The Straits Times, 29 May 1906

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times SO. 22.049 THE STRAITS TIMES. TUESDAY. MAY 29. 1906. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • 226 1 IWIIW, 211m Km-. 1906. PRODUCE. Oambier buyer* I7J6 do (Cube No. 1) unp^ked IO.T'i Copra Bali M9 do Pontiauak 7.9*> Pepper. Black hnver. JO.75 do White, 5° o MJT) Sago Flour Sarawak 2.80" do Brunei No. 1 -J.&5 Pearl Sago 3.40 Coffee Bali, 15% buyer« Coffee, Palembang. 20%
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    • 351 1 Amur, Brit. ear. MN tmt, (apt Hall. 28th Miiy. From HlHMhsag, Hnd May Uo. I'nU-rson Sinionsd- C'o. For Calcutta. I'.— W. Oatmvitr, Brit. str. 213 tonn. Capt Morris. 28th Hay. From Telobau, 22nd Max. G.c. and 1« d.p. Choo Ohee. For Telobau. 31st— Rds. Itlwniiti. Brit. str.
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    • 128 1 rANM.n ni jua sinAus un akiiumi run unur. A r-.PT.iv D TE ol Date. Hi... ShiiV Xvmk. ai> Ihw, AmWmh DlMINlTIOX. lUy lSDut KaUik Kugelsnian Ma\ 16Batavia 16 Brit II Zuii; Thompson Mav 14 Sin«»|>"i<- 17 Brit a Priam TillatUon 'Mai- 29 Anistrr.lain 17Brit >> Cnnley I^k..:^
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    • 89 1 For Per Steamer Time TO-MOHKOW. Billiton, SniKkauHiiß Vmu Hoftmimrp 9 a.m. Bangkok Junet Mtofl 11 p m. Indragiri Him linn- noou P.S'Mnbam A Penaug Kiitnn noon Trinsganu, Kelantan.etc./.'iiMriVf 2 p.m. Teluk A n. son via ports Selanaor 3 p.m. Siak, Paneh, Aualian llrouirer 3 p.m. Pontianak Hun Fo
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    • 135 1 From Ecrope— By the K. I>. 1., s. s. /.itlen due on Ist Juue. From Cacu— By M. M. s. s. OaMmtm due oo 4th June. TUfl TABLE Or MAIL* DCB. Loft Singapore Due in London Arrived Apl. 16th N. D. U. Mai lltli May 10th Apl.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 424 1 NOTICES READ THIS AND BE CONVINCED!!! Extract of a letter received from the gentleman who bought our last 8 H.P. "DE DION CAR" ttid May 19O(>. lam glad to tell \<>u tin mi ia runniug splendidly, in fact I have run alx>ut 000 miles in the ln>t 1 1 ion
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    • 303 1 The Recog-nised Headquarters of the Army, Navy and Tourists. THE ADELPHJ HOTEL Aln -t class Hotel in Singapore. Splendul siiiiHtion. All modern comforts. Elertrir Paaa, Ufte. and Call Bell. English and French Hillianls. Lawn Tennis Courts. Charges Strictly Moderate WAVERLEY HOTEL 'ill. Hill-street. Singapore- Healthy Position French aod German Cuisine
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    • 623 1 NOTICES. Robinson Co. Just received a large shipment of GRAMOPHONES RECORDS. RECORDS do 12-inch) High class Music just been produced Sung at Covent Garden elsewhere by the following notable Singers. Madame Melba RED LABELS. Mailainc Marcella Seinbiiuh Sig: Coiiini. Francisco Tamagno. IVlestinji Boninsegna Fernando dv Lacia Gemma Bellincioni ANCONA Signon
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  • 848 2 Extent of the Damage The San Francisco Chronicle punishes a message from Tahiti giving further particulars of the disaster last February. The message says The latest estimate of the number of lives log. in tU> hurricane of February 7th and Bth is 150. Property losses aggregate
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  • 34 2 In the cricket match batmen l.anc.ishire and Leicestershire. :he former won hy one run. Surrey lias l)> ;Ucn Xorth-;imp:<iti-hirf l>v an innings and 214 rutiK The M c C.un beaten Yorkshire t>y 40 runs.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 253 2 BARBED WIRE. Price $5.50 per roll of 440 yards, four point barbs every six inches. IMPORTERS BORNEO Co., Ltd. "TIMES" MINING CANDLES. Hard, Brilliant and Cheap. IMPORTERS Borneo Co., Ltd. H. ABRAMS, V)f)e Morse Repository, ORCHARD ROAO. Has ju>t lamlnl Ex. S.S. I»arhi*" thirty rj waet Hocaaa. Cofci and rVmiaa,
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    • 257 2 PHOSFERINE The Greatest of nil Tonics 2 RADIATES HEALTH. J JJ Pv^pricton Ashtoa A Parana, Limited, 17. Firringdoo Koad, London. B. C •••■•■ea*a«aa*«a«a*«*a*m* ADVANTAGE OF EFFECTING ASSURANCES EARLY IN LIFE. It is an advantage to effect Assurance early in life. By delay, the rate of Pre niium increases Death may
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    • 178 2 All must eat salt Then why not choose the only one— Gerebos SALT which both seasons and strengthens the Food. k from Ororon. CERIBOS. 1 LOHDOH. ALEXANDRA BBU'RWOBKS Go, Limited. BRICKS FIREBRICKS. Sound well shaped and bard burnt bricki can be supplied at $1 SO per Lakaa at th. Works.
