The Straits Times, 26 August 1898

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED! 1831. SINGAPORE FRIDAY, AUGUST 2a 181)8. NO. 19.(>17.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 404 1 0KS g(,COIirANT,LIIIITBD 1) i.«,CoLIviaHO»Y 1 n ntmm.*— „*"m ..line issued for ;Vr«vin I^q__^al7f>a»»iaat XaJTiaga-J lW MAIL LINKBUBaWim OCI IHW. r a ££i\ IS, ok 7 ii.t.i'l x aeMtta Noi. 4 &w'A«pißKcr«BvrcE. i h "un!l»"' of" 1 •/aaw At** S-|:t3srfitS „i- !i"*i»* DO vl;.iinß n n t ha resnousil.le for
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    • 1452 1 STEAMSHIP CKMI'AMES. I' iiMNKI.IJKK i'AKKIYAART MAATSCHAPPU Under contract with the Netherlands India (Jovetnment Agmii i,i Magadan sun- Aouct, latk .1. Dtaajnu A 00, M, Cotvcf Hi'»v. steamer From Kv|..,i,.|i Will be Despatched for 5a Sourn'iya. Aug .U. Sourabav Ma, a-ar. Met, (lorontalo, .V. I'm; ....JuVßatavia. •.•-I. renang. (ih-h-'l'eh''.l'adaiig. and Sumatra's
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    • 680 1 INSURANCES. rpilE LONDON AND LANCASHIBI 1 FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. CapiUl t'.',i-.'7,00i) Paid up Capital SU'.T.'iO Reserve Fund 1i7»,»)6 The undersigned, Agents for the Company, are prepared to accept tire riskß at 'mMUI 4 Co. 'pilK «IIISA I'RAUKK INSCK.IXCE 1 OOMPANT. LIMITED i 'apital Subscribed |V«n.nuu. V.1....011 1-aid up ...i.i.., l:.
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    • 781 1 INSURANCES. LAW UNION AM) (ROWS KIltK AM' I. IKK INSI KANt'K COMPANY cai'iiai. aumjm 'I^IIK Un.ler-iciutl ha\e l-ceii .ip|H»iuted J. aKi'llt. at Siiif{a|H)rc. for the al>o\e Con i pan V and aie prepared to I ike risks al euircnt rates. JAKHI li 00. THE S T I! A I T
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    • 712 1 NItTICES. Gold Mcdul.-, i-_-;s: i- JOSEPH BILLQTT'S Of Highest Qudiily, Mid r,..v.,,-, .1 T|| 0 Greatest Durability arc rheiel i CJ U M CHEAPESI Lll O c. f. :t',l-' STOP. HUNK AM) CONSIDER WHAT M .'iVcr V".i Security in >our nMM, Fn, Im frotß Hidt-. tba ,-ircimivciilioii of Kain
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    • 678 1 NXTCB k.\KV\ IT lo FAIL." MR. R. JOHNSTON, RAWALPINDI ■ATI "1 have personally tried Chamberlain' r cholera. an.l traveller. HBO »er.' ptM ag UmMgß a i.i I managed, and! i,,,,-i an l i kr.-u |o (a, I n i- medicine I can r.-.-oinmeinl. and one that evervl.ivtv should keep I'll,-mii'm.
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  • 99 2 THE STRAITS TIMES. FRIDAY, 26TH AUGUST, 1898. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS SOUTH POST ELECTION. KsTABUSHIP: 1S.11. TRICK 15 CENTS. may 1+ f,,m»l m fcaM mm I orrusiTios gain. Ijondon, 26th Avgtut. At the election held to till the vacancy in the Southport L'i\ ision of Lancashire, arising fmm ho appointment of Mr
    Reuter  -  99 words
  • 12 2 Lord Charles Beresford has si uric J for China
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  • 12 2 COUNTY CHAMPIONSHIP. KKOrKBI) IIY YOKKSHIRK. Yorkshire has nuwseeured the County cricket championship.
