The Straits Times, 8 January 1912

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. N&. 23.700 SINGAPORE. MONDAY^ JANUARY 8. 1912. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 165 1 WATSON'S No. 1O _Whisky the ersr —Table Linens HIGHEST QUALITY GOODS AT EXCEEDINGLY LOW PRICES. DIRECT FROM THE LOOMS An Ideal Cloth .for "everyday use, pretty floral designs, Satin appearance, and guaranteed pure linen. Size 68 by 08 inches Size 68 by 80 inches Size 68 by 104 inches $3.25
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    • 164 1 I ROBINSON CO. Gents' RAINCOATS JiifeY Fox* All Weathers. No. la, as illustration, is one of those useful jk green shades of Cashmere lined with an ap- propriate Waterproofed Woollen Lining, J A REALLY RAINPROOF CLOTH 1 j that contains no trace of Rubber and after a shower it will
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  • 1055 2 TROPICAL LIFE FROM POLE TO POLE. Scientist's Theories. Is our climate becoming milder, and are our winters less severe H so, what is the cause f There exists a consensus ol opinion among close observers of meteorological conditions, says Dr. J.R. Gorrell, writing in the Open Court magazine,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 594 2 A Captain in Kitchener's Scouts Nervous Breakdown, Paralysis The wtuttt force which ronqurre I I'm i-.uist periRMH nfiiicions and enabled him to eadura amaaag budsb'.pa, m s Cap;ii:i l!em!er><m, i Pktsjen e. i:.v|«;-ni m of in.-f.>runcs. Iro i beii fi disabled in aciion, I nteiic fever, and paraJy»»ol i! a
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    • 55 2 True Test of Merit. Yon jndge a man not by what he promises to do, but by what he has done. That is the only true test. Chamberlain's Congh Remedy judged by this standard has no superior. IVople everywhere speak of it in the highest turms of praise. For sale
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    • 187 2 CHEONG BROTHERS. Dentists, No 25, South Bridge Roao. First-class Mechanical Dentistry, Qold Crowns Bridge, Filling and Vuicai it Duration ol Wear guarantee d CHABOBS MODBRATB FULL LINE DENTAL SUPPLIES. Best Tooth Powder* and Bru*h» for aal London Selling Agents TEA. INDIGO HHKES Sold on com BRIVTLF.9 illusion in Hi
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    • 167 2 f;J^S\X? t d k 'VANA' BRAND Tonic Wine f^3f\ Hastens Recovery a XW^'l After Illness >^-«^^ the sutTf r.r m.;i 'VaUA* is a powerful r< -uor.uivo. When most mm***— M a course of 'Vana' quick]) restore* vitality 1 to the blood, the brain, the nerves I and the digestion. It
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  • 1203 3 OPPOSITION TO DECLARATION OF LONDON. Prize Court's Decrees. The consideration of the Naval Mm Bill was resumed in the House of Commons on December 7, at the 28th clause, wlMah provides that tlie High Court and every Prize Conrt in a British Possession shall enforce within their
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  • 243 3 The annual general meeti'is,' of Kraser and Chalmers (Limitedl was held on December .7 at Winchester House, Old Broad-street, I X.( Mr. Charles K. Atkinson presiding in i the absence of Sir Julius Wernher, lit.. (Chairman of the company). The Chairman j said that they one aud
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 68 3 Whooping Cough. W Inn your child has whooping BMgh H careful to ki ep the uough loobe and t-xpec loriitiim i asy by H' v '»;-i Chamberlain's CoOflfa liritiuiy as may bu required. This linudy will also liquify the tough mucus and nuiUc it I'ahi.r to expectorate. It has been
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    • 373 3 GRUSNE^9 FOOD. TP| It and You Will M latltfled I. BELILIOS bi^d to inform the public that his Factory for preparing Crashed Food at No 1, Belilioa Road, is cow opened Price of a bag of Crashed Food, 1 p 10 cat. <§ J4.00 per bag No. 1 Bran, wl
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    • 110 3 II BRAND *^4/|||| FOR MILK STAND WITH SAFETY MILKMAID BRAND H. L. GOGHLAM AND COMPANY, Auctioneers, Valuers and Surveyors, NO. 6, BAFFLES PLACE. VALUATIONS of Keal and Ptisonal Pioperty for ea'o", Mortg- ge and Estate Dcty AUCTIONS conducted of Lard, House Property, Fnrniture and otl er effect*. ESTATE MANAGEMENT and
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 628 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. FOB CHINA, JAPAN, PBNANG, CEYLON, AUSTRALIA, INDIA, ADBN, BGYPT, MEDITERRANEAN PORTB, PLYMOUTH AND LONDON. Through Bills of Lading issued lor China Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental and Amerioan Ports. Stoamors will leave Singapore on or about: MAIL LINES 1912 (Htteard (for China.) Arcadia Jan 1
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    • 654 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP GO., LTD. EUROPEAN UNE. A Fortnightly servioo is maintained be twoon Yokohama via ports to Marseilles, London and Antwerp, under mail contract with the Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin-screw Steamers maintaining this servioe have been speoially designed and oonstruoted. and are fitted with
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    • 644 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. EAST COAST SERVICE. For Pahang, Berserah, Tringganu Bisut, Semerak, Baoho, Kelantan, Bangnara Telupin, Panarai, Patani, Singora, Laoon, Kohsamui, Bandon, Langsuan Chumpon Taku, Kohlak \nd Bangkok. Duo Departure 8 p.m. ■.■.MAHIDOL* Jan. 1O s.s. REDANG Jan. 1O Jan. 13 YUGALA Jan. 1* Jan.
