The Straits Times, 14 January 1937

Total Pages: 24
1 4 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 517 1 t i N r«»->«rr iao. CCCM. ST. CPHONt 64T1). 19 3 6 OPEL CARS It costs less to own a ■■mfH^^^^Mß^HgMf^H GENERAL W General Electric (of U.S.A.) Sealed- in-Stw»l "^^^^^^(k I! Now double the cold and u«e« •»«•> cunr«it t>«n «T«r fifllHl U I Hcsearch keeps Generml Electric (of
      517 words
    • 536 1 u .**uiv DELICIOUS TEA AND COFFEE tVcßee... w FIMIII GROUND PER Ib. TIN $0.40 M^WSMLY RO*? l i\ coffee. ROASTED GROUND AND tfvUlb.^H BLENDED OUR PRE PER 2 lb TIN $1 x p*Bl^^ MISES DAILY ENSURING 1^ 1>< GAPdre o KUALA LliMPj^j perfect freshness. with or without chicory I IZPlß*"
      536 words
    • 5 1 Scots fK» E«it*ra *f«>ol*> It'
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    • 20 2 DE MEESTER—On Jan. 3. at Wassenaar. Holland Karel W. de Meester. late Manager of the Netherlands Steamship Company. Singapore.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 336 2 ANDERSON—BELL.—The engagement is announced of Stewart Alexander son of the late Mr. J. A. Anderson and Mrs. Anderson of Edinburgh to Irene Stuart rf.»gK»»> of Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Bell of Singapore Cheshire. SITUATIONS VACANT EXPERIENCED PBESSMAN FOR MEIHLE MACHINES. State experience and salary to "Meihle,' c/o Straits
      336 words
    • 633 2 SITUATIONS WANTED EUBOPEAN lady (British), desires secretarial post. Hignl) educated. Shoithand, Typewriting. Languages. Box 60S, S Times EUROPEAN, age 94, energetic adaptable, seeks employment of say description Available at short notice. Pint-class references. 604. Straits Times. WANTED WANTED. 2 jecond hand Generators of 260 K.W. each A.C. 3 Motors of
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    • 781 2 HOU6ES. FLATS TO LET Fully furnished European Bungalow Pasir Panjang. Phone 4400. TO LET compound house. l«-2 Prinsep Street. Apply 33, North Bridge Road. SEA PAVILION OB SEASIDE BXOW (Turn. or Unf urn.) Just Opp: Ota Milestone Bast Coast Rd. Enquire within only between 0 4c 7 p.m. M, GOODMAN
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    • 701 2 AUCTION NOTICES AUCTION SALE Without Reserve Manufacturers stock of Indian sad Continental carpets, miscellaneous, fancy Roods. Bronze Electric flgurea. solid tea* household furniture etc,, etc. To be held at No. 101. Victoria on Saaarsay. Janaasr *M By order of Messrs. Frankel Brothers. CHEONG KOON SENG II CO., LTD., Auctioneers.
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    • 588 2 BUSINESS CARDS £r& MASSAGE HALL MANICURE AND MASSAGE Mrs. HARU and Miss HANA 60. WATERLOO STREET. Telephone 7467. DISEASES AND PESTS OF THE KCBBER TREE. By Arnold Sharpies, A.R.C St.. D.I.C. This book is divided into three parts, headed: General Remarks on Plant Diseases. Structure, Reproduction and Physiology of Fungi:
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 125 2 SUBSCRIPTION RATES Singapore Within Outside Without Malava Malaya Postage Monthly 3.00 S 4.00 S 2.S0 Quarterly 8.M S12.»0 S 7.54 Half yearly S17.M $*4 to M5.W T* irlv $.14 00 $48 00 $30.tM Note. OutsvUtion rhrques should lnclode (h. usual bank discount. ADVERTISEMENT RATES The charges and instructions for CLASSIFIED
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    • 58 2 4 KM 5 90.00 Above 6 insertions at $I.M per inch, per Insertion There are 10 lines to one inch. An extra charge of 25 cents is made for a Bos number. Contract 'atss may be had en apsSeatioß U the General Managir. Cecil Street, Skngas«re, the Kuala Luimpar O.'ar.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 730 3 P. 0. BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINES. (Incorporated in England) MAIL PASBENGER AND CARGO SERVICES fc» °w r A ce h nt hl| OUTMVAKD FROM LONDON FOR CHINA AND JAPAN j TonnMe B i^r i 1*37 1 r-ORFU 15.000 Jan 15 BHUTAN 6.100 Jan. 17 t B "V TAN 6
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    • 380 3 SHIPPING ANNOUNCEMENTS. (NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA) GENERAL PASSENGER AGENTS FOR CUNARD WHITE STAR LTD. TO EUROPE VIA SUEZ. Regular fortnightly sailings. London via Penan*. Colombo, Aden, Suez, Port Said, Naples, MarseiHtt and Gibraltar. SS HAKOZAKI MARU Jan. 21. MS. TERUKUNI MARU Feb. 3. SS HAKUSAN MARU Feb. 18. SS. HARUNA MARU
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    • 565 3 PASSENGER AND FREIGHT SERVICK. SPECIAL CORONATION SAILING to MARSEILLES or LONOON AND BACK at li SINGLE FARE by the new and modern M/S "ERRIA" 14,700 Tons Displacement from SINGAPORE 30 3 37 due MARSEILLES due LONDON 1/5/3? M/S "ALSIA" or M/S BORMGIA" 12.500 Tons Displacement from SOUTHAMPTON 15/6 5/7/31 from
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    • 198 3 B. I. S. N. CO., LTD. (Incorporated In England) APCAR LINE. FOR BONG KONG. SHANGHAI. MOJI. KOBE AND OSAKA. s.s. SHIRALA MM 14 Jtm. 3 p.m. ExceUent modern accommodation for first and second class passengers. Special holiday return tickets interchangeable with P O. S N. CO.. Issued at cheap rates
      198 words
    • 983 3 THE r.ME FUNNEL LINE 'Orran The Hua Khiow Steamship Co. <\9St) ltd. Steam Ship Co Ltd. and China Mutual The Cunard White Star Ltd. Steam Navigation Co., Ltd.) The Sarawak Steamship Co. '.id. The Straits Steamship Co. Ltd. The Australian Oriental Line Ltd. The China N-iWgatlor Co. L'd. Thr Irrawadd.v
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    • 138 4 Daily Weather Report. Stations Yesterday Last night max. rain- bright mln temp, tall s'shine temp Ins. hrs. *F West Coast. Alor Star W Ml 8.3 66 Bayan Lepas (Penang) 90 Nil 7.5 71 Sitiawan 85 Nil 0.9 80 Bukit Jeram 87 Nil 4.5 70 Malacca 85 Nil
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    • 78 4 Jan. 12: Lalandia (Dan.); Hakonesan M«ru Italy Mara (Japan); Redang <Siam); Aramls (Fch); Soerabaya. Generaal MichieU, Tobelo. Oen. Verspjrck «Dut.); Silver OuU, Chye Hin Tay Yit. Mur.caster Castle, Raub, Giang Seng, Elisabeth Moller (Brit.). Jan. 13: Benvorlich, LlpU, Meran, MMlacca, Tandjong Balel, Tandjong Plnanc Rum, Rasa, Olenaffarlc, Koolinda, Sllvtrbeeeh
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    • 29 4 Johan de Witt will berth alongside i the Singapore Harbour Board Wharves I at 7 a.m. tomorrow and sail for i Europe at 10 a.m. i
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    • 327 4 i Burma (Karafola) S p m (By Train) 7 p.m 1 East and North India (Karagola) 3 p.m (By Train) 1 pm South India (Rajula) ..3 (By Train) 7 pjn Bengkalls, F. de Kock. Padang, Pakan Baroe. Siak St S. Pandjang (Tlnombo) 4 p.m. Palembang (Van
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    • 70 4 INWARD. Imperial: From £«rope: Arrives tonight. K.L.M.: Fr*«i Euro**: Arrives tonight. Qantas: From Australia: Due Saturday afternoon. Dutch: From Netherlands Indies: Arrives Saturday afternoon. OUTWARD. Dateh: To Java and Southern Sumatra: Mails close 7 p.m. today. Qantas: To AwtraUa: Mails close 7 p.m. today. K.L.M.: To Europe: Mails
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    • 132 4 Mails from Europe etc. (London) expected today, Jan. 14, by air (Imperial) will be delivered to boxholders at 6 p.m. General delivery of letters tomorrow, Jan. 15, at 8.45 a.m. Malls from Europe (Amsterdam) expected today, Jan. 14. by air (Netherlands) will be delivered to boxholders at 7.30
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    • 96 4 The following were passengers ln the Aramis which sailed on Tuesday for Par Eastern ports: Mr. E. Pascalis, Mr. GauUer. Mr. and Mrs. Langlois, Mr. W. H. Plttman, Mr. Ha Tee Sian, Mr. Kong Son Fong Dr. and Mrs. H. Crane, Mr. J. Ferguson, Mr. T. Kaneda, Mr. P.