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  • 366 2 THE BOURGOGNE." TllK horrors of tho Boirgo.jnc disaster will l>e long remembered the international recrimination it hail given ri«« to adds another regrettable feature tn the accident. The British Court of Kn^uiry. sitting nt Halifax (X >vn Scotia), has exonerated the British Captain (Henderson of the CVaMrtpttv) from all responsibility
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  • 686 2 At the beginning of thu present year there were two thoorirs as to the method by which Britain could exort and maintain her inlluence in China. The Urst was the "open door "theory which meant the application of pressure at I'ekin to gain from the Kmporor compliance
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  • 43 2 Captain Sir H. S. Xaylur l-cyland, who has won Southport for the Liberals by a majority of --'7-. 10, nested tin same scat ogainst Mr. Cur/i.n in 1 at the (Jcncnil Klection. Mr Cur/on polled .'..lttl votes against 4,:i&0 cast for his opponent.
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  • 196 2 To-days (ioternmeit OmNMMMIh a not. lit '.ttinn of iin|H>rtatic« and inti'ivst, cij. tlit! coming nit" upi'fut h >n from tlm :ilst of Mm current month „f Uh lioverninunt Currency Note Ordinance. TUi notice is a necessary preliminary it dues nut mean, as flume imdit suppose, that Government note* will be
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  • 285 2 The continuing decrease in the mini awWfcfciaaaaaaNa lataaaamaasla marine -it is said that thirty 1" Mai of the sailors are now foreigners has. of late, attracted something of the attention it deserves. The authorities hare been hard to awaken to a realisaliuu .if lag criMK, despite the persistent hammering of
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  • 10 2 To day's 4 m bank rate is I 1 1
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  • 10 2 Cinmi a r.'i«.rtcii 1,, fern tmmmi i an atiHimle Htlw
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  • 17 2 Tbi flallaatat passed Malacca at 10 15 a m to-day, and is duo here about 8 p.m.
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  • 15 2 D'Arc's Marionettns only perform for a few night* more There will bo a matint^o to-morrow.
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  • 19 2 Thk mail despatched from IhMHn to 1.0n.10n, via Brindisi. on the 11) th July was deliveriKlon the L'i'nd inst.
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  • 17 2 TnCaaMMaraaMl aWaBM,Mfc at Stetfin. for tbe CtlllMl f-iovcrnment. is shortly expected here on her way to Chir.a'.
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  • 17 2 It is announced that aaMßMah communication from Singapore arfja llodo and other PhaaMßM Klations i» now restored.
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  • 25 2 Osk hundred and euventr-ninr dent hs were recistered in Siii|;a|M>re. during the week ending on Saturday last Toe ratio per thousand was 4 1 11.
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  • 27 2 TllK stoppap- of tbe ini|«>rt of Manila ro|.«'. Mrfaa] to the u-ar, lias coni|M'llcd tli.- K,st Indian Ifciilway Conipiny to use the inferior Indian while hemp rop«
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  • 34 2 A MB Ma MM of MBBM is anid to bay,. occurr.-l in lloinb:iv. At Hubli. a small aasM on tlic Bombay-Madra. front i,-r. trj c;isus of pla^uo were rv)* 'rt ad in one d:iy
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  • 25 2 h isrc|H>rted that, through the iutluence of Sir Frank Sweltenham, the "Survey Claims" dispute between the Pcrak Government and Mr Alma Kaker haa been settled.
