Straits Times Overland Journal, 26 March 1874

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Times Overland Journal
  • 21 1 ft O. 8 Ml The Straits Times OVERLAND JOURNAL. VOJm W. -NO. 2VA>. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 1874. Price, 45 Cents,
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • Article, Illustration
      10 1 Bernbard, infai of Mr. E. Hage,i aged 10 montl
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  • 606 1 EST M TATIO> poke, March 74. g 5 w Pepp* Sago Floor, Sarawak Pearl Sago 15. Bontv nominal 8i lbs. Shirting* 7 do do Benares Opimu new 562 firm E. on LoNm Bank bills 6 months sij^ht 4 Credr Privat. 4/4f. Sovereigns TJPJDoek Singapore adnuM Mining
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  • 794 1 The last Overland Journal was published on the 12th instant. The MesBageries steamer Anadyr 'arrived on the 15th inst, with the mail of the 13th February, and the P. O. steamer Av oca on the 24th with the mail of the 20th idem. The homeward French mail was
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  • 117 1 The following telegram was despatched from Pi tot! Penang, 23rd Mar i. S me roe has just arrived from Acbeen. No letters or despatches received by her. Private in- telhgence states no news of importance. Position remains unaltered. REUTERS TELEGRA] Pinamf. Achinese report several forts strongly fortified
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 128 1 _rrs lmve arrived, left, or passed through ti dvi _"ht. •n the 17 th March:— For Siiiguj ssrs. White and K( Hongkong. Mrs. Denby and boy, •gt. and Mrs. Brock- yyr, on the 17th in>t ugapore. Pi M. and Mine. LX and infant. > >. Durr, K. Dias, T. Rubles,
      128 words

  • 1612 2 ttt•nnaiiv i ;.-i:t li BaHroa»,which wm fitted up asm Coanci] and one in which tlu- public can bear is a icil vll the military and civil number of the moay, lla! rin^of twn up pal entrmiK I a> II I H. K. Dr. Little and
    1,612 words
  • 311 2 li ;i. at neil ink \al which c than this, ami <atawhich sion <d. ab< --li will disarm any i thing like ou the win* ii her laid dowDj H little tOO ivg'mie anything i. ('a canny" au ill-meant advice l>nt yet there is no the
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  • 1174 2 While we are ject of national imporUnee dii in all its branches, while we think it not only useful but necessary that any fa winch bears, nu matter bow mitral upon the great issue of our national prosperity and pr analysed I I each of its
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  • 538 3 In administering the law among* a native community, there is, perhaps, no more important part of the judicial machinery than the interpretation. t only is it necessary to provide trustworthy and impartial judges and magistrates, but it is quite as essential that the interpreters, upon whom rests the
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  • 1661 3 On Tuesday, the 10th instant, His Highness the Maharajah of Johore gave a grand banquet to His Excellency Sir Andrew Clarke and Lady Clarke at the Istana, Johore, on the occasion of their first visit to the Maharajah's territory. The eltfc of Singapore were invited,
    1,661 words

  • 541 4 of the I Kai'ttion was hold in the Town Hall, "ii Friday, the £Oth Clark.- were present, nber of the influential Euro- Hm fctoellenejr I the Chair. Uury read the Annual Report of the Trn md the mittee on th. The tuli ull in Moved by the
    541 words
  • 533 4 Tr d for es.J The following telegram appears in the). ceived Batavia papers: Surabaya 3rd March. The British ship Abyssinia, Griffers, has stranded on Motir island, to the South of Ternate. The vessel was laden with coal and came from Cardiff." Java and Sumatra journals
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  • 846 4 Tjik following notice of the loss a British vessel near Teruate appears in the Surabaya Con rant of the -lth instant eotituiPOttdent wnto to v? as i lows froiu Teruate, under data the s th February. The only news from this place bat, during the night between the 29th and
    846 words
  • 855 4 (Translated from th fs Tintets.) A onvsjK.iulent \v; iga on the 1 v]: the ila Com Irishes the foUowiag deta >anish naval operat Sooloo performed a fatiguing cruise Tawi Tawi in pi; and in carrying on pirates of I'bian Sibntn lfantMiM •> r
    855 words

  • 6692 5 March 21st, 1874. Present, Hi> he Governor. The Hon. Colonial Secretary (Mr. Birch) J Attorney-General (Mr. Brad- dell.) I Treasurer Mr. Willans.) Col. Engineer Major MeNair) 11. A. K. Whamp a. Little, M. D. \Y. Ramsay Sc Dr. Little aad W. Kam>;i\ having been appointed I notlieial Members,
    6,692 words

