The Straits Times, 16 February 1914

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 24.415 SINGAPORE. MONDAY. FEBRUARY 16. 1914. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 173 1 b^ E VERYBODYWANTSrr;| ADVANCE STYLES 22^ MILLINERY. The novelties that have already come in are very interesting and very smart, and well worth an e3rly visit of inspection. WE TRUST THAT YOU WILL CALL and SEE THEM Dressmaking. High-Class Dressmaking at Moderate Charges. Ladies' own materials made up. KATZ BROS.,
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    • 33 1 FODDER CONTRACTS $2O Per* Month. COMPRISING 4 Bags Mixed Food— Bedding Shoeing (as often as required). Greasing and Setting the wheels of Carriages. H.S. KIRWAN No. 2, The Arcade. Tel. 251. 811 a
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    • 139 1 ROBINSON CO. (pf% High -Class JiJL^ Dressmaking. pjm Evening Dresses, Tea Gowns, IM\ wla Dinner Gowns, Reception Gowns, JHwIVSR^ Mll I)|VSS(>S Bridal Robes, ()rn n^' l^n'sst's, K\'(Miitii;- Wraps, s* Travelling Costumes. Hot trousseaux furnished complete. Every detail of work is under special supervision, and no effort is spared to ensure
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  • 572 2 ANNUAL DEATH-RATE OF THIRTY THOUSAND. Is It Preventible Were it possible, writes Robert Bell, Ml), F.R.F.P.S., in Tbe Evening Standard, to imagine this country to be involved in a prolonged and devastating war, taking (or its toll 80,000 annually of those engaged in its defence, would we not,
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  • 306 2 Offenders Very Liable To Detection. A lady residing in the neighbourhood of Hyde Park complained of the misuse of the telephone. She stated that recently, in the small boot?, she was awakened by a call. I'pon answering she was addressed in most offensive terms by some man
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  • 90 2 Mr. Bernard Shaw's defence of literary pillage was anticipated by his fellow countryman, Balfe, the composer of The Bohemian Girl," who used to borrow gener. ously from other people's scores. On one occasion, the Express recalls, be waa rehearsing a new opera at Drury Lane, and the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 277 2 Nerve Strain Mr. a C. HUCKS (the well-known Flying Man), of 5, Queen's Gate Terrace, London, England, writes "I really must express my appreciation of Phosferine. Some time back I felt myself in a curious state of nervous tension, brought on, no doubt, by the severe strain caused by flying
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    • 485 2 A Cough is Dangerous Too dangerous to b neglected. For small. triflioK coughs deTohp into deep statid and ag«nising afflictions. Coughing saps the vitality, wears, wrecks, destroys leads to deadly long diseases. Stop tbat ooagh NOW by using Little's Oriental Balm. Rub into the cheat and back. II will penetrate,
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    • 135 2 'Hazeline' Snow" (Trait Mmrki FOR THE SKIN AND COMPLEXION Improves <H '^^^wKjJ^BHYjL the Natural W BtuE yJ^iVY/^^ Qreasiness The pleasing improvement effected on tired skins and sunburnt complexions by the first application of "'HAZELINE' SNOW" will prove infinitely more convincing than volumes of argument. Obtain a pot to-day and see
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  • 1256 3 BRITISH SUBMARINE LOST OFF CORNISH COAST. Tragic Fate of Crew. A naval disaster, of a type unhappily too common in the history of the British Navy, occurred in Whitesand Bay, on the Cornish coast, on January 16. During diving operations submarine A 7 failed to come to the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 291 3 RANEEGUNOE GLAZED STONEWARE. Drainpipes and Junctions. ALL SIZES STOCKED. SHARPE, ROSS CO., LD. /FgV /iCKERy^ I 170-181 183% ffir < fy&4hCtJh oe J 1 REGENT SX, \f o)ilvei&nit& <T<&Drt*S3mo Cafe 1 LONDON j W Wamtfacfaren* S N^\>r^/ f cA Royal *?tigS£M<t Tbe KlDg v ment i£*v{Sm££&'}& Queen, ,yv The largest
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    • 52 3 CEILINGS AND PANELB. Ii autiful and adaptable to aojr style oi Architecture and ti any method of interior finish, aie the CRANE wonderful Art Metal (.'tiling*, cool, dear, white ant aad v rmin prrtf, lor Bungalow*, Uotelr, and Public Bonding*, tot illaatrakd catalogue and particular* writ* to Tbe Borneo Company,
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    • 367 3 Poor Health To face the dangers of weakness and disease with a weakened constitution, is to liken oneself to the captain who sails a disabled ship to meet the perils of the storm. In both cases disaster must surely follow. Failing appetite, nervous irritability, loss of •weight and lack of
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    • 871 3 STEAMER SAILINGSAUSTRIAN LLOYD UNDER MAIL S WITH THE AUSTRIAN CBNTRACT fciitk^ GOVERNMENT New Monthly Fast Line, Trieste-Shanghai *J^?!£2&'»tt'*** 1M M B Aaeßi Colombo Pcn ODTWABD. HOMBWARD. Due to arrive oa or about Due to sail on oi about 2UEE" -I™ 2 "-BoHmdU. 7.W8 tons... Floral be T JJ 00 ton
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 642 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O STEAM NAVIGATION GO. FOR CHINA, JAPAN. PENANG, CEYLON. AUSTRALIA INDIA, ADEN. EGYPT MEDITERRANEAN PORTS. PLYMOUTH AND LONDON. Tjroanh Bills of Lading issued for Ctiina Coast, Persian Gait, Continental and American Ports. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about— MAIL LINES Homeward (for Europe). I Connecting at
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    • 610 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. nTyTk. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. EUROPEAN LINE. A Fortnightly service is maintained between Yokohama via ports to Marseilles, London »nd Antwerp, under mail contract with the Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twio-Bcrew Steamers maintaining this service have boon specially designed and constructed, and are fitted with all
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    • 772 4 steamer mums. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION GO.. LD. SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Pahang Berserah, Kretay, Paka, Tringganu, Bisut, Semera Bachok, tu-lantan, Tabai. Bangnara, Telupin, Panarai, PaUni, Si«gor», Lacon, K lm»m'ji, Bandon, Langsrtn, Tako, Clnimpon, Kohlak and Bangkok. Due Departure ASDANQ Feb. 18 s.s. YUGALft Fab. 18 Feb. 91 t Mi PRACHATIPOK Feb.
