The Straits Times, 4 December 1875

Total Pages: 5
1 5 The Straits Times
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  • 109 1 THE STRAITS TIMES SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1875. LATEST MARKET QUOTAIONS. Singafok*. December +th, Is/5. tjambier 5.48. I'el.ptT 9M. White Pepper 14 Sago Flour, Sarawak 45. Pearl Sago iJfc Coffee. Bontyne. Tin We. Mule twist Ml 34 lbs. Shirtings 205@10. 7 do do I'o ■■> to T. Cloths LU 6 do
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  • 988 1 A IX interest just now centres in the military operations in Perak. On j tlie morning of the 18th ultimo, j telegraphic information was received by the Government that a combined land and water attack had bed made by 250 Bntish soldiers and sailors on the four stockade*
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  • 649 1 Somk dissatisfaction h%s been felt in the community at the tone of certain articles that have appeared in this paper regarding the Perak expedition, as likely to have a mischievous effect in influencing the Home Government to charge this Colony with the entire cost of the military
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  • 643 1 In addition to the actual money paid out of the Colony's Treasury in consequuuc; of tlie disturbance in Perak, there has to be added to the debt incurred by that State the expense of the services of so many of our Officials as have been tailed away from their
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  • 926 1 Thk letter -.vhich we publish to-day with regard to the Pinang legal appointments and the way in which the administration of the law is attended tn there, and is proposed to be attended to early next year, refers to a matter of such graveimportthat a comment or
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  • 1081 1 (Translated for the Straits Times.) ■It i« requested of jur couteiuujr*iies th»t in reproilnctioir these translations, their original appearance in the Straitt Tinitt, may be acknowledged.) Thk Batavia DagLlad of the 13th instant, gives the following further particulars regarding the coal laden Italian ship Domsiiico
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  • 197 1 SINGAI'OKE, 3BD DECEMBER, 1875. Present. His Honor the Chief Justice (Sir Thomas Sidgreavcs. The Hon'ble the Acting Colonial Secretary (Mr. C.J. Irving.) The the Treasurer '.Mr. Wiltons.) The H. A. K. Whampos, The Thomas Shelford. The Thomas Scott. The R. Little, M. D. The R. Barclay Re»d. His
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  • 64 1 llungkong, '60 1 A November. Placards censuriug the Chinese Government for arranging terms with regard to Trade have been posted at Pek but were immediately removed by ne authorities but there is an uneasy feeliug among the Native Officials regarding recent negotiation*. It in rcj>oited that fre»h information
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 245 1 \I>VERTI«EMENTB. #T. i i I rtinements made known beta .nteie.l into for long periods > m\A subscriptions will be S'rnit* Time* OmcP: also in B«l Street. Cornhii.i.. ,i 1. •nibard Street, city; i Md Jewry in Cal- ir A A.l\. rtiMTi miißt np.-oify in the copy the insertfoM required, else
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • Correspondence.
    • 580 2 To thr Editor of thr Daily Timm. mr. NotwithsUndingthe protest ma. le liv tli<- Tnofficial Members of the Lsmtive Council against tlie l!e\enues of tliis j being; «addl»-d with Sir Wm. Hackett'i half p»v. while absent on other official duties in Fiji, it now appears «th»t another
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  • 24 2 News of the Week. MONDAY, 29tii NOVEMBER. Miss Emmilinc Meldrum Knott has completed a very good bust of His Highness the Maharajah of Johore.
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  • 20 2 On the Itfld Nov., Admiral SirT. If. C. Symonds was appointed Command-er-in-Chief at Devonport, vice the Hon. Sir H. Keppel.
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  • 46 2 The Cunard Company's steamer .S'-y--thia, which left the Mersey on the *2.'1nl Oct. for New York, had, in accordance with the new shipping law, the loadline marked on her broadside. The Cunard Company had anticipated the Act which came into operation on the first of November.
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  • 38 2 I'hk K. A. Mail Steamship Co.'s -teainn Masf*, ('apt. Keddell, from Sydney via Brisbane and northern ports of Queensland, with the Australian mails, arrived at the Tanjong Pagar wharf on Saturday afternoon, and leaves this afternoon for Hougkong.
