The Straits Times, 12 October 1903

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 21,356 SINGAPORE, MONDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1903. PRICE 15 CERTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 690 1 CL YMCRE WHISKY. POWELL ROBINSON. 3ol« AftntM, Slmap.rt «nd Federated M«l«y St«te». TBfje Straits 13imes. AM) Wfie Straits sBudget. ADVERTISING RATES. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. [per inch, column measure. I First in.-, i lion $1 2U cents Becond and third insertions each 80 cents Fourth, fifth, and sixth 40 cente Seventh
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    • 514 1 Rigold, Bergmann Co, SOLE IMPORTERS OF THE FOLLOWING WELL-KNOWN INTRODUCED BRANDS. The very well-known dry First Quality Milk. "C rown" Beer. O hampagne for the i a8 t 12 years.* ®Henkdl] n^HEPHERD m l^y brand r.JJ l«™l s r* Trockcn r.60ld e be R p 6 O mlnnlc? Rigold, Bergmann
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    • 351 1 DIAVILLE'S LIQUOR r. COM AB t FILS C" PARIS < .Si. i.o by all Chemists. COMMERCIAL CLASSES AT RAFFLES INSTITUTION. ('oiulu.ip.l l.y Mr. \V. Hnywar.l, F.1.1'.5., will be itarte.l Mil* ill November. There will be a day and nn evciiin^ class. The D.k.i </„„. _\Yj|l meet dnily from 10 n.m.
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    • 461 1 YM. <'. A. members him t.ot'.fi^d ihnt entries for th<» |iinz-potii< toutmment mu«t reach tho SeBMSJ Secretary Mr. K. I) Pritijjle by r.oon on Tueday, 13th A list showiig tne order in which th<> >pt« Hie playc I will be posted ir. the rendib;* rooms on WedDesday evening.
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    • 270 1 >.OTICES. Ideal Milk Enriched 20 per cent. fT l^^^^*^ with Cream. |^ej^-| Sterilized-Not Sweetened. t»»"^osJI Perfect Substitute for Fresh STRAND HOTEL, RANGOON. UNDER THE DISTINGUISHED PATRONAGE OF HIS HONOUR SIR HUGH BARNES, K. C.5.1., K. C. V. O. LI e6tEN ANT-GOVERNOR OF BURMA. OTHRR ESTABLISHMENTS. Raffles Hotel, *Singapore Raffles Tiffin
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    • 118 1 1 AN I'KD: a native runner who is well VV up to his work. Apply to H. N. Sarrc, manager Hotel des I ndes. 14-10 fFiCh) T(T II I.XT— In the Square Light, quiet and cool moderate rentil Early entrance. Apply to A. M. Co Strain Time: U C. NOTICET"
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  • 1184 2 PThe Fiscal Fight. Lmuion, 20(A Sept. Sir Henry Campbell- Bannerman, the leader of the-Opposition in the House of Commons, has acknowledged kba resolution agreed to at the recent conference in Glasgow, which was attended by 600, representing 289 cooperative societies and 101 trades unions. He says
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  • 372 2 Ra Hoary Secret was Revealed. t ages anti(|uarv after antaiuary I himself bullied by a simple problem at the Tower, says a writer in the St. James's Gazette. How, in the old days, did the garrison get a supply of drinking water The antiquary
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  • 27 2 Hen peck Here's I poor fellow who got himself into trouble trying to serve •two masters —Mrs. Henpeck Indeed t Henpeck Yes he's been arrested for bigamy.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 328 2 NOTICES. "Eagle*" Cement IN THB LONG TESTS MADE BY SARAWAK GOVERNMENT (For their own 'Satisfaction) has come out TOP IO BRANDS WERE TESTED. V)lje Madras Municipal Engineer pronounced Eagle Cement as the best he fjad ever tested. t PARTICULARS FROM BORNEO Co., Ltd. CROSSLEY'S OIL ENGINES USUAL SIZES IN STOCK
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    • 615 2 _j NOTICES MAINTAINS THE HIGHEST REPUTATION! EVERYWHERE, FortilJ Ihe System against Disease tit!) VUBI B? 000. 3EST SECURITY RpR HtALTH.' EBBENCC OR FLUID "EXTRACT OF BED J'.M'IOS sJnce 1829. Prononr. ert U the MKIMaST Mt-.p»cAU AUfMOWITIaa K.S.WS TORPID Am, DEBILITY, ERUPiIOmS, weak «no Languid feelings, And all Impv cities of