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    • 523 4 STEAMER- SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. AMD DEUTSCHE DAMPFSCHIFF fahrtwes. aunt nna, Combined Serirloe. The steamers of these Companies maintain a regular service betwoen Hamburg Bremen Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, China and Japan, Homeward*, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and once a month for Bremerhavon
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    • 678 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. D. L. Horddeutscher Lloyd, Breme-i. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. The fast and well-known mail stoamers of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen, Hamburg, via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples (connecting Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vice versa) Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Tsingtau,
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  • 121 5 FIXTURES. Monday, January 8. Hiph Water. 1.17 a.m.. 0.26 p.m. Y. M. C. A. Weak of Prayer opens. Philharmonic Orchestra practice, 6.16 pm. Tuesday. January 9. Hieh Water. 1.58 a.m., 1.16 p.m. "Trinceaa Chrysanthemum," Theatre, 9.l6. Wednesday, January 10. High Water, 2.40 a.m 2.!0 pm, Thursday, January
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  • 134 5 TO-D*T. HnncjUntifj, Amoy and Swatow Cnronia 8 pm Mtlvma and Mair K»k» 3 pm Port Swettonham and Tf lok Anson Perak 8 pm Port Swnttrnham. Ponang, Vpgapatam end Madras ThoDgwa 4pm Malacca Pontianak 4pm Sournbava, Broome, Dorhv. P. H"dland, Cosmick, Onflow, Canmrvon. Geraldton and Fromantlo Puroo 4
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  • 98 5 The P. and O. homeward mail steamer Dovinha left Hongkong at 1 p.m. on Saturday, and is die here at 5 o'clock on Wednesday afternoon, tne litb instant. LIKT SINOAPORB. Dvi IN LovDOX AkIMVFP. Dec. 4NU. L. December 27 Dtc. 27 Dec. Jill. 80 Dec. 83 Dec.
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  • 648 5 Jan 7. From Bangkok, Deo 87. G.c. and 2i d p East Abiastio Coy. For Bangkok, .l.»n 10 Roads. Ngi Thye, Dut. ntr. 71 tons, Nacodah. Jan 7. From Indra»iri, Jin 6. G.o. and 30 dp. Seng Hie. For Indragiri, Jan 9. Rds. Natana, Ger. str. 458 tons,
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  • 102 5 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To-Day. TANJOVO PAOAR. East Wbabf Basin— N'j. Bast W. Siotion No 1 -Thongwa, Xam Sang. Sbiibs Wharf Tai Wan. Main W. Siot. No. a— Shi. In Mara. B—Curonia.8 Curonia. 4— Nil. S Paroo. 6— Protesilaus. New Dock
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  • 88 5 Arrivals. Per ntcam?r Natuni, Jan 7.— From \atun% U. Mr. and Mr=. M->tt-n«. Per oteamrr Ipoh. Jan 8. Fron T. An'in via port-. Mr-. Campbell an^ .1 rbildren. Mr. j iind Mrr. Irving, Ur. T. O. Xaughton. Mrssrs, i liiird, G. I>. Ru-sdl, Br.bnrr, E. N. I.
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  • 253 5 Finance Commerce. ■XOHANQB. 81NOAPOU, January 8 1912 Oa Lohdob— Bulk 4 m/» 2/4 1 Demand m I/4,ft Priv*te|6 ml* 2/4ij 8 m/i '2 4 On Obbmami— Bank d/d SBB, Private 8 m/i M 842 i Oh FiAaca-Buk d/d 3«4 Privak-I 8 m KB Oa laoiA-Bank T. T. 174 J Private
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    • 162 5 'sine IS Value 2 10 10 Belat Tin 10 10 Brnany 10 10 Kanaboi £1 £1 KinU Tin Jtl £1 Lahat Minet 10 10 Maiaoca Tin 6/- 6/- PahanK Coaci 1 £1 £1 Pcnskalon £1 £1 Posioß Bab in £1 £1 Paiung Lam* 1(1 10 Rabman Hyd £1 £1
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    • 600 5 Iflsuo !2 Yaice e5 Buyer*. BelUr» a/. 3/- ai;»k« 89 n 2/- 21- Anglo-Malay 17,1; 18,8 S 2/- Baton* Mal.ka 2,4 2/10 41 £1 Batu Cavt-p 10.2 8 10.12 0 XI 41 BatuTiK* 815.3 4 0.0 £1 41 Bakit Kajang 2.7.6 2.10.0 £1 41 Bnkit Lintang 8.10.0 8.15.0 2/-
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    • 123 5 Issue 2 Value Bnyera Sellers. 10 10 Barters Smeltin* m 10.00 10 T 800 £1 41 Electrio Tramways 8 6 8/0 10 10 Frasor A Noave 47 03 47 5) 100 Howarth Erskine 7 C 100 7%1Tel 91.00 100 100 Eata Bro, Dei. 180.00 100 100 8% Cnm. Ptet.
