The Straits Budget, 31 August 1901

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Budget

  • 970 2 (Strait* Timrx, 22nd Aug.) Coikcidkxt with the arrival of Mr. R. W. Duff* in Singapore, comes the news that he ha* drawn up an agreement with the Rajah of Kelantan by which ho virtually acquires the entire mining rights of that hitherto very exclusive territory, and by which
    (Strait* Timrx, 22nd Aug.)  -  970 words
  • 676 2 (Straits Times 2 2nd Aug.) illiam Cullen Bryant was never what might be called a popular poet on the eastern side ot the Atlantic, and even in America there are not many people nowadays who can claim that they have read Thanatopsis. At the same time there
    (Straits Times, 22nd Aug.)  -  676 words
  • 457 2 (Straits Times, 28 fh Aug.) Mr. T. C. Loveridge of Port Dickson I has enjoyed the experience of being I summarily arrested once, arraigned twice I before a magistrate, and finally being I find one cent —without costs—for I inadvertently driving past the I atap shed which is
    (Straits Times, 28fh Aug.)  -  457 words
  • 6796 2 (Straits Times, With Aug) Apropos of the contemplated matt in the cost of jinrikisha licenses, fiat* by it is contemplated to raise the eiistit* tax on each vehicle from *1 to pr month, a resident writes ciiuaj attention to the fact that while tr/re is a general outcry
    (Straits Times, With Aug)  -  6,796 words

  • 717 4 'Police Inmm;<tor 8TExiiocaEof"D* division leaves tor Europe stionlj« lone leave. The Austrian cruiser ZtsU left 6 30 p.m. yesterday homeward twN cm Penang. 4 The Pahang Kabang Ltd will commence to crush ore on its mines octhe first day of September. 4 Indian and Chinese eooiics aw
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  • 420 5 25-knot Cunard Liner. [he British Mercantile Marine is to make an effort to regain the Hwitk record. For some time the has been held by the steamship BeiitschUuid. T1 Hi'dn Company, the pioneers in the speed with safety in sixty- .>ar$ they have not lost a single
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  • 70 5 Mr. F. T. Velge to be a settlement officer, with effect from the 24th July. Mr. L. U. Mackay to be locom.»tive foreman, F. M. S. railways, with effect from the 21st June. Mr. Mackay reported his arrival on the 29th July. Mr. H. E. Byrne to be
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  • 94 5 At Powell Co’s, land sale yesterday, land at Race-course Road, area 1 rood 7 poles, with the residence thereon known as 44 Race Course Road, was bought by Mrs. A. Grand for $.*3,000. Land at Minto Road, area 4436 sq.ft., with the dwelling thereon known as 106
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  • 107 5 A curious incident is reported from Rangoon. A semi-nude Burman entered the Court the other day and took his seat on the bench. lie held a sharpedged dah two feet long across his knees, and, addressing the natives, claimed to be a Prince of the Royal blood,
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  • 162 5 —Reuter. The 44 Neue Wiener Tagblatt,” commenting on Lord Milner’s speech in the Guildhall, says —Lord Milner proclaimed the necessity of treating the burghers with impartiality and generosity, of winning their hearts and of helping them to acquire the sentiment of British citizenship so
    .—Reuter.  -  162 words
  • 320 5 Mayor of Exeter Causes a v Sensation. During a recent sojourn in Italy the Mayor of Exeter met with an experience which has afforded English visitors in that country an unlimited tund of amusement. In due course of travel his worship arrived at Modane and submitted his
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  • 88 5 The entries for the Derby and the Oaks of 1903 (for colts and Allies, now yearlings) have closed, and the subjoined table will show how they stand by comparison with previous years:— Year. Deroy. Oak*. St. Leger. 1894 237 215 213
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  • 167 5 In Sooloo, the Sultan is hard at work fighting with two rebel Datus or Chiefs. The United States authorities do not interfere because the seat of war is outside the American reservation. Some of the American officers have been out to the scene of the lighting and
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  • 157 5 I was out in the neighbourhood of Carrollton the other day,” said a New Orleans city salesman, “and dropped into a grocery not far from the levee to make some inquiries about an address. The place had the usual double-bar attachment, and while I was chatting
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  • 381 5 Even if some persons took exception to some of the entertainment at the Town Hall last evening, there can be no denying the fact that the bulk of a very fair audience enjoyed it all immensely. It did not savour in the least of the Lyceum, and
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  • 178 5 Coolie emigration in South India is on the increase especially among the outcast class or pariahs. Some villages, it seems, are admost depopulated, and in others a labour famine is seriously threatened. The explanation lies in the fact that emigration is confined to a single class, the pariahs,,
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  • 214 5 BEDEVILLING THE CATHEDRAL GROUNDS. To the Editor of the 44 Straits Times.” Sir, —Can you tell me who is responsible for bedevilling the grounds of St. Andrew’s Cathedral Some of the loveliest shade trees in the Peninsula adorned its grassy compound until a few days ago, when the loveliest
