The Straits Budget, 16 February 1897

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Budget
  • 146 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and
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    • 20 1 71. Middle Road, Singapore, on the Dili IVhniary, 1897. the wife of Mr. C. St ri.i.v, ot a son.
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  • 329 1 U.\ix\<; Airru l k>. TV Commissioners Reconsider. CrGe. hit 1 (’ivian lucstion. l/tx \l Market K>uotation>. New*-. I'aList. The Sir tit* Tinh s I ndiftn Famine Fund. Crack* rs. Bursary at Tanjong Katong. The IViiostier Road Murder. Uhaseff with a Uhoppor. (‘heating a Trader. Brutai Murder of
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  • 503 1 Singapore, 1 6tii February, 1807. PRODUCE. Ga inbier 6.55. do Cube No 1 9.60. do do No 2 fl 7.90. Copra Bali,. 5.62*. do Pontianak 5.20. Pepper, Blaek 13 00. Sago Flour Sarawak 2JH). do Brunei, 2.25. Pearl Sago 3.35. Coffee, Bali, 33.50. Coffee Palembang 35.50. (Toffee,
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  • 414 1 The mail for Europe, this week leaves by the P. A (>. s. s. Mirzapore. The I*. A s. s. Kaiser-1-llind with the mail from Europe of the 22ud January arrived yesterday. The mail for Europe, next week, is fixed for the M. M. s. s.
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    • 127 1 DECLARATION OP FRENCH POLICY. London, 9 th February. M. Hanotaux, the French Minister for Foreign Affairs, lias delivered a speech in the Chamber of Deputies with reference to Sir Michael Hicks Beach’s recent statement regarding British jiolicy in Egypt. M. Hanotaux declared that the policy of France on the
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    • 58 1 SPREAD OF REVOLT. Loiulon, 10 tic Felrrvary. Adairs in Crete are in a serious state. The revolt there is spreading. Popular meetings have been held in Greece to demand the annexation of Crete to that kingdom. The insurgents have proclaimed the union of Crete with Greece. The' whole of
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    • 14 1 IjOiuIwi, I Itli February. Tin* (ireek torpedo squadron is hastily preparing for sea.
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    • 21 1 There is a growing and widespread opposition to the* Marquis of Lansdowne’s proposals to raise additional battalions of Guards.
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    • 18 1 The Niger expeditionary force has arrived near Bida after defeating the Foulah outposts with heavy loss.
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    • 68 1 CRITICAL STATE OF AFFAIRS. Ijondon, 12/// February. In Crete, the Mussulman have fired the town of Retimo. The excitement in Greece on the Cretan question continue. The Greek Government has addressed a note to the Powers to the effect that it can no longer remain a mere spectator of
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    • 19 1 The Niger expedition has captured Bida after a hard fight against an army of thirty thousand men.
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    • 11 1 The plague is heavily on the increase in Bombay.
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    • 17 1 The Famine in India proves to be the worst known there in the present century.
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    • 57 1 SCOPE OF GREEK INTERVENTION. London, 13th February. Six hundred armed Cretans have sailed from Greece for Another Greek flotilla is now ready for sea. The Greek Note to the Powers has been delivered to Lord Salisbury. The Note declares that Greeee will prevent the landing of Turkish troops in
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    • 87 1 GREECE TO BE RESTRAINED. London, 15 th February. The Greek Note justifying the intervention of Greece in Crete is regarded as serious. Nevertheless, the Powers have decided to restrain Greece and the Cretan insurgents. Turkey is massing forces of Albanian irregular troops on the frontier of Thessaly. Greek troops,
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  • 389 1 (Straits Times 9 th February The French press have continually raged against the British occupation of Egypt, but the French Government have studiously avoided any definite parliamentary discussion on the subject. Vague statements of policy have been made now and then, but successive Ministries at Paris have taken care
    (Straits Times, 9th February.)  -  389 words
  • 36 1 DEATHS. o.\ the 14th instant, at Anjcr. Java. I uko. A. S< ott. By telegram. At Donmeh. on January 10th, suddenly, P. A. Gii.i.ksime. hue of Singapore, elder son of 1 li«* late John Gillespie, rhemist.
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  • 491 2 (Strait* Times, 11 th February.) The Municipal Commissioners are perhaps beginning to think that, after all, they have been rash in voting a sum of fifty thousand dollars towards a permanent memorial of the sixtieth year of Her Majesty's reign. It will be remembered that they recently
    (Strait* Times, 11 th February.)  -  491 words
  • 390 2 (Straits Times 1 2th February.) Events in Crete are moving fast towards a crisis, which will compel the Powers to deal finally with the most burning Turkish question of the day. Crete has been for over two centuries a prey to Turkish misrule, and a standing disgrace to the
    (Straits Times, 12th February.)  -  390 words
  • 265 2 (Straits Times, 1 ">/// Tchruary.) The Powers realise now that Greece means business; but hope, all the same, that they can now restrain her and the Cretan insurgents. A Greek man-of-war has fired upon a Turkish transport leaving Crete an act of waranda challenge to Turkey which
    (Straits Times, 1 ">/// Tchruary.)  -  265 words
  • 236 2 The Venerable Vicar of Kensington, near Ashford, the Rev. Canon Welldon, d. u. 1., the father of Lady Mitehe 11 passed away on the night of Christmas Day peacefully and painlessly, in the 86th year of his age. Early in last year Dr. W elldon was
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  • 35 2 A Foreigner has recently been employed in the railway service of Tonquin, and the Press in that quarter is drawing attention to its being illegal to employ therein anyone but a Frenchman.
