Straits Observer, 23 September 1876

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Straits Observer
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 666 1 SOBCBIPTIO* TO THB tiTRA ITS OhHKRV XXPer A xv vu (m advance) ir>.oo >lonthly i» l*W ADV F.R NSEU ENTS. At pn Square of Twelve linesFirst Iniertion S* M I ach sucr eediu^ insertion One month ;j0 A llWnl deduction will be made to panics vMM to ronirset for a
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    • 785 1 NfeTUUtLANUS ISUI STEAM NaVIGAiION COMPANY, LIMITED. Tiik Steamers oftbe above Company will now ply berween Sinj;af»oro and Ha s via every foitn»«lit, Us vinf >iM-_'a|.or«? 24 hours alter the arrival oftbe English Mail from home. Ufad Office, 8 C,«g*T Winchester dTUL£T iiuii di os, London. Passags Monet First Class. From
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    • 517 1 THE EASTEKN AND AUSTKALIAN MAIL STEAM CO., LlMri'ED. fIiHE following is the Time Table of the JL arrivals juid departures of the fioyal Mail Steamers of the above company during me. ir^ J Leave Singapore for Arrive at Singapore Brisbane. from Briab* ne. 1875. 1876. March 7. Wednesday 26th Jan.
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    • 554 1 JOHN LITTLE CO. Have always on hand direct importations of the following goods WINE. Cherries from Cockburn and Campbell, White and o f 'aers. Port from Cockburo and Campbell, Page and others. Clarets from Bordeaux direct. Champagne from Jules Muuim, Oeibler aud others. Hocks and Mose lee from do. do.
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    • 657 1 E. ULLHAHN jEWELLrfcY A>D \Xai\H Y.STABLI*DUt*T. Pl«CI AND GtNEr'AI. Go- DS 50. B XTTMMT HOAD, Corner ol Coiunicn-ial Square JUST retired per last French uud and otho Ute anivata ANEW STOCK "OK GOODS, Comprising a variety ot best I'mi is made whits shuts, linen collars ot the most newest s4sMt.
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  • 28 2  - THE STRAITS OBSERVER. lam m the place where I am demanded of conscience to speak the truth and. therefore, the truth I speak, impugu it whoso liat. JUNIUS
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  • 2422 2 Pressure of matter compels us to hold over the poetry sent us by S, S., and some other contributions until next issue. Wl have been requested to brinff before the notnje ,,,f our rea(Jors that eet wi« be ImU m the Town Hall at fivS list
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  • 1130 2 Paper to be laid before the Legislative Council t>y command of His Excellency the (joveinoi. Circulated 20th Sept., 1870 Report of Committee appointed b\ Rufile3 Trustee*. Singapore, 30M August, \*7Cu Kbport of the Committee appointed by the Ruffles Trustees on lOtb Ap il 1876. to consider whether the
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  • 36 2 We ar>' not to be con*i<fer*<l antt'Cerah/e for the ta-ti or on i mans o our eurnlf ondcHti. A'o arigin»t communication* trill be Lnsnted un'e»s nrnnufjumt I with the numrs 01 the icrite Ed S.O.
    Ed S.O.  -  36 words
  • 106 2 SiX, Three cheers for Sam I limsoll if your readers will pay a little attention to the Solent Marine Court of Enquiry, which has lately been held iv Singapore, they will tind that the primary cause if the loss of the was an
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  • 148 2 Sin, A stitch m time saves uiue" and the frequent- thunderstorms that have ot. late Hailed us oight to be a portentous warning to qiit easy going Municipality to ■Mfft us the unpleasant probability of having one of th^ae days the turrets of
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  • 204 2 Sir,— What a handsome revenue could not the Municipal Commissioner* derive irom letting the verandahs of Kling Mivet near Commercial Square to Chiueae vegetable gardeners for the purpose of breeding pigs and poultry, storing manuro, erecting vegetable stalls, stabling cattle and generally adapting
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 448 2 THE TANJONG PAOAR DOCK COMPANY, LIMITED. NOTICE is hereby given thtit after the 15th instant, vessels, wartinjr for cargo, or stiffening, will not be allowed to lie «it th<« wharves of the Company for more than 48 hours free of charge. After that time a daily charge will be made
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  • 127 3 Sif?, I §end you an instance of the working of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals On Saturday last a Gharrie wallah was taken up by the Inspector m consequence of a half broken Bhoe. The pony and hack were
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  • 192 3 Sir,— The Hon'ble Mr. W. H. Read's intended motion about the Malayan States and the answer to it, will be very welcome to a 1 the writers and readers of your journal, if succinctly questioned and iiuswered. I, as the humble representative of