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    • 44 5 Buyers Solkre Spore Munioipal 4|% of 1907 11,600,000 7% S'poro Municipal 4J% of 1909 $1,000,000 7% 9%pm S'poro Municipal 4% 1602,900 par Buyurs Selluis Howarth Brnkine 6% 1800,000 pa» Riloy. Hargrwivoh 6% »284.000 Si bingaporo BibCtric TramwayH6% £850,000 Spore Municipal 6 11,878,000 icm
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 39 5 Try This for a Cold. Chamberlain's Cough Kcuinly has won its gfMrf reputation and extensive s.ile by its mnaikalM cures of cuu^lis, oilils nnd croup. It c-nu In ileiHiidol iijxin. I'ry it. Sold by all Dis]H:Uhuries uud Dealei s.
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    • 260 5 AUCTION SALES. Powell anl Co. Jan 9— At Htleroom. freehold land situate off Gaylan* HI., a. 2 W. Jin IS.— At the Cable D>po\ Keppel Harbour, im.-rrvicible i-t >rr>». etc., at 2.30. Jan 23. \t sal»-rioru, freehold property, knuwn as Sig!ap Kstate, at 2.3?. H. L. Coghlan and Co. Jan
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    • 291 5 SMOKED SARDINES CHOICE I JO/ FLAVOUR FOR I DISTINCT THE H^CI/ FROM TABLE. ffte SARDINES. OBTAINABLE FROM RETAILERS OF REPUTE. .meters: J. TRAVERS SONS, LTD. K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL CO., Jewellers and Silk Merchants, SI S2, Hltfh Street, Singapore. HAVE JUST RECEIVED A new stock of Gem-set Jewellery, Damascene, Chinese
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  • 1030 6 The Straits Times. MONDAY, JANUARY 8. BRITISH REVOLUTION. It would bo gathered from our telegrams on Saturday that the great tight of the year has begun in Great Britain. Acting on Lord Randolph Churchill's declaration that if Homo Rule i» passed Ulster will tight and Ulster will be right," Sir
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  • 21 6 Tliero will be a dance at tho Tanglin Club ou Friday, January 26, and a Leap Year Ball on Febiuary 2'J.
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  • 31 6 Tho hawkers' strike, especially in the busiest part of the towu, Treuggauu, Smith uud Sago Streets, is at au cud aud ou Saturday night, most of the stall-holders were out again.
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  • 50 6 The twentiotb session of tho M;il;iysU annual cuiifijvuci' of thf M t i i ulisi. Kj'isr >|i:il (Jliurch will bo hclil iv KimU Lumpur, beginning on February 16. Bisiiop W. r. Oldliaui will presido. About 40 luission.u'ica fioiu MaUya ami ihu NutuorlauiU Indies aru oxpuc ti-ii tv bo pi vm'iii.
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  • 12 6 Latest advertisements of the day appear on page ."> and on page 8.
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  • 13 6 Tho output of the Rahman Tin Co., Ltd., during Docember was 845 piculs.
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  • 12 6 Tho Borneo Co. send two calendars issued by the Kmpire Typewriter Company.
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  • 13 6 The output of the Rahman Hydraulic Tin Ltd., during December was 400 piculs.
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  • 23 6 The annual general meeting of tho Singa pore Sporting Club will be held in the Xx change ou January IG, at b p.m.
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  • 19 6 The loading and unloading contractor for Port Swettcnham for this year is Mr. Khoo Hock Cheong, of Kuala Lumpur.
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  • 20 6 The Chartered Bank office aud quarters to be built shortly at Taiping by the Government, are estimated to cost 130,000.
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  • 21 6 With the present issue of tho Agricultural Bulletin of the Straits aud Federated Malay States the publication comes to an end.
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  • 22 6 Messrs. McAlister and Co. send us two calendars, one in English and the other iv Chinese, received from tho Toyo Kisen Kaisha.
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  • 24 6 Tonight tho Bishop of Singapore will conduct tho Universal Week of Prayer meeting in the V.M.C.A. at 8- 15 p.m. All are cordially invited.
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  • 34 6 According to Lloyds the Delhi is breaking in two. It is feared that there is no hope of salving the 1,487 bars of silver. Most of tho parcel post and baggage have been landed.
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  • 31 6 Eugene Schmitz, ex-Mayor of San Francisc BM been indicted on a charge of having received a bribe of £10,000 in connection with the municipal scandals following upon the earthquake of 1900.
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  • 37 6 Eighty plates have to be removed from the midships portion of the bull of the Atlantic liner Mauretania which ran aground at Liverpool during a recent storm. The work of repairing the vessel will occupy six weeks.
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  • 40 6 The performance organised by the Fokien women, at the Sin 800 Tai Hall, was again lirgely «atcnded on Saturday and Sunday nights. Subscriptions were freely given, and several photographs were disposed of at prices ranging from SjOO to SKOO each.
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  • 52 6 Kuala Lumpur's memorial to King Edward is to take the form of a bust of the late King and will bo placed opposite the main entrance to the Government offices jfrJOO, approximately, has been subscribed and promised towards the fund. The bust is no*, expected from England for at least
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  • 53 6 The P. and O. steamer Isis returned to Brindisi, with the mails, on fire, says a London wire of December 27. Tho trouble proved to be slight however and the flames were easily extinguished. The mails were re stowed and the Isis left again tho same n ght. No English
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  • 48 6 Replying to a question in tho House of Commous, on December 17, Mr. F. D. Acland (Parliamentary Uuder-Secretary for Foreign Affairs} stated, in reply to a question, that British consuls abroad had boon instructed to inform Great Britain of all developments affecting the dominions as exporters of foodstuffs.
