The Straits Times, 23 June 1913

Total Pages: 16
1 18 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 24.215 SINGAPORE. MONDAY. JUNE 23. 1913. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 160 1 THE CELEBRATED SCOTCH KaU "HURT Established 1743. HARTLEY'S Genuine Magalies Berg TRANSVAAL TOBACCO In H-lb. and J^-lb. Bags Price: $2 per lb. Katz Bros., Ltd., SOLE AGENTS. J .^t^^^. .^B^^Bw. .^L^w.^^^. .^f^^kk. .^^^^l FJLNS. J|j^k DRYING. VENTILATING. illliSm^L^- rM rr J Wl| Rubber, Fish. Factories, Barracks, y&*m\ 'SMii Copra, Fruit,
      160 words
    • 430 1 jtf CINEMATOGRAPHS. &9l| THE "EMPIRE' HOME CINEMATOGRAPH. WORKING ON THE LJ Kkj, MALTESE CROSS PRINCIPLE. I yl Complete Speoifloation. BODY Kussian iron witb side door and cuttain on |V>J. Blidin^ rod bizo 11 xlO z 6;, incbe", centres t\ inciiea, Hubstantial brass ata^o, well I /~T^^v 111 ventilated. The body
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    • 2 1 GoodRICH TYRES
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  • 828 2 INTERESTING DISCOVERY IN EGYPT. Large Emeralds of Poor Quality. In 1812, a Frenchman named Cailliard rediscovered a series of anciently- worked emerald mines, the history of which is lost in antiquity. They were found in a desolate mountain range which lies west of, and parallel to, the Red
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  • 220 2 Reckless Slaughter in Name Of Suppression. The Pioneer writes: A gruesome story which we commend to the notioe of those anti opiumista who would rash matters in China reaches as from Bhamo. It appears that some time ago the Chinese prefect of Tengyaeh set oat with 100
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 692 2 A Celebrated Violiniste Nervous Fatigue, Languor— The powtr to excel, the confidence which ensures her brilliant successes, says the talented violinist, Miss Sybil Keymer, is entirely due to her abundance of vigorous nerve force created by Phosferine. How greatly the numerous distinctions and triumphant career of this accomplished musician are
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    • 10 2 For Children's Hacking Cough at Night, Woods' Great Peppermint Con.
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    • 522 2 London Selling Agents rSA. INDIGO FIBRES NSold on cost* BRISTLES I miMlon in British OILSEEDS and 'Continents! HIDKS SKINS Markets. RUBBER. DRUGS COTTON. WOOL Simples valued. ss&sss GENERAL cons.s;nmenls laPRODUCE *csted. KEYMER. SON CO. (Import D»pi.) Whltcfrlara. tsn<— Ttlegrsms. "Kcymrr, London." Bst. ISM TAY SIEW ENG KIM KIAT CO.. SHIP-CHANDLERS.
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    • 314 2 oFor the Skin and Complexion comfort for the skin in every particle of HAZELINESNOW" M The incomparable Beauty-Balm. It acts as m a most beneficial tonic to the skin, cleansing it from impurities, removing roughness, excessive colour and blemishes, I imparting a charming freshness and clearness. g -—^wSßw. < Delightfully
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  • 978 4 ROYAL COLONIAL INSTITUTE DINNER. What the Institute Might Do. The Royal Colonial Institute held its I annual dinner at the Whitehall Rooms on May 28, the date being, appropriately enough, the eve of Empire Day. Throughout all parts of the Empire similar celebrations j were being held, and
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 234 4 RANEEGUNGE GLAZED STONEWARE. Drainpipes and Junctions. ALL SIZXS STOCKED. SHARPE, ROSS GO., LD. The Latest Fashionable Jewellery. T 64 Platinum, Diamond and Pearl Neck-band JSS. 18. B. Illustrations p^— ~t^-t~- t -->J Watches, and prices jS^^^^'^^jf Jewellery, of any CttK»^ J^ Go d &nd ver< requirements Enamels, post free Leather
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    • 90 4 Chamberlain's Pain Balm. A touch of rheumatism, or a twinge of neuralgia, whatever the trouble <s, Cham borlain'u Pain Balm drives away the pain at once and cares the complaint quickly. First application gives relief. When a bottle of it is kept in the house the pain of barns and
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    • 686 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. BURNS PHILP LINE. Sucoapobb to J*v* Pobts. Pobt Dabwim, 1 hdrsday Island, Bbibbamb and Stdhbt vis Toßsas Stbars. Also taking passengers and cargo with transhipment for other Viotobiam, Soirra Austbauam and Nobth Qcbbmslamd Posts, Bunas Nbw Guikba, Nsw Bbttaw, Tasmamiam and Naw Znum Pobts, tmoothPassags. BtipaHb ■OS)*—*. A
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    • 710 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. TOYO RISEN KAISHA (Oriental S.S. Co.) and WESTERN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. Tbe New Route Via China, Japan, Honolulu, aad Saa Frasclsoo to all points ia tbe United States, Canada, Moxioo aad Borope, II.MO t M Iris* IcwwT.rsin«U»ar«»lhl P.T. Ms™ -Tssfs Baf la* "tans assra," tas tjasaasaf tas NaUai.
