The Straits Budget, 5 September 1901

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Budget
  • 141 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” he Straits Times is widely read throughout Asia generally. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French lndo>China. wer Half a Cestvkv.
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  • 220 1 L Aa:ci ts. I i. '.mjl'fcl* V P.-.r \’Ii^ r l(» r i SlriU*. I ;'.v4*y'i <*' I*: r*ui >. ■u 1 Quotation®. I,. > NV .V' ••it' ■knje N**v. I. r .j«.jy Rowing Club. Pfcg«r P°* ■3* !:.e «iuy. I;-,
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  • 580 1 >H». r.TH Hkitembeii, 1901. PRODUCK. t>.. buyers 10.S7J t ,8.60 I buyers 29. 6 44.00 v r un«i No. i 2.95 Sj: 8.96 4, J’V, b»si* 19.1 O 4. n >»«ui( ‘JOX basin -J6.00 b I 17.J6 S ,n H U Fl*ke 6.40 *2) „;«0 5.90 <t Pearl 6.20
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  • 211 1 The mail for Europe,, to-day, leave* I by the P. <fc O. s.s. Massilxa. The mail for Euro|>e, next week, is fixed for the M. M. s. Yarra. The mail from Europe of 9th August arrived on Monday by the M. M. 8. s. Ao ial.
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    • 48 1 London 31 *t Avgust. M. Constaus, the French Ambassador at Constantinople, has been interviewed He expressed hope of a favourable issue to the negotiations on the Quays difficulty. He said that risk of hostilities breaking out between France and Turkey was out of the question.
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    • 35 1 The Northern Pacific Railroad Company is building two steamers for the Pacific trade. It is the nucleus ol a fleet which, it is intended, shall carry •reignt at half the ordinary rates.
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    • 30 1 Later. The Pall Mall Gazette says that it is now pretty certain that I<ord Salisbury’ will retire from the Premiership after the Coronation.
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    • 46 1 The German papers state that the German Government has made representations to Prince Chun regarding the tone of the address which he has to read to the Emperor William. The German Government also insists upon a modified form of “kow-tow” to the Emperor William.
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    • 15 1 The Emperor William has received theCorean Minister to Germany.
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    • 58 1 LrnJon, Ist September. The Times correspondent at Moscow telegraphs that the departure of the Thibetan Mission from Russia is shrouded in mystery. It is believed that the members of the Mission are returning overland, escorted through Mongolian Russia by a Russian force consisting largely
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    • 57 1 Major Vandcleur Killed. A train was blown up by the Boers, on Saturday, south of Somerskraal. Two hundred and fifty Boers immediately rushed upon the wrecked train and fired upon the men in the trucks. Major Vandeleur, of the Irish Guards, I was killed. The
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    • 29 1 No Interviewing Allowed. Leyds has failed.'to obtain an Interview for Mr. Kruger with the Tsar, on the occasion of the Tsar’s visit to France.
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    • 18 1 London 2nd September. Besides Major Vandeleur, nine men were killed and seventeen wounded at 8omerekraal
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    • 52 1 Will the Kaiser Get “Kow-Tow?” A telegram from Basle says that there is no sign of a settlement in the Prince Chun mission dispute The Chinese of the mission declare that they will rather die than perform the humiliating ceremony of kowtow” before
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    • 15 1 London, Sept. 3rd. m T ha Turkish Ambassador has quitted Paris.
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    • 30 1 Hostilities between Venezuela and Colombia are imminent. 9,000 Venezuelan regular troops are massed on the frontier ready to assist the Columbian revolutionists.
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    • 19 1 Later. Turkey has asked for the mediation of Germany in the Constant inople Quays dispute.
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    • 38 1 It is stated that the commandos under Herzog and Lategans have been driven back into the Orange River Colony. The Middleburg, Cradock, Graafreinet and rfteynsburg districts of Cape Colony are now nearly clear of the enemy.