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  • 32 2 ■HBHM may be 'isefullv r'tilindo! that -he annual general meeting of the Singapore Cricket Club takes place this fvening. .it the Tanclin Club. The .hail will be taken at 9 o clock
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  • 25 2 Iris said that wah-weh lotteries nrr now U'ing carried on to a great anil Increasing extent in Penang The police ■1111 M IwtoainiMn ■nmnlnilj lullml
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  • 36 2 A PMtMU match was played on the "old ga>.l" site yesterday afternoon, between trams from the BaOtl and SI Joseph's Institutions The game Meted in an easy win for the former by four goals to uSL
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  • 41 2 A Bohrav man named lie Camuli. living at 4», North Bridge ■Ma, Natal that yesterday daring his absence some Mm key. broke open bis box, and ■oh ites. ,n y. and jewellery to the value of SI M
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  • 52 2 Tills morning, at Rii 1 village, a policeman, while stopping two men carrying a basket, was stunned by one of the men who struck him over the head wit I, a billet of wood On recovering consciousness, the constable found that bis ,ap and sword .scabbard
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  • 58 2 I* Kel.intan HfaUMM Malays) says the -7V.lM... the Chinese have |u-t been holding a high festival which only comes mice in live years llcsidc- processions and lir.woiks, there were OBWI ings to idols at the rate of I.'-' dollars a ilny. Two hundred pigs and ovn a thousand
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  • 71 2 The captain of a steamer riabMl Ihe sea serpent in the Persian Gulf last month It had n long body with a huge 1. 11 shaped head with two tan fins or llappcrs hehim! it, and an eiioi nious pair of jaws. The length .1 probably
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  • 60 2 Tai»l are shaping IMMMI for the race meeting in October. A batch of ■MM has arrived, and they will be drawn for ill Mr Abrams's yard, North Bridge Koad, tomorrow after- Tbr olticial date for the commence i.ient of the training is MundaT next in and after that
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  • 76 2 ■Mi Mr. J ll .Klciim, this morning the case of tin r u |ice against Mcrjaum for allowing gambling to be carried on in a licensed collee shop was called on On Mr. K F.irrer Bayne's staWment, that he had appealed against the Magistrate s decision in a
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  • 76 2 Six Chinamen hist night entered a I'iivati house in I'ag.xla-street aii.l forcibly abducted a girl there, whom they forced into a nklshi, They also stole a 1.., i from the kmM an.l made off in rikishas towards Beaeli 1t...ul where t h« Hi™, hearing the girl's erie«, st
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  • 67 2 Two were charged with stealing three hags of rice from tongkang The case was remitted to bench of two Magistral.-.. .blci,,|ants being admitted on bail of &;tx> each Kor T*T»Hn| ten .-attiis ..I COOCI a Chinaman wan »unt to prison, hv jfj WoUntan, f..i bun .l; y«^-ewas
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  • 79 2 N'OU Chinese Ma were charged yesterday, before Mr Howard, with ■Muting to carry 0.1 a Chap ji-ki lottery in AmovStieet Th,( ase was rcmauJed till the Ist prox. Yesterday a It.ngali milkman u.i- tiMe.l IU for jelling a.liiltcat.Hl ,n,lk a Macao woman was lined S"l, brfc«»tacin her possession