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    • 246 4 BRITISH INDIA BTEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. LIMITED. FOR PORT SWBTTBNHAM, PBNANG, NBGAPATAM, MADRAS, PONMCHB KKY CUDDALORE, KARIKAL AND NBGAPATAM. The Company's Steamer TBESTA, 6,398 tons, C. Willis, Commander, will be despatobed for the above ports on Monday, the tBrd instant, at 6 p.m. She has exoellent accommodation for first and seoond-olass
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 610 5 STEAMER BAIUNBB. P. &0. STEAM NAVIGATION GB. FOB OBINA, JAPAN, PBNANO, CBYLOM, AUSTRALIA, INDIA, ADIN, lOYFT, MIDITIRRANBAN PORTS, PLY MOUTH AND LONDON. Through Bills ot Lading issued tor Jhiaa Coast, Porca* Gulf. Uoaeiaaata! and Amerioaa Porto, tteamers will leave Singapore aa or about: MAIL LINES iaia Bome—ird [for Bmropt.l. from
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    • 616 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. RY.K. JAPM MAIL STEAMSHIP 00., LTD. EUIOPEAN LINE. A Fortnightly servioe is maintained between Yokohama via ports to Marseilles, London and Antwerp, under mail contract with the Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin-screw Steamers maintaining this service have been specially designed and constructed, and are fitted with all
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    • 743 5 STEAMER BAILINBB. rHE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION GO.. LD. SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Pahang. Berserab, Kretay, Paka, Trlnggana, Bisat, Semera, Baohok, Kelaatta, fabai, Bangnara, Telupia, Panarai, Pataai, Biagora, Laooa, Kohsamui, Baadoa), jangscea, Taku, Cbompoa, Kohlak and Bangkok, Dim Departure. Ska. MAHIDOL June 83 Jun« OS. t.i. REDANQ June 25 June 88. ....PRACHATIPOK June
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    • 519 5 STEAMER SAILIWM HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. AMD OfBTICi CtaPFtOIIH f UaTSam iasiA irebji* Combined Bervloe The steamres of these Companies maintain a regular servioe between Hamburg Bremen Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straita, Chiaa and Japaa. Homewards, they are despatched tortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and onoe a month for
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    • 601 5 STEAMEB SAILIXSI N. D L. ■orddouttohor Lloyd, Br«Kft > IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINt Th 6 fast and well-known mail steamer* ->•■ this Company sail fortnightly trom Bromi •> Hamburg, via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Scut i ampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples tooa«ic ing Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and > vena) Port Said, Suea, Aden,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 213 6 KEROSENE OIL FOR BUNGALOWS, COOLIE-LINES, WATCH-HOUSES, ROAD-LAMPS, JUNQLE-CLEARINQ OIL ENGINES. LUBRICATING OIL GREASE For all classes of Engines and Machinery. MOTOR CYLINDER OIL MOTOR GREASE Specially prepared for Motor Cars. For particulars and prices, apply to THE ASIATIC PETROLEUM COMPANY. (Straits Settlements), Limited, Winchester House, SINGAPORE. DIAMONDS, JEWELLERY AND WATCHES.
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    • 330 6 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. FOR BALE. Dei Pony together with new Gharry anc haroeat. Arply Box No. 294, Straits Times, 88-6 25-8 MUNICIPAL NOTICE, The Municipal Commissioners of the Town of Singapore require tbe services of a Sini tary Inspector. Salary commencing at tICO per mensem rising (on the recommendation of the
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    • 722 6 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Subscription List will open on Monday, the 23rd June. 1913, and will close at or before 4 o clock p.m.. on Monday, the 30th June. 1913. MALAYAN COLLIERIES, LTD. Incorporated under the Companies' Enactment, 1897 Capital $2,000,000. Divided into 200,000 Shares of $10 each. ISSUE OF 89,000 SHARES
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    • 412 6 Sunlight Soap is guaranteed absolutely pure. This guarantee is backed by £1,000, which I sum will be given I to any person who I can prove that I Sunlight Soap conI tains any form of adulteration whatso- ever or any I Cr Jj injurious U^Ri»V chemicals. APf^fc||[LEVEß BROS. LTD.. /^^^Bgj^lP
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 482 7 I^OR MEN ONLY. ltVHiteaiivay, Laidlaw's Value. ONILEMEN^jyUZr "iSS" fcr^ 0 lpiT^^l Wo Btock three standard ISlllli^ i^filMl VF STS qnalitiesin ||l#*f ■•VT INDIA GAUZE VEBTB I f~ n These are made spsoially for J I I ff y. t Whiteaway, Laidlaw k Co., JVv I -f^J Ltd nd canßot f
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    • 262 7 THE "WONDER" Black Cashmere Socks. ptAggM^CKS k.,» Cash Price j#^ $4.00 X^^^^y per dozen. The Wonder Sock is of British manufacture and is all pure wool with Extra spliced yarns in the heels and toes to give greater wear resisting power. They are especially suitable for the rough treatment cocks
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    • 286 7 THE "EXCELSIOR" /j\ INVERNESS WATER- wLIiHI'M PROOF CLOAK. jf^Mi// lj KHAKI COLOUR ONLY. W th 'Lj)^ TLv Keen Cash Price T^B!ft| l I^l $S.OOeach. T*M I 1 Tbe Exoelfiot Waterproof Clo&k is \fflafr i j made of kbaki paramatta in the "Inverness" stjie, with all-ronud cape j.i I 1 as
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  • 110 8 FIXTURES. Monday, June 23. High Wator, 0.26 a.m., 2 7 p.ra l'riuec of Wales' Birthday. Tuesday, June 24. High Water, IJ a.m., 2.4S p.m. Licensing Justice*, 2.£0 p.m. Wednesday, June 25. High Water. 1.58 a.m., 8.31 p.m Thursday, June 26. High Water, 2.44 a.m., 4.2 p.m <
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  • 169 8 To-day. Batu Pahat Aing Hin 8 pm Batu Pahat Mena 8 pm Anamba and Natuna Is. Batavior 8 pm Malacca and Muar Kaka 8 pm P. Swettenham and Telok Anson Perak 8 pm !3s*Ccylon, Australasia, Mauritius, India, Egypt, and Euro**, etc. Paul Lecat 3pm Penang and Calcutta
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  • 93 8 The P. and O. homeward mail steamer Arcadia left Hongkong at 1 p.m. on Saturday, June 21, and may be expected to arrive here on Thursday morning, June 26. The P. and O. outward mail steamer China left Colombo at midnight on Saturday, Jane 21, and may
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  • 74 8 Lift Sinoapori. D May 20 N. D. L. May 22 B. I. May 26 M. M. May 80 P. AO. June 2 N. D. L. June B. I. June 0 M. M. Juno 13 P. O. Jane 10 N. D. L. June 19 B. I. Hi in
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  • 520 8 Latest Arrivals. Alting, Dut. str. 740 tons, Capt Kolk, Jubc 28. From Pontianak, June 21. G.c. and p. S. Agency, Ltd. For Pontianak, June 26. Ittls. Brouwer, Dut. str. 324 tons, Capt Lensinck, June 22. From P. Baroe, June 21. G.c. and d.p. S. Agency Ltd. For P.
