The Straits Times, 17 March 1923

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. No. 27,202, SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, MARCH 17, 1923 PRICE 10 CENTS
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  • 551 2 Congregation Bring own Seats To Church. The following report was recently re'ciiveil by the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts from the Key. H. M. Rogers, who went out a year ntro ns minister to the Islanders of Tristan da Coblm 1 The
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  • 263 2 Great Increase in Production In Six Years. The Premier of Victoria, Mr. Lawson, dnrinsr his visit to London, will inquire into the question of extending the markets for Australian grown fruit and other primary products. I The delegation despatched by the dried fruit growers to advocate Imperial prc'ference
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  • 148 2 Tho business of V. F. Gordon, Limited (in liquidation), was put up for public nuc-tion at Bombay on March 1, under the instructions of tho Official Liquidator in pursuance of an onlor of the High Court of Bombay. The c-jmpany was io be so.d as a goin:j
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  • 124 2 A startling example of the difficulty of sottlii'.K private business matters involvinif firms in Germany is provided by a leading firm of engineers. In 1913 the firm brought an action for infringement of an English patent against an American uiocern in Germany. £75 was deposited in
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 687 2 \\agqod* i m» I 'ir frliif i*i X 11C V>itll 111*.! I 13 causing a Stir EACH month witnesses a greater number of delighted owners of the new Pardealtfta accessible fCyi. Berliet 159 car. Many of them are in Lcfricrtai ta*MSMin tSmt lndia Burmaand Ceylon. These motorMacneio Ignition. j ists,
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    • 308 2 ITCHY BUSTERS ALL OVER_SCALP Hair Came Out InCombfiils. Cuticura Heals. "My bead itched and burned and little blisterG broke out all ow my scalp. They irritated and burned and after a day or two broke and \;n a sore eruption which scaled over. After a while the acalea dropped off
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    • 203 2 KINGSWAY A.C. Ceiling Fans FOR I TANGLIN SUPPLY r-^vi BRITISH MADE VVHITE FINISH ALUMINIUM BLADES. Guaranteed slow running. Speed may be adjusted to anything between 200 and 4O R.P.M. SIME, DARBY CO., LTD. (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements) ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT. ORCHARD ROAD. Telephone 2651. ♦»««»♦«««♦♦»♦♦>♦♦»♦»♦♦♦♦■•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦« *>>>•♦ PURE OLIVE OIL k
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  • 605 3 Temperature 80 Degrees Below Zero. Siffansson, the Arctic explorer and discoverer of the white Eskimos," is now Komi: In ie:ive the frozen North to its i.wn lievices and devote himself to initiating shortout commercial air routes MTCH Urn Ninth Pole, writes Mr. Basaett Digby in the
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  • 239 3 Column of Steam Five Miles High. Mr. G. J. B. Fox, lecturing in the Gilbert White Fellowship on Pompeii," said that the immense force of Vesuvius in eruption had bee.i known to throw a column of steam to a height of five miles, states an Exchange. The
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  • 145 3 An interesting announcement was made recently in the United States Senate, when Sir. Weeks, the Secretary for War, stated that the traffic figures for the Panama Canal for 1922 foreshadowed, at the present rate of increase, the inadequacy of the waterway within fifteen years to cope with
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  • 26 3 The following estates have been proved Georjje Cadbury, £1,071,000 Wilfred Seawrn Blunt, £78,000 iho City solicitor 8b William Crump, £238,000 the sixth Doka of Lcinster, £24,000.
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  • 25 3 The Priru.- of Wales, while hunting with the Quorn Hounds, was thrown. His face was bruised, but otherwise he was uninjured, and continued the hunting*
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 672 3 NOTICE IN THE ESTATE OF CHAN CHYE ENG NEO, DECEASED I'urMiant to Section 25 of Ordinance No. 44 (Trustees). NOTICE It hereby given that al! creditors or othir any claims against i Kag Neo, deceased, No, l-J.I, Beetea Street, Malacca,! wke alee* November liU, 1!»22. and Probate j Will was
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    • 709 3 NOW AS HEALTHY A CHILD AS COULD BE FOUND." liritivh Mother in Burma (.ive» Thanks To Baby's Own Tablets. Mrs. Austin-Brown, wife of Sergeant Austin-Brown of the Rangoon Police, ■My daughter Jessie, aged 16 n.onths, sufT«re<l v«ry much with constipation until 1 gave her Baby's Own Tablets. AftiT ihi> use
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    • 305 3 Do you realise the danger of Anaemia (Impoveritbed blood). Rich, red bluud it an indiipen>*blc nete^i t v 10 lH# *«ijiinienance o< vital energy When the blood br.;om», im|>o>efithed (Anxmic) ike *i.oe botiily heahh tuffers Because impoverished blood lackt Mm nuirinve material neceuary to replace the I amount' of vital
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    • 97 3 ICY -HOT BOTTLES S GUARANTEED TO KEEP UQUIDS iCold for 2 Days H Hot for 24 Hours LJ| Pint size $4 and $5 Quart size $6 and $7 Obtainable at MAYNARD CO., LTD. 16, BATTERY ROAD, SINGAPORE. iee»eeeee**»»ee«>'»eee«e»eeeeeeeeeeeeee>ee» t)e«eee»»>m »<»< SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE CO LTD. New Shipment FRESH SALMON uauniiiuiuu
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 823 4 STEAMER SAILINGS P. 0.-Briiisfi India Apear Line (Companies Incorporated in England) MAIL AND PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICES PENINSULA AND ORIENTAL S. N. CO. (Under Contract with Hi:. Majesty's Government) LONDON FAR-EASTERN SERVICE FROV LONDON TO MARSEILLES, LONDON A ANTWERP Due Singapore Leave Singapore KARMALA about Mar. 18 I KASHMIR about