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  • 261 3 Bin, In your la*st issue I saw a pararegarding the dangerous condition of the liukit Tiwah R ad, from the Serangoon X ad Bridge an f*r as the juuction of CamJong- Jawa Road, (the corner of whioh haa •iitly bet-u protected with a
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  • 289 3 Sir, There has been mnch discussion of lute about the sea serpent said to have been hneu by the Captaiu, crew aud pasaeugers of the Nestor but it fteetns to me notwithstanding all the ridicule that has been made of the statement, that
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  • 227 3 Sib, -The "Thunderer" of Commercial Square m it* issue of Tuesday last annouoced, thongh not iv iv uew fljrid, sensational, and imaginary style, that the band would play at the Gardeue tomorrow aft-r--noon, that is the day following, which was Wednesday. Mauy wore
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  • 267 3 (by a correspondent.) Economy The Government are about to apply the shears to reduce expenditure, but as far as one can »cc the cheeseparing economy is all m the wrong direction. Any economy that will be attended with decreased efficiency is a foolish one, and m the end
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  • 1084 3 (Continued from our last S?viprs Ob, that's all light, old fellow, yoa have taken me quite aback, and I am begining to think that the old hat you spoke of, has saturated your head with a lot of nonsense. Any how that's not curing me, come
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  • 299 3 The following new books have been re ceived at the Raffles Library Circulating I^ibbart. Ait en's, Natural Philosophy for General Readers. Annual Register 1875. li islet's, bport and War m Africa. lilackmoie's, Cradock Nowell. Boddnm— VVhetham'a, Pearl of the Pacific. bramstorTs, Ralph and Kruno, 2 vols. iirotik'fi, The Naggletons. Miss
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  • 1265 3 BIBU REPORT. Continue l from Observer Friday 4th August. He was by them advised to demand, m the meantime, of the Gran* Kaya Fanglima lpui four saves m exchange for the one slain, and a fine of 2UO picuU m addition. The Uran K«ya offered to pay down the
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 712 3 JWupping itttrtltjf net ARRIVALS. Sept. Id Britiah steamer Orchis, 1,138, Butler, Hongkon* 6th Sept., Guthrie aud Co. 19 French war steamer D'Assas. 1800, Corbiguey, Saigou 14th Sept., French Consul. 16 British steamer Pontianak. 99, Lyon, Pontianak 17th Sept., Keng Yong and Hros. 19 British steamer Maharaj m, 994, Stephenson, Swatow
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    • 155 3 Alt R I V ALS tl»/i C/« we 22 British steamer B.auci, 2 {/>, Crxig, Rafavia 19th Sept Ch»-pg Tee, Wat einj and Co. 22 British steauit-r Abbotiiutq, C VJ. Pat»THon Uongkong 15th Btpt, !*!>■■<, hfaMM Ob. 22 British steamer Chow Pliy.i, 3!m «>if.»n, Uangkuk 17th Sept, iJun Hin mil
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 634 4 GEOK TEAT Co. QRNBBAL WAREHOUSEMEN", Impoktebs of kveut Dkbckipt on of ISCUOTEAN GOODS. PKOVI S 1 O N S ALLSOP'S Ale iv Wood and BoUics. Assorted, Quarts and Pints PORTER Quark- rs and Pints. PORT WINE, Various. BKANDt, Ilcnncssej, Juiet Kobin, and Martels CiIAM LA (J XE, Assorted. CLARET, &c.,&c.
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    • 984 4 Protected by Royal Letters Patent, Dated October 11th, 18G9. Hln&tt 3isthiptshed DR. BRIGHT'S PUOSPHODIUE. (ozoyic jfc§ Jhss33 oxyqex) r ..iK«f^iM>w>»f l^^^^^^B s^s^sT A i hemicat Preparation of Phosphorus, with the Venerable Alkaloids Quinia, Cypriptden, Xanihoxyl n. toe. Tho New Curative Agent, and only Reliable Remedy Cor Jf ervous and Liver
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    • 627 4 PAIItBANKS' SCALR3 AND STANDARD of the WORLD. SCALES Adapts! to the STANDARD of all Nations and Carefully Packed for EVEKY SCALE WARRANIED. WAREHOUSES: FAIRBANKS 8c CO, 311 Broadway, NeirYork FAIRBANKS, BROWN k CO., 2 Milk street, Poston, Mass. M A S UFA CTURES E. T. FAIRBANKS CO., St. Johnslmry, Vt
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    • 928 4 HdLLDWAY'S RLLS. No fam ilt or person should be without. the«e Pills. Their lonjf trie«i erhi acy m correcting di>or«irrs of tlie I l"Ver ant! stornweh, stimulating the bowels and purifying the blood, has secured for them an ituprrisbahl? Uine throughout th« world. A tew do*** produce comfort, a short
      928 words
    • 915 4 Full prinifd directions arc aißxed to rach ho, ai Pot, au«J can be kad m any laiivtuafr, r»ru ia liirk..| Arabic, Armenian, Pen»i«iu. or i^lniirs*. [J4j U iy HOLLOW AY'S OINTMENT. Bads Legs, Bsxi Breasts. Wounds, and Ulcera tions of all kinds Ther* i- no medicinal i>r*-i>aration which mar b»
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