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  • 417 5 Thus the Vinang Gazette 1 1 It is gratifying to note that Singapore is taking a leaf out of Penang’s book, 1 and is determined to get up-to-date. Not only do the Municipal Coni- 1 missioners there meditate a Town Baud, but have even gone so
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  • 107 5 Admiral Gervais recently issued lan order congratulating all the crews lin the French Fleet on the rapidity I with which the coaling was accomplished, and on the excellent average attained. Thus the average of the Gaulois was 185 tons, and that of the Saint Louis 172 tons
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  • 239 5 The proposed alteration of the Royal title recalls the fact that, since the reign of William 1., it has already undergone no fewer than fifteen changes. The following list should be interesting:— Year. Sovereign. Koyal Style or Title. 1066 William I. King of the English, Normans, and
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  • 413 5 The Bangkok Times contains the following account of the sad death at Bangkok of Mr. Fildes, late of Messrs. Howarth, Erskine’s Bangkok branch It is with the sincerest regret that we have to record the sudden death of Mr. A. G. Fildes, of Messrs. Howarth Erskine
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  • 126 6 The total production of cofloe in Brazil, which amounted to 4,622,000 bags in 1889-90, rose in 1894-95 to 6 977,000 bags, and in 1899-1900 tc» IIOOU.OOO bags, the bag containing about 1321b5. Brazilian planters complain that only their inferior grades ol coffee are known abroad in their true
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  • 139 6 The London Gazette states that the King has been graciously pleased to signify his intention to confer the decoration ot the ictoria Cross on the undermentioned soldiers, whose claims have been submitted for his Majesty s approval, for their conspicuous bravery in South Africa, as stated against
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  • 476 6 Moke exact details are now to hand regarding the de luxe express train linking Hamburg, Bremen, and Genoa, planned by the International SleeoingCar Company, according to proposals formulated by Dr. Wiegaud, the general manager of the Xorddeutscher Lloyd The new line, bearing the
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  • 856 6 Ax a meeting of the general committee I of this memorial held in London, for the purpose of considering the recommendations of the executive committee as to the proposed designs, the following recommendations ot the Executive Committee were agreed to 1. The committee recommend
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  • 1160 6 Yesterday a representative of the Straits Times interviewed Mr. Nash, of Mains and Services and recorded the following story which has much in it to commend it to the earnest perusal ot those whom necessity drives to have recourse to
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  • 92 6 This morning, Inspector Stenhouse placed twenty-three Chinese coolies before Mr. Sarwar, on the charge of having been members of an unlawful assembly, in the nature of a riot yesterday morning at Alexandra Road. Most of the men bore marks of the atfrav on their heads and arms.
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  • 213 6 A contributor to M.A.P.” w r rites:— The recent heat-wave has made long” drinks a necessity. Many are mixed, but only a few are chosen. America is, as usual, our instructor, and the best brews come from the bars of New York. One called “John Collins”
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  • 240 6 A good story is published of how Sandow’s strength stood him in good stead among the bullies who have lately been infesting the Bois de Boulogne, Their method of action is to have I one of the gang follow the proposed J victim. At a given
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  • 526 6 The British I through the t or 1 I yesterday afternoon c OIR John f’arri I Justice of V J resignation owing Chan Tse I first Federated ship, left f„ r Enel-mH Coromandel. Lieut. II TTtT'* I of the Malay J or next month. k 1 HUMS
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  • 29 6 Per P. A O. CoromMji lf* Capt. and Mrs. BlX r M*** K. H. McCleland, W. T. Shaw, and LK. For Brindisi— and N. Colazio. S
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  • 103 7 trench ar.ny 9 t0 ave kl,akl U E her of infantry regiments, says adark k^ ki J 8 "L.ituted for the present blue l red trousers, and even among cavalry regiments the same 3fr e<> ir v. ill replace those [>U rr0J The use of khaki in
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  • 142 7 Action at Penang. ,a of Mr. Hoopers asking for to deal with extortionate 'CHiy he noted that at Penang Vv' rl l iv a hackney carriage ,,o*sby Mr. Phillips, r ,.:rar of Hacknay Carnages {I) refur:ing to drive within a T’ \;';owr mile* and demanding n a is
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  • 453 7 r Hf Australian Vaudeville and Spe:;V, Company drew another crowded at the Town Hall last night when A raviolis night’s programme was with great success. Every v. > w: 31 received and encores were in’ The ringing was splendid r, v. is greatly appreciated by it. and
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  • 99 7 A COHREBPONDXVT sends the following cutting from an EnglUh newspaper to a Hongkong contemporary 4 Another attempt to force to the front the question of a Rent-Court for London is to be made by Mr. Steadman at the London County Council. At an early meeting Mr.