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  • 46 2 TMMMOV, the 30th November, is tlie day sacred to St. Andrew, the patron Saint of Scotland, and in com. deration of recent events ami present •m-umstaiiivs, and other reasons, all S'otsnien li ilVc agreed to forego die usual festivities and observe the day in solemn silence.
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  • 197 2 TUB uewslVoni the Peninsula brought bj tlie uiail steamer is of a rattier meagre description, but possesses con-M.-eiable interest. It is reported that Ui» Excellency the Governor received numerous telegraphic instructions from I'owi.mjr street, brought on by the f>yl<m from a lle. The tNOM from Calcutta arrived in Imaiig ..n
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  • 54 2 From Klang all is reported M quiet, Mr. Davidson having every confidence that no disturbance will take place there. The 120 men enlisted by Mr. Fontaine here for service in Klang have Won ordered to return at once by Mr. Davidson, who did not want them and would have nothing
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  • 111 2 Wk have news from Sunghie Dj ing to the 2Kb in>tant. All was quiet there with no BlgM of COMling disturbances, but in Sri Menanti and Datu Moar's count iv it is rejwrted that the people threaten to 1 make curry of the white people at Sungtrie IJjong." <"n the
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  • 97 2 Thf.rk is a rapssi current to-day that some un|ileus'antness has occurred between Kalautan and Trin^anu, two Native states 09 the east OCMSt Off the Peninsula, IbfSßiag, with Paliaii!*, the eastern boundary of Perak. We haw bed unable to authontioat*' the truth of this report, or to a>eertain any particulars as
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  • 315 2 A Rifle Matvh, open only to members of the BtBOpOM RiHe Association, came off at the butts on the Ram course, on Saturday afternoon. There were two sets of prizes, one for the usual five shots at each MM of 20(1 aud IUO yards, and an extra •>25, presented by
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  • 173 2 Rajah Mahuie is at last safely lodged in the Civil Prison here, having been arrested on Saturday. There have been many accounts of his arrest, aud the causes that led to it, but we arc glad to learn that it has been effected though the direct instrumentality of His Highness
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  • 191 2 Wl received yesterday the following telegram from Renter's Agent, and we did not publish it for the information and satisfaction of our readers for a very simple reason, and that is, that the news conveyed was published in our issue of Friday last, and extracted from the
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  • 61 2 Thhek arrests have been made in connection with the forgery of Promissory Notes passed upon the Chartered Bank, reported by us last week, one of the accused being the Chinese Cashier of the Bank. We understand bail to the extent of 940,000 has been offered, and refused
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  • 183 2 Tn k homeward P. O. mail steamer K/iiitt, Capt. I'errins, from Hongkong •2'M\\ Nov., arrived at the P. &O. wharf yesterday afternoon, aud will leave at 4 P. M. to-day. Passengers. For Singapore. From Hongkong Sir W Dilke, Mr. and Mrs. Eustace Smith and B. F. servant, Lieut, the Hon.
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  • 109 2 We understand that this Settlement is honoured or the reverse by the presence of two Members of Parliament, Sir Charles Dilke and Mr. Eustace Smith. Both geutlemen are reported to have been entertained at the Govnu'iit House and to have taken up their quarters there. We have no remark or
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  • 237 2 The force being sent from Calcutta for service in Perak consists of the Headquarters and 600 men of the 3rd Buffs Headquarters and 400 men of the Ist Goorkhas 3rd Batallion sth Brigade Royal Artillery, 300 strong, with 4- mountain guns, 1 7-lb. muzzleloader riHed steel gun, weight 150 lbs.
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  • 1103 2 Thk Hongkong Daily Press has the following article in its issue of the 20th instant in regard to Perak affairs. We give the article in full because we think it fairly represents the opinion of ninetenths of all Englishmen, and furthermore because it is desirable that the hands of our
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  • 23 2 Sir Chari.ks Dilke, aud Mr. Eustace Smith, M. P., left yesterday for Batavia by the Netherlands India Cos. steamer Mcrapi.
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  • 19 2 Wk learn that the next meeting of the Legislative Council will be held to-morrow, Friday, at the usual hour.
