The Straits Budget, 14 September 1901

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Budget

  • 1076 2 (Straits Times f bill Sept.) It is contrary to all tbe ethics of diplomacy to cry for the moon; and knowing this, why did Germany at one time demand what she now terms the impossible, and insist upon an abject apology for the murder of Baron von Ketteler
    (Straits Timesf bill Sept.)  -  1,076 words
  • 678 2 (Straits Times o/A Nep/) On Monday morning last, when the French mail steamship Natal arrived at the wharf, there were no gharries to be seen in the vicinity, and a number of passengers who desired to leave the ship early were perforce obliged to take jinrikishas. One party
    (Straits Times. o/A Nep/)  -  678 words
  • 629 2 (Straits Times, 6/A Sepi.) H W ith reference to an article terday’s issue of the Straits T:V*,M dealing with the gharry service a:t:gH wharves, and setting furth the grieve •IS of a section of the gharry sycea plying {or hire at Tanjoug Pagar, we are ii.f-r-l med by
    (Straits Times, 6/A Sepi.) H  -  629 words

  • 1395 3 ['iirali* Time B th Sepl) iIfcSMKCu Heaton, A. the reformer, lias written a long v;,)ti.e Times on tiie subject of au system of postage stamps impossibility of establishing under existing political ci.labial conditions. The letter jii mare than two of these ,h->.a;ui i-, therefore, too long for *iou
    ['iirali* Time?, Bth Sepl)  -  1,395 words
  • 493 3 (Straits Times 7th Stpt) It is with the profoundest horror that a shocked world will receive the news of the attempted assassination of President McKinley at Buffalo, and the announcement that the doctors fear that his wounds will accomplish his death. The meagreness of the details forbid speculation
    (Straits Times, 7th Stpt)  -  493 words
  • 7722 3 (Straits Times 13/A Sepi). An extraordinary and unprecedented spasm of legitimate connubiality— a veritable epidemic of matrimony in fact—has swept over the Philippines. It has attacked all races and sects, but the principal victims seem to be Chinese. The Manila papers simply teern with statistics and hypotheses on
    (Straits Times, 13/A Sepi).  -  7,722 words

  • 164 5 Effects of Chinese Exclusion. The scarcity of skilled native or Chinese labor in the building and iron trades in Manila is being telt more and more every day by employers (says the Manila Tirm*). At present the demand is supplied by a limited number of Chinamen,
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  • 1374 5 Mr. A. B. Hubback and Miss Vonles are to be married in Kuala Lumpur on October 28th. Nine hundred and fifty-eight deaths were registered at Singapore last month. The ratio per thousand was 45.73. The Malay Mail says that the billiard tables at the Lake,Club gave a
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  • 52 6 We learn that Mr. E. M. Lyon, who has so successfully worked the business of the Straits Cycle Agency, is leaving the Colony shortly, and that it is proposed to form a limited company of the business. Particulars of the proposal can be obtained at the Straits
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  • 56 6 The destroyers Desperate and Cynthia will be commissioned at Chatham and sent to act as tenders to the battleships Hood and Ramil lies, and at Portsmouth, the destroyers Myrmidon and Kangaroo will be commissioned as tedders to the battleships Empress of India (or the Aimplacal'le)
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  • 99 6 London, 4th September. In the return match at lord's between Middlesex and Essex, Middlesex won by an innings and 72 rune. For Middlesex Mr. B. J. T. Bosanquet played an innings of 127, and Albert Trott one of 112. In the first innings of Essex, Albert Trott took
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  • 317 6 Thu views of Planter who, as noticed by U 6 at the time, complained in the Finang Gazette that planters in the F. M. S. are heavily burdened fiscally and otherwise by Government, meet with a flat denial in th Ferule Pioneer. The latter maintains that the
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  • 392 6 Ruminations on the Difficulties of Entering for the Great Contest. Mr. Dooley, the Chicago philosopher, has been ruminating on yacht racing, with special reference to the disputes between Mr. Lawson, the Boston Copper King, and the Committee of the New* York Yacht Club, who want
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  • 52 6 H.M.S. All/ion gave a most enjoyable reception to the members of the Singapore Club and their lady friends vesterday afternoon, and a large crowd of residents availed themselves of the lospitalitv of Captain Hewett and his officers. The big battleship sailed for longkong this morning at
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  • 114 6 A Baby This Time I Capt. Blackburn, who has succeeded in crossing the Atlantic in a small sailing boat, reached England on the 8th August. He left America in his little craft on 10th June, and after an adventurous voyage arrived at Lisbon ou 18th July. Blackburn,
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  • 251 6 The weather having moderated, yesterday evening the semi-final of the handicap pair-oar races was got through. The first race was between Burgess and Robertson (scratch) and Whetham and Darbisliiie (2 secs start); the small start however did not permit of Darbishire gaining any substantial lead, iu fact
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  • 451 6 The writer of News and Notes in the Straits Chinese Magazine thus writes on the question of the conveyance of coolies in British bottoms which occupied the attention of Legislative Council before it broke up for the long recess: before the Council broke up for a long
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  • 1451 6 (Frewx a Correspondent.) Mks. Hale and Miss Archer sail for England in the Japanese mail next month. More burglaries in Kuala Lumpur. In the early hours of Friday morning a thief got into Mr. Hampshire's house, apparently he got nothing but a silver sugar basin: it