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    • 51 4 PURCHASE OF DUTCH MOTORSHIP Acquired By Coa#t Line* For Early Delivery Requiring early delivery of a small motorship, Coast Lines Ltd. have purchased a vessel of 650 tons now under construction ln Holland. The ship will be delivered early next month, and is intended far one of the company's regular
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  • 228 4 Seamen Justified in Defying Captain 's Order. Malta. Eight deck hands, including the boatswain, of the British steamer Thurston, who were charged with disobeying the orders of Captain Benjamin Allen, the master, to proceed to Cartagena, were acquitted at Malta, the magistrate finding that they were justified ln their refusal.
    Reuter  -  228 words
  • 321 4 Better Times Expected. Canada has begun the new year in a mood of satisfaction with her record of progress towards recovery during 1936, and of general confidence that 1837 will se* even better times. Optimists find abundant statistical material, such as the record mining production,
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  • 23 4 The Cap Varella is due here on Friday morning from Colombo, and will call at noon for Saigon. Tourane ami Haiphong.
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  • 135 4 VISA FEES Agreement On Principle Passport visa fees arranged between Britain and the United States are to be reduced from £2 to 8s, except in the case of immigrants into the United States. The change will come into force on Apr. 1 next. This decision Is announced by
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  • 124 4 Position On The Tyne At the monthly meeting of the Tyne Improvement Commissioners last month it was reported that the coal and coke shipments from the Tyne for the 11 months ended November 30 were 12,155.732 ton*, as compared w:th 12.235,648 tons ln the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 625 4 BOUSTEAD CO., LTD. (Incorporated ts PM 3) LLOYOS AGENTS sBOOKBfe 4OCMTS F.M.& RLf 8 AND SIAM STATES BAILWATS. TBLEPRONB: FralgtM MM Passagf sui J^tiwjny empress Fortnightly sailings to Victoria ""^^"JLTX and Vancouver Direct or Tia Honolulu shlp's-side rail oonifc«7 nections at Vancouver. <A- This time go via Canada book V
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    • 58 4 tMGxftßlS^Eß^^^^-^^lEI ELLERMAN BUCKNALL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. CBMia*an(M to fcmni). TtLKSMAN* LINE. FOB a/tVU. LONIKM* ROTTCKDAM HAMBCRO. m Paris Md 3m O—mL Takiac mt«« for Mulml UHh Tta ClllM»« DM Safls CTT7 OC SALISBURY J*n X Pab 3 CITY OF KIMBERLEY Feb. IB Mar. 2 CITY OP BIRMINGHAM Mar. 29 Apr.
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    • 326 4 ISTHMIAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY. (incorporated in DBA) BOSTON NEW VOKK m BAIT-MOH* VIA CAPF OF GOOI> HOPE Due Salli STEEL TRAVELER Jan. 22 Jan 27 STEEL MAOTNER Fob '3 F"b 28 STEEL NAVIGATOR Mar 82 Mar 38 KLAVENESS LINE (Incorporatev. in Norway). LOB ANGELES. 8 KRANCISrO ••ORTLANO 9 Umited out excellent
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 421 4 THE SINGAPORE HARBOUR BOARD. Thursday, January 14. Ships ilwpUi the Wharves or expected t» antre Entrance Godown GaU East Wharf Rajula 22 1 Main Wharf Rajputana 18 3 Tablnta 11 3 Glengarry 9 3 Empire Dock Thames Mam 30 3 Sllveryew 32 3 Ipota 34 3 Karagola 48 4 Shirala
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  • 531 5 Report On Activities Last Year. (From Our Own Correspondent) Malacca Jan. 9. The annual general meeting of the [alacca Lawn Tennis Association was ield at the premises of the Club (town remises) yesterday. The election of »fflce- bearers resulted as follows: President, the Hon. Mr. O. R.
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  • Article, Illustration
    23 5 TemUr tribesmen riving an exhibition of their dancing at tUffles Museum, where records of their lan* uage are being made. Straits Times Photograph.
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  • 305 5 Hockey. SRC. against Police on the padang tomorrow: Dr. L. 8. da Sllva, T. B. Smith, A. O. Armstrong, J. Ritchie, L. 8. Reuteas. J. 8. de Soiua, M. W. Armstrong, O. Westerhout. A. O. Valberg. J. O. Reutens, R. M. Armstrong. S.C.R.C. against Y.M.C.A. on Chine* ground;
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  • 311 5 HINDUS CELEBRATE "THAI PONGAL." End Of Harvest Year Ceremonies. The "Thai Pcngal" restival. which Is being celebrated in Singapore today, marks the close of harvest year and is regarded by Hindus as an important day of thanks offering to the Sun. The festival falls on the first day of the
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  • 30 5 Mexico. Jan. 12. M. Trotsky, who arrived here on Jan. and will be allowed to lire in Mexico provided he refrains from communist activity.— R?utcr Wireless.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 492 5 A NEW AND GREATER flQ^fl^fl ifei^feflS SCREEN TRIUMPH FOR ■^^^T \tltS] THE GLORIOUS STAR WH "J§\ OF "ONE NIGHT I a^B Kj OF LOVE" SBHHMHHKhE&B 'Grace MOORE' in a dramatic musical romance 'ON WINGS of SONG' A Colombia Picture with LEO CARRILLO, MICHAEL BARTLETT Week-end Matinees— 2.M pjn. Saturday— ROSE
      492 words
    • 80 5 THt THUi TONIC POOD Obtalna W. of Chwfctl and Storm I 1 GENTS WBAR:— Shirt*. Ties, Socks ft Stockings, H»ts, Handkerchiefs, Sport Shirts etc OIAM SINGH «c CO., No. 4 BatUry Road. Look to the Future INSURE WITH THE PRUDENTIAL ii it I MARLBOROUGH 15 Tonlfht »U HARISCHANDRA A Thrilling
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    • 3 5 CHANCE rj: OVERTO^V
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    • 69 5 THE NEW WORLD CABARET TEA MICE [Mmmhu Free] IiVRSMY. SATIIMY u4 SOMAY. AFTER DINNER DANCES lAdmiwion 50 Cts.] EVERY NIGHT FROM 9 P.M. TO MIDNIGHT. GASH CLEARANCE SALE OF NEW REFRIGERATORS (Mefcl 1936) (A. C. CwrMt) 5 Machines of VA Cubic ft. Capacity $210 Net 2 4 $230 4 n
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 135 5 WHAT IS ON TODAY. T*HE Straits Times is publishing this daily feature to give reader? a comprehensive summary of entertainments, meetings, sports events, social functions and other outstand ing happenings. Organisers of meetings etc. are nvited to submit diary dates. HOTELS. RAFFLES HOTEL: Cocktail dance, e.30 8.30 p.m. Informal dinner
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    • 102 5 GLOBE THEATRE: Captain Blood. 7.15, 9.30. RITZ, GETLANG: SUent Valley. And, The Mystery of Edwin Drood, 7.45— 11 p.m. GARR1CK THEATRE. GETLANG: The Trail of the Lonesome Pine. 8.45, 9.15. ROXY. KATONG: On Wings of Song, 6.15, 9.15. MARLBOROUGH Harlschendra. 6.15, 9.15. SUN THEATRE (New Workh: Five Musketeers Malay talkie.
