Straits Echo, 12 November 1903

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 31 1 for W ending Wednesday, Nov. 18,1903. P.M. A.M. Thursday 7.30 7.55 Friday 8-20 8.45 Saturday 9.10 9.3o Sunday 10.00 10.25 M<>ndav 10.50 11.15 Tuesday 11.40 12.05 Wednesday 12.30 12.55
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  • 21 1 November. (Last Quarter... Nov. 12th, 9.41 a.m. 0 New Moon 19th, 12.05 p.m. i First Quarter 27th. 12.31 p.m.
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  • 41 1 To-day. T„wn Band. Golf Club, 5-30 p.iu. Great Bengal Circus, at 9-15 p.iu. Datoli Kramat Gardens. To-mobrow. India Zanibar Theatrical Co., Chinese Theatre Hall. 9 p.m. Great Bengal Circus, at 9-15 p.m. Datoli Kramat Gardens. Town Band, Esplanade, 5-30 p.m.
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  • 40 1 P O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. Ol'TWAKDH. HoMKWABDS. Ball mi rat Vi Nov Bengal 14 Nov. Simla 26' Malta US Extra Service. Outwards. Homewards. Ceylon 17 Nov j Shanghai 21 Nov JajHin 1 Dec j fir For particulars See Page 3.
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    • 83 1 {Reuter's Service.) London, 12th Nov.—T he health 'of H. M. the Emperor of Germany continues favourable, and the wound resulting from the operation for polypus on the Bth inst. is healing las rapidly as could be expected. On the 9th inst. Router reported the Emperor of Germany liad
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    • 96 1 Balfour’s Speech Creates Most Favourable Impression on Continent. (Uniter x Sere ice). London, 12th Nov.—The Premier's Guildhall speech has created a most favourable imoression on the Continent, being regarded in the light of the timely sprinkling of oil on troubled waters. His endorsement of the
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    • 99 1 Russia and Austria Pressing the Porte to Give Effect to the New Reform Scheme. Uniter's Sere tee.) London, 12th Nov. —Telegrams from Constantinople, forwarded by an indirect route with a view to avoiding censorship, indicate that the Austro-Russian reply to the Sultan’s assurance, that the new Reform Scheme
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    • 35 1 Eleven Chinese Killed. {Rangoon Times Service.) London, 4th Nov. —The Colombian gunboat Bogota is bombarding Panama eleven Chinamen have been killed. The United States Vice Consul has been instructed to protest. AAA.
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    • 63 1 Calcutta, sth Nov.—The following amounts have been subscribed for pushing Indian teas at the St. Louis Exhibition —The Government of India Hs. 75,000, the Government of Bengal Rs. 10,000, Assam Administration Rs. 10,000, Government of Madras Rs. 5,000, Government of Mysore Its. 5,000, Indian Tea Cess Committee Rs.
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    • 152 1 China’s Warlike Attitude. Rangoon Times Sere ire.) London, 3rd Nov.—A Times telegram from Shanghai says the Chinese newspapers announce that Viceroys Chang Chihtung and Yuanshik ii have strongly urged the throne to throw in its lot with Japan and oppose Russian aggression. [Those proposals are doubtless due
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    • 21 1 Loudon, Nov. 4th.—-The British, German, French and Italian Embassies at Constantinople have been instructed to support the Austro-Russian scheme.
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    • 76 1 London, Nov. sth.—Three members of the Armenian Central Committee i sitting in London were proceeding to the Committee’s headquarters when another Armenian armed with two rej volvers came behind and shot two of them dead and wounded the third. Seeing escape impossible owing to the crowd the murderer blew
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    • 47 1 Calcutta, 4th Nov.—News from the Helmund gives reason to hope that Colonel McMahon is now likely to get the Persians and Afghans to agree to a satisfactory boundary line along the portion of the territory in dispute between the frontiers of these two countries.
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    • 129 1 Shillong, 4th Nov. —A groat sensation prevails among the Khasias owing to the arrest by the police under orders of Major Gordon, Deputy Commissioner •and Political Officer of the Khasia and Jaintia Hills, of Raja Svmbarai. the ruling chief of Monsynram, and his brother with eleven others.
