Singapore Monitor, 11 May 1983

Total Pages: 41
1 7 Singapore Monitor
  • 16 1 THE SINGAPORE MONITOR 30cents M.C. (P) No. 13/5/83 ISSN 0217-1325 Wednesday, May 11, 1983 First Edition
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  • 416 1  -  •y STEPHEN GUO In London POR Um first time in more thee a decade, s major power plant contrsct worth £70 miilioo (snout 1224 million) has been swarded to a British company by the Singapore Government The Public Utilities Board (PUB) has ■warded Northern
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  • 443 1 PM beJkjvgS It WwlM SO SIanStPSSS ts walk iff ssJ ssy 'bssmsw Is oaoe-fh' MR LEE Kuan Yew, in aa interview with a British journalist, baa said that be would expect, before the end of the 1980s, to be given a nudge towards
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 70 1 I trtflMri Mrtfe ctrts: Pt|B 8 I I I I THE BEST LETTERS ON MEDISAVE: Pages 14 &15 W 1 1 Hi PH I BONNY BONNE 1 VfR Iml I APRMi CMfllCt With USSR She lives up to 1 ■■B-^^^^^^ I MMlMbsi ssvs er ,ma 9 e I I with
      70 words
    • 145 1 1 1 MAY 1983 I tmm^ eS^^j) CONVERSE 'CONOUCROP' FOOTBALL BOOTS 6-stud proleaaional soccer outsol* otters superb traction stability FuM gram leather upper tor long wear Permanent molded counter assures tit and support fs'^ B s>»aßa*aßßßSß*iY Entra-iong padded tongue sflords Ifl^JliSiTJweawaWJ metep proSacbon comfort Jg S.o> stitching tor better ball
      145 words
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  • opinion/letters
    • 79 2  -  REPLY YAP YEOW WOON Public Relations Officer Singapore Poise* Farce I REFER to the letter headlined Parking woes Item Serajsgooo Gardenite (SM, April 19). We wiah to thank Serangoon Gardenite 1 for brtnging the illegal parking of vehicles along Ken sinatoo Park Road to
      79 words
    • 102 2  -  A MOTORIST ffaaaspnra 10M JALAN ramhaaaj MeUti is a narrow, congested road Motorists from Bukit Tirnah Road have tha habit of turning into thai road via Cluny Road to go to Fairer Road instead of using the slip-road a short distance ahead at the junction of Wit Timah
      102 words
    • 186 2  -  HOUSEHOLDERS NOT THE ONLY ONES POURING IT DOWN DRAIN DEFINITELY A WATER SAVER Singapore 0719 IS the primary target of the current save water campaign the ordinary hfMiSf'holderi* Some SO-odd consumers were booked recently for wasting water I assume these must be householders Perhaps they
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    • 142 2  -  Israel has right to exist but... LIBRA Singapore IMS I AM surprised that the recent conference on Palestine sponeored by the United Nations in Kuala Lumpur was given only token coverage by the local media. If tbe conference had been on Afghanistan or
      142 words
    • 12 2 Bowaro of do•pairiag about yotirMlf. Sf Augustine (354-430).
      12 words
      • 129 2 AMERICAN intelligence officials have identified Mrltanialav Androsov ss the new director of Soviet •fins igi hi th* United States A nasi of average height and build with thinning blondllair. Mr Androeov waa assigned to the post of counsellor etlbeSovlet stmbasv sy hi Washington last year
        129 words
      • 105 2 TUX desperate state oi the French economy may usance President Fran cois Mitterrand to shift his position on Western defence strategy at the Williamsburg summit this month If Mr Mitterrand la unable to gat a commitment from Washington to take steps to atop tho dollars persistent
        105 words
      • 84 2 Newsweek A NEW front nay have opened in the war hat a aaa Iran and ban. Intel ligence reporta rearhhaj Washing tea aay that a recent ware of mysterious bombings in Baghdad waa the work of a small team of Iranian and Syrian aabotoera who
        Newsweek  -  84 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • home
    • 591 3 SIGNPOSTS ty MASAKI WATANABE DECISION-MAKING In politics requires both experience aid a keen mind for iindersUnding problems Unlike ia benkinf. engineering or the civil service, however, there are no formal institutions for impartial the "art of politics la Jspan, it is not
      591 words
    • 59 3 STUDENT nurses nave been to Id by tbe Ministry of Health, it is not possible to allow all of tbem time-off owraag tho State Hagsstaratl rtoreaa iisinsintlio The Ministry waa replying to tha Nurses Union s request to allow trainee nersea relief from working
      59 words
    • 132 3 SCHOOLS which retain their pupils birth certifi cetes sad other documents at the beginning of eech yuer to verify them, can no longer do so. The Ministry of Education has instructed schools not to carry oa the practice. According to s Ministry notification, the retention of
      132 words
    • 462 4  -  It also offers a 25 pc discount now for advertisers of TV sets with built-in decoders 1 JUDY WALKER TUB flsngapora nrnaaVaataag Corporation (SBQ ia to lat advertisers advertise their services aad proahscti free for three maatha when K laaachaa its
      462 words
    • 98 4 REPAIRS to tho Sen toon cable ear system, damaged hi January, began yesterday Workers from tbe Singapore Cable Car Co and Asia Private Engineers Corp started repair work oe the western track at the Mount Faber Station Work on the damaged
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    • 95 4 ONE of Singapore's top librarians who helped developed tbe NUS library into one of the finest in tho region ban died Madam Wang Chen Halv Cain, (left), more well-known as Madam Wang Tso. 64 died peacefelly oa May I. See waa with the university for 23
      95 words
    • 191 4 By VONQ POW ANQ DESPITE the deep economic roc on ton hitting the shipping industry, the new three-year full time Diploma hi Maritime Studies at the Singapore Polytechnic was "over-subscribed" by eight times There were eight applicants for every vacancy Apart from
      191 words
    • 296 4  -  •y YEOW MEI SIN MAJOR I inea Port of Singapore Authority (PSA) to eetablssh competer links wit* taa port's main terminal at Presently. Strsits Steamship and tae Overseas Containers Line have indirect linkage with taa port through magnetic tapes linkage with overseas shipping
      296 words
    • 356 5  -  Higher pass rate from non-English medium students BERTILLA PEREIRA FEWER non English medium students have had to retake their English language papers this year because oftheir bet tar results la the OCX "O level last year. The number of atadaata sit ting for the Common English Isngusge
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    • 223 5  -  JULIE LIAU A NEW gastric drug. cLaimed to be five times more powerful than the latent drugs, will he tested oa 00 Australian patients satf chronic ulcers "The advantage of thai new drug, which has already been successfully teated as Sveodea, Is that it need
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    • 223 5  -  *1 YEOW MEI SIN A CIJICUS worker whs fell M asetres frees tae top of the eif tee lent al gallaag Skore Gareeas ai riiroTeraat at Oat laagaperr General Hospital Mr Trevor Hill, SI, aa aerial rigger, waa ceeckkag tae rasa ftaae at aaa aaa af aaa teat 11
      223 words
    • 271 6  -  SURESH NAIR A CHINESE aad Indian couple have been singled eat at the main culprits la the sscraass of hotel thefts ia the Orchard Read ares. They carry oat their thefts by posing in a variety of roles, ranging, from tourists
      271 words
    • 127 6 BRITISH subjects will not be able to vote io Um generelelectioo called by sirs Thatcher oo June ff unless they are oo the current voters' mmfm snd apnSo? tS'oofjji ••oo lo 7,000 Briton* bere The electoral register to mode
      127 words
    • 273 6  -  §7 GANDHI AMBALAM A FIVE-FOLD jump in criminal and civil cases at the lalinr atoll i courts over the past eight years will soon see the opening of four more courts to cope with the in This is tha first time
      273 words
    • 494 6  -  f THE RITUAL KILLINGS TRIAL ®r SIT YIN FONG THE mother of Hoe Kali fluai jaMwaaj ajaii j j rect appeal to High Court judge atrJoaUcei S Slnasthursy for redress afatnat Aartaa Lim, woo she said aad daw "greet harm to
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 198 3 Citizen ANA-DO Witch collection assess! ssFj aaW 7 j N Jf \T 3CM166 g 3f>3tB6 KMIdoV^ Citizen Quartz ANA-ES3. Putting time in its placed Busy people need more than a watch much time you've spent on a certain that just tells the time. They need a project. Every feature of
      198 words

