The Straits Times, 7 November 1911

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Strait Times NO. 23.715 SINGAPORE. TUESDAY. WVEMBER 7. 1911. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 170 1 WATSON'S No. 1O Whisky THE BEST I UNSHRINKABLE L*mm VIVITI I A c I Received V I. H^&^A^JTjL Patterns The largest and best assorted Stock in Singapore. $x? Price ex? For Tennis, f\ f\ All the Newest Cycling (iolfinj-. CtS. Xl I P Cr J'^rd. Stripes Shooting. Koatinß, \Jr Plain
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    • 82 1 Remarkable Value. EXTRACT FROM THE "AUTOCAR" JULY 22. 1911. "I have never driven a horse, but have used motor cars for the past six years. All my cars have been Humbers (four in number), my present one being their latest two-seater, the 10/14 H.P. I have had remarkable value from
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    • 216 1 ROBINSON CO. Juvenile Clcthing. All Garments carefully cut and Finished. <*§&f^B%y Boys' Superior White Drill Sailor Suits. Good ir^^J^T '"'S CUt antl workmanBh 'P with detachable Navy drill /'tf \w^^ ■*^7* collar (cap extra). Exact to illustration. '^BSZtIU V To fit abiy about yrn 2\ 8 4 6 «> 7
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    • 36 1 DRINK Martell's Brandy. A. FRANKEL CO., 375. VICTORIA STREET t (Only Addrtis bItIUMB IbB7. Complete House Fmliers. Kaogalowa futniahed complete (for liedroom, DiuicK room, Verendah Kitcben aod Batliroom) from $160. QUALITY <iL"ARAN TEED. 210 n 31-9-12
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  • 941 2 AMERICAN SECRETARY'S VISIT TO ENGLAND. A Favourable Impression. Mr. Meyer. Secretary of the I'nited States Navy, who made a recent tour of observation in Kugland, expressed himself as follows on his return to New York I visited two of tho largest Government navy yards, three shipbuilding plants
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 123 2 To Beautify £h&^"\ f\ Ji and Preserve »ir The Complexion is made soft, smooth and lj|: "A Ixauiifully clear by the daily application of U4 Hazeline' Snow" r Dullness, greasiaess an«l blemishes disappear, and a charming healthy tone is obtained. iHilf One of the special pro»,cities of jJPlli' I I.\/i
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    • 53 2 Follows Nature's Plan. Medicines that aid nature are always most effectual. Chamberlain's Cough Kemedy acts on this plan. It allays the cough, relieves tlic lun^s, opens thu secretions and aids nature in restoring the system to a healthy condition. Thousands have testified to its superior excellence. For sale by all
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    • 288 2 M. S. Cowan Turf Commission Agent. BOOK NOW OPEN ON THE SINGAPORE RACES First day, Nov 7. 1911. 100 to 1 Treble Events 100 to 1 ON RACES 1. 2 AND 6 ao to l Double Events ao to l ON THE ABOVE 3 EVENTS. For farther particulars, apply 10,
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    • 190 2 Jas CHRISTIE, The Arcade, PREMIER TURF ACCOUNTANT. BOOK NOW OPEN On Singapore Meeting. DOUBLES ON AMY TWO RACES UNLIMITED. TREBLE EVEMTS from 3,000 to 30 STRAIGHT-OUT Otf ALL EVENTS. Ti 1 grains TRITON. Telephone Codes: A. 8.C., ath Bditioo. Western Uoion. O.'iic lffi, Kenlerce 1107. ?4 10 10-11 PTJ.Collisßrowne's J
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  • 903 3 SONGS THAT WILL BE POPULAR THIS YEAR. A Plentiful Supply. This year lias been a very full one in I almost every respect, and promise* to finish I up with a full and adequate crop of panto I mime songs. Mr. Lester R;mttt. of Messrs. I Francis,
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  • 35 3 It is feared that the yacht Nordsteru, which formerly raced under the Kaiser's colours as Meteor 111., has foundered between Gibraltar and Kiel, with 28 persons on board. mivs a Berlin telegram dated October 14.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 13 3 For all ioternal oomplaiats. Dysentery, Coughs. Colds. tc., take Woods' Great Peppenuint Cure.