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    • 44 1 London 4th September. Krause, the ex-governor of Johannesburg, who has been residing in England during the last four months after swearing allegiance to the King, has been arrested in London on a charge of supplying information to the enemy.
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    • 91 1 “KOW-TOW ABANDONED. PRINCE CHUN TRIUMPHS. He Leaves lor Potsdam. The Empeior William has waived the demand that the Chinese mission should kowtow n to him, and also the demand that the mission should pass through Berlin in the form of a procession. He has consented to receive Prince Chun alone
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    • 28 1 Later. Krause lias been ch irged with high treason in the Transvaal. The case has been remanded for a week, bail being refused.
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    • 10 1 Prince Chun has arrived at Potsdam.
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  • 1126 1 (Straits Times. 3l*f Aug.) Owing to the popularity of the journal concerned and the official magnitude of the Government servant whose honor was impugned—lie was accused of saying things that were not true —the parliamentary arraignment of the Daily Mail for betraying Government secrets, seems to have created
    (Straits Times. 3l*f Aug.)  -  1,126 words

  • 499 2 (Straits Times 3rd Sept.) £t is some years since Turkey was first dubbed the Sick Man of Europe,' and, as will be recalled, China was subsequently placed in the same category as the Sick Man of the East." It is now an extraordinary coincidence that the ambassador of
    (Straits Times, 3rd Sept.)  -  499 words
  • 429 2 (iSh'uiU Times JW Sepl) The outbreak of hostilities between Venezuela and Colombia will doubtless lead to terrible slaughter, slaughter of ghastly dimensions considering the interests involved and the numbers engaged; blit it must borne in mind that in tiiat part of the world the people instinctively—though at
    (iSh'uiU Times, JW Sepl)  -  429 words
  • 371 2 (Straits Times, 4th Sept Ex-Governor Krause of Johannesburg, who ha3 been arrested and arraigned, and is now held without bail on a charge of high treason, is a man that even Lord Roberts regarded as an honest friend to the British. Krause it was who, when Kruger suggested
    (Straits Times, 4th Sept)  -  371 words
  • 2773 2 (Straits 'Times, sth Sept.) Du hi no the past decade or so, the world's great metropolis has been transmuting itself into a London as different in physical aspects from the London of the 70’s as it is from the Bombay or Singapore of to-day. The transformations that have
    (Straits 'Times, sth Sept.)  -  2,773 words

  • 1616 3 Mr. Pollock arrived in the Hebe this morning from Deli.^ Mr. H. C. Belfield, Resident of Selangor, is leaving for Europe on Sept. 24th. H. E. the High Commissioner is expected at Kuala Lumpur on the 12th proximo. Liel tenant Adam, Wing Officer, M. S. Guides, will
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  • 116 3 The elasticity of the English language sometimes leads speakers into 'difficulties. This was once the case with Mr. Julius Weil, whose large •house at Mafeking provided sheber for many during the dark days of the siege. He was put up for the town in the CBpe Legislature, and,
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  • 210 3 A Sultan Makes a Big Profit. It lias been reported from Aden that the steamer Wiseman has been at Guard»fui Island watching the cargo on hoard the steamer Austria (.4 vssria. the wreck of which has already been reported. Large quantities of the cargo had been plundered.