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  • 747 7 German Crown Prince at Bonn University. Wilhelm, Kronprinz von Preussen, and heir to the Imperial title of Germany, the more distinguished because fie is the son of his father, is just about to end his first term at Bonn University. During the period since he was entered
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  • 215 7 v T J? W eih iwei correspondent of the A/. C. Daily yews writes:—The f uture of the colony has been a matter for much discussion. A few days ago a telegram from London, the result it is said of a recent Cabinet meeting, put a
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  • 612 7 A Remarkable Examination. Mr. T. Charters White, M. R. C. S., writing on this subject in Science Gossip,” says that palaeontology afford? many glimpses tending to the elucidation of the lives of our prehistoric ancestors, hut, though it provides information that may be gathered from a
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  • 838 7 Meeting Called by the Governor. A large and influential gathering met at Hongkong, on the morning o r the 14th inst. at the invitation of H. E. the Governor to pass a resolution enabling the Colony of Hongkong to be fittingly represented in the proposed
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    • 629 7 To the Editor of the Straits Times.” 8ir, —It is an axiom, which 1 think will be generally acquiesced in and received by at least the British*bom portion of your readers, that the man who takes no interest in the political life and welfare of his nation,
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    • 167 7 To the Editor of the Straits Times.’* Sir,— With regard to the Tikigha question which has to be threshed out at no very distant dato, it is in contemplation to reduce the number of ’rikishaa (about 7,000) now plying for hire, and to effect tins it is
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  • 74 8 The next concert of the Singapore Philharmonic Society will be given on Saturday, 31st inst., when Alfred Gaul’* cantata Ituth will be given by solo voices and choir, supported by orchestral accompaniments. Mrs. Wynter eings the music allotted to Ruth, Mrs Hooper that of Naomi, Miss Ellershaw
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  • 227 8 A writer in PasselCs Saturday Journal professes to give what may be called inside information a 3 to the King’s likes and dislikes in the way of food. HnMajesty, he says, is possessed of a firstclass digestion, and it is seldom that anything which he partakes of
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  • 220 8 At the monthly meeting of the Hongkong Chamber of Commerce held on the 12th instant, there was read a letter from the Singapore Chamber of Commerce stating that as the question of the registration of Chinese parterehips —now before the Penang Chamber —is likely soon to come up
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  • 250 8 Police Action Outside the Supreme Court. Yesterday morning, about 11.30, Mr. T. C. Loveridge was arrested on the road outside the temporary Supreme <Jourt for refusing to give his full name to European P. C. Coulston when the name was demanded. According to P. C. Coulston’s
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  • 1057 8 Many Killed And Injured. The China Mail says that never in the history of house collapses in Hongkong, which is now an extensive one, has there been recorded such an appalling catastrophe as occurred late on the evening of the 14th inst., when
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  • 160 8 According to Timber a journal devoted to the timber trade, there is a movement on foot to “corner” the world’s supply of teak. A similar attempt, it is said, was made not long ago and nothing but the fact that the British government controls the chief
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  • 389 8 The report sent to the EmpressDowager by Yang Yu, the Chinese MiliibtCi to Russia, re a agreement between England and Russia not to interfere with each other on their respective sides of the Great Wall, has, so Shanghai rumour has it, greatly alarmed her. The Empress-Dowager censured Li
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  • 286 8 H. M. S. Jiosnrio under Commander Hamilton arrived at Kuala Klang on the 22nd instant. Mr. Sutherland, of the Chartered Bank here, leaves by the Sappho to-day to take charge of the branch of the Bank at Kuala Lumpur. Mr E. C. J. Tranehell and Dr. Wright
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  • 128 8 The German transport Aletia, Capt. Knuth, arrived from Taku this morning cn route for Bremen and anchored in the roads. She has 169 officers and men on board and is expected to leave to-day. The Russian Volunteer Fleet steamer Voronej arrived from Odessa yesterdayevening and anchored in the roads
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    • 115 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times.” Sir, —In view of the fact that there seems to be a considerable difference o r opinion as to whether a franchise for tramways in Singapore should be granted or not, —anyway on any terms that have been suggested,—and further
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    • 114 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times.” Sir, —With reference to “Townsman’s letter in your issue of the 23rd inst. it may interest your readers to know that the following are the ’rikisha fares in Hongkong: 5 cents for 15 minutes. 10 half an hour. 15 one
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  • 193 8 It is rumoured that tb* I Public Works, F.M S J> l rec V)ft/| Taiping his headquarters’ l 1 SCI Dr. Fox, the acting I will proceed on leave to Eum I return of Dr. Wright in Mr. Spooner, the General V r nt V Railways, F.M 8.,
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  • 655 8 Coal Mining. I At Oiuhilien in West Sumatra, tv I Netherlands India Government CM long been experimenting with the h-1 1 T k '°Au 0t Coa l lni,les Coal «an.-l abound there and are worked with cor I net labour. The coal is not of very hS I
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  • 889 9 Home. Suits beat Derbyshire ..\\elD* Jr# runs, Iremongei > i08 runs. Derbyshire, f >*'■* 51 n( Vs, scored only 44, ass .S* S, i Aet* for 17 runs In the ■(ir Derbyshire did very f 1 .."r .coring only 97, andItt ass o-rv successful, taking o The matches
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  • 98 9 A man may be great by chance, but never wise and good without taking paius for it. The only passion which age does not blunt is avarice, which, the longer we live, only becomes the kneer. They declaim most against the world who have most sir ned against it,
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  • 419 9 The Annual General Meeting. The annual general meeting of the members of the Singapore Volunteer Corps w r as held at the Drill Hall yesterday afternoon, Major Murray, the Commandant, in the chair. At the outset of the meeting, the Chairman enquired if representatives of the Press