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    • 152 2 FIJCCFJL .1^ *^^wSS?S.i vV#«jßaan|a%J For Infant Feeding fl 9 It Is Perfect. Jr It does not WWk I I InV 111 t y _^K3B^ thicken. It aU I \^£^V^ is absolutely pure. It is Sterilized. I i N s Supplied to H.B.M/ If m^Kr ll FUitILL t CO. LTD.. Jr
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  • 1170 3 Why British Lines Lose Ground A t w yean ago, says a "OoanorasJ |.oiidcnt it wa,s t.und BOMOBBrj IV foreign steamship lISJBOII t' 1 tdlQiliol that the flHl II .:nd oAeon speak Kngllsh." From j>n nt indications it lc.iks M ihoii^'h British lines will soon have
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  • 541 3 German Liners Faster. A (Ji Tinan report which has just been issued regarding the respective >peeds of fteamships carving the mails between Great Britain and America ahowi the marked superiority of the German liners over their British rivals. The report gives in each ccats t the number of
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  • 119 3 Among the passengers for England nrriving recently in Colombo was Mr. A. B. l^ke. who until recently was partpioprictor of Kent and Uganda estates. Mr. Lake having sold his estates, does not intend returning. He think* very highly of tbe prospects of rubber in !hi Straits and says that in
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 506 3 BANKS. Chartered Bank of India. Australia and China INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Capital £000,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £000.000 Reserve Fund i' 975.000 BANKER*. Bank of En eland. National Bank of Scotland. Tbe London City 4 Midland Rank, I.W SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Accounts are opened and interest allowed at 1
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    • 556 3 DOGSHEAD^^ BRAND BASS'S ALE STOUT Jodn Jbitth (80., Jstd. RAZORS. SCISSORS. POCKET KNIVES. made in Sheffield Jaßf /^"aaasW^^>«^^ '"'>'"« Ta i al expressU It aaßßsssV flBio»w--Z^^*^_ n 1 BY, sQ9aafe^>^^^*^>^ 3"" i-> Hal Bsssss^^ ■"^^laaV^^^w^W^k. tins' a' V"""' bargain, but Price -.aP^^^H**«aßasasasasw. *LOv^osw n^^Oswnanaass^^^Z^^^^^^ /^^^^^i^^a^nni^^nasi X^E ■nhi^^^** llnaPlß| |IIH<al l^^Ls>nT^B^
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  • 16 4 Ksmnan: At Aberdeen, on the fTta May, Klizabeth. beloved wife of Win. Kennedy, of Singapore.
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  • 709 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 10 CENTS. TUESDAY, 29th MAY. It will be with regret, and yet with satisfaction, that the public will asraaa and note the several contents of Major Itroadrick's letter which is published on page ■> to-day. Kcgret, aye, deep regret, they must feel at the reason calling
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  • 446 4 Mi Bland has issued his administration report of Malacca during the year. l'.Hi.v The. total revenue was *J.i»77.2i)4. ami the total exjienditurc H.IMIWt Both totals contain very interesting items, and one of these items easts some reproach upon this British Colony. According to Mr. Bland, the «x|»ndituic includes &4H0.430 spent
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  • 580 4 lx days gone- by it mattered little what the members of the House of Commons chose to say in reference to any OBSfaateM against native tribes who might be showing resistance to the British go\ eminent. The report of the debate. if it ever reached the scene of action, arrived
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  • 358 4 Wi tea, if things oaatiaoetogo as they are goin^. that we shall hiivo to be very careful. Lately, the Btn»its Timtt has been roplctc with all the winner* ami the latest betting.' and il b jast pgssifcie the f\oell«'iice ef our news on racing matters may have led to conversation
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  • 142 4 Mil. T. C. LovKHiixiK, who was interested in a case at the Court of Requests on Saturday, wishes us to correct a re|xjrt of tlie proceedings' which appeared in the StrmU Time* yesterday. We inadvertently «h \e. \v regret to find, tho imprcssiou that tho affairs oftheMandai Quarry Company are
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  • 76 4 Wk would venture to draw the attention of our readers and advertisers to the fact that the advertisements in the Strnitt Time* are now grouped and published according to their classification. This arrangement can only be mtmtaincd, if advertisements reach the office by eleven o'clock, at the latest, on tlie
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  • 10 4 H. M. S. Monmoulli with coal at Tanjong I'agar to-morrow.
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  • 10 4 Hahmston's Circus is \|iccted at Penaug about tbe Kith proximo.
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  • 16 4 Mb. H. C. Huttox Potts Yokohama share mart, dated 10th May, quote Itaubs at ».i aHea,
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  • 17 4 A large area of the Golf of Mexico is blazing with oil rising from a submarine spring.
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  • 19 4 Thk American anthracite operaton .in noitnee that they have rejected all the latest ]>ro|Hisals presented by the arfnaw' represeutatives.
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  • 28 4 Tui. Kni|N.'i-or Meii.-lik ha-s applied to the Calcutta Corporation for four native traction engine drivers to go to Abyssinia on ii two years' contract on Rl(k) a month.
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  • 28 4 Thk value of the Transvaal mineral output for March is estimated at over l"2.( K K v kK i stcrlin". The number of white men employed WTOOOnofl 21UKK).
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  • 25 4 Two hundred and twenty seven deaths were registered in Singapore during the week ending on the 19th May. The ratio per thousand was 42. 'J0.
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  • 26 4 This morning a Chinaman was taken to the Central Police Station suffering from the effects of an overdose of opium. He was sent to tlie hospital.
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  • 25 4 'Vut Town aud Volunteer Baud v. ill pl:»\ on the Esplanade to-day, and at the II S. Reservoir to-morrow, from BtoSpjlL, sash day. weather permitting.
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  • 28 4 Thk Hongkong Legislative Council has read for the second time a bill entitled an Ordinance to regulate the 'ijnalifications an, l to provide for the rcgistratiju of dentists.
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  • 32 4 Loot. a. h. Aud, m Coy. R. g. a., has been giauted sick leave on the recommendation of a Medical Board from Ist June to 80th November, 1906, to proceed to Kn«lan<l.
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  • 28 4 The Indian Government has decided to complete the Hindustan-Tibet road in order to establish an unbroken link between Simla and Gantok, the new trade mart in Western Tibet.
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  • 29 4 Tokio newspapers announce that Switzerland has decided to open a Legation in Tokio, and that Dr. Paul Hitter, now ConsulGcueral for Switzerland in Yokohama, is to the first Minister.
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  • 31 4 Us the 2nd May, a Chinese launch capsized eff the Tomjuin coast in a strong gust of wind. Overtwo hundred passengers perished. Eighteen passengers, the master, and the crew saved themselves.