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  • 601 3 Foreigners Favoured. A correspondent thus instances, in the I'inany Gazette, how the law in these parts discriminates in favour of foreigners by pulling burdeus on Biitish shipowners from which ioreig ners are exempt, especially iu the China coolie trade I can stafe* actual facts after eight years*
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  • 91 4 Burglars’ Ingenious Tunnel. Reuter’s San Francisco correspondent states that the Shelby Smelting Works, at. Vallejo, have been robbed of 340,0<X) dollars* worth of gold in bullion The thieves entered by making a tunnel from the water’s edge, and the plunder was carried oft* in a boat. The
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  • 102 4 The British Patent Office has granted Mr. W. Brice Gregson, of the P. W. D., Ceylon, protection from the 3rd August for improvements in, or relating to packs of flat sensitized dims for cameras No7 15,711. It is claimed by this improvement that hand cameras will be
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  • 112 4 The New York Herald publishes a letter from a well-known yachtsman, who unequivocally asserts that Constitution is likely to be beaten by Shamrock unless more energy is shown by the now defenders managers. The writer says that, although there has been little time to spare before the
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  • 162 4 The financial report on the Federated Malay States for 1900 has been published. It shows that 643,985 piculs of tin an<l tin ore wore exported in the year 1899. The export for 1900 rose to 713,059 piculs, which yielded a revenue of a little over seven
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  • 262 4 (From Ceylon Papers.) The following English Cricket news is up to date Aug. 25th At Canterbury, Yorkshire beat Kent by 247 runs. In their second inning** Kent made a miserable show. The total score was only 63, G. H. Hirst, for Yorkshire, taking seven wickets for 24
    (From Ceylon Papers.)  -  262 words
  • 284 4 On the 1st August, a gang of five tame prisoners were working at road making in Ambong under charge of two Sikh police. The latter probably went to sleep, or imbibed too freely of their favourite beverage, and allowed the prisoners to get behind them. With the
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  • 524 4 Professor Vireuow, in the Berlin Clinical Weekly makes various comments on the tuberculosis theory set forth by Dr. Koch at the congress in London. Professor Virchow agrees with Dr. Koch in the view that human and cattle tuberculosis are different and declares that he has always held
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  • 228 4 Great retrenchments are said to be contemplated in Pahang. Rumour has it that the newly created post of 8. G. is to be abolished, that the 8. M’s work is to be done by the Resident, and that the Warden of Mines will become an extinct appointment, an Inspector
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  • 263 4 Thus “Burlington R. Cade” in the Free Lance: One of the mo9t desirable novelties 1 have seen for a long while has I just come to my knowledge in the shape of an entirely new waistcoat. The ordinary double-breasted vest whether with bound edges or otherwise —we
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  • 308 4 The regatta in connection with the Singapore Rowing Club was continued yesterday afternoon under favourable circumstances when two heats of the fours were rowed, resulting in wins for the crews stroked by Darbishire and Secular, who now meet in the final at the close of the regatta.
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  • 77 4 About 3 o’clock this morning, a Malay thief broke into the muses' quarters at the General Hospital. and helped himself to a quantity of jewellery. Miss Clarke, in whose room he was, woke up and on seeing him called for assistance. The Malay pushed
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  • 168 4 with a few pints of liquid air. —Daily Telegraph. How dull life would be without the American inventor! This time it is Mr. Charles A. Kuenzel, of New York, who variegates existence. Mr. Kuenzel is going to drive the Lucania across the Atlantic in four days with a
    — * *- # —~ _ with a few pints of liquid air.—Daily Telegraph.  -  168 words
  • 187 4 The objections raised by Canada to the concessions granted by New South Wales to the Eastern Extension Telegraph Company have been waived, and the Parliament of the Dominion lias agreed to the act introduced last session by which Canada is committed to bear five-eighteenths of the total