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    • 413 3 A. W. Tully, Now doing business on the forthcoming SINGAPORE RACES Run Nov 7, 9 and 11. TREBLE EVENT Races 2, 3, 6. DOUBLES AND STRAIGHT OUT ON AH, BVENTS. I'rice List can be set n at the Office lit, The Aroade. 'Phonk 589. Tel. Tally, S pore. IS 10
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    • 209 3 YOURSELF N \(\i |t^jf against Infection by I *3r the vie of Lifebuoy \_J c^V^H Soap. For use in i~ m all climate* and at 7^~^ y KM -_^A FOR PRESERVATION A/f- [m— y- >^| K.NAKAGAWA No. 2. High Street. Wholesale and Retail JAPANESE CURIOS, ETC., JUST UNPACKED XMAS PRESENTS.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 656 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. TOR CHINA, JAPAN, PENANG, OBYLON, AUSTRALIA, INDIA, ADBN, BOYPT. MBDITBRRANBAN PORTS. PLY MOUTH AND LONDON. Through Bills of Lading igxued for China Coast, Persian Oulf, Continental and American Ports. Steamers will leave Singapce on or about: MAIL LINES 1911 Outward {for China > Assayo Nov
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    • 671 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. EUROPEAN LINE. A Fortnightly norvico is maintained be iween Yokohama via ports to Marseilles. London and Antwerp, under mail oontraot with the Imperial Japanese Government, rho New Twin -screw Steamers maintaining this servioe have bven specially designed ana sonßtraoted. and
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    • 616 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LD. EAST COAST SERVICE. For Pahang, IWsorab, Tringganu Bisut, Semerak, Bicho, Kelantia, Bangnara Telupin, Panarai, Patani, Singora, Lacon, Kohsamni, Bandon, Langsnan Uhumpon Taku, Koblak and Bangkok. Due Departure 3 p.m. •.a. YUGALA Nov. 6 Nov. 8 a.a. BORIBAT** Nov. 8 Nov. 11 •.•.PRACHATIPOK*
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    • 505 4 STEAMER SAILINGS, HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. \Y AND DEUTSCHE DaMPFSCHIFFFAHRTMES. "MM*" MEMER. Combined Service. The steamers of these Companies maintain a regular service between Hamburg Bremen Antwerp and Rotterdam, and the Straits, China and Jap in. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly tor Havre and Hamburg and onoe a month for
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    • 596 4 STEAMER SAILINGS N D. TT Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. Tno fast .in 1 well known mail stoamnrs of this Company nail f jrtnightly from Bremon, Hamburg, via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples (connecting Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vice vorsa) Port Said, Saoz, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 742 5 STEAMER BAILIWGB. TOYO KISEN KAISHA (Oriental S.S. Co.) and WESTERN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. The New Route Via China, Japan, Honolulu, and San Francisco to all Points in the United States, Canada, Mexico and Europe. Operating th* New M.OOO-to* Tripto Screw TurblM Llmrt Shlnyo Maru Twyo Mara ■ad Chin «aru," Mm
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    • 359 5 Canadian Pacific Railway Co. s Royal Mail Steamship Lin*. THB NATIONAL HIGHWAY TO BUROPB Via China. Japan, Canada and ths L'nitsd Statis. Route from Hongkong, via Shanghai, Nagasaki (Inland Sea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama, Victoria and Vancouver. R.M.S. Empress of India") Twin screw RM.S.-BmpressofJap.u" $SfiSL R.M.S. Empress of China") spd.
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    • 630 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. INDOCHINA STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. The steamers of this Company maintains regular direct service between Calcutta, Straits, Hongkong, Shanghai and Japan, •aking cargo, on through Bills of Lading for Canton, Swatow, Amoy, Chefoo, Tientsin, Newohwang, Yangtsa Ports. Formosa, the Philippines, etc., etc 1 Steamers. Tons Commander Rutsano 4.806
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    • 200 5 "If it be not true, speak it not, If it be not seemly, do it not." Marcus Aurelius. The one and only Sole Agent* t PATERSON, SIMONS CO.. LTD. OTOMUNE'sSALE OTOMUNE'SSALE!! OTOMUNE'sSALE!!! Now Proceeding, Extraordinary Bargains will be offered and particular attention is drawn to the exceptional values in every
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    • 71 5 THE HEAP ENG MOH LINE OF STEAMERS. SINGAPORE TO BATAVIA CHEBIBOI AND SAMARANO. Sail TvlM WMk. ss "OiaDg Seng," 1,118 tons, Capt. J. Craig, at "Qiang Ann," 890 tons, Capt. O. Krulten. ss "Zwasna," I, MO lons, Oapl. James Shepbard ss "Edendale," 1,118 torn-, Capl. A. DoDlop They have eieeilant
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 233 6 Typewriter $50 Typewriter HELIOS mm The only reliable real Typewriter at a reasonable price. Supplied on 2 weeks' Trial. Sole Agents i L. E. SALOMONSON, No. 6-A, Malacca Street, Singapore. Maynard Co., Ltd., WHOLESALE RETAIL CHEMISTS, Singapore. CONTRACTORS TO SHIPPING COMPANIES, HOSPITALS AND RUBBER ESTATES. Sole Wholesale Agents in the
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    • 202 6 CONTRACTS SECURED For the supply of SLEDGE BRAND MILK TO ALL THB Government Medical Institutions IN THB Federated Malay States. SOLE IMPORTERS: J. T ravers and Sons, Limited. "PURUB." (Patented). THE NEW COAGULANT. Superior quality ot the manufactured article. Higher percentage of robber extracted from the latex. Disinfects the latex.