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  • 34 2 The steamer Pluto is, we learn, now almost hourly expected from Penang. She will leave again on Saturday, taking down Lady Jervois and family, who go to join H. E. the Governor at Penang.
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  • 48 2 The British India Company's steamer Satara, Capt. Day, from Rangoon 22nd ult, via Moulmein, Penan* and Malacca, arrived at the Tanjong Pagar wharf this morning. The Salara conveyed from Rangoon to Penang the 100 Madras Sappers and Miners, referred in our issue of yesterday, for the Perak expedition.
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  • 146 2 Thk news from China, as published in the latest telegrams, is anything but satisfactory. From all accounts, there appears even- probability that Mr. Grosvenor's expedition will meet with a hostile reception from the people of Western China. We cannot, of course, judge how far the central Government may be directly
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  • 125 2 Wk learn from Malacca, that just before the departure of the B. I. S. N. steamer, news was received fro«n Sunghie Ujong that an attack was apprehended from Rumbowe, and reinforcements were asked for by the military officer in command. The Lieutenant Governor, we hear, sent despatches by the steamer
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  • 25 2 The Pluto leaves to-morrow afternoon for Penang, taking down Lady Jervois and family, who will, we understand, embark from Tanjong Pagar wharf.
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  • 28 2 TIBI being no suitable Government vessel available for the service, we understand the steamer Louisa has been engaged by Government to effect the relief of the Horsburg light-house.
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  • 57 2 To-day's Government Gazette notifies the appointment of the Superintendent of Police, Malacca, to be Fire Superintendent at that Settlement. The average Note circulation of the local Banks during November was, Oriental Bank Corporation *b233.;520 Chartered Mercantile Bank of) |K India, London China, j la Chartered Bank of India, Aus- ~>
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  • 43 2 Thk Colonial steamer Pluto, Capt. Welner, arrived this morning from Pinang. There is nothing further from Perak, operations being suspended pending the arrival of the troops from Calcutta. At the time the Pluto left, neither of the three remaining transport steamers had arrived.
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  • 75 2 The steamer Rainbow has been engaged for three or four days by the Government, to convey to Malacca the native auxiliary force under Mr. de Fontaine, which returned from Klang only last week, having been sent back by Mr. Davidson, the Resident. This force is intended for Sunghie Ujong, there
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  • 162 2 t We hear of several candidates for the vacancy at the Municipal Board, to be tilled at the election on Monday next, but no names have been announced publicly. It is said that Mr. W. H. Read will serve if chosen, and the name is also mentioned of an influential
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  • 241 2 Sixoapoke ha* been remarkably free from the deprfdations of organized gangs of marauders, but a case that came before the Marine Magistrate on Tuesday shows that such combinations are sometimes effected here. It appears that four unemployed sailors, all pf whom, we believe, had been in jail in one port
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  • 79 2 Thk following items are culled IV,, m our late Indian eiehangea: The .Madras SUiml,,,d tells us that the United Planters' Association in Southern India represents 4i! ooffee an I tea estates with an area of 150,000 tores, upon whieli" at least £2£33,000 have been laid Rut About 13,000 l.bourers are
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  • 86 2 We gather from an English paper thai the author of the now celebrated, though defuuet, fugitive slave circular was a Mi Fredrick James Fcgen, a paymaster 'on full pay' in the Royal Nivy, who in August last year was detached from H. M gard for service at the Admiralty, in
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  • 99 2 The Burmah Trading Company, we read, are cultivating tobacco to a great extent. Indigo, gram, aud other kinds of grain are also being experimented with in a place called Zingauing, Pegu District. The juteplanting, it is said, has proved an entire failure, ou ace mut of the land being Very
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  • 109 2 W e learn from tlie Bombay Sl'ttrsman that the Commander of H. M.'s BUUman writes to Lieut-Col. Miles, Political Agent at Muscat, reporting his return from the Kuria Muria Islands, having- searched them, also the coast of Kuria Muria, Bay Gulf, and Island of Maasiml, and the adj;icent coasts, without
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  • 172 2 From the Wreck Register and Chart for 1873-7-t, published by the Board of Trade, it appears that the number of wrecks, casualties, and collisions from all causes on and near the coasts of the United Kingdom and in the surrounding seas, reported during the year 1573-7 A. were 1,803, being
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  • 216 2 The meeting of the Legislative Council held yesterday afternoon was the final one of the Session of 1575. So far as we can learn, there will be no formal closing of the Session, as was customary during the first six years of our Colonial existence in fact,
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  • 242 2 Tiif. financial prospects of the Singapore Municipality are not just now very promising. At the last meeting, thf Commissioners decided to borrow from the Government $100,000 as a first instalment of the proposed $500,000 loan, and with this sum to proceed with the drainage of the town and the erection
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  • 106 3 RIVAL. i Destinatiok. Britj.h stea.n, L. 1* B^M Cyanic, jTa* Marshall British stea,n,-r fi Hauli i t( u .^ray AC. Batavu, «T«Mdi Dutob «t*anicr Not. lM .Hamilt -u. Gray 4 Co. -Penan* Dutch steamer M Nov. 18 D«U '%nm Bangkok D, Brit|.h.teaaer gj |g^ iJ^SLg SSg.