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  • 143 6 Komb weeks ago (writes the correspondent of the A t u at th? on the 7th inst), I foreign Ministers and coin a** l permitting evacuation wUho any proclamation explaining JD of the coming of foreign tr F why they were clamation has now been JV hrouff
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    • 351 7 I E(l itor of the “Straits Times. Vntir London correspondent E. I *<l o ns or more mistakes about I l L*ted painter who has just by the King. His age ■xf. k3lg nT v nine as E. states, but hen when E w. lives
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  • 868 7 loihc Editor of the “Straits Times.” \'.k-Apropos of tlie application by Miw Rowing Club to the ,;»il Vjiumissioners for permis- .-iv the Impounding Reservoir [lurpose of exercise during a H r t:: vitson of the year, I would be ri::you could afford me
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  • 144 7 Ir is difficult to find out the truth about the reoccupation of the Summer Palace by the British, writes the Tientsin correspondent of the Mercury. Ihe rains in Western China have certainly been very heavy and the Summer Palace also would undoubtedly provide
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  • 234 7 Wednesday.—Wet Drizzle. The first out were Vanitas (Southall), Lyon (Smith), and Orpheus (Kirwan), which did slow work twice round. anitas appears to be improving, but I don t like the way that he drags his hind legs. Orpheus is looking better than we have seen him for some
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  • 207 7 The attorneys for Rodolph, Count Festetics de Tolna, have filed in the Superior Court at San Francisco a notice that they would appeal to the Supreme Court from the judgement in favor of Eila, Countess Festetics de Tolna, in her divorce suit. A divorce was granted
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  • 290 7 Lesson from the China War. The recent operations in the Far East and the despatch ot expeditionary forces from the several European countries have shown Continental Powers that the transport of troops across the seas is not only not quite so simple a matter in actual
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  • 288 7 Important Speeches by Mr. Balfour and Mr. Chamberlain. London, August 12.—The Duke and Duchess of Marlborough on Saturday entertained 3,000 Unionist representatives at luncheon at Blenheim Palace, Woodstock, Oxfordshire. Mr. A. J. Balfour, First Lord ot the Treasury, dealt with the Anti-patriotic attitude of the Opposition and the
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  • 1370 7 It is notified that Telok Seraawe in Acheen is no longer an infected port on account of cholera. Messrs. J. Carroll, Hilles, Bagnall, Vaughan, and Robinson arrived from Calcutta this morning by the Chelydra. At the Assizes yesterday, Mr. Justice Law sentenced Chua Tong Hok to two
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  • 57 7 Per P. O. Masdlia for London Dr. Taylor, and Messrs. Clutterbuck, G. Hone, and W. H. Sbelford. For Bombay—Messrs. A. M. G. Boldy, G. Carapiet, and* D. T. Marcar. For Sydney—Mr. J. W. Mullins. For Penatig— Messrs. A. L. Stewart. A. G. Wright, Rev. Mr. Murray, and
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  • 53 8 Messrs. Syme and Co., agents of the Jelebu Mining and Trading Co., forward the following report on the Kin lode The battery ran 31 days in August crushing 980 tons for 15 tons 6 cwt. ol tin oxide. Working expenses $6,560. The general manager expects better returns in the
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  • 60 8 No. 1 of The Searchlight Organ of the 4'helsea Workhouse has just made its appearance in the form ot tour closely-written pages of foolscap. Its price is one 'half-penny, and it is published by a committee of inmates at the Lump Arthur-street, Chelsea, •8.W.” The journal has
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  • 67 8 At a meeting held at the Town Hall yesterday afternoon, it was decided to torm a minstrel troupe in Singapore lobe called the “City Minstrels.” A meeting to discuss further details will be held at the Town Hall on Thursday next. It is understood that the
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  • 78 8 In their weekly report dated yesterday, noon, Messrs. Latham and Mactaggart state: The share market continues very dull, and, beyond a slight improvement in Kechaus and Iiaubs, there is little or no change to report. Uaubs have risen to $13 25 on the improved crushing, and Kechaus
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  • 108 8 Charged with Desertion. Acting Police Inspector P. McNamara who arrived yesterday from Hongkong per Mastilia in charge of Chiel Inspector Black, was this morning brought before Mr. Sarwar on a charge of having absented himself from duty from the 26th of July last withtheintention of not returmnetotho
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  • 126 8 The following is from an American contemporary: —The Pittsburg Locomotive Works has secured the contract for locomotives recently ordered by the Calcutta Port Commissioners, despite active European competition. The Indian authorities invited bids in the open market for nine locomotives. ‘"The lowest British bid was that
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  • 225 8 Th eChancQs of Hongkong. With regard to the coming cricket •week, says a correspondent of the Hongkong Daily Press, I hear Shanghai have a very stroug eleven and Singapore are bringing up a stronger team than they brought before. This does not look bright f 0 r
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  • 128 8 Fire broke out at Hongkong on the 28th August in a Chinese shop at Queen s Road Central. The top floor, where the outbreak originated, and the one underneath were completely gutted. Neither the cause of the fire nor the damage it caused is yet known.