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  • 40 6 The fjllowing companies are quoted exdividend as from December 'I'J The United Serdaug (Sumatrai Rubber Plantations, Limited Linggi Plantations, Ltd. Patalaug Rubber Estates Syndicate, Ltd. Batu Caves Rubber Co., Ltd. Selangor Rubber Co.. Ltd. and Sumatra Para Rubber Plantations, Limited.
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  • 45 6 There is a serious danger of industrial panic throughout the United States', according to Mr. Galbraith, secretary of the Americau Mining Congress. Unless a plan be adopted whereby bituminous coal producers cau act in coucert, their bankruptcy is certain from the present cut throat competition.
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  • 72 6 Miss Annie Elliott, an English nurse in a French family living in the Uue Francoisc, I'aris. ha-t disappeared. Miss Elliott, who b-lon_;c 1 to NewcastU-ou-Tyue, has not been hoard of siuce she left tho house on November '11 to go to see a frieud in the Hue lias sano. She
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  • 69 6 The Shanghai Municipal Gazette of Decomber 28 coutains interesting correspond ence relating to a proposed monopoly of the sale of salt in tho International Settlement. An application has been made to the Municipal Couucil to give to a Chinese compauy the sole right to supply salt to residents in the
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  • 74 6 Captain Skinner, R.A.M.C., was tho victim of au unfortunate accident while walking from tho Hotel dc l'Kuropo to the theatre on Saturday night. He was crossing the tramlines whoa a car came along unnoticed and bargod into the gallant officer's back. The impact knocked him forward to the ground, by
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  • 114 6 At Ipoh, on December 30. Mr D. <). Brown was acquitted of the charge of dishonestly misappropriating mcucys, llic iMMfto of tliu l'rouoli mines. Tho Deputy I'ublic I'roseeutor poiuted out that any pr< sumption of dishonesty which had boon raised was rebutted by tho circumstances of tho case. The mines'
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  • 428 6 Tho Chief Secretary, Malay States, Ims guuc- on a visit to Kuala Kangsar. Mr. J. M. Chalmers has joined the staff of the Singapore Cold Storage Co. in Kuala Lumpur. Mr. I). C. Oakley has takin over the management of Baiaak Ituhbtr KshiU's, Ltd., Johore. Mr. K.
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  • 84 6 The mortality returns for Singapore, issued by the Registrar of Births and 1 >eatbs. show that during the week ending December 30 there were 'IU deaths, giving a ratio per mille of population of 86.66. Malarial ft ver accounted for 4.") deaths, phthisis 80, OOMTolsions 20, beriberi
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  • 102 6 We are asked to remind our /cadets that the performance of The BbMOWS, at tho Teutonia Club on Thursday and Saturday, January 11 and 18, is open to all, and is not confined merely to the members of a few Clubs. Tickets for the performance aro limited, and
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  • 96 6 An exchange has been ..auctioned between Major L.1.1!. Hulke. Ist ISattalion The Bob, Dublin, and Major W. A. Eaton, 2nd liatta lion. The Bulls, Singapore. Major UulUe is to join the 2nd Battalion within a mouth's time. Major Ihilko joined The liulTs in September, IHM7, got his
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  • 214 6 In connection wttfc Keuter's telegram announcing that Dr. Qrifltk John of lbs Cliina Inland Mission had arrivni 1.. FiOadoM, h*s health haviug greatly failed and thai. 1 was couvcyed forthwith to a nursing home, t lie Key. C. (i. Sparhain, writing from on board of the Atsuta
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 137 6 53oer Isobaeeo j springbok Finest Quality Genuine Magaliesberg Tobacco MASUFAI TI'KKI) IS TIIK In 4-oz. linen bags, I Pel lIS V 33 Oil U I V>. OBTAINABLE AT i Per Bag jgupj L m E fl)., LD., AND ROBINSON CO. JOHN WALKER AND SONS' JpBBHA CKLKBHATED yfipy Whiskies Hfnfl BLACK
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    • 248 6 ONLY TWO NIGHTS MORE To-Night and To-Morrow, Of the huge and magnificently coloured Historical Drama acted with unusual brilliancy by select players, staged amid entrancing surroundings and beautifully photographed, a film depicting the undercurrents of Conrt Life during the earlier part of the reign of Henry VIII. HENRY VIII AND
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  • 290 7 MANIFESTO ISSUED TO FOREIGN POWERS. Old Loans and Treaties Assured. Kk.itkh's Tklkoram. London. January 0. lieuter wires from Shanghai that the Republican-., in a long manifesto to all friendly nations, re-cite the grievances against the Manchus. and declare the dctermina tion of tht: Republic to respect all
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  • 145 7 DE BUSOCK DOES NOT EXPLAIN POSSESSION. Quite Open Transaction With Local Bookmaker. Rectkr's Telegram. London. January 6. Paul ile I'usock, described as a journal ist.and formerly an oflieial in Siara, has been arrested on a cable from Singapore, and was brought up at Dow Street, charge*! for
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  • 106 7 FIGURES FOR THE PAST TWELVE MONTHS. Huge Increase of Cotton Exports. RkOIBB'I Tki.k.okam. London, January 7. •The d,, nase of ini]x>rts iv December was X1. H1T. 1 17, the iuereaso in exports was 41,747,709. The latter is, principally, in iron and steel manufactures. The in -.vises f.u- tli,.
