Singapore Monitor, 13 May 1983

Total Pages: 31
1 31 Singapore Monitor
  • 15 1 THE SINGAPORE MONITOR 30cents M.C. (P) No. 13/5/83 ISSN 0217-1325 Friday, May 13,1983 Ftfert Edition
    15 words
  • 439 1 But the longer they stay, the more committed they become ONE hi lira inowibnrs of Real deota OwraTwttiaa has left tke asovonwaa since it was started who quit, three in fossr left in tae first year Bat the longer they flay,
    439 words
  • 88 1  -  SBC S ANSWER TO THE VIDEO THREAT by JUDY WALKER SINGAIKMULANS t tmlS aattav eseaaatarwar* •saasattae et tee Warel Trmic Csnrtra, wta ea f>«fl*i la ratara far tat lalii isjiliai, tat carta**) areeTeaaaaesaaai eettar Baas, watta art tat npiaatfi ta ateaaat hi araaraaaaat
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 33 1 Tide moves against soap powder Arm -Pg 3 SIA flying high in 12 nations -Pg6 FANDI HURT -PQ32 Myth of Japan Inc part 2 Pgs 16-17 TT kt RADIO -pee 22-23 •JIATMK Ml
      33 words
    • 70 1 r JUST LIKE A WALLET OR A PURSE. BUT WITH AWED INTEREST. rr SSL m iii :i| i>// If you don't need to use your spare cash, put it in POSB It s safer And should you want to withdraw your money, there are 101 POSB Cash On Line Tellers
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  • opinion/letters
    • 604 2 THALER COLUMN BRITAIN'S Prim* Minuter Mrs Merge ret Thatcher is bearing herself for an embarrassing challenge to her Fortress Falklands" policy from a parliamentary all-party committee enquiry A select committee oa foreign affairs of the British Parliament has started putting the final touches
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    • 113 2  -  MR. M. C. DUTT wiji <i miiiSL |MlM 1 REFER to the letter from "MXL regarding radiation from televi sion sets (Shi, April 17). Checka are being conducted regularly oa teievisioo eats produced km Eaenajnri aa well as thoee that are imported I would like to
      113 words
    • 169 2  -  A FILIPINO Singapore 0311 THE OTHER day rain forced me la apartment block By the tae dovmpoer tamed into a drixzka, H waa lanch time I waa denoting with myself whetaer a^aaafg away. a -r ,k B tr mi^,^B He was aad lisiik<aasaj as flDets,
      169 words
    • 34 2  -  YEO TONG HAI taageanri ltae I NOTICE taat ciaaaca aa ally mwtL^mm? dealt wtth by eeeeaellieg Thiers I Tea?a'" r graaeaee fa aat taaaag a
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 60 2 mm *~s t i»/ mmW mW mm mm > Pmmmmmml my mm) mmmto 1/W>o<« woond and dl.wi nomwl, rmnmndmm mtnm. ■.»Jtll. mm mMvmm t ta- PVV-61 ♦rjy wTn** ii mmmmmmmmmmm pjj pji gjgg^•™ (JBj 2 II 2 J (fj tfj «fj fVJ 0 tVI .^rirr■ we. ■■■■■a 1 ■Twlotil Miipuikmm
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • home
    • 281 3  -  $1.2 m worth of detergent confiscated By SURESH NAIR A CONSIGNMENT of wash ing powder, valued in the market at $12 million, was confiscated from a factory in Jalan Penjuro recently. Tha detergents labelled Tibe, Tike, Tile and Tipe are alleged to be imitations of
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    • 207 3  -  mj CHUA NGENG CHOO IF AIR receivers aad steam boilers are not well desigaed, maintained aad chocked regularly, they caa explode The chances of their tar Base into tana hosrshs are not remote Yesterday, mambars of tha areas ware taken wO f
      207 words
    • 128 3  -  f ANG PENG HWA A HALF-HOUR slide show has been produced by the Housing Board to train its cleaners. Shown for tht first time st the giving ceremony for winners of HDB's third esUte rlaanltaaes competition, the show Towards s Cleaner Environment fa cess as
      128 words
    • 314 4 Applications '83 shows 'fourth R' is taking root FROM the crowd end isfloil at Applies tanas U, cornpwker literacy awl taken firm root aad well oa tae pore i* "fowlft "*T)r Yeo Naae Hong, Matter of State for DaataaattwAi Muwet 4ww nowA eSOeSO aa the tre
      314 words
    • 140 4 Even charts can be printed in colour AN tateiesting featare of the Ministry of Edwcation computer exhibit it the foer-cosoaff srephic print-out of cherts on coioer screens The chert (above) shows the distri notion of pupils hy tho various ■t ripens of secondary and primary The greee and red blocks