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  • 134 7 FIXTURES. Tuesday, November 7. Sigh Water, 10.12 a.m., 11.0 p.m. Singapore Assi/. h. Singaporo Raoos First Day. Wednesday, November 8. High Water, 10.4) a.m., 11.4) p.m. Boxing at Tangli 1, 8 p.m. Thursday, November 9. High Water, 11.11 a.m. Singapore Races Second Diy. rt. 1. homeward mail
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  • 196 7 TO-DAT. Malacca and Muar Lady Weld Bpm P. DickFOn and Port Swettenham Penang 8 pm In Aing Thye Ipm Bat&via, Melbourne and Sydney Darius 4 pm To morrow. Kerimnn Benuit 9 am Cucob Hock Hye 10 am liliio and Indragiri Ksemai 11 am Merging, Kuala Pabang,
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  • 101 7 Tho Imp. Gorman mail steamer Roon, having 1 ft Colombo on the inst., at noon, may bo expected to arrive here on Saturday, the lUli iust at 4 pm. LIHKT niNOAI'OUK. HUB IN LiONbON AKRIVHD. 3ct. 6P.4 0. October 38 Oct. 28 )rt 10 N. I).
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  • 159 7 Latest Arrivals. Sri Muar, Bnt. str. 1*23 tons, Capt Hudson, Nov 7. From Malacca, Nov 6. 00. and 97 dp. Oiggino Co. For Malacca, Nov B. Roads. l-.nli.lU, Dut. str. 93 tone, Nacodah, Nov Krom Singkop, Nov 5. O.c. and '26 d.p. Tan Ah Cuoon. For Singkep, Nov
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  • 97 7 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To-Day. TANJONU fAGAF. Bast Wbabf Basin— Nil. East W. Section No. I— Wakasa Mara. Sbibbs Whabf— SelaDgor. Main W. Siot.No. 2— Kgra.TenpaisanMaro. B— Nil. 4— Nil. fj-raroo. s— Yangteze, Atraus. Naw Dock 7— (Under oourtrnotion). W«st Whabf
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  • 38 7 Arrivals. Per steamer Knemai, Nov 8. From Indiagiri. Mews. Strahelin and Krocen. Per steamer Han Hio Guan, Nov 7.— From I'ontianak. Mr. Il< "icko. For steamer ori Uuar, Nov 7.— From Malacca. Mr. Procter, j
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  • 356 7 For many a year now has the width of women's brims exasperated, amused, and pu/zlcd the observant male. Within tho last two years in particular, brims have I grown so wide that sunshades have pone comparatively out of fashion. There will bo no need
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  • 254 7 Finance Commerce ■XCHANOB. SIMOAPOBB, NOVKMBEB 7, 1911 On Loiinoa— Bank 4 m/> !,'< „"3 Demand n Private em/i V*U do Bm/« 2;4.. On Obbmami— Bank d/d m 2 >• t Private 8 m/i m 242* On FBAHcii-EiDk d/d 304 Private 8 m/i 2«Bi O» I*du— Bank T. T, 174 Prhate
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    • 155 7 Issue !S Value S. 10 10 Bola» Tin 10 10 Broang 10 10 Kanaboi £1 41 Kinta Tin 41 41 LahatMinot 10 10 Malacca Tin 6/- 6/- Pahang Const 1 £1 41 PengkaJon £1 41 Posing Bafam 41 41 Posing Lama 10 10 Baiunao Hyd 41 41 Katuiiaa Tin
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    • 553 7 ISBQO 33 Value Hi v r 2/- 2/ Selaneor 80 3 £1 XI Bcnd»y»D 21/--£1 £1 Seremban 8.5.0 £1 £1 Sbeltord 21.6 41 £1 Sialang 1.176 3/- 3/- Singapore Pan A/2/- 2/- Straits (Bertam) 6, 2/- BuE>a*ra Para 8/8 £1 41 Sangei Cbob 8 0.0 3/- 2/- Sangei Knpar
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    • 120 7 V»lae Buyers. Seller* 10 10 B art era torn Smeltin* 10.00 10 7 m. 6.60 41 £1 Bleofcrie Tramways 8/8 8/9 10 10 Fraser Neave 47X0 48.00 100 Howarth Brskiue 66.C0 £7. C0 100 7% Prei. HI. OO 100 100 Eats Bro, OtL 186.00 100 100 8% Onm. Prot.
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    • 43 7 Buyers Sellers Spore Municipal 4}% of 1907 11,600,000 7% Spore Municipal 4J% of 1909 11,000,000 7% B"pore Municipal 4% »602,900 par Buyers Sellen Howarth Brskine 1600,000 par Riley. Hargreaves 6% 1284,000 2, Singapore Blectrio Tramways 6% £860,000 Spore Municipal 6 11,878,000 aon
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 50 7 Uood Advice. TheV-st time to buy Chamberlain's Cough Kcm. <ly is ri^ht now. Don't put it off until you need it but EMM it at hand. A cold is liuuli c.isirr cured when first contracted than after it has settled in tho system. For sale by all Dispousarius and Dealers.