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  • 956 8 The follow ing is the list of entries for t he S. C. C. tennis tournament which starts on Wednesday next. The handicaps will be made known on Monday i Championship. J. G. Mactaggart, It. P. White, C. Darbishire, A. li. Withers, C. F. Green,
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  • Correspondence.
    • 331 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— At the next meeting of the Municipal Commissioners a question of much importance to the public will probably come up for debate. It has been a long time under consideration in committee. Diverse opinions are held by the Commissioners, but
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  • 658 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times.” Sir, —Before the Municipal Commissioners of this town finally decide to give theuse of the Impounding Reservoir to the Rowing Club, 1 shall be glad if you will allow me space for my ideas in the
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  • 113 8 The Russian Minister of Education has signalised hts accession to office by another repressive measure directed against the Jews. He has instructed his subordinates not to permit more than two per cent, of Jewish students to attend the technical high schools of Odessa, Warsaw, and Kieff. Of
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  • 181 8 Thk risks of the water-tube boiler were startlingly demonstrated during the naval manoeuvres, especially in the eas* of the destroyer Violet, which returned to Portsmouth on Sunday with all hei boilers but one disabled through spin tubes. Several times tubes in the Violet's boilers burst, presence of
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  • 329 8 Dedication and Opening. The Presbyterian Church at Penan? wa9 dedicated and opened for servict by the Minister, the Rev. J. S. MacKnight, on Sunday last. The outla> on the Church came to 5*22,000, ot winch all but *.‘1,000 have been collected. The style of the church, the
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  • 1028 8 Mr. C. Dunlop arrival v Bangkok by Likct. and Mrs v Singapore by 4*, lcft London on Aui;. 16th n Inspector McCaiuT" r Police, has obtained ana[,r!!* electrician at the Ra Ub A nut.*: specifying how i petroleum must be labels lr;> yesterday’s Gorenmeni G«, < a
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  • 32 9 *UBEksof the S. V. R. are reminded 1 provided there is a sufficiently muster on Monday, at 5.15 p m. c will be issued and a exercise carried out.
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  • 77 9 W ATER-TUBE BOILERS. •i- ks of the number of explosions, ‘‘ou-*leakages, in water-tube boilers have been attended with injury of life, since their adoption e av y, has been issued as a -Wary Paper. It mentions explosions, of which live hap:,t contractors’ works before 1 f*»ur were due to copper-tubes,
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  • 119 9 I|jt House of Commons, on Mr. Balfour moved the r, adin£ of the Royal Titles that he believed he ld*erty to disclose that the iii the style Je addition to it of the 0 Ar yi °f nil the British Doniinl l *‘e Seas,” after the
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  • 196 9 With referenced the invitation of the Committee of the S. C. C. to Hongkong and Ceylon to send cricket teams to the Straits during the Chinese New Year, the arrangements to be on the same lines as in 1891, the Times of Ceylon learns that
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  • 309 9 In reply to a letter signed H. T. w in another publication, by which the undersigned is accused of want of knowledge of horses, etc., I may perhaps be allowed to state that Ignoramus only writes w ith the idea of perhaps causing a little amusement amongst those
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  • 289 9 The final pair oar-race was pulled off yesterday evening. The crews were Ker and Weaver v. Whetham and Darbishire, but the anticipations of a close race were unfortunately not fulfilled. Weaver went away with 12 seconds start which gave him a lead of 4 or 5
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  • 94 9 Mr. Keunelly appeared on Tuesday before the Magistrate in the Lower Court, Kuala Lumpur, for alleged disorderly conduct in a public place under s. 35 of the 14 Small Offences Enactment 1898.” This happened during the Lottery draw*ing on Saturday last at the Convent premises. A
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  • 225 9 M. Doumer arrived at Saigon on the 22nd August. He will only stay for a few months to push the Yunnan railway scheme through. On returning to France, he will put himself up for a seat in the Chamber of Deputies at the approaching General Elections. A correspondent
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  • 428 9 South Africa. One hundred and forty-nine treason convictions have taken pi ce at Burghersdrop in two days. Most of those convicted have been disfranchised. Forty political prisoners have been convicted or are awaiting sentence at Middleburg. Four regulars were killed and eight wounded near Fauresmith on the 21st