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    • 331 6 Airline held in highest regard, survey shows MOST people arc aware of SIA a pairatJiaa aad they aiao bold taa airline ka tae highest regard, a ear ray dooe ka 11 luaatilaa found Taa IMraaaat Survey IMS, pubuaaad ka taa aaaaa aaaaa of
      331 words
    • 329 6  -  GANDHI AMBALAM HOW meek Singapore hes to pay aad the amount of natural gaa it will require from the Triagesna oU fiesta are esaeend ta he the centre tweet? offkruUa ai oil companiea of the two countries tomorrow. A Malaysian source
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    • 190 7 New courtrooms cost $2 million THREE Supreme Court judges ere expected to eat "more elbow room" next month whoa they move into better and aoacious courtrooms after the rnieV y *Jvatice mTa Wahah Ghowa and Justice Mr Lai Kaw Chai will be moving into tha aaw
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    • 341 7  -  f > THE RITUAL KILLINGS TRIAL L J ■y SIT YIN FONG THE areeecetor in the Toa Payoh ritual killings trial yesterday took consultant psychiatrist, Dr R Naguleaa>ae to teak for contradicting two points in his original findings en Hoe Rah Hong, one of
      341 words
    • 150 7 SAFETY at work sites was given additional emphasis yesterday when, for tae first Lime, instructors from the National Productivity Board left their lecture rooms to teach ea site. A savvey hy the Singapore Contractors Aa> aociation, partly responaible for starling the coarse, revealed
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  • Page 3 Advertisements

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 145 4 Zanussi washing machine ZBl5 coupled I I awa_.a with tht Tumble Dryer Z9IOT rjompktet I awMlfflQ your washing chorei until your clothe* I I into your I house I I I "SI 01 Tunewer Dryer I Modtl Z9IOT daaaawT V \\\W I I eDrying cepecity 45 kg Model: ZBl5 I
      145 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 345 5 When you look ai the back ot moat hi h sets you'll LP record >ecke4 hence tha nam* Jack*) the sound JH| hnd a meas of spaghetti Like wire* quality ta oomparabie to the uaual larva individual fJJpeawawjMeW Meet manuiacturera spend time making the front component systems ao beloved by
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 59 6 11 rilhe Stanifiail Aitils is fbaniing Xcliiuidit beer, a Engtish pub, a great dinner, \m* sei-vice until 10 pm, a has/m of peace, Jbest US prime rib, j an executive unwinder, rj^^ bangers couries, the bestrendezwusm fcr an evening drink, and much moie bißHidcs Stamford Arms FWment. Straits Trading Building.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 198 7 Lv v^ea \\mf BBa S^nwawP^lnw aaaaa bbw l mmr mmm aTr ABB WtM Ww* i%^^w| Law m rmofusto ooueaa cm m emmm e» ajajnaa Sms* mm mm**** Horn shon** pjsaan Mmm nhf«c« pw» Em Nsjajana em o» r«iM aeaSiHaiF* em vwpptng c» omm r»a»— f» ri pw» orand catc sou*end*?
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  • world
    • 389 8 But it could endanger the March pricing accord worked out by Opec Reuter LOMDON, Friowy A MARKED increase in Nigerian oil output ta the last few months Is helping to push down high-grade oil pricea and could endanger a pricing agreement worked out by Opec
      Reuter  -  389 words
    • 323 8 BwaWT, Frl TBS HI caMaat ated troop withdrawal saVwh^ForeV wter Ebe Salem kaar eeyed fa) Damaacaa to peraaado Syria to go aloag with the pact The aoarce said the cabinet ■Bthorfasl chief Lobeeoee eeeotietoe Aatotoe Pattal Co bwtiel the agreement daring
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    • 62 8 Reuter SHCFFhTLO, Frtony DEBBIE to trece c toothJewi^Romeo The eppcoled to police to help her Seel the onknown eemlrcr who vanished •iter eehieg her Uptake cere el hk felee teeth 1 dent lata? why he vutei me to took titer hhi pathers," DiiHi ccii.
      Reuter  -  62 words
    • 345 9 UPI, AP Flwtwaly ROMANIA, a Warsaw Pact nation, yesterday launched aa unusually devastating barrage in a new and bitter war of words with Moscow. This comes only daya after reaffirming clone ties with China and la the wake of reports that Soviet-Ro-manian
      UPI, AP  -  345 words
    • 44 9 QumW&s #jtp#/ totf)AorV •wk/ /•tv 9ti* on Wmrmwmwmamy mrmmr Umry nmmj m mn-m mm PrnfT Of m Omf Of pmßCwnm pfOfOmtm BOmrnimt thm /nftYtarv roc Mmm of Qmnmrmf Atttntrnto fmttu tmt cm\\md by Hon unfooß in CftMo. PICTURE: UPI
      PICTURE: UPI  -  44 words