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  • 2533 9 W hen the P. and O. liner Coromandel arrived here on Thursday afternoon, all the sensible senior police officers had gone home. The office was closed for the day. The Coromandel had a few cases of opium dross on board. Now the local laws forbid the landing
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  • 384 10 M. Doumer urged in France as a crushing argument for the Yunnan rail" way, the alleged wealth of that province in coal mines. Yunnan coal, so it was alleged, is of prime quality and is quite equal to the Cardiff article. This statement has aroused indignation in Tonquin
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  • 475 10 Tav 1L S. attache with t.ho British troops in South Africa writes:— In this connection, cavalry and mounted infantry, I will state my belief that our cavalry, as drilled and instructed, is the best in the world to meet successfully the new conditions of war. That dismounted
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  • 1679 10 London 2nd Aug. Glorious Goodwood. To-day the mo9t delightful of all English Race Meetings ends in sun- 1 shine leaving behind a record ofj high class and most enjoyable sport. Royal Ascot is no better than a rowdy picnic in comparison with the quiet beauty and
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  • 1272 10 The King and Queen will probably spend a month in Ireland in the spring. Acytblenb gas lights have become very popular amongst the Chinese in Perak. The International Telegraph Conference, postponed from last May, opens in London on the 10th February. The official title of the Inspector
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  • 220 10 On Saturday morning, a young belongmg to Mr. Wee Kay Nang out in a private eharry with two Near the Masonic Club the w became restive and bolted, Street it kicked the driver on his fracturing the lower part of one o legs, then collided
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  • 243 11 j. e ting at the Town Hall. j representative meeting JU" 8 1 residents was held at the s«W**7 n Saturday afternoon with Goonetilleke in the chair r F read letters Irom several residing in the Native Lring their absence and sympathy with the then proposed the t|r
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  • 479 11 Darul Afiah beat The Nationals. hi undecided tie between the Darul gah(Tanjong Pagar Malays) and the jjalu National 11 team (Chinese) in semi-final game of the National cv ili Challenge Cup was re-played i’jeTanjong Pa gar ground yesterday irnoon. By 4-30 a huge crowd, in &h were
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  • 435 11 Apparently the recent order enforcing traffic to proceed at walking pace past the attap Supreme Court, to avoid noise, is found to be unworkable. At any rate a layer of tan has been put down, as was suggested in these columns in the first instance. The
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  • 328 11 Kuala Lipis, '2oth Avgust. Chan Long, a Kuantan mandor, convicted of shooting a Chinese coolie and sentenced to death, was executed the other day in the Lipis gaol. Wan Ismail, lately Penghulu of Gall, near Raub, has been sentenced to two years imprisonment for habitually dealing in stolen
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  • 362 11 Peter Jackson, the well known colored prize fighter has died at Roma, Queensland. L ifteen months ago he returned to Sydney on the verge of death from pneumonia, contracted at Skagway while on the road to the Klondyke with Paddy Slavin. Doctors held out little hope of
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    • 407 11 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —Theconcise but vigorousdenunciation that appeared in a short leader published in Saturday’s issue ot your paper on the subject of public I lotteries, as dealt with in a notification in a recent issue of the I Perak Guveruoi&iit GazcAte t
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  • 1322 11 24 th August. We hear it said in certain circles that Kuala Lumpur has at last awakened to the fact that she has been without a spiritual pastor of the Church of England persuasion long enough Mr. Severn's name is mentioned in j connection with the
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  • 314 11 Rickshaws on Bicycle Wheels. A big stride towards rendering infinitely more Comfortable one of the chief means of locomotion in the East has just been made by a Colombo firm, through Mr. G. C. Gnapp, who has recently patented a steel frame, which can
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  • 167 12 A comprehensive report by the Health Commissioner on food preservatives and adulterated and unwholesome food has been issued in Queensland. The report states that the specific gravity of beers and stouts is much below the standard of good English ale and stout. All the samples of ale
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  • 167 12 The French transport Ambique, Capt. Loubati°re, arrived from Taku this morning enroute for Marseilles and anchored in the roads. She has G2< officers and soldiers on board and is expected to leave to-morrow. The German chartered transport E. F. Ferdinand arrived on Saturday evening from Kobe and Taku. She
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  • 419 12 Tnr: Modicul lioport l* n H.C Colony for 1900 says that the -Public Health of the Colony for 1900, taking the deathiate as our guide, was not good all the Settlements, notably Singapore, showing very much higher mortality rates than for 1899. Zymotic disease existed in all the
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  • 1912 12 Donkey rickshas are in use at Kiaochow. 1 t r 1 The French transport Ameriqne left I for Marseilles at 6 this morning. I A smoking concert will be held at the Masonic Club on Saturday, Sept. 7th. H.M S. Centurio'/i has reached Ports- i mouth, and
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  • 96 12 A general meeting of the Perak Chamber of Mines was held at Ipoh, the other day, with Mr. Addis ?n the Chair, to fix upon the points to be laic before a forthcoming mining conference in that quarter. The principa points agreed to were the following:
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  • 89 12 There was a fauly large house at the Town Hall last night when the Australian Vaudeville Company produced a new programme which metwith great success. The singing and dancing were greatly appreciated and encores w*ere frequent. Prof. A. Davies bewildered the audience with his tricks. He produced
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  • 147 12 Mr. Belfield will be leaving for England on or about September 24th, when as already announced, he will be relieved by Mr. Clifford. It is likely that the Bingo Mara, sailing about the middle of next month, will take quite a number of Selangor passengers, including Mr. M.