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    • 300 7 AUCTION SALES. Powell and Co. Nov B.— At saleroom. 2^o fully paid shares in the Kuk-ib Rubber Estates, Ltd., at noon. Nov 11.— At saleroom, household furniture, etc., at 11. Nov 14.— At saleroom, freehold residential property, known as RoHeneatb, situate off Tanglin Hill, at 2.80. Nov 15. At saleroom,
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    • 349 7 Cigarette Making >^^^^^^^_ \^H Bouton Rouge Obtainable at JML ijls. and JOHN LITTLE V E ypU 1 Clgllrettes ROBINSON co.. lto.. Kaaßrt^Hßssßi MDCO §rand Motel de T Europe TO-NIGHT SPECIAL DINNER AND DANCE Thursday, November 9, Saturday, hovember tt, SPECIAL RACE TIFFINS DINNERS MONSIEUR EEVERGER'S ORCHESTRA. 611 11-11 The Straits
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    • 222 7 TO MEN FROM LONDON. Denis Moonie'i Vineleaf" Brandy notdi no introduction. It is met with in every hotel aod rightly appreciated for its fine qualities. It is served at the Ritz, Savoy, Langham, Cecil, Berkeley, Carlton, Claridgo's and other restaurants in London. Garner, Quelch Co., WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTB, Battery
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  • 990 8 Sabgant.—On November 6, in the General Hospital, Singapore, W. G. Sargant, late Chief Engineer of tho 8.1.5. N. Co., Ltd., s.s. Onda;" aged SO years. There is a special meeting of the Manici pal Commissioners on Friday next, to con sider tho budget for 1912. The Judges will move
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  • 1152 8 <% Straits Slimes, TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 7. JIMAH AND ITS FUTURE. The directors of the Jimah Rubber Company arc not at the moment lit subject* for severe criticism. They are too much under a cloud. The notice (or the first annual meeting states that the Chairman retires by rotation, but offers
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  • 395 8 Mr. Bain has been confirmed in his appointmont as Secretary to tho Kuala Lumpur Cliamber of Commerce. Quito a number of Straits people have been taking the cure at Harrogatc this year, including Mr. E. A. Watson. Mr. Neill. Mr. (i. Cobb and Mr. L. Dougal. Mr.
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  • 48 8 Following is the result of crushing operations at Raub for the four WSska ending November I ISukit Koman stone crushed 2,596 tons, gold obtained ">92 ounces, avenge per ton 4.56 dwt. 1 illicit Malacca: stone crushed 1.H36 tons, gold obtained 1*;! ounces, average per ton l.'.l'Jdwt.
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  • 121 8 Hmli Fred R. 0. Matllieson and Sons have just issu. <1 No. 7of the Rubber I 1 acts and Figures. It is an extremely handy little reference book showing as to each sterling company the year when forum), the shares authorised and issued and amount paid,
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  • 136 8 A sod drowning accident took place at Tanjong l'agar ou Sunday afternoon, tho victim being James Karrell, 17 years of sgt, au ordinary seaman on the Blue I'unuel liner Atrcus. The vessel was lying at the wharf discharging <';irgo and Farrcll dived into the sea for a
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  • 223 8 Ah Mr. C. Nicoll, the chief officer of tho Laisiinf.', which was moored at Tunjong l'agar wharf, was conversing with a friend on deck, yesterday afternoon, a ■farugaiißfl body floated past the Htejuiiir. Mr. Nicoll very promptly throw a lifebuoy to the drown ing person,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 195 8 Famous \A# r'H I l^^ Af Brands. POLO MACGREGOR.CALDBECKiP cusgow > LONDON. d%~^<s] LONOON 4 CLAS6OW. V Suppliers of Sootoh Whisky to The House of Lords, The House of Commons, and to the Houses of Parliament, panada. SOLE A6ENTB: Caldbeck, Macgregor Co. Messrs John Little «Sc Co., Ltd., are now
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    • 331 8 A GOOD TIP FOR RAGE WEEEK Baok the Favourite Place of Amusement in Singapore IT'S 1000 TO 1 ON THE ALHAMBRA BEACH ROAD. The People's Popular Picture Palace and Vaudeville Theatre. This Week All Sure Winners No Outsiders > THE FAVOURITE IS FRANK MELROSE To-Night and During Race Week HE
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  • 551 9 FULLER INFORMATION AS TO THE TREATIES. The Safeguards of Commercial Equality. Rkutkr's Tkleoram. London, via Durban, November 7. M. Caillaux, the French Promier, has made a speech in which ho oxtollod tho I ■'ranco I ii'i'iuau agreement. The Government liad striven to serve progross and civilisation by
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  • 99 9 STRANGE STORY OF A SECRET COMPACT. Russian v7*rships Made Free of The Dardanelles. RbUTRRS^KUtOBAM. I<ondon, via 1 >uffban, November 6. A Vienna message calls JatU'ntiou to a statement in tho Reichspost ti>*t Turkoy is prepared to grant Banii tin/ right of pasn&go for warships llir.iP" 1 tno
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  • 49 9 Riotkr's Tklboram. I .Minion. November 7. Mr. Churchill inspected the submarine depot at Portsmouth, and then proceeded to Spit head in a choppy sea on the bridge of D 23, which made a submerged run to Stokes Bay, where the First Lord witnessed torpedo practice.