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    • 501 6 No Interest In Rubber Shares. From Our Financial Correspondent. Singapore, Jan. 14. Tin continues to move within very narrow limits, being up 5s. for three months' and 10s. for spot in London and down one-eighth of a cent in New York, yesterday. There is still quite a
      501 words
    • 95 6 EXCHANGES. London, Jan. 13. The following were mean rates ruling at noon today: Paris 105 SO Athens 5474 New York 4.91 3/16 Bucharest 670 Montreal 4.91 tellers Brussels 29. 114 Rio 414 Geneva .21.39 sellers official Amsterdam 8.97 Belgrade 213 Milan 93 9 32 Buenos Aires unquoted Berlin 12.22 Montevideo
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      • 565 6 All shares quoted above are fully paid. Issue Val. Fraser 6 Co. Lyall k Evatt Buyers Sellers Buyers Sellers 4/- A-npat Tin 5/- 5/9 5/4% 5/9 £1 Asam Kumbang 33/6 34/6 32/- 34/£1 Austral Malay 55/- 56/- 55/- 57/5/- Ayer Hitam 23/- 24/6 23/- 24/6 1 Ayer Weng 1.80
        565 words
      • 447 6 2 2 Alex Brick Ord. 1.35 1.45 1.40 1.50 2 2 do 7'/i% Prels. 2.50 2.55 2.50 2.60 10 10 Atlas Ice 8.00 lO.OOn. 8.00 lO.OOn. £1 £1 BAT 6.10.0 6.15.0 6.12.6 6.17.6 1 1 B. M. Broadcasting 0.89 0.95 0.90 0 95 10 5 B. M. Trustee 6.25
        447 words
      • 200 6 SINGAPORE MUNICIPAL. b'/c 1901 red. 1940 MOO Hit Int.. Mar 31 Sept. 30 103 110 norn 4VIV4 1907 red. 1947 51.600.U00 Int. Mar 31 Sept. 30 112 115 norn 4«4% 190< red 1955 51.J00..100 int. Mar. 31 Sept 30 120 122 norn 4% 1913 red 1963 S3
        200 words
      • 352 6 (Shares are $1 unless otherwise stated) Mlenby Uor Gajah tonal Malay Hitam Molek Iyer Panas 3asset t Jatu Lintang Jedf ord Jenta Jorelli 3rDgas 3rune: Un ($5> 3ukit Katl' Juklt Kepong 3ukit Timah ($10) Juklt K. B ?hangkat Serdang >lenealy Plantations Hamilton -lay tor 'ndragiri reram Kuantan (.50)
        352 words
  • 194 6 this morning according tc the dally circular issued by the Hong Kong and Bhanehal Banking Con>orat>nSELLING London T.T 2/4 1/16 London demand 2/4 1/16 London 4 months' sight 2/4>,i» Lyons, demand 1230 Hamburg demand 141 New York demand 57 5/16 Montreal demand 57 3/16 Batavla demand 104 Semarang 103^
    194 words
  • 79 6 Jan. 14, Noon. No. 1 X. R. S. S. in cases (F. 0.8.) 37 5/16 37 7/16 Good F. A. Q. in cases (F. 0.8.) 3714 373/s No. 1 X. R. S. S. (Spot loose) Awardable Singapore 37*4 37% January 37*4 37% Feb.-March 37% 371/2
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  • 831 6 1 47/3 d. MlI ODU JCE. i/-) 35/3 d. +3d. RomhtPi 13/3 d. uamDiei '-> 3«/90. Hamburg 6/9 d. 34/- Java Cu»>e $6.00 be 11.00 9.50 33/Sd. Pepper rices quoted in D.B. currency. c dealers' middle prices; Job- White Mm brokerage and stamp duty are White 21.50 iBER
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  • 61 6 harvested by the respective estates In December: lb. United Patani 283,056 Malakoff Rubber 162.260 Taiping Rubber 116,608 Sungei Batu 66,000 Windsor Rubber 33,555 Foothills Rubber 34,000 Bertam Consolidated 222,329 Kuala Muda Rubber 228,000 Val d'Or Rubber 39,953 Gadek Rubber 46,000 Kuala Siciim Rubber 92,669 Bassett Rubber 33,876
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  • 142 6 The following outputs of tin ore for December are reported. The secretaries of Lukut Tin say that the dredge is now completely turned and Is working on the upstream cruise throught an old Chinese lornbong. Vari>us interruptions and stoppages were caused through encountering submerged Umber and
    142 words
  • 66 6 HONG KONG SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. Final Dividend Probably Three Per Cent. The Singapore branch of the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation has been advised by their Head Office that, subject to audit, the final dividend for the year will be probably £3 less income ta::. The sum of $1,000,000 has
    66 words
  • 164 6 THE Singapore Chamber of Commerce 1 Rubber Association held Its 1,312th auction yesterday when there were catalogued 1,328.921 lbs, 593.26 tons; offered 1.218.705 lbs.. 544.06 tons; sold 903.592 lbs., 403.38 tons. Spot London 10 3 4 d. New York ?2 c'.z. Prices Realised. Ribbed smoked sheet cents
    164 words
  • 228 6 Singapore, January 14, 12 MB', Buyer Seller Gamblei $6.00 Hamburg Cube 11.00 Java Cube 9.50 'epper. White Muntok 22.00 White 21 M Black 12 SO lopra. Mixed $10.05 Sun Dried 10.30 'apioca. Small *'lake b.23 Fair Flaice 4.75 Medium Pearl 5 23 Small Heari 5.30 'ago Flour. No. 1
    228 words
  • 90 6 FRASER COMPANY. I A lll> l|ir,.M»>l Company Kampong Lanjut Do. K Lumpur Tin Kuchal Tin Llngui Southern Klnta Takuapa Thabawleik W Hammer Olenealy Lunas Books close Date Dividend Ex div. date Payable 6d. (8th) Is. Bonus Jan. 20 Jan. 27 1/- (30th) Feb. 26 20% int. Jan. 16 Jan. 25
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  • Page 6 Advertisements

    • 67 7 fHE domestic production of tin and tin-in-ore, calculated at 75.5 per cent., in Malaya as represented by exports from F.M.S., U.M.S. and Malacca during December, totalled 6,427 tons, bringing the total production for 1936 to 66,806 tons. This total is 24,479 tons above the total production for
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    • 391 7 HOLLAND'S FINANCES Conditions Of Past Year Reviewed. Amsterdam Dec. 30. Holland's mest sensational event of the year was likewise its most important, the all-night session of the cabinet on September 26 which was Followed the next morning by Holland's embargo upon the export of gold. Thereupon the f. -reign excl.ange
      391 words
    • 126 7 Paris. Jan. 11. The members of the Association of Paris Stockbrokers have addressed a memorandum to premier M. Blum and the" Finance Minister, in which they draw attention to the inadvlsablllty of keeping the Bourse open on Satur days. They state It is dangerous
      Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  126 words
    • 119 7 Basle, Jan. 12. The report of the Bank of International Settlements for the month ol December was road at a meeting of the Board of Governors on Monday ar.d reveals that transactions of the bank have increased. Medium term Investments have increased from 220,000,000 to 245,000.000
      Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  119 words
    • 421 7 Factors Which Make For An Optimistic View Of 1937. UyiTH the usual alarums and excursions which the rubber industry has always, more or less, experienced, the year 1936 has been got through very well. Political manoeuvring and militaristic activities on occasion created a mild stir.
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    • 440 7 The spot price of rubber finished 1935 at 6y 2 d. per pound. During January, 1936, It fluctuated between that figure and 7d. per pound. Dutch East Indies exports came over at around 20.000 tons, or about 5,000 tons below quota. Optimism prevailed. Matters on the
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    • 701 7 Continual Fall. Perhaps the most gratifying occurrence during the year was the continual decline in United Kingdom stocks. This Is illustrated in the following table. Those In Singapore, etc., and world stocks are also given:— [Tables by W. H. Ricklnson and Son.] The monthly falling off in
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  • 213 7 "Margin Small For Pioneer Industry." Criticism of the limitation of profits made by aircraft companies was mada in a speech by Mr. C. R Fairey, read at the annual meeting of the Fairev Aviation Co., Ltd., in London on Dec. 31. Squadron Leader M. K. A
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  • 138 7 25 Per Cent. Rise In Last Six Weeks Of 1936. Morris sales for the concluding six weeks of 1936 are over 25 per cent, greater than for the same period of 1935. This was mentioned by a director of Morris Motors, Limited. "For several days past," he
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 589 7 BANKING. HONG KONG SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. (Incorporated In the Colony of Hong Kong) The liability of members Is limited to the extent and In manner prescribed by Ordinance No. 6 of 1929 of the Colony. Authorised Capital S50.000.000 issued and Fully Pali-Dp $20,000,000 Reserve Fund*:— Sterling 6.a00.000 Honj Kong Currency
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    • 168 7 BANK OF CHINA (Incorporated m .Una by Special Charter 12. C«il Stieet. Singapara. Telephones: Manager* Office 0444 Exchange Dept 6 HI General Office 5188-9 Cable Address: "CHl'NGKCO" Pald Op Capital C h. »»0.00«.800.90 Reserve Funds in excess of Ch. S3.SM.M4.M ToUl AsMia approximate); Ch. Sl.4M.000.WA.tO HEAD OFFICE: SHANGHAI Tse-Vung Soong.
      168 words
    • 496 7 BANKING. CHARTERED BANK OF. INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. (Incorporated in England by Royal Charter 1853) Paid Dp Capital In 600,000 shares of £5 each £3,000,000 Reserve Fund £3.000.000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £3,000.000 HEAD OFFICE: 38, -ttahopsrate London. EC. 8. Alor Sta» Hong Kong Ealgcn Amritsar Hollo Semarar.g Bangkok ipoh
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  • 87 8 TOMORROW 6.30 a.m.— Press Radio Newi Chicago New York W3XAL 6,100 M.I 7.30 a.m.— Science Forum Schenectady W2XAP 9,530 31.4 8.00 a.m.— Kate Smith, variety show New York W2XE ***** 25 3 ..00 Valley. Variety Hour JSSftSg* WMUO 9b Schenectady W2XAF 9 530 314 9.30 a.m.-Amerlca'« Town
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  • 349 8 BRINGING AIRPORT NEARER CITY. SAFETY SPEED OF 80 M.P.H. Paris. The French Government has ur.d3r consideration a scheme for the construction of a fast motor road, costing £1.500,000. to bring Le Bourget. the airport of Paris, within a few minutes of the heart of the
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  • 98 8 Among the latest "refugees" from Germany are two paintings by Ingres, which, with three others by this artist were until recently In the Museum of S Cologne. The five paintings were portraits ol Jacob Ignatius Hlttorf. his wife, and his family, all of whom were friends 01 Ingres.
