The Straits Times, 9 May 1905

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times. NO. 21.731 THE STRAITS TIMES. TUESDAY. MAY 9. 1905. PRICE 15 CENTS
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  • 142 1 . At tßt .\--izl. t.--ilay. b Sil Lionel Cos and jury, tli' tl ■■■Mi of Joßfl W 'lf red All| eauga of asviag sriariaaUy mbappropruted three sums ainouutin.. r 81,000 while employed in .\l a and Co.'s office. The MOMOd'a dv iea included tho MtarHaf of deepatcfa box whi.'h
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  • 150 1 'Colonel' Bob. Love, of II. id Circus, has arrived :n fliajjipoio TIIO Circus is due here from IVii.uil; on tlio MHk The big show has bwa aftviag I s|)loiidid season at Penaug whfr.- t he lion Monarch aud the i-levcr peil'im- liuvo delighted the- %vi Mmllv. Oan'l
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 390 1 NOTICES. X-BISBI T ri^^ \W fIP.. I|BB^^HB^B?*^^Bftr 9HH 1905 MODEL MOTOR CARS. We offer but the latest! Why Because we carry no stock. All our cars are sold before arrhal Besides our famous and so much liked 'deDion" cars, we can also offer Peugeot, Richard Brasier, Serpollet makes at very
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    • 224 1 NOTICES. WANTED. BY A CAPABLE RHENISH WHITE LEAD& MANUFACTORY. Au Active Representative One who c an com spend in German High Commusion Given. Apply L. N. 1952 C/o Haasenstein Volger A G Co log re o Rh. Germany. May 9 10-6 ROBINSON CO. Gentlemen's Tailoring Dept. Hi t \(l Spring
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    • 110 1 NOTICES Milkmaid^ BRAND JTS^ Ktiensed]^ 11/lilu t__H ?K2. J Guaranteed i^____^^ Full Cream. «Ide mv m m OB OT«ff Largest Sale in the World. WANTED AT ONCE. A smart youa? Eurasian or Chinese clerk, shorthand acd typewriting essential Mu«t \>r.ti a tfood band. Apply with copies f testimonials to 8.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 133 1 DAY BY DAY. Tuesday, 9th May. h High Water. 1-46 p.m. S.V.I. C»mp»ny Drill 6-80. Football. Old Kalllesians. v. E. Co. Yap Chow Thoog Opera. 9. Wednesday, 10th May. Hijjli Wator. 1-2 a.m.' '2-30 p.m. Municipal Nominations Thursday, nth May. High Water. 1-44 a.m. 3-28 p.m. rootball. Y. M. C.
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  • 641 2 A review by Mr. A. C. Haddon, of Dr. Nieuwenhuis' work, "Quer durch Borneo," appears in the 'Geographical Magazine." W« are told the volume deals with Dr. A. W. Nieuwenhuis' journey from Pontianak, on the west coast of Netherlands Borneo, to Samarinda on the east coast, and contains
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  • 276 2 All About the Pontoon. At Kowluon Dock, says the "South China Morning Post," some 400 or 500 men have been busy as bees in the construction of a cofferdam, or pontoon, to raise the "Sully" with. It will be one of the most remarkable pieces of marine engineering
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 461 2 NOTICES. ~P~URE MILK. ga^^gaaA CERTIFICATE* jflLLj^ UMSWEETENED g JJ Dr. A. B. Griffiths, Ph.D. F. R. 8. ot London, Q t^*' \{^^»*4 liJf > l 'w Analytical Chemist ana Assayer Member oi the Clu<mieal ff* V a\\^N^J M^M M I i fiQ Societies of Paris and Petersburg, Bacteriological JJ* I
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    • 133 2 NOTICES ROUSSILLON CHAMPAGNE if IND C6OPE Co.'s ML LAGIiiR BEER Ja M Ira BREVVKI) (-ROM LM MALT HOPS IND COOPE Co.'s ALE AND STOUT IN BULK Specially brewed for the Tropics. Barrels containing 36 gallons Hogsheads 54 gallons. Tn. SINGAPORE SPORTING CLUB. NOTICE. No Motor Cars or Motor Cycles will
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    • 170 2 ADVANTAGE OF EFFECTING ASSURANCES EARLY IN LIFE. It is an advantage to effect Assurajioo early in life. By delay, the rate of Premium increattt; Death may occur before the Provision is effected or Health may fail and render the life ineligible for Assurance. THE BORNEO COMPANY, LTD. Agents, Standard Life
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  • 1285 3 Further Details. Mr. A. Cunningham, the special correspondent of the "South China Morning Post," wires to that journal the following details regarding the Baltic Fleet. Saigon, 29th April. I have been able to gather the following important information as to the composition of the Russian Fleet at it
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  • 166 3 Tha "Mala; Mail my than Mi MacGregor. assiit. Ntn t of the I*. \V. D Office iv Kuala Lumpur, lias visited 1: tung on his return from a shouting i pedition. The 1 1■ i >.i. i i ng through Raub during Ea,sU*r week caused some bliijlit diversion