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  • 29 4 Thk Kand Daily Mail publishes Statements from different parts of the Transvaal and Natal showing the effects of the preseut depression. In almost every iu-tame great distress is reported.
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  • 27 4 Sir Henry Campbcll-Banuennan'scautious reply to the deputation claiming women s suffrage lias given great dissatisfaction to the demonstrators, who have declared their resolve to right, until death."
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  • 38 4 In Saigon th< steady tine of the dollar is canning dissatisfaction, and those drawing wnfics and salarien on a uolil ba.sin complain bitterly. The high dollar only bonerits Uie merchants, and works to the ilisa<l\an. tage of consumers.
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 33 4 I;., <i. 5,,,,/,,/,,,,,, MM .1/."/. l><ld. 1,,, r 1.15 )>.,„. Tbe <iermaii lieichstag have rej, t. d practically the whole of the supplement. ny estimates for (ieiinan South West Afrii ,i.
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    • 24 4 What Will Happen The llouw siilise<|iiently refiise,| to grant the (iovernment the money they required to establish a Minister and Department of the Colonies.
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    • 37 4 This is regarded as a severe rebuff to th, (iovcrument and is munlyduc to abeotoi ing sjwech delivered by Colonel [Mmling who has been ap|N>int<-d to the Command in German South West Africa.
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    • 26 4 The Colonel is said to have lectured the Kcichstag iv a stentorian voice as though the members were troops on the drill ground.
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    • 35 4 lie declared liiv determination to [gnon certain recommendations of the Budget Committee, nataw otherwise directed by the Kaiser, who alone, be said, had power to decide. A tremendous uproar followed tin statements.
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    • 27 4 The .lapauese Katori is now at I'ortsn tli whan she will remain a fortnight. The Keuhima will join her on the 2ml of June.
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    • 21 4 T. K. H. the I'rinc" and the hlilWl Waits, while iv Paris, paid rWt to M Kallieres.
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    • 67 4 (ieneral rumours wan about on Saturday night that the Duma would be dissolved when the House met on Monday, but these were all dispelled by an oft Vial statement ;it midnight, declaring that the Duma will -it, till the middle of June, when the lecess will begin.
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    • 30 4 President Castro has proclaimed his decision to retire permanently from the Venezuelan Presidency, but it is rumoured that the people will demand his return hi power.
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    • 52 4 The Qovsraoc Heaaral and UUef of the Police at Tiflis have been bombed but <s eaped unhurt. A Cossack, however, (ran killed. A —hat of liombs hare been thrown in a sijnare in Sr\;i-.t..|'01, during a re\ ii w ..I the troops on the anniversary of the
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    • 30 4 Tbaaa nsrSQMa were killed, and main wounded, the latter including the Governor of the fortress and the Chief of the Pottos. Two arrests lime he. n made.
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    • 48 4 Bte'd. Shignpor, 99th Mug. I), I, I. h,j Renter 9JS Lord I'it/nianii.c the Undcr-Societ;ii ..I State for l-'oreiyn Affairs, stated in the Ha of Lords that China's reply to the last Note of the British Gov. rnment on the Customs < I i ■sti.,;, is expected shortly.
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    • 27 4 The British Government ilois not intend to allow any protracted delay in settling tini| icstion. and f nil v realises its hnjnrtaiT In trade.
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    • 29 4 Lord Kit/.niaurice finally said that the British Government was acting with the knowledge of the other Treaty Powers, with which it was i:i lull agreement.
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    • 11 4 The Japancso Training Squadrou has left Sydney for Japan.
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    • 51 4 Thk match hotwaaa the Perak Ride Association aud the North London Rifle Club, which took place alml four weeks ago. baa resulted in the home team just managing to notch a victory l>y the narrow margin of torn )M>iuts, sanely, l. v. c. totalled Bin against the 1". score of
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    • 49 4 At a recent niei. ting of the Ijioh Sauitiny Board, Mr. Maxwell suggested that four unmounted coffins of different sizes 1). oh tamed from l'enaiig, akfcs used in the case of sudden deaths ai::.mgst BatopsSoa, Mft in almost im|M>s.sible t.i oh tain one in time al present in Ipoh.
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    • 50 4 Thk Saigon polic. have arrested a Kinopean for abutting an Annamitc Imnd of -.a robbers. He siipplii I the prates with anus and helped thorn in then- cx|x-ditions. Wh< n the police a| |>roache i the band, tli y m n MMMcd with shots, nnd severnl piratm made their <•*•
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 384 4 CHAMPAGNES. Inov k Co.. Carte d*Or, Extra Sec Lauaon l'ere et Fils Extra <|iiality. Bollinger (Bepftndin). Very dry. Extra (juality. Krng k Co., Private Cuvee. (iieslcr Co., Extra Superior Dry Ac. itc. Ac. (In Magnums, quarts, pints and half pints). (Prices on application). CALBBECK MAC6REGOR&Co, SOLE AGENTS. LATEST ADVFWTISMENTS THE
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    • 227 4 Amateur Dramatic Performance IH. E T^E GOVERNOR." Service night on Wednesday. Msy :tOth. fnde' the patronage of the O. C. Troops. Special prices t Meryfcod) in uniform. Kirst reserved seats %l Se.ou.l reserve seats 11, Other seats 50 cents. IMaii i,i» open. FINAL PERFORMANCE Friday, June Ist. At popular prices.