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  • 168 9 A fatal accident occurred on board the 8.8. Ormuz at Colombo, the other day, resulting in the death of Mr. H. R. Lesslie, the second officer. The vessel was casting off her moorings at 4 -10 p.ra. preparatory to her departure, when the cleat, to
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  • 176 9 M«. Tan Jjak Kim, of Singapore, and his son, continue to enjoy their visit to England (says the L. and C. Express) and have been well received at the Colonial Office. Mr. Kim is a noted man in the Straits Settlements and has figured prominently on
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  • 168 9 London, August 28 th. At Taunton, Somersetshire beat Gloucestershire by 75 runs. F.*r •omerset, Mr. C. A. Bernard m id** •»l not out, and Braund 106 •<•» out. For Gloucester, Wrathall played an innings of 176. At the Oval, the* match between Sussex and Surrey was drawn
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  • 294 9 The Charge at the Police Court. Yesterday afternoon, Acting Police Inspector P. McNamara was arraigned before Messrs. E. L. Brockman and C. F. J. Green on a charge of desertion from the force by having unlawfully absented himself from duty on the 26th of July last, with the
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  • 621 9 The Report of the Superlntend|ent. The report on the census of the Straits Settlements, taken on thfj 1st March last, has just been published. It is signed by Mr. J. R. li nes as Superintendent of the Census. The population of Singapore is 228,555 (170,875 males and
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  • 130 9 The case against Cowa.«ji Eduljee, late treasurer of the District Grand Lodge of Freemasons in Madras, came before the sessions of the High Court there. The accused pleaded guilty on three indictments of criminal breach of trust, &c., in respect of masonic funds aggregating re. 13,600.
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  • 2473 10 My first remark, this week, will be couched in the form of an indiiect prayer to that able, ellicicnt, courteous, and capable —though undermanned and handicapped—body of officials, to wit the Singapore Police, and is so couched with the object of inducing them, in the name of
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  • 143 10 Second Quarter of 1901. Singapore Increases. The Straits Settlements return of imports and exports for the second quarter of this year has been issued. The imports, exclusive of treasure, compare thus with the corresponding quarter of 1900 The 2nd quarter of 1901 $72,062,585—.£7,131,191, 2nd qr. of 1900 471,176,475=£7,043,504.
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  • 1207 10 Mr. Muyer and Mr. Koning came by the Hebe from Penang. The Hongkong Bank case is fixed to be tried at the Assizes to-morrow. The R. V. F. steamer i’aroalavl Mt for Vladivostock at 530 p. rn. on Saturday. 4 Toe German mail steamer Fnnsess Irene arrived
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  • 111 10 Mr. L. Moeesner, of roann and Co, <h e( u gharry about midnig» while being diiven to In ]n l 14 Grcenbank,” Chancery y naU ve‘B deceased, who was a ;r Bavaria, just recently i j D M Europe, but be bad not I best
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  • 77 11 smoking concert held in the ilJ nub on Saturday night was >D* nlc .rinded and was a great success fr- eiV The chair was occupied G. Brink worth D.G.*. y ,A T programme was contri[)V n,e following —Messrs. eJ Mwel. W itts, Lone, Cross, Aitken, Koek, and I
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  • 113 11 I tins morning Kicoie I ft Italian seaman who is I rZ\ wit.ii having fatally stabbed I jones, the second officer ol I fr' ii nohr, was arraigned on a I of culpable homicide not I to murder. Mr. Van I ’uz defended the accused by I r
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  • 163 11 r>: v compensation to those officers n jj non-clerical appointments in ati-d M day States is an al- »mlied fact, says the Malay > tid tiiat this extra allowance •n to these officials in recognition •ha* they are not sufficiently their services, and also in
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  • 167 11 Proposed Amendments riminiil Procedure Code, passed •J. L to r>:> amended by Bill. The ‘r-vi^onstherefor are thus*et I -»ip civ>i).|ii6 ot the Code Avr art* >?]tarred on Police Officers .ot:» »w ih« rank of Inspector, or not jrier the rank of Inspector, i he Code one expression
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  • 223 11 IWebsios Pairs Handicap, medal •b- two rounds of the Links, optional 'Weepstake, lias been arranged for r Saturday. Entries close on Friday Club. Next week the ‘‘Pagoda v presented by the bachelors of the will be played for, the competition mixed Pairs Handicap Medal d v round
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  • 806 11 HALF-YEARLY MEETING TO-DAY. Thk half-yearly general meeting of the shareholders in the Tanjong Pagar Dock Co. was held at the offices, Col Iyer Quay, to-day at noon, the principal business being to receive the director’s report, to pass the accounts for the half-year ended 30th June