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    • 121 2 Have You Rheumatism IF you hit your thumb with a hammer would you swallow a lot of medicine to ease it? Not pn your life. You would wrap it up with some Bootfling, healing remedy Hi c Chamberlain's Fain Balm, and let nature do the rest. There is no more
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  • 872 3 Th* report on the Straits Settlements in 1902 has been laid on the 'table of the Legislative Council. The report thus sums up the position of the Colony at the end of 1902 General View. The general prosperity of the Colony continued to increase and appeared
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 21 3 Shipping advertisement?, with dates of sailing etc., will be found on page 7. Qeneral shipping news is printed on page 8.
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    • 889 3 notices. i Singapore Sporting CldbProgramme for the Autumn Race Meeting, 1903. November, 17th, 19th, 21st, FIRST-DAY. Tuesday, 17th November. 1. THE MAIDEN PLATE.— VaIue $400. A Race for Maiden Horses. Weight 9st. Entrance $10. Distance, R. < 2. THE FIRST GRIFFIN RACE.— Value $300, and $50 to the Second Horse,
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    • 672 3 N»1 ICES. horses that have started at thit meeting. Km Iran en |ft if declared by noon on Saturday. 7th November, anti $10 if declared after noon on the 7th November, and fov 4.15 p.pi. on the day ot the Race. Distance, 6 furlongs and 143 yai«B. Sole.— X penalty
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    • 655 3 NOTICES. WANTED AT ONCE KOU THE Straits "(Brmes. (iood Salary to a Competent Man. Apply Immediately. IT7ANTED nmnrg. r for R. Institute. W Rlukan Mati Apply to Prenin>nt R. A. Ic-titute, Blakan Mati. IS-'O \T7ANTED in m oiatelv two Chinese TT > sMdtants foi the Retail Department; must, be a'jle
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    • 167 3 NOTICES. •f/^Vl||^V These tiny B^l^U^^UfA Capsules P^^^H sttpenor iwJvl^W^k^r t0 >^U^B7 Cubebs, and Injections cure the same diseases as these drugs in forty-eight hours without inconvenience. Jhch CapMlc Inn ttat urn (MIDYj C FM DBtASES OF THE OHEST. I SRIMAULT'S SYRUP Of Hypo-Phosphite of Liml I Pr«c(lbed in France for
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    • 591 3 SHIPPING INDO-CHINA 6TEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY LIMITED. FOB BOURABAYA AND BAMARAXG THE Company's a. a. FAT SA\(.\ 2,251 tons, having left HontKont; on the 6th instant, may be expected to arrive re on or about the 12th idem, and will bave prompt despatch for the at>ove ports. For freight or passage
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  • 1088 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. MONDAY, 12th OCTOBER It is ju9t possible th*t some of Mr. C. J. Sounders' unofficial colleagues on the Municipal Commission may feel sfltrhtly milled in their dignity over one of his remarks at the meeting on Friday last. It was in a short speech
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  • 1178 4 Ireland— seemingly on the threshold of an era of hope and prosperity unpiralieiftd since the S^xon iimiou— ha-* sii Menly bsen BVSkeMtl to a sense of .peril unknown «ince the days preceding the b<»U!f» whe""* M;.l:ic!ii picked the C)l!:ir of cold from the neck ol the prutiri invader. Kwjp Chrimia/i,
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  • 373 4 The N. Y. K. line now oflars first class tickets round the world for £92. From Hongkong or Shanghai the regular first class fare to London, via America, by N. Y. K. is £50. From London to Shanghai tit St. Petersburg and Siberia, the first class fare is nbw about
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  • 127 4 The Hongkong Chamber of Commerce has received a communication from the Colonial Office with reference to the resolution passed by the Chamber asking for a commission of enquiry, similar to the Straits Currency Commission, into the currency question as it affects Hongkong. It is understood that the .Secretary of State
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  • Waiter's Telegrams.
