The Straits Maritime Journal and General News, 1 March 1895

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Maritime Journal and General News
  • 25 1 THE Straits Maritime Journal. AND GENERAL NEWS. PU BLI SH ED EVERY FRIDAY. TO l. 1. No, 83, PENANG IST SEARCH, 1895 PRICE 20 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 246 1 Johannis, THE KING OF Natural table Waters, and DEWAR’S WHISKY. MartynPenan a. BOLS GIN. H, J- Martyn, and his Agents. OCEAN STEA M SHIP COMPANY’S. GOSLING Co. Bepartui'cs from England, 1 I Lei’fc Due are prepared to swpphf Ships, in Harbour Steamer. From. Will sail g uez ipenano- I I
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 255 2 BRITISH INDIA STEAM newman^mumford. NAY Hi AT lON Co., Ltd. Consulting Engineer and Surveyor. (Engineer Surveyor to Lloyd's Register). Office, 8 Cavanagh Bridge Road, Singapore. SERVICES FROM PENANG. (Opposite the Post Office.) Wi: k K IT.-To Singapore, PRITCHARD CO. Rangoon arid Calcutta, Moul- mein via Kangoon. I<) lIT XlO H
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 219 3 I SINGAPORE. ENGINEERS, IRON, and BRASS FOUNDERS, ALSO BOILERMAKERS, BRIDGE, SHIP-BUILDERS, GENERAL CONTRACTORS. 3UFACTURERS OPSOLS AGENCIES for Bridges, Piers, Lighthouses of all classes, CERA OIL— No Smoke !No Trimming and Marine Boilers and Engines Vic- “Lancashire,” Patent Belting Mortar mills, Brick Making Machines. (from 2 to 12“) The strongest m
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  • 50 4 Penang, Ist March 1895. Tin 535.20— sellers. White Pepper 13 Piaek Pepper 8.50 do. Nutmegs 95. Mace No. 1 80.— do. Mace Pickings 95. d 0 j No. 1 7.20 do! Sugar j No. 2 3.70, do. Basket 3. do. Tapioca Flour 2.15 do. buyers. Copra 6. do.
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  • 63 4 Penang, Ist March 1895. London, Bank o-d and T. T. l/lU Dol. 80. 4 months 1/11| 80. Private bills 3 months 2 Calcutta T.T. and o,d ...lls 182 Rangoon J 18L Bombay 182 Batavia Bank o,d H o„ g k° n g ß„ n k j;/ 80/opremDo. 7 days
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 323 4 PASSAGE_TOENGLAND, The Magnificent White Star 8team*hi OCEANIC P 9 QnQtons,tiow running 0 n the China— Sii U,(JUU Francisco Mail Service, with ac comraodation for 150 saloon passengers, *ji leave Singapore for home about 28th M arc i next, and furnishes an exceptionally good op. portunity for intending passengers to London
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 116 4 HIGH-WATER AT PENANG. Approximate Times. Date. Da^e°ek tho M Pl K i Mail 3 Mar. 2 Saturday 407 434 3 Sunday 500 5-29 4 Monday 5-57 6-28 5 Tuesday 7-00 731 6 Wednesday 8-01 8-32 7 Thursday 9-03 9-32 8 Friday 10-02 10-27 The Flood sets to the S. The
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  • 549 5 It lias always been a source of wonder to us that the Home Government, whilst so chary of putting any power into the hands of its’ loyal and devoted subjects in the various Crown Colonies, is for ever thrusting upon the masses at home the privilege
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  • 502 5 In a recent issue, the Singapore Free, Cress discussing the advisablity of a revision of the law relating to Merchant Shipping, advocates the combination of Mho various marine and engineers associations of the Straits to attain tins object. As far as Penang is concerned, we think th
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  • 134 6 We desire to draw the attention of our readors to the first of a series of articles discribinolife among the men of the Royal Navy twenty years ago, They are the actual experience* of one who served some years on the East India Station. In Mr. Chesney Duncan,
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  • 854 6 Shortly before noon a halt was called, the artificial horizon set up, and the flags and sledge standards displayed. Fortunately the sun was favourable to us, and we were able to obtain a good altitude as it passed the meridian, although almost immediately afterwards dark clouds rolled
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  • 763 7 Might we remind our Irish friends, that St. Patrick’s day is approaching, and their fellow exiles (from England and Scotland) would gladly fraternize with them either at an Irish ball, or any other suitable entertainment, to which they might think fit to invite us Probably a hundred and
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  • 378 8 V Khoo Leong and J. F, D’Souza. This case was heard by Mr. Elcum on the22ni ult. The prisoner J. F. D’Souza was charge with attempting to cheat the Penang Tin Club, and Khoo Leong was charged with abet ment Inspector Fiddes conducted the prose cution and