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  • 2132 11 (l 4 roman Occasional Correspondent.) Methinks it is well that Singapore should occasionally see the world through glasses other than those which contain the diurnal stengah,’ and learn how the world wags from other sources tiian the eternal placidity of Reuter and Shanghai telegrams. I do not
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  • 324 11 KECHAU GOLD MINING CO. LTD. The following is the Manager's monthly report of the Company’s wurking for August -.—During the month the mill ran 27 days 9 hours 19 minutes. Crushing ;*54 nhort tons or 316 long ions of ore producing 116 ozs. 14 dwts. bullion, averaging 0 dwts. 14
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  • 930 12 A Strike that Failed. The Netherlands India Railway Company has had to face a threatened strike among its employees in East Java —its pay, promotion, and pension arrangements having failed to give satisfaction. One crying grievance arose from the employment of Transvaalers, who had lost employment on the
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  • 1011 12 Mr. G. A. Derrick is going borne on leave by tlie Laos on Monday next. -4 Mr. G. M. Dare returned from a trip to Japan by the Printers Irene yesterday. Capt. Fripp and Mr. Richards arrived this morning from Klang by the Chon Phya. The annual
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  • 85 12 It is reported that, on Mr. Conway Belfield, the Resident of Selangor, going away on leave, as already announced by us, Mr. K. M. Me re wet her, the Resident-Councillor of Malacca, will act for him. Mr. Hugh Clifford will leave the Residentship of Pahang to
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  • 98 12 The inability of the Foreign Ministers to accept the Chinese Imperial edict regarding the importation of arms threatens a fresh hitch at Peking. The Times correspondent at Peking says that the delay in the promulgation of the edicts necessary to complete the Protocol is due to the difficulties
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  • 148 12 French Expert’s Opinion. A bather significant reflection is made upon the British military rifle, the Lee-Metford, in a formal report by a well-known French expert, Captain de Montbrieon. The Captain suggested, for the purpose of testing, a standard which was approved by a number of other experts.
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  • 836 12 It is a pleasure to be able to record improvements in all the gold mines. Raub. Had a crushing of 3,200 tons of quartz for 1,723 ozs. of gold, giving an average of 10 dwts., 13 grains per ton—an increase of 2 dwts. 13 grains of gold
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  • 233 12 Reuter’s telegram, the mh regard to private sale. If ring in London wa, probably > ligible to many reader 1D, connected with the tea may be explained >< result of keen competition wholesale dealers i n T > found their profits diminished > conceived the idea fc f
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  • 505 12 By Our T \ar Correspondent" A fairly large number of the S. V fell in at the Drill Hall yesterday evening for field exercise with blank ammunition. At 5 p m. ten round? per man were served out and the men were divided into two
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  • 425 13 HOW LORD ROSEBERY THREATENED FRANCE WITH WA R. I Siam Negotiations. tercontributestothe r for August a gloiv- Lord Rosebery's n the course of this ith particulars the lifode, in which Lord his own words, of war.” It was in ,e French Governing to enforce its n. Lord Rosebery watch events
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  • 1041 13 September 7//i. Kuala Lumpur is mighty busy over the theatricals which take place on Tuesday and Wednesday this week. We hear they are expected to be very good the Pierrot Troupe,” who were so excellent at the Church Bazaar, are going to assist. Mr. Venning, Secretary
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  • 1015 13 A correspondent writes to the London Times in the following terms All too little attention appears to have been attracted in England to the fact that the Premier of New Zealand, in repudiating charges made against the honour of his colony by the Governor of
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  • 181 13 ANOTHER DONNYBROOK.” A bit of a fight occurred about 5.30 p.m. yesterday when there was quite a lively fusillade of billets of firewood, which strangely enough found no billet, between two parties of Chinese belligerents on the north side of the river near the Ice Works. From all accounts there
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  • 157 13 John Gunn Chosen. Mr. A. C. MacLarrx has chosen John Gunn, the Nottinghamshire cricketer, to join his team for Australia. John Gunn is a nephew of William Gunn, the great Notts batsman. He is 25 years of age, and only came into special prominence last season,
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  • 83 13 At the Assizes yesterday Ercole Laura, the Italian seaman of the s. s. Bevmohr who was charged with fatally stabbing Mr. R. \V. Jones, the second officer of that vessel, was found guilty of causing grievous hurt under grave and sadden provocation. Judgment was reserved till this morning,