    • 55 4 London, M. 10. It is confirmed that the mainlines of the Anglo-French arbitration agreement have been settled. The proposed Arbitration Treaty is not general in character. It is intended to refer only to differences of a juridical character, especially the interpretation of existing treaties, and there are
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    • 23 4 The French Cabinet has announced that it will persevere in the policy anent Morocco already announced in the Chambers.
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    • 51 4 They Plunder and Retire. A Turkish battalion in broad daylight on the Mh inst. crossed the Bulgarian frontier near Kusten HI, attacked a blockhouse, plundered a village, and then withdrew on the approach of Bulgarian troops. The Turks had three men killed and the Bulgarians
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    • 39 4 For a Test of. Seamanship. Sir Thomas Lipton has offered a cup of the value of $?,500 (gold) for a trans- Atlantic yacht race between Sandy Hook and the Needles, as a real test of seamanship.
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    • 25 4 M. Marconi, on board the Cunarder Ln -'*****1 in raid- Atlantic, has eommunicatedt fur the first time between England and America simultaneously
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    • 70 4 Situation Serious.. Uth October. Although negotiations are proceeding at Constantinople between Bulgaria and* Turkey the situation on tbe frontier is serious. More Bulgarians Mobilized. The Bulgarian Government on Saturday, ordered the mobilisation of the first -and second class reservists in tbe Kustendil district. The Bulgarian Government hag
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  • 7 4 To-day's 4/ms. bank rate is 1/1 1
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  • 10 4 The Annam will be despatched at 6 p m. to-day.
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  • 9 4 Exchange and share reports will be found on page*.
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  • 9 4 For an article entitled "Tali see the supplement published*to-day.
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  • 18 4 The Full Wo which is due here to-morrow from Langkat is bringing down 23,000 tins of kerosene oil.
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  • 17 4 Mr. Arthur Chamberlain, the brother of Mr. J Chamberlain, is expected shoftly in Ceylon on a visit.
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  • 18 4 Thk F. M. S. yacht Meran arrived from Kuantan yesterday. She i? expected to leave for Port Swettenham.
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  • 19 4 The sale of the three British steamers Ruby, Ifataria, and I'ontianak has been postponed to Thursday the 15th inst.
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  • 18 4 Governor Bikch of British North Borneo returns to Labu'an by the s. s. Sinyora, which departs to-morrow morning.