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 230 5 MM la Rrwfer OjW jmm. „t Bi*topor* f'tli May. MadrM i^ cmnimril Is overflowing with fiiHWJS princes and mi-si., us. .very nation b. bMJ represented. Allofth w. DgOteia the marriage pim-i ssion Ui th- < l.ur.-h. thrrcby lending it p\ci ptional .'.la:. They will a ;•>■ trlly sis Hats
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  • 72 5 Orders of the Day Lsi Ji-NK. 1906. 1. Juvenile Offenders Reception Bill (Bill "To provide for the Keception into the Colo ny and the Ketenti.ui therein of Juvenile Offendt rs from Urn PedoraM Malay States") ...Ist Heading. 1. Municipal Ordinance lx<*'i Amendment Bill .Bill "To amend The Muni
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  • 198 5 Mi. K. vis,,N IUadOMMMaa and Kiui..ssi asked the Attorney -(iciieral wl. ether his attention had ban call.-d to the obser-vation-of Mr. Justice (iorcll Barnes on the i|'ii-sti.ui of divone iv Knyland and whether be would be prepared to consider the pro |>i itty of briania
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  • 50 5 >i. .losKrii s will have the Ann ml S|xnts on the old gaol site on Saturday, .lune '.till, at S-W p.m. The parents of tin pupils, and friends and Ism-factors of Mle Institution, are most cordially invited to In- present. No further invitations will lie issued.
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  • 38 5 Attkntion is dins ted to an advertisement mi pay.- 1. iv whiih the Municipal Commissioners notif\ their ability to supply electric energy for liyht and |Ki«er in certain streets, together with the rate |ier Board of Trade unit.
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  • 49 5 Liki i. Mr. It. Strover. li. (i. A., having einbnrkiil for India on tlie°2.')tli inst. is struck off the strength of the roinmnnd from that date accordingly. While Lieut. 1,. N. Su phens. li. <i. A., having ai 'rived from KnuUuil is tafc« OS Urn Shwßgttl of the .Hnmand.
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  • 57 5 An alteration lias been made in MM 8 on the mviiiiil it] iv the programme for Jie Kuala Umm Kiuvs to Im- run nest luoi.tli. It now leads: -The K\tra (ialloway Mandi cup. Value WD, A handkap for all Kinta <i\inkliaiia Oak, Streiuban (•yiukhana Club and Klang liMiikhaua Club HHiti
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  • 72 5 In i-onmvtion with v recent divorce suit. Sir .lohn (iorell Harms, the President of the Divorce Court. London, esprcssed doubt as to whether any reform th,- divorce laws would adequate or effective whii-li did .not abolish permanent xe|Mtratiou as .listing uished froiu divorce, ami which did not place the sexes
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  • 625 5 To ihr Bawtr W stmit* ttmrn.* Sir. 1 beg to ask the favour of your as. sistauce in obtaining a greater measure of public support for .he Volunteer Force in Singapore. There are two great desiderata at the present moment, viz men and money. The Corps cannot
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  • 448 5 fIiIUUI afternoon. Mr. Justice Fisher granted probate of the will of the late Er/.ra Nathan to Saul Jacob Nathan. Dr. Youuy proved the death of :he testator which took pliict on Ist iust. at sea while Mr. Nathan was goiag home on board the M. M. Alinand Behic.
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  • 890 5 Five Days in Jail for Debt. C. Bikw Kvs.i. in the employ of Messrs. Brinkmanu A Co., was sentenced by Mr. Howard yesterday to five days' imprisonment for not complying with the order of the Court to pay his instalment of the balance of *6.2."i due
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  • 21 5 Thk dispute over wages in the Lancashire cotton trade has been settled by the employers conceding a I per cent, increase.
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  • 61 5 It has been decided to play the matches. Perak M. Selangor. at Batu Ciajah. The programme is as under: 2nd .lune. 2 to "i p.m. ricket •"> to 6 p.'n. Hockey. M .Inn. Id a.m. to I p.m.. I to p.m. Cricket: S to ti p.m. Football. 4th .lune 9
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  • 49 5 Nkws has been received that Mr. Veoh (tuan Seok, a Penaug (Queen's Scholar, h is. together with another candidate, won a special prize in Constitutional Law aud Legal History. There were \.~>H law students for the examination, aud Mr. Yeoh (ivan Seok was bracketed First among the whole lot.
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  • 59 5 rUHBIUX, Sergeant Breretou charge<l a foreign seaman named Und with rescuing .1 fellow seaman frini the custody of P. C No. HK") iv Malay Stree'. on Saturday night. The defendant was und srstood to he wanted to yet his ma.. cm board his sh>| when he was arrested.
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  • 57 5 Thkee was a public trial of the Calcutta Crematorium on the 12th May before the Chairman aud several superior officers of tlie Calcutta Corporation. 'Die carcase of a calf was put iv when the Crematorium was heatfcd to the right degree. It was consumed in about an hour's tiiue, nothing
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  • 462 5 Smart arrest by the Police. This morning. Sin Siew aud Chuah Kirn Choon where brought before Mr. Scott for preliminary enquiry into allegations of counterfeit coining aud possession of materials for counterfeit coining in an isolated house about four mile's out at Tiong Main v on the 16th.
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  • 180 5 Lokii Ci:omkk> re|K>rt ou Egypt, for l'.Hi.'i. states that most satisfactory progrwM has been made with the construction of the masonry apron at the Assnau Dam. All the holes aud depressions caused by the rush of water through the sluices have been tilled up with solid granite
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  • 292 5 fo the Editor 'If Btr*it* Timm." Sir. Our attention has been called to a report of I case iv the Court ot' lti-.iuests in \esterday> issue of the Straits Tine*. The "rei>oit of" the case is headed "An Knglishmaii s Sail State of Affairs' and sets out that
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  • 56 5 The funny Hii-.'-lh- hears that four men. o-ie of whom was chief clerk to i firm of solicitor* uot over l.iMNt miles froui Singa|H>re. have absconded with t.'i.lNll) belonging to tiie. tirni and HjOOQ of Chetiies' money. They are believed to be in hiding in Dutch territory, aud a reward
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  • 65 5 Thk Tenant; Hunt Club held a successful gymkhana on Empire Day. The I'emitnj (utz-ttt *ays: Ah regards the nport itself, there were twu or three excellent* fields. •specially in the I>ii<tance Handicap, and some of the events were very amusing. Stitt was the her i nf the afternoon, winning four
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  • 104 5 I' TlsiMi for the Events in the a)*>\e Gymkhana has begun on the KaceCours< in the early mornings, and it looks as though the entries are going to be very heavy. Among the events open to allcomers c. members of the SiMirtini; Clubi. is a pony race
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  • 150 5 Meeting: of the Y. M. C. A. Club. A (iBNKKAL lneetiii" of the members of the Y. M. C. A. Football Club was held last. 1 evening at Zetland House for ttwpwyOM of I electing officers for the ensiiiug year. Mr. 1 .1. A. (ioetzee was voted to the
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  • 325 5 S C. C v. The Services Cna favourable climatic conditions the S. C. C. met a team represeiitini; the Services at Rugger ou the Esplanade yesterday afternoon and a Hue and well contested game was witnessed by the large ciowd present. The visitors won the toss aud elected
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  • 38 5 Thk tinal tie in the ISMKS Bowling Touriia incut will be rolled off at the Thiiglin Club at 9 o'clock this (Tuesday evening: the competitors being A. B. Simpson I<M> and \V. L. Kemp -r 220.