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  • 100 8 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To-Day; TANJONG PAOAR. East Wharf Basin Lady Weld. W. Section No. l...Teeeta, Chiengmai. Sheers Wharf Koala. Main W. Sect. No. 2...Sui Sane, Rumphius. 8...NH. 4 K < 1 1 k 1 1 1 1 Maru. 6...Oorgon. O...Cbo
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  • 190 8 Arrivals. Per str. Pin Seng, June 22.— From Penang via ports Mr. Holmes. Per Btr. Calypso, June 22.— From Port Swettenham Mr. K. M. Tozer and Mrs. E. I^ewis. Per str. Mai ml n, June 22. From Labuan Messrs. C. Brackenburg, G. Brown, E. Hunt, L. Somerville.
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  • 41 8 June 28.— At No. 172, Tanjong Katong Road, furniture etc., at 2.80. July 1. At saleroom, unredeemed pledges, at 10. July 8. At saleroom, unredeemed pledges, at 10. July 5. At saleroom, unredeemed pledges, at 10.
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  • 48 8 Suffragists in the Doncaster district are credited with a new form of militancy. Cyclists and motorists entering Doncaster recently complained of the presence near the town of tin tacks on the highways leading from Sheffield, York, and London. In some cases the tin tacks were wrapped in paper.
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  • 264 8 EXCHANGE SlNOAPORl, Jl.Nl 28, 1918. On London Bank 4 m/i 3/4} Demand 2/4 fc Private 8 m/8 2/41J 8 m/a 3/411 On OiHMi«n Bank d/d 2884 Private 8 m/a 248} On Fbancb Bank d/d J94 Private 8 m/a 2*9* On India Bank T. T. 174) Private 80
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    • 158 8 10 10 AltipftPß H. 50 9.60 10 10 Belat T is 2.e0 2.75 10 10 Hruan K f... 1.00 10 10 Kanaboi 2.10 2.25 10 10 Kanipar par 10 iO KinU Association 1M.50 14.50 £1 £1 KinUTin 1.14.74 2.0.4 £1 £1 Lahat Miner 1.2.6 1.5.0 £1 £1 Malayan Tins
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    • 584 8 I? 8 6 3 Buyers. Sellers. 3/- 3/- AUagsi 3/- 2/6 41 41 Anglo Java 6/- 5/10 3/- 3/- Anglo-Malay 9/1* 9/10 2/- 3/- Batang Malaka 1/10 2/8 £1 41 Batu Tiga 2.8.9 2.18.6 £1 £1 Bukit Kajang 2.0.6 2.1.10 41 £1 Bukit Lintang 8.15.0 4.10.0 norn 2/- 3/-
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    • 103 8 vXj £1 £1 B. Smelting Co. 18/8 19/ £1 £1 Pref. 1.3.6 1.4.8 5/- 6/- Electric T'wayt 8/- 4/10 10 Fraser Neave 60.00 61.00 100 Howarth Erskine 60X0 100 7% Pref. 95.00 100.00 100 100 Kati Bro, Del. 18C.00 140.00 10 10 Maynard Co. 20.00 vs£l B»*«B 100 100
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 45 8 Sick To-day, Well To-morrow. If you feel dull and stupid, are bilious and constipated, take a dose of Chamberlain's Tablets before going to bed. They are just what you need, and you will be all right tomorrow. v or sale b» all Disnensaries and Dealers.
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    • 141 8 AUCTION SALES. Powell and Co. .lune 24. At saleroom, house property at Teluk Ayer St., at 2.80. June 24. At saleroom, land and house, Vindobona, off Orange Grove Kd., at 2.80. June 24. At saleroom, valuable residential property Taunton Stevens Road, Tanglin, at 2.80. June 26. At No. 5, Raffles
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    • 67 8 HARIMA HALL CINEMATOGRAPH. NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. To-Nirfht! To-Night?! ITALA'S THE MYSTERY OF SOULS (in 3 parts) (Tbe greatest dramatic piece evtr produced). BIOORAPH'S THE LITTLE TEASE (in 2 parts) (The very human story of a girl who was gcod at heart. Done in The Biograph Way.") GAUMONX GRAPHIC NO. 21.
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  • 1007 9 The Straits Times. MONDAY, JUNE 28. THE CHANNEL TUNNELLERS. Those hopeful enthusiasts, known in the best financial circles as the shareholders of the Channel Tunnel Company, have just been holding their annual comparison of notes, from which we gather that hope continues to spring eternal, although the scheme has made
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  • 15 9 The F.M.S. are now advertised in the Daily Mail by the Malay States Information Agency.
    Daily Mail  -  15 words
  • 26 9 During the past four months 138,000 emigrants left Great Britain— 66,9ll for Canada, 28,482 for Australia, 4,881 for New Zealand, and 28,622 for the United States.
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  • 35 9 Eight hundred and thirty-six ounces of gold were exported from the F.M.S. in May. The total export for the five months of the year is 4,468.29 oz. Practically the whole of this came from R«ub.
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  • 39 9 During May, 305.29 piculs of wolfram were exported from the F.M.S. making the total export this year to the end of May 1,370.25 piculs. This was alightly mom than the amount exported on the corresponding period of last year.
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  • 25 9 Mrs. E. J. Gomes desires to thank those kind and sympathetic friends who sent wreaths and letters of condolence to her in her recent bereavement.
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  • 28 9 As advertised on another page of this issue, the subscription list for Malayan Collieries, Limited, opens to-day and remains open until next Monday, the 80th, at four o'clock.
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  • 35 9 The Paddington Board of Guardians has learned that illiam Howe, who was emigrated by the board to Canada as a pauper in 1905, is now the owner of 320 acres of land valued at $6,000.
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  • 37 9 In tho regimental orders for July issued by Lt.-Col. A. B. Hubback,, commanding the M.S.V.R., it is noted that a camp will be held at Taiping on the race-course from Friday, July 18, to Monday, July 21.
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  • 35 9 On July 7 the Rev. W. G. Shellabear will give an address on missionary work among Mohammedans, especially Malays, at the Prinsep Street Church. All interested are asked to keep this night free to come.
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  • 43 9 Two Hokiens were each fined |2 this morning in the third court for cruelty to fowls. They were working on a steamer when they were caught in the act of throwing, the birds, which were trussed, from the deck into a sampan below.
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  • 53 9 The quarterly social meeting of the Straits Chinese Literary Association was held yesterday, and medals for the draughts tourna ments were presented. The successful com pet i tors were:— Championship tournament, 1. Mr. Tan Yew Kirn, 2. Mr. Lim Teck Hoe handicap tournment, 1. Mr. Gab Hood Kiat, 2. Mr.