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  • 48 2 On Sunday afternoon licit, the loll.m ing election will be played al laliL-lm by the regimental band of the Wet > orkshire Kegim.nt Mar. Imp. 10b Men.lel>.«i,hn OlaHwM !>„. /..uLerllol. M..i»rt ■Ml Song There i« a lireen Hill liriwiy Oooncd B»h.i.:..«ih«i ol Costa Winl«r*ot»en>. (io.l gave ibe v,,,,,,
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  • 556 2 HALF-YEARLY llKfllw Tin half-vc.-irlv c n 'T Hie -bar. holder, ",,f ,|,,,7 '""tin, IKx-kfonipanvwa.M,,^""*!^ atOHlomci. eollyerQ I S*'»« inattendan,-,. weretl,,: l r "kSJ Little. W a C.1.1dl t i. Ml *^< 1 The li.itlilt.s,., M 1^ n»N 1,-,, 1A|( lir,ne.l. the r r andr of which
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  • 50 2 Last night. »l,i!> p».sin,;alon K 50,,,1, Brid rikl.sba, a Chinaman came up I*"* 1 and snatched from he, «t with diamonds, also I 1,.,,r-pu,,.va1i,e,1.,1..,- thief was pureued and am cold hair -pin l hand I the two silver „,-rel.ein. f .1 1 i, uatch by the polii a
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  • 74 2 Tin antartaimnenl li Town Hallwaaa diatinel main with a UUfulnes. what be i-1...-- wil stianp, w, .ul.l Ihin dSsxsz il .i miii-li ii.i.n-i lit' w.i> mimn nun n SKSiK.;. 1 1 mad- r.r, dauci,,,- K iil „,,.1 flu even,,,,,, mi ltd) an ill wonderful Krom puim« went
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 445 2 NOTICES. NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY, LD. Manuf,. I I'ynainite, Gelignite. Gclatiue Dynamite. ting Gelatine. Detonators, Safety Punt, Electric Bbstiog App.u-atus. i THE IKJHXEO OOMPAXY.LTD WII.I A(.KM« ■oAraaa taa, -1a... and HAVK ,UM\\ nrpPl II IN BTOOI SIDEROSTH[fJ PAINT. i ...nt for [RON AM) BTEEL the i.e-i im 81 I 1 i;\
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    • 938 2 AUCTTOIf SALES. M" .'l|i>S HAIV. Of TllK E-»TVMER« SRI r.A XDIAMmtt SM ttOA TTAS ,ai ..i "Air MM Sept Htpm. -1.1 KAHDJ II li t i.,..r.«l underthe Mm li Hat nn.l now run -inn between ingapare nn.l B-iaJenßaato. I^neth '.tir, feel breadth IT fee, s in.; depih X, f.-et -,iv-
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    • 384 2 NOTICES. BIJOU THEATRE. (fw.i o/ Fart Oasaaam i'™,,i |aaaa It l«-orh.) Tn-nlihl r. nlabl I>'AK("S MAItIONKTTES. THE SPAM>IIAMKKICAN WAR." Tho Se.v Harle< uinsde. BI.IKUEAKn.TUe Beautiful Traiwfornialion Scenes. aa, i--. r... uorr..«. >iiluril.-i>. Mills liljll-l. Crnntl fa-.tutll EaHaaS j.W. Children half-price to all part*. eicept gallery. Pisa at Mr**,* A
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    • 521 2 I LATEST ADVERTISEMENT'S. TOWN HALL. Saturday, October 27th. POSITIVELY OXE XIUHT ONLY. TU A*ttr<tha., Tram Th» Atutralim Team. 3ml «mi i'<l por >. t. Knrralulla m route for India. Pronounced by Puhli.' ami IWt to be the rleverent ami most versatile family mr Na in Australia. THK BANVARDS. THE BANVARDS.
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    • 96 2 v s. s. nuu for th. asaas r.~. ttotu I writUn oa m of tha m« onij. By U» mM of ta«t rosdilioa. w; Jl. S S. «r» nj^-t«l tut purhl "tl -rwi.. tn< |.oM,-h. 1 All ».l..n..irjt eoDtTsrb an. ..,i.;r-, to •>.- Ssa ll tioa that tb« MiMrfr nay
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    • 14 2 l'BCDroc, .n..Li:p. and tbve i r -i.'l the mail list, are on page 4.
