The Straits Times, 30 April 1886

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. V l l SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, APRIL 30, 1886. NO. 15,906
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 177 1 COM PA Ml x > •■liour. LIN dates on which To I Homeward. Monday Jan. 11th • 22nd J 29ad -il ,',th 19th I 3fith lay. May 13th June Imh July 22nd aaaaaW- Ist Sept. 'Jnd Friday 17th Ist Monday. Nov. Nt HMfca. •< 20th Dee. 18th .lat.-s are only
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    • 605 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. in royaga within sit mnuths after rival in Europe, or within two months i hraaa two ports rea will be allowof twenty per cent npon the return ticket. The Ageaey in Singapore is prepared to hatj to Maplaa or Marseilles available for nine and ttrdrt months at the
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    • 844 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. pore tn lea a month calling at intermedia!- mirtH on the East and S. W. Coast of Sumatra: a fortnight will nufEce ]MH*.senger!i to visit the beautiful highland scenery of Sumatra from Padaug. The fnllowing are the dates on which the montlil-, steamer i-pecified in service B. 11.
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    • 609 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. and the name way back, on the 12th of every month. VTII. Moluccos. A. From Soerabaya via Macawar for the MnlneriM and hack, on the Mad of every mnnth. aMbattIn the montha of February. April. June. Auirust. October and D<'cem)><'r, via AnitKiina. Banda. Amhoina, Boenx-. Bat Jan. Ternate.
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    • 339 1 DTSUBANOE. Six FinE OFFICE, loxixix EgTAm.-^ii d 171". Insurances aflMai upon almost every description of projierty at the current rates of Premium. Total 8— a— led hi 1884, Singaimn' A BRINKM \XX Co. Singapore, Uth May. 1885. AI.I.MXCF BBITISH v FOBEIOM LIFE \XI) KIKE IXstraxce OOMPAHT, liOHDOW. Oartax C 5.000,000
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    • 321 1 INSURANCE. pica, v in Honirkoag under »lie Oompaniea' Or.! limiting tlie linliilitv of the Urn amount ot tlirir Sharov Cm Pni.l 1500,000. A Hi. tin-, will 1m paid to nil Cnntril I h Boom i co. Sinpipoiv. Hh Jan.. UM H\ XSK \TIC XIX K I N SII{ ANCE COMPANY,
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    • 412 1 insi'ra: PI \N VATIi COMPANY N. UU.ISHID 1945) Capital R.-wrv.- Fund Tin' UTn!.T-i k 'iii'il have l--'ii <| |">>>a^^^^^H neral AffentM for the above tnpiuiy a^^^^^H lin>)wrml to accept Fire Insurance Risks at current rstcs of premlaa. K \TZ BROTHIB*.; Singapore. 3rd May. I THE STRAITS T PANT, LMITED. HKATI
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  • 192 2 Puoni'^i i«ml>i."r Mtt. 3nl» do. No. 1 la, .1.. No J :\mr» Bali la, Pmilianak M» Blaeh P.-pikt ■<.-ik-.. Kl.iur. Sar Pearl Saifn Coffee, Boiithine 13.00. Tapioca, »m»ll Flake > do ,1,.. l»t quality 4.62i■a, m.'.l. lake 4 ■In. Hinall iM-.-i-l do. mod. do Stiekiao, Siam '•'"<' Clotm Amboina
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  • 29 2 TO-MOB»OW. Pt- inn)?. NefajMitKm. K»ritil. Porto Nov.,. Fuu.Hcherry »nd M»dr«.. Buu(«m. 1 p.m. I'olombo and J P.UU.K .n.U^ .l.l»li. CM***, 3 Malwc* and Klang, Pyak Pekl.el, i