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  • 54 9 A Renter's telegram from Canton, appearing in the Shanghai papers, says: The Canton police have decided to establish an extradition office in Hongkong to deal with fugitives from justice. Mr. Bowley, a Hongkong solicitor, has been engaged as agent. Proceedings for the deportation from Canton of two Greeks, accused of
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  • 64 9 H. J. Lind, who absconded from Shanghai three months ago and was recently arrested on his arrival in San Francisco, has been released from custody on a writ of habeas corpus. It appears that there is no extradition treaty which will apply to a British subject arrested in the States
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  • 71 9 A twakow coolie named Low Joo Lee was sentenced, this morning, in the third court, to one month's rigorous imprisonment for the theft of two gold rings valued at 933-84 and one dollar in silver. The rings were stolen from Lim Lian Cbwee on a twakow in the harbour, but
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  • 74 9 Residents of Kiver Valley, Lloyd and Oxley Roads complain of the disturbances created nightly by Hylam house servants, who parade the streets shouting at the pitch of their voices. Towards midnight and in the early hours of the morning, these Hylams return from town in rikishas, and the unfortunate pullers
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  • 86 9 The Clan liners, the Clan Ross, Clan Campbell and the Clan Mackay, have been sold by Messrs. Cayzer, Irvine and Company, Limited, of Glasgow, to the Adelaide Steamship Company, Limited, and will be in future employed in that company's interstate cargo trade. The vessels during the past year have been
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  • 95 9 In reply to an enquiry from the 8.N.8. Government as to the probability of the successful cultivation of sisal hemp or Manila hemp in the territory, the North Borneo Chamber ot Commerce has stated that the principal cause which would militate against the successful cultivation of this product was the
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  • 116 9 The Colombo Police have been informed of the theft from a cabin of the N. D. L. steamer Luetzow of a portfolio, belonging to Mr. Schellhas, late captain in the German Army, containing a deposit receipt issued by the Deutsche Asiatische Bank, Shanghai, for 12,000 taels the following notes one
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  • 154 9 Ahamadsah, a Kling of North Bridge Road, for whose arrest a warrant was issued a short time ago and executed in Penang, appeared in the District court this morning to answer a charge of robbing Mr. Maurice Guston, of Prince Street, of 1400 in notes. Court Inspector Bourne appeared to
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  • 419 9 Mr. Archibald Rofe, Assistant Chines* Secretary in Peking, is to take up the ViceConsulship at Hankow. Today, H.R.H. the Prince of Wales cele brates his birthday, when he attains the age of 19. A Royal salute was fired from Fort Canning at noon. Mr. John Grieve, managing
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  • 44 9 Owing to band engagements, and the engagement of the Victoria Hall for the sale of work on behalf of the Chinese Girls, School, the date proposel for the next Children's Concert has been altered to the first Friday in July, the 4th.
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  • 138 9 At noon on Saturday the sluice gates cons tructed in the dam which still lies across the entrance of the new Lagoon Dock at Taujonn Pagar were opened and the sea allowed to flow in. The gates were opened at the touch of Mrs. J. R. Nicholson
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  • 154 9 The following noti ications appear in the current issue of the F.M.S. Government Gazette:— The Legal Adviser to be an official member of the Federal Council Mr. G. H. Day to be an unofficial member of the Federal Council; Messrs. F. Glendinning, R. D. Jackson and J.
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  • 192 9 Time-honoured and picturesque cennonies in connection with the impending marriage of Hr. Mahomed Saleh Marican, son of Mr. K. E. Ahmad Marican, wore carried out yesterday, which was the third day of the celebrations. In the course of the day about 1,200 of the leading Mohammedans residents
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 264 9 ALMA "POPULAR" A really high-class Egyptian Cigarette at a moderate price. $1.25 per tin of 100. SL, ROBINSON CO. I SPECIAL Stocktaking Offers. yZrf Gentlemen's fine white "Gaberdine" Flannel Trousers. Style and Finish guaranteed, washes perfectly, y^gal^ Made to measure. I J- $8.50 pair. i I/ Fine Black Gents' Cashmere
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    • 175 9 THE KING OF COMICS That is what yon will find it to be: THE HOLY STATE OR A MATRIMONIAL MUDDLE A splendidly enacted Picture Comedy IN THREE PARTS ACTED BY THE PRINCE OF COMEDIANS (M. Prince), and a bevy of special artistes. SUPPOITBD Bf AN APPRECIATIVE THANHOUBER DRAMA. Mended Happiness,
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    • 11 9 Latest advertisements of the day appear on page 6 and 11.
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  • 141 10 BULGARIA AND SERVIA STILL AT CROSS PURPOSES. Talk of An Ultimatum. RauTßß's Tslbobam. London, June 21. Bulgaria has despatched a note to Greece protesting against the persecution of Bulgarians in Macedonia. The note declares that Bulgaria is willing to agree to demobilisation provided Salonika and south western Macedonia
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  • 134 10 Deb Dhtahivtischk Lloyd Telegram. Berlin, June 21. Bulgaria demands a quick reply from Setvia, otherwise she will deliver an ultimatum. The Russian Minister at Sofia is taking fresh steps to induce M. Danew to go to St. Petersburg!), if necessary, without demobilisation of the forces. Berlin, June 22. Servia has
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  • 46 10 Government Determines on a Clean Sweep. RICTBB'3 TBUOBAM. London, June 21. According to a Constantinople message, the Turkish Government has determined to make a clean sweep of all opposition by deporting officers and officials wholesale, while the principal conspirators will be tried by courtmartial.
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  • 45 10 Resignation of the Labour Premier. BbOTIB'r TILBORAM. London, June 22. The Australian general election finally re suited in a Govornment minority of one. Mr. Fisher, the Labour Premier, has re signed, and the Liberal leader, the Hon. J. Hume Cook, forms a Ministry.
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  • 48 10 Rbutbb's Tklkgram. London, June 22. A message from Rome states that columns proceeding from Derna and Gbegab have engaged in sanguinary combats with the Arabs. Tbe Italian casualties were 18 men killed and 217 wounded. Among the officers, one was killed and five were wounded.
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  • 44 10 Rbutbb's Telf.orah. London, June 21. At Gibraltar, a company of the Lincolnshire Regiment have been ordered to hold themselves in readiness to proceed to Tangier if required. Spanish troops are continually leaving Algeciras to proceed to Ceuta, where fighting is proceeding.
