Straits Times Overland Journal, 5 October 1878

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Straits Times Overland Journal
  • 16 1 The Straits Times OVERLAND JOURNAL. VOL. \|\._V) ,25. SI.\(iAI>OKK, SATURDAY, OCT. 5, 1878. i'iac»; 10 Gem
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  • 20 1 Domestic Occurrences. DEATH. Ni *> k Kat.ik. during the ni'lit Pt-> by titully Canil, John Campbell Bn<jne*r I*. W iv. [ndia
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  • 103 1 STRAITS TIMES SATURDAY, OCT., 5, 1878. LATEST MARKE HatlUNSL i <*.vr k 5th October, 1878. Gambier j.:,;,. Black Pepper White Pepper, fair quality 13.50. Sago Flour. Saraw. k I Pearl Sago L37|. Coffee, Bon tyne 19.2. r > Q 17.00. 92 »4 tl ;n.s 1.00. 7 do do 1.59. do
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  • 161 1 Pl Pel. 27 tb Sept.— -Fro in Batavia Lieu- Engefbrectit, Mea#a. G. C. Rl Bidwell, and 10 deck. 1\ 28Ui S^t,— From Manila: r Zacharie and party, M« G. a. Verdu. Per K <ept: /.—Mr. F. H. Gotlieb and 2 QtB, Captain Sobutze atid servant, Mr. Winch, Mr. N.
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  • 802 1 I hk. last issue of the overland Si R rniEH was diited Saturday, the K th September, the P. and O. steam''cing despatched on that •lay with the last homeward mail. >M e c of the monsoon at this the year necessitates a change ln the
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  • 1103 1 (From our own C6rreapmde*t.) Penax.;, 86th Ski'tkmkkij, Is7s. Sine: the date of my hist letter, the lending topic ha> 1 n fche indignation meeting of the Chiuese Community held on Saturday last, the 21st instant, at the office of Messrs. Banchinhong Co. which I bri.-tly referred to. There in
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  • 15220 2 1 Orfolr Thi Calbdo our readers vvh remember Indian Mutiny have read with painful interest the we |ml)lished on thr £6th ulti- < ting the sudden rising of the Nat m- Kanakas as they are called, <-w Caledonia, against the French, and the massacre of unarmed
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  • Correspondence.
    • 330 6 To the Editor of thr- Daily T Dkak Sin Trainiii' ,llv <>|hmi<'«| this morning with great animation. Tl>, attendance was not us 1 I it. but it rv select. The Clerk of the Course, looking as hlufl m<l jxirtlv as ever, and several of the St. w there (or ought
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  • 172 6 To the Editor of ih' Sir,- With referee dynamite as an fefeploei marine and subaqueous works of all kiiuls, 1 think there can be but one opinion, ami that you noticed in your itnpri sion of yesterday its advaii ward you a jhort account I camin the Kngitveering paper
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  • 216 7 SATURDAY 11 U> the KahMe i t] le we< L imdffljf Frida- mber incident alarming eli lace o I irsda'v !ilt python iat, we bel. the cd oientinaine, Ikki he'mg conHned itb America) some II feet ■mwj; lo i»c!i< rth, which was ll a short time
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  • 1837 7 H. B. M.'s steam corvette Modest <, 1,9*4 tons, Captain F. G. >reade, from Hongkong 13th, and Saigon 26tifinived here this morning, where slif will be stationed until further orders tie received from Home. Tub Python, whose escape from its cage was noticed in our issue of
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  • 813 7 TUESD AY, 1st OCTOBER. A petition, numerously »y ivlinjj traders, has, w< been presented to 11. E. the Governor, praying that Mr. P. H. Gottlieb >hall be retained us a Police Magistrate in Singapore, and not be sent to Pinang, on the ground that lie i^ intimately acquainted with native
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  • 771 8 Now that the cultivation of the soil 6 to be attracting 1 unusual attention in these Settlements, thefollowiug paragraph from a Home paper respecting the discovery of a new fibre in Mauritius posse- me interest and may deserve the attention of our planting friends -"Small quantities of
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  • 1242 8 No possible excuse can he given by the Municipal authorities for carelessness especially when life may be endangered by it. The slightest reflection should convince the Commissioners that when an old bridge is being repaired or a new one built, a light should be placed at night
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  • 2060 8 Wk are informed that 11. Governor ami Lady H pained by Mr. E. W. ii leave for Batavia in the M. M. kluv. An inquest was h*>l«l ou the Isi m>t.. on the boay of a female K.hng, i machee, j>t the Rocl bv A. R. Ord
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  • 246 9 Ti;[.E(.kaph!< communication with Penang has been impaired since Monday last. The line is not broken, but though the most powerful batteries arc used here any communication with Penang is but imperfect. A Message was received to-day from there dated the 30th instant, that is four days old.
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 821 10 Saturday, 28th foeptember. Spanish steamer Mariveles, 43<» tons, Munro commander, Manila pt. consignees Syme A Co. Dutch steamer Java, 1,017 tons, Weber commander, Penang 25th Sept. consignees Heoglandt A Co. Dutch steamer Banda, 790 tons. Van Loenen commander. Macassar 25th Sept. consignees Hamilton Gray A Co. Sunday, 29th September. British
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    • 667 10 arnbate— r Thursday, 3rd OBritish schooner Kim Hok Leong, IGSXtons lah, Patani 23rd Sept. Dutch steamer Sunda, 280 tons, Van Neef commander, Palem bang lst Oct. consignees Hamilton Gray A Co. British steamer Imbat, 867 tons, Stewart commander, Foochow 24th Sept. consignees Paterson Simons Co. German barque Germania, 890 tons,
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