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  • 37 3 I 4 I 1 Tanjen-I Victoria Dock p.JtO.Wbiirf H r-nv. C> mrany s Wain KTsaAoS SbA Company Limited WE MkM- and Compos Wtarf. 7 Bon A.ccord Dock 3 G-vrernniout Wlw
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  • 228 4 fl of the Ktrad i IMumiam relate expedition l»\.ik>. It would <x|ftlitioii was not so lid liav.' lxt?n desired, the <• urtte aims to prove the >ther hand, it was not a .mted with Dyak war- nd.T.'d. on reading the >l tlir expedition published in bj «c called it Miccessful,
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  • 151 4 ing extracts are from the Act- I it lor October l-7'> 1 have the honor t > inform >t since the expedition and J ilia, there has been n > >f the movements of the I "hum and Lengkong came to I after the return of the i
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  • 286 4 Mice, Simanggang, 13th Nov. 1875. —1 have the honor to inform Your it Übum has lately returned igi, where he found Mumbang and -h.- people lately burnt out by m living in Langkos. In reply to Your Highness' message. :v-. "All tie chiefs of Jilia k are with myself anxious
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  • 367 4 to Minister Sbenck at London. protest d agaiMl tbe issue of British Papers. It appears the T,-,,f,, n i s ,lebtor her _Am.. n e;,n crew for wages, mad to the mted btat,.« for marine hospital and '"I" 1 fees which the Fnited SUtes law require- shall Ik- paid before
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  • 125 4 Hollowi'/g Ointment mid I'ilU. Sure Relicf The weak aud enervated suffer -\eielv from nervous affections when storms or electric disturbance agitate the atmosphere. Neural,'! i. goatj aaaM aad Ijiag pains, very jHttrOMHIg to a delicate sTiteui. ti ay be readily removed l>_v rubbing this Ointment BpUB the affected part after
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  • 62 4 -LAIMS ON A SHIP. The Sew York Rmm published the following despatch received from Washington An international maritime question has arisen between the Governments <>f Great Britain and the United States. ■M ago the American ship Gilbert •ant, supposed to hail from New Y.ik. was sold while at Liverpool
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    • 490 4 Saturday, 27th November. British steamer Noriuauby, 1,000 tons, Reddell commander, j Sydney Oth Nov., consignees Guthrie A Co. German barque Peiho, 250 tons, Christiansen commander, New- castle 6th July, consignees Rautenberg, Schmidt A. Co. Sunday, 28th NovemberBritish steamer Pearl, 70S tons, Munk commander, Penang 25th Nov., consignees Bun Hiu
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    • 203 4 Monday. 29th November. British steamer Ajax, Kidd, for Hongkong A Shanghui. P. A O. steamer Ceylon, Orman, for Hongkong. British steamer Chow Phya, Orton, for Bangkok. British steamer Vidar, Barrow, for Bally and Sourabaya. British steamer Pearl, Munk, for Hongkong. Tuesday, 30th November. British steamer Paknam. Mair, for Saigon.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 471 4 ADVRETISEMENT. P.ekkeley. Sept. 1S09. Gentleman, I led it a duty I owe to you to express my gratitude for the groat benefit I have del rived by taking 'Norton'! Camomile PilaI applied to your agent. Mr. Bell. Berke1< y, lot the ab .ve cained Pills, for wind in the stomach,
      471 words
    • 794 4 iHisrfllaiirous. WKDOING, BIKTHDAY AND CHRISTENING CAKES. Makk anu* decorat-d, also all descriptions of Cakes, biscuits and fancy confectionery. Orders received from Singapore will be promptly attended to, and the cakes carefully packed and forwarded. LANE CRAWFORD A CO, Hongkong. General Managers of Hongkong A China Bakery Company Singapore, 21st June,
      794 words
    • 400 4 iT-liorrllanrou r.M'ARALELLED BOOCBM <>V GOODALL'S WORLD-RENOWNED HOUBEHOLD BPKCIALITIES. GOODALL'S QUININE WaNE. YORKSHIRE RELISH. GOODALL'S BAKING POWDER YORKSHIRE RELISH. THE MOST DELICIOUS SAUCE IN THE WORLD. This cheap and excellent sauce makes the plainest viands palateable and the daintiest dishes more delicious. To Chops, I steaks, Fish, Ac, it is incomparable.