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    • 729 4 STEAMER SAILINGS KOHIKKIYKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ (ROYAL PACKET NAVIGATION CO., OF BATAVIA) (Incorporated in Holland) CNUCK CONTRACT WITH THE J.ETHERLANDS INDIA GOVERNMENT. Taleaaoae Nos. Passage D»pt. 131, Fright Dept. 1202, Marine Dept. and Transhipment Dept. 1437, Manager's DepL IUB3. VAN DER H.UJKN March 17. Batavia, S.m:uantr, Sourabayn, Macassar, Balik-Papun. Donggala, Kwandang,
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    • 535 5 STEAMER SAIUNIS N.Y.K. LONDON LINT! Halcone Mara Mar. 20 Suwa Maru Apr. 3 LIVERPOOL L'-KE TaaaMaaa M-iru Mar. 20 Lyons Maru mid. Apr. HAMBURG L'KE Lima Maru mid- *P'Matsumoto Muru end Apr. NEW YORK LINE *la SUEZ SOUTH AMERJCAN UNE Kanagsws Mara Ant. tl BOMBAY IINE NaaaU Mnru Mar. 17
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    • 439 5 STEAMER SABJNBB 0. S. K. Proposed Sailings from Singapore (subject to change without previous notice.) EUROPEAN LINE For Marseilles, London, Hamburg, Rotterdam, Antwerp, via Colombo, Sues and Port Said. Arr. Dep. LONDON MARU Mar. 15 Mar. 17 PARIS MARU Apr. 12 Apr. U NEW YORK LINE For San Francisco, Panama,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 386 6 CINEMAS GAIETY CINEMA Great Attraction!) Second Show at 9.15 p.m. Or\KFR OATS An interesting one reeler of ft. well-known food. (iREAT HAIGH SERIAL Episode, 13 and 14. Four new reels LARRY SEMON'S Latest Comedy Special A PAIR OK KINGS As shown at the Victoria Theatre. BESSIE BARRISCALE In another Special
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    • 112 6 SURINA THEATRE Entirr Change of Programme. at 73° "EAI.TIIV AM) HAPPY (JIMMY AUBREY) William Duncan in FIGHTING FIGHT SERIAL E»lm4m 1-', 13 tad 11. 811.1.V WEST in THE CHAUFFEUR Second Show at 9.30 p.m. HOME SWEET HOME (LARRY SEMON) K«* KnU Fttm Kevkw of Fashions, etc. \l; I rtv«a AIICC
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    • 352 6 CIHEWAS EMPIRE CINEMA In the Second Show at 9.30 William Fox presents the World Famous star in a big Now York, London and Paris stage success. PEARL WHITE in 7 Reels THE THIEF A dramatic story that touches every htmc where woman abides. Showing hew men will sacrifice honour fcr
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    • 184 6 CAST IRON PIPES Manufactured in accordance with British Standards and at competitive prices by the PONT-A-MOUSSON FOUNDRIES (France). Large orders supplied to Foreign Governments and public bodies including GREAT BRITAIN SWITZERLAND BELGIUM BRAZIL GERMANY HOLLAND ITALY TURKEY SPAIN SIAM etc., etc. •OU AGENTS FOR STRAITS AND STATES ESTABLISSE.MEM S BROSSARD
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  • 183 7 FIXTURES. SMurday, March 17 Bigh Watar, a.m. n.n p.m. 1..L.T.C. Mtg, Club House, 6.30 p.m. Hawaiian Trouhadourn, Vie. Theatre, 5.15 and H. 30 p.m. Hoxin^ "t ti.e Stadium. Sunday, March 1H Riga Water. 11.21 a.m., 11.41 p.m. P. and O. outward mail delivery. Monday, March 19
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    • 99 7 VESSELS AT THE DOCKS. Kant Wharf Basin -Nil. Bait Wliarr illinu-.i. Shorn Wharf Nil. Main Wharf Stagcn, Nan Sang, >.Hn Uaag, Laadon Mam. Tamoa Mara. Kmpirr !)»>>. .lava Mam, Man, Honolulu igata Mara. West Wharf Koala, Reaalata. Jardine Wharf—Nil. I'ulo Krani Coal Wharf—Nil. Kepprl liarboar. Main Wharf Dradgcr Kaaataa, Baa
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    • 144 7 EENOA, Kiii.. l"0, from Pontiunak 17-3. Pontianak I"-::. l.l Slid MABU, ■> 1..V.;, u ns, from Kcclunc 1.". for Deli 17-X BATAVIER, r.rit.. BIS tons, frnm NatMM Island 16-3, t\>r Natuna lilaad 21-3. PLEVO, Nor, BfB ton, fran Uornuo 17-3. (or Bonn n JERUSALEM, Itua., .I.IJT tons,
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  • 197 7 To-day. Pulau Sambu 2.30 p.m. Mi:ar nnJ Malacca .3 p.m. I'ort Swcitcr.bam and Tenant 8 p.m. Medan 3 p.m. Patu Kahat 3 p.m. Muntok and ralcmhan; 3 p.m. Tcnanß uiul (nlcutta ..3 p.m. RaagDsin. Oateatta, Coloatbo, ItomImv, Suez. I'ort Said, Naplis and New York a p.m. Pontiaaak
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  • 39 7 By Sardinia Vondcl TeenU Delta Cordillera 1*. Ji-r NeikilanUcn Left S'.or* Jan. 30 Feb. 6 Feb. 7 Feb. 14 Kib. 17 Fi-b. 19 Arrd. Londom Fab. ->•, Mar. 2 Mar. S Mar. 12 Mar. 14 Mar. 14
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  • 172 7 EXCHANGE. Singapore, March 17. On London, Bank m/i 2/4 K Demand 2/4 5/32 Private 3 m/s credit* 2/4 19/32 On New York Demand 549 i I'iivate 90 d s 57 On Kianco, Bank 849 On India, Bank T.T. 1744 On Hongkong, Bank d/d 1% p.c. pm. On
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  • 57 7 Tone of the market. Steady. Lato-it London cables quote Spot sheet Is. 4'4d. Ipot Ipnl-June uly-Sept )ct-Dec Singapore Standard Pale Crepe Closing Price* Buyer*. Sellers. r.T'i Spot April-June Juiy-Sept. OcL-Dw. Ribbed Smoked Sheet Closing; Prices. Buyer*. Seller*. 57% 58 59V2 60 60Vi Cl DAILY
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    • 201 7 issue I'd. Buyers. Sellers. 1 1 BMaHg Pudang 0.47 1-i o.r>o 1 1 Ilitam Tin LM 1.00 1 1 Jelantoh 0.20 0.30 norn 1 1 Johan Tin Ml O.GO :i £1 Kam. Kumunting 2.G.0 2.6.0 cd. 0 10 Kinta Assn. 7.50 8.00 5 5 Lingui Tin 5.00 5.15 10
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    • 142 7 Ifsue I'al. I'd. Buyers. Seller*. :i £1 Dr. Am. Tobacco 4.15.0 4.7.6 10 10 Central Engines 9.00 9.50 L 0 10 Central Motors 4.23 4.75 ■1 £1 E. Smeltinp Co. 7.G0 7.90 >/- 5/- Elec. Tramways 1/- 2/-aom 10 10 Frascr Xeavc 07.50 :i;».00 cd. >0 50 Hammer and
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    • 113 7 U. Eng. 0 p.c. 51,234,300 par 5 p.c. p.m. 3'pore Electric Tramways, 5 p.c. aom. 3'p° re Municipal 5 p.c. $1,878,000 par. Spore Municipal 4M p.c. of 1907 $1,000,000 5 p.c. dis. Spore Municipal 4,4 p.c. of 1909 $1,600,500 6 p.c. dis. 3'pore Municipal 4Mi p.c of 1909 $1,500,000