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  • 48 2 Acting under the advice of the Queensland Minister of Mines, the Administrator of British New Guinea has decided to exclude Chinese from the goldfields there until three years after their proclamation, with provision for a renewal of the restriction by proclamation for a further three years.
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  • 59 2 Siddons, a Straits Eurasian, and three Chinese, who are charged with murder at Pahang, will be tried by the Judicial Commissioner, who left on the 12th instant for Pahang. The case will be heard, at the end of this month, at Pekan, and will he the first
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  • 61 2 The Siam Government has passed regulations against defacing timber marks. The regulations are aimed to check certain irregularities and frauds in thetimber trade inSiam. These malpractices proceed from persons who wilfully alter, obliterate, or deface the hammermarks on logs which are floated down river. Fines of from
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  • 86 2 The British steamer Baron Cainlor laden with a full cargo of sugar from the Java coast, stranded upon Pulo Dapur, to the north west of Batavia, on the night of thoSth instant. The inlets there consist of coral and rock, and the steamer probably will stick so fast
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  • 162 2 Her Majesty'stirst-class cruiser Aurora, which for several months has liecn undergoing re tit at Devon port, was to have pone into Plymouth Sound or. Jan. IS to have her compasses adjusted, hut her steering-gear broke down, and she was unable to leave tiie harbour. She
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  • 240 2 Calcutta 3rd February. The numbers on relief works and gratuitous relief in Bengal are now 360,000, showing an increase of 16,000 and 5,000 in the respective classes. A second distribution of *****,000 is being made from the Central Committee Famine Fund. The N.-W. Provinces receive RBO,OOO, Bengal
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  • 1138 2 (fFrom the Times of Ceylon. 17 London, 3rd February. Doctor Nansen, the Arctic Explorer, has arrived in London. 4th February. Russia has joined France in objecting to the British advancing-the cost of the Soudan Expedition without the consent of the Caisse of the Debt. Mr. Woods, the Radical
    (fFrom the “ Times of Ceylon.17)  -  1,138 words
  • 326 2 Mr. 15. P. de Silva, manufacturing jeweller, of 6*2, High Street, lias just completed the design and manufactw o" some magnificent jewellery tor Bn Hie hi less the Dowager Sultana o( Johore. At once, the most important and the most Beautiful is a
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  • 114 2 The presentation of addresses to Mr E. W. Birch, Secretary to Government, in Perak, on his transfer to Negri Sewbilan as Acting Resident, took place at Taiping on the 13th instant. Tl* addresses were from the clerical service. Chinese, Malays,and Hindus. Mr. birch gracefully thanked the
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  • 78 3 -rz s Sir if I left Hongkong for <a „ila, on the Ist instant. v \ins. Blagdex left for Europe, by Herman mail. j| uM Martin Lister left by the i, mail this afternoon. Though -ik and suffering from nervous4u: 'V wa* fortunately, able to travel. n»
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  • 57 3 r y is told of a chess-table 1- T i v light in a second-hand shop r V ,t. r S<i being miickly resold lor i then snapped up by a connois>p»,ooO. It was the specially '’’A j ~~e--ion of a formerly powerful 1 within it was heavily
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  • 46 3 v, was taken at Hongkong on tj v ->oi ii .lainairy last. It gave a popola--1 of all nationalities, 1 1 "I*4- (Vl ~f the naval and military The corresponding total in *1*1)1 was 217,273. The Euro;:ni n.»n-Chinese population was jjainst <W> in IS9I.
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  • 53 3 ,j x oVlork, last night, a Malay Mb -iiiaan looked up a bungalow btdong-iii-to a Jewish gentleman at Tanjong K i!»»i This morning, the padlock hail |*vn removed, and clocks, and sheets other articles, valued in all at S-U), sing. Th-* Police were informed ~t »!i
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  • 56 3 I'm: Resident of Selamror. early in Mui<‘ii, tin* S 'liiJo't? atter tin* tormal opening »>t tlie new Goveraineiir Ollices, will take a trip to Japan Mr. Herrington, on his way to Kurope on lumr leave, will reliable accompany Mr. Lodger. Mr-, and Miss Rodger aill leave Selangor tor
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  • 55 3 A submitted by German aii i !>;;■ di suhjeeV for registration of tr.i; and deigns in Japan are sk*»y investigated in the Department for a: ;ltare and Commerce. It is sa:*i that some thirty have been af»(*i--v*(l up to date out of about 00b sen* in. Similar requests
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  • 60 3 THE SENTENCE OF DEATH. In the (’;tn'\v case at Yokohama, the jury. aiD*r an absence of half an hour, rH'irn»si a verdict of guilty. Prisoner h.i 1 no:fiiiiir to plead against sentence ot <!•*it!i h-*ing passed. In sentencing r h> i»;i'.»a**r to death, the .Judge's voice we
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  • 73 3 m »>k.mat]ox has been received of the •teatli. on the 7th ult., at Timor, of Mon. Joaquim de Medeiros, the of Macao. The late prelate was I* 1 a pastoral visit to the island, and fl 'l *t*fii there for nearly a year. He
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  • 80 3 Ihk figures of the approximate gross of Indian railways are now '"tiiplrted up to the end of last year, "inparr-d with the corresponding period dir previous twelve months, they ijjj’l" a falling off of almost 91 lakhs. li> is an improvement of a few lakhs I ,v, *r
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  • 101 3 ME oHicial total of the plague cases ynnibayto the 27th January was4,300, 4.227 deaths, but private estimates l» ••It In* number of deaths since the outffcuk at 10,000. On the 30th January, h plague in Kurraehee was becoming r daily. People were being induced n lll0Ve