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  • 19 7 Dm flmuATucn l.i.ovi> rniw ISerlin, January 7. Tin SneiCual dies have baca reduced by lifty centimes.
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  • 82 7 Rkutbb's Teleokam. London, via Durban, January 6. Tho weather for tho match against Goelong continued cool but overcast. The wicket was excellent and tho attendance good. Ooclong made 277, of which Liddicutt made 129, playing a fine innings without giving a chance and showing
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  • 62 7 Reitkk's Tei.f<;ram. Loneion, via Durban, January 7. The Norddcutsche, in an election manifesto, says the Socialists held aloof from all measures ensuring the defence of the Fatherland. The new Reichstag will probably soon have to make claims for defensive services, and no man who is solicitous for the
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  • 47 7 Reuiek's Telegram. London, via Durban, January 6. A meeting of the Thames ironworkers has re-jected the Admiralty proposal of a 53 hours week. It is understood that a campaign will be opened for a 49 hours week iv the shipbuilding trade- throughout the country.
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  • 44 7 Recter's Telegram. London, via Durban, January 6. The proposed Welsh national testimonial to Mr. Lloyd George has been abandoned in deference to the Chancellor's wish. Mr. Llewellyn Williams has been appoint ed Recorder of Swansea, and this necessitates a bye-election in Carmarthen.
    Reuter  -  44 words
  • 36 7 Rbctbr's Telegram. London, January 7. Reuter wires from Berlin that the safe of the first officer of the cruiser Stettin has been broken open and secret documents stolen. A reward has been offered.
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  • 36 7 v Rioter's Telegram London, January 6. Iteuter wires from The Hague that the committee which is drafting the International Opium Convention, embodying the Conference's decisions, has resumed it labours. The conference reassembles on Monday.
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  • 20 7 Reutkr's Telegram. London, via Durban, January 7. Lorel Stafford is engaged to Eileen Butler, daughter of Lorel Lancsborough.
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  • 25 7 Rfa'teu's tana Londou, via Durban, January 7. Mr. Hsixcn, the Canadian Minister of Marine, is coming to London to confer with the Admiralty.
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  • 54 7 Rbutkr's Tklkoram. London, via Durban, January 7. A Chicago message says a fight to a finish has been arranged between Johnson and Jim I'lynn, the Pueblo fireman, somewhere in Nevada in July. Johnson is guaranteed 31,000 dollars and a third of tho receipts of films of the fight. Tho
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  • 50 7 (Kkom a Malacca Corrbspondbnt). Malacca, January 7. Information has been received by Malacca Rubber Plantations, Limited, that the price of tine Para in London yesterday was Jr. per lb., buyers. The price of best plantation rubber is quoted at tin sellers. The market is quiet but steady.
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  • 126 7 Sir West HHgOWJ. chairman of tho court of Directors cf the British North Borneo Company, is on his w.iy to Singapore, where he will confer on various matters with the Governor, who is also High Commissioner for I'.orueo. lie then visits Hongkong ill connection with the
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  • 435 7 NEW REBATE TERMS COME INTO FORCE. Periods of Payment. The advent of the New Year brings into lour the new arrangements between the lines which participate in the Shipping Conference and their clients. These arrangements were announced some time ago, after the representatives of the Conference had their
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  • 521 7 Proposed Erection of Modern Rubber Factory. The report of the directors of Sungei Kari i Sumatra! Rubber Estate which was to be submitted at the second annual general meeting of the company to be held in London, on Monday, December IS, 1911, at 12 o'clock noon,
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  • 74 7 The Hamburg-America line has bought a steamer of 8,000 tons now under construction at the wharf of tho Rickmers Rice Mill Shipownors and Shipbuilding Company at Geesteumudc. The transaction is the more remarkable as the Hamburg- America line is engaged in a rate war with the Kickmcrs Siberia Hue. Tho
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  • 889 7 HOW THE FAMOUS NECKLACE DISAPPEARED. Jewels Sold in Singapore. Many a person in Singapore and more in other parts of the world have, unknown to tlicni-iilveg, been wearing historic gems (or the past two yoars. They are gems from the Dowager Queen of Siaui's famous pearl
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  • 212 7 Property Secured by Singapore for $40,000. Salak South, Ltd. was sold on Saturday, I at the offices of Messrs. Boustead, I lamp I shire and Company, Kuala Lumpur, for $40,000, says Tho Malay Mail. Acting under instructions of the liquidator Mr. Gleeson, of Messrs. G lei son
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  • 714 7 PRINCESS CHRYSANTHEMUM." Clever Fairy Play Performed by Children. The happy knack of organising a large company of children to the state of near perfection that was evident at Saturday night's performance of Princess Chrysanthemum is given to a few. No ono in Singapore, we are convinced, has the gift more
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  • 282 7 Experimental Tapping Shows Good Quality Rubber. The report of the Kelantan Rubber Estates, Limited, states that the sum spent on development during the year to June 80 amounts to £'13,257. The position of the estates according to tho latest information (viz., November 27i, is as follows —Planted with
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  • 28 7 Tho last vote on the great Krian Irrigation scheme will be expended this year. The total expenditure on these works amounts to 91,600,000, while tho bunds cost 150.000.