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  • 78 9 Two Women Arrested in the French Settlement. (I'kom Our Own Correspondent). Shanghai, November 7. At six o'clock this morning there was a terrific explosion in a house in the French Settlement. The premises were in the occupation of Chinese, one mao being killed ui'l another seriously
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  • 51 9 (From a Malacca Correspondent). Malacca, November 7. Information has been received by Malacca Rubber Plantations, Limited, that the price of fine Para in London yesterday was 4/3 per lb., sellers. The price of best plantation rubber is quoted at 4 61 value. The market is quiet but
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  • 408 9 Messrs. Samuel Montagu and Co.'s Weekly Bulletin. Iv their weekly iac:'"j letter, Messrf. Samuel Montagu aud Co. write on October 12: Gold.— With the exception of .£90.000 for India, there was no external demand for the tOOOJOOQ, of bar gold which arrived. The bulk, after supplyiug the
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  • 271 9 Amusing Anti-Suffragist Comedy in New York. An amusing suffragist satire, called The Never Homes," has been produced at New York. The music ial comedy owes its name to the fact that the entire municipal administration of tho town of Lilydale is in tho hands of the ladies.
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  • 192 9 SELECTIONS FOR THE MEETING TO-DAY. .The Latest Scratching. If the weather continues to hold fine, the going should prove hard at the race-coarse this afternoon, and the general conditions should be pleasant for the spectator— but at the moment of writing a cloudy sky gives promise of
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  • 508 9 Kukub.— 3,3B7 lbs. Morton. lbs. Cluuy.— l,s4o lbs. Peugkalen Duriau. 6,044 lbs. Cheng.— 4.3oo lbs. F.M.S. Rubber C 0. —56,680 lbs. K.L. Rubber C0.— 6K.900 lbs. Tanjong Malim.— 9,ooo lbs. Scmbilan Estates.— 9,929 lbs. Tremelbye.— l7.2oo lbs. Lowin.— l,loo lbs. Cheras.— 2.o3o lbs. Trafalgar.— 667 lbs. Coconuts,
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  • 692 9 Rebels in Singapore. CHINESE IMPERIAL FLAG BURNT PUBLICLY. Towchangs Severed by Force. Despite the element of donbt which still invests the information that Peking is in the hands of the rebels and that the Emperor and Prince Ching are prisoners, the Singapore Chinese have abandoned themselves to jubilation *o-day. There
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  • 265 9 Dead Bodies Said To Have Been in The Hold. The hearing of evidence against the captain and doctor of the Russian steamer Curonia, on the charge of making a false declaration with regard to cholera on the vessel, was continued yesterday afternoon. Captain A. H. Chalmers, acting
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  • 532 9 Singapore Fails to Retain the Trophy. After retaining possession of the Interport rifle match challenge shield for the past three years, the trophy now adorning Government House will have to find a new home as the result of this yoar'g shoot shows that Singapore is already beaten. Hongkong
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  • 212 9 Is the East Indies Squadron to be Re-organised A report has reached the Times of Ceylon from a usua'ly well-informed source that important developments arc impending in connection with the constitution and scope of the present Kast Indies Squadron. As is known, says the paper
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  • 107 9 The sixth Assizes for the Settlement of Singapore was commenced at the Supreme Court, this morning, before the Chief Justice, Sir W. H. liyml i nan -Jones. One of the cases of attempted murder and causing hurt has been removed from tho calendar, leaving nine indictments to be
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  • 168 9 PART OF FLEET HOIST REBEL FLAG. Yuan-Shih-Kai Refuses to Accept Premiership. Riutkr's Tklkoram. London, via Durban, November 5. Today the rebels sent letters aud flays to the gunboats, who thorcupon struck the liupcrial flag and hoisted the rebel colours. Tlio officers also joined. London, via Durban, November
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  • 312 9 GENERAL CANEVA REMOVED FROM COMMAND. Rumours of Great Turkish Victory. Rrutkk's Tklrgram. London, November Pi. It is understood that General Frugoui is superseding Gcucral C'nneva in tho command at Tripoli, where the forces are becoming constituted as an army corps. Geucral Cancva becomes Governor of the town
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  • 49 9 Remarkable Story from Port-of-Spain. Kki-iku's Tklkoram. London, via Durban, November 6. A Port-of-Spain messago Hays au island has suddenly arison in Serpent's Mouth Strait. Tin) phenomenon was proccdod by an extraordinary commotion in the sea, from which columns of smoke and (lames shot up.