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    • 404 7 Fraaer and Co. and I-yill and Eratt'a Quotation!. Litest available Sterling Quotations art printed oa another par* Friday. 10- day s i 'rices. Fraier i.yall A Co. Evatt. Mlenby New ($1) 1.15 1.25 1.15 1.25 Mcr Gajah (*1) 1.40 1.6."> 1.30 1.50 V. Hitam ($5) 12.50 14.00 12.50
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 75 7 NOTICE KOT1CE trofcy givoa that the business ol Cloth Harckaat anM on by I'andla rttv. at No. 19, Arab Street. Sin^n- >. .n A MtTMiuTt ilr.teii February 11'^:;. ioiii (Old »n«i tr:u:sfi rreil to Moona I m Mudatiar, of the I M*M fime* and thai ail rfphts du* and owing
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    • 902 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS Other Classified Advts., see p»ze 18. 10 TER CENT. CASH DISCOUNT on all Liqueur, except D.O.M. Benedictine, Peppermint and Cherry Brandy. II. Bolter, Direct Importer, Europe Hotel Building. BLACK OLIVES, very best quality at Pat- tarn Brothers, High Street. (lp) WANTED, weil-cducated commission agents: European, Chinese and Malay.
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    • 61 7 INDIA-RUBBER AND CANVAS BELTING FOR POWER TRANSMISSION AND CONVEYING. Built of the best plantation rubber and strongest cotton duck. Made in any length, width and strength. The idea Belt for the tropical climate, economical, reliable damp-dust-acidproof. le a a a w Prices on application to SINGAPORE RUBBER WORKS Head Office
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    • 607 7 THE LATEST SOCIETY BALLROOM D ANC I NG Exponent and Teacher MISS JILL. HILL STUDIO 1?8, Raffles Hotel. M>M«IHI«4MH>MM>lmiMMMI»»«»»H« »»»««♦♦♦♦> IMPORTANT MORTGAGEE'S SALE The undersigned have been instructed to sell by public auction at their saleroom. Undies Chambem, Raffles Place. ON MONDAY, MARCH 26, 1923, at 2.30 p.m. HIGH STREET.
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    • 282 7 VICTORIA THEATRE BANDMAN EASTERN CIRCUIT Present KAAI'S NEW HAWAIIAN TROUBADOURS A New Company Direct from Hawaii. 12 ARTISTES |2 TO-NIGHT A VISION OF PARADISE. MATINEE. TO-DAY, al Ul p.m. Children Half Price to Matinees. Monday. March 19. DREAMS OF HONOLULU. Tuesday, March 20. GEMS OF THE SOUTHERN SEAS. Wednesday, Msrch
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  • 1165 8 For the moment there is a lull in the discussion cf local water supply, but we would suggest that, as soon as a^ statement is received from Mr. Peirce, our former Kngineer-in-Chief, it should be made public. We make this suggestion because
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  • 65 8 Any copy of any publications issued by the Red International of Labour Unions wherever and in whatever language they may be printed and any copy {f the book entitled Economics and the problem 6f national revolutions in the countries of the Near and Far East, published b; Sultan-Zade at Soviet
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  • 60 8 The f i Mowing have been appointed to form the Sikh Advisory Board for Singapore for 1923 Mr. R. H. de S. Onraet (chairman), Subedar Sunder Singh (vicechairman), Sergeant-Major Partab Singh, Singapore Harbour Board Police, Ser-geant-Major Chanan Singh, Straits Settlements Police, Bhai Sunder Singh Karmonwalta, Bhai Sohan Singh Viring, Bhai
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  • 80 8 Two more thefts of bicycles are reported to the police who, have no clue so far of the people who are making a speciality cf this sort of crime. A Municipal draughtsman, who left his bicycle in the bicycle rack in the Municipal offices, found it missing when he wanted
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  • 15 8 Ulu Benut Rubber Co. meeting was fixed to be held at Derrick's, at noon today.
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  • 15 8 The Ann Koey Hoe Kuan, Singapore has been duly registered under the S:cie ties Ordinance.
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  • 15 8 The postal rates for parcels to Lithuania via London are published i-i th< Government Gazette.
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  • 19 8 The church parade of the Scottish Co., S.V.C., takes place on the 25th inst., and not on Sunday next.
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  • 18 8 Tho January and February issue of the Recorder, the official organ of the Chinese Association, has been published.
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  • 23 8 The King will not be advised to exer;ise his power of disallowance in respect of the Ordmanoe to restrict the export of rubber.
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  • 25 8 On December 31, last the Ip;h Clul. had 184 resident members and 142 country members. Visiting members num oe»-ing 446 u.<cd the Club last year.
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  • 26 8 Insp. Jeremiah Donovan, of the Central Station, Kuala Lumpur, will shortly be transferred to Batu Gajah in place of Insp. Riley, who is proceeding on leave.
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  • 16 8 The rate of of money orders for India and Ceylon to-day is l!s. 171 to
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  • 17 8 •100. The rate <;f payment of money Older* from India and Ceylon is Rs. 170 to ?100.
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  • 29 8 The official report of the first meeting of the reconstituted Legislative Council, held on February 26, is printed as a supplement to the current issue of the Government Gazette.
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  • 37 8 Messrs. Sime, Darby and Co. are in receipt of a cable from their London office advising that Pegoh Limiti-d is paying a dividend of 7 1 per cent, in respect of the year ended September CO. 1922.
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  • 40 8 By proclamation in the Commonwealth Gazette, the importation into Australia of ill goods which, in the opinion of the Minister for Customs, may be regarded as weapons of a dangerous character And therefore a menace to the community, is prohibited.