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  • 158 12 Apprehended at n ontrl I Acting Police I McNamara of r I'itijJ Hongkong Daily I> r M leave by the last and came to Ufl to work his way north situation m the Chinese' t service. WhUe waitinr r steamer northward he litJ 7* ne-ed the tiillerent hotel
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  • 261 12 Extraordinary Case I An extraordinary case of cinepbj to defraud Government in connect! 1 with the Tirah Expedition has bet1 ieard Gy a Special Magistrate J 1 Rawalpindi. Kishm Singh, a purchasij agent, was accused of attempting tJ ootain payment of R22,402 f-J goods never supplied. The
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  • 224 12 Some particulars of the trade of Singapore and Penang with the diaine* Malay States for the year 191*0, as com* pared with previous years, have beer* t received at the Board ol Trade, thiougi: the Officer administering the Govern' ment at Singapore: Imports into Singapore. From
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  • 162 13 I the fW** ft*** 1 from outside sources that K t !K» r 1 hin k the Hongkong V*'ri u b very sporting to K<t'- t, iem again at cricket Kestf 11 t [,py are sending up tf° n r xi than three year? Mr s ?tr(
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  • 473 13 n Itt Aiistraliff). ;i„u-o of Comm >n«, on the the Colonial Ofiice un'lei consideration, Sir leader of r; J Vtion, closely inquired into rh African situation. .;i;f»eilain replied in a weighty Husaid that regular warfare, r a time had been sue*bv guerilla tactics, had r J a
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  • 978 13 Half-yearly Meeting. Tub ordinary hail-yearly general meeting of shareholders in this Batik was held at Hongkong on the 17th instant, the Chairman, Mr. R. Shewan, presiding. •The Chairman said: The report just read represents a very prosperous state of affairs at the Bank. It is a
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  • 802 13 Farewell to the Discovery.** A Hearty Send-off. In the presence of a great crowd of well-wishers the good ship Discovery steamed forth from the East India basin on the afternoon of July 31st, and a few minutes later was gliding smoothly towards the -sea. On land
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    • 862 13 To tho Editor of the Straits Timos.** Sir, —In jour issue of the 17th instaut, you quote the following extract from the Malay Maxi 44 Mr. G. Whyte is now passing through Kuala Lumpor after paying a visit to Pahang. We hear on good authority that
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    • 150 13 To the Editor of the Straits Times.** Sir,—My attention has been called to the communication published .in your paper yesterday in which I am accused of trying to make Waterloo Street the happy training ground of my newly bought steed.” The horse in question formerly
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  • 410 13 ARRIVAL OF H.M.S. ALBION. The huge new twin screw first class British battleship Albion Captain W. W. Hewett, arrived this morning from feheerness via Colombo and went alongside No. 7 section Tanjong Pagar Wharf at 10 o’clock to coal, bhe left Miecrness «>n July 11th and Colombo on August 22nd.
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  • 163 13 Memorial Services of a very elaborate nature have been held in Taiynenfu for the massacred missionaries, which were largely attended by the Chinese officials with the exception of the liovernor, who was said to be ill. A huge procession was formed, in which some Chinese infantry were conspicuous,
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  • 970 14 The .Japanese Government has issued a proclamation enjoining kindness to auimuls. The port of Tuluk Anson is notified to be infected owing to an outbreak of cholera. The Chinese Samkzyang Ilautu or presentation of offerings to the dead begins to-night. Me. L. Webster acts as general manager
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  • 51 14 Per X. D L. Konig Albert for Hamburg —Mrs. Yon Rargen and Mr. P. Erichsen. For London—Mrs. Eden Paul and Mr. L. Perry. For Port Said —Rev, John Ohaleron, and Rev Xavia Daly. For Colombo—Mis. J. E, Edwards, and Mr. and Mrs. Mereeke. For Genoa —Mr. O.
