The Straits Budget, 19 July 1918

Total Pages: 20
3 2 The Straits Budget
  • 6 3 THE STRAITS BUDGET July 1». 1918
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  • 10511 3 Reuters Telegram. Italian Progress. MOVEMENT in ALBANIA explained. Riuiihs Telegram. Londor, July 11. 7.20 a.m. out that tho important ad 11 French and Italians in southern iDC n s n B0 milo front, between the Albania, o'* brid>| ia the olimax to the |0 *and exercised for the
    Reuters Telegram.  -  10,511 words

  • 4040 6 French Battle. DEFENDERS HOLDING FAST. Rxctkr s Tklkokams. London, July 16, 1.85 a.m. In the House of Commons at 11.26 p.m., Mr. Bonar Law annoonetd that tbe Prime Minister had reoeived telephonic communication from headquarters in w hicli General Fooh reported that be was well satisfied with the
    4,040 words

  • 1078 8 Committed to the Forthcoming Assizes. The pt» lituinnry proer* dings in tbo capo in wbiedi Mr. Shafto Sevens is charged with cheating Mos*rs. I) ipiro Brothers lhibb* i !>.*I»mi toe nt was concluded, before Mr. Ilan*, third magistrate, on duly 12. Mi Mundill prosecuted and Mr
    1,078 words
  • 269 8 According to the Japan Chronicle, tin authorities of the I). paituent of Agriculture Htnt Commirce t outempkto establishing Japam so ct mini rcial must urns st Singapore. Hat bin, And other places wiih tho otjoctef promoting Jap in's trade daring and after
    269 words
  • 181 8 The Hon. Mr. E L. Brockman, K.C M G Chief Secretary, F.M 8., in his report for 1917, says Leaving oot of the question the paramount necessity of producing as much tin as is required for war purposes, the question of the future of
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  • 120 8 A sad story of death by being mauled by a tiger comes from Balagbat district, Centra) Provinces, India, of Miss Soeyde, sister of the Irrigation Officer, bearing the same name, The beast had been twice shot by tbe lady’s brothers who followed it.
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  • 100 8 A Rangoon wire of June 23 says While exploring for wolfram a discovery of deposits of tin has born made in parts of the Amherst district. Tin is said to be had in certain parts in paying quantities and tome parts are reported to bo very
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  • 312 8 In exercise of the powers conferred on him by an Imperial order in Conncil dated October 26 1896, the Governor has made the following regulations These R* eolations may bo cited as the Tin Purchase Regulations, 1018. So person shall after July
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  • 257 8 A most darirg robbery and a particularly brutal murder were committed by a gang ol Chinese robbers this mernirg about tao miles from Chemor, says the Times of Malaya of July 9.. It appears that Mr. Kbor Kbye Cbeong. ono of the
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  • 215 8 In the Kalaa Lumpur Town Hall on Tuob day afternoon, the second drawing for the half-yearly premium of the War Loan Pro minm TicketH took place. Following are the results of the drawings, as printed in the Malay Mail A
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  • 606 8 A oommiHee uu„ tlr 0 Chamber ot Commerce Chamber on .Inly 4 of which JjJJ >l. follow: Mr. H. a. Low (cI,J,. "-'-.I copy of ao,, with rerp-ct to milit, rv ,‘y OCCtIOD with the prc-ei fw! 1 c* introduced
    606 words
  • 142 8 On the occasion of the impending tore of Mr W. Peel to tike np the Rbip of the Singapore Monicipah'y' J Straits Echo, the Europe cfficH if Municipality of George Town pr** 1 jj 0 Peel in the Board room with a "»>' basket. Mr.