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    • 501 4 STEAMER SAIUNIS. i HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. AND DEUISCH DAMPFSCHIFF FAHRTSGEB. "HANSA" BREMEN. Combined Service. The s'oamen) of Hi 83 Companies maintain i HoHtt no-vice b it vo-in Hamburg, Bremen kntw p. Kott rrUm and Eindoa an! the itraitH, Oui it atd Jipan. Honipward", tbfy a-n despatched fortlightly (or Havre
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    • 692 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. D. L. NORDOEUTSCHER LLOYD. BREMEN. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. The fust and well known mail steamer* ;his Company sail fortniiibtly from Bremen, Hamburg, L-sSun, via Rotterdam Antwerp, soutl amp'on, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples (con--102 ing Mi'-i:l <-, Naples, Alexandria, ani ict- verea) Port Sala, Suez. Adun, Colombo, Penaag
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 601 5 STEAMER SAILINGS^ BTOOMVURT-MAATBCHAPPM (STBAMSHIP COMPANY) "NEDERLAND." FURTN'I3HTLY MAIL SKRVICB BKTWhiKN JAVA AND AMsTBRDAM VIA SINGAPORE, IAIIN, OOLOVJM PORT SAID, GK>o.\. ALOiBRS TANOIBR, 1 SJON AND SOUTFUvIPTOS. Steaoiors are doa no ~>r aboat tbo i.n'lu mentioned dated Outward. Homiward. iwu mi Grotius Kobr. 20 Voodel Febr. 21 Prins der N< 'l.
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    • 549 5 MTICEB, BHERIFFB NOTICE. RE CHOP YEW LOON 6. Persons having any claim for foadgivrn for lepiir or otherwise to the arovo Cbrp (Jewellrrs), late'y cirrying on businesr at Nop. 13 and 1 High Strtet Sioparore, art rei{uc-<t«d to L'ul at tbo Sheriff's Offic en Tuendiy an 1 Wednesday, the 24th
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    • 764 5 NOTICES. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. Tenders will b j received at the COLONIAL ENGINEER'S Office, op to noon of the 17th February, 1814, fjr the supply of (a) 6" La'cute blocks on the following Roads 1. 1.0 cubes Cbaogi K iad, between 8] and I >} mill stems. 2. £04 rabiH East
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    • 240 5 CIGARETTES. 'Sate Kxpnet" ate a genuine inspiration in r-'gaittte flavonr. fragrance and boaqaet. "Stnti Kxprt'K-" ciVart-itt-M pom< si a distinction whtcli eas-ily p'actH tin m apait from any other Cigarettes Tir offered to the pab'ie at the price. No. 555. 50—65 cents. Sole Manufacturers ARDATH TOBACCO COMPANY, LIMITED, LONDON. UNIVERSAL
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 779 6 FOR Incandescent Oil Lamps U SK rm^-+ warn "Cross" v; 1 Kerosene The Cheapest Refined Oil on the Market. "CROSS" IS SPECIALLY SUITABLE FOR BURNING IN INCANDESCENT LAMPS AND WILL GIVE YOU MORE LIGHT at a LOWER COST THAN ANY OTHER OIL. OBTAINABLB FKOYt ALL DEALERS tf»^ Per 4-Gallon tin
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    • 65 6 BRITIBH INDIA BTEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. LIMITED. FOR FENANO, RANGOON AND CALCUTTA. Toe Compary's Steamer ELLORA, 4,999 tons, H. A. Sbarpe, Ccmmandtr, wW be d xpatcht (1 for the above ports on Thursday, the 19.h instant, at 6 p.m. She has excellent acconirjodatiou for first and secobd-chibs passengers. Terms and rates
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  • 136 7 FIXTURES. Monday, February 16. High Water, 141 a.m., 11! p.m Royal Asiatic Society, annual meeting, Museum, 5 p.m. Glenoaly H 0. meeting, Derrick's, noon. Tuesday, Februsry 17. High Water. tM a.m.. 3.16 p.m. Siuipvn Valley Tin stit. ni'i tin^. Barker's, noon. Wednesday, February 18. High Water, :'..l
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  • 129 7 To -DAT. Batn Paliat Aing Leong Bpm I. Swettriiham and Ti Ink Anson Perak 8 pm Malacca ami Muar Kaka 8 pm Tebing Tinggi, Bengkalis and Bagan Meran 8 pm P. SwetUiiliain, Penan^. Negapatam, and Madras Tara 4 pm Sarawak and Gocbilt R. of Sarawak 6 pin
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  • 177 7 The P. and O. homeward mail strainer lima left Hongkong at 1 p.m. on Saturday, February 14, and may be expected to arrive heKsa^ Wednesday, February 18. The P. and O. outward mail steamer India left Colombo at midnight on Saturday, February 14, and may be expected
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  • 748 7 latest Arrivals Am. Magon, Fell. str. :\~>H2 tons. Cuptain IS. mil rVb 15. From Haiphong, Fob V. (i.e. and IN dp. M. Co into Co. Left for Maraafflat, rVb l.v AmUii;;. Siiiin. str. 40.") tous. Capt Aud.-r--■•■n. Irli I.V hi Bangkok, Fob "i. G.c. :ind Is .In. B.
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  • 105 7 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To- Day. TANJONG PAGAR. East Wrasf Basin Nil. W. Siction No. 1...H0ng Boe, Upada. Tara. Shhbs Wharf SaikaiMaru, S. Cedar. Main W. Sict. No. 2. ..A. Ponty. Moravia. 8...1 liiiti n Maru. H 4 ..Kuinpliius. 6 ..Kuala.
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  • 138 7 Arrivals. Per str. Islander, Feb 16. From Christmas Is. Dr. J. C. D. Allan, Messrs. J. C. Douglas, A. F. Otthorno and H. Jones. Per Btr. Asdang, Feb 1?. From Bangkok via [torts Mefsrs. F. F. O. W'atcrhouse, Fred, Oater, M. A. Cheek and L. R. Macphail.