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  • 44 9 Ridtkk's Tilkqbam. London, via Durban, November 6. A great galo raged in Britain ycHtcrday. N timorous cases of casualty aud damage by sea and land are recorded. The DieppeNcwhaven boat wax ton hours overdue and had to bo towed in.
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  • 872 10 How He Regarded the English Occupation. The Egyptian Oazetto has published an account of an interviow which Mr. Robert Williams, of Alexandria, had with Arabi I'usli.i in September of last year, which, as far I known, was the last anyone had wit! 1 I'onha, who, it
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  • 195 10 Great Britain Compared with the Principal Powers. A icturu ha-MJiist brcnis-iued by the British Adininilty. shuwintj the total naval expenditin. nu cstiiimUil <"q>enditure) of the Lniteil Kinddoni (or the past eleven years, ami ni v n (i similar information for each of the principal f.uii^ii naval Powers. Iv
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  • 19 10 They want the Bishop to shoot for Penang in tho Interport competition, says the Straits Echo.
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  • 87 10 The Garrison football league results up to date are as follow list Co. U.K. IS Co. Buffs 18 3 15 R.G.A. 15 a Buffs le r8,, R.O.A. 13 K Buffs 14 3 17 8 14 16 0 14 won. 1 10 8 7 7 7 4 A 4 8
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  • 132 10 Keppel v. Sepoy Lines. The return match between Keppel Oolf Club and Sepoy Lines Golf Club was played at Sepoy Lines, on Sunday, and resulted in a wiu for the home team. Scores The ladies' monthly medal of the Sepoy Lines Club will be played for on Monday next.
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  • 614 10 Trees Showing Good Growth— The Crop Estimate. The directors of the Jitra Rubber Estate, Limited, roport as follows ou the first financial pvriod of the company's working: It was mentioned at tho statutory meeting of the compuuy luld on September 12, 1910, that in resi>ouse to the
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  • 83 10 A Tokio wiro to the Hongkong Daily Press says The Russian Government has invited representatives of the Japanese Chambers of Commerce to send a deputation to the annual Conference of the Educational and Industrial Association to be held at Moscow on April 15. There aro many other
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  • 925 10 STOCKS AND SHARES DEBENTURES. Prices Quoted In the Market This Morning. Singapore, November 7,1011. Messrs. Lyall and Evatt, Exohange and Share Broken, issue the following list of quotations this morning:— •100 Howarth Erskine Ld. 8% par. 100 RileyHargreavesiCo Ld.6% 3% pro. 100 Singapore Municipal 6 20% pm. 100 do 6%
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 401 10 An actor in Wben Knights were bold" Had every night to feign a no!d. His art, of conroe, matured with age And soon he shivered off the Stage Habit, yon sno, made snuffling chronic, So in d«spair be took a tonic. Alas! that he on Wood*' Great Peppermint Cnre should
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    • 381 10 Raffles Hotel TO-NIGHT SPECIAL RACE DINNER also SPECIAL TIFFINS DINNERS Thursday, November 9* Saturday, November 11. DANCING ON ABOVE NI6HTB. By kind permission of Lieut.-Col. A. D. Geddes and Officers, the Band of the Buffs will play on Tuesday, November 7, and Saturday, November 11. Victoria Theatre. 5 NIGHTS ONLY
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  • 1772 11 CAUSES OF THE HEAVY EXPENDITURE. Progress On The Properties. The fifth annual general mooting of the Sungkai-Chumor Estates, Limited, was held on October 12, at Ceylon House, 49-51, Bastcheap, E.C., Mr. Thonias Ritchie, J.P., (chairman of the company), presiding. The Chairman said GontlemoD, with your consent I will,
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  • 334 11 The third annual report of the United Rubber Estates, Limited, states that the profit for the year to June 30, after transfer- j ing £1,000 to reserve, and writing off £500 for depreciation of buildings and machinery, is .£17,370; add balance of last account, i £3,304, together
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  • 122 11 The writer of your Rubber Market Notes. i says a correspondent of the Financial News, I touches on the reduction ol the Seremban crop estimate, and wonders if it wonld be pos- I ttiblc for the contractors to sue the company for shortage of rubber, as from
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  • 2393 11 FURTHER INCREASE IN THE PROFITS. Despite Fall in Prices. I The fourth annual ordinary general meetI ing of the Sumatra Para Rubber Plantations, I Limited, was hold on October 9 at the LonI don Chamber of Commerce, Oxford Court, I Cannon Street, E.C., Mr. Keith Fraser ArI
    2,393 words
  • 1712 11 I THE WHOLE CENSUS NOT YET COMPLETED. The Hevea Figures. The first annual ordinary general meeting of shareholders of the Hayoep (Dutch Borneo) Rubber Estates, Limited, was held on October 11, at Winchester House, Old Broad Street, E.C., Mr. Robert T. Byrne (Chairman of the company presiding.