    • 124 9 Reuter LONOON, Fri A PROFESSOR of natron omy said raster day a comet passing close to earth this week ceald be trailiag space dust that might touch off aaw outbreak! of dhv Profoasor Chandra Wtk ramasinghe of the Universi carrying diaaaae might be swept along in
      Reuter  -  124 words
    • 391 10 Documents show they used their positions, magazine says AP DOCUMEIYTS that for years were guarded as "one of the best-kept secrets of Poland indicate Polish leader Geo Wo) ctach Jaroashwl saw ether officials heve used their positions to enrich themselves, a WoM Gorman magaitaa reports
      AP  -  391 words
    • 383 10 Reuter BONN, FM A WEST German newspaper said yesterday a Itattgart collector of Nasi memorabilia, known as Konrad Fischer and Doctor Kataa, wrote the Hitler diaries klmsolf aad sold them ka Stern for DM t million (587.57 million) The daily Stuttgarter Nachrtchten aaid H had been
      Reuter  -  383 words
    • 51 10 AP WIST BCftLJM, FrMey SEVERAL Greene were arrested by East German police kere after unfurling banners callinf for disar rnament Greens aawhoamoa Christian Doering said. The arrests occurred while 1 000 were attending a Peace Conference in West Berlin aimed at stopping the Nato deployment
      AP  -  51 words
    • 128 12 Reuter DUtUKPfttay FOREIGN investors, par Ocularly from taa Middle Beat, are osetkeabag ta pat money Into tae Irish blood stoch industry despite tae cekorse Shergar three months sgo industry sources said yesterday Taa latest Irish stud farm to change hands baa been bought
      Reuter  -  128 words
    • 292 12 Reuter aaaaa siusmh another night^of Mauroy yeaterday condemned extreme right wing militanU for inter faring la student riots against education re forma. Mr Mauroy aaoke after akes police officers and several by standers were burUn ceatraJParCaaasea* Bordeaux aad Lyons Mr Mauroy aaid I
      Reuter  -  292 words
    • 228 12 Reuter LONDON, Fri THE latest opinion poll by Harris Research Centre gives the ruling. Conservative Party aa par cent. Labour 11 par coat, aad the Liberal-Social Democrat Alliance 17 TMs grass the Connerlatlies a record 21-point lead over the Labour
      Reuter  -  228 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 128 8 THE HOURGLASS and Antiquorum present ANTIQUE WATCH AND CLOCK COLLECTION at Scotts i II i Q w r— 1 niow ipr ow im aiw ai amgapore: tAn exhibition where you experience craftsmanship, beauty and charm. Antique precious pocket watches for sale at MaaMam L'Art De Geneve" the prestigious collection of
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 244 9 \\\m i I no noorwjsvkcanwy feaerteofwnfnent at- I I I From lOUubUM tor your kOchon, range ot tsSlpwsSuii. gW HI VI Each rJswgnad on the snargy-tavmg concept Our unique If mt H f 1 I roWry compraaMX provioas rf>ora cootfflp, powwr from Uao Ijff VI sneroy So you can actuary
      244 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 194 10 fM A QUALIFIED SECRETARY! Our obpcfcvu «to produot compote** aecrotaitos Tree obkaclK»a con onry bo WSmI by a oareoJry •tructurud program of inatructiori aTtpkarnented by our skAed teachers EXAM ORKNTATEO SYUAfSUStS SSCUJOffc- Engkaft Communications Secretary Dunea/Offtoe Ogenraation Structur Bu n 0) SnortftenOVT ypewf ttmg Duties FPJCS C OUR SSI VtCLUDC:-
      194 words
    • 119 10 Breathe 99% Pure Air for Less Than 2* Per Day with Dial-An-lon from USA. Enjoy nxxjntain fresh air in your home and office. Most effective in air-con offices, restaurants, lounges, conference rooms snd clubs. Dial-An-lon removes dust, smoke snd odour from the sir. At the same time it revitalizes the
      119 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 221 11 \\\m *4 Light. Oolng abroad? Then you're certainly going to need your Chartered Bank VISA card and some foreign currency, in the form of Standard Chartered Bank VISA Travellers cheques. Standard Chartered Bank VISA Travellers Cheques are so easy to buy. Simply go into any branch of The Chartered Bank
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 154 12 Free gifts to get you going! FREE J0 C3bV FREE with every 40 bottles: with every 10 bottles: V Either 1 inflatable pouffe or I Sheaffer TRZ ballpen. 1 all-purpose beach j* 4 A bag, to carry your J '^**e ß jßp* towel, sun tan lotion *i f --*-^t^s^ and.