    142 words
  • 94 8 *1 n SfttlrlßCtl* The rate of mortality in d Ju V )f Singapore for the wit t ion. tie was 68 66 per mille of the P T wt icb total number of deaths was f oale. 320 were malo subjects gl, Convolsions chimed o n pcs
    94 words

  • 176 10 In bis report on the State of year 1917, dated April 25 last Mr. D. G. Campbell, General Ad u Vi8tr lui con The featnre of the year baH b e Rpcr ity tinnanoe of the exceptional P icb experienced daring 1910—a P r08pc 1I1 tra tion
    176 words

  • 490 11 .v 16. tbe wedding of Mr. Bertram d 7 and Miss Nita Pike, one of the br r v of tbe late Mr. F. J. Pike pretty da g Wedmore, Davey street, »"Lw« solemnised at SI. forge's H°ua r t. p 0 j t
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  • 264 11 A Clnnewo named Wee Oeok was plaoed before Mr. Ham, (bird magistrate, on July 11 with impersonating a poblio officer and attempting to commit extortion, on Jnly 10, in having arrested one Gnan Sia Hee and attempting to take some money from him. The complainant, Goan Sia
    264 words
  • 76 11 Ihe local manager of the Hongkong and i banking Corporation informs os ofW re e,ve d a telegram from his head d v? 5 ‘“i on kon K stating that an interim dof f* 8 w three «hil inonr B V ftre subject to deduction of
    76 words
  • 668 11 oan toe “en in Malaya hold baok when the women in England are helping by hard work r asks a correspondent who sends us extraots from a letter reoently received. The writer shows how bard tbe straggle has become but also how resolved the m ople
    668 words
  • 163 11 Tbe following is a copy of a note addressed to the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs by the French Ambassador in London expressing appreciation of help rendered by British subjects to the passengers of the Andre Lebon: D’apris les informations envoytes a Monsieur Piohon par le
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  • 41 11 The Silver Shield designed for H.M.S. Malaya was recently on view in Messrs. Elkington’s show room window in London A lady from the F.M.S. who came upon it qaite accidentally says it is a very beautiful pieoe of work.
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  • 318 11 The vaoancy caused by the death of the late Mr. Douglas Campbell, C.M.O General Advisor to the Government of Jobore, has given rise to some ohanges in the upper rungs of the official ladder, our Penang correspondent
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  • 274 11 The Nippon Ynsen Kaiaha has deoided to pay for the last term (Ootober to Maroh) a dividend of 50 per cent., or the same as for the preoeding term. Tbe gross income amounted to Yen 86,875 000 and the total
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  • 104 11 A telegram dated July 9 from the Secretary of State for the Colonies has been received by His Excellency the Governor on the subject of tbe gift by the women and school girls of Singapore on the occasion of tho silver wedding of Her Majesty the Queen,
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  • 260 11 It will be re oalled that on May 28, tbs Singapore Chamber of Commerce pMted lha following resolutions 1. That in the opinion of thin Chamber Government requisition of looal shipping is opposed to the best iotereats of the trade of the Colony,
    260 words
  • 301 11 The July number of the Gardens' Bulletin. Straits Settlements, is qaite a multum iff parvo, and anyone who is making an eflovt to start a vegetable garden in Singapore will obtain from it some valuable suggestions embodied in an artiole by Mr, 0, F. Baker entitled
    301 words
  • 119 11 The presence in Ipoh, says (be Times of Malaya, of some of the beet golfers in the ooantry givoe rise to the question of what has been the fate of the Golf Championship of Malaya which has bet n pUyod in Singapore, Penang, Ipoh or Koala
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  • 54 11 The following order was issued at tbs Colombo Secretariat recently It is hereby notified for goneral information that a telegram has been received from the Secretary of State for tho Colonies intimating that under present conditions prospective recruits should not be aooepi-d if they refuse to lea?*
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  • THE Straits Budget.
