Straits Observer, 4 October 1876

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Straits Observer
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 668 1 SHBCBIPTION TO THK STH A ITS Ob«B RTB K Per AW wum (in advance) f 15.00 Monthly l.o<> ADVERTISEMENTS. At ptr Square of Twelve Hnet— First insertion $2.00 Each succeeding insertion 50 One month ,/.i.50 A ilierai d«»dac«fon will he made to parties withi* n ito contract tor a lonitrr
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    • 765 1 NKTHfcRLANUS INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION tOMFANY, LIMITED. The Steamers of the above Companv will now plybetween Singapore and Ra'avia ivery fortni^bt, leavm* Singapore 24 boors alter the arrival oftfce English Mail tram home. Hbad Orric*. 8 Gm«4T Wiwchkstbr BtniOT Ofl, LONIK)N. Passage Monet First Class. From Singapore to Batavia dtt Padang
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    • 501 1 THE EASTERN AND AUSTRALIAN MAIL STEAM CO, LIMITED. THE following is the Time Table of the *ntV9IM and depot tures o f the Royal MaUStewwa. of tU mbove company during I-eave Singapore for Arrive at Singapore &rvh*n*' from BrisbfneT B76 187* v^j Mm>^, 7 Wednesday L6th Jan. Monday 3rd April
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    • 583 1 JOHN LITTLE CO. n. on h and direct importations of the following goods cu WINB Sherries from Cockburn and Campbell, tVUite -l r* t an <* others, fort from Cockburn aud Campbell, Page and r*\ others. Clarets from Bordeaux direct. Champagne from Jules Mumm, Gei«ler an-1 Hocks and Moae'.les from
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    • 545 1 E. ULLMANN .Tewf.llf.ry asd Watch ittTlM— m*. Fancy and O*nip ai Go»ds i>TOKE. Mk BATTLHV HO A I), Corner sf Coranivrnal Square JL'ST received per last French mail and otho lute amvala A NEW STOCK OK QOODi C^mpHMn? u varieiy of best P.ri. m+ wh.t^ shuts luien collars of the
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  • 21 2 Domestic Occurrence. DEATH. On Sun«l >J 1«* October, at the residence of Captain K. Miles, Frincep >treet, UißWtt MifcE«; aged 71.
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  • 2611 2 THE STRAITS OBSERVER. Wednesday, 4th October, 1876. lam in the place wher« I am demanded of conscience to speak the truth and. therefore, the truth I speak, impugn it whoso list.**—Jttnicb. THE P. 8c O. steamer Kashgar, left on Saturday last with the following passengers from here For Pevann.—Mr. H.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 213 2 TO THK RPITOR Or THK iTRAtTi OB>tRVKH. Sir, A paper which affects t>repre. sent public opinion in this Settlement, anj to enlighten the Government both her* and in England on matters of irnporttoce to the community, should have its Column, filled with other matter than clipping, from home papers on
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    • 215 2 TO THt EDITOR OF THI STRAITS 0BS8RV1R. Sir, The old adage The mountain laboured but brought forth a mouse" was never better exemplified than in rhe production which is now being exhibited to the public by the Pub ic Waste Department. 1 he idea of building a dwarf wall in
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    • 312 2 TO THE EDITOR "F THE STRAITS OBSERVER Mr. Editor, I see in your issue of tbe 27lh last month, an article signed Chimney Sweeper upholding the M<*ter Attendant as spousoi for the surve}ors of this port. We have h<id a great number of steam launches built here for the Government
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    • 68 2 TO TUB EDITOR Of THB STRUTS 0BS1RVE*. Sir,— When the Estimates for last year were before the Council there wa* a remark made by some M.L.C. with reference to Judge Hackett drawing half the Judge of Penang's pay and full pay for Acting in Fiji the matter was referred to
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    • 263 2 In the Blue Book far lost yeor fg* '<* 1 is a letter fr«»m Hie Secretary of Hate t>* Hie Goreroor, refusing to allow auy alter* tioo, us he confridored toat it was o»mp i tnentAry c> th« i'olonv tl»at ou«j of i»8 j'» g*' tjliuul 1 l»e 6 Icctcd
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    • 251 3 TO THE EDITOR OF THE STRAITS OBSERVER. Sir, In the draft Ordinance of the law relating to Crown Suits and on pa<je G3&, I find "against persons not fulfi ling the conditions on which they hold their lands, for instance a person bound by his title to build on, or
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    • 86 3 TO THE EDITOR OP THE STRAITS OBSKRV R. Sir, A Chinese firm that has erected a Steam Saw Mill at Sandy Point, will give a champagne tiffin on Wednesday to the elite of the Mercantile aristocracy, in number twenty five or thereabouts, as a house warming of the undertaking. It
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    • 237 3 TO THE EDITOR OF THE STRAITS OBSERVER. Sir We learn that the undermentioned changes will shortly be effected, owing to the necessity for keeping within bounds the expenditure of the ensuing year. The office of Colonial Bogineer is to be abolished, and the work of that office to be carried
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    • 590 3 TO THE EDITOR OF THE STRAITS OBSERVER. Sir,— Is it possible that there is still in these days a man who thinks monopoly a good thine*? Are we returning to the seventeenth century and the days of Sir Giles Mompesson Loath aa we are to tbink it, surely nothing less
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    • 309 3 A Raffles School Boy's account of a trip to Peuang ia the steamer Hyak Pckiit: We wont ashore at Malacca and had breakfast and tiffin. We called at Lingey and sfter staying a few hours there we left for Kijujg. We were caught in a squall at the Kiaag Straits
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 666 2 KTIJ£ TANJONO PAGAR POCK COMPANY, LIMITED. NOTICK is hereby gi*en that &ft«r <he loth iuatant, regaels, waiting ibf carKo, or atiffeniug", will not bo allowed to lie At th*» wharves of the Company for more than 4b hours free of charge. After that time daily charge will be made of
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    • 27 2 LEDGER CLEUK. WANTED an Kuiasiau Ledger Cleik. Appicatious in writiug.statiugexpe. rieooe, to be addressed to S., cart of Editor of Strait* Time*. Singapore, 1 8th September, 1876.
