The Straits Independent and Penang Chronicle, 24 January 1891

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Independent and Penang Chronicle
  • 26 1 The Straits Independent AND PENANG CHRONICLE. PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. Price 20 Cents. Price 20 cents. yOL. 11l- PENANG, SATURDAY, JANUARY 24, 1891. No. IE4.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 873 1 INSURANCES. BR,T S n H H !!JS!A SJEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, LIMITED. China Insurance Co. ltd. The Marine Insurance Co., KONINKLIJKE PACKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. Llmlted NEGAPATAM LINE OF STEAMERS- marine msuEANrF the undesigned are prepared to accept it et et Sailing and expected Arrival of Steamers. Rlsk3 ami issue i’olieies on behalf
      873 words

  • 1751 2 It would seem that the Municipal meeting held yesterday week was a red-letter day for our unofficial members if we may judge from the published report of the proceedings of the meeting in question as it appeared in the Pinang Gazette. Mr. McLarty brought
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  • 1018 2 (Home Papers up to Dec 26th.) Europe lias been celebrating Christmas, and politics have been shelved aside to make room for more congenial pastimes. The only item of interest we have to report is a statement of the Gaulois which asserts that the German Emperor lias practically
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 259 2 THE STRAITS INDEPENDENT rmiSHKD KVKIIV IFEDXISttAY AX# SATUftDAV. KX TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Ter Annum 15. 00 Half-year 8. 00 Quarter 4. 50 [Single copy twenty cents. IF PAID IN ARREAR 6 for three months, after which term the paper will only be supplied on payment of the
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  • 130 3 Advices received in Paris from Saigon report that M. Pavie had returned there fiom Bangkok and leit the same day for long-King. M. Pavie had succeodin his mission, which was to obtain from the Siamese Government the establishment of French commercial agencies at all tho important
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  • 1600 3 By an Old Traveller. (St. James's Budget.) There are three grand secret societies in China, the Tieu-Ti, Heaven and Earth,” or “Triad the Wu-Wei Keaou, White Lily, or Do-Nothing;” and the Ko Lao, Elder Brother.” Of less important associations the name is Legion. All those
    (St. James's Budget.)  -  1,600 words
  • 405 3 Opinions may differ as to whether the croquet era was more conducive to match-making than that of its successor, the lawn tennis epoch. Each game (says a writer in the Field had its advantages and disadvantages in this respect. In the gamo of croquet itself
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  • 138 4 Pknano, 24th January, 1891. Owing to the Tai Pusum all the Banks are closed. The following are yesterday’s rates: London, Demand, Bank 3/4£ dollar Do. 4 mouths sight, Bank 3/5| Do. 6 Credits 3/51 Do. 6 Documentary 3/6 Calcutta, Demand, Bank lie. 222 Do. 30 days sight, Private 225
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  • 133 4 (From the Pinang Gazette.) London 21s£ January. —The Duke of Bedford has committed suicide. At a mass meeting held in Boston it was resolved that a protest should be made against the Free Coinage Bill, and that, should the Bill pass, an appeal be made to the .President
    (From the Pinang Gazette.)  -  133 words
  • 1117 4 (From our Exchanges.) Paris, 10 th January. —The French Tariff Committee have finally decided io renounce all customs treaties on the Ist February. London, 1 \th January. —An order of Government has been issued maintaning control over the African territory under the direction of the chartered companies.
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  • 1531 4 We remark that Sikh Police constables have now taken the place of the humbler mata matas in patrolling Weld Quay road. This is at it should be. A subscriber draws our attention to the daily gathering of boy “earn-sengs” in the compound at the back of the
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  • 1693 5 Second Day, Thursday, January 22ud. The attendance ab Thursday’s rneet- ing was much larger tliau oil Tuesday last, and the day, both as regards the weather aud the racing, was a most enjoyable oue. The ruuuiug of the horses was, if anything, even better than on the
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  • 342 5 (FRiDAY, January 16th.) His Excellency the Governor has been pleased, subject to confirmation by Her Majesty the Queen, to reappoint Messrs. J. M. B. .Vermont and J. Burkinshaw to be provisionally Unofficial Members of the Legislative Council of the Straits Settlements, from the 3rd instant. t To-day, the
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  • 162 5 Arrivals i 21st January.—Per a. s. Lady Weld, from Port Weld :—Mr. Gob Chin. 22nd January.—Per s. s. Thaipeng, from Port Weld Mr. E. H. Toft, Mr. W. S. Robilliard, Mr. Lye Khum, and Mrs. Bachee. 22nd January.—Per s. s. Camorta, from Singapore:—Mr. A. M. McGregor, Mr.
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  • 1275 5 The Sultan of Turkey, it seems, has in his service a Marshal who is 112 years old, having been born in 1778. He is the oldest soldier living—as one can well believe. Moreover, he has two comrades whose united ages amount to 221 years. Altogether, the Sultan’s service would
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 208 6 SHIPPING. Indo-China Steam Navigation Company. FOR SINGAPORE HONGKONG. The Indo-China Steam Navigation Co., Ltd., Steamship Wing Sang,” Capt. St. Croix, leaving Calcutta on the 29th instant, may be expected here on or about the stli proximo. Cargo taken on through Bills of Lading to Svvatovv, Amoy, Shanghai and Foochow. For
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    • 711 6 Perak Government Notification DHOC Tenders are invited for the construe- IIVW tion and subsequent maintenance for A l\J O 12 months of aline of Metre Gauge Rail- HllU way from the Port of Telok Anson on the Perak River to Tapah,a distance of about RFA IU Plans and specifications may
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 660 7 Tbe In ?uranL K compa?yr n INSURE YOUR LIFE IN THE RflRiMOnM PH POSITIVE government security!- ISSLi »i°SSH»r“ LIFE ASSURANCE CO.. LTD. NEW GOODS: preC BCly I SINGLE AND DOUBLE TERAI HATS (By order of the Board of Directors.) HEAD OFFICE: 104, CLIVE STREET CALCUTTA CHEAH CHEN EOK. KCh— GENT
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 890 8 RANEEGUNGE PIKE CLAY ORIENTAL HOTEL, POTTERY WORKS. PENANG. THIS FIRST CLASS HOTEL, which has just been entirely renoHaving been appointed Agents for the vatecl, is situated on the Sea Beach and has two entrances trom aiquiai Raxbeouxgb Fire Clay and Pottery Works, g£ ree t It contains ,t0 42 Commodious
      890 words
    • 225 8 INDIAN RUBBER STAMPS. Of every description iimuufiictun a on the latest improved principles ami with the most recently invented nutcliinery. Charges Exceedingly Moderate. K>H Orders can be executed within *>4 hours after receipt. A. KATJLFTJSS Co. No. 9, Beach Street. j M. THOMAS Co. Auctioneers Commission Agents ai d Appraisers.
      225 words