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  • 77 14 During the first half of the present year 1,910,1(35 tons of coal were shipped from Moji, of which 293,881 tons were sent to Hongkong, 241 sui to Shanghai, 47,535 to Singapore, 102,302 to Manila. Blinkers for foreign-going ships took 269,514, and Japan ports and bunkers for local steamers
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  • 113 14 The following chapter of accidents is reported from Shanghai under date 19th inst: Mr. Cuthbcrtson, engineer of the steamer Luhrang was fatally shot here. The evidence put forward at the inquest points to the fact that the revolver was accidentally discharged. The engineer of the kerosene steamer
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  • 214 14 A Tokio despatch to the Atahi states that Field-Marshal Marquis Oyama, Chief of the General Staff, will shortly resign. In this connection it is noted that the Marquis, who has always been foremost in entertaining foreign visitors of note, was not present at the reception given
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  • 137 14 The German transport IWu'»wi/t,Capt W. Schweer, arrived this morning from Tsingtau bound for Bremerhaven and anchored in the roads. She has 23 officers, 14 subalterns, and 745soldiereon board, and is expected to leave to-night, l’he troops on board the Tucuman are the Ist Seebatailion belonging to the Guards. They
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  • 220 14 One feature of the coloured labour problem in Australia is that arising from the pearlshell fisheries on the N. \V. Court. Restriction of Asiatic labour there means trammelling a profitable industry. The labour force engaged comes from Singapore and arq a mixed lot of Asiatics. They are signed on
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  • 197 14 Caught in a Typhoon. The X-C. Daily Xeirs gives the following account of the wreck of the Russian canco boat, b'luanzrni/iixf* r Witle bound from Moji to Sing*pore with a cargo of coal, which left Moji on July 29th and was caught in a typhoon twenty-five miles
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  • 244 14 Man to be buried three days and taken up alive. In the interest of science, Dr. T. J. Betiero, of Chicago, lias asked the Board of Iloahh of that city for a permit to bury a live hypnotised man. He means to show that there is a
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  • 201 14 Fanny Kemble once gave a most amusing instance of the extent to which stage whispering may be carried on unknown to the audience. It was in a well-known theatre, and Romeo and Juliet* was the play. Romeo was at the words (stage version, not Shakespeare’s), Quick let me
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  • 173 14 Thi*: Scha’clzeristhe MilUarzeitanj gives the following as the expenditure on their armies and navies of the six greatest European Powers at the three several epochs of 1880,1890 and 1900:— 1880. 1890. 1900. Germany...£*20,*2."»U,000 £29,800,000 £37,800,000 Russia ...£36,900,000 £38,900,000 £36,000,000 France ...£30,000,000 £31 ,*2.70,000 £38,300,000 Italy ...£10,000,000 £19,500,000 £17,400,000
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  • 448 14 THE HOUSE OF COMMONS AND THE DAILY MAIL. A good deal of interest has been I aroused by a contest between the I Houst of Commons and the Daily Muil I The latter paper recently published I several official secrets which, in the I opinion of Hie (Jovernment, ought I
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  • 798 14 Judgment B Judgment has been 4 Justice Law, in the Sn Vfen bt B H.e action iiflfectin* they* hstat«( ilolyroo<l" •Singapore, which was rL B S® auction. Gently Hli Lordship Said the H property Jaffar bin Haii out a summons askingL that the purchaser,
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  • 175 15 the coolest sight in London £Rfl 7rlP oa 10th ult. was the swim\t the Bath Club, when the Annual competition tor the I Challenge Shield was held. audience was restricted. 13' j! 1 the m aic ;and w,1 »ch last I en lV ed discreetly behind a screen
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  • 630 15 I tier Appearance in the Far East. I \v 1: certain circumstances it is I for a prominent person to I h -trici incognito, even under I .*t .:1b* popular pationym ot I. and this especially applies I oi th-J public who have I L .yi unit*
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  • 328 15 The Indiarubber (Mexico) Co. It is feared the failure of this Company, which is severely criticised in the Investors Review will make it difficult to obtain support from London shaieholders for rubber enterprises for some time to come No other end was possible than that proposed by the
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  • 522 15 R. E. v. 35th Co. R. G. A. The replayed tie between these teams in the first round of the Warren Shield competition took place last evening on the Esplanade before a large crowd of spectators. Through some misunderstanding the goal posts were not up at
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  • 310 15 Years of Shameful Neglect.” The following from the London Daily Telegraph will interest Volunteer Artillerymen in Singapore. It is taken from an article on the present position of the Volunteer force at home: There is, however, one branch of the oluuteers that requires encouragement. For years the Volunteer
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  • 466 15 The report of the committee of the Singapore Temperance Club has been issued, from which it seems that the Institute lias maintained its popularity during the fourth year of the present committee’s management. Although it was feared the depaiture of the European regiment would he disastrous, the
    466 words
  • 634 15 The duty on tin collected by the Selangor Government from January to July amounted to SI,(514,648, which shews an excess over the estimated amount of *447,98U. Mr. Skeat the author of Malay Magic has in hand a new book Fables and Folk-tales” to be published next month.
    634 words
  • 72 15 Per N.D.L. Preuss&n from Hamburg— Mr., Mrs. and Miss Habekost, Mrs. and Miss Murphy, Messrs. Schulze and Teiehet. From Antwerp —Messrs.Heize, Van Mannen, Kleinhout, and Druse. From Southampton —Mr. Krosett. From Genoa-Mr. Stringer, Mr. and Lady Roxana Paterson, Messrs. Koppel, McLardb,Uulshoff, Brugmann. Van Tol, Thumann, and Miss
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  • 124 15 Mr. R. 0. N. Anderson, the Engineer in charge of the Irrigation Works at Bagan Serai, will go on leave to Europe by the middle of next month. Probably he will be succeeded by Mr. C. LPark, the Assistant Engineer on the Irrigation Staff, who
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  • 159 15 Close of the Tournament. Tiie Autumn tennis tournament' was brought to a successful conclusion Ia6t evening, in spite of the weather, when Mrs. Saunders (runner-up) met Mrs. Lovell (holder) for the Championship. The result was a great surprise, Mis. Saunders beating Mrs Lovell 3-6, 6-l,i> 4.
