The Straits Budget, 15 September 1900

Total Pages: 22
1 22 The Straits Budget
  • 75 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” The Straits Times is widely read throughout Asia generally. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. v.tah :-hed ovkr Half
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      • 55 1 vm en.—On ill- 15th Angus!» .1 uul hil% Ktbhnnr Sy tie v\ 1 »miiy r Iwplain ii f L < ,4 Ah MhkBEKT ATKI 8I• > k;!a la’ yi HAh, oio\ daughter of th J um-*-Pn of litflihchha«t J gr»e d«»a«nJii»r f P N»:i« G‘ ii» n«l W l.iani
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  • 373 1 Leamk* ttks IOCiL. Quotation?. hissci.Krr loli- e lLtt A-e: i> 11 .Mr *u.s police Force. Ttie !v,tut (Question. F-i.r is* >% J« wei. iLc rt*u»e i uurt. lut* Mm;a) Police Office, i-*.- "lih’c Mark* t. lbe Aff ur on board a Japanese Steamer. A.i*vtl K Snapping.
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  • 645 1 BiauA*o*Jt, 16th September. 19U0. PRODUCE. (Bates are corrected, to noon) ambier buyers 8 00. opra Bali, 6 40. do Pontianak, 6.n0 Black buyers 29.00 do White, (5/ 0 4600 tgo Flour Sarawak, „8 30 do Brunei So. 1 2.90 'earl Sago 4 07$. offee, Bali, 15% basis 23.5 J
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  • 409 1 The mail for Europe, this week, leaves by the M. M. S. S. Yarra. The mail fur Europe, next week, is fixed for the P. &O.b. 8. Parramatta. The German mail for Europe by the P. Heinrich closed on Tuesday. The German mail from Europe by
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 85 1 TIM A vru. K-* w Jr*-- 1 once of the Strait» Time» '1 he jHisi fr e pn«*e fs* P*' AVe-.* i s B*l a )e«r, or 40 t< subscribe for »ye*r jf > (i,• t oil" for shorter perio 8 are e...poriionate rate of price as tiwbj'-t can be
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  • 59 1 DEATH*. b he General Hospital, Sing-»-jcr,. t .ml ;t m. on the ltb instant i W v..!* 1 Geaky, ag *i 19 >earfeu -0« o r John Lug.ue.G ary. (kth 1 it» »n^t:int f fit 48-7 Waterloo •r.v i »vii/ hiimiNlC. the b love*l son oi j{- J H'd Mrs.
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  • 4224 3 Who would be a Sultan? Poor Abdul Hamid II must have been fairly uncomfortable lately with the thought that a knife, or poison, or a bullet might meet him at some unexpected corner and put out himiserable little torch for ever. Certain placards have been found posted in Stamboul drawing
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  • 849 4 Thi German transports Adria and rhceniriu have left for the north. A French transport passed through from West to East at 2 p.m. yesterday During the siege. of the British Legation at Peking six ladies died from sickness. The price of camphor in Pahang is now $6,0u0
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  • 20 4 (Bo Iced.) Per P. A O. g. Chinan for vtrs. Way for Pena,*-* per, aud John Carroll
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  • 58 4 A common form ot cheating in the oil ade at Bangkok is that, 0 f Mlin# ..etroleuni in parti) emptied tin,. IPaM J .pun the consumer a* full tini The neliiod is this a hole is bored in tbe en«»ugh oil to fill a quart bottle pumped out,
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  • 57 4 The Honorary J-cerefary ut u> -late that a competiiioi) lor geiiilenieD nembers will commence at the btpjy iines Goit Club on Monday, the Ifjth iislaui, for a prize wlndi lias bten .ludly presented by the olliuer* of l lphigeai u; and that the condi* ions of
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  • 83 4 At Powell Co.’s sale-room yester,ay the freehold property known as the /astir Panjcing brickwmkt, with atrut <2 acres oi land, including live sta-ide Hutment», was disposed ot tor the uin of a&UjIUU, tile buyer being lay 100 Ann. A building allotment marked a 19 IruiiLing the Pdasir
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  • 88 4 It is interesting to note that the oriiy dan who has periornitd l lie journey ruin the Cape lo Cairo lias not very ouch laitn in Mr Rhodes gieat runway cheine. In convei>ation wiili a repre enia’ lve of the African Itfiew recently, li. E 15. Grogan
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  • 232 4 Messrs. Latham and MaeUj.»*Mining Mock,.-A fair amount of bU£ .css h-ts bee- uoue m m her-.1i..r. *ong repoits a uuil market steady rates j 8 131 Kccb.iu. —The return for Angus .8. iron. 2UU ton »tm.e lb--hurt lime owing to wawt o T<»iijoog I'agar Pock-. iuduo.or the
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  • 231 5 l rKDI TOB OF THE “STRAITS TIMES. w 1 iam glad t 0 see the M^ T S; -7vam i| nest ion receiving a little X.j ref' 3 paper (though it u Kcntion "i don’t all the MisBi= lefot 7 r: fchool'i Mistress not Te in 1
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  • 426 5 THt kDIT o» of the “straits times” I Tl.ti white elephant is again ,'jiunp himself. If any one Govern- jj.jijii; more tlian another has Tr.'iblesin«*e its erection, it is the f.Vril I .*liee Offi.-e This ought not I /"be a iiiaiter for surprise when it is
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  • 955 5 niEIK pay and prospects. ,jr,IE K l>n«»H OF THE “STRAITS TIMES” >ik,- Allow hip, through the medium your influential iournal, to lay before i fading public of thi9 prosperous -olony the present miserable pittance out to the European police of all ajikSj which is just sufficient
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  • 137 5 A BOON TO THE CAROLINES. Writing to a Sydney firm a correspondent at the Caroline Islands states rhat, since the Germans succeeded the Spaniards in the Carolines, affairs have been progressive in a commercial way. While the Spaniards ruled the Carolines, the natives were continually at loggerheads, much
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  • 1079 5 JAPANEBE ACTION AT AMOY. Several hundreds of Formosa Chinese who have become naturalised Japanese subjects reside in Amoy, and they, together with the Japanese residents I there, have been constantly threatened by the unruly classes among the Amoy Chinese. On the news reaching the capital of the attempted
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  • 64 5 At Launceston, Tasmania, the other day, one John Kirby met with a terrible death at a brewery. He fell ii>t a copper containing 1,500 gallons of wort on the boil. The fires were immediately raked out and the liquor run ofi* f and at the bottom of
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  • 146 5 STRAINED RELATIONS. The relations between the Bulgarian principality and the kingdom of Rmmania are gravely strained, owing to the Hxtortions practised upon Roumanians at Sofia, and to the toleration in Bulgaria of political committees whose aims are inimical to the welfare of Roumania. King Carl I. has