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 671 3 NOTICE^ HERCULES 'CEMENT. STIVEN CO., Singapore. Nov. 10 tu.ths. Singapore sporting Club. SPRING RACE MEETING Tiierday, 30th May, Thursday, I ft, and Saturday "3rd June. Tickets of admission to the Grand Stand can now be had of Messrs. John Littlb 4 Co., Ltd. Daily Ticket 9 4 Season 910 Ladies'
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  • 792 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. TUESDAY, 9th MAY. lluoa irapwtaaoa aUaoaM to the article hi the flatM, quoted by Reutei tod.-y, in which it is iqtMftly Ftated that Mr. B?iu \i IndoCliiri.i is tolerating a condition 'A' ;»ffi rs that Britain attooatl to consider a breich of the laws
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  • 499 4 The ;reat incraata of moraing and afternc on traffic over Cavana^rh Bir'ge brings to the Croat tbf n?.-t of tomething being quickly doM to relieve tr:. flic over tho bridge. The need for this becomes daily mere pressing. At (resent t!.e Police arrangements are gicd. Wtrj it not for lh«
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  • 450 4 We lately referred to the inhuman methods of death punishment in China, and urged the need for change there. But the world moves, even in China. The voice of reform has now been raised there loud enough to lead the Emperor of China to modify the barbarous system of execution
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  • 221 4 A Code for Grant-in-Aid Schools has been laid before the Legislative Council, along with departmental instrutions for inspecting officers. It bears the signature of Mt B W. Hullett, the Director of Public Instruction. Mr. Hullett lays it down that the orject of the Code is to enable schools to b<
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  • 112 4 We are iaforaaad by thb Traaannr that out remarks .neijt tl:e pr jected btandardisation of vie Straits d.illar '"in a veiy short tiriitv' were unfounded. W* are truly sorry if ars> uriintentioually pnsaatara remarks in Bohisans atajf hive determined the Government to delay the ex oi ti y ito into
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  • 10 4 H M 8. r«MKMM mil OHM out cruising Una awning.
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  • 9 4 The Italiin crui«er i'ugl'u left i<'\ Colombo ycsteilay af'.ernoon.
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  • 13 4 This morning the Ay uua ot GUafOW passed through from wen to east.
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  • 25 4 The members of the Ladies Lawa Tennis Club will be a' home to their friends in the Club's new Pavilion on Friday afternoon, 19th May.
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  • 26 4 A Bengali milkman was this morning fined $50 by Mr Howard for Bulling milk for human consumption with forty per cent of added water in it
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  • 21 4 Capt C. S. Owen, 4th. Bittalion Royal Inniskillins Fusiliers, has relinquished his appointment of Company commander in the Malay States Guides.
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  • 29 4 The P. and O. liner Australia will probably be blown up, as it is impossible to refloat her. The sale of the fittiigc, &c, realised a prcfit of .£l,OOO.
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  • 30 4 It is said that what chiefly disturbs Admiral Rojdestvensky is not his meeting with Admiral Togo, but the fact that the halfpenny papers have begun to call him l; Roj."
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  • 41 4 This morning, Ojii A Hob was prosecuted by Sergeant Murdoch for the theft of $60 from his master, Tan A Line &t No. 49a 14 North Bridge Road. The evidence was conclusive and the boy got six weeks. 910 were recovered.
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  • 79 4 In the Supreme Court this morning Mr. Justice Leslie Thornton granted letters of administration on the estate of Captain J. H. Nesbit, who died n board the s s. Moldavia in tho Red Sea in January. Mr. R. L Leigh Clare appeared in support of the application, which was made
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  • Special German Service.
    • 113 4 Detained Parts Released. Berlin, Htk May. Tho parts of the ships which are alleged to have been built at Kiel for Russia, and which were detained at Lit beck, hive been allowed to proceed after a commission had ascertained that there were n» torpedo boat
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    • 23 4 Th* paper* publish photographs of the Prince an'l Prince** Arisugawa, with ?> inp ithetk- .irticL's in r.'cnril to the VlMtOl-l.