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  • 276 7 EXCHANOB Simoapobi, February 16, 1914. Om London Bank 4 m/s 2;4 Demand 2/4 f, Private S m/s w 2/4ft I m/a 2/4 ft > On Qikmaiii Bank d/d 28*4 Private 8 m/a 348 Om Feahci Bank d/d M 2Mi Private 8 m/i M 290* Om Ihdu Bank
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    • 195 7 [Mne 1 Buyers. Sellen [0 10 Ampang 9.C0 10.00 1 1 AyerWeng C.50 LO 10 Bolat 2.50 2.75 10 10 Bruang 1.90 2.06 10 10 Kamp&r 10.25 10 10 Kanaboi 1.70 1.80 10 10 Kinta Association 10.00 11.E0 El £1 Kinta Tin 1.11.6 1.18.0 67 £1 Lahat Mined 6.60
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    • 654 7 Buyers. Sellers. Valued II- 3/- Allagat 2/2 2/7* £1 £1 Anglo Java 4/6 6/0 1/- 8/- Anglo-Malay 11/8 12/3 xd 2/- 2/- Batang Malaka -/U 1/8 £1 £1 Batn Tiga 2.16.0 3.1.6 2/- 2/- Bekoh -/7* -/M £1 £1 Bukit Kajang 1.16.3 1.19.9 £1 £1 Bukit Lintang 2.2.6 2
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    • 119 7 II 41 E. Smelting Co. 12/0 14 6 El £1 I»rot 1.1.0 1.8.0 i/- 5/- Electric T'wayg 4/4J 4/0 10 10 Fruer Neave 64.C0 67.00 50 60 Hammer Co. ICO.CO 110.00 100 Howarth Erskioe 45.U0 100 7%Pref. 100.00 100 100 KatE Bro, Def. 180.00 140.00 10 10 Maynard k
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 18 7 For all Stomach troubles. Talio Woods. j r. .it IVpperuiint Lure. At all Stores, 80 touts a bottle.
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    • 108 7 AUCTION SALES Powell and Co. February 17.— At saleroom, land situate at Pongol. at 2.30. February 17. -At saleroom, Mortgagee's sale, at lA February 17.— At Market Street, valuable 9*9 yours, leasehold prop< rty, at 2.80. February 17. At Clarke Quay, Singapore River, valuable Godown property, etc., at 2.30. February
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    • 253 7 STAMP .a MILLS A\\#^ N> l*^ IW STOCK! #.^V^\ THREE-STAMP PROSPECTING BATTERIES. V^aVn k &<* X+ FIVE-HEAD BATTERY (850-lb. Stamps) r>UE TO ARRIVE SOON. CARLSBERG BEER^ Sole Agents THE FAST ASIATIC CO., LTD., Singapore. i k B_lW£ I 15 5 The RED CAN contains 2 Imperial Gallons. 1 Imperial gallon-4,s46cubiccentimetxes.
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 48 7 Time balls on Fort Canning and Mount Kaber iliv;) daily at 1 p.m.. Singapore standard time, corresponding to 6 a.m. Osaaawiah sjjsjasj tim<>. The time gun is tirctl at 12 o'clock oooii. iudicating Singapore Htandartl time, on every day excepting Sunday, when it v, fired at cne o'clock.
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  • 1134 8 The Straits Times. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 18. WASTE OF GENIUS. Sir Ronald Ross, the man whose courage no less than his genius placed the origin of malaria beyond all doubt, is credited with the authorship of an article on The Oonias of Science" ia a lecent number of Science Progress. Incidentally
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  • 32 8 A telegram from the Hague, dated 2nd inst., to the Java Bode, states that the shareholders of the Amsterdam PadaDg Company, now in liquidation, will receive a dividend of 109 per cent.
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  • 34 8 A beginning is to be made with tho laying out of the new goods yard and new statiou near the harbour at Soerabaya. The new arrangements have been planned on uti-n si ye lines.
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  • 30 8 A youth in the Protestant pharage at Semarang, a ward of the Government, has committed suicide by taking corr.>-ivo sub hroite as be was unwilling to enttr the military service.
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  • 20 8 The ports of Hongkong and Xegapatam are declared to be infected owing to the existence of pUgne and cholera respectively.
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  • 27 8 At the request of a number of interested Europeans, the Star Opera Company will play tbe Malay version of Hamlet in the Theatre Royal on Wednesday night.
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  • 28 8 Messrs. H. and G Hutchison, of Singapore, nave been awarded the contract by the F.M.S. Government for the construction of thirty married clerk's quarters, Central Workshops, Kuala Lumpur.
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  • 31 8 The Berlin police recently raided tbe premises of many tobacco firms in Dresden, and as a result they claim to have discovered evidence of extensivo ramifications ol the American Tobacco Trust.
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  • 33 8 Dr. C. A. Lettenbanr, German ConsulGeneral for the Dutch East Indies, recently made a special tour through part of Atjeh and Sumatra in order to study the development of trade and the plantations.
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  • 67 8 The P. and O. mail for homo leaves on Thursday morning this week, one day earlier than usual. The Straits Budget will there fore be published on Wednesday night and any subscribers who may wish to barn copies posted iv time to catch this mail are asked to forward names
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  • 62 8 Messrs. Sellar, Murray and Co., the secretaries of Cbenderiang Valley Tin Dredging Co., Ltd., and Jabns (Tin) Hydraulic Eleva tors, Ltd., have received a cable from London stating that the amalgamation of tbe companies has been completed. The nominal capital of the new company, including a new issue in London
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  • 86 8 The Government of Siam has, according to a Frankfort paper, placed a norn of m. 3,000 at the disposal of the town of Homburg for the decoration of the Siamese templo that was presented to the town by the late Kiny Chulalongkcrn. The Siamrse Consul at Munich, Mr. Lot/, has
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  • 78 8 Tl'.e fourth anniversary of the Straits Chinese Physical Culturints was celebrated >n Saturday at 3, Sit Wah Road. In the afternoon v group photograph of members WM taken at the exercise ground. There were miuy visitors dui ing the latter part of the day and a banquet was served when
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  • 90 8 Tho singular proposal of tbe German Lieutenant Graetz to explore New Ooinea is still the subject of inter st in souio circles. Prof. H. Wichmann decUres that tlio cost of three million marks would be shared between Great Britain and Germany. The oxpedi tion would consist of geographers, geoInsists and
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  • 111 8 This morning in the third Court, tho Off] cial Assignee, Mr. P. F. David appeared to prosecute two Chinese, Liny Chung Wai, and Chua Teow Chon«, enc on a charge of cheating and the other on a chargo of abetment. The origin of the case, Mr. David explained, was in
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  • 119 8 A case of misappropriation, the circum stances of which are somewhat peculiar, was mentioned in tho Second Court on Sa turday. Die accused is llaji Wan Amat who, it ialleued, received 1'2i6.75 when cashing .1 money order at the Post Oitice, instead of $46 75, the proper amount due to
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  • 132 8 A native in Malang reoently eloped with the thirteen-year old daughter of a European, taking with him also property to the value of about f6OO. The girl's father and a friend of his punned the fugitives in a motorcar, and the car was stopped soinc little distance from the railway
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  • 122 8 At the bead office of ll>h civil medical service in Batavia, a c I- clion ix beiii^ made of the venom of n.ii rent kinds of snakes in order to preptre ihorofroin, if possible, a Denim against snake poison. The Resident has request th" a»si>,tance of Mr Kouimor, the owner
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  • 478 8 Mr. A. J. Sturrock, district officer, I'luKelautan, will act for Mr. T. W. Clayton when the latter goes on leave on March 10 next. Mr. D. McLeod Craik, of tbo 3rm of Swan and Maclaren, who qualified by examination 1900 as an Associate has recently been elected
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  • 40 8 Will those scat-holders who havo not already applied for seats for evensong on Sunday next (S.V.C. Church Parade) kimily send in tliiir applications to Archdeacon Izard by Wednesday next, aftt-r which date no application can be considered.
