The Straits Times, 22 March 1853

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 673 1 RiTKo or subscriftiow Annually.. Jsp. Dr.. 16 Half- Yearly.. 9 J „np Mciuh U A Simile Copy One Ruoee. LIST OF ARTICLES FOR SALE i AT THE COMMISSION ROOMS OP giftCc, HursctKC «ri> go. COMMERCIAL-SQUARE.--SINCAPORE. co or Jaconet-White and colored r,,nnet»ducctfrom^ ie Brnweli manufacture TT Ladies companions li»Uarine l'r« sses
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    • 644 1 -¥^B^b?h l^^h^Bb j~~^^E9^& '^Ua^Bß jfl^^^K^-j- %^Mi^B jf^^^^py i^^^l^E* Have always on Sale an extensive and choice assortment of the following goods, selected specially for their Stores. WHOLESALE IIKTAIL A FOR EXPORTATION. MLLINERY HOSIERY tm i.t.w. Berlin Wool of a*»orted colors Articles for the Work Taol« Caps, Cuffs, Collars- of Er.gliali
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    • 453 1 AOBNTS London— P. L. bimmonds ACo Calcutta— Thacker and Co China— Rawle, Drinker Co Bktavia— Lange Co, LIST OF ARTICLES FOR SALE AT THE GRNERAL WARE-ROOMS OF W. G. KERR CO. (Adjoining the Oriental Bank) Sinfiajiore. LADIES APPAREL. While aud colored Glace Silk, Satin A Tarlatannr Bonnets always on hand,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 581 2 Silk gloves. Knitted boots. nnd bronze kid shoes with straps. Sky and pink Silesia suitable for cloaks. ARTICLES FOR THE TOILETTE. Brushes hair, nail, tooth and flesh. C.omln of TorloiseshHl, horn ivory in variety Powder boxes and pufls. Ilair and tooth powder. Tuikcy Sponges. Rta do Cologne, Lavender-water and
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    • 470 2 LONDON HOTEL. Thcl ONOON HOTEL, keptG.DUTRO.V- K ..,d0n.1,«E,,,1an,d C,c,,,n- j manding a splendid view of the harbour of Singapore, and under the immediate patronage of the Peninsular and Oriental Company.PASSßNGKßSarnvingat Smga- pore who may honor him wilh their procharges according to the lime of their stay. There is adjoining a
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    • 628 2 Tub Lomdm Hotel, term Si'J'p^&'Z.Z^ une miperbe ».io d.i p.rt rie Sin^apor*,etaoiule pairunng« 'St^^,^^ (>u Its p»ssag»r4 arrivnta J* I**!?*™1**!?*™ q"i,vculent bi-.n foruble a des pus mmtmU se''"'u duree d.-l L.ur sejour. II y a a cote im hold s< pare pour d(s iHm.'.los. b/ 1'": J I BIMMBMIM <ii.,!rebillurds
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    • 41 2 Xl ibajo firm ado enmrjndo tiJtgXSLIZR ItyUwlg. ioaiaaa4« urn pmuptatin■MgaitwM ymer *anU I'.nin.-ular y OritnUl WNMiMMttiWdttlM fnnmiix, jluju_J^ coh le«queh«llaran una e«nier.i.l.i asistencia, y pastos rauy modicos, segun d t.empo «h4 leI""" CootifM a osla fond* hay otni sei..inda murm f.nnilns
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    • 601 2 PE It I KR ORIENTAL NAVIGATION COMPANY'S Qj- Battery llmid r-i/igapore MAIL (1EUr.\l\ alterations lining t.Vien place i:i. proposed movemonts of the Coinpmv s Steamers under the new Contract, |h former Advertisements relative to their probable arrival at and departure from (Ins p|,i<-r hereby withdrawn, and the public are it,'
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  • 205 3 llavannah, nnd wliich we some months ago noticed had been forced lo stop at Mcnado, in I t lilies, for assistance owing to the mortality on board, had reached Manila in a most distressed condition. The letter above alluded to, received nt Singathe agenta for toe veaseijrt this port, states:
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  • 2328 3 London Sf/i. Tub. 1853. Parliament is lo reassemble on Ihe 10th. and as the day of meeting approaches, (lie signs of activity multiply. The members of the Peace Congress have been holding a session at llaarhsStßT. and fulinini!in o ■nillnßUi agiinst the prcwilent wzr spirit
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  • 1402 3 We have Singapore papers to the 86h instant. A petition been prepared to the Governor tie)* m-ral 011 the subject of the new draft Lijjht act. The memorialists, while tendering their respectful thanks 10 the Legislature for the attention girea 10 the previous Singapore memorials, forcibly urge
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  • 1211 4 Singapore, March 16/ A. 1853. The business of the fortnight has been on a restricted scale, and the Chinese traders refrain dealing to any extent in European manufactures in expectation that lower rates will be submitted to tbom are now demanded. Holders, liowcvor, appear firm, and stand
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  • 1687 4 Most of our staple articles of export continue in very active demand, at the rates previously current the large parcels which have accumulated in exporters' hands, owing to the want of tonnage for Europe, are now going torwavd, yet there appears to be every probability of prices continuing
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  • 149 4 A njer Sh ipp ing News. The following vessels passed through (he Straits of Sunda on Feb. 31 Buckseye (Am.) Batavia for Padang. 33 Pcrft-cta (Span.) Manila fur Cadiz; Louiiiau.t (Am.) ImmMW OmM; 34 Hurricane (Aui.l Hongkong for New York j 35 Leander. Singapore for Swan Kiver; 36 Champion, Singapore