      154 words

  • money
    • 62 13 AP THE stock market gave ground altar opening higher yesterday, extending Wedneedey s broad retreaf Technology, automotive, aircraft aad metals is suee suffered widespread declines Taa Dow Jones average of M industrial stocks dropped 5 22 points to close at 1.214 40 It was down 18 points
      AP  -  62 words
    • 439 13  -  Semi-conductor company's productivity up 10 times, higher profits expected 1 CATHERINNE ONG ITALIAN manufacturer of semi conductors, SGS-Atea, expects a ft per cent Jump in Ms sales in tae Asia-Pacific region Una year aad hopes to breach the SIN million mark by 194 a. Mr
      439 words
    • 155 13 SINGAPOREANS have the chance thia month to place ssvaaai in government loan stock. A maaaive fM billion, equal to 99 per coat of tae outstanding govern ment debt offH 71 billion at the end of 1992, will be iasued Although tho Central Provident Fund will take
      155 words
    • 187 13 MatwOf today BACK at OCBC shareholders have been happy. They have benefitted from a dividend aad a bonus issue aad caa still oaeaaasad virtually the same price for their shares aa they could a month ago The impending departure of chairman Taa
      187 words
    • 114 13 SINGAPORE will be used as an Asian training centre by French bank. Societe General Tae baak will opea s regional training centre bare oa Monday Bank personnel will acquire a better knowledge of Ms banking activities. Specialised technical skills of personnel will be reinforced Trainees will
      114 words
    • 231 14 Canadian businessmen in for some stiff competition CANADIAN bueinaaamaa are latecomen oa the fwaaapors construction iceoe, Canadian Mintft+r for International Trade. Mr Gerald Regan, waa told in a discussion with Dr Tooy Tan. Mlaaitar of Trade and Industry on Wedneedey Mr Regan. who was bare
      231 words
    • 305 14 PET AUNG TIN reports estimated group profit at MM 41 million for fist half year to April if nearly three times the Mt3.1l million received M the previous interim period However, the Ml l aaas kt ac counted for by an extraordinary gala of M|4
      305 words
    • 48 14 MULTI Purpoee Hold pre-Ux profit million lest yeer, a drop Of $2 OS million when compared wtth the pre▼feea year i $24 OS million Turnover ■croeaod to $313 43 million lest yeer from $117 St million in mi. no amoeno wu oeclared
      48 words
    • 231 14 COMPANY NEWS FOLEX INDUSTRIES announced a lower interim turnover of Mf 13 75 million to Feb It. However, the company made a lower low) of MS2.M million compared with the pisilsas six months' M|2 million to «Tandt 1 lively Company operations showed Might overall Improvement
      231 words
    • 310 15 The Star MALAYAN United a cisfllist It will perform better in the current financial year, chairman Taa Sri Mohamed Noah said The fTtngliinin atn improved its Ktax profit from $59 25 million previous year to $44 17 mil Ilea to ltftt. Mai's total group assata
      The Star  -  310 words
    • 110 15 r MONFV TALK COMMODITIES arc getting a boost from China Loadon dealers say Chineae baying af metal tor baawatrtal ea pension ia major factor behead ruttng pricea aa tha London haatala Ea change^ main Urgets are copper, Meanwhile. Chine bee re-entered the htatoyatoa rubber
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 0 13
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    • 186 13 BMTKSrcTWAM>BtGOTOP (mode and iwaporrwd from USA) a ■■ewawrw/ WJwxeerwwi wj»www« wwarwei ww ww www m VDT furniture that increases efficiency while reducing fatigue. Just like your computer, Biotec A Systems and Ergo Top are -^^pT adaptable and uniquely designed to satisfy your special requirements simply, inexpensively and Jefl bbbbbwubs l/a»
      186 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 63 14 I to enjoy I the I worldI famous I Wienerwald I chicken I SBS muW' W I skwty, I with I fingers I and J I with I I company I I Wienerwald m Whichever vay you say it, j| m it's vunderful.' I novolcl ■a, t j orcraa ■wi
      63 words
    • 25 14 life' V service Lombard Ncx lh Central PLC Banfcjno Servtcee Dec* 504 eawaWeeeavoßa, W aeaa^v, i7BrutonS«reet. LofvJc4>WlA3oH.EnoJend Telephone 01 *****34 fiexee no«a LwftV I wawatawawn^
      25 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 203 15 "^ea^ Sow Agent for B.E. Asm H.W. Shelley Co. (Pte.) Ltd. Tel: *****22/*****80 aSSBwaQal km WA am* Dynasty Doodle Lea Ten davso! everything you >. hcrish about the Aim-rua voulxlioi- in! Its cooking VtP Em 111mcnu wn h ,races k|xns ami Mute pom* from the West to the hjM t,UM
      203 words

  • centrepiece