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  • 35 8 Tdcgraphic communication with Trent*ganu over the Government line, is incorrupted. Telegraphic cc/inmunication with Bengkok is restored and telegrams for Siani are accepted subject to delay. Telegraphic communication with Kedah, iielantan and Knantan has bjm restored
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  • 53 8 The railway lino at Kuala Kubu \va.« badly washed away in the early hours of of Thursday morning. In consequence, the--7.30 a.m. train from Ipoh did not reach Kuala Lumpur until .t..'!o p.m., 3'<. hours .ate, while the mail train from Kuala Lumpur reached Ipoh at 4 p.m., 3 hour;
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  • 55 8 We mentioned in our Cclumns yesterJay that the auction of the Lee Kuan Rubber Estate, at Muar, had been cancelled and we now understand that the J ropery has b<-< n sokl to London through the medium of Messrs. J. S. M. Hermit and Co., Inccrpcratcd Accountants at a .irice
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  • 58 8 A tender of $:!4r>,000 by Wee Chens Soon has been accepted for the erection of wards C and D Native Hospital, Sepoy Lines, Singapore. Tenders were also received from :R. Young and Co.. M 46.000, Ah \\\ii, $431,400. Perry and Co. (Bow) Ltd.. $4.J0,425, Chee Wing 5422,910, United Engineers, $398,000,
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  • 60 8 The Methodist Publishing House have issued tc-day a guide to Singapore showing the principal places of amusement, hotels, wharves, shops, banks shipping offices, tram lines, railroad stations, clubs, churches, etc.. It contain' a large map of the town and island, with a directory to the fines*, scenic motor routes. The
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  • 85 8 By kind permission of Lt. Col. F. E. Swainson and officers, the band of the '2nA Battalion the Middlesex Regiment will play the following programme in the Botanic Gardens en Tuesday, the 20th i::st.. commencing at .">.]r> p.m. Overture. Pique Dame, Suppe dramatic cantata. Trial by Jury, Sullivan intermezzo, Mam'zelle
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  • 94 8 A copy of an Act which has recently been paused in the United States, relative to the naturalization and citizenship of married women, is pablished in the Government Gazet'e. An accompanying circular states that tho Secretary cf State for Foreign Affairs, in a telegram to His Majesty's Ambassador at Washington
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  • 174 8 At the Singapore Assizes now sitting, six Chinese are to be tried on a double charge of murder. The case is the one in which some 70 Hokiens raided a kongsi off the Chua Chu Kang Road, on January 12 last, and killed two men and seriously injured four nice.
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  • 384 8 My. C. TV Ahearnc has been appointed a Police Magistrate tor Singapore. Mr. HuK'h S. Miller has boon appointed Vice-Consul cf tho L'nitcd States in Singapore. Dr. S. C. Yin, who has ben in indifferent health for some time, has now recovered sufficiently to enable him to
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  • 63 8 Mails from Europe. London mails dtspatchid February 22, by the I. and <>. steamer Karmala will arrive by train t< Borrow morning. Correspondence will oe ready for delivery to boxholders about 10 a.m. The G.P.O. will be open to the public frcm 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. and
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  • 153 8 We are glad, very glad, that a most kindly response has been made by a few of our readers to Lord Weardale's appeal on behalf of Britain's Save the Children Fund. In the wide area covered by war and revolution the sufferings of little children have
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  • 360 8 A number of the Ilylam hoy- employ) I at thu Europe Hotel were present m thr Third Court this morning, when two of their comrades were charj;i'd with the dining room superintendent, Mr. Gulio 6. Attia.s. The complainant said that at 7.15 this morning he was going
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 175 8 REMINGTON MEANS TYPEWRITER The Remington Typewriter embodies all the labour saving improvements which science has devised. Prices now Reduced Illustrations and particulars on application to JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD. (Incorporated in England) SINGAPORE AND KUALA LUMPUR. V. <m*m* i»>— THE CHRONHODOGEAPH IS A recording instrument for Molor /dp^ "^^L Lorries,
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    • 119 8 ALHAMBRA ANNE OF THE LITTLE SMOKY (Winefred Westover) 5 pti. G pts. DON'T SHOOT (Herbert Rawlinaon) 6 pti. 6 pts. Cnirersal Serial THE SECRET FOUR (Eddie Polo) Epiiodea 5 and 6. 4 reels. (First Show) mawjboroughT THE EASY ROAD (Thomas Meighan) 5 pti. 5 pts. SILK HOSIERY (Enid Dennett) 6
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  • 322 9 Some Hopes of Reopening Discussion. Reuter's Service. London, March It, Batiia Reports from Paris and London stating that steps are brin«- takon in view of the negotiations between Germany and Praam and liclgium which are imminent, are given much attention in the press. The Berlin Tagrblatt points
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  • 142 9 Reutxr'3 Servicx. London, March 16. At the Society of Arts meeting. Sir Leonard Bugail said that he estimated thai ptefcaktj there were 500,000 lepers in' India, 7,000 in Europe, 1,256,000 in Asia and BtMM in Africa. The disease was un-| clout tedly communicable, though statistics ■ll'nwad that only three
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  • 106 9 Reuter's Service. London, March lfi. In the Kinu'V LSench, Mr. Justice Sankey awarded the London and Rangoon Trading Company, Limited, tUJUM damages for. injury to a cargo of sugar owing to the unseaworthiness of the steamship Crosby, Hall be!, nging to the Kllcrmnn Lines, Limited. The Crosby Hall
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  • 61 9 Reuter's Service. London, March 16. The British India Steam Navigation Company and the Scindia Steamship Navigation Company of Bombay have concluded a ten-year agreement, thus terminating the freight war. The Scindja Company gains the right of shipping in Indian waters. Reciprocity arrangement < have been sacked whereby
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  • 325 9 Proposals for Educational Uses. Reuter's Service. London, March 16. Addressing a special conference in London on the question of distributing the Boxer Indemnity to be remitted to Chirm by Britain for educational use, Mr. Chao Hsin Chu said that, in his opinion, a r.jxed Anglo-Chinese committee should be
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  • 102 9 Reuter's Service. London, March 16. The House of Commons passed tho second rtading by 18:j votes to 100, of the Merchandise Marks Bill, which provide? for th? marking of foreign meat and agricultural produce so as to indicate clearly the country of origin or the fact that it
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  • 91 9 Riuter's Service. London, March 16. I'ari- The serious native revolt in Dahomey, in February, began with a dockers' strike at Porto Novo on February 12, culminating in a riot on February 18, necessitating the intervention of troops and police. The agitation has developed into a widespread native
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  • 27 9 Riutcb's Service. London, March 16. Montreal The Roman Catholic Home for Incurables has been destroyed by tire. Four hundred patients were safely removed.