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  • 273 5 ASIATICS IN RHODEBIA. Mr. Rhodes intends to solve the labour question in South Africa by importing Asiatics into the country, fhe ecarcity of labour in Rhodesia, and the difficulty in getting the Kaffir to work for more than one month out of ihe twelve, is greatly hindering
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  • 499 5 During the determined attempt which was made by General Bir Frederick Carrington to relieve the Eland’s River garrison, Lie «tenant E. H. Thomas and 10 members of the New South Wales Imperial'Bushmen's Contingent were intercepted by th# Boers. Lieutenant Thomas got safely back to the British lines,
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  • 159 5 GROPING FOR THB LAW.” The temporary Supreme Court which is being rapidly constructed of attap and plank bids fair to be finished and ready for occupation in a few days. It does not look very inviting, hut probably r.he majesty of the law will possess all the
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  • 81 5 According to a member of th» Roatgen Society, the Po*t Office authorities make considerable use ef the Roatgen Rays. They bundle parcel after parcel with lightning rapidity along a slab, and can gee in a momenta if there is anything that ought not to* be in the
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  • 3789 6 (From China Papers.) SSCAPB OF r ‘*F ROYAL PARTY. Shanghai, 26th August. The Emperor au mn pres»-Dowager left eking by rhe Chu Yung gate and, on lltli inst., reached Tai-tung district by way of Yang-kuo district (both dis♦r r*e are at the extreme north of the BhanBt province). Princes
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  • 135 6 The Liverpool Chamber ot to merce have received a from the Secretary oi Mate reply to a request, made behalf of the Liverpool School oi Tropical Medicine, that he s receive a deputation to discus subject of the improvement of the c ditions of life for
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  • 1016 7 to,s fi cruiser passed through A f? E t t 0 Ki-t at 3 p m. yesterday. .lead body*~oF a a sailer, was found off gE MV.i yesterday. «atcb and chain, valued at $BO, AP .i Jen tom The Mansion, River Hoad, yesterday. T morning, one
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  • 85 7 Mr. J. M Vermont, m 1.c., contradicts the rumour of his great age as a pioneer. Mr. Vermont writes: —“The paragraph that appeared in the Ceylon Ob erver a month or two ago with reference to myself as to my age is an error lam entering my
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  • 106 7 At some of the thieves’ schools in India, acourseof training is gone through in the art of pouching,” or concealing articles in the throat. At first a small piece of lead, attached to a thread, is swallowed, and guided by the action of the tongue to the orifice of
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  • 234 7 The Handicap Tournament under the auspices of the Polo Club, which was commenced on Monday and resumed yesterday, has so far not been productive of any very brilliant play. The sides comprising A and B teams were well chosen and the handicap was an excellent one. On the
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  • 128 7 Goh Teok, a Hokien, was arrested yesterday whilst in the act of breaking into 47, Albert Street. A Eurasian living at 21-8 Bain Street reports that a Chinese servant absconded yesterday, taking $lO and a sovereign. A Taichew of 38 Arab Street reports that, on the sth inst.,
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  • 153 7 The Times of Ceylon of the 28th August gives the following particulars of the naval forces still on the way to China. They include the French cruisers Alger 6/ax, and Protet the gunboats Comete, Zelee Kersaint Vipere t Avalanche and despatch vessels Bengali and Alouette. Germany has
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  • 188 7 The practice of overloading bullock carts is becoming veiy common, but, a* a rule, the fact is difficult to establish. •Several cases have been brought before one of the magistrates, but tiiey have been discharged. On Wednesday, two carts overladen with raitan were stopped in Keppel Road. In
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  • 340 7 The case of the respectable Chinese lad who, seemingly through forgetfulness (a view which the Court took), omitted to utilize the sum of nine cents which he had received from three Government pensioners, in the purchase of adhesive stamps to be affixed to the pension
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  • 100 7 FIXED EXCHANGE RATES. The following Government notification, which came into force on Saturday last, is said to be causing great dissatisfaction among the mercantile community In exercise of the power conferred on him by Section 19 of 4 The Stamp Ordinance 18*1 n His Honour the Officer Administering
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  • 250 7 Yesterday, Jin, a Siamese woman residing at 1 Grange Road, and Baba alias Abdulla, her son, were charged, the former with concealing a kidnapped girl, the latter with kidnapping a girl 14 years of age from lawful guardianship. The facts of the case are briefly that R. Campbell,
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  • 459 7 Many complaints, says the United Service Gazette have been made as to Russia not allowing ships of other nations to trade in Port Aithur. There are two very good reasons against it. I in the first place Port Arthur is much too smail for the requuements of the
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  • 536 7 AN ORNAMENT TO SINGAPORE. The newTeutonia Club in Scott’s Road s now almost completed, and in a few more days the opening ceremony will take place, and the members will take possession of their new premises. The building is admirably situated on Scott'e Road, and is
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  • 196 7 R. Desker, an inspector attached to the Jalari Besar abattoir, was yesterday before Mr. Brockman, the allegation against him being that he had stolen a pig valued at $5 from the Jalan Besar abattoir on the 10th ultimo. Mr. Khory prosecuted, and Mr. R. W. Braddell appeared
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  • 62 7 The Dalhousie Royal Arch Chapter» No. 508, celebrated yesterday evening its Jubilee, having been consecrated- in* August, 1850. After the usual regular 9 meeting, a banquet was held at the Freemason’s Hall, presided over* by M. E. C. Arthur Barker; P. 2. .The usual loyal and customary toasts
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  • Article, Illustration
    364 8 (conducted by king’s pawn.”) All cta**M correspondence should bej addressed to “King’» Pawn.” Solutions No. 192 (Feigl) R—K R l. Ko. 193 (Havel) Q K Kt. 4. WHiIE 9 PIECKB. White mate* in two moves. Now that Mr. El* uni, who took a leadin# p rt in the formation