    • 2132 16 ...but in the 1980s Japan will be subject to internal social and political stresses that have been in abeyance for nearly 30 years The ♦> By exporting heavily and Importing lightly, the Japanese have not only exported unemployment, they have exported a good many of
      2,132 words
    • 59 16 The patron saint of the cement-mak-er* might well be former Prime Milliter Kakaei Tanaka, still a powerful figure despite kit alleged involvement in the Lockheed scandals that forced him out of office. He was an expert at the old game of buying the voters wtth
      59 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 145 16 pasaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 7%% Floor. Ofsrssse 0104. TtJ: *****22. Opwrettdartdm m m Jo,i 01 v,^*^^^^^^^^g«P'^ AW Ufa is a oeiebrstiow portiotawriy in spring. Pw season of re-b*rO». Sprint km feww reigns ss Pte wapauns Revue peys tributs to thm deiiehttui sseson TA with nosmlfic tongs like 'Heetvsevo', 'Blue Skies' andlt's s ksveh/
      145 words

  • leisure
    • 242 17  -  By INEZ WEI THE red, white and brae brigade marched off to a spontaneous ovaticei from the aad tenor at the receit Paris mm. mm, snows. Taw prettiest officers wore toper correct triform jacket! complete with rank stripes aad teamed them with Barrow, battoa-thnMgh ■Mrta. There
      Sketches by ANNA SOONG and VIK LIM  -  242 words
    • 485 18 IPS from the depths of a deep deprwawsa louowing iwo persoosetbacax^* lawlara ea the sat of Travotta s aaw movie Stayia' Alive, tbe Saturday Night Paver sequel whack Stance* directlag, say taw at year eat Reeky star baa become like a brother to the
      IPS  -  485 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 117 17 ■TV ft RMtfc Ptjt 23 9 Right into the very first heat of The Monte Carlo Aiiss Mjsslyn Contest, when a bevy of beauties will be judged to vie for fabulous prizes/ PUJSII 2ladieswillbeselected from the crowd at random, to participate in the same contest on that very night! And
      117 words
    • 7 17 SBC pays s tristiti vVSj Pap H
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 59 18 Looking for tho word to daocrtbe what you gat from a classified ad? RESULTS If you have a houte to tal you coufd sea ft fast through TELE-ADS the easy. rnexpe)HBive way. Call TELE-ADS now on 273*0*0 WHY PAY MORE? TELE-ADS Celt in a caeh M BtQ f*a>4jH* tOC t#SS
      59 words
    • 185 18 A robust yet sghl exerciser. h*»lps the whole family keep fit-short or tall, young or old The design enables you to vary your training programme because it incorporates an infinitely variable load adjuster acting on the front wheel Used in conjunction with the speed meter/ NUeae tmmrtlmmr AfJ} odometer, this
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 74 19 tBOUUfc LAST DAYSI 9 (TtftmttM) 3 IMOWt DAJLY 12.11, AM i t.tO pm o BEST PICTURE A M C ACADEMY AWARDS f 0 I O IT AX:TOII mmm Vmrnrnkr I \mmV m mm 1 Gandhi 0 m«M *rr«Mwam«m mlm -<>ammt ta t^wiwiMir.n^ nil mm ke it mi acammy'award 1 x
      74 words
    • 85 19 JMfc Mi Wtn-MOl MT (fJttJM) 11am, iJt, AM, AJS i MPJsftaoUfl tmi WllwSfOt pace" Shea yee**e caen, I gW WITJ wwwa>eoo "Aa OSaaw I X /^fJ Jhaflftjaajo A I2fea UflK NIW Safwllfi rnmijniaavjj}^ j fla HEX: MW SMWIK (MlaH) I SHOW*, at 11am, 14a, 4JS, aJt, 111 wJiS HE MOST
      85 words
    • 33 19 Tomorrow Midnight at 9 theatres In English at CAPITOL LIDO-ORIENTAL In Mandarin at PfUNCE PRESIDENT SAVOY CHANG! LIBERTY JURQNG I AO. 1 BOX OFFICE CHAMPION in THAILAND] \\\j'm\\m\ \\\w \\\w PaanaaaSawaaaVaw/ Awl Lwnwl
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  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 143 19 BMNQMQ UP CMUMCN TODAY: LEARN more abort bringing ep childrea today la a talk oa behaviour gBd emotional problems tf the schoolchild at the Rodiffasioe Aaditorlam la CleChUd psychiatrist Dr Cynthia Aw of the Child Psychiatry Cliaic will speak at 7.M pm. Admissioa is free. YOUTH AND POLITICS: FIND ort
      143 words
    • 214 19 BAREFOOT IN THE PAH* IP YOU are a dinner-theatre entlpiart and have art aaaa Barefoot ia the Park, oae of NeU Simons plays, today's your last chaace The play Is at the Shaagri-La Playboast la the ItlrH Ballroom. Tickets art priced at $M lacMve of prertaasr oorfctails, dhaar, sbow aad
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 240 20 la4l TJBl^ l^ DEATH DCFYISCG| *1\» yjlS I 111 It m \\\\\m mmm Tr^FTftCT Ijll I AbMMMMMMM i 1 *t*A f i,TT nyuur rickets now aMaTeMaMaMMW I*l EVER IN SINGAPORE f .h.,««*rtui. w .«un,.,„. rrjM Vfl a \TJT4DI PvCA\AOI TC r "<•"">* v u A yyVjrUjJ rAiVRJU J \J ci.ilrmcnt.thrillwndfun
      240 words

  • Article, Illustration