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    • 56 1 Simla, sth Nov. —Captain Gale, 2nd Gurkhas, has been selected for appointment as Assistant Commandant, Lushai Military Police. Allahabad, sth Nov.—General Sir Robert Low, having made over charge of the Bombay Command, embarked on Wednesday for Colombo and Tasmania. His successor Sir Archibald Hunter came down from Poona
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    • 72 1 Forward Movement Commenced. [Ceylon Observer Service.) London. Oct. 30th—A Daily Telegraph despatch from Aden states that the forward movement in Somaliland com- menc**d on Wednesday. H. M. S. Porpoise, while at Lashkorai, was informed that the Sultan of Obbia’s j son attacked the Mullah’s men at Ulig,
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    • 33 1 Germany to Construct the Line Alone. London, Oct. 30th—The French Government has rejected the Bagdad Railway Agreement between the French and German promoters. The latter will consequently construct the line alone.
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    • 60 1 Communication with Europe and America Cut Off. 1 London, Ist November. —France was isolated as regards telegraphic com-1 munication with Europe and America for part of yesterday, but internal communication was not disturbed. It is ascribed to magnetic phenomena due to seismic-disturbances. The British Post Office is notified
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    • 316 1 I Rangoon Gazette Service.) Allahabad, 5th November. —The Amir Habibullali seems to have celebrated the anniversary of his father’s death with all due eeremonv on the 3rd October. Prayers were read in all the mosques of Afghanistan, tin? poor were fed in the principal cities, and at Kabul
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    • 161 5 Impending Split in Russian Cabinet. Struggle Between Tsar and the War Party. Prospect ok Chino-Jaranehe Alliance Improving. Loudon, 11th Nov.—The effect of the recent good tidings from Japon is minimised by the utterances of some of the Japanese Ministers accredited to European Courts, who assert
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  • Shipping.
    • 110 1 Canton. Br. s.s. 105, Merieau, Nov., T. Anson, 10th Nov., Gen.,—Ah Hing Vo. Carlyle. Br. s.s. 381, Quine. 11th Nov., Port Swettenliam, 9th Nov., Tin.— Straits Steamship Co. Omapehe, Hr- s.s. 340, Boyle, 11th Nov., Malacca, 9th Nov., Gen., —Koe Guan Co. 'lhaiping. Hr. s.s. 100. Wheeler, 12th
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    • 36 1 12th November. Cornelia, l’or Tongkah. Jin Ho, for Langkat. Petrel, for Deli. Chan Tai, for Periis and Setnl. Canton, for Paugkor and Tfeluk Anson. Fultala, for Rangoon Hock Chvan Un, for Asahau i Hatu Biilira.
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    • 82 1 Caulyj.e, Hr. s.s. 331, Quine. 11th Nov., Port Swettenham, 9th Nov., Tin. Straits Steamship Co. Omapeke, Hr. s.s. 340, Boyle, 11th Nov., Malacca. 9th Nov., Gen..—Koe Guan Co. Pegu. Br. s.s. 294, Coysh, 12th Nov., Acheen, Bth Nov., Gen., —Ban Ho Hin S. S. Co. Lady Weld, Br.
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    • 39 1 Vessel» From A ijentg Due Ballaarat Colombo P. A 0. 13thNov. Ainbria do. B.M.&Oo. 14th Benloinond London S. B. Co. 16th Simla do. P. O. 26th Benledi London S. B. Co. Benartv do. do. Benlawers Singapore do. 20th
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    • 37 1 tor Agent Leaven Ballaarat Singapore P. O. 13thNov. C. Apcir Calcutta A.A.A.Co. 13th Ambria Singapore B. M.&Co. 14t i Benlawers Marseilles S. B. Co. 20th Benledi Singapore do. Benartv do. do. Simla Singapore P. 0. 26th
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    • 30 1 Inward —Per Carlyle,” from Port Swettenham, Mr. H. N. Ferrers. Per Pegu,” from Acheen, Messrs, Clodd and Dinst. Per Lady Weld” from Teluk Anson, Messrs Anderson and W. Duncan.