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  • 40 5 Thk (ierunin BtoHMUp Company. II in^a. at Bremen, has decided to build four large steamers of m.ikiii tons burden for the Kast Asiatic service, one of which will be supplied by a (iennan firm, the other three by foreign firms.
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  • 40 5 Thk Nip|K>u Vnaw Kaisha is ■ananad to have detiuite'.y decided to open a fortnightly service between Hongkoug aud Bangkok by the middle of this month. The chartered steamers Til'ln aud Promeiknu will he put ou the service fo the present.
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  • 40 5 Thus the China Mail:— Singapore lias afcain H" 1 better tlian Hongkong! Early this mouth a new uiutov fire rngim"Fire- Kinu II arrived from Lundon and in actiun well up to the stamlanl pvtafaadb When will Hongkong follow suit t
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  • 195 5 Can* JisTii -k Law has daoided, in the case of Mr. T. J. F. Morau vs. the Oriental Company, Ltd.. for commission ..n adver tising secured by the plaintiff tor the V. .V. f. I. M, that the plaiutitl is entitliil to 10% commission on the
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  • 91 5 Yesterday's Play. A. UIjUM Sin. .i.i.s. N. Falls lieat <;. Kohlhoti. 8 B. CUss SlNi.l.hs. K. H. B. Heap beat H. Capai 5-1: 1 Dili lII. Ks. Stafford and Miller beat Kiimlmrn Ami Udell, hi;, r. Ties for To-day. D.illll.Ks. H. Lee and A.
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  • 56 5 May Handicap. Tin May inonthlv handicap sh.».t at Ballcstier attracted about U oouipetitorH. There was a good light but the wind was shifty. I ii suits: A. CIVSs. i: \v. CfcaMr 01 R.oj*BU*a '.••> s,-r. J. R. Cockburn "l B. <'i i". A. l..'nnit 7!i f t
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  • 61 5 Thk Permk I'm,,,; r ptihlislu* th<- full,, winy statistics Bum K tin kMohtkh. I'i. i i.». January to April MM i'.i.Jl-.cU do 190."> tO,.*i< 17.6(| Decrease TJHOJM Tin ork km i m. January to April lfM Mi 06,468. IN do lfl<V> oe.lHl.lA Increase :Mrj.n:; Duty collectkd. January to
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 60 5 "GIRL" BRAND BEER. TO BE|HAD OF MA, RETAIL DEALEBS Sole Importers Boustead Go. WAYANG KASSIM. •f To-Nlght To-Nijfht Monday, JstMMmj. 190 Thf In.ln Za.ibr R» u ifcutri^ 1 OF SINQAPORK. in Nortii Map Road. Next to the Alexandra Hall will xtat-e. t<> niyht. The well known ft much liked play.
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  • 773 6 The Resignation Question At the Court of Requests, Penang. a case was heard in which Lieut. Alan Wilson, adjutant of the Penang Volunteer Corps, sued Mr. Owen 11...\ described as a priva:e of the Corps, for the recovery of which, it was alleged, he was liable to
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  • 207 6 The Dry Dock Dewey." The mammoth dry dock named after the American Admiral which left Annapolis some months ago, has had a slow voyage all along. In bad weather the Dewey does not move at all in fair weather she does about thirty miles a day. Some of the newspaper
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  • 782 6 Adventure and Deception All men, savage and civilized, incline toward religion. They ponder upon the mysteries of the future which no eye can see, nor ear hear, nor finite mind comprehend. When one conies, wit li scif-i'.iiifidence, offering cerl;iinti< s. nload ing the authority of revelation
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 625 6 WANTEH. RKQI IKED in an office at once, a good lypawntar Veal Apply K. T. c,o Strait. Time: MM WANTED. Six nood CoasfwHan b.\ the "Sti.uts Tiawi Pi I—.1 Ltd- aanh with testimonials BtntU Tim,' Office, Cecil Street. Singapore. WANTED. IM a tHiik installation near Singarovi'. a CHINESE CLERK, quick
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    • 544 6 TO BE LET. TO BE LET. small first floor office* facing Cavenagh Bridge Road and Fliit Street. Ap(ly to Guthrie Co. Ltd., Agent*. v.c TO LET from the ]»t April, house No, 102 Kiver Valley Koad, Rent PH. Apply to L. D, 0/0 StrtUt time: 1 1966 TO LET. Kinrara."