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  • 620 2 THE STRAITS TIMES FRIDAY, 30th APRIL, 1886 Thr Vi.lianli- Outburst in J«t«. Sin. I the Krakataii UlftJWI in 1883, the ucv.-r sliiuii>"riii,' volcanic foraai iv Java k*Te bnOBM unusually ii. ti\.-. thtf*l,v inh M outbreak of some kind at any iii.nn.-iit. b»t, M far, theaci n.r.'v uu>leri;rouL.l fuund outlots
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  • 28 2 Mk. \V A M Shvkiff. bUelj appointwl to be a I'uisn.- Judge of the Buprenw Coorl of this Colony, was annoanoed to heave Ku,'lanJ on the -Ist ii:
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  • 17 2 We ar>- informed that Mr. Kii.-iiiu-l'.-11.-r.-aii. tonaeriy Procnrenr General, Mauritius, has been appointed. Judge of this Coloay,
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  • 80 2 plaMan] i tCeeting «as held at the BaOon 1 Seal al 7.30 p. m on W.-.1--ii,-s,lav last. AI."Ut „i n- him. lr.-l S 5.,1.1i.-rs and PoUeemen sat down t.. T.-a. and a niiml»-r of BingaMfl ImA i;. were preeent At «r »j--take* by Mr. 8. Erans. After tea, kddreeam
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  • 78 2 Wi: nr.- RM|MBted ta intimate that a uj ni.-.-tiiii; will 1~- held oa hton:'.nl. at 7.80 p. i.i. in th.- Baba i Ihapet Prniaep Street, when th.-X.-v.l. I wiU prende. ..ill be de&Tered bj th .1. 11,,I 1 i «k "ii Work iii the I 11 ital-." l,\ Mr. JTofaa
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  • 81 2 We haw Ih.h ipeamen of thi HwW French dollar tor udo China. It is a IH.-autifulty ciecutod silver .-,,iu about the size of a Mexican Hollar, luit in U'ii.-\.- tittle heavier. Ob si.lf th.-r.- is full length s. with I h«.-r riirWt hand and the RLIQVK KK'ANCAISF. 1--:,. Ob
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  • 104 2 Tiu: Katkma] D« m >■■ ietj rei ■:.'iiti..nt,, tli-- in renience of the la'li.s' riding habit, the trained, nnhealthv and tiriti_' ]K,sitiun it force* woaan t -> sit in. as w.ll u< th.' injury t.. the hone, which has to bear th< -In "f the ridei nde The comfort and
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  • 90 2 Thf testament iv I ihar.iit.-rs has just been puNi Ningpo. It ie a practical a.laj.i what ii known v peciraen of the ende nons. I B tinils .irrulati..u area in respectable papen in the home laads. Ii is ai amusii pirating thai the rsiou of the lament in the Ningpo
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  • 66 2 iperimenta to 1-- tried in the plantiii- pf tobacco in Great Britain. To Inslimen bekmgi tin >-r«-<lii if any attach t" it of having agitated the question lately, both l.v writu I td it t.', a grievance. I'!.. (ad ii familiar that the weed wat grown in Ireland, and ,n
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  • 5 2 ant n with a fuj<>>
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  • 38 2 Thk r wliieli arrwedS^^^^H I. mdon, Teling, It Strin^.-r. Tiidmaa. Fruiu OqHgl" Mr K«arki>. and I MH \V F I K N »_*r" gfgß U'lhaa&^^^^H k < mm Ann-i in P 1 I*'1 Mr-. Mr. mi- 1 ami Mr
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  • 46 2 Tim followin iv« eJ by tl station i thi month they hail In duo tv Vl.'.. l\\o. I>B I the other, i th- I a»H. ,1.-n»it\ to hatch. Tl ire. 1 I'll kit I ■n 1 ■hat a. Ml the island.
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  • 15 2 »*n-i iiior. Lady gpi"■t A"'.* 11.11 l l.v I'M XIV K>t,'ilatter 9Jbutt.