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  • 255 8 SOCIALIST Ci'liZfeN 80LDIEKS. Thb annual report recently presented .At the annual conference of the social Democratic Federation points out that, during twelve months, the red dag 01 social democracy had been almost entirely overshadowed by the Union Jack, and that during at least six mouths
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  • 913 8 CHINA. Mb. Brodrick, Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs, addressed a meeting of his constituents at Godaltning on the 15th Aug. He said that Britain was piepared, if necessary, to land troop»* at dhaiigbai for the protection ol British hie and property. Britain was determined to ri»k everything, and
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  • 144 8 A Russian Volunteer steamer is dm iere next Tuesday morning, the lit I* m-taiit, with troops. She i* hound lot \Tladivohtock, and will call here foi roals and provisions. The Petersburg, from Shanghai f»*t Odessa, i« expected to arrive on tin 4th instant. German torpedo boats No<*
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  • 342 8 TO THE EDITOR OF THE STRAITS TIMEB Sir, —There are' three things, says Sydney Smith, which every man thinks lie can do—firm a small farm, drive a gig, and write an article for the Times. To draw a parallel between the man Sydney Smith had in hi»
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  • 108 8 AOCCBED AGAIN REMANDED. At the Police Court this morning, before Mr. Sarwar, the shooting case in which a Siamese is charged with attempting to inflict hurt on his wife, an English lady, on board the Japanese mail steamer Kanagawa Maru was again
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  • 454 8 Dr. T. Hill Jamieson now acts temporarily as Colonial Surgeon Resident at Penang Chia SekKhurn,» native of Singapore, received a certificate of naturalisation on the 31st August Mr. R. J. Farrer, passed Cadet, has taken leave of absence for nearly nine mouths from the 26th August. The
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  • 100 8 KN ROUTE FOR SINGAPORE. The steamer Gtephan, 180 tons, Captain A. Knoth, from Kiel, flying the German flag, put into Karachi on the 20th August from stress of weather. She called at Aden, and was bound for Colombo, but meeting severe weather after passing Socotra she had
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  • 87 8 During practically three months' cricket this year, both Ranjitsinhji and Hayward have accomplished the rare feat of scoring 10 centuries in first class matches. Last year Ranjitsinhji beat all previous aggregate records by compiling 3,059 runs in the season. It looks as though this record will be
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  • 32 8 has ins» v I by J Daend**U <fc f >e ri vl ran auround <>>, t |P n ir i «B OleNw ha. b,en Z, again. There »no ful > 8 cargo.
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  • 71 8 The Government givM B from the let January ,f, IC pore mean tune «ill u'.’i B whole of the Colony lt Jwitl Malay Slates On ai d Z the tune referred tn m „11 r '“t of Government rail**,. 1 UfjK will he .-ingap..,,. t /'"“m
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  • 151 8 WARSHIPS AND TRAN PORTS Thu British transi«. n j.i,l arrived front Calc bound f..r C.i.a, The H board are Lt-ni-Col W I aitd Capts Vincent, MmCl Kimball, and titi.e X. C. (J* B t, 1 also on hoard 201 h;ut n U„ r an.lhO bullocks. The d4r,./e.V, H to leave
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  • 249 8 Mr. E. V. Carey, of the United Planters’ Association of Malaya. to the India UiiUter and (juttn I'ercki Journal in the following h i|«4til pram as to the ruhher wraith of Stdangor In elaugor during the \enr |*s4J, bc le 8 than 3*9,00 I'ara rublier tre«? planieu, aik|
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  • 271 8 (From a Ctirrexpondvat) We are all aware in this Olony the fact that Britannia rules the wav* and we are also all probably acquain with the saying of the old W who went from Liverpool to w Isle of Man, that «he wish* Britannia would rule them
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  • 220 9 p oF THE STRAITS TIMES.’, \\i d-f peering into the im- 9 doom of the new ‘,t has struck me that r i. bangsal many curious j iJ4|ipW)f and the wag I much food for his “j instance, the police will i.lLeyes” and turn them r while sentence is
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  • 582 9 r OK THE STRAITS TIMES.” -y ]ho common form of cheating H V Tr.-iiii- at Bangkok is nothing .r u here. There, the method I r L ivv -hurt measure or weight, i. v you like to call it, by ,m: uut of every tin, by means of
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  • 1149 9 THE TRIAD SOCIETY. In the'early days of Singapore a great stir arose from the discovery that a Chinese Secret Society had struck root among the Chinese community here for criminal purposes. The society even used force to gain members, death being the penalty for refusal to join. The
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  • 515 9 MR. GENTLE IN FAVOUR. The Singapore Municipality on the 15th August passed a by-law putting restrictions on land-dealing by their officers. During the discussion on the subject, the President, desired to explain and to put on record, that though he had assisted in framing the By-Law,
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  • 1161 9 RUBBER AND GUTTA. Dr. Van Romburgb, a botanist, has brought out at Batavia a work dealing with rubber and gutta percha in Netherlands India. The author details experiments with different kinus of rubber, the result being that the kind yielded by Incus. Elastica was found to be the
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  • 407 9 AMERICAN LOSS. With reference to American losses in the Philippines, the Manila Times says:—The United States has about 65,000 soldiers in the island. The report of the American losses from August 6 1898, to April 1, 1900, is Killed 456 Died of wounds and accidents 276 Died of
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  • 2214 10  -  (All Rights Reserved.) BY A. C. MACLAREN. III.—AUSTRALIAN CRICKET. It will surprise not a few to be told that there is considerably less cricket played in Australia than at home. I was always under the impression that cricket was played all the year round in .these Colonies until I
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  • 1049 10 Preparations are now being made by the (jovernment of India for the thiru general census of the Indian people, which is to be taken on the night of tin Ist March, next year. The Indian Census is the heaviest enterprise of tin kind undertaken in the world.