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  • 83 8 At tbe Children's Concert which is arranged to be held at the Victoria Memorial Hall on Thutsday next, tho string band of the King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry will play the fi Uuwing pieces:— March, King Chanticleer (Drown) Minuett, Don Uiovanni (Mozart); Tubaphone solo. The Bells of
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  • 155 8 A rain storm of bMHMmM violence, preceded by thunder and lightning, ou Friday afternoon, broke over I poll. For an hour about 4 p iv. the sky to the north, hangiug over Ounncg Cheroh was of a deep purple; and after a few roll, of thundor and
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  • 182 8 The Mi ssnyerict Maritime* have issued details of their new mail st<a:ner Andre l,oboD, a sister ship to the Paul L< cat which has also been built for their China and Japan service. She was successfully launched at the company's yard, La Ciotat, on October 27 last. She
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 139 8 GARRICK VIRGINIA OBTAINABLE EVERYWHERE. OF" ALL. i BASS'S ALE and GUINNESS' STOUT C S I Ql ID If CO S P r^ isl Exp rt Bott'iog L. UJ. DUnfXL 0 IS THE BEST. Sole Agents W W rvy r*\ W T* 1Q» Singapore and (or E. &J. BURKE. Lj 111
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    • 142 8 IN THE FOREFRONT OF THE"EXCLUSIV£S OF THE DAY THE -APEX KXCLI SIVI-; IN 4 REELS, LENGTH 4,800 FEET ENTITLED IN SATAN'S TOILS A Superb Drama b-iuuiully acted and te ching a great unal. It will touch everybody's heart. TO BE PSESENTED AT THE ALHAMBRA Biai h Road. TO-NIGHT, 2nd Show,
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    • 9 8 Latest advertisements of the day appear on page 11.
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  • 286 9 GENERAL BOTHA EXPLAINS THE DANGER. Sworn Enemies of Society. Rkl-ter's Tkleoram. London, February 14. General Botha, in a powerful speech in tho Assembly, defending the Union Government's action in July and January, described the outbreak on July 5 -as war on women and children and a murderous attack on
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  • 224 9 KING ATTENDS INTERNATIONAL MATCH, Fine Play Witnessed. Kll'Tßk S 'I »LX IKAV London, February 11. In the liuy'iy match, England v Irc'aud. at Twickenham, Eugland won by 17 points to ML Then; wax an immense crowd who re pt-atedly and rouningly cheered His Maj »ty who was
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  • 151 9 VEDRINES WANTS TO SLAY OR BE SLAIN. One of Us Must be Wiped Out." lin it ks Telehkam. London, February IS. VedriotH, the aviator, has returned to Paris from K^ypt. On being interviewed he said be would immediately send second* to M Quinton, president of the Aerial League,
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  • 91 9 British Bluejackets Landed at Vera Cruz. (UOTIB'S TlLlUkiM. London, February 14. A Now York telegram gays a detachment of British blut-jackets with two machine guns has landed at Vera Cruz and has sent guns to the British legation in Mexioo. London, February IS. The despatch of the
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  • 77 9 Important Concession in China. Better's Teleokam* London, February 14. New York messages say Mr. Bomis, vice presiduut of the Standard Oil Company, announces that the Company's Chinese branch baa entered into an agreement with the Chinese Government to develop the oilfields in certain provinces. It is proposed
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  • 70 9 lln Tk.LKORAM. LondoD, February 15. A Xew York message says heavy weather has been experienced in New York and the eastern districts. Ah there is extreme distress clergymen in N«w York City are arranging to open tbo churches as shelters. It is estimated that there are three
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  • 59 9 I«:.TIB'» TILSORAK. London, February 14. Tfca DihLup of I '^iiula Las issued an appeal for two t!m is;u:.i pounds to start a tLoolouical collide to train native clergy, and i'l,ooo (or traiuing scliojls fjr teacbers in church schools. lie oujphtsises th(; keconess of t!i<: stru^jjle btt*cu:i Cliristianity
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  • 38 9 Kcutib's Tkiii.iM, London, 1 i 'iruary 14. The il.-atli of Pi ivy Councillor Thomas Sinclair, a well known Belfast man, is announced. A Washington message announces the duath of Senator Bacon, Chairman of the Foreign K-Utijus Committee.
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  • 38 9 Hbuiih'o TuLiam*. London, February 14. The U. S. snnat has pi--5.;,l a bill creating six ViceAdmiraU. This bill arose from tho fact that tho British Ruinm unl. r coulJ oat rank the American in Mexico.
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  • 43 9 K»i;:«k':- Tblkoßah. London, February 14. The French Chamber has debated the (juistion of epidemics in the army. Figures were >|Hoird showing tiiat over a quarter of a million were on the sick list in January and there were 280 deaths.