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  • 147 3 REBEL REVERSES. The Comercio furnishes details of events to the 31st January, ac which date important military operations were apparently at hand, particulars of which were not made public. Hopes of a successful result ran high in Spain. General Polavieja, the Captain-General of the Philippines, has already received
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  • 82 3 This morning, as Inspector Evans was coming back from Gaylang, he saw a Chinaman, with an uplifted chopper in his hand, chasing his wife down the road. Inspector Evans promptly collared the man, and proceeded to make inquiries. All he could ascertain,however, was that the woman,
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  • 85 3 A Ceylon planter, Mr. Maitland-Kir-wan, who has planting interests elsewhere than in the Island, on behalf of variousStatesinCentral America (including Honduras, where he represents a new and large collee interest) will pay a visit to the authorities in Calcutta for tin* supply of Indian coolies. The
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  • 100 3 The Japanese Ministry, it is said, has decided to increase the tonnage of four first-class cruisers, for the first stage of extension, from 7,500 tons to 9,000 tons, and also to extend the steel armour below the water line. Alterations have also been made in the plans for
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  • 141 3 It is reported that the harbour of Yokohama, is, owing to the defective organisation of the port, not only becoming useless, but actually causing inconvenience to merchant vessels. Vessels have, therefore, removed their moorage to the vicinity of Kanaga, and in consequence the harbour itself is now being
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  • 206 3 CHINESE ENTERPRISE. Mr. D. Mackay has much to say in the Times of Ceylon on planting progress in Perak. He dwells upon the fact that, prior to the last year or two, there were not any considerable evidences of the doings of coffee beyond Waterloo (Arabian) and
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  • 111 3 SECOND DAY’S RACING. (Special Telegram to the “Straits Times") The following are the results of the second day's racing at Batu Gajah, Saturday, February 6th. The meeting is described as being most successful: FIRST RACE. Tim 1 Fair Rosamond 2 Silly Girl SECOND RACE. Popgun 1 Rohilla
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  • 686 3 The following is a copy of a letter which we are asked to publish Waskaduwa, Kalutarn. Ceylon, 7th January. To Subhuti Mahanayaka, Buddhist High Priest. Honoured Sir, —I rend in the Ceylon Catholic Messenger of Tuesday, the f>th January, l*i>7, some remarks made therein concerning me in an
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  • 1658 3  -  (by MISS DE WIT.) NO. 6.—SOCIAL LIFE. The social life of Batavia has a physiognomy of its own; curious enough in some of its features. But it is not this which strikes the new-comer most forcibly. In certain Byzantine mosaics, the figure represented is entirely
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  • 83 3 From Saigon, this year, up to the 6th instant, 344,400 piculs of rice and paddy were exported to Singapore. At that date, in the Saigon rice market, there was but little demand for grain, that for Singapore and Java being moderate The mills are pretty well engaged into
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  • 1131 4 THE SITUATION ON THE 30TH JANUARY. Up to the 26th January, the total amount of subscriptions received by the Secretary of the Famine Relief Fund, at Calcutta, was over R290,(XX). On the .‘10th, the subscriptions to the Famine Fund there amounted to three-and-three-quarter lakhs. The numbers
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  • 40 4 This morning, Mr. Bell, the Chief Police Oflicer, charged one Li HokChin on a summons, with firing crackers and frightening his horse on the evening of the 29th January, in Hill Street. The man was lined Sf> and costs.
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  • 266 4 Lam An Si, who stood charged with tho murder of Ng Ah Yemv, at Balostier Road,at 3a. in. on the loth ultimo, was a~ain brought before Mr. Anthonisz yesterday afternoon. Mr. Newland prosecuted,and Mr. Mattliews defended. ih*. Nan Langenbcrg. Mouse Surgeon, (ieneral Hospital, stated that tin*
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  • 185 4 (1 ia Saigon.) Paris, 4th February. On the 30th .January, a dinner was given at the Foreign Office, at Paris, in honour of M. Mouravieff, the Russian Foreign Minister. Several hearty toasts were proposed on the occasion. M. Mouravieff left in the evening. M. Lagarde, formerly Governor of
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  • 879 4 left leg becoming unpleasantly hot. Looking down in a hurry, to his amazement lie found his gear ease in ablaze! A rapid and somewhat ungraceful dis- i mount followed, but the efforts he put I forth as an amateur fireman had no effect, the gear case l>cing completely
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  • 198 4 Hydrophobia is reported to be dying I out in Kinta. The number of schools in Perak now I number one hundred. The total number of dogs destroyed in Perak during 1896 was 9,428. I The total earnings of the Perak State Railways during 1896 were $446,102. The
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  • 584 4 PARIS THE HEAD OF THE WORLD.” M. Zola has been confiding to the Paris correspondent of the Daily Telel graph some particulars regarding “Paris”—the third and last of the volumes which began with Lourdes”— upon which he is now engaged. Lourdes, said M. Zola, u was a
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  • 697 4 I It is not often that a cyclist gets a look-in when he sues for damages I sustained through the carelessness, orI I as is too often the case —vindictiveness of the driver of heavy vehicles. Therefore, if it is as a rare bit of news that
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  • 48 4 It would appear, says the Perak Pioneer, that the Native States Durbar has by no means been shelved. It is to be held at no distant date, and, in all probability, it is at the Government House at Singapore that the august assemblage will take place.