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  • 224 10 THEY MUBT BE IN BY 11 P.M. Yesterday, the proprietor of the Newmarket Hotel appeared before Mr. .Sells, in answer to two summonses for breach of the rules under the Liquors Ordinance, in opening his doors after hours. In pressing the case, Inspector Sullivan said that, unless
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  • 1198 10 U'ilkinwru.? £“»57« Next Monday, the l-.k I 27th birthday Of the 6 W 1". he celebrated at rejoicings. L Johor* On Saturday ne Kh 25, n delault a month >l ,n 8 bha ng into the Sottbm a permit. Uem «H I Nearly I in Germany f
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  • 107 11 P. O. s. s. B*ngal from London Prwi^ rS «7* J- Proudfoot, E. A. y*e, E..!. Hose, Auria, and Araadahl. ■l“arseilles—Mr. and Mrs. Meyer», 8. mb; e Mrs. Richard. From Brin* n bm». Barron, Burns, Dulloff. MahoKin g- From Colombo—Mr H. ru w‘ n on Mr* anf
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  • 69 11 .Yesterday, Mr. Hafiz Ghulam Sarwar, the third magistrate, proceeded in company with two constables to 10 Middle Road, and executed a warrant on Abdul Samat who is alleged to have committed criminal breach of trust in respect of $212, the property of Mati Bux, between the 31st
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  • 71 11 Mr. Alex. Murray, Director of Public Works at the Straits, has had a delightful time in the Britain of the South as Tasmania rather than New Zealand deserves to he called. Mrs. Murray has quite recovered from Ceylon sore mouth”; the Misses Murray are in perfect
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  • 146 11 In last Saturday’s issue of the Straits Times there appeared a letter headed Petroleum Frauds.” The observations made therein by “Sufferer” are generally incontestable. High class oil is removed from tins and inferior stuff substituted, and short measure or weight is given In the matter of quality, frauds
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  • 176 11 The semi-final game in the competition for the Darul Adab Football Cup was played at Jalan Besar yesterday afternoon before a large crowd of spectators. The opposing teams were the Old Rafflesians and the Straits Nationals (Chinese). Mr. T. C. B. Miller officiated as referee On
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  • 330 11 What will probably prove to be the last session of the present Parliament is over, and to tne next Administration will doubtless fall the duty of settling the future of our new Colonies in South Africa. From the trend of publicopinion there is every reason to anticipate
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  • 467 11 8. C. C. TOURNAMENT. BROKERS AND INSURANCE V. OFFICERS OF THE GARRISON, <&C. A rather sensational afternoon’s ericket was witnessed on the Esplanade on Saturday, in the tournament match, Brokers and Insurance v. Officers of the Garrison, &c. In the early part of the day heavy rain fell, and
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  • 117 11 At 2 p.m. yesterday the UmlxiUa passed through from East to West. The French transport Mellmtrne arrived from Marseilles this morning bound for China. She has 29 officers and 1,088 troops on board, with provisions and ammunition. She is expected to leave to-morrow. The French transport La Champagne arrived
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  • 130 11 There was a good muster of the Singapore Volunteer Artillery at Katong yesterday morning when the Maxims were taken over for firing practice. Capt. St. Clair was in command and the other officers present were the Adjutant (Lieut. Reid), Captain Davies, and Lieuts. Merewether, Derrick, and Hilton. The
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  • 779 11 (Wires from Europe and India.) Chefoo 25 th August. On the 19th instant a mixed force of Americans, Japs, and British attacked a large body of the enemy, eight miles south of Tientsin. The enemy fled after two hours* fighting, leaving 300 killed and 60 prisoners. The total casualties
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  • 818 11 TO THE EDITOR OF THE STRAITS TIMES, Sir, —Will you allow qie, through the medium of your columns, to utter my eremiad on the state of the Singapore Volunteer Artillery. My complaint will be safe from being ruled out of order, and I may make reference
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  • 1117 12 LORD ROBERTS AT BELFA8T. Calcutta 2 8th August. An Indian Daily News telegram states that Lord Roberts has arrived at Belfast to conduct what appear to be the final operations against Botha and the main army of the Boers who have entrenched with the object of making
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  • 102 12 At the Assizes Petoo, a Kling, was found guilty of causing the death of a Chinaman by reckless driving. Prisoner was in charge of a bullock cart at Tanjong Pagar, and knocked the deceased down, causing injuries from which he subsequently died. Prisoner was sentenced to 12 months’
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  • 71 12 London 28 th August. There is a great scare in Glasgow in consequence of two deaths from plague, are under observation. 29 th August. A general combined advance on Kumasi, Willcocks, commences to-day. The pugilist Jeffrey has refused to meet Fitzsimmons for thp Championship. 31$£ August— It
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  • 61 12 PROBABLE BTARTERS. The following is a list of the probable starters for next Wednesday’s St. Leger: Diamond Jubilee Alvescot Simon Vale Elopement Disguise II Di/wnham Cadoman Lonay Sainte Nitouche Gallerte Bonarosa Sailor Lad Mardi Hulcot Mahdi Lumley Moor Vain Duchess Democrat PaigU The Field Among these, Disguise
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  • 81 12 A correspondent writes from Bombay as follows: As regards business in Bombay it is very flat, and all markets are dull owingtothe plague, famine,and war. The plague has subsided to some extent. The last two seasons of famine have turned things from bad to worse, anc
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  • 129 12 The sea serpent was seen, the other day, off the West Australian coast about thirty miles from Fremantle, bv Captain Campbell of the steamer Perth Captain Campbell described the reptile as a large serpent with a black back anc white belly. Its length could not be
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  • 604 12 absolutely unreliable. SUGGESTED AGENT IN SINGAPORE. The Selangor Planters’ Association met at Kuala Lumpur on tlife 25th August, with Mr. W W. Bailey in the chair. After minor business had been gone through, Mr. Parry proposed: That with the increasing production of coflee in Selangor, it would
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  • 841 12 j Field-Marshal Count von Waldersee is due from Europeon Thursday,in the 3 German mail steamer Sachsen. 1 Several aerated water making machines have been despatched from Calcutta for the use of the troops in China. A mongst the telegrams of condolence sent in connection with the murder
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  • 85 12 tr> T HE H t A JIur,i,v an '^familvvt e to leave lasniama t,, r Aue 25th, and a |„V a ;J*? ten days there they v ,-rc t, Melbourne On Sept* 25. h, they 1^ Melbourne for Ceylon l. v the p I n s.