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  • 580 3 KX ,'KI.ITION. ,v v Iliyt't STROSOHOI.D. .i;r speaks of the T»«'"" i, the Dutch troopa he low country The L have left ofilheir sword in terrible imaga oaoad br h.n<l Tll the hands of k the enemy dread .inartan. They in del Imar but k i r. to
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  • 1036 3 THE GERMAN EMI'EROR. It ii stated that representative ol the Evangelical or Protestant Church in Austria-Hungary have received invitations to accompany the (icrman Lmperor on his journey to Palestine U illiam 11. takes advantage of every opportunity uf maintaining the friendly relations between tho German Empire and
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  • 859 3 THE CHAMPIONSHIP CONTEST. Th« match lit Uyton between Kent mid Essex ended in a draw. Kain mrioualy interferedwithplayontheaecond day. Kent, who were the first to bat, •cored 280, to winch l!urnup'< 131 and J. R. Mason's 77 were by far the beat ">ritnhutiiin.«. When rain stopped play on
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  • 78 3 Tin: Australian troupe ol a. rol.ats anddancerr, known as "tl,e Banvards," are siring I pcrformamc in the Town 11, 11 to mor'.ow night. The troupe 1. i a v.'.'d name in Australia. It oonabU ■Imod c\, of the members of .in- family who introdoM varied feats of
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  • 444 3 NEWS FROM THE NORTH. WEI-HAI-WE I. Tiikrk is no time limit to the agreement leasing the territory at Wri-hai-wei to Britain It includes I.iukungtao Ir. .in the iiliore of the bay, the government of the people to continue in the hand* of the um.-il authorities The territory under British suzerainty
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  • 91 3 TIIK evidence of 111-.|K'ctor PatKrWW w.i.-iakenoncoiiiiiii.sioiiby Mr. Wolf.rstau vestenlav in a case now iH'inliug in liangkok Mr Napier appeared for the prosecution which charges one Donald de Silva with abducting a girl named O Douoghup. 1 Witness stated that lie knew the girl. Dfaga, .isthc .laughter of
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  • 119 3 i 'tun Art Journal for this month is of j more than usual interest. The front isI piece i« a photogravure plate aOer lieorge J Pinwell's charming pi.'turc "The Eliiir of Love." Among the specially noteworthy articles in the ioamal are "The collection of Sharpie* Bambridse Bas- Lincoln,"
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  • 126 3 HOBSONIZING." Is l.ieut. Unlaliil. by b\s gallant ileed, asks tin- lAiiidon ll.nht, Ito a. ld a word to the nautical portion o"f the Knglisl, language It looks like it on.'of'tlic grimiest aii, 1 most tiiiiildcdownof Ilie many dilapidated cralt of tin- kind that pi. nigh the silent highway.
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  • 131 3 Hismak. K retanle.l Knglan.l as i country in which newspaper articles count for more than principles; but he ncvortlicl.M. recogniatd loat it «:i--necessary tor (ieiinans to keep on terms even rah nation mbied to mcb irreanonaible inflnanoea. lli» adriceto writer of "an interesting article in übUom:--•i" .nit
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  • 64 3 PLAY OK THURSDAY. MIXED DOfBLf HANDK'Ar. -final. Mi- .1 (iunn and Mr. Evans (rec. 1| bnt Mra. Hloket and (apt. Parsons (owe lr>j» by 11-3, .1-3. IHAMI-IONSIItr. Mra. Miindci. a, Mi-s'.orih (iialnliiiil) 11KS FOR HATIRDAY. I.ADIK9' ih.i hi.k lIAMMCAIMrs. Stokes and Mrs. liraddell (owo I)
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  • 606 3 1.0v|,,,5, Jfltl, July. w. J. Baaaoa, Hie ».-u -known let all t-in.e ri.ler. the London to'.iol rivnr.l an.l rmlueed it liy three quar-i-i...f.iii hour, laklag v bouraW nlaotrt for Ihe :IV. mil.--, in I hi- perfor man, ci-r-iun's in tli.' .'l.', (itioiint pai-injj. h.' liaviiiK
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 17 3 Bracing! Refreshing! Invigorating! Condy's Fluid The effect is imflrßl Bcwara of Substitute* 1 DO 1.--. "COMIV* pLLIP."
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    • 206 3 NOTICES. JOHN LITTLE AND COMPANY, LTD. I Have just received a Shipment of American goods. Kaimh m/. I 1 .it bah. -2 Ml Ur^r I -j UM. This Mintinx Machina dow not crind the meal like ul m Culler* hut fiio|w it Simple mi Co— tru««On. Kanily "EffTEBPRISB" COFFEE MILL.