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  • 625 9 (From our Special Correspondent.) February 22nd The Sea Belle with H. E. the Governor and party viz., Honble. H. Trotter, r,c., Dr. Kerr, c.s., Capt Herbert, a.d,c., and Sir, William Gnrdon, a friend of H, E. arrived at the Kwalla Kedah at
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  • 185 9 Some bloated land lubber who asks for‘ c information, requests answers to the following questions, which he thinks should be embodid in all examinations for Marine certificates of competency. 1-—What is the meaning of shiver my timbers”? 2, —Who was Bavy Jones Have you ever heard
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  • 607 11 It became my painful duty, Mr. Editor, after reading your remarks regarding my condition at the race course, to consult a lawyer. Isofc content with cutting out the last page of niv sad experiences, which contained one of the finest pieces of descriptive writing
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  • 300 11 A couple of young Germans —Ered. Tlioerner, artist and gilder, ond Gus, Koegel, tailor —have undertaken, for a wager of 10,000 dollars, to walk round the world in less than two years —barring, of course, the necessary sea voyages —and to do the journey without
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  • 493 12 HOW GOLD IS CA It 111 ED AT SEA. On an ocean steamer the specie locker is a carefully constructed vault, and is situated in the stern immediately over the screw- It, has the shape of a half-oral, following the counter of the side of the vessel,
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  • 421 12 Time on shipboard was then always estimated by the glass, and in old accounts of sea-fights such expression as, \Ve engaged the enemy over three glasses before he hauled down his ensigne often occur. Strong timeke«p,„,. cabin-clock., with balance-wheel escape,nenf., like those used in carnages ashore, are
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  • 448 12 It mnv not he generally known that a Kentish gentle, man —Mr. Wilkinson, of Seveuoaks— posseses the embalmed veritable head of Oliver Cromwell. The history of the relic is as follows Cromwell died of ague at, Whitehall Palace, on September 3, IGSB. After his death the body
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  • 205 13 Whilst we are always ready to insert any propcrly expressed letter from our subscribers we do not of course hold ourselves responsible for the opinions expressed by them. BRITISH MERCANTILE MARINE OFFICERS' ASSOCIATION. 16, Praya Central, Hongkong, February 16th 1895. (Editor Straits Maritime Jounrnal.) Sir, —In your issue of
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 28 13 PENANG MARINE ASSOCIATION. A Committee Meeting will be held on Tuesday the sth March 1895 at 5 p.m. Business Important. E. Farrer-Batnes. Honorary Secretary. Penang, 28th February 1805.
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    • 276 13 PENANG SjM.ES ROOM. AUCTION SALESOn Tuesday, stli March. VALUABLE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Ac., The property of Major BINGHAM DAY. AT thr Commanding OSicar s Quarters, Sepoy Lines, Commencing at 11-15 a.m. On Saturday, 9th March, SPLENDID COLLECTION OK FOLIAGE AND FLO WE It PLANTS, CONSISTING OP Alocasias including Sanderianias, Marantas, Calatheas,
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 295 14 CRITERION TIFFIN william boss park, i AND T3TT TTAI3 Tl "RnnUCQ Consulting Engineer and Surveyor. mhhU±mJ nUUIvIO* Address:—Marine Club SINGAPORE. BEACH STREET No. 7. [One minute from the Landing Stage.) nTT’VMVTri BAR, BILLIARD READING (IUAI CJIL£iJM U BTOSi ROOMS. 27 BE A CII STItEEET, Wines, Spirits, Beers and Mineral Waters
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 256 15 HOWARTE ERSKINE Limited, s j -V 6' Aron li SOLE AGENTS IN THE STRAITS FOR the CRUSH ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Co., Ld. DIATOMITE FOSSIL MEAL. LOITBOST. r^j Le i jes non con( l U cthnj composition in the ROBEY Co., Limited Market. Engineers, for Portable Engines, BLACKMAN VENTILATING Co., Limited. Pumping
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 77 16 HUTTENBACH BROS CO. KUPPER’S BEER. MHI A p poll i navis water. ;j|l|j| Tile <|Uf'(Mi r.f t:i 1)1 o -.:.|i'■ Ms| I>h, ami refreshing drink v Perrier Jouet (Vs CtIAMPAGN K. I'p' 1 'M-L’r Mlflß ALE u.mi i 01; 1, jStry’.iflfe'aSP®! Dog’s Head Brand. Illil' M t J,IOY is «j
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    • 226 16 Khye Ho Foundry Col 40 WELD QUAY, U PENANG. I ENGINEERS BOILER MAKERS. I SHIPWRIGHTS, IRON BRASS 1 FOUNDERS, BRIDGE BUILDERS, GENERAL CONTRACTORS, &c. f; AGENTS FOR ZYNKARA.—A perfect preventive against corrosion and f pitting in boilers £i PRICE’S Engine nnd Cylinder Oils I BELDAM’S Patent Metallic Valves and Engine
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