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  • 218 11 The first annual report of the Scngat Rubber Estate, Limited, states that tho net profit for the 14 months to June 30, amounts to £18,984, which it is pro)>oscd to apportion as follows Dividend, 10 per cent., £17,000; write off preliminary expenses, £1,500; to carry forward to
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  • 173 11 An extraordinary general meeting of tho shareholders of the Paudan (Johore) Rubber Estates, Limited, was hold at the Institute of Chartered Accountants, Moorgato Place, on October 10, for the purpose of confirming certain resolutions passed for the voluntary winding up of the company, and its amalgamation
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  • 141 11 The report 'of tin- Anglo- Straits Rubber and General Trust, for the period of twelve and a half months ended April :;o last, states that during the year throo rubber estate companies were promoted, resulting in a gross profit to the Trust of £6,143. The
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  • 1705 12 ECONOMICAL MANAGEMENT OF THE COMPANY. Mr. 11. A brains' Speech. The first ordinary genoral meeting of shareholders of the Kota Tinggi (.lohore) Rubber Company, Limited, was held on October 10 at the (iroat Kastern Hotel, Liverpool Street, K.C., Mr. Byron l'etcrs, Chairman of the company, presiding. The
    1,705 words
  • 379 12 The report of the Kamuning (Peraki Rubber and Tin Company, Limited, states that the transfer of the property has now been completed, and the Government grant shows a total area of 6,176 acres. As the result of a detailed survey made in the early part
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  • 154 12 The directors of tlio Mambau |F.M.S.| Rubber Company, in their report for the txclvc months ended Juno 30, 1911, state: Steady progress has been made during the year in opening out the company's property, and the total area planted now amounts to 474 acres in addition, 374
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  • 855 12 Extra Royalty Levied By the Johore Government. The first report of the Majedie (Johore) Rubber Estates, Limited, for the 14 months to June 30, states that the property was taken over from the vendors on May IH, 1910, and possession assumed, with the exception of a portion
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  • 304 12 The board of the Sungei Bahru Rubber Estates, Limited, state that, owing to the delay in receiving the report and account for April from Malacca, caused through the letter having been insufficiently addressed, it is impossible for the balance-sheet to .Tune 80 last to be completed
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  • 1213 12 PASSENGERS EXPECTED TO ARRIVE. The following passenger bookings to the Straits are taken from the London and China Express reoeived by the most recent mail. It should be understood that, in some instances, bookings may be provisional and that intend ing passengers may alter their arrangements subsequent to
    1,213 words
  • 1236 12 STOCK EXCHANGE CLOSING PRICES, AND SINGAPORE QUOTATIONS ON OCTOBER 11. We quote below the best available London list from the reports brought in by the last mail, and add local quotations from the list prepared by Messrs. Fraser and Co (Singapore) on the corresponding date
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 290 13 I there's Purity and Vigour' I IN EVERY DROP OF READS J "DOGS HEAD GUINNESS It retains through the entire brewing process and after maturing and bottUng, the delicious fragrance of the hop with' its tweet and soothing perfume. It has the spatkling force of a cleverly fermented bcverag* without
      290 words
    • 766 13 H. L. GOBHLAN AND COMPANY, Auctioneers, Valuers and Surveyors, NO. 6, RAFFLES PLACK. VALUATIONS of Real and Personal Piopeity for naloi>, Mort^a^o nil Bxtato Duty. AUCTIONS conducted of Land, House Property, Furniture and otber effect*. ESTATE MAN AOEMBNT and COLLECTION of RENTS ondrr nupi rvixion of experienced Staff. RUBBER AUCTIONS
      766 words
    • 198 13 FOR MILK STAND WITH SAFETY ON MILKMAID BRAND. THE PLANTERS' STORES AGENCY CO., LTD., Kuala Lumpur, Klang, Port Swettanham, Ipoh BUPPLIEB OF EVERY DESCRIPTION OF EBTATE REQUISITES. Tapping Knives, Gouges, Coagulating Pans, Spouts, Strainers, Glass, Aluminium, Earthenware Terne Plate Latex Gups. Acetic Acid, Coagulators, Sprayers, etc., Rubber Mangles and Machinery.