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    • 1141 3 "notices. KATZ BROTHERS. LTD. Beg: to announce the urrivnl of NEW AMERICAN BICYCLES. SPECIAL VALUE. 8125.00 NETT These Bicycles are Specially Consigned to us and cannot be Equalled at the Price. m;\v saddles, tool baos, cvci.k iiokns. belts, lamps, tyre pumps, uki.i.s. (Cyoh C:.iil.'.n littr.l with I'lnsk ;inil S ;l
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 282 3 wkathki: BKUT ".'.1.1.1.....; IMaa //...;..'u» BM .In?. 18SW 'Ja.m 3|i.m !'pm IttM.KK.s ItM. i .»i/"i.K||_».i Ki.- 1 Temp. K7.1) will TBJ -V.Kll.Tli.'i T!..i T.i.ii TU *ZSic Mr.atWlßil'e.a.w. k~SjSI M»x.T«ni|i BU z ->"=; Mm UA i,~'it~ Max. in Sun I...' ii =_'c-=-i Terr.m.l. 71.:, 8 "s Batßtall .0) fjt't WKATHKI: TKl.KtiliAM
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  • 188 4 tLxo t VlwkL'i- Nahk A lons. CUTiU r'KOM sulsi OonMOML a Kio \uj; SI lint sir ITU llraili Liverpool I III) |i.\V. UanslMJ AVo 1n... Nor fir. :'IU Uol.l. llaliiiii«iy .Imu' Houst. »n.l Co. Hi lioi|lp:iri lint Ml ISoB Jk»U CalcOtU Vug i: llou»l.-:i.l un.l I'u. 96 Kirn
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  • 98 4 fur P,r ,v. T.m-. To-MoiiH(iw. lt-it:i,;.-i rlaporta i/,,^,u.„■*,.-. 7a.m. iiU"ii Mrr. 7aiu. UoUKkong HoruMa, r.-ii.uiK a ('..iomi,.. ./.i/*i,i, ii ;i.iii. I ipan rlaporta li-11a.,,ur. li ».in. Bang fTiailiti. II IVaaoa nun [Mi CWkjaaa,' J p.m. lin :i. :Ip.m. IVnang rtkmuekut, S p.m. i Klaag aaapaa, t p.m.
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  • 96 4 Frosi Ki-K'ii-k. Hy Hi- P. .V «>. .111-- Oil tin- -lilll AIWiM. FK.,MtiitNA:-By thr M. M. E. (asMML duo on tin- L'ud B«pt. 1111 tuu Or M mi Una. Lafl Blagason Due in London Arrived July IMh 11.I1. A I). Auk "tl> Auk Mb. .lul> ;:'nd M.
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  • 290 4 AHSIVALB I', i i. Saw from Calcutta iin.l IVI nang Mi I. Rmilli Pet l|-..., tf X.,- from lloihow-Mr. Bromby. PU I- I ii. rar.nmnll,, ham slmnKh.ii Mr. X'i Mi' >iii -on. Ki'oni H "Hi; li< in" H Mr. f (ii.,i,. Maori. AJdwortk, Mi.1.11, -on. :m.| A..'. IC
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  • 510 4 mnii'iu. ,1-ir AoacuT, l«w I'RODUCE (Kate* art comelM to 11.15 a.m.) ,;»,,,biiT liutcri lopraßuli MO. Jo l"ontian»k <J. 40. PtpiH-r, Black 1 ,lo White. (liX) 44.70 -nKO Flour Sarawak Ua, Jo llrunei tM. :i,l S.ICO 3.7.'.. Tlali, picked WOO. Ragba l'ali-ml>»iiK. picked.... SO.oO. Übarte N o ;i l?» Tapim-a.