    159 words
  • 166 15 A propos of the Chinese Indemnity regarding which Reuter has left the Far East in blank ignorance for some weeks past, the following are the dates of payment and the amounts and instalments of the indemnity to the various Powers which are believed to have been agreed
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  • 231 15 Mr. Baird’s lecture on the South African war, last night, at the Town Hall was numerously attended. The lecturer rivetted the attention of the audience by spirited explanations of the slide views shown. Mr. Baird, who had worked at the seat of war for the spiritual
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 72 15 LAND SALE. At Powell and Co.’s sale-room yesterday, three out of the fifteen Govern meat building a lotments at Btanley and Cecil Streets were disposed of. Lots 1, 2, and 3 with a totri are i of 8,94d square feet were knocked down to Mr. G. Pertile at the upset
      72 words

  • 275 16 Bishop Potter of New York uses language that’s free.” Bishop Potter of New York does not stop to allow his ideas or opinions to ferment before expressing them; but they are frequently very much to the point. When he described an incident with a jinrikisha man in Singapore
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  • 481 16 Will arrive here in a day or so. The U S. transport McClellan with the American delegates who are to enquire into the administration of tin Philippines, arrived at Colombo on the 20ih iii6t., having left New York forty-one days before. The delegates areSenator Hon.
    481 words
  • 1972 16 Home. At Leyton on the 15th inst. Yorkshire beat Essex by an innings and 33 runs but the champion county made its lowest score of the season. Essex batted first, but made only 30 runs, Hirst taking seven wickets, for 12 runs Yorkshire then scored 104, Mead capturing
    1,972 words
  • 364 16 Mr. Morgan’s Ultimatum. I The New York correspondent of the London Daily Telegraph wired as follows on August 4th The Steel Trust yesterday rejected the demands made by the employe*, and the greatest labour war ever known I now threatens the steel industry. A general strike in
    364 words
  • 1950 16 MUN ICI PAL COMMISSION. The usual fortniehtlv I Municipal I yesterday afternoon, the I J. O. Anthomw, in the S a *r I were also present Messrs s Tu,| Barker, Cuscaden. Tee T"’ *5 I Choa Giang Tbye, Choon Guan; with the ’u"' 1 W| Secretary, Mr. PolgUse an a
    1,950 words

  • 261 17 The design of the new British battle- j slops of the King Eduard class represents a most striking advance, or, indeed, almost a revolutionary change from past British types. Instead of a battery composed of a few very heavyguns for the attack of thick armour, and many
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  • 32 17 Said a certain poor ail ng King’s Proctor, If I do not shortly get better The calls of this fancy -priced Dr. Will make me forever hie Dr
    32 words
  • 553 17 BRUTAL TRAGEDY ON THE STEAMER BENMOHR.’* An Italian seaman named Ercole Laura murdered Mr. Richard W. Jones, second mate of the British steamer Benmohr Capt. A. Wallace, .at the Tanjong Pagar Wharf, at about hall past three o’clock yesterday afternoon The sailor stabbed his officer in
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  • 141 17 lie Turns up off Macao. The sea serpent has been seen near Macao While the Customs cruiser Kumnng was oft one of the small islands to the south of Macao, the other day, the sea serpent was sighted some little distance away. It was at tirs» taken
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  • 133 17 Last year the Anti-I oot-Binding Society offered prizes for essays on the subject of its work. Over 200 essays were sent in, most of them strongly condemning the practice of foot-binding. A few, however, says Mrs. Arnold Foster, of Wuchang, defended the custom on the following grounds“ Bound feet
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  • 514 17 CoL.-SkUGT. Glennie, 8.V.R. has been made Second-Lieutenant in that Corps. Second-Lieut. Ellis is promoted to Lieutenant. H. M. S. Lizard leaves for Sydney, N. S. W., on Sunday afternoon or Monday morning. The Brink is now on tier way down from Hongkong, and on her arrival the
    514 words
  • 72 17 A return match between the S.Y.R. and the Rest was bowled at theTanglin Club last night, the 8.V.R. winning by 34 points. Scores 8. V. R. The Rest. Pie. Stratton.„ 720 A. A. Gunn f-90 Ptc. Cunliffe 716 W.fJ.Southam 068 Pte J.G.Mactaggart666 Capt. White.. 646 Ptc Catto 603 A.
    72 words
  • 125 17 Events seem to be shaping toward the early incorporation of Fiji with either Australia or New Zealand (says the Sydney Daily Telegraph). In Fiji itself the hopes that were aroused among the white population by the New Zealand Governmeot’s recent island federation propaganda evidently continue undiminished.