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  • 47 4 Mr. T. P. Hudson of Hudson's Surprise Company writes from Calcutta, saying that he expects to vi§it dSinga pore in March and jrerfoim for a few days. The Company is eighteen strong and, from press notices, seems to be doing excellent business in India.
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  • 1468 5 I \KWS. AND REPORTS. >'(>1• I rjii: diamond jubilee. P r j M(M of Wales having been I lt for guidance as to the selecH■ lining scheme by which anniversary of the Queens o4ci>rated, His Koval B-‘ :1 that, while Her Majesty B tpmi expressing an opinion, f,;.rceiate
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  • 46 5 The Secretary of the Punjom Mining Company received the following telegram from the mines, giving the result of the January clean-up:—The mill ran 29 days, crushing 1,200 tons, yielding 262 ozs. of smelted gold. Thirtyfive tons of concentrates calcined, yielding 39 ozs. of smelted geld.
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  • 57 5 A Kling carjienter, residing at Tanjong Pagar, went away on the sth inst., telling his friends that he was going to work at Kampong Malacca. He was not Beard of again, and, yesterday, his dead body was found in the Kallang River. The poor wretch had been suffering
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  • 636 5 A COLD-BLOODED CRIME. Last night, a Revenue officer, No. 152, Xainainsah, was shot dead by a Macao Chinaman in Kampong Bham Road. The murder was of a remarkably cold-blooded character. Information had reached the Opium Farm, yesterday, that some chandu would, probably.* he brought
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  • 85 5 A Chinese Imperial edict dated the Ist January transfers H. E. Yang Ju, the retiring Minister to the United States, Spain, and Peru, to a similar post at St. Petersburg, and appoints H. E. Hsii Ching-ch‘eng to another term at Berlin as Chinese Minister to Germany and Austria.
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  • 94 5 INFLICTED. The captain of the P. 0. s.s. Borneo and a pilot appeared recently before the Police Court at Penang on the charge of bringing that vessel within harbour limits with small-pox on board. To this both pleaded guilty, but the captain said > that he did
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  • 405 5 (From the Times of Ceylon”) London, :11st January. Latest advices state that the Niger Expedition has captured and destroyed the town of Ladi. This destroys the Foulah power to the south of the Niger River. Sir J. Trevelyan has resigned his seat for the Bridgeton Division of Glasgow,
    (From the “ Times of Ceylon”)  -  405 words
  • 106 5 A man named Laokkei Seng went to a shop in Cross Street yesterday, and presented an order for three kodis of kain prais, sixty pieces in all. He could only be served with thirty at that time, and ordered the remainder to be sent on to the
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  • 106 5 At a meeting of the Viceroy of India's Council on the 28th January, a Bill for the better prevention of the spread of dangerous epidemic diseases was brought in. The object of the measure is to arm the Government of India with special powers for dealing with plague
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  • 105 5 COOLIE RIOT. On the 16th of January a serious disturbance took place at Beting, Negri Sembilan* The row originated over something connected with an engine, and some 500 coolies took part in the disturbance. They Vere Macaos and Hokiens and a number of them on each side were
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  • 794 5 I Her Majesty is exceedingly expert with J her needles, more especially those which 1 are used in knitting. A new fashion (says a London gossip) is to take a restaurant for the night and dine all one’s friends there. Lord and Lady Dudley have just set it.
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  • 1075 6 The condition of German home poli-1 tics during the past year (1*90) has j been characterized by an even deeper and more general uncertainty and disquietude than has prevailed during any portion of the present Emperor's reign, with the possible exception of the months which followed the
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  • 40 6 From a private letter from Kinta, we learn that the races there were very poorly attended, though the meeting was on the whole a successful one. The Residents ieneral was present, but has now returned to Kuala Lumpor.
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  • 48 6 The Titiifis of Cto/lott hears that the i\ ifc(). Conu>any has received intimation that iris to receive the postal contract from the expiry of the existing contract on the lilst Dec. next. The contract speed is to be raised from lit knots to 14 knots.
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  • 141 6 His numerous friends in the Straits will learn with regret of the death of Mr. P. A. Gillespie, which event took place at his home in Dornoch, Sutlierlandshire, on the loth ultimo. Death is said to have oeen the result of the bursting of a bloodvessel
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  • 265 6 A TOWN IN RUINS. On the 6th and 7th January, a fearful hurricane passed over Port Darwin in N. \V. Australia,and almost destroyed the town of Palmerston. At the height of the hurricane, the barometer read 28*7. The storm raged with unabated fury for several hours, carrying
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  • 1106 6 (From a Correspondent.) In the issue of the Straits Times of the 9th instant appeared a suggestion from A Chinese Citizen to the eftect that a very fitting way to raise a permanent memorial to commemorate the Diamond Jubilee,” in honour of the long
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  • 344 6 Mr. Willes Douglas, District Officer at Klang, will be appointed to take charge of the Kinta Police. Mr. Keyser, Collector and Magistrate at Jelebu, will be appointed District Officer at Klang. Probably, Mr. Hale will go to Jelebu. The Austrian man-of-war Panther arrived at Bangkok on the
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  • 71 6 The Bangkok* Tramways Company met on the Ist instant. The Chairman announced that, owing to unusually heavy working expenses on fuel, the half yearly dividend only reached six per cent. But it is intended to save 30% in fuel by changing the machinery from high to low pressure.