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    • 7 4 The KaiMi is to-daj Mrasburg
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    • 33 4 Count vor Boalow retnrns I > M>rlin direct. It Is underitood tint he will not make ary pan unc-iinent in ti,> Batch •tag; uaal M n >ec >. foi lbs praaaat.
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  • Reuter's Telegrams
    • 85 4 Britain and the Japanese Alliance. Plain Speaking by the Times." The Rmm pubHahM a significant article, other lhin£3 No m.-T. ii plorable en i ta *)e oommitted by Franoe then to of Japan to Vraaefa oliaw »an< a be treated lightiy. "Walk everything will dona ta t**i K.
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    • 17 4 The Japanese Minister it l.iris lud a prjl. .iii^ed interview with M Delcasse on Sunday.
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    • 12 4 The markets are \v:.ik on tba international siiiKition.
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    • 35 4 It is 'ii lan .1 tin', Lh I Frina downehxs m li' i. irnest repres I to France wM b r 'k rence to the i.ecessity of the strict observance of neutrality.
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    • 45 4 An official statement nadt in Paris says that the French rvanunaat has not only sent the most positive instructions to the authorities in In.lj-China to enforce the neutrality n filiations, but that it has unremittingly -teen to the execution of these instructions.
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    • 23 4 Warsaw Feeling. A strong anti-Jewish feeling prevails at Warsaw in consequence of the Jewish shopkeepers and cabdrivers ignoring, the Socialists.
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    • 27 4 Prominent persons are endeavouring to persuade the Governor to investigate the disturbances on Ist May, with a view to allaying the popular irritation.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 499 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Caldbeck Macgregor Co. (ESTABLISHED MM) Wine Spirit Merchants, (London, Gla«gow, Hongkong, Shanghai) SINGAPORE AND PENANG. PRICE LIST OIST APPLICATIOIT. May l i tv th 8 c Permanent M d Artistic WILSON Co. ENLARGEMENTS AUTISM AND PHOTOGRAPHIES. p ortraits and GroupB Coed ,n Sunday,. Qf h ghest exce||ence THE
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    • 217 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. MORTGAGEE'S SALE. Tuesday, lfii* Mny, 1905, at 2 30 p m TWENTY-ON E valuable fr« ehold buildine allotment* fronting KimYim Kmi, off liirer Valley Roid. Singiporo. Areas from 1,i«3 to 6,»«6 "qua c Cent eacb. Powell Co., Auctioneers. MORTGAGEES SALE Tuesday, \6th May, 1905, at 2 30 p.m
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    • 14 4 ZYMOLE TOOTH POWDER, a perfect antiseptic dentifrice, claane* ai 1 tbi tMtb, t*ry rtfruhinf.
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  • 212 5 Reuter's Extra Service. LATEST. Lon-lon, 9f/t May On the sth May, the steamer Chiengmai passed, seventy miles to the north east 1 f Labuan, an unknown fleet of two, apparently coaling. The 1 its of a torpedo boat for Uussi-i. ilctained at Lubeck, have been releasid, the authorities considering
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  • 36 5 Exobmoui sharks of a species unknown ie the Hediterraneaa hare appeared at T ilon nd other placee aloiig the coa=r and il ii faw i hay will be a peril lo bathers in the coining summer.
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  • 34 5 'In day ia the loot h anniversary of the death of ftWdrtch von Schiller, one 'jl Germany's cio.'!e>t poete. All schools are closed Germany to-day, and memorial celebratiooa take place in nearly everj town.
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  • 38 5 A new Sailors' Institute at Hongkong was opened by the Governor of that Colony 011 the 2nd M;y. It is started there to provide de- tion for sailors at night aid reasonable recreation for them during the day.
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  • 50 5 were a ntira'jer of Cl^e^ of causing cruelty to animali before Mr. Bproule at !l>e Foliue C iurt tiiis morning. A mandon employed oy Mr. Ho Yan^ I'enc w;is char^ i with tuin^ two ball ski -al ii- b ere in ..1 unfit condition. His master was fined Slo.
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  • 34 5 A Bt PCTMNBOM telegram to tlie /•>/,<. mi| Admiral Boj It il said I snail not telegraph MEBin before a battle. If i; i'ogo will tell you. If I nin victorious, will announce the fact.'