    • 1357 12 Times, July 12. Thero are ono or two points which it may be expedient to dear up before tho meeting of the Legislative Council on Monday. Complaint is mado that tho Conscription Hill does not make provision for dependents, and contrast is drawn between it and tho Hongkong measure
      Times, July 12.  -  1,357 words
    • 1069 12 —Straits Times, July 13. All goes not woll with Germany. The dismissal of Kuehlmann indicates an absence of real oohosion, for thoro appoars to bo little doubt that tho Minister was instructed to make tho speech ho did, and that he was discarded when it was found that
      —Straits Times, July 13.  -  1,069 words
    • 1246 12 Straits Times, July 15. The fact that Mr. Hallifax baa been chosen to suooeed Mr. Campbell at Johote, and that Mr. Peel has been chosen to succeed Mr. Hallifax at Singapore appears to be substantially confirmed. We wish all good lack to both gentlemen, and we have no
      Straits Times, July 15.  -  1,246 words
    • 1243 13 policy of discreditable parsimony.—Straits Times, July 10. The discussion of Conscription at tho meeting of the Legislative Council yesterday oould not add very much to public knowledge of that measure. We are face to face with a ferocious enemy whose chances of buccopr have been enormously enhanced by the
      policy of discreditable parsimony.—Straits Times, July 10.  -  1,243 words
    • 1278 13 silver lining to oar darkest clouds.—Straits Times, July 17. Is it possiblo that tho war is a blessing in disguise Wo do not know. Tho black horror of it is upon us. .Scarcely a week passes without nows coming that some friend has paid the prico.
      silver lining to oar darkest clouds.—Straits Times, July 17.  -  1,278 words
    • 1399 14 —Straits Times, July 18. The long expected offensive has begun and the usual preliminary successes have been gained by the attacking side. Chateau Thierry has fallen, and at one point the French lines have been penetrated to a depth of 6,000 yards. The battle appears to be
      —Straits Times, July 18.  -  1,399 words

  • 830 14 Beautifully fine weather fay-.,.,.,,„ ceremonial, which took pl» c d b S n »iq«, day, in which Mr. Ishwar i We <C to the Police Courts, Singapore*' !^a anad Hia ExcelC^.^ and Governor. General of inHiJ 8 '»c*o. the
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 468 14 Property Sales. The following properties were disposed off *>y auction bj Messrs. Cbing Keng Lee and Co. at tbeir saleroom on Monday afternoon. There wan a large attendanoe of intending purchasers, and tbe biddings were brisk Leasehold land and booses 110 and 117 Minto Road, bought by Mr. Haji Biddin
      468 words

  • 1622 15 on.iderable inf re* is being taken in nt discoveries cf ooal and ir.n in the L’ a8t Indies. Recently we reoeived utt l0 o extracts from a report on the by Mr. H Trornp, of p„rtmoD» of Mints. Batavia:- r.eflonce
    1,622 words
  • 135 15 At a meeting of the committee of the Penang Chamber of Commerce, on July 9, the chairman (Mr. H. A. Low) drew attention to a paragraph in the Malay Mail of June 30 annonncing that a mail from Europe wan expected to be delivered at
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  • 842 15 Mr. O. E. Cator, British Resident, Brunei, has issued his report on the State for the year 1917, showing that the rovenuo amounted to 9196,301 and tho expenditure to 81C6.011. No public works or other services provided for woro
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  • 254 15 Miss Strout gave hor locturo on Some Individual and Race Problems, to a large gathering of toaohnrs on Friday night. She fcpoke of tho complexities and paradoxes of tfo, how difficult it was to live and meet all the demands made upon us, how all
    254 words
  • 137 15 Tho Hongkong Daily Press of July 10 says: We aro informed by the Colonial Secretary that a telegram has been received from the Secretary of State for the Colonies to the effect that the Army Counoil have decided that British subjects, who are not of European descent,
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  • 127 15 Messrs. R. Young and Co., Ltd., Penang, bavo obtained the con tract for the supply and ereotion for a complete rioe mill to be ereoted at Bagan Serai for tho Perak Govornnment, at a oost of slightly over 1172,000. The mill maohinery and plant is by Messrs.