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    • 187 4 I nderthi* heading thr following %l>l>rr% i^tions an* UMtal «tr •ti'Hin.r lh.— ship Imw. llnl. -Britmh; V. Ualted SUM; Kr. Prea.h, Unr.— Merman Out. l'ui.-h. Joh.— Jobore; *i\, t1. Baaanl .•argo d.p.— dei-k paMengere U. Uni-er-tarn; T. P. W. -Tanjong I'agar lVh«rl, r F. D.-TanionK P»nar Po,
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    • 1233 4 TRADING VESSELS C. AuiTtu Klici Noon or Vimnkui Bril. «tr. M I, .11-. ('apt W*M*> SOth \ul'. From Bangkok, -.inn Auk >■■ an.l 0 dp. Borneo Day. K..r Bangkok. 1 K.l/tnr la. Ital >lrl.4!K*lon>. fapl I>.-I..\a MaAof. From Bombay Ijlli <i. nnd 2S il p. Bchn Meyir ACo I \>i
      1,233 words
    • 241 4 .'■'iw, J*>rl, ttrttfoiblr Half ■>' ■> -n I I Annul. HOOftOOf, S.-|-t \r-il.m. Mi...,,-.!., !..»>.■. Xiic/i Il:ill.illinl.|-,.I,,|,|I., \.ii; I' .1 11.-HK.-11. Col <1,-l I' A (I Bon Hongkong, Hepl 10; I' Benahler, London s.-i.i l»; P. Minna-Cal.'-lolii.-n C.iloinl.i. <M I V M i-nnilin. l.oulon. s.-|,l IT, r\*o Canton,
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    • 55 4 Uate v«m.l'B Namk ifaaMM Cinua Pi- A.ig S3 l-alami-otlu Brit »tr. WiodeUnk 11,..,11,.,!•.,I 1 ,11, IMm-u I'ret W KluAßn Brii Kir. Itoj W,1M.,h,U,.|, JMr 1v?,1".'.!. J a,,, li.>r K oii -i, m.,,,,, m hnM PAOMr. i „i,,ti H,.n,,i,i., 1,,, 1 ,|r. OoorsiM I MM ur lv.jt,, M DmchmiUa One
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 405 4 NOTICES. JKAfIANGA of Japan TOILET WATER vt waJort X;;■K [TRACT JA M ES WATSON COSSCOTCH WIIISKIKS \i:i: IHK NBT vm.i i; in rilK IABm: V. V. t>. Wl n CA>K I'UTV1 UTV rAI V. V. (i. s|'|.< I Al. R.BBERVK taMrmctm,wmtw»m DOMINIE. 10 YEARS OLD. ntMwmvm.mmttm < I I
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    • 195 4 AIIKAMS'S HOUSE REIWTORY. lOI{ BALK, Xi 30LWQKA 52 HORSES, COBS I ON IKS. All landed in x, 11. Nt ..,i,Jiu,,ii rhfat is without doubt, :i aplaoiy batch- not a r one amoaajal them. m „111 ha -„n honaa ■uitable for anj rmipoae, Several rerj handaoma pain, „nJ v nice ta
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    • 794 4 NOTION. HOTEL DKSIMies. HATAViA. ri'riia I i, ..-.1. ligbtad I .I. v, i> aituated in lha cantnof tba Buiopaaii naidential quarter, 1., lidathaHarmonia Clul. and doae to the King 1 Plain. It ol immodatioo for tran i in front of tha hotel Oi nil i to and from the
      794 words
    • 107 4 NOTICES. HKOW.YS Kour Ciiow.% Bka.xu SCO 1(11 WIIISKEY, THK ajM Mm IN THE WORLP. At luppliml to H.K.H. Mai Prioc« of Ma •unoum co., Sole A.v. t- for Singapore INDIAN ENGINERKINO, an tummmm Wmaa Imu THE HKXNOnm OROAX OF THK PKOFEBSIOS IM DBU With aunmntrrd bin,* fide circulation, LIST OI'KX
      107 words
    • 161 4 NOTICES. SI.KR.VVALLOS rSBBCOOKMn QUIXINK. I^9 (Jiving projierties. Kxyi isite Taste. W' 1 iral* wi Ot>po»ite in m. I. 1" II Li N. B. jS^ NORMAN pSh BBOWFB S* on II WHISKY. If.tlii.lly .•oiitiin: t.> tli,' lW.itt. Sold .-ill over tini tMiinsiihi. M( ALISTER ft CO., SOLD A( MINTS. |ft)Wt Skit).
      161 words