Leahe Charter*. Si-year-old Sincaporeborn creator of "The Saint •ertes of adventure novel* and the television atnes. was rescued from a biasing car today after a London road accident Reuter
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 26 24 LONDON. Wed Firemen were called to wash away gin from 8 500 bottle* that tell from a truck at Piccadilly Circus today— Reuter
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • 19 24 PARIS. Wed. French girls joined the army for national service duty for the first time today Reuter
    Reuter  -  19 words
  • 115 24 LONDON. Wed A gang of armed bar escaped with £60.000 about 8*438.000 > after hijacking a bullion van carrying about 400.000 <SS2 92 mill) worth of silver yesterday A massive hunt launched for the gang. Involving hundreds of nollce. tracker dogs and an army helicopter, continued
    Reuter  -  115 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
      119 words
    • 131 24 IF YOU MISSED THIS WEEK'S t^aaV r*~* Bj aP^aaC-anflL YOU'VE MISSED SOMETHING! 4 A, craxkeown en prices mt%4 etatiN r*re»i»o, Paternity today The Royal lellot't <iseppoin»in§ ee«»iiif NowswsdjK Intel saiittotiavl SANVC ENTERPWSt SUTI STAMRDRD HOUSE SiNGAPOPC 6 TEL ***** wrfi D Send me S3 weeks of >»— w»o*< for $UTO
      131 words
  • Page 24 Miscellaneous