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  • 1134 17 THE MURDER ON THE S. S. BENMOHR.” INQUEST YESTERDAY. The inquest on the body of Richard W. Jones, second mate of the s. 8. Benmohr who was fatally stabbed on board the Benmohr at Taojong Pagar wharf on Wednesday afternoon was held at the General Hospital yesterday afternoon. The Italian,
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  • 1335 18 This Morning’s Proceedings. The accused, Ercole Laura, was brought before Mr. Sarwar at the Police Court this morning on a charge of murder. Mr. Van Cuylenburg defended the accused by order of the Government. Mr. J. J. Watson, chief officer of the Benmohr stated that
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  • 171 18 Messks. Itodyk and Davidson write to us pointing out that our report of the judgment by Mr. Justice Lhw in the Supreme Court in the matter of the sale of the Mount Victoria Estate, in Wednesday’s Strutts Times is erroneous. Messrs. Rod) k and Davidson
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  • 2317 18 (Via Australia and Ceylon.) Horae. London August 8th. —Last session a measure was brought forward on behalf »f the London and India Docks Joint Committee to repeal exemptions from rates or charges of lighters and similar craft using the docks under the management of the Joint Committee
    2,317 words

  • 122 19 II ir t »m*ral meeting ot tlie /srr fits Chinese British ieid las* night in the were about 150 ii i,: 1 he Hon'hle Dr. I/mi ,/dcd until Mr. Seah v j’iie report and ac- 1 r .L..: *n circulated among .*.{unmiraoudly v.'rc the olliccrs elected
    122 words
  • 254 19, d tho Siligr* »>;>;»• 1 1 Yivstoiii ly when i/» cv*is Si i 'kefl b\ .tore lvspoofiv«ly i ut Mr. .joiifiston s ri;inliin* at on«*e gaiticc! ,!.i 1) i 1 e inoiciisud grauu.qs about a l**ngtli alidad 211:10 siftrn chase v, in.-4- i tie distance bef\.‘i
    254 words
  • 849 19 I bfcf'jJl'jwiug istiie text of the address P*'*!to Mr G. T. Hare, at Kuala p. l :r on Saturday last, by the Chip :r -he Federated Malay States. I N'j'K. K-q., Secretary for Chinese I i*di*rated Malay States. tlime-e of the Federated Malay
    849 words
  • 166 19 Wednesday's Play. Ladies' Singles. Final. Mrs. Adams beat Mrs. Far rant, 6-2,6-3. Mixed Doubles Class) Final. MiS Saunders A Mr. Mulholland beat Mr. Mrs. Gan slower 6-1, 6-4. Championship Pairs. Miss J. Gunn Mr. Green beat Mrs. Salzmann A M r. J.G.MacLaggart 6-3,5-6, 6-2. Thursday’s Play.
    166 words
  • 389 19 Per s. s. Ban Liong from Cotei —Capt. A. I B Flak Per s. s. Ruby from Palembang—Mr. Noble. Per s. s. Sappho from Klang via ports— Messrs. Dunkerlev, Paxon, and Pasqual. Per s. s. A fud tea from Rangoon —MeB9r6. Jaques Faure, a <1 W. 11. Higgs.
    389 words
    • 196 19 Undei iii'.sDealingtuefollowing ab'tn evlotions are used: —str. —steamer sh. —*hip cq.—barquo; sch —schooner; Yo;.-- Yacht Cru. —Cruiser; Gbt. —Gunboat; TorTorpedo; H.p.—Hor?9-power Br t.Sritieh U. S. —United Stales: Fr.~ French Gsr. —German Dut.- D itch Job.—Johore Ac., G. c., —General •argo d.p.—deck nassangers U U kmi tain T.
      196 words
    • 1329 19 Arrivals Since Noon of Yesterday. Albion, Brit. 720 tons. Capt Curtis, 29tli Aug. From Bombay, 7 th A ug. Go. Borneo Cov. Ltd. For Bangkok, 30th —B. W. Betty Rus. str. 1,798 tons, Capt T* dd,29th Aug. From NovorosMck, 3oih July. G.c. Boustead A Co. For Port
      1,329 words
    • 1538 20 J. Cl AO j k- amk A l To3- 1 a-m From Sailed. Consignees. d Rig j f i j i i JNr.g if 17 Timandra Brit bq.j 1500 Olive Port Natal July 8 and Co. 21 Ban Lioug Dut str.I 275 Koenig Cotie Aug 14 Ek Leong Chan
      1,538 words
    • 931 20 Hate. Name Fi.aoAKm-! Captai* I>F21 r*«ati*»n Aug 21 Fob Aim Rrit *tr. Robertson Klang via ports 22 K'an Yang j str. Hoppen Muar and Malacca 22 Chow Phva str. Jellicoe Malacca and Klang 22 Sui Sang str. Tadd Hongkong 22 j Richmond str. Mann Fremantle via ports 22 Tydeus
      931 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 442 19 COMMON SENSE'-NUTSHELL A new medical work on the cause* and moat scientific and effectual mean* of self-cur* ever discovered for nervosa itud fanclionmi dcbUtoy, «mW of vitality, (Uprutloo of Mil tit*, Me. .with practical observation* on marriage and fuB direction? tor removing certain disqualification* that deetroy the happiness of wedded
      442 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 123 20 The Universal Remedy for A'-iduy o: t e otouao.i. Headache, Heartburn. Indices*ion. Sour Eructations, Bilious AQecuons. The Physician's Cure for Gout, Rheumatio Gout and Gravel; tto safest and most gentle luedicine for Infants, Children, Delicate Females, and the Sickness of Pregnancy. A A iDINNEFORDS [MAGNESIA Sold Throughout the World. M.
      123 words
    • 94 20 WAN! ED, for Mining Company in Pahang, competent Surveyor' and Astayer (with knowledge of mining and mine accounts preferred). Good Salary to really competent man. Apply to A. B Office c/o this paper. SCHWEITZER'S lie Best: Purest COCOA. Now ©specialty packed in double-lidded cinnenrujgfreshness for jean, in all climate*. <ftPIOL
      94 words
    • 938 20 peau, ami other?, combine, all rVf^ i a irtediciue of tne kind. a*d n employe*! ,Qr P»»**. Bh.»rtu.i.^j? Un 1 the unnaiy vi ga ug ,‘flectiiai'v r mr 1 I »‘U, of which L? n U r r Stricture .tml other seiiou* di**,*; V l tati..n o! the iower bowel
      938 words