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  • 48 10 Riutbr's Tblkgkam. London, .Tune 22. The Committee of the Washington Senate has inserted in the Tariff Bill a clause empowering the President to levy duties in retaliation for anti-American discrimination, and also to suspend rates upon certain arti cles, including coffee, tea, silk, and dress goods.
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  • 38 10 baOTH't TILBOKAK. London, June 21. The African Society has entertained the King of Uganda at a banquet at the Trocadero Restaurant. Sir C. P. Lucas presided, and there w at a distinguished gathering.
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  • 384 10 Close of The Summer Race Meeting. (Fbom Oca Own Cobbespondbnt.) Koala Lumpur, Jane 22. The Selangor Races concluded on Satur day, when there was a large attendance. The weather was delightful. Appended are the results Koala Lcmpor Stakes.— B. Class pony griffins. Distance 6 for. Sergeant Brae
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  • 281 10 (From A Correspondent.) Trengganu, June 19. Mr. E. A. Dicksun, the British agent, left on the 12th inst. for Besut in the same state. He was accompanied by Haji Ngbah, and several other prominent chiefs of Trengganu. There is a boundary dispute between the States of Kelantan
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  • 190 10 We are informed that on Saturday, the Singapore Shorthand Writers of Sir Isaac Pitman System assembled at Raffles Institution, kindly placed at their disposal by Mr. C. M. Phillips, the principal, to hear an address on the life of the Father of Phonography. It was at first
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  • 61 10 HUNDREDS KILLED IN RECENT VISITATION. Help for the Distressed. R« DTK'S TaUOKAH. London, Jane 22. The recent earthquake in Bulgaria practically wiped out Tirnova and Garanomts. Handredß hare been killed and the damage is pat at several million francs. Relief oommittees have been formed and foreign aid has
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  • 72 10 Market Acutely Weak— Prices Far Down. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, June 20. At the rubber auctions the average price realised was 2,8j per lb. The concluding stages showed an improvement, but a large quantity of scrap reduced the average price. The share market is acutely weak,
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  • 645 10 German Captain's Story of Terrible Journey. Details of one of the worst tragedies of modern Arctic exploration are filtering through from Widge Bay, the northernmost point of Spitzbergen, where the German expedition under Lieutenant Schroeder-Stranz was lost during the winter. The expedition, composed of eleven
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  • 78 10 For the period from June 27 to July 10, 1018, inclusive, the duty on cultivated rubber on which export duty ia leviable in the F.M.S. on an ad valorem basis, in accordance with the rules under the Customs Duties Enactment, will be assessed on the following
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  • 864 10 A PRODUCERS' PROTECTION ASSOCIATION. Future of the Rubber Market. The third ordinary general meeting of tho Batang Malaka Rubber Estates, Limited, was held on May 29, at Winchester House, Old Broad Street, E.C., Mr. E. H. Sharpe (chairman) presiding, The Chairman said The total area now under
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  • 132 10 H. R. Prince Krom Mun Kampengpetch Akhayothin, a younger brother of the King of Siam, arrived in Penang on Friday from Padang by the K. P. M. steamer Maetsuijcker after a holiday in Batavia. On landing the Prince motored to the E. and O. Hotel, where was
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  • 106 10 The northern extremity of Hatlock'a famous High Tor, which is visited by a quarter of a million persons yearly, and of which Ruskin wrote so enthusiastically, is to be removed. Clinging to the main rock ia a large crag. This by prooess of time has separated itself
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  • 603 10 How Tainui's Passengers Were Rescued. The passengers by the New Zealand steamship Tainui, who were transferred to tbe Garth Castle after the former vessel's colli sion off the coast of Spain on May 25, were landed at Plymouth just before one o'clock on the morniDg of the following
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  • 305 10 Disastrous Floods and Appalling Losses. The very heavy monsoon in Kathiawar this year caused a terrible catastrophe resulting in enormous loss of life at Palitana, where, according to a private telegram received in Bombay on June 13, floods played havoc on the previous Wednesday night. It has
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  • 176 10 Looal sportsmen, and followers of the fistic art in particular, will be interested to bear of the success in India of Private R. O. Warne, the clever little featherweight champion boxer of the Buffs, which regiment is now stationed at Wellington, Madras. Warne has taken part
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  • 193 10 UNIONIST POLICY IN THE LAND CAMPAIGN. Welsh Disestablishment Protest. KSUTBB'S TILBOBAM. London, June 21. It is stated that Mr. Lloyd George will shortly open tho Liberal land campaign. Lord Landsdowne, speaking at Matlock, outlined the Unionist land policy. He said there wag no better system than the British
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  • 40 10 Rbdibr's Tblboram. London, July 21. Kent beat Warwickshire by six wickets Sussex beat Oxford University by an innings and 83 Worcestershire beat Lancashire by eleven runs. The matches between Yorkshire and Middlesex and Notts and Hampshire were drawn.
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  • 35 10 Kbctbr's Tilboeak London, June 22. At the international flying meeting at Aspern (Austria) two aeroplanes collided at a height of 120 feet. Both were smashed. Two aeronauts were seriously hurt and one slightly.
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  • 45 10 Rkutbr's Tblboram. London, June 21. The report of the Federation of Trader Unions expresses regret that the contribu tions for the past five years have been only £20,233, and the expenditure has boon one and a quarter per cent, of tfiat aroonnt.
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  • 29 10 KsDTf K> TIMOBAII. London, June 21. A telegram from the Hague states that the Coast Defence Bill, which includea the much discussed Flushing fortifications, has been adopted.
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  • 130 10 Hbdtbr's Tblxuram London, June '21. Major General F. H. Kelly, C.8.. Royal Engineers, has been gazetted to the command of the troops in South China in succession to Major General C. A. Anderson, C.B. Maj.-Gen. C. A. Anderson, C.8., who is to succeed Lieut-Gen. Sir B. T.
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  • 23 10 Hbutbb s Telegram. London, June 22. The death is announced of Sir Frederick Johnstone, who twice owned the winner of tbe Derby.