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 58 4 Feast on our sumptuous meat x m r and seafood barbecue while ~> JW J& you watch svelte manneqyjnT r tr yy''' Ay parade the latest fa^hion^^ MocMi: MartiiJon Modeling Agency *T aV**''-'-'''-' 44, —i faahlnn 4-1 Lv*' -sW A BishoC* Barton Guestier If lajraj Court I total 1 Taoglin
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 57 5 Quality at unbeatable prices .Compare! Ask your dealer then buy it at our hard-to-beat V prices! HITACHI IMPACT DRILL Am\\W~ VTP- 16A (2 SPEED) Wmlmi W A small, lightweight compact powerpacked impact drill for l»ght and heavy |obs tf^T Power Input 800W For concrete end steel applications f See your
      57 words
    • 95 5 ■4 mmaaua "I mr** 9 and WWm Mote, Wvw wortdfs Isodsnoj nanny of A) and computer euppeors cover comaajeere In oWtseonjt Pveoaeosofuu] Traererej PfOceoeesQ. Exnavene nse how they ewoct you. 9yoOßvns For more details on tho computer event of the year, get on the line to ITF Pte Ltd. aaWaaPaVa),
      95 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 259 6 Relax, If anything comes will take care of it. jkffS*}* «bbbbbbbb*^3 VVt(t* fr*e) Zwtjftysj Au%o*r*#*tic AeioocdkriCj end aBBBiB»»w9aBw bbbbi bbv_ mm\\\ IVfV" BVOaV lo You can now hava PMo of mind lo 90 about domg IV your o«m th«ng vou donl avan ha«a lo bo around «man L aßft «aaja»
      259 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 362 7 ymfmpasstoßnangs mWm Rasa Sayang fU n Chances to wm a Penang holiday. m WmW* luxurious ft/w m\m% r airfare, meals and tours. r-\ M m\mmmm\\ <+m\ v to topunhue wt* iv^^ wrm WL m a m any of the selected National I a 'm H fonasonit hnk 1 B^raLfc TTar
      362 words