    127 words
  • 89 15 Wo received recently a cheque from Mr. Lo Poor Power for $260 along with a letter, dated Jnno 27, asking for subscription to the Malcolm Cumming (Church Army) Momorial Hut. Tho appeal, wo undorstand, was specially add ns sod to old personal friends ot Mr. Cumming,
    89 words
  • 159 15 According to a Bombay mossago of July 2, tho previous wor k's returns of the public health in Bombay show the ravages that the inHuon/.a cpidomio has caused in that city. The disease is not ordinarily dangerous to life, but it is a sharp tax upon
    159 words

  • 39 16 [The Straits Times is Dot responsible for tin) opinions of its correspondets. Correspondents should bear in mind that Letters must be short and to the point strong rambling epistles are liable to be rejected or ruthlessly cut down
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  • 971 16 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— Referring to the house rent grievances, which appear on the Straits Timos from timo to time, the last on the 4tb, I regret to have to say that a misconception is entertained by the British that an exorbitant
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  • 188 16 To the Editor of tho Straits Times. Sir, —After reading the letter of yonr correspondent, “C. R. M.," dated the 29th ultimo, regarding the Indian Exchange, it strikes me bow much worse off the Chinese are in this respect, as compared with the Indians. The present Exchange
    188 words
  • 535 16 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —There would appear to have been qnite a few oases of tins disease lately in Singapore, and I gather the impression rightly or wrongly that the authorities are endeavouring to keep the matter as seoret as possible. I happened to be
    535 words
  • 261 16 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—I am of opinion that the whole com munity will be thankful to W for his sensible letter on Cerebral Meningitis.” The suggestion of a set day, every week, for a town cleansing I trust will be carried out at
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  • 333 16 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —I read the letter from Bulldog on the 4th iust. with considerable interest, and am rather surprised that it has not so far elicited any practical oomment from yoor readers. The matter is one that ought to be taken
    333 words
  • 2065 16 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—I am surprised that only Mr. Griffiths Jones should have addressed you on the subject of the absenco of. any provision for separation allowances iu the bill at present before the Legislative Council The explanation seems to be the wide spread idea
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  • 154 17 To the Elitor of the Straits Times. Sir, If the local Civil Service is presHed for rueo, as it claims to be and few if HDy Cadets aro being sent out from homo it proms curious that tho Government do not make a selection of a tow
    154 words
  • 381 17 Dressers." To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—The public and others owe yon a deep debt of gratitade for tho yeomoo hoi vice you have been doing on tboir bthalf. Not less will bo the esteem, regard and respect for you if you would kiqdly ameliorate the position of
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  • 294 17 To the Editor of tho Straits Times. Sir,—Your footnote to my letter was truly a convincing proof of your knowledge aDd ol my ignoranoe. Thu latter is neither here nor there. My point was that, in quoting Colonel liupington as an authority, you have been leaning
    294 words
  • 320 17 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—Kindly allow mo a little t-paoo in your valuable oolumns thns enabling mo to have my say in reply to Mr. Ng Yoeug Yoog's remarks on tho exchange question (vide yuur issue of 12th inst.) The present condition
    320 words
  • 87 17 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —Mr. H. C. C letter re Colonel ICpiugton in which he styled that woll known military authority a broken reed is very surprising. Mr. H. C. 0. when he came to where he is now knew nothing of military matters
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  • 254 17 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —A critioal stage bas reached with regard to the above problem and it is mainly attributable to the actions of our paternal Government from time to time. Takirg advantage of the war conditions they have rightly or wrongly reduoed the
    254 words
  • 188 17 Tho Hon. Mr. F. S. Jamrs, C.M O trail* mining the following m> Hsage tr< in the High Commissioner of Canada, repeats his appro- ciation of the gentrotuty of the Chinese community towards those in mi-fortano Thk Sbchktary to thk Hioii Commi-sionbb Fou Canada to Ckowm Aoknta.