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  • 219 8 HOW SINGAPORE PEOPLE PUT ON WEIGHT A y?ar or so ago, the only way to put on weight was to take endless dases of sickly, fishy-tasting oil. It was horrible to take, upset the digestion and made children cross and irritable Nowadays in Singapore however the most progressive people don't
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 133 8 PYE RADIO H 9 93% NATURAL TONE Latest to Quality Kadios EVER* MODEL A CHALLENGER So:e Agents -HM.V." American Kadios: KEE HUAT RADIO COMPANX. 122/124, Orchard Road. Phone: 4."ififi Singapore. REPAIRS AND SERVICING To all makes of Radio. Amplifier Sound Systems and Equipments Consult us on your SOUND PROBLEMS WORID-
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 614 8 Broadcasting. SINGAPORE-ZHL. Wavelength— 225 m TODAY 7p.m. to 8pm— Speech and recordr~ PENANG. Station Z.B.J.. Pcnanc— WaTdencth U.I Metre*— Ttmmng WireleM Society. TODAY p m 7. Time signal and day's programme 7.05 Gramophone recital: Sonata Op 106 In B Flat, Beethoven (Orosse Sonata fur das Hammerclavler) played by Arthur Schnabel
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    • 598 8 RiOHI-HOLLAND P.B.I. WaTetenctha II. 71 ot S1K8 m. TODAY Opening announcement (Wai 25.57 m.):. Music. p.m. News from Holland. 9.15 p.m. Violoncello recital by Pitt htn 9 30 p.m. Talk. 9 50 p.m. Violoncello recital (cont'd.». 10.15 p m. Talk on films by Mr. L. Jordaan. SS p.m. Dance music.
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  • 1002 9 MR. EDEN'S WARNING ON ARMAMENTS RACE. London, Jan. 13. In a speech at the dinner of the Foreign Press Association In London last night, the Foreign Secretary, Mr. Eden, referred to Herr Hitler's statement In Berlin at the reception of the Diplomatic Corps and
    British Wireless  -  1,002 words
  • 73 9 FRANCO-GERMAN TENSION EASED. Berlin, Jan. 13. The ending of the tension between France and Germany Is further evidenced by the report that Dr. Schacht Intends to visit Paris shortly, ostensibly to Inspect the German section at the forthcoming Paris exhibition, but business circles expect he will
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  • 55 9 Prominence has been given in the London Press to the personal assurance given by Chancellor Hitler to the French Ambassador in Berlin, at the New Year's reception in Berlin, that Germany has not and never had any intention of infringing In any way the Integrity of
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  • 254 9 The experts' reports on the scheme of supervision of the land and sea fiontiers of Spain, by means of which, with the consent of both parties to the conflict, control ot munitions of war destined for Spain could be exercised, were under examination yesterday by the Chairman's
    Reuter; British Wireless  -  254 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 115 9 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir.—l take the liberty of referring to the descriptive statement made below the picture of Hfl. The Aga Khan appearing on p. 11 of today's issue of your esteemed paper. The statement is misleading in that His Highness 1» not
      115 words
  • 111 9 REVIVING INDUSTRY. London, Jan. 13. The highest total of shipbuilding In Great Britain and Ireland since September, 1930. was shown in Lloyds returns for the end of 1936 amounting to 963,600 tons— 220,600 tons above the end of 1935 and 42.8 per cent, of the world's
    Reuter  -  111 words
  • 75 9 British Consulate Damaged. London, Jan. 12. During the bombardment of Malaga early on Monday by an Insurgent warship a shell exploded outside the British consulate and did considerable damage to the building. The personnel was unharmed. Neutral shipping In the harbour made for the safety of
    British Wireless  -  75 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 291 9 TONIGHT Cocktail Dance 6.30 to 8.30 m£ Dinner and Dance [For Mil 930 to midnight AND FAREWELL PERFORMANCE IRENE WEST PRESENTING KAILI'S HAWAIIAN TROUBADOURS featarlnf QUEEN IK and her BEAUTIFUL HULA GIRLS accompanied bj DAVID KAILI and GEORGE KALAM Hawaiian Melodies. Steel Guitar Noreltte Faaclaatlnc Halaa. mct uirUT Ftr^ performance
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      207 words

  • 1117 10 The Straits Times SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, JAN. 14, 1937. THE OSTRICHES AGAIN. Following a recent leading article on the subject of prostitution, we received and published a long letter from Dr. Drummond Shiels, the medical secretary of the British Social Hygiene Council. Dr. Shiels accused us of having made a highly
    1,117 words
  • 96 10 News has been received from Wassenaar, Holland, of the death from cancer of Mr. K. W. de Meester, late manager of the Netherlands Steamship Company, Singapore, on January 3. Much sympathy will be felt with Mrs. de Meester, who was also very well known in
    96 words
  • 1395 10 A Military Stocktaking Germany's Armoured Divisions Russia's Six Thousand Tanks The Armies of Europe. By Our Military Correspondent London, Jan. 3, As the New Year is an accepted time for stocktaking we may as well check up on the arsenals of Germany, Russia, Italy and France. Europe's
    1,395 words
  • 687 10 NOTES Of The DA Y. SAKAI DANCING. I have a unique experience to describe today, for I have seen hillmen from the mountains of the main range, dcnl2ens of primaeval Jungle, dancing under the stars in a Singapore suburban garden. It was as though we were transported from this bustling
    687 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 112 10 MARCONI ALL- WAVE RADIO GRAMOPHONE covering wave lenfth from 7 to 2250 metres The Sraitest tk«g ra wtrstos for ysars New Shif»m*at Juat Arrived Easy Payment terms on application THE ROBINSON PIANO COMPANY. (S.S.) LIMITED. fOppotite the Neic Pier SINGAPORE) PENANG. KUALA LUMPUR, IPOII and BANGKOK.. Reiningon MODEL 1 PORTABLE
      112 words
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  • 329 11 INVESTIGATION INVITED BY HIGH COMMISSIONER. British Officers Asked To See For Themselves. COMPLETE LIBERTY GIVEN TO GO WHERE THEY WILL. HTHE mischievous stories, probably originating from 1 Spanish government sources, of the preparation of barracks in Spanish Morocco for the reception I of
    329 words
  • 48 11 CHINESE ARRESTED IN NEW YORK. Washington, Jan. 14. The Treasury yesterday announced that $76,250 worth opium, the largest seizure ever made at New York, was seized aboard the British steamship, Maron, concealed in bags amongst the cargo. Three Chinese aboard have been arrested— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • 137 11 SWIFT ACTION IN MATTSON CASE. Grand Fork, Jan. 13. The British Columbia North-west Mounted Police have arrested two heavily-armed men who entered Canada from the United States on Monday and are awaiting word as to whether the men are wanted In connection with th3 Mattson murder. A
    137 words
  • 108 11 New Capital Issue By Treasury Company. London, Jan. 13. The prospectus is published today of the second and last Issue of the loan capital of tha Treasury ompany witn a nominal capital and unpaid directorate which was formed in July, 1935, to provide cheap finance for
    British Wireless  -  108 words
  • 126 11 Heavy Programme For Parliament London, Jan 13. The first meeting of the Cabinet since Parliament adjourned in December was held this morning. Two informal conferences of I.'misters have been held In the interval to consider certain aspects of the situation arising out of the war in Spain and
    126 words
  • 45 11 Vatican City, Jan. 13. THE Pope is so much better that be was able to set up for the first time for six weeks. He was wheeled in a large armchair to the Audience Hall where he received visitors. Renter.