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  • 80 10 Dta Ojtasutiscu Lloyd Tilbokam. Berlin, June 21. The Kaiser has issued a general letter of thanks for the jubilee celebrations, couched in the heartiest words. He mentions especially the manifestation!! of the colonies aud of foreign nations, and thanks them for their gifts for missionary purposes in
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  • 20 10 DlB OsTASIATISCHB LLOYD TeLIOBAM. Berlin, June 21. Ambassador Haxthausen continues to make satisfactory progress. The wound is healing.
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  • 1398 11 FRENCH ENTERPRISE LEADS THE WAY. The British Section. The Financier's correspondent at Ghent provides an interesting description of the exhibition now proceeding in the Belgian town. The exhibition, he writes, which covers an area of about 300 acres, will rank amongst the world's great international industrial displays, but
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  • 424 11 Interesting Account of Chinese Methods. Those who long for the day when they will be able to retire from the stress of business and start chicken farming as an easy and profitable pursuit will be interested in the following description of a Chinese chicken hatchery by the
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  • 185 11 The report of the Oadek Rubber Estate, Limited, states that, although tho acting manager reported at the end of December last that 1,200 acres had been planted up, it has been found on the completion of the Government survey that the area planted is 1,160 acres, and
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  • 164 11 A romance of the Peerage seems destined to be unveiled here, says a Simla message of June 13. Several years ago a Mr. Teeling arrived in India, and it is stated that on his deathbed he got his son, who is a clerk in the
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  • 562 11 THE BRITISH-INDIA CO 'S SHIPS. Progress and Development of The Fleet. Tbe Calcutta Commercial correspondent of tbe Pioneer wrote on the Oth inst. There is not anybody in Calcutta, and very few folk over the length and breadth of India, to whom the black And white banded funnel of tbe
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  • 353 11 In the Pintoe Perniagaan, a monthly Java magazine which is printed partly in Dutch, there is an article about tho winning of gold in Martapoera (East Borneo) describing the way in which the Malays and Dayaks work. So far the operations (in East Borneo) are entirely
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  • 238 11 A remarkable sight was witnessed by the passengers and officers of the steamer Dimboola on the run from Port Adelaide to Fremantle the otbor week. When the vessel was in the Australian Bight one of the officers noticed a number of porpoises and a whale close
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  • 660 11 Lady Evelyn Young Presents the Prizes. The annual meeting of the S.K.A. was con eluded on Saturday afternoon, the mixed doubles and the brick competition being the only two events that remained to be decided. The results in the doubles were very close, whilst in the
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  • 50 11 Commander W. H. D. Boyle, K.N., who has been appointed Naval Attache at Rome and Vienna, was on the Daphne in China from 1893 to 1902 and took part in the Boxer operations, and again came to the Far Bast in 1904 when he was first lieutenant of the Astra*.
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 54 11 On June 12, a special bench, consisting of Dr. Thornhill, Chief Judge, Calcutta Court of Small Causes, and Mr. Panioty, third judge, delivered judgment in the suit brought against Mr. Joe Lee for the recovery of the balance of the price of tickets in a sweepsstake on the Viceroy's Cup.
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    • 142 11 S.C.R.C. Tournament. The following results are recorded from 19th to the 21st inst.:— A Championship.— G. B. Taye beat Chia Hood Sang, w. o. Tan Wi Van beat Tan Soo Bin, 7—5, o—2. B Championship. Lim Huay Ginn beat Gaw Khek Khiam, w. 0. Wee Kirn Hoe beat
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    • 96 11 keppel Harbour Oolf Club Twenty-six cards were taken out. The second round of tbe St. James's cup will be played on or before Sunday, 29th inst. On Monday, Wednesday, and Friday of this and next week, mixed foursome competition. The eclectic competition finishes on June 80. The Jane Medal
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    • 184 11 Bromhead Matthews Shield. This competition for Volunteer Units in the Colony and F.M.S. was fired of by the local teams yesterday at Balestier, three teams entering from the S.V.A. (maxims) S.R.E. (v) and S.V.I. Major Glennie and Capt. Mulling were umpires for the outside teams and Lt. Craik
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    • 371 11 S.C.C. Tournament. Ties in the S.C.C. lawn bowling tournament will be played as under To-day's Ties. Single Handicap. T. M. Welih v. F. Blackwell. W. U. Threlfall v. J. Hammond. F. W. Lyall v. J. Bond. J. A. Chamberlain v. O. E. Teale. A. A. Armstrong v. B.
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    • 231 11 5.C.C. v. SMC. This match was played on the Ksplanadc on Saturday. Scores S.C.C. A. S. Oardiner c Armstrong b G. Oehlers 1 B. W. Day b W. Keyt 80 O. C. Clarke c Oorloff b O. Oehlers 81 J. Scharenguivel lbw G. Oehlers 11 S. Ollerhead b V.
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  • 386 11 Messrs. Samuel Montagu and Co.'s Weekly Report. Messrs. Samuel Montgu and Co. in their report, dated May 29, state About £1,200,000 arrived in the form of bar gold, of which an unusually large amount, £263,000, had to be reserved for India. There was a good demand for
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  • 342 11 The report of the Kombok (F.M.S.) Rubber Company, Limited, states that the liquidation of the vendor company has been completed. The cash balance available as an asset of this company was £7,296, and this has been received. According to revised survey tho following are the particulars of
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  • 1118 12 SIDDEN WEALTH STIMULATES EXPENDITURE. Lord Kitchener's Report. Ever since I entered upon my present duties," says Lord Kitchener, in his report as Agent and Consul -General on the finances, administration and condition of Egypt and tbe Soudan in 1913, I have been anxious to arrange some practical means
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  • 578 12 Scholarship and Poetry on The Bench. Much discussion has been going on for some time in legal circles respecting the disinclination of our judges to retire, although they have nerved sufficiently long to entitle them to the highest pension to which they may aspire. Various hypotheses are given
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  • 161 12 Twelve Company Directors Being Sued. After a long judicial inquiry, states the Chemist und Druggist, of May 17, legal proceedings are to be taken against twelve directors of the company formed several years ago for the manufacture of synthetic camphor, known as Le Camphre, and its subsidiary company
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  • 70 12 The Medical Faculty of Paris has been fined £90 for contributory negligence which caused a recent slight outbreak of typhoid fever. An investigation showed that river water bad become mixed with the regular supply, this bein^ duo to the conduit pipes iuhiilc the faculty's premises having been tampered with, though
    70 words
  • 927 12 Prices Quoted la tbe Market This Morning. Singapore, Jane 23, 1918. Mem. Lj*ll and Bv»tt, Bxohange and Share Broken, Mine the following liat o( quotations monung Sou. Valdi. Botih. Sillii». 3/- AUagar 2/- S/0 4 1 An K loJava 6/- 5/10* 1 Anglo Johore 7/8 8/8 8/-
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  • 119 12 The Greek warship Doxa is reported by tbe Times of India's Aden correspondent to have capture the British steamer Southfield, bound from Newport, South Wales, to Haifa, with a cargo of 5,640 tons of coal consigned to the agent for the supply of coal to
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  • 106 12 Mr. Corbett Wilson is the first Englishman to cross the Alps on a Bleriot monoplane. He accomplished the feat, accompanied by a mechanic, on May 21. The Aero Club promptly arranged a reception in his honour, and Mr. Wilson has received hearty congratulations from friends and
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 25 12 Losing Weight by the Pound JmTTMwriMii— oeo ma on iwwiwi J -tT"-" Hi I ■"»"'^a» and healthy fkah MMIM saatacfeh. Vsry paiatabW. I i 1
      25 words
    • 8 12 For Bronchial Cough* take Woods' Great Peppermint Care.