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  • 9 2 lllelll- their is mi'ler the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 66 2 FUiiiu-l I full v I iNItIUS MKNT. ■mil 2" Road. curb. IN THI UKAI.TV COURT UK Hi iV.koN'. THE IU"N I SHIP Hi« w LIM irilli :i portion nctiiic uinal ii,. fill lilllliImii |il:iiik><l berthed ili Mil. II fur tillir«. n|>ply to llii- t'n\/.KI.\M> Marshal of the Vine Admiralty Court
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    • 284 2 I Cambric*. sill*-. mil Lenin mien. naaaek f r T. tUrn 0> 3 AND LAI ,i// thadrt vi.ltli-. i all colours. B«-«l«. I Frilling*. (l. .1 I'lira-"!-. dmlowo Trimming* 1 ringes, a Trimming*. g PSaaaadSmoUag* .MII.I.IMU'.V Children*' Maritime i ntruamed il" in all i ln- new -I. Sl!> 1
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    • 321 2 r lu-urUK* liy Auction, a* I ON TTJSBD >' MMMI.. nti<l folliiwinir *iy», •••.mrn.Mirin(f *«eh <Uy at 11 m. A <,u:mtity c.f \l.r\lU.i: SHIIVUAXDLERS M •aired fmai the late In, md iwaJHlmf 4 Patent Packing, OoMon wajata, iptHM, Onkum. Flag*. I P«in< Braebee. Ship* 1 nidi uxihl 1i.n.l Light*, (..'aura*
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    • 453 2 I 1 HijThlnnd V highly rwomni,' I'< K >LES DOWKIE A Co —Agents. -I Battery Row). Sing'; I. 1886. LJINC \|>tißJ CLUB.— AII > i;v. iW 1~- Wrought for imwiiri-iiii-nt to the Baea Course at ti a. m. on Monday next. thaM Proximo. A. P. ADAMS.— Hon. §«*«Mrj Singapore Sporting
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 49 2 WKATHER REPORT. Kandanj Krakow Hoipital, BM .1/."^ :|..m '.'i'" 1 tWUMI, Bir ry-1 Morning r rap WO MS TTt "-l-ar. d.i.T i',,-r. 810 i ,1 8 W 6.W. Cata. r, 1 1 p.m. nigbt Miu. do. do. Mai in Sun T-ir. IB«. Th.-r. 71" Rainfall in 2t h»nri. .W
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  • 39 3 ipoWtn the 'hraa yean. The p It will which in the •>cna list Bight, thi that tinpproved 1 re. [mI General in Ir- lu-.i-l. who :i" wilhecjntsband. arrival* from Brim] limitation on k irresivhieh of the frou-
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  • 51 3 l)\- Mr. Liiii in the uijoritv of th" I v! c .iud[uire a know. work before•se admirably, and we may k.n it to the of Orthography n, the merworkii Hoc .ill »M-ra-amend this lit utmost use. The j.riut".l the book an and < Soy. of
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  • 105 3 .i M- mori i ich an. r April. i permiaaios of the Quo n, two letto the v Tullo'h. and the othei to Uooh on tin- loss th.'v k. me. 1 by thi~ draadfal a»wi >"ur ll.'nt. distinfraishnl father iUo taken ■i,l from .1.-fiT- S Chareh
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  • 393 3 I pointmei naval oftlcen or bj be aliki itrength of I i there. mo mill ,:i.| Manila. in a.r over Man appearauce bt report. to being th «.T" the remain* of a broken uj 1 that th m pi ik.- accom] by an underground aound. 1 ra
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  • 701 3 clnmI i- condemi of the at the ft is not i of bribery. Miinittiv aj.j." at tli" attempt r but order* from hi ition |'ivttins imilprit, or, is by tiu.'eie.l ii;.--j rovincial rted In aothiug to the uia»n of ciiniiiiiL' md ring in rini; eau eir. umvent
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    • 58 3 Sir. v. lire in town, attention !ias been <lir. laagaraai ipej a >i tar from tows where luantity of petroleum Thi* orer mable tin- workahop i mpbell, Seard md m rerai .ittiip and planl The inhabitant* around I ■in ii"t t.i know of the danger the) an in
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    • 17 3 sllppo:-i- >f the b in your liul other i- European wool 1 We i 1
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    • 6 3 i in lli'
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 2 3 w 1'