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 214 11 London, Jan. 13. Yesterday afternoon the British ship Brahmlll of Cardiff, on a voyage from Gibraltar to Bllboa, was fired at oft Cape Tarifa by the Spanish armed trawler Larache and on slowing up was questioned as to destination and cargo. Evidence points to the Bramhlll
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  • 125 11 U.S. NEUTRALITY ACT INVOKED. Warning Issued To Volunteers. Washington. Jan. 14. Mr Walton Moore, acting Secretary of State, has Instructed the United States Consul General at Barcelona to endeavour to dissuade 76 Americans who recently left for the front from joining the conflict. He added that circumstances might warrant the
    Reuter  -  125 words
  • 72 11 Krynica, Poland. Jan. 12. After mystifying the press of the world for two days. Princess Juliana and her husband have been discovered enjoying the skiing at the lovely mountain resort of Krynica in southern Poland. They are staying at the palatial hotel built three years ago
    Reuter  -  72 words
  • 79 11 Rome, Jan. 13. A Cabinet council on Saturday approved the budget estimates for the financial year 1937-1938 providing tor a revenue of 20.600,000.000 lire and an expenditure of 23.600,000.000. Compared with the preceding financial year this represents an Increase 265,000,000 tire in revenue and 3,470,000 in
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  79 words
  • 148 11 Foremost Cinematograph Explorer. Mr. Martin Johnson, the famous j American naturalist and clnemato- I grapher, has died following injuries i received when a plane, In which he i was flying with his wife and other pas- 1 sengers, crashed in the hills five miles from
    148 words
  • 538 11 six times, and spent 12 years in the South Sea Islands. He was the only member of Jack London's "Snark" voyage to complete the trip (1917); he he.ped to build the "Snark" and was the last to leave her. His first attempt at film-making was
    538 words
  • 26 11 Santiago Ue Chile, Jan. 14. The government has resigned In order to give the president a free hand to reshuffle the Cabinet.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • 147 11 MORE TROOPS HELD IN READINESS. CONFERENCE AT WASHINGTON. Washington, Jan. 14. The General Motors strike was discussed with Mi. Roosevelt by Mr. McGrady, Assistant Secretary of Labour yesterday. Mr. McGrady afterwards conferred with Mr. John L. Lewis. Twelve hundred National Guardsmen, infantry, cavalry and artillery
    Reuter  -  147 words
  • 108 11 WAGES INCREASES AGREED TO. (From Our Own Correspondent) Talping, Jan. 14. Following negotiations between representatives of the motor mechanics who struck work on Tuesday, the workshop proprietors and the Protector of Chinese, the strike has been withdiawn and the men resumed work this morning. The
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 54 11 Bjp Your Choice of You will be sure to find your favourite cheese at tha COLD STORAGE. Or perhaps you are looking for something new. Mild, medium, oi nippy whatever your taste requires, our wide selection of imported cheeses can supply it Have you tried Blue Moon' Cheese Spreads? They
      54 words

  • 399 12 Sultan Gives Consent. EXTREMELY EFFICIENT AND MOBILE UNITS. THE Straits Times understands that His Highness the Sultan of Johore has consented to unite of the Johore Military Forces taking part in the forthcoming grand manoeuvres in the vicinity of Singapore. One of the best
    399 words
  • 61 12 Johore Nominating Mr. Farquharson. The Johore Planters' Association are nominating Mr. D Farquharson. of Negrl Sembllan. as President of the United Planting Association of Malaya, for this year, and the Hon. Mr. w! Miller Mackay as vice-president. The Association's committee who came to the decision, are
    61 words
  • 59 12 Contrary to an official statement issued yesterday at Fort Canning some units of the Volunteers will be taking part in the forthcoming grand manoeuvres. "The following units of the Volunteers will take part in the forthcoming combined operations. The Straits Settlements Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve. Intelligence
    59 words
  • 140 12 PUNJABI REGT. ARRIVES. At Blakan Mali. About 400 troops, bearded and turbanned. arrived stealthily in Singapore in the early hours of Monday morning and were taken in transports to Blakan Matl. They were troops of the Ist Battalion 2nd Punjab Regiment who have come to Singapore from Talping to take
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  • 92 12 Mr. Arthur Newark. Chief Instructor of the Kuala Lumpur Flying Club is resigning his pest with the Club next February, It was officially announced today. The Straits Times understands that Mr. Newark will take up an Important position at new Singapore Civil Aerodrome, which will be opened
    92 words
  • 489 12 SPAIN IN SINGAPORE. Delightful Recital At The Victoria Theatre. •THERE has not b?en anything quite Ilk? this In Singapore for some years —an evening wholly devoted to the music and dancing of a single European country, and that country, so far as the dance is concerned, ths most glamorous of
    489 words
  • 171 12 Owing To Derailment Of Goods Engine. PASSENGERS FINISH JOURNEY BY CAR. (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Today. gOME 250 passengers on the Penang mail train approaching Kuala Lumpur last evening had to leave their coaches and travel into the Federal Capital by car because the
    171 words
  • 296 12 THE BELOVED VAGABOND." Maurice Chevalier At Capitol Theatre. At The Cinema. "The Beloved Vagabond," starring p Maurice ChevaUer, a Toeplits (British) i production at the Capitol. "The Beloved Vagabond" perhaps the best- known of W. J. Locke's novels, transmitted into a screen play, >is the present attraction at the Capitol
    296 words
  • 83 12 "Mr. Deeds Goes to Town." (With Gary Cooper, Jean Arthur and George Bancroft) Colombia. At the Pavilion. Mr. Deeds came back to town last night. Singapore gave him a wonderful welcome. And well tney might, for this is a film to be seen many times
    83 words
  • 22 12 Che Mohamed Noor, master of the Sultan Abdul Tamid College, A'orStar, has been transferred to the staff of Ibrahim School, Sungei Patani.
    22 words
  • 130 12 O NGAPORE. ADELPHI HOTEL Special Dinner Dance. GARKIi X TUKATICL. GKYLANG The Trail of Lonesome Pine. 6.49 9.15 p.m. GLOBE llli UK> Captain Blood. 7. 15— 9. 50. OBKAT WORLD— nib SKY TALKIR La Cucaracha Sc Barnacle BUI. NEW WORLD Slo* 3howa OaMIM. Dumi filttf* Theatre* r» 1 1
    130 words
  • Article, Illustration
    31 12 The smartness of the Johore Military Force*, who are taking part in the big Singapore manoeuvres. Is apparent from this picture of a machine gun unit at practice. Straits Times Photograph.
    31 words
  • 282 12 MUST REPORT BY SATURDAY. I*HE strike among Chinese dockyard engineering employees of the Singapore Harbour Board has not yet been settled. About 450 men are concerned in it. The following notice to the striking artisans has been issued in Chinese by the acting-chairman of the
    282 words
  • 24 12 Mr. A. J. Sturrock, a retired member of the Malayan Civil Service, who has been revisiting Malaya, leaves for Home In a fortnight's time.
    24 words
  • 85 12 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur. Jan. 14. Construction of Koala Lumpur's $250,060 market will be/tin in 10 days' time. The contract has been awarded to a Singapore firm, E. Brizay and Company and will be completed by 1938 The new Central Market, on the
    85 words
  • 91 12 Mail Train Arrives Late At Seremban. (From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban, Jan. 13. A hire-car, driven by a Chinese, 13 alleged to have run Into the railway crossing gate at Sungel Oadut on tnc Seremban-Slngapore road yesterday. It appears that the railway gate was closed
    91 words
  • 50 12 The usual chit system in the Selangor Club win be suspended for the whola of Saturday, Jan. 16, on account of the Rugger final. All payments must be made with coupons, which can be bought at the bars or from the clerks on duty, and for vhich members may sign.
    50 words
  • 113 12 Serdang College Criticised. Standard Below That Of India. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Jan. 13. At the Penang Rotary Club luncheon at the E. and O. Rao Bahadur Ramaswami Sivan, retired Principal of the Agricultural College, Coimbatore, said that tha Serdang Agricultural College, which he had visited, compared unfavourably with
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  • 190 12 Big#r Crowd Than Ever For Cup. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 13. All rooms in Kuala Lumpur's principal hotels have been booked for the week-end, and the town is filling up with strangers who will be here to see the Malaya Cup
    190 words
  • 74 12 Pictures in this week's issue of the Straits Budget, out today, include the weddings of Mr. C. E. de Souza and Miss H. J. Jansen, and Dr. J. L. Oorlotr and Miss B. L. Mitchell; guests at reception in honour of Mr. S. Sastri and ceremonies at opening
    74 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 53 12 And have for over 70 years. A quality that has carried Tow the name and fame of a Gin over the whole civilised yy world, must mean a better taste. And the price of this world-famous liquor is as pleasing as the taste. =ss s^-*^ SOLE AGENTS \JU [Pli^%Q PV
      53 words

  • 570 13 ROBBING TRAVELLING OF DISCOMFORT. Ideal For Passengers. FIRST METRE-GAUGE SYSTEM TO EXPERIMENT. THE Straits Times is informed that the two air-conditioned 1 coaches ordered by the F.M.S. Railways have arrived. After erection and finishing off in the Workshops at Sentul, trials ot the equipment
    570 words
  • 343 13 WARM WELCOME IN ALL COUNTRIES. wr. v. D. Kuppusamy, a Senior 1" teacher at the Anglo-Chinese School, Ipoh, was the lay representative to the Methodist Conference held in America last year, and he took the opportunity of seeing the world. What he saw in various
    343 words
  • Article, Illustration
    41 13 Anjan*, a be»mty of the Temlar tribe, who is to broadcast from the Singapore station. She is s«en h*re In her native costume at Raffles Museum, where she is being painted by Mrs. K. M. Catell.— Straits Times Photograph.
    41 words
  • 571 13 SMUGGLED GRAMOPHONE RECORDS. Allegation Against Selangor Chinese. (Prom Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur. Jan. 13. In the Kuala Lumpur police court today, before Mr. C. H Dakers. two Chinese, Loke Yin Thong and Loke Yul Kuen were charged with being knowingly concerned In a fraudulent evasion of customs duty on
    571 words
  • 234 13 Benefit Of Doubt In Murder Case. Grey-bearded Jowand Singh, who stood his trial at the Singapore Assizes, before Mr. Justice Adrian Clark and a special jury, on a charge of having committed the murder of a fellow Sikh. Natha Singh, seven J years ago In Robinson Road,
    234 words
  • 46 13 Malay Delegate To Attend Conference. Tuan Hajl Mohd. Euaoff, M.C.S.. official representative of Rotary Inter- national, has left Kuala Lumpur for i Madras to attend the Indian District Rotary Conference. He was accompanied by Che Bahaman, who is on a holiday visit to India.