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  • 24 4 Thk P. O homeward mail steamer Simla left Hongkong* at 1 p hi. on Saturday and is due here at 6 a.m. on Thursday.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 605 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. THERE ARE SOAPS AND SOAPS BUT FOR A BAR SOAP There is no Soap like THE ANCHOR SOAP Insist on getting Anchor Soap. The Australian Stores, AGENTS. WASSIAMULL, ASSOMULL CO., Indian Store. No. 1, 2, 3, &4, High Street. lla\ jii-i received fresh £ood* from India. < liii
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    • 58 4 G. R. LAMBERT 9 CO., Photograph*.-*. OI'KN: QmhH House, (Battery Road), s a.m. to 5 p.m. Orchard Itoad, 8 am. to 5 |>.«. Sundays, 8 a.m. to noon. AopointmenUbr sitting should be made, il po.-sible, beforehand. Customers who intend to send portrait* home for Xmas, should make their appoint raents
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    • 39 4 Pace 3 contains extracts from the report on the Colony for 1902. Many persons supposed to have been far gone ie Consumption, have been completely cured with Jayne's Expectorant. The Singapore Dispensary. Sole agents for the Stra its Settlements-
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  • 1373 5 Farewell to the Legislative Council. At the close of the business of the Legislative Council meeting on Saturday morning (wiiiefa will be found reported in that day's issue), Mr. G. S. MuuRAY said that as this was the last i;:e> tin,; of Council at which the Bonroof
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  • 121 5 Ai coKDisti to the information which has been received at the office of the Messtigeries Maritimes Co., in Singapore, the Auntralien has been towed to Nagasaki for repairs. It is believed that the vessel was endeavouring to pass through a narrow channel *in the Inland Sea, when the
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  • 111 5 The new ferry landing pier in front of the Johore Hotel was formally opened by H. 11. the Sultan at noon yesterday. Quite a nv.mber of European guests attended the ceremony, among those present being Mr. Paxon, the engineer, and Mr. Fisher, the constructor of
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  • 77 5 The Tokyo representative of the North China Daily -\etcs thus telegraphed on the 30th Sept. Much surprise has been caused in Japan in consequence of the rumours circulated ascribing extensive warlike preparations tv Japan, and declaring the existence of aj^opular war fever. Suoh storiee are groundless; there are
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  • 65 5 Captain A. L. B. Davies, U. S. A., who has been travelling in the Straits, Sn in, and the Netherlands Indies of late purchasing carabaos or water buffaloes for the Philippine* Government, returns to Manila by the 8.8. Singora to-morrow morning. Captain Davies is Insular
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  • 412 5 Harmston's Circus Wrecked. A kikrcb gale, which for about half an hour attained the force of a hurricane, broke over Singapore in the early hours of Sunday. The wind's onrush was heralded by a sharp squall, which was immediately followed by a tearing storm. In many quarters
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  • 222 5 Better Than Ever. Haumston's larse double tent, which was pitched on the Raffles reclamation ground, was completely packed on .Saturday night on the occasion of the Circus's opening performance of their present season .n Singapore. Saturday night is always a good one in Singapore for shows, but last
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  • 165 5 .H. M. S. Fox arrived on Saturday afternoon from Colombo with Vice Admiral Atkinson Willes, Commander in Chief of the East Indies Station, on board. The Fos went to the wharf this morning to coal. The ltoyal Arthur is also coaling at the wharf. It has tieen
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  • 37 5 The King and Queen of Italy will arrive in Paris on Wednesday next, October 14 The sovereigns will be accompanied by Signor Morin, the Italian Minister for Foreign Affairs They will remain in Paris till October 18th.
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  • 140 5 The new light at Port Canning will be used on and after to-night. A description has already appeared in this paper, but wejnay repeat that it is a dioptric occulting light of the first order one occultation of three seconds, 1 c seventeen seconds
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  • 123 5 The Pollard Comedy Company arrived at Singapore to-day by the steamship Aratoon Apcar from Hongkong. As previously announced, the extravaganza What Happened '.0 Jones will be staged this evening at the Town Hall, and a crowded audience is assured. It has been explained already that owing
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  • 97 5 One of the Marine Police officers who was patrolling the harbour in the police launch on Saturday night, alleges that he saw something in the water which he declares very closely resembled the Sea Serpent, or what the Bea Serpent is supposed to be.
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  • 42 5 Saturday's Results. CHAMPIONSHIP.— KIXAI.. 1-t round. Mr. t'adelUbeat Mr. Broadrick, kg 4 on time. Tie for To-day. UVDIKs' SINGLES, tori. Hunter v. Mr«. Broadrick. Tie for Tuesday. MIXED DOCBLBS. Mrs. KoberUon ami Dr. Ulennie v. MrHugter and Mr. Darbishire.