    735 21  -  This show may start SBC trend towards small-scale productions tv LO TEIN YIN IT IS reining Mother end child take shelter under a tree. Little Wen Hon lo late for school already but is afraid to walk further because he may get hia shoes dirty So, Mrs Wen
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 190 21 w 100 JALAN SULTAN #04-19 A 04-20 SULTAN PLAZA. StNOAPOWC 0719 TEL *****7979. *****95. *****97 MALAYSIAN PACKAGES CHAIW OF ttTSU DAVS-9 NfTSS) KULyOtNT/tAtT COA9T D€P 10/5 24/5 7/8. 21/8. 1277, 2977. 0979. 23/9. 679. 2079. 4710. 19/10. 9/11. ***** BAST CHO4CS D9XIOMT9 (3 DAYS-2 NTTSS) Chotot of KUANTAN/TO. JAHA/H. ASANO
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  • Page 21 Miscellaneous
    • 405 21 thcathc nMimomvmn (PIMM) OM* LM( MgfrT* U*« (C)/1 30 3 30. 7 00. ft 15 (*****7) OillOili 30. 3 30. 7 00. 01ft (*****03) TMMI|I|/I1. 1.30. 4.00. 030. 115 Mi iMl MfM*» UfM (Cy3 30. 7 00. 0 1ft (*****7ft) QiliM TteOwOMMMfCyi 30. 330. 7 00. 0 1ft *****70) Jmm
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  • Page 22 Miscellaneous
    • 1442 22 Tv tk treadlo SPOTLIGHT IN Opening l>»>U toy A Hnn to 6.26 KM Pandang tayang (M) (r) w w 4J6 S»i£rtSiiUiili f If Twokkato of penguvw ere shown. Neturame wB Nature the Frtonde of nemely the Emperor end Adeke the Science Centre end the Nation penguins The progrommo eleo ai
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  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
    • 331 23 Iolmur«/comics SERQEANT PRESTON Of THE YUKON By DonjlwwwrtjrtljwWi 1^ 1 ARIES March 21 I* April I# fr ft tl i^—Yo*i wiy go to vWI aotneooe iaittcitioai point to a mack FR AND FLO ®Y Paul Sellers who lives with a lot at otter B |tto l 7rT f IDeod CD
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 786 24 Enjoy your favourite Hong Kong noodles fI II K Wf-» Cp-iu V/u< T^j»rfj_»|« porridge am-ds. < osy oriental atmosphere Jf/JiX «<^°*^'«"* rtSSW meM i <"-*• 0m.... l <**™ WINI NG AND DINING MENU A eahetons ptwnatalisa ef the large party, awjeaws tarns sear re" rtnel mills i to what aad
      786 words

  • 595 25  -  OIM THE ROAD wrm LEE CHU SAN THERE ia big excitement In store for performance buffs thia year as a number of vary powerful cars make their re entry into the Singapore market. Lamborghini, Panther and TVR have already arrived Lotus and Morgan will be here
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  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 48 25 Jer comfy mraduon|loyau TVr H.i.»fr t*hn v BM Hurtid., fmmt m% Mm mm. mmm Trm..«^ •> MMM *up I MfcHMttoflHk k•» w» MM MMM etLB awmwn» imoVmj Baaeeewi Stom. laaaaeai I and Auto AcrMtiry BJaai II MMtwMii iwomi MMIMIIi J 236. BALESTfER ROAD, SINGAPORE PHONE *****44 TELEX RS *****
      48 words
    • 91 25 AUTOMOTIVE CENTRE r^M^SE.^^ 3800. JALAN BUKIT MERAH. rCflfiJ SINGAPORE 0315 m mf %m OmmmY°^'^' TEL: *****39/*****32 JBQ A TNE PLACE TO 80 WHEN YOU CARE Jrl 1 LL FOR YOUR CAR Complete modern workshop with specialist technicians to cater to 4m the repair of all types of cars. ~>v PF
      91 words
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  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 1140 26 <fl LswaAoa iSmMmlr'*' rMMMo II IS mmi mmm »WMAS II SS mm, mmm ISB 111 ll Maatßaa C I I MAS pat Mm SWoMa MAS pmt mmi mmi r***m*. MASaataMaoi aaaaa m it«M«<a sg in sitasW«• SMStAV BMTLAV •Wmm* MAS pm mm) *m PMiMa MAS aa, aal ass Bat HI
      1,140 words
    • 134 26 wMf% St reasonable pftc#f> For prof****! #fficf#nt c«H mmstnx vm» af. mmm* nm. Wmtm EMM* S pon 11» onqu. tMOorjMO OpQWOOIy a««« Tpw Sunclß" A PuMc hOawtay 1 Ami 3p*n SXerVrMaaa 50 '11 mi i«4i4if uramam uTmwt roostaor HOC- On* ■Mr 9-OMM spookor boo Mr IS Em moV $40 0n»
      134 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 213 27 claMMlflexJ tele-service: 273-9090 The two day Rank Xerox copier warehouse sale you canT afford h*i*o— on i bnoaad ajppry of v—d Xtroi pMai TT— aMflto*** aw oaly woawMt ftenagfc da* AI oopon ore m good working order Law. RwaMm Opuoa of Rank Xa*M aMaWaaaaot oyecmcm Cm fir* come Taw aot
      213 words
    • 190 27 aonobta onaroaa ftaaaa contact 2SO-&27S SastSaS^ AaaMStTMJ 4eYVSCf?S ~Tal WreM* or mora aaob mora* t yourwaat 4 ri baa you aa an wiaaaai Wraaicioorv OtSoa Satgopora Si 17 jlMMr^ oat MbaCoSl at SSSMTS^TMCM your daOt»' V a»t»cic»aiy Tai 337 22M art S7 Mr Bbnon Laa Domestic Servtces OO TOY AMMO
      190 words
    • 487 27 OMc9 fm+mwnt at hmrnmure r** ■J»«BaMa.«aH I Imported M >• ifai I I I Uxaav Spaoal rW 1299 |UK M WT tl9o mmTTitmrnm araa 4 106 «q n 4 Oadroorm My Kjma*ad a) war. •aoondtoom No •gar* rjAjaaa' Tot mmm mAmto¥iLLt Botmmmm mmumm. o—j %m mfm, too OOtjjpfc) TrftvtjHoYv only
      487 words