    46 words
  • 69 13 After a successful tour of South i India and Malaya, the Madura Sri 3 paramananda Baskaragana Original r Boys Theatrical Co., gave a splendid performance of the play called "Pavalakodi" before a packed house at the Alexandra Hall, Singapore, last night. All the boy actors are
    69 words
  • 333 13 69 Page Judgment In High Court. Breach Of Contract Claim Dismissed. IN a judgment which ran into 69 pages of typ«d foolscap and which took two hours to deliver, the Chief Justice. Mr. Justice McElwaine. dismissed the claim of Messrs. Stanton Nelson and Co., Ltd., in the case they brought
    333 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 64 13 Nothing will be more W X° u cannot feed him Make no mistake in the IP^ realise in years to come critical and vital period ffik WfT you gave him the best (^^^^^^m\- YOURBABY #ri n \kl P ATT CD We GATE MILK FOOD 'He Will be ufirt you Want
      64 words
    • 129 13 nmrrE/mfAYS TWO SPECIAL BARGAINS FOR WiEN. Jp^\ GAUZE VESTS fl^H I^V^~^H j^ durable long wearing vat in ~^^^^^f L superfine quality Cotton. Atr.letic y I] xi/ ll m «'y'«> round neck, sleeveless. \JJ I Mercerised. Exceptional Value. yk \^k|| Cool and Comfortable in Wear. g^ "Ma Si 32 To 42
      129 words

  • 593 14 Nine Points Scored Against S.C.C. "A" Team. \7EItY keen rugger was seen on the padang last evening, when the men from H.M.S. Terror gained a creditable success over the S.C.C. "A" side by 9 points (two tries, a penalty goal) to 3 points (a
    593 words
  • Article, Illustration
    21 14 A strenu Interlude In yesterday's rugger match between the S.C.C. "B" and H.M.S. Terror, won by (fee Bailors. Straits Times Photograph.
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  • 91 14 HARD COURTS TENNIS. Good Entries For Farrer Park Tournament. An excellent entry has been received for the hard courts lawn tennis tournament at Farrer Park, play in which begins tomorrow with the following ties in the men's open singles: H. Kamls vs. K. Koguti; Tan Wan Llat vs. G. H.
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  • 413 14 THE FULL DRAW Settlings In Open Events. The full draw, with the seedings. ls as follows: MEN'S OPEN DOUBLES. H. KamLs and Yadi; Kam Glm Hock and A. A. A. Peterson; R. M. Duff and O. W. Gilmour; S. Abed and W. J. M. Warden: Aizawa and Murakami; E. C
    413 words
  • Article, Illustration
    23 14 The rugger team with one man missing of H.M.S. Terror, who defeated the S.C.C. "B" XV on the padang yesterday. Straits Times Photograph.
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  • 378 14 Gray's Third Win: Holder Beaten. The S.C.C. lawn bowls championship was won yesterday afternoon by Hugh Gray from the holder, G. C. Miller, by 21—11. Miller had held the championship and the McKear, Cup for the two previous years. Gray is the only competitor
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  • 468 14 Three Goals In A Match Of Mediocre Play. MEITHER side were at full strength for yesterday's hockey match on the padang between the S.C.C. and the Indian Association. The chub won 3—o3 0 after a game of moderate quality. The Indians were without two
    468 words
  • 169 14 Players Who Ha\e Qualified. The players named b?lcw. being winners" in the Island Club's m?dal competitions during 1936. are qua'.ifleri to compete for the Gold Medal. 1936. The first round will be a qualifying round under handicap, and is to be played off on Saturday or
    169 words
  • 272 14 Seven Pairs In S.G.C. Competition. The following ls th c draw for the women's foursomes competition at the Singapore Golf Club, In which the first and second rounds are to be completed not later than Monday. Jan. 25: Mrs. B. Neyland and Mrs. K. A. Jackman vs. Mrs.
    272 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 120 14 TOURING COMFORT FOR FIVE... IN THE NEW J-^^B Br\ A ne interior comfort and roominess that H^| H^V-^ ~~\^B ■■Hill! V P rovides for fu live People, y^t its cxA OIHH ~i^^M ■Mil \\b terior dimensions arc not excessive and NJ llllfflH ■K£F^ I^B 7 weight U maintained well below
      120 words

  • 92 15 S.B. A. ISSUES A RANKING LIST. Malayan Residence A Qualification. The annual ranking of boxers registered with the Singapore Boxing Association, as compiled by the Board of Control, and Including only tnose at present resident in Malaya, is as follows (only the first three are given except In the middlewe.ght
    92 words
  • 142 15 DIAMOND RIVERS. Joe Wants To Fight His Former Coach. Joe Diamond writes, to the Straits Times as follows: "I have been given to understand by many of Mr. Al Rivers' personal friends that he is anxious to meet me in the squared arena. "I want the public to know that
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  • 284 15 S.S.C. DEFEAT THE AIRMEN. Six Goals Scored One Yielded. By the substantial margin of six goals to one the Singapore Swimming Club defeated the Royal Air Force in the club's pool last evening, being much the superior, side. The victory was well earned, the civilians displaying splendid combination and keeping
    284 words
  • 88 15 TODAY. Hockey: Sincere vs. Combin-d Services, padang. TOMORROW. Kiifbv: S.C.C. "B" vs. Kota Raja, padang. Hockey: S.C.C. v«. Excise Dept., padans; S.R.C. vs. Police, padang: S.C.R.C. 2nd vs. V.M.C..".. 2nd, Chinese ground. O H.R.C. vs. I. A. 2nd, Q.H.R.C. ground, R.A.M.C. vs. Sikh Police. Tanghn S.R.C. cricket
    88 words
  • Article, Illustration
    27 15 H. Gray (left), twice previously winner, and G. C. Miller. hoMer, who contested the final of the S.C.C. lawn bowta championship yesterday, Gray winning —Straits Times Photograph.
    27 words
  • 399 15 Three Goals Victory For The "Champion*." \I7ITH every game they play the S.R.C. first team confirm their right to be considered Singapore's hockey champions. Last evening, entertaining the Ceylon Sports Club, they achieved another convincing victory, scoring three goals without reply. The S.R.C. forward
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  • 151 15 Singapore meet the Combined Services on the padang today, and playing a return match with Malacca on Saturday. Considerable Interest is attached to the latter game, for when Singapore played Malacca at Sertmban two months ago they were only able to beat them by a
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  • 67 15 Association Football. I The teams of the Borneo Co. and Paterson. Simons and Co. will meet at the Geylang Stadium this evening. Fred Perry. In the tennis club which he has opened at Beverly Hills, Hollywood, has as tJi partnei Groucho Marx, who
    67 words
  • 433 15 Table Tennis Draught/ Tournaments. The table tennis and draughts p handicap tournaments of the Excise a Clerks' Club have recently been com- E pleted. Twenty-four entries were received p for the table tennis event, and the E following are the results of the con- E eluding stages
    433 words
  • Article, Illustration
    16 15 la ImUm attack developing in yeste rday's hockey match on the S.C.C ground. —Straits Times Photograph.
    16 words
  • 136 15 F. A. CUP— 3rd ROUND. Thirty-Two Tics On Saturday. The third round ties in the FA. Cup competition will be played at Home on Saturday, as follows: Manchester U. vs. Reading. Wolves vs. Mlddlesbro. Bradford vs. Derby. Cardiff vs. Grlmsby. Brentford vs. Huddersfleld. Crewe vs. Plymouth. Bury vs. Queen's Park
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  • 177 15 LEAGUE FIXTURES. English List Much Curtailed. As a result of the cup-ties the league programme Is much curtailed. There are no games in the First and Second Divisions in England, and a number of Third Division matches have to be postponed. The following are the English and Scottish fixtures for
    177 words
  • 162 15 The 15- Years-Old Mr. Hobbs." I A boy who, at seven years of age, was winning prizes In the children's lnter- national horse shows at Olympia, is now. at the age of fifteen, taking his place among the leading steeplechase jockeys of the day. "Mr. Hobbs," as
    162 words
  • 704 15  - THE CL UB VERANDAH "ECHO." Conducted by Rugger Blue and Army Cricketer Comes To Singapore Army Team For Cup Final Gribble Dropped Lieut. Wilberforce Unable To Play S. A. F. A. Finance. HPHE Royal Engineers rugger and cricket teams should benefit greatly by the arrival of Lt F. W. Simpson
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  • Page 15 Advertisements

  • 496 16 Well-Known Chinese Families United. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Jan. 9. 'THERE was a large attendance at the Town Hall, Ipoh, to witness the wedding of Mr. Chang Kwong Kin, the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Chang Chong Slew, of Ipoh, and Miss Chee Kheng Seok,
    496 words
  • 166 16 Sequel To Quarrel Between Malays. (From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban, Jan. 12. "The accused called me a pig for not moving out of his way. I scolded him in return. Saying that he would teach me a lesson, he went into the house, brought a parang and
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  • 108 16 "MALAYA" CUP FINAL Running Commentary To Be Broadcast. (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 11. A running commentary on the "Malaya" Cup rugby final at Kuala Lumpur on Saturday will be broadcast by the Malayan Amateur Radio Society. The radio commentator will be accommodated on the verandah of the
    108 words
  • 130 16 (From Our Own Correspondent) Segamat. Jan. 12. Tan Ah Wat alias Kllng. a Chinese youth, was ordered to receive ten strokes of the rotan by Ungku Ismail bin Abdul Rahman, the Segamat magistrate today, for the theft of a Lat. Inche Haroun bin Abu
    130 words
  • 125 16 (From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban. Jan. 11. An appeal to the Press to give prominence to the fact that he Intended to order a flogging for all men guilty of rape or attempted rape was made by Mr. Justice J. 11. Pediow at the Seremban Supreme
    125 words
  • 106 16 A pretty Chinese wedding took place in Kuala Lumpur on Sunday afternoon between Mr. Yap Kirn Choy, of the staff of Messrs. Henry Waughand Co., Kuala Lumpur, the fourth son of Mr. Yap Chit Nam. a well-known Chinese miner, and Mrs. Yap Chit Nam and Miss Khong Choy Lan, daughter
    106 words
  • Article, Illustration
    30 16 Business firms in Batavla illuminated their premises during tne c^UOrations in connection with Princess Jul iana's wedding. Picture shows the illuminated front of M. Esekiel and Sons at Batavia-Ontum. Java.
