Straits Times Overland Journal, 25 April 1878

Total Pages: 7
1 7 Straits Times Overland Journal
  • 17 1 The Straits Times OVERLAND JOURNAL. r O^fe.f" X,~j\< tO4. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, APRIL 25, 1878. Prick 40 Oe
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  • 116 1 STRAITS TIMES THURSDAY, APRIL 25, 1878. A.TJ *T |ji.>- b,: i quota TlONS. 25kd April, 1878. <fl^Bf;..»-v?.<. *4.0^.|. Fepi^r 6.^5. fthio W to Vep^pw.. 11.75. Sage b .r, Swaf^k >20. Ba.«ro. 4.10. tiFee, E -^ma... 18. nominial Tifl^fl ,{U..^. M 18.32 i $\U H^au. 155. 7 m 1.35. do 1.10.
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  • 29 1 Domestic Occurrences. BIRTHS. xv y >, o» tbo l."»th v*2z£L- iho wife of Mv w- "-•■'9*W(^' Supreme Court, v^' i d otutiou, on the 23rd \;s lj *i,i Sob-Inspo.-tur John
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  • 204 1 Per M auier Tigre, from Marseilles on ?h i r iSmo-ipv-' Marseilles: Mr. xru'et, T> r;i Mr. Maiutadt, Mr. Los ht tftt- ?\1 Ohiera. From Galle: >ir. G. tKg&.ji, Draidon and Mr. G/»i||<% TV ta Mr. A. W. risQjß. %om Haoaiui and 1. eif: Vh friend and child, iiY*v^£aJJfc£ri
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  • 597 1 JGFJ March, on the afternoon of Monday the c JkJnd instant. The P. and O. steamer Lo<%bardj is expected hore with the Londou mail of the 29th March next Sunday, having lett Galle on Sunday evening last. The M. M. steamer Peiko arrived here from China
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  • 448 1 Fatskan, 15th April] The destruction of life and propeitty here, though not to be compared to th*t which occurred m Canton has still bee* very considerable. A About inidd iy en Thursday, it h-ing finei overhead, I ventured to the Preaching^ Hall. About two o'clock whiUt'preaching,
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  • 2606 1 Sunday, 14th April. The toraado, or whirlwind, seems to have travelled m a direction generally from soutU west to north-east, but making many deviations from the direct line. It first caught Measrs. RusidU'is house, lately occupied by the German Consulate, taking j off the roof, and
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  • 1992 2 PULO PiSANO LIOHTHOi SB. The next paper we have to notice contain* correspondence on the subject of placing- addffcional Lights m the Straits of Malacca m continuation of papers laid before Council on the 4th May, 1875. This paper appears to have Jf* l^ 1 1^ on
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  • 3019 3 Spetng Meeting, 1878. First Day, Tuesdat, 23hd April. A southerly wind and a cloudy sky,V constitute, according to song and populaA opinion at home, the acme of happiness to\ hunting men, and therefore, I suppose, to> racing men, as well as to hunters and racers. If so. then
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  • 433 4 Sixth Day, Tuesday, 15th April, 1878. i Present. j a H. E. THE GOVERNOR. < n His Honor the Chief Justice. n i The Hon. The Colonial Secretary. I tarr of State for the Colonies and the Go--1 vernor <»f the Straits Settlement* on the i subject
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  • 1247 4 I'm n.v la ted for the StraitM (It is requested of our coutiinporarieij 11-duuin^rI 1duuin^r these t nuuUtiona their ori-irtß H^. m the Strait* 7. may be'acknowle-l^g^^J^^ m Batavia 11th April —As to Mßt tlMere is no better news excepting oflfl pect to that m imports m whiel
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  • 681 5 I "*ni o Gorrett/iondent.) a a, |lsT April, 1878. CoY amer Chanda, l)a\, from v 6ur I'ort. bound to lUi. YvtA t^e intermediate ports,) ar- ii Monc! v morning, and c Mai. '^a Telegraph, and Briyteawer how both from Klang, i h^te^ja.- 'hursday morning, and tot that i< t^pun
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  • Correspondence.
    • 339 5 Let the Cobbler stick to his last To the Editor of the Daily Times. Sib Easter is doubtless professionally a Churchman or a Compiler of Almanacs, and therefore you may rely upon his information respecting Easter Saturday. But since when has the knowledge, exact or otherwise, if
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    • 127 5 To the Editor of the Daily Times. Str, Here is an epigrammatic incident for you from Malacca, m the words of my correspondent. 44 A Malay, named Xahey, a kind of a Shikarrer, (a sportsman), residing at Sempang near Marlemow, \\;i>, a few days ago, brought
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  • 349 5 APRIL. The following new notifications are taken from yesterday's Gazette. Friday and Saturday the 19th and 20th instant will be observed as holidays at the Government Offices. But on Saturday the Colonial Secretary's and Master-Atten-dant's Offices will be open. The Right Hon'ble the Secretary of State
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  • 918 5 THUHSDAV :s:m APRIL. j-j The British ateam-ship Cheang Hock K'tan, Captain Webb, wliich arrived ?.ii yesterday from IVnang, reports hai passctl the ship Am'jruxe, of Liverpool, •>5 days from Calcutta, bonnd to San Francisco, 9 miles S. \V. of the one 1 fathom Bank i The
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  • 487 6 yjjrAl v IiTHE Pp*t-entries today wef as fol- r CtoROMAKDEL, Vase aJFd Square I AT E, JuCpiiyf. m j i'or Merchants' Cup, LotJry, and ifyrI For R&ADSTERs' Cup, Fielder. i Ihk British steamer, aRi/c of'Ata/jama, fjj arrifed m Hongkong /n the 12th m J. btaaj with the
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  • 1146 6 Singapore, 19th March, 1878. Sib,— l have the honor to forward the following Report of Trade, Imports and Exfqjts, Registry of Shipping, Arrivals and Departures of square rigged vessels and Native craft, cumber of European and Native seamen shipped and discharged, Cases tried at the Marine Magistrate's
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  • 359 6 With ref eoi* fft n which will be asked a* Jk i!wctin cil next week, v BjttHiß relative to Goverm. culating m J 1, ov. oific< vernraent eir,| y, b^ beau requested 4 itd^ jer speculated, ami, t^ go <. culars. We are ittfi n d tfat
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  • 231 7 y^flH^b our readers that, A ?n ?ifpy^t m the monsoon at this raii^ofe the ear, two homeward mails ,w>sllj* ofepaiphed from here close U ea^p#^^ ili f w k jphe M. M. &ieum.etf||#|ip ;»»fb ngkong at noon, on T t;^4Jrf|e l&th instant, and Saio- n *fe|fc^ P
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  • 533 7 Cojcp aJJHs a*:* >r 'Qsfcan.tly JbeerLmcu^ 1U xlie cc ourt Lao t\vo3l^g'MagistirateB are, we are tfodlM, W^Sy- answerable for this _;la£ c ss alon«. being the cause, aod ja siedv wfech would strike one a&iie e^ > and most practicable v aP"'^Jß nominating 1 another j .pB&&t<J|B-
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 442 7 SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE ajTtbafe. grrftai^— (Continued.) ilUfHisii n Sarawak str. Royahs£7lo tons Reynolds, Sarawak 15th April. British steamer Ruby, Fox. for Mintok A PaVmbang. British Btt Cldera, t^^ufa^SwHtow 13th April. SluS ±fc SSS^G^ lor SS^ '£i£* t 4.KH M ar< l ue Phases Amaha, 7b5 tons, Timmerman, Acheen British steadier Riga,
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