  • world
    • 295 8 The Hitler diaries forgeries Reuter BONK Wedneedey THE Went German magazine Stem today fired the reporter who found the fake "Hitler diaries" The magazine s publisher said his source waa a Stuttgart dealer who claimed high Eaat German connections A Stern spokesman said Gerd Heidemann, SI, who
      Reuter  -  295 words
    • 140 8 Reuter TEHERAN, Wad. THE commander of Iran Revolutionary Guards. Mohaen Rexai said today more than 1,000 members of the Tudeh (Communist) Party, dissolved earlier this month oa chargaa which included spying for taa Soviet Union, wore now under arrest A government official, giving
      Reuter  -  140 words
    • 249 8 Agencies SOUTH Korean aad Chi neee officials, who had to iron out a hitch in tae wording of a rnernoran dan oa tao return of a Chineae airliner hijacked vO Sotttea l YVeVfeasV^ day praised taa spirit of cooperation" taat resolved the Issue Observers
      Agencies  -  249 words
    • World Briefs
      • 111 8 Reuter BEIRUT: Syria warned yesterday of "unlimited war" In taw event of Israeli aggression in the Middle East, but the United States said It waa not alarmed about tbe situation and there were no algae Damascus waa preparing an attack in Lebanon. Tbe growing tension between
        Reuter  -  111 words
      • 87 8 AP BELGRADE: Malaysian Prime Minis ter Detuk Sri Mahathir Mohamad arrived here yesterday evening for s two-day official visit and talks with Yugoslav Premier ftiilka Planinc He is the first Malaysian prime minister to visit Yufoslavls since the two countries established diplomatic ties in 1949 Hw
        AP  -  87 words
      • 69 8 Reuter Brisk voting was reported yesterday In three vital South African by-eiections in which the electorate has Its first chance to comment on controversial government proposals for reform, which would give limited power to Asians and people of mixed race Election officials said that La
        Reuter  -  69 words
    • 304 9 If Soviets continue their behaviour in Indochina, says Hu Agencies BELGRADE, Wednesday ARMED conflict between China and the Soviet Union cannot be ruled out If the Soviets do not change their behaviour ia Indochina, Chineae Communist Party leader Hu Yaobaag told a newspaper here. Ia an
      Agencies  -  304 words
    • 443 9 AP DINQALAN (PrtiMppinos), \At m .fa, ...1.,, TWELVE hundred US marines and Sit Filipino soldiers stormed ashore at this Impovartahad coastal town yesterday W part of the biggest US-Philip-pine military exercise since World War II The only explosions were from multi-coloured smoke bombs and rifle
      AP  -  443 words
    • 150 9 AP TOKYO, Wed GIRLS swoon, cameras flash and man fidgit nervously aa Use tan, handsome Snanlard beams at his audience with a rear of perfect teeth. Julio Iglesias. a M year-old singer of mood music, has sold more than 100 million records in five languages
      AP  -  150 words
    • 339 10 OECD ministers find a more flexible formula to nurture recovery AP ■ilia WESTERN Induetnaliaed nations rasterday appeared to take a major step towards ending tae dlvWivenees taat aaa character bed their recent economic relations A ministerial meeting of tho Orasalss thai far sVaaemsc
      AP  -  339 words
    • 83 10 Ranter LONDON, Wednesday BRITISH Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher has told US President Ronald reagan aha cannot make a planned vast to Washington later this month because of Britain a forthcoming general election, a Watarnant from her office aaid yesterday Bat tha question of whether
      Ranter  -  83 words
    • 254 10 Reuter THE United State* and Want Germany reacted cau tisasli yesterday to e Ft sac a proposal far a new moaaiary system bat Jaaaa expressed interest aai New feelead said support was trowing for world efforts to prevent s coUapee of tbe banking system French
      Reuter  -  254 words
    • 127 10 SPURIOUS spaghetti, forged flak sham ham, naaado sushi, bogus burgers, artificial eel ail confront the diner entering a restaurant in Japan Most newcomers quickly learn to make their dining choices baaed on the appeal of the wax aad plastic replicas of menu
      PICTURE: UPI  -  127 words
    • 182 10 Reuter was given yesterday in aa opsasse Be7pas> liahed oa tae second aaaiiaißaij of ktojdactloa aa Frances socialist Signs also mounted that he could ha faring trouble from tae left as weM as toe right of the political The poo, taken by the respected MIA
      Reuter  -  182 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 67 8 MBars of Bqserience in Chinese Herbal Tea Convenient ilretent m^m^m m m m We sen gsrure I Bfe w*J seasoned r|lfjylV<jrfj Chrcse Herbs mmi, m\\\m\m mm 1 vf Renanrfs Golden Sands Escapades Enjoy a fun-filled holiday rmtmmm at the Golden Sands. 2 to 7days packages available Ki r y,o ,(2
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 346 9 Svj* Singapore smffwr /V A International Asia Pacific i r May 13 25, 1983 1 1- j A German wine festival, celebrating good wines, good food and music. LB I Featuring authentic German cuisine and beautifully matured wines from six IB renowned regions of Germany Moselle, Rhine, Nahe, Ahr, Franconia
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 108 10 Comeawaywith us aswetrip thelight fantastic in an all-stars cast offashion "2™"** extravaganza when great names SuiuV. come together. With a superbly choreographed show from hegmning to end, Studio-X e iat 4j e^alotlg Agencies presents "A FASHION FANTASY'' TONIGHT ONLY. TitasFeri BaWWChwa A mong the invited stars will be anSflEc* Eve's
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 241 11 H TWWn.T.fMI IhTTI h^ljfflTfl ggggK SS*§*f I THF FIRST TTMF 4 mm 1 fl 1 A-JiTifc et your tickets now Don. miss M EVER IN SINGAPORE f P»J \fl a \TJT\DT r\ 17A TC m trt atm K y° ur ,am,, > to §_gg] A VVvJnLJJ \J exdtement.thnlbandrun WmW
      241 words

  • money
    • 33 12 AP THE stock marks* edged higher to beery trading IJtWDow M todsatoiak roan Ml '^Vm™ rnumMt on Monday TW exchange's composite Indes roan t.ll to a record tft M AP
      AP  -  33 words
    • 157 12 •har* of who ta«*y SOUTH Pacific Textile Industrie* aaa lost some of its shine lince it loomed away darlaa April aad tae first weak of May It~shot up from II 70 to 12 aa awtCwaw-waT wafCJMsfl sVwS Keeis Lemper Stack ■twafji If there waa aay
      157 words
    • 126 12 HOUSEBUYERS can now obtain s loaa to cover tae full aaeaased vslue from DBS Finance wbick kaa alao eat Hw interest rates it charge* boeaebeyers by hah? Prospective buyers caa aaa their CPF mrings ligiuwa with a DBS loan for the parchaaa era was
      126 words
    • 283 12  -  •f STEPHEN GUO IN LOfsftOfl DAO Haag Bank as Hong Koag coatroUed by the Siagapore s Hong Leoag group ia going pawJac later sa ktay Tea fWioa will inake it one of the largest financial groups la tea Brltiah colony Tea pro-forma
      283 words
    • 100 12 SHARES rammed their upward climb jaalweai after a two-day correction knocked 17 points off the Straits Times index. Althoafh the day began oervoasly with fewer worth §73 43 million The Strewn Thane aaaaatrial hseex reea i.M points to Me aa on renewed buying interest Only two
      100 words
    • 122 12 leM MtJtbliftwlMd fire A^riwcy vO > tewtf nowalotter of tho boinl tk e^pot^^^^ They wIU alao eerve to keep the nei emvii now waai L_ Afc aapponin* in cue private sector aad keep at la tempo with it Pear of them are
      122 words
    • 178 12 Reuter LONDON: STERLING was weak on foreign exchanges yesterday and tee Leaden Stock Exchange fed sharply amid nervousness over the outcome of s general election ceiled for June 9. After opening In London near US$l 47, the pound went down to US$l 5425 before rallying
      Reuter  -  178 words
    • 363 13 Company hit by global recession and restrictions on tin THE long awaited 1982 annual report of Pahang ConeoWdaled unravels a tale of woe. The company had failed to publish aa aaaaal report within six months after the year-end as stipulat ed by the Stock
      363 words
    • 127 13 ABU Hanifah Noordin and Michael Yoe Kim Slung of Nordin, Hanifah and Co have boon appointed receiver! for India Malaysia Textiles The receivers aay the company has ceased trading THE Stock Exchange of Singapore has admitted Pwaaaaasa Pelangi to the official list under the second trading section
      127 words
    • 240 13 r MONEY TALK THE Brittannia Monthly Report baa predicted a positive outlook for the UK manufacturing industry this year. The Confederation of British Industry, the employer!' organisation, "has buried its political hatchet and ia Deing not only constructive bet alao quite positive about pros pacta Then,
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 104 12 Breathe 90% Pure Air for Lees Than 20 Per Day with Dial-An-lon from USA. Enjoy mountain fresh air In your home and office. Most effective in air-con offices, restaurants, lounges, conference rooms and clubs. Dial-An-lon removes duet, smoke end odour from the air. At the same time it revitalizes the
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 284 13 More For The Business Tra\dler at The Kuala Uimpur Merlin! gggg M l^aj^J^^^^^l The Kasaa Lasses** Ivterina baa a reiresssnsg And when you stay at The Kuala Lumpur atw atsnoeaherr aot only aa appearances aad Merlin, you will enjoy the friendly, courteous aasenawes. aat aaso ka as strtssnasitd operetioas and
      284 words