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  • 34 9 RtuTta's Servici London, March lli. The Turkish counter-proposals have been received in London. A very long doeuiiHiit accompanied the letter from baaet Pasha of wkick a summary will pro) ahly be puhliahML
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  • 202 9 Indentured Labour System Recommended. Riuter's ServiceLondon, March 16. Wellington, N.Z. After carefully reviewing all the available evidence collected in the Pacific islands, the special commission appointed last year by the Methodist Conference with regard to indentured labour in the South Sea islands has come to the conclusion that
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  • 68 9 Reuter's ServiceLondon, March 1(3. The Dublin theatres and cinemas closed last night in consequence of the Republican decree proclaiming an indefinite period of national mourning and the suspension of all outdoor sports and closing of all places of amusement. The Free State '.roops visited houses of entertainment and
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  • 57 9 Reuter's Service. London, March 10. Rome The K!n& has signed two decrees relating to the Washington labour agreements. The first enforces, in Italy, the agreements with regard to unemployment and the nightwork of women and youths in factories. The second gives effect to the eight hour day and
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  • 59 9 Reuter's Service. London, March 10. A Chinese steward, named Woo Kon Dai, of the steamship Glenapp, was fined £365 and costs or 91 days' imprisonment at East Ham for illegally importing 31 Mauser revolvers and 2,000 rounds of •immunition. The defendant pleaded thnt he got the arms
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  • 46 9 Reuter's Service. London, March 16. Two hundred and eighty thousand pound ordinary shares of the Sepang (Selangor) Rubber Estates, which are being floated under the auspices of Harrisons and Crosfield arc being: '.:sued. Al-o £700,000 two-shjlling shares in the Eatt Asiatic Corrvrany's Rubber Estates.
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  • 48 9 Reuteb's Service. London, March 16. Paris The Polish Minister for Foreign Affairs, M. Skrzynski, interviewed by Le Matin, said that a resumption of French and Russian commercial relations would be very valuable to Poland which would not objjet to them provided that France consulted her.
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  • 35 9 Reuter's Service. London, March 16. Melbourne It is reported that oil has been found near Towantin, North Queensland coast. There is no flow yet, but tho indication.} are said to ha important.
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  • 603 9 European Saved by Malay Passenger. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, March 17. Among the passengers on board the Ranee, w'nich was sunk off the coast of Johore, was Tunku Mohammed, assistant commissioner, F. M. S. Police, who was proceeding for his forthcoming marriage to Kuala
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  • 45 9 Reuter's ServiceLondon, March 16. The Parliamentary Labour Party has sasseesd Mr. H. Adanison, M.P., Mr. Tom Shaw, Mr. Roden Buxton and Brigadieiaaasand Tiwiipaaa as an official deputation to investigate conditions in the Ruhr. The mission mmtioned on October 21 was unofficial.
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  • 28 9 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ilongkong, March 16. Pirates looted the Hongkong Chinese cargo steamer Wing Ping, near Whampoa,' and got away with booty valued at $20,000.
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  • 78 9 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, March 16. The cable-ship Colonia left here on Wednesday, having completed the laying of the new cable from Colombo to Penang. She left Colombo on March I and arrived here eight days later, having laid 1,270 miles of cable at a speed of
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  • 89 9 Mrs. Nita Thompson, whose death was announced recently, was the daughter of Mrs. Aria, the journalist, and niece cf Frank Danby, the novelist, and Owen J Hall, the writer of musical comedies. She had inherited some of the family ability with the pen. She bed shared adventures with her husband,
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  • 381 9 Mr. Song Ong Siang presided last night over a lecture given by Mr. A. W. Still to The Chinese Association in the Drill Halt of the Anglo-Chinese School. Mr. Still's subject was The Growth of Mcdern Nations," with special reference to China's problems. The lecturer after pointing
    381 words
  • 465 9 Singapore Invaded by Bargain Hunters. Early this morning the 21,500 tonner Ro.-olute came in from the East and berthed at the West Wharf with the majority of her 4GO American passengers anxious to get ashore and see what the Settlement has to offer. The liner is the
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  • 111 9 (By Courtesy of the Nichi.Nichl Shimbnn.) Tokio, March IS. Dr. Sanac Takata has been nominated President of the Wiaseda University. M. Shiozawa has decided to retain his post as director of the college. Counterfeiting of Japanese 5 Yen note; in an extensive scale has been discovered. Seventeen
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  • 37 9 A portrait of Mrs. Edith Cowan, 0.8 E., M.L.A., has been hung in the Public Library, Perth, Western Australia, to commemorate the fact that she was Urn hist Australian wcman to be elected lo i.n Australian Parliament.
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  • 769 9 Application of a New Type By Official Assignee. Mr. Justice Barrett-Leonard presided over the bankruptcy Court yesterday an at the outset of the proceedings Mr. Stuart Bell applied that a bankrupt named Joseph might have his Lordship's permission to leave the Colony for a brief period, but his
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  • 177 9 Additional numbers of the Malayan Agricultural Journal arc to hard, those for the concluding three months of last year and the first issue of a new volume. Considerable space is given to an article an cotton experiments in Malaya, written \>y Messrs. H. W. Jack and W.
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  • 102 9 The further hearing of the charges against Tan Kar Siong, formerly managing director of the Chong Shing Dispensary, 398-400 North Bridie Road, of di.— honostly retaining property said to !>'■- long to Messrs. John UtUS and i.i., in his possession, wore proceeded with yesterday before
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  • Sporting News and Notes.
    • 97 10 YESTERDAY'S PLAY. Championship Pair-. Roberts and Poyser beat Col. Haseldine and Major Spring 6 4, f 3. Newcomers' Handicap. Bristcd beat Carver G 3, B—6.8 6. Zimmerman beat Palmer G o, G U. Championship. Donaldson beat Holder o—4,0 4, 7 5. Wardle beat Le Sueur
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    • 189 10 YESTERDAY'S PLAY. Single Handicap. W. S. G-jldie beat W. Geddcs 21—8. Me I. Brown beat Haigh 21—8. MeKe-an beat Glascoe 21 11. MONDAY'S TIES. Single Handicap. Evans v. Hammond. Doig v. Layton. Foggie v. Norrie. TUESDAY'S TIES. .Single Handicap. Smith v. Trcncrry. Howerman v. Evans or Hammond. Cantrell
      189 words
    • 27 10 A Boater wire of the 16th inst. states:' At Niece, in the lawn tennis tournament, Millie. Lenglen beat the American, Mrs. Mallory, G— o, 6—o.