  • Correspondence.
    • 81 7 (r rum an Malacca, 1 i i n M Thk British Barker, an i Sunday night, and sailed the follow morning lor 1 1. m s, foundation of which reported w owi: ig run foul of it. on w ii tain full particulars about this affair in Sin The
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    • 39 7 TESTIMONIAL TO W. READ, ESQ. To tlte Editor of the Daily Time*. id's nutnen (i columns 5 Mr \l. I. II w i; scoTT. E«q 525 Abdul lUhturn Tli. I liilkoUftiidW. Atrl umrd A. M briukniHim .1. ••pC. i
      39 words

  • 89 8 or of the 1) met. ft tO H\>jhmml ;i woond list the abovi »nial Fund. I ai Yours laithl'ullv, W SCOTT. Hrud.lell lson J. G. E»., Hiunt-kiu.lf <iuau Loo 1" .Inhngton Alex. „25 HoBgKkU 1 K. 35 Lee Cheng Yean M..»ck H. P. Lee
    89 words
  • 63 8 To the Ed i ni "v 1), Sl»:— to contradict tor's md, reliable informairs obediently, W. H. HEAD, iBul General. ■71. Cop.\ in. No. Buiteuzorg, 18th March. J I General t<> inform* ission succeeded at Analaboe, c Kajoe, Soesoe, Laboean Hadjie; ie Terbungan not jet answered, with r statt*
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  • 1764 8 M LLAC< f. ]s7 Barker, from the North issetl through the harljour ;nid Heninner I -re, and the i -Mrs.J. nd child. mm* .—Col. Talbot. Mr. and Mrs U V; Hnjoot, Messrs. A v of the -star of the ul t: peudent Orcter on the L'L>t ult. "L 1
    1,764 words
  • 49 8 a third above Testimonial, which kindly insert in 25th M The Hon. W. W. \N h^ton > *> Hwrtuag. Victor Eeq. 25 Silva I. Harn»ou CH. 25 DtSou»j. >Un>:.c,l. li;uSt ..n,DeSouxa, M F 10 SarauetMay OyrwLJuo.C.F. (ilas», Louta K. Oldtam, W. Amount preriou«ly report*!
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  • 13 8 News of the Fortnight. THURSDAY, 12TH MARCH on i round from us H
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  • 7 9 Canipl I'an- i'a^ar what
    7 words
  • 1 9 II
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  • 8 9 W; S. Th Ca d on thi h.
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  • 4 9 arrived will l«*ave noon.
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  • 10 9 El*. Manila. 7th inst., arrived at Tai wharf this mornii
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  • 1492 9 Bel bin, ai at rf, to load timber from the Saw Mills Department for left Johore on the 1 via Singapore) for X her pla< call on tl de of the Malia- Tii the salute being returned tV< >vi Canni: nibe, Vaval Oti intends 1« for Hon«:
    1,492 words
  • 416 9 The Ocean Com] 7, Capt. Jackson, U -7th .January, via Si* d, and I wharf this morning, and will 1« Hongkong Shanghj Tl: I oraingj ami will 11 b., rd Mar every thin. Biv the west coast of S -only a small num 1 Pedir and Merdoe
    416 words
  • 19 9 ancliored in the roads tins inoriii: r J >euse, jibaudiere, anc ids this morni unDing. T
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  • 68 9 tin, Steamer ut half-pant niue 1 at hour above nan tli< j. In 01 ;ital La I their lik safely. Tl. board was sai I and <unt of the r was to tlihad sunk the pilot left it was stated. on the other not .-ly injured.
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  • 9 10 Prom HoDgkong I Ml: (111- 11,
    9 words
  • 15 10 1 1 C I N iiaiii;-l)ai /tli aiul lived aing, and will DADg nal tu-m
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  • 24 10 place w the Consul ftenioon, the Kjunpong Singgaruii unit the ulers but luckily tlh away I ter part of then gmmbier an<] r. M
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  • 127 10 HKN nil. i\- of a ill to his lace, but when niai r way, ami n but approbation i sitive nature will prefer ik when the object of his eu- We found ouriition yesterd; W. 11. Read took farewell us of for time, audit might have seemed n that he
    127 words
  • 65 10 D of i'ul po!. long, the iol- i Sir Amhvu Clarke to by the tsii\#tf*'jrc. I i. j ■a the occutfi< »v of my fir*t to assure be 4<i#»j i!ng. aia^tti .;ts the the "*i i* shall en the bonds of fri sb tlit* ttr Government, ai in me lies,
    65 words
  • 190 10 ()w i the lo fire ini^lit now prove ver) extensive, and jungle are vamMy me y lalhiiiLT aud gfhboarbood of Cluny Tanglin, and we hear t'nai n (inl\- w< >\\- aed in the conflagration thai ensued, but the dwelling h< <nd. 'i»i;i\ the lallang <>n (rovernmeni Hill was burned, the
    190 words
  • 1672 10 We gather the following fuller particulars of the loss of the S. S. San/oo from the China papers to hand by t Pat (tn I'Sth March. One of the most disastrous wrecks th has ha; vi these waters for some tiui- uned, the Snufoo, belui to the Eastern Australian Mail
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  • 4 11 < 'apt.