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  • 19 5 The M.M. e.t> Dordogne from London and Marseilles and bound for Saigo n passed through at 2 p.m. yesterday.
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  • 50 5 Before Mr. Cavendish at the Police Couit this mofhing a Dutchman was fined $5 for having three bottles of spirits in hid possession without a permit. He pleaded guilty and said that he was ignorant of the laws of the Colony. Mr. f. K. Jennings, .Agent of the Farmer, prosecuted.
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  • 65 5 Th% match between the Y. M. C. A. and Manchester Regiment cricket teams on Saturday at Tanglin resulted in a good game and a close finish, the 'soldiers just winning on the last wicket. The Y. M. C. A. batted first making 88 (A. Reid 21, Mergler 18L and the
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  • 18 5 Last week's Government Gazette publishes the Board of Trade regulations regarding the carriage of petroleum spirit coast wise.
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  • 28 5 The P. O. outward mail steamer Bengal with dates to the 25th Sept. having left Colombo at 4 a.m. on Sunday will probably arrive here on Friday afternoon.
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  • 31 5 Lady Minto, wife of the GovernorGeneral of Canada, with her daughter, has been visiting Japan. They are to be there about a month, and are the guests of Sir Claude Macdonald.
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  • 38 5 Owing to a defect discovered in the ironwork of the Orchard Road Bridge the first train on the Singapore Railway did not leave until after 9 o'clock this morning, and all traffic was delayed two hours in consequence.
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  • 45 5 The s. s. Aratoon Apcay Captain K. Fey, which arrived from Hongkong this morning carries a detachment of the 4th Gurkhas from Tientsin for India. They are under the command of Captain A Young. By the same steamship the Pollard Company is travelling to Calcutta.
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  • 56 5 An advertisement is published to-day announcing that a Conversazione under the auspices of the S. V. A., S. V. E., and S. V. R. will be held in the Drill Hall on Friday next at 9 pm. Attention is directed to the fact that guest tickets can only be obtained
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  • 68 5 The Hon. Dr. A. M. Bose, of Calcutta, is now on a short visit to Singapore for the benefit of his health, and is staying at the Hotel de l'Europe. He is an unofficial member of the Calcutta Legislature, and is an eminent scientist. It may be mentioned that he
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  • 50 5 When asked why he carried fortyseven rounds of ammunition and a knuckle-duster with him, Wong Chung explained to the Hongkong Magistrate that he had just returned from California. Why didn't you leave the knuckle-duster over there asked His Worship. I forgot," was the reply. A fine of $25 was imposed.
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  • 64 5 The P. O. steamer Pera, Captain Valentine, which arrived at Calcutta a forthnight ago on her maiden trip, was the largest steamer which has ever visited that port. Her gross tonnage is 7,635, and she displaces l»i,;su(t tons fully loaded. Her cubic capacity is 12,814 tons length 497 feet beam
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  • 81 5 A ecREMB for distribution of indentured Indian labourers recruited by the Madura Company appears in the Government Gazette. The scheme rests on the principle the one-half of all the labourers recruited will be assigned to the Governments of the Straits Settlements and the Federated Malay States. Applicationj for labourers will
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  • 135 5 The Supreme Court at Penang delivered judgment on Wednesday lust in the case of Huttenbach Brothers v. A. E. Bailey. It was a claim for Si ,1 10 money paid to defendant after an agreement with plaintiffs as. assistant, defendant agreeing to go home, but not doinpso, and taking employment
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 68 5 MORE EFFECTIVE THAN COD LIVER OIL, Medical Scientists have long sought in vuin'for a preparation as effective as Cod Liver Oil, but free from its disadvantages. Emulsions, Tonics, and Medicated Wines have been extolled in vain. The problem has beeh now solved, once and for all by the introduction ol
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    • 26 5 Jayne's Expectorant, is a sovereign remedy for Coughs. It clears the Bronchial passages and heals tha^ungs. The Singapore Dispensary. Sole agents for the Straits Settlem ents.