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  • 83 12 A Taichew namt-tl Sim Ah See. of Rangoon Road, alleges that his partoa named Kow Joo Kim. ot 19.*, Bridge Road, ahscomhd uith sl* worth of property between midnight r the 9th and 7.30 a.m on iln* 10th. A Hokicn named Wee 'long, of 9: Amoy Street,
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  • 79 12 Last night, the European police of ai. ranks assembled at Police Bahru for the purpose ot forming a recreation club. Assist. Superin endent Hamilton occupied the rhair. A special committee was elected to see abort obtaining a football field for the club Capt. Hamilton was elected President
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  • 70 12 The French transport W arrived from Marseilles tnia morniri: bound for Taku. Bhe ba= 1,000 men and war material on board, and is expected to leave to-morrow. The Italian transport AorJ Ameryo with Russian troops on board, sailed ft’ Yladivostoek at 7 15 this morningThe Russian transport
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  • 82 12 Boustead Co. send a combinefl revenue chart, for the year D-o--of fifty-nine British fire offices, index of their financial position, iw collectively started the year* lll £29,944,295 as funds, eic! .”f lic capital, and closed the year UJ 1 t funds raised to £30,2 10» «96. urancfe shows
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  • 110 12 At the moonlight band in the Gardens last katurd»). it have been noted that there w ments for sale, and that the tab e that portion of the Gardens were Jl® nated by an extremely bright at gas lamp. The lamp was lent f «r i occasion
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  • 121 13 MBi n H j roposal has been on fur Griffins at the «B W The Indian Sporting HB-' '.‘l" Gritlin system as txf lahl3 ~,-nik‘inen together vv; number Of ponies MB t ..,i;ird from Australia, SH > K i:dvvii dealer is aske H in the 1» cal
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  • 150 13 r -peedi to President M*;;v T]l Midi appears to have ■B"' h t ,t hmnoiir and a comWm i-r hardly to b* i an Oriental potentate htay in the French L rive assurance to the f Paris is truly a ga»e t»H oily be described am in
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  • 485 13 B Uk have to announce the death of B :he Ruhr Iv-v. Theophilus Mayer, of I luiiiin Koinan Catholic hierarch), H whicti took place at 11 o’clock on B ttwiay mght at the General Hospital, I while in- loid-hip was the guest of
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  • 132 13 BEL4NGOR BEATS SINGAPORE. I The golf inter-teara trophy competition for the Htraits Settlements, Federated Malay States, and J.iva was held on the Petaling links, Kuala Lumpur, yesterday. The Penang and Sepoy Lines Golf Clubs were not able teams, but the Singapore Golf Club were represented by Messrs.
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  • 186 13 On the 29th uit, two Chinamen were arrested in Prinsep Street in posses- r l *.l .r l. r 1. they could not, or would not, give an iccount. The bottles bore Henuessy’s label and the brandy was marked as “t hree star.” An examination showed the
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  • 196 13 The tournament under the auspices of the Polo Club reached its final stage yesterday, wlien B team, consisting of Col: Whitley, Mr Crane, Captain Wynter, and Mr.' Magrath heat D team, Mr. Young, Mr Stitt, Mr. Wright, and Mr. Brockman, by 3 goals to one. The game was
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  • 252 13 Dr. Steinitz, the famous chess player, died recently in a New York asylum where he had been for some time. He was born in 1836 at Prague, Bohemia, where he was educated. He went to Vienna and finished his studies. Attain* ing distinction as a chess player early
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  • 412 13 THEIR PAY AND PROSPECTS. TO THE EDITOR OF THE 44 STRAITS TIMES Bik, In the issue of the Btraits Times of the6th instant, there appeared a letter headed “The Straits Police Force,” in which 44 Observer with little hesitation compared the pay of all ranks of
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  • 1041 13 TO THE EDITOR OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” Sir, —I read with great interest “Gunner's” letter in your yesterda>V issue, and I agree with neatly all that he says; but is it not a pity that we S. V. A must always be advertising out numerous faults
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  • 99 13 The following fixtures have been made in the competition for the Warren Football Shield: Sept. 14th 8. R. C. v. H. M. S. Bramble Sept. 18th:—H. V. R. v. 35th Co., R. A. hept 19th:—T. Pagarv. 12th Co., R. A. Bept. 20th :—B. V. A. v.
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  • 156 13 The latest details available concert: ing the imminent French invasion are full of interest to Englishmen. We are told that before the declaration of war a number of ships, to be known as the Black Fleet, will be dispatched from various French ports to sweep the seas
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  • 793 13 A CHINESE VIEW. Chatting with an influential China- an, a representative of the Hongkong Itleyraph was informed that the three Powers most feared hy the Chinese are ttussia, France, and Germany. France is supposed to be casting envious •*\es upon the Two K wangs and should circumstances permit, any
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  • 899 14 (By to-day's Mail.) GEN. GASELEE’S ACCOUNT. The following is Gen. Gaselee’s official telegram reporting the capture of Peking: Peking 15th August. At a conference on the 12th instant, it was agreed that the Allied Forces .Should concentrate within 5 miles of Peking on the 14th and assault
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  • 271 14 A Canadian newspaper has published this very fishy story: Two men were fishing in Lake Deschenes —a broad and beautiful expanse of the Ottawa River line and* u a gang of gaff-honks towed astern of a steam yacht. Fueling that a large fish was on the line,
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  • 385 14 EVIDENCE AT TIIE COURT-MARTIAL T k court-martial proceedings arising out of the Pretoria opened at Pretoria on the 16rh August. Lieutenant Hans Cordua, of the Staats Artillery, was charged with having broken his parole, and further with having conspired to kidnap Lord Roberts, the Commander-in-Chief in South
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  • 455 14 Yesterday, six persons were each fined $2O and costs for obstructing the verandahs in North Bridge Road. Pong Ah Meng has been fined $250, in default six weeks, for assisting in the management of a Chap Ji Ki lottery at No. 45 Merchant Road. The man who
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  • 64 14 Per N. D. L. s. 8. Prinz Heinrich for Geuoa—Messrs. Anderson, K. K. Kichliolz, Wm. Beuque, M. Matsura, O. Jaeger, L. Jdassner. Paris. A. Kamer, and B. Beder. ror London—Mr. and Mrs Bland, Mr. Alexander, MissL. Padday. Mr. F. Padday, Mr. Miller, and Mrs. 8. B. Joaquim.
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  • 85 14 The French transport Melbourne left for China at 2.30 p.m. yesterday. The British transport NanJcin (No. 30) arrived from Hongkong this morning on her way back to Bombay. The Russian transport Kherson arrived from Odessa this morning bound for Port Arthur. She has 40 officers and 1,599 soldiers on
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  • 113 14 NINE DWTS. OF GOLD TO THE TON. Several reefs with payable gold have been discovered in Burmah. One of them is the Choukpazat reef, in the Wuntho District, which has several associated veins besides a second reef half a mile to the north, and two veins
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  • 1147 14 TO THE EDITOR OF THE STRAITS TIMES.” Sir,—l am glad my first letter called forth a cordial response—though it should be styled a lengthy homily on the duties of a virtuous gunner. It will serve no useful end to argue with my friend Main Main Sepahi on
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  • 292 14 The remains of the late Mr E t Geary, who was employed by McAnrer and Co., and was a private in ‘A’ Company of the Singapore Yolutta Rifles, were buried with full military honours at the Roman Catholic <vn*tery yesterday afternoon. The S V
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  • 119 14 Ox the -Kb instant, Tee le“R "f summoned. His younger bro i*• Chuan, answered to his n»®" tfi persisted in saying that lie > person summoned. It was that Tee Teng sat in the court ing the proceedings. 1 his ua i to the senior magistrate who lo Tee
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  • 2346 15 epua y, 11th septembek. present. 4; .u ALEXANDERSWETTENHAM, tf.- H sot r 1, T jso Governor). K rton (Acting Colonial Secre(j >j t'k “K" r Oliver Attorney-General). K K h h ,11 (Au'liior-G-neral). Hon E‘ m Mer ,,«ether (Acting Colonial (Acting Colonial Fn2in* rla BurKin^haw. 2 f a
    2,346 words
  • 2657 15 DETAILS OF THE CAPTURE. (“Hongkong Daily Press 11 Correspondent.) Peking 10th August. There was a council of war held by the International Commanders on the 12th inst. when it was determined that the Allied forces should concentrate within six miles of Peking by the 14th inst.