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  • 3 11 anii the r<
    3 words
  • 6 11 15th i: retl in thi lay.
    6 words
  • 5 11 11. V M. Bata\ erday
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  • 11 11 11. 11. 11. th< c at th 15 guns was tired.
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  • 91 11 liich io public this a on t prove favourable. b an with fav< ununity. Sometime ago, subscript taken for the v inder the leadershipofMr. II !io, after getting together a number of players, and making arrangement rocure the necessa been vented by his departure from cai ntentions. The present Band
    91 words
  • 21 11 The British steamer V'ula r, Capt. Barrow, from Sourabaya 1 7 th inst., anchored in the roads yesterday.
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  • 11 11 11. N. fiatra, from Batavia 1 7th inst., am route cheen.
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  • 20 11 The Straits steamer J> Guan Hin, from Penan 19 th and Malacca 22nd inst., anchored in the roads this mornii.
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  • 25 11 -b barque Ayr, Captain Good, arrived at the Johore Arsenal in tow of on Saturday. She will load at the Saw 'Is department for Australia.
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  • 14 11 The German steamer CasBandra,C&pt. Langer, from nd I'ebruary, via I'anjoßg Pagar wharf on Saturda
    14 words
  • 41 11 Cj UIIIIMI Mltlllß-l Wtl///O, Vttj'U Junnan, from H i inst., arrived at Jardine, Matheson O whurt'ou Saturday, en route to Calcutta. H. ]f. t. Paterson, retun cruise iv Her commander, who is a pas- the mail steai i d her ho:
    41 words
  • 13 11 Ti -a, Capt. Perrin*v th, and ringing <»n the leave
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  • 6 11 7* L# 7
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  • 14 11 3e war steamer Coronation, WaJroud, from Bangkok 1 inst., anchored in the roads yesterday.
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  • 20 11 III! i ..i iil l^ The Dani uner A»U t th in>t.. arBorneo O 'a wharf this morning; I bleiftta.
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  • 31 11 mtine Hawk t Capt he steamer A a left the Jolx»! al whar day, I arrived in Singapore Harbour at 6 r. \i. She loaded timber <>n the Saw Mills Department.
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  • 337 11 Caj-t. Webster has furnished as the I following of the vo. the S. S. 7 ton The Eastern and Australian Cos. R. M. i S. S. Tom Morton, James Webster, com- I inander, left Sydney with mails and pas- sengers, at 5 A. m. on the 2oth February, fed the
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    • 479 11 Thursday, 12th March. British barque Alice Mary, 247 tons, Cameron, Saigon 4th March. British steamer Lumley Castle, 1,067 tons, Brown, Bataria 9th British steamer Coconada, 547 tons, S-harp, Rangoon Ist March. British steamer Dunn. £52 tons, Boman, Bombay 24th Feb. French steamer Fenelon,6s3 tons, Boucher, Macassar 9th March, mese
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    • 100 11 Tuesday, 24th March. British steamer Paknam, 369 tons, black, 8 March. P. O. steamer Avoca. 1,481 tons, Symons, Bombay 10th March. British steamer Legislator, 1,209 tons, Craig, Hongkong 17th March. Spanish steamer Emiliauo, 530 tons, Larrinaga, Liverpool 31st January. British steamer Johore, 75 tons, Barker, Karama 21st March. British
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    • 340 11 Thursday, 12th March. P. I), steamer Delhi, Lee, for Bombay. Italian barque Mario G M Balo, for Rangoon. British barque Harwick, Dickson, for Boston. British steamer Cleator, Morris, for Labuau. Friday, 13th March. Dutch steamer W. Com de Vries, Jansen, for Batavia. Italian barque Stefano G., Costa, for Rangoon.
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 104 11 \i:ssi:i,s iv\ssi:i> wjeu. Date. Flag. Ship's Name. Captain. Froui. Mar. 7 British Sarah Nicholson Silherk Foochow w York Stornowr.y Storm Kobe i mouth anoi Castle -ao I^ondon Brilliant uian Fremantle M Queen Hamilton >v -castle 10 Blanche Usinborough Ijiverpool .ver of th« Sc. Peterson London Singapore French lsabelle .-chaud uey
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 636 12 SHIPPING lIM THE HARBOUR. Ship's Names. Captains. Flag and Rio. Tons, of ar- VVheke Fkom. Consignees or Agents. Destination rival. MEN-OF-WAR ■»n Paterson H. IC. tteamer Mar. 22jMala< Seuior Naval Officer. tion Mi«i Grant H. IC steamer 464 Feb. 21jlfalai nior Naval Officer. tion irler Stewart H. M. gunboat WO
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