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  • 262 3 SisoAPour, 2ir» Octobi*, 1976. PrmmU. His EtcuxiKct t«r Govaano*. W* ffmiar t*» Acting Judge of Penan* (M. G. Phillippo.) Toe Hon'bk tb« ColonuU f^or«t*rj 9 (Air. J. Don^aa, C.W <- Th« Hou'ble ih« Atiorney-G«ti«r»l t fMr. BraHdell) The Hon'blo the Treasurer (Mr. Willana.) The Hon'ble the Audit or.
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  • 616 3 (Gazette September 23.) Thk state of affairs in our Supra. ue Court here is reaching a crisU. Owing to the pressure of work ou the plea side of tbe Court, the Solicitor Genera), as Acting Senior I'uUne Ju Ige (aooording to the appointment made by the Governor in the
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  • 232 3 'I lie Chinese Mail gives tUeShunpaou'i version of tlte terms of (lie Cliefoo Couj ference. They art as follows The opening of four ports, w\z lchanjt, Wenchow, Wuliu And Pak-Uoi the reception of foreign officials by the Chinese mandar. ins, ev»n Grand Secretaries, Governor- Generals aad Governors, to le
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  • Extracts.
    • 1700 3 (Pall Mall DuJg-t.) The Anglo-Indian public is remarkable for ft peculiarly susceptible impatience of European criticism, aod neither Viceroys oor Secretaries} of State escape the effects o f this jealousy. There is an exceptionally strong predisposition to observe and measore by s> ewere standard the actions and
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 617 4 GEOK TEAT Co. GENERAL AVAREHOUSEMEN, IMPOETEJIS OF KYEII* I>KBCUIPT.OH OF EUKOPKA.N GOODS. v n o v i s i o n a ALLSOI"S Ale in Wood and Bottles. BEER Assorted, Quarts and Pints PORTER 'Quarters and Pints. PORT WINE, Variou*. BRANDT, llcnucssev, Jules Robin, and MarteU CHAMPAGNE, Assorted. CLARET, Ac.,
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    • 950 4 Protected hv Royal Letters Patent Dated October 11th, 18G0. DR. BRIGHT^ PHOSPHODIWE. A < "hemical Preparation of PhoAphorm. wifh »h« VrsTPttble Alkaloid* Quinia, Cypripeden, Xantboxyl n 6cc. The New Curative Agent, and only Boliable Remedy for Nervous and Xiiver Complaints. Thts Phosphatic combination is pronounced by th« most «min<>nt members
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    • 638 4 FAIRBANKS' SCALES I AND STANDARD of the WORLD. SCALES Adapt*] to the STANDARD of all Nation* ami Carefully Packed for EVBHY SCALE WARRANIED. WAREHOUSES rAIHfJANKs k CO, 311 Broadway, New York FAIIUUXKS BROWN A CO., 2 M^lk street, Boston, Masg. AIA X UFA CTUHES E 1 i' AUiUANKS CO., St
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    • 917 4 HOLLOW AY'S PILLS. 1 No fa milt or person shoold be without Uwsa I 1 ills. Tbeir lonfr trterf efficacy in correcting di*order* of Uie it^erandstoouich, stiaolaxim tbe bo web and part[y inz tbe blood, has secured lot tbe* an ia»Mriauas)le Ume throu» hoot the world. A tew do*e* produce
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    • 692 4 FuU priiitrc direcuont are affi.* (0 f*,.i. u WLLOWAY'S OINTMENT/ UlceratioM of til kindi d Th«r. U no nedkiotJ prer*rmUon wbirh th^rouehly relied open inr uTSSTJ?,^Jr more aimpk and at/* than ihTiiiner J •pplied, nothinv more Military than iu Lit *k bPdjr, both locally .nd eomOtltClnj fVJZ °n rubbed srciiNi
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