    30 words
  • 123 16 Fined For Distilling Samsu. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 9. Before Mr. C. H. Dakers In tne Kuala Lumpur police court today two Chinese women, Leong Ah See and Leong Ah Chin, pleaded guilty to dls tilling samsu without a licence. Ah
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  • 312 16 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 12. The story of how a quarrel over a gambling debt of 5 cents led to the death of a Chinese coolie was told at the Selangor Assizes today, when a Hokklen, Ng Kirn appeared before
    312 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
      35 words
    • 124 16 11 JtkwJH l^^l SOME MORE LATER. P9^^ AGAIN J DON*T K.NJOW 3 WHEN DIET IS A PROBLEM > IVI fa „n u Hor- T>ATIENTS can be so difficult, refusing the I luk lxtTt ■t very nourishment which is essential to their f m bm pnpani wM i>* recovery after Malaria
      124 words

  • 837 17 (Continued from page 13) humidity is low but, lor personal comfort. Is In the correct relationship to the temperature, while in the latter relative humidity is high and above the comfort zone. We talk of gas fires and central heating drying; the atmosphere,
    837 words
  • 532 17 JUDGE COMPLIMENTS CHINESE COUPLE IN SELANGOR. (Prom Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Jan. 12. i "Tell this witness, I think he gave 1 his evidence in a fair and straight- I forward manner. I am very pleased i with the manner in which he gave evidence
    532 words
  • 144 17 (From Our Own Correspondent) Segamat Jan. 12. Stating that the theft of scrap rubber was an everyday occurrence in the district. Inche Abdul Khalid bin. Dato Klenah. 0.C.P.D., Labis. asked Ungku Ismail bin Abdul Rahman, the Segamat magistrate today to take a very
    144 words
  • 24 17 Flying Officer Michael Dawnay. R.A.F., son of Lady Susan Dawnay. Whitfield Court. Co. Waterfcrd. swam 200 yards at Waterford quays to rescue his dog.
    24 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 243 17 Here is the Essence of STRENGTH! Bi s »w tto bis iiAJtsi* *^»^^B {SjJfEßzZst?lhrvL IaI^^BHIKESSBHiHMaBB^BiB9BBHHH «y «ovai amkxntmcmt I TN all cases of sickness, general debility and r\in« j <lown feeling, Brand's Essence of Chicken is un- if rivalled for restoring lost vitality and building up t strength and well-being.
      243 words
    • 54 17 YOUNG MAN KNEW WHAT EVERY OLD MAN KNOWS HE WOULD BE IN DEPENDANT IH HIS OLD A6E ■fIK/jwt&flH W P.S. 17 GUMMING UP OF PISTON RINGS And UNNECESSARY OVERHAULS WILL BE PREVENTED BY Shell Motor Oils. Be up to date ihel lubricate i i I I Advertisement of the Asiatic
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  • 282 18 MASAI TRIBESMEN'S TANGANYIKA RAID. GOVERNMENT ROUSED TO FIRM ACTION. Dar-Es-Salaam. The Government of Tanganyika have decided to take firmer action against Masai cattle-raiders following new incidents near Lake Eyasl. In one of these raids 1000 head of rattle were stolen and two herdsmen killed. Effective action
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  • 209 18 CHEMICAL REMOVER BEING TESTED. Nearly £100.000 of damage was caused to the squadron of Handley Page Heyford night bombers of the R.A.F. which left Aldergrove Station. Northern Ireland, for Finningley. Yorkshire, recently. Of seven aeroplanes which began the Journey, six came down. This disaster was
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  • 236 18 MORE MARRIAGES IN BRITAIN. Highest Recorded In Last 16 Years. With the exception of 1919 and 1920 the highest marriage rate in England and Wales was recorded during the third quarter of this year. The Registrar-General makes this statement In a return Issued recently. He gives the number of persons
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  • 708 18 I MANDATES AND COLONIES. .LOWING BRITISH METHODS. ecent decree of the French iment, laying down that the f Commissioner of the French of Togoland is henceforth to be ed with that of the Governor1 of French West Africa, brings an important change in the of the Mandated
    708 words
  • 41 18 V.andsworth Borough Council arc being recommended to appoint Mr Alfred Moon of Hull, as rat-catcher at a salary of £260 per annum. s'or the post 105 applications were rece. .d An assistant rat-catcher Is also to i>e anpointed. r
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  • 680 18 Motoring Notes. Britain Second To U.S. A, In Output. INHERE were 37,000,000 motor-cars and commercial vehicles in use in the world in 1935. Of these, 1,505,000 private cars were in Britain: in the United States there were 15 times as many. On the production side, Britain
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  • 55 18 The demand for Morris cars in New Zealand continued in November, when Morris registrations not only headed the list of all new cars, but did so by an 8 per cent, margin. The sales of Morris cars were nearly 100 per cent, higher than those
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 142 18 It Your engine pinks your compression and acceleration power falls and your engine should run-down use MX IKK II MOTOR TABLETS. They decarbonise, generate and rejuvenate your engines. Absolutely harmless and are really effective anuknocks. They are anu-corroslve. Wholesale stockists Willys Motor Works, :»0, Lavender Street. SINGAPORE Phone 66tS ACCESSORIES
      142 words
    • 99 18 9U HILLMAN MINX MAGNIFICENT tested and proved in every feature continues of course for 1937. Minx Magnificent, the most successful light car ever introduced to the motoring public. Built to ever Increasing standards off efficiency and quality. Years ahead In design and performance. MFETY SALOON with Proved by many thousands
      99 words

  • 124 19 Case From The Past. I lIRTORY gives one example of a ktng or at least of a Icing-consort, who married an American woman. Nearly a hundred years ago there wai an elder daughter of a Springfield. Massachusetts, shopkeeper who bad a beautiful voice. She sang in
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  • 788 19 (Froca Our Own Correspondent) London, Dec. 38. Many and intriguing are the problems set by the Hew Tear for London's political prophets. When will Mr. Baldwin retire? Is it quite certain that Mr. Neville Chamberlain will succeed him in the Premiership? Who will then become
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  • 96 19 Our London Correspondent learns that the following changes may be effected In the British Cabinet after the Coronation, In May: Prime Minister: Mr. Neville Chamberlain (now Chancellor of the Exchequer), vice Mr. Stanley Baldwin. Chancellor of Exchequer: Sir Samuel Hoare (First Lord of the Admiralty) or Mr. W. S. Morrison
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  • 27 19 Finally, there is the forthcoming change in the Lord Chancellorship. Lord Hallsham, who holds this £10,000 a year post, with its £5,000
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  • 117 19 per annum pension, Is a sick man. He was absent from duty throughout the Constitutional crisis, when his ripe legal wisdom would have been of the utmost value both to the House of Lords and to the Government. It is understood that he will retire as soon
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  • 101 19 DIVORCED BUT DID NOT KNOW IT. Surprise For Wife. flercule Miotto, forty-year-old French engineer, received a six- months sentence in the Paris courts last month Hercule had "divorced" his wife without her knowledge, taken her money, also without her knowledge. Hercule, a provincial, had the divorce writ served on an
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  • 28 19 Tangier, Jan. 13 Colonel Beigeder, the insurgent commissioner here, yesterday offered every facility to all Journalists except Rus.sians to visit Spanish Morx:co.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  28 words
  • 285 19 TRADE 'MODERATELY PROSPEROUS.' BUT PRE-WAR LEVEL NOT YET REACHED. The close of 1936 shows the shipbuilding industry in a state of moderate prosperity, stales Sir Maurice Denny, President of the Shipbuilding Employers' Federation, writing in Lloyds List Annual Review He adds, however, that there is no
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  • 38 19 At the January meeting or tha American Association of Malaya the following officers were elected for the year 1937: President, Felix P. Donnelly; vice-president, H. C. Bugbec; treasurer, R. W. French; secretary, Patrick Mallon.