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    • 629 6 TO BE LET. TO BE LET. Light and convenient office* and sample rooms, etc., on first floor above Robinson Piano Co., Raffles Place. Apply to ROBINSON PIANO CO. Ln>. Nov. 14 0.0 TO BE LET. "Sydenham and "Huntley House near 3rd milestone, Thomson Road. Both with stabling and former with
      629 words
    • 524 6 NOTICES. X 'I l -'H»l*"2S3«w n *uffrrer to know fil/ .■■>■.: Vv7_f trUr natUrC Ku >" H^^ff i'"'*}'' -7mT doctor. It anocipUlns Hul' x/mT ully thr P rocrt>o cu p rtJ vl you how ■E^MBaßki^ 'vUaf thousands ha\r brt-tt -^^Va^B^M^Mßa^J—V I Want Iv pl.u .i rjpSß^Ql^iß^^V copy In the
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  • 834 7 Famous Detective Reappears. Owing to the labours of a di tective of great ability, who became famous in his profession thirty years ago (writes a New York correspondent), those who arc responsible for a series of dreadful ciimes (among them twenty -six murders in the mining districts
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  • 603 7 Giving up the Experiment The cUfforeiifP between time in Eastern and Western India whs thought to have been settled once for all by the adoption of standard time for the erketa of India. It naturally made a. very great difference to Bombay to
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  • 320 7 The following Circular Letter IA plant m-s has ban iaraed by tha Psrafc .Government It baa ban brofhl to tha Mtica ai the Br> isli Resident that the infantile mortality, which ia to deplorably hifjk in Malaya, can to some <-xt -tit M pi' Iveu'.cd by the adoptioß
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 743 7 Dan Macfarlane Co/s ROYAL V.O.V. Jsiqueur Seotefi Whisky. <:o:) OBTAIKABLE KKoM Messrs. Yong Lee Seng Co. Ghee Soon Co. Ann Lock Co. Hong Seng Co. Hoon Keat Co. and all dealers. Wholesale from Syme Co. 2865 Sole Jigents. Jode Straits Thirties. .\M> lode Straits SBudget. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. PAYABLE In ADVANCE.
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    • 1013 7 AUCTION SALES PRELIMINARY NOTICE OF A REMARKABLE AUGTION SALE OF Most Valuable Antiquities and Rare Curios AT Messrs. H. L. COGHLAN Co.'s MART Wednesday, 13t& June, at 10.30 a.m. This extremely valuable collection belonged to the estate of a well-known Chinese gentleman, deceased, and is now in the possession of
      1,013 words
    • 79 7 VESSELS ADVERTISED TO SAIL. Japan via ports, Xielen. due 31bI May. Behn I Meyer. Fremantle via ports, C ha run, on 10th June, Man .Beld. East Coast ports. Ban It halt Hin. alternate. Saturdays and Wednesdays. Penang via ports, Ki'liti ever\ Wednesday Bonstead. Port Swettenham via ports Penang on j
      79 words

  • Correspondence.
    • 363 8 ...iinint; t" anylMKlv ill Singapore w i-liiny t-i do business with Counani. the EuUowing urn -iMindeiH c, issued from the Foreign OSee, is publishei! Maiielu ster Chamber of loniiuerce to Sir Kilward (irey Maiicliestei. March 17. 1906. Sn:. I mi desind hy the president of
      363 words
    • 54 8 th, Editoi i i th "Time*." i .mi I "lmuiss iimi dt" add the name "f tin ['resident "t the Primitive Methmli-t t. i nee. the Rev. Qeotgja K. ltutt. to t who ban sj^iml tin circular with units among i lui-tiau-. 1 am. Sir. ,vc. BIBMIXOHAM.
      54 words
    • 69 8 I'HI Daily Mail published "ii -'ml iiist. a .il story !i"iii Morocco that a cobbler I Mesie«\ had been arrested mi the I having innnli ud .:•> women, w husi I. -iv- wen bead under I botsM in his back yard. Me-le«y Wat to K nucined to pay j iltv
      69 words
    • 89 8 .\li:. II u.i.f m vs. lati iimiiayer of the .Mutual Life lusiiianci.- Society of New York. i-. -,i> s a I niu •of < ill -(H-rial wire, now I manayi i "1 the Ninth Ifiitish and Mi rcantile Inamanrc Company, and this ■i 1 1 1 1 1 v tti
      89 words
    • 93 8 I i »iio an- aicii-t"imil to travel on t! mails in tin. Ihu L ili-uii-t- of the I'euinHula feel quite at home wfaeathej -mi-. Mivnlimin Road, particularly that i irtioo between th terrains* »f the partial nt- and tl.i in nbopuonae just I* ing completed. It ban number of butfalo
      93 words
    • 134 8 a m» il;i\, ago. «ayn tin- TinmofMnlapa, i mule nt gentlemen at tin I'ahauy Club it t i i i tn bare a gawn totheji > I nit" Uie billiard ruoui ami *aiil Boy, the -Bm bukab'd, ami then prattj snalu a- yon coold Kml anyi "iiitintahly coiit a up
      134 words
    • 135 8 lkim telegraphy, according to the < "i uwraltli Ottutr (Mr. 11 .-.-ili.. .ni MaUworoe) is waking awn -liiili-s tint uhi,t ismw today may l» old 10-HMROW. Mr. KtallTtll -«v- that M ii. -i>ui ha- now iim -ii'diiic the pfoUmg ot itiun niwanai great objection, i wire lei sysieni formerly
      135 words
  • 698 8 Tin Export. TsO I'ahaug tin exaort in \pril amounted to 2,571 piculs. whicli is HO less than in March, 4.'>7 more than in February, and 20T> k«s than in January the ".itput Jor the first four months of this year was 10.402 picnls. against 9.9H0 in the eeßaepotWUng
    698 words
  • 379 8 A Review of the Meeting. l.v-i Saturday's Programme. ranJno, ait did into double BglUta, was a bit mote than the K\ecutivi ciuild tackle in one day. Nevertheless it was .Mntnally got through most satisfactorily, and was productive of plenty good sport throughout, sav-the Tinti* Malaga of the Mrd
    379 words
  • 43 8 Thk British Ore insurance fit—pa nifs. have refused to recognise their liabilities iv coiluection with any damage done hr the tarthquake at San Francis,,,. ..i in the case of buildings which were oWjoyad by the authorities to cheek the progreae of the fire.