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  • 699 13 Mr. E. D. H. Thompson now fills the Negri Sembilan Inspectorship of Mines. Dk. Davidson has taken up the appointment of Port Health Officer at Singapore. Preparations are being pushed on for the new harbour works at Manila. Dredging plant is being sent from America. The Parsee
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  • 293 14 Its Main Provisions. A Chinese vernacular paper at Shanghai publishes wiiat professes to be a translation of the English text ot the Pekin" Protocol about which there has been so much fuss. Ihere is nothing in it about the tariff* question. The document mainly deals with the reparation
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  • 519 14 S.V.R. v. the* Garrison. The S.V.R., winners of the Warren Football Challenge Shield this year, played a game last evening on the Recreation Club ground with a picked team from the R.A. and R.E. The game was very keenly contested from start to finish, the S.V.R finally winning by
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  • 128 14 All Hands Saved. Information has reached Singapore that the s.s. Pakan Captain Klattig, one of Messrs. Wee Bin and Co.’s steamers, has gone ashore oft Pulo Panjang. in the Durian Straits. The Pakan left Singapore for Djambi at 11 am. on Saturday and struck on some rocks
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  • 679 14 Transhipment Facilities for Indian Tea for Russia, At a recent meeting of the Indian Tea Association at Calcutta, it was stated that enquiries had been made from the Singapore agents of the Russian Volunteer Fleet as to the freight charges from that port to Odessa, and the
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  • 56 14 At the Assizes this morning Chin Kian, an old harbour thief, was sentenced to two years’ rigorous imprisonment for theft in a vessel. He also got one year for assaulting Sergt. No. 6 of the Marine Police Station and another year for assaulting P. C. 85 of the
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  • 103 14 Letters reaching Lisbon from Brazil report that the coffee-growing industry of that country is threatened with ruin. The province of San Paulo is already reduced to a state almost bordering on famine. At the depots of Santos and Rio de Janeiro stocks are accumulating to an extent which makes
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  • 242 14 A case interesting to British married soldiers was heard in the Bombay police court the other day. The wife of a lance-corporal in the Oxfordshire Light Infantry charged a colour-ser-geant of the same regiment with assault and wrongful confinement. Her husband had been placed under arrest,
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  • 346 14 The iinai of the Regatta fours was rowed yesterday evening between Scoular’s and Darbishire’s crews. The climatic conditions were all that could be desired. The boats were got well away by Mr. Johnston with no delay, Sooulai with the faster stroke leading his opponent by 4 a
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  • 997 14 It was an incident —an accident —in monkeys. Seven of them crouched in an adjacent tree and spluttered and hissed and gibbered. One—a great big monkey nearly eighteen inches long moaned piteously. As he moaned he mechanically swung himself from pendant creeper to pendant creeper by his hind-legs.
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  • 467 14 Mr W. Hart arrived tlii, m -'I from Calcutta by the Lightnu^m The new Museum at Kuah I, I is to be built on the Daman^'S'l The Lahwi t arrived from CjuJ coals mormng with a •***> IkJ Launches will leave John**. J for the Swimming Club
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  • 4250 15 of the Municipal ComrnisA M> :fcTIN held yesterday afternoon, -ntfs M*nt(Mr..J.O Anthonisz) in the ePr rhpre were aNo present: Messrs. wi f h t’vans, Barker, Jago, Wee Sohat, Moses, Choa (iiang f pe Choon Guan; with the aU VEngineer, Mr. Peirce; and tlf li !mcipal Secretary, Mr. Polglaae.
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  • 131 16 Thk annual meeting of the members of the Singapore Rowing Club will be held at the S. C. C. pavilion to-morrow at 5 45 p.m. The 21st annual report of the Committee for the year 1900-1901, states that the Club has had a satisfactory financial year. The
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  • 136 16 A Hamburg correspondent has had a long talk with two officers of Count von Waldersee’s staff returned from China. Both were enthusiastic in praise of the English troops in China, and were of opinion that our men are wonderfully disciplined and useful in any emergency.
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  • 322 16 Yesterday afternoon, it was reported in town that Mr. N. Ruchwaldy, the Manager of the Robinson Piano Company’s office in Raffles Place, had committed suicide on the premises of the company. Enquiry elicited that this fact was only too true. It appears that, early in the afternoon, Mr.