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  • 1890 4 Opicjc. In our last Overland we (fare the Imperial rescript referring a memorial of the Censor Chang-wei, in favour of legalizing the i-n;> *t and sale of Opium, lo lha Council of State. Tkt memoiial it»elf h«» since appeared, and a translation of it will be found in the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 1190 5 THE LONDON ft ORIENTAL STEAM T7l/ftj}\ TRANSIT INSURANCE OFFICE. TRIESTE ROUTE (established in 1843.) \l THE Undersigned are prepaOVERLA.ND ROUTE VIA TRIESTE. cT!MM|^ red lo acee i )l K' sks (covered by lllh; Austrian Lloyds Steam Nauga- Zjjj^jjSWfcopen Policies with the London H o n Company's Imperial Mail Steam Packets
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    • 1070 5 NOTICE The interest and responsibility of tbe late Mb- A. L Johnston in our firm ceased on the 31st August 1847. The interest and responsibility of Mr. Robert Bain in our firm cease this day. Ml W. U. Read Mr. M. F. Davidson aie duly empowered to settle the outstanding
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    • 1112 5 being that he has not chosen tatter subjects, or, rather, that he hai not brought to the discussion of the subjects better principles; for his subject. "The Stale in its relations with the Church," is far from an insignificant one. His publication, entitled Church Principles considered in their Results," is
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  • 391 6 Straits: Times SINGAPORE: TUESDAY, MAR. 22ND, 1853. We have to announce l!ii arrival of the following passengers: March IS per Huavi.i f r :a Bi'an.i, CaataJa Taylor an I S, m 16 law Singapore iron Quagkong, Uoeaosodore J. 11. Auliek, Qoloada *iia■mhmli an I M.unvv.iriii Maj >r Boriaeater, Miasea 2
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  • 39 6 Jamicson, of the "Lrin"' reports having signalized ofTAleppic, on the 7lli Much, the ship "Cornwall," Inun Ctuna and Singiporc hound to Bombay on Hit* liili March, oft <laile, 9\>oVc t!ie clipper brig Lanrick from Bornhny hound to Cliiua.
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  • 135 6 TflK departure of so many steamers with mails lo Europe, China, Calcutta and Australia, and the difficulty of persons ascertaining precise!* what mail is intended by 1 1 signals at the Flag-sl.ifl, when twj or tn >re steamers' packets are a!> >u( lo be dated, luve laggeaW ed the propriety
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  • 212 6 jiniruih lo the Ith Mirch, receir- cd per "Krin" notice that in consequence of twu of Use Jalfei aflhe Ceajrf atSewMtr A«iaw« !ui having been ebarged by the Hjmbi/ G<• zeltc with being deeply indeM to one nr m ire i.l the plea.tors or barristers araclisiag in thai C)Uil,
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  • 633 6 j>> hue be rn NMrrfli .■w emu vi ioiint, hi tfill-. rbi wir s!ill proceeded but with m >re bravabti results. A smut aid rtrj iaakw b>t!elnl been fought in wlii.n the lvi^!i>!i tr> >p>, .itl r •a most severe simple MpaYMV MMX ber> an I di
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  • 154 6 -By the "Sin^.ipoie," llojigko r,' p.ipers ami advices were received lo Hie lltli i,. slant. Tlie P. and O. Cos tfaMMN GmgLJ with the mills aimed .it PMffcaafM i!i i; H;, at J. j>. H. The rebellion continued to m progress and a report was current that Hie nt]
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  • 412 6 -lly the Dutch i ;i Hit. mi." mkkk .-iriMfi it re M llie 13lli iih!. from B i l.i v i.i Hie |2Uk we hive adiioti md journal* io Iht I.ilUt tt Tii.: (fatherlands Indian Government has enlsred into a conn at with tlie steam navigation r>-n;iriy at Batatu
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  • 155 6 We arc informed and upon good authority (winch to parlies bona lido, interested, we are read} to gi\e up in confidence.) that sin ill mfi not drawing more than from 8y to 9 feel of water when loaded arc worth more for eilber freight or charier than those of a
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  • 1437 6 By a letter received from .la! I Ha 4th. it appears that the English b.irL M Ntish Sovereign" a cooly ship Irom Ai; >y btQQ I -nil*, bill 'I'" <">'U.non run of English iul.>rmvi'>n about Ohim i* itcarfelt' nnrt; aoeevata mi getting ihatasid;. the fiactfl touching the main ,ti
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 64 6 NOTICE. 'J'JIE undcrsi-ned has received instructions from the Executors of the Esla'.e of the lite Sir Josk d'Almkid i, t> sell by Public Auction on Friday the 2">lli. lust at noon A Hydraulic G.imbier Pr<-ss. in good order aud put up iv those Spacious Godowns ne»t to Messrs. BoOSTK u>
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  • 435 7 ARRIVALS Mar. 11— Brit, brig J.idul Karim, Nakoda, PaIcmbang Mar. 1. 15 Itrcmeu brig Johanna Caesar, Elher(ield, ALyab Feb. 26. H Brit, ship Wm. Hcnnie, Silke, California Feb. 2. 11. N. M. steamer Batatu, Vandermnorc, Dotavia Mar. 12. 16— Brit, schooner Fallal Wahap, Nakoka, Sarawak Mar. 1. 11.