    43 words
  • 790 8 Xi hnm: -growing is extending fast in iHli. and the planters are so numerous that the question of forming an association has been brought up. The (ioverniueiit favours tin industry by doing away with the export duty on the article. The planterscoinplaiu of rubber-stealing on the estates
    790 words
  • 204 8 A km'iim.knt writes to the I'iuwt in which lie draws a terrible picture of the results of a severeeholera outbreak in the ionda and Basti Districts iL "pper Indial. Along the new railway connecting I'ska with Tulsipura may l>e Men crops uncut and the railway stations, lately
    204 words
  • 134 8 A Xi i;.iilv.\. Keiiiard Coffreld. or Coffer. whose name has ap|ieaicd in these columns frequently, ami quite recently, was a#ain before Mr. Colmau yesterday for being drunk and incapable on Saturday. His last spell ot fourteen days expired last Thursday. On this occasion Mr. Column was not disposed
    134 words
  • 289 8 Indentured Labour Close to Slavery Hon. Mr. A. W. Bkkwin, Registrar-General makes some noteworthy remarks on the question of Chinese emigration from Hongkong during 190 m. Out of 11,281 persons examined before embarkation, 78 were detained for inquiries, of whom 27 were ultimately allowed to lea\e. The usual
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  • 354 8 The Chinkiaug correspondent of the A. lhnlij Xcirs wilting on May 9th said A great deal is being said at this time on the qtiestiou of extraterritoriality and perhaps a recent incident in Chiukiaug'- history will throw some light on that subject. About two weeks ago a young
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  • 151 8 lr in sUUiI iv Shanghai mandarin circles that the Peking Foreign Affairs Board sent a dispatch ou tin 11th instant to the DafM of the Diplomatic Corps, explaining the reason ot the appointment of their Xx celleucics Tieh Liang and Tang Shaoyi over the Customs Service,
    151 words
  • 191 8 Thk Duff Syndicate have just leaned a report on the operatiouH of the Coaapaay, dated :ird May. The annual general Meeting is expected to be held on July. The (eport votes that the Company have started i üblier planting with 2."i<) acres to begin with, ami hope- to
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  • 220 8 i Tuk (fOVKRXMKXT un> Ukpatkiatiox. The newMpapers in the Transvaal blame the fiovernmeut for having refused to grant a full investigation before posting at the Kami mines the proclamation respecting the repatriation of the Chinese. The Johannes bnrg correspondent of the linily ttaii statethat the South
    220 words
  • 332 8 A .UvvNKsn named Haji Masiulvi. who j was arrested on the KMfa iiisUnt. on tin uifoi niation of Dr. llraddon. State Surgeon I of Negri Seinbilau, for liuviug rwisTliwi bundle of oatx from the latu i stables with nut his knowledge and consent, was brought up before Mr.
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  • 107 8 TliK ilaiuhur^ Aiiii'iican Line will Hhortlv establish a service between Hamburg and the |K>rts of the l'er-iau (iulf. calling at various Continental ports on the way. Iv I this way the lack of a direct connection with the Persian (mif will Ik supplied, and at the same time the Hainonry
    107 words
  • 235 8 FOR SINGAPORE Par P. *O.e. a. t»pm baaa r mami April M, dmiiHl.lune— Mr H. Cntti.-i,. Lienl I. K I-eeson, Mr. Voudei I'f.irdui.. Mr. T. Muir.Mr Barrieon, M,~ l. Phillips. Per P. a 0. s. s it ii nt, iii,. conneetißg witu the steamer IMUt si Colombo,
    235 words
  • 70 8 Niust:"!,, ti,.' Persian Gull -.tati that little interest Im takeu inthc proponed iteivioi ot stiainii- by the Hamburg Vuierii pany. as it is believed that It Eeltowi Itn precedent and in dmlgimi [ur political poi piiM-s. Then is only "iii In liiian tinn in th. (iulf. wiUl branches at l.hlgl
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 92 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co., JEWELLERS SILK MERCHANTS. Have jnst opened a fresh stock of Indian, Chinese, and JafMIMM #oods i.e. silk Idinonos, Maltese silk lace collars. Ladies' silk blouses. .Japanese cotton crape kimonos. Persian and Indian carpets of all sizes, gold gem set-jewellery. silver ware etc. etc. Ladies and
      92 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 191 8 DAY BY DAY. Tuesday, 2Qth May. Hi«li Water. I M p.m. W»yMU Kn-iiii. 9. Tow,, Band. Elpianade. t.iii < 1ir..i,,.-.a).1, Hbow. lU-m. Bond. Wednesday. 30th May. High Water. L-48».m. S-Mpja. I-Vasi ..f \v.'.>ks,,f ibaJews. Amihi< ur Dramatic Hocietj Pi I s.\ i. im Drill. l». 1.J.. P.C. i roquet Touniameut.