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  • 4169 16 accused at the assizes. U Thb ten persons charged with being j concerned in the robbery of *272,855 from the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, on May 25th last, were arraigned 1 at the Assizes before Mr. Justice Hyndman Jones on Tuesday morning. The prisoners were placed in
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 97 16 HOUSE PROPERTY SALE. At Powell Co.’s saleroom, yesterday, a remarkably high price was paid for four dwelling houses known as >os. 22, 23 24, and 25 Tank Road fronting the proposed terminus ot the Singapore Kranji Railway. The property is freehold and contains an area of 7415 sq. ft. The
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  • 231 17 A Juryman 111. The Case Adjourned. !i,ls morning when the Court at 10.30, one of the Jurymen, Hermann, was not in his place, name was called, but he did Jr a Ppenr; and after a period f Wai ting, a message was received effect that the juryman was
    231 words
  • 991 17 Scotland has beaten Ireland in the water-polo match at Dublin, by four goals to three. Messrs. McAulitte and Slavin were to give a boxing exhibition at Hongkong on Saturday last. The British hospital-ship Carthage passed through the port from west to east at 5.30 yesterday. In
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  • 38 17 John Bull: It’s a fine pair of war heroes, isn’t it I’ve given mine an earldom and 100,000. What have you given yours Uncle Sam Oh, a court of inquiry. —Neic York Journal
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  • 174 17 The Governor was to leave Penang for Port Swettenham on Monday last. A Selangor Government Gazette Extraordinary notifies that Port Swettenham shall be a port as from the 15th day of September. The limits of the port are as follows: From a beacon set up on the south
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  • 219 17 The following cutting from an Australian exchange gives news of an old Singapore favourite —Bandmaster \V G. Bentley (late of the Prince of Wales’ Own, West Yorkshire Regiment):— The late Bandmaster Hutchinson occupied not only the position of head of the band of the R.A.A.,
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  • 144 17 A Great Success. A most successful and enjoyable informal smoker” was held in the Drill Hall last night by the S. V. R. in honour of their winning the Warren Football Shield. There was a large number of R.A. men present and a strong detachment
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  • 118 17 A BBSPECTABLY-dressed man named Benjamin Robinson, of no fixed abode, was charged before Mr. Denman, at West London, with disorderly behaviour in Kensington High-Street. A constable said the prisoner used bad language and pushed people off the footway. In his defence Robinson declared that he was seized
    118 words
  • 139 17 The United States Consul at Maracaibo, in a recent report, says the principal pearl beds are at £1 Tirana, northeast, and Macanao, north-west, of Margarita. About 2,000 men find constant employment in this trad*. The fishers use meal scoops which are dragged over the oyster beds, and
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  • 155 17 The Hongkong Telegraph thus explains the ins and outs of kowtowing in Chinese style:—The easiest way to attempt to describe kowtoicivg is to tell what takes place. A man of the lower grade calling on a Chinese gentleman chin chins him by shaking hands with himself and bowing, but
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  • 187 17 Ceylon Scores. Ceylon papers contain particulars of the Ceylon scores in the recent match with Singapore—which Singapore won by a large margin of points. The Ceylon team fired on Saturday, Aug. 31st, at the Hunupitiya. Besides the team there were present Captain. Gordon Frazer, Acting
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  • Correspondence.
    • 227 17 To the Editor of the Straits Times.” Sib, —Please if possible find spacq in your valuable paper for the following: Some time since the Principal of the Raffles Institution had drills for the past and present boys With the intention of forming a cadet corps, about
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  • 254 17 Wholesale Deportation. A Constantinople despatch on July 22nd states that on the previous Friday night a fire occurred in the harem of the Sultan’s palace. The outbreak took place in an antechamber adjoining the room in which the Sultan himself was asleep. He was hurriedly
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  • 312 17 We Malay Mail) regret to hear that dr. Clifford is far from well. The last ime a report reached us that he was unwell, it proved to be unfounded. We iope for hie sake that the same may 1>e le case in the present instance. Since