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  • 131 7 THREATENED GREAT STRIKE IN COAL TRADE. A Labour Leader's Warning. Rsuter's Tkledram. London, January 6. The papors state that a ballot of tho miners of Great Britain next week will bo practically unanimous in favour of a strike to establish the principle of tho minimum wage. Trouble regarding
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  • 120 7 SIR ROBERT FULTON GIVES HIS VIEWS. Recommends Restoring Dalai Lama. Rbctbr's Tblboram. London, January 7. Sir Robert Fulton, writing to The Times upon the future of Tibet, urges that it will be greatly to the advantage of 1 -In Jand for the Dalai Lama to resume his
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  • 236 7 A SENSATIONAL AMERICAN CASE. The Crime Confessed. Rbcter's Tklroram. London, via Durban, January 7. An American Baptist pastor, named Iticlicson, has confessed to the murder of a (M, and says his conscicnco won't admit of further wronyinj; by a public trial of her whose puro young
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  • 64 7 Protest to the British Foreign Office. Rrltek's Tklbqram. London, January 6. Tho Foreign Office has replied to tho representations of the Imperial Merchant Service Guild on behalf of tho crow of tho Kuala, and says that application should have been made firstly to tho Indian Government, as Socotra
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  • 41 7 Dia OsT.vsiATiscim Lloyd Telborax. ISerlin, January l>. The Austrian Lloyd's fast Shanghai servico has now commenced. Tho Koninklyko Paketvaurt Maatschappy hr.s increased its capital by ten millions. A corps of reinforcements for Kiaochau, under Major Lilien<;rou, has left Wiihelmshaveu.
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  • 31 7 Der Ostasiatiscuk Llovi, TIIMIII Itcrlii, .January 7. Tho Turkish and I Lilian Governments declare that they maintain th-ir dMMM Is as r-^ Cyrcnaica. Hostilities, tlier itoro, will outiuue.
    31 words

    • 114 8 The I'enang race meeting will bo held on Janu try 21, 2.">, ami 27 and owners are reminded that entrios close today (Monday) at 0 p.m. Tin' annual gonrral meeting of the Straits Junior Football Club was held, yerterday, at Toluk Aver Street. The following were elaetai
      114 words
    • 195 8 Law v. Medicine. Tin' u r "lf mutch between players representilgLtwild Medicine was played over the Oarrnoa Qoll Ooona on Satuiday aud Sinhl.iv aod ondod iv a draw. To ilijlit the two teams will diuo together in the "JBgftfnrt (lull. Competitions at Keppel. Although it is bow More than
      195 words
    • 190 8 Singapore v. Bangkok. The eoutest for the Pa»ct Cup began al Bangkok, on Deumlm M, UtUe after ten in vi i v favourable conditions. The weathei was all that Mold be desired, not too mucl sun. and delightfully cool. The pitch was ir esc. ll.ut condition, the trams iv
      190 words
  • 82 8 Anglo Malay.- 79,821 lbs. Patah'Dg. (2,989 lbs. 19,9*1 lbs. Golden Hope. 12,908 tba. Belaba. 11,828 lbe. 8ikam.— 10,779 lb>. Sungkai Cbnmor. *.o:;i; lbs. Seaport— l2,l33 lb>. Kibu.— lO.U77 lbs. Jasin (Malacca!.— l,lBo lbs. Bertam (8.8.).- l t.7i; lbs., dry. Rubber Kstntes of .Johure. I.mOO lbs. Selaugor Uubber
    82 words
  • 111 8 With the object, itis sai.l.ufsavingcxpense. Mm iuiihlm T oi the Dare to- Die troops is being redaocd. Tin- other day sol.lins w.l<■objected to novel kind of ordeal with this end in view. The uult in question consisted j of Jihi mill, aud in order to
    111 words
  • 336 8 Persenangan Stia Win the M. F. A. Championship. Darul Ali nli had tho worst of luck in their match with Perscnangan Stia for the championship of tho Malaya Football Club on Saturday. They played the better game of the two, but as it was Peraenangan Stia carried off
    336 words
  • 268 8 Extent of the Damage Sustained When Aground. The Kobe press is informed by Mr. .1. Hankin, agent oi the Canadian Pacific Hail way Co., tliat he is in receipt of advice from tin- Yokohama office giving tlR following particulars of the extent of the damage sustained
    268 words
  • 241 8 The Progress of the Tin and Rubber Interests. The report of l'ahang Consolidated to July 'il 'J7:( tons of black tiu were produced against 108 tons in the previous year; t.iu^ of alluvial tin were also produced, uguiust .">4l tons. The year's profit is XJ i."' 18;
    241 words
  • 155 8 One huu<lre<l and twtlve words per minute nctfur au hour is tho ne-v world's record. 11. <). BUisdell wou the World's championship tyiKwriiini; eoutest for the secoud time ;iuil aaUbUabad a new world's record when ha wrote 7.H77 words in (M) minutes with but ti'.i errors of
    155 words
  • 1045 8 Prices Quoted in the Market This Morning. Singapore, January 8, 1912. Messrs. Lyall Mid Evart, Exchange Mid Share Brokers, issue the following list of quotations this morning Norn Value. Bayers. Bellerc. 3/. Allagar 'J 4/4 8/. Options 1,6 2/4 1 An^lo-Java 6,6 8/1 Anglo-Johore 7,6 11,8 S/-
    1,045 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 47 8 A WHISKY OF MERIT. Ihcie'a more difference in qt'a'.iiy thia iv pricr, compared with other whiskke, FINE OLD SCOTCH is concerted. The prico is about tho same but thoQUALITI is iutinitcly superior. Garner, Quelch Co., WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS, Battery Read, Singapore. Telephone 681. 20 9
      47 words
    • 40 8 Inspector Kajaxurca, of tho F.M.S. Railways, has received au acknowledgmeut of tho con^'ntulutuiy ■MMM scut to tho Hon. P. liuumuutlian, KG., C.M.G., on tho occasion of his (lie lion to tho educated Ccylonose seat of the Legislative Council of Ceylon.