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 110 19 s^H -j^ Z^i^gfl HpHE wise wooMsi docs not ex- periment wttcn a troublcxMn* corn makes her life a burdti Su«? knows rt Cats be itmovcxt quickly mod Mfdy wick wa I STORY IN EVERY rTf^TjBIsS jkX L^Lm V-"* fln^^H i I I ~3Bffg.<fcttt^K i ■■■J sole nAiicTcin on it n
      110 words
    • 175 19 "7I J L ~Ft*S£22iW 44 A»kcJk* PABSTrt we could invite you to come V.nen you taste the beer proto our brewery every time you duced by ninety-two years of wanted your beer and pour out a experience, the finest ingredients, dkink of delicious Pabst Beer careful laboratory control you right
      175 words

  • 169 20 A pretty w«4dlng waa soiemnlNd at St. PeUr'i and Si Paul's Church, Que«n Street. Singapore, on Jm. ted. 1987 between Mr. Francis X. Tee and Mtas Cferft Tan. Re*: Father B«cherae officiated. Mtoaee Katherine aad Thiiw Tee were flower-girls. Ihe wedding of Mr. Khor Kok Hean to
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 54 20 BitiW^ GIVE HIM <■ •^.-l i~ r \> V-/v7 I isshLiß I iiiiiißHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiß^iH^^w i> c ''-~y'i iiiiiiK I I ftl^ii^Bl^iciii^iS iiiiiiv H T*- llV^fttiiii^B fttiiiiiiiHS^iiiiH I ll^iliiiiiiilliiiHß iliiiiV 'liiiiH i^^fck J B^. tHB iiHfV 1 iiiiiiiH WW&ij I a WkA^MW If DI/TRIBUTOR/ ■▼■■■™i% GETZBROy I I ■^^■T 1 11 9
      54 words
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    • 16 1 in A Malayan Bungalow STRAITS TIMES WEEKLY SUPPLEMENT. FOUR PAGBS THURSDAY, JANUARY 14, 1987. No. 26.
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    • 1482 1 Malayan "Mems" Not To Blame For Lost Prestige. Spirited Reply To Criticism —A WOMAN'S NOTEBOOK. BY A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT. IN his entertaining, but most controversial, book Return to Malaya Bruce Lockhart records his return to a country he had left 25 years previously and, although he mentions with approval the
      1,482 words
    • 54 1 The wedding of Mr. C. W. Webb, M.C.S., and Miss Margaret Eleanor Brodie took place on Dec. 22 at Upper Sun bury, Middlesex. Left to right: Miss Peggy Webb: Miss E. Re,; the bridegroom; Mr. R. Morrell; the bride; Miss Phyllis Crocker; his Highness the Tuan Muda of
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    • 286 1 An addition to the dressmaking establishments in Singapore which 1i awaited with much interest is Chez Vlvlenne, situated at 18-K. Battery Road (second floor). It opens tomorrow, Jan. 15, and will be conducted by Mrs. Vyner Gomez, who In the past has been chiefly known for
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    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 106 1 Fashions, Society, Gossip. FULL CREAM SWEETENED CONDENSED SWISS MILK [j^^lll i\mm E^^p ened condensed KSam sweetened cuSs|J Milk v hh l B itB I r v I* in the Bernese Alps, .CU^ 1 RAm ft <a mi d surroundings *V* A4 fy) 1 redolent of whole- jjtA j someness and
        106 words
      • 11 1 W-3B.»JH-1| AfraU: JOSEPH TKAVERS A SONS LTD. HENRY WAUGH Co., Ltd.
        11 words
    • 766 2 ADVICE OF ENTHUSIAST. By Mrs. E. E. H. Beck (Reproduced fr;m "Blue Triangle News ADVICE to those about to make a n rockery might easily be the same as that of Mr. Pun* to those about to enter the holy estate of matrimony, for
      766 words
    • 645 2 Glances At Post -War Europe's Politics. 1 (By Catherine Gavin.) j y\VO women were discussing the r present deplorable condition o r European affairs. "I'm sure r women could do better," said the feminist, "if only they had a chance. Women diplomats would
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    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 223 2 OPENING FRIDAY JAN. 15th. CHEZ VIVIENNE 18-K, BATTERY ROAD 2nd FLOOR DRESSMAKING MILLINERY and HARRIET HUBBARD AVER BEAUTY PREPARATIONS. Dressmaking under the most expert supervision of Miss James. Wake up LOOKING YOUNGER tomorrow morning NEW CELL FOOD -^y^*^, NOURISHES SKIN '11 WHILE YOU SLEEP V^^J^^St'' C# J Doctor^ Xj ~X\JS^\
        223 words
      • 205 2 Are You Tortured the Maddening Itch SKIN TROUBLE? gUisf I slips GET INSTANT r" heals I LASTING RELIEF oh Sch Wash the affected pan night and morning witl, Curicura PSORIACIC &xp and hot water. Dry gently and tppi, Cuucura TbUKIASIS OintmajL This daily treatment relieves itchUig and PRURITUS allays inflammation
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    • 999 3 Fashions Visibly Grow More Formal. Coronation Influence In Day And Evening Gowns. I (From Our Own Correspondent.) li Straits Times Office, o Fleet St., Dec. 31. a LJERE we are at the eve of c: another year and most women j find the ominous advance of
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    • 96 3 B is often difficult to find just tht right flower holder for a special vase. And flower holders are very necessary lor modern floral decoration. Sand is a good thing to use for It conforms to the shape of any vase, but I find small stones
      96 words
    • 97 3 Hair and clothes brushes need to be washed frequently if they are to be both hygienic and efficient. If the bristles are washed in water to which has been added a drop or two of ammonia, and then rinsed in cold water, shaken, rubbed lightly en a dry
      97 words
    • 386 3 Peer Baronet As "Social Escorts." Lonely Women's Big Demand on Bureau, OOCIAL escorts young men13 about-town employed to take out lonely women have come to Mayfair to stay. Thirty of them, who are working for the London Social Escort Bureau, established by the United States university graduate, Mr. Ted Peckham,
      386 words
    • 493 3 Questions regarding children, the nursery, household management, marketing, cookery and other matters will be answered by women contributors who have had many years of practical experience in Malaya. Letters should be addressed to the Inquiry Bureau, Straits Times, Singapore. Where a confidential realy is requested, a stamped,
      493 words
    • 34 3 Ai.jarur. one of the beauties of the Temiar tribe, is at present in Si^capore and her portrait is being painted by Mrs. K. M. Catt-11, a local artist, at Raffles Museum.
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    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 78 3 hmt a very nice (election of 2 piece woollen outfits in very attractive shades for wear on board skip. Also smart tunics for afternoon. 5, Stamford Road, CAPITOL BUILDING. Phone 3638. Singapore. NOVEL ECONOMICAL MILK PREPARATIONS FOR THE CARE OF YOUR SKIN. BASED ON THE LIGHTEST AND FINEST COLLOIDS KNOWN
        78 words
      • 216 3 ANNOUNCES A NEW COLLECTION of GOWNS for ALL OCCASIONS CLOTH and TWEED SUITS ENSEMBLES and TRAVEL COATS ARRIVING SATURDAY MAYNARDS BUILDING. 2nd FLOOR— I I, BATTERY RD. —SINGAPORE Phone 4974. Home Treatments A lovely skin is no longer a luxury to be enjoyed only by ncmen who can afford to
        216 words
    • 534 4  -  Housewife.) (By WIDE VARIETY OF WGETABLES. Singapore, Jan. 12. IN these days of balanced diets, there is a growing tendency amongst Europeans in Malaya to eat less meat, and there is no doubt that this inclination is greatly encouraged by the wide variety
      534 words
    • 856 4 (Special To The Straits Times.) I*HIS market list has been specially compiled for the Straits Times by a Singapore housewife and gives last Tuesday's prices. Those prices are only approximate, but they will be useful as a general guide both for women who do their own marketing
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    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 51 4 I v \v"-C"*°y v v^ f f i irlAl if Vu Apply this law of man to your every day life. Refrigeration goes a long way to ensure their good health. Install a Westinghouse Refrigerator SINGAPORE-KUALA LUMPUR Q^Fo ENGLAND (AdvertUemmmt of Thm Cenerml Electric Co., Ltd., of Englahd "Magnet How,
        51 words
      • 206 4 A new shipment of Embroidery and Novelties Just received Excellent Linen Table Cloths. I Luncheon-sets. Handkerchiefs Dressing Table sets. Smart Ladies' Dnderwear. Morning Gowns Mandarin Coats, Pyjamas. Blouses Attractive Peking Jewels. Bracelets. Kings, Real Camphorwood Chests Lampshades etc. Prices Guaranteed the Lowest C. K. TANG 231, River Valley Road, SINGAPORE.
        206 words