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  • 37 9 KKITKHS 1 1.1.K..1HM. London, February 14. '1 l iii". I league of America has sent Mr. Redmond ten thousand dollars, and tli Irish World, Now York, has started a subscription to help him.
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  • 19 9 Kktikk's Tklkubam. London, February 14. Mr. Scurr, a Socialist, is contesting Bethnal (ireen as third candidate.
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  • 25 9 KaoTßt'i Tbl*oka>. London, February 14. Two coasting steamers were lost daring a k!»ln on the South Coast and nineteen men were drowned.
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  • 18 9 Kki'TKk'* Tki.kobam. London, February 15. A Durban meflsage says South Africa dm made 162 for 8 wickets.
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  • 19 9 Kkltkk Tkleokam. Li uiion, February 18. Their Majesties' visit to Paris begins on Ap.ii n.
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  • 455 9 SINGAPOREAN RAMMED BY THE GIANG SENG. Vessel Beached at Tanjong Rhu The steamship Singaporean, which, as the Russian owned Alexey Morch, was prominent in the public eye about two years ago when Rhe was ashore at Pulo Bintang, suffered yet another serious mishap yesterday. She was at anchor
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  • 433 9 Alleged Infractions by European Directors. Itho instance of Mr. II G. Sarwar, itrar tf Joint Stock Companies, the ring directors of differ, nt compani. 8 -'.iiiiMi'ini'il on the 11th inst., beforo Mr. Sherwood in the third police court, ng, fur failing to comply with the provi of section
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  • 85 9 Tbere was a large and Wresentative gathering on the wliarl at Penan* bld fare well to tlie Hon. W. Evans and V 1 al> < who left on the P. and O. steamer" N nkln 0B Friday. A Sikh guard of honoup was drawD up
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  • 69 9 The death occurred on Friday J l B llt View bungalow, Taojong Bungahi ol j;[ r A. E Landon White, civil ermine*/- f» e deceased gentleman, who vnt ab jut it* year* of age, came from Rangoon m arly V ,7 c r ago and has lately interested himsT in
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  • 337 9 INFECTION TRACED TO CLUB SERVANT. Some Fresh Cases. The Straits Echo learns that Mr. W. G. Maxwell, British Adviser to the Kedah Government, whose attack of cholera was extraordinarily light, is now practically all right. Mrs. W. G. Maxwell has also had an extraordinarily mild attack,
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  • 652 9 Chairman's Remarks at General Meeting. The adjourned ordinary general meeting |of tho United Malaysian Rubber Co., Ltd., was held on Jauuary 22, at Winchester House, E.C., Mr. Cecil A. Grenfell, presiding. Tip Chairmau, in moving the adoption of the report, said that during the year ended June
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  • 75 9 The lit. Hon. Thoman Sinclair, P. C. Ireland, whose death at the age of 75 is reported today, was a leader of the Ulster Liberal party in the sixties and seventies. In the eighties, however, he espoused the Unionist cause, of which he bad since been a strong supporter. He
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  • 84 9 Liberals Boycotting the King. Kkutih's Tiliokasi. London, February 14. A Stockholm message says Baron Oeer has been unable to form a Liberal Ministry and the King has directed Baron Hammarskjold, a member of the Hagae Court of Arbitration, to form a cabinet. The constitutional crisis is assuming a
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  • 31 9 Keutkr's Tblsoram. London, February 16. The Italian warship Quartto is expected at Venice. She escorts, the Austrian ship Taunns, which is conveying the Prince of Wied to Dura/zo.
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  • 36 9 Rkutkk's Tklkgram. London, February 16. A Tokio message Bays live naval officers, includinga rear-admiral, are under detention by the Navy Department pending the organisation of a court-martial in connection with the corruption case.
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  • 21 9 tiaOTSH'B I'lLlilKlM. London, February 14. The underwriters are saddled with 80 per cent, of the South African loan.
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  • 17 9 KkMKK S TkLFIIHAM. London, February 15. The French parliamentary elections are fixed for April 26.
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  • 62 9 KauTau's Tixaoiu*. London, February 14. The Hamburg-Amcrika steamer Almeria is aground off Lamu, East Africa, and the cruiser Pegasus has made a futile attempt to tow her off. The cargo must bo discharged. The Almeria (ex Sikh) is a large vessel of 5,012 tons gross, built at
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  • 80 9 Quotations Current on Saturday. The East Asiatic Company favour us with the following report The market in London on Saturday was easier. The closing prices were Hard Fine Para Spot 8/1 ft a Forward 31J First latex crepe, delivery next three months 2/6 Messrs. Wbittal and Co.,
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  • 79 9 (From On; Own Correspondent.) London, February 14. The price of rubber is rising again, there being a further big advance in the leading companies. The public is operating freely, and no reaction is visible. There are buyers of 1915 rubber at 2 ;5Jd. per lb. London, February
    79 words
  • 94 9 Majority of Shareholders Against Reconstruction, An extraordinary general meeting of the Uln I'iah Tin Co. was held at Penang, on the 13th inst., to consider a cable received from London suggesting the reconstruction of the company on a sterling basis and the acquisition of certain tribute rights
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  • 125 9 News has been received in Ipoh of the death of Mr. Robert W. Perry, at Marseilles, on bis way home. Mr. Perry had to go home in 1912 owing to an attack of sunstroke, but returned to Malaya in December last to settle up bis affairs, but on the day
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  • 154 9 DELIVERY OF THE EUROPEAN NOTE. Dissatisfaction in Turkey. RacTM's Telegram London, February 14. A message from Athens says representatives of the Powers have presented a note giving Greece the Aegean Islands occupied by her with the exception of Tenedos. Embros and Castle Oryzo, and requiriug guarantees that the
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  • 98 9 REMARKABLE EVIDENCE BY A PROFESSOR. Fiercest Revolution in the World's. History. Rbutir's Telegram. London, February 14. Washington messages say that Sudhendra Bose, Professor at lowa University, appeared before tho immigration committee of the House of Representatives and opposed the exclusion of Hindus on the ground that they are
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  • 90 9 Another Labour War in Australia. Rbutbb's Iklkhkam. London, February 14. A meat famine is threatened owing to the butchers' employees in Sydney striking and demanding shorter hours and ten shillings weekly above the award of the wages board. The employers in all brauches of the industry have established
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  • 32 9 itIL'TIK'S TnLKOBAM. London, February 14. A post mortem held at Fiutoff on the boy found murdered has established clearly that he was a Jew, and the father has been arrested.