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  • 46 5 The Kinfj h,in granted permission to M; \V K. L Tottenham, Deputy Conr of Forests, Burma, to wear the in-i^ni.i of the 3rd class of the Siamese Older of the White Ktephant conferred on him in recognition of valusble services rendered to tli- King '.t Biau
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  • 44 5 ('ait Sun. formerly of the B. I. Z.u<'u tailing between Sinpapore and Indian porte, is now in command ot the !r.mHr>or Jehrngo, chartered by the Russian Governnii'it t<) carry sick and wounded to Russia, ;;nd now in the roftdi lu-rp is bound for Sevastopol.
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  • 51 5 Bum <v K. Oldham, M. E. Church, nmaini hew f< r:i fortnight On ihe 88rd met be leaves for Sibo in Borneo. Trouble is siid to be brewing amonrr the Dyake. The M E. Church has :i mission there, and Bishop Oldham goes in its interests Mrs. Oldham does mpany
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  • 83 5 The stritiK band of 8.M.8. Ftngonot played selection" daring wad after the ■pad .1 dinner at the Hotel del' Europe laf? night. A large number of guests enjoyed the following programme: March, Kntry of the (ilmliator, Knick. Overture, Mumi S|>imlii, Auber. Value, Iteauuful Danube, BtfMM. Selection, Tar nnlq— Meß*at;er. I'olkn,
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  • 127 5 Tiikkk was ;i very large attendance at the Swimming '.'lub on Sunday morning. Immediately after arrival of the first lam, cli, the A class race of 300 y; was swum, with the following retult:—] I4ovd (;isee3), 2 Brockwell (7"> «ecs), 8 Pwrcy (87 sees). Ten oompetiton started and nraajj steadily
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  • Correspondence.
    • 120 5 To the Ediior of the "Strait* Time*.' Dear Sir. The rush <>f answers to your last problem having subsided, 1 fear that the accountants of this city are having too easy a time of it, so venture to propound the following "A young man in Sacramento
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    • 189 5 To the Editor of the "Straitt Time*.' Sir, Your correspondent, ''A Sailor's Friend," lias chosen an excellent opportunity for the le^nr on the subject of aSoamen's Visfcion, which appeared yesterday. Bishop Oldham, who is for the moment here, was keenly interested in this work from the
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    • 261 5 . To the Editor of the 'Straiti Tunes.' tjir. I hold a brief far Mr. 1w Bwea He*, ;be present lesstH. ul the Orchard Road Depot, who has ;i=ked iv« lo seek TOW kind ■Ililtflirt as the Ixst nieaus of informing in> cuetoeneii vi the daily vaaU Ufclag place
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  • 79 5 A Kicia api -that is a tramway car— made its appearance on the Svran|OOa Road rails tins morning and v* advent and subsequent movements were watatMd l>y l>ig crowds. It was a trial l,v tomm i the Tramway officials, and we understand that the car ran very smoothly
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  • 66 5 Yesterday morning it was discovered that attempts had been made to open the safe upstairs in the Mercantile Bank. The lock of the strongroom downs.airs had also been tampered with. The burglars were very amateur in their efforts and failed in both their attempts.
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  • 96 5 Yesterday afternoon, Lye Hin was arraigned before 2flr. Sproule for cheating a i ikishn puller of 42 cents. He engaged the puller on Saturday and uixlorvil his fare. 8 cents, with what was apparently 50 cent piece. The puller returned 42 cents. The defendant left him. It
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  • 1244 5 By An Old Player." The following are the results of League matches played since last notes Rovers drew St. Josephs 0-0 S V.A. drew F. Coy 0-0 G. Coy. beat V.M.C.A. 30 Vampires beat B. Coy. 1-0 8 V.A. beat 78 Coy.
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  • 129 5 The Austrian steamer Trieste, which arrived from China yesterday evening, reported that she passed the Ru-cian fleet off Ho;.-kohe Bay ut 10 a.m. on tho 6th (Saturday last.) The Norwegian steamer Providence wliich arrived here to-day reports having Leen stoppt i t, \he :25th ult oil Ktinranh
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  • 478 5 Accused Committed. Yesterday aftamoae), Mr. Sipruule continued the preliminary enquiry into the allegation made against Tan Ooh (hu. Tan Ah Ngali and Kg Teng Wuh of having during the early morning hours of the 3rd. inst., with a number of others attacked and rubbed Captain
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  • 58 5 Mr. A. Cunningham, of the South Chin i Morning Post, who followed the Russian fleet to Kamranli Bay, telegraphed from Saigon to Hongkong on the Ist inst "The French Government have been deleting vital portions of my cables, and are now refusing some of my messages altogether.