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  • 477 7 Sugar.— Holders are looking forward toan improvement in price and demand; soft brown l'inang is worth 2'Jv to 31s. 6d. Yellow do. 32a. to 3.35. Cd and WUstMStSS 38s. Grey and White Java .Hi.-., to 40. brown and yellow 325. to 30s. China brown and
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  • 454 7 Cottm. The demand for ihis staple during the past two weeks has been limited. Deliveries of former purchases U<i\e however been reaui.y t.ikni. llulderi are fiim in refusing any decline on tiie latei now quoted Bombay, 5 a 5.3 taei*. common; 5.7 a 6 tael». middling
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  • 316 7 Horn hay, tlh Match 18J3. Few or n i passes h.ive lately been taken out t<>i the import of this drug Inm 1 1 > interior, wh«:r'llie price is Mfl tiitfU, «nd baft it Ins advance'!, tad gooil plum is worth Ks 1.000 pei ciiest. This Sit-am-er only takes
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  • 83 7 Flora Mure Glover Glasgow 3 Sept. Canada Williams London 2 Nor. Flora Kerr Paul i.lasgow 20 Maty Stewart Bulman Liverpool 7 Esmeralda do. Otto Gronebeck do. Gll Wappaus Petersen do. 11 Patria do. 12 Julie Meyer do. 1 Dec. King PVshsf Murch Glasgow 7 Oct. Stephano
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  • 369 7 NATIVE CRAFT— BRITISH— SwaIIow, Fulta Sarawak, Futty Mombarick, Dido, Maria, Qoodluck. Judul Karim, Fattal Warap, Samdanny. Dolphin, Buffalo, Johanna. DUTCH—Lac Seng, Jatu, Fathool Karim, Ouan Soon, Ocrair, Binlang Tuju, Fathool Rachman, P* kis Saada, Mas Denok. MALAY.— Futtal Rahman, SlAMESE— Mercury. Natiox Vrmbl RS4RI.4 \MB ONS
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1031 8 HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AN ASTONISHING CURE OF A DISORDFRED LIVER WITH 4 VIOLENT COUCH AND GENERAL DERANGEMENT OF THE SYSTEM. Copy of a Letter from Mr. Trcharne, Chemist, Carmarthen, dated September loth, Ibi2. To Professor Holloway, Dbaii Sir- I am happy to inform you that your farfamed Pills have etfectedanothcr cure.
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    • 572 8 II T E recommend the services of .Mr. J\- cob Cn Nis as Pilot, to the Captains of such ships as may require hia swviees in that capacity, when going into, or through NEW HARBOUR. Singapore, 1 5/A. May, 1852.) Svmk A Co., *Agents, for Lloyds. A. L Johns i
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    • 563 8 FOR SALE. Wanderings in the Islands or ANDAMAN LITTLK AXI) GREAT COCO. Including an account of Ihe natives, Productions, navigation •tfce. At. By J. 11. Quiglky. To be had at the Straits Times Press at 90 cents per copy. Singapore, Sept. 13//.. 1850. SPECIAL BILLS OF LAMNQ. yttjk>\ IkL I'arcels
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    • 1204 8 HOILOWAViLOISTMOT EXTRAORDINARY CLRE» RFFF.CTED BY lIOLLOWi, OIN THEM AND PILI.S. Copy of a Letter from George lirtton, Esq., Deputy Collector of Customs, dated Allahulad, Jan 24/1 J 1852. To Professor Hollotvay, My Dk.vk Sir— Having for te vcral years past u-m your Pills and Ointment with unfailing success, 1 t*.
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