    • 141 27 misrmicr tt, miticmgar •AVI*. Doubta ito»»y Oaiacnad OurlOjAlOift lor rani mtaraatad pAMjaa a to tataaA) Hud»nl onry AaMon iCNrw Cat SJ3 3*M Jnja'oirNj Squara »W>i* botwoart 1200 and UOO Contact MO-Mt« 4nVaWw*M P^t?tnt%n For jtj^ggl f»A* PAOf PtAMA 4* rtoor Ooo* tocaaow ahqa aaaaaaao tot rant awi Aim 4M iq
      141 words
      471 words

  • sports / racing
    • 95 28  -  Peter Boyd •ii —ii I AM dMpiv sorry to tear* of Urn pile-up at Uso Perak Turf Club In Ipoh Last Saturday which cauwad the death of popular >ockey A X Cbearn and inlered two others Tho and nowa most be a
      95 words
    • 89 28 THE tuuaruJ certega A X tarn Perak Turf CVak coarse, paaeksg •t last «*Tu*asa)v ftwaai mmi aaW atlaasareas %^^"lp!k*m?mXwrmff Two lThi^u*w**i^TTlv*i tree* ictar'ciaat ma7tm K wlt f#JJ)BJ<— aJ Turf Oak, reareaestattvea o4 the Baaa Kaaaj. f lUsgir aaal tfcaaaaaatu Twrf Oake, truism. kKkeys aad 1 Ctoaaai
      89 words
    • 436 28 Mi CttJt* 4 Dr- E 1,100m frotorlooti \mm -1 Yomr Otm%) 1 Ttoy (1) V.Z (j! toartAMa Omm 47 MLm*<>0, tj Tnm 07 rWAMM ft) RAM t 2.44 Ct«M 4 Mv 0 1,100m (RoooTiottO) Toamm) 1 Yttr Otcta) J T jHto (11 i 0 Sto«9 r aa' 7
      436 words
    • 113 28 ARTISTIC ROBBER (Tai1011) could not ha placed ta tha stall and look aa part ta a barrier trial yesterday Lack Everywhere (Gwilliam) tamped out beat, closely folklaws* hy Both Redaey's Jay aad DadfsaStaa missed the tamp and trailed tkern up tha hack tight rein.
      113 words
    • 284 28 PETnt (Rahmat) again stood oat among the horaea angagnil to run on Sunday He sprinted smartly In 40 4. looking Mi Fighter Stall (Ngiow) clocked 41.1 and wan on the bit all the way Caah II (Allondorf) strode out fluently hi 44. Beylngton (X W Ton) clocked
      284 words
    • 495 28  -  mj B. J. SMITH WELL-BRED Australian gelding Bay aa Lepaa D lo back to form, lowing in tomorrow s Race Four Thai three year old hy tha outstanding sire Twig htooa did s sol id one-round gallop and waa well on the bit
      495 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 54 28 WELCOME TO 99 NITE CLUB Slti Storey 84m Lim Toto/er tifkgepore MB Tefc2t34*3t •To dance and be pampered by our lovery young ladies. •To be entertained by our leading Taiwan and local singers gtoskiMS Hours:4pm to 3ovn clotty. Furl-house Come early to avoid drsappoontment Require M nod port hmo ho
      54 words
    • 74 28 Cocktail Louisafe" 1 Presents Loo Blathers auaaWA BaY It's great entertainment backed by a wide repertoire of sentimental hits, country western music All your favourites to enjoy with your drinks cocktails The service is impeccable and the atmosphere is comfortabfy cosy for the relaxation you deserve HAPPY HOURS 4 pm
      74 words

  • sports
    • 391 29  -  CHIA BANKS ON THE GIRLS TO DELIVER THE GOODS •y K .S SIDHU SINGAPORE'S table tennis play ers. fresh from their international exposure at the World champion ahtjpe la Tokyo, bops to grab a fold, a silver and a bronse at the South
      391 words
    • 411 29  -  SINGAPORE tt BANK OP KOREA t5 Basketball •t B. .K. QUAH A BRONZE MEDAL for aiporc men s basket teem in tke South-east Asia Gamea that ia my forocaat It so—da vary bold, but not aa impossible dream after watching them edge oat the
      411 words
    • 311 29  -  I S.vmmmq ■v KEN JALLEH Jr A LAST kCINUTE appeal hy QePJaa Choo to Shigapore Amateur Swimming Aeaociotioo has won her s berth hi tha women's 100 fc. Arm. a -At nvtrw DvjKicrTij evtjm ot the South-east Aaia Games Mavis Be from gKum s
      311 words
    • 261 30 THB crunch M tha Second Diviaioa comes when falham travels la Derby white Leicester takes on Burnley tomorrow. Oa paper. Leicester has the easier match but Burnley, bottom of tho table, hit chsmpion Queen's Park Rangers with a midweek victory that might yet
      261 words
    • 268 30 FIRST ft vision champion Liverpool makes a trip to Watford kt what would have been the match of the earlier when there waa more than pride M stake Watford could do wtth a tkree to cement w^lA P thai has been distinctly below par
      268 words
    • 446 30 SIMON BARNES 1 SPECIAL TO MONITOR AS THE English Football League season rocks koto its final stage tomorrow, there are two big ■aartlnaa at tho top that remain anaiamerod Two relegation placet in too Pint Divuuon are filled, with Swansea and
      446 words
  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 100 29 Louncfwrtg o New Prottuct into rhe market? Hcrving a Oeaconce Sate ol your Surplus Stock? Stuscrsksg for Now Export Morfcet overseas? DO IT KM THE FORTHCOMING v 11 September Co n tumor Borcsconor Foot 83 jA—\ I Sfc-U WOULD TRADE CENTRE /jfIUL Invited guests include leading purchasing mission from Dept.