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  • 15 5 Mb. Gliddbn, the automobile globetrotter, is now touring ia Java. He was last in Australia.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 30 5 Dk. b Usury, a health officer in the town of Cholon, near Saigon, has just •lied of lockjaw, the result of attending upon sick r iti ves in the hospital.
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    • 346 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS^ RAFFLES HOTEL. (THE SAVOY OF SINOAPORE.) A FEW OF OUR NOTABLE PATRONS. Their Majentiex the Kin^r ami gueeu si Siam H I. H Grand Duke Cyril of Russia. Sir John Anderson, K.C. M.«j. H. S. H. I'rince Adalbert of Germany. Sir Frank Swettenlj.-.m K.C.M.G H. I. H. Prince
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  • 1561 6 The Chairman's Report. A special meeting of the New London Borneo Tobacco Company, Limited, was held last month, at the company's offices, in Leadenhall House, to meet the chairman (the Honourable C. H. Strutt. M. P.) on his return from hii third visit to the
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  • 287 6 The position which sir Uliver 1-oago now holds in the world of modem though', i- remarkable tribute not only to his attainments as a scientist but to his giea'o moral courage. It is no mean thing for a man trained in the pndflt methods of natural philosophy to
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 619 6 NOTICES. Tsfje Straits Tfftmes. AND W6c Straits S&udget. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. PAYABLE la ADVANCE. Daily Imm pei year fSO.oo do per quarter 7.60 do per month 2.60 do per copy 0.18 Weekly Uioc per year If-Ou do per quarter <-60 do per copy 0.40 When *ent by port, there 1> added
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    • 627 6 NOTICES. TO BE LIT, small flnt floor offlcet teeing Oarenngh Bridge Ro*d »nr Flint Street. Apply to Quthrie A Co Ltd., Agrate. "crBE LET.— No. 17 Armenian Street next to St. Andrew's House, lately in ie occupation of Messrs. Tomlinson and Lermlt. Suitable for a boarding house Apply to WILSON
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    • 46 6 A Sore Throat may be quickly cured by applying a flannel bandage dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Balm. A I lame back, a pain in the side or chest, should be treated in a similar manner. For sale by ill dealers. THE DISPENSARY, 31,5 General AfMtto.
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    • 904 6 NOTICES. Singapore 'SpbRftyq Club Programme for the Spring Race Meeting. 1905. May 3Oth, June 1st and 3rd. FIR8T DAY. 7Wdov, 80th May I. THE MAIDEN PLATE.-Value $000 A tUce (or Maiden Hone*. Weight 9»u 31b. An allowance of 71b. to ex-Grifflnt imported into Straits PettlemenU or Federated Malay Htatep. Entrance
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    • 666 6 NOTICES. Owners of Griffins are entitled to ante* (or either of tbe following series of Races KB! I Serif No. 1:—1 First Day- Race No. 7 Second Day— Race No. 7 Third Day -Race No. 7 Serin No. i First Day— Race No. 6 Second Day— Race No. 1 Third
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  • 380 7 A Heavy Total. i The following list of :he prisoners, 1 arms, ammunition, and other material which fell into the hands of the Japa- uese at Port Arthur has been published by the Imperial Headquarters: 1— Prisoners —41,641, of which num- s ber 15,307
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  • 351 7 The returns that have been compiled for some British ship-building ports for the first quarter of this year show that there is increased activity at many of the yards. If the Clyde be taken it may be said that the launches this year are considerably above the average
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  • 346 7 Vain Search. The seeker after "artificial gold" has, in the opinion of the "India Rubber World," been succeeded by the man who would supplant nature in the production of rubber. The Akron (Ohio) "Times-Dc- mocrat", in an article_ on "The Long, Vain Search for StfoTtitut'es for Rubber," says
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  • 307 7 Important Works. The Hongkong Public Works Department report for 1904 says that several works of importance have been either completed or pushed forward during the year. The Electric- Tramway route was inaugurated, or at least the first section of it. on 30th July, the remainder coming into use
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  • 142 7 Jiro Harada, a Japanese Commissioner, left New Orleans lately, having completed arrangements for the settlement of a large Japanese colony in South-western Louisiana which could engage in the cultivation of rice. Mr. Harada explained that the colony would not be composed of immigrants from Japan,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 19 7 Good for young and old is Strums' Wine. Enriches the blood, aids digestion, improves nutrition. increases weight. It oures.