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  • 90 16 About 11 o'clock last night, six Chinamen entered No. 51 Chin Chok Street, Tanjong Pagar Road. There was a Mala) woman named Impun in t lie house. One of the men threw some powdered chalk in her face and two others went upstairs. The meu below stripped
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  • 116 16 At the Ass zes this morning, a special jury sat to hear the charge of murder brought, against a Malay named Haji Ali bin Haji Hassan The Attorney-General appeared to prosecute. It appeared from Counsel’s opening statement that the prisoner, on his wife refusing to let him
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  • 494 16 YELLOW PERIL JOURNALISM. The following translation from the Canton Chung llsi I *llo (China and Western New».), of 22nd August, serves to indicate, at any rate, that the Chinese journalist knows how to work up a sensation: We h ve again and again notified in our pnper.that
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  • 619 16 THE ELECTRIC LIGHTING INSTALLATION. Wx have already described in some detail the magnificent club house erected by the German enmmuoity in Bcott’s Hoad, which is to be formally opened on the night of the 21st inst. by a ball, for which a great number of invitations have
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  • 171 16 Not long ago, a complaint was made by a resident at Tanjong Rhu about the quality of the water supplied by the boatmen. It was then said that one at least of the water purveyors obtained his water from the upper reaches of the Kallang River.
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  • 739 16 In India the plague mortality is increasing with the approach of winter. The race-horse Vunit as, now in Singapore will, it is stated, shortly be sent back to Australia. I he unrest in the interior of China is increasing the already severely felt dearness of living at
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  • 108 16 The United States NVv F). I will belore the end of U J r ep n J make some very l an ?p «hips. These will involv^ <| -truction of three battleshin,. <ng in size the lari;,.,. other nations. I„ addition', "*1 are six first-class ar,„ou,"d'° *1
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  • 610 16 I-Ondo aWfc, The latest from t le al I South Africa says all .1.« clncl’i now free ot the enemy. K,„i eers capture.! Cornu,at,dan. ul,^! 28 Were captured and ail" nwTflM i.eing ignorant ol the number ol n" 1 assailants. The British losses at r Aug. 27th
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  • 2853 17 r r of the Municipal Commis- j ;lt Municipal Offices Hj<n w presentMessrs. Gentle Maclaren, Jag*>, Sohst, Bar■w* d 1 'c 0»»«. and M.««. ■rF. 1 i;i s< 4 Invk wrote that he v was not able to attend i*n K- iy 0 f the last meeting were
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  • 36 17 PRISONER SENTENCED TO DEATH. At the Assizes yesterdav, before a pedal jury, flaji Ali bin Haji Malay, was P und guilty on three «nuts of murder. The Chief Justice assed sentenced of death.
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  • 78 17 A teleqram received in Singapore his morning slates that the cliiet iate of the Lndy Mitchell Mr. E S. mu Ikes died, at Klang, yesterday, ot ver. The captain and fifteen others f the crew are also ill with fever. '1 he eceased had only been
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  • 103 17 At Messrs Powell and Co.’s sale room, esterday afternoon, No. 15 (Jnllyer Juay, now occupied by Messrs. Gilfillan, v (hxl and Co was bought by Mr. Luke few for $70,000. Irwell Bank House, at Grange Road, fangliu, was sold for $25,000 to Mr <Jzra Nathan, and eleven
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  • 254 17 The Commander-in-chief of the Allied orces in China, Field Marshal Count /un Waldersee, was a passenger on the jrerinan mail steamer Suchten, which irrived from Europe yesterday afterioon and left this morning for Jhina. Soon after the Sachsen trrival the German Consul-General, dr. Eschke, and the Vice-Consul,
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  • 856 17 Wires from Europe and India.) UTi Y l l. London 2nd Sept&mJor. Li Huno-Chang has cailt-u to the New Yu»k Tribune that the withdrawal of ttie Allies from Ptkmg will laciuiaie peace negotiations. He guarantee*», on his own personal responsibility, to restore order and supples* the B< x**rs and
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  • 997 18 TO THE EDITOR <*F THE 8TKAIT8 TIMES.” Sir,—As you appear to be making a special feature ot the S V A. agitation, 1 irust you will do me the lavour ul in-eriiug these lines on the subject in your columns. Whilst agreeing with your former correspondents that
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  • 85 18 Per N. D. L. s. 8. Sachsen from Rotterdam Mes-srs. M H Wipink, B. Kn-op, and H. A. Sehonfeld. From Antwerp— MisBVan d«*r Putien. Fiom South nip ion—Mrs. Kennedy. Messrs Y. Bush and Keid. From G°i.oh—Messrs F. Hoz, L. Th. IJnverzagt, A Eggers I ost, A. H.