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  • 78 9 Dm OsTAsiATisoHi Lloyd Tilioram. Berlin, February 14. The new Russian Minister of Fin ince M. Bark, is M. Witto's secretary and friend, and was formerly staying in Berlin to study banking business. The chief of tho Department of Agriculture, M. Kriwojin, who is the author of the rescript
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  • 119 9 Die OsT4suTist'K* Lloyd Tblboka Berlin, February 1 1. At the Schaffer dinner" at Hi. men, Herr Heigrich expressed pleasure at the agreements between tho N.D.L. and the Hamburg-Amerika, Companies, which he hoped would be permanent. King Ferdinand, of Bulgaria, with the Queen and princes, is going for a
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 98 10 The Rev. A loan Da vies, the Welsh Rugby captain, has expressed his intention to retire from active football at the end of this season. It is announced that the Council of tbn National Rifle Association have decided to throw open the ranges at Bisley for the
      98 words
    • 119 10 L.L.T.C. Tournament. Following were the results of Saturday's Miss McLean and Dr. Naughton beat Mrs. and Mr. Galton Fenzi, 6 1, 6—5. Ties for To-day. Mi-s Abrams and Mrs. Wilson v. Mrs. Sj lud.-rs and Mrs. Robertson. B. Class Ladiks Doublks. Mrs. Werner and Mrs. Scoular v. Mrs.
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    • 75 10 S. C. F. A. League. The Sunrays Football Club aud the Straits Junior K. C met at soccer on Saturday afternoon on the Rallies reclamation in the S.C.F.A. Lengue competition. The former did most of the pressing and attacked vigorously from start to finish, the Juveniles fiving no trouble
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    • 81 10 Ladies' Garrison Rifle Club. The monthly spoon shoot took place on Friday afternoon, when tbe following scores were made: 100 150 Heap. Total yds. yds. Urs. Kidont 29 32 Minus 1 00 An. Llewelyn 31 28 I'lus 1 60 Mrs Scott 27 80 Plus 2 59 tfrs. Hrownlow
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    • 103 10 Singapore Qolf Club Medal. The .1 unary medal was played for on Saturday and Sunday and was won by F. W. King, who also won the sweep on Saturday, Procter winning the sweep on Sun lay. Tho following cards were returned Dm VVliite ilccut'l.lJ I inn in* r Kurt
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    • 469 10 Merchants v. Law and C. S. The outntaudiug feature of the S. C. C. tournamcut mutch between the Merchants and the Law atid Civil Service on the S.C.C. groun.l on Saturday was a century by U.K. 11. Oliver. His contribution, 10', was to a great extent n sp.iu- ible
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    • 85 10 Regulars v. Volunteers. A return swimming race and polo match between teams representing the Royal Engineers and the S.R.E.(V) took place at the Swimming Club yesterday morning. The team race was won by the volunteers by about fifty years, and at polo the volunteers outplayed their army oponents by
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  • 373 10 Dominion Building in London Postponed. The Canadian Government have at last decided finally and definitely not to build their future London office on the site of the Westminster Hospital, which is to be transferred to the outer suburbs. This would seem to clear the way for Earl Grey's
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  • 253 10 Over 51,000 Lives Saved in Ninety Years. Now that the storms of winter are upon us, says a home paper, the Uuyal National Lifeboat Institution opportunely issues a survey of its work duriug tiie past year. The largest number of lifeboat lauuches took place in January, and the
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  • 82 10 For the period from February 20 to March 5, 1914, inclusive, the duty on cultivated rubber on which export dnty is leviable in the I- .M.S. on an ad valorem basis in accordance with the rules under the Customs Duties Enactment will be assessed on the
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  • 30 10 With reference to the recent cinematograph disaster at Boelves, in Djokjn, eleven persons have since died of tbeir injuries bringing the total number of deaths, so far, np to H7.
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  • 1526 10 POSITION AFTER FIRST YEAR'S WORKING. Prospects Encouraging. The first annual general meeting of the Titi Tin Company, Limited, was held on Saturday, at the Exchange Buildings, the Hon. Dr. D. J. Galloway (chairman) presiding. Those present were Messrs. A. Diehn, R. Scoular, Lee Choon Guan, Tan Kheam
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  • 464 10 The Strange Allegations of An Instructor. From a recent issue of the Daily Chronicle, we quoted the statements of one Alexander G. Stuart -Webster, ex-S. rgeant of the Royal Artillery, who told that paper that be returned to London (after offering his services in the Ulster cause)
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  • 175 10 The Pathe Cartoon, a novelty ot which the Palladium have secured the sole rights, was the principal feature of the entertainment at that house on Saturday night and in company with several excellent films provided a very enjoyable entertainment for a large audience^. The management have also secured
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  • 24 10 British 801,,^,^ 16,200. Serdang Ctt ntral 10 ,600 lbe. Sapong.— lfc 184 log January, 17,400 lbs. total 1918, i<jE 4701 lb9
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  • 1547 10 (From A Corrispondbnt.) Kuala Lumpur, February 14. The Government has a separate department devoted to veterinary work, but there are at present no private practitioners holding diplomas for it. The Government surgeons, with British qualifications, are, however, allowed private practice to make up for the deficiency,
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  • 327 10 Ship's Figurehead outside Old Palace. Whitehall, that long perspective of drab architecture, has been relieved with a touch of colour and enriched with a new figure. In the tiny forecourt of the museum of tho Royal United Service Institution the figurehead of H.M.S. Orion, one of the
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  • 194 10 Mr. A. Dv Cros, managing director and deputy chairman of the Dunlop K ibber Co., Ltd., visited the Koyal botanic Gardens, Peradeniya, Ceylon, on February 5, and inspected the various samples of smoked rubber there and was much impressed by some of the blocks turned out by the
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  • 198 10 It is an interesting fact that electricity takes an ever more prominent place in the Dutch Colonies. It plays an important part in all branches of industry and is widely in demand for lighting and other household comforts. This has given rise to a new and very lucrative branch of
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  • 636 11 REMARKABLE RECORDS OF SERVICE. Mr. Chamberlain Leads. The announcement that Mr. Joseph Chamberlain will retire from Parliament at tho end of tli. piisent Parliament reminds us tliiit mi lower than t-.velve other members have siyui'Vil iheir inteution of leaving public )<■■• .it the same time. Seven of these
    636 words
  • 219 11 Remarkable Display of Gyroscope Work Dr. Pierre Schlivosky recently gave a remarkable display of yyroscopo work at the Imperial CMMM of Science. As most people know, the se he avy spinning tops keep very Htculily in one position that is to say, if one of tin i:i wtM
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  • 923 11 ?rices Quoted in the Market This Morning. Singapore, February 16, 1914. Messrs. Lyall and Bvatt, Bxchangc and Share Brokers, issde the followinx list ol quotations this morniaff i— Norn Valik Buyers. Sellers. 2/- Allayar 2/3 2 8 4 1 Au«lo Java 4.6 5 9 1 AugloJohore 6/-
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 43 11 I Coughing into < Consumption i >nlj a .li I it you stop i tHY it i< O\! V acon-li. i rc;l IW t- '.i i i i i;meh > i^ i.i 'j a OF 11 1. 11- 1 H, I C' -i c>- oa.