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    • 90 7 Sitbbb Attack of Influenza Cubed. It gives me great pleasure to add my unsolicited testimonial to the many virtues of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. I was suffering from a very severe attack of influenza and bronchitis ana was advised to try Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, which I am grateful to say, 1
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    • 1194 7 NOTICES. SINGAPORE AND KRANJI RAILWAY. Prom Ist April, 1905, and until further noticeTrain Service for Week Days and Sundays. I 1 DOWN TRAINS. DOWN TRAINS. A.M. AM A.M. PM P.M P.M P.M. P.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. PM SINGAPORE a 6.36 7.40 10.00 12.36 2.02 8.16 4.41 529 6.60 10.30 12.20
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    • 502 7 BANKS. Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Capital j6800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £800,000 Reserve Fund £800,000 BANKERS. Bank of England. National Bank of Scotland. The London City A Mindland Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Accounts are opened and interest allowed at 1 per cent,
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  • 133 8 Cbaacta, capital of Baaefcaaa, pcolimatch to the North Ckina News" states that Viceroy Hsi j i that proviuce, has received in- from the Throne to send troops delay to Patang, the district iiiuV'ler of ;he Chiuese Imperial to LaaaM took place the other ,i Viceroy
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  • 144 8 Burma Rice Trade. F. in telegraphic information received lately, tayi the "Japan Mail." aud from tlie laat urival from Rangoon direct, it- is evident that the appearance of the Baltic Fl— in Baalani Asiatic waters has caused flu er in the shipping dovecotes at B ports. The
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  • 190 8 . monn'i 1 1 phfwphati >liippod intfa Chriatnai lalaad Phosnkata CojaI 7 1 7 ."> 7 tons in 1904 compared with "0.(J96 tons in IMS. The sLipments v. about equally divided between tad Kaiuaia. The plant of the I •.av workcil latiifartoriW during tl, Hoth lixk
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  • 227 8 Baltic lleet arrived at Kamranh L > i tilt UMi April and left on the Tin time ni too thort fur I taka tl.e tuppliet rp<(uired. 111 1 their slay, says the Courrier > lit, the Roaaiana closed thenar- I to ilia bay by barges Ii by
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  • 26 8 FINANCE COMMERCE. 9th May, 1905 10-day'g 4/ in bank rate is 1/11{# The German Eteamer Sophie Riclcmers arrived yesterday from Kuchinotzu with 4,850 tons of coal.
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  • 387 8 Lewis Peat's Report. London, 14th Ajn-U. Para. We have had a very dull market during the past week, and very little business has been done. Fine hard sold at 5 8 down to 5/6^' closing at the lower figure. Soft Fine. Offering at 57 without finding buyers. Bolivian
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  • 1120 8 The following is the General Produce Letter kindly furnished to us by Messrs. John Haddon i Co., the well known Colonial Produce Merchants and Commission Agents of Salisbury Square, London, E. C, and carrying prices up to the date of the departure of the mail to hand
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  • 96 8 Qvmbier I 9.70 do (Cube No. 1) nnpicked .J 1J Copra Bali 8.20 di> Pontianak 7.80 Pepper, Black 23/fisJ'j ifo White, 6% 37.75 Sat;o Floor Sarawak 3.15 do Brunei No. 1 3.12) Pearl Sago 4.40 Coffee Kali, 15,; basis 24 00 CnfT-e.PaWMibanK.aO^baiiis 25.00 Coffee, Libeiian No. 1 2-2.(0 laiixa,
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  • 127 8 On London—Hank 4 m s 1/11:; Demand 1/1U Private 6 m/s ik do 8m l/il On ')m*nny—Bank d/d 10S| Privates m/» 2.05} do 6 ml*... 2.071 On Franet—Bank d d 2.461 Private 3 m 8 2.R2J do 6m s 2.Ht j On India— Bank T. T. 147* Private 30
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  • 308 8 TRADINO VESSELS. &c. Arrivals since Noon of Yesterday. Arratoon Apcar, Brit, etr. 2,931 tons, Capt Fey, Wh May. From Hengkong, Srd May. Q.J., and 702 d.p. Paterson Simon- A Co. For Calcutta, 10th -W. Alting, Dut.atr. 701 tons. Capt Neijts, Mk May. From Bandjermas9in, 2nd May. G.c, and 29
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  • 70 8 Vsmjl'b Flic J)e%tin- Namk. gio atios. rK Zetland Ont. cru Riow tlh I'ertio Ital. tra Xaplon 7th Theiit H.M cru Eu^laul tHU Sea H i:e G vt str. Mtlasea «h Pnl rmo Brit str. < hina Bth ilontrv** etr Yokohama Pfh Ahirhere str. MocKkon^ Blh Sinm str. Unngkok Blh
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  • 116 8 For Per tttnmer Tmit To MORROW. Hongkong (irtgoryApcar 9 am. P.R'tenham A Penang Kittna 1 p m. Indra^iri Aing Ann 1 p.m. Asah.'in andPenang Asahnn 1 p.m. Sambas A t ontianak Van Hogendorp 2 pm. Ponang A Calcutta ArratoonApcar Sp m. Malacca* 11.I 1 Swefham Selangor 3 p.m
    116 words
  • 133 8 . From EußorK—By the P. AO. s.s Hengal dv* on 13th May. From China—By the P. -5 O s.s. Coromantel due on 11th Mny. >efi Singapore Due in London Arrive* War r.'.rd U I. Apl !6ih Ap! 15th tfar 27th M. M. Ap! 1Mb A;.! COth Kar30,h P.