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  • 399 18 Thk final of the pick-up Tournament was played yesterday afternoon before quite a large number of spectators. Kxcept in ono place the ground could not have been in better condition. The teams were Q.” D.~ kites Reds. Capt. White, (Capt.) 8 Mr. Young,(Capt.).. 4 Mr. Stitt 4 Brockmnn
    399 words
  • 439 18 Inquest Yesterday. An inquest was held at the General Hospital yesterday afternoon on the body of the late Mr. Nathaniel Ruchwaldy, by Mr. A. Gentle, the Coroner. Inspt. Brennen was present on behalf of the police. Mr. Robinson, of the Robinson Piano Co., stated that he
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  • 970 18 South Africa. Lord Cranborne, speaking at Rochester, said so long as we had a war we must carry it through. The country was rich enough to bear the cost, and the spirit of the country was sufficiently strong to support the Government. Lord Kitchener wires that in the
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  • 118 18 Once more American scientists have been victimised by a practical joker. The supposed mammoth prehistoric 75ft. snake discovered at Sioux Falls, South Dakota, about which archaiolorecently raved, proves to be a pure fake. The hero of the joke is said to he an octogenarian, Geo. Hull, of Binghampton,
    118 words
  • 395 18 Thk Volunteer movement seems to be going uhead briskly, and there is now absolutely no doubt that the Corps will shortly be formed. How long men will remain keen, however, after the novelty of the thiLg has worn off is doubtful The general idea seems to be
    395 words
  • 885 18 A. Doubles. Beatty and Green 16 Pearce and 8. Reid—4; Darbi«hire and Kerr—2; Norrie and Simpson, Elliot and J. G. Mactaggart—3; Gainsford and Kemble—2; Bradbery and Berkshire —l; Sal ton and Whitehead, Wright and White, Salzmann and Battenburgh scr.; O. T. Lowe and Pritchard4-2; tiergand
    885 words
    • 122 18 Under uiisheacungthefoilownuti&fYi... tiona axe used:—btr.— steamer; eii -slilbq.—barqne; sch.—schooner: Cru.—Cruiser; Gbt.-Gunboat; TorTorpedo; H.p.-Horse-po w«r: Brl British U. S.-bnited nFrench Ger.—German Da_lV.4 I oh.—Jobore Q. c., —Gcnetxicargo d.p.—deck passengers; tain; T. P. W.—Tanjong Pagar Wh.irf; T. P. D.—Tanjong Pag\r Dock; B. WBorneo Wharf; J. W.—Jamines Wh K. W.—Keppel
      122 words
    • 1034 18 Arrivals Bi»c* Nooh of Vistsmu. Anna. Alls. sir. 1.517 ton 6, Capt aM* rich, 18th Sept From Moji, Coal. U—Rds. Babaian, Put str. 481 tons. (apt M*. 12th Sept. From P. Beranian. Oil. Hooglandt A Co. For Batavia, Rds. Banca Brit. str. 8 793 tons. Capt 13th
      1,034 words
    • 404 19 porf, probable date o f arrival. <*nd name o f agent*. Steamers. -^T hia Se P t 19 ;M. m. V, I U v s C’bo, s «pt 16/17; Guthrie. >n, Bingkoit, Supt u Borneo coy. k", V lru/ -Sept 19; M. B. Kaisha. •vim r ,°P« l'’vl
      404 words
    • 1338 19 -a < ;Vb«ski/r Naml. A Ion- Captain From 8ailrd. Consignees. i I s’pti 3 jXnn Vang Ger sir.! 937 Hass Saigon ;Aug 31 3 Brouwer Dut sir 320 Ponssen Paneh Sept 1 Daeudels and Co. 3 Cassius Ger str.; 1469 Gerlach Samarang Aug 31 Daendels and Co. 4 Brit
      1,338 words
    • 937 19 Date Vessel's Name KligAßu Captai* Disttnatioh j I Sept 4 Bonlr.weri Brit str. San hot Cuddalore 4 Cassius Ger str. Gerlach Saigon 5 j Chow Phya Brit str. j Jellicoe Malacca and Klang 5 Hong Bee H str. Peters > Hongkong and Amoy 6 Nam Yong str. Smith I
      937 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 54 19 REFRESHING DRINK IN INDIA, <• f *..v LIME-FRUIT JUICE and CORDIALS. tolftok II H nr •nommAr Lno-nturr M-tf-itl tWi HI1ITTTDC mouuL »4 U tarrtellotfti o, fee IaUa4»f r i,t 1 _tJT bw«mA Trhl —t" —J t. 10U owywWt ta Set* Qtmifntts: AN., DAM, Ok. LM. <N. I Ok I l^wu.
      54 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 837 20 MALACCA TEA HAS NO EQUAL. To im it once is to use it always. BUY the cup that cheers but not inebriates TO BB HAD AT [UdSfirs. John Little A Co., Ltd., Messrs Ann Lock A Co., Battery-road, and Messrs "kong Lee Seng, Orchard-road. m. w. A f. 33/P MEN’S
      837 words
    • 679 20 CODIiOMJ^IISE^UTSHjy. A mwm BMdksl wo»k os tke c— m *ss mtmm and effectual menu* of m** jj*?**™* and (knctkmal 4**bdtty, T f» Scpm-lny dWtiow lor removto* «rtds dfrwttpwk. dloch«TM 4c.. u* no ?2l£r?Oo£Sl>. tents. P<>*«"* ijoZmJW.O. N*rux Jomiwow, S, lW>d fct-. d»r*«aont rw>r>ln»su aljoof TSSSSHCSSee.. LUtIU. QRUSHED food Try IT
      679 words
    • 1003 20 Batavia Nieu-vaUad.” PUBLISHERS (i. KOLFF BATAVIA. Is the best Java paper for advertisements. uemgßß A Remedy for all frrefiumHtJ**HupervHl m Bittw Ar>pW. J*. Sold by Singapore Olapooebid Co., Ltct** Raffles Place, Sln^pore. Pro*i :*tof s MARTIN. SOUTHAMPTON. ENOLATW- SCHWEITZER’S iGOCQATINA Best i Forest 1 COCOA. Nt.w earn aouu e-lidded cmiji
      1,003 words
    • 670 20 LEA PERRINS’ Messrs. LEA Sc PERRINS beg to announce that, to further safeguard the public against imitations of their world-renowned Original Worcestershire Sauce. they are now printing their Signature, in white, diagonally across the upper part of the red label on each bottle. Anyone copying the same will be at
      670 words