      43 words
    • 59 11 All Moth -rs dtsiro to ace their children grow up strong and hearty. To effect this the protection from chills, stomach aiimantß, etc mait be sure. Such as is afforded by Wood Oreat Peppermint Care, a medicine known throughout Au4tra'a«ia as the children's lifesaver. Mover be without it in (he
      59 words
    • 385 11 LATEST ADVEKTISEMBNTS. TWO NIGHTS MORE ONLY February 16 and 17 OUR TWO EXCLUSIVES AT THE MARLBOROUGH PICTURE THEATRB. BBACH ROAD. Ist Show, 7.30 to 9 p.m. Thk ImmMi (Selig Film*. THE MASTER CROOK A fiplcndid ftature film full of thril.s and sensations IN 3 REELS, AT 8 p.m. SHARP Very
      385 words
    • 399 11 "His Master's Voice" GRAMOPHONES re ret Machines but Versatile Musical Instrument*. PRICES XO SUIT ALL. SEND FOR CATALOGUES. S. Moutrie&Go., Ld. RAFFLES PLACE. LAND FOR SALE. For sale, 93 acres of Innd near Port Dickson, fronting on the Fca. 70 acre* Robber. Very bealtby. Suitable for a Sanatorium. Apply Manager,
      399 words
    • 261 11 BICHELIM EANS 2SI ILEAGE DUPIRE BROTHERS, AGENTS. Special ON SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21. The Brighton of Singapore. S Tennis, m mf Tel. 335. mj mj Billiards ea View Hotel Electric Light and Tana. ANNKXB single double rooms. Grove Hotel Grovt! Bungalow, excellent cuisine. P"'Tit not in mortals to command success, but
      261 words

  • 1418 12 STAGES OF EVOLUTION OF THE BULLS-EYE. Cresset to Electric Torch. The London policeman* bull's-eye is. according to report, shortly to pass away. In its Btead, says Tl>e Telegraph, he is to have an electric torch, which will spread light before and around him, while he himself
    1,418 words
  • 883 12 TROUBLES OF A DOUBLE." Amusing Adventures of Mr. Fred Bentley. Mr. Frederick Bentley, who is now taking tbe leading role— Mr. James Welch's partin Oh, I Say at tho Criterion Theatre, is running into all kinds of weird adventures and strange mishaps by flood and field until he is beginning
    883 words
  • 1895 12 FORTHCOMING ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES. Latest Lists. The following passenger bookings to the Straits are taken from the London and China Express. It should be understood that, in tome instanoofl, bookings may be provisional md that intending passengers may alter their u-rangetuents, pabseqnent to the issuance of this list
    1,895 words
  • 327 12 Irritated by Restrictions Of Existence. Tho Infanta Kulalw of Spain is publishing her souvenirs of childhood in tbo monthly magazine, Je Sais Tout. They were not happy. She complains that she was never alone. I was irritated by the restrictions of our existence, and I believe
    327 words
  • 102 12 The continual Ailing up of the harbour at BaDJoewangi with sand is a problem which demands attention. The export tra !o to Australia and particularly the fruit trade suffers from the difficulties thus created. The matter has now been taken up by the local authorities and plans for improvement are
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 197 12 CHUBBS SAFES LARGE SELECTION ON SHOW AT Huttenbach Bros- Co., 13, COLLYER QUAY. LEADING ESTABLISHMENTS THE WORLD OVER USE THE BEST. Koken's American Barber Chairs jt~ THE WORLDS STANDARD, A1 Q" ality Price Lowest. Jm M Julian Frankel Furniture 'd y Jm!S&~^ J J ONLY ADDRESS, ORCHARD ROAD, MADE PROM
      197 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 82 13 I (wsi £:i^^!iiii!!iiiiijiiiiiiiilHll i i$ f(>e leading beer in tfyw country at\d yßllip Everybody! J B Sole Agents Hi BDI HE* £2E F^l P^"^ FT^S $W< F 7 l H2SS RSH 9&^9 BB m£j tsdfifei i<2 LJ&.A Lk»_J3 I>ij22 uut J rafiSi LwS 1 BBH9 HORNBBY Suction Gas, Crude Oil
      82 words
    • 550 13 COM BIN «O SCRVIOB OP THE OCEAN 8. 8. CO.. LTD.. THE WEST AUSTRALIAN S N. CO.. LTD. ■■Twin Fiwmantl* (Perth), North W«a» Australian Port*, 4ava and t 'ngapore. Regular Fortnightly lailioßS betweec Singapore and Western Australia, sailing at lava (vi inducement offers), Derby, K<ng'f ioond (Port tor tne Kimberley
      550 words
      322 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 440 14 BIUBAPOREBWILYCOMPAIIY. "RBEBT PAID-UP CAPITAL OF AMY EABTHI COMMIT PROSPEROUS au&d PROGRESSIVE. THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. HEAD OFFICE WinoH*.t*r Houat, LOHDOM OFFIOK SO, Old .-wry. K.O. Tbe Company has £20.000 depoaited with tha Supwaaa Ooart al ■aglaad, aad ootnpHea wtth tha Brttiah Lite Ajanranoe Oompaniaa Aot in arery
      440 words
    • 322 14 FEDERAL UFE DMUMNCi UMPMT Of UMUM. BITABLISBBO 180. DlfOOt Government Supervision Oovernment Audit. Polioies are WORLD WIDB aad Non ForfeiUble, i-arge Mat Surplua above liabilities for Reaerve and Ml ootetandiag elaima. Haw Bualnaata, 1012 over. ..sB 900,000.00 Oaab Loans, Settlement*, eto., made looally Numerous modern sohemea. 4. N. IVANS, Maaager.