  • 1868 14 Medisave should let people choose the class of cape they want Main points submitted by the Health Cane Consumers' Assn t H i 111 f i, 11 u'i 11 1 S i. 11 S i r i S < > t r e i i m m (I
    1,868 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 176 14 I wawal awaV M I I swat J ■gas Ik' nam I Ls I I LB ssH I VI 'm m\\mm I sB mm ssssfl I V I sssawl V IB 11 11 mW LB mmm mmm mmm mmm asß bbbbw ei «wgggggr I gff gggggggV bbbbbbbbbl mmm WSbbbbbbbbbbbbl sbß
      176 words

  • leisure
    • Article, Illustration
      492 15  -  Demure Wei Qiu Hua lives up to her image with disarming charm WONG SING YEONG BONNIE M Qhi Hue vfrinck Um image ■to protects lo moot of tor stows. Qsaot aaa ahy, sto sswwors swsMlnss wits s with rarninds me of use girl we sll lympathiae with on
      492 words
    • 216 15 QUITE a few yewag people heard sboat the Sasaki violia method before they kaew are aaw kaarawag'Tptey the rsaUa without wain. It Is aM tweaks to Dr Whlalrhl Sasaki, S4, wee eottced spate SS years aaa that children ceaM he taught from a eery yoeag age ta
      216 words
    • 411 16  -  if LO TIEN YIN THANKS to Yao Soo Rong. I have a air a seed neck There aha was oa at age, a petite singer almost beat doubts with enwtions, her left hand clutching la front of ma waa thai woman who and
      411 words
    • 29 16 mtd Zo\m V t*» SWV Jama 9tmm\. Thitf POmm H WtO fool Bmy WOUg fmotmYmm. jomftmm wmm mm moctng a mmnd of motomm mmchmmj a
      29 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 357 16 "No more messy pads far me. lmaUifrTaiTjpaxt^^ Since I've discovered Tsmpsx tampons, pads AM IBw sre thing of the past because... Am Pads' show: They're bulky and prevent me AM from playing games, swimming and from B .^^Baasmssn whatever I like. afl Lmassssa larnpax tamponsdorrt: I i«.vr the h.ddrn L
      357 words

  • 564 17  -  SHE SWAYED WITH THE MUSIC WHEN SHE COULD BARELY WALK leisure iy LO TIEN TIN SARAH CHEN, SS, rose so fame with only oaa soag la her rsasrieiri aad e guitar Now she has cat 10 records sad her repertoire has grown to too Saw was only IS
    564 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 89 17 lURSDAY km Rvl uik hron Dole 12th May 1983 \l Buffet lunch: 12 noon Show time 115pm Models by I Elsa Yeo Model Agency L\ B OutfNiby fl H TOK VU D€ PAM TIM WT At STOM Hok styte by I Mate*-upby 11 Co sponsored by J MATEfJS ROS£ I
      89 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 349 17 MM *0*9 Bay* (C) (Ml My*1 30 3 30. TOO. IS (*****7) »■■■<■■> Bay* (C) fHt MyV1 30. 3 30. 7 00. SIS CMMM TMM*H)/11.im4JO.&SO.«1S (*****00) (Ms fenny Bay* fC)«M 4*1/3 30. 7 00.0 IS *****8751 MM* U«Mtf«loPlgNW(CV130.330. 7 00.3.1S SSTItsi MMHf 30.«30 (*****04) MMAyw CI mm ernm OM (Cyi
      349 words

  • 270 18 TODAY'S HIGHLIGHTS tv radio The Moon ttnsnon (Ch S, 5 50 pen) THE Moos Stallion It a tlx port aartal for children bet should alao bo aatecaa*aag viewing for adults. The story hegina with a beeuUful white stallion which mysteriously appears once every nine years. Jjjji across
    270 words
  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 1207 18 BaBBBBBv 2 Si Op I Sim by Lave For mod). Mohd Noor Jury (inspector ever (r) (CL' Baser) Wared Safcay (Yusmsni Mu--4 M Im nil wMh Qtorto (E). who Ansng (Tsswsdl). 8 EtfenrJ Kosp II wPh Gloria In that series on (Maxian). Yuooff Maruwi (PnmC*phywcW imroln. care), and Kameesh Misty
      1,207 words