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    • 95 5 Natural Modesty. 'I 'HE natural modesty of many people 1 who have used Chamberlain's Colic and l'iarrhiri Remedy for Diarrhea, Dysentery, etc., with splendid* results, mats them hesitate about giving their opinion for publicity. Still these same people have done much to make Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhea Remedy a household
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    • 214 5 Why will you Suffer With Rheumatism when relief and eon are within your reach t Many whu have been eripped for weeks, months, and even years have found relief from pain and suffering through the instrumentality of Little's Oriental Balm Mr. A. 8. Colly of Lewis, lowa, expresses his -union
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    • 399 5 'LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. IARMSTON'S GRAND CIRCUS. AND Royal Menagerie of Wild Animals. BUT ONE VERDICT, ABSOLUTELY the Bifrr snow k\ kk isitin*. SINGAPORE. nkw COMPANY n f qtar Artists < 'ulled from the principal (iru«e« of A'u/o/>r, Anuri-a, thr t'ontintat, << Austrnlut. TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT KIKST OK THE ZOES Eirtpf's Vrtitnt tymiuh
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 147 5 DAY BY DAY Monday, 12th October. High Water. 1.14 p.m. Harnieton s Circus. ISeadi Koncl. 9. S.V.R. Recruits Drill. 5.15. S.V.A. Signalling. 8.30. Pollard Co. Town Hall. ti. Tuesday, 13th October. High Water. 2.33 a.m. -2.4 p.m. Football. S.C.C. v. Mam-heelers. KsplanaUe. Malay States Salt Co. Gresham Hou«e. Noon. Wednesday,
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  • 218 6 Peary to make another dash for it next year. A* already announced by Reuter, Commander Robert E. Peary will make another daaji for the North Pole. He has been granted leave of absence for three years by the President at the instance of the Acting Secretary of
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  • 201 6 The scientific ingenuity and close attention to economy of the German manufacturer is a theme on which our own prophets of national reform go harping with an assiduity which in the mam is lioulitloss highly praiseworthy and bene'icial. There seems, however, to be some need of discrimination in
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  • 93 6 A project has been set en foot by the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals to establish in Boston a cemetery for the burial of pet animals and birds, it is estimated 'that a plot of ground large enoueh for the purpose can be
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  • 40 6 1 Yes," said the chairman lady, our temperance meeting last night would have been more successful if the lecturer hadn't been so absent-minded." W4iat did he do?" "He tried to blow the froth from a glass of water."
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  • 34 6 Okkjckr— "What is the complaint here?" Orderly— Man (offering basin of watery liquid)—" Ta*te that sir." Officer— (tasting) Excellent soup." Orderly Man Yes sir, and they want to persuade us that it's tea."
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  • 34 6 TtvH.vE carriages for use in the New York undereround railway were shipped from New Jersey recently. These cars cannot telescope. The front of each car is concealed in a network of iron.
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  • 33 6 Three months' excavations at Tingad (Tbamugadi), the ''Algerian Pompeii," have resulted in the discovery of four beautifully decorated palaces, the portico of the main ron#thror)gh the city, and a spacious public market place.
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  • 47 6 "If you are Roinß to play the cold and starving bepgar girl," said the manager, you will have to quit wearing diamonds all over your hands.'' That (•hows how much you know about the ilr.-im',' 1 was the sneering rejoinder. Those diamonds are supposed to reprp'prt irielps."
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 108 6 Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. lOO3ENS the rough, relieves the lungs, j and openß the secretions. It counteracts any tendency of a bad cold to result in pneumonia. It is unequalled for bad colds. Tho time to cure it is when it is merely a '-bal coM." Chumherlain's o«u(in Kemeily is li'trhly
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    • 1018 6 NOTICES. SELANGORTURF CLUB. PROGRAMME FOR DECEMBER MEETING. December 29th, 31st, 1903, and January and, 1904. FIRST DAY. IU k No. I,— The Maiden Phtk— Value $800 and $60 to second horse provided there are five starters the property of different owners. A Race for Maiden Horses. Ex S. R. A.