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  • 1461 6 A meeting of the Municipal mission was held yesterday afterr There were present: Mr. Gentle (p°° n dent), the Hon. T. Shelford, C.M.Q Evans, Mr. Sohst, Mr. Egerton, and V"’ Seah Liang Seah. Messrs. J oa ,mj Moses, Tan Jiak Kim, and Meyer absent for various reasons. MR.
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  • 87 7 A triple execution took place at /ttigkok on the iilst January, says the •'••ojl,■(,/: Times. The trio consisted of 1,1,111 an, l wife and the wife’s lover. Her juan-slave had told the neighbours of und her lover’s goings-on. The wife ,iru ier lover then seized the slave and
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  • 2517 7 THE ANNUAL CONGREGATIONAL MEETING. AN ENCOURAGING OUTLOOK. THE REV. A. LAMONT ON CHRISTIAN TEACHING. TnE annnal congregational meeting of the Singapore Presbyterian Church was held last night, there being a very gratifying attendance of the members and adherents. The Pastor, the Hew S. Stephen Walker, M.A., presided,
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  • 108 7 Attention is called in the Times of Ceylon to attempts recently to secure a reduction in the telegraph rates to the East, but the opposition of the Eastern Telegraph Co. and the Indo-European Co. have always been sufficient to put a stop to .But a reduction is to
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  • 1907 7 Via Ceylon.) I X) noon, 1st February. In consequence of the prompt massing of the Italians, the Dervishes beforeAgordat are retreating. The situation in Crete has become more serious.* There is an alarming migration of Mahommedans into Heraklion, and the Christians in the vicinity have occupied strategic positions,
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  • 108 8 There is so much talk in Singapore, nowadays, about “gearing/ that we publish a table showing how the cyclist may ascertain simply to what number his machine is geared: CYCLE-WHEEL 28 INCHES DIAMETER. Teeth on Small Teeth on Larger Cog-Wheel. Cog-Wheel. Gear. 9 18 56 9 19 591
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  • 251 8 A HUMOROrS CROW. A crow which haunts the Mid-Surrey links at Richmond is a bit of a humorist. He lias played such pranks with the golfers’ balls that the subject has been discussed by the committee. He appears, according to Go//, to hover in attendance only on players who
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  • 757 8 WHY THE CHETTIE9 DO NOT SUBSCRIBE. TO THE EDITOR OK THE “STRAITS TIMES.” Sir,— If there be one subject more than another which is at this moment exercising the public mind, it is the complete absence of any substantial expression of sympathy on the part of
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  • 119 8 CHETTIES HELD I’P. A oang of highway robbers recently set upon some chetties on the road from Papan to Ipoh. It would appear that the chetties were returning from Papan in a ’rikisha when they were attacked by four Chinese, who pounced upon the occupants. The
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  • 327 8 Captain Dunman has issued the following letter: S. V. A. Head Quarter Office, Singapore, 6th Feb., 1897. j Officers and Members, S. V. A. i I have received by last mail the follow- ing letter of farewell, addressed to me on behalf of the S. V. A.,
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  • 113 8 One hundred and forty-nine deaths were registered in Singapore in the week cudiug. t Q«d JiatunJav Jast, wit ha" ratio of .‘l7'fvl per thousand. A cook house, attached to premises in Balestier Road, occupied by Mr. Leicester, of the Borneo Company, was burnt down, the other morning.
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  • 43 8 In the Wind-up Handicap at tin* Clermont races, Queensland, in December, tour horses fell, and a jockey named Hannan was killed. Another jockey had his skull fractured, and a third man was badly injured, while a horse had its neck broken.
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  • 47 8 A most curious provision occurs in the will of an old lady who died lately in Ootacamund (India). Her surviving family, with one exception, consists of females, and to each of them she directed that a bicycle should be supplied at the expense of her estate.