  • leisure
    • 161 19 FIND out more about bow Urge organisations like Use Housing Board. Singapore Broadcasting Corpora Lion, Use Public UUlitiea Board aad impact oa everyday life at Inasmas ST saJhwsafJalW 13, now oa at Use World Trade Centre CoenpeU 83 is an exhibition of
      161 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 87 19 tSEE IT MraPlrt TH LATH o IMAM: LAST MYSI O (Tl7f4fJ) I INOWt OAA. Y 12.11, AM BMi mm O 6 I O BEST ACTOR Ben Kmmjmty 1 A O.X its 1 IWKt< TO* _A A X JbVJbbV ..-I. S.mtm WIBT X 9C ■••••>• »*5T..«» Jll" jO^O^ x r J
      87 words
    • 44 19 J4IE tta mtm i U»mm§ MY I2fes AWO *J3BRJ fMsiniEi^ il nuiM J\ mstobvi my W iVi Tho Order was CAJOttKWH fETBSnttUSS i lost my fotx my houM, my Roßf Royot), my tarnlry loft m#... ggiiOglW "MIDodT THE MIXED BLOOD »in> Drj to* (Mlv«fß
      44 words
  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 429 19 WATCH Paee do Lado. the Hm of Floaaoaco perform \k rtm of otf»er IrinMi at tte TopoTUM HlltML The culiMti, fltry rtiytkm, fwt «tn«npin| TRADITIONAL SOUTICAST ASIAN KATS SfJSSESL*fri^wlrt A DPPLAY of traditional !oiMiim< AN— toxtlloo the nml perfor f HdlpI mwrn N»Hnn«l Ummwi Imm dott* from Cl«tl«l, £t< S^^arsrjggg
      429 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 619 20 sssssssssssssssssß I X Jl LlLbbbl LbBBBK tvfy lowpownl ha» b—w iparafraay <W|M< lo ajwa »n«m»i Moiwiiih i Mt g,f I fln gf OsSSSSn BnsIVsifIVRHrjSBnSSSSSSSB BSBEs! TWi a Maai and c ar u an* anal anfcanca Mm ,u.... ol yow aaahiiw mXmtEfrtutma BSBSSs9anSaSBiSUBsWaOSSSSB bSSSBSj Alao avtflaMa TW aaa! asuMUNcauNo 1 ROI.L-Ur
      619 words

  • Page 21 Miscellaneous
    • 434 21 I Itoltotarto/comics 4t^&4t^S&t^£ AJUEB March 21 to April M LIBRA Fisuthaag i-spnn to fee going lipiisakir Uto Otlsew M Cwsy tt present so make Seme duuiges at weft may noat of then* (avourabie itv cause you anxiety but it seems nuesjcee. slake eere yoe Inform yoa have no need to
      434 words
    • 82 21 SERGEANT PRESTON OF THE YUKON gjj*" Sh#fwood and Stan Stunall EB AND FLO By Paul Saiiart, PR SMOCK J- 900... rfe> L PiFFCRS FRO/v\ Mi W A ArTTIFICIAUONCS *j ID f>«?CAU34f IT HA* ftl U S 11 mf\ ii ii \*s y t i <J B l»jfi? LOANS 7T LE
      82 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 169 22 classified tele-service: 273-9090 "••vf™ m VTTfaJBj •toSwctt 77 3-0304/77 3-0307 Chang. Junk Siora 140-4917 Fun«n OaaWV 717 1447 AH Antique* 737-70*7 Tang H*TM 71/ 4*41 Vmmm h**>m M7i 7*i*cujn Flora Fit* Aa 13!.W*«l Coett Way.Hong Loong Odn Shew CtrlCorart **t] TTO-MOl/i Tfe* OoMng PM 714-017* #05-01* WWW Contra 00*77
      169 words
    • 250 22 Fmimmlml Advance Car ftontal ?tV?/04 7*4-MM7O4 1973 mm* Car Bent* 44*4411 taWOU ewH-A<er 31* 3340 Funland *ent 7M-03M Kant Soon Auio 117 7433 KM *•> Motor VWwcia Mntai 137 7595 130 9431 Manhattan TrmajiM MMMI Umejua Teerttt 4ar« Mff-MM m?u;i vehito ftentai 45* 13*3 Chun Mai Catermg 44* 475* Cornorttono
      250 words
    • 233 22 MONITOR*O DIRECTORY IM Thong Hung DOC 4 Mwmkwia it-*ni ni ton leong f iec 4 PHMTitona *»ry Washington Electrical 4 Servwot 7M MO7 I Ii 1 •m itjj mm* mm •">l| 4 IM 740 1444 •mm* Cwimic m /iiJ MkWlWl Ftoritt 713-5577 /7*ew 04J rurwi in om7. mmvi DyMMly Fioritt
      233 words
    • 281 22 Adrian Cane Fur nrtor Co PI L •M 4005 Depot Lane. #01 *5 t 0410 771 0775/271 0714 Bock Lim MO. A Co 74/ 714/ Hong Fall CWW Fur n 337-0*34 44*4552 MWWM4 Cane Fum 0M 0301 I Inn Furn.iuf•7*s 4*oo/204 3077 Italy Interior 0«COr in CO 7*4 3735/7*7 544*
      281 words
    • 201 22 Hwang tVMFwr* 4M-4475 t*«r| 4 Tr<*> 7/n/o* immviw-ttv W*W* LM MMW Furng 440-74 M Mag* l> Novelty Shop 130-00*0 Dm Tn Mod* Contra 13*-0740 13/ BJBJ Mannoquin Art StudK) 134 7*52/330-0174 MariMM* Mod* *tudK> /34 J/01 735 4*47 •MW-X rill 130 /»0 UN UN Mo<MM*ng Ag 734 44 51 tWA
      201 words
    • 330 22 l IMF AOt I INF Au4 PiUaea lIM pa* aaa PlliaOa 0100 pat mm t ll se pm mm C ■■mill MM par mm rrmrn* MM par aat aai Prmmm 14 Mmmmm tm Ci imla* 17 M pet ael ea Cl■ ■11 111 HIM am mm aaa OM#VAV BOOOVAV CmwmkW
      330 words
    • 197 22 Peaky cooi.oi 700-1411».i»er 700-5701 luck, Hcimi Ag 2M-IV7I 2l laaaaaiak«jasMiaßwaOftßw aiim secur.ty Oerv mn;i Mamauard lacwr tK.?niti( Invest tarv 447-3 MI Tim loojj Security te.ti »M) Eurwce<ClAa Sewmf M/C) 'V 4MI 1 Student* Books Am. J)» WIVJM-ttM I II > I Air mar* TrM«M IM MM I) toiMl aibaa
      197 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 125 23 classified tele-service: 273-9090 LEISURE AND SPORTS MART WiviAtfv CSS) KEiS^ijVfjjM I fflv V 4^ rm I utmi *«lip^ 4* If 1114 4) aa^^oVaani 1 «aeaa contact 290-4M7 (24 Si aaoaoal San |70 *onjT*74 mmmm ar M aajpaj* *a*MM) Ca* •tan-al T*T 744-221 V 74* 44*4 rTT a)*MBM *4*V Hr> to
      125 words
    • 242 23 MMfc#**t*MM LOOMHH9 POO amptoymant M OowMK Sarvar* Cm mw> tnMan m Mmm Mi T. 41ft 404 V Us 1127 mom nurwry man Ooni aM) an qua* W Tot 4*l Ml 7 anytma m mmm\\m\m\ hllkAA rPJtVM yourhouaa ontoa and factory Con tact T*t 441 t|ft4 414 442 MBy and ngntl
      242 words
    • 568 23 CAR STEREO SYBTEMS FROM B*l4o ONWARDS!! J-~-—-mmmt\ BtmittfuJ Seat Covtri From *>,S onward*' mm \%mmrl AuU> AttYaaoneit alao avail NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN (kit I Yeo Pong Pa. of No. lIP Jalan Geok Sung Nng. Stiigapore tM7, have applMd for a Flaiail Liquor Step licence rupiH of prfmieM at
      568 words
    • 481 23 NOTICES NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that. I, Lim Sun Chuang of »0»1IM, Blk 63 Now Upper Changl Road. Singapore 1646 have applied for a Public Houae. first claaa (eitended) licence in respect of premise* at Hujong Enterprises Pte Ltd. (Ram bow). Basement 2. Ming Arcade. 21. Cuacaden Road, Singapore
      481 words