      40 words
    • 361 8 Atlas "RUSKILLA" An Efficient Preservative Against Ruet. This well known preparation is in constant use locally. It withstands rain, snn and sea, and repeated applications form an integral part of the metal covered. It has been successfully used for bridges, piers, dooks, constructional steelwork ot all kinds and for ships'
      361 words
    • 299 8 Raffles Hotel. SPECIAL DINNER On Saturday, January 13. GRAND HOTEL CONTINENTAL Saigon. The only first-class Hotel in Saison. Every comfort. Splendid verandah. Restaurant With management, French kitchen and attendance as in the finest European Restaurants. Manager G. Foraady, late from the Grand Hotel, Paris. Saigon. Theatrical season (from October to
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 227 9 MINIMAX FIRE EXTINGUISHERS. For home, warehouse, godown, or factory. Has extinguished 17,000 Fires. Always ready for immediate use. Sole Agents PATERSON, SIMONS CO., LTD. "UNDERWOOD" Typewriters. If you want thorough satisfaction buy an Uderwood. Full exchange value allowed in the price for old machines of any make. Universally First and
      227 words
    • 67 9 BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. LIMITED. FOR PORT SWSTTENHAM, PENANG AND RANGOON. The Company's steamer LUNKA, 3,193 tonp, O. W. Sinclair, Commander, will be despatched for the above ports on Wednesday, tin 10th iost&nti at 4 p.m from the Roads. She has excellent accommodation (or first and nccond clasa pa^RenKers.
      67 words
    • 693 9 STEAMER BAILM6B. TOYO KISEN KAISHA (Oriental S.S. Co.) and WESTERN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. The New Route Via China, Japan, Honolulu, and San Francisco to all Points in the United States, Canada, Mexico and Europe. Operating the New 11,000 ton Triple Screw Turbine Linen Shlnyo Maru" Tenyo Maru Md "Chin Mara,"
      693 words
    • 466 9 Canadian Pacific Railway Co.'s Royal Mail St*amsthip Lin*. TUB NATIONAL HIGHWAY TO EUROPE Via China. Japan, Canada and tbs United States. Route from Hongkong, via Shanghai, Nagasaki (Inland Sea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama, Victoria and Vancouver. R.M.S. Empress of India" j Twin, screw R M.S. Empress of Japan" I ?*S£
      466 words
    • 392 9 STEAMER SAILINGS. APCAR LINE OF BTEAMERB. The undermentioned mail steamers of the above Line maintain a regular aervioe between Caloutta and Japan, calling at Penang Singapore, Hongkong and Shanghai en route. FLEET Tons Commander "Japan 0,018 A. Stbwaet Guoobt Apoab 4,000 S. H. Bilson Abkatoon Apoab 4,800 O. F. Hudson
      392 words
    • 299 9 ARTICLES FOR SALE. FOR SAIE Two Stag bound and two KaDgaroo I onnd pups, 4 months old. Apply H. S Kirwan, Dalian's Australian llorso liepotitc ry. 51 11 1 TURNOUT FOR SALE. One gig with an Australian bay horpe, good trotter, and a harness cc mplete, all in good order.
      299 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 838 10 INSURANCEFEDERAL LIFE ASSURANCE MMPMN OF MWD«. BITIBLUHD 1883. S.S.O. Iniurano* in Foroe, over |45,M0,000.00 New BusiiMM, 1910, over.. U,MO,MO.M Large Nat Surplus) abore Liabilities (or Reserve and all outstanding claims. Direct Government Supervision Cash Loans, Settlements, etc., made locally. Policies are WORLD WIDB," J. H. EVANS, Manager, Soutfa Bastera Asia.