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  • 74 8 An important announcement has been made by Professor Silvanus Phillips Thompson, who has for some time past been conducting a series of scientific researches in electricity, <fcc. He has expressed the opinion that, with the new methods at the disposal of electricians, and with a very
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  • 87 8 A Malay passenger, from Muntok, went to lodge yesterday at 186, Victoria Street. He Iftmded his box to the housekeeper to keep for him, and at that time everything was all right. At two o’clock this morning he got up to enjoy a meal, this being the
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  • 176 8 Mr. and Mrs. F. B. W e |,b I and Mrs. Ross Park live at v Bukit Timah Road. For sor °.l past, Mr. Webb has been th e vjl numerous thefts. Last Mav n 'l robbed of thirty dollars, and «Jj quently, of two gofll rings. U>t
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  • 173 8 The visit which Mr. T. North Clristl Mr. Norman Grieve, Mr. W. H. Kinl bury, and Mr. Metcalfe, all of OvjJ have lately paid to the Straits >.r r l ments may result in the coffee dbtriJ in Selangor being extended con«iil ably, says the Times
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  • 173 8 A couple of policemen, in phi clothes, were sent from Passir Pa]j/*r yestarday to bring down a repainted boat from the Marine Pdfe» Station. On the way, and when in TVHlangah Road, they came across thr* Chinamen w ho were sitting by tin* s: of the road
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  • 246 8 REPARATION FOR OUTRANKHerr von Hartmann, the ruMinister to Siam, who had been ted and arrested by Siamese h »li- «*n at Bangkok, tiie other day, on tlictra; driven by him running over a ('liinan received final reparat ion on thc .Jh’| uary. The Siamese Government
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  • 183 9 tV 4:.,*00 which occurred in connecwith the announcement of Mr. Laird’s knighthood ought (a indent thinks) to convince the responsible for issuing New il 1 ifirthday honour lists of the Y ar .‘rrv of handing to the Press a naan*, without any clue to the ‘‘I’ 1
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  • 321 9 SIV.I.UIIAT late in the day the Specials January 9th) reviews Mr. Cl i Herds ;H t \»ast Etchings/’ published by s fruits Turn's, as follows 'pi** 1 I't (Y>:i*t is Malava, and Air. rli .j )P 1 i. ilic Kesident at Pahang. \V»* ciiimot «|iiit<* uiwlerstand
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  • 327 9 tin: ei hope market. I in was adversely a fleeted early “‘.the year by a political scare. The pi iell to £57 5s. but improved to he* -V. },y the end of January. Through h-aruary and March it varied but little, hi'* total supplies were then slowly
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  • 667 9 (From n Correspondent.) In the issue of the Times of Jhe 4th ultimo appeared an article dealing with the form of oath administered in British courts of justice, and supporting generally the views of a correspondent who had raised the question. The conclusion arrived at was that the
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  • 58 9 A bicycle race for f. 10,000, over a distance of fifty kilometres (31 miles 123 1-3 yards), between C. F. Barden, of Putney, and C. Huret, the famous French rider, at the Velodrome dT liver, Paris, on 10th January, resulted in favour of the Englishman, who covered the distance
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  • 64 9 The P. O. Co. have hooked for Europe:—By the s. s. Mlrzapore 17th February, Mr. V. Chirol. If uremia, 3rd March, Capt. Radclifle. Canton 11th March, Mrs. Butt. Rohilla 17th March, Mr. I). H. Wise. Japan Btli May, Mrs. Nnthonisz. The North German Lloyd have hooked per Sachsen,
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  • 2644 9 VIII. —THE DOCKS. (A.) TAN JONG PAGAR DOCK CO., LIMITED. (By our Commissioner.) The premises of the Tanjong Pagar Dock Company, Limited, form the great commercial artery of Singapore, through which flows, for the most part, all tin* voluminous trade of this increasingly prosperous port. Floated in 1864,
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  • 764 10 The Mining Manager’s Report for the four weeks ending 5th February, 1897, w r as as follows MINING. Raul Hole. —No. 2 Shaft. The main drive going north at the No. 3 (220') level has been extended 16.}' making total distance from the crosscut 103}'. The lode formation in
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  • 228 10 SEA SERPENT OFF THE JAVA COAST. At the end of last month, the tramp steamer Assama was lying in the Rangoon river. She had been last to Philadelphia on a voyage thither from Java with sugar. On the second day after leaving Java, the Master,
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  • 1381 10 Madame Sarah Bernhardt attributes her wonderful vitality in no small degree to her love of fresh air and exercise. She says—“1 live in the open air. From early morning I am up, on some days spending the entire day in hunting or driving, to get glimpses of new
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  • 340 10 Fiie liquidators of the Singapore Insurance Company, this morning, held a meeting at which it was decided to declare a third dividend of one and-a-half dollars per share, payable on March 15tli. The great Durbar to proclaim the Federation of the Protected Malay States will be held,
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  • 34 10 The twentieth ordinary general meeting of the Straits Insurance Co. will be held at No. 2, Finlay son Green, on Thursday, the 25th March, to receive the directors’ reports and accounts.
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  • 35 10 Mr. H. H. Boyle and Mr. John Macdonald have filed here the specification of an invention for an improved process and apparatus for the treatment of rhea grass and similar fibres for commercial purposes.
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  • 40 10 Cavaliere F. de Goyzueta reported his return and resumption of the charge of the Italian and Port uguese Consulates at Singapore, on the Bth instant. Mr. Chang Chin-hsUn is provisionally recognised as Consul-General for China in the Straits Settlements.
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  • 61 10 A Gorernmeni Gazette notification warns intending pilgrims that, in the event of an outbreak of bubonic plague in the Hodja z (Arabia), they will not be allowed to return to the Colony without strict quarantine. Special regulations passed by the Public Health Department of the Ottoman Empire, applieable
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  • 123 10 Discussing cricket, the other day, in Sydney, E. Jones, the South Australian howler, who refused an offer from Sus sex. said: “If an English team comes out for the next cricket season—and 1 don't think there is any doubt on that subject the side will be a strong one.'’