      27 words
    • 127 10 To-night will be the last opportunity for, patrons of the f'wti.r art to see a meeting I in the old venue under the Stadium Syn- 1 dicate's management. The Battling Key-' Edoy Grady fight will be undoubtedly one of the greatest draws ever shewn in Singapore and will be
      127 words
    • 59 10 The f illowing will represent '.he Gar-| riaoa against the Singapore Volunteer! Corae '>n the Padang on Saturday, March 24 Major T. C. Spring, D.5.0., Lt.-Col. R. H. Haseldine, D.5.0., Captain V. H. Well-. Captain 11. B. Whinney, Conductor I.unisd'.i!. Si ijct. Capel, Sergt\ Wayte, Borxt Glover, Bast Siddons,
      59 words
    • 70 10 A Reuter wire of the 16th inst. states Seventeen nations are reprosentd in the Pavis rap competition, for which the, entries are now closed. A later Reuter wiriNstatos The draw j for the Davis cup is a> follows. Canada v. Japan, Hawaii v. Australia, Czechoslovakia v. Switzerland.
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    • 20 10 The Malaya Football Association's team will play a soccer match against the Middlesex Bund to-morrow on the letter's jjremnd.
      20 words
    • 73 10 Our Kuala Lumpur correspondent writing yesterday says that there was' a huge downpour that afternoon at Kuala Lumpur making it impossible to. hold the first day's events of the skye meeting. There was hardly a handful of people on the grand-stand. Judging by the weather of
      73 words
    • 112 10 A Reuter wire of the ltlth inst states Oxford towed a full course trial this afternoon. The conditions were food and the time 90 mins. 41 s<v<. The crow ■ran aaeed ;»i nutaae vtacea l>y kermteb crews from the London, Westminster,Auriol and Leander clubs. The Cambridge
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    • 155 10 A remarkable feat was accomplished bar an Indian -belonging to the Hongkong Muie Transport Corps the other day as' the result of a bet that he would cover the distance from his quarters at Kowloon to Ni. 7 Bridge at Lown and back within twelve hours, says the
      155 words
  • 561 10 Advantages of Shanghai Tramways i Proposal. The following appeared in the Shanghai Times, of March 4 Negotiations for the acquisition, by the Shanghai Tramways of the Singapore Company, and the flotation of a new company to be called the Singapore Traction Company, Ltd., are expected to bo
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  • 90 10 Surma changes completely -to-night. In the first show is Healthy and Happy, a two part Jimmy Aubrey comedy, further episodes of the William Duncan serial righting Fate and the Chauffeur, in the second is Home, Sweet Home, a new Eve's a film review of latest fashions, etc., and
    90 words
  • 52 10 Our Kuala Lumpur correspondent wires Another motor collision occurred OB Wednesday afternoon about o'clock) at the l'j-mile, Batu Road. A car in a'.temptiiv to overtake an M..S.V.R. lorry ran into it. Both the lorry and car were badly damaged. There were no passengers anil the two driver- mapaa with- vi
    52 words
  • 243 10 Programme of the Easter Prize Meeting. Details are now available of the Easter prize meeting of th? Singapore Volunteer RiAo Association at Scletar range. Saturday, March 31, 7.10 a.m. Match I 200 yards, 7 shots and a lighter. Concurrently with first stags of Alanthester Cup. Match II
    243 words
  • 215 10 Annual Social and Business Meeting. The annual Social and liu.-n. meeting of the Presbyterian Church was hvl-.l last night in the Tomlinson Hall. The Rev. G. H. Douglas, in presenting the report of the session, commented on the prosperity which had marked all the work of the pa.--t
    215 words
  • 176 10 Sixteenth List of Subscriptions. Amount previously acknowledged $9,4<2.1."> J. D. Saunders 20 Collected By Mrs. G. 11. Douglas. Bishop G. 11. Cickley 25 D.F." 25 Rev. VVm. Murray M. A. 5 Rev. J. A. B. Cook 5 Ge*o. H. Douglas 20 Collected by Mrs. C. Violet Burnc.
    176 words
  • 82 10 Lyall and Evatt's Report. Singapore, March 17. Tin.— £232. Rubbers. Market stagnant. Mines. Collieries 19.75-20.25, Pe'.alings 80-86, Nawng Pets 1.57^-1.65, Kampong Kamuntinjrs 455. Al.-4.75. Souths 1.20-1.24; Norths 1,27V4-l-32%. Mambauss 90-95, Linguis 5. 10-5.20. Rawangs 1.30-1.36, Murais 4.30-4.50, Johans 54-58, Ulu PUOu 1.87% -1.98%, Menglembus 47Vi-Wfr. Industrials.— Traders
    82 words
  • 410 10 Twenty-five Per Cent. Dividend For Past Year. The directors of Fraser and Neave, Ltd., in their report for the year ended December 31, 1922, state After making ample provision for depreciation and bad debts, the net profit amounts to $273,404.57 which with the balance of $6,390.78
    410 words
  • 184 10 Th: programme presented by Kaai” Royal Hawaiian Troubadours at the Victoria Theatre last evening was, we think, one of the best that we have listened to so far this s;ason. It was certainly very greatly enjoyed by the ■hou*f and had the demands for encores been acknowledged in
    184 words
  • 209 10 Tense court-room scenes, the sacrifice of an erring man to save the sweetheart of the woman he loves, secret meetings of the fanatical and bloodthirsty revolutionists, a beautiful wedding ceremony, awe-inspiring scenes of ithe storming of the Bastille, these are a few of the absorbing incidents in
    209 words
  • 169 10 Of late, says the Japan Chronicles large quantities of Japanese goods which were exported to Java are being shipped back to this country and the Japanese merchants concerned are panic-stricken. The trouble is due to thres causes the warprofits tax levied by the Netherlands Government, the general
    169 words
    • 156 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, Good lcr! Another expedition to this Eden but a crab's crawl from the spot where the youth of Ipoh recuperate every week-end! Already more is known about the place than was known .ibout most of lnsulinde's health resorts when they
      156 words
    • 323 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir, Tham'.s .statement on school accoinmcdatitn should serve us an eyiopener to the public and \f tholl who cry for Raffles College etc. are really keen on sound education there is plenty of work for them at the present. Some
      323 words
    • 105 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times, Sir, Allow me an observation Whenever a non-Britisher defends, even courteously, the policy of his mothercountry, nonagreeing with English policy, he receives, as an answer to his statements, insults, instead cf arguments. I cannot believe that this is really British."