      8 words
    • 153 12 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. ZORNHEIMER A Hook which retains, even in the climate of Ma'aya, its own fxjnigite aroma and bouquet. This we consider the supreme test of excellence, and we challenge comparison. Alii NTS Garner, Quelch Co., WMi M 0 WHBIT MERCHANTS Battery Road, Singapore Telephone Ml THB EVER PoPLLAR STAR
      153 words
    • 560 12 tFrom June 16, 1913 MIOHELIN'S PRICES OF Motor Car TyresARE REDUCED AS FOLLOWS: Tubes 90 m/m section 2% Covers and Tubes of all other sizes 7% Dupire Bros., AGENTS. 170 80 6 RAFFLES HOTEL Special Dinner BATURDAY, JUNE 28. Dancing In the Dining Room. Open Air Concert on the Lawn.
      560 words

  • 983 13 IMPRESSIONS OF AMERICA BY FATHER VAUGHAN. Touring the States. Stories of many things sermons, hobble skirts, Quakers, restaurants, etc. were told by Father liernard Vaughan to an enthusiastic audience at Queen's Hall, where he attended in order to deliver a lecture on the •subject of What I Saw
    983 words
  • 77 13 K^'ypt is now among the countries where women are permitted to practise at the bar. The first Kgyptian lady barrister is Mdme. Nathalie Michel, who lias so far been remaikably successful, and for whom a brilliant future is predicted. It certainly cannot be said tl at
    77 words
  • 343 13 Peer's Brother Held Licence In Bucks. Buckinghamshire can no longer boast of two aristocratic publicans. Sir Henry Echlin, Bart., has given up the licence of the Seven Stars Inn, Bledlow, Buckinghamshire, which be held for some years past and the Hon. S. C. F. Vernon, brother
    343 words
  • 341 13 Quaint Rites in an Ancient Temple. Among the cases in which the Scottish Crofters' Commission were recently called upon to adjudicate was an application at the instance of Major Matheson for the resumption of a small area of croft land near the Butt of Lewis, in order
    341 words
  • 357 13 How The Document is Kept At Somerset House. At a meeting of the Society for Nautical Research, held recently, Mr. Gregory Robinson, the marine painter, said that, on visiting Somerset House to see Nelson's will, which, aa everybody knew, was written in his diary, he found the diary
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  • 1000 13 Lazy, Tired, Anaemic Slander On The World. Mr. Gerald Stanley Lee, the author of] Inspired Millionaires," and of a remarkable article on the machine age, has another striking article in the New York Independent, on The Efficiency of Goodness." I know two kinds of men who believe
    1,000 words
  • 247 13 Narrow Escape From Being Burned Alive. A Rouen resident has just had a narrow escape from being burned alive in the city dost destructor. In Roaen the disposal of house refuse is carried out under the most modern conditions. After having been collec ted, the dust bins
    247 words
  • 376 13 FORTHCOMING ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES. Latest Lists. The following passenger bookings to the Straits are taken from the London and China Express. It should be understood that, in some instances, bookings may be provisional and that intending passengers may alter their arrangements, subsequent to the issuance of this list
    376 words
  • 212 13 Homeward Bound Per P. and O. Arcadia, connecting at Colombo with Marmora, sailing June 27. Mr. O. P. Dakeyne, Mr. N. H. Dakeyne, Mr. Moullin. Mr. C. J. Arnold, Mr. B. Nesbitt, Mr. E. Bull, Mr. T. M. Frost, Mr. F. D. B. Openshaw, Mr. R. Tobey Cozens, Mr. J.
    212 words
  • 457 13 How Museum Officials May Be Deceived The statement that the carved bedstead from Sizergh Castle, Westmoreland, now in the Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington, is not the genuine piece of furniture hitherto believed has raised considerable discussion among experts. This bedstead bears the date 1568, and is
    457 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 261 13 'Colonial' Lounge Suit. It is a mistake to assume that $£y a smart, gentlemanly and ser- ?W viceable Suit is not obtainable |//3 s v at a moderate figure. We make y r/ /A a speciality of well-cut, well- /ty liv tailored, and well-finished Suits j |k\ Vl at the
      261 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 445 14 100,000 ABLER TYPEWRITERS have been manufactured in the short time since the invention of the Adler." This success is the best proof of the popularity of the Adler." That machine which bears the number of 100,000 is now in use at the Court-Marshal's Office of H. H. Prince Regent Ludwig
      445 words
    • 689 14 STEAMER SAILINGS. EOOMBINBD MRVIOI OF OCEAN 8. 8 CO.. LTD.. THE WEBT AUSTRALIAN 8. N. CO.. LTD. umit Ftemantle Perth), North Went u«ti-alian Ports. Jay* and Singapore. Begular Fortnightly sailings buweet I Singapore and Western Australia, calling s Java (as inducement offers), Derby, Km*'Scond (Port (or the Kimberley Gold Fields)
      689 words
    • 346 14 PIANOS Jfo PIANO PLAYERS W MEDIUM CHEAP AND THE BEST TUNING ROBINSON PIANO INCLUDED Company, Limited. DON'T READ THIS When you are busy but please read through carefully when you find time and we feel sure it will interest you very much We can make all sorts of Celluloid Advertising
      346 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 453 15 SINGAPORE 8 ONLY COMPANY. LARGEBT PAID-UP CAPITAL OF ANY EABTERH COMPACT. PROSPEROUS and PROGRESSIVE. THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. head OFFICE Wmohuter House, Singapore. LONDON OFFIOB I 82, OM Jewry, E.C The Company has £20.000 deposited with the Supreme Oowt of Bngland. sad complies wish ttw British Life
      453 words
    • 281 15 lIIBURAIICE. FEDERAL LIFE MWMNCt MMPMn Of C*»»D» Inutnus 188s. IMpOSS Qovernmant luMrvLlon Qovornm«nt Audit. Policies are WORLD WIDB" asid Non Forteitable, ktwtfa) Mat Surplus above liabilities tor Reserve and all oGtstaadiag claims. MsrW Bualnoaa, 1011, 0ver...t8,800.000.00 Oaab Loans, Settlements, ess., made looally. Nnmerous modura schemes. 4. M. IVANS, Manager Sootb
      281 words
    • 445 15 BANKING. THE tZE KAI TOM BANKIM AND INBURANCE GO. LTD. NO. IT AND 18. KLING BTRBBT IItULMEID 190 T. Capital paid up. ..................11,000,000.00 Beaarre liability of proprietors.. .1 1 ,000 ***** Reserve Fund........ »800,000.00 COURT OK DIRECTORS. 1. T*p Taoa Jooh S. Low Kmoob Tn 1. Tarn Bwi Kmi T.