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  • 358 10 At half-past two o’clock this morning Detective No. 2.">1 was in Middle Road, near tlie end of Hylam Street. It was raining, and the limb of the law sheltered himself under the five feet way. While there he saw several Chinamen prowling around the end of Hylan
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  • 119 10 A funny story is told regard', fitting of an outdoor clock in the if kong Dockyard, the other day that a workman had cut a pla. wall to fit the time-keeper i ntfj lnt another individual happened sarcastically asked how the thin- to be wound after
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  • 145 10 CAVITE TO BE ATTACKED. Advices from Manila to the i instant report the approach of a attack on Cavite. Almost every aval ble soldier has been sent to tile fa and the Governor-General was shor to leave Manila to take command the field force. Rumour has it
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  • 129 10 SPECIAL MEETING OF THE COMMISSIONER At a special meeting of the Munis pal Commissioners, to be held on Wei nesday, the 17th inst., Mr. Shelfoniriitj notice that he will lAake the motion: “That the Board confirms the lution of 30th January to the extent« voting, subject
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  • 327 10 BRIGANDAGE. In the province of Thaiogn about tlie middle of last i*u*nth. 2 inspector of telegraphs on tour. escort, was attacked by thirty f, ri: armed with breechloaders, Th« gands lay in ambush among, wood. At the first fire, two soldier? a* three coolies fell. The brigand' on
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  • 611 11 PROGRESS IN 1896. FISCAL. I'hk Rwcnuo for 1896 is expected to ■***•.1 tIi** estimate, notwithstanding I'.'t tin* import duty on riee was taken T ii,. beginning of October. The v, measures taken against Mat panitn ,»11m*r rebels will enuse some >alleu r ,,ver estimated Expenditure but' «*n
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  • 149 11 'IHK lil.’ILDING TRADE FLOURISHING, i ne Colony of Hongkong is said by rii m i Mail to be in a state of rapid metamorphosis, and its aspect in a few years will undergo complete transformation. The large increase of trade population has made itself known ,n()st markedly in the
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  • 1126 11 Mercury. Shanghai is at the present 'moment on tlie brink of a precipice. That the edge is concealed by a heavy growth of municipal income, of value in local stocks, and what not, does not in the least alter the condition of affairs.
    ,—Mercury.  -  1,126 words
  • 572 11 London, Friday 15/// dauuanj. The following paragraph is a fair specimen of the sort of practical knowledge which is generally displayed by those Society journal writers who have been appointed to “do” cycling items. In describing a folding bicycle, the writer says: So far from detracting in
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  • 1253 11 I have read your .report of the Reverend A. Lamont’s speech on school teaching, and missionaries, and the Christian religion. I have also talked with people who have heard Mr. Lamont speak, and they agree that your report is a good report. Yet, after careful study, I
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  • 1413 11 SINGAPORE COMPETITION. The Batavia A truirthlml dwells upon the preference shown to Singapore by shippers in tin* Netherlands Indies. From all parts of the latter, Chinese owned steamboats ply to {Singaporeeither without competition or competing with the Packet Navigation Company. In the former ease, the freights art* next
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  • 631 12 The presence of a candidate during a contest, which is of course under present conditions regarded as highly conducive to his success, was in former times not so much insisted on, and occasionally even deprecated. Thus Lord Palmerston, who. having twice unsuccessfully contested the University of Cambridge,entered the
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  • 2049 12 STRAITS TIMES FUND. TWENTY-FIRST LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS. (Tuesday.) We feel that we are now within measureable distance of closing our Famine Relief Fund. The amount that we acknowledged to-day is comparatively small, though none the less welcome but it is fairly evident that we can expect no
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  • 107 13 MO NDAY, 15TH FEBRUARY. Tin Dispensary has issued a neat calendar for tins year. P ()VVELL Co. will hold an w tion of horses and carriages at Mr. stahles on Monday, the 22nd insf 4 q l; c X. Maxwell, the Acting DisYt officer of Flu Selangor, is reported lfl
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  • 240 13 aktmkntal amalgamation. iP ilg.-miation of the Selangor Mines, and Survey Offices is i, accomplished fact. This i j not greatly affect the the Mahn/ Mtiil. These .partmeiits formerly looked to ?i Resident as their only chief, iii v ileal indiscriminately with Iwor one the Resident, the other I’ommisdoner of
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  • 406 13 < ”X>miATIOX YKsTERDAY. liu* 1! >man Catholic Cathedral of < Shr]»h«‘nl was con sec rated by Im* Hi J r KevtMvnd I)r. Fee, Bishop Diocese. yesterday morning. ia* irately detailed ritual pres-»T!‘-*il thi- important function j)t*i*t*"i;ated the appointment of an :tilv i. uir lor it-
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  • 2589 13 NEWS, NOTES, ANI) REPORTS. LIEUT. GUGGISBERG. Lieut. F. G. Guggisberg, R.E., has bee"* r /pointed an Instructor of Fortification and Geometrical Drawing at the Royal Military Academy, vice Major H. L. C. H. Stafford, who has resigned the post. DEATH OF MR. G. G. NICOL. The death is
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  • 24 13 The next Criminal Assizes at Singapore are fixed for the 9th March. A Court of Appeal will sit at Penang on Friday next.
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  • 29 13 Seven hundred and seven! y-two deaths were registered in Singapore during last month, with a ratio of 4403 per thousand. Three deaths come under the head of cholera.
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  • 45 13 LORD ASHBURTON’ S YACHT. Lord Ashburton’s yacht, the Yenetia of the Iloyal Yacht Squadron, which has been away cruising, returned to Singapore yesterday. She has on board Lord and Lady Ashburton, Lord Crawford. Sir Henry Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. North, Mr. Lindsay, and Dr. Harrison.
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  • 387 13 THE ANNUAL HEGIRA. THE I*. O. MAIL. Per s. s. Mirzapore 17th Februarv Mr. V. Chirol. Per s.s. Ravenna 3rd March —Mr<. Hose, Mr. Simons, Sr., Mrs. Melville Si irons, Capt. Kadcliffe. Per s.s. Canton, lltli March: —Mrs. Highet, Mrs. Butt and children, Mr. Darby. Per s. s.