    85 words
  • 73 18 A. C. Kkaknzlein has decided to retire from the arena of athletics. He is a marvellous performer. He can eomfortahly straddle a 3-feet 6-inch mrdle with both feet fairly touching the ground Evidently he owes much of his success to the fact that his opponents are not
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  • 61 18 The United States Philippine Commission commenced the exercise of the legislative government of the Philippines on Ist September. Public meetings will be held at the offices of the Commission two days in each week to consider proposed bills, and citizens of the Philippines and others interested will be
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  • 84 18 Mr S R. Lane, second officer of the s. s. Onipeuta lying at Tanjong Pagar Dock, saw a coolie escaping from bis cabin. He found that two silver watches valued at $4O had been stolen. A Taichew alleges that he was assaulted by three other Taichews and
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  • 166 18 A French transport passed through from west to east yesterday afternoon. The British transport Nankin (No. 30) left for Bombay at 7.30 this morning. The French transport A lexander 111 left for Taku at 1 30 i> m. yesterday. The French transport N tre Dam*' de Solid arrived from
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  • 990 18 RindkrpeBT has broken out at Klang. 4 '1 he French Navy is importing American coal. The French transport La Champagne left for Haiphong at 12 30 to-day. The British transport Itaura (No. 7) sailed for Hongkong at 830 this morning. Two Chinamen have each been fined $4O,
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  • 54 18 PRISONER BENTENCKD TO DEATH. At the Assizes yesterday, Haj< Abdul Sukor, a Malay, was arraigned before a special jury on four charges of murder Prisoner ran amok at Tanjong Rhu. killing four persons and wounding threi others before he was overpowered. Prisoner was found guilty and
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  • 80 18 Not long au the Skippha Gazette, th« Shell line tank httaim Cardi m left the Tyne with the larger enrgo ot coals ever sent out of the river Including hunkers, she took over B,OU' tons. The record was beaten, however by a ves*el of the same company
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  • 90 18 H. B. M.’s Acting Consul at Bangkok, in the case of Nai Khao and another r s. Messrs. Denny, Mott and Dickson, Ltd., granted the plaintiff», by their counsel Mr. Travers-Drape6, leave to appeal to Ihe Supreme C«>urt at Singapore on the usual conditions as to
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  • 172 18 YESTERDAY, A. Desker, Inspector of Jalan Besar Slaughter-house, was brought up on remand before Mr. Brockman on the charge of having stolen a small pig from the slaughterhouse. Mr. Khory prosecuted, and Mr. R VV. Braddell appeared for the defendant. Briefly, the facts elicited in the case
    172 words
  • 273 18 French transput n I arrived from Marseille bound for Taku. Tl "re a* and 1,000 soldiers on *?l coaling and is expected, <s* to-morrow. to The Russian transm I arrived this morning frorn Vi eu route for Odessa si" la,Ju W| •n board and is as The German
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  • 489 18 ARR ITRARY CONI ITIONS IMPOFRr» I (From, a (orrespondent) I In the issue of the Strait* Time, uf I Saturday last, there appeared tlindetail* I fa by-law framed by the Municipai •onunisHoners and passed on the loth I Itimo, placing restrictions on Muni- I ipal servants acquiring
    489 words

  • 86 19 t unsuccessful motion in «i> ta rl nark some of the colonial Co-jo»' 1 l e ®,,|,|i c works at Singapore rtten«« fo‘ lt Penang from that “I'. 1 Mr. Bromhead-Mat-por:heir-e ht restrictive charac§S*! I* motion a«' i as representative vroi' c; 1 lumber of Commerce, It the
    86 words
  • 751 19 writes as follows i C J Motion of tiit*lts from carts JU T 'Liitiiy lor the evil:-It is a W 1 f deplorableiact that fel r kl ulll buiiock cans of goods in uWll iroin tue wharves havt r iiiiei too often to be viewed The Dock
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  • 61 19 SMELTFD GOLD RETURNS. A telegram from Raub, dated tc-day, says Crushing finished. 4,200 tons of stone realized 2,628 ounces of smelted gold. [This averages slightly over 12$ pennyweights to the ton. Extensions and improvements have dolayed crushing. For comparison, the late-t crushing available is that which finished on
    61 words
  • 63 19 The Penang Free School annual report shows that the average enrolment tor tlie year was 798, and the average ittendance 694, against 705 and 603 f*»r the previous year. The number of boys actually presented for examination wis6o», as against 526 in 1899. Of the 6»0 hoys
    63 words
  • 126 19 MUNICIPAL DECEPTION. On Monday night, the Municipal JoinmiBsion»*rB of Penang held a public electric light reception at the Penang Rub The Club-house was lighted with 16 md 8-eandle power electric lamps, and i powerful arc lamp was also exhibited. The guests were taken either by one
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  • 121 19 On the wrecn *i the Japanese teamers Futami Mara, off the Philipdne Coast, some weeks ago, the Fili»ino9 showed great helpfulness when hey found that the stranded vessel was Japanese and the passengers and officers vere Britishers. The Filipinos guarded he shipwrecked property. One thing vas rather amuring
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  • 128 19 Last night, the German community f Singapore assembled with their ladies a large numbers at the new Teutonia ’lub house in .Scott’s Road, this gathering constituting practically the pening of tlie building. The Ciub vas brilliantly illuminated with •lectric light, and a very pleasant evening was spent.
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  • 183 19 The 11th anniversary of the Chinese Jhristian Association, which took the iorm of a penny reading, was very largely ittended last night. The Revd. 8. S. vValker, as chairman, was a host n himself. The programme, which was somewhat long, was well selected; uid the result was
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  • 1001 19 THEIR PROSPECTS. TO THE EDITOR OF THE BTRAITB TIMES.” Sir,— ln my letter of the 6th inst. I mentioned that I would again return (with your permission) to the above subject. In that letter I referred chiefly to the pay of the Straits Police, and gave a
    1,001 words
    • 391 19 The following were the handicaps for the S. C. C. Tennis Tournament, which commenced on Wednesday. “a” doubles. 8. Reid and Capt. Dewing, BraddeH and Elliot— i"».5; Kaiuuie an t Mayson —ls.i; F. D. and J. G ALictaggart, Muir and Pearce, Mosley and Upton, Noon and VVith rs—l;
      391 words
    • 190 19 PROFESSION PAIRS. Kohlhoff and I owe (Tel. I) beat Gordon and Airey (T* 1 II) —3, 7 —5. Dr. <’r«»ucher and Dr. Simpson (Medicos) v. Noon and Reid (Mer IV) uufin. “b" singles. Clarke, scr beat Stronach. scr. 6—2, 7—5. VeHenzer, srr. v. Hann»ford-|-3 unfin. T. G Scott,
      190 words
    • 130 19 CHAMPIONSHIP. Morrison beat Salzmaao, 6-4, 6-1. c SINGLES. Geekie -f 4 beat Van Cuylenberg scr., 6-4, 7-5. Oliffe 4 beat Knox—3, 6-1, 6-3. Knchwal y 4 beat Keiller scr., 6-4, 6-3. Birrell 4- 3 beat Caldwell—2,6-4,6-4. Aitken—4 beat Lind scr., 6-1, 6-3. “A w DOIBLEB. Gordon and scr.