      191 words

    • 806 9 Haliotit, Dut. str. 1,046 tons, Caut Van Uijn, 19th Mar. From Palemhang, 17th Mar. Nil. Byme 4 Co. U.— K.H. C.uthrie, Brit. »tr. 2,338 tons. CaptTodd. 27th May. From Sydney, lxt May. G.c, and 18 d.p. Boustead'.V C... lor Sydney. 30th- W. .hunt Simtl, Brit. str. 475
      806 words
    • 750 9 Niimr, port, probable dale ol arrival, and name of agenlt. Stkamebs. Actlia. Hongkong, .Inly 4 Behn Meyer Alesia. Hamburg, June Behn Meyer. Andalusia. Hongkong. July 19; Behn Meyer Arcadia, Hongkong. .Inly 5 P. A O. A tin .ll. London, July 9; Patenon Simon-. Aii-tna. Triente, July 9; Rautenberg
      750 words
    • 220 9 Number Shares AS [58 <*"""> Buyer. Sdler. Tn£joi u.joo 1.50k) UUIMIMd. 4,1X10 20,000 10.000 50,000 I iU.UUU iO.OUO i,MU r,l 60,000 l-'.OOO -".UK" •i.OOO l>,o»' -'4i,c(ob ,e>O,UOO 15,000 22,000 23,000 2,000 .'.luo IWJ.OOU |i ,nU Mm SOLO. I 10 t 10 Berowab G. M. Co., Ltd IMI
      220 words
    • 135 9 41Ki,000 1 11 Duff Development Co., Ltd.. kiuuuiiiii. iwl •i.iMHJ 100 100 Federated Uiigiueeriuy Co., Ltd. t.KX) M> JO Fraser <V Nenve. Ltd. Mi.iNHt > lii |1M Hongkong aud ribaughai Bank i", 'Mm n»i iihi Uowartli Krbkiuc, liUl. ,K»p 10 j 10 Mayaard ik iit.i. '..'"Hi t 100 100
      135 words
    • 147 9 20.U00 110 6 B»lt;o»uie Rubber Estate Ltd. H.ii 11.7j 70,000 »10 »10 B»tu Unjor Rubber Co., Ltd. 23.7J' i».70 >JU 7o'oOO 1 1 Bukit K*J»li Rubber Co., Ltd. £4.2.6 »,000 uuiauMd 1 £0.16 n (coutrib.) £3.17.6 6,000 1 £1 Cicely Rubber E«tote JC3.O.U 6,000 I 1 £014 3%Pref. ..4W.15.0
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    • 46 9 Uowarth Krskine, Ltd. 6% Kiley, Hargreavea, Ltd. 0% Singapore Municipal 6% 4% UnjouK Pagar Dock Co.. Ltd. 6% i% *60U,UU0 pi ci n buy urs 2J."..00U t% prem bujere. 400,000 -i-\. pit-in buyerl,47t).oOO 1% prem buyer*. fcIM.OOO |»r. wllero .m.ikW I > prem: •■.1,500 |>»r. buyuro
      46 words
  • 615 9 Speech by Lord Elgin. The annual dinner of the Royal Ol louial Institute was held at London on the 25th April. Lord Elgin, the Secretary of State for the Colonies, presided, and among those present were Lord Jersey, Lord Kintore, Loud Ranfurly, Lord Strathcona, Lord Amj>thill,
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  • 196 9 An interesting Relic. The following is from tin- Japu Chroni«lo The Admiral's dag of the flagship Mikxsa is now on viaw at the Yasukuni Shrine in Tokio, ami is M blackened that the original white and red Bt-ripes are indirtinguishabli-. Attached to the flag, which it full
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  • 309 9 Coming Celebration in July. The proposal to have a joint celebra Ikui in July .'f Mr. Chamberlain's TOth birthday and his 30 years' represenla bion of tho city is arousing the keenest interest in Birmingham. A- MOM athe holidays are over and Mr. Chamber lain, who
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  • 302 9 ill-. ,)ohu Hall hits left Japan [uf his native country (Scotland) altu an absence of nearly forty years. A our respondent writes to the JajNUl Chronicle" as follow?: J\>ck Hall came to Japan iv 187u, and ban been a close resident ever siutx-, not having been out
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  • 178 9 Tha l^aokay- Yunnan sen line will tM the mountain ridge* of Yunnan. through the valley of Naavti, and f ■Panel Yjuumm < i y via Aau-cfcom, [>;■ sinir tkraajgi the vaHajni of the P.i U tv. and the Ta <ln-n bo, the >> ii > 1
    178 words
  • 100 9 Than arc .it praam! two linn <>i train ways working in Kreiu-li Indo -I'hin.-i. viz.. that through Haaoi ami its Suburb and tlic line fr>Hi Nam CMaßg U) I Two other lint*, are being siarteu, from Hanoi to Thai X^nyin and another from the same town
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 698 9 STEAMSHIP COMPANIHS. I OCKAN BTKAJI SHIP Co.. Ltd AND China Mutual Sinam Nay. Co., Ltd. The|uini.-' aaaaaan taaalahai from I.imii^'l outwards for tlu- Strail-, Clnm. aad Japan ev«n wcok, and from .la|«n horn, wards for London i-vory fortnight an.l f. i bnarpod moutaly. One outwanl steamei .-in b month
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    • 281 9 INSURANCE COMPANIES. ROYAL INSURANCE CO FIRE LIFE. TOTAL INVESTED FUNDS EXCEEE 112,000,000. THK I.AHOEMT MBB OCKIll! IN THF WORIJ). BOUSTEAD Co.,— Agenlt THE LONDON AND LANC.ASniRf FIXE INSUKANCE COMPANY Capital £2,127,500 Paid up Capital 212,750 Keeerve Fund £1 .078,550 The undorsigned, Agentß for the Compai y tre prepared to accept
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  • 1082 10 What it is and What it will Be Short M is the time that ha* elapsed Mince the appearance of the first oilfed motor vehicle upon the streets, ithas been sufficient to establish the fact that h<jr>o traction must rap-dlv disappear as a means of public conveyMM in
    1,082 words
  • 639 10 The life of an American millionaire is not all plain sailing, lie is liable to dangers from which persous of moderate means arc exempt. Blackmailers regard him as an easy prey. Cranks are unable to resist the temptation of having a shot at him. Of late years
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  • 101 10 The tieiuaiid for Indian iudigo is be- nuuj; very restricted. As is Wellknown, remark* liuiiau Engineering." llu- (litlirulty wkitk milurul ilKligo lin.l, hi i.>iiip>-iiug witii Myntlietir indigo ii 'i.i iiiilly becoming greater, .i.s th« laivter is now much more popular amongst i lie dyers iv Europe The total
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 714 10 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. BUCHANANS BLACK WHITE Eiolds top place in the highest class of Whiskies Guaranteed 12 twelve years old. c 46 P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. Par China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Through Bills of Lading issued for China Coast, Persian Gulf,
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    • 1267 10 STEAMSHIP COM PAN I ES. Koninklijke Paketvaart rVtaatschapplj. Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. sigaaaj at Singapore .-—Ship Aoency, lit» J. Daendi-.i* Co., 2-3 Coi nn Quay. The undermentioned dates are only approximate Steamer From Exp'ted Will be desj-at bed for Vahnlim MaajfeMMaj May 'J7 l'ontiauak and Uatavia May
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    • 797 10 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N.D.L NOROOEUTSCHER LLOYD. imperial Uerman Mall Lin«. The fast aud well known mail steamer* of this Company sail fortnightly from Biawna Hamburg via Rotterdam. Antwerp. Southampton, Gibraltar, Oenoa, Naples, (oonnention Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vice verwt) Por Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, IVnan:;. Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki, mil Kobe
      797 words