  • sports
    • 330 24  -  ■f B J SMITH HANDICAPPERS are often Um target (or criticism from owners but their Intelligent headline; of taw rich Perak Dai by deserves praise Ttsj Perak Turf Hub bad stipulated a aansbar of conditioos for tbe Derby race tbe most tainirlsaw: being
      330 words
    • 536 24 ENTERTAINMENT X did a dnxxlinj gallop on taa track at Befit Tenant yaatarday moraiag. showing be kj retaining hit wtonina form Trained locally by Ivan Allaa, Entertain far 000 metres Tkla aoa af Music Toucher, who wea hit last start in Knsis
      536 words
    • 338 24 AI Roaao, Hatteras. Sombrero. Melody Fair. Shepherd. Chamberlain (Wadt), ChatfieM (Wadil. Brits Commaad lOwllliem). Broandsberry Sow). Misty Line (Twee^ Parklaoe Kid (Owllliam). Gallant Wane (HS Chan), ShoeJd Be There Kl Chan), Elagast Star, dak, Cameron High laada tV. Kim Phoenix Eaatern IcbnhnT Sir Frontal Honey
      338 words
    • 164 24 OOTiS9OBURQ. Tees REAL MADRID'S hopes of lifting tbe Eu ropeaa Cap-winners' Soccer Cap against Scotland Aberdeen here tonight soared yesterday when West German World Cap star Ub Stielike came through a vigorous training session Officially Stielike. sidelined by a lea muscle injury
      164 words
    • 230 26  -  1 CATHERINE FERNANDO PARTICIPANTS is the 12th SlltS mmt Aslsa Game, will be ooossd with psressss aa Trspese Lascome baa bees aopoistes tbe ofllcia) frsgrsacc aar tha eveat, the first fragrance to be bestowed Tha pertsme hi S S ml samples (euphemistically called collector's items) will
      230 words
    • 343 26  -  By S GULAM IN their hid to regain the Sultana' Gold Cup. Singapore Malaya are seeking the help of Nlac Mitra of Surabaya for Fandi Ahmad to beef up their attach Fandi ta expected to return from Surabaya
      343 words
    • 130 26 THE national junior squash team, without its top players Julius Poo and Ted Fane, boat.a Now South Wales team at the Kallang Sqnaah Centre yesterday and sereed a "well done" from national coach Martin Webb. Webb wea happy the juniors won nine out
      130 words
    • 483 26  -  PHI LAN AND LAURA ARE THE BEST MEDAL HOPES Report K S SIDHU SINGAPORE'S hopes for medals in the tennis competition of the South east Asia Games will be carried by two women players Um Phi Lee and ths United States trained Laura [Jong National coach Tee
      Pictures: Christine Chew  -  483 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 420 24 NOTICES NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I, Lee CkMg Pat of Apt Blk 111. Mantling Creacant #Ml 7. Shsgapor* I*7l, bare applied for a Second Class Public House uoance ta rwapsct of premkaaa at M/s fbaaligbt Snack Bar. till Fortaae Ceatre. MMaSa Rood, Whagapori tTll. and that this appii
      420 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 240 25 H MDaatsM 1 GYM: A PROVEN INVESTMENT Ww,d ,g_ Universal equipment condition more people, in leas 7 JPL t m ,n teM ■P*°». coat and more effectively than mmmm l mmW "id «ny other method Chosen for all official U S Olympic Tr n og C otr J Universal was
      240 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 24 26 Introducing gagsdh wt aTOnm^^ A <]tl<llll\ h.tnl 1)1.m I riiMx-f 1...H I(I«mI (or lir«miirrv toeawata Imm in lhs~tl it.Dotty IjOO pao 9.30 fssjffesoaet Sundays)
      24 words

  • MONITOR sports
    • 308 27  -  It feels great to have a champion In our region Badminton COMMENT BY KENNETH JALLEH WE salute Indonesia In exactly one Bit since it lost the Thomas Cup to ma Indonesia is back where it belongs up there, up where the world champions of badminton
      308 words
    • 192 27 Reuter MANCHESTER, Wed RON ATKINSON, manager of English Football Association (FA) Cup finalist Manchester United, has been charged with bringing the game into disrepute, an FA spokesman said yesterday Atkinson was booked and banished from the touchline during a League match at
      Reuter  -  192 words
    • 183 27 UPI NEW YORK, Wednesday PRESIDENT Reagan accepted an invitation yesterday from former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger to serve as honorary chairman of the committee attempting to bring the World Cup to the US in 1986 Dr Kissinger, serving as a "soccer
      UPI  -  183 words
      • 91 27 Reuter LUGANO (Swrtreriend): West German Claudia Rhode waa one of four seeds to win their opening matches on the second day of the Swiss Open Tennis Tournament here yesterday before rain brought play to an end five hours early. Sixth seed
        Reuter  -  91 words
      • 38 27 Reuter FLORENCE: American Vitas Genilaitis slumped to a shock defeat in the first round of the Florence International Grand Prix Tennis Tournament here yesterday when he was beaten 6-3. 6-4 by France's Georges Goven Renter.
        Reuter  -  38 words
      • 75 27 AP HAMBURG: Pavel Sioxil of Chechoslovakia, who at one stage in the match was thinking about walking off the court because be was upset at a line call, went in to upset 13th seeded Henri Lecoote of France 7-6. 6-2 yesterday in the first round of the
        AP  -  75 words
      • 26 27 Reuter TIRANA: Albania beat Turkey 1-0 (half time 0-0) in an under 21 European Soccer Championship Group Six match here yesterday Reuter.
        Reuter  -  26 words
      • 95 27 Reuter PARIS: The Williams Formula One team's appeal against Keke Rosberg's disqualification from the Brazilian Grand Prix motor race went before an International Automobile Federation (FIA) tribunal here yesterday, but a decision is still awaited. Tbe Finnish world champion lost tbe second place and six
        Reuter  -  95 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
      6 words
    • 174 27 INSIDE RACING: Handicappers get a pat on the back l*S)f)S) ITS) TENNIS: Singspores no-fear team PSJSJSJ 17 Exclusive Trade Feir which has not boon huld In recent years Hoog Kopg Cuisir>c curt) liyteroatiooal Trade Fair to EXCLUSIVE CULINARY, ARTS AND CRAFTS PRESENTATION DURATION From sth August 1963 to 4th September
      174 words
    • 29 27 Chsmptonship Pktf Squsth y*A SM *«*M fm SI Am* Sa*rt« Ca. ««Gta-St«m aj aj ot ajaj aaaaai Daajaj laajaj lao 1 ao ajaaj \sm jjajgj W Npgy, >aw I
      29 words