      198 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 429 14 INSURANCE. GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO.. LIMITED. Head Office: Winchester House, INOAPOBB. Board Of DlKOtoi-n O. A. Dkubioe, Esq., Chainnin A. H. Faib, Esq., Mutagißg Director. I'it.r Fowlii, m.b., am, Ohiel Mad. Officer F. M. Elliot, Bsq. Be*. N. J. Oowtmo*. Tow Noan Pa*, Bog. Om 8oo« Tkb, Bag. Khoow
      429 words
    • 367 14 IHSURANCE. HOME LIFE INSURANCE CO.. LTD. Of China. Head Office. 51a, Kiangse Rd Shanghai. To tbs CniKßsn Gbmtlbmbn or Simoaforb REMEMBER that it is the UNEXPECTED that is always happening in all parts of tbe world 1 The Home Life issues all sorts of policies to suit all sorts of
      367 words
    • 521 14 BANKING. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUBTRALIAJND CHINA. INCORPORATED BT ROYAL CHARTER Paid up Capital in 60.000 Shares ot £20 each £1 ,*»,000 Reserve Fund 41,026,000 Reserve Liability ot Proprietors... 41,300.000 BANKERS. National Bank ot Scotland. Tbe London City a Midland Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Accounts are opened and interest
      521 words
    • 351 14 BANKING. THE SZE HAI TONB BAMUM MB INSURANCE 00. LTD MO. IT AND 68, KLINQ STRUT. Established 1901. Capital paid op 11,000,000.00. Reserve liability of proprietors 1,000,000.00 COURT OF DI RECTORS. 1. Tim Tbob Joom 8. Sim Kia Jab 3. Nam Km Sane 7. Tao Hoe Lai 3. Liow CnL»
      351 words
    • 902 14 SALES BY AUCTION. AUCTION BALE OF Valuable Teak Household Furniture, Cottage Piano, Etc., AT POWELL A CO.'S SALEROOM. On Friday, November IT, at 11 a.m. An excellent toned cottage piano by Ibacb Sohn harmonium, carved and polished teak cabinet with mirror panel; polished teak writing table valuable oil painting* and
      902 words

  • 1118 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Automobile Ahoy! Gerald Biss writes in the Evening Standard lt is a bit of a jump from 4} to 700 horsepower, isn't it Still, that is what 1 experienced last Sunday. On paper it appears from the ridiculous to the sublime,
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 294 15 ARROL JOHNSTON As Supplied to the WarlOfflce. 5 SEATED CAR COMPLETE 11.9H P.%3.000. 15.9 HP. $4,000. mm mnnv rnvßitPn a\- 16 SEATED 14SEATED HP. LOHKY COMtKfcU \»N CHARABANC WAGGONETTE 53.750 $4,000 $4,950 $4,900 FULL PARTICULARS FROM Central Engine Works, Ld. FORDS Wf ln'K to inform the Uancral Public that we
      294 words
    • 50 15 Digestion and Assimilation. It is not the quantity of food taken but Uio amount digested und asximilatod that civea strength and vitality to the system. Cbamburlain'H Stomach and Liver Tablets mvi the stomach and liver and enable them to perform their functions naturally. For dale by all Dmperuiant* and Dealers.
      50 words
    • 262 15 TRADE I JjW I MARK. CARRIAGE AND RICKSHA RUBBER TYRE. foRiyVR.Ma Foql/*'R,ms FobWßins Forl' Use Dun/op Quality, It is the Beet Stocks a/ways on hand. Supplier* to the Trade only. Particulars and estimates given for Solid Tyres, for Motor Busses and Motor Commercial Vehicles of all descriptions. THE DUNLOP RUBBER
      262 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
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    • 415 16 TO BE LET OB SOLD. OFFICES TO LET. With immediate entry. B st and Bcoond floors, No la, Raffles Quay Apply Guthrie V Co., Ltd. 1.4 o HOUBE TO LET. No. 44, Anson Road, to let. Apply Nathan and Son, Change Alley. 16-6 u_ GODOWNSTO BE LET. No:. 18. 15,
      415 words
    • 423 16 ARTICLES FOB SALE. BIRDB OF PARADISE FOR BALE. Apply, Moraux Co., 10, 30, Boat Quay. 21-7 n PIANO PLAYER FOR SALE. The Angelus" with about 70 Rolls, in good order. Apply c/o Straits Times. 10-10 v TURNOUT FOR SALE.' A Calcutta-built Lady's buggy and Chestnut gelding, 6 years aid. Guaranteed
      423 words
    • 607 16 NOTICES. HOTICE. It is hereby notified that the Exchange Banks will be closed •n NOTICE. It is hereby notified that the exchange Banks will be closed >n JATURDAY. NOV. 11. Public MONDAY. NOV 13. I Holidays. 6-11 1011 IE 6. R. LAMBERT CO.. LTD.. RE H. HANNKE. Notice is hereby
      607 words
    • 663 16 NOTICES. KIAM KIAT A CO. SHIP-CHANDLERS. hIWKI iitd Municipal Contractor! relephone No. 421. 108 k 108. Market Street. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that all Roads within Government Home Domain will be closed Io tbe public from 1 p.m. to 9 p.m. on each of the following dates, namely, November
      663 words
    • 487 16 NOTICES. OLD MARLBURIAN DINNER. liy kind permit sion of the Committoe, the Uld Marlburitn Dinner will be held in tho Singapore Club at 8.15 p m. on Thursday. November 9, Sir William Hyndman-Jones in the chair. Those U. M.'h who havo not already s goified their intention of being present
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 230 16 Straits Wimes. ADVERTISEMENT KATES.— Miscellany our wants of every description are insert ed at th'j prepaid rato of tl per (cr.i lines for one or twe insertion*. Notico* of Dirths, Marriages, or Deaths, if not exceeding fcur lines, II eaoh insertion. For p.p.c. o*kU, on page 8, %'i. Inch Soam
      230 words