      105 words
    • 977 10 Sir, I am inrl'ne-d '.<> ihink tha your correspondent British ha I MM much or suffered much of the war as lie seems quite prepared for another one. To refer to France as kicking a man when he is down is untrue, unfair,
      977 words
  • 288 10 Drills for the Week Ending March 28. .Saturday, 17th.— 2..'!0 p.m. BlllolOJ Range, Chinese Co., annual musketry course. A. Company.— Parade, Sunday, March IS. at T a.m. at Road Junction near thed at New Gatf Cooraa for attack practice Parade will be diatnlaMd at y a.m. lVi
    288 words
  • 32 10 Orders for week ending March BS, 1923. Mc.mlay, l'.lth.— lndividual Troeip-> ParK(!e, ."> l. r > p.m. \Virlnesd:iy, Slut Band Prncti.-e. 15.15 p.m. Officer* Heeling, .Y.'io p.m.
    32 words

  • 1173 11 Scientist's Excavations In China. Rev-oral important KieaUAc rasata have l.em attained relative to the early forrr.aton of the earth's enat by Mr. Kric Norm, a fellow of the University of Stockholm, who for Ihe past three years has been astoeiated with l'ruf. J. Ci.
    1,173 words
  • 623 11 SUNDAY, march is, 1923. St. Andrew's Cathedrsl. 7.30 a.m. I.itany. 7.46 a.m. Holy Communion. (Choral). Mi a.m. Matin* followed by Holy Communion. 4 p.m. The Cateclii.»in. 5.30 pm. Evensong and Seimcn. During the following week Holy Communion on Monday, Wednesday and Friday jt 8 a.m. on Tuesday. Thursday
    623 words
  • 131 11 The Westminster Gazette in a note on the recent Federal Parliamentary election, referred to the "General Election in the Colony." Australians take pride in being citizens of a Commonwealth holding alle■taaea to Great Britain, but they do not like their country being calltd a Colony.' The
    131 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 148 11 THE NAME THAT ESTABLISHES CONFIDENCE u His Master's Voice" Every article that carries the World-famous "DOG CHOP" is the result of years of practical experience and when you purchase a Gramophone or Record bearing; this trade mark you know you have the best. Come in and let us demonstrate this
      148 words
    • 190 11 Raffles Hotel Telephone No. 2920. (10 Lines.) 0 SATURDAY, MARCH 17, 1923 S.S. RESOLUTE in Port Around the World Cruise. Organized and Conducted by Raymond and Whitcomb Co. Travel Department. Rendezvous s.s. Resolute Passengers— Raffles Hotel SPECIAL TIFFIN. 12.30 to 2 p.m. Raffles Orchestra. Guest Night, Dinner Dance (SUNDAY Cinema
      190 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 390 12 YJctY'^K-i JUST RECEIVED BROCKWAY Motor Lorries (11, 2| and 31 Tons) Write for prices and particulars Cycle Carriage Co., Ltd. SINGAPORE, PENANG, KUALA LUMPUR AND IPOH. »»M«»M»>U» t NOTICE is hereby given that the above Trade Mark is used by the Oriental Export fempuny, I.imitc-d, for refined Jelutonc manufactured by
      390 words
    • 490 12 NOTICE IN THE ESTATB OF HENRY JEFFREY ROBERTS, DECEASED Parsaant te Section 25 of Ordinance No. 144 (Trustees). NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having any claims or demands against the estate of Henry Jeffrey Roberts, deceased, who died at Kelantan, on August 2, 1.22, and to whose estate
      490 words
    • 419 12 HirPeril Defend your Lungs 4 Against Invisible GERM DISEASE. infest the dust-laden atmosphere everywhere. Passing into the system ■with the air we breathe, these minute disease organisms at once fasten on the delicate lining of the throat and breathing tubes. Once there, they soon cause soreness anil inflammation and sow
      419 words
    • 186 12 PDA Nnlv^n^// I CHEAP AND BEST i i SURE TO SATISFY CONSUMERS. Sold in 1 and 2 lb. tins. S jle Importers GUAN HONG CO. ROBINSON KOAI), SINGAPORE. KITSON-UTLEY PUMPS Unquestionably the most efficient and for their size and weight have the greatest capacity of any pump ever put on
      186 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 1719 13 SALES BY AUCTION A good opportunity for sound and profitable investment in land and house properties not to be missed by enterprising capitalists. ESTATE OF SHAIK ABOOBAKER BIN MOHAMED LAJAM, DECEASED IMPORTANT FOUR DAYS' AUCTION SALE cif very valuaMr freehold and leasehold Singapore Town properties At Messrs. (licoiis Koon Senß
      1,719 words
    • 944 13 I SALES BY AUCTION IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE RUBBER ESTATE, ETC. IN JOHORE IN THE SUPREME COURT AT JOHORE BAHRU, JOHORE. Miscellaneous Suit No. 37 of 1922. R. H. Hod. of Jokore bahrn kmrf M AfaUat Tay Keng Bock and Lint Geok Sim, Itengam, Johor* Caargors Lot (1). All
      944 words
      245 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 225 14 Hellesen's Dry Cells TYPE 11, No. 4. "BUTLER" li and 4* Volts. For telephones, bells and general purposes. Invented in 1887, they arrived at their present hijfh state and world-wide popularity after \arious improvements (protected) were made in 1895. Durable for years if used properly, their special feature being LONG
      225 words
    • 500 14 M»M«W««««a^ WB^«m««««m«««^ Attcta «T«r $5,000,000 S.C. AanruKt la force »ver $17,000,0t1, The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. f (laetrporaUd la StiatU S«tti*asats.) JUAD OJTICI Wlacatitar Hoose, SUcaport, LONDON OITICI > v. Old Uwtj, aIC. Tks Company kas 120,000 depoalUd wltk th. Supreme Court of Engiaad aad eompllM wltk ta.