      445 words
    • 395 15 BANKING. THE CHINEBE COMMERCIAL BANK. LIMITED. NEW PREMISES, 64, Kling Street, Singapore. AUTHORISED CAPITAL 11,000,000 IBBUBD CAPITAL 12,000,000 BOARD OF DIRECTORS I Lee Choon Guan, Esq.— Chairman. Lorn Peng Siang.EHq. Cheok Cheng Kee, Scow Bng Tin, Kaq. Esq. Teo Cheng Hai, Bag. Tan Siao Cheng, B«q Tan Chay Van, Bnj.
      395 words
    • 753 15 B*llB BY AUCTION. AUCTION SALE Of TEAK HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, ETC., AT SURLINOHAM, NO. 7, MOUNT ELIZABETH RO\D, On Saturday, Juna 98, sat 2.30 v.m. Excellently designed teak sideboard, teak dining table, teak and ratten srmohsirs, teak punkah, crockery, glatsware, platedware, etc Iron bedsteads teak almoirah and wardrobe, teak wathstaud, rattan
      753 words
    • 223 15 AUCTION BALE Ot UNREDEEMED PLEDGES, THE PROPBRTY OF TEN PAWN-SHOPS, On Tubsdat, Jdlt 1, 1018, at 10 a.m. Oh Thursday, July 8 1918, at 10 a.m. Om Saturday, Jolt 5, 1913, at 10 a m. Toe pledges consisting of Watohep, Chains, Gold, Diamond and other Rings, Earrings, Chinese und Malay
      223 words

  • 920 17 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. The Wear of Roads. The subject of road-wear, with the effects upon the surface of different kinds of wheels, if, says The Financier, being discussed as much as ever, indeed more than ever, and there is hardly any publio topic of
    920 words
  • 153 17 The China Merchant*' Steam Narigation Co. has published a notice in the Chinese Press of Shanghai calling upon its shareholders to attend a meeting of the company to be held on Jane 22 at Shanghai. Another advertisement by the same company, says the N. C.
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 202 17 CENTRAL ENGINE WORKS, LIMITED, Motor and Electrical Engineers. Suppliers off PETROL LORRIES VANS TO CARRY LOAOB OF FROM IO CWTS. TO 4 TONS. Motor Boats of all Types, Reciprocating and Internal Ferry and Harbour Service Combustion Machinery, Launches, Crude m EngineB< Boilers, Cruisers and Fishing Boats, CaBtingB, Propellers and Motor
      202 words
    • 49 17 Bowel Complaint In Children. During the summer months mothers ffbor'M watch for any unnatural looseness of the child's bowels. When given prompt attention at thia time serious trouble may be avoided. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kamedy can always be depended unon. For laale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
      400 words
    • 248 18 WANTS. TRICYCLE WANTED. Wanted to buy, a new' or second-hand tricycle. Reply Box No. 298, Straits Times. 216 24-6 KRANIS WANTED. Wanted, 2 typist-kranis for t ffloe at Puloh Bokom. Apply BY LETTER to THB ASIATIC PKTROLECM CO.. Winchester House, Singapore. 18-6 a POSITION WANTED. Qualified Bookkeeper (European) seeks position
      248 words
    • 516 18 TO BE LET OR SOLD. HOUIES TO LET. To let, No. 21 and 22, Sambau Road. Apply Nathan k Son, Change Alley. 11l n FURNISHED SEASIDE REBIDENCESTOLET. Belmont, Bensoline, Ben Ledi, off Tanjong Katong. Apply H. Somapah, 19, Raffles Plaoe. or 817 Serangoon Road. 2811 n HOUBE TO BE LET.
      516 words
    • 543 18 NOTICES. KIM KMT A GO. SHIP CHANDLERS, ■iwrsmast and Municipal Contractors. 106, 108 k 109, Market Street. Telephone Nos. 431 and 1174. GUAN KIAT CO., SHIP-CHANDLERS AND GENERAL CONTRACTORS, 87, Phillip Street. 196 n CONTRACTOR. Experienced Contractor is able to supply to rubber estates labour, food stuffs, transport, etc. Please
      543 words
    • 608 18 SINGAPORE CLUB FIXTURES. Straits Times List. The following fixtures for the current week and important forthcoming fixtures are kindly supplied by the secretaries of the various clubs. Convenient forms on which to make the returns will be supplied on application to the Manager, Straits Times. Singapore Cricket Club. Hockey, Tuesday,
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    • 618 18 BOARD ANO LODGING. SILVERBANK. ORCHARD ROAD. English Home, vacancies Telephone 628. 20 6 19 9 Y. M. C. A, HOUBE. Excellent rooms, with or without board. Apply The General Seoretary. 1-2-sob. a BOARD ANO RESIDENCE. Bachelor would be received as paying guest in private family. Pleasant locality. Tennis. Apply Box
      618 words