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    • 56 1 For Singapore and China —Per Ballaarat to-morrow, 8 a.m Calcutta —Per C. Apcar, to-morrow, 11 a.m. Traug —Per Deli, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Port Swettenham and Malacca —Per Omapere, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Teluk Anson —Ter Lady Weld, to-morrow, 3 p.m. Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy —Per Waihora, to-morrow, 3
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    • 12 1 From Europe. Ballaarat 13th Nov. For Europe. Bengal 14th Nov.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 153 1 A, E. SKEELS. 31 Beach Street Crushed Food. NEW STOCK. Tky it and You Will be Satisfied. Reduced Prices. III. BELILIOS l>egs to inform the public that since inferior Crushed Food is offered for sale in the Penang Market at low prices, he desires to draw attention to his certificated
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    • 167 1 To-day’s Advertisements GRAND Change of Programme AT Professor BOSE’S 6REAT BENGAL CIRCUS TO-NIGHT AT 9-15 p.m. Dato Kramat Gardens, Penang. The Invisible Slack Wire. Eastern Jugglery by Two Brothers, j The Triple Horizontal Bar. Marvellous Acrobatic Feats, j Monkey-Rider on Horse-Back. Charming Movements on the Glola». Wonderful Performance with the
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    • 9 1 ROSE’S LIME JUICE. ill cfl lister St Co., Ltd
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    • 4 1 Pages 2 A 7;
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    • 14 1 A. E. SKEELS. 31, Beach Street. LAMPS OK ALL DESCRIPTIONS. MoAlister Sc Co., Ltd.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 27 1 WEATHER. The following report is kindly supplied l>y the Signal Director of Fort Cornwallis: The rainfall during the -4 hours ended at 9 a.m. to-day was nil.
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  • 986 2 Recently Founded to Provide a Military Training for the Sons of the PrincelyHouses of India. By Col. Sir Howard Vincent, m. p. For the King —this is the motto of the Imperial Cadet Corps of India, a corps of princes and nobles, founded in Coronation Year
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  • 137 2 The following revised rules of the International Telegraph Conference come into force in July, 1904 1. —The code language shall I** composed of words not forming intelligible phrases, in one or more of the languages authorised, and be in plain language2. —Words, real or artificial, must be
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  • 126 2 Mr. George Johnson, the Dominion Statistician, in a letter to the Citizen, in reply to strictures which have l>eeu made against Canada as an inadequate source for the food supply of Great Britain, says that the average yearly export of Canadian wheat to Britain for the past
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  • 149 2 Per Chusan, connecting with the steamer Ballaarat at Colombo, from Loudon, Oct. 10. —To Hongkong Miss C. Houlder. Miss P. E. Massey, Miss Heard, Miss Cardew. To Singapore Miss Morrison. Mr. and Miss Sommerville, Mr. C. B. Griffin, Mrs. Seed. Sister Katherine, Mrs. Veutris, Mr., Mrs. and Miss
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 170 2 Caldbeck Macgregor and Co. THE NEW DRINK FELIXIR Booth's Distillery, Ltd., V T have just introduced on the market, i is a spirit which they have l**en many years in perfecting. It is Distilled and Bottled at their Distillery, which is under the supervision of His Majesty’s Officers of Excise.
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    • 1165 2 Graham Co., Ld. WHOLESALE CHEMISTS, 4 Beach Street, Penang. in > CO Q O o o A. w. A. Anti White- Ant. H 0 PERRIER JOUET CHAMP AGNES. AGENTS HUTTENBACH BROS. Co. KITSON LAMPS. The Finest Light in Existence. Apply to HUTTENBACH BROS. Co. Sole Agents. Club Dry Champagne, Pereguex,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1584 3 m lr 8. N. Co. rjijn; mail steamers may be expected to ~T i ve Outwards, aud leave Penang Homewards ou the following dates MAIL SERVICE. OUTWARDS. N"V. Dl**-1-2 Halloa rut with ■Jfi Simla do |0 Coromandel do 1 Bengal do Ch i mi Victoria Himalaya India Nov. 1 Bengal
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  • 81 4 Justice satisfies everybody, and justice alone.— Emernot*. Established June Ist, 1903. w Published daily (except Sundays.) AT TDK CRITERION PRESS, Ld., No. 226-232, Beach Street, Penang. s t «-•:o.l PRICE DAILY, LOCAL s2* per annum, (Post Free) 27 MAIL EDITION (Pout Free) 15 CABLE ADDRESS: Echo—Penang.” Telephone