    188 words
  • 351 17 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —I am so tirod reading the Military Service Ordinance aud correspondence (.hereon in tho local press that I turn with relief to the latest publication from the Singapore Harbour Board, i.e., their tariff charges. My perusal, so far, has
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  • 296 17 Tbo Gonnalez Brothers' Italian Opera Com* panv made tbeir bow at tho Victoria Theatre on Wednesday to an andienoe of meagre size —an astonishing fact in view of the high artistic qualities this company, individually and collectively, have demonstrated that they po-sess during previous visits to Singapore*
    296 words

  • 2071 18 London, May 8. To get a fuller understanding of the rodent upheaval in tho work of the Ministry of Air, and of tho acrimonious debate in Harhameu; which has lowered the Prime Minister still further iu
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  • 295 18 The discn«*hn raided by Mr. Daibisbire in the Legislative Council has done, we hope some good. With a very full knowledge of the facts about war news we bavo no beeita tion in saying that the official replies he received were fut’le. The service cf war telegrams
    295 words
  • 252 18 The aurounc meat of the C.-own Prince's farther advance of 10 miles, reaching the Marne and th- Onrcq, startlod the public and shows that the optimistic opinions of military critics in London and Par s w< ri not justified, hays a home wire of June 2 The Wustiuiotiitr
    252 words
  • 297 18 Macpbail and Co/s Weekly Report Jaty 11 to 17, 19m The share market has been a tive during the week. firtD b, d i 0le Rubber. Auction Results-July n tn 10 Report. y 11 W. Gathh^ Total Total Top prices t sold. Crepe. Sheet LoDdo Tods. Tons,
    297 words
  • 262 18 The first meeting of the Unonkoop Cot Fcriptiou Tribunal was litld a; the Hongkong Council Chamber on July 3 Oo.ottbe ten cases considered, total exemption wai granted in four. Every man wbo Las bun passed as medically fit for active service under the recent Conscription Actwillappeai before the
    262 words
  • 133 18 (From Odb Own CoßßKsroM***) Penang, Joly 15, At the Assizes, Mr. Ja stlc V''°nfjadcd sentenced Mydin Madarsab, guilty to abetment of forgery ft forged dooument, to a year ou vj to run concurrently. Tbero a the calendar, one of murder. ft A farewell dinner to Mr. Peel the
    133 words

  • 2525 19 FRANCE’S DAY. Near ly $20,000 for Ally’s Red Cross. i) av in Singapore will live long Franoe Bl>»y q{ tbQ8 J who took part in it iD the with which its oelebration was !or it Both from spectacular, carm -d out. v j e w tbe fete, the principal
    2,525 words
  • 452 19 Rumours having been circulated to the effect that the enemy owned shares in Siemens Bros, and Co, Ltd., have been pur. chased by the Vickers Metropolitan Westinghouse group, a fall statement appears in tho Birmingham Daily Post of May 3 denying that the report has any foundation, and
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  • 322 19 Messrs. Fraser and Co.’s Weekly Circular. In thoir Singapore sharo circular, dated Wednesday, Messrs. Fraser and Co. stato:— Tbe price of tin has again advanced and with a local price of 9105 pur picul there baa been a tendoncy for some mining shares to appreciate in valuo.
    322 words

  • Miscellaneous Reuter Telegrams.