      838 words
    • 530 10 BANKING. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BT ROYAL CHARTER Paid np Capital in 80,000 Shares ol £30 each 41,200,000 Reeerve Fund... M w 41,826,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors... 41,300,000 BANKERS. National Bank of Scotland. The London City 4 Midland Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Aooounts are opened
      530 words
    • 598 10 BANKING. THE IZE HAI TONS BANKIIN AND INBURANCE CO.. LTD NO. IT AND 68, KLJNG STREET. Established 1807. Capital paid np M 11.000.X0.00 Reserve liability ot proprietors 1,000,000.00 COURT OF DIRBCTORB. 1. Tarn Taoi Joon 0. Sib Kia Jam S. Nam Kirn Sana 7. Tbo Hoo Lai 8. L«ow Cmia
      598 words
    • 318 10 BAIEB BY AUCTION. JAPANESE CURIOS FANCY ARTICLES Including a Large Assortment of Beautiful Screens and Silk Embroideries, FOR SALE PRIVATELY AT REASONABLE PRICES, At Powell Co.'s Sale-room, Raffles Place. INSPECTION INVITED. POWELL A CO., Auctioneers. 90-12 10 Mortgagee's Sale of THE VALUABLE FREEHOLD PROPERTY, KNOWN AS THE SIGLAP ESTATE, Situate
      318 words

  • 997 11 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. H. C. Lafone contributes the following notes to the Globe of December 6 So many miles of our main roads are now treated with tar in one way or another that particular interest attaches to a report recently received by the
    997 words
  • 105 11 Colour-Sergeant Hyam Moses Israel, a Mutiny Veteran of tlie 24t)i Bombay In faDtry, has Mad at Almudabad, at the age of about eighty, from exhaustion resulting from illui'SH contracted at Delhi, where he had been invited as a Veteran. Colour- Sergeant Israel was iv possession
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 318 11 ARROL JOHNSTON Jim Supplied to the War Office. 5 SKATED CAR COMPLETE 11.9H.P.53.Q00. 15.9 H.P. $4,000. H.P. LORRY COVERED VAN j WAOGOnSbOTB $3,750 $4,000 $4,950 $4,900 FULL PARTICULARS FROM Central Engine Works, Ld. Cars in Stock for Immediate Delivery: 20 H.P. "FORD" LANDAULETTE (six-seated) 15 H.P. "STOEWER" LANDAULETTE (six-seated) 15
      318 words
    • 14 11 Fir all internal complaints, Dysenteiy Coughs, Cods, etc., take Woods' Ore at Peppermint Core.
      14 words
    • 299 11 TRADE 1 r^Pl I MARK. CARNAGE AND RICKSHA RUBBER TYRE. mm bM £mm Lh I i'^~ fbtWßms Fo»I/*"R,ms fiMIXTftM Fo( lß|( Use Dun/op Quality, It is the Beet Stooke always on hand. Supplier* to the Trade only. Particulars and estimates given for Solid Tyres, for Motor Busses and Motor Commercial
      299 words
    • 342 11 RUBBER ESTATE VALUES. A COMPREHENSIVE SURVEY, With many Tables of Valuation, Forecast* of Production, and Estimates of Future Profits. Reprinted from, ihe Straits Timei. THIRD EDITION. This valuable series of artioles, republisb ed first in September, 1910, io a convenient pocket form, has b.-en so popular tbat tbe second edition
      342 words
    • 353 11 THE STRAITS TIMES Can be obtained at the following places in Singapore Messrs. John Little k Co., Ltd. Messrs. Kelly and Walsh, Ltd. Raffles Hotel. Adelphi Hotel. Hotel de I'Eorope. Hotel van Wijk, Stamford Road. Messrs. Koh k Co., 90, Bras Basab Road Tbe Golden Fountain," Bencoolen Street. Tbe Refreshment
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 403 12 INDIAN PATENT v STONE FOR FLOORS PAVEMENTS. Write for further particulars to SHARPE, ROSS CO, LTD, Singapore. WANTS. SITUATION WANTED. Fumrean experienced accountant aud rnbl- 1 plauter, willing to accept any situation which will pay his living. Speaks Malay. Be»t references. Please apply to A.L. 0,0 Straits Times. 11-12 10-1
      403 words
    • 231 12 BOARD AND LODGING. BOARD AND LOD6ING. Apply 21, Sophia Road. 1512 144 BOARD AND RESIDENCE. Apply "Devon Villa,' 103, River Valley Road. 21-11 v BOARD AND RESIDENCE. Comfortable rooms with verandah. (60 per month. Apply S.T.S., c/o Straits Timet. 2812 27-1 PRIVATE BOARD AND RESIDENCE. For two bachelors. Near town.
      231 words
    • 537 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. OFFICES TO LET. With immediate entry, C st and second floors, No la, Raffles Quay Apply Gutbiie Co., Ltd. 1-4 n HOUSES TO LET. "Brathay' No. 15, GiUtead Roml. In excellent condition. Rent moderate. Apply to J. W. Haffemlon, 47, The Arcade. 6 12 a
      537 words
    • 609 12 NOTICES. MOTICE. No fresh orders for Fresh Milk can bo accepted until the arrival of new cowh, due here about January 16, per s.s. DARIUS. H. S. KIRWAN, Dalian's Australian Horse Repository. 61 11-1 LUNAS RUBBER ESTATES. LTO. Shareholders, in the above Company are requested to forward their Share Certificates
      609 words
    • 669 12 NOTICES. KIAM KIAT GO. SHIP-CHANDLERS, ■ovaramant md Municipal Contractors Telephone No. 421. 108 k 109, Markot Street. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given, that I, the undersigned, will not be responsible for any debt or debts incurred by my wife, Dorothy Mary Vickery (nee Richard-), from January 3, 1912. Dated at
      669 words
    • 334 12 ROBINSON PIANO CO., LTD. COME AND HEAR THI NEWEST STYLE HORNLESS GRAMAPHONE WITH DOMED LID Inlaid Mahogany $100 Famed Oak 85 AT THE ROBINSON PIANO CO., LTD. t tO. HOTEL PEHANG The best and tbe moit tn-ijut ntnd liot-jl in the Inland, tod CRAG HOTEL The only Sanatorium in the
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 228 12 StraitsJU)imes. ADVERTISEMENT RATR3.— Misosllane ova wants of every description aro insert ed at the prepaid rato of II per fou> iinea for ono or two insertions. Notice* ot Births, M&rriagos, or iicaiu if not exceeding tour lines, II each insertion For p.p.c cards, on page 6, 12 Ihob Soali Katis
      228 words