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    • 817 6 NOTICES. than one griffin Race on the same day can do so on payment of 910 entrance fee for each extra Race provided tbe other conditions of tbe race are complied with. Entries close at 12 noon on, Saturday, 12th December.' Entry forms may be had at the Selangor Clnb
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    • 1046 6 NOTICES. Singapore and Kranji Railway. From October ist, 1903, and until further notice. WEEK DAYS. SUNDAYS. DOWN DO^VSTISfI-. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M P.M P.M. Singapore rf..7.00 7.60 10*0 12.30 1.57 300 4.2° 5.20 6.50 ..6.45 8.07 9.35 10.58
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 664 7 BUCHANAN'S WHISKY Sold everywhere. STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. p a Steam Navigation KOR CHINA, JAPAN. PENANC. X V LOV AUSTRALIA, INDIA. ADEX. EGYPT, MEDITERRANEAN PORTS. PLYMOITH LONDON. Through Bills of Lading issued for Chim Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental, ami American Portf. Mail Line. Outward. Hombwakh Bengal Oct 18 Simla Oct 6 Ohtißan
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    • 1329 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Koninklijke Paketvaant Maatschapplj. Under contract with the Netherlands India Uovarnireni. atni* at Singapore: Bbip Aoxsct, lati J. Damdbu Co., %9 Coixtxb Qdat. i'he undermentioned dates are only approximate. Steamer Prom Fxpected SV'ill be Uespp'ched for Nienhuy Pontianak Oct 8 Pontianak Oct 10 Bantam ICnang 12 Penans, Sabaog, Olehieb,
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    • 661 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Nopdd«utsoh«p Lloyd Bremen. Hambupg-Amerlka Unle, Hamburg. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL Tbe faat and well-known mail-steamer* jf these lines will leave Singapore o or tbout the nndermentioned dates Outward Home warn Prnu Sigitmund 1 SeydUu Oct 19 (extra) Oct. 22 1 Row Not 2 Hamburg Oct 24 Preutten Not 16
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    • 561 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Mall Steamship Line. THE FABT ROUTE BETWEEN CHINA JAPAN, AND BDKOPB, VIA CANADA AND THE UNITED BTATEB. ROUTE VIA SHANGHAI, NAGASAKI KOBE YOKOHAMA. VICTORIA, AND VAN OOUVBR, B. C. Twin Screw Empress Steamship*— o,ooo Topi— Speed 19 knots. Pboposid Bailihos from Hoboeoko. R.M.B.
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    • 328 7 INSURANCE COMPANIES LANCASHITE INSURANCE COMPANY. NOW MERGED IN The Royal Insurance Coy. FIRE AND LIVF. INVEi?TED FuFoe 12,000,000. POWELL CO., AGBWTH MARTIN'S U|PIOL& STEEL A rnuh >en*dy for .11 bMeMIeMMtB Thoo»MW. A LftdlM k««pft box of Hftrlln pill. In th« houM* MilhiloßU* first .iko of mar IrrMulMltjr of the SyatMa
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    • 1756 8 Under this heading the following abbreviations are used str. steamer sh. •hip bo. barque sch. schooner; Yet. yacht;Cru.-('ruiser; (}l>l.--<;unboat; Tor. —Torpedo; H. p.— Horse-power; Brit. British U. S.— United States Fch.— French Ger.--German; Out. -Dutch; G.c—Generalcargo; d.p. deck passenger; U-*-Uncertain; T. P. W.— Tanjoni; FIMBK Wharf; T.