    • 369 20 Bsutrr's Tbliokam. London, July 18, 8.‘20 pm. Tbo Maharaja of Patiala in tho course of a statement in the Times on the reform repjrt testifies to the thoroughness aDd caro with which Mr. Montagu and the Y T io< conduct ed the
      Bsutrr's Tbliokam.  -  369 words
    • 242 20 Rsutsr’b Tslboram. London, July 10, 0.26 am. The Queen, in reply to an inquiry from Lady Chelmsford, baa signified her willing ness to reoeive a present from the women of India in oommemoration of her silver wed ding, in the form of a fnnd for promoting the
      Rsutsr’b Tslboram.  -  242 words
    • 202 20 Rsutbr’s Thlsorams. London, Jaly 11, 4.80 p.m, Paris: The Orleans Railway Company has applied for a concession for tunnelling the Straits of Gibraltar in furtherance of a scheme to rnn a railway from Paris to Dakar (Senegal.) The execution of the scheme would ultimately establish railway communication
      Rsutbr’s Thlsorams.  -  202 words
    • 123 20 Rbctkr’s Tblkor m. London July 11, 7,20 a.m. Tho Daily Express says that Barclay's and the London and Provincial and the South Western bank have amalgamated, controlling total accounts of 212 millions. The Daily Chronicle says rumour is busy in the city regarding the possible amalgamations, in eluding
      Rbctkr’s Tblkor m.  -  123 words
    • 80 20 Ksutsr’s Thlbgram London, July 7, 8 45 p.m. The Observer says that the policy of bold but balanced, reform of the Indian Government now revealed is a great project of timely creative statesmanship, in true succession to our best achievements in harmonising the Empire and liberty. Its adoption,
      Ksutsr’s Thlbgram  -  80 words
    • 79 20 Rbutsr’s Tilsgram. London, July 10, 10.16 p.m. It transpires that the King and Queen of the Belgians when visiting their Majesties on the oooasion of their silver wedding, crossed the Channel in separate seaplanes. Lord Curson, speaking at to-day’s Belgian conoert in the Albert Hall, the Belgian King
      Rbutsr’s Tilsgram.  -  79 words
    • 75 20 Rmutmb’s Tblmoram. London, July 11, 6.10 p.m. In the House of Commons, replying to Sir J. D. Rees, Mr. Balfour stated that the Government would take all possible means to prevent the resumption of the China-Indian opium trade if any attempt was made to re vive it.
      Rmutmb’s Tblmoram.  -  75 words
    • 231 20 Rmctmr's Tblboram. London, July 16, 2.50 p.m. Mr. Maomaster suggested that in view of the failure of the hard fruit orop in the United Kingdom restrictions on the importation of apples, pears, peaches and similar frnits from the Dominions, depen denoies and Allies should be promptly relaxed.
      Rmctmr's Tblboram.  -  231 words
    • 152 20 Following were the resalts of Friday's play B. SlNOLBS. Doig owe 6 Meade scr„ 6— 4, 6—1. Nbwcomkrs' Handicap. Maogregor scr. Hargreaveowe 8, postponed. Profkssional Pairs. Mnr. 4 Noon and Horne v. Army Wingate Sanl and Webb, postponed. Medico: Naugbton and Oldfield beat Police Griffin and
      152 words
    • 82 20 The monthly (Bogey) competition for Jaly was played on the links of the Singapore Golf Clnb on Saturday and Sunday, 18th and 14th inst., and resulted in a win for Mr. N. E Bath with the score of all sqaare. The following cards were returned N. E.
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    • 31 20 The S H.B. football team met the Singapore Municipal team at a friendly game of soooer on Saturday on the St. Joseph's ground, and won by two goals to nil.
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  • 257 20 Tbe play staged by the dramatio section of tbe Malacoa Chinese Literary Association at tbe Royalty Hall, Malaoca, on July 2 and 8, on the prinoiple of a Malay bangsawan was a huge Baooeßß, writes a correspondent. After tbe presentation of a beautiful booqaet to Mrs. Wolferstan by
    257 words
  • 39 20 Khlhrs —On July I'2 at Sirnan, Hill, to for. and Mra T. Kbler-t, u (lauguter. Vinobnt —On July 12, at 67, Tiuijong Katong, Singapore, to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley J. Vincent aeon. F.M,3. and Ceylon papers please copy.