      100 words
    • 80 29 SunOweolFllm-oaA I II d I ag L. ft fj gyUf|*M e%h now aWawlatooa aft tftOKoal offox priests -ONLY $1.35 per tq. ft (imisi $1.55). Controls heat, glare and fading Reduces airconditioning costs Makes glass shatter-resistant Improves outdoor beauty Maintenance free Easy application self-adhesive 3 colours Grey, Bronze, Silver SUN-X (S.EA.)
      80 words

  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 373 30 PtOTrCI NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that L Mdm Lea Rim Eng of Apt B4k 10 Tech Whye A venae #00-71. thippiri 1000. have applied for a Whetaaale Liquor Shop licence hi reepect of premises at Beck Seng reed Prsaactwa, 17 Hoeghwei Street. Bhaaaaaaaj 0100, and that thai spphcstiia will ha
      373 words
    • 162 30 WHAT YOU PLAY IN SHOULD BE TOUGHER THAN WHAT YOU PLAY ON. tt s murder exit there on the hard courts of The uppers and lowers are stitched all the Singapore Not on you. On your shoes. way around to prevent sole separation. You see, a really hard, abrasive surface
      162 words

  • MONITOR sports
    • 84 31 Reuter HAMBURG. Prfc Ivan Lead! tke favourite to win tbe West German Open tennis title, suffered a crab ing e-2 4-t e-1 defeat by Hungarian Balasa Tarocxy ta a rata affected third round ma tek here faatereaj. Aaothar young star. Mats Wllander at Sweden, stepped ap hia
      Reuter  -  84 words
    • Article, Illustration
      352 31  -  DOCTOR TO EXAMINE HIS INJURY TODAY 1 4 DAYS TO THE 12TH SEA GAMES •v S GULAM THIS may sound strange, bat Pandi Ahmed s berth Tor tomorrow s frleadly match againat Sabah aad poaaebfy bis participation M the Sooth seat Asia Games will be awettfj by the
      PICTURE: CHRISTINE CHEW  -  352 words
    • 196 31  -  ■y KEN JALLEH Jr ANG TECK BEE, aaaalfy tke •STL 2S. -aad he had every ruooaa to be. ■lag seasatiea^^s^Pe^g soo&ooat Ante Games SfJt eaetrea event hi fa- Peng Stoag tailed ta gnka tke tar aaw ofteotwo bertha sveilahte tar the event eoaptte Ma well puhMclaii
      196 words
      • 63 31 Reuter ESSEN (l«t GerwaaayL Frt Asia crabbed a thrill tng ft-4 win over Europe la tbe flrsTinter-contiaee* badminton match played hare All England champs oo Laaa Jin of Cams beat Jem Peter><lerhoff li-9 IM *nd leak Sugiarto and Hadinata Christian boat Steoo Radberf aad Joaper Helledie
        Reuter  -  63 words
      • 58 31 Reuter LONDON: Brighton lif aa air aad captain Steve Footer will go to court oa Monday in a last ditch bed to play in the Football AaaoclMioo (PA) Can final againat Manchester United at Wembley on May 21 IB la tha fbut time a player baa
        Reuter  -  58 words
      • 56 31 AP LONDON: A poet mortem revealed that a perforst ed gut caueed the death of lfTt English and Irish Derby horserace winner, Troy, which was found goad jaataraaj ta Ha box at the Higbclere Stud Roach ia Berkshire Troy had woo more than Sfl 15
        AP  -  56 words
      • 38 31 Reuter JOHOR BARU: Shea Chang Shyan and Martmutha Ramayah shared tbe first (toy s lead with ffta in the strokes Nival and I Legnapi of the Philippines and Tsao CM aw Teng of Taiwan Renter
        Reuter  -  38 words
  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 52 31 mmm umt ticca tmw rt tk mmim* rmm 11 If Restaurant efll J Ww are now y. cP9(W-BMr/ rvl »B N mJE/ apecial bar- mm _Amm\)4 TT bequed freab/'tTfl M seafood and w MIW ateaka < >prning; hours \S\ Ji/ 6-Wprn ll.OOprn Free Parking Rcarrvatiom call *****96 Bteemhoet >. <:
      52 words
    • 27 31 SbLTengeri^ jfBVBV "long mum INSIDE RACING: Saturdays card and track work Pa**) tt TABLE TENNIS: Three-medal forecast by coach Chia Chong Boon B "V v€UROSHO€SHOP HHg PAiWiHQ
      27 words