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    • 485 8 Hame, port, probable date of arrival, and name of agent: a Steam Km. Ali^sim 1, Hongkong, Oct 12; Beha Meyer Adour, Saigon, Oct 18; M. Marit im.-s. Airi li Glasgow, Out 30; Pm«r-o.i Simons. Agamemnon, Chini, Oct 18; Mansfield. Arjfii Hoagkong, Oct; Paterson Simons. Alboin, Calcutta, Oct 12;
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    • 77 8 PASSED BUNDA STRAITS OK ARRIVED POR ORDERS Kl<g& Imtk «t Hi- -us- Kk Date.* Rig. iHir Namu. Cai tain. Sailing. From where ation. mark M 2 Ftrtt 8.1. 5t. Irene irom the X.-i i 3 Brit 88. Recorder Keeling Coco* Nlnnd 4 Brit gsGleanrtney IVom the F.i-i 4 Dut
      77 words
    • 445 8 M r i Aii 5 Vmbi/i Nam». Iw*. Captain ?kom Sailxo Consignees. a ki... )ct 9De Eerens l>ut $tr. :»."> \I V«melteii. sourc»l>aya Oc( JJaendels and Co 10 tlenroy* flril «tr ;<I4I 'Mb) London riept Him t 1 Co 10 Patrol' «tr. 12 X l>,mi/n.ill Sa>eon Ui-i IVlrpniph
      445 words
    • 80 8 tor ttr gmamrr Jtme. To-Morrow. Bangkok Borneo 7 a.m. Biiirtviit l.nS.-.iif 9 a. in. Sarawak ft. of Sarawak 1 p.m. Pening Hmn Wan I 2 p.m. P. Swet'ham via ports R. Hin iluan 3 p.m. Bang, ok Kein 4 p.m. WBDNEBDAV. iMaJaccx* P Piekson Hong I.ian 3 p.m.
      80 words
    • 211 8 I'atk. Vessel's Najik. ?l.v. Rio Tojri >TJoS. Oct U Cherniß Hock Kian 11 Snml.iH 11 l'elayot 1 1 I'riam 10 Pin Seny 11 (i. G. M.'jei 11 Nienhuvs 12 Seaovia" v Smile 12 Mcna 12 Isabella 12 Pot t 13 Tambov 11 Hong Ree 12 Amiral Duperre 12 Hobo
      211 words
    • 142 8 From Europe— By tbe P.AO. Btngal due on the 16th October, with dates to the 25th September. From Chin*— Ry the P. A O. 8. s. Simla due on the 16th October. \Jlg 26iu N. D. L. Kept lflth Aug 2«th B. I. 8ept, ±.'nd Aui;3l8t M»M
      142 words
  • 605 8 SntOAPOBB, 12TII OCTOBKR, ItOJ. PRODUCE. (Jarabler Imyer. f H.m Copra Bait 7. 0n do Ponttanak i;.t, PeppCT, Black 30 .'>o do White, iS%) buyer* 46.30 Sago Flour Sarawak 3SO do Brunei No. 1 S.>7 Pearl Saeo 500 Coffee, Bali, 15% ba«l» 18.50 Coffee, Pftlembanx, 20^ h mi,. 2J.Oi Coffee,
    605 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 72 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALI- Co. JEWELLERS and SILK MERCHANTS, 61-52, HIGH STREET. JUST ARRIVED: Thick Japanese washing Crape Silk at $1.75 per yard. Flowered Japanese Crape Silk at' s2 per yard. Silver things useful for Wedding; and Birthday IPres^nts. Indian Muslins for dresses, Chinese Embroidered Coats and Costumes, Brass cloth
      72 words
    • 144 8 f-WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW&CQ^ Priffs from 85r. to $l.ti |*r Spray STKAH HATS f«r (iIKLS Eurt U illustration. s-.'.7.v. "•^^■pgpjamjai ia r KJ^ j^^^^V X.N BABY TOILET BOXES LARGK WASHABLK DRILL HATS BOIY NIV SEME SAILOR SUT J A Trimmed Silk Dow in front. In White or Sky. basl to illustration Br
      144 words