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  • 748 4 At a meeting of the Municipal Corns missioners on the 6th iust., held to consider the 1904 Estimates, Mr. J. W. Hallifax, the President, said that, as regards the new valuation of properties the Municipal Secretary had, so far as he could see, gone into the matter very carefully,
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  • 601 4 ‘What Uncle Sam will do if Russia and Japan come to Blows. It is not often that our lively little i Yokohama contemp. the Bor of Curio* i dabbles in politics, but when it does sound coiumonsense—which, by the way, is by I no means
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  • 345 4 Huttenbach’s Store Burnt. A serious fire occurred this morning on the premises of Messrs Huttenbach A (Jo., Beach Street. Aland 2-30 a.m. a Sikh policeman, on duty in the vicinity, noticed sparks arising from the roof of Messrs. Hutteubacli A Go's store godown, which is situated behind the
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  • 551 4 (From London via Bombay up to 23th Oct.) The United States Government is sending Agents to South America to study the military conditions in that country. Washington authorities have learned with alarm that certain European powers, especially Germany, are collecting similar information in
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  • 69 4 Proceedings in Police Couht All the cases arising from the re,™ seizures ot dollars, as recorded in tkjournal during the past few d avs u 8 heard this morning liefore the Bench Each of the accused was filial ohe The Court, in ordering the confi^T 'i the
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  • 131 4 The Chief Collector of Customs notm* that nearly all the importations f ruin y 8 Burma have been from the iSLr.uta -i} quantity imported last year n. leased i 6,000 gallons. The value, however remain ed about the same, pointing u[! or t() D inferior quality or a
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  • 222 4 From our Own Oorretiiondent.) Nibong.Tebal, 6th Nov: Yesterday, a Chinese coolie returning from Hie market with some pork in his hand, accosted ;i Bengali bread-seller, named Kena Khan whom he stopped in order to buv bread. The latter, being a Mohamedan. contemptuously pointed to the pork dangling In
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  • 420 4 1 i'- Slim Soon Sin slipped into a Inane tin? other day and stole a pair of slipjx*rs, value! at seven ringets,” for which sinful act lit? s was sentenced to be slipped into prison f*»r sixty days. “In the King’s name!” Great is the 1 power thereof,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • The Straits Echo
    • 50 5 (Special Service.) Liverpool Autumn Cup Latest Betting. London, 11 tl\ Nov.—Tlie princibetting on the Liverpool Autumn um to be run to-morrow, at 5 this afternoon was a$ follows —5—1 brlor* Hutton.; ft—1 drey Tick; 1 I’ahny I 'M y x 0—1 Torrent; ]<» 1» I'f'liuHou 100 —8
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  • 380 5 Federal. Appointments. a A Selangor Government Gazette Extraordinary, dated 10th instant, notifies that— Mr. H. Conway Belfield is appointed to act as British Resident, Perak. Mr. D. G. Campbell to act as British Resident, Selangor. Mr. W. D. Barnes to act as British Resident, Pahang. The Passing of Mr.
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  • 263 5 Ihe Moroccan region will give us some interesting incidents within the next few years, writes our London correspondent i under date loth Oct. Iw as there a few days ago and learned a little of the state of affairs on the spot. The Sultan is still harrassed
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  • 725 5 New Irrigation Scheme. (From Our Correspondent.) Bangkok, 4th Nov.—A report has just been issued dealing with the irrigation aud drainage of the Lower Menam Valley. The vastuess of the scheme may be judged fr.nn the fact that it applies to more than half the present cultivated area of
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  • 2223 5  -  Br Lim Keono Lay. Work out with the cures and worries of business life 1 was seriously thinking of taking u penniless holiday when I came i across the announcement that the. generous ■Directors of the Criterion Press, Ltd are offering a prize of $50 for a peii-and-ink
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    • 807 5 To tiik Editok of tue Straits Echo. Sir, —It appears to me that Mr. Law Yew Swee, who recently went to Penang for a change, unfortunately, got attacked by the rushiug-into-print fever, in eonsequence of which many quacks have hastily volunteered all sorts of nonsensical
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  • Money Market.