    • Title Section, Illustration
      14 words
    • Article, Illustration
      520 1  - ■v RODNEY HOBSON MOST people have some form of bank account and know what a current or savings account la, but they are often utterly bemused at what different types of banks can do. They assume, often erroneously, that some of the more than 100 banks here do not have
      520 words
    • 528 2  -  •f LEE CHIU SAN SINGAPOREANS are taking to banking by telephone in a big way This Telebank service, which allows subscribers to enjoy a number of commonly-used banking services through the telephone, has attracted thousands of applicants since M was first Introduced by the United Over
      528 words
    • 186 2 1 User hogs Telebank number. 2 Cad goes through normal telephone exchange 3. Exchange connects call to Computer Interlace Unit (CIU) linked to UOB Can traJ Computer. 4. Voice synthesiser tn CIU speaks to user User can choose to communicate In English or Mandarin at the time
      186 words
    • 889 4  -  ATMs ensure users an easy, safe and convenient method of withdrawing money By GEOFFREY EU WITH tha advent of computer ao* bonking, thara ara still some sceptics who. unwilling to change their time-worn hnblta. are wary of maklag transactions through that marvel of modem
      889 words
    • Article, Illustration
      2 4 WiaST &Z
      2 words
    • 314 5  -  By GASTON DE ROSAYRO LESS than year ago, tha prospect of a tired bank teller being replaced by an automated machine would have teemed hike a cartoonist's wry attempt at humour And the concept ol a fully automated bank could possibly have been perceived
      314 words
    • 271 5 THE DM Beak's ftatMaes mmmm mmm Aral lotreiiiSf llaS A lm'lmt^t. l^,^^!^^ 4 aajajM to a aanatssg ijiliM waicfc Bp tnlnl staaple yet ealeai. A epofceeeaea for DM Bank nM: "Aitouvt a SBSaaspJ aces—t. aktAoa f a cacroat acceasat. eelora a bieaa mi tkm ctMeai facility of
      271 words
    • 729 6 MOST travellers have been ao brainwashed by all those glorious articles about how feat money can be transferred across boundaries that they assume that the same rules apply to the cheques they get from their own banks for small amounts of foreign
      729 words
    • 884 7  -  THE VERY LATEST IN BANKING SERVICES -IT WILL SOON REPLACE PAPER MONEY •v FOO MEY KIEN THE roie of paper money will be r•duead In tho future. It will gradually ba replaced by electronic money and electronic banking the latest in banking service* Citibank Singapore
      884 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 172 1 Thews an easier way, to own a house. DIBS Finance now make* it easier to complete the purchase. tor you t «o ho Me r*** 1 Further, we see to it that vtxi see •pecial houai ng loan pack age to gprtnuse the use your incorporating the use of your
      172 words
    • 73 1 NOW OCBC RfIYS YOU DAILY INTEREST Watch your savings grow clay by day eve^ With OCBC's new daily interest scheme, you earn interest on your dairy balance This is credited monthly to your account You earn so much more than the old system of interest calculation maa m t ma
      73 words

  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 162 2 Our Services to You Industrial and Commercial Finance following services with the personalised Ltd (ICF) now offers you a wide range and courteous attention that you deserve. rff,.,,..., needs: for the growth and security of your savings and valuables, for loans HOUSING LOANS that make your dreams come true, or
      162 words
    • 39 2 Our services range from "easy to operate" ATM to complex trade financing. For all your banking needs, call us at: KB 'Th* bank to grow with' INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL BANK 2, SHENTON WAY #01-01, ICB BUILDING, SINGAPORE 0106. TEL: *****11.
      39 words

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 124 3 Yes, now you get even more benefits from your Autosave account. The unique banking service that operates like a current account and at the same time pays you interest MTEREST y Ur depos,ts llke 8 sav,n 9 s eccount. HM VOljft You earn interest on your daily balance, and we
      124 words

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 84 4 ACB-FULL BANKING SERVICES INTERNATIONAL DOMESTIC ACB oMm «*ds spectrum ot banking aarvwas tarfored to the needs of demts SSSSurig mrntrnt approach to banking in. AS,A COMMiBCIAL BANK LTD SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSB At ACB you 1 meet a dynamo rmeirheri ms^Bmasm^ms and eapenanced teem ot bankers j »o«a iSf«n«or fSk>^^Bjs«^^as| MJK^ he assured
      84 words
    • 155 4 oußt autocash Now at 25 locations OUB Autocash serves you instantly, 24 hours a day. 7 days a week. Anyone with a current or savings account may apply, free of charge, for the Autocash Card. Your Card allows you to withdraw cash from $10 up to a maximum of $1,000
      155 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 93 5 ABS k\\ Your financial wA AWM growth is our business jn ■m In all our services, your financial growth is the prime concern at ABS. Call us today about our attractive interest rates and low loan terms. We will be glad to help you grow. Services available at ABS include
      93 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 112 6 STRIKE IT RICH IN OUR MILLION DOLLAR DRAW Over 2.000 prires 10.000 oi sc*d gold And every extra $600 or 20 grams of gold and s 3 2 (or cash alter you heap in your account for 1 calendar month native ot *****0) must be won in Jury Just
      112 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 236 7 THE BANK OF THE FUTURE IS HERE. sssssssssssssssssssssssso ass At POSB. ser vice it tht Keynote to Our button Depositors with Cash On Line cards will tailored to help you with quick convenor.! and orations To tha end. we ere constentty end be ebo to operate soy one ot the
      236 words