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  • 16 13 It is expected that, owing to the famine, the Indian Military Budget will be considerably retrenched.
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    • 73 14 TO THE EDITOR OF THE STRAITS TIMES.” Sir, —The sequel to mine of the 28th ulto. runs as follows: Now the match studah habi* And Neubronner the rara-avis, Wins for his forty-two The Cup that was in view\ But there seems to be a hitch, Which the
      73 words
    • 680 14 TO THE EDITOR OF THE STRAITS TIMES.” Sir, —The speech made by the Rev. A. Lamont at the annual congregational meeting in the Presbyterian Church, on Wednesday night, has, owing to its obscurity and ambiguity, attracted the attention of those Chinese parents and guardians who
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    • 254 14 TO THE EDITOR OP VHE 8TRAIT8 TIMES.” Sir, —In football matches on the Esplanade lately yin throwing in the ball from toucji, a player has always been penalised if he raises his feet in any way, especially on his toes, when throwing in the ball, and a free kick
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  • 685 14 ARRIVALS. Per s. s. Malacca from Teluk Anson via ports: —Messrs. Archaintranet, Walsh, Burwick, Munro, Nanson, Bacon, Wise, Gunn. Hilson,McDougall,Baxendale, McDonough Dr, Clark, Hon. M. Lister, Revel. Calesson, Mr. Murray, and Mr. and Mrs. Browning. Per s. s. A. Apcar from Hongkong:—Mr. C. B. Brooke. Per M. M.
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    • 194 14 Under this heading the following abbreviations are used:—str. —steamer; sh. —ship l>q. —barque; Brit.—British; U. S. United States; Tr. French Ger. —German; Dut. Dutch; Joh. —Johore; Ac., G. c., General cargo d.p. —deck passengers; U. —Uncertain T. P. W.—Tanjong Pagar Wharf; T. P. D.—Tanjong Pagar Dock B.
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    • 1436 14 Arrivals Since Noon of Saturday. Alboin, Brit. str. 050 tons, Capt Ritchie, 14th Feb. From Bangkok 10th Feb. G.c., Borneo Coy. Ltd. For Bombay, lf>th—W. Argus Brit str. 1,822 tons, Capt McDonald, 14th Feb. From Melbourne, 23rd Jan. Coal. McAlister A Co. For Calcutta, U—Rds. Ayr Brit. str.
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    • 518 14 Name, port probable date of arrival and name of agents. Aden, London, April 6; P. A O. Ajax, Liverpool, Mar 3; Mansfield. Australind, Fremantle, Feb 16; Boustead. Bayern, China, April 1; Behn Meyer. Benlarig, Antwerp, Mar 4; P. Simons. Bulmouth, Manila, Feb 28; Boustead. Balmoral, Hongkong, Feb 28;
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    • 967 15 Flag I i Vi«F Sc Tons Captain From Sailed Consignees S >* mb Rl0- I 1 Dut. str. 95 Nacodah Singkep Feb 7 pingDT Brit. str. 90 Sellars Malacca Feb 7 Wee Bin andCo. str. 405 Daly T. Anson Feb b'S. S’ship Coy. Ltd. str. 84 Scott Muar Feb
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    • 624 15 f I'ate. Vessel’s Name Flag A-Rig Captain Destination > rinvn Shan Brit str. Ferguson Penang Madeline Kiek liters Ger. hq. Otto Bangkok Hygdo Nor. str. Tollefsen Haneohe Bay Vnang Brit str. Taylor Samarang and Sadong 9 Han Hin Gunn str. D’Cruze Klang via ports [i Ho 3ong str. Angus
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    • 107 15 PASSED SUN DA STRAITS OR ARRIVED FOR ORDERS. Flag I j Date j i ReDate. and Ship’s Name. Commander. of From where Destin- marks Rig. I Sailing ation Feb 3 Ned s.s. Smeroe Guthrie Feb 3 Batavia Rotterdam 4 Ned s.s. B’ter den Tex Hubert Dec 20 Amsterdam Batavia
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 709 14 AN INDESCRIBABLE SENSATION To be easily described, a thing must have clear outlines aad unmixed colours. In other words, it must be simple. A rent in one’s clothing, a boil on one’s body, a turn ble while walking, the shape of a box, «fcc, are easily set forth in words.
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
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    • 519 15 Picking up Knowledge is easy enough if you look for it in the right place. This is the right place to learn just what to do for that debilitating condition which warm weather always brings. Do you want to be cured of that languid feeling, get back your appetite, sleep
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 300 16 IF Jh KB n ■w ERRINS P OBSERVE LI AT THE SIGNATURE 0 -nr ~r ’AT V_> A M /S MW {/'“S PRINTED IN’BLUE INK DIAGONALLY ACROSS THE OUT3IDE WRAPPER of every Bottle of the WORCESTERSHIRE Sold W-.iiV?" > !»v the Proprietors, 1 »p^~*•*- Crcr, c f n kv. r’,
      300 words
    • 461 16 T11E “STRAITS TIMES.” The “Straits Budget.” The price of the Straits Times is a? follows: Daily issue per year 30 dollars, do. do. copy 10 cents. Weekly do. year 18 dollars, do. do. copy 40 cents. At those prices, the daily issue is delivered post free anywhere. On the weekl)
      461 words
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