    133 words
  • 97 8 . Arrived 8th May. l'er M. M. s. dnmmmd —From Tihsfcawa Mi L J. Jarrta. Mr. A. ,le Thorey, Mi. James Kelly, Mr. Mi.-lii-iin.i. From Saigon Mr. ;in<l Bib, Murc-liu-, Mr-. Amanda Marie, Mr Vnller. Mrs. Lapuite, Mr ■ai Mr.- X'iniln^ in. Fi Hoagkoox Jlr. and Mrs. Cable.
    97 words
  • 82 8 VESSELS AT TANJONO PAQAR. Wharves at Which Different Ships are Berthed To-day. East Wharf— Brntn:iK. VicstokiaUravinii Dock— Pro*] ALBK(;T GRAriNil D(X;K— NiI. Sicnos No. 1 In.lmii Monur.h. Eskdale, Lightning, /ureooa, Suit' Kornej liillilun, Soiihie Itn-kmc! 3 Dudw, I Thoagwa, hr'h r AflavMaaßon. tJmmy A pear. BoknkoWiiakk 7 IliU'iii' M.-nzell. 8
    82 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 86 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co., JEWELLERS SILK MERCHANTS, No. 51, 52 High Street. Have just received a new stock of silks of every colour, and description. Best Japauese crepe and Bi lk hiniouos cashmere and Canton crepe shawls, ludnn, and Japanese curios, etc. Gold and Silver jewellery can be obtained
      86 words
    • 18 8 Has your Capital Shrunk in 1904? READ OUR DEPOSIT SYSTEM. I'fiOMPSOH. THOMAS CO., The Australian Stores. lnf!6 3-7-05
      18 words
    • 168 8 NOTABLE VALUE IN OUR GENTLEMEN'S DEPARTMENT. Every Article Recently Revised in Price. COOL TWILL SHIRTS. /jT\^lr /lt\ WH TE MERCERISED fl \^\J N, MATTE SHIRTS Made of a strong Man- j i J Chester Twill Shirting. I U 0 C^^ 1 1 A well make Shirt. Obtainable in The material
      168 words

    • 1343 9 Under this heading the following abbrev.a I cioni are lined: str. steamer; ah. ship; bq.— I barqne j rch. schooner Yst. Yacht Cm.— Cruicer; Übt.— Gnnboat; Tor.— Torpedo; U.p. Horse-power Brit— British 1 U. B.— United {States; Peh. French; Ger. German; Dut. Dutch U.c.— General-cargo d.p. deck
      1,343 words
    • 529 9 AT-ims, port, probable date of arrival, and name of agent*. Steamers. AberUur. Hamburg, May 16; B. M>yer. Annam, Sain -n, May 23 M. Maritime*. AthoM, New Yoik, May 26; A. 'lilfillan Ayuthia, Calcutta, Ma» 14; Borneo Coy. Rayern, Hongkong, June 12. Behn Meyer. Bengal. Colombo. May 13 P
      529 words
    • 365 9 P. O. Per Coromandel, sailing on lltli May Mr. E. S. Haalam, Mr. Mac(>regor, Inspector and Mm. Williams and child. Mr. Miuulunell, Mr. Ward, Mr. Rutherford, Mr. 9. McLean, Mr. Kowand, Mr. Netbitt. Mr. 8. K William*, Mr. McClintock, Mr. LowGek Seng, Mr. B.C. Stc wart, Mr.