      322 words
    • 447 14 BANKINB. THE IZE HAJ TOW BANMN6 ANO INSURANCE CO.. LTD.. NO. IT AND 68. KLING STR3BT EsTAaunap IQOT. Oapital paid np 11,000,000.00 Reserve liability ol proprietors.. .»l,ooo 000.00 Reserve Faud 1800,000.00 COURT OF DIRBCTORS. Leow Cbia Hbno, Esq. Cbbono Qusa Tux, Bsq. I Tan Swi Kbi, Esq. Lbe Wbk Nam,
      447 words
    • 505 14 BAWKINa. BEUTSCH-ABIATIBCHE BANK. •MXf MID HP MFITIi. •i laaU T.MMM). Head Offloo Shaaghai, Board of Direotors Ber'in. BBANCHBSi ■arUm, Oaioatta, Hamburg, Canton, Hankow, Hongkong, Kobe, Poking, Tientsin, Tainanf v Ttfngtau, Yokohama. THE FOLLOWING BANKS ANO BANKERS ARE REPRESENTED ON THE BOARD OF DIRECTORB. Bank fnor Handel and ladcntrie 1 Berliner
      505 words
    • 558 14 BALEB BY AUCTION. AUCTION SALE Ol VALUABLE »93 YEARS LEASEHOLD PROPERTY SITUATE AT MARKET BTREET, IS THB TOWN OF SINGAPORE, To be held at Powell A Co 's sale-room, On Tuead»y, February 17, att 2.30 p.m. All that valuable piece of land situate at Marke Street iv tbe town ot
      558 words

  • 746 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. The Manchester Exhibition. I As has latterly been the case with 01 jmpia, the Manchester Motor Show opened auto matically, says The Evening Standard. It did, however, receive an official send-off at the sixth annual dinner of the Society of Motor
    746 words
  • 198 15 Among the reports on recent investigations /it the Imperial Institute, published in the current issue of tbe Bulletin, the result* are given of valuable laboratory tests of some new or little known oil seeds and oils, which, in view of the high prices ruling for most of
    198 words
  • 96 15 Farther details of the threatened rising of the Zulus show that when the Zulus at Mid dlebarg saw the burghers leaving for the Hand the; sent emissaries to Zululand to report that the time was opportune for a revolt, as the whites were warring against each other. The emissaries were,
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
      166 words
    • 16 15 For oclic and windy spasms. Take Woods' Oreat Peppermint Care. Sold everywhere, t0 .ents a bottle.
      16 words
    • 211 15 BY ROYAL APPOINTMENT Motor Tyre ffIP3S?S& Manufacturers To H.M. King George V. FROM FEBRUARY Ist Dunlop Grooved Covers OF 100 M.M. SECTION, being: 760 x 100 870 x 100 810 x 100 910 x 100 ARE REDUCED IN PRICE Approx.: 1 Apply to your Oarage for Copy of New List,
      211 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 481 16 FIRE! FIRE! Where is your "CITEX" P The Citex Fire Extinguisher Protects Life and Property. The CITEX Is simple; a pull and it is Free, a Bump and it works. NOTHING TO PERISH No solution to make up, no acid to handle. WATER and a CITEX CARTRIDGE only. Sole Agents:
      481 words
    • 396 16 WANTS. ASSISTANT BOOK-KEEPER WANTED. Wanted, a OMmm clerk with good knowledge of bock keeping. Apply COAX, c/c Straits Times. 14-2 17-2 WANTEO. Lai go godown near Singapore Kive-r, twostorey l! down preferred. Woller Co., ib, Winctester House, 10-2 16 2 EUROPEAN EN6INEER WANTEO. Wacte), a European Engineer in Kua'i Lumpur
      396 words
    • 689 16 TO BE LET OR SOLO. SEASIDE RESIDENCE TO LET. Jnanita," to let furaitthtd. Apply No. 9, Mt. Sophia. 103 a FLOOR 10 LET. To let, '2nd Floor, No. 3, Malacca Street, Entry March 1, IV. 4. Apply Meyer Brother*. 31 1 a TO LET. No. 6J, Hi 1 streit, suitable
      689 words
    • 659 16 NOTICES. KIAM KIAT CO. SHIP-CHANDLERS, fto¥irnment an' Municipal Contractor*. 106, 108 09, Market Street. Telephone Nos. 421. 6UAN KIAT CO.. 37. Phillip Street. SIIIP-CUA.NULKIIS, GOVKHNMKNT AND MUNICIPAL CONTKACTOBS, GKNKRAL IMPORTERS AND EXPORTKUS AND COMMISSION A(.F..STS, Sole Agents fop Globe Fluid. The Ideal Fluid for Cleaning and Preferring Boilers. New Shipment
      659 words
    • 466 16 ARTICLES FOR SALE. PIANO FIR SALE. A good toned cottagfi piano by I. I iurin price $125. Apply M. Skyers, No. 4, I v Scan Street. 1512 a FOR SALE. Hatnbrr Bicycle complete with all acct s Roritp. Ni cfTer ufuMii. A\\\\ Box No. f H\ Strait-* Timte. 6-2-a
      466 words
    • 493 16 SINGAPORE CUB FIXTURES. Straits Times List. The following fixture* f )r the current we< k and important forthn n nj< fixtuns are- kindly Jupplifd by Mm lh«n.tMai of the vnriou* cluun. Ojovi niw. furrus un which to make tbe returni will iv MBpliad cv fipplicUn I m the Sljmsu. Stiaiit.
      493 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 230 16 Straits Wimes. ADVERTISEMENT KATES.— MiRcollanoOU8 wants of every description are inserted at the prepaid rate of (1 per four lines for one or two insertions. Notices of Birtbs, Marriage*, ur Deaths, if nut exceeding four lines, $1 each insertion. For p.p.c. caids, on pace 8, $2. Inch Scalb Rates are
      230 words