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  • 350 4 Mr. Chamberlain has dealt firmly aud decisively with the factious opposition of the elected members of the Maltese Council to the policy of the Government on the language question. These representatives resisted the right to English being used in the courts where Englishmen were concerned,
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  • 79 4 The directors’ report for I ended June 30lh last 1 MwJ net profit* for that peri^ 0 1 'tatj allocation, including .5 Vail »tl*il forward from last accom?/* 0 SJ A dividend of.*; ,,'T’ absorbing Si-jg.OOO ar.T 1 p balance of S;tOu,u<x» t„ V... ward. The
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  • 184 4 Mr. Cyril Ephraums off,,, I at heremban, had a nano* in an open patch of lallan ;,> 1 consisted of eight cow and tl elephants, and having m J' ’*4 they bolted. Mr to get close to the herd and«??1 tance of hfteen yards ‘‘l tusker standing close
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  • 509 4 South-East Borneo. Mr Kroesen, the Resident <»i' Borneo, has been on a visit to where lie was lately interviewed by reporter at Sourabaya. The took a gloomy view of tobacco C'd f iv.rB|| tion in his district, and held that itH' would prove tube unprofitableutbeH long run. The
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  • 134 i I *1 manoeuvres were not I i>* "‘Vrr.n.'h this year without I i'"" 1 ardent. The rnbbap bj ■<> u i r ,ri»cilo*i>oat No. fel wali: R tiie island of Aldernex Mr^ rl "j v h.-en chronicled, bm Mr l rf 3 I) sensational disastei I
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  • 286 i .*w\NY has been started in France Hit railways in the principal and then to > lines so as to connect tiiese the cities. Saigon will iis starting point. A system which has proved success* 'v .*ri a will be turned to at haigon will be ..’ri iij) by
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  • 288 i AV-w, in an article on the il Mtu ttion, draws a gloomy pie- ot ‘iit* Literal party as it presents House of Commons to-day. ■•“any pars the baity Xcu\ was the ian ot the party, but of late it has '-vtiie mouthpiece of the Little section. Commenting upon
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  • 95 i Mr. Chamberlain, in the House of Commons, has made a statement which confirms the report that the great majority of the delegates who attended the Imperial Appellate Conference were opposed to any drastic changes in the appeal tribunal constituted bp the Privy Council. The Secretary for the
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  • 674 i Study of British Methods. I mentionEu, a short time ago (writes the Berlin correspondent of The Standard) that the reorganisation of the entire Colonial and Consular system of Germany is under consideration, now that Baron von Richthofen, who during a long service abroad had many opportunities of
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  • 1347 i In view of the fact that I intend getting married and settling down as soon as I meet a lady with the requisite number of ringgits it rejoices my soul to see that the absurdly iuflated land values of the past few years are at last disposed
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  • 181 i America's latest and greatest hoy Napoleon has gone under. George Phillips, for the past six months styled the Corn King,” has transferred his business. He admits himself practically broke. Twelve months ago when he was an office boy he began speculating in November corn. By daring plunges
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  • 82 i The question of the improvement of I the Perim Island Lights having been under consideration of the Government of India is now under reference to the Board of Trade. The matter of the improvement of the lights at Obstruction Point and Balfe Point is under! consideration; there
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  • 1370 i I H.M.S. Brisk arrived yesterday from Hongkong and anchored in the roads. Among the arrivals from the Malay ►States by the Malacca this morning, was Mr. G. C. Ogilvie of Seremban. The death is reported of Mr. H. 1). Kramer, Director of the NetherlandsIndia Agricultural Company, of
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  • 109 6 On the Assam-Bengal Railway last month an inspection special train rau into a herd of wild elephants in the Nambar forest. The engine collided with one of them and the front wheels were detailed, bringing the train to a sudden Atop. No damage was done and
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  • 37 6 Per M. M. Ocean ie a for Marseilles Mr. A. de Panatieu, Mr. and Mrs. N. N* J Ezra, Messrs. Liblin, Ch. J. Garrouste, J. Roussean, Charles Morrard, and Mr. and Mrs. E. Robert.