    • Title Section, Illustration
      14 words
    • Article, Illustration
      523 1  - RODNEY HOBSON MOST people hove some form of bank account and know what a current or savings account ta, but they are often utterly bam used at what uVfosowt types of banks can do. They aseume, often erroneoueiy, dust soma of Oaa more than 100 hanks here do not hove
      523 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 163 1 Therrtaneasierway, toownahouse. DBS Finance now mahe* it aaalar to cotnplctr the purchase. tZJ^AtLZLT 11 li^TZLZ*** 1 Further, we OT to I that you are special hotjaang loan pari: asjt n, optimise the OT of your !S? pomiw f, tn, u r 01 rntxirhly tTPF cenrrihutum to meet CIT Mvin«a. Here
        163 words
      • 82 1 now ocbc rare you DAILY INTEREST Watch your savings grow day by day everyday With OCBC s new dairy interest scheme, you earn interest on your daily balance This is credited monthly to your account You earn so much more than the old system of interest calculation ■OM««fc?^wj£ So start
        82 words
    • 531 2  -  •9 LEE CHIU SAN SINGAPOREANS ere taking to banking by t*wphon* a* big way Thai Taiahnnk service, which alow* subscribers to enfcoy a number of commonly u»ad banking aorvtcoa through tho telephone, haa attracted thousand* of applicants Sine* rt too* first introduced by the United Over
      531 words
    • 172 2 1. U**r ring* Telebank number. 2. CaJI goat through normal t*M phone traJ Computer 4. Voir* lynrhistaii to CIU apiski to user. Uaor con chooaa to communicate kn Fwojiih or Mandarin ot tho ttmo of mak Ing hit application 5. CIU instructs user to dial account numbtr
      172 words
    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 173 2 Our Services to You Industrial and Commercial Finance following services with the personalised Ltd (If :F) now offers you a wide range and courteous attention that you deserve, of financial services to meet your eAVnure ArYv^imrrc personal and business financing mm^r^^! needs for the growth and security of ™ED DEFOSITS
        173 words
      • 40 2 Our services range from "easy to operate" ATM to complex trade financing. For all your banking needs, call us at: MB 'Th* bank to grow with' INDUSTRIAL A COMMERCIAL BANK 2, SHENTON WAY #01-01, ICB BUILDING, SINGAPORE 0106. TEL *****11.
        40 words
    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 117 3 f^■■■■■l Yes. now you get even more benefits from your Autosave account. The unique banking service that operates like a current account and at the same time pays you interest P^^^INTEREST V ur deposlts l,ke a sav,n 9 s account. mm^ t ot\ You earn interest on your daily balance,
        117 words
    • 902 4  -  ATMs ensure users an easy, safe and convenient method of withdrawing money By GEOFFREY EU WITH tha ad van t of CaßayeHr MM bank Ing. thart ara still aome BCSfIHCB who. unwilling to Changa thair lime worn habita. arc wary of Wishing transactions thrOMflh
      902 words
    • Article, Illustration
      4 4 *£CK$CV Nki$T H MASHTA\^£P
      4 words
    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 95 4 ACB-FULL BANKING SERVICES INTERNATIONA DOMESTIC ACB often a «wda spectrum of banking aarwoss tatorsd to the naeds of chantt —king a flewbt* approach lo banking Ai ACB you meet d dynamic quetrfwd A A C ,A L A JT < J^ D "WMMMM^PM and aapanancad ajarn of bank art j
        95 words
      • 168 4 DUB'S AUTOCASH T'HHB in rjitm am am faiMHi 'dgamgaVMMHMMßssm- mm BY INSIINT SERVKtt| Now at 25 locations OUB Autocash serves you instantly, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Anyone with a current or savings account may apply, free of charge, for the Autocash Card. Your Card allows you
        168 words
    • 284 5  -  GASTON DE ROSAYRO LESS than a yaat ago. tha prospect ot a tared baa* tetter being r■placid by an automated saachtas would have seemed Mm a cartoonist wry ettaaapt at humour. And the concept of a fuby automated bank could Doadhty have been pee
      284 words
    • 34 5 THE DM Ink hmn mmmh mm mnm mtwtmi immmmmW* ■wig n Ii tjßMjrj •>«MWtt«Wt BOSk iMtfff'fjOt Of* Wmmmm** mmm mJmc«, wm ttk« h* the jfct t4 Atiljialii irm. TV* hm*mmm**m m
      34 words
    • Page 5 Advertisements
      • 94 5 ABS AW Your financial mf AWm growth is our business a In all our services, your financial growth is the prime concern at ABS. Call us today about our attractive interest rates and low loan terms. We will be glad to help you grow. Services available at ABS include Savings
        94 words
    • 703 6 HOST travelers have been so brain vaa died by al those glorious articles about how fast money can he transferred across boundaries that they aeeurne that the seme rukss apply to the cheques they get from thenown banks for small amounts of
      703 words
    • Page 6 Advertisements
      • 102 6 JfrSLr STRIKE IT RICH IN OUR MILLION DOLLAR GOLD BAR DRAW Ov» 2.000 pru«tt. K).OX) grams rtsoftd gold And every extrs WX> or 20 Oram, or gold and sl2 carat Clswtssi ciamond (or caeh mm* you hasp m your account tor 1 calendar montn nattveot tl».0OO) must be won in
        102 words
    • 898 7  -  THE VERY LATEST IN BANKING SERVICES -IT WILL SOON REPLACE PAPER MONEY By FOO MEY KIEN THE role of paper money will be reduced in the future. It wm gradually be replaced by electronic money end electronic banking the latent in banking services. Citibank Singapore
      898 words
    • Page 7 Advertisements
      • 237 7 THE BANK OF THE FUTURE HERE. W m\m I At POSB service is the keynote to our button Depositors with Cash On Ltne cards will tailored to help you with quick convenient and operations To m» end. we are constantly and be able to operate any one ot the two
        237 words