      365 words
    • 243 9 Number of Shares Issue Value Paid np to Laat Company Buj«r» s*ll«n Tiansae 1 tions SOLD. f I S Company 13,600 I.MO unusuod. 4.J00 10,000 H.-"7 10,600 38,700 110,000 50,000 50,000 20,000 t,CUU UDiKbUO'l. If 10 17.60 Bersawah U. M. Co., Ltd.. IS.OO I 10 S 10 10 1
      243 words
    • 51 9 Uowarth Erskine, Ltd. IX J RUey, Hargreavew, Ltd. 6% Singapore Mnnlcipal 6% ti 6% *X T.njont- r%v%r I>«^ I-M 6* f '-'50,000 SX prem. 225,000 2% prem buyers 400,000 2% prem buyers 1,878,000 IX prem buyer* 166,600 >% dls. nc.m. 260,000 2% prem buyer. I 'MS »r«. iy r
      51 words
    • 147 9 40U,0(IO M),OUU ii in 4HU.I. J.'-«l 4,500 SO.OOO I'.'.IHJ") 6,000 2,760 Hfi.UOO 600 2,000 5,000 785 iinuatud. :KHJ,OOO W.OOO auiMMd. 37.000 1 l Duff Development IV, U.I. I"."", f 100 50 125 I'HI 10 100 10 60 f 100 100 t 100 t 60 1125 »100 K> 100 i
      147 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 314 9 NOTICES. r YOUR Health is in Danger The moment your Stomach fails to digcHt food properly I Tin; MOBalfl are rAINS AFTER EATING. LANGUOR. PALPTTaTIOH. FULNESS AT THE CHEST. ACUITY. BILIOUSNESS. LOSS OF AFPETITE. HEADACHES. CONSTIPATION. GENERAL DEPRESSION. INSOMNIA. DIZZINESS. from loss of tone, errors in diet, worry, climatic W
      314 words
    • 415 9 NOTICES. I For tanotlon al troubles, delay pain and those Irregularities peculiar to the sex. Prescribed by ttfe highest French Medical authorities and superior to Tansey, steel Drops and Penny royal. CHAPOTEAUT, 8, r. Vivieone, Paris I |*MATICOj R»nownid Hh Tiicunj prMcribt nrimaolt'i M»tno v th. moit actire and at
      415 words
    • 22 9 STEARNS' HEADACHE CURE, can be obtained from all dispensaries (quickly by post). Gives instant relief. Avoid imitations. Keep the Genuino handy.
      22 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 689 10 BUCHANAN'S BLACK WHITE The favourite at home and abroad 12 YEARS OLD. STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China, Jnpan, Penan*, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Pr-rts, Plymouth and London. Through P.ills of Lading issued for China Coast, Persian Gulf, Ooatinontal and American Ports. Steamers will leave
      689 words
    • 1206 10 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES, KoninkMjke Paket.aart Maatschappl Under contract with the Netherlandi India Govern Tjent. Ayentt at Singapore Ship Aokscy. hts J. Dabndbls A Co., 2-3 Ooixyik Qua. I b" undermentioned dates are only approximate. Steamer From (Sxp'ted. \Viil be l>n»pat:.hs<! for Var. Hogendorp -nml.ns May 7 Ham bag Pemangkat Singkawarjg and
      1,206 words
    • 637 10 STEAMSHIP COMPANI ES. NORODEUTSCHER LLOYD. Imperial German Mall Line. The fast ami veil known mall Steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen-Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Gonna, Naplos, (connection Marseilles. Naples, Alexandria, and vice ver.-s) Port Said, Sofiz, Aden, Colombo, l'enang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki, aad Kobe to
      637 words
    • 660 10 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES iJGIAH STEAM SHIP Ho., Ltd, AND China Mutual Steam N.iv. Co., Lid. The Companies' steamers are risupntrhpn Tom Liverpo'l outwards for the Straiti-, Om:i» uul Japan every week, and from Japan li-i.m-rarda (or London every fortnight and fo: Uverpuol monthly. One ontward Meiunci ;ach month extends to Vancouver
      660 words
    • 512 10 INSURANCE COMPANIES. ROYAL INSURANCE CO. FIRE LIFU. TOTAL INVESTED FUNDS BXCEEI £12,000,000. TH* I.ARGERT FIBE OFriCK IN THI WORI I BOUBTE^D A Co., Agents THI LONDON AND LANCAShFri FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY CapiUl £2,127,600 Paid up CapiUl. 212,760 Reserve Fund. .£1,073,650 The undersigned, Agents for the C.'ou pany, are prepared to
      512 words