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    • 92 3 1 v > |«rt of ■v Weekly Hnnkitillfurtl: be no hall lav. 28th April. lor. Mrv. Sinfrapora, JJml Apr! 30j I nbhed or nnM forniahed nr B re, 17th April, 188 I SO I WAN'! mnertnl with one of the priacipt rcaotile Bran here, desin keeper »r Correi knowledge the
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    • 328 3 I. 1 'lark R.Mc-iroad bmXS uew nt On.. .1 A •••n» StfMt 1 i I,' \I.K II v. I 'iviim rm n ma H eJMM^^^H tif-i r.-iti' hor«»>s, lirokon pain IM^^^|^^^| and Hirold, l«it)i winner* nml (finxl ]K>rform*re on th« Turf. H. ABRAM6 ore, Irnli April, 1886. W.K -(in., 1
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    • 40 4 wai/i Kami Kaon i bm. A|.l. moutluhire Rni -tr. 1879 LVUr-l 1..m.1r» H..k I beu SU. 173 Kuiulin SB M M -i Wn lint .tr. 1517 S( I livuui [sdriffiri M.r MM r 1 L'l W. J
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    • 14 4 Date Visiil'i Kami Kla.i A Bi< LAO A Bl> Brit.-tr. Captaih nl Rbtmm
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    • 79 4 ViniL'<Niai C»rTii- \»rivii> F«a». C Xl i MCf-Or-WAR \i.r:,.Z. |.inr H.M.ti H-- April II >.ii.»i..m; > I. |„,tcb' Etohacir r th Mfi M»rt .l.«u <Ut« M... It. t., i C I. i. M..rt.N utfkone DmS linwk K.iu.,ui. Lome ll.mi.T I 1 '£> Sntow ISH Pr«b Pi-khi't
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 141 4 -Van*-* works 11 one mile of MBMBMWsat aad trc T*ros.sur.- and I (Jousign,- f brick •ranite Tbe s 1 iv two ilete wharves, harfagc, balance b at mo. 1 a large and earefiil.v ' -t.'.k »f Iron. Steel. at labour by the aurance. aad any ..t!..-r n|«s, ai..l charges, lation.
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    • 372 4 II 1 7 II I"' Tower litres. ivels. _-raphs. 1 1 E.I rner of Battery Road, and Electrical reyor. P .1 „.,1 into arrangements fscturine Firms .r.ilus and Klec I to furnish it with effieienei eaav- trie Light, for nnd lart"' open spaces, With- by the .111 I-- attach- nvoidinif
      372 words
    • 452 4 POWELL CO., AUCTIONEERS, 8 1 N G A P O B I". rURNTTURB, Ac, For I Alincirahs Jawal Safes Bed-IMM .)s|*nese Screens Book ('aae« Laaaaa -Muds Linoleum Billiard Tables Mailing Card Tables Slabs Chairs Meat Safes ChamlMT Cnpbosnls OSes Daaka (shinets Office Chairs ..f Drawers Punkahs Clothes I'iano Stools Saga
      452 words
    • 579 4 THIS GRBAT HOUBEHOLD MEDI CINI B WKs IMONGST THK LEADING NECESSARIES OF LIFE I ami Pfflaparify th* BLOOD, and act most powerfully, yeatoothingly. on tha LTVBR, STOMACH, KIDNKVS. and BOWKI.S. givini: tone. MlMjr and viirour to tl great MAIN SPRINGS OF I.IFK Th.-v an' confidently recommended as a never-failing remedy
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    • 803 4 MAY TIKSDAY. 11th Mat, 188«. 1 The Mai he.-< Plat«. Value $lo<i.— For horses that qualify under Rule XX XII a. Weight as per seal. 2.— Tiik Post Hcrdle Race. Value Sloo- For all Ponies, Itl fad under. W. it'ht for in.hes. 1 l>:( to carry 1 1 st. 1
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    • 401 4 CIIHONOMITEB, W Mak Has always on hand a atsll of Jew. stnimenis. \e eompri-i Biaeelsta. guld watches. Brooch.-. Geats' ditto. Karrings Silver wst.-hes. 1 L.K-kets. \,,,,ri...i,,. Ladies' tings. Carrlaaa ah* •ings. .locks. Wedding rings. Ch-on-Kaaaan That m.-t-rs. AlUrt chsins. 8ar.... I inard chains S.xtants Studs, Sleere Buttons BaHamaatan and Links.
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    • 88 4 v id la* I fcano p Towne. i1 1 l' cases, Sta^a^^^^H »h I Brn. 1 .ml,- aaH^^^^H Ribb I^Cott. I 1 m I*l A large ict.. li.n 1t... 1 steads, miagle ng MachineaT^H Singapore, ,",th Maj^^^^H I IV Trnvellitig iuk^^^^H K1..11 Id frd-fafafaH it console taSex BaaaaV Fuwliiit; j.i.
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