    39 words
  • 162 20 Sinoapors, July is, exchange On London Bank 4 m/ 9 Demand o a/4 !*s Private 3 m/« On Franck Bank 1 ai{, On India Bank T T 147# On Honokon#...Bank d/d 4g^ On Shanghai ...Bats d,J 4k On Java Bar* 'l 7 ioe, On Japan 3| L
    162 words
  • 306 20 Siboapors, July 18, 1918, MINING. *oyo ft Seller?, II 18 0.f 0 10.00 1 1 Ale* 8 00 818 18 10 Kinta Assoeiftlioa 14.75 If 00 41 41 Kteta Tto 1.8.0 \M 41 41 Lahat Miaea 6.00 7.20 10 10. Malayan Collieries 14.25 14.70 41 41 Malayan
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 88 20 NOTICE. The post tree price of the Straits Times to the United Kingdom and foreign countries is |3s a year. Trie post fre-> price o« the Straits Budget is $14 a year to any part of the world. It is not necessary to subscribe for a year. The subscriptions for
      88 words
  • 22 20 1 EATH Morris —On Jn’y l?, nl tbeNurping Ho:ae, St T Dooms'a Walk, Petronel, the beloved wife of Captain F. P. Morris.
    22 words

  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT.
    • 87 1 HjgNBRAtr— W Juoo Robber U turns 1 siugaporo Rubber AuctiooB 2 I RibLer in Brunei HjozassPONDBscs I xhiarig out f jr Rastrioting Output I ofRibbir I Tho P a. M. and Crop Restrictions 3 I Planters an 1 Man Po wer 8 HbIKTINiI* asi> Rkpouts K m'a Selangor B
      87 words
    • 274 1 Ny»ta*,—12 437 lbs. Lusts. —19.208 Ib.s. IDrtMii,—9.129 lbs. i B-isdir Sumatra, 87,887 lbs. Eistcro Sjuiatra—80,828 lbs. i Giro B* rvit-.—20,779 lbs. Lunik at Sumatra.—29,000 lbs. Laiikat —83,100 lbs. Berdan g Cmtral.—18,737 lbs. T un u g —54,870 lbs. Burnt Snnbawang.—64.400 lbs. Singapore United —44,000 lbs. Sapctig 27
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    • 2390 1 Tbe ordinary general meeting of the Koala Selangor Robber Company, Limited, was held on May 14, at Winchester House, Old Broad Street, E.C Mr. W. A. Horn (chair man of the company) presiding. Tbe Secretary (Mr. S. L. Thompson) having
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    • 674 2 Memrs Boostead and Co, secretaries supply the following The statutory meeting of the Bassett Rubber Company, Ltd, was held at the registered cffioo of the oompany, Weld Qiay, PenaDg, on July 6. Mr. W. Duncan E resided, and amongst tboae present were tieut.
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    • 732 2 Mr. N. Gomes, secretary of Punggor Robber Es'.atts, Ltd forwards tbe follow log report: The eighth anooal ordinary general meet ing of tlie shareholders of tbe Punggor Rob ber Estates, Ltd was held at the company's < fine (MslaccH) on Jane 28, at
      732 words
    • 659 2 The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association's 854th auction, was held on July 11 aud 12, when thero were offered for sale 2,445,269 lbs.—tons 1,091.63. Fricks Realised. Smoked ShootCents per lb. Fine ribbed 60 to 65* Good ribbed 40 60
      659 words
    • 863 2 Shelford Estate. PRODUCTION AND THE IMPORTS RESTRICTION. Fifteen Per Cent. Dividen d The twelfth annual ferrt Kubber K.tatr, I.tdT.M»*! registered tfflse ol tbe o!.an, r I 1 Street, Glasgow, on May gJ' 1 J WPrimrose, Bart, (ebairmai 4 J,j U* presiding, llJlJ c<jc.p &6j The Chairman, in moving th P
      863 words