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    • 474 4 itti3rrllanroiio. UNDER (iOVERi^^TipATRONrGB THE ROYAL TOURIST. FROM TH* FIRST NOVEMBER NEXT AN ILLUSTRATED JOURNAL, CALLID THE "ROYAL TOURIST," WILL BE PUBLISHED 81-WEEKLY. It will be the size of the GRAPHIC, and iv ARTISTS have been engaged from the staff of that paper and the ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWB." Special Correspondents of
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 819 5 IJ. f Ccnipanp. lAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM NATIGATION COMPANY. Officb»— D'Almeida Street. Godowwb At New Harbour. c MAJL SL^, LINES. I The following are the dates on which ajpany'i Centime* Mail Steamers n.»y be eipecVd to amve here •OUTWAKD. HOMEWABD Tuesday 12th Jan. Wednesday 13th Jan «Bth 27 th 1
      819 words
    • 915 5 iHidrrllanrou*. Tr, THE QUIEN AND ROYAL FAMILT J To H. R. the Pbince of Wales (Special Appointment! And to several Indian Potentates, For»ign Government*, and Railway Companies. Established 1/49. j. W. BENSON, Watch and Clock Makeb, Goldsmith, Sii.ver-Smith, and Artistic Metal Worker. Prize Medalist of the London. Dublin, and Pajms
      915 words
    • 825 5 'iHitfrrnanrous. PERUVIAN GOVERNMENT GUANO Dissolved by OHLEWDdRFF A CO., at their Works. Plaistow. Victoria Dock, London. bt virtue op a special concession granted by THE PERUVIAN GOVERNMENT Under Mess. J. Henry Schroder A Co.'s Control. General Agents for and Sole Consignees of The Peruvian Government Guano in the United Kingdom.
      825 words
    • 924 5 iHtortnanrou& THEMOST RELIABLE FRIEND HOLT-OWAY'S OINTMENT. t* Searching and Healing Properties are known and recognised throughout the world. The number of years this in vnlnabln Ointn- 3 .t has stood the test of public opinion (and the longer known the better appreciatedt is a testimony of itßelf more convincing than
      924 words
    • 1024 5 ittiorfllnnrous Established in 1820. C. LAZARUS A CO., INCORPORATED WITH SHEARWOOD ft Co. Cabinet makers. Upholsterers. Billiard Table Manufacturers. Carvers, Gilders, Decokatobs, and General Furnishing Contractors, Bt Appointment To His Excellency the Viceroy of India, H. R. H. the Duke of Edinburgh, Ac, Ac., House. Land and Genebal Commission AOBNTB,
      1,024 words
    • 795 5 ittisrrllanrous. DR. J. COLLTS RROWXES" CHLORODYNK Is the Original and only Genuine The Public are Cautioned against th« unfounded statements frequently made. that "the composition of Chlojodynk i known to Chemists and the Me lical P sion." The fact is. Chlorodynk wan D vered and Invented by Dr. J. Collis
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