    • 119 5 Penang, 12th November. (Jiy courtesy of the Chartered Hank.) London Demand Bank ...1/9 7 0 4 months’ sight Bank ...l-9§ 3 Credit ...1/10 3 Documentary ...l/10fy Calcutta, Demand Bank Its. 133 3 days’ sight Private 135 Bombay, Demand Bank 133 3 days’ sight Private 135 Madras, Demand Bank 133
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    • 171 5 L’in 74. —sales Sold leaf 83. 13. Pepper (W.Coast3lbs.soz.)s 29.50 sellers White Pepper 8 50. —sales [’rang Pepper 35.— seller Cloves (picked) 8 35‘50 worn. Mace $l5O. seller* Mace Pickings 130.— seller* Nutmegs 110 s 76. —sales No. 1 7. seller Sugar 2 5.30 Basket (Chinese) 3.65 sales Tapioca
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 5 5 JUNGLE FURNITURE. McAlister Co., Ltd.
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    • 76 5 Messrs. CAMPBELL, MacCOLL Co., BA TA VIA. JAVANESE COOLIES. IHE undersigned is appointed Agent for the Straits for the above Javanese Coolie Emigration Office at Batavia, and is now pivpared to receive orders for Javanese Coolies. Most favourable terms, prompt delivery. For further particulars apply to W. FLINZNER. Medan, l)eli,
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    • 231 5 To day’s Advertisements. WANTED. A COMPETENT Chinese Sale»-mm for General Store. Must thoroughly utderstand English and act as Clerk. Apply sending testimonials and stating salary required to c 'o “C. H. B Straits Echo. Penang, 2nd November. u.c. TO LET. PREMISES No; 251, Burmali Road. Apply to LIM CHEAN HOCK,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1716 6 NOTICE. HONG SENG. KEE SAW and Sons beg to inform the public in general that they will undertake to repair all kinds of Bicycles, Musical Boxes, Gas Lamps, Type Writers, 4c., 4c. They also undertake contracts for repairing Bicycle inner tulies at only $2 per month, and overhaul Bicycle once
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  • 1570 7  -  By Charles F. Holder. One of the most interesting questions relating to the sea and its inhabitants, and appealing strongly to popular fancy, is that I of the sea serpent, which, literally, will never down. Hardly a month passes but some i strange creature is seen by
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1466 7 Club, Dry Champagne, IYri«|tiex, Babies. $44 <*as«*, 4 «loz., SI I «loz. No. 10/11. Posiula Tarragonas, doz. $10. bot. 80.90 W. CORNFIELD, municipal notice. Posada, Very Old Bottled, white Port. doz. §50. 1 h»t.- §5.NOTICE. Sandilands Butterv Co., PENANG, OTICE is hereby given tliat the Books containing the valuations of,
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    • 115 7 Jules Mumm Go., Reims. Blue Seal. EXTRA-DRY.” Red Seal. CARTE BLANCHE.” Paterson, Simons Co., SOLE AGENTS. UPTON’S TEAS WERE AWARDED THE GOLD MEDAL AT THE PARIS EXHIBITION. AGENTS PENANG Paterson, Simons Co. tivolT m Tn White Glass Bottles, Light Sparkling Wholesome Refreshing THE BEST BEER FOR THE TROPICS. Paterson, Simons
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  • 975 8 PROGRAMME FOR JANUARY MEETING, 1904. FIRST DAY. Tuesday, 26th January, 1904. 1. The Maiden Plate. Value £SOO. —A Race for Maiden Horses. Weight as per scale (lOst) An allowance of 141bs. to all ex-Griffins. Entrance £lO. Distance. one mile. 2. First Griffin Race. Value £4OO and £IOO
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1479 8 Straits Settlements Post and Telegraph Department. PUBLIC TELEPHONE EXCHANGE, PENANG. LIST OP CONNECTIONS. Name. No. Allan and Irving (Foundry) Allan, J. G. Allan Irving (Office) Anthony, Stephen. Anthony, J. M. Anderson, A. F. G. Avetoom, Dr. T. C. Anglo-Chinese Reading Room. Anthony Co. Aitken, J. B. Adams, A. R. Abdul
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    • 9 8 No. 32. Posada Madeira, drv, doz. 522, lx>t. $2.50
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    • 219 8 BEST HOTELS. Bangkok THE ORIENTAL HOTEL. Oriental Hotel Syndicate. Cable Address: “Oriental.” 54a Proprietor». Penang. EASTERN ORIENTAL HOTEL. UNEQUALLED FOR Situation Comfort and Catering 18 a SARKIES BROTHERS. Proprietor Singapore. ADELPHI HOTEL. One of The Oldest Hotels in the Straits. Affording a beautiful view of the Esplanade and Harbour and
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