      130 words
  • 257 19 Quite recently, in New York, hundreds of New Yoik policemen battled with a frenzied mob in the heart of New Yoik, where a race war was going on between the whites and the blacks, as fierce, if not as fatal, as those that have taken
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  • 810 19 AKKIVALB. Pci* s. 8, Meran from Kuala Pahang— Mr. Hill. Per s. s. Kitai from St. P.*ten*burg—, hu«i Mrt>. Aiachanii. Per s. Sapp .o from KNng via ports AJ,. and Mrs. G. P. Joaquim, and Mrs, Anchant. Per s. s. Pennng from Samarang—Capt, W« sbeach*and Airs. Goh.enburg Per
    810 words

    • 302 20 U nder this heading the fol lowing >bre v tions are used:—str.—steamer sh. -sht; bq.- -barque; sch.—schooner; Yet. v r aeh Cru.—Cruiser; Gbt.—Gunboat; Tor Torpedo H.p. -Horse-power Brit British U. B. States; p French Ger.—German Dut.—Dutch: Job.—Job ore Ac., G. c., —Genenlcargo d.p.—deck passengers; U.—Uncer tain; T.
      302 words
    • 960 20 Arrivals Sihor Nook of Yesterday. Bombay P. A O. str. 2,047 tons, Captain iiurntford, 14th Sept. From London, ilth Aug. Gc. P. A O. Coy. For Hongaong, loth —Rds. Bamberg Gen str. 2659 tons Capt Jacobs, 13th Sept. From Penang, 11th Sept. G.c., and 1 d.p. Behn
      960 words
    • 1062 20 Nome, port probable date of arrival ovn name of agents Steamers. Aduto, Europe, p’sd Canal. Aug 28; Afridi, H’koog, to leave Sept 21 Agamemnon, L’pool, Sept 26 Mansfield. Antonio Lopez., Sept 24 Barlow. Athesia. Hamburg, Oct l; Behn Meyer. Awa Maru. Antwerp, Oct 3: P. Simons. Ayr,
      1,062 words
  • 1310 20 I < ksnm.» S,»k a iu»> Captain t*Kuw i MlLt) K H« ,Lt tOAMug^ I fAUa Rob str. 2108 Hnch»ntki ,Moji uc oa 6 <Hi# ,r W ilixms iit c‘ j ft Meran Fed.yet. 10i N moduli !Pahang k-},[ 4*f an t dCo ft C. seng Hin 1«»H Nncodah
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 170 20 WHITEWAY'S PURE DKV< )NSIII It K CYDERS Specially adapted for consumption in Climates. n Tp °W^ WHFTEWAY CO guarantee all their Cyders tc I juice ot the finest Devonshire Aoples only. No Water s >C Chemicals of any kiinl are introduced, nor are these i v an^ v> )'ier e
      170 words

  • 926 21 IL g KlaoAß;» Captain Destination P*T* -r* 5 r^ aPr (rer Btr viewer Bangkok ‘nL V Brit str Jellicoe M»la****a and Klang 6 ch W sll Btr. era en New York I n '*Sn~ Btr I Sourabaya r ~V -m i* Btr hter Macassar via ports ft u fr™
    926 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 104 21 Gl’ should read the history of raub how the P ric *e of the shares felt Jle JOUt a sovereign to a bhiliing, and 50 CENTS TO $6O. i^ m P lele story of the company, from •sWm*!? 100 U P t 0 period when it > ioii'n B H
      104 words
      34 words
    • 476 21 LEA PERRINS 1 OBSERVE THAT THE SIGNATURE IS NOW PRINTED IN BLUE INK DIAGONALLY ACROSS THE OUTSIDE WRAPPER of every Bottle of the ORIGINAL WORCESTERSHIRE >oid Wholesale by the Proprietors, \Vore°s*er; Cross? Blackwell, Ltd., Londrr and Export Oilmen generally. RETAIL EVERYWHERE. SAUCE. (hiOHlj Medicine of the kind awarded a Cert
      476 words
    • 964 21 THIS t'KILOft Ua NUium D. B. PtDßld HAMY, aAB removed fr-»m No 8 Armeni m street to No. 8 Stamford Road Kim?*. P° re 0/9 lea. -.i B,t r A PP l Pennyr»/»l C rk Sofa by Slnrtaoona Dispensing 00,, f nL Raffles Place. Singapoc^T T, v «Shttha mPTON. fMOLAMBt*
      964 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 614 22 emOAPOBE SPURTING CLUB. Programme for Autumn Race Meeting, 1900. OCTOBER 23rd, 25 1 h, and 27th. FIRST DAY. Tuesday, 23rd October. First Rack. TH* MAIDEN PLATE.—VaIue $300. A Race for Maiden Horses— Weight at per Mcale (lost.). An allowance of 21 lb. to ex-Griffins imported in*o the Straits Settlements or
      614 words
    • 650 22 THIKD DAY. Saturday, llth Ldober. FiKfT Hack. THE OPEN GRIFFIN HANDICAP.Value $3OO.—A Handicap for all Griffim that have started at this meeting Entrance $lO. Distance, R. C. Second Rack. THE BCURRY STAKES. —Value $4OO —A Handicap for all Hows that hav* started at this meeting. Entrance $lO. Distance, 6 furlongs.
      650 words
    • 724 22 ENVELOPES TO bb had at THE STRAITS TIMES OFFICE. THE PATRIOT ENVELOPES. 1,000 Si.; sent free by Post Si.4o i THE ANTIQUE ENVELOPES. I j OOO S 2 .*>o sent free by Post S 3 26 THKTANJnKO PAG Alt DOCK COMPANY. LTD. Shipwrights, Engineers, Iron and Brass Founders, Wharfingers, Ac.
      724 words
    • 564 22 BANKS. nUNUKUNU AM» BUANUHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL 110,000,000. RESERVE FUND «11,600,000. 1 RESERVE LIABILITY OF F }-»I 111 I 111 I I PROPRIETORS. Court or Dirnctoxs:— N. A. Bim, E«q.~ Chairman B viwan, E»q.—Dvtttt Chairman. B. M. Grat baq. E. Gom, K»q. A Haupt, Esq Ron. J. J. KMwicK.
      564 words
    • 374 22 r. H. MATHEWS 4 sojj*> bar a brewers tvcil?** w«i Worth Patentees of w M J Good Agents MV.....■, BAGNALL A Hll.lks Robinson Ro^ HAVE ON HAND:-. Electric Fans. Ceiling and Tabi* 40, 60, 60 SO, 100, 110, and iio v Designed to operate from iJ^J* Circuits. Any Voltage to
      374 words