      500 words
    • 387 14 BANKING P. AND O. BANKING CORPORATION, LTD. (Incorporated in England) Wit» which is amiicated ALLAHABA.' BANK, LTD, INDIA. Authorised CapiUl £5,000,000 CapiUl Subscribed and Paid Up 12,594,160 Keserve Fund 20.000 Board of Directors Th. Rt. Hon. LORD INCHCAPE, G.C.M.G., X.C.5.1., K.C.I.E. (Chi.irm»n) The Rt. Hon. The Karl of BELBORNE, K.C.
      387 words
    • 501 14 BANKING THE BANK OF TAIWAN, LIMITED. (Incorporated by Special Charter in Japttn.) Capital Subscribed YC0.000,000 CapiUl Paid-up Y52,500,000 Ui-serve Fund Y11.780.000 President K Nakagawa, Esq. DIRECTORS T. Hisamune, Esq. G. Kuwasaki, Etq. K. Monnaßo, Esq. M. Eaaki, Eaq. Dccnkicl.i Takita, Esq. HEAD OFFICE Taipeh, Formosa (Taiwan). BRANCHES AND AGENCIES Kcelung,
      501 words
    • 596 14 BANKING NEDERLANDCHB HANDEL-MAATSCHAPPT NETHERLANDS TRADING SOCISTT (EsUblisa.d 1b24.) PAID-UP CAPITAL Fi 80,008,000 (sb.a] MJNMM) STATUTORY RESERVE FUND *1. 18,418,111.15 (ak.«« <1,620,U4) I.XTRAORDINASY RJLSERVE FL X2.M0.0Q0 (aboml fIJMMM) HEAD OFFICE IN AMSTERDAM HEAD AGENCY IN BATAVIA. BRANCHES Penang, Hoagkoag, Baaafhai, Kobe, Rangoon, Soerabaya, St>mara*g fVeltevreden, Bandoeag (Java), Caeribon, Tegal, PecalongHn, Tjilatjap,
      596 words

  • 547 15 Year a Period of Marking Time. The second annual general meeting of F.M.S. Timah, Ltd., was held on February 14 at the offices of the company, 7, Martins Lane, Cannon Street, E.C., Mr. John I. Philips, chairman of the company, presiding. The Chairman said Gentlemen, the report and
    547 words
  • 203 15 Highland Objection to Lord Leverhu line's Title. Lord Leverhulme has caused some trouble in the Highlands by selecting Viscount Leverhuime of the Western Isles a;, his new title, says an exchange. lie was made a viscount at the end of last year. He is the owner
    203 words
  • 140 15 Thus the Japan C'hrrnicle of February 18:— "Th: Gilbert and Sullivan Opera Co. which is m\v touring the Far East 1 as been informed that t!ie production of the Mikado will not be allowed at Hongkonir. As the opera has been played to fuli houses at
    140 words
  • 128 15 The planet Aethra which was discovered in the summer of 1873 by Professor J .C. Watson of the Michigan Observatory but has since for fifty years successfully eluded all search has been found on a photograph of the region of the sl:y lying between the constellations
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 115 15 1923 FORDS Unprecedented Value NOW ONLY $1,250 F.O.R SINGAPORE. Including the following improvements Khaki coloured one man top GUARANTEED WATERPROOF Sloping and ventilating wind shield. Detachable rims with spare rim carried at rear of car. Non-skid tyres front and* Rear. Improved and more comfortable body. Wearne Brothers., Ltd. Sole Distributors
      115 words
    • 181 15 1 MOTOR LORRY OWNERS I We take pleasure in announcing that we have recently installed a 250 ton Hydraulic Press for fitting Solid Band Tyres. j:j A fresh stock of GCC- A Solid Band i Tyres is always available at the keenest prices. 1 Our service facilities for Commercial Vehicles
      181 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 383 16 TO LET Immediate entry. A large compound bungalow, with 4 bedrooms, at 1507, Joo Chiat Place, area 81,200 square feet. APPLY 35, PHILLIP STREET. SEE N. LAZARUS OPTICIAN MEDICAL HALL HATTEB7 BO AD FIRST NOTICE Mr. Tan Chwee Lye has left our firm and we admit no responsibility for contracts
      383 words
    • 419 16 LADIES! A Straight Line is the Shortest Distance Between Any Two Points PARISIAN HOUSE 5. ORCHARD ROAD IS THE STRAIGHT LINE TO LOWEST PRICES FOR HATS. A MATCH IS GOOD AND SAFE WHEN 1. It strikes EASILY. 2. And burns SLOWLY. BAD AND DANGEROUS WHEN 1. It has to be
      419 words
    • 848 16 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS The PREPAID charges for Wants, For Sale, To Let, etc., In ordinary close set type (average six words to line) are per line one insertion 28 cents, two ins. 46 cts., three ins. 64 cts., four ins. 82 ets., five ins. 11.00, six ins. $1.13, ten ins. $1.40,
      848 words
    • 892 16 LAND AND HOUSES TO LET, No. tl, Meyer Road. Tmm.dlat. entry. Apply Meyer Brothers. TO~LET, No. 4, OxUy Rlm. Immediate entry. Apply Meyer Brothers. TO LET, No. S, Ambar Road. Entry on March 1. Apply within or to Messrs. Meyer Brothers. TO LET, immediate entry, No 66-28, Cairnhill Road, Apply
      892 words
    • 929 16 OFFICES AND GODOWNS TO LET, Godowns Nos. 82 and 88, Robertson Quay. Apply to Meyer Brothers. TO LET, a good office, ground floor, Raffles Chambers, rent moderate, immediate entry. Apply to Mitsubishi Shoji Kaisha, Ltd, Rallies Chambers. TO LET OFFICE at 4 and 4-a, Prince .Street, top and ground floor
      929 words
    • 246 16 INOXYDIUM Is the trade mark of the perfect washable and hygenic H.P. corset with rustless fittings. Model Parisian Gowns for day and evening wear. The most elegant and durable silk hosiery bears the Phoenix brand. PRINCESS GARMENTS GO. 4, RAFFLES CHAMBERS, (Opposite Robinson's) Hours 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. PHOTOGRAPHS
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 196 16 THE STRAITS TISfIES TKLEPHOJTW 1 Editorial and GenerV. Manager's Office All communications relating to •d""^ matters and news should be addressed to THE EDITOR. AH communications relating to business matters— advertisements, subscriptions, account", printing, should be addressed to THE MANAGLR. ADVERTISEMENT RATES. Wants, For Sale, To let, etc., in ordinary
      196 words