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  • 76 6 A new law brings Siam into line with western nations in the matter of copyright. The preamble points out that hitherto authors have had no protection for their work in Siam, anyone having the right to republish and sell any book The new enactment follows the lines
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  • 69 6 The final game in the Warren Shield Football competition will be played tomorrow afternoon (Tuesday) on the ground of the S. C. C. between the S. V. It. and No. 3o Coy. R. A. Kick off at o prompt. The following wilJ represent the Volunteers, whose
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  • 87 6 The Bulgarian globe-trotter Popofi has arrived at Vienna on his wa> round the world, lie left Sofia on 7 June. He proceeds to Hamburg ere he ships for England and walks from Harwich to Liverpool. There he ships for South America. After walking through every country of
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  • 206 6 The Game of General Post.” Referring to the high Government Offices in the straits Settlements, Mr. Labouchere in Truth remarks that the members of the Civil Service in this Colony seem to be usually engaged in playing a variant of the game I used to know ah
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  • 230 6 Racing was continued in connection with the Rowing Club regatta on Saturday afternoon under favourable conditions, the events being the two races in the first round of the handicap pair oars. The first race was between Ker and Weaver (str) and Flower and Rode6se (*tr), the latter
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  • 298 6 Ruth at the Town Hall. A most successful and enjoyable concert was given at the Town Hall, on Saturday night, under the auspices ol the Philharmonic Society. There was a large audience present. The first and principal part of the entertainment was the performance of A. Gaul’s pastoral
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  • 413 6 The half-yearly ordinary meeting of tire Tanjong Pagar Dock Co. will be held on Monday, 9th Sept., at noon. The directors’ report for tlie half year ended dOtli June last is as follows: The net amount for the half-year availI able for allocation, including $2b5,0n0 brought
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  • 957 6 A representative of the Straits Times has just returned from a trip to Kuala Lumpur, and as it was the first time he enjoyed the privilege of looking round what he terms an exceedingly charming place, he has a few things to say about it which may interest
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  • 121 6 A schkmk for the payment pensions is in operation i„ V" Altogether 1,0,000 persons ov.'" of 60 have applied f or pension lrom the sta'e ftf lho recent census of It 1•* r i that the population j 8 now aT.V 1 !i 6,500,000 iavourabiy with that of decades.
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  • 208 6 H E 9 v T ~g Tm Minin Coniia,.-. (Limited) uas been registered hv i; bings. Billing and Co., 218 .Strand u a capital of £IUO,OUU in hharesj ivL the object of acquiring the busiutsse the Gopcng Tin Mining Comp*;. Limited (incorporated in bto,‘ f adopt any
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  • 297 6 Official Report. Mu. Wolfe, the oflicer in eha the Chinese Customs launch Jllc sighted the Sea Serpent near Mae* has sent in an official report < u reptile which runs as follows: On the 18th August, 1901, at :ia.m., as the launch Lawjitwj *J- steaming for Boddain
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  • 446 7 Cnititni» ted t0 the Ass,zesirnincr the charge of murder !>:S Vrcole Uura an ltahan BOa B 5 Henmohr was continued t* 5 li -eCVirt before Mr. Sarwar. e \vathen prosecuted on behalf an< j Mr. L P. an Cuylen-:--P
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  • 98 7 3t -VwE!phinstone Parsee Theatrical Performed for the first time on •by night, in their own temporary near Hallies Hotel, Beach Road. Was a large audience who enjoyed the performance. •'L v w as Shakespeare’s Hamlet and the whole was ly staged and produced. The "o was adapted
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  • 70 7 .".'Jr,' 1 1 of play on Saturday for i a,. tllft Sep Lineg Golf Club *oiiow8 Jf* "’inter. m ~q Eiij, 85 d flO i'-'Jut* «e 6 81 M -10 84 *W 90 4 86 90 4 86 Hi*.. 6,1 196 16 90 4ll 10i 10
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  • 1198 7 There l>e rats, and rats.”— llamlct. London 9th Aug. Sidney Cooper, R.A. the truly Grand Old Man who, in his seventy-ninth year, was recently knighted by tiie King has turned upon the weekly scandal writers who have been imagining and assigning reasons for his long life
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  • 159 7 Their Results. On Friday last Inspector Branagan prosecuted two Chinamen for the theft of an anchor valued at $20, the property of Messrs. Fisher aud Foster, contractors, Rallies Quay, before a Court of two Magistrates. Being old offenders the Chinamen were sentenced to one year’s
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  • 178 7 Rumour has it that Li is far from well, and is in an extremely irritable state of mind, as well as ot bodily frailty. He is surrounded by myriads of spies who report and misreport his every action to the Palace gang, and who are moving heaven and
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  • 1193 7 Sbmarang is declared to be infected with cholera. Mr. van Houten came from Batavia by the Van Diemen this morning. The Russian turret-ship Peresciet sails for the Far East this month. A smoking concert will be held at the Masonic Club on Saturday night next. The British
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  • 150 7 Shooting Match. The team representing the S. V.*C. against the Ceylon Volunteer Force tired this morning, the first ten scores (on which the match is decided) aggregating 859. The Ceylon Volunteers fired last Saturday but their score is not yet to hand. 200 500 £00 rp yds.
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  • 96 8 On the 21st ult. P. C. 728 of the weights and measures department went to a Chinese shopkeeper in Lavender Street and called for a quantity of oil. He wished to get it on credit. This *as refused and he arrested the shopman for using short measures.
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  • 341 8 Thk Assizes opened this morning before Mr. Justice Law. There are fifteen cases on t he calendar, chief among which are the charges against eleven persons in connection with the robbery of notes from the Hongkong Bank, the case of alleged poisoning on the schooner Envy, and the
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  • 333 8 The first round of the pick-up tournament was played yesterday afternoon. In the first match Reds. Whites. A’* tram. met “D" team. Mr. Crane, (Capt.) 4 Mr. Young, 4 Mr. Barne, R.A. 2 Mr. Brockman. 2 Capt. Lyne, xvi. M.1.1 Mr. Gilchrist, xvi. M. I. 1 Mr. K.
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  • 27 8 In August, 354 tons of ore were crushed for 116 ounces 14 dw*ts. smelted gold. The tons mentioned are short tons of 2,000 pounds.
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  • 151 8 During the firing at the Balestier Range this morning a rifle bullet went over the butts and struck a Chinaman in the right side. Fortunately for him the bullet w’as nearly dead, and he was not hurt. He was about 200 yards behind the butts,
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  • 585 8 The Giant Oceanic Sails through another Steamer. On August 8th, the giant White Star liner Oceanic steamed slowly into Queenstown Harbour with hole about 4ft. long in her plates on her port bow, 2ft. above the water line. She reported having been in collision during the night
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  • 1585 8 (From an Occasional Cwrespondenf) Paris Aug. 9. Singapore, if I remember aright, is nothing if not fervently imperialistic, jealously guarding, with a journalistic vigour and watchfulness peculiar to the climate, neighbouring territory against the treacherous assault of designing rivals. There is, probably, no movement made
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  • 90 8 This morning, Heng Ah Teng wa« before Mr. Michell for causing hurt to his wife. For some reason she left him for a time, but on the 17th ult., she went back to the house. The man, according to the evidence, stripped her, ;ied her up and
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  • 1340 8 (Vt 1 Av^T9Ho.) So «h Africa/ Kuhti Kitchener in hi. gives the following Boe?"* 1^ <*. K l ed,a9. Wounded. 685. Surrendered, b:> tJ include Commandant \\,u ‘"'C tauied dangerous W olmarans, ch»,nuau 0 f among those captured p/S also seized 24,100 rounds of, Wae f.° n8
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  • 1353 9 Mkssus. h CKiiEitand Ezra arrived from Cliei ibon by the triai* c/ Seay this morning. Tur British tiansport Chingtn (No. 3]> passed through the port from west to c;»st at o 15 p.m. yesterday. It is reported that Russia is equipping an expedition to work the coal-fields
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  • 62 9 Th* shooting match between teams representing the Singapore and Ceylon olunteer forces has been won by the Singapore team by a wide margin of points. As announced in our issue yesterday Singapore made an aggregate total of 859. A telegram has arrived from Ceylon stating that they
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  • 74 9 News of an extraordinary case of bankruptcy comes from Capetown. A jeweller of that city was bankrupt, and his estate sequestrated. In spite of forced sales, the Official Receiver announced a dividend of 255. in the This was paid over to the creditors, and it i** not
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  • 114 9 The new Presbyterian Church at Penang was to be formally dedicated and opened for services on Sunday last The total cost will, so the Piming Gazette understands, be about 52i,000 which includes $4,000 for the site, $14,000 for the building, and §2,500 for an organ, besides extra outlay.
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  • 97 9 Straits Team Selected. The following team has been selected to represent the Straits v Hongkong ana Shanghai in the forthcoming cricket matches to be played at Hongkong between 11th and lfith November. S. Anthony. G. M. billing*. A. H. Bagnall C. W. Cochraoe. t apt. Dewing. Dr. Fi
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  • 373 9 TilJ£ training now appears to be fairly started and there is a smattering ot persons eager to try and pick up a little early information re possible winners for the future meeting to be seen on t lie course. Yesterday most of the horses were doing elow work
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  • 1068 9 Volunteers Win by 3 Goals to Nil. The final round in the Warren Football .Shield competition was played last evening on the Recreation Club ground before a large crowd of spectators. The evening was simply an ideal
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  • 166 10 The King’s good wishes. Thu iscovery, which during Urn week-end has attracted a good deal of attention in the Solent, left her moorings lately and started on her voyage to the Antarctic, proceeding wesi ward. A large number of persons witnessed her departure from the island shore. Several
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    • 397 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times.” Sir, —May I call the attention of your readers to the very unscientific, and I may almost say coarse methods of research being carried on with regard to the diagnosis of rabies at. the Kassauli Pasteur Institute, India I tnought
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    • 78 10 Akabi Pasha, the Egyptian general whose rebellion against the late Khedive, led to the British occupation of Egypt, is expected shortly to leave Ceylon, whither he had been exiled, for Eiypt on being pardoned. The other day. robbers broke into his residence at Kandy, and had just opened
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    • 101 10 ta the House of Commons of Mr. Henniker Heaton asked whether the Postmaster-General had inspected the red colour penny stamps of the various Colonies of the British Empire; and when a definite reply would b* given to the petition of 200 members of the House of
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    • 197 10 This China Mail says news has been received in Hongkong of the death at home of Mr. C. J. Holliday, late of the firm of Holliday, Wise and Co., ot Hongkong. The deceased gentleman served in connection with the firm and retired from business
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    • 780 10 Full Official Text. A Parliamentary paper has been issued containing correspondence relating to the prolongation of hostilities in rfouth Africa, its principal feature being the proclamation which Lord Kitchener has issued by order of IIis Majesty’s Government. On July 23th Mr Chamberlain received from Sir II E.
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    • 173 10 Under tnisbealiug tbefc’lowiriH abb.-e* tionn are used:—str.—steamer si».—ahq bq. —barque; sell.—schooner; Ye*.—Yacht Cru. —Cruiser; Qbt. —Gunboat.: Tor Torpedo; H.p.—Horse power Brit. British U. 8.—United States- FrFrenoh Ger. —Gorman; Put.— Dutch Joh. —Job ore 4r e., G. c.,~General cargo d.p.—deck passengers; U. —Uacelain T. P. W.— Tanjoag Pagar
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    • 1437 10 Arrival Since Noon of Yesterday. Awa Maru, Jap. Mr. 3,912 tons, Capt, Trennt, 4th Sept., From Antwerp, 28th .lulw G.c., aud 33 d.p. Paterson Simons <fc Co. For Hongkong, 6th—W. Ban Fo Soon, Dut. str. 222 tons Capt Odink, 4th Sept. From Sambas, 31st Aug. G c..
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    • 516 10 yaw, port, probable date ofarri• I and name of agent*. steamers. Agiiineinnon, I/pool, S#»pt 10; Man-*;-! H Anna. Japan, Sepi 14; I Vnnam, ('oloniho. Oct 2H; M M I \nnr.m. Chin-». S pt 26; R.-ha >! r Vntlalu-ia Hongkon Oct 1; R. M. Arabia, Hongkong, Oct 15; Rchn
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    • 689 11 f l-V 1 i >’**- r 1 Laptop From Sailed Consignees. *i i* I i wo 454 Freeman jLangkat Aug 27 Katz Bros. 36 [JL tr D8 K 0rL h l f u eiantan Au < r. K. Tian Co Ltd. <• 1 ...ur, Kus str l 'i? Ptachinsky
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    • 435 11 f I r «.‘S 1V ,l< L4G A Klii j l'APIA IV I)ESTI>ATri»N ,*n \i»>oin Brit str. Curtis Bangkok i Nienliuys Dut str. Potj *wijd Bandjermassin ihoy Brit str. 8 f nith Muntok and Palembang Sail sir. Deacon Bangkok Pin s r. j Davidson Penang A an str. Williamson
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    • 70 11 Spa sir. Juan, ria j DnUCiv/iiA auu uiigipvui Z¥ WM t'tif; **y* l c -^Trf*Yrf £oI? er8&1 Bemedy for Acidity oi t. o Stomacn, c e i Heartburn, Indigestion, Sour Eructations, The Physiciftn’f Our* for Gout, Bheumatio Gout and Gravel; tha safest and most gentle medicine for Infants, Children, Delicate
      70 words
    • 423 11 LEA PERRINS’ SAUCE. Purchasers are requested to see that every bottle bears, upon its RED LABEL, the signature in WHITE of Lea Perrins. None is the original and genuine without this. Persons infringing this label will be prosecuted. LEA PERRINS SAUCE. IftflU// Medicine ef the kind awcf.'i- .»i’-v ••,*< tire
      423 words
    • 851 11 A Wiwedy for all Irregularities. Opened.D| Bitter Apple, Pennyroyal, li C eh a. ft Sold by Singapore Dispensing Co., Lttk« Raffles Place, Singapore. Proprietor MARTIN. Chemist. SOUTHAMPTON. ENOLANM COMMON 8EN8E -‘NUT8HELL A nkw medical work on the causes and moet scientific and effectual mean* of self-cur* erer discovered for narrow
      851 words

  • 867 12 The Autumn llace Meeting, in.ll 1* held on October 22nd, 24th and 26/A. Programme. FIRST DAY. Tuesday, 22 nd October. First Race. THE MAIDEN PLATE.—Value $400.— A Race for Maiden Horses—Weight as por scale (lOst.) An allowance of 141b. to ex-Griffins im por tod into the Straits
    867 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 875 12 Wilson Co., PHOTOGRAPHERS. 17 Armenian* Street. rE pay specie, tour Work. iient prints Riul the from each exposure, ready shortly. attention to Anund guarnnee perm host possible result Our Studio will hr 1*2/r/<* CASH CLEARANEC SALE. ENVELOPES. TO BE HAD AT THE STRAITS TIMES OFFICE. THE PATRIOT ENVELOPES. 1,000 SI
      875 words
    • 815 12 "TlMfcS” A.Ni) S'roitt Times, a year, or %2\ a month or fifteen cents a copy. Post Free, a quarter. Straits Budget post free, $20 a year, or 95 a quarter, or 40 cents a copy. Tho advertising rates are: first time, 15 cents a line: ‘2nd and ffrd time?. 10
      815 words
    • 419 12 Note. —A penalty of 71b. is incurred by the wiuner of any race run subsequent to the publication of the weights, and of 12lb, by the winner of two or more races. Owners of Griffins are entitled to enter for either of the following series of Races, Free: Series No.
      419 words
    • 402 12 PURE M[j| r> v» A vtyyriehand ap, o nulk from the '“>*!■ Swiss Alps. HsturtN It is absolutely f w fr germs and is a perfect Cj. i,; It midrr» Ta (*ifrt, an(U 11 is J“' ontes ‘ahly the he,, h milk ever otiered to th